#lost boys fic
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sweetobservationgardener · 10 months ago
David Headcannons
(because I say so)
David steals clothes for you and always wants to give you pretty things.
He loves watching you dance, whether it's you dancing in a room by yourself or you dancing in front of others.
He doesn't get horribly jealous if others hit on you, but if someone tries to touch you... he's out for blood.
He's not huge on physical touch, but if you want or need him to hold you, he will.
If you leave the cave by yourself, most likely Michael and/or Star are keeping an eye out for you.
Listen to him talk. He loves telling you stories and wants to spend quality time with you.
David loves it if you're friendly with the boys and Star. That's his family, and he wants you all to get along.
I hope you all enjoyed this. I'm sorry if it's short. I'm gonna try to write more headcannons and stories.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 9 months ago
Lost Boys
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam
Summary: After Jonathan Lane Kent wipes himself from existence by canceling his own timeline, he finds himself stuck in the afterlife where he meets Jason Todd. He still wonders about the life un-lived on Earth, and how his parents would've felt about him.
Jason Todd, who is making the most of being dead, struggles with the reality of what he's left behind. He has one wish and one wish only: to send his family one final message.
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Jonathan Lane Kent (Laney), Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Boston Brand, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, John Constantine, Raven, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake
Relationships: Platonic JayLaney
Additional Tags: Angst, Platonic Relationships, Magical Jason Todd, Resurrected Jason Todd, Queerplatonic Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, POV Multiple
Chapter Six: Happy Trails (Jason's POV)
After my resurrection, I started seeing things and hearing voices, but they weren't talking to me. They were talking about me. After my dip in the pit, I knew I was stuck with them. Sometimes in the daytime, I would lie awake and listen to them talk. The spooky one would come and go, but the one in the weird Superman costume never left my side. Sometimes I felt like I knew him from somewhere. Sometimes he would sing songs to me when we were alone or talk as if he didn't know I could hear him. I wanted to give in and speak to him most times, but I was afraid that I'd lose my mind completely if I did.
I didn't realize how much I would need him until I found out about Tim Drake. "You all right?" Talia asked. Her voice was clear, calm, and tinted with a hint of concern.
"Sure. Why wouldn't I be all right?" I lied. Once she was gone, I could hear the faintest whisper from my imaginary friend. I started to cry as I continued to try to ignore him.
"Jason, I'm so sorry," he said loud enough for me to hear. I looked away from the wall and directly at him. "Jason? You can see me?"
"What do you want from me?" I asked in tears. I finally succumbed to it. It didn't matter to me anymore if I was losing it or not. I just wanted to talk to somebody.
"Jason, it's me. Have you been ignoring me this whole time?" he asked. I nodded.
"I don't know who you are or if you're real. I just—. Can you sit down?" I asked. He nodded and sat at the table. I pulled myself together and sat back down. "Who are you?"
"Jason, it's me," he pleaded with me, "It's Laney. We're best friends. Why don't you—? Jason, don't you remember me?"
I shook my head and laughed. "No... I don't know who you are because you aren't real. You're not. This is just my brain damage and emotional trauma manifesting itself," I rationalized. Laney frowned. I pushed a hand through my hair and took a few nauseated breaths.
"This isn't who you are, Jason. We used to talk about it all the time... You said you wanted to tell Bruce you loved him, that he was a father to you. I know you're hurt, but has that changed?" Laney asked. I didn't answer him. "You don't believe me, do you? How can I prove it to you?"
"Prove what to me? I don't even understand what you're—."
"I'm a ghost. We were friends in heaven or the afterlife or whatever it was... And you disappeared, but Boston and I—. We uh—. I don't exist anymore, but you can do everything that I can't. You have a second chance, and Catherine wanted that for you," Laney whispered, "Jason..."
I started feeling panicked when he mentioned Ma, but I pushed the feelings back and went to bed. He stayed with me even after our conversation. When I woke up, Laney was still there, and his friend was back. "I'm not leaving him... Boston, I promised myself I would never leave him. So you can give me the address of the nearest person who can see ghosts, or you can come with us and help me prove that we're not just hallucinations," Laney snapped. I lay still and listened.
"The closest person I know isn't the kind of guy you ask for help. He's more trouble than he's worth—."
"Who is he, and where is he? Boston," Laney pleaded angrily through his clenched teeth.
"If he can prove that you two are real, I'm game... Actually, matter-of-fact, if you two are real, I'll do whatever the hell you want me to," I replied. Laney floated above the ground in a seated position, biting his nails. "Scout's honor."
"Jason, you were never a scout," Laney replied, "If we can prove that we're real, I want you to do just as we planned. Talk to our families."
I nodded, and Boston shook his head. "Jason, kid, you don't wanna go on and learn the hard way. Why can't you just take our word for it?" Boston asked. "Jay..."
I looked at Laney, and he softened up. "Jason, if you can't remember me, then you can't believe what I mean when I say that I know you in ways that you don't even know yourself anymore... And you won't be able to see that I just want to help you."
I wondered if he loved me. The way he spoke to me was like nothing I'd ever heard. I sometimes thought my mind made him up for comfort. Maybe he was real, and he was trying to protect me. I knew one thing for sure, everything he said was what I wanted to hear. I think that's what scared me the most. If he wasn't real, all I was doing was second-guessing myself.
They continued to argue back and forth, and I took my shower and got dressed before cutting out. Laney followed closely behind me. "Two choices. San Francisco, but you run the risk of seeing your brother or Louisiana meet this Constantine guy, and I hear he's more trouble than he's worth," Laney offered. Both choices sounded terrible, but I think he knew I'd pick anything over the idea of running into Dick. "Jason, I know you don't wanna risk seeing Dick if he's in San Francisco, but—."
"But nothing. I'm not risking everything I have planned. What happens if you're just my mind's way of sabotaging me?" I asked. He looked over my shoulder and waited for me to make eye contact.
"I don't want to sabotage you... I'd never do that. Jason, I know you're scared of what he'll say or think or do... But, just try to think. If this Constantine guy is as unpredictable as Boston says, don't you think you'd be safer if—."
I stopped just as I realized how crazy I must've seemed, talking to thin air. "Listen, on the off chance that you're real. Cool, great, good. But, on the chances that you're just a pretty little kindhearted and nurturing hallucination, my mind made up to change me back into the sweet boy you're saying I used to be... I don't wanna take any chances on screwing this up," I mumbled.
"You weren't always sweet. You were just as stubborn dead as you are alive. Either way, I promised your mom I'd find you, and I did. You're alive. I can't take that away from you, but I can look out for you," Laney whispered, "You don't have to talk to me out here. I know what it looks like. Just know when you find out that I'm not a hallucination and that there is actually someone on this planet that would move heaven and hell for you... I won't rub it in."
Secretly, I kind of hoped he was telling the truth. I needed him. Like it or not, I didn't know how I'd be able to bear the loneliness without him. So that was it. I was on my way to Louisiana to see a man about a ghost.
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asirensrage · 5 months ago
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kinktober entry 2: body swap
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Paul x Darcy (oc) (side pairings of Darcy x all the lost boys) from the fic there's a heaven above you (don't you cry) Fandom: The Lost Boys Warnings: masturbation. lead up to sex. swearing. unbeta’d.
This one was a lot of fun. Thanks @burnincrown for suggesting it! I hope you like it!
kinktober masterlist
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It’s official. She hates magic. 
“Oh ho ho!” Her voice rings out across the cave, sounding strange from her current position. She feels weird like this. Tall, slender and oddly cognizant of everything around her. Especially the hair that seems to be everywhere. Also, it’s strange to feel his dick. Or…hers now. 
“Darce, babe, you know how lucky you are to feel these all the time?” She hears her own voice ask. She scowls as she looks up.
“Stop fucking fondling me!”
“Not fondling you, I’m fondling me!” Paul shouts back, laughing, his hands still on her breasts. The others are watching them like it’s a tennis match. 
“I don’t know what we’re supposed to do…” Marko admits. 
