#lost boys max
I so badly wish we would have seen more of a relationship between Max and the boys. I know that in public, Max was dismissive, but I wonder what happened in private. Did he make sure his boys were taken care of? Did he just let them do whatever until they needed him? Did he teach them valuable life lessons? When he saw his boys dead in the house, what was he really thinking inside his head???
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gothamslostboy · 8 months
If Max was an animal I’m a firm believer he’d be a dolphin
He’s presented as a nice guy, perfect for Lucy, and later on we learn he’s the head vampire and willing to turn Lucy against her will for his own benefit
Dolphins are presented as cute and fun sea creatures, but when you learn more about them you realize they’re so fucking mean
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My time has been a little short this month, so I’ve been finding studies a lot easier to dip in and out of when I’ve got a spare moment. Hopefully you like these from the video store scene - Max was actually really fun to draw, as was Thorn ☺️
Are there any other TLB scenes you’d like to see studies from? Or maybe a different Kiefer character - Nelson (Flatliners), Ace (Stand By Me), or Doc (Young Guns)?
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cupidskissx · 7 months
Max when there is no chaist to grab:
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thegoldenshi-shi · 3 months
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I miss my two grumpy children and my happy baby bug
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britany1997 · 4 months
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Six
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Poly Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
Hey y’all! Hope you love this next installment in my series! The plot is thickening and I can’t wait for y’all to see what I have planned for next month’s chapter😈
Comment letting me know if you’d like to be added to the Taglist for this series, or to be added to my main TLB Taglist
FYFNO Masterlist
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California 1986
Maria was the one you wanted. You chose her, and you’d do what you had to to keep her. 
Whatever it took.
The sound of her laugh was the sweetest music that had ever graced your ancient ears. You threaded your fingers through hers, dissolving into a fit of giggles as she wiped ice cream from her nose. 
“I would have licked it off!” you protested with a playful pout. 
She shrugged and brushed the icecream against her nose till it was covered once more, “go ahead.” she challenged.
You raised an eyebrow and leaned in, licking the icecream off her button nose. 
Maria gagged playfully, rubbing at her nose. “You are SO gross! I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” 
You doubled over with laughter, “I had to after that! You totally dared me to!” You pouted once more, “besides, is that any way to treat your girlfriend? Do I disgust you?” You threw your hand over your forehead in a dramatic display of faux offense. 
Maria mock gasped, “ah of course not darling,” her hands touched her nose with playful reverence, “I shall never wash this nose again.” 
“Ew,” your nose scrunched. 
She shoved you playfully, “you’re terrible,” she beamed. 
“You love it,” you whispered, your forehead resting on hers. 
“I do,” she whispered back, before moving to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
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David’s eyes narrowed as he took in the sight of you and Maria, too wrapped up in each other to notice he was watching.
He blew out a harsh cloud of smoke, a terrifying smile gracing his face.
“What are we gonna do about…that,” he gestured with his cigarette, before flicking off the butt and grinding it into the dirt.
“Nothing,” Dwayne said firmly, “we’ll only drive her away if we meddle.”
David scoffed.
“Maybe he’s right,” Marko chimed in, “maybe scheming isn’t the answer? How long can she ignore the mate pull anyway, it’s only a matter of time.”
David frowned, “so what? We sit back and watch while our mate parades around the boardwalk with someone else? This is our territory Marko, it’s downright disrespectful what she’s doing.”
Dwayne sighed.
“You’ve been awfully quiet blondie,” David clapped Paul on the back as he hung to the dock railing, staring off at the waves as they crashed over the shore.
“What’s there to say?”
Marko’s face softened and he moved to Paul’s side, hooking his arm through Paul’s.
“What do you mean ‘what’s there to say?’” David frowned.
Paul shrugged.
“You’re giving up? Just like that?” David grit, “you hound us for weeks about this girl and what? You’re just done with her? She’s ours Paul.”
“I can’t…” he took a deep breath, “I can’t stand to see her look at me like she does.”
David fell silent, his arms crossed.
“It’s like that pull between us…it’s like it hurts her,”
“That’s not possible,” David muttered.
“That’s not what I meant,” Paul’s gaze met his. “I don’t wanna hurt her anymore.”
Marko’s hands traced patterns on Paul’s back as he returned to stare out at the waves.
David stomped out his cigarette. “Look, let’s just follow ‘er a bit longer and see what we see.”
“I’m done tailing her,” Dwayne said, “we can’t blackmail someone into loving us.”
“Who said that’s what we’re doing?” David moved to stand toe to toe with Dwayne, “just think of it as gathering info.”
