#lord gramorr
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frog-cultist · 1 month ago
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If you like any of these terrible old men you’ll like the one next to them
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laura-sanchez-mlp · 2 months ago
The Dark Ghost of King Nightmare My NEW MSA X Legend Quest Enemy OC
Full Name: The Dark Ghost of King Nightmare Aka Prince ___ ___
First Name:
Las Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 7 (in the past) 28 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Demon/Spirit/Undead
Friends: The Demonic Ghost of Black Charro (His lord/master),
Enemies: Princess Golden Liana (his arch-enemy),
Alignment: Good (in the past) Bad/Evil
Weapons: N/A
Powers and Abilities: Possession Power, Moonstone Gem Power
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Styles:
This one sounds like: Gramorr (from Lolirock), King Sombra (from MLP: FIM) and Dark Cacao Cookie (from Cookie Run: Kingdom)
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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sarah12400 · 5 months ago
And finally incase you don't know Mephisto here's his wiki and an ai of him singing Let me be your wings from thumbelina
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the-sleepy-silurian · 1 year ago
Remorse Chapter Three
A Lolirock fic update? In 2023? Found this in my drafts. It's shorter, but I figured I should post it. Who knows, maybe this'll get me going again to finish the whole thing. Also changed the title to be a tad less edgy.
Available on AO3 here: (X)
     Praxina slept fitfully at the best of times. So it was merely with frustration that she bolted upright, drenched in a cold sweat, in the dead of night. Only this time her dreams hadn’t forced her to return to the waking world, rather the opposite. Someone was...talking? 
     Her head whipped around at the sound of her name being spoken aloud. Near where her head had lain only seconds before, a large purple crystal had taken shape and inside, towering over the fatigued sorceress was the grand wizard of chaos himself. With an involuntary whimper Praxina scrambled to her feet and stood with her head bowed whilst Gramorr continued to look contemptuously down his nose at her.
     “I trust that now I have your attention!” Gramorr hissed sarcastically, eyes flashing dangerously bright in the depth of the mountain cave.
     “O-of course my lord, apologies for my-”
     “Silence!” Though his voice hadn’t raised much it still caused Praxina to tremble and clench her fists at her sides in a futile attempt to be rid of the shakes. All the while her eyes were flitting back and forth from her feet to the barely visible form of her twin a short distance away. The steady rise and fall of his chest helped her clear the last dregs of sleep from her mind.
     Breathe in.
     Breathe out.
     After what felt like hours Gramorr spoke once more.
     “You are to return to Ephedia immediately for a new mission of the utmost importance to my continued reign. Further instructions will be given upon your arrival.”
     “As you wish my lord, we’ll be right there.” As she moved to wake her brother, a hurried interjection could be heard from the translucent purple crystal.
     “Mephisto’s presence will not be necessary. Your particular....skill set is much better suited to this task. He would only.... get in the way.”
Odd. They always did things as a team, but if Gramorr wished it then.... 
“Your will is mine my lord, I will arrive shortly” giving a hurried curtsy as the crystal vanished. Praxina wished she knew what was happening. What could she possibly do that Mephisto couldn’t? On second thought actually more things jumped to her mind than she would��ve liked. They should be equals in both strength in skill, a perfect team to serve Gramorr. Maybe that was why they always failed to catch the Princesses. Lost in thought, Praxina didn’t notice her brother stir as she prepared the portal back to Ephedia. Neither did she notice him rise from the rocks as she stepped through the glowing circle and out of sight.
    Left alone in the dark cave, all Mephisto could do was wonder where she was going, and hope that she'd return unharmed...
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sozzledjuja · 3 years ago
Gramorr: Well, well, well... If it isn't the princesa of Ephidea.
Iris: But it is me...?
Gramorr: ...No, it's an expression-
Iris: Your villain tricks won't work on me!
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askthewitchlady · 8 years ago
The Fallen King
((A.N. I promise this is as political as it gets, the rest of the discussions will be held off screen.))
Chapter 10
After watching her Maid Lead Abraxas away Lumina returned her attention to the man before her, gesturing for him to lead on, he nodded.  He was a small jittery man of an age where his salt pepper hair had begun to thin slightly and his face was well etched with lines. She hoped many of them where lines cause by good memories and not strain.
As she stepped into the large dark room where leaning over bowels of water, faces shrouded from site men and woman gazed, studying the outside world. Lumina was led to the center of the room facing a wall that rippled like water watching it a moment she lifted a hand “Open the channel.” She ordered calmly. As her hand settled at her side the wall rippled the sound of water rushing around her energy filling the air with a crackle of power before an image bloomed and The queens faced each other.  Formally Lumina bowed in greeting.
“My greetings to you Your serene highness Izira of Xeris.” She said as she stood, Izira head bowed in reply.
“My return greetings to you Queen Lumina of Aquaria.  It has been a long time.” She said adding the last as she smiled. Lumina nodded “Many years yes. I am pleased to see you in good health, it is regrettable you must approach me as queen under the circumstances.  I grieve the loss of your predecessors, they where good people.” She said formally gesturing to one of her men to ease the force of the channel. It had been a long time since outside communication, they were pushing their power to hard.
