#lose weight weight loss protein fruits
vegan-nom-noms · 2 years
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Dragon Fruit Smoothie Recipe (11g Protein)
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self-care-tips-free · 6 months
7 Types of Food to Reduce Fat: Boost Metabolism and Feel Satisfied
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100plushealthy · 10 months
Top Habits To Have If You Want To Lose Weight 
Click to access Dr.'s study
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harmeet-saggi · 10 months
Diet Chart For Weight Loss
There is no one-size-fits-all diet chart for weight loss, as the best way to lose weight depends on your individual needs and goals. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to create a healthy and sustainable diet plan that will help you lose weight in a healthy way. First, focus on including plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein in your diet. These foods are—nutrient-dense and will help fill you up while helping you reach your weight loss goals. You should also aim to limit sugary drinks, processed snacks, and refined carbs like white bread and pasta. Instead, opt for healthier snacks like fruits and nuts or whole-grain crackers with peanut butter.
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ribsonrepeat · 7 months
ana tips to stay as safe and healthy as possible <3
**important to note that I’m not encouraging this behavior in any way but if you’re going to persue unhealthy wl then harm reduction is important**
1) take multivitamins EVERYDAY and stay hydrated
2) if you’re down with the flu or any other sickness please increase your cal intake to aid in the recovery process
3) if you notice negative side effects like hair loss, excessive bruising, joint pain, etc take more vitamins i.e. hair, skin, and nails, joint vitamins, iron supplements
4) if you’re feeling faint/dizzy/nauseous constantly please eat something and maybe consider raising your cal intake for at least a few days
5) avoid hot temperatures, hot showers, working out, etc if you think you may faint to avoid any injuries, embarrassment, etc
6) don’t stay at a super low cal intake for extended periods of time (under 500 cals)
7) if you’re fasting and start to experience heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, spotted vision break your fast immediately it’s not worth it
8) never NEVER dry fast!!!!!
9) avoid excessive caffeine intake it can cause headaches, nausea, heart palpitations, etc and it doesn’t curb your appetite enough to risk that
10) if you’re feeling dehydrated but feel like you cant drink more water try a hydration multiplier like liquid iv
11) make sure you’re using your cals for healthy choices at least try to eat a fruit or vegetable once a day
12) make sure you’re getting enough protein it will aid in wl while also keeping you healthy
13) don’t excessively purge or avoid it all together the health problems it causes are nothing to play around with
14) don’t abuse laxatives it fucks up your stomach badddd
15) don’t push yourself too hard the goal is to lose weight not death 😘
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lilyaliceanne282 · 9 days
How I lost 20+ lbs in 28 days
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I can't guarantee this will work for everyone and it's certainly not healthy so I would not recommend this to anyone, but it got me down 20 lbs in the past 28 days.
I started at 200 lbs on August 22, and as of September 18, am 173 lbs. While this is technically 26 lbs, I believe that the first day's weight loss was water weight. So, I'm estimating my weightloss to have begun at 194 lbs. During this time, I did not do anything out of the ordinary for myself with regards to exercise. I did try to aim to drink at least half my body weight in ounces per day.
Week One: August 22-28
August 22, I started off at 1167 cal, 200/195 lbs.
August 23, I dropped down to 691 cal, 193 lbs.
August 24, I fasted, 192 lbs.
August 25, 353 cal, 190 lbs.
August 26, 550 cal, 188 lbs.
August 27, I allowed myself an allowance day, 2005 cal, 187 lbs.
August 28, I fasted to balance out the day before. No change in weight.
I averaged at about 602 cal/day, and a weight loss of 8 lbs for the week. I believe that this first week allowed for more pounds to be dropped due to a drastic change in my diet, before I had been maintaining weight only.
Week Two: August 29-September 4
August 29, 832 cal, 186 lbs.
August 30, 597 cal, no weightloss.
August 31, 423 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 1, 410 cal, 184 lbs.
Sep. 2, yet another allowance day but decreased the allowance to less than 2000 cal, ended up being 1845 cal, 183 lbs.
Sep. 3, 485 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 4, 386 cal, 182 lbs.
I averaged in at 711 cal/day, with a weight loss of 4 lbs. I started taking a multivitamin on September 2 along with a biotin capsule. As well I began to incorporate more fruits and vegetables, this allows for more food intake with less calories.
Week Three: September 5-11
Sep. 5, 584 cal, 182 lbs.