David scowls. “Find the fucking witch and make them switch them back. I’m not fucking Paul for Darcy.”
“Chicken,” she calls back. Just because her body has changed doesn’t mean it’s not her. 
He glowers back, already knowing what she’s not saying. “You wanna stay in his body?”
“Obviously not.”
“Then play nice while we fix this.”
“Just don’t get cursed yourself or kill her because you’re pissed off. If I’m stuck like this, I’m going to throw you into the sun,” she snaps. 
“What? Come on…” Paul slides up to Dwayne in her body. “Don’t like what you see?” he teases. 
“Tempting,” Dwayne says, looking at Darcy in Paul’s body. “Think of the possibilities…”
David sighs, motions for Marko to follow as he drags Dwayne out with them and Darcy is left with Paul. It’s hard not to look at her body and think of the imperfections she sees. Even from this angle. The scars Dwayne has created and left on her aren’t enough to cover the imperfections she can see from here.
“Stop it,” Paul demands in her voice. “I don’t look like that. Not when I look at you.” 
“I’m not-”
Paul sighs and grabs the bottom of the shirt she was wearing before pulling it off. The image of her own breasts bouncing slightly is something she’d never thought she’d see from this angle without a mirror and her breath hitches as the blood rushes south. Darcy looks down. Huh. She knew she could turn herself on but she didn’t think it was like this. 
“That’s what this feels like?” 
Paul laughs. “Come on, babe. Let’s have some fun. I wanna know exactly what this feels like for you, don’t you?” He comes closer and Darcy feels strange to look down at herself and the look on his face. Her face.
He runs his fingers up her chest. Are her fingers always this soft? They create heat up the hard planes of Paul’s chest. “You know your body better than anyone, Darce. Show me what you like.” She watches as he reaches down into the shorts she was wearing and starts touching himself. His face scrunches up in confusion. “Why doesn’t this feel as good–”
“You’re not doing it right,” Darcy says. “You’re being too rough. Why do you think I always tell you…watch.” 
Even in Paul’s body, she knows her own best. Paul gasps as she finds the right position and Darcy is left reeling when he returns the favour, wrapping his hand around the cock she’s the temporary owner of. 
They don’t make it to any of the bedrooms. 
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everything tag: @raith-way @zeleniafic @veetlegeuse  @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
@themaradwrites @kingsmakers @thatmagickjuju @awkwardchick87  @hayatoseyepatch
also tagging my lost boys tag because you might be interested: @phantomenby @avengers-fixation @artaxerxesthegreat @henhouse-horrors
@charlizekkelly @makepastanotwar13
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unusualgrimm · 5 days ago
Alright. I am not a writer at all. But I tried cause I'm brainrotting about The Lost Boys rn so
Werewolfoc/Lost Boys idk if it will be romantic or have definite relationships but there is definitely teasing, competitiveness and playfullness
Leech. Mutt.
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tempo-takoyaki · 12 days ago
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"It would be my pleasure to give you a proper tour and introduce you to everyone."
Here is my full illustration for @svsssbigbang for the fanfiction Night at Cang Qiong Museum by @adventure-waffles! An incredible Night at the Museum x Scum Villain AU! Don't hesitate to also check out the other two artists incredible pieces for this fanfiction: dustmeadowx and qiye!
And since I know that tumblr tends to destroy the quality of my illustrations, here are some close-ups under the cut:
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tragedy-machine · 10 months ago
The last time Edwin saw his own face was probably when he was still alive and the most recent glimpse at himself in hell was when his face was covered in blood with deep claw marks running through almost half of it, so I imagine his image of himself has to be quite murky as of now
So when Charles draws him (as an act of love) and Edwin sees the drawing, he goes
"Oh that's very skillful of you, Charles. You are quite good at portraits. And this one even has a bow tie like me, how delightful! Do keep at it."
And since the drawing is just so beautiful, he can't even imagine it being of him
Charles can only groan and facepalm
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thesillyestwilly · 1 year ago
just like a silly little rant bc I feel gaslighted sometimes
I seriously hate how like there will be the most bbgist, jaw dropping, toe curling, making me scream without the s, making me giggle and kick my legs in bed as I watch the screen, making me think I'm having a fever because I get so excited to see them on screen character just to go on Tumblr and search up the character x reader to see like almost no posts and the two posts I don't even like because the reader is so y/n coded... Like it makes me so mad bro 😭
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arrowheadedbitch · 2 months ago
Tim: Do you wanna have sex on the hood of my batmobile?
Kon, a little too quick: YES!!
Kon: Ahem, um, yes.
Kon: ...answered that a little to fast...
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bluejaysandblackbats · 9 months ago
Lost Boys
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam
Summary: After Jonathan Lane Kent wipes himself from existence by canceling his own timeline, he finds himself stuck in the afterlife where he meets Jason Todd. He still wonders about the life un-lived on Earth, and how his parents would've felt about him.
Jason Todd, who is making the most of being dead, struggles with the reality of what he's left behind. He has one wish and one wish only: to send his family one final message.
Chapters: 5/?
Characters: Jonathan Lane Kent (Laney), Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Boston Brand, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, John Constantine, Raven, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake
Relationships: Platonic JayLaney
Additional Tags: Angst, Platonic Relationships, Magical Jason Todd, Resurrected Jason Todd, Queerplatonic Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, POV Multiple
Chapter Five: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (Laney's POV)
Do people in heaven get sick? I wished more and more with every passing day that there was Google or an encyclopedia of sorts for the afterlife. Jason started getting headaches a few weeks after the dance. He tried to hide it from Catherine and me, but we could see it in his eyes. Jason was fading.
After the dance, we sometimes flew over the ocean at the beach, and we'd do cannonballs into the water from the sky. Somedays, all we'd do was laugh and play like children. Other times, we'd sit in the meadow and tell each other all the things we'd say and do if we could live all over again. I told Jason about how I grew up, and he told me all about the things he swore he'd never speak of out loud. He told me about his birth father, about what happened to him after his parents died. He told me things no one knew.
By the time he'd gotten really sick, we were in the meadow watching the clouds. Jason didn't want us to see it, but he couldn't hide it anymore. All we could do was pretend not to see it. "I see a little dog where you saw your turtle," I whispered as I pointed to the sky.
"Now, how do you see a dog there?" Jason asked as he started giggling. "That's obviously a turtle. Lookit. See the shell?"
"Jason, no, he's like one of those short dogs with the wolf ears," I argued, "See, because those little wisps right there, those are his ears."
"We're pointing to two different—." He stopped speaking and sat up. I turned and looked at him, and he looked paler than usual. "Sorry, what was I—. We're pointing at two different clouds, Lane." He took a deep breath and came back to me.
I touched his cheek with the back of my hand, and he took my hand away. "You okay?" I asked. Jason nodded. "I still think it's a dog."
"A corgi? You see a corgi up there?" Jason asked. I nodded. "I guess I could see it... Think my ma's still out on her date?" Jason stood up and stretched out his arms.
I sat on the ground and looked up at him. "Yeah... Are you okay with her dating Boston?" I questioned. "I mean, he's really not that—."
"I know he's not that bad... I mean, I actually think I might like Boston for Ma. He makes her laugh, and he's good to her. He might be the first guy that was ever good to her," Jason replied as he pulled me to my feet. "If Ma's happy, I'm alright."
"Yeah, and you gotta admit he's kind of cool too... I mean, he gets to travel back and forth—."
"Laney, come on. Even if we could go back, I don't wanna leave my ma," Jason interrupted. I nodded.
"Jason?" I called as I walked on my hands just like he taught me. "Can I say that I love Catherine? Is that weird?"
Jason raised his brow and playfully tripped me up with his foot. "How do you mean it? Because if you mean it like that, we might have problems, Lane," Jason joked.
I stood up and pushed him with my shoulder. "No, not like that! I love her like—. I dunno, like how you love her... I think," I explained.
