#love a threshold a boundary etc
kummatty · 1 year
ah remember when I was obsessed w skin stories
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local-lamppost · 9 months
Something I've Been Reminded Of
Spoilers for Ch 86
Kicking off season 2 of Spy x Family we have the long awaited date of Loid and Yor-which was just lovely-and in that we got this line from Loid:
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Of course, this is just him drastically missing the actual cause of Yor's poor mood, but Agent Twilight believes that he has made Yor cross with him for asking for help running the household. This is a marriage of convenience after all, not an actual partnership.
While it's never made the forefront of a scene, at least not in an overtly plot heavy way, Loid is often shown doing the majority of the house work. He cooks, cleans, helps Anya study, cares for Bond, etc. He'll even make sure that dinner is ready for Yor when she comes home late. Not to say Yor doesn't do anything, she's often shown preparing drinks and will help clean up now and then, but the implication is that Loid does 90% of the chores along with raising Anya, caring for Bond, his work as a fake psychiatrist, his work as an actual spy, along with whatever day trips/misadventures the family gets up to.
But he will not ask for Yor's help, because this whole thing is a marriage of connivence; it's 'for the mission'.
Then we get chapter 86. Twilight is hurt from a gun fight with his brother-in-law, has just faced a representation of his worst traits in Winston, and gotten into a "fight" with Yor which he has no idea the cause of. Loid has officially been pushed to the limit and the moment he gets home-the moment he feels safe-the sight of Yor smiling through the threshold causes him to collapse and ask:
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And Yor:
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Which shocks Twilight. He is at his lowest point and is expecting for Yor to actually get upset with him, under the impression that she'll see his need for help as a burden.
Yor has always been eager to help Loid, but never wanted to overstep this unspoken boundary they have. She isn't his actual wife, not actually Anya's birth mother. She's there to keep up appearances, it's not her place to be a wife helping her husband. She will still hesitate around Anya for actions that are unavoidably motherly. It's not her place, Loid is handling it even if he's struggling.
Which is why Yor is glad to be asked for help.
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How many characters both acknowledge Twilight needs help and actually offer help? Let alone with no ulterior motives. WISE is under the impression that everything they ask is within Twilight's capabilities and even Franky, the only person in his life who could be considered a friend, needs to maintain a certain distance as to not arouse suspicion for either of them.
Yor's position as mother for the Forger family has granted her both the closeness needed to see how ragged Loid's been run, but also be in a position to offer help that can be reciprocated. The only thing holding her back has been Loid not asking for assistance and her being to worried for her position in the family to ask.
And now that Loid has reached out, Yor will do all she can to ease his burdens. Even with Twilight resolving to be better, to be the perfect spy he's been slipping from, I don't think Yor's going to let him go back to bad habits. He needs help, he's asked for help, she's going to help.
Yor is going to aggressively care for Loid, and through shenanigins break down those barriers of his.
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r--kt · 3 months
Okay, but why the "Kannabi" Bridge? I mean, why is this called that? Turns out, this is an amazing and very beautiful metaphor.
Kakashi Gaiden analysis. Kannabi — the bridge between two worlds
I will look at this from the side of Shinto culture (based on the materials that I could find, feel free to correct me if you know more about this) and from the side of Kakashi and Obito's storylines.
Contents | cultural code · significance for the plot structure · the idea itself (this one is really important!)
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Cultural code
In Shinto culture, it is not customary to divide the world into human and sacred, especially into divine and demonic principles — everything exists in harmony with each other, in a single system.
Kannabi (神奈備) refers to a region that is a shintai (repositories in which kami reside) itself, or hosts a kami. In fact, Kannabi is a place of connection between the human and the spiritual. Usually these are mountains, rivers, and forests that stand out for their beauty. These are such accumulations of natural energy, so sacred that their presence requires observance of a certain rite. So, if in relatively modern times be present next to the blossoming sakura, picnics in picturesque mountains and the like has normalized in Japanese culture, then in ancient times people did not dare to disturb mountains or groves with their presence. In such places, people performed rituals of worship to the deity, wrestling matches, divination, sacred dances, offerings, etc. The territory of the kami did not completely coincide with the territory of worship to them, people still tried to move away from the center of the sacred place so as not to bother their deity. To mark the border of entry into Kannabi, symbolic gates were installed — most often in the form of torii.
examples of kannabi in real life. Mount Fuji and Nachi Falls. [ as I understand, shintai and kannabi are synonymous concepts, but kannabi is broader in meaning. ]
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It's all about how important the term is in a cultural context. A place of divine power that cannot be desecrated. From here, the Kannabi Bridge and the surrounding area can also be considered endowed with divine energy — and here the most interesting thing begins.
Significance for the plot structure
Now about the scenario composition. In general, the Battle of Kannabi, as the event itself in Kakashi and Obito's storylines, according to Joseph Campbell's «hero's journey», is a stage of transition between worlds. That's what the symbolism of the place also works for. This is the moment when the hero assumes responsibility for the beliefs he carries and their consequences, and literally or symbolically crosses the threshold between the safe and familiar world to the dangerous and unknown one, embarks on the path of reflection and prepares to meet the unconscious.
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Thus, briefly speaking, Kakashi finds the strength to resolve his internal conflict in favor of his father's attitudes about the value of each Shinobi, and Obito sacrifices himself, protecting his loved ones and defending his ideals. Then their paths got separate so that each one could face with the unknown by himself.
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In the context of the monomyph model, this is how the beginning of the initiation stage is demonstrated (i.e., the transition from one state to another, which is accompanied by some kind of ritual). Since Kannabi in culture is the boundary between the human and the divine, it can be concluded that this very transition is shown almost literally, thanks to the sharingan awakening and the broken tanto. This is the first turning point in history, structurally coinciding with the end of the first act.
The idea itself
And what do we see in general? In the battle of Kannabi, the religious Shinto subtext is vividly read. For the battle in a sacred place, the moral positive change of the hero (Kakashi) or his original courage (Obito) and a certain sacrifice (Kakashi's eye), the deities give a reward: the power of sharingan, which helps them save Rin, which is shared between Obito and Kakashi and in the future generally serves as a direct demonstration of the spiritual connection between them. At the same time, for the desecration of a sacred place (the goal of the mission was to blow up a bridge), heroes are punished: from this point of view, Obito's death is a certain sacrifice for the damage inflicted on the deity.
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There is also information that the name of the bridge - Kannabi-kyo (神無毘橋) - can also be interpreted as «A bridge where the gods won't help». idk if it's true, but sounds cool.
Moreover, the very name of Obito's mangekyo — Kamui (神威) — literally translates as «The Power of Gods». Perhaps it is based on the mentioned concept of the place where Kakashi and Obito received the power of sharingan. And maybe that's why they call the technique the same way: because they treat it rather with such a religious meaning.
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and thanks for reading to the end ♡
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foxgloveprincess · 1 month
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Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Female Reader [Second Person Narrator]
Summary: Without meaning to, you start toeing a very dangerous line.
Word Count: 3,441
Attic Wives Anonymous Masterlist
Warnings: UnBeta’d, Dark (Soft Dark), Dubious Consent, Surprise Side Character, Unreliable Narrator, Smut (Kissing, Fingering, Vaginal Penetration, Cunnilingus, Anilingus, brief Spanking, Face Riding, Dirty Talk/mild Degradation, unaware Exhibitionism), talk of Food/Nausea, Fantasizing, Threats/Threatening Behavior, Possessiveness, Shock Collars, Pet Names (lollipop, sucker, etc.). Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: Ooooooh! I’m so giddy about this one! Enjoy!
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. However, I give no permission to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work on any third party website or app. Seeing my work posted anywhere beside my blog, my library blog, or my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess) means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
I don’t do tag lists, so follow @foxglovefics to sign up for notifications on my fics. 
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
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Your head thumps with the pounding of the hammer. Curled up on your chaise, you try to take a nap to no avail. There’s no way you’ll be able to, not with your handler’s friend fixing the bed.
Shadow curls at your feet, resting his head on your legs. You’d tried to send the dog out to run through the garden—knowing how the noise must be hurting his ears. But he’d remained stalwart, immovable. Your fingers pet his wiry hair and you sigh.
The hammering stops and footsteps approach. You lift your head.
“It shouldn’t give you problems now,” the man says, low and gruff.
You try to remember his name—Carter? Curtis? Cory? Lloyd did introduce you when he arrived, but there’s nothing now. Unable to make the name materialize in your head, you simply say, “thank you.”