Sep. 6, 498 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 7, this is an allowance day, I put my intake limit at 1600, but consumed 1139, 180 lbs.
Sep. 8, this was another allowance day, roughly estimated at 1600 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 9, I fasted after two high calorie days, no weightloss.
Sep. 10, 610 cal, 179 lbs.
Sep. 11, 503 cal, no weightloss.
This week I averaged in at 704 cal/day with a weight loss of 3 lbs.
Week Four: September 12-18
Sep. 12, 694 cals, 177 lbs.
Sep. 13, 228 cals, no weightloss.
Sep. 14, this is an allowance day, ~1562 cal, 176 lbs.
Sep. 15, 243 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 16, I fasted, no weightloss.
Sep. 17, 242 cal, 174 lbs.
Sep. 18, fasted, 173 lbs.
This week I averaged in at 424 cal/day, with a weight loss of 4 lbs.
September 13, I put myself on a 3500 cal per week limit, I feel as if this would allow for me to continue to lose more than 2 lbs per week, and if I keep my daily intake beneath 300, I can still have cheat days/metabolism days.
On some of the days that I ate more than 400 cal, I split my cal into different meals so I could eat throughout the day. I started doing this on Sep.5, 6, 12 and 13. I found this allowed for a surplus in energy as well as allowed for my metabolism to kickstart a little bit. I found no reliable pattern of weightloss on/after the days that I consumed more protein as opposed to carbs and fat, however I will continue to stick with uping my intake of protein as this does allow for me to feel more full throughout the day.
I plan to undertake several more trial and error studies with regards to my weight loss journey, with heavy emphasis on a low-calorie diet and plant-based foods, as well as meat sporadically, until I find the perfect plan for myself.
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kelseytheballerina · 10 months
I think one of the biggest things to remember is the difference between a diet that helps you lose weight (which can be full of crappy foods but if it’s low enough in calories then yes you will lose weight bc calories in calories out), a diet to make you eat more healthy (which does not guarantee weight loss even if you’re eating whole grains and fruits and vegetables every day), and a diet to get more fit (which is usually different for everyone’s fitness goals such as getting as much protein in as possible, eating a ton of calories to bulk or less calories to cut, etc). Someone will make a list of foods for healthy eating and then someone will be like “ummmm actually if I ate all of those foods then I wouldn’t lose any weight bc that oatmeal bowl is like 600 calories and that’s too much” when that wasn’t even the point in the first place. Weight loss, healthy eating, and fitness focused diets can have a lot of overlap, but it’s not always interchangeable. Like when people gain weight as a vegan. Like yeah you gained weight, you ate a double decker impossible burger with soy bacon and extra cashew cheese with a side of Oreos every day. Where did you think those calories were gonna go, to space? You ate foods you considered to be more healthy but you ate it in abundance. And at the same time you can eat 1200 calories of pizza and McDonald’s every day and lose weight bc you’re in such a caloric deficit. Is it a balanced and healthy diet of whole foods? No but health wasn’t the goal for you, just weight loss by any means possible. Just pay attention to the terminology being used when people discuss food with you bc that can change the output significantly.
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bunniis-w0rld · 5 months
a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight
why do u think omad works? cuz ur cutting out the cals from your other 2 meals and snacks. calorie deficit
keto? you get fuller on fats quicker and youre cutting out carbs. calorie deficit
vegeterian? youre cutting out fatty meats, fish, a lot of junk food that isnt vegetarian. calorie deficit
fruit based vegan? literally no fat, and all very low calorie high volume food. calorie deficit
carnivore? protein and fats are very filling, you end up eating less and cutting out lots of food groups. calorie deficit
intermittent fasting? you have less time to snack and are cutting out extra calories from that window. calorie deficit
no sugar? cutting out literally all junk food. calorie deficit
the point is, everyone out there at the moment is trying to sell you a new fad diet promising youll lose 30 lbs like magic but the truth is the only reason they work is because youre in a calorie deficit
you could eat 1000 cals of fruit or 1000 cals of mcdonalds fries a day, and youd still lose weight because youre in a deficit. thats not to say you wont feel better eating the fruit, its more filling and contains more vitamins etc. but the point is you will be in a calorie deficit and still losing weight either way
there is no magic secret trick to weight loss, there is nothing complicated about it. you eat less than you burn you will lose weight
stop buying into fads and overcomplicating things. its really that simple
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requiemfordreams · 1 year
Some tips that helped me lose weight while having an ed and preventing dizziness, fatigue hair loss, and brain fog.