Paul shook his head, huffing a bit, “I’m out,”
“Me too,” Marko added, not meeting David’s eyes.
The boys began to peel off.
“Do what you want David,” Dwayne placed a hand on the bleach blond vampire’s shoulder, “but look at her.” He nodded towards you, and David followed his gaze.
You were smiling brightly, unlike anytime they’d ever seen you. Your fingers intertwined with Maria’s, her lips pressed against your ear, murmuring something that made your smile grow.
“Would you really take that away from her?”
David’s jaw clenched, “we could make her ten times as happy.”
Dwayne shook his head as he walked off towards his bike. Something told him this wasn’t going to end well.
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David rolled his eyes as he lit up behind a column while you, finally, kissed Maria good night.
Following the two of you had proved entirely fruitless. Your frequent public displays of affection had only served to increase his ire towards the whole situation.
He’d hate to go home empty handed and face the boys’ smug faces. He hoped that once you were alone, he’d be able to find…something. At this point, he wasn’t even sure what he was looking for.
As Maria drove away, you began to stroll off.
David threw his bike a quick longing look, promising to return for it later, before following the path to your home.
As you walked the trail, David was close behind concealing himself within the trees. He was grateful you were always so lost in your own thoughts, or he was sure your heightened senses would have tipped you off to his presence by now. He smirked, being an apex predator had made you…careless.
The closer you got to your destination, the more familiar the woods seemed to become to David. He knew this path, he’d walked it countless times before.
But you couldn’t be…could you?
But when you strode up to that Max’s front door, his tall form waiting for you in the doorway, tapping his foot impatiently, David couldn’t believe his luck.
Max was your sire. He must be. Traditional, family man, ‘mates are the greatest gifts to vampire kind,’ Max.
David chuckled to himself, the beginnings of a plan forming. You had no idea what you were in for.
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As the days passed, you and Maria were closer than ever. It seemed like you spent every one of her waking night hours wrapped in her arms. (Even some of the hours you were meant to be working, but what Max didn’t know certainly wouldn’t hurt him.)
It seemed like David’s gang of misfit vampires had gotten the hint too. You hadn’t seen any trace of the bikers since you’d caught a glimpse of them creeping on your date a few days ago.
Good. They should leave you be.
But when you were with Maria, happy as you were, you couldn’t help the consuming feeling that something wasn’t quite right.
You hated it.
It bubbled up in your chest, like you were going to vomit, but nothing would ever come out. It was like pressure, keeping you on edge when you should be completely at ease. ‘You’re missing something,’ it seemed to whisper, ‘you’re always going to feel this way.’
Again and again, you’d shake it off.
You preferred to lose yourself in the taste of Maria’s lips, the softness of her cheeks, the warmth of her smile.
But that feeling, it always found it’s way back.
You tried to suppress your doubts as you trekked home.
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When you arrived at Max’s front door, he wasn’t waiting to greet you.
You frowned, but shrugged it off. Surely he’d just tired of your attitude towards him. You’d figured he’d take the hint sooner or later anyway.
But when you opened the door, you were met with the sight of Max sitting at his dining room table and sipping from a wine glass, full of a liquid you knew was not wine.
He gestured to the empty seat across from him, a matching glass placed in front of the chair. “Sit,” he commanded casually.
Your eyes narrowed, but you obeyed.
He took a long drink from his glass, “you have been spending a lot of time with that Maria girl.”
Your fists clenched, but you willed yourself not to react too strongly. “She’s my coworker, what about it?”
Max set his glass down. “Do you think I’m a fool?”
Your breath hitched. “What’s wrong with me dating?” You asked, “I thought you’d be happy to see me putting down roots.”
“Nothing wrong with dating,” he shrugged, “nothing wrong with dating humans, nothing wrong with dating girls…”
“Then what are we doing here?” your nails dug into your palms as you waited for his reply.
“Because there is something wrong with dating a silly human girl, when you have been blessed with mates.”
You felt like all the air had been knocked from your lungs.
“H-how did you-”
“You thought you could hide this? Please,” Max scoffed, “I have eyes everywhere.”
You were too stunned to speak.
“Do you know what I would do to have a mate?” He hissed, “and look at you, wasting what fate has decided to give you. You really are every bit the ungrateful child I thought you were.”
“So what?” Your anger threatened to spill over, “you’re going to order me not to see her? You’re going to thrall me?”
“Not quite,” Max clasped his hands together, “let me put it this way. If you refuse to break off this little dalliance with Maria, I will kill her.”
“What,” you whispered in shock.