Jason offered to carry me home on his back. I rode on his back, and he let me rest my chin on top of his head. "Jason, were you this strong when you were alive?" I teased. Jason chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah. I may not be the biggest guy around, but I trained hard. I coulda carried you if I wanted to," Jason replied, "Besides, you're Superman's kid. Of course, you'd be taller than me."
We didn't make it all the way home. He stopped to rest, and he stumbled on the way to sit down. "What's wrong?" I asked. Jason shook his head. "Let me carry you the rest of the way," I offered, and he held up his hand.
"I'm fine, just—. I'll catch up with you," Jason whispered. I wouldn't leave him, so I picked him up and carried him home. By the time we got home, he was fast asleep. I set him down on the couch and waited for Catherine to come back. We never slept, so it was so strange to see him unconscious.
He came out of it for a moment, and he chewed me out for carrying him home, but I didn't care. I knew he didn't mean any harm. He stormed out of the cottage, and I let him have his space. I regret that I didn't follow him.
Catherine and Boston came back around sundown, and by then, I was hysterical. "Catherine, I don't know where he went, but he was sick, and I—."
"What do you mean he was sick?" Boston interrupted me. "He can't get sick anymore." Catherine rushed out of the cottage, and Boston nudged me. "He can't—."
"He is! He's sick, and he's fading in and out. It's like he's a—..." I trailed off, and Boston asked me to take him to the places where I hung out with Jason. He wasn't there, so we circled back around to the cottage. Catherine was inconsolable.
"He's nowhere to be f—." She swallowed hard. "I can't find him," she sobbed, and Boston touched her arm and waited for her to collect herself.
"I'll find him," Boston promised her, and I stopped him before he could go anywhere.
"I gotta go with you. If Jason's anywhere on Earth, I can find him. If he's there, I can find him. Please," I pleaded. Boston looked at Catherine, and she nodded. Boston sighed and nodded.
Boston placed a steady hand on my shoulder, and he told me to remain calm. He was going to take me back to the world of the living as a ghost, and I was going to find my best friend.
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
there's a heaven above you (don't you cry) - Part 14
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Rating: M Pairing: Lost Boys/OC Fandom: The Lost Boys Warnings: violence, arson, swearing, breaking and entering, sex…
Summary: The thing no one ever tells you about time travel is that you don’t have any control over where you end up or when you leave. It just happens. It also hurts like a bitch. Notes: This will be a poly pairing, so if you’re not into that, don’t read. It’s not beta-read so I hope you’ll forgive me but enjoy!
previous/masterlist also on ao3 and ffn
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Chapter 14: Don't Get Mad, Get Even
Now that she had forgiven the vampires, Darcy had a feeling she was never going to get rid of them. It was bad enough when she first met the men. Now that she was actually letting them in, she was pretty sure she might have to spray them with a hose filled with holy water to keep them away. 
“What happened to you?” 
She looked up to see Clark walking into the store. “What do you mean?” 
His face scrunched up like he didn’t want to answer. “Nevermind. I don’t want to know.”
Darcy grinned. “You sure?”
“Very. I just came by to warn you that those surf assholes are looking for you.” 
Darcy sat up straight. “Me?”
“Yeah. They’re saying you're the reason their place burned down. You and one of those bikers.” 
She didn’t stop the smile that grew at the reminder of the night before. The encouragement of her violence was so deeply pleasing to her that she could barely put it into words. She had always been told she was the problem, something to use and to fix. It was never like that with these men. “Oh…well, that’s because we did.” 
Clark’s eyes went wide. “You did?” 
Darcy leaned against the counter, resting her arms on it. “Wouldn’t that be a story? Imagine if we just Molotov cocktailed the place, once we made sure it was empty, of course. But that would be crazy…after all, we’re pretty distinctive, aren’t we?” She probably should have felt bad for what she was doing, but Darcy had enough run-ins with the police to know that if there was no actual proof, they couldn’t pin anything on. Witness testimony from other punks didn’t hold up, especially if no one could say she actually confessed to them. 
He frowned slightly, unsure if she was telling the truth or not. “So…did you?”
Darcy tilted her head, watching him. “Do you think I would?”
“I think they would.” She knew exactly who he was referring to. 
“Probably,” she agreed. They were going to have to do something about that though if the surf assholes were looking for her. She wasn’t worried about them going after the boys. The whole vampire thing worked in their favour. Darcy just wanted to make sure any retaliation against her wasn’t going to impact Sampson, Clark, or the innocent people at the motel she lived at. 
Clark left without a word now that his warning was given. Not unusual. Darcy settled back in her chair and started planning. 
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The boys were waiting for her as soon as the sun set. Of course they were. Darcy made a note to talk with them about the concept of boundaries and what hers were. This time though it saved her a trip from trying to find them, especially since they preferred to hang around the boardwalk and she preferred to avoid it. 
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” she asked as soon as she was close enough. 
“Then wait for you? Nah, girl.” 
David held out a hand for her, inviting her to his bike. She was tempted to choose someone else just because but she decided to throw him a bone. She let him guide her behind him. The engine under her was warm and she wrapped her arms around David’s waist before he took off without warning. 
The good thing about riding with David was that despite his mullet, he had less hair than the others, allowing her to easily see what they passed. Pedestrians dove out of the way as they crossed the boardwalk. They drove through the sand, laughing as they sprayed some of the people hanging around bonfires. 
Darcy recognized the cliffs that made up the entrance to their lair. Paul swept her up off of David’s bike into a hug, before she dug her fingers into his ribs. She had no clue if it hurt but it was enough that he squirmed before Marko yanked Paul into a headlock and he was forced to let her go. Dwayne was at her side, offering to help her down. She stood at the top of the rickety metal stairs before she turned. “You’re going to have to carry me. I’m not walking down this.”
She heard someone laugh but Dwayne was dutiful in the way that he carefully picked her up and held her firmly against him. She closed her eyes but it only took seconds before she could feel that they were in the cave. Dwayne set her down gently. 
“Thanks,” she told him. 
“Don’t have to thank me, rosy-girl,” his fingers brushed her cheek. She was suddenly reminded of that night in the cave when he brought her funnel cake to celebrate karma hitting that animal abuser hard. 
“We told you,” David’s arm wrapped around Darcy’s waist, drawing her away from Dwayne. “We’ll take care of you, Darcy.” He dropped down on a chair, pulling Darcy with him. 
“Yeah? What does that entail?”
“Whatever you want, babe!” Paul called out as he made his entrance. Marko followed behind. The two of them playfully shoved each other. 
She focused on the way David’s arm wrapped around her waist, holding her against him. He pressed his face into her hair, grip tightening slightly. “Are you hungry?” 
“A bit,” she admitted.
“Marko! Go get some food.” 
“Darce! Anything you want?”
“I’m not picky,” she called out, leaning back into David. Marko grinned before disappearing. 
David’s hand slipped under her shirt, softly stroking her stomach as he kissed her neck. It was strange to feel so comforted by the action considering what he was. She can’t stop the flinch though as his thumb presses against the surgical scar on her left side. He paused. His thumb stroked the scar again and Darcy forced herself not to react to it. 
“What happened?” His voice was low, laced with a threat that she knew wasn’t aimed at her. 
“It’s from a surgery,” she answered, trying to keep her voice steady. It’s not enough as the others seem to hear. She found herself quickly surrounded. 
“Surgery?” Paul asked. “What happened? Wrong side of a knife after you swung a bat at them?” it was playful, but the same threat was in his voice that was in David’s. “
She smiled at the promise in them. It was an odd thing to know that there were people who were prepared to fight for her, especially considering why she had that scar in the first place. “No, I had to donate part of my liver.” 
There was a moment of silence that suddenly felt suffocating. 
David’s grip tightened. “Had to?” 
“Yeah,” she said. “My sister needed it.”
The men look at each other, a silent communication she wasn’t a part of. She tried not to let it grate. 
“You offered?” Paul asked, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. 