For some reason eating after 2pm has reduced my cravings alot.
Chewing sugar free gum helps alot. Most of them contain sorbitol for the sweet taste and consuming sorbitol in a large amounts can lead to it acting as a laxative.
Coffee. To keep you full and again another laxative. But it can only be had hot for it to work.
Dry fruits. They contain little to no calories and prevent you from feeling dizzy.
Some junk foods are considered empty caloric foods because they do not provide any sort of good calories that your body can use, which can lead to your body storing them. So if you can find a low empty calorie food, you can sometimes eat them to keep yourself full. I should note this might not work for some people but it has worked for me.
What also has worked for me is make the same lunch to take to school, which is really low cal and because it is my comfort food and it helps me not think about food and since I spend 9 hours at school, not counting the 40 mins it takes me to and fro from school, I'm able to spend an ample amount of time not eating and that works wonders
and if my parents asks me to eat, I just say I shared my friends' lunch and I'm full.
I m like to distract myself from eating everytime I have a craving by chugging alot of water, which is first good for your health and keeps your belly full for longer.
I take multivitamins to keep up with all the necessary nutrient needs.
I also drink like 30gms of protein powder with water to help with my muscles, and also because protein helps in losing calories.
Fruits. Especially watermelons. They are so full of water, a cup of watermelons contains 46 kcal and can make you feel full really fast and they are packed with the good kinds of carbohydrates, vitamin A, C, and B6, full of potassium and absolutely no fats or sodium.
Cucumbers. Again, water based with almost little to no calories to them.
If you are having hair loss problems, biotin is a great supplement for hair and so is protein.
Try as much as you can to make sure you're not alone too long. Because when nobody is there around you, you're more prone to giving into your urges. So if you see that in you, try being around as much people as possible.
Coconut water is a great drink to help balance your electrolytes and keep your nutrients to the level.
Coconut oil and if you're Indian, ghee is great for your hair because it makes your hair more healthy and strong. It would be best if you kept your hair oiled overnight before washing and not just a few hours.
If it helps, because it has worked with me, even though I look fat, I tell everyone around me about how little I eat or how healthy I eat. And sometimes if I have to eat with other people, I will only have half of the food I ordered and ask if anyone can finish it because I'm not used to having so much food. Or I already had such a big breakfast that this seems too much. The little lies, that make you feel accountable into not eating so much even when you're alone.
I like to avoid sodas and energy drinks even if they're diet soda or not, because they honestly have way too many calories that your body can retain.
Masturbating. It's weird but five mins of it can lead to losing 400kcals and that's worth a bit of something.
Studying. It doesn't feel like it but you use alot more calories when you're concentrating on your work.
Sitting up straight. The will of keeping your shoulders straight and your spine straight, it takes up alot of calories because your body is not used to you doing that.
Doing chores around the house that require you to be on your feet.
Drink alot of water. But not too much.
Make a habit of waking up at a certain time in the morning and sleeping at a certain time. This makes way for a more disciplined mind, and more will power and honestly, not only do you not get so much fatigue or dizziness, it cultivates good sleeping habit. Which is not only good for the body, it also helps you stay focused in classes.
There is a certain set of yoga called the suryanamaskar which promotes good cardiovascular health and if you do 12 sets of it everyday, helps in losing calories. And they are so simple and easy for you to do if you don't feel like you have much energy.
I don't have more but if I do, I'll reblog and add them.
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
So if the body needs 45-65% of calories in carbs to be functional, does that mean low-carb-diet that brings people to the lower end of that range (45%) is inherently the most legitimate diet?
The most legitimate diet is one that makes you feel satisfied, does not make you sick, and meets your nutritional needs.
Beyond that, no. There is no "most legitimate diet."
The concept of "a diet" is honestly kind of flawed, depending on how you define "diet." And if you are defining "diet" as "a means of eating that will guarantee and maintain weight loss" then yeah the idea is flawed from jump.
Your metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in your body. Your diet is all of the foods and liquids that you consume.
Different people have different caloric needs and different metabolisms; eating in different ways can change your metabolism, as can exercising in different ways.
There is no universally correct way to eat. There is also no universally correct way to exercise.