He crouches beside you, the sleeves of his flannel folded up by his elbows. His fingers, dry and slightly dusty, trace along the line of your flimsy skirt as it splays over the cushion.
“Is there anything else you need?” he asks. His tone suggests something more, the rough edges of it softening with his offer.
Shadow raises his head and looks to the man beside you. A deep, rumbling growl vibrates his chest. The man moves his hand, placing it instead right where your body bends in recline. Heat radiates from him through the thin fabric of your dress. You shift and fidget at the proximity.
“I’m handy with all sorts of things. And Lloyd told me to help you out with anything that came to your mind.”
He gazes up at you, blue eyes stormy. Though he wears a beanie over his head, feeding into the intimidation of his broad shoulders and bulky muscled frame, he’s gentle—it’s in his eyes, the way he looks at you. Ever so slightly, he rocks forward on his toes, invading your space.
Your guard dog jumps from the chaise and moves toward the stranger. Not yet biting or baring teeth, he positions himself between you. Blocking him from you. The man concedes, falling back to his heels with a chuckle.
“Time for you to go, Everett,” a voice calls from the door.
A guard stands just outside the threshold, hand on the gun at his belt. You glance over with a smile. Nick Fowler, the new head of the estate’s security. He catches your eye and tips his head in acknowledgment. Bouncing up, you pad over on bare feet, careful of your invisible, electrified boundaries.
“Hi,” you greet, happy to see the man but perplexed by his presence. “I thought Mr. Hansen was home?”
“Business called him away,” Fowler says, eyes like a hawk, watching the repair man pack away his tools and grab his jacket. All with his hand ready to whip out his gun and take aim. He does that a lot when others are around—keep himself ready to protect you—even from his own men.
“Huh,” you mutter. His statement sinks in and disappointment washes over you—Lloyd had promised a nice day together. Only a few hours spent away in his office. His time with you promising the possibility of freedom outside your room in his company.
The repair man slips between the two of you through the door and huffs a quiet goodbye. He barely warrants notice. Your guard watches him. You do not when you echo a brief farewell.
“I was told to bring you this,” Fowler says, standing still but producing a folded slip of paper from behind his back. His eyes catch yours, deep as the ocean and set in quite the handsome face.
You snatch the note away and hold it close to your chest. Determined to read it once your guard has gone to escort the stranger out.
“Mr. Hansen will be back before you know it.”
“But I already know it,” you whisper in reply. Voice warbling across the words.
A warm hand lands on your shoulder, squeezing in sympathy. “You’ll be fine.”
You look to the hand, then the man to whom it’s attached, a slow and startled consideration. Your cheeks heat. His lips twitch toward an approximation of a comforting grin before he turns on his heel and marches after the man who fixed your bed.
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Mr. Hansen sprawls across your sheets, shirt unbuttoned and groomed happy trail leading to the waistband of his trousers. Button popped open and a glimpse of his underwear visible. You lay tucked under his arm, fingers trailing over the planes of his abdomen and chest.
He hums in pleasure, the sound rumbling through you, pressed close as you are.
Eyes drifting closed, you’re nearly asleep when your handler says, “why don’t you pop up on my stache and give it a ride.”
Your thighs clench as a spike of desire rolls through you. It’s not a question, you know that. But you hesitate.
“Mr. Hansen,” you start, fingers walking up his chest. His chin dips to watch them. “I don’t want to hurt—”
Before you can finish, his hand wraps around yours and squeezes. “Fuckin’ smother me, lollipop.” He catches your eyes, blown dark with wanting. His tongue runs over his bottom lip and you shift in place, entranced by the movement.
Sitting up, your eyes remain locked. He drinks you in, thirsty for every movement. The way your head tilts as you pull your panties off your legs and toss them over the side of the bed. The way you shuffle forward on the bedding. The way your fists tug at the fabric of your dress, bunching it up your thighs.
He lifts a hand, an offering to guide you like a gentleman. One leg swings over, setting yourself astride him. Still slow, still cautious, you find your place over his face. His eyes blink slowly and he inhales.
“That’s what I love to see.”
You can’t bring yourself to look down at him, knowing his eyes will be sparkling with delight. The muscles of your legs twitch, itching to close and block him from the target of his desire.
“Look at this pretty thing.” His fingers brush over your folds and you jump. His teeth click in dissatisfaction. “Come on, sucker, keep her steady for me. I want a taste.”
His arms band around your thighs, coaxing you down. His hot breath puffs against you. Your teeth sink into your lower lip. Hands with nowhere to go, they wrap around his arms, hoping to keep yourself anchored to please him.
“Jesus, you’re dripping,” is the last thing you hear spoken under his breath before he starts.
He laps at you. Tongue flat to lick up the juices that coat the apex of your thighs. Your breath hitches, anticipation torture waiting for that first full swipe.
It comes with a long, sensuous lick. His tongue swirling around your clit and meandering through your folds toward your hole. He prods at it, mustache brushing against you in a tickling prickle.
On an exhale you whine and feel the reverberations from his responding chuckle. His biceps flex, dragging you closer and burying him between your thighs.
He devours as if you’re his last feast, reveling in each of the noises plucked from your throat. He flicks your clit and sucks. Your hips begin to move, undulations that grind you closer to him.
A muffled, “that’s it. That’s my candy slut,” comes from beneath you.
One arm releases your thigh. The fingers plunging into you and stretching you with a scissoring motion. You keen and try to lift away, but the strength of one arm keeps you planted. His moans shiver up your spine. Your teeth sink into your lip at the delicious tension gripping your muscles, tighter and tighter.
Flush with lust, you rock against your handler. This is your favorite part. Where you’re with him and you know you’re the one he craves. That in all his travels, across the world, right here is where he’s satisfied.
His fingers curl inside you, massaging that most sensitive place that makes your legs shake.
Your voice hums and sobs its pleasure. “I love you, Mr. Hansen.” The words burst out of you unprompted. Like this, there’s no memory of the violence he will commit for you. No memory of the collar around your throat. Just heat and sweat and fervor.
You shatter atop him, keening your ecstasy to the ceiling. Your fingers grip his head, body bowing over him and trapping him beneath you. You ride your bliss to the very last spark of pleasure. Delighting in the brush of his mustache and the final laps of his tongue.
Chest heaving for breath and legs weak, you use your arms to help push you up from your handler’s face. Coated in a sheen of your arousal, his lips part in an ecstatic grin.
“Fuck, sugar baby,” he moans, a hand reaching behind you to palm his cock through his pants and squeeze your ass. “Nearly got me creaming in my pants.” He huffs a few more breaths before his arm circles your waist and tugs on you.
With his strength and your cautious movements, it’s not long before he has you reversed. A plentiful view of your ass pointed right in his direction.
“Time to give your sweet little rosebud just as much loving,” he says, giving your cheek a hard smack.
You jolt forward, gripping at his muscles and biting back a needy whimper. Turning over your shoulder, you meet his eye. With one wink, he spreads your cheeks and begins his second helping. How his tongue can be as insatiable as the rest of his body, you don’t know. But you bend further over, supporting yourself with his body and giving him access to all of you.
A noise catches your ear. Taking your attention away from the delectable sensations enacted by your handler. Scanning the room, you see the figure in the doorway. Backlit by the hallway light, but still visible from the lighting in your room, you recognize your guard. Nick Fowler, piercing through you with his gaze.
Nick’s hand grips the doorknob tight before it slips off. Lloyd circles your already sensitive clit with his fingers. Your cheeks heat with embarrassment as your lips part on a wanton moan.
But you don’t look away—and he stares right back. A dark look of hunger in his eyes. You clench around nothing, feeling absolutely empty. A whine works its way up your throat. Nick swallows and lets his lips part.
You don’t move and neither does he. Lloyd none the wiser about the performance he’s putting on, the exhibition he’s making of you. Not that Nick can see anything. Your dress still covers your figure, only your missing panties allowing Lloyd access to your puckered hole and dripping cunt.
You gasp. Your handler fingering your ass, ready to stretch another hole open. Nick’s jaw ticks, fist clenched at his side. Never blinking, never looking away.
None of the others kept their eyes on you. Whenever Lloyd chose to display you, they always averted their gaze. Lloyd’s exhibitionism a power-play, exerting his control over his staff. Making them cower from him and hide their lust or envy or rage. Not Nick. He’s steady, unrepentant.
And doesn’t that set you alight. A titillating, tingling pleasure that shoots straight to your core and overwhelms.