Her throat tightened, a familiar lump growing in response to the question. There was never a chance to offer. She simply had to. She can practically hear her family telling her that she should consider herself lucky, that she should be grateful she can help, that she is so selfish!
“Darce?” A hand tilted her face up, back towards David who was staring at her with a slight frown. He seemed to read something in her expression because the next thing she knew, he moved his hand off of her stomach and was pulling off his glove with his teeth. Her eyes were drawn to the scars that littered it, the reminder of her conversation with him. Fucking fathers. 
“My sister has been sick my whole life. I had to give her whatever she needed: marrow, plasma, liver…whether or not I wanted to. That was the only reason they’d had me after all. They told me themselves. Everything had been perfect before me. By the time I was old enough to say no, they guilted me into it again and again, carving more of me away until I’d had enough. They turned everyone we knew against me for being selfish, for not wanting to help my own flesh and blood. I refused to be anything they could use ever again.” 
Someone was growling.
It took her a moment to realize it was all of them. 
“Never again,” David said, voice lower and rougher than usual. “No one’s ever going to force you again.” 
Darcy smiled and leaned forward to kiss the ridge of his brow. “They haven’t forced me into anything for years. Not since I crashed their car and stopped staying in their house.” His face smoothed into the human one she knew well. 
“That why you’re living in a motel?” he asked. “In Santa Carla?”
“I told you,” she teased. “I’m a time traveller.” They laughed at that and Paul and Dwayne finally eased up, moving away from them. It likely helped that David motioned them off. 
His thumb smoothed over the scar one last time. He reached up, brushing her hair back and tucking it behind her ear. He paused and she felt him pull the backing off of her earring. 
“Hey, what are–” 
He put a finger on her chin, turning her face back away from him. He took out her earring and tossed it. She heard it bounce off the ground. She sat there for a moment before feeling him press an earring into the space he had made. When his fingers moved, tracing a path down her neck, she turned to look. It took a moment before she realized what was missing. 
“Did you…give me one of your earrings?”
“Looks better on you,” David said. “Now you’ll have a piece of me wherever you go.” 
“Thank you.” It was a sweet gesture and something told her that David didn’t usually do sweet. Maybe it was the way they tended to interact, ready to tear each other's throats out at any given time. 
He leaned down and kissed her. It wasn’t soft. David kissed her as though he was trying to consume her. He burned himself into her. He finally pulled back when Marko returned with food. 
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Darcy was a little high from the way Paul kept shotgunning his joint with her. She was lying on their couch, listening to the way the boys were rambunctious around her. 
“Hey, rosy-girl,” Dwayne murmured as he knelt next to her. “I got an idea.”
“Hmm?” she turned to look at him. He was lit by the fires in the cans that they had burning. It was a good look on him. Made him seem more human somehow. Maybe it was the warmth of the light on his skin. 
His hand slipped up under her shirt. He found one of the surgical scars easily, fingers brushing against it. He didn’t move higher as she expected. “You want to erase those scars? Make something beautiful on you.” 
“Like a tattoo?” 
He grins at her. “Better. I’ll make some new scars, a reminder of who you are.”
Darcy frowns slightly. “You wanna cut me up?”
“Just a little,” he says. “It’ll hurt, but you’re not afraid of a bit of pain, are you?” 
“Pain’s never stopped me before.” 
His grin turned a bit sharper. “Knew it wouldn’t.” He flipped open a knife. She eyed it carefully, but it looked new and sharp. “Let me?”
She considered it carefully. She wasn’t exactly a fan of knives near her, but it wasn’t like he’d put her to sleep through it and the idea of changing those scars into something she chose was appealing. It would shift from something taken to something given. “Yeah,” she breathes. “Yeah, okay.” 
Despite being high, and Paul shotgunning more into her mouth, she felt everything. Dwayne was extremely skilled. The pain wasn’t as strong as she expected it to be. He spent his time carving into her and distracting her with his mouth and tongue pressing against her skin. 
She fell asleep, feeling someone's hands stroke her hair and Dwayne murmuring that she’s been so good for him. 
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Darcy woke to the sun hitting her face. She moved automatically, trying to roll away from the brightness. The sharp pain across her abdomen made her gasp and bolt up, instantly regretting it. She breathes through the pain, a practice she’s all too familiar with and has long tried to forget. A quick glance showed that the boys had managed to properly bandage and wrap her stomach. It was tempting to undo so she could see how far Dwayne had gotten, but experience has drilled into her to leave her bandages alone. 
Darcy pushed herself to her feet before leaving the cave. There was no point in sticking around bored out of her mind waiting for the sunset so the vampires could wake up. She had better things to do. Like finding a way to get to her job that she was probably late for. 
It took her longer than she wanted to get up those fucking awful metal steps. She mentally cursed the fact that she was attracted to a bunch of vampires who had no consideration for the humans they stole. Not that she could blame them. She wouldn’t make an easy exit for anyone she decided to kill, but it was a fucking pain to deal with now. Especially when the wounds on her stomach were killing her. Figuratively. 
She considered stealing one of their bikes. They didn’t actually need it and it would’ve served them right to have to share when they left her alone in their cave. The only thing that stopped her was the fact that she wasn’t entirely sure she could balance properly. Not with how her stomach twinged with every movement. 
So she walked. 
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She saw the smoke first. 
It took a moment before she realized where it was coming from. She took off running. There was a small crowd on the street. She shoved her way past the tourists and the few familiar citizens until finally, she was close enough to see it. Sampson’s shop was burnt down. A still smouldering wreck that was hollowed out and collapsing before her.  
“What the fuck?” Darcy exclaimed, looking at the chaos she knows she didn’t cause. “What happened?”
She turned at the sound of her name. Camila, Sampson and Clark came barreling toward her. Clark hit first, hugging her tightly before he realized what he was doing and let go. Camila took his place, hugging her before pulling back to cup her face in her hands and turning her head so Camila could look her over. 
“Dios mio, you’re okay! We thought you might have been caught in it! No one’s seen you! You weren’t at the motel!”
“What happened?” Darcy asked again, looking between the two adults.
“Surf Nazis came for revenge like I said they would. Everyone knows you work here, Darce,” Clark said. 
Anger burned through her, as hot as the fire that lay dormant in front of them. “They did, huh?” That’s fine. She could deal with those assholes. She knows if she asked, the vampires will help. Still, that does not erase the fact that her work is destroyed. It wasn’t even hers. She looked over at Sampson. “I am so sorry.”
“Nah, Darce. It’s a bummer but it’s just threads. The man is already asking ‘round. More important that you’re safe. We were buggin’ out thinking you were inside.” 
“The boys picked me up after work,” she said. “I spent the night with them.” 
Camila muttered a prayer before hugging her again. “Where are you staying?”
“The motel?” Darcy answered.
“Is that safe? Mija, if they know where you worked, they know where you live.” 
That was an excellent point. Still, Darcy hated that they were forcing her into this position. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll figure it out.” Worst case scenario, she’d stay in that stupid cave. She wasn’t about to let that happen though. She’d deal with these assholes first. 
“You can stay with me,” Camila offered. “Come, let’s get your stuff. Even if you find somewhere else, you can have your stuff somewhere safe until you decide.” 
She barely knew Camila but Sampson did and she trusted him. “Sure, thanks.” 
“Don’t worry ‘bout the store, Darce. I’ll let you know when I have something else set and I’ll come by Camila’s, drop off your pay, ya dig?”
She tried not to smile. “I dig,” she agreed. Clark disappeared again but Darcy let herself be led away from the wreckage by Camila. 
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She gathered her meagre belongings from the motel and dropped them off in the spare room at Camila’s house. The older woman seemed ecstatic that she was there, taking the time to show her around and, more importantly in her words, feed her.  
Fuck everything else. This made it worth it. Camila apparently hadn’t had anyone to feed in ages because she seemed enthusiastic and determined to find out what Darcy’s favourites would be. 
Darcy was free to roam the house as she waited but she stayed close and kept up the conversation. 
