21 posts
Lolirock sideblog for hrhowling. I'm more than mildly obsessed with Mephisto and reblog more stuff than I post. Let's change that
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crystalline-mutt · 7 years ago
Gramorr: I have trained a pair of henchpeople.
Iris: You fucked up some perfectly good twins is what you did. Look at them. They’ve got anxiety.
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crystalline-mutt · 7 years ago
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crystalline-mutt · 7 years ago
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So I kind of…maybe…would’ve preferred Mephisto be the surviving twin…
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crystalline-mutt · 7 years ago
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Inspired by this piece of art I did.
“Mephisto!” He hears his name before he sees her; a flurry of auburn and molten butterflies hurtling towards him. Alarm bubbles in his throat, bursting into a startled grunt before he can call out. Then he’s got a face full of crumbling crystal and pain rockets through his nose and forehead and suddenly something’s raining down from above—
The pieces come together with a disorienting click. Mephisto bolts upright, hissing as the world around him swerves. Eyes squeeze shut, grappling at the ground for stability. The action jogs his memory and his vibrant-green gaze snaps open again. Praxina.
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
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Talisto Week 2017 - Day 1 - Fighting/Flirting/Healing
Ah! Happy days! Its finally here! Sorry I’m late…no wait, a queen is never late, everyone else is just early :P so here I am ready to break some hearts. I’m working on a fic for this but really wanted to draw out this scene. He’s trying so hard for his sister, honestly, and she knows the feeling too well. He still doesn’t want to listen to Talia, but he’s getting to that point where he’s realizing that forcing himself is not working. He’s honestly in so much pain guys. Like. Ow. He needs to slow down. He needs to let her in. Talia has been watching over him for a while now and she’s grown attached. They aren’t in love yet, but Talia’s starting to inch her way there.
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
Headcanon: Little Ball of Love (the hedgehog)
I think I need to write something where Praxina comes back to the cave on Earth where all her and Mephisto’s things are (just imagine that the twins have a pocket dimension inside the cave that has all their things, like the one Talia has in their studio). She’s about to have a moment and destroy everything until she comes across Little Ball of Love.
Who or what is Little Ball of Love?
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That above on Meph’s shoulder is Little Ball of Love, as named by Iris in the episode “No Thanks for the Memories.” I assume it’s an Earth hedgehog that Mephisto picked up along the way after finding out that hedgehogs have a natural immunity to snake venom. (seems like something he would do, plus they’re so prickly and cute like Prax)
Praxina would obviously take care of Little Ball of Love because it might prove to be a worthy minion of doom, but mostly because it belonged to Mephisto.
Anyways, that’s my stupid headcanon. Praxina is walking around Sunny Bay, trying to plot Iris’ destruction while figuring out how to take care of Little Ball of Love.
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
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This wasn´t planned we go.
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
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Lolirock | Mephisto & Praxina
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
I love it, let's pray that it's canon
Names for the King and Queen of Ephedia
Are we ever going to learn their names? I get the feeling we won’t, so how about we toss some ideas around.
Queen Aria
King Erfan
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
I wrote a LoliRock fanfic. This was sitting on my computer for a few weeks. Finally decided to post it.
This is set after the Season 2 finale. No warnings for this one, but it’s a possibility in later parts.
They found him amongst the ruins of the dark temple, pinned beneath a pillar of black crystal. He didn’t fight back when the King himself seized him and locked him up in the very dungeon cell he’d been incarcerated in for over fifteen years. Not a word was spoken during his trial, no vows for vengeance were uttered from his thin, scarred lips, and when he was sentenced to life of imprisonment, there was not a single attempt to escape.
There was nothing.
For three weeks, Gramorr spent his days – and nights – wrapped up in cold silence, staring blankly at the wall of his cell. He didn’t eat, drink, or even shift. The guards were sure he didn’t sleep either.
“He’s scaring the new recruits, Sire, and the other prisoners,” explained the guard Captain. “Won’t eat, won’t drink, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t sleep either. If he keeps this up, he’ll likely end up dead, Your Highness.”
Seated in his throne in Ephedia’s throne room, King Erfan was a strong, stoic figure before the Captain, despite the fact that he was still recovering from his imprisonment (Gramorr was not one for keeping his captives well-fed). Brow creased in concern, he inspected the scroll that bore similar reports from the Captain’s subordinates.
“Has he not spoken?”
“No, Sire.”
The King’s frown deepened. “Thank you, Captain. You are dismissed.”
“Yes, Sire.”