“Indeed.  I am here to formally request entrance into your Kingdom, I bring with me three maids for my needs during my visit is this acceptable?” the request was clear and Lumina nodded agreeably shifting slightly she smiled easily “Of course, A selection of my men will meet you at our boarders and escort you to the kingdom.  I shall be pleased to see you soon.” She said Izira nodded and the wall faded.
“Is this a wise decision your majesty? It has been a long while since we have opened our boarders.” The jittery man from before said nervously, “People who have lived and grown accustomed to our closed gate may panic.” He finished but Lumina smiled reassuringly to him
“Yes I believe this is the correct decision, the war is over and it is time our people regained some of their lost freedom.  I will not fully open our boarders, but for now we will welcome this connection.” She instructed “See that it is the royal guard that meets the xerian ship when it arrives.  Ensure they are given our best treatment.  We have kept to ourselves this long but that does not mean we have forgotten our hospitality.” She said strictly. The man nodded and hurried off to see to the arrangements while Lumina left the room with a heavy sigh. Now came the hard part, she’d have to exchange her lighter robes to more formal wear. The mantle of queen was heavy,  and when tending formal requirements that was quiet literal.  The multiple layers of heavy robes was not something she looked forward to.  Her only solace was knowing Izira had similar trouble , the gown she’d worn to speak through the channel had been very ornate heavy with jewels and ornaments meant to show her station.
Slipping through the halls to her room she nodded in greeting to the maids waiting for her. In the time it took for her to be robed, her hair dressed and adorned, makeup carefully applied she wanted to toss it all off and go to bed!  Knowing her duty did not make this aspect of it any more pleasant but she kept her frustrated feeling internal, so as to not worry her maids.  However the sage smile of her oldest and most loyal retainer made her aware she might not have complete control of her annoyance.  Bells softly chimed with each step she took Luminas hand where each held by a maid, mostly to help her keep balance. The Ornamentation in her hair was heavy!
She was sat at the throne but as she had explained to Gramorr previously a spell was set to help her float a few inches above the actual delicate seat. She had no doubt the thing would crumble beneath her in this heavy wear.
Everything was arranged perfectly for the greeting, to ensure perfect and most respectful presentation to her guests. An ambassador would be one thing but for a queen to visit another realm was another things entirely requiring a whole other level of preparations.  The maids moved only just slipping into their places standing either side of her when her chamberlain walked and formally introduced the queen of Xeris.
“Please enter.”
The grand doors opened and Izira stepped inside flanked by two of her maids the third following behind holding up the long heavy train of her own gown.  The two monarchs looked at each other for a moment in silent commiseration before Izira knelt bowing respectfully.  Her maids following suit bowing lower then her.
“Please rise, and know you and yours are welcome in my court.” Lumina spoke formally lifting her hand indicating they were free to stand then turned lightly gesturing to the Chamberlain who stood at the side lines “Please, a chair for our guest, I imagine your gown is just as heavy as my own.” She said lightly her smile easy hoping to break the ice, and succeeding when Izira chuckled nodding.  She thanked the Chamberlain as the chair was arranged for her sitting and sighing obviously relieved to be off her feet, Her maids kneeling on the floor on either side of her.
“Thank you for welcoming me to your lands, Queen Lumina.  It has been long since we have last spoken and I must admit I am not fully sure why that is. It is my hope we may address that as well as my other concerns while here.” She said lightly Lumina nodded. She could only move so much with the heavy layers weighing her down but she managed indicating the room be cleared “Your maids may join mine, I’m sure they would enjoy some of our native fruits.” She said sending them off as well allowing the two women relative privacy.
“Please speak your concerns I shall do my best to address them.” Lumina invited and, after a moment of thought, Izira began to speak,
“Why is it that in the last few years we have not spoken?  I don’t wish to say I forgot about you but it almost feels as if I did, what happened?  Was this a spell the result of Gramorr?” she asked.  Lumina nodded slowly
“In a way, while Gramorr was the reason for the spell he did not cast it.  I chose to ‘erase’ my kingdom, so as to protect it from the war. Understand, we are a small nation, easy pickings and I felt it best for my people to shield us, by removing knowledge of us from the surface.  This was not meant as offense, but it was my decision for the best for my people.” She explained Izira nodded acceptingly. “Aquaria has always maintained a quiet peace. If I remember correctly there is little in the way of military force is this correct?” at her question Lumina again slowly nodded
“Then, I take no offense at your choice to hide your people and keep them shielded from the troubles of our world.” Izira said lightly “I imagine however you where not wholly cut off, as clearly you are aware of the fall of Gramorr?” she asked
“Yes we are aware. The destruction of the Alter was felt even down here in fact.  The magical shockwaves where quiet startling.   We did maintain a small connection to the surface through the water, this allowed us to keep track of the situation and ensure no one stumbled upon us by accident following our removal.” Lumina explained. Izira seemed satisfied again by her answer.  Political dancing was one of the more difficult aspect of her position, words had to be chosen carefully. And while Izira herself was not so easily offended, the meeting was being magically recorded for public viewing afterwards, she had to ensure both her people and those of other nations where not offended by her choices or statements.