“Is this your husband?” she asked, pointing to a picture on the mantle. Camila was younger, but the smile on her face was the same. The man next to her was a little taller, his grin wide and holding Camila close next to him. He looked like a good man, but Darcy knew how looks could be deceiving. 
“Ah! Si, that is my Ernesto! That picture was taken the day we met our guardian angel.”
Darcy looked over, bemused. “Your guardian angel?”
“It was in Los Angeles, Nineteen…sixty-five I think. Ernesto and I, we were struggling. I was thirty,” she went back to cooking and Darcy followed her into the kitchen. “When I met him. Smart man, handsome, but it was not so easy then. Our angel, sh-they helped us find our home. Gave us money for a proper start.”
Darcy’s eyebrows rose. “What did they want in return?”
“Nothing.” Camila laughed when she turned to look at the expression on Darcy’s face. “It’s true. Said it was payment for the future, that they wanted to…invest in our happiness. Never asked for anything in return. And we’re not the only ones in town who have received their help. Our angel would come by sometimes, just to sit with us. I think…they were lonely.” 
Darcy had never considered herself lonely at any point in her life. Being lonely meant that you were giving others power over you, that you were setting yourself up to be indebted to someone for their company. She refused to part with anything of hers that she wasn’t fully willing to give. 
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Before night fell, Darcy started walking back to the bluffs. Her stomach burned with the movement but she needed to find the boys before they saw the burnt down remains while looking for her. If they were going to be as pissed as she was, she wanted to aim them in the right direction. The Surf Nazis stole something from her, from people who helped her. She would steal something back.
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taglist: @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @zeleniafic @jvstjewels @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse @endless-oc-creations @stanshollaand @wordspin-shares
lost boys tag: @phantomenby @avengers-fixation @artaxerxesthegreat @henhouse-horrors @charlizekkelly @makepastanotwar13
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zepskies · 3 months ago
Lost in Translation
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Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x Female POC!Reader
Summary: Living with this man isn’t easy, and you’ve absolutely had it with him. Supe or not, you’re one step shy of kicking him out. Will he try to make it up to you? 
AN: So after getting requests for a Soldier Boy x POC!Reader, I’ve had a short series in development called Unravel Me. I’m a bit stalled on the outline right now, so I thought this could be a fun way to introduce their relationship and see if you guys think I should continue with the prequel, kind of like how I did with Checkerboard and the Break Me Down-verse.
This story would take place after Unravel Me, after a fair bit of character development lol. It also fulfills a bingo square for @jacklesversebingo!
Prompt: “Whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is No!”
Song Inspo: “Damage” by H.E.R.
Word Count: 3.4K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, bit of dirty talk, fingering, edging, some angst, fluff and feels. The reader is a mixed race POC (Afro Latina), with textured hair. 
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The apartment was quiet, but not peaceful.
You were in the kitchen washing the Mt. Everest of dishes piled in the sink, partly because someone hadn’t rinsed off his own plate of carne guisada.
Ben had asked for beef for dinner yesterday, and you’d graciously delivered with your grandmother’s recipe for the stew. It was filled with chunks of tender, fall-off-your-fork beef, garlic, onions, carrots, and more—all marinated to perfection, if you said so yourself. You even added in some little yellow potatoes, both for taste and texture.
Apparently, he couldn’t be bothered to put those meaty man muscles to good use, aside from shoveling three helpings into his mouth.
A bottomless pit and a freakin’ man-child, I swear to God, you inwardly groused as you scrubbed the ceramic a bit too hard with the rough side of the sponge. No matter how many times you asked, nicely, it seemed your boyfriend couldn’t manage to pull his weight around here.
Okay, you knew his job could be demanding, but so was yours.
What the hell is this, Maid in Manhattan? Newsflash: I’ve got shit to do too! 
“And I cooked!” you muttered in indignation. That reminder propelled you to scrub a bit harder. The least he could do was clean the kitchen. Or take out the trash. Or toss the laundry into the washing machine once in a while. Like you really wanted to handle his dirty boxers all the damn time.
Did he have no shame? Couldn’t he do anything for you without you having to ask him three million times?
Es que él es bruto, mija, as your Dominican grandma would say about your grandpa, often while swiping a tired hand over her long braids. Es como un animal con ropa.
Just then, you heard his heavy steps creaking on the wood floors in your bedroom. Today was his day off, so he was probably taking his sweet time rolling his ass out of bed.
Meanwhile, you were hustling to get the place at least decently clean before you got yourself together for work. The thought made you simmer as you continued to place dishes on the counter rack. Each one clacking to rest was satisfying, but it also ticked up your internal dial to a fine boil. 
You heard him bang the bathroom door open and cringed internally, your teeth grinding. You’d reminded him three times already about the neighbors and the noise.
Sabes que, supe or not, I’m about to— 
“Morning, sweetheart.”
Ben’s voice washed over you, deep and still a little rough with sleep as he stepped into the kitchen. His old man loafers slid against the floor with every step when he approached you from behind, and his heavy hands found a familiar resting place on the curve of your waist.
He swiped your slightly wild curls to the side and pressed a tantalizing kiss into your neck. His voice, his touch, the brief scrape of his beard; it all caused a small shiver of delight up your spine.
“Hmm, you smell good. Good enough to eat.” And he teased you with the graze of his teeth, biting gently enough where your neck met your shoulder. You flinched with half a huff, trying not to smile. 
Just like that, it took the edge off your irritation…a little. You opened your mouth to reply, but before you could…
“Hey,” he said, “since you’re already up and about in here, how about some breakf—”
Your spine tightened once again.
“Whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is No!” you snapped. You moved out of his arms to grab a hand towel to dry your hands with. They were all pruny from washing dishes.
“I’m already running late. Why? Because this place is a fucking mess, and the only one who seems to care is me!” you exclaimed. First, you gestured to the dishes now drying on the rack. “Hmm?”
You then opened up the lid to the full-to-bursting trashcan. “What do you call that, huh? You said you’d take this out last night. After I asked you twice. What, was I not speaking English? Did something get lost in translation, or are you already losing your hearing? Just let me know, ‘cause I can sure as hell crank up the volume for you!”
Ben raised a brow. You read his thoughts in his surly frown. You have some fucking audacity, talking to him like that, but it’s still early. He hasn’t even had his coffee, for Christ’s sake.
If he was more awake, no doubt he’d be barking back at you. Instead, he heaved a sigh, drew closer to you and shut the trashcan lid. At least there was one lid he knew how to close.
“All right, it’s just a little mess. No need to get fucking hysterical,” he said, trying to grasp your arm to placate you. You shrugged out of his hold and crossed your arms in anger.
“Ben, it’s not just a little mess. And what is this, 1945? I’m not hysterical!”
His lips twitched at a smirk, making you even angrier. But he’d caught enough smoke from you in the past to know he didn’t want it at 8:00 in the morning. He grasped your arms and rubbed them up and down, trying to sooth you.
“Okay, okay. It’s a little early for all this Latina temper, don’tcha think?” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Your gaze snapped up at him with a glare.
Oooh, this man. He knew how to get you mad fucking tight.
Not in a good way.
Instead of exploding like Mount Fuji, you kept it all under your skin. You turned away from him and aimed to continue getting ready for work, but first, you took out a Greek yogurt from the fridge and wholly ignored him taking up space in the kitchen. You wouldn’t answer him when he called your name. In fact, you were going to give him the most frigid of cold shoulders—so cold he’d get hyperthermia through that invulnerable skin.
He waylaid your plans when he grabbed your hand, swinging you back into his arms. You gasped at the suddenness of it, looking up into his cocky, charming smile. You couldn’t stare too long at his green eyes, or the rest of his handsome, bearded face. Not when he knew exactly how to use it against you.
“Don’t think that’s gonna get you out of this,” you warned him. You set your yogurt on the kitchen counter and pushed at his chest, but it was no more effective than pushing at a mountain and expecting it to move.