If you are looking for ways to improve your diet, here are the very few things that are applicable to a lot (perhaps the majority) of people:
You probably need to eat more fruits and vegetables
You almost certainly do not need to worry about getting enough protein
You should do an activity that raises your heart rate to aerobic levels for 150 minutes a week
However, setting that aside: getting 45% of your diet from carbohydrates is not considered a low-carb diet. There are a lot of ways to define "low carb" but two of the more general ones are "30% or less of your daily caloric intake is carbohydrates" and "100 or fewer grams of carbs per day."
The Atkins diet, a very popular low-carb diet calls for 100 or fewer grams of carbs per day. If we're going by the 2000 calorie RDA (which is flawed but a common baseline way of doing the math on these things) that means that 20% of an Atkins dieter's calories would come from carbohydrates.
The Keto diet calls for 50 or fewer grams of carbs per day. So 10% of calories from carbs.
You will recognize these as far below the recommended minimum for the average person.
Low-carb diets are also not especially effective for weight loss or improving metabolic health in the long term.
There are some people who eat low-carb diets who feel great with that mix of nutrients. There are some people who are on medically necessary low-carb diets (and there are people on medically necessary low-fat and low-protein diets!)
In our current culture, when people talk about "diets" they are not talking about all of their food and liquid intake and how it relates to their metabolic function, they are talking about dieting, or "going on a diet."
Dieting is not an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss in the long term (we do not know of a generalizable way for most people to lose weight and maintain a weight loss in the long term!) and is more likely to cause weight gain rather than weight loss 2-5 years after the start of the diet. Dieting is not by itself an effective way to improve metabolic health in the long term, and may actually significantly damage metabolic health depending on how restrictive the diet was and how long it continued. (Also: just to be clear, it is much more effective to focus on improving things like resting heart rate, fasting blood sugar, lipid levels, and vitamin deficiencies for better health outcomes than it is to focus on losing weight.)
Looking for the best/most legitimate diet so that you can start eating that diet is very unlikely to net you positive results for your health. Dieting is not effective.
A better way to approach the issue of your diet is to think about what changes you can make in your eating and exercise habits that will help you to feel good, make you feel full, maintain your health, and maintain muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and flexibility.
Don't go out looking for the "most legitimate diet," see if you can add some more fresh fruit to your diet. See if you can make sure you're getting enough fiber. See if you can eat at least one whole serving of vegetables with each meal.
When people talk about things like low-carb diets or diets with no refined sugar or paleo diets or low-fat diets they are asking "What are the bad foods? What should I never eat? What food should I never buy again? What is the food that will make me better if I stop eating it? What can I cut out? What are the bad things that I can avoid?"
Unless you have a medical restriction from a particular food, I don't think that it's good to think of your diet and how you eat in terms of rigid rules and I definitely don't think it's good to approach your diet asking what you can take away from yourself. I think you should ask what you can add to your diet that will improve your overall health.
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healthy444 · 6 months
What is the right diet for losing fat?
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The right diet for losing fat varies from person to person based on individual factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and any underlying health conditions. However, there are some general principles that can help:
Caloric Deficit: The most important factor in losing fat is to consume fewer calories than you expend. This creates a caloric deficit, prompting your body to burn stored fat for energy. You can achieve this by reducing your calorie intake, increasing your physical activity, or a combination of both.
Balanced Macronutrients: Your diet should include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Protein Intake: Protein is crucial for preserving muscle mass while losing fat and can help you feel full and satisfied. Aim to include a source of protein in each meal, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, tofu, or tempeh.
Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon. These fats can help keep you full and support overall health.
Complex Carbohydrates: Choose complex carbohydrates over simple ones. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat products provide fiber, which can aid in digestion and help you feel fuller for longer periods.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, measure your servings, and pay attention to hunger and fullness cues.
Limit Processed Foods and Added Sugars: Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages as they tend to be high in calories and low in nutrients. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie consumption.
Meal Timing: Some people find success with intermittent fasting or eating within a specific window of time each day. Experiment with different meal timing strategies to see what works best for you.
Consistency and Patience: Losing fat takes time and consistency. Focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle rather than seeking quick fixes.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and mindfully, savoring each bite, and stop eating when you feel satisfied, rather than full.
Include Fiber-Rich Foods: Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help regulate digestion, keep you feeling full, and support overall health.
Limit Liquid Calories: Be cautious of high-calorie beverages such as sugary sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to weight gain without providing satiety. Opt for water, herbal tea, or other low-calorie options instead.
Be Flexible: Allow for flexibility in your diet to accommodate social occasions or cravings. It's okay to enjoy treats in moderation, as long as they fit within your overall calorie and macronutrient goals.
