#lost abbey
thedaily-beer · 8 months
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Lost Abbey Every Everything West Coast IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. A pretty standard pine/citrus profile on this with quite a lot of resinous bitterness towards the finish. The body is on the lighter side initially, although there is some good caramel malt character mid-body and it's quite balanced.
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l-o-s-t---s-o-u-l · 1 year
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Abbey Lee
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mancer-in-the-abbey · 3 months
This thought has been rotating this in my, MODERN GHOULS (plus Aether) AND HOW THEY ACT IN A FIGHT LETS GO
Dewdrop: Strike hard, strike fast, don’t get hit, that’s the motto. In a brawl scenario he is the first to hit under the belt, dude LOVES to fight dirty and he’s hella resourceful. He doesn’t take hits as well as he used to before the elemental transition, but he’s been working on increasing his speed to make up for it. You cannot and will not see him coming if he decides to deal the first hit, Prefers hand-to-hand (claw-to-claw?) combat over ranged fighting or straight elemental fighting due to a harder time accessing his fire power, but when he does MANNN is it a DELUGE of fire. The whole house is burning down.
Aether: In a brawl scenario, being as big and physically strong as he is makes him excel at disbanding/de-escalating. Aether is really good at taking a punch and being just completely unfazed by it, which is useful in getting people acting a fool to knock it off. If it’s real life or death, though? Ohhhh buddy you done fucked up the minute you messed with the guy who stitches people back together with magic on the regular. If he can do that, how easy do you think it is for him to UN-stitch someone? He doesn’t even need to raise a fist for you to be done for.
Phantom: Phantom, I think, is flight over fight in most ways. If someone wants to start something, he just goes invisible and nopes out of there. Having said that, if he IS stuck in a fight, is the KING of improv. Where Dew can walk into a room and come up with 10 different ways the objects in it can kill a man, Phantom can be handed an object, ANY object, and he will make it work. Not necessarily out of skill, but just sheer blind panic and the need to arm himself. Real scrappy, that ghoul… he has thrown a knife at a toaster for going off too loud and scaring him.
Rain: Rain has VERY good control over his element. If he has a choice between fighting on land a fighting in or near water, he’s taking the water option. That said, water is slightly harder to come by in everyday life unless one is just constantly carrying a bottle of water with them at all times. That is, unless you want to burst the water pipes of a building, which he HAS done once by accident and it was VERY expensive to fix. Anyway, lucky for him Rain does tend to just carry water on him anyway. Man needs to be hydrated, and it also functions as his built in self-defense. You trying to fight? Get geysered with a Stanley Cup, idiot. Assuming water ISN’T an option at all, though, Rain is a biter. You will lose a finger and he will tell you what hot sauce he’d pair you with after. Just for the extra psychic damage.
Swiss: Call my man Rocky the way he didn’t hear no bell, Swiss is RELENTLESS. Stamina in fucking SPADES, it don’t matter how many hits he takes, he will Not! Go! Down! Him and Phantom are similar in that they’re both survivors by any means necessary. In Phant’s case, it made him the master of Ending Situations Fast. In Swiss’s, though, it’s made him durable as an anvil and persistent as a lion. Combine that with whatever element is closest at hand and he’s a force to be reckoned with. And if he has the time to get really creative with his elemental powers? Buddy, you are not leaving that fight the same man you came in, if you leave at all.
Cirrus: Girl was a brawler back in the pit, so to me fighting as a way of life followed her onto the surface. Every bit of her is a weapon. Her hands? Weapons. Her arms? Weapons. Legs? Weapons. Face? Weapon. She is so light on her feet, you will not be able to land a single hit on her. She can blow you off-balance or keep you at arms length, always giving her the upper hand in confrontations. She also knows how to handle actual weapons really well. It’s a hobby of hers, swords are her favorite for sheer cool factor but give that woman a quarterstaff and she will go to WORK.
Cumulus: That is a woman who has a mean, right hook, I just know it in my bones. She enjoys learning self-defense from Cirrus, though more for the exercise than the fighting capability. Cumulus, like Aether, is more a lover than a fighter. However, should the need arise, she is more than capable of stopping a brawl in its tracks. You wanna throw hands? Bam! Sudden atmospheric pressure migraine! What are you gonna do now, idiot? It’s a good way to get all parties involved to scatter fast, leaving her with a quiet evening to herself.
Aurora: Ranged! Fighting! Queen! Someone let her watch Hunger Games and she has been perfecting how to hurt people from a distance ever since. Her aim started out shaky but has gotten SCARY good, she can hit you in the head with a fastball special from a sports field away. Also, she uses her Quintessence powers to manipulate light. Usually this is just for doing cool tricks and making the space look pretty, but she WILL flash-bang you if provoked.
Mountain: Don’t. Just don’t! Mountain may be a gentle giant these days but he wasn’t always. If you like your bones where they are, just don’t fucking bother! He will avoid conflict if it is at all possible, but if he thinks you might be an actual threat to his family, there is nowhere on the continent you will be safe!
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queenmelancholy · 8 months
Everyone’s reaction when they thought Thomas was leaving:
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To them at Downton, Thomas is really a son, a brother, and a father.
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supjello · 2 years
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thinkin' about caspar...
