#lord Arthur
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morguegause · 2 years ago
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I’m back with more
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sidetrek · 2 years ago
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Hail, friend!  @entanglednow and myself have been basically obsessed with the Evil Dead series again for the last year, sending each other fic and sketches.  I spent a month googling how to use indesign and then slapped it all together here in one pretty pdf, which you can download for free at my gumroad page: https://sidetrek.gumroad.com/ THIS ZINE IS 18+ FOR ADULT CONTENT!! PLEASE BE AWARE!! Tangles was a real superstar with all this fic and I hope you guys check out her stuff, absolutely incredible work!
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governorneo · 2 years ago
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lenniharrisonsims · 9 months ago
Memorial Service Held in Oasis Springs
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Celebrating the life and honoring the passing of Malcolm, Lord Landgraab of Oasis Springs...
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The different branches of the Landgraab Family of Oasis Springs gathered at Summerwind House this morning to honor the life of the late Malcolm Landgraab.
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Understandably grieved was Dowager Lady Lana Landgraab, who welcomed her guests to the service with tears running down her face behind her veil. She first greeted Soren Landgraab, Duke of Clovervale, her late husband's older brother.
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His family joined him in giving respect to their aunt and sister-in-law- Princess Carolin Landgraab, Duchess of Clovervale...
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...Beckham Landgraab, Viscount of Arid Ridge, and his girlfriend, Princess Malie Mahoe of Sulani...
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...and Lady Brianne Landgraab. All were seen bowing or curtseying to Lady Lana, an Oasis Springs mourning tradition: All rank and titles are set aside for the duration of the service, and deference is given to the chief mourner- in this case, the widow of the departed.
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The new Lord and Lady Landgraab stood to the side while Lady Lana greeted guests, looking not quite so berieved as the late Lord's widow. Rumor has it the new Lady Landgraab- Lady Adelaide- has been looking forward to her advancement in rank for quite some time. She was respectful of course, but there were certainly no tearars shed by the new Lady of Summerwind House...
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Lady Lana also greeted her late husband's younger sister, Eileen Thornton, Baroness Patterwood, and her family...
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...Arthur Thronton, Baron Patterwood...
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...and their daughters, the Right Honorable Misses Abigail and Eleanor Thornton.
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Our sincere condolences for your loss. Rest In Peace, Malcolm, Lord Landgraab of Oasis Springs.
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temporaltourguide · 2 years ago
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i had to compress these :( but heres some gifs i made
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l3irdl3rain · 6 months ago
someday i'll see you all again, but in the mean time I'll be collecting some new old friends
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potato-lord-but-not · 19 days ago
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ep 50 save me
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tiffycat · 8 months ago
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Lucy and her three weed smoking boyfriends
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pyjamacryptid · 10 months ago
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merlinmylove · 19 days ago
Arthur is cursed into eternal sleep
He is not waking up, and everyone is lost for answers on how to save their King.
Except no one knows Arthur is wandering around as a spirit, or a ghost, perhaps his soul is outside his body. The usual trope.
He can see and hear everything — but he cannot talk to anyone. He is completely helpless.
One night he sees his uncle enter his rooms with a blade in hand. It’s an ornate dagger carrying the House of Du Bois sigil. He leans over and holds it to his throat.
“Not so powerful now are you, My Lord” He sneers. Arthur feels dread wash over him like cold water down the back of his neck.
His uncle!
His own uncle, his last living relative and direct ties to his mother was about to slit his throat while he slept. Arthur was about to watch his own death and there was nothing he could do.
Agravaine is testing different angles. “How shall it be, huh? Quick and simple? A clean cut?” He paused. “No. My sister died a painful death, her blood spilling out as she lay dying, just so Uther could have an heir. You shall die a similar way.” Agravaine was entirely too pleased as he looked down on his sleeping nephew.
“No one can help you, no one can save you now, not even Emrys”
As the man begins to add pressure on his hand and aims for the neck to cut, Merlin enters from the servants door as if he had been summoned by the Gods.
Arthur has never been more elated and scared at the same time.
Agravaine is frozen in place. Merlin, moving quicker than Arthur has ever seen him move, is by Arthur’s side and holding his hand over Agravaines.
“Ah, Merlin” Lord Agravaine is cheerfully calm, as if he hadn’t just been caught attempting regicide. The blade was still pressing against Arthur’s throat.
“I was just helping my newphew shave. It’s so dreadful to see him like this” He tutted with a condescending tone.
“I shave His Majesty every other day” Merlin’s cold stone voice is like thunder from clear sky.
He grips the knife with his hand, and if the blade cuts into his skin, he shows no sign of it. In fact, Merlin’s face remains impressively blank throughout their silent conversation.
“I think you should leave now.”
Found out and frustrated, Agravaine drops the blade onto Arthur’s chest and moves towards the door. A few droplets of blood splatter against the white linen of his shirt.
Merlin stays still with his eyes focused on Arthur’s breathing chest. Only when the traitor reaches the door does he speak.
“Lord Agravaine” Merlin’s words stop him in his tracks.
“What?” He spits out, no longer able to conceal his true feelings. Disgust and hatred is clear in both in his voice and in his features. The older man turns and stares at the servant.
Arthur fears for both of their lives.
“I wonder what Queen Ygraine would think of your actions here tonight.”
“I beg your pardon!”
“I wonder what your sister would think if she knew that you were having an affair with her husband’s bastard daughter” Merlin elaborated. He looked entirely too comfortable taunting the man.
Arthur tried to move in front of Merlin, to save him from his uncles anger, but Agravaine moved through him as if he was nothing but smoke.