“Other leaders are slowly beginning to regain control of their nations, however a new threat has arisen. We have come to believe that Gramorr was not the true threat, but rather the puppet of a greater evil.  With his destruction, the master has moved to a new host.” Izira explained Gravely, Lumina nodded
“We have reached the same conclusion.” She assured “It is my understanding that The Ephidian Heir has returned to Earth along with the princess’ of Xeris and Volta?” Lumina questioned to clarify.
“Yes, as Iris was raised there we determined it would be best to ease her transition back to Ephidia, over time. With the queens return There is no immediate demand for Iris to return and assume the throne at this moment.” Izira paused “My younger sister and The Voltan princess Auriana, stayed briefly in order to reconnect with family but both have also returned to Earth, to aide in teaching Iris.”
“I see.. The princess’ of Calyx and Borealis?” Lumina asked Izira nodded “They will also be assisting, but they will be receiving their own education.  Because of their work in assisting the resistance against Gramorr there studies as heirs have been lax.”
“I see With our pleasantries completed we will move to the state room and begin addressing the concern of the other realms.”  Lumina explained gesturing for assistance as her and Izira stood to leave the grand throne room.  There was relief at that, in the state room it wasn’t as formal, so both her and Izira could remove the burdensome gowns,, unfortunately the lesser formal wear was still irritating, so it was only a small relief.  As she was aided to her room Lumina wondered Where Gramorr was, he’d much rather be talking with him then discussing the politics of returning to the ‘world’
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
I wrote a LoliRock fanfic. This was sitting on my computer for a few weeks. Finally decided to post it.
This is set after the Season 2 finale. No warnings for this one, but it’s a possibility in later parts.
They found him amongst the ruins of the dark temple, pinned beneath a pillar of black crystal. He didn’t fight back when the King himself seized him and locked him up in the very dungeon cell he’d been incarcerated in for over fifteen years. Not a word was spoken during his trial, no vows for vengeance were uttered from his thin, scarred lips, and when he was sentenced to life of imprisonment, there was not a single attempt to escape.
There was nothing.
For three weeks, Gramorr spent his days – and nights – wrapped up in cold silence, staring blankly at the wall of his cell. He didn’t eat, drink, or even shift. The guards were sure he didn’t sleep either.
“He’s scaring the new recruits, Sire, and the other prisoners,” explained the guard Captain. “Won’t eat, won’t drink, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t sleep either. If he keeps this up, he’ll likely end up dead, Your Highness.”
Seated in his throne in Ephedia’s throne room, King Erfan was a strong, stoic figure before the Captain, despite the fact that he was still recovering from his imprisonment (Gramorr was not one for keeping his captives well-fed). Brow creased in concern, he inspected the scroll that bore similar reports from the Captain’s subordinates.
“Has he not spoken?”
“No, Sire.”
The King’s frown deepened. “Thank you, Captain. You are dismissed.”
“Yes, Sire.”
As soon as the Captain was out of the throne room, Erfan rose out of his throne and left the room via one of the castle’s many bolt tunnels, part of a network that had been installed generations ago; one he’d spent his childhood exploring every nook and cranny with Aria and…
He inhaled, the old, dusty scent of the dim, crystal-lit tunnels bringing back bittersweet memories and nostalgia. Maybe Iris would have liked exploring them, had she grown up here. Maybe she would have played Hide and Seek with Auriana and Talia, or used them to sneak into the kitchens and convince the cooks to allow her sweets and pastries between meals. Perhaps she’d have dashed into the throne room in the middle of Royal Counsel, bringing some relief from the endless complaints of Council members and Ephedia’s citizens, or even snuck into the Royal Mage’s study and got him to teach her magic or watch him become enraptured in explaining the details and technicalities of spells, or whatever else he was studying at that moment.
Such wishful thinking… He sighed, knowing that it would never be. Looking ahead, he realised he’d made it to the dungeons without realising. Of course. He’d frequented it many times during his adolescence, mostly because he’d been dared to do so.
They’d brightened up since Gramorr’s dominion. It was no longer dark and crumbling due to lack of upkeep. No rats could be found lurking in the damp corners of the cells, and the mould that had previously been crawling up the walls was gone.
Now, there was light and security. The walls were no longer falling apart, and the rodents had been relocated. Beds had been put in the cells, and the whole place just seemed more… humane.
There weren’t many prisoners down here. Just a few of Gramorr’s lackeys, a petty criminal here and there…
But they weren’t the ones he was here to see. Steeling himself, he strode down the hallway to Gramorr’s cell.
He found the dark sorcerer sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the wall. He didn’t look very intimidating, dressed in a loose white tunic, long shirt and brown pants, blond hair matted and greasy, hanging limp around his shoulders. The sinister, intoxicating aura of dark magic that had once choked the air for miles around him had diminished to a mere tingle that soured Erfan’s breath if he got too close
“Gramorr,” the King of Ephedia began.
The sorcerer didn’t even twitch.
“Is something the matter?” Erfan continued, quietly passing through the bars of the cell door. The perks of being King. “The guards tell me you’ve been acting… off.”
Still, nothing. Erfan felt concern nagging at his chest.
“You were my friend once,” he said quietly. “I understand how that may not mean anything to you, but it means something to me. And to Aria.”
Cautious, he stepped closer until he was stood directly in front of the man, looking down at him.
