#chromatic writings
leonardalphachurch · 4 months
Red vs Blue: Reformation
After Epsilon fragments himself inside of his mind, Tucker is left to pick up the pieces.
An alternate take on Tucker’s story in Season 19: Restoration.
Available to read on Ao3
CHAPTER 1 - Recognition
They might’ve finally found what they’ve been looking for. But there’s one thing to take care of, first.
We open on a shot of a military base at night. Two guards stand in front of an exit.
Guard 1: Hey.
Guard 2: Yeah?
Guard 1: You ever wonder… if we’re in a simulation?
Guard 2: Simulation?
Guard 1: Yeah, yknow, like, none of this is real. We’re just the product of some guy simulating a bunch of random outcomes to try to find out what happens next?
Guard 2: … No. That sounds made up.
Guard 1: It’s not made up! It’s a real theory!
A cloaked figure enters through the door between them. Guard 1 raises his gun.
Guard 1: Whoa. Did you see that?
Guard 2: See what? Your simulation?
Guard 1: No! I don’t know! Looked like something… invisible.
Guard 2: Invisible? How does something look invisible?
Guard 1: Well, it looks like something that’s not there.
Guard 2: How am I supposed to see something that’s not there?
Guard 1: It is there, it just looks like—
A second cloaked figure enters the base.
Guard 1: There! There it is again! Did you see it?
Guard 2: Did I see the invisible thing that isn’t there?
Guard 1: Yes!
Guard 2: No. No I didn’t.
Guard 1: Dammit.
Guard 2: Maybe it was a glitch in the simulation.
Guard 1: Oh, fuck you.
Cut to the inside of the base. We see a series of shots. A pair of cloaked boots run along a hallway, followed closely by another. A guard collapses out of nowhere. A silenced pistol is shot.
Cut to the inside of a room. The door opens. No one enters. The door closes. An armored soldier uncloaks.
It’s Locus.
Locus: Is this the correct room?
Another soldier uncloaks and walks past him. He’s wearing The Meta’s armor in black. As he speaks, it fades into an aqua.
It’s Tucker.
Tucker: It should be.
He walks up to a large terminal and plugs in a device.
Tucker: Let’s find out. Guys?
Multiple colors of lights flash around him. Green, cyan, purple, pink, yellow, turquoise. Orange.
Tucker loses his balance after the last flash. But only for a second. He shakes his head and turns to look at Locus.
Tucker: Security here sucked, huh?
Locus is standing in between Tucker and the door, not leaving his back open to either of them.
Locus: I’ve learned it’s not something to complain about.
Tucker: I’m not complaining. Just saying, if what we think is here, is here? Well, it deserves a hell of a lot more security than that.
Locus: …What do you think is here?
Tucker: Huh?
A flash of cyan light.
Tucker: Oh, it’s some old files from Freelancer. Nothing too important, but, shit’s super classified. Be fucked if just anyone found it.
Locus makes a noise of acknowledgement. Is he agreeing? Disagreeing? Gassy? Who knows.
Tucker leans against the terminal, all casual like.
Tucker: So, how’ve you been?
Locus: ………. Fine……..
Tucker laughs.
Tucker: Damn dude, slow down. Even the AI couldn’t process that much information.
Locus sighs.
Locus: I have been. Fine. Nothing interesting has happened since we last spoke.
Tucker: All right.
They take a beat.
Locus: ………. How…… are. you???
Tucker: Wow. That seemed physically painful.
Locus: I… am not used to being the one leading the conversation.
Tucker: Right.
They take another beat.
Tucker: Y’know, I was kinda surprised you were willing to work with a partner again so soon after. Well, y’know. Didn’t think you’d trust so easily.
Locus: I… was more surprised you were willing to trust me.
Tucker, quietly: Yeah, surprised me too…
He stares at the terminal. Some colors flash around him. Pink, cyan, purple, yellow. Orange.
Tucker: We’ve also been doing fine. Same old, same old. Chasing down leads, cleaning up Freelancer’s messes, blowing up Charon’s shit.
Locus: Being a thorn in the UNSC’s side?
Tucker points at him.
Tucker: You know it! Saving the galaxy. One step at a—
Sigma appears at Tucker’s side. Not as a flash of light, but in his full naked, on fire, hologram-y glory.
Sigma: This is it.
Tucker stands up straight, giving Sigma his full attention.
Tucker: Wait, seriously? Finally? It’s really actually him?
Locus: What is “it”?
Tucker: I told you, it’s just old files from Freelancer.
Locus: You said “him.”
A flash of cyan.