Track Your Progress: Keep track of your food intake and progress toward your goals using a food diary, mobile app, or other tracking tools. This can help you stay accountable and make adjustments as needed.
Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hunger hormones and metabolism, making it harder to lose fat.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to overeating and weight gain. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or spending time outdoors to support your fat loss efforts.
Include Strength Training: Incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine to build and maintain muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so increasing your muscle mass can help boost your metabolism.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to fat loss. Stick to your healthy eating plan and exercise routine even on days when you don't feel motivated. Small, sustainable changes over time can lead to significant results.
Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or online communities who can encourage and motivate you on your fat loss journey
Having a support system can make it easier to stay on track and overcome challenges.
By incorporating these additional points into your fat-loss diet, you can optimize your efforts and increase your chances of success. Remember that what works best for one person may not work for another, so it's essential to find an approach that fits your individual preferences, lifestyle, and goals.
Before making any significant changes to your diet, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs and goals.
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cookiesuga55 · 8 months
Full of Life (Minimoni)
TW: eating disorder.
You know what I adore. Healthy fat. Round soft jiggle laid over muscle, proving that someone is loved. Gaining weight as a form of healing. Comfort and safety and trust.
Jimin gets "healthy fat." His previously malnourished and over-exercised body is finally getting more than the bare minimum number of calories to function. This all begins when he starts dating Nutritionist Namjoon, and his boyfriend purses his lips at just how little Jimin consumes in a day. Jimin is so exhausted all of the time. He complains of headaches, and Namjoon knows exactly why.
"Six cups of coffee and one granola bar is not enough fuel to last all day, little chick."
Despite Jimin waving him off with excuses about being too busy in the dance studio to eat, Namjoon hauls his own meaty, bulked-up ass to the kitchen at 1 am and cooks balanced meals for Jimin to snatch from his fridge on the way out each morning. He knows just what kinds of calories Jimin's deprived body needs. Moderately portioned rice and grains mixed with peppers, tomatoes, and a sprinkle of olive oil. A slab of seared salmon or some other healthy protein for Jimin's body to actually have enough energy to last the day. Sauteed vegetables, sliced cheese, and a healthy portion of fruit. A little bar of dark chocolate that he knows Jimin adores. A protein smoothie full of nutrients and calories for Jimin to sip in the morning instead of overdosing on caffeine. He adds an apple and draws on a sticky note. A little wobbly smiley face with a speech bubble. "Eat me!"
Namjoon presses another sticky note on the coffee machine for Jimin to see when he wakes up. A "breakfast and yummy lunch in the fridge for you. <3 Joonie."
Jimin is so pouty with affection when he wakes up and sees the notes and the food made with love from his hyung. He tosses it in his bag on the way out, chaotic and haphazard as always, almost late as he shucks on his trainers and snatches the delicious-looking smoothie instead of the stale coffee that he forgot to empty out the night before.
Namjoon keeps up caring for his boyfriend, and it isn't long before Jimin's frail and exhausted body begins filling in. Namjoon kisses his baby chick's pudgy cheek before heading to the early shift at the clinic, and murmurs as always, "love you-" before leaving.
Jimin having actual food and a well-balanced diet helps his body so much. He starts coming home from work with more energy, smiling and glowing at Namjoon with fuller cheeks, asking if he wants to go for a bike ride together along the river. Namjoon practically beams as he can see the life pouring back into his boyfriend now that his body is approaching a healthy weight. Jimin has a soft waist, and Namjoon can't help but adore it. Rubbing in his hands as he hugs him from behind in the kitchen, feeling the sweet, warm curves of his body and leaning down to kiss his neck. Jimin melts into him like usual, and Namjoon feels so much pride in the way Jimin's tummy gently pushes out into his hands. Jimin is so healthy. He's full of life and love, and Namjoon makes sure to worship the ever-living hell out of him, so Jimin doesn't slip into any of the negative thoughts that he confessed to him one night over a bottle of shared wine about why he started dancing- to lose weight.
Jimin is just so happy these days, and he knows that Namjoon is a major contributing factor. He finally has enough energy to start going to the gym with Namjoon whenever his cute, huge koala asks him with hopeful eyes. Jimin follows the exercise plan that Namjoon's personal-trainer friend at work whipped up for him.
"Nothing for weight loss," Namjoon had told Jungkook privately during their lunch break, "I just want him confident and healthy again. He was so frail, Jungkookie. I was scared he was going to break."