“Why?” he asked softly. “Why did it end like this? What happened?”
No answer.
Not even the slightest hint of acknowledgement. Disheartened, Erfan knelt down in front of him, looking past the curtains of hair that obscured his face.
Dull red eyes looked straight through him. Gramorr’s face was still a mess of purple scarring, smeared with an assortment of healing pastes and ointments, twisted and marred into a visage of pain and corruption that likely would never fade away. His cheeks were sunken, eyes half-lidded and vacant, as if he wasn’t aware of the world around him.
“You’re worrying me,” Erfan murmured, rising back to his full height. “Please. Try to eat something when the guards bring you your food later.”
Nothing. He left it at that, asking the guards to let him and the Queen know if anything changed.
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wewinyoulose · 7 years ago
Ask about canon: How did it feel to finally stand up to Gramorr and quit, that one time?
Ask my muse about their canon!
Mephisto whimpered ducking his head and looking around frightened. What if Gramorr was listening?
Praxina cleared her throat. “Such a thing has never happened, since our lord Gramorr is the best master one could ask for,” she said out loud. “But if such a thing has happened - it would have been amazing. We would have so much power!” She let out an evil cackle, then sighed. “But of course it did not happen.”
Mephisto nodded with enthusiasm. “Yeah, it would be just so freeing” he said. “Not that we’d want that!” he added quickly.
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maybeawriter6 · 7 years ago
The Green Prince
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LoliRock (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Iris/Mephisto (LoliRock) Additional Tags: Iristo Weekend, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Short One Shot
Summary: A knight is called for an audience with their ruler. Do audiences usually involve this much blushing?
For Iristo Weekend, Day One - Princess/Knight (With a twist)
Read on ao3 here or below!
Iris stood outside the chamber door, gathering her courage. She raised her hand, hesitated, then knocked.
"Enter, please." a voice answered.
Swallowing hard, Iris swung the door open and walked forward. She tried to keep her eyes down, but curiosity got the best of her, and she saw him.
The Prince of Ephedia stood staring out the windows with a melancholy expression.
Iris stopped a respectful distance away. "You summoned me, Your Highness?"
He turned to look at her when she spoke. Iris drew a sharp breath.
The Prince was beautiful. More beautiful even than the rumors claimed. He was dressed in a tunic that was made of fine fabric but was very simple and modest. The only decoration was the snake design that curled around his torso and over his shoulder. The only jewelry he wore was an understated yet elegant gold circlet, with a single green gemstone that glittered on his forehead.
His features were perfect, as far as Iris was concerned. His jaw was cut soft yet strong, his nose just large enough to be endearing while his high cheekbones complimented his eyes. And what eyes. Green as if all the grass in all the kingdom was lending him its color. Deep and clear as a crystal sea. Piercing, intelligent, yet kind.
Iris thought that perhaps, in happier times, his eyes looked like they might sparkle with cheeky humor.
Now, of course, they were devoid of such a thing. They spoke instead of sorrow, of fear, of anxiety.
She felt maybe she would die happily, if it would put the sparkle back in them.
He was staring at her. Why was he staring at her? Oh no. She'd messed up, already. No, no! How could she be so bold as to just stand there, gaping at him?!
She dropped quickly to one knee, her armor clanking from the speed of the motion.
Her terror kept her from noticing that the Prince was definitely not staring at her because he was shocked at her lack of decorum. Quite the opposite. He was staring in wonder as he beheld the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.
He'd seen her before, of course, but never so close. Her hair was like a cloud of pink satin, falling gently over gold and pink armor. He couldn’t have designed a prettier, more appealing face if he’d set his mind to it. It was a face that looked as if it smiled a lot. Her eyes were a striking blue, like two shards of sky, and gazing into them had felt like flying. Better than flying. He wished she’d look at him, again.
"Gen-" He cleared his throat. "General Iris. Thank you for being so prompt."
"Of course." She kept her gaze in the floor. "What is your bidding, my Prince?"
For some reason, he blushed when she used that title. "Uh, I..." He sobered when he remembered why he'd called her. "...I trust you've heard the news. My sister..." It was painful to say the words. He trailed off, composing himself.
Iris wished she could comfort him.
He looked out the window, his face taut with barely contained grief. "...My sister, Princess Praxina, has been taken by the evil Lord Gramorr. He kidnapped her a week ago, and we have..." Not we , he reminded himself, wincing. There was no more we . He was alone. "...I have received reports of a dark queen, who leaves destruction in her wake." He squeezed his eyes shut.
Iris looked up, horrified. "...The Princess?"
He took a shaky breath. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... "...I... I fear the worst..." Do NOT cry. "I believe he's... done something to her. Corrupted her with dark magic." He looked at Iris with angry, tearful eyes. "...If there is any chance of getting her back, any at all... Well..."
Iris blinked. "Do you believe I can help her, Sire? I will do everything in my power, of course, but will it be enough?"
He smiled sadly. "...My parents trusted you. They spoke often of your valor, your courage, your cleverness. But, most of all, your kindness. I think my sister needs your kindness, right now."
She blushed at his compliments. "Y- You flatter me, Your Highness. But I understand. I will leave at once."
