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blacklinguist · 5 years ago
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02282020 | new icon, perhaps?
converting my classmate into a studious bee like me has been a long process, but he’s coming around. we stayed behind with our prof when class let out early so that we could study more for our midterm next week. i also practiced drawing babies quickly .... don’t ask. predicate logic notation blows.
kinda feeling the pic on the left for an icon change later in the year. we’ll see.
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rabbitstudy · 5 years ago
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25.04.20 | 15/100 days of productivity | 2020 quarantine challenge
Hey guys! it’s been a while lol I was feeling a bit under the weather so I decided to take it easy last week and I must say I feel way better! Don’t forget that you also deserve a break!
Questions about the 2020 quarantine challenge under the cute
Sat - Where is your favourite place in the world (eg a city you’ve been to, a restaurant, or a particular hiking spot)?
I’m a simple person, I really like the southern part of my home country honduras, although canada has been a wonderful place❤️
Sun - What is your favourite joke?
It’s a bit long but it’s worth it
Mon - What is your biggest tip for staying focused?
Well I can stay more focused if I take small breaks in between each assignment
Tue - What is your biggest tip for not getting cabin fever?
Talking to people and having a established schedule
Wed - What would be your advice to you from five years ago?
Don’t be afraid to talk with someone about your struggles
Thu - What is the best advice you’ve ever been given (e.g. from a teacher of friend)?
At the end of the day, you can’t force passion. Find something you love, and then do it
Fri - What is your biggest tip for organizing your study space/study materials?
Take a picture, and once you’re done for the day make sure it looks like that
Sat - What is your best tip on how to relax?
Don’t be so self-conscious on how to relax, maybe you relax by watching youtube videos or netflix shows or maybe by talking to others or maybe by reading. Just make sure to enjoy your free time!
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sapphic-poets-society · 5 years ago
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Milk & Honey - Billie Marten
Too many leaves between exams make me lazy. we had almost 10 days to prepare for our maths exam and boy when tell you I PROCRASTINATED! 
for me maths is just rigorous calculations on a rough notebook in a cheap-ass ballpoint pen or a pencil. but GOD do i love maths. its definitely my fav subject, well other than English.
sorry for being so inactive lately, past few days have been, well, hard. but after my last finals im finally gonna dig deeper into dark academia and watch a couple movies, read some books, get back to journaling and calligraphy so there’s going to a lot of that type of content.
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night-flight-studies · 5 years ago
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Tutored for 4 hours
Finished my first college application!
Studied 2 chapters of chem
I’m absolutely in love with post-it’s. It’s easier to manage and helps in color-coding
Hope you had a productive day!💙
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stephie-studies-archive · 5 years ago
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making that post about how emotional i was over reading sir thomas more inspired me to go back to look at some of my annotations. this one just says “oh my gosh i’m sad”. more was so stoic at the end and everyone was grieving so much and i am a big baby | feb. 1st
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faeinting · 5 years ago
Hey guys! I'm no longer tracking scrunchiestudies but I will be tracking lookqueenie from now on!
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faeinting · 5 years ago
Hey! I don't track scrunchiestudies anymore
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16 nov 2019 // Roman Empire notes
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rabbitstudy · 5 years ago
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12.04.20 | 11/100 days of productivity | 2020 quarantine challenge
Sat - Take a picture of a meal you’ve cooked or something you’ve baked
Sun - Take a picture of some of your art or doodles
Baked some delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookies! I’m not that much of an artist but I do like to doodle in my journal ^^
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blacklinguist · 5 years ago
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03022020 | thank God for miss march !
we’re moving into analyzing consonants through spectrograms and vot and all that mess. but up to this point, the grad version of phonetics has been much easier for me. <3 also that’s a fragment of the berlin wall? wasn’t allowed to touch it but ...
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blacklinguist · 5 years ago
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03072020 | i only have this much free paper in my first year grad notebook..
i’ve gotten to the end of my moonlist! i pushed my hw back to today, but afterwards ... we breathe. i checked my syllabi and either i’m doing the work for the next week, can only do preliminary set up, or don’t have a template to work with. animal crossing launch weekend will be AMAZING for me!
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rabbitstudy · 5 years ago
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05.04.20 | 2020 quarantine challenge
Sun - What are you doing to relax?
Meditate in the mornings, work out, read, and talk to friends!
Today is Sunday and my therapist recommended me to take a say a week off. I’ve been meaning to read this a long time ago, specially since howl’s moving castle is my favorite ghibli movie!
Instagram: strawberry_memories
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rabbitstudy · 5 years ago
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31.03.20 | 2/100 days of productivity | 2020 quarantine challenge
Week 1/Tue-How are you being taught your lessons?
I’ve been using