Tucker: Did I? Must’ve misspoke.
Sigma: Lavernius. It’s time.
Tucker: Right.
Tucker takes the device out of the terminal. The colors flash all around him again.
Locus: Time for what? I… have been patient. But I do not appreciate being kept in the dark. I know you have bigger plans—
Tucker: Dude, relax. It’s not like we were gonna tell you everything before we knew we could trust you. You? C’mon, be realistic. But,
Tucker lets out an over dramatic sigh.
Tucker: Fine. I’ll explain everything when we get out of here, okay? Just— oh, shit, watch the door.
Locus turns to face the door.
Tucker: Like I was saying,
Tucker pulls out a gun.
Tucker: We were pretty surprised you were trusting enough to work with a partner so soon.
Tucker shoots Locus in the back.
Tucker: Probably shouldn’t have been.
Locus: You—
Tucker starts walking. He reaches down to grab something off Locus as he passes.
Locus: You— why— I, I can’t move—
Tucker: Yeah, don’t worry. Delta says you’ll get use of your legs back in 6 months. Right D?
A flash of green.
Delta: 6-12.
Tucker: 6-12. Cool how they can calculate that, huh?
Locus: Why… why are you doing this?
Tucker: It’s nothing personal, man. Just taking out one of the few people in the universe who might be able to stop us.
Tucker stops walking next to a wall.
Tucker: Well…
He reaches his hand towards an alarm.
Tucker: Maybe a little personal.
He flips it. Lights start flashing, sirens start blaring.
Tucker: I hear the UNSC treats genocidal maniacs well.
Tucker moves to the door.
Locus: You… I should have trusted my instincts. You are just like him.
Tucker stops. Purple, yellow, cyan. Orange. He laughs.
Tucker: You’re joking, right? You two were mass murderers. I’m trying to clean up the mess that you made. I am protecting people. Look at how easily you were manipulated again! Trust me. The galaxy is safer with you put away. It’s safer with us.
The door flings open as Tucker turns invisible. Locus tries to tell the oncoming guards about Tucker’s presence to no avail. We see a Tucker’s cloaked figure maneuver past the guards, into an empty area of the base.
He uncloaks.
Tucker: All right guys. Calculate how fucking badass that exit was.
All the AIs holograms pop up around him. Their lines slightly overlap each other.
Delta: Given your standard metrics, I would calculate that was… 75% “badass.”
Gamma: Too cheesy.
Theta: It was so cool!
Gamma: Overly sentimental.
Omega: We should have killed him.
Sigma: You should not have taken his bait.
None of the others’ lines overlap with Sigma’s.
Sigma: You cut the door opening too close. It was an unnecessary risk. Don’t do it again.
Tucker: Oh, please, Sig.
He flicks Sigma’s hologram.
Tucker: I know you love the dramatics.
Sigma: Not when we are this close.
Tucker looks down at the device he’s holding.
Tucker: So this is really it? We really found him?
Delta: We will not know for certain until we can decryp—
Sigma: Yes. This is him.
Tucker holds the device up and stares at it. Lovingly.
Tucker: All right, Church. Just wait a little longer. We’re gonna fix everything. Real soon.
Omega: Not soon enough. Let’s move.
Tucker laughs, cloaks again, and heads out.
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sanchensky · 1 year
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"You’ve met the Fools of Fate"~
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@pure-plum Latest Weal and Woe chapter was so sweet I swear my soul melted a bit from reading it :'3 Honestly Eclipse seems so nervous there, I genuinely just want to hug that anxiousness out of him xD
Tho here I made him look a little more malicious. Gotta think twice about that hug hehe :>
And some process under the cut cuz why not x)
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‘ My skin is metallic now, no longer an elegant powder blue ‘
- King Crimson. Lyrics to “Dig Me”
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Ooh, the Christmas AU is cute - that please!
WIP Wednesday! Make me write!
Other asks here, here, here, here, here, here.
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. “Do you play D&D, Stevie?”
Steve shook his head. “No, but I like to read the handbooks. They’re interesting. Plus, I like looking at your artwork.”
“All chromatic dragons are chaotic evil, you know?” he said with a smirk.
Steve scoffed. “I always thought that was bull shit. If other sentient beings like elves, dwarves, humans and gnomes can be any alignment then so should dragons.”
Eddie laughed. “Only the handbook says that other than humans each race tends toward neutral, chaotic, or lawful.”
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--"crying over chromatic waves" Inspired by the chapter titles in Pictures & Tears: A History of People Who Have Cried in Front of Paintings
Sand flies, a butterfly emerges from the heat wave. It dances and its fluorescent wings rival the scarlet dust not making a single sound, as it finds freedom.