Your breath catches in your throat, voice pitching higher and higher on each new moan. Eyelids fluttering, threatening to close, you keep them locked on the guard at your door. Even as you cum again, oversensitive and weak, shouting Lloyd’s name, you keep your eyes on Nick until he withdraws on swift, stilted steps.
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“I have your breakfast.”
The guard leaves the tray at the foot of your bed. You watch him from the corner of your eye, Shadow sitting beside you. He leaves without a care—rookie mistake. And it’s eggs, too.
You sigh and tilt your head back on your neck. It’s not like you want him to get in trouble, but you absolutely cannot eat right now. Your stomach clenches and flips with nausea.
The smell of the food wafts toward you and you recoil. At least it spurs you to get up from your bed. You stand and saunter toward the French doors leading to your balcony.
Fresh air greets you. A cool breeze nipping at your skin. A quick jaunt back into your room finds the right blanket to bundle you up and keep you warm in the morning air. It nips at your cheeks and ears, but you watch the horizon. The soft sun rises in the distance splashing the sky in pastels. You wonder how warm it will be as it keeps on its path.
Thoughts drift on lazy tangents. A bird flits by. You watch it disappear around the corner of the mansion. You fix Shadow’s collar with a few small tugs until the tag hangs directly in the center of his chest.
“Off to the garden,” you bid him, using a finger to point over the balcony rail. Shadow woofs in reply, his stubby tail wagging vigorously. “Go,” you prompt in encouragement.
He darts away, out your door and mere moments later, he’s running through the grass.
You push yourself from the chair and lean against the railing. Watching your guard dog play. From a basket off to the side, you grab a ball—small and orange, one of Shadow’s. You finger it, turning it over and over in your grip. Preparing to shout his name, your lips part before you’re interrupted.
“You should eat.”
You spin on your heel like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “What do you mean?”
Nick stands beside your bed, hands crossed and head nodding toward the full tray of food.
“He’s the one that just left it there. They’re probably cold by now,” you say with a vague gesture of your hand.
“So he deserves what Lloyd will do to him?” Nick asks. He steps forward, hands falling to his sides. “He’s a good guy.”
This time, your head tilts. Contemplating the statement. The absurdity, the hypocrisy.
“Eat your damn food before I have to find another guy to replace him,” Nick commands, a pointed stab of his finger toward the tray. His jaw ticks in irritation, the frustration growing every second you don’t move.
“I’m not hungry,” you say, returning to the room and dropping the blanket on your chaise. Your lip curls at the smell as you approach. Your scheduled breakfast for the day—bacon, eggs, pancakes, orange juice. You swallow and turn away. “I’m not eating that.”
“Then is there something else you’d prefer?” His tacked on, “you goddamn brat,” at the end hidden under his breath.
“No,” you reply, stinging from his gibe. The bubbles of your own vexation start to roil in your stomach.
Nick turns away, jaw clenched and brow furrowed. His fingers twitch toward his holster, ready, you suppose, to point it at you in a threat. Your own anger cools. The lengths he will go to keep his men safe. Both of you knowing how exacting Lloyd can be—the consequences of his displeasure.
“I woke up nauseous,” you explain, voice soft, “I didn’t want to throw up.”
The tension seeps away from the set of Fowler’s jaw and shoulders. A slow loosening of his stance until he can look over at you again. And he pins you in place with his stare—hard on the surface with the shadow of something gentle beneath. That one look flooding you with a wave of contrition.
“It’s my fault for not saying something earlier. I’ll explain it to Lloyd,” you offer.
“No,” Nick says with a swift shake of his head, a step taken in your direction, “let me.”
You nod, hands folded before your waist. His heel lifts to take another step forward, but he turns instead, grabbing the breakfast and walking from the room.
Only a few minutes later, a new tray with a plate of saltine crackers and ginger beer arrive at your door. Carried by the same rookie as the first.
“Thank you,” you say, grasping the handles and taking it to your small table to nibble.
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Your fingers tug at the pillow beneath your head. Hips canting up to meet Lloyd’s voracious tongue. Lips plump and tingling from how hard you’ve bitten them, keeping salacious moans at bay.
Lloyd’s eyes lock with yours from between your thighs. His brow furrows in frustration. Needing to hear your ruin dribble from you as you melt. You’re denying him and he won’t have it.
Smack. The slap to your thigh jolts you, a gasp finally pushing past your defenses. Your head lolls to the side, catching Lloyd’s eye again before, satisfied, he returns to your cunt. Knowing he’ll only fuck you when you’re a sloppy, soaked mess, you wrap a leg over his shoulder.
He groans against you, hand running along the skin of your thigh. His hips buck against the bed beneath him, easing the tension of his own arousal. His salacious display, rocking against the covers of your bed, smearing them with his precum, has a wisp of a moan slipping past your lips.
Until movement catches your eye. A glance to your ajar door sees Nick passing by, gaze locked forward and purpose to his steps. All your restraint frays to nothing. Lips gaping around sounds ripped from your chest.
“That’s more like it,” Lloyd chuckles against your sex, raising himself to his elbows and crawling over you.
You blink up at him and accept his kiss when he leans down. Your taste floods your mouth with his tongue. Tickled by his groomed mustache, it fills your nose. Your arms wrap around him, submitting to the filthy play of his kiss.
Yet at the very precipice of penetration, he becomes impatience at its finest. Lloyd lines himself up, thrusting into you in one swift stroke. You gasp and whimper against your handler’s lips and let your eyelids flutter shut.
In the darkness, your thoughts run wild without your permission. Lloyd’s hips burying his cock in you, and catapulting you toward fantasies of the stalwart, stoic guard and his unrelenting gaze. Your handler’s touch turns to Nick’s. His hands, his skin, his cock. And it feels too good to stop yourself.
You cry out on a particularly exquisite thrust and Lloyd pulls out, flipping you to your hands and knees. His head tucks against your neck, kissing along your throat. Caught up in your fantasy world, your head drops toward your chest on a low moan. Fists gripping the sheets beneath you.
“Please, more,” you pant. Feeling Nick’s hands grasping at your flesh and moulding your body to his.
“You like this, lolli?” Mr. Hansen asks, voice gritty and growling. “You should feel the way you’re squeezing me. Like you never wanna let go.”
Your head bobs in a nod, distracted by imaginings of what Nick would say, how he’d praise you, how he’d fuck you. The thought of him saying, “good girl,” has your arms buckling and your body falling to the bed, your hips supported by Lloyd’s strength. A constant humming moan rolls in your throat, filled to your limit by Lloyd’s cock and figments of Nick.
Your orgasm rushes over you like river rapids. A sudden flood of sensation breaking over your head and dragging you under.
But it all stops in an instant. Lloyd’s body still. His grip a harsh vice on your hips.
“What did you say?”
You swallow hard and blink your eyes open before turning over your shoulder, meeting Lloyd’s fiery gaze. Your stomach drops to your toes, throat suddenly dry. You can’t answer his question, you didn’t catch it yourself. Mouth run away with your thoughts…your thoughts.
Eyes widening, you say, “I don’t know, Mr. Hansen.” Hoping for some measure of pity.
“Nick,” he bites, “you called me Nick.” His hand wraps about your throat and drags you up against him. Right in your ear he whispers, “does that sound about right?” Teeth nipping against your ear, you squeak. But that doesn’t stop your handler. A sinister chuckle rising from his chest. “Nick fuckin’ Fowler.”
All at once, you’re free of him. Shoved into the bed as Lloyd stands at the foot. He takes one long, lingering look. Expression hard and unreadable. You reach out to him but he turns on his heel. Stalking out of the room, shoulders set, a predator after its prey.
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wroteclassicaly · 9 months
Fallin’ For His Darlin’
(Gator Tillman x Female Reader)
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Word count: 1,062
Pairings: Gator Tillman x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of trauma, wounds, pain, anxiety, and depression, vaginal sex, fluff, hurt/comfort, vaginal fingering, kind of dark!Gator, kind of soft/anxious too, etc.
A/N: So inspired tonight, listened to some mood music, feeling that fall vibe, haha! Hope y’all enjoy? I’m pretty happy with this one! And I can’t wait to see our boy in action 😭 P.S, forgive my shitty graphic making, I’m not good at that!
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You’re not sure what time it is. Maybe midnight? You aren’t positive, because when his headlights find your garage door, floating in through your window like his own personal spotlight, his tires skid across the gravel of your lane, his car door heavily thudding closed, his boots crunching heavily over rough ground, signaling him closer… closer — time ceases to matter much. You’re meeting him eagerly over the threshold, his back slammed against the beat up wood, boots falling beside your sneakers on the entryway rug. Nothing can find you here, can harm you here, and what has lifelong permission to touch you, it’s always-only… him.
