#lots of pink red purple aqua
thelosthook · 1 year
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Having a not so good day so I’m working on my normal granny stripe blankey
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
For powerups, do you have a theory or guess on what the other ones may be?
I mean, no not really, but I can maybe think of some to fit the theme? And the theme is Costume Change to Protect/Assist the wearer in ways the Original Suit Can't. So there's a Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Pink. So I'll fill in the grid:
Red - Fire. Obviously. And I mean capable of withstanding walking into a volcano. Maybe comes with oxygen masks, gloves, and helmets
Orange - Earth. Ground? Or Desert! Point is it's to carry the wearer through incredibly harsh terrain and make it a breeze.
Yellow - Electricity. Obviously comes with the ability to withstand electrocution, and probably has a lot of rubbery accents.
Green - Canonically Aqua. Comes with fins and the ability to breathe/speak underwater.
Blue - Canonically Ice. Comes with ice skates and better balance on ice.
Purple - Canonically Space. Comes with helmets and wings/jet-packs and can withhold the force of space.
Pink - Fairy. Bit of an outlier, but with magic being real, who's to say the only magic is Miraculous magic? This would come with shrinking ability and would "transform" the user into a fairy themselves, with wings (but no additional magical powers). Could be interesting for a Special Episode.
Honestly just look at Pokemon types lol. And like, Air (one of the allegedly "original" ideas) works but if you already have Space, it's redundant. Maybe if Purple had been, like, Poison you could have Air. Or make Pink Poison! Obviously since it's not a subject I love, I'm not married to any of these ideas, but this ^^ is essentially the first draft I would've submitted to ZAG to workshop it.
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nikosaki · 4 months
“I want to use specific names for colours/shades but I don’t know many!” Hahaha sakira has got you! If you want to add colour to the objects or stuff in your writing you shouldn’t just write it like this
“Her dress was red” “His eyes were purple”
That makes your writing bland, it dumbs down the readers imagination during reading. Instead describe the colour like this
“Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day”
“His eyes could be compared to that of a raven’s deep violet eyes”
(tip: amethyst is an overused word, there’s a list of other purple words below you should check out)
You can describe colours using objects because it will give shape to the sentence but don’t always go too detailed. If you make one sentence with a lot of adjectives and everything then don’t over use it in the other sentence that’s is.
But remember to use a simile like “as” or “like” if you do use objects.
I already wrote “Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day” so next time when I mention the dress’s colour again I am going to write something like this
“Her garnet dress flowed in the wind”
Why? Because simple sentenced always enchance the writing and gives reader a feeling.
now that we are done with how to write colours let’s see some synonyms!!
white- bleached , colourless , pearly , milky , snowy, ivory , salt , Lacey , linen , frosty, daisy parchment , porcelain, cotton , rice bone
black- ebony, midnight, jade , spider , coal , pitch black, void , empty, sooty , obsidian , metal, onyx , ink , crow
grey- shadow, ash , graphite , foggy, dove , silver , dull, cloud ,slate, iron, smoke, pebble
red- garnet, blush , Merlot , cherry , crimson, rose, sangria, bloody, berry , currant, terracotta, jam , merlot
orange- tangerine , ginger , apricot, autumn , spice , amber, rust, marmalade, pumpkin , carrot , clay, golden , copper , ochre
yellow- gold, canary , light , butterscotches, dandelion, honey , blonde, corn, saffron , ocher, buttermilk
green- beryl , viridescent , olive , emerald , pickle, leafy , sage , lime , pear , mint, mignonette, glaucous
blue- ocean , aqua , cobalt, navy , sapphire, admiral, denim , cerulean, indigo , lapis , peacock, aegean, azure , turquoise, cyan , arctic
purple - amethyst , raven , violet ,lilac , lavender, plum , magenta ,orchid , mulberry, heather, raisin, amaranthine , eggplant , iris , periwinkle
pink- blush , cherry blossom , taffy , peach, flamingo , rosey , salmon , fuscia, rosewood , pale red
IMPORTANT : remember to do GOOD research on shades!! You need to know which one you can use as an adjective and which one is a noun. If it’s a noun turn it into adjective, if it cannot be turned into an adjective then use a simile.
There’s more and if you know put it in the reblogs
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leonardalphachurch · 4 months
Red vs Blue: Reformation
After Epsilon fragments himself inside of his mind, Tucker is left to pick up the pieces.
An alternate take on Tucker’s story in Season 19: Restoration.
Available to read on Ao3
CHAPTER 1 - Recognition
They might’ve finally found what they’ve been looking for. But there’s one thing to take care of, first.
We open on a shot of a military base at night. Two guards stand in front of an exit.
Guard 1: Hey.
Guard 2: Yeah?
Guard 1: You ever wonder… if we’re in a simulation?
Guard 2: Simulation?
Guard 1: Yeah, yknow, like, none of this is real. We’re just the product of some guy simulating a bunch of random outcomes to try to find out what happens next?
Guard 2: … No. That sounds made up.
Guard 1: It’s not made up! It’s a real theory!
A cloaked figure enters through the door between them. Guard 1 raises his gun.
Guard 1: Whoa. Did you see that?
Guard 2: See what? Your simulation?
Guard 1: No! I don’t know! Looked like something… invisible.
Guard 2: Invisible? How does something look invisible?
Guard 1: Well, it looks like something that’s not there.
Guard 2: How am I supposed to see something that’s not there?
Guard 1: It is there, it just looks like—
A second cloaked figure enters the base.
Guard 1: There! There it is again! Did you see it?
Guard 2: Did I see the invisible thing that isn’t there?
Guard 1: Yes!
Guard 2: No. No I didn’t.
Guard 1: Dammit.
Guard 2: Maybe it was a glitch in the simulation.
Guard 1: Oh, fuck you.
Cut to the inside of the base. We see a series of shots. A pair of cloaked boots run along a hallway, followed closely by another. A guard collapses out of nowhere. A silenced pistol is shot.
Cut to the inside of a room. The door opens. No one enters. The door closes. An armored soldier uncloaks.
It’s Locus.
Locus: Is this the correct room?
Another soldier uncloaks and walks past him. He’s wearing The Meta’s armor in black. As he speaks, it fades into an aqua.
It’s Tucker.
Tucker: It should be.
He walks up to a large terminal and plugs in a device.
Tucker: Let’s find out. Guys?
Multiple colors of lights flash around him. Green, cyan, purple, pink, yellow, turquoise. Orange.
Tucker loses his balance after the last flash. But only for a second. He shakes his head and turns to look at Locus.
Tucker: Security here sucked, huh?
Locus is standing in between Tucker and the door, not leaving his back open to either of them.
Locus: I’ve learned it’s not something to complain about.
Tucker: I’m not complaining. Just saying, if what we think is here, is here? Well, it deserves a hell of a lot more security than that.
Locus: …What do you think is here?
Tucker: Huh?
A flash of cyan light.
Tucker: Oh, it’s some old files from Freelancer. Nothing too important, but, shit’s super classified. Be fucked if just anyone found it.
Locus makes a noise of acknowledgement. Is he agreeing? Disagreeing? Gassy? Who knows.
Tucker leans against the terminal, all casual like.
Tucker: So, how’ve you been?
Locus: ………. Fine……..
Tucker laughs.
Tucker: Damn dude, slow down. Even the AI couldn’t process that much information.
Locus sighs.
Locus: I have been. Fine. Nothing interesting has happened since we last spoke.
Tucker: All right.
They take a beat.
Locus: ………. How…… are. you???
Tucker: Wow. That seemed physically painful.
Locus: I… am not used to being the one leading the conversation.
Tucker: Right.
They take another beat.
Tucker: Y’know, I was kinda surprised you were willing to work with a partner again so soon after. Well, y’know. Didn’t think you’d trust so easily.
Locus: I… was more surprised you were willing to trust me.
Tucker, quietly: Yeah, surprised me too…
He stares at the terminal. Some colors flash around him. Pink, cyan, purple, yellow. Orange.
Tucker: We’ve also been doing fine. Same old, same old. Chasing down leads, cleaning up Freelancer’s messes, blowing up Charon’s shit.
Locus: Being a thorn in the UNSC’s side?
Tucker points at him.
Tucker: You know it! Saving the galaxy. One step at a—
Sigma appears at Tucker’s side. Not as a flash of light, but in his full naked, on fire, hologram-y glory.
Sigma: This is it.
Tucker stands up straight, giving Sigma his full attention.
Tucker: Wait, seriously? Finally? It’s really actually him?
Locus: What is “it”?
Tucker: I told you, it’s just old files from Freelancer.
Locus: You said “him.”
A flash of cyan.
Tucker: Did I? Must’ve misspoke.
Sigma: Lavernius. It’s time.
Tucker: Right.
Tucker takes the device out of the terminal. The colors flash all around him again.
Locus: Time for what? I… have been patient. But I do not appreciate being kept in the dark. I know you have bigger plans—
Tucker: Dude, relax. It’s not like we were gonna tell you everything before we knew we could trust you. You? C’mon, be realistic. But,
Tucker lets out an over dramatic sigh.
Tucker: Fine. I’ll explain everything when we get out of here, okay? Just— oh, shit, watch the door.
Locus turns to face the door.
Tucker: Like I was saying,
Tucker pulls out a gun.
Tucker: We were pretty surprised you were trusting enough to work with a partner so soon.
Tucker shoots Locus in the back.
Tucker: Probably shouldn’t have been.
Locus: You—
Tucker starts walking. He reaches down to grab something off Locus as he passes.
Locus: You— why— I, I can’t move—
Tucker: Yeah, don’t worry. Delta says you’ll get use of your legs back in 6 months. Right D?
A flash of green.
Delta: 6-12.
Tucker: 6-12. Cool how they can calculate that, huh?
Locus: Why… why are you doing this?
Tucker: It’s nothing personal, man. Just taking out one of the few people in the universe who might be able to stop us.
Tucker stops walking next to a wall.
Tucker: Well…
He reaches his hand towards an alarm.
Tucker: Maybe a little personal.
He flips it. Lights start flashing, sirens start blaring.
Tucker: I hear the UNSC treats genocidal maniacs well.
Tucker moves to the door.
Locus: You… I should have trusted my instincts. You are just like him.
Tucker stops. Purple, yellow, cyan. Orange. He laughs.
Tucker: You’re joking, right? You two were mass murderers. I’m trying to clean up the mess that you made. I am protecting people. Look at how easily you were manipulated again! Trust me. The galaxy is safer with you put away. It’s safer with us.
The door flings open as Tucker turns invisible. Locus tries to tell the oncoming guards about Tucker’s presence to no avail. We see a Tucker’s cloaked figure maneuver past the guards, into an empty area of the base.
He uncloaks.
Tucker: All right guys. Calculate how fucking badass that exit was.