I cannot be silent--my voice only shouts out of despair--borne out of the depths of my throat, without the chromatic waves which bring it life.
If I call on him to stay, he would, but i only feel a frigid touch on my shoulder, and a frothing breath. I think of his warm heart, before mine melted like wax, and I have nothing to write to name. --Elda Mengisto
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
update on how vault hunters is going: so, as it turns out, my main problem is that i'm bad at running vaults. i keep on doing alright and then getting mildly confident and then getting swarmed by mobs because i'm trying to open a chest. which i should probably stop doing, given that my current problem is "i need enough iron to get two buckets so i can make myself an infinite water source. and also ideally seeds for food."
anyway i am quickly learning that the budding vault crystal sort of takes forever to grow, and also that i DO need to turn f3 on to make sure i'm not breaking one that isn't done yet,
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nehswritesstuffs · 7 months
I'm so tired, I gotta get some sleep. BUT, before I do. Fanfic writers' meme.
18. If you wrote a sequel to [the fic where Law gets his doctors' licence], what would it involve? (love that fic!)
Ooooh! This is a good one! I love that fic too, if we're being honest. It's a good choice. Early Heart Pirates stuff can be so neat, and adding Law doing real doctor stuff is even better.
So... if I wrote a sequel to Peer Review [FFN/AO3], then it would likely involve the trials and tribulations of actually getting a paper into shape to be published, or he would make a token appearance at a medical conference in Lvneel (or representing Lvneel), and things would get wacky from there. There's lots of ways I can maneuver it... hmm...
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Now go get some sleep, my friend.
Want one of these fan fiction questions answered? I'm still taking asks!
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hergan416 · 9 months
end of year content meme! 
🥰 a piece i’m really proud of and why
📝 a line or paragraph i’m really happy with
🥰 a piece i’m really proud of and why
I actually have multiple answers for this, so if someone decides to ask again I do have more answers saved up xD
But I'm going to pick Welcome To Paradise first.
This probably looks... pretty mediocre on my list of works to most people. The premise isn't especially inspired; the tally mark thing from chapter one is a little unique but hardly groundbreaking, and it isn't a masterpiece of wordsmithing or anything.
But I've spent 11 years avoiding the topic of children and pregnancy for reasons and I decided to take the allou trimester challenge somewhat literally and force myself to deal with my issues via characters. I am proud of it, because, even if I'm not telling my story, I'm still closer to processing stuff as a result of it.
Albert's experience is turning out quite different from my own. I don't think I'm going to be able to project on him as much as I started out planning to. But I am proud of myself for touching the topic.
Welcome To Paradise is rated T(een) but contains heavy themes, such as detailed depictions of alcohol withdrawal, unexpected pregnancy, and suicidality. Additionally, the main pairing is Albert/Louis, which may be viewed as incestuous by some readers.
📝 a line or paragraph i’m really happy with
I did answer this once, but I feel like with the amount of writing I did this year I can probably find more than one line or paragraph? If you want to see my first choice answer, find it here.
This line is from Choke On My Words, Swallow Them Faster - my MTP Angst Week someone gave me an excuse to write hanahaki disease fic
He stared at the petal in his palm, and faced with the inevitability of admitting what had just happened, he shoved it back in his mouth and swallowed it down.
Honestly the fact that I got to use flower imagery was super fun to work with and led to a lot of pretty cool lines and images.
Choke On My Words, Swallow Them Faster is rated T(een) and has the hurt no comfort tag. Most tagged ships are unrequited; tagged ships include alwill, willouis, sherliam and allou. An different fic within the Emergency Contact series that this fic belongs to is rated E(xplicit) for sexual content.
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crossroads-consoul · 1 year
Chromaticity Series Update!
I know, I know; I'm actually making a post about writing instead of fanart. Wonders never cease.
I've been outlining Synchronicity with the intention of finally wrapping everything up, but I've run into an issue. There's been such a big gap of time (4-5 years...) between the initial posting of Chromaticity and now that my writing style has evolved. Rereading Chromaticity as a writer to make sure I plot out Synchronicity right has been painful.
So, I've given it a lot of thought and have decided that before I post Synchronicity, I will be editing Chromaticity and Reactivity! The process should also help my outlining/writing of Synchronicity, which I'll do...synchronously lol.
I know it's not the update people have been wanting, but I can assure everyone I haven't forgotten about the series.