He smells as good as always. Spicy cologne and cigarettes, powdered sugar from the donuts he’d eaten for dinner (you are always on him to eat more), leftovers from your shared favorite diner — Angelica’s, still pressed into his crisp black t-shirt, as if he’d forgotten a napkin. His hair is usually in its less than pristine condition by the time he arrives at yours in the night hours. Doesn’t matter anyways, not with how you end up carrying on in front of your old fireplace (Gator’s a fan of your new cream rug, intricate floral patterns woven into it, loved by owners before, thrifted, and now yours), or on your couch. You’d never really gone to your bed, learning how those times nearly caused lines to be crossed, one ending with Gator falling asleep on your naked breasts, (the calmest he’s been in years, and you just watching him as the sun came up and cast a glow on his youthful head. he was lost, broken, beaten down).
Sticking to this, here in your living room, it’s safer, saner. But it’s not what you want. However, you’ll have him whichever way he offers. He’s Gator and you’re his sweet darlin’.
Your legs fall open, one wrapped up in his camouflage pant clad thighs. His fingers press deeper inside of you, thumb circling your curls, smearing the cream around in them, watching how it bubbles. You’re kissing him again, lips so soft on his chest, fingernails scraping through the thick tufts that rest on his chest, occasionally flicking his gold and silver chain overlays. You’d gotten him the gold pendant, something he could wear, a symbol for faith that Gator could attach his own meaning to, not having to wear because it meant what his father wanted it to. But it was safe enough that Roy wouldn’t question its meaning.
Your lips find that patch of skin by his left nipple, sucking it between your lips, before you bite down. Gator throbs in his pants, his spare hand squeezing your neck’s nape. Despite his fascination, he’s still a million miles away. “Why do you let me do this to you?”
It’s a default question, an answer you both know already. Why you let him love you like this, it’s so simple…
“These hands, what I do with them before I come here. I’m bad. And I could hurt you, you know?” He adds a little pressure that travels up your scalp in electric prickles.
You spread yourself wider for him, a third finger stretching you in a welcomed, boundary pushing burn. Your eyes meet the midnight murk that’s woven over his mossy pupils like a blanket to mask, face leaving that cove of his chest. Your finger reaches to rub along his lower lip, his tongue licking out to taste skin.
“You wouldn’t, Gator. You won’t...” Is your answer. As if you believe it more than you believe in any god or higher power.
He’s pushing, as he often does…
“And if I do?”
“Then I’d let you.” It’s plain and simple, your fingers leaving his mouth to wrap around his wrist and correct him to a deeper rhythm. This is not enough tonight. More. Fuck, you want him to swallow you whole, capture you, trap, and hurt you in the ways you welcome — how he can, ever so softly, but painfully blissful, like a fire to your fingertips, flames licking the skin, enough to sting, but never to take away in harm.
He’s fully hard, swollen, and he’s turning towards you, forcing you to him by your nape. Your noses bump into a brushing nudge, his hand leaving your cunt and pressing wet, calloused fingers to your jaw as he brings you into his mouth. He’s so warm, plush, his stubble has a scratching effect. He tastes like sweet sugar and Marlboros. He’s been smoking menthol, you note — what he switches to in the colder seasons.
He’s panting his next declaration over your mouth in a fragile concentration. “Would you let me put it inside of you, darlin’?”
Your thighs tighten together, pussy clicking noisily. You’ve never had penetrative sex with him yet, something so close for two childhood friends. But you’re ready to leap if he is, reaching for his hand on your jaw and squeezing over his knuckles. “What do you think I’ve been waiting for, Gator?”
Approaching Autumn glides in on the cool September rain of Sunday, leaves and earth filling your room with the harsh scent of two bodies connecting. Your blush curtains blow against the chipped, open window frames. Your nipples have hardened from the cool air, from dragging repeatedly across Gator’s chest hair, his necklaces dipping into your collar bones and the valley of your tits. He’s got your legs held around his waist, your hands pulling in his hair to mess it up, his nose finding yours, foreheads sticking with perspiration. The box of condoms lay abandoned at your bedside, a gamble in you, of which Gator is only ever willing to trust.
Your eyes tighten and close, his size making you feel as if you’ve never been touched or fucked before in your lifetime. Everything aches, everything is too much, all at once.
“Should I stop? You hurtin’?” He’s speaking to you in a way that makes tears gather in your lash line. He brushes them away with a rough thumb, then a trigger finger, almost immediately.
His hands let your legs drop to take your fingers in his own, directing one to his shoulder and the other around his waist. “Hold onto me?”
“I’ll never stop.” And you’re surging in for a kiss.
The rain hasn’t stopped when the sun begins to come up the next morning. And your boy sleeps soundly on your chest, uncaring. And that funny thing called time? Well, it still ceases to exist.
// Eat me paragraph //
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ashoss · 2 days
So this has been slow cooking in my brain for a few days, but I was mulling over Steph and the different criteria you were mentioning, and your mention of Janus got me thinking, so I present my absolutely ABSURD idea for her godly parent: Cardea, the goddess of door hinges LMAO She's seen as the protector of the home and particularly of children because she keeps evil spirits from crossing the thresholds into their homes, and she's closely associated with Janus. According to Ovid, “her power is to open what is shut; to shut what is open.”
I liked the idea that she seems like a completely random minor god and I think it lends itself well to Steph's insecurities and angst about not being like the other bats and feeling like she doesn't belong. Because HINGES? Her godly parent isn't powerful and terrifying and or even a war god; she's completely mundane, on top of being Roman unlike the other members of the batfamily (or most of them, depending on your other choices). At face value, it just seems like another "reason" that Steph shouldn't be a hero.
I know she's not quite a truth god, but I feel like the idea of a hinge and keeping things locked/closed or the idea of thresholds and boundaries between places is kinda similar to secrets and secret identities. Hinges keep doors closed or can be used to open them, and in a way, Steph is acting like a hinge on the door of her dad's secrets. And the bitter irony of her godly parent representing security, that neither her dad nor her godly parent could provide for her 😭
Also the idea of a goddess of hinges is very funny to me LMAO
Also also thinking about how Roman society centered on family and emphasized the role of the father and had the concept of piety towards one's parents as a virtue, and how Steph rebels against that by fighting against her dad to bring him to justice :''') Roman virtues were the core of Roman society, and all "good" Roman citizens were expected and encouraged to strive towards possessing these virtues, but Steph defies these expectations!
But if you're really really undecided for her, I think it could also be interesting to have her remain as an unclaimed child! Like she's clearly still a demigod because she has the general demigod abilities like ADHD and dyslexia, clear sight, heightened senses, etc, but her godly parent never claimed her and no one can figure out who her godly parent is! Still plays into her angst really well and it's a little meta too LOL
ok but think about how much hinges are actually utilized in life. if she has powers regarding hinges or something maybe she could could control them? keep them closed to keep something inside without necessarily locking it, keep them open to prevent someone from shutting the door. akljsd i dont know maybe theyll come across a situation involving hinges that requires steph for something lol
i do really love the minor god idea though. her being the daughter of a minor, not really well known god, or a god that has control over a mundane thing would cause for some really good angst like you said. feeling like shes not good enough for the bats, that shes not powerful enough. she cant control luck or communicate with the dead/heal like cass and jason can. she isnt as fast or as stealthy as dick. she can't persuade people like tim can. it further separates her from the rest and i really think that could be interesting. like yes, shes far stronger, faster and smarter than any regular person, but next to the bats?
i hadnt thought of unclaimed steph either! also really good for angst - like everything in addition to the last part + a fucking god that doesnt even want to claim her as their child??
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artemis-potnia-theron · 11 months
Any advice on strengthening ones relationship with Hekate?. Thank you kindly.
Hello 👋🫂
One of the amazing things about Lady Hekate Nyctipolus is how broad her domain is. She has so many forms and facets, so take everything I say with a grain of salt! She appears in unique ways for everyone.
Many of her followers associate her with witchcraft. I personally don't consider myself a witch, so I'm a little distanced from this aspect of her. But if you do practice some form of witchcraft, perhaps you can start dedicating your spell work to her.
If you engage in spirit work, ancestor work, death work, deity worship more broadly, etc, you might consider asking Lady Hekate to aid in that communication. And for her protection in her role as a death/underworld goddess. I know she acts as a guide for many of her followers (myself included!)