All the AIs holograms pop up around him. Their lines slightly overlap each other.
Delta: Given your standard metrics, I would calculate that was… 75% “badass.”
Gamma: Too cheesy.
Theta: It was so cool!
Gamma: Overly sentimental.
Omega: We should have killed him.
Sigma: You should not have taken his bait.
None of the others’ lines overlap with Sigma’s.
Sigma: You cut the door opening too close. It was an unnecessary risk. Don’t do it again.
Tucker: Oh, please, Sig.
He flicks Sigma’s hologram.
Tucker: I know you love the dramatics.
Sigma: Not when we are this close.
Tucker looks down at the device he’s holding.
Tucker: So this is really it? We really found him?
Delta: We will not know for certain until we can decryp—
Sigma: Yes. This is him.
Tucker holds the device up and stares at it. Lovingly.
Tucker: All right, Church. Just wait a little longer. We’re gonna fix everything. Real soon.
Omega: Not soon enough. Let’s move.
Tucker laughs, cloaks again, and heads out.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hey I was just wondering if you could do a tadc x reader who dies their hair very often? like every month or so they dye it a different color and no one knows what color it'll be next
TADC cast x reader who dyes their hair a lot!
UEUEUEUUEU hope this is okay! i must admit i was a little uwuwuawua on ideas for a lot of the characters </3 grr finding new songs to play on loop to get me into writing is hard; though currently antonymph by vylet pony is doing things to my brain
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makes a huge deal of things whenever you dye your hair simply because he thinks what you do with yourself is cool; and since its the digital world you can get away with dying your hair as often as you want! cant damage what technically isnt real! probably makes hair color suggestions and is absolutely thrilled when you actually follow through within the coming days. prepare to have some weird combos, though... probably changes the color of his suit to match your hair... even adds stripes if your hair has stripes, or any other pattern dyed into it
honestly? more power to you, thats her reaction mostly. would pomni dye her own hair, or otherwise get anything to modify her appearance? probably not... but she thinks you look great with it... probably asks why you chose the current color you went with, as well as asking whenever you change. nothing like "oh WHY? why THAT color?" but like genuine non-rude curiosity... doesnt like outwardly betting or wondering what color youre going to pick outloud since she doesnt want you to think shes rude or something
has probably made multiple color variations of accessories she has made for you so you can wear anything without having the colors clash... thinks your hair is pretty, me thinks! doesnt matter what color it is, could literally be the unpleasant green-pink-brown color gradient meme and she would still find something nice to say about it... does sometimes wonder what color youre going to choose next... probably has a hush hush bet going on between her jax and zooble on what color youre going to choose next... huh what no jax didnt just get all moody because you walked in with aqua blue hair- no hes not passing something to ragatha, what are you talking about?
as mentioned above he makes bets with some of the other circus members on what color youre going to rock next... if you ask him for any suggestions on what color you should change to next, dont expect any serious answers. even if he is being serious, jax doesnt strike me as the type to care much about colors and shades so hes probably going to drop the most basic colors. ..
"what KIND of purple? light? dark? pastel? reddish or bluish?
stuff like that, i think! probably fiddles with your hair, especially if you dye your tips a different color... jax fidget headcannon strikes again
on a bad day he might just not recognize you for a short moment... i originally said that as a joke but considering he sometimes forgets gangle is literally standing right next to him, i dont... think thats much of a joke... but after the initial confusion, i think he would really like whatever color you choose! likes playing with your hair, if you let him! he finds it soothing in its own way, and now he just has pretty colors to look at! cant explain why but i feel like he would be very good at identifying colors, so if you come in rocking some new color hes going to ask if its (insert specific shade of red that no one knows the name of. like. amaranth red.. or something..)
honestly, they get it! i like to think that they swap out their pieces in order to fit whatever look or vibe they want for the day; aaaand i personally hc that in the real world they would dye their hair and get a bunch of piercings! though, they dont really remember much stuff from the real world, at least not clearly... but the point still stands, you guys probably get together to make a new look together! though, on days where they dont give any input on what hair color you choose next, theyre making bets with jax and ragatha... dont know why but i think zooble wins the most in the bets... shrugs
oh she thinks its so pretty! has probably always loved things like that, since its a form of self expression! and she can kind of relate to that since shes an artist, albeit her medium is paper rather than her body... thinks... probably gives shy recommendations for colors if you ask her, is also bad at masking (lol) her surprise when you actually take her idea into consideration and follow through with it... makes her feel some type of way that someone cares enough about her ideas that they literally apply it to their appearance, you know?
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nerdyenby · 4 months
MCC P24 lgbtqia+ participant breakdown
A lot of these creators are people I am not very familiar with, this is intended to be a place for people to find information about new ccs to support and which creators may have similar identities to their own. If there are any errors, please let me know (with sources :))
* = I was not able to find anything from that creator regarding their labels. No one owes anyone — let alone the internet as a whole — any information about themselves, but if they’re on this list, that means they have publicly stated they are a part of the community
Red: 3/4
Ava: bi, trans (bro I hadn’t watched mr beast in years and had never heard about her transition??? queen shit, so happy for her)
Eret: genderqueer, bi
Michela: ace
Orange: 4/4
Scott: gay
Eloise: bi
Mog: pan, genderfluid
Yellow: 3/4
Mysty: nonbinary demigirl, androsexual
Kara: bisexual heteroromantic
Sniff: nonbinary acespec lesbian
Lime: 2/4
5up: biromantic asexual
Cleo: bisexual
Green: 1/4
Kratzy: pan demiboy
Cyan: 2/4
Jojo: pan
Aimsey: nonbinary lesbian
Aqua: 4/4
Ant: gay
Velvet: gay
Gem: bi
Elaina: bi
Blue: 4/4
TapL: bi
Shelby: ace
Gumi: pan
Guqqie: ace, sapphic
Purple: 2/4
Boba: nonbinary, bi/queer
Martyn: gynesexual
Pink: 2/4 (+ gay chicken???)
Apo: nonbinary, pansexual
Piso: gay
Total: 27/40 (67.5%) participants are out as lgbtq+
There is an average of 2.7 out lgbtq+ players per team
L: Sniff, Aimsey
G: Scott, Ant, Velvet, Piso
B: Ava, Eret, Eloise, Kara, 5up, Cleo, Gem, Elaina, TapL, Boba
T(including nonbinary and gnc folks): Ava, Eret, Mog, Mysty, Sniff, Kratzy, Aimsey, Boba, Apo
A: Michela, Sniff, 5up, Guqqie
Pan: Mog, Kratzy, Jojo, Gumi, Apo
Q+: Acho, Mysty, Boba, Martyn
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loveneversleepss · 1 year
Hyunjin as Yandere
Warnings: smut duh, cursing, stalking, obsession, angst, self-sabotage, arguments, unprotected sex, nipple play, teasing, spiked drink, nicknames.
Genre: Idol au, female reader x yandere!hyunjin, strangers to lovers, hyunjin falls first, one bed trope, not really much gore for romance sake.
"Your lips were made for mine. We belong together."
I think you are the most perfect girl i've ever laid my eyes on. The perfect portrait. I want you to be mine. You were made for me.
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The 4 seasons. Everyone knows what that is; Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. But in your world, it means something different. In a normal world when the season changes, the scenery changes. But in yours, you, the people change. Your appearance changes, your hair normally. Others can be different things. The colors are usually assigned to what kind of person you are.
You're probably thinking, can't we just dye our hair? No. You can't. It's physically impossible. Or so we thought.
The people who can are the elites, the leaders of the generation. They have special abilities, so-called talents. You're immediately known wherever you go due to having a different hair color than everyone. You are one of these people. You have the talent of singing, dancing and modeling. You are known for your unique face and hair. You have a scar on your forehead that changes with the season; a sun, leaf, snowflake, and a flower. So, wherever you go everyone can recognize you immediately which makes you so popular.
Summer represents breaking rules, freedom, lust and partying. You can always find people doing drugs, drinking and having sexual encounters out on the street. Purple is for the party crazed people, yellow for the drug addicts and green for the drunks. At this time, nothing ever gets done. Everyone is having too much fun to do anything meaningful.
Fall represents finding your meaning, disguises and distrust. During this time is when Halloween comes around. Which means a lot of trickery. The colors are very simple. Brown, gray and peach. This is where everyone distrusts each other because the hair hides our emotions and who we are. We can't tell each other apart.
Winter is the hardest, no one is happy in it. It represents depression, sadness, suicide and family. Which is why they desperately need entertainment. That's where you come in, to lighten up their dark, gloomy moods. Christmas helps a bit when everyone comes together with their families. For winter, the colors really help. White is for peace, it means they want to harm themselves. Blue is when they are really sad and need family love. Black is when they've reached the bottom, they no longer care or have emotions.
Spring is the time for new opportunities after the harsh winter. Everyone is happy, childlike due to finally accepting themselves. It represents new love, dreams and growth. During this time the colors are really bright. Pink is simple, when you're looking for love. Magenta for when they are pursuing their dreams. Red is for when you are in love, that you found your soulmate. Aqua-blue is when you are learning to love yourself.
This is how it is and how it'll always be.
Walking through the crowds, everyone's hair is either white, blue or black. Meanwhile yours is red. You get funny looks as you walk by, due to them immediately recognizing you. The scar on your forehead gives you away, the shape of a snowflake. You are starting to become known worldwide. You can hear the clicks and flashes of cameras. Murmurs and whispers as you hear your name being uttered.
But besides all that, you could care less. You are only doing this to survive, because like everyone. The season affects you, winter. Your performances keep you busy and it passes the time. So, you get your mind off on how you feel numb and how much you long for love. Even though your fans scream and shout that they love you. You sit and wonder, do they love you, actually?
You were recently invited to this fashion show it'll be a good opportunity to get you out of the studio. So you agree, although having to talk to new people makes you nervous. You're afraid to say the wrong thing, funny right?
"Don't worry about it. All you have to do is sit there and look pretty," your shitty manager tells you. All he ever cares about is his paycheck. He gets paid more when you make appearances at shows. So, of course he would encourage you to go to this show. "Who was the fashion designer again?" He rolls his eyes at you," Versace. Donatella Versace." Right. Guess i'll have to remember that.
You're dressed in a long, skin-tight white elegant dress. It has a large slit that reveals half your thigh. The bottom lining of the dress has a furry material attached to it. A pair of white sparkly heels and your hair half up, perfectly curled. All your hairstyles are meant to reveal your forehead, to be easily recognizable. You place a furry coat around you to cover your exposed chest, you're not the most comfortable in showing your curves. Although, you are forced to.
You get off of the white limo, a pair of hands welcome you quickly. You didn't expect such a big crowd awaiting, the lights blinding you. Your eyes adjust as you begin to pose for the cameras. You make a kissy face and blow a kiss and walk off into the entrance. You cringe internally at your pose. You always do the most and regret it later on. 'It's for the fans.' you think. As if that was a good reason.