“I’m a vampire,” he stated plainly, “I eat humans remember? As do you?” He gestured at the glass in front of you.
“I have never felt the need to apologize for what I am, and I have never been afraid to use my gifts to get what I want, just as you have.” Max reminded you.
Your mind flashed through every disgustingly wealthy man you had “dated,” drained, and discarded for all those years in Manhattan.
“That’s- it’s- that was different.”
Max hummed, “you may see it that way, but regardless, whatever you had with Maria, it’s over. If you want her to live that is. Doesn’t she have that big family to take care of?”
You pushed away from the table, storming towards the stairs. Before you started to ascend them so you could lock yourself in your room, you turned to face him.
“You’re a monster.”
Max nodded, “maybe, but my dear, so are you.”
You tore your gaze away from his, racing up the stairs and slamming your door.
“I’m only doing what’s best for you!” He called after you.
You laughed bitterly and collapsed onto your bed. For the first time in a long time, you wept.
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
(Idk why it doesn’t let me tag some people but I did my best guys😭)
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @sad-ghost-of-garbage @crustyboypix @gothamslostboy @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @ria-coolgirl @chiefdirector @arbesa-mind @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @its-freaking-bats @f4iryfxies @ghostedghostie @jezabella8 @solobagginses @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @lostboys1987girl @mickkmaiden333 @softchonk @katerinaval @walmart-icarus @rynsfandomsfun @royaltysuite @hypocriticaltypwriter @charlottieellis @mad-is-sad @justaspeachy @natalie668 @blenna3967 @paladinshenanigan-blog @shadowrose13-blog1 @humanzeww @mynameismothra @kuroturo @ilikechocolatemilkh @whaturcapableof @twisteduniverse5 @mack-attack420 @smut-religiously777 @people-are-strange-87 @welcome-to-the-hole @pookiesnatcher @kristel1990 @mihawksdemoness @buzzybee-26 @sarcastic-sourwolf @jamie-poopoo @fraudfrog
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When Paul gets high Part 2
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Not a single soul on this Earth:
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Paul: Guys, boob size doesn’t matter. Big or small, I want them all!
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David: That’s great Paul but what has that got to do with ordering takeout? 🥡
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marypsue · 6 months
Something about The Lost Boys, a deeply, deliberately queer movie all about vampires (so necessarily obsessed with blood transfer/exchange), where being attracted to the wrong person, taking risks around them, taking their tainted blood into your body, will change your life irrevocably and doom you to death, coming out in 1987, and saying that the real source of the majority of the problems caused by sharing tainted blood is a respectable middle-aged middle-class white man obsessed with power, heteronormativity, and the replication and eternal enshrinement of the nuclear family structure, and that the only way to survive and cure the infection is to destroy him...whoooo.
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popironrye · 5 months
Max's reveal at the end of The Lost Boys is another one of those scenes I've been overthinking about. Particularly the few seconds post revelation that the boys were all dead.
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When Max and Lucy return home he takes little time to head to where David died. An obvious choice given the fates of the other boys what with Paul being soup, Dwayne blown to pieces, and Marko's body being way back in the cave.
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In the background Sam, the Frog brothers, and Lucy are pretty loudly arguing and talking over each other in the other room but this scene is eerily quiet. The scene plays out is a realistic view of mourning. Max's actions here are rather tender and you can tell by the look on his face that seeing David like this does have an affect on him.
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There's a blatant pause. I like to think that was Max grieving, coming to terms with what's happened. His boys are gone, probably reliving a lot of memories. It's never revealed, but I choose to believe Max turned David first, and the following boys were slowly turned the same way Michael was, by drinking Max's or David's blood. And I headcanon he was turned a long time ago, meaning Max had a lot of years with the boys. He is shown as hostile in the beginning to them when they come in the video store, but I like to think that's just Max wanting to keep a reasonable distance to keep suspicious eyes from prying (and to keep things a twist for the audience) especially since he's playing the childless bachelor as that's what's has worked for them for so long so far (although come on Max, if you played up the single father to Lucy, you would have totally won. Just saying.)
But what about the rest of that scene? Max recovers pretty quickly from losing his boys. While some may argue it's because Max didn't really care for them, I choose to believe that's not the case at all. I think he's putting on a face to remain calm in front of the others, especially Lucy. Since he still wants to turn her into his vampire bride, even without his boys to mother. Perhaps he could just be thinking he can start his vampire boys over with others boys, but then there's THIS scene!