Jimin jogs on the elliptical and watches Namjoon squat with a bar of weight hiked over his shoulders. Tiddies and ass to die for. Namjoon is so fucking thick and yummy. Jimin licks his teeth after taking another drink of the protein shake that his boyfriend gives him every morning. They chase their weekly gym-runs with shower sex at home, and then Namjoon cooks them up a hearty breakfast to offset all of those burned calories.
His hyung is a little obsessed with clean-eating, but Jimin doesn't mind. It's cute how Namjoon always goes to the organic section of the store and bikes to the farmers market. Jimin practically has a personal chef with how good Namjoon's cooking is. There's always a delicious meal on the table for him, with seconds ready to be dished onto his plate.
Jimin finishes filling in, and starts filling out. He lays in the morning sunshine glimmering across their bed, thoroughly fucked. Both of them softly pant and bask in afterglow. Namjoon's warm, ringed hand is resting on Jimin's tummy and gently rubs circles.
"Have you noticed..." Namjoon's voice is fucked from moaning. Jimin turns to him and can't help but glow. It's his favorite sound. Namjoon's morning voice, deepened and scratchy from pleasure. "That sex has gotten so much better since you started eating more? You have more energy, baby."
Warmth floods Jimin's cheeks, but he nods, a little bit shy. Namjoon's hand caresses the curve of his waist, fingers sinking into the supple weight. "I love this, by the way," Namjoon whispers and gives Jimin's love handle a little squeeze. He squishes in his hyung's hand. "I prefer you healthy and soft over sharp and exhausted," Namjoon nuzzles into his neck, and Jimin wraps around Namjoon's warmth.
The truth spills out of Jimin before he can think twice, "me too..."
"You haven't had a headache in months too, lovely. You're full of life." Namjoon cuddles him back, pulling him into his thick chest. Jimin burrows into it, breathing him in. Jimin isn't dumb. He's noticed the way that his body has been rounding out, filling up with muscle and a healthy layer of supple padding, making him curvy and plump. His hips even have stretch marks over them, complete with bruised kisses painted over them by Namjoon. His hyung has done such a good job of making him feel comfortable and loved in his new body.
"I know," Jimin whispers into the safety of Namjoon's chest, knowing that it's all because of his boyfriend's care. "Thank you, Joonie. I'm so happy like this."
That's all that Namjoon needs to hear to practically rumble in his chest, and kiss the top of Jimin's head. He pushes Jimin onto his back, laying his hearty weight on top of him and sliding his big hands down to Jimin's waist. One of Namjoon's dimples presses into his cheek as his lips curve up into a smirk. "Now that I don't have to be so careful with you..." He squeezes Jimin's plump sides, "You're fucking sexy with some weight on you, baby."
Jimin's cheeks heat up, and a whimper bubbles out of his throat. Embarrassing. That's embarrassing that he just whined from Namjoon squeezing his tummy. "I- I am?" He looks up at his hyung's hungry face. Namjoon pets his palms over him, squeezing everywhere that's warm with fat. His lidded eyes darken.
"I told you that I love this- Healthy. Curvy. Soft. You're perfect for squeezing and biting." He licks his lips as he drinks Jimin in. The look that Namjoon is keeping him pinned with has Jimin wanting to mewl and arch up into him. To hook his stretch-marked thighs around Namjoon's waist and beg.
All Jimin can do is whine and tug on his boyfriend's thick biceps.
Namjoon purrs as he worships him. "A healthy mix of muscle and enough pudge for people to know that I'm taking good care of you. That you're finally being kept well-fed." He shoves his hands underneath Jimin's back and slides down, getting a thick handful of his ass cheeks. Jimin feels like he's going to catch on fire with how much pleasure is thrumming through his body, settling in the core of his belly. Namjoon sinks down and hums against his fluffy belly, like he knows where the heat blooms inside of Jimin. "Softened tummy and tits for me to worship, and a plump peach for me to bruise-"
Namjoon's teeth scrape against Jimin's padded hip bones. Jimin whines uncontrollably, dissolving into melted desire at the body worship. He desperately clutches at Namjoon's hair, tugging hard just how his hyung likes it. His back arches, making the sweet curve of his belly push up into Namjoon's face. He can feel his boyfriend's lips stretch into a smile against his skin.
"I'm taking advantage of all of that extra energy you have for my own pleasure. That makes me a bad hyung," Namjoon drags his lips up Jimin's stomach. God that feels so fucking good.