You walk over to the check-in table and they tell you you're sitting at table 8. You begin to walk around the pool and hear a conversation. "It's so nice to see you again. How are you?" You hear a familiar voice. You turn in that direction to see Dua Lipa standing with who you assume is Donatella Versace. You can see them and not the man standing before them. He seems shy. He speaks so softly that you can't make out what he is saying.
He turns around for the photo and your eyes are blessed. The most perfect man you've ever laid your eyes. His black hair, his eye smile, his dazzling brown eyes, tall and fit with good style. He is all a woman could ever hope for in a man. You stop drooling over him and begin to walk to your table again. Then you hear your name, "Y/n?" You sigh and quickly turn with a fake smile plastered on your face. You walk over to Donatella, who was calling you.
"It's so lovely to meet you, you're gorgeous!" Her hand strokes her hair softly. You slowly push her off, feeling slightly uncomfortable but she doesn't notice. "I want to introduce you to somebody. This is Hyunjin." You turn to the man and he shoots a slight smile. You say hello to him and he talks with an accent. English seems to not be his native language. Just then Donatella tells you, "He's Korean but understands and speaks a bit of English. I hope you two get along!" How convenient. You speak Korean too due to your makeup artist who taught you.
"Why don't you two get to know each other," that's weird. Why is she pushing you two to have a relationship so much. "I don't mean to sound rude but, why must we? I mean we came to watch a fashion show." She looks shocked and surprised that you would be questioning her like this. She clears her throat, 'It'll make sense soon. Go on," she motions her hands for you to leave together. You two look at each other in confusion but turn away together.
You begin to wander into the garden, a silence overcomes the two of you. He clears his throat, "So what do you think of everything so far?" It takes you a while to process his question. His accent is a bit strong. Honestly, if you really think about it. You have no chance with him. So who cares about what he thinks about you. You sigh heavily, "It's so annoying. Everyone is so fake. Including you, being so obedient for what? Just to get in that rich lady's good graces? Please." You're not here to make friends, that you make clear.
He stops walking, he scoffs at you and rolls his eyes. "Hypocrite. I saw that little scene you did for the cameras. Your attention and fame craven like everyone you claim is so fake." You begin to get angry and cut him off, "You don't know anything about me!" He steps close to you now, "And you don't know anything about me! So, don't assume you do!" You jerk your head back when you realize his face is inches away from yours. The height difference is frightening.
"You son of a bitch," you mumble in Korean. He looks at you confused, "What?" he responds back in Korean. "You heard me. You son of a bitch!" He's taken back at your words. "How dare yo-" "What are you gonna do about it! Absolutely nothing!" You push his shoulder as you stomp past him. You hear him shout after you but you ignore him as you walk to your table. You sit down angrily and cross your arms. After a couple minutes you see him walk back and sit at the table next to yours. You roll your eyes and wait for the show to start.
After what seems like an eternity, the show finally ends. You get up to leave when Donatella calls you over once again. You go and show another fake smile. It quickly fades once you see Hyunjin. “Walk with me,” she tells you two and leads you into the garden. “What’s going on?” Hyunjin asks, which gets you annoyed because you were going to ask that. She smiles and sighs happily, “okay, I’ll finally tell you.” You and Hyunjin are paying very close attention on what she is going to say next. “I want you two to be the newest ambassadors for my brand!”
You and hyunjin look at each other in shock, mouths slightly agape. “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun! Just in time for the spring collection,” she squeals happily and awaits your answers. There’s no way that is going to happen. How could you just give everything to this stranger standing in front of you? “Plus that means you’ll be able to travel the world. Imagine all the possibilities!” You fidget with your necklace and glance at Hyunjin, who was already looking at you.
“I’m sorry but, I’ll have to say no,” Hyunjin strongly declines her and you can see her dreams being crushed. She looks at you, “and you? Are you declining?” You pause for a second then answer softly, “I’m so sorry. My singing comes first.” She nods her head and walks away sadly. Leaving Hyunjin and you alone. “About earlier-”“save it. I don’t want to hear it,” and with that you walk away.
It’s been a month since the fashion show. Spring has finally arrived. It’s the first day officially. Since it’s the first day, you’re hair color is aqua-blue. You haven’t had the chance to alter the color yet. The scar on your forehead has formed into a flower. Your manager has sent you to venture out into the abandoned territory due to the season change. It always happens because everyone wants to be where it’s more vibrant with the seasons. It’s a good opportunity for a idea for a song, lyrics always pop up when you’re wandering.
You walk through a forest of tree, the branches snap under your weight. You push aside a cluster of leaves and stumble upon an abandoned castle. You practically swoon at the sight, although vines are overgrown onto it. It can’t hide the beauty of it. Why would anyone abandon this? You swing open the double doors and find it be quite near inside. You find a ballroom filled with three sets of chandeliers. The room is enormous and your every move echoes throughout. You can’t help but giggle right when you begin to sing.
“The day started ordinary,” you begin to twirl around in your long flowy dress. “Boys walking by,” you lean against a statue of a guard. “It was the same old story,” you push the head of the helmet. “Too fresh or too shy,” you push the statue away and roll your eyes. “I’m not the kind,” you walk in the middle of the ballroom. “To fall for a guy,” your voice echoes throughout the room. “Who flashes a smile,” you make a vomit motion.
“Don’t usually swoon but I’m over the moon,” you place one hand dramatically to your head and the other to your chest. “And now I’m falling for ya!” You squeal out as you fall to your knees. “Falling for ya!” You lay on your back and smile brightly. “I know I shouldn’t but I,” you lay on your stomach while kicking your legs. “Can’t stop myself from falling for ya!” You sit up and look at the chandelier hanging above you. “Can’t hold on any longer and now I’m falling for you,” a sudden burst of wind brings petals of flowers Inside. It falls lightly onto you and you smile happily.
Out of nowhere you feel goosebumps on your back, feels like someone is watching you. You shoot your head in the direction and see Hyunjin staring down at you. His hair is the color of red, he's in love? You jump and fall back. “Hyunjin!” You squeal out from being scared. He smiles lightly, his eyes crease. His laughter begins to fill the room, it sounds so genuine. The most genuine laugh you’ve ever heard.
I wake up from my restless night, I couldn’t stop thinking about this sentence. It’s irritating me so much. ‘Do they love me, actually?’ It makes me spiral, I feel so alone. There’s no one here in this big, lonely castle. It’s all mine but I can’t bring myself to fix the outside. I don’t belong here. I sigh heavily as I get up and shower. The hot water hits my head and I can feel the aches in my body slowly fade away.
I dry my hair, apply lotion and get dressed. I hear mumbling coming from the ballroom, no one’s here. Who could it be? I walk out onto the balcony connected to the staircase and see the culprit. “I’m not the kind,” her voice shocks me. It’s so powerful. “To fall for a guy,” I feel as if the world had stopped. A girl with aqua-blue hair dancing with a long, flowy dress. Who is she? To my surprise she turns around, y/n. My mind jumps back to when I first saw her. She looked so beautiful that day. She was perfect and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.
I felt like something was wrong with me, I felt obsessed. I kept watching her. Even after we fought, I couldn’t help but want to get to know her more. I want her to be mine.
“Who flashes a smile,” her expression makes me smile to myself. Ironic. “Don’t usually swoon but I’m over the moon,” I feel hypnotized. I can’t take my eyes off her. “Now I’m falling for ya!” Her voice radiates even louder through the room, like a siren. “Falling for ya! I know I shouldn’t but I,” I lean against the ledge now. Enjoying her little performance. “Can’t help myself from falling for ya!” I notice that I left one of the doors open, I can feel the cool air from the outside. “Can’t hold on any longer, now I’m falling for you.” The petals of my blossom trees fall inside. They land onto her head and dress. She smiles brightly, so genuine. I’ve never seen a smile like it.
This. This is what I’ve been waiting for. The perfect portrait. The most perfect girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. She is what i needed. She was made for me. Now, I won’t let her go.
“Hyunjin!” She finally notices me. She falls back and looks at me shocked. I can’t help but laugh at her reaction. I hear my laughter echo throughout the room, lighting it up. “Nice little performance,” I tease her as I walk down the staircase. “What are you doing here?” She questions me in Korean, still sitting in the floor. I make a confused expression as I respond back in Korean, “I live here?” She looks at me up and down, “oh,” she whispers under her breath. I reach my hand out to help her up, She reaches up slightly and pauses, she accepts and gets up. “You have a wonderful home,” she slightly steps away from me. “Glad you like it,” I pick out a petal from her hair and notice she blinks fast three times.
She looks down at her hands and fidgets, “I’m sorry about how I treated you at the show,” she pauses and clears her throat as I listen intently. “I should’ve never judged you like that.. or cussed you out,” I smile to myself at the memory. "and i'm sorry for what i said too. I don't know you so I can't make assumptions either." I motion my head for her to follow me and she does. "Maybe we should get to know each other then," we walk into my hallway which leads into my indoor garden. "What do you mean by that?" I ask but she gets distracted by the garden. She runs inside and admires the flowers, waterfall and butterflies.
"I only mean that we should get to know each other. Spend time together," she catches a blue butterfly on her finger, color just like her hair. She pauses and turns to me, "being ambassadors would've been a good opportunity.." I grab a pink rose and set it on her ear, it's color doesn't clash with her hair. "Maybe we should be." She freezes, her eyes as big as a doe. Just then something bizarre happens, her roots begin to change into a pink color. It begins to grow but no, it isn't pink. It's red. She notices and steps away from me. She touches her hair and notices the red of it. "What's happening?" "You've fallen in love, y/n."
She steps closer to me and touches my hair softly, "You have, too." I pause for a second, "do you think we should be ambassadors?" She nods her head and smiles, not a fake one, "I think we should."
Today was a busy day for you and Hyunjin, as soon as you arrived in Paris. You two immediately went to do 2 photo shoots and make an appearance at the Versace Spring collection show. You two had walked down together in matching clothing as part of the show. Your hair colors had been alternated to a light purple, matching once again. It's 9:30 and You've finally checked into your hotel. Donatella has said the room has 2 different living spaces in one, to have our own privacy but still be near.
But to your surprise, as soon as the door flung open, you could tell this was the wrong room. You walk in and see there is only one bed and not 2 different living spaces. Hyunjin finally comes in and notices, he mumbles "No way," and walks straight out to go down to the lobby. Leaving you all alone. You unpack a painting, a painting of you. He had painted it and surprised you with us shortly after you agreed to be ambassadors. It’s a painting if you from when you were dining in the ballroom, petals and butterflies surround you. But your hair isn’t aqua blue there, it’s red.