His hands spanned your waist, his fingers beginning to press into your soft sides. He bowed his head, brushing his lips against your neck and the shell of your ear when he said, “Out of what, baby doll? Looks to me like we can still have a good morning.”
His voice once against trilled heat and tingles through your body, but you managed to lean back, holding the pads of your fingers to his lips.
“Hey, I’m not playing around here. If we’re gonna do this,” you pointed between him and yourself, “then let me make one thing really clear. I’m not la sirvienta around here, okay? I’m not your fucking maid. I’m your girl. Your partner. And since you live here now, I’m gonna need you to do your part.”
Ben almost rolled his eyes, but you grasped his chin. He frowned at you with furrowed brows. There was a time where he would've been inclined to grab your wrist and try to intimidate you with his temper. You saw it lying in wait behind his pursed lips and irritated stare, but you weren't afraid of him. Not anymore.
“Listen to me. I get that you haven’t lived like us commoners for most of your life, but this stuff is important,” you said. You took a deep breath, and you counted to three. You met him with a calmer gaze. “Ben, I love you.”
You let go of his chin and lowered your hand, letting it splay over his chest. He softened, ever so slightly, even though his frown remained.
“I love you,” you repeated, “but I don’t need a man-child.”
"Excuse me?" he did snap this time, his hold loosening from around your waist. "The fuck did you just say?"
You narrowed your eyes right back at him.
"You heard me," you said. "I want a man. A man who's going to be my rock when I need him. Can you do that for me, like I do for you? Are you gonna be my man, or do I need to claim you as a dependent on my taxes?"
His expression sharpened again at your thinly veiled accusation…but the longer he looked into your eyes, no longer angry, but earnest and imploring, the more he actually listened to what you were saying. His jaw worked for a moment in annoyance. You subtly softened him with your hands soothing up and down his arms, a slow back and forth over solid, warm muscle.
Eventually, he was able to curb his instinct to bark a callous reply. He nodded, expelling a breath through his nose.
“Fine,” he said.
Your brows rose. “Fine?”
“Yeah,” he said flatly.
You knew it was the closest you were going to get to an agreement, as well as an apology. You were still working on that last one, but dating this man was a work in progress, for both of you. With a sigh, you patted his arms that were slowly wrapping back around you.
“Okay, I’m really running late now,” you said.
“You should probably get a move on then,” Ben said.
Still, he didn’t release you. He stared down at you with an amused smile while you struggled against his hold. You uttered a laugh.
“Babe, I need to get to work.” You leaned over and spied the oven clock. “Oh, shit! it’s almost 8:30! If I’m not there by 9:00—”
“You sure you want to go now? Tense, body all tight,” he said, his voice deep with sensuous suggestion.
His lips neared yours, but he didn’t kiss you. Not yet. His lips veered away to brush against your cheek. He inhaled deeply as he moved, taking in the floral scent of your soap, mixed with the army of products you styled your hair with, and the faint imprint of your perfume from the night before. He skimmed down your neck and along the shell of your ear.
“Wouldn’t you rather I fuck all that tension right out of you?” he offered. “Leave you nice and warm and satisfied, have that pretty pussy coming hard on my cock.”
You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes as his filthy mouth and the timbre of his voice struck a chord through your body, tinging warm arousal between your legs. Your fingers tightened on his strong arms, digging into the fabric of his loose robe. Ben took that as a wordless confirmation. He bent at the knees and grabbed you up by your plush thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck on instinct, with a small gasp.
But you recovered quickly. Taking his face into your hands, you met his lips roughly with yours in a devouring kiss. He set you down on the kitchen counter hard enough to make the clean dishes rattle. His hands were just as claiming as his mouth, squeezing your hips and thighs as he spread them open to make more room for himself.
While your tongue dueled with his, you shoved the robe off his shoulders, followed by his sleep shirt pooling to the floor. His hand slid under your top as well, and almost ripped it at the hem in his haste to get it up and over your head.
“Ow, ah-ow!” You giggled when the collar got caught on your hair. Ben’s breathy chuckle reached your ears. He was gentler in how he helped get the shirt off the rest of the way. Your mane of hair fell into your face, and you huffed.
Ben did you the favor of brushing the thick curls away from your eyes, tugging several strands behind your ears, even though most of them didn’t obey him. He framed your face with his big hands, and his thumbs swept along your skin, the rich complexion shining in the morning light filtering through the kitchen window.
There was more care in his touch now, his strength tempered just for you. Fond amusement colored his features. For as much shit as you gave him, you still gave him more of yourself; more of your trust, your patience...and all the rest of it. You gave him more than anyone that had come before you, and deep inside, he doubted anyone that might come after you.
You smiled up at him, a little wryly. You leaned up and met him for a gentler kiss. Your eyes fell closed at the feeling of him, and the spicy hint of his aftershave. It was a scent that often clung to his pillows. When he was gone on a mission for days on end, you wouldn’t admit to clinging to one of them to help you sleep, and make you feel safe. 
“Mmm, you smell good,” you whispered. And it was true. He smelled like mint and spicy aftershave. You plied his lips with deeper kisses, licking into his mouth with a sensuous tongue, before you stole his words. “Good enough to eat.”
He uttered a groan deep in his throat. It satisfied you, enhancing the warm flood between your legs.  
Fuck it. You were calling in sick today.
You drew him back into the pull of you, winding your arms around his neck and your fingers in his hair. It was getting long again, but you liked it. You liked something to hold onto, just as much as he did. Your nails brushed against his scalp, down the back of his neck, earning a hum of pleasure from him. You wound your legs tightly around his hips and invited the press of his hard cock against your throbbing core, even through your panties and pajama pants. A faltering groan caught in his chest.
“Needier that I thought this morning,” he remarked. His warm hands drifted down to cup your breasts, his thumbs brushing over dark, pebbled nipples. You sighed into his mouth in response.
You heard the cocky grin in his voice, but for once, you didn’t care. You did need him. You wanted him to fuck the stress and chaos out of you.
…Well, he’d caused most of it, but still. He was gonna damn well fix it.
And he aimed to do just that, with his hands sliding farther down your body with purpose, grabbing the waistband of your pajama pants and roughly sliding them down, along with your panties. Your bare ass felt cold against the tile counter, but you didn’t have too much time to think about it with Ben’s thick fingers probing between the wet, glistening folds of your pussy. He soon found what he was searching for, circling firmly over your clit.
Your hips raised off the counter as you whimpered against his lips and ground yourself against his hand. You broke from his kiss to bury your face in his neck. Ben’s free hand grasped your hip and pulled you right to the edge of the counter.
There he held you down, his brows furrowing in concentration. His fingers sought your entrance and slipped inside you with ease. By now, he knew what angles would have you squirming, writhing, your body arching into him, while your inner walls clenched around his hand.
“Fuck. That’s right, baby doll. I’ve gotcha,” he said roughly, continuing to fuck your pussy with his fingers. His thumb rubbed against your clit between strokes.
The coil in your lower belly began to tighten, the delicious throbbing deep inside beginning to make your thighs shake. But just as you felt yourself tipping over the edge, Ben withdrew his fingers from your sopping channel.
You struggled to catch your breath in shock. Your head raised from Ben’s shoulder to glare at him. When your mouth opened to deliver an indignant protest, he silenced you with his mouth claiming yours. Your nails bit into his shoulder in retaliation, even though you knew it wouldn’t hurt him in the slightest. In fact, it only curved his lips into a smirk against yours.
You slapped him on the shoulder, immensely frustrated, but also laughing. “You’re such an assh—”
Before you could even finish cursing him, he gathered you up again and lifted you off the counter. He walked you over to the couch in the living room. He would’ve loved nothing better than to lay you out across the two-seater table in the kitchen, but he thought the shitty old wood might just give out under the strain of him fucking you. So the living room was a close second, and in this tiny-ass apartment, it was barely a few feet more to walk.