"Take advantage- Please-" he gasps and frees his pillowy thighs to hook them around Namjoon and lock him in place. He wants him to keep kissing his tummy. "Gods, Namjoon, please fucking take advantage- I'm all yours-"
Namjoon laughs in delight against Jimin's softened stomach and begins pressing firm, needy kisses down his belly and across his waist. His voice is teasing and thick with desire.
"If you insist, baby..."
Jimin is cut off by a moan. "I fucking insist..."
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ovaruling · 8 months
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@thebloodiestmary its idea is that fat should make up the largest percentage of your dietary intake, with as few carbs as possible. carbs are demonized to an extreme that has made them synonymous with “weight gain” and they’re treated like toxins or contaminants. there is an obsession to have as close to zero carbs as possible in your daily intake, although the general starting point tends to be “under 100g” as the novice and then graduates to “under 50g” as the intermediate.
most of the diet is, of course, animal products. high fat, slightly less high protein (excess protein is converted to glucose and thus evil), and minimal carbohydrates.
fiber, however, cancels out “bad” carbohydrates in this theory. if a food has 10g carbs, but 4g of those are fiber, then in the keto world that food contains 6g of “net carbs.” it is a crazy-making algebraic way of calculating your intake. and even though fiber is a focus, it is de-prioritized completely in this diet which is so full of animal protein and animal fat that i am not surprised to see many keto fanatics come out with bowel cancers or leaky gut or heart disease or high liver enzymes/fatty liver disease or gallbladder disease/gallstones.
the idea is no sugar, no carbs. as little glucose activity as possible.
people tend to lose weight on it usually because they are actually eating fewer calories than they usually would, but not realizing it. keto usually counts by macros, not by calories. in fact, it often discourages calorie tracking. this sounds promising, but it also means most people who lose so much weight with it don’t tend to realize that it’s because they’re in a large caloric deficit. it’s a scam! if you tracked your calories you’d probably realize you were in a deficit all along, and that THAT’S why you’re losing weight, not bc of some magical keto spell.
only eating meat and dairy and eggs will do that. meat and dairy and eggs are PRIMARY weight loss foods and always have been. keto fanatics feel smug because they’re eating bacon and steak and fried eggs and full-fat cheese, but they don’t realize how few calories they’re taking in by eliminating all other foods.
keto has a bad reputation for making its dieters paranoid about fruit, beans, whole grains, and even vegetables.
hardcore keto dieters barely get any of those in their diet. but they lose weight, so it must be healthy!
their boasting of “lower cholesterol” and “lower blood sugar” is almost certainly bc they are losing weight IN A CALORIC DEFICIT.
it is not possible to lose weight if you are not in a caloric deficit.
there is the famous “keto flu” onboarding stage where you feel sick and tired for about a week or sometimes more as you “wean” off of carbs. that is your body starving for nutrients lol. it’s starving. you feel sick and exhausted bc you have almost nothing going in.
and i can say this with confidence bc i fell for this diet hardcore when i was 20. i lost tons of weight eating “fatty” foods. what was actually happening was rabbit starvation—i was getting so much protein and so few other nutrients that i was actually starving myself.
it’s a poisonous diet, nothing more than a weight loss fad, wholly unsustainable, and wildly expensive btw.
any “benefit” that anyone claims comes from it is usually simply from the process of weight loss in a deficit if one’s original health problems (usually heart or diabetes related) were due to being overweight.
and yeah again i won’t even bother to get into what happens to one’s colon and bowels in general eating that many animal products and hormones and that much fat with little to no fiber. with all its parading of red meat and bacon and sausage and other cured meats, it’s a recipe for colon cancer, that’s all i’ll say.
it’s done so much damage to our understanding of food and balanced nutrition and it’s sneaky and dishonest in its ~famed results. it’s a fancy way of getting yourself into a caloric deficit, that’s all.
if all you ate in one day was a McDonald’s value meal at 1200 calories or whatever, you’d lose weight. you’d be in a deficit. keto makes you think it will be possible to consume 5000 calories of fatty fried foods and lose weight—but that literally is not what happens. you usually remain in a deficit because you’re starving trying to keep your carbs as low as possible. and you don’t notice it bc you’re not keeping track of calories, only grams of carbohydrates vs grams of fat.