After about an hour, you hear the chime of the door unlocking. Hyunjin appears with a tired look. "So, we have to stay here tonight. Tomorrow we'll be given a new room." You nod your head in understanding as you take a sip of juice, or what you assumed was juice. You can't read anything due to everything being in French. "Can I have some?" Hyunjin asks and points at your drink. You giggle and hand it to him, he takes big gulps nearly finishing it. You pout as you see the almost empty bottle. "I'll sleep on the floor," he says as he grabs a blanket. "No Hyunjin, just sleep on the bed. I don't mind."
He looks at you for a second then sets the blanket on the bed, "alright but if you snore I will stuff a sock in your mouth." You giggle at his words, "I promise I won't." Your head begins to feel woozy and you rub your forehead, feeling the scar. "You okay?" Hyunjin asks as you lay on your back. "I don't feel so good, like my body is becoming really hot." He places his hand on your forehead, "You don't feel hot." Your breathing becomes harsh and fast. "y/n? What's happening?" He backs away and checks the drink, "Ugh, you idiot. This increases libido, it makes you hot and basically super horny." You get up and look at the drink, "I didn't know, I can't read french!" Your head goes in your hands, "Wait, you drank some too." His eyes widen as he realizes too.
"Did the shower help?" You say as you lay in the bed. You ripped off your clothes, leaving you in your underwear covered by the sheets. He shakes his head as he gets inside the sheets, only in his boxers. You lay on your sides facing each other, you feel your heart beat fast. You're fighting the urge to touch him so, to help you turn over. You feel his hand lightly touching your hair, "turn over so I can look at you." Your heart skips a beat and you listen. "Come closer to me," his hand touches your waist. He slides you closer to him and his breathing is harsh too. His hand lays on your cheek as his thumb caresses you. "What are you doing?" It comes out soft, your body is aching which is making it hard to focus.
"Don't talk right now," he whispers as he pulls your body closer. His hand grabs your thigh and pulls it over him. You feel a tingle in your crouch as yours hits his. "My god, you're so beautiful," his lips look so kissable. It's so tempting. Your body begins to move on its own, grinding against him softly, getting a pleasurable friction. "Stop moving like that," his hand stops your hips from moving. "I can't, I crave you. Look, feel." Your hand brings his to your underwear, causing his fingers to graze against the wetness. "Fuck, i'm the same." His hand brings you to feel his hard-on, you feel how long he is. It makes your mouth water.
"I can't bear it," you say as you climb on top of him. The cool air hits your body but it doesn't help with your heat. "Please touch me, jinnie." You've never called him that, but you intend to say it more. Your body rocks against him, causing you to bite your lower lip. His hardness sliding against your covered folds feels so good. He curses under his breath as his hand wanders up to your hips then up to your breasts. It makes moan fall off your lips and you feel him squeeze softly. You reach behind your back and un-clip your bra, you throw it off as his hands replace it. "You're so beautiful," he praises you once again.
"I need you so bad, jinnie," you're practically begging at this point. "oh, yeah?"His finger pushes your panties to the side, he runs his finger across your folds. A whimper falls from your lips as you grind against his fingers, chasing the friction. "You need me so bad?" You nod your head fast, his teasing makes you go insane. He slides his boxers down, he glides against your folds. You can't take it anymore as you take him in your hand and slide down. "Fuck, there we go," he moans out as you take him completely. He fills you up so good and you can't help but start to ride him.
He sits up as you sink down onto him, his lips attach to your breasts. Circling around your nipples sucking and nibbling softly. You can't seem to get enough, his name falls off your lips in moans and whimpers. Just then, his phone begins to ring. You both look at it and he reaches to grab it. "Don't answer it," you beg and he tilts his head to the side and smirks. "Be a good girl and be quiet for me," he answers the call and keeps one hand on your hips. "Hey, Felix," He keeps you moving on him as his voice sounds slightly raspy but it won't be noticable on the call.
Whoever is on the phone with him must be a comedian because he keeps laughing, which makes him push up into you. You bite your lip to stop noises from slipping out your mouth, which is getting incredibly hard. How is he speaking with such ease, the person on the phone having no idea what is happening. His hand travels up to your breasts which pinches your nipples, you almost let a moan slip. You grab his hand to stop him but he swats you away and continues.
You can feel the knot in your stomach and you know your high is coming. "Jinnie," you whisper to him but loud enough for it to be heard through the phone. He looks at you annoyed and mutes his phone, "What?" His voice is harsh and makes you feel timid. “I can’t stay quiet for long,” you hands wrap around his neck, pulling his face close. “Please hang up baby,” you beg him. He smirks and pushes your arms off. “You want to cum right? You can handle it,” he unmutes his side and leans against the headboard.
You whine as he forces your hips to move again, this time he adds his thumb to trace circles on your clit. You squirm and bite your tongue to keep quiet. You begin to get tired and your hips begin to stutter when you feel the knot growing back. He sits up and covers your mouth right before a let a loud moan slip out. You feel your juices ooze out of you and onto him. Your breathing finally slows down and you feel the heat fade away. You know that he needs to finish too so, you start to move again, overstimulating yourself. It feels painful but you’re doing it for him.
Out of the blue, he groans loudly into the phone. “Hyun, are you oka-” Hyunjin hits the end call button and grips on your waist. “Fuck him, you feel so good right now.” You start to bounce up and down on him, a whimper falls from his lips. “Fuck don’t stop,” You feel your face redden when you finally realize how dirty everything is. How much you like hearing his noises. He pulls your chin in and finally, your lips connect. His lips are so soft and his tongue gently slides into your mouth. His kiss feels like heaven. He groans into your mouth as he has to pull away, his eyes look deeply into yours. “Can I cum inside?” His voice is so broken, whimpers fall every 5 seconds. You nod your head and your arms tangle around his neck.
You feel a warm liquid shoot inside you and his chest heaves. His breathing begins to slow and you slowly get off him. You lay next to him, slightly regretting what happened. Did you just get used? Did he not like it? What if he hates you know? Your thinking is interrupted by him, “come here.” His hand turns your face to look at him, he scoots closer to you. His lips press against yours, eliminating all the doubts you had. “I’m gonna make you mine, you can’t run away now.” His words make you smile, “I thought you would hate me after this..” He scoffs and sighs, “You’re actually stupid if you don’t realize how much I love you.” Love? He loves you.
“Love?” You mumble. “Yes, Love. Can’t you see that I’ve been waiting for you to realize ever since we met. I love you and only you.” You begin to develop tears in your eyes, “and I love you.”
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forpiratereasons · 1 year
meeting stede bonnet
a slow meandering through June. fourth prompt: rainbows!
day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | day 4 | day 5 | day 6 | day 7 | day 8 | day 9 | day 10
“The fuck is that?”
Rough start to the morning, if Iz was in this early. Ed didn’t look up from the drawing he was fiddling with: an ice cream cone, couple of sprinkles. Cherry on top. He hadn’t done this sort of thing since his apprenticeship.
“Had lunch with a guy yesterday,” Ed said. “Reminded me of an ice cream.”
Izzy frowned. “Not your usual style.”
That was probably the nicest thing Izzy was physically capable of saying about it. Ed ignored him, picked a turquoise from his palette. Thought of the ring Stede had been wearing. Big ring, big hands. Broad shoulders. Built like a fridge.
Ed wanted to open him up. Rummage around inside, a bit. See what else was in there.
“Thought I might do a little flash sheet,” he mused. “Something for Pride, maybe. Summer vibes.”
Izzy snorted. “You’re a bit beyond that, don’t you think? People don’t come to Blackbeard for little rainbows and smiley faces.”
No, they didn’t. Mostly they came to see Blackbeard for blackwork: sprawling geometrics, florals cut from endless blackouts, abstract patterns sweeping over skin like laying down lace. It wasn’t tā moko like Ed had set out to do, it wasn’t even usually kirituhi—but it was something. It had made his name.
It had made his name so well, in fact, he hadn’t done flash in years.
But the progress pin Stede had been wearing stuck in Ed’s head, and he was suddenly itching to create something, to transform it. He’d whipped out a dozen designs overnight: old school flags and diamonds, winged hearts and roses. Even a fucking unicorn.
Anything that could be filled in with pride. With colour.
After twenty years in Blackbeard’s black lines, black fills, Ed was aching for colour. Pinks and blues and purples, deep emeralds, rich indigos. Soft oranges and brilliant aquas and slashes of red. All of it.
The whole goddamn rainbow.
“Maybe I want to do little rainbows and smiley faces for a bit,” Ed shrugged. “Change of pace, Iz.”
Izzy wasn’t big on changes of pace. Izzy changed paces at around the same speed as a fish trying to grow legs and fund a retirement plan.
Stede, though.
Stede had a bookshop that Ed knew had only opened a couple of months ago, a tan line on his fourth ring finger, and a penchant for fiddling with the pin on his chest, like he was checking that it was still there. He talked about his life like it had only just started a month ago; he’d changed paces so fucking fast, it seemed, he’d left the whole fucking road behind.
Like it was that easy. Like you could just do that: change everything.
Izzy snorted, fucked off to the front desk. “Have you got that geometric done for tomorrow? Client’s in at ten.”
No. Not even half the draft. Boring as hell. “Yeah.”
Turquoise ice creams weren’t boring. Ed tried to think what flavour that might be as he deepened the shadows on the twist, laying colour down in waves: blue raspberry, probably, or cotton candy. Bubble-gum.
Could be anything, the Stede in Ed’s head chimed in. Marshmallow. Almond. Just vanilla. Did you know—
Ed didn’t know, so he couldn’t think of what Stede might say, but he was pretty sure Stede’d have something. Stede had a lot of something to say. Ed had only gotten three hours worth, sitting on that bench by the water and eating hot dogs, but he felt like he could’ve spent three days, and when Stede noticed the time Ed had caught him by the hand and said, d’you wanna do something weird? before whispering a question into Stede’s ear.
I’ve never, Stede had stuttered.
First time for everything, Ed had assured him, and Stede had turned pink, turned red.
Said, yes.
Ed had kissed him. Three hours that should’ve been three days, and Ed had kissed him, brief and chaste, just at the corner of his mouth. Kissed him, and split away, laughing, said goodbye in front of the arcade and all its flashing lights.
First time for everything, Ed had said, but he hoped it wouldn’t be the last.
“Hey, Iz,” Ed said, picking out a pink, a red, for the cherry. “What’s a good spot for a first date?”
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reborn as the Enemy Prince Official Character Profile and Author Q&A
With the release of the manhwa adaptation of "How to Live as the Enemy Prince" (or its official English title "Reborn as the Enemy Prince") this month, I've decided to loosely translate the character profile and Q&A the author released when she was still alive back in 2020.
And probably because lots of people are in disbelief that the 2nd prince's name is "Plants" and not "Plantz" or "Planche." 😂 Sorry, everyone. The author included an English translation of the character names in her character profile, so Manta's English translation of Plants's name is correct.