As soon as the Captain was out of the throne room, Erfan rose out of his throne and left the room via one of the castle’s many bolt tunnels, part of a network that had been installed generations ago; one he’d spent his childhood exploring every nook and cranny with Aria and…
He inhaled, the old, dusty scent of the dim, crystal-lit tunnels bringing back bittersweet memories and nostalgia. Maybe Iris would have liked exploring them, had she grown up here. Maybe she would have played Hide and Seek with Auriana and Talia, or used them to sneak into the kitchens and convince the cooks to allow her sweets and pastries between meals. Perhaps she’d have dashed into the throne room in the middle of Royal Counsel, bringing some relief from the endless complaints of Council members and Ephedia’s citizens, or even snuck into the Royal Mage’s study and got him to teach her magic or watch him become enraptured in explaining the details and technicalities of spells, or whatever else he was studying at that moment.
Such wishful thinking… He sighed, knowing that it would never be. Looking ahead, he realised he’d made it to the dungeons without realising. Of course. He’d frequented it many times during his adolescence, mostly because he’d been dared to do so.
They’d brightened up since Gramorr’s dominion. It was no longer dark and crumbling due to lack of upkeep. No rats could be found lurking in the damp corners of the cells, and the mould that had previously been crawling up the walls was gone.
Now, there was light and security. The walls were no longer falling apart, and the rodents had been relocated. Beds had been put in the cells, and the whole place just seemed more… humane.
There weren’t many prisoners down here. Just a few of Gramorr’s lackeys, a petty criminal here and there…
But they weren’t the ones he was here to see. Steeling himself, he strode down the hallway to Gramorr’s cell.
He found the dark sorcerer sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the wall. He didn’t look very intimidating, dressed in a loose white tunic, long shirt and brown pants, blond hair matted and greasy, hanging limp around his shoulders. The sinister, intoxicating aura of dark magic that had once choked the air for miles around him had diminished to a mere tingle that soured Erfan’s breath if he got too close
“Gramorr,” the King of Ephedia began.
The sorcerer didn’t even twitch.
“Is something the matter?” Erfan continued, quietly passing through the bars of the cell door. The perks of being King. “The guards tell me you’ve been acting… off.”
Still, nothing. Erfan felt concern nagging at his chest.
“You were my friend once,” he said quietly. “I understand how that may not mean anything to you, but it means something to me. And to Aria.”
Cautious, he stepped closer until he was stood directly in front of the man, looking down at him.
“Why?” he asked softly. “Why did it end like this? What happened?”
No answer.
Not even the slightest hint of acknowledgement. Disheartened, Erfan knelt down in front of him, looking past the curtains of hair that obscured his face.
Dull red eyes looked straight through him. Gramorr’s face was still a mess of purple scarring, smeared with an assortment of healing pastes and ointments, twisted and marred into a visage of pain and corruption that likely would never fade away. His cheeks were sunken, eyes half-lidded and vacant, as if he wasn’t aware of the world around him.
“You’re worrying me,” Erfan murmured, rising back to his full height. “Please. Try to eat something when the guards bring you your food later.”
Nothing. He left it at that, asking the guards to let him and the Queen know if anything changed.
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
Names for the King and Queen of Ephedia
Are we ever going to learn their names? I get the feeling we won’t, so how about we toss some ideas around.
Queen Aria
King Erfan
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
This is cute. We need more short-haired princesses!
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anyways short haired iris is beautiful and i love her
EDIT: i can’t believe i forgot her freckles…… no wonder no one knew who she was…. i am a failure
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
*shrugs* Magic
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Apparently Talia changed clothes in the sewers after being saved by Iris and Auriana.. It doesn’t make sense..
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
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friend showed me this video on their blog when we were talkin about ocs but honestly the first thing i thought of was these two idiots from lolirock
gave them tshirts n stuff bc theres no way im gonna draw them disputing over cereal in their intricate villain costumes
also sorry im so behind in yume nikki month
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
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“I really hope we get to see the return/backstory of Morgaine in season three. She seems like such an interesting character, plus we know that she used to have affiliations with Gramorr, so I think it would be really cool.”
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crystalline-mutt · 8 years ago
I’ve not seen any posts on it, but I get the feeling it’s rather well established in the fandom that Mephisto would be the kind of guy to keep a snake.
But allow me to sugest:
*drum roll*
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Imagine Mephisto surrounded by fuzzy little fur-snakes, with the biggest, dumbest grin on his face.
Can this be an actual episode? Please?
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