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worstversionofme · 2 years
After spending so much time watching dimension 20 I seriously don’t think I’ll ever be able to tolerate regular tv. My little gay heart has never seen this kind of queer representation in tv and it is nourishing my soul. And queerness is never the butt of any joke and the characters experiencing and figuring out their sexualities isn’t always sad and dramatic.
I have never related to something so much. This silly show of just a bunch of cool actor friends playing D&D has probably changed my life: I feel like I know who I am better now???
I am eternally grateful to Brennan Lee Mulligan and literally every person involved in Dimension 20 for giving us this show and this outlet to figure ourselves out. Also gonna be eternally annoyed with Dimension 20 every time I have to watch a straight romcom - give me gay wizards and fairies and candy people any day
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sophiasharp · 1 year
Swiss: *enters the kitchen at 2am for some water*
Dew and Mountain, both hunched over a pack of Kraft singles like it’s an animal carcass:
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Swiss: … *slowly walks back into his own room*
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twisted-pact · 9 days
So if what "Magic" Skyler does is more an art and a science, then I'm calling it now: all the Puppetshades' epithets are going to be ironic
"Stringless" Oki has clear attachments to almost everybody he meets; he's been living with the Rhazzis for probably years despite saying they're not very nice, he INSTANTLY imprinted on Jess (and probably mainly Astrid) after one space road trip, and of course he's worried about what's become of Piper and has been mourning Dottie for who knows how long. The man's got strings tying him to everybody around him
So, prediction time, "Decadent" Dottie will be practically an ascetic, "Ragged" Cindilou will be the most orderly and put-together person we'll ever meet (you don't run a robot assassin's guild by being sloppy, after all), and, uh, "Paisley" Piper always wears plaid, it just hasn't been mentioned yet
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carrotcakecrumble · 3 months
Thomas Barrow is a character you can tell is written by a straight man who has absolutely no desire or intention to ever associate with or be in the company of a gay person ever YET they could never make me hate you evil gay footman/butler/bitch Thomas Barrow😔😔☝️☝️
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non-un-topo · 2 years
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Was thinking about Ye Olde Teenage Parties and the picture drew itself
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thedaily-beer · 5 months
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Lost Abbey Unseen Things Tropical Rye IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. Definitely get the bright tropical notes in the nose and a nice standard West Coast IPA body. The rye is quite subtle here, but this is a nice IPA.
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shinigami-striker · 15 days
Turtles in Time Re-Shelled | Tuesday, 09.10.24
The PS3 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled was released through PlayStation Network in North America exactly 15 years ago.
However, despite being a moderate commercial success, the game was delisted alongside the Xbox 360 version almost 2 years later (around 2011) due to expiring licenses with Ubisoft (and because Nickelodeon and Viacom acquired the IP around that time).
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bitletsanddrabbles · 8 months
It begins.
No, I'm not 100% done with it, but sod it, I've been working on this piece since 2017. I need to start posting it or I'm going to rip my hair out. So we will be posting it very...
This way I have time to finish the last, problem scene unrushed with no pressure on me or my beta readers ('cause funny thing, we all have lives). Hell, I may wind up needing to re-rewrite the scene in question, in which case we will pause all together.
But the story is done, so unless I'm run over by a train, it will get up eventually. (Actually, I have a system in place for if I do get run over by a train, so no worries.)
Immense thanks to everyone on Tumblr who has ever given feedback or helped trouble shoot or answered a question or helped with research or...well, anything. You are all what's made this as good as it is.
These people include but are not remotely limited to:
@timeladyshayde, @alex51324, @o-rchidae, @jolieblack, @leavesgirl, @doodling-daisies, @niivani, @poppaeasabina, @artistamateurieuse, @bumblingbuttons, @normadeathmond, @damianisinsane, @kitewithfish
Also, because back in...*checks date* 2021...they showed interest, @lindstrom2020 and @joanib might like to know that, yes, this is happening now.
And having announced that, I'm going to go have a minor, stress relief nervous break down before tackling The Problem Scene.
Fortunately I have 31 scenes to post before it needs to be done and shiny and polished so....about July? Ish?
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mancer-in-the-abbey · 3 months
So quintessence, right? I know that we as a fandom play fast and loose with what quintessence does and what quintessence ghouls are capable of. So far I’ve seen healing, telepathy, mind control/hypnosis, calming emotions, even body modification.
And yet, I also see quintessence characterized with having to do with stars and space and shit. Hell, I myself love the starry aesthetic with the quint ghouls.
So having said that, might i suggest a different avenue that Quintessence magic might manifest: gravity manipulation
Consider Aether’s little hops he does getting higher and higher in the air the more excited he gets!
Consider Omega making gravity push harder on himself so he can win a bet against Alpha who is fruitlessly trying to knock him over!
Imagine sleeping in the same bed as Phantom and waking up in the middle of the night to find your cuddle buddy floating 5 feet in the air, having taken all of the blankets with him!
Quintessence gravity shenanigans. Work with me on this, i think I’m onto something
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tooquirkytolose · 9 months
I love to watch a first seasons worth of episodes for a prestige television show and then drop it cold turkey for no real reason despite thinking the show was good and I'll get back to it, I say to myself I sweeaarrr
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cheriafreya · 26 days
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holy shit this is actually evil
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