One more interesting trivia before we begin. The Korean title is 적국의 왕자로 사는 법, which roughly translates to "How to Live as the Prince of an Enemy Country." Its abbreviated by Korean readers as 적왕사, which interestingly translates into "The Red King." Probably a foreshadowing of Kalian's future. But I'll use the abbreviation REP from the official English title to avoid confusion.
Character Profile
Kalian Rain Cyries
Age: 16
Birthday: August 16
Appearance: Black hair, red eyes, short straight hair
Height: 178cm
Magic: Wind magic
Bern Secritia
Age: 26 (at the time of death)
Birthday: February 30
Appearance: Blue-silver hair, light purple eyes, long straight hair (likes ponytails)
Height: 188cm
Plants Lune Cyries
Age: 17
Birthday: November 12
Appearance: Light emerald hair, light green eyes, very slightly curly short hair (longer than Kalian)
Height: 179cm
Randel Sile Cyries
Age: 19
Birthday: January 7
Appearance: Blonde hair, dark blue eyes, hair a little curlier than Plants and slightly longer than shoulder line
Height: 180cm
Chase Dyurahan Secritia
Age: 20
Birthday: July 20
Appearance: Blue-silver hair, deep purple eyes
Height: 185cm
Allan Manasil
Age: 55 (actual), looks to be in his early 20s
Birthday: June 3
Appearance: Red hair starting from silver to red, dark silver-gray eyes, straight long hair (knotted loosely)
Height: 187cm
Magic: All attributes
Others: The flower on the Manasil emblem is “saffron”
Ian (Siroian Siegfried)
Age: 19
Birthday: March 13
Appearance: Bronze-colored hair (puppy brown), blue-gray eyes, curly hair a little longer than the shoulders and usually tied up neatly
Height: 181cm
Other: When transforming into Siroian, he lets his hair down.
Kyrie Bern
Age: 20
Birthday: February 9
Appearance: Light blue hair, heterochromia (black on the right, blue on the left), straight hair that reaches shoulder length and worn loose (the hair used to be short, but is still growing out)
Height: 190 cm (<- 188cm)
Hina Bern
Age: 18
Birthday: June 10
Appearance: Silver hair, black eyes, long straight hair in a ponytail
Height: 158.5cm (<-158cm)
Others: Be careful (If you wander around wrongly near Hina, someone will bite you)
Dmirea Siegfried
Age: 17
Birthday: April 22
Appearance: Bronze hair, blue-gray eyes, short and loose hair
Height: 171cm
Arsene Hertz
Age: 30
Birthday: February 18
Appearance: Dark blue hair, blue eyes, long straight hair tied up roughly (not because he likes long hair but because he’s too busy to cut it)
Height: 183cm
Magic: Ice magic
*** Brigit
Age: 22
Birthday: March 25
Appearance: Ocean blue hair, aqua blue eyes
Height: 169cm
Euria Seiren
Age: 34
Birthday: April 2
Appearance: Dark purple hair, hazel eyes, wavy hair long enough to cover the back and tied up roughly
Height: 167cm
Magic: (Redacted due to spoilers)
Nideullen Jeia
Age: 31
Birthday: February 9
Appearance: Hair between light purple and pink, eyes of the same color, short straight hair
Height: 165cm
Magic: Lightning magic
Siona Hill
Age: 39
Birthday: October 26
Appearance: Light pink hair, golden eyes
Height: 178cm
Rmain Rue Lune Cyries (Unsure if author misspelled his first name or if this is intentional)
Age: 39
Birthday: May 23
Appearance: Black hair, dark blue eyes, short straight hair
Height: 184cm
Sleiman Hone Siegfried
Age: 44
Appearance: Bronze-colored hair, blue-gray eyes (same as Ian), curly hair long enough to tie up and wear it tied up
Height: 185cm
Serie Siegfried
Age: 45
Appearance: Dark wine-colored hair, brown eyes, short straight hair that cannot be tied up
Height: 175cm
Others: Maiden name was Serie Kinz
Ririe Beurisen
Age: 7
Birthday: November 3
Appearance: Blue-green hair and eyes, curly hair that falls a little below the shoulders and usually tied up
Height: 128cm
Arianne Lyn
Age: 20
Birthday: September 2
Appearance: Chocolate-colored dark brown hair, champagne (jewel) colored eyes, long curly hair in a half-up or bun depending on the occasion
Height: 166cm
Rachel Grace
Age: 36
Appearance: Dark gray hair, gray-purple eyes, long braided or ponytail hair
Height: 162cm
Magic: (Redacted due to spoilers), specializes in movement magic
Veronica Manasil
Age: 15
Birthday: September 16
Appearance: Red hair, dark silver-gray eyes (same as Allan), shoulder-length straight hair worn loose
Height: 162cm
Magic: Flame magic
Reteurik Frigga
Age: 20
Appearance: Blue-purple hair, blue-purple eyes, slightly long straight hair tied up in a low ponytail
Height: 178cm
Merlin Piat
Age: 19
Appearance: Light beige hair, rose gold colored eyes, wavy hair that goes down to the back and usually tied up, but outside the palace, it is loose or half-tied
Height: 162cm
Den (Denian Mati – Randel’s servant)
Age: 26
Appearance: Reddish brown hair, light brown eyes, short straight hair
Height: 181cm
Adelia (Eisen Dinahan)
Age: Unknown
Appearance: White hair, red but almost black eyes
Height: 167cm
Magic: All attributes
Teillan Castrin
Age: 39
Appearance: Reddish-brown hair, green eyes, straight hair long enough to tie up and wear it tied up
Height: 181cm
Rashid Beurisen
Age: 20
Birthday: December 17th
Appearance: Green (emerald) eyes, dark brown hair that is longer than Kalian's and shorter than Plants's, and tends to change his hairstyle a lot depending on the situation
Height: 185cm
Ellinne Liberen
Age: 46 years old
Appearance: Light blonde hair, pink eyes
Height: 167cm
Louise Nella
Age: 44 years old
Appearance: Platinum blonde hair, light blue eyes, long straight hair, bun hair
Height: 169cm
Melpir Pollun
Age: 35 years old
Appearance: gray hair, gray eyes, very short hair
Height: 177cm
Sigmund Khan Syspanian
Age: unknown
Appearance: Black hair, red eyes, long curly hair that falls below the waist
Height: Mainly 170cm, occasionally 15cm (butterfly shape, longest length when wings are fully spread); in the case of manifestation, there has been no measurement since Hatsuara first tried to measure it but failed
- Other: When a butterfly, it has no antennae or legs~ She’s a lump of light, so don’t be scared~
Age: (Redacted due to spoilers)
Appearance: Long straight blue hair that shines like scales (length covering the back), black eyes with pupils that are difficult to distinguish / The main body looks somewhat different from other dragons; A blue body like a giant snake and black, pearl-colored wings like those of a bat // The colors are different now, but that part is to avoid spoilers.
Height: 150cm when human, 150cm when mermaid, extremely long when in real form.
Others: Not a fish!
Age: (Redacted due to spoilers)
Appearance: Long golden hair (length covering the waist), golden eyes with vertical pupils
Height: 186cm in human form, other form cannot be measured in person
Others: Caution! Tempestuous nature
Age: (Redacted due to spoilers)
Appearance: Green and white, long straight hair down to the feet, golden eyes
Height: 155cm when in human form, other form cannot be measured in person
Harts-ara Peurinsia Cyries
Appearance: Silver-white hair, green eyes, slightly long straight hair that is tied up or loose
Height: 183cm
Other: Since it was a time when the middle name of the Cyries royal family was not decided, the original last name and country name were used together
Sillike Beurisen
Age: 37
Appearance: Light emerald hair, light green eyes (same as Plants), long slightly wavy hair done in a bun
Height: 171cm
Debeullan Dyurahan Secritia
Age: 45
Appearance: Blue-silver hair, dark brown eyes
Height: 188cm
Freya Hwiteurin
Age: 22 (at time of death)
Appearance: Bright red hair, red eyes, straight hair at chest length and worn loose
Height: 168cm
Aisha Ariellie
Age: 20 (at time of death)
Appearance: blonde hair, turquoise eyes, long curly hair that is worn loose
Height: 162cm
Diena Chloe
Age: 40 (at time of death)
Appearance: Light blonde hair, blue-violet eyes, long straight hair in a bun or half-up
Height: 169cm
Age: 4 years old
Appearance: White hair only on the right ankle, long, shiny black mane and tail with very fine texture
Height: 176cm (height from floor to shoulder)
Other: Receives a lot of care, does not refuse caregiving hands
Rucy (I am Prince Kalian's cat, who prefers Prince Plants)
Age: 1
Appearance: Silver-white fur, brown/blue heterochromic eyes, like strawberry jelly
Height: 53cm (when waist is not extended)
Others: Short-haired breed, sheds a lot of hair
Name is a secret (I am Prince Plants’s cat who likes him)
Age: Not yet one year old
Appearance: Gray fur, amber eyes almost golden, like grape jelly
Height: 41cm (average after measuring several times because he was not quiet)
Others: Medium-length hair type, hair falls out a lot
Age: Not yet one year old
Appearance: White fur, black eyes, yellow beak and webbed feet (It’s a duck)
Height: 60cm (if you straighten your neck, it may be longer)
Others: My mom is gentle, I like my dad, I want to be friends with cats
- Current Kalian: Walking and bathing in the artificial lake (I like the bathtub because it is black)
- Past Kalian: Reading magic books, going out on the terrace and getting some fresh air.
- Bern: Solve the problems given by Chase
- Plants: Spacing out, zoning out while holding a cat, zoning out with the lights off
- Randel: Trimming roses, reading all kinds of papers (reading extensively without major field)
- Kyrie: training in swordsmanship, practicing swordsmanship, researching swordsmanship, taking care of Hina
- Hina: Feeding birds, making new cat name tags, feeding cats
- Ian: Violin, writing a diary, memorizing new information about the noble family
- Dmirea: Reading books on politics, horseback riding, swordsmanship
- Veronica: Cooking (the cooking is top-notch)
- Current Chase: Hunting (surprisingly sharpshooter), walking
- Past Chase: Hunting, walking, swimming (I really felt the need for swimming when I was young)
- Allan: Training magic, writing a magic education book, worrying about Kalian, making Kalian look pretty, scolding Rmain.
- Rmain: Worrying about my sons, reflecting on my sons, picking up after them (I don’t know if it’s a hobby)
- Arsene: Practicing magic, discussing with Allan, swearing at Plants, drinking all kinds of tea.
- Sleiman: Thinking about Serie, talking to Serie, practicing swordsmanship, playing the violin, and playing with the dog Ian.