Agravaine reaches for his sword, but Merlin is quicker. “How dare you call her that! I will strike you where you stand”
“But it is true. You claim to love Ygraine, but instead of supporting your sisters son, you betray him for Uther’s bastard child”
Agravaine moves quickly with his sword raised. Merlin stops him with the hidden sword Arthur keeps beside his bed. Only Merlin knows of its existence.
He never knew Merlin was such a skilled swordsman.
Despite his age, Agravaine would easily win a sword fight against Merlin. Arthur tried shouting for help, but no one could hear him in his ghost state.
“I’m not the sort of man you wish to antagonise.” Merlin pointed his sword at his uncles chest. “And you certainly do not wish to make an enemy of me. Just ask Morgana what happened to her sister. Or to Nimhue. Or Cornelius Segan.”
“You think you can kill me?” Agravaine laughed at him and pushed the tip of the sword away.
“Maybe. Maybe not. Who says it will be me? Tell me, my lord. Do you know the name of the servant who dresses you each morning? Could you recognise him in a crowd? Do you even know the name of the cook that makes your food? I do”
Merlin was so calm and collected it was scary. Even Agravaine seemed to be unsettled by his tone.
“I know every knight, servant, and guard in the citadel. I know who dresses you, which servants prepare your wine and who makes your food…and maybe my hand might slip...”
“You threaten to poison me like you did Morgana” He hissed in realisation.
Poisoning Morgana? When on earth had Merlin done that?!
“Maybe. Who’s to say it would be poison. I could kill you any manner I wish. Either way, you’ve overstay your welcome and I must ask you to leave the Kings chambers.”
“I’m the Kings uncle and a high lord of the council, you cannot order me about!” He was sweating with anger now, and his condescension had turned righteous.
“Guards!” Merlin shouted. Half a second later the door opened and four men appeared, swords in hand, ready to defend their King.
Arthur let out a sigh of relief. Finally, Merlin was safe.
“Yes Merlin?” Sir Alfred asked while eying the two men with their swords drawn. It was quite the scene, Arthur admitted.
“Please escort Lord Agravaine out of the Kings chambers. He is not to enter again without my permission.” Merlin lowered his sword and walked back to the bed where Arthur’s still body lay.
Agravaine laughed at this, but quickly realised that he was the only one who saw any humour in it, when two knights strong-armed him. “Unhand me at once! How dare you take the word of a servant over the word of a Lord!” His fighting was easily combated by the expert knights. He had lost.
Sir Alfred looked him in the eyes. “By orders of the King, we are to treat every word from Merlin as if they were his own. If Merlin says you’re no longer welcomed in the Kings chambers, we will act accordingly.”
They dragged the lord out of the room in an undignified way.
Arthur watched as the door clicked shut and Merlin finally showed some emotion. Falling to his knees before Arthur’s bed, he grabbed his hand and kissed it.
Heaving with tears and shock he choked out “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry” He kissed his hand again. “I won’t ever let him come near you ever again, I promise.”
Arthur wanted to assure his friend that he knew Merlin would keep him safe, that he trusted him more than anyone else in the world! But no sounds came out of his mouth.
When Merlin got up he began touching Arthur’s chest and throat, seemingly feeling his heartbeat and pulse underneath his fingers. “You’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe”
He reaches down and presses a kiss to his forhead mumbling words mostly to calm himself, rather than to address the sleeping man before him. “Arthur is alive. He’s alive”
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morguegause · 2 years ago
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sketched some concepts for evil dead charms :)
just a basic interest check so I know how many to order ahead of time. tags and comments appreciated on the matter!
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sidetrek · 2 years ago
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Also, here is the text-less version of the zine cover ;) I just think they’re neat okay 😭
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ollyrewind · 1 year ago
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i like to think they would be happy in middle-earth
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lenniharrisonsims · 10 months ago
Tartosa Liberated!
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Celebrations were had across the world tonight, but none more than in Tartosa, which was recently liberated from Windenburgian control by the combined allied forces of the Simsdom Empire, Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, and Brindleton Bay.
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The invasion was undertaken in an attempt to capture Emperor Victor himself, who was visiting the island nation at the time Simsdom forces landed. Unfortunately, the Emperor managed to escape. Several high ranking members of Emperor Victor's forces were taken into custody, however, such as Captain Julius Albrecht, and the Usurper King of Tartosa himself, Prince Jonas Lofton. Captain Julius' younger sister, Lady Johanna Albrecht, was also taken into custody.
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The invasion force landed just in time to crash a party- the arranged marriage of Prince Jonas to Lady Johanna! The marriage was not allowed to go forward, and all participants were given the chance to change their clothes before boarding ships headed for the Empire.
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Successful recapture of Tartosa that it was, the mission was not without its losses. Regretably, we must inform you of the loss of His Lordship, Wendelin Humphrey, Duke of Whitland in Newcrest, and His Lordship, Jean-Paul Yang, Viscount of Grayside in Brindleton Bay. Their sons, Lorenzo, Marquess of Rosenham, and Lord Louis Yang, Lord Yang of Brindleton, have assumed their father's titles, respectively. Our condolences to their families.
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(Above: Duke Wendelin Humphrey of Whitland and Viscount JP Yang of Grayside)
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Control of Tartosa has been handed back to the Kalogera family, led by King Petros, but will remain occupied by the Allied Forces until the declared end of the war, to prevent Windenburg from retaking the country.
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ringsofpowerdaily · 7 months ago
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DURIN IV & PRINCESS DISA in THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER (2022-) S2E02: Where the Stars are Strange
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dricacchi · 3 months ago
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you're so right yellow traumatize this bitch right back
+ some LQ wips (just so you guys can see him without the torn-bed-sheet-turned-scarf/headscarf thingy covering his face):
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