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sarah12400 · 13 days ago
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sarah12400 · 2 months ago
Make sure you've seen Mufasa the lion king before you answer
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sarah12400 · 2 months ago
Mephisto and Praxina's Lion Rescue Mission (The story on How The twins got there steed)
Fanfiction by Sarah Caldwell
Once upon a time, Mephisto and Praxina went to the movies to watch Mufasa lion king. They loved Taka he was there favorite. Mephisto whispered to Praxina at one point of the movie “He would make the perfect steed for us like how Amaru is the princesses pet/steed. Praxina agreed. When brother betrayed came on it made the twins cry and gasp while Taka was barrel rolling down the hill the twins tan out and Praxina said out of breath from running “Brother you are right we need to save Taka and him our steed”. The twins decided to get help from the princesses. The twins flew as fast as they could to Aunt Ellen's house and told the princesses everything. Iris yelled "Mufasa will pay for this”. The twins tell the princesses they just need to get Taka somewhere safe. Iris figured the training room above the library would be the perfect place to be the first place he goes then will have Taka live with the twins. Then everyone came up with a game plan. So the plan was after the sad song carry him with your magic into a portal the princesses create below to level down Taka to our home then you two come in and make him your steed with the kindness in your hearts. So the twins went to a Runic place where it you can go to anytime anywhere. Praxina has a few worries but Mephisto reassures her what ever happens its going to be ok. Mephisto puts his hand on Praxinas shoulder and says Taka is the perfect steed for us to ride together and he will help us defeat Zanvian. The twins go through the portal just as Taka is singing his sad song but instead of feeling sadness they feel confident and happy this was there steed and it was time to bring him home. After the song the twins use there magic to catch Taka just before he hit the ground the princesses pull up the portal Taka and comes out then the snow but as the twins are falling they stop because the portal is closing. Iris says "We can't hold it much longer”. The twins are stuck it seems like the end the twins see Taka and smile and rub there hands on his face and then neck. Praxina says"Its ok don't be scared”. Mephisto says"your safe with us”. Taka is so happy no one has been so kind to him he grabs the twins hands and the twins are surprised and Taka says"I can tell I love you too, Whatever you are”. Mephisto and Praxina say"We're Ephideans and we love you too, we don't want you to be scared and we know you're upset and have lost everything we know how that feels”. The twins start crying happy tears and say in unison will you be our steed”. Taka says"You ride me and I carry you two on your many adventures”. Mephisto says"Yes will you”. Taka says yes and I will protect you forever”. Taka yanks Mephisto and Praxina out of the portal and onto his back. Mephisto and Praxina set up on Taka in a riding position and lean on his neck and ride off into the sunset ending the new beginning of a new friendship between Mephisto,Praxina and there new pet Lion Taka
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sarah12400 · 4 months ago
Earthling Debut 
Once Upon a Time, Iris was writing in her diary. Then we see Iris,Aurianna,Talia,Mephisto and Praxina were walking through Sunny Bay City, Then everyone sees a girl struggling to carry a bucket of water a huge bucket of water, So Mephisto flies over to help her, It's love at first sight the girls name is Sarah. Mephisto helped Sarah with the buckets to her house, Sarah tells Mephisto my mother won't let me talk to strangers she's kind of like a complaining Karen, Mephisto laughs and says”Sarah my sweet princess, I have had to handle much worse than a Karen”. Sarah is delighted by this. So Mephisto rings the doorbell and Karen walks in horrified to see Mephisto and Sarah together. She says”Sarah you've been talking to strangers”. Sarah says”Yes and we're in love”. Mephisto smiles and says”Yes we are in love”. Karen is surprised and says”Sarah you know better than to talk to strangers let alone fall in love with one, Come Sarah and don't ever come to this house again stranger falling in love with my daughter is not OK, Sarah let's go”. Karen storms in the house dragging Sarah and closes the door while Mephisto is reaching his hand and Mephisto says”I will be back for you tonight my princess”. Mephisto Flys back to Aunt Ellen's and says”everyone I have found my true love”. Iris says”You mean that earth girl”. Aurianna excitingly says"Its so sweet”. Praxina says”Wait Mephisto, that's too risky if the Karen finds out about this Ephidea is doomed”. Mephisto says”She won't but I am going to take Sarah to Ephidea”. Everyone except is in shock Talia says Mephisto bringing an Earthling to Ephidea is dangerous if Karen finds out then she could send an army after Ephidea”. Mephisto Flys up and says then we fight. Iris says”I agree with Mephisto it's going to be ok we've been through so much if Mephisto loves Sarah this much we must protect her”. So that night Mephisto sneaks out of aunt Ellen's. But Praxina stops him and says”Don't go”. Mephisto says”I have to Prax”. he flies in front of his sister and says”haven't you always wanted a sister”. Praxina sighs and says”Yes, Ok it's fine go see her I'll make sure the princesses don't find out and Mephisto flys outside to Sarah's house that night and of course Mephisto takes Sarah to Ephidea and the 2 sing let me be your wings from Thumbelina it was the most romantic thing ever. Sarah tells Mephisto everything she's been through. Mephisto understood Sarah and promised to always protect her and proposed to her of course Sarah says"Yes”. The 2 are engaged now. So Mephisto takes Sarah back to Aunt Ellen's house and Sarah meets everyone is concerned about this because of the Karen and is especially surprised to discover that Sarah and Mephisto will be married once Zanavian is gone. Praxina is excited to have a sister and gives Sarah a hug Then everyone joins and it's a big group hug. That night the Karen finds out and Zanavian takes this as an opportunity to strike earth so he gives the Karen power to attack the ephidea with an army and That night Mephisto tucks Sarah in bed and kisses her good night. That night Sarah is stolen, Amaru wakes up and hears Sarah being taken and tries to stop the kidnapper but fails so he wakes Mephisto up and tells him Sarah has been taken. Mephisto realizes what Amaru is saying but then runs into Sarah's bedroom and sees she has been taken. Mephisto runs to wake everyone up. Praxina says”Brother why did you wake us”. Mephisto says”Sarah has been taken”. Everyone gasps out loud and Iris narrates. 