- Raven: Receiving care, running on a horseback riding course
- Rucy: Looking for plants, sleeping on Plants’s lap
- Rucy's younger sister (name is a secret): Chasing Rucy around, falling in love with the amazing toys made by Kalian.
- Coco: Swimming in an artificial lake, swimming on mom’s head
Favorite food
- Current Kalian: Raw oysters, sour tangerines, mint tea, bananas when sick, most other foods (except coffee, bell peppers, grapefruit, etc., green fish)
- Past Kalian: (strawberries), bananas, cakes, chicken dishes
- Bern: Raw oysters, sour tangerines, coffee, alcohol, meat
- Plants: It’s not a big deal, but still redacted to prevent spoilers!
- Randel: bitter chocolate, grapefruit
- Kyrie: meat, all fruits other than strawberries, cheese
- Hina: All kinds of ice cream, chocolate, candy, and pies.
- Ian: Cherry, everything else that Kalian likes
- Dmirea: Black tea, caramel, beans
- Veronica: Non-bitter coffee, egg dishes, chicken
- Chase: Mint tea, sour tangerine, wine, lamb
- Allan: Everything sweet, very bitter coffee, mint tea
- Rmain: Light cookies, black tea, salads
- Arsene: Beer, sausage, salty cheese, beef, hard fruit
- Sleiman: meat, strong liquor, wine, dried fruit
- Raven: Top quality raw grass and carrots
- Rucy: Chicken jerky, sometimes food given by Plants
- Rucy's younger sister (name is a secret): Jerky given by Nideullen, snacks given by Rucy
- Coco: Peas (real peas, not plants) given by Kalian, duckweed from the artificial lake (real duckweed, not plants), feed given by Mom and Dad.
Plants that appear in the world
- Flower language: Lantern, light of comfort that illuminates the soul
- I think you can think of a large red lotus flower. When the moonlight shines on the large red flower floating on the water, it reminds me of a flame floating in a place (on the water) that the living cannot go to, so they began holding a ceremony to console the dead by placing a candle in this flower. The petals are large and do not burn easily or submerge in water.
- Flower language: separation, love that is born and dies in the fog
- I think you can think of a slightly larger dandelion and dandelion seeds. It is a unique flower that, at night after the white flowers wither, clusters of blue light cluster in the place where the flowers have fallen, in the shape of dandelion spores, and then disappear like seeds fluttering away at dawn. It grows only in Secretia.
Because the second flower blooms only after the white flower has withered, the two flowers cannot meet each other under any circumstances, so in Secretia, a ceremony is held to say goodbye to the dead by placing the cinnastar on the grave.
- Flower language: peace of mind, hope
- The flower clusters are shaped like “baby chickweed” and bloom softly like “gypsum flowers.” There is no scent at all. It is a strong wild flower that blooms abundantly throughout the continent regardless of temperature. Although the flowers are small, they have the characteristic of blooming in large numbers on one stem.
- Flower language: nobility, impermanence
- It looks similar to a white daffodil, but is a white flower without yellow tassels.
Although it has a captivating scent, the flower blooms only one day a year and falls soon after, so the flower cannot be seen for long. Even though they are so precious, the time is too short to enjoy them.
- Flower language: unchanging heart, sincere congratulations
- It has a subtle scent and once bloomed, it does not last for more than 30 days. Even if you pick a flower from a branch and place it in water, it will not wilt easily.
- Flower language: Wishing you recovery, eternal beauty
- Contrary to Reunieri, it is a plant that blooms all year round regardless of the season. Regardless of the season, you can always see pretty flowers, and its roots are also used as medicine.
-No flower language
- It is a unique type of cactus with broad leaves and fluffy thorns. It has the property of absorbing surrounding moisture well.
Various questions and answers related to the novel
Q: I loved the fact that the setting book(?) provided information about modern perfumes suitable for our princes! Is there a modern perfume that would suit the female characters (Dmirea, Hina, Arianne, ***) from REP?
A: Because I’m completely clueless to this TT_TT, my thoughts may be very different from the readers’ thoughts. First of all, let me tell you what comes to mind… :)
- Dmirea: Louis Vitton Coeur Battant
- Hina: Lanvin Rumeur 2 Rose
- Arianne: Anna Sui Fantasia
- *** Brigit: Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
- Euria: Burberry London
Q: I wonder if Syspanian even develops antennae (..) when she transforms into a butterfly. And what types of butterflies does she look similar to?
A: I laughed for a moment while stuttering. Ugh lol
In the text, when Syspanian takes the shape of a black butterfly, it is often described as 'like a lump of light from the night sky'. What Syspanian take is not a real butterfly with antennae, a tube, six thin legs, or a soft body, but the shape of a butterfly made of light. When it flies, black light scatters, but the wings do not drip. Therefore, there are no antennae~
The shape of the wings seems to be similar to that of a swallow butterfly. I think you can think of black swallowtail butterflies and mountain swallowtail butterflies. :)
Q:Based on Bern, who appeared in episode 421 (+episode 392~), how tall is he?
A: Since age in the story is based on birthday, Kalian is actually in his late teens. Although the exact age was not given, the appearance of Bern, which Kalian assumed at the time of disguise, was older than Kalian (18 years old in Korean standards) and younger than Kyrie (21 years old in Korean standards). It's almost the end of the growing season~
Therefore, he is slightly shorter than Bern, who has completed all his growth before returning, and is tall enough to see the top of Plants's head, who was standing about half a step in front of him, [186cm].
Q: Will the princess's uniform be similar to the princes', will it be a dress, or will it be optional?
A: The princess's uniform is also in the form of a pantsuit. Because you have to ride a horse or do official work for a long time. The design is the same.
Q: How much is 1 florin, Arsene's current monthly salary (lol), in reality? Because it's a character I cherish, I was very worried about the salary... ㅠㅠ
A: It is difficult to make an exact comparison because the currency value is different from the present, but if 1 florin according to the European medieval standard is calculated in current value, it is said to be approximately 400,000 won. So, 1 florin would be a small amount of money, far below the minimum wage, but I still think that my life would have become a little more prosperous because I am receiving twice the amount of my original salary separately from Kalian. lol
Q: Prince Kalian smiles with his hands when he is not supposed to smile but wants to laugh. The smile he makes with his hands :) < Is this the case :-) < Is this the case ^^ < Is this the case ) < Is it just a mouth like this or is it an emoticon? I asked you a question because I was really curious about whether you smile depending on your mood at times!
A: The finger line is close to this shape: [ ) ] ←. In general, I feel similar to the situation I was in when I was holding back laughter, but when it's okay to laugh openly, I'm the type of person who usually smiles in a 'red-faced line' manner.
However, if you are in a situation where you want to laugh a little mischievously but have to hold back [ :) ] ← I think you may have drawn a face like this before. I don't think I'll draw the shape of Kalian's nose due to his inattentive personality, and if he wants to laugh so much that he has to hold back, a smiling eye smile won't solve the problem ^^, so I don't think I'll draw an eye smile like this. lol
Q: Before returning, when Kyrie was an adult, was he taller than Bern?
A: Yes. It was even bigger than Bern. In the past, Bern was 188cm tall and Kyrie was over 2m tall.
Q: Is there a song that you think would be suitable for princes? For example, I'm curious what kind of song you have in mind as your theme song.
A: I'm sorry, but I've never thought about each character's theme song separately.
However, when looking at the novel as a whole, if there is anything that comes to mind, I think of pianist and composer Jeon Su-yeon's “Fate, Love” or “Lucid Dream” lol
Q: Are there no cigarettes in the world of REP? If so, I'm also curious about whether or not each character smokes.
A: If there had been, it would have been mentioned in the story~
There is alcohol but no cigarettes. Even though the main characters are adults in the story, they are still teenagers, so it may be difficult to accept them emotionally. lol
Q: If Sillike used Reunieri perfume, I ask because it seems like perfume existed in that era as well. Do princes use perfume? If you were to compare it to modern perfume, I wonder what perfume would be suitable for the princes!
A: There are perfumes that combine scents such as flowers or fruits. From a worldview, it is not used to mask bad odors like perfume that was used in the Middle Ages, but rather to create a 'scent' like in modern times.
It's a modern perfume... I actually don't know much about men's perfume brands and I don't even know what perfumes are coming out these days, haha. But if I write down what comes to mind, it's as follows. :)
- Kalian: Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue
- Plants: Elizabeth Arden Green Tea
- Randel: Burberry Weekend For Men
- Chase: Momento Pour Homme
Q: The English spelling of 스펠링.
A: The English spelling of 스펠링 is Vulcan.
Q: Jewelry symbolizing the princes
- Calian: Ruby or Garnet
- Planes: Peridot or light emerald
- Randel: Iolite or dark sapphire
- Chase: Dark amethyst or purple sapphire
- Bern: Pale amethyst
Q:Related to princess status
A: Among the king's children, the daughter is a princess. In the worldview of the novel, there is no discrimination based on gender, so there is a natural right of succession, and the Syspanian blessing is passed down to the king's direct line, so there is no problem. Of course, there were also kings whose gender was female. :)
Q: If you compare the characters to animals
A: The fixed image in the story is “Cat Kalian,” and it is mostly described from Allan’s point of view. They have an image of being silent/slippery/always hiding their claws, etc. In the case of Plants, it is often compared to a “wolf” (it has nothing to do with the wolf of the great desert), and has a strong sense of responsibility/concentration that does not back down in a fight or does not miss the moment to attack when facing an opponent stronger than itself. It is used to express images.
Of course, it is difficult to view this as a fixed image. To Plants, who thinks that Kalian “barks and bites” a lot of the time, Kalian is like a dog, and to Kalian who sees Plants sitting still and not moving, Plants is like a cat. It's showing the opposite. lol
If I were to compare each character to an animal, I think it would be like this:
- Kalian: Cat (silent/swift/with hidden claws)
- Plants: Wolf (strongly responsible/not backing down/decisive)
- Randel: Horse (noble/gentle/lonely)
- Chase: Hawk (cold/relentless/takes good care of its young)
- Kyrie: Dog (loyal/sacrificial/strong)
- Hina: Sheep (warm/cozy/stubborn)
- Dmirea: Jaguar (running without hesitation/strong in faith/not losing sight of the goal)
- Veronica: Hedgehog (soft on the inside/hard on the outside/cute)
- Ian: Dog (just a dog/wagging its tail so hard you can’t see it in its owner’s arms)
Q: Do the new tangerines have to be from Secretia? Do the princes eat the tangerines by peeling them off? Do they cut the tangerines into pieces when peeling them? Do they eat one piece at a time or in two or three portions? How many tangerines does Chase eat a day? Sweet tangerines. I might not like it that much... I might like eating grilled tangerines..