"Thank you." He looked conflicted. "I desperately wish I could join you, but...” He sighed, his voice taking on a tone as if he were reciting something he’d been told many times. “The battlefield is no place for a Prince."
If only he'd been born a girl. Then nobody would stop him from doing as he liked. He could help Praxina. Indeed, had he been a princess, Lord Gramorr may well have taken him, instead. He could have spared his sister all of the pain she must now be suffering.
"With all due respect, Sire, I disagree." Iris kicked herself. Why did she say that? She couldn’t talk to him like this! He was a prince!
He looked at her in surprise. No one had ever contradicted the role his sex forced upon him. Nobody outside his family, at least.
She swallowed nervously, but pressed on. "I have heard of your great magical skill, Your Highness. I dare say you could handle yourself."
Dear heavens, could she make him any more flustered? He rubbed his hand over his red face. "I- Uh- I don't- Um... Th- thank you, General." He coughed, trying to get ahold of himself. "...But... Um... Even so, I couldn't possibly. With my parents gone, and my sister, well, indisposed... Somebody has to run the kingdom."
Iris bit her lip, trying to restrain herself, but finally her words slipped out. "But, Your Highness, I am not of royal blood. I am not powerful enough to break dark crystal. And I would be very surprised if I didn't need to do so at some point on this quest."
He hesitated. She made an excellent point.
"And when we free your sister, the kingdom will have its leaders back."
An even better point. Moreover, the fact that she'd said when and not if sparked hope in his chest. She believed they could save his sister, and that made him feel more confident.
He agonized for a minute before finally nodding. "You are right, General. I will accompany you, yes."
Iris grinned excitedly, pleased at the idea of his company, before regaining control of herself.
The Prince felt sure he would die of her cuteness before they reached the first battle.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's so short; I like the AU, tho, and might expand it sometime. :3
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carmtoons · 8 years ago
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ooooooh!! Im getting a little ahead of myself but i dont care. I really wanted to draw a scene from the NEXT chapter of Arrangements (That I hope to be posting later today…. just doing some revisions) Wherein Talia, now in Zanavian style clothing at all times at the request of Lord Gramorr, is learning all she can about Zanavian culture… inclduing a quick waltz instruction. It starts off innocent enough, feet stepping and awkwardness aside… there’s a distinct moment where things… change… This is easily my favorite one so far. I really love how it came out! (Screen shot background is not mine, its from “women of islam,” cartoon. Usually, I do my own backgroudns but for this fanart series, Im not gonna worry about it)
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frog-cultist · 1 month ago
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Hello to like the 5 remaining belos and gramorr fans, please, take this small offering you poor starving beings
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ninjagozanefan14 · 8 years ago
Au!Gramorr and Mephisto Conversation (Lolirock dabble)
(This is a short dabble conversation I made between Gramorr (from my Au/headcanon) and Mephisto after making some young Gramorr fanart which you can see here. This dabble is NOT perfect but I just wanted to post it XD)
Gramorr: *Looks at Mephisto with a voice of disinterest* I was a lot like you once..
Mephisto: Oh, well uh, thank you! Your royal badness!
Gramorr: But I was stronger. I grew to be *louder* MUCH MORE. THAN YOUR MISERABLE EXISTENCE.
Mephisto: * eyes widen in alarm * .....
Mephisto: * blinks * ...
Gramorr: *growls* I worked for everything I have. What have you done, Mephisto?
Mephisto: ... I-
Mephisto: *blinks, trying to rack his brain of what he possibly could have done to get on Gramorr's bad side today* I- I'm sorry.. *bows*
Gramorr: *growls* Your apology means nothing to me. Go TRY to do something useful for a change.
Mephisto: Yes! Yes! Right away, lord Gramorr! *turns and trips* AAH *catches himself and leaves quickly*
Gramorr: *sighs irritably, swooshes his cape aside and looks at the crown* ... *narrows eyes. Certain that he is alone, walks to the crown, lifts a hand to touch the crystal protecting it then moves his hand away and growls*
*There's a low growl behind him*
Gramorr: *is startled, whips around and sees Banes there flicking his tail* Aghh! *snaps* I've TOLD you not to sneak up on me, Banes!
Banes: *narrows eyes with another low growl*
Gramorr: *huffs angrily, trying to regain his calm* I was not distracted. Merely thinking. Plotting.
Banes: *growls inquiringly*
Gramorr: *says nothing for a moment, narrowing his eyes further before walking back to this throne* ...We will find the oracle gems. That’s all I care about.
Banes: *doesn't look convinced but lets it slide for now* ...
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maybeaprincess6 · 8 years ago
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*Affectionate finger guns at @margoteve and @iristovevo *
(Several of these are highly inspired by conversations and headcanons from our Discord chat, lol, so shout out XD)
 1. Who is the most affectionate?
They both are very open and liberal with their affection (Much to Praxina’s discomfort) but Mephisto is especially clingy and will often come and drape himself over Iris randomly. They are both fond of unexpected little kisses on the forehead or cheek.
 2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
It switches several times throughout the night, but Mephisto sleeps curled up on his side more often than not, making him a natural little spoon for Iris to just sorta grab onto. They don’t have a strong preference either way; they’re both equally comfy in either position.