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yourfriendlybi · 1 year
Inktobertale: Pumpkin Carving
 “HEY!” A voice rang out, “THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY PUMPKIN!” The owner of the voice, Clef, glared at the pumpkin stealer.
“Well, you weren’t fast enough, dear sibling.” Pen laughed at their twin. Clef simply rolled their eyes. “Whatever, just help me with unloading the crates.” Clef huffed. Pen is a Frisk variant while Clef is a Chara variant; they, along with their father Ink, are all soulless and rely on paints from the Doodle Sphere.
 “Are you both done arguing?” A glitched out voice called out, Error or known as The Destroyer of Universe to most, walked out of Ccino’s Cate Cafe and grabbed a small crate of pumpkins. “Geez Squid, why did you get so many pumpkins from FarmTale?” Error grumbled under his breath. The Soulless Family are currently helping Ink’s boss, Ccino, with transporting and carving pumpkins for the Fall season.
 “I mean, you should know how dad is.” Pen looked at their step-father. “He loves this stuff, he is the embodiment of creation.”
 Error looked at Pen. “Okay, first of all I forget how sensitive you, along with Ink and Clef, are to hearing. Second of all, that was sarcasm.” Error walked back into the building.
 “THAT WASN’T EVEN SARCASM???” Pen shouted to the glitched skeleton.
 Error chuckled at the writer’s reaction. “Hon, you’re not messing with our children again, right?” A voice called out. Error flashed a wide smile at Ink, who simply snorted in response. Error walked to the booth Ink was seated at and sat next to his mate. Ink turned his head to Error and nuzzled his cheekbone.
 “Oi, let me put down these pumpkins before you become all lovey and dovey!” Error yelled at the affectionate artist while setting down the small crate. Ink simply giggled, his eyelights were a lavender heart shape.
 “Sorry! I just feel very affectionate today!” Ink laughed a little, “I think I drank a bit too much of pink today, whoops.” They gave a sheepish grin.
 “Idiot.” Error sighed lovingly, “That I somehow fell in love with.” Putting his forehead on The Protector.
 “EWWW!!” Two voices range out, Clef and Pen. “THEY ARE BEING LOVELY AND DOVY IN PUBLIC!!” Clef cried out, they both were holding the two last crates of pumpkins. Ink and Error looked at each other, bursting in laughter.
 “You both are seventeen, also you both walked on us making out, I don’t want to hear it.” Error said after calming down. Pen made a face of disgust, “Yeah, please don’t remind us.”
 “Any who, put the crates on the table and then we will start the carving part.” Ink smiled at his two shooting stars.
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Ink!Sans: Comyet
Error!Sans: CQ/Lovers of piggies
Clef!Chara & Pen!Frisk: Yours Truly
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
Mayara Khepar, Allaik Tentau | Bay #6, Abandoned Shipping Harbor --------------------- RETURN: 0 --------------------- Google Doc | Previous Drabble (As a warning with many of the drabbles in this series, reader's discretion advised for brief scene(s) of violence.)
“We can get in through this side door. Main entrance is way too risky, even with no one watching-” Allaik whispered. “If you wanted to back out, this’d be your chance to do it.”
The duo finds themselves on the outside of town this evening, skulking around a more secluded entrance to a large, two-story building. From the outside, it looks abandoned- most of the windows are boarded up, and the main shutter bay is rusted shut.
Al looks back at Mayara again, tilting his head slightly. “W- what exactly do you even have there? The whole time, you’ve just had that and it looks suspicious as hell.”
“A sledgehammer. Never did get my hands on a pick.” She returns his puzzled look with a sly grin, shuffling the weight to her other shoulder. The ‘suspicious’ part he’s talking about lies not really with the hammer itself, but the weird paper bag strapped to the head of it. “Anyway, don’t worry about it. Let’s get this over with already, I’m sick of waitin’.”
“Worryin’ about it,” he replies. Instead of questioning her further though, he opens the door to let them inside. 
Sliding past Allaik, Maya pokes her head into the newly-opened corridor, looking both ways before entering all the way. It’s eerily quiet, the only noise being the hum of fluorescent lights flickering now and then. She turns left and continues sneaking inside, her partner following close behind.
“Al.” she says in a hushed tone, “I know you said there’d be like, no one here tonight- but what the fuck. Where is everyone?”
He thinks for a moment before answering back. “Well, gone. After Mar went and claimed the lead seat for himself, it threw everyone into a tizzy. Splintered the group up, and he could barely keep a hold of ‘em. What with the stunts you’ve been pulling, most of ‘em saw him as weak. Thought they’d be better off doing their own thing.”