Communication is definitely key (pun intended) for many Hekate worshipers. Getting into a specific kind of divination (I personally prefer tarot, but there also pendulums, meditation, etc) can help strengthen that relationship. She is the patron of boundaries and thresholds after all! Find a way to breach that wall has been a personal favorite way of connecting for me.
For me, I think I sense Lady Hekate most clearly in those 'in-between places.' I love going out for nighttime drives and finding her at empty intersections, in abandoned buildings, in any space that feels liminal.
And, of course, go ahead and ask her! In my experience, Lady Hekate is one of the more 'receptive' or 'quick to answer' deities that I work with. That's not to say that she is at your beck and call, she definitely demands focus and commitment. But she's also very dedicated to her followers just like they're dedicated to her.
Ask her in your own way with whatever divination tool you prefer how to advance that relationship! Start offering antique keys or vintage things or flowers and see how she responds! I personally don't buy the whole 'you have to wait eagerly for a sign from Lady Hekate before you start working with her.'
She can be intimidating and intense certainly, but not necessarily in a frightening way. Just in a way that demands respect. So as long as your approach her with good intentions, I'm sure she'll be willing to listen.
Thanks for the ask!
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
We know the Dreaming is infinite but do you think the other Endless realms are infinite as well? I think the sunless lands for sure would be.
100% yes.
I think its confirmed that Destiny's garden is infinite. The paths that fork and turn and spiral go on forever, and you can access Destiny's garden by walking the right way through different labrinths on Earth.
The Sunless Lands are where the dead go, and I don't think it's ever made clear what that entails for the various religions - but I always figured that maybe the different afterlifes for all different religions are in fact within the Sunless Lands, like Valhalla, The Fields of Elysium, Heaven, etc. So I think they must be infinite in that respect as they must always grow and adapt to cater for new human belief systems (and new alien and other non earth belief systems too I suppose).
The Threshold is an interesting one, because clearly Desire's own body is not infinite. It is very much limited by the confines of Desire's own flesh. But based on the images of the Threshold this feels more like a palace in the shape of Desire within the Threshold. All the sky and clouds around the body of Desire must also be part of Desire's realm, and Desire just isn't using them the same way.
I think it's the same for the other Endless realms as well, and I think that when we talk about their realms overlapping its not so much a physical overlapping of boundary lines like we would view country borders on Earth, but more a metaphorical blending of ideas in certain places (like the Love Fields in the Dreaming, which must be influenced by Desire's realm and therefore are closer to the Threshold in the same way that "the veil is thinner in certain places" works when we use it in paranormal stories ya know?)
Whilst I don't believe that their realms are ever confirmed to be completely infinite, it makes more sense that they would be just based on what the Endless are. They are concepts, and concepts don't really have boundary lines or limitations. There are no limits to Dreams, to Desires, to Destiny, so their realms must also be limitless.
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quinloki · 1 year
ABC Head Canon - Trafalgar D. Water Law
SFW Alphabet!
18+ only
-:- Table of Consent -:-
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SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Law's affection is pretty subtle. It's coffee made in the morning before you're up, and your favorite drink in his fridge even when you came over unexpectedly. It's snacks and quiet evenings in even though you had plans because it's obvious you need a break from the world.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Law is a give what he gets kind of friend. It's not like he's keeping strict records or anything, but if you're keeping your distance, so is he. He'll step up and step in sometimes, but most of the time he lets the other person decide how close/casual the relationship is. He's a little introverted in that sense, and that's why most of the people in his crew are high-energy – they pushed their way in and set the bar for what was being given.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Law was real hit or miss with cuddling until he became friends with Bepo. Minks and their hugging/snuggling breaks down anyone eventually xD – But now Law will have to actually stop himself from cuddling with people. He'll let people lean against him and snuggle without complaint, but it isn't until the boundaries of a relationship are defined (i.e. he's aware you're dating steady) that he'll start initiating cuddles.
Much like Eustass he tends to multitask his snuggling with reading/research/etc.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Law definitely wants a family in some way shape or form. Until he lost his family he had a really positive family experience, and I think he longs to have that again. He's really good at cleaning, a byproduct of being a doctor/surgeon, but his cooking skills are pretty basic. He's not bad, but no one's asking him to pick up extra shifts cooking for the crew.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'd be very clinical. Even if he was hurt by whatever the reason was, he'd keep it behind closed doors. Bepo, Penguin, and Sachi might know how much it actually affects him, but no one else would.
If it was kind of a mutual deal he'd probably be amenable to remaining friends. Sometimes things just don't work out that way and there's no hard feelings on either side.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Law falls faster and harder than he ever lets on, so a lot of his subtle affections and actions are because he doesn't want to overwhelm someone by coming on too hard or fast. He's educated enough to know the socially acceptable milestones for relationships, and he'll casually test the waters regarding commitment, but he's not dating just to pass the time, so he'll react accordingly.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Law understands trauma and abuse – and while he can be ruthless, he's not cruel or abusive himself. He can be sadistic behind closed doors – with consent – but outside of those parameters he's almost infinitely patient and kind, despite whatever expression is on his face.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are like cuddling for Law, he's not one to initiate them until he's reached a certain threshold in his relationship with someone, but thanks to Bepo he's really comfortable with receiving them. His hugs run the line too, from casual one-arm-side hugs, to clinging, almost desperate, don't-let-go-yet therapeutic hugs.
For a guy whose hands are cold more often than not his hugs are really warm.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Because of how hard and fast he can fall, he's hesitant to say it, but once it's said it's like the word is unsealed, and he's really comfortable with it. He'll hold back a little, for fear that overuse will diminish how you think he feels, but he's not rationing out 6 or 7 instances of it over a lifetime.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Unless it's an ongoing situation that gets under his skin repeatedly you'd probably never know. He's more likely to feel bad for feeling jealous, so he'll do whatever he can to keep it under wraps. If it gets to the point where it really irritates him he'll sit down and talk it out, but he's highly unlikely to lash out because of it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Law's kisses are cool and dry, at least at first. It's the holding back thing at work, and he's restraining himself. He doesn't kiss just anyone either – hugs might be given out like candy to friends and such, but kisses are for relationships.
One solid make-out session and you realize his kisses behind closed doors are completely different. Passionate and hot and deep, he's stealing your breath and sending rushes into your skin with teasing nips and kisses at your neck and ears. He kisses how he likes to be kissed, so mimicking what he does for you (until he learns what you really like), is a good way to make sure he's getting kissed where and how he likes.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Law looks like the last person you want to ask to babysit for you, but he's surprisingly good with kids. Sometimes it's the Bepo-effect, but most of the time it's because he's patient and even tempered. Kids know they don't have to be afraid of him, even when he looks stressed.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Law's a morning person because he has to be, but he's also so overworked and busy he's often a night person too. In the end he's really just a flesh golem operating on an abundance of coffee and spite.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Without the need to be up first thing in the morning, Law would flourish better at night. He's up late night's because it's easier to focus then vs midday, and he gets more done. Granted, it means little sleep, but he's learned to push those boundaries.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Law's give and take shows its head again in this regard. He won't volunteer much, but he'll share in response to being trusted in the first place. Some of it is the last vestiges of legitimate trust issues, but mostly it's trying to keep himself from oversharing, or investing himself in someone who might not be committed to sticking around.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Law's patience is impressive. Even when he looks angry, it's more likely he's sleep-deprived and irritated, and not legitimately pissed. Actual anger from Law is rare, and it's really only going to happen if you've betrayed him in some way – I imagine he'd forgive just about anything else with enough time.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Law does his best to hold onto the details, but there's a lot on his plate, and not enough sleep to keep a hold of all of it. He'll forget small things from time to time, but he's got all the big important bits down pat quickly. Organizers help him keep track of dates and events, and his friends will help keep him on track too – knowing all of his quirks and responsibilities, they do what they can to help.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
That first kiss. That defining moment when he knew he'd finally be able to let loose a little and when he picks you up and kisses you deep against the wall, it becomes a good memory for you too.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Law is fiercely protective and is really bad about give and take in this regard. He always puts himself in the most dangerous situations in any of his plans, and carries much more of the burden than he needs to. Some of it is wanting to keep those dear to him safe, but some of it is also wanting to be in control and able to adapt to any changes in a plan.