 3. Most common argument?
*winks at chat* Food discourse is a biggie. Iris is not a fan of many staple Ephedian foods.
More seriously, they get worried when the other puts themselves in harm’s way. Mephisto is supposed to protect her, but her magic is much stronger than his. This argument arises pretty much every time they go into battle, but they know it’s born of mutual concern, and they trust and believe in each other enough not to let it get in the way of what must be done.
 4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
They do stop to eat and sleep sometimes.
Okay but seriously they like training together, riding the Ephedian equivalent of horses, (whatever Amaru is, I guess?) reading quietly in the same room, (I know Mephisto has said he isn’t a reader but that’s obviously not entirely true, he’s definitely studied a lot of magic books at the very least, plus Iris probably helps him warm up to the hobby in general,) cooking/baking together, even just chilling in the same proximity.
 5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Mephisto, 100%. He carries her any and every time she’ll allow it. She weighs almost nothing to him. If he can find an excuse to pick her up he will use it. XD
 6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Physical features? Mephisto loves her hair (both colors he doesn't care) and her smile and her freckles. She loves his hair, too, as well as his jaw and his biceps. They both absolutely adore each other’s eyes.
Non-physically, Iris loves his childlike wonder, his openness, the way he gets excited about everything, even his childish immature side, (though sometimes he can be very irritating XD) He loves her joy, her goodness, her compassion, how she sees the good in everyone and everything, the way she makes him want to be more. Better.
 7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
The very first thing is the way they battle. (If battles are still happening at this point in a given universe.) A lot of magic blasts just barely miss, or are shot just a half-second too late to hit before a shield can be raised.
Any hand-to-hand combat causes the breath to catch in their throats and they pause just a moment too long, looking at each other’s eyes and trying to process exactly how close their lips suddenly are.
The banter takes a flirtier undertone than usual, though they try to be subtle.
 8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
*snorts* Pumpkin, started as an inside joke (referencing the love spell incident) but he ends up using it unironically. They also call each other by their titles a lot, i.e. “Princess,” “my King,” “my Queen.” Because they revere and respect one another and this shows that. (Plus throwing a “my” in there makes both of them a little lightheaded and fluttery bc they feel so lucky.)
 9. Who worries the most?
As addressed above, they both worry a lot. Mephisto is slightly prone to paranoia, though. He's lost too many loved ones. He doesn't think he could take it if he lost her, too.
For Iris’ part, while she doesn't doubt his skill and knowledge, he doesn't have as much raw power backing him up and that scares her.
 10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Iris has a better memory, in general, but Mephisto can surprise her with exactly how much trivial information he retains.So both I guess.
 11. Who tops?
They switch frequently next question
 12. Who initiates kisses?
Both, pretty much 50/50. They're both masters of the distraction kiss, too. Mephisto was definitely more shy at the start, though.
 13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Iris, I think. It catches him off guard a lot at first. (My poor touch-starved son.) But he always welcomes it.
 14. Who kisses the hardest?
Once he's used to it, definitely Mephisto. He tends to take it just a half step too far and she has to calm him down if they're in public. He's just so enthusiastic and she loves it.
 15. Who wakes up first?
Iris is a morning person and Mephisto is a little groggier, so she usually wakes up first and watches him breathe for a while before she smooches him awake.
 16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Mephisto, most mornings. His sleep schedule under Gramorr wasn't exactly regular or sufficient so he has a little trouble adjusting to an actual, proper sleep pattern. Moreover, he considers being able to sleep in a bit as one of the luxuries of being free.
He doesn't mind so much if Iris kisses him awake, though. Seeing her as soon as he opens his eyes is worth it.
 17. Who says I love you first?
Mephisto probably lets it slip accidentally (and possibly in pun form) without too much forethought. He was embarrassed and nervous until she said it back, then he was completely elated.
 18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
They are both constantly leaving each other cute little love notes and even just simple “I love you”s just because they can.
 19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Well, pre-reform (and probably in general) they're actively trying to keep it a secret. Their success varies. Praxina and the other Princesses may find out without having to be told. Iris obviously tells her parents, probably while she and Mephisto nervously hold hands behind their backs. (They needn't worry so much, her parents probably love him.)
 20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Her parents are probably down with it. He's powerful and has obviously changed and they clearly love each other. Talia spends about a year lowkey suspicious and claiming it’s a bad idea but eventually warms up to him. Carissa and Lyna get used to it and end up approving after about a month. Auriana instantly accepts them, lol.
Praxina... has complicated feelings about it. On the one hand, the thought of anybody finding her brother attractive, and specifically the idea of someone being physical with him, is inherently repulsive to her and she often voices her disgust. On the other, she’s scared of losing him. Deep down, though, she’s happy that he’s happy, and is their staunchest supporter when push comes to shove. (Ofc she pulls Iris aside and warns her that she’d better not hurt him.)
 21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Probably Mephisto but Iris certainly isn’t complaining. They’re that one couple that stays on the dancefloor longer than everybody else and tend to forget they aren’t alone bc all they can see is each other.
 22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
They like cooking and baking together, though Iris is much better at it. It’s not so much lack of skill; Mephisto can follow instructions well enough and he has good taste, but he’s extremely accident prone. He has enough kitchen horror stories to fill a whole evening if you get him going on the topic.