Mayara stops, looking back at Al blankly. “Yeah, probably right about that.”
“Probably,” he shrugs.
Down the hall and to the right with no one to stop them, the duo enter into a modified storage room. It’s a mess, various crates and boxes stacked around like tables and chairs. But like the rest of the place, it’s empty otherwise. Immediately, Maya feels the need to comment- not bothering to quiet herself any this time.
“Damn, you just got rid of all of my shit, huh?”
“Like you wouldn’t’ve in the same situation?” Allaik rolls his eyes, still keeping a hushed tone. 
“No, no. If I were pissed, I’d’ve done the same thing.” 
She ambles around the room, kicking crates around while looking down at the floor. In particular, she’s looking for an off-colored section of concrete- a clear sign of where she buried the stash of goods. “Ah. There we are,” she coos.
Maya steps back from the square, planting herself while she shifts the sledgehammer down. “Get ready, and y’ might wanna take a bit of cover. Psi can’t protect both you and me from this.” 
“Protect- from what??”
Al panics, diving behind a particularly large crate as Mayara hefts the hammer over her head- swinging it back down full force. As soon as it makes contact with the ground, an explosion rings out from the point of impact. Dust and debris flies into the air from the force, and so does Maya. She’s just thankful she has a psionic barrier to absorb the impact from that and her fall.
As the cloud starts settling, she hops back to her feet to inspect the newly formed crater. Sure enough, it was enough to crack the concrete. A slightly dented (but intact) metal box sits just underneath the rubble as she shoves it away. Allaik rises out from his hiding spot, looking like he just saw a ghost.
“What the fuck! You could’ve told me that’s what you were carrying!” He’s yelling now, no real point in keeping quiet after a fucking explosion. “Don’t worry about it, you said. I had every right t’ be worried!”
Mayara just rolls her eyes as she reaches a hand into her sweater pocket. “Puh-lease, Al. You’ve seen me do worse-”
“Maybe I have, but carrying something like that around like it was nothing?”
“- It’s not even like it was that bad!”
“A warning would’ve been nice instead of being coy about it, asshole!”
She digs in her pocket again, searching for an item but unable to find it. “I ‘unno, I thought it was pretty damn obvious as to what I was doing. ‘Specially when I told you the plan ahead of time.”
“Maya,” Al’s tone shifts from livid to concerned.
“What!-” She finally takes a moment to look up at him, and realizes why the sudden change in attitude. …Fuck. Yeah, probably should’ve seen that one coming.
“Stay right where you are, Khepar.” a voice hissed out from behind Allaik. He didn’t dare move, unless he wanted a bullet in his back. The figure behind him must have snuck right up while they were arguing. If it weren’t for getting distracted, he might have noticed sooner.
Mayara forces a smile, still hunched over on her knees where she’s at. “Heeeey, Mar,” she calls out nervously. “Long time no see. Ya’ look good.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up. There’s no talking your way out of this one.” 
Marote Meccay, the man himself. Five feet and eight inches of malicious authority. A shame he has such a baby face; it would be way easier to take him seriously otherwise. He also wasn’t supposed to be in tonight, but that obviously isn’t the case. There’s only one thing that Mayara really fears he’ll do- and of course, he starts doing it.
“Did you really think you could just sneak in here and do whatever you wanted? That I would just leave this place completely vacant? I knew you were after something here. I just needed to know what.”
He starts monologuing.
“I’m not stupid, Maya. Ghost problem, my ass. You’re the damn one that’s causing problems. You’ve always caused problems, ever since the beginning. I thought, maybe I’ll be nice. Maybe I can just keep you at your job here once I take over. But then that stupid fuck had to go and break your contract.
And since then? You’ve been offering to competitors, fucking with my own supply lines. So I- … what do you have there.” Marote’s speech is cut short by the realization that Maya’s other hand was reaching for the holster on her hip. “Don’t you fucking dare. Hands where I can see them.”
She obliges, a giddish smile starting to tug at the corners of her mouth. “Sure thing, boss.”
Pulling her other hand out of her pocket and raising both into the air, she holds a small device in one- a large button on the face of it depressed. It’s a dead man’s switch for the explosives they had set up. Technically, there were two of them- one for this building, and one for everything else. Unfortunately for her, Maya forgot which one was which. Call it a moment of panic.
“Oh messiahs, you did not just-” Al started, before being cut off by Marote.
“The fuck is that supposed to be?”
She giggles before answering. “Oh, just a lil’ switch. I wouldn’t worry about it too much-”
“I’m not buying that for a second. What’s it for?” he barks, interrupting her.