He wouldn't try and keep you locked away from the world though, being free is important to him, and no matter the risks he'd never take that from someone.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He's a little bare minimum on dates, but his daily everyday tasks are so sweet that it's not a big deal, and sometimes his friends will help make sure he does a little extra for anniversaries. Flowers, dressing up, making reservations, that sort of thing. He tends to gift randomly when the mood strikes him, but Sachi and Penguin will remind him about holidays and such sometimes just in case.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He sits inside his head too much, takes on too much of a plan or issue, and sometimes it can leave you feeling like he doesn't trust you. In all honesty he's trying not to burden you, and it's really hard to pull him out of this habit.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Law's only concern is to be clean and comfortable. The fact that he looks so good when his concern is so minimal is enough to drive everyone around feral, but he's got the body of a model – or near enough – so he doesn't need much effort. He wore a tight white t-shirt and a pair of jeans one day and you almost didn't want him to leave the house for fear he'd get mobbed.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
With how hard and fast he tends to fall for someone, yes. He won't let on if things fall apart, but by the time he's popping the question, he's laying himself bare in terms of his feelings and how important you are to him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He's a hopeless romantic, and when you go the extra mile and surprise him with a date, or rose-petals for a special at-home evening, he's so touched he'll be flustered. He'd actively do such things for you more often, but he's so tired/busy that he often loses the thread of planning before he's begun more than he cares to admit.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's okay with all sorts of relationship set ups – traditional, open, throuples, poly, etc. – his big thing is that no matter what shape it takes, communication is important. He's not okay with uncomfortable surprises, like learning about a new person in your open relationship because he came home early. (also, don't do that! Bad poly practice, bad! Communicate first, smooch second.)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He doesn't move much when he sleeps. Unless you come around. The second you sit down on the bed, or settle down too close to him he'll pull you in and it's an immovable cage. You're sleeping that way and you might as well just accept it.
(If he does it before you've really progressed he will wake up in the morning mortified and apologetic.)
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thorniest-rose · 1 year
hello 🖤 out of curiosity what kind of stuff do you consider dark? because i want to write dark stuff for steddie but don’t want backlash. i wonder if what I consider dark is too much, but to know there was an audience for certain things would really help me to go for it. ( for example i love age gaps and want to do 30-40 year old Eddie with teen Steve: dad/babysitter, rockstar/groupie, motorcycle daddy/runaway, teacher/student [dare i say stepfather/stepson sksksk] etc. but have received crit for like, 2 year difference ) and i wonder if it’s the content itself or how it’s handled? because when people write age difference/incest without highlighting how creepy the older one feels it doesn’t *feel* dark if that makes sense. (your eddie is clearly aware of what he is so there’s dark energy to it) but maybe im wrong. i would genuinely love to hear your thoughts. 🖤🖤
hi there!! oh this is such an interesting question, thank you so much.
So what do I consider dark? It's difficult in a way because everyone has different thresholds and comfort levels when it comes to fic, I have a very high threshold and not many triggers. For me, dark fic that I'm interested in reading and writing includes dysfunctional, destructive relationships where there's obsession, jealousy, codependency and control at play, but where both people like it, and don't want to change or have a healthier dynamic or set firmer boundaries. Sometimes I like reading fic about relationships that are abusive and I enjoy reading and writing fic where there's dubious consent (or even non-con) and BDSM relationships where there isn't good etiquette and where there aren't standard things like safewords. Like I love when the sub belongs to the Dom and the Dom calls all the shots and says they know what their sub needs. It's not how relationships should be irl of course, but it's all fantasy.
I love age difference fics too! I would love to write a fic with teen Steve where Eddie's in his 30s, I think that would be so wrong and hot. Like I love all the things and dynamics you've mentioned in your ask! And I think it's such a shame that people feel too frightened to write dark fic a lot of the time, or that they've been made to feel gross and weird for wanting to explore dark and more complex dynamics. Or even just enjoy things without feeling judged for it. So I'm sorry that you want to write fics like this but feel like you can't because of potential backlash. And I wish I could advise more on what things could cause backlash and what won't, because in the past I've had so much hate and abuse for things I've written but in this fandom I've had hardly any abuse at all, so it's really hard to quantify.
I would say this, completely genuinely, that I think you should write whatever you want because you shouldn't have to censor yourself or repress what you want to write. I can guarantee there will always be an audience for it, and people who will be so excited to read darker fic and dynamics. It might be a smaller audience, but it'll be very enthusiastic, and that'll make it completely worth it. If you want to be cautious too, you could have an ao3 account that's separate to your main account to post dark fic, or you could moderate comments. And if you do get shitty people, ignore them and delete any abuse you get. I've found in the past that it's when I give people air and try to engage with them that they get worse. But when I completely ignore them, they get starved of oxygen and give up. And usually if people say anything, it's just a small group of nasty people too, it'll never be as many people as you fear it could be.
There's also the chance that no one will say anything mean and people will love your fics! And if you feel passionately about your ideas, you should go for it! I'm on the cusp of posting a fic that's pretty dark, where intoxicated Steve is being used by multiple men for sex at a party, and the fic I'm writing with Azriel is probably the darkest fic in this fandom, it explores so many uncomfortable topics and will be so dead dove. And because of that we except it to have a smaller readership than a lot of other fics, but we also know the small group of people who do read it will love it, and that makes it so worth it. Plus it's so freeing to finally write a dark fic without feeling like I have to restrain myself, so you should feel free to do it too.
So please, I hope this has helped and encouraged you, even a little. And if you do write any of these fic ideas, let me know because I'd love to read them!!! <3
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septembersghost · 2 years
I was trying to tell a friend once about how I can handle scary films but not true crime and they got judgy to me about it, but it's a sensitive topic to me and hard to explain the difference
your friend shouldn't have been judgmental to you about what you find upsetting or your own boundaries, i'm sorry they reacted unkindly like that. there's nothing wrong with not being able to handle certain topics/media and asserting your limits is actually a good and healthily protective thing!
so, from my experience, a difficulty i have is the difference in suspension of disbelief. when we're watching a scary movie, there's always an awareness that it's fiction - and this has even been studied, that being afraid within complete safety, where you can switch it off, turn the lights on, have the knowledge that it's not real, can be healthy in working through fear. and i'm still pretty careful with what i can and can't handle because i am SO sensitive and prone to anxiety/intrusive thoughts/nightmares. i was a very sheltered/innocent, soft-hearted/emotional child, and to this day as a spinster lady a lot of that holds true because it's my natural disposition. that said, i also leaned into eerie aesthetics and spookiness (also see: previously discussed odd happenings we experienced irl) and gothic romanticism and classical horror novels/film (which isn't quite the same as more graphic modern horror), and continue to enjoy that. as is evident here at spooky season!
i was exposed to a lot of horror when i was a teen because my ex-best friend was obsessed (the two of us watched countless horror movies and musicals lmao that tells you a lot), so it upped my threshold for a while, but it's shifted back down to cautious sensitivity over the years. (which i realize sounds counterintuitive due to a bunch of my favorite shows that i post on here having horror genre roots lol, let's not unpack that. movies tend to affect me differently because it can be a lot of intensely upsetting content packed into a short time, whereas with a show you build a sense of familiarity/connectivity/comfort because you get to know the characters so well, which for me, makes it more about them and their stories than it does the sense of fear.) i especially struggle to handle media with any animal ab*se or tort*re p*rn or most s/a, and that's my responsibility to gauge.
anyway, when i'm watching, say, a slasher film, i know that's not real, and every actor was fine and went home safely. when i'm watching vampires, i know they're not real (and i was terrified of them when i was little! ghosts and i were mostly cool, vampires were the proverbial monster in my closet, my initial interest in them was a facet of trying to conquer that fear). or when i'm watching, to call myself out on something i've written/thought a lot about/been invested in, dexter, there's an element of fantasy. dex is a serial killer, but also an antihero and essentially a vigilante, taking out far worse people. there's a vicarious sense of satisfaction in that, because psychologically some part of us wishes we could stop bad people from doing bad things. (and of course the tragedy from his trauma and his actions becomes inability to keep his loved ones safe from that darkness and violence bleeding into his life.) i've certainly seen my fair share of crime procedurals too (bones! castle when it was good! and so on), and i've read mysteries my whole life, starting with nancy drew and sherlock holmes, then agatha christie, etc, and grew up watching mysteries with my mom too (adaptations of all the aforementioned. the thin man and assorted film noir and hitchcock. remington steele, my formative beloved!). there are also, notably, solutions in fiction - mysteries are solved, spirits are exorcised, monsters are stopped, masks are removed, the sun comes out again (most of the time). we accept final girls as victorious survivors. we know what the themes and symbolisms are, we expect some sense of catharsis.
but with true crime...it's a lot more complicated. my suspension of disbelief evaporates because i know, while the actors may be okay, the very real living beings involved are not. it always leaves me with this scratchy feeling of that darkness, like residue that clings. (and it's not like i never watch it - i watched candy earlier this year, because the case is almost bewildering and i wanted to see how they handled it, and i like several of the actors; i watched like half of under the banner of heaven, which was very unsettling. i don't tend to do the real serial killer thing because it's typically too gruesome and inhumane for me. fiction has been the only place i can stand that topic being tackled.) obviously, that's going to be different for every person, and like i said previously, it's very complex in handling those stories with respect and appropriate care for victims and not sensationalism of the perpetrator or exploitation of events. when something is done in a way that feels wrong or damaging, we're certainly allowed to acknowledge and push back against that. it gets really tricky and difficult, that line of freedom in art not crossing into traumatization, and i don't know what the solution for that is, if there even is one. ultimately all we can do is make the choices that feel right for us as far as choosing to engage or not, knowing what will be detrimental to our mental health, and keeping the realities in mind when necessary. it IS a sensitive topic, and you are always allowed to say no, to avoid things, and to put yourself first.