 23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
They’re both guilty of it, but Mephisto. Good lord, Mephisto. Nobody knows where or how he comes up with them all, or how he rattles them off so fast. It’s been speculated that he stays up nights, inventing and memorizing them, but no, too many are obviously born of context. He’s an enigma.
 24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Once over his initial reluctance, (he’s very nervous and awkward about intimacy at first, partly from inexperience and partly bc he’s terrified of hurting her, but she’s more than willing to wait as long as he needs and eventually he warms up to the idea,) Mephisto is extremely guilty of it.
His innocent nature makes it even more shocking than his cheesy pick up line talents. Iris would rather forget how many times he’s made her blush in public before darting off as if nothing had happened. Of course, Iris’ skill in this area isn’t exactly lacking, and she’s gotten plenty of revenge.
(There are certain foreign dignitaries that honestly believe both the Ephedian royals suffer chronic hot flashes, they turn red so often.)
 25. Who needs more assurance?
Both of them can be vulnerable. They both have bad days, weaknesses, fears. But Mephisto is... definitely the more fragile of the two.
He’s seen things, done things, that haunt him. He spent most of his life being used and abused by Gramorr. He clawed his way back into the light, fighting to get away from the dark magic that had been corrupting him for all those years. He’s been broken and mended himself so many times. He’s got trauma. He has nightmares.
Iris is there for him. She’s his rock. She comforts him and holds him and makes him feel safe. For the first time in so long, he feels safe. He trusts her. He lets his guard down with her, shows her his scars, and she takes them all and soothes them. She helps him heal his long-broken heart. Finally, after so many years of hurting, he’s begun recovering.
 26. What would be their theme song?
(I mean I’ve got a whole playlist but) This cover of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect
 27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Both, definitely, either taking turns or together. Incidentally, they tend to sing each other back to sleep, too. (Praxina and Mephisto used to do it for one another, sometimes, but now their spouses have willingly picked up the habit.)
 28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
It isn't often that a Queen is made to be apart from her King, or vice versa. Nor a Princess from her Knight. But it happens. When it does, they feel very lonely and uncomfortable and oddly frail. Like part of them, the best and strongest part, is suddenly gone.
They do their best on their own, (ideally with frequent conversations over magical communicators, if possible,) until they are able to reunite.
(Every such reunion involves running over to each other and him picking her up and spinning her around and they kiss as if they've been apart for months. Even if it's only been a few days.)
 29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
...There's three upsetting aus I can think of off the top of my head. Idk if they count as headcanons but if not then the answer for 25 certainly does.
Say they were together but “Crowning Glory part II” still happened and Mephisto “died...”
Or Praxina “died” instead and Mephisto gets the mask, and honestly that might be worse, because he would blame Iris and hate her...
Or say everything's fine but his corruption runs too deep and he can't help but turn on her and stay evil.
 30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Here's a bunch bc we need a lot of fluff to make up for that lol
Even though the odds are stacked really high against them, they work through it all, together. They support and comfort each other and make it happen.
Mephisto learns light magic and rids himself of any remaining corruption and fights alongside Iris as her partner and protector.
And just like. Imagine the proposal and wedding like ahhhh so cute and pure and good!!!
Also they eventually have twins, themselves, and they do their very best to be the parents they wish they'd had, growing up.
Plus you know they’re the best dang rulers Ephedia’s ever had.
I really love this ship, okay? I have a lot of feels.
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ofekma · 8 years ago
Lilac, defender of syrinx (or Syringa)
One day Lilac went back home from school when she saw something falling from the sky in an explosion of light. She run to see what was that, when she saw a mostly burned spaceship. It was very small, like a bottle. Inside it there was the most beautiful necklace she ever saw. It had a light purple gem in the shape of a tear in the middle. It was glowing. When she took the necklace Lilac saw flashes of images from a far away kindhom with people who lost their hope. They had a royal family, a king, queen and a princess. But they all killed by lord Gramorr (or some other villan, I dunno). Their princess had a necklace she used to protect her people. But when they failed to stop him, with her last ounce of strength, their prinsess sent her necklace far away, to a planet without magic, where Lord Grammor can never find it. So Lilac took the necklace and decided to use it to help people and free Syrinx. She isn't their princess, but she's still going to fight for them. So when in order to transform she says "Lilac, defender of syrinx"
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sadpoem · 8 years ago
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master, sir, my lord, darkest darkness of my life, Gramorr 💖💗
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thefallenkingfic · 8 years ago
Chapter 8
After a moment once Lumina was out of site and ear shot Mephisto turned his head away “I don’t want to hear what you have to say.” He said his voice wasn’t cold but harsh, for a moment and old sense of dominance enveloped him, How dare the boy talk to him in such a way.  the feeling was quickly smothered.
“You remember me then?” Gramorr asked studying the young who shook his head “No, but when I saw you walk in with her, I felt scared. And Angry.  I didn’t…  don’t want you near me, you feel dangerous.” He said honestly. Gramorr frowned it was a struggle he knew what kind of man he had been but hearing a boy, with no honest memories, still having those feelings?  It hurt in a way Abraxas couldn’t rightly explain.