Maya is silent for a moment, that same smile on her face that she just can’t contain. “Since you wanna know so badly, it’s for this building. I let go, and the whole place goes up with everything else left in it.”
Allaik has a look of panic again, not able to tell whether his partner is dead serious or not. It’s not an empty threat, and he wouldn’t put something like this past her. Unfortunately doesn’t have much of a speaking position right now.
“... You wouldn’t.” Marote tries to call her bluff.
“Oh, but I would! You should know that by now, dipshit! If I’m going down for this, I’m sure as hell taking you with me,” she laughs. This is no bluff- besides the fact of not being sure which button she pressed.
“Did you think I was just here to steal? This was always part of the plan, I just hoped I’d be outside before this part! So put the gun down, Mar-mot- unless you wanna see what shrapnel in your good eye looks like-”
“-Wait! wait,” he interjects again- an attempt to de-escalate the situation at hand. He pulls the revolver he held away from Al’s back, making a vague gesture with that hand. “Surely we can talk a little about this, right?”
Mayara feigns a frown, pouting. “Didn’t you just say there was no talking out of this just a second ago? For shame, for shame.”
“I didn’t realize you had a fucking bomb! Maybe you should’ve led with that on the table?!”
“You have a point,” she agrees. “But it’s more fun this way, don't cha think? The fear? That little rush you’re feelin’ right now? No?”
“No, not really!” he wheezes, pointing the gun this time at Mayara.
“What’re you gonna do with that?” She questions, continuing her prodding at him. “Shoot me? Better not miss. Even if you don’t, it means I let go. There’s no way you’re surviving that. There’s enough explosives lying around here to make sure nothing’s left after the fire.”
“You would go through that much trouble just to see me burn? Is it worth that much to you?”
“It’s worth everything!” Mayara finally snaps. “You must’ve forgot that this whole operation kinda fucked over my life, right? Well I didn’t! I was even content to let it lie and pretend it never happened. But ya’ couldn’t let go, could you?”
Marote backs off, shoving Al away from him and to the ground as he backpedals for the exit. His last mistake. “You’re insane, you’re actually insane,” he repeats.
The only sort of response he gets back is a smile at first. “Duh! You just figuring that out now?”
But she’s not about to just let him get away. Mayara wants absolutely no chance of him coming back to haunt her again, and is well beyond giving any second chances. Her free hand snaps back down to her holster, drawing her own firearm. It takes less than a moment for her to find her mark. With one swift shot, the once-was leader falls to the ground, dead.
Maya stares ahead for a brief pause before snapping back to the present. “I can’t believe this dumbass was giving me so much trouble before. Not bringing any sort of back up to this thing, was he even thinking?” She continues mumbling to herself as she stands up, holsters her gun and hops over to check on Allaik before doing anything else. 
“How’s the pusher doing there, bud?”
Al lets out an uneasy breath- “You had it stopped there for a minute, not gonna lie.”
“Eh, you look fine to me.” she beams. “But uh, hey. Let’s hurry the fuck up with this box, before this place actually does explode.”
Her thumb still has the button depressed, but she knows for a fact that it’s also on a timer just in case- in her own words- ‘some bullshit happened.’ She helps pull him to his feet before rifling through her pocket again, pulling out a key to the cache. 
Inside the box is a medium-sized duffel bag, which she pulls out and slings across her body in a swift motion. Underneath it were various folders and smaller bags- none of which she bothers to grab. There just isn’t enough time to. Instead, she grabs hold of her partner’s hand and makes a break for the exit.
Upon clearing a bit of distance from the building, Mayara finally releases the tight hold she has on the switch. The abandoned store behind them combusts, further explosions sending shards of hot metal and burning wood into the surrounding area. With the flick of another switch and pressing of a button, it should set off the remainder of things they had set up.
There’s no signature of hers on this mess; it’s likely obvious enough who it was that pulled this off. She doesn’t stop to look back, continuing to drag Allaik along with her into the night. The further they get away from here, the better.
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leonardalphachurch · 4 months
Red vs Blue: Reformation
After Epsilon fragments himself inside of his mind, Tucker is left to pick up the pieces.
An alternate take on Tucker’s story in Season 19: Restoration
Chapter 1 - Recognition
More chapters to come.
Full thing also available on Ao3
Yello. This is Tucker “Lavender” Rose. Season 19 did my boy so fucking dirty I immediately had to come up with a story that would treat Tucker (and Sigma) with respect.