He laid you out underneath him on couch, and it groaned and squeaked under both of your weight. You squeaked too, if for a different reason. It had Ben smirking down at you. He freed himself from the confines of his pajama pants and coated his rock-hard arousal with the leftover wetness coating his hand.
“I approve of the scene change,” you said breathlessly, once again stroking his arms. Your fingers slipped over every dip and plain of muscle.  
“Didn’t think you wanted to be fucked on some cold tile,” he said, even if the sentiment behind his words warmed you. You were pretty sure he didn’t used to care about that. At least, before he met you.
He grabbed your hips, lined himself up to your entrance, and his cock breached you smoothly, pushing into you until his hips fit snugly against yours.
“Oh, fuck,” you choked out, your thighs squeezing around his frame.
“Feel good, sweetheart? All fuckin' filled up,” Ben teased, a bit breathless himself. You were a tight fucking fit. He slid out of you experimentally, drawing a moan from your lips. You nodded.
“Yeah, baby. So good,” you freely admitted, panting all the while.
Ben’s hot gaze drew over you as he continued moving hard and fast inside you. He took in your every bare curve, the way hot breaths and sexy moans fell from your lips with every thrust, the way your hair fanned out underneath you and hung off the side of the sofa cushion, the way your hands still explored him and touched him, demanding, but still loving.
For that, it was all the more tantalizing against his skin, warming even the darkest places he tried not to show you.
And every drag of his cock inside you stretched your inner walls in the most delicious of ways. It wasn’t just that he was able to fill you to the fucking brim. He also just knew his way around a woman’s body. He knew you, and he knew exactly how to make you come undone. Even quick and dirty on your couch, he made you feel brand new. 
He was right, damn him.
The coil deep inside you snapped. Pleasure crested through you and made your inner walls squeeze him tight, fluttering and pulsing with warmth. You came hard on his cock, hard enough to milk his release shortly after for all he was worth.
His forearms fell to the cushion on either side of your head. You were basically being smothered, but for the moment you didn’t mind. You just held his sweat-slick body against yours while you both caught your breath, each of your heartbeats falling back into a steady rhythm.
He was always so damn warm. It was nice, considering how cold it was this winter, but the thought always made you a bit sad. It reminded you of the power housed in his chest, and every memory he caged there as well.
You laid a gentle kiss on his shoulder. In return, his lips found the side of your head and hesitated there.
“You’re not going to work,” he said. It was more an observation than anything else.
You laughed breathlessly and shook your head. “Nope.”
He nodded. “Let’s go out for breakfast.”
You could get behind that. Your kitchen was finally clean, which meant your kitchen was closed until further notice.
“Shower first,” you stipulated.
You felt Ben’s smile grow against your dewy skin. “All right.”
You sighed, and he guided you to your feet along with him. You had a feeling “breakfast” was going to be lunch by the time you and Ben finally escaped this apartment.      
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AN: Lol hope you had fun with this one! Let me know if you'd like to see more of these two! 💚💚
Spanish Translations:
Es que él es bruto, mija. Es como un animal con ropa.
It’s that he’s stupid, my daughter. He's like an animal with clothes.
However, “bruto” can also mean brutish, crude, and/or like a beast, so it fits in more than one way. 😂
Sabes que, …
You know what, …
La sirvienta
The servant (or maid) (female)
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atlas-coolbean · 2 months ago
I know Alex Winter said Marko was a run away but I'd like to think that his mom left the porch light on every day from when he disappeared until she died. The light was always on for her baby
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sodamnbored · 11 months ago
Catching Up
Thalia: So what happened after Juno took you? Where did you go? Were you safe, happy?
Jason, uncomfortably brushing her off: Well, it’s a long story and kind of a bummer haha. You don’t wanna hear that right now.
Thalia, softly: Jason, I’ve waited thirteen years to hear your sad stories.
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tweedracer · 2 years ago
Hi! I saw you wanted some barbie prompts so I had a idea.
What if Ken meets someone in the real world and he instantly found them attractive, they end up complimenting him which makes him want them even more to where he forgets the whole patriarchy ordeal and just wants them to love him because they didn’t just ignore him.
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💖 Meeting RG!Ken in the Real World 💖
(RG!Ken x Human!Reader)
💖 SO YOU DEFINITELY MEET THIS GUY WHILE HE’S IN DAVY CROCKETT MIDDLE SCHOOL’S LIBRARY. You’ve been working there a few months as a librarian and while it wasn’t exactly your passion it was something that filled your schedule and kept half-decent food on the kitchen table so you wouldn’t complain.
💖 “Hi! Would you point me in the direction of the Horses and Patriarchy section?” The cheerful voice made you look up from where you were hunched over at the painfully old computer- double checking that all of the due books had been checked in.
💖 “Excuse me?” You said, completely flabbergasted by both the words and looks of the man who stood opposite your desk. He was tall; with golden blonde hair and sun-kissed skin he would be strikingly handsome were it not for the ridiculous cowboy outfit he was donned in. (Who were you kidding? He was still ridiculously attractive even with the costume).
💖 “Would you point me in the direction of the Horses and Patriarchy section of this library” he repeated with another charming smile, leaning forwards to rest his chin in his hands.
💖 “That’s…” you started slowly, brows furrowed in a way that made his chest feel weird and tingly. “We don’t have a section for Horses and the Patriarchy.” You explained as gently as you could, eyeing around in hopes of finding the poor excuse for a security officer that usually took his lunch in here despite the obvious ‘no eating in the library’ signs posted around.
💖 The man’s handsome face wilted a bit and for a moment you felt a little guilty for not being able to indulge his ridiculous request. “Oh! Silly me- could you point me in the direction of the Horse Section first? I’ll go to the Patriarchy section after” He said, chipper once again.
💖 “We… don’t have a just Horses section either..” you said again, watching as the man seemed to actually wither, crumbling forwards till his head was against the cold wood of your work desk.
💖 “Do you have a Patriarchy section?” He whimpered, looking up at you from where he’d half collapsed dramatically against your desk- blue eyes glassy and filled with so so much emotion considering the circumstances.
💖 When you shook your head he nearly wailed, sinking further till he was almost entirely on the floor- fringe out of place and hat askew. You stood up to peer over your desk, looking down at the handsome man near-crying on your library floor.
💖 You glanced around, thankfully it was lunchtime for the kids so almost everyone was outside enjoying the sunny Los Angeles afternoon, leaving your room mostly empty. You gnawed on your lips nervously for a few moments before making a decision.
💖 “I can help you find some books on horses though.. and the patriarchy?” You offered, not entirely sure what you were getting yourself into as he jumped up, smiling eagerly and leaning forwards till his face was a few inches away from yours.
💖 “You’d do that for me?” He said with so much awe and amazement you’d think you offered to hang the stars for him.
💖 “…Yeah?” It was your job after all, even if this man was definitely not a student or staff member as far as you knew. Maybe he was a substitute teacher (yeah… right)
💖 But the way his whole face lit up joyfully at something as small as helping him find books made your heart give a little skip in your chest.
💖 You guide him around, pointing out a few books that were somewhat relevant (though he really only seemed interested in grabbing the ones with lots of pictures). Standing next to him you noticed he… really didn’t have a sense of personal space- the man would lean close everytime you spoke up to offer your help in locating relevant books, big baby-blue eyes staring into yours as he hung on to every word you said, nodding enthusiastically.
💖 You felt your cheeks and ears warm go warm at all the attention, occasionally stumbling on a word or two and chewing on your lip nervously between sentences- eyes darting around to anything but the absolute ray of sunshine in front of you.
💖 “Why are you doing that?” He asked innocently, leaning forwards into your space again with only the flimsy spine of Horses, by Ryan Bessin to protect you.
💖 “Doing what?” You said, trying to sound collected and professional though your gaze was still elsewhere, skimming over the names and authors. You jumped a little when you felt him reach out to gently prod at your lip, freeing it from the grasp of your teeth.
💖 “You’re chewing on your lip” he started, unconsciously mirroring the action on his own face. His blue eyes were focused so intensely on your lips and he felt that weird flutter in his chest again. What was that? A side effect of the real world?