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llyznotes · 2 years
I write for the sake to improve, and to better my writing skills. I highly appreciate constructive criticism regarding my English (since I'm not a native) and my writing skills. However, this is not a space where the end goal is customer satisfaction. You do not have the right to tell me what to do with my stories regarding updating schedule.
Next, this is a practice blog which contains stories where basic morals don't exist unless stated otherwise, it may features explicit and/or dark themes— psychotic, disgusting, disturbing and traumatizing. And I am not a smut writer nor this is a smut blog. So please do not give me those p*rn links or any smut thoughts. I prefer to write it when it's beneficial to my stories, exceptions are requests/oneshots or just whenever I wanted to, though suggestive content will be written sometimes, To further clarify it, here's what I can write and most of the time they're important to the story's theme — for now, there might be less stories in my masterlist containing these stuffs but it's just a heads-up:
horror; psychological horror; yandere × noncon; toxic relationships; self harming; abuse; incest; sexual themes surrounding minors (only for the mc/reader and ocs), pedophilia; cannibalism; suicide, murder (descriptive gore), depression; a limit is certainly there, so please do ask first.
creative process' boundaries.
Do not trust the so called deadlines I randomly announced as their purpose is only to get me to work. Also please kindly refrain from asking me "when's part 2", "when will it be release", "how's it going", etc. They do nothing but give me anxiety and stress. I update whatever, whenever, and however I want.
Any sort of rude, inconsiderate, entitled asks will be instantly blocked.
Blank blogs; no profile picture, or bio (optional) will be blocked immediately—as i do not want bots to blend in my followers' list. Please consume media responsibly, its intended for older audience but in the end, I don't give a shit if you (minors) read my blog. It's your choice, I don't know who you are, how young you are or where you are from and the choice will always yours, just remember and permanently stick it in your brain, if you're going to read my stories; it's only for entertainment, learn how to separate fiction from reality, it's okay to be delusional but do not take it past the threshold of fantasy. Take what you read as lessons for further awareness for the reality out there.
community, communication.
Last but not least, i am not here to make lots of friends/moots—my energy is limited online and i easily get drained. i would love to but due to consecutive awful events regarding friends and groups, i'm just being careful for now. i prioritize genuine interaction here rather than forced one so i chose wisely who i interact with as a friend. I love to talk w anons though. Feel free to message me in my inbox but depending on my mood, I won't be able to reply.
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© ateliertale 2023 , signed on 090152023
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qandgay · 2 years
I have a few friends that are coming to similar gender expression conclusions at the same time. Each of them is starting to only feel comfortable with their binary pronouns (she/her or he/him) within their known friend group, while strangers start at they/them with the *possibility* of using the other pronouns at some point if they reach a certain threshold.
It's especially interesting to me that I'm seeing this unfold almost simultaneously, as they've all confided in me first before each other, but I have two questions:
(1) Does this expression sound genderflux to you, or something else? If they're looking for a label, I'd love to be able to help them more.
(2) Are you noticing any similar trends like this in the queer community? Part of it feels like "oh there are just more comfort zones for people to be themselves, more options out there, etc." Simultaneously, I'm just generally curious as someone also within the NB/trans umbrella.
Thanks so much for any insight you may be able to offer! <3
i don't think this necessarily sounds genderflux. if they choose to ID that way then i'm happy for them! however, i think it's more likely a boundaries thing.
often cis people (and even other queer people) will choose to use wrong pronouns under false pretense. choosing for them to use they/them forces people to confront your transness
i've definitely seen this more often in the queer community. some people choose to disclose their identities to certain people and not to others (such as saying "im a trans man" to some, and "im a genderqueer transmasc" to others), or use different facets of their identities in different spaces!
the floor is open to anyone with experience with this :)
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zepskies · 9 months
Hey! Just something i wanted to seek advice about… there this guy i like, and i feel its not a good idea to fall for this guy, not because he’s bad or smt, he is very smart and a good person but he is older than me, a little bit too old maybe? I’m 21 he probably in his early 30’s and I’m doing an internship where he works, he’s not the boss but very important to the place. I just started this internship and i cant quit because its allotted to me by our professors in uni. So I’m pretty much stuck till 1st week of December🤦🏻‍♀️ He’s also someone I report to and literally stop functioning when i see him. Even when i say “good morning”, dude its not even audible to ants for Christ sake🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ No guy, i mean literally no one has made me feel this way🤦🏻‍♀️ how the hell will i survive the next 2 months… -intern anon
Hey there, lovely!
Wow, this is my first "life advice" question. I'm by no means a relationship expert, but since I'm a bit older than you (27), maybe I can help you out here.
First of all, congrats on getting an internship through your school! This sounds like a great opportunity. And this is your time to be a sponge, learning as much as you can and getting as much experience as you can in your desired field before you leave the threshold of university/college, and head into the working world.
Now, I won't say too much about the age gap, only because you're over 18 and you can do whatever you want with anyone you want...
However, I do have thoughts about the work dynamic. This man is your superior (as in, you report to him for work). You're just getting started in your career.
The balance of power is inherently unequal here. Even if he makes advances toward you, if I was in your shoes, I would professionally shut it down.
(Or let him know that you want to focus on the work for now, and if he's still interested after your internship is done, then you'll give him your number. I wouldn't give him your number before that point, even if he asks. Keep your work channels at work: through email, Slack, Skype, Microsoft Teams, what have you.)
Why? Because while he may seem charming, attractive, nice, etc., unfortunately, you never know someone's true intentions. The work/romance boundaries could blur very quickly.
And in this situation, he holds all the cards: he's more established in the company, he has authority over you in the workplace, he's probably more experienced in corporate bullshit, he's much older than you, (and he's a man 🙃).
Were the relationship to be exposed (I'm not sure what dating policies are at this company), he could even use that power to cover his own ass and throw you under the bus. Or, I hate to say it, even to try and manipulate you.
As I said, if I was in your shoes, I would take this internship opportunity to learn as much as I can about my desired career! Be friendly, but professional with this guy. Count to ten in your mind when you see him. Call him a "basic bitch" in your head. Whatever you need to do to just treat him like you'd treat anyone else. 😂
And if he hits you up after the internship is done in December, feel free to let him buy you dinner. 😘
(Thus ends my unlicensed dating advice. ❤️❤️)
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Magical Diary Wolf Hall: Spend a Year In Magical School But No More
Magical Diary: Wolf Hall is a visual novel that has a very simple pitch: You are an exchange student from... somewhere, living in America for one year in order to be a normal teenager and experience the new culture before your duties at home force you to say goodbye. You’ll take classes to determine what magic you know, test your capabilities in the dungeon, have fun with your hall mates and potentially find love in this land.
It does this exceptionally well though. The magical school has its Hogwarts flair with different halls, hence the name Wolf Hall as the game before this (which you don’t need to play as I didn’t) is called Horse Hall, but it has its own twists as the halls are more about personalities. This allows you to better match up with your roommate and have a partner in crime for the years ahead of you. In theory, it means leaving here you have at least one friend.
And that is kind of the angle taken with a lot of the lessons in the game. Besides just reveling in magic in general and rituals and customs, it’s all meant to make sure these young wizards both master their powers and learn how to use them responsibly. There’s many different angles with this, explored with different characters, etc. like that but magically that’d be my pitch.