“Be that as it may, I know the most about you, I should… tell you what I can.” He said after a moment of silence Mephisto shifted looking over curiously, that wasn’t the response he had expected.  For some reason he’d expected rage, anger.  He’d expected to be terrified of the man,  to suffer retribution for his manner, even though he couldn’t say why.
“You’re name is Mephisto, you and your sister are twins.” Gramorr started slowly “I can’t say I know the details of why but During my… rise to power, I came across you two and took you in, you learned magic quiet easily and as you and your sister got older I found that you where quiet useful to me.  I sent you both to Earth to seek out, a girl I needed to find.” He said carefully. Mephisto was studying him and he found it a little disconcerting, what did he say? He’d sent the boy and his sister to kidnap a girl so he could steal her magic and become king?  It was the truth so why was it so hard to put into words?
“You’re not a good man are you?” Mephisto asked him flatly. And that simple question brought the reality back no, he wasn’t he never had been had he?  He stood abruptly
“No I’m not.” He said shortly turning and walking out shedding the heavier robe and tossing it across a bush fingers curling struggling to feel the power he knew coursed through him he wasn’t a good man, he was a KING!
There was a sound and he turned the power coursing hand up it lashed fourth he could feel it cutting through him as the spell spilled fourth
“Ateruina!” the light blasted out from his withered arm his healed skin splitting and bleeding from the force of the power coursing through his still healing body.
“Crystarmum.” The spell was said curtly the shield stopping the abrupt blast he had sent.  As the light faded the crystal shield shattered and Lumina stood her expression serene as ever while he clutched his arm trembling slightly the pain washing down as blood stained the soft fabric.  She moved forward passing her hand over his arm
“You shouldn’t be using magic yet, you’ve not fully healed.” She said calmly as if he hadn’t just attacked her, he jerked back clutching his arm to him glaring “Who are you?! He demanded angrily “I just attacked you I will do it again, Why did you save me? I’m not a good man I’ve killed before I’ll kill you to.” He said angrily, it was building again like before so much rage and confusion Damn this woman and her calm patience!
“Maybe, But, I will keep helping you.” She said calmly glancing over at the enclosed garden and sighing “This… was my mistake, I didn’t realize how strong his feelings where.  I had hoped being near you would jog his memory of who he is, but it seems he only knows that before he was hurt, he feared you.” She said softly reaching out, stopping when Gramorr took another step back her hand fell to her side and she moved carefully pulling the coat from the bush freeing the fabric from thorns without a word fingers moving carefully.
“Why are you doing all this, even if I kill you?” he demanded again her hand hesitated only a moment before she continued “Because I want to.” She said softly once the coat was free standing fully draping it over her arm.
“It doesn’t make any sense, are you suicidal?  Are you stupid?!” he demanded scowling disbelieving when she shook her head “No… But I know who you are. I know who you where before your work with black crystal magic…” she said softly “You’ve bad things, yes, but look at you now, your suffering for it, You suffered before. Trapped in that castle.  When that creature turned away from you.  You wouldn’t be so upset now, so adamant to warn me away if you where really as bad as you think.” She said gently hand slowly stroking the fabric.
“Come, I’ll have a healer tend to your arm… Your skin likely ruptured from the power, it still hasn’t fully healed, That was a very stupid thing to do.” She said quietly turning from him and walking along the path saying nothing else clearly expecting him to follow. After a moment of staring he did so his stride was longer then hers and it took only a few steps to get ahead of her blocking her path.
“You need to stop this.” He said firmly Looking up at him Lumina smiled “Why? Because it upsets you?” she asked with a half laugh, but he could see it the strain, the faint lines around her eyes, she was trying so hard to keep herself smiling.
There was something a look, he knew this, not here but a different garden, he’d found her there, she’d missed a lesson, she’d claimed to be fine but he’d seen the weakness then to.  A Queen who couldn’t show what she was who she was to anyone, no weakness, nothing… he grabbed her, hearing the faint gasp as he pulled her close clutching her tightly to him fingers curling, Lumina winced faintly his finger bit into her through the layers of her robes but she stayed still savoring the feel of his arms around her.  He wasn’t trying to hurt her she was sure of that, not right now.
“Lumina…” he murmured, yes he knew this, it felt familiar, she fit, so well.  His arm throbbed with pain but he wouldn’t let her go holding firm breathing drawing her in, the smell of flowers and water and her.
“Abraxas… I can’t… begin to imagine what you’re feeling… what you’re going through But I’m going to stay... I’m going to help you.” She said slowly carefully closing her eyes tightly He released her slowly looking down at the woman reaching up with his thinner hand, he could see where the skin had split blood ran slowly down the weak kin as he bushed hair from her face his thumb brushing over the small mark on her for head, he remembered so little, but what little was her…
“I’m not a good man.” he said softly watching her eyes waiting for… for something Lumina smiled but this time there was none of the strain “Gramorr isn’t… But Abraxas is.” She said softly “You’re not Lord Gramorr anymore.  You can be a good man.” she said softly “Give me a chance to show you that, let me show you all these possibilities, and if you’re still not a good man after all that.” She shifted smiling gently leaning her face into his hand letting the words trail off savoring his touch.
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