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The scene where Star reveals to the audience that David was hiding Max's involvement from her and Michael. David wasn't just keeping Max a secret, Star declares that he was "the secret David was protecting." Key word being, 'protecting'. Max's identity as the head vampire is important and it's in his best interest for the vampire boys to be seen around him as little as possible. Especially since Sam figured it out early on in the movie he was one of them. And so, David and the boys choose to act on their own most of the time. Not only to give themselves the feeling of carefree freedom, but also to keep Max safe. And it's clearly a situation they all like, or at least tolerate, as while there is no hope in them turning back if Max were killed first, but David and the others had no intention of ratting him out and letting him die.
My favorite part of this scene. Max's smile. After Star says her line, Max nods in agreement, but the smile afterwards is interesting. I think he looks proud. Proud of David. Proud to have heard that David, even as he died, was protecting him. I choose to believe Max cared a lot for the boys and I also choose had he be given the chance later, would feel very lonely without them.
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whatisgoingonpaul · 5 months
Really sad with the way Max has been misinterpreted for forever really…. Like yall really saw this dorky video shop owner and were like “evil” the older I get the more I understand him and he’s actually so funny it makes it even sadder how the fandom interprets him.
He’s trying to turn Lucy the good old fashioned charmer way. He’s taking her on nice dates and slowly trying to broach the topic - playing the long game etc.
But you see— his boys, who have decided they’re a gang about 30 years ago and who he couldn’t control for 70 said noooooo and just had to terrorize her son and try to go about it too fast.
He’s not even particularly mad by the end he’s just
“Damn I forgot they get like this… my bad looks like we’re going to have to go the traumatic route, whoopsies✨✨”
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 3 months
Charles is never beating the "reverts to petty & competitive twelve year old when losing" allegations after going back to calling Max by his last name on the radio yesterday because Max lapped him lmao
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b4sically-ficti0n · 5 months
Rewatched The Lost Boys again (at the theater this time, too! A theater near me is doing this six day vampire movie marathon, and I'll be going to 4 of the six).
And i noticed something else! (I'm actually going to mention more than the one thing but it's all closely related).
So, we all know about the "Max is the head vampire" double plot twist thing. And i really like that double plot twist because of some subtler details that show that whoever wrote the script really knows their vampire lore.
So, remember how Sam and the Frog brothers sort of test to see of Max is the head vampire at dinner with Lucy? That was actually when i figured out he was a vampire. The "he must not be the head vampire," "yes he is!" thing never worked on me. As soon as he asked Michael to invite him in, i was like, yep, he's a vampire. (The first time i watched the movie). That's one of those subtler details i mentioned.
Another thing I noticed the first time I watched the movie is that he does react to both the garlic and the holy water, he just plays off why. And i realize now that the holy water only hit him where he had clothes on so if his skin tore like Paul's does later in the movie, he could've hid it behind his clothes and by drawing attention to other stuff (which he did!).
Max also reacted to the garlic. Paul does say later on that garlic doesn't effect vampires which could be true but he also could have been lying.
Anyway, Max may have lied about why he reacted to both the garlic and the holy water but he definitely reacted.
The thing i only really noticed/understood earlier tonight was Max's non-reaction to the mirror. See, the reason vampire lore often says that vampires can't see their reflections is because old mirrors were backed with silver and silver is "pure" so it reacted negatively to vampires or whatever (i don't remember the exact explanation) and that's what kept them from seeing their reflections. And the mirror that Michael and Sam were standing in front of in that one scene was very obviously an antique mirror. Which means it was probably backed with silver! But not the newer, cheaper mirror they used for Max. Which is why there was no effect/reaction.
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they knew and were like 🤨🏳️‍🌈🫵?
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thelostboysthings · 2 months
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Sorry for being gone so long guys 😭 Not sure who made this but if they see this credit to them ❤️
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heeheehoohoo8 · 7 months
i just had a cursed thought. you know how the boys and Michael don’t have eyebrows when they vamp out but Max does. could you imagine if that was like the head vampires thing? like he dies and David inherits the eyebrows like a family heirloom 💀
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acutemushroom · 2 months
Some random Lost Boys headcanons I have:
Marko loves gore and snuff movies. And he'd probably bring a human to snack on during the movie. A bit the same as us eating in front of cooking shows.
You've heard about dad lore, well they have David lore ! Once every blue moon, the man would mutter some random fact about his life in the 19th century. Like, da fuck you mean you met Bram Stocker !?
Max was born out of wedlock.
I just know in my heart that Star is an indie theater & thrift store girl.
The boys can't sew for shit. Star always end up fixing their cloths.
That one is mostly to conciliate the fact that Laddie is officially 11 and that his actor looks younger than anything. Laddie has been a fledgling vampire for 3 years
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