And I do want to make something clear: I mentioned dungeon diving with the magic and that wasn’t me over exaggerating. Every month you do need to put your spells to the test and your skills are earned through light RPG mechanics where every week you have five slots with which to spend your time. At certain thresholds, you gain new spells which is charmingly simple and nostalgic for me as a kid who grew up with games where you had to help a young girl get by in life and try to make something of herself.
Admittedly, I shouldn’t be surprised as this is the same team who did Long Live the Queen which is a BRUTAL visual novel and evokes those old games even harder.
The real show stealer here though is the characters. I did three paths personally, two main and one side, and both of the main girls I did were delightful in their own ways with their own twists, turns and fun, flip sides to their personalities that I won’t spoil. What I will say is that the first girl I went after, Barbara, was so fascinating to me that I really want to use a character like her in my own writing someday. But in general, if you want characters who are still genuinely their archtype but with maybe a bit more depth and a bit more complexity than you may expect, just enough to make them feel a bit more human, this game delivers in spades.
I also think it handles its romance INCREDIBLY well. Though I also get that some people might find the bittersweet nature of the premise to be a bit of a turn off. You are going to leave and this is freshman year. That is an immutable fact and the conversations I saw about this dilemma were compelling and painful and sweet. After all, sometimes as kids you have to say goodbye because life simply tears you apart and though that maybe doesn’t mean goodbye forever, how optimistic each person is about that will vary.
One moment I want to highlight without too many specifics is that Barbara at one point did something that was deeply worrying as it seemed she was upset out of nowhere. I couldn’t talk to her until the next day when she explained that it was a test of sorts. When I explained that I almost failed the test because I was concerned about her, she paused and actually had to admit that maybe not talking to your friend was a bad idea and that the confusion was in fact her fault. It was a moment of push and pull in a relationship, the difficulty of wanting to check boundaries but also not knowing how, that I ADORED.
Not to say the writing is always amazing.The side path I did was REAL rough and a little offensive about bi stereotypes in my mind as they’re the only blatantly bi character I saw in the game. It also is absolutely a game set in America made by people who aren’t American so they don’t catch language that is... Awkward to put it mildly like when in the second week of the game, Seniors are ‘claiming’ freshman as their ‘property’ as part of a week long hazing ritual.
And no, this game never gets anywhere close to passing the PG-13 line so it’s not a kink thing.
There are other small oddities here and there, such as the fact that the freshman are 16 which makes the senior, two of whom you can pursue and are you main options if you want to date dudes, 20 because this is a four year school. They also bring up pregnancy on potentially more than two occasions and are NOWHERE near as adverse to the topic concerning teenagers as any staff member of an American school absolutely would be. It never gets to the point of fetishizing anything really, even the hazing is kept really tame, but it tows the line on more than one occasion.
If you can get past that though, you’ll find a charming game with a wonderful cast, some fun magic, genuinely compelling twists and romances that I don’t think I’ll immediately be forgetting. Not when they were as beautiful as a wolf’s howl.
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tarotinapinch · 3 years
Messages for the Signs
Virgo: You are overwhelmed at what you have to do. Don’t put too much on your plate at once. You can get everything done that you need to, just take things slow and let them unfold naturally. You will get everything accomplished that is on your list. Rushing things will not help the situation. Relax and indulge in self care while you wait for your manifestations to come in. 
Libra: You have such a strong sense of empathy. This is not a bad thing, but make sure that it does not stand in the way of you making the decisions you need to for yourself. While caring for others is important, know that you are not responsible for anyone’s feelings besides your own. Continue to make the choices you need to to get yourself comfortable, to get yourself further down the path of healing and self love. Now is a time of new beginnings and great opportunities for you. Even if you feel scared, know that you are fully supported by the Universe to go after these goals that make your heart sing. Know that true happiness awaits you on the other side of the door, you only need to let go of the past and walk over the threshold to the future.
Scorpio: You are extremely well grounded at this moment in time, and this positive energy reaches many people around you. It helps them to see where they need grounding within their own lives. Because of this, people may come to you for advice. Use your discretion on who you want to help and what information you give out. Your gut instinct knows the difference between someone who truly wants to heal versus someone who just wants to ride off of your own high vibrations without doing any of the work themselves. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries. Protect your inner peace and you will always be able to find your personal happiness.
Sagittarius: Whatever structures and boundaries that you have built with others, and especially the ones that you have built with yourself, are very important. They show how much you have grown as a person, how much you care for yourself and your current path. They show how solid you are in your authentic truth. If you have been worried lately about where you are going, know that all is well. You have chosen with great wisdom, using your inner guidance, and now is not the time to reevaluate or change your boundaries. If the choices that you made feel right to you, then they are correct. No questioning needed. You are the only person that you need validation from.
Capricorn: You are such a loyal and protective friend. This is both a strength and a weakness. Stay kind to those around you, but be firm with your boundaries. Don’t do anything that goes against your personal ideals. Feel through and heal your emotions so that they do not get in the way of your decision making. Above all else, stay true to your authentic self. 
Aquarius: Use your passions to guide the way. You are a unique individual and may have made some decisions that are quite different from others. Let this fact be an inspiration to keep going forward. Not everyone has the strength to pursue things that go against the “societal norm” the way that you do. You could very well be starting your own business, leaving a job of many years to start something entirely new, moving far away from your childhood home, getting into a study or practice that your friends and family may have never heard of, breaking family traditions, or even just doing a total reevaluation of the self so that you can truly understand who you are at a soul level. Whatever the case may be for you, know that you are doing the right thing! Keep making those unique choices that lead you closer and closer to your authentic self.
Pisces: Now is the time of karmic justice, it is time to reap what was sown. Know that rewards are coming for your diligence, that hard work you put in is finally paying off! And oh, the sweet rewards that are coming are unimaginably radiant and joyous. Also know that whoever has done you wrong in this life are going to get karma served to them as well, there is no need to take action on these matters. Let karma work itself out, just focus on you and your own. Keep working on bettering yourself and attaining your inner peace and the abundance of the Universe will continue to flow to you.
Aries: No matter how you may be feeling now, know that the worst of it is behind you. You’ve made it through the toughest part. This is a sign of exactly how strong you are. Look at how far you’ve come from where you used to be. I bet the you of the past never thought that you’d make it as far as you have. Be proud of yourself for all of the things that you have accomplished. Because, frankly, they’re amazing. You’re amazing. You didn’t make it here by accident. This is a result of all that hard work you put in. You truly have a deep inner strength that nothing else compares to. Keep up the good work! You’ve almost made it to the finish line and the sweet rewards are calling your name, cheering you to victory!
Taurus: You’re feeling very curious about something right now. This curiosity could be leading you down paths unknown to yo. This can be scary, but let your intuition lead the way. The unknown is feared by almost everyone, so know that it is okay to be scared, even when you have already put your faith and trust into the Universe to guide you. It’s only human nature to fear the unknown. Let yourself feel through these emotions, but don’t let fear dictate where you are led. Stay true to the paths and options that you want to explore. You’re going to gain so much knowledge and wisdom about yourself through these times. Release and truly let the mind expand as you traverse these new pathways.
Gemini: Now is the time to push ahead and lean into progressive energies. Any choices you make now that you feel are for your highest truth, in line with your authentic self, will be hugely beneficial for you and pay off in the near future. Just remember that if you want something, you have to put the work. The Universe acknowledges when you get serious about living your truth and creates your reality with you. Some may call you a rebel, but you thrive in this energy. Use it to propel you even further forward!
Cancer: There are changes coming your way! They could be big, they could be small. You may be aware of them, you may not be. But trust that you have all of the tools and knowledge to handle whatever comes your way. This is a sign from the Universe that you are ready to take the next steps in your spiritual journey. You’re leveling up, so to speak, and have received all of the increased stats and items that you need to proceed further along the path. You’re going to crush this next level of life with ease and grace, attracting all of the amazing opportunities for abundance along the way. 
Leo: This is a sign that all of your dreams and wishes are being manifested now or in the very near future! You are surrounded by people who love you for your authentic self and fully support your goals and dreams. What a wonderful energy to be in! The only thing that is needed from you at this time is to let go of any negativity that you may still be holding onto. This could look like negative self talk, limiting beliefs, people who don’t support you or your dreams, harsh judgements, etc. You know what it is that needs to be released in order to heal. Once this is done, your manifestations will be able to come in full force. Rejoice and celebrate your accomplishments. You’ve come so far and now is the time to open your arms and accept the abundance that you have attracted. 
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