A: Tangerines are also grown in Cyries. However, Kalian liked it a little more because it had the meaning of “Mount Secretia.” Tangerines are also grown in the southern region of Cyries. (The tangerines in the honey tea that Ian gave Kalian were from Cyries acid. Haha)
Kalian just eats it without removing it. Peel the skin into pieces starting from the top. Because I like tangerines that are not fully ripe, it is difficult to peel them into petals at once. :) Also, the small tangerines are split into two bites, and the large tangerines are split into four pieces. I put a lot in my mouth and gobble it up. Very small tangerines can be eaten in one bite.
Kalian likes both sweet and sour tangerines, but prefers the sour ones much more. I have never grilled tangerines because I know that grilling them weakens their sour taste. 
In the case of Chase, when tangerines are in season, he eats about 3 to 5, but does not pile them up like Kalian and eat them. Instead of peeling the tangerines yourself, you eat the peeled tangerines with a fork. Haha, Randel and Plants don't really like tangerines, but if they had the chance to eat them, I think they would be similar to Chase. I also don't like my nails turning yellow.
Source: https://novel.munpia.com/124772/page/1/neSrl/2966999
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xcyphoz0a · 9 months
Gender neutral reader, hurt-comfort TW/CW: family issues/emotional trauma Character(s): Nilou Word count: 911 Proofread: n/a | (n) the purging or release of emotional tensions, especially through kinds of art or music | A/N: hello @originalgenshinscenarios, i’m your new secret santa >:) this is for the @2023gisecretsanta !
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Rushing and rapid confusion and hurt was pretty common for you.
Especially at the crack of night, when the stars would shine and the sky would turn into beautiful hues of purple, indigo and pink.
Perhaps it was due to how you felt as if you didn’t belong in your own house– your family.
Pulling yourself together in your little bed, watching as the stars contrasted your own feelings.
You felt bitter–for what good reason did the archons have for you to be in such misery while the stars in the night sky seemed to shine brighter at your own pain?
Tossing and turning around, you eventually sit up on your bed, stretching over the frame, putting your shoes on as you quietly leave your home.
Not as if they’d notice anyway, you think, taking a breath of the crisp night air of Sumeru.
You wander around the streets of the city, watching as some of the shops start to close, owners walking outside, seldom greeting you as you sit on the bench.
The last of the shops seems to close, as you stand up, taking in the silence of the usual booming city at day.
You don’t think you’d honestly find someone outside on the streets except for the few rare night owls, though you’re in a slight pleasant surprise as you find one of your closest friends taking small steps on the stone tiled streets.
“Nilou?” You really couldn’t help but call out, the striking bright red hair of hers swaying lightly in the night breeze.
The girl– Nilou, turns around as she faces you, soft aqua eyes widening faintly, watching you take hasty steps towards her.
“What are you doing here in the night? It isn’t safe…” She speaks, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
You chuckle, shaking her worry off as you reply.
“Nothing, really– just wanted to take a break from home, you know?”
Nilou tilts her head a little, smiling back in turn.
“How was your day?” You question, walking around the city as you wait for Nilou’s response.
“Really good actually! A lot of people came to the show today, and I was really happy– I still am… my parents also came to watch…”
You smile at her response, finding the way how the atmosphere around her brightened up as she was talking.
Though you couldn’t help but feel some sort of envy creeping up from deep inside of your mind, wishing that your own family would also support– at least remember you– for what you did around the city.
You were also one of the performers alongside Nilou, though your parents would always shun you for turning your back on knowledge and the Akademiya, despite what happened after some… interesting events.
What you didn’t know was how the tear unknowingly fell from your (e/c) eyes, rolling down from the line of your eye to the end of your chin.
“...(Y/n)? Are you alright?”
The soft and concerned voice of Nilou’s reaches your ears as you jerk your head, rubbing the stray tear from your face.
“Yeah, I’m alright…” Your voice is unnatrually shaky, the burning, painful feeling in your throat tempting to spill out in tears and agony.
“...I… I’m alright.” Contrast to your words, as soon as you finished talking, the tears had started, continuous and painful as you stood in the middle of the street.
Nilou stands next to you as she pats your back, not knowing what to do. She disliked her inability to help you, helplessly watching you choke out years and years of pain and turmoil through tears. Surprised too– because you were always so lively… happy and energetic. Hiccups strained to prevent someone waking up was heard as your breaths started to become uneven.
Thoughts rushed in your mind, taunting you as you felt yourself reliving every bit of painful memory that you felt in your home.
Soft gestures wiping your tears away grounds you back to reality as you blink, watching concerned aqua-blue eyes in front of you.
“Sorry, Nilou, I didn’t mean to–”
“It’s alright… people need to have times to let out their pain, right?”
You nod, finding back the pace of your breathing slowly as the redhead holds your hand as she rubs the top of yours gingerly.
“You want to…uh… dance the pain away?” Nilou’s voice is unsure, anticipating some sort of negating response from your form, though in contrary, you smile as you nod, leading the both of you towards the Grand Bazaar.
Despite the lack of music, the slow yet rhythmic movements between the two of you seemed to sync, small taps and clicks of shoes on the wooden stage providing enough beats for you and Nilou to dance.
It was comforting, finding your peace in the movements of each step, the hold you had on the aqua eyed girl and back, you thought this was the moment you could finally break free of the doubts and confusion you held, wishing this moment would last forever.
You let out a contented chuckle, your eyes closing in happiness as Nilou watches you in slight surprise, finding herself letting out her own too, the bazaar filling with laughs and giggles from the two of you.
The dance ends, two of you holding each other close.
Perhaps, the mutual feeling had been shared, as you whisper.
“I love you.” Nuzzling your face into her neck as Nilou also whispers,
“I love you too”
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futturmangamez · 1 month
Deep Red - I’m in love with you.
Red - I love you.
Pink - I think you’re cute.
Blue - You’re amazing.
Rose - You’re pretty.
Purple - You’re hot.
Plum - I would fuck you.
Violet - I would date you.
Aqua - I could stay on your blog for hours.
Lavender - You are my tumblr crush.
Orange - I want to get to know you.
Tangerine - We have a lot in common.
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peppapigvevo · 2 years
Guess who got the Bootique Clawdeen.
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Let's have a wholly unprofessional and unsponsored review post!
Boring stuff out of the way first; she was on Amazon for $44.99 USD. She's currently on a 7% off sale so you can get the set for $41.85 USD.
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The back of the box shows off some styling ideas as well as a little blurb in multiple languages.
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The sides have more styling options.
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The top of the box has a nifty little inventory of all the things contained within.
I didn't take any pictures of the inside but the doll, furniture and accessories were packaged very simply; the accessories were inside white paper bags, the furniture was strapped in to fit and Clawdeen had her own compartment on the left side. Not a display packaging obviously, since the box itself has no clear portions. On that note, I think the QC for facial screenings has gotten better, since Skulltimate Secrets and now this were packaged with no way to see the doll until you open the packaging. all the Skulltimate secrets dolls and this Clawdeen have perfect faces.
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This is how Clawdeen was packaged: wearing her purple jumpsuit, green belt, green earrings and the pink translucent booties.
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The doll herself does in fact have the torso joint. The lighting in my room is a little yellow, so you can't see it clearly, but her lid and undereye are lavender, with a magenta crease. Her lips are a much more saturated fuchsia red in real life. her hair is a berry color, with the light lavender color she typically gets. On the subject of her hair...
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...I am not an expert, i am just a doll-collecting homosexual, but it does NOT feel like the same kind of hair texture every other Clawdeen has. I can't be sure if its nylon or saran or whatever, but it feels denser and waxier than the polypropolene. It wasn't as tangled before or after a wash, and the ends weren't as frayed.
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You can see how it washed. This does NOT look the same as my other Clawdeens I washed, so take that as you will. I still need to reset the curl pattern, of course.
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On to the clothing. The jumpsuit is actually a pretty heavy and dense denim, in this purple leopard print with lavender and blue spots, and magenta and black slash marks. It has short, cuffed sleeves and a pointed shirt collar, and cuffs on the hem of the pant legs. the waist has lime stitching and faux pockets.
All of Clawdeens belts have 3 different closure holes, so they can be worn tighter or looser at your discretion. This lime green belt has a skullette buckle and a very long trailing tail.
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The booties are a light fuchsia with spikes on the top, and the heels are crescent moons. I know a lot of new MH shoes have interesting detailing on the soles, but these don't, probably because they're clear.
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I'm gonna do the outfit pieces in groups. The sweater is yellow, with blue, white and purple circle detailing. The chest has an aqua triangle, the same color as the slash marks. The collar, cuffs and hem are the same blue as the circles on the sweater.
The tank top looked black at first, but it actually has a very subtle bleach dye effect that looks like mist in the dark, it's pretty nice irl. The shirt also has a tri-moon vinyl on it, with a howling wolf on the center full moon.
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The green skirt is a lighter weight denim than the jump suit, with darker green spots and a frayed hem under a stitch. The cupcake skirt is in a metallic fabric with a slight blue shift; its really pretty in person. The waist is black elastic and the skirt is covered with criss-crossing claw marks.
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The dress is a one-shoulder thigh length ruched number. Because of the design, it doesn't look like much on a hanger but it sings on the doll. The dress is blue with purple and pink leopard spots.
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The scarf is hot pink with gold metallic flecks. The stole is a softer pink.
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If you're insane like me and already have Skulltimate Secrets Clawdeen, this bucket hat should look familiar. It's the same mold in a periwinkle blue, sans the leopard spots. The canvas and stitch molding is REALLY nice.
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I thought the boots had layers of fur, but theyre actually molded to look like slouchy fabric boots, with a repeating skullette pattern. The heels are lined in spikes, and theres a tie molded at the top.
The lime sneakers are the exact same mold as Ghoul Spirit Clawdeen, but in a solid green.
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The set also comes with 5 hangers for extra outfits. They're kind of swirly and dainty looking, more like g1 Catrine. They come in pink, lavender, purple, blue and green.
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Our girl comes with a lot of accessories! The lime green necklace, again, is the same mold as one that comes with Skulltimate Sectrets Clawdeen. Its a short chain with three dangling crescent moons, with a longer rope chain under that. The magenta necklace and choker are recast from her g3 signature; a circular moon pendant on a crescent moon chain, paired with a star choker.
The gold fur bangle is reused from her Ghoul Spirit doll. The magenta spiked cuff and purple cuff are new though. The magenta one is a simple spiked band while the purple has teeth detailing all around it, I did a terrible job photographing these so if anyone wants any clearer pics just let me know lmao.
The glasses are her signature glasses, in black. The magenta comb is a tiger-striped crescent moon with a studded handle.
The long gold piece is a hair barrette that says MONSTER. The long purple piece is a three-finger ring with the triple moon motif on it.
The black earring is a double crescent moon. IIRC this appeared first on Ghoul Spirit from this gen. The blue hoop with the dangling moon is also from Ghoul Spirit.