💖 “Oh sorry I do that when I’m” you waved your hand vaguely for a moments, waiting till he finally looked away from your mouth to meet your gaze. “Nervous.”
💖 His head tilted in confusion and you were unable to look at him and not see an absolutely adorable, floppy-eared golden retriever puppy. “You’re nervous? Why?” He sounded so genuine and you swear to god he needed to stop looking at you with so much kindness and interest or you may just explode.
💖 “You’re just” you grip tight to the book, “-you’re very… handsome” (and intense) you started again, cheeks warming even more when his face seemed to light up like the Fourth of July- a huge grin splitting his face. “I think there’s another book that might interest you over here!” Frantically you change the subject, thrusting the book forwards and trying (and failing) not to notice just how solid his abs were.
💖 He followed you eagerly, still smiling at you with those weirdly perfect teeth and that shamelessly attentive expression. “Thank you so much, Barbie!”
💖 You looked over your shoulder at him, bewildered. “That’s? Not my name?” You said with a confused but genuine smile. Was it supposed to be some type of weird compliment?
💖 The man blinked, baffled for a few moments before he seemed to remember something. “Oh! Sorry! Force of habit” he laughed, looking bashful as he fingered the pages of the book he held.
💖 (And you definitely didn’t let your gaze slip to those deft, elegant looking hands. Broad and masculine but spared any callous or freckle- his tanned skin nearly perfect)
💖 “So… why exactly are you looking for books on the Patriarchy and Horses?”
💖 He blinked a few times at your question, looking down at the books in his arms as though he’d forgotten they were there for a moment. His smile brightened marginally, and he picked up one of the books at random- The Origins of Patriarchy, waving it loosely in front of your face. “Oh! So I’m learning about this super awesome thing called The Patriarchy”
💖 He almost immediately noticed the slight downward tilt of your lips- and the resulting twist in his chest was not like the fluttering sensations from earlier. No this was… icky- this feeling was unpleasant (something he didn’t actually have a lot of context for) and all he could think of was getting that look off of your face as fast as possible.
💖 “But- uh that’s beside the point!” As flippantly as possible he tosses the book over his shoulder with a bashful laugh. You winced, knowing you’d have to put that up later, but the man didn’t seem to notice; too busy looking at you with those big blue eyes and leaning against the bookshelf.
💖 “O-Okay?” You said, blinking rapidly at him as you chewed nervously on your lip again, trying not to squirm under the pure fascination in his gaze, completely unaware of the rapidly shifting priorities of the man in front of you.
💖 “Oh my name is Ken! Hey- what size rollerblades do you wear by the way?”
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littlebitofwillow · 5 months ago
Is anyone still here? 🥹
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marvelobsessed134 · 10 months ago
Need you, love you
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A/n: Loosely inspired by Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain one of the best songs to ever exist. The plot doesn’t really have anything to do with it but you should listen while you read 🤭
Pairings: Dwayne x Fem!human!reader
Warnings: smut, dub/non con, dom!dwayne, sub!reader, cannon au takes place in the 80s and he’s a vampire obviously, dark!dwayne but is that really a warning?, knife play, blood, possessiveness, vampire stuff idfk, kidnapping, mentions of a toxic household, loss of virginity, and I think that’s it let me know if I missed anything.
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A young pretty girl like you should not be out at this time of night, walking on the now closed boardwalk. The lights turned off, the only thing illuminating the wooden boardwalk being the dim street lights and the lights from the rides that are still kept on.
You ran away from home again, hating how your parents would scream and fight all night while you were trying to sleep. It’s become so unbearable that you sneak out at night just to escape the house. It’s peaceful and quiet out here on the boardwalk after it’s closed for the night, so you come here often.
Little did you know, you were not alone. A tall man with long dark brown hair had hidden himself in the shadows as he followed you carefully. He loved the way the little white night gown hugged your body, the way your fuzzy white slippers adorned your felt delicately. Your hair cascading down your back. He’s been watching you for a while now, ever since the first time he saw you on the boardwalk with your family. Quiet, shy, young, meek. It’s become routine for him to stay out here late at night even though there’s no humans around for him to feed from. His senses, his mind, his body, has been filled with you. And you didn’t even know it.
He stood in the shadow of the alleyway as you walked past, his breathing getting heavier and more aggressive. His cock pressing up against his leather pants. He couldn’t take it anymore, he needed you.
So right when you walked past he grabbed your arm and dragged you in the dark alleyway. You tried to scream but he covered your mouth with his rough, large, hand. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “don’t scream. Or else this will be a lot more painful than it needs to be.” You gulped and nodded, tears forming in your eyes.
He backed you against the brick wall and uncovered your mouth, taking your chin in between his thumb and index finger to tilt your head up looking into your tear filled eyes.
“You’re so fucking pretty you know that? I’ve been waiting to get to you for weeks now.” He husked causing your panties dampen. You tried to mentally cut yourself out of the feeling, you should not be liking this. But getting a closer look at the man in the pale moonlight, you saw how beautiful he is. Strong jawline, beautiful bottomless brown eyes, long brown majestic hair, plump lips, muscles for days.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” You asked once you snapped yourself out of your thirsting.
“Dwayne. And I know your name is Y/n. Very pretty name for a very pretty girl. And all I want is you, that’s all.” Your brows furrowed in confusion. And he chuckled a bit, “I think you’d be the perfect girl for me. You’re everything I want in a woman.” That made you blush a little bit. No one has ever said something like that to you.
You gasped when he pressed his large bulge against your front and opened his switchblade knife. Your eyes widened in fear, “Shh…it’s not gonna hurt that bad trust me baby.” He put his knife under the strap of your nightgown and sliced it easily, making it fall and expose your breast. You quickly tried to cover yourself but he was quick at holding your hand down.
He did the same to the other side, now your nightgown pools at your feet and you’re left in just your panties and slippers.
The brunette groped your breasts, tweaking your nipples and toying with them, putting them in his mouth one by one making you gasp and moan at the new feeling. “So soft, so sweet.” He murmured against your skin.
Dwayne pressed a kiss to the valley of your breasts before moving his hand down to your wet panties. “So wet already? Such a good girl.” He sliced your panties off with his knife and now you’re bare, slightly chilled from the night air.
He worked you with his fingers, rubbing your clit making your knees buckle, then entering two digits inside your cunt, pumping them in and out and curling them to rub that sweet spot. You moaned and cried out, gripping his shoulder as he made you feel this brand new feeling of euphoria. “I know you’re close, cum for me.” The man growled and you clenched around his fingers, releasing your juices all over his hand.
“Holy fuck, so good.” He moaned, licking his fingers clean before making quick work of undoing his pants pulling his large cock out. It had to be about ten inches, it was huge. Your eyes widened and you tried to run away but he roughly grabbed your arm and pulled you back against the brick wall holding your shoulder firmly not letting you get away. He rubbed his leaking tip against your entrance before thrusting inside of you.
You gripped his shoulders as tears ran down your face, looking up at him through your blurry vision. Dwayne continued to thrust into you, hitting your spot every time, gripping your hips so tight there would definitely be bruises in the morning. “So fucking tight oh my god.” He growled getting more and more aggressive.
“Wait- Dwayne- too rough please stop!” But he didn’t even slow down, continued to fuck into you as if you were a silicone sex doll from the adult store a couple doors down. The brunette growled as fangs emerged from his mouth and his face vamped out. You screamed in both pleasure and fear, trying to get away, but he was so much stronger than you. He quickly leaned down to your neck and bit you, causing you to scream out as blood dripped from the broken flesh. He drank you like you were his last meal, until you became unconscious, but still alive. He would never kill you. Dwayne came inside you not long after and transformed back into his normal state, putting his leather jacket on you, zipping his pants back up, and carrying you to his bike. Leaving your discarded garments behind.
You poor thing,
Sweet mourning lamb
There’s nothing you can do
It’s already been done.
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