This is going to be kind of formatted like a script? Except I don’t know how to actually format scripts lol. And it’s not exactly a strict “rewrite” of season 19. I had the choice between writing something that could theoretically be a season of the show or having fun, and I chose having fun. If we were to write actual script it would actually feature the scenes of The Reds and Caboose or Wash etc. but I’ve decided I’m only going to be doing Tucker’s stuff. Imagine that those scenes are basically what happens in canon. Maybe one day we’ll want to completely rewrite the season but for now: take this.
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soulesplinters · 2 years
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No more slacking! I'm on the job! Yes, I know that everyone has to play their part -Come on! Rev the engines of this beast!
[ID: Disheveled doodle of Cel from TFJ's bad end in chromatic aberration, meant to give off an abstract horror effect. Their entire appearance is nearly glitched out and overshadowed. The main trait emphasized being their wide eyed cyan stare in front of their completely wrapped face, and a long purple tear streak dripping down. Bits of binary code are crowding Cel's eye. /End ID]
(cw for scophopho.bia, tee.th, and ne.edles in the song linked!)
#eyestrain //#chromatic aberration //#dark tfj#tfj bad end#tfj ascel art#(adding to cw- the nee/dles part starts around 3:20 and ends at 3:40)#(also anywho on topic of song i personally feel its a big bad end cel song that sums up their views etc after all that happened dhsjkd >:])#that said WOOOO first post in the dark tag YIPPEE !!!#gonna try to slowly post the ideas i have for soule and co in the form of either edgy lyric associated art or notes or writing#(for this specific art i also used a bit of pho/to mosh for effects and then fucked around more in art program shdjkd)#anywho ramble time for edgy art above...#i like to imagine theres a conflict of cel vs amulet in the main plot- ie soul vs code and a parallel to soules own conflict to themself#so in bad end code wins :]#and since im edgy the amulet/code isnt exactly a separate entity- but rather non sentient code that initially viewed cels possession as a#foreign entity to assimilate 'properly' into the amulets coding#and thus works at removing their memories and personality etc-#(which proves to be difficult at first due to soules soul being pretty old/magic potent- even if only a fragment)#because of events in the bad end- cel starts to push themself into the 'amulet persona' deeper as a coping mechanism#which opened up the code to take over and blind them etc etc#bad end cel is overall 'cel' blinded by the code- their original ambitions and self buried under all of it#ie now instead of 'cel being trapped inside amulet' its now 'amulet trapped inside cel'#anywho funni abstract psy.chological h/orror go brrrrr :]#also theres code in cels eye in the art cause smth smth 'eyes are windows to the soul' and well <3#oh also to clarify cel/soul didnt disappear theyre very much still there- theyre just the shell now because i am so nice and kind teehee#^^^ hence why cel still has a 'unique design' and not just a complete blank facet#theyre angel themed now cause the code convinced them theyre 'saving' the game :]#and also twisted parallel to seel being the games original guardian- ie guardian angel
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
AO3 wrapped: 3, 18, 28
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? (Don't have to limit it to 2022, but I guess that's interesting too!)
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
28. Favorite work you wrote this year? (you can include any that you might be doing for end of year challenges!)
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I already picked finishing "Lead Me Back to Suffering" for favorite work, but it definitely fits this category too (it's also 2021-22).
I'd also say I'm quite proud of "Among Our Enemies," which was a Captain Trio modern AU written for the Reverse Bang with wonderful art from @generaldevi. It was the first time I'd done a modern AU, and it was a lot of fun!
18 and 28 answered here!
Thanks for the ask!
Answered: 3, 6, 12, 18, 28
AO3 Wrap Ask Meme here.
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kbirbpods · 2 years
A really cool anthology that I was honored to be accepted to be in went live today! I'll definitely be posting each of my podfics individually to reach their specific audiences but I thought I'd highlight mine in one concise post, too! These summaries in no way do the written words justice
the ship of theseus by saiditallbefore
First Kill fic focused on Theo Burns, podfic length: 4 min, 46 sec
circulation by @isabrella
First Kill fic featuring a reunion between college-aged Juliette and Calliope, podfic length: 6 min, 34 sec
TZ-1719 Was Here by @hsavinien
Star Wars fic about Finn and personal freedoms + trooper history! Podfic length: 5 min, 56 sec
Pudding by @hsavinien
Our Flag Means Death - explicit Jim/Oluwande fic with cuddles, too! Podfic length: 4 min, 1 sec
Who Needs A Name When The Ocean Knows My Heart by @bzedan
Our Flag Means Death fic exploring Jim being comfortable in their own body (and, of course, in the ocean). Podfic length: 2 min, 45 sec
the shape(s) of love by @flowerparrish
Old Guard fic exploring a queer platonic soulmate relationship between Nile and Quynh. Podfic length: 3 min, 7 sec
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wildcxrds · 6 months
25 for any muse you like :)
25.     thought was too important at the time and later regretted it.