I didn't take close up picks of hem, but the green earings are a spiked hoop and a triple moon, recast from her signature earrings.
The gold belt has a double crescent moon buckle, mimicking the Gucci logo:
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Finally, her bag is a large tote or shopping bag, covered in the same skullette molding as her boots. The green "HOWL" is flanked by pink bands with small crescent moons, and the moon shaped handles have tooth details.
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The furniture she comes with are really cute and would look ADORABLE with her bedroom playset. The coffin-shaped clothing rack is studded, with the triple moon detail at the top. At the bottom are purple trays, and the lavender wheels do function.
The moon vanity has a circular mirror with two small shelves, a moon phases detail on the faux-drawer, and a moon shaped foot.
The pink stool has a starburst on the foot and the seat is molded to look like its padded or has draped pleats.
Final looks and thoughts in the next post!
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
what do you think all the counselors' favorite colors are?
Thanks for the ask moth! This is a bit of a challenge because I associate them so strongly with the colors they wear in the game and that doesn’t necessarily mean those colors are their favorites. But I’m gonna free associate, pull some design theory, and figure it out!
Max - Yellow. “Max Brinly loved the color yellow until he saw it in his own eyes,” popped into my head out of fucking nowhere thinking about this ask. Baby ducks, golden retrievers, early morning light. An energetic, cheerful, supportive color for an energetic, cheerful, supportive lad. Also the color associated with soldiers away at war, danger, the longing for reunion.
(This is not a joke about him being afraid lol also I know that’s orange, the tumblr font color palette is limited okay?)
Laura - Pink. I was definitely thinking about her wearing the tracksuit Max ends up in. But there’s also just something about associating a true badass with pink. It’s an unexpected twist, like going to summer camp expecting to dole out bandaids and ending up a one-eyed werewolf hunter. Pink is playful, kind, and optimistic.
Dylan - Green. His forest green phone is such a choice (everyone else has basic black or gray phones, right?) and I love it! He just strikes me as a green kind of kid. It’s a color the offbeat kids were more likely to choose when I was the age that we talked about favorite colors a lot (vs. blue, red, pink, the usual suspects). It’s the color associated with both inexperience and jealousy, but also hope, renewal, growth, the anticipation of things about to bloom.
Jacob - Red. Jacob seems like a red kind of guy to me (though, like Max with yellow, he might be a bit tired of it after the canon events) This boy has a temper and ‘sees red’ easily, but he’s also tender and lovable. Associated with passion, enthusiasm, heart, hot-headedness, fire (and fireworks!), blushing, and blood.
Ryan - Blue. He might be a little bit goth on the outside but Ryan’s a sailor, I feel like he’s drawn to water and sky. I think he’d like a teal or aqua kind of blue, think Caribbean ocean water and swimming pools with no dead bodies in them whatsoever. Blue is loyalty, dependability, a tranquil exterior, transitory sadness, and peacemaking. Blue is apparently the most popular favorite color in the world (humans love the sky, is what this tells me).
Nick - Orange. Maybe it’s because his best scenes are in the golden hour with Abi, but I imagine Nick might vibe with a sunset orange. Softer and more restrained than red but not quite as cheerful as yellow, associated with the sweet fruit of the same name, but also positivity, caution, warmth, and difficulty with commitment. Orange, like Nick, can be a polarizing color in design.
Kaitlyn - Red. There are only so many colors, we have to double up somewhere! Kaitlyn’s red has a different flavor to Jacob’s. It’s bold, alert, and protective, like the light on top of an ambulance, but also flashy and action-oriented. Fire can be equally as defensive as it is destructive. We can assume Kaitlyn shares Brenda Song’s Chinese and Thai heritage, and red is an extremely auspicious color in Chinese culture. Also, on a shallower note, I love Kaitlyn’s red shoulder stripes in her 80’s ‘fit! I wish they’d made her high top converse red to match!
Abi - Purple. She doesn’t wear anything purple in the entire game, in any of her ‘fits, and you might make a good argument for her favorite being red, but I think Abi is a purple gal at heart. Maybe a soft, romantic, sweet shade like lavender. Associated with dignity, intuition, a rich fantasy life, and emotional depth. (My personal favorite, with teal and green not far behind).
Emma - Green. Doubling up again, but I have to let the game guide me here. Emma consistently has green as a major color or accent across all three of her outfits, so clearly she’s drawn to it. Shes the only one with a color theme like that! Maybe she likes that it brings out the greener tones in her hazel eyes. I imagine her gravitating toward a more emerald shade, associated with success, wealth, and abundance. There’s a dramatic flair to green that fits Emma well.
🌈 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
I could probably talk myself out of half of these and have reasoning for alternate takes, tbh, but I’d love to know what others think!
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bluespiderlully · 7 months
KNY - My lore (uniforms)✨️
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Hello people! I know I haven't been posting for a lot of time, but I was trying to write something for a fanfic concerning my AU (still trying to find the inspiration lol).
By the way, my main AU takes place during the 1930s (Showa era), so the uniforms wouldn't be exactly similar to the canon one; first of all, everyone would have a standard uniform, consisting of a jacket and rounded trousers (just like the standard uniform of the manga). The ones who have the rank of Hashira have golden buttons, everyone else has silver buttons, on all the buttons there are engravings representing wisteria flowers, which is basically the symbol of the Demon Slayer Corp (at this point it would be a recognised branch of the Japanese Army, they would basically be similar to the FBI or KGB), under the uniform no one would wear zori sandals but they would wear knee-high boots.
Haoris are allowed only if you're an Hashira, the pattern of the haori should suggest the breathing style of the Hashira who's wearing it (kinda), but let's begin:
🌊 Giyu Tomioka (Water Hashira) would wear a black haori with a reproduction of the Wave print, his uniform would be blue.
⚡️ Makomo Urokodaki (Thunder Hashira) would wear a light yellow haori with a sunflower print on it, her uniform would be brown.
🧊 Sabito Ashina (Ice Hashira) would wear a light grey haori with some greyish blue rhombus on the bottom, his uniform would be black.
🪷 Kanae Kocho (Flower Hashira) would wear the same haori as canon, her uniform would be purple.
🦋 Shinobu Kocho (Insect Hashira) would wear an Haori similar to Kanae's, but it would be lilac and blue instead of aqua and pink, her uniform would be purple.
🔮 Enmu Tamio (Dream Hashira) would wear a blue haori that fades to darker blue towards the bottom, the print on it would just be a sky full of stars, his uniform would be blue.
🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku (Flame Hashira) would wear a white haori, with red, orange and yellow flames on the bottom and on the sleeves, his uniform would be brown.
✨️ Asuka Rengoku (Light Hashira) would wear a white haori with a golden leaves pattern on it, her uniform would be red.
☄️ Tengen Uzui (Meteor Hashira) would wear a black haori with a colorful firework pattern on it his uniform would be black.
🌫 Muichiro Tokito (Mist Hashira) would wear a teal haori fading to darker teal towards the bottom, with a white mist pattern on it, his uniform would be green.
🌸 Mitsuri Kanroji (Love Hashira) would wear a white haori with some pink flames on the bottom, her uniform would be purple.
🪨 Fujiko Mori (Stone Hashira) would wear a light green haori with a brown tree branch on it and some white sakura flowers, her uniform would be green.
🐍 Obanai Iguro (Serpent Hashira) would wear his standard black and white striped haori, his uniform would be black.
🌩 Hiromi Kazeshi (Storm Hashira) would wear a dark brown haori with some red and yellow lighting on it, her uniform would be red.
🌪 Sanemi Shinazugawa (Wind Hashira) would wear a green haori with some white pinwheels on it.
⚫️ Ayumi Shinazugawa (Shadow Hashira) would wear a midnight blue haori with some white and light pink flowers on it, her uniform would be black.
☁️ Haruki Amagumo (Cloud Hashira) would wear a white haori fading to bright light blue with clouds on it, his uniform would be green.
🩸 Akane Hayashi (Blood Hashira) would wear a dark red haori fading to black with a red spider lily print on the bottom, her uniform would be red.
🌹 Fukuge Miyazaki (Thorn Hashira) would wear a dark green uniform and his haori would be white with a red roses and dark green thorns print on it.
☠️ Rei Miyazaki (Death Hashira) would wear a white haori fading to greyish dark blue and her haori would be dark blue.
I hope you all enjoyed this useless post, I just love fashion and I had a lot of fun trying to figure out what these characters would wear.💙
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hrodvitnon · 7 months
Shimo Gjinka Ideas:
Tall- very tall. As established. However, she's more tall than bulky- much closer to Rodan than Godzilla in terms of musculature. I can actually see her resembling Elster (pretty sure that's her name- haven't played the game and have only seen stuff about it from your reblogs lmfao. therefore take all my assumptions about it with a grain of salt) in terms of body shape; or even a late-stage Maki Zenin if you know who that is.
Shorter hair. In addition to translating nicely to Frost, Shimo also can be translated as 'Grey Hair'. However, I think that maybe her hair shouldn't be greying, just more like a naturally white or very light blue to resemble morning frost. Think Raiden from MG or Gojo Satoru.
Very subtle signs of aging. She's old, but doesn't look it at first glance. You have to be looking for any signs of wrinkling to notice it.
Eyes that are an especially piercing sky blue. Short color theory rant: Godzilla's particular royal brand revolves around cooler colors with each of his closest confidants matching one of them. Godzilla is a dark blue before shifting over to a bright pink, Ozymandias is a dark purple, and Mothra is an aqua blue (somewhere between green and blue). To fit Shimo into this- I say she'd either take Goji's dark blue space or have a light blue. More partial to the light blue idea because it's opposite on the color wheel is a scarlet red; same color as a certain whip-bearing ape. Therefore, her eyes being a very bright light blue would make a lot of sense.
Not familiar with the Jujutsu Kaisen, though a Google Image search tells me that yeah, that seems to be the general vibe Shimo has, very serious-looking. (I should point out for clarity that Elster is 178 cm/5'10", but I can see Shimo having a similar build based on certain fanart that plays up the robot muscle. Though if you want a SINGALIS lady who's real tall, there's Falke at 250 cm/8'2".)
Oh, Raiden I know of! And it makes sense from a practicality standpoint that she'd have short hair, don't want anyone grabbing onto it in a fight or anything. And honestly yeah, piercing light blue eyes are just a natural combination so it fits.
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etdieucreabelloca · 2 months
red - i love you.
pink - i think you’re cute.
blue - you’re amazing.
rose - you’re pretty
purple - you’re hot.
plum - i would fuck you.
violet - i would date you.
aqua - i could stay on your blog for hours.
lavender - you are my tumblr crush.
orange - i want to get to know you.
tangerine - we have a lot in common.
wooooow really.. thank you so much, dear anon. it feels good to read such things... i'm extremely flattered :3
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