so many topics exist on keto forums like “why am i not losing weight with keto?!” and answers will urge the user to eat less lmfao. or go on a “fat fast” to “get your body to prioritize burning fat as its primary source of energy” which is eating mostly like 90% fat as your intake majority with 0g of carbs. aka starvation.
you cannot train your body to “prioritize” fat as its primary source of energy. it will ALWAYS prefer carbohydrates as the most efficient and easily digestible source of fuel. the only way you can sustain “ketosis” (which is a dangerous medical condition btw) is by never feeding yourself enough carbs so that your body literally thinks it’s starving—BECAUSE IT IS!!!! you’re “burning fat” bc you are STARVING!!!!
and yeah. just. terrible for your gallbladder, your liver, your digestion, your heart, your inflammatory system, everything. horrific diet.
tl;dr—snake oil, low energy starvation recipe for bowel cancer!
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fattofitsure · 1 year
Meal plan for weight loss:
Oatmeal with berries and nuts
Yogurt with fruit and granola
Eggs with whole-wheat toast
Smoothie made with protein powder, fruit, and vegetables
Salad with grilled chicken or fish
Soup and salad
Sandwich on whole-wheat bread with lean protein, vegetables, and low-fat cheese
Leftovers from dinner
Grilled chicken or fish with roasted vegetables
Stir-fry with lean protein, vegetables, and brown rice
Pasta with tomato sauce and vegetables
Lentil soup
Fruits and vegetables
Nuts and seeds
Hard-boiled eggs
This meal plan provides a variety of healthy and nutritious foods that can help you lose weight. It is important to note that this is just a sample meal plan, and you may need to adjust it to fit your individual needs and preferences.
👉More meal plans and recipes ideas👈
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mattscoquette · 2 days
i need helpppppp bc i know ur a gym girly but i’ve been trying to lose weight and eat better especially breakfast 😭 i start school at 8:30 and leave at 2:30 and i don’t eat any lunch at school because i just don’t like the cafeteria but i also don’t want my stomach to grumble 😭😭 do u have any healthy filling breakfast ideas?🤧
tw weight loss and food mention under the cut !
okay so, i always struggle w breakfast tbh but if i eat a filling breakfast im good for like four-five hours. its also good to keep in mind that 1) it will take time for your body to get used to so DON’T be discouraged if it doesn’t work right away and 2) depending on how early/late you eat you will want to have lunch at a certain time. i find for me, eating breakfasting between 8-9 causes me to get hungry around 12-2. protein is superrrrrr good for keeping you full, so i like to make myself any type of eggs. i usually make myself about three, and i will either scramble them or make an omelette. and i usually like to have it with avocado toast or fruit !!! i also make myself a protein coffee in the morning (it’s just a premier protein shake i used as creamer with black coffee).
if you tend to get hungry between breakfast and lunch, bring fruit or frozen veggies to snack on! it’s also good to remember when you eat to go slowly, and drink water in between bites (this just helps me so i don’t eat my food so fast). hope this helps lovey !!
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nsaint1 · 2 years
Do you have any weight loss advice? I know I need to keep losing weight but I find myself unmotivated sometimes.
Things I did that helped me lose 20 lbs:
- you have to want it
- stop comparing your journey to others (only view them as motivation)
- always eat a big healthy breakfast full of fruits and protein (keep you full for the day)
- when eating dinner always make your plate majority vegetables and meat with low carbs (I think dinner is such an important meal since that what you eat before going to sleep so make it nutrients packed)
- stop putting a time limit on things (so unhealthy and would cause me to spiral)
- create a list as to why you’re starting this journey
- drink at least 3 liters of water EVERYDAY! You’re usually thirsty and not hungry if you find yourself overeating for no reason
- stop eating by 7pm (best results) and drink some tea after dinner
- always eat fruit first thing in the morning (helps with using the bathroom)
- find a workout you looovveee and do it 3-5x a week for at least 30 min
- instead of drinking juice, eat a fruit with your dinner!! (best results) It helps me feel full and fulfills my sweets craving
- don’t deprive yourself and find healthy versions of your favorite snacks
- stop eating out!!!!! Just cook it at home by finding healthier alternatives (eating out a lot stunned my weight loss journey soooo much, so now I’m just cooking healthier versions at home)
- avoid doing crazy and unrealistic fasts for weight loss (you will gain the weight back)
- love your body and learn to work with it (still working on this for myself)
- have meatless weeks or weeks where you only eat vegetables and meat for dinner (if you want to speed up the weight loss)
- take it easy on yourself
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