I was scraping my brain for this one but man, I have a real good one. And it involves multiple characters.
cw: possession, potential gore, violence, torture, death, also really long fuckin' post
Missing. He'd been missing for months now.
It's the summer after Jacob and Alex return from the pocket dimension, and Jacob is now 9. Allie is having trouble with her parents - Kai and Matias - and is extremely emotionally reliant on her guardian angel, Thorn. But he's been missing.
She'll never forget the desperation for trying to contact Thorn, who at this point, has been gone for months because he'd been trying to locate Ethan, another angel and his brother by bond. Something only Allie knows.
Ethan had gone missing, suspected for corruption and disowned by the angels. She was the reason Ethan was on the run. His corruption flew under the Archangels' radar, and only came to light because she spoke to Samael, Thorn's 'boss'. This caused a rift between her and Thorn, and soon after, he absconded with no contact to Allie. Thorn, at the time, was also punished for his romantic attachments to Allie, and had been "confiscated" from her and put to work before he soon went missing.
Allie just wants stability and her Thorn back. She's 17 and heartbroken and desperate.
Something else only she knows.
"I don't know about this." Alex said reluctantly, as the pair arrived to the Poconos cabin they hadn't been to in over a year now. "There's no guarantee that Samael or Thorn would have shown up."
"We have to hope" Allie said, clutching a familiar gray feather of Thorn's to her chest. "We have to hope Jake was able to get them here."
"We really should tell Kai or Kori--"
"NO!" Allie shouted, her voice cracking at the peak. Alex flinched, looking at her in alarm, met with Allie's wide, frantic amber eyes. "Please. The less people involved the better. A-And mom's got enough to worry about." Allie had intentionally reached out to only Alex and Jake for this, trusting they wouldn't tell her parents.
"I-" Alex sighed through her nose. "Okay, Allie. I'm trusting you on this."
Famous last words.
They'd open the door to find Jake and Thorn waiting. Thorn was stoic, while Jake was solemn. Allie rushed to him, pleading him to come home. Please, Thorny, please. But Thorn was a stone wall, staring down with a hardened gaze at the floor. The scene doesn't last very long, because the gathering of these folk attracts attention. The wrong attention.
The windows darkened rapidly, blocking out the evening in a bubble of shadow, and there's a prevalent evil in the air. And the chaos began.
Ethan has become a demon-like entity. And the smoky, ghastly form lingers for moments before it takes a host.
The screams.. the screams are haunting. Shrill, deafening, painful screams piercing the air, watching Alex writhe as if she was set on fire. Clawing at the dusty, wooden floor until her nails broke and bled. The sclera of her eyes pooled with black and she's begging them for death. For a release. They watch in horror while Jake tries to help. He's screaming, Allie's crying, and Thorn can only stare.
It's sudden when the others arrive. Allie would find out later that Jacob sensed the trouble in his mother and reached out desperately to his father, and Loki and Jacob arrived at the cabin, unsuspecting of what they were about to witness. Kairo and Kori arrive shortly after.
Ethan gains control, and Allie watched him force Alex to fight. Fight her friends, hurt them, and they can't fight back or risk harming Alex. It's a mess. Allie screams for Ethan to stop, to release her, but he laughs in their faces. Thorn interferes only to try and speak to Ethan, but it does very little.
Allie screams in her own head, clutching the feather, begging for Samael to save her. To save Alex.
Samael reappeared, wielding a weapon. Something she'd never known the Archangels to use - worst of all, it was a man-made weapon. Made by the Hunters strictly to disable the abilities, Allie would later learn it was modified by Samael to extract Ethan.
But it was still a bullet straight through Alex's heart.
There was the screaming, the pleading, trying to save her life. Loki had the foresight to retrieve a fruit blessed with immortality to save her. The minutes after she stopped breathing felt like hours.
She gasps alive, and there's relief, then outrage, but by then, Thorn and Samael are gone. The fallout is immediate.
Allie's whole world is shattered in that moment. She'd cost the life of her friend because she was desperate for her boyfriend to come home. She carried guilt for not being forthright when she felt she should have. But none of them blame Allie completely. There's acknowledgement for her hiding things, but everything else had fallen all outside her control.
She doesn't see it that way, though. And unfortunately, she still doesn't to this day.
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