Part 2:Iris narrates the previous part, Praxina says”No this isn't happening”. Mephisto says”Don't worry I'll go save Sarah, Everyone protect the house and the Ephidean castle”. So Mephisto saves Sarah and everyone stops the Karen and Sarah now is apart of Lolirock and Zanavian is disappointed the Karen failed. Now he must go after not only Ephidea and Earth itself especially Sarah and Praxina are his biggest targets, Because he's scared that Mephisto will defeat him 
(Idea Spoiler alert:He does defeat Zanavian and everyone else battles Zanavian's monster army and then cheers Mephisto to victory and he stabs Zanavian with his sword defeating him once and for all, Lolirock is about to decide Praxina should be queen but Sarah storms up and says Mephisto should be king of Ephidea besides he's the one who defeated Zanavian and vows as queen I will combined our worlds in friendship and harmony that's the 4th to final scene The 3rd to final scene is when Mephisto and Sarah are married and the 2nd to final scene is a big concert and the final scene is the circle of life continues with 2 new royal babies) 
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sarah12400 · 4 months ago
Hi Everyone one here are my predictions for Lolirock season 3, I don't have enough for a bingo card so I thought i would just post them on here then add if I get anymore predictions
1. Mephisto will end up with an earthling/All the ephideans who have fallen in love have fallen in love with Earthlings
2. The Earthling that ends up with Mephisto's theme color will be yellow like the sun.
3. The Earthling that ends up with Mephisto name is Sarah
4. Praxina
4. The Earthling will vow to help Mephisto even though she doesn't have magic
5. Mephisto and Praxina will be come Cures, Cure Emerald and Cure Ruby
6. Banes is Zanavian
7. Zanavian is the final antagonist of Lolirock
8. The Princesses will save Praxina (So at least the princesses do something)
9. Lolirock will sing during the final battle (And that's it just sing)
10. While Lolirock is singing the other Earthlings (I said other Earthlings because of my 12th guess) and the other Ephideans are cheering Mephisto and Praxina and the earthlings
11. Mephisto and Praxina and the earthling will defeat Zanavian
12. Iris, Arianna and Talia will give up there princess titles to stay on earth and become permanent Earthlings
13. Mephisto and the earthling will become King and queen of Ephidea I know
14. (please don't kill me) Lyna and Carissa will be brushed under the rug. They definitely will sing in the final battle but they will have a lot less screentime in Season 3. Mephisto and Praxina need the spotlight. The twins are way more popular by the fandom then Lyna and Carissa
15. Iris,Arianna and Talia will be at the rim edge of the rug
16. Lolirock World Tour
17. A Wedding
18. A Big Finale Song
19. Between 5 and 20 year time jump
20. We get to see the kids or at least Mephisto and the Earthling's kid
21. Nathaniel and Mephisto's true love have a funny interaction
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sarah12400 · 4 months ago
Hello everyone, I have a Question what do you think the earth girl that ends up with will be like, What will her name be? What will she look like? What will her personality be? What episode will she debut? Who will she be voiced by? Tell me in the comments
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sarah12400 · 5 months ago
And finally incase you don't know Mephisto here's his wiki and an ai of him singing Let me be your wings from thumbelina
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sarah12400 · 6 months ago
Hi Everyone This is Mephisto from lolirock singing Let me be your wings from lolirock would hope this could possibly hold us all off before Season 3 comes, you can do covers and stuff I would love to see covers on YouTube I'll be checking lolirock videos and hoping to hear some covers, Of my fellow lolirock fans singing Let me be your wings my vedio is available for public use as long as every princess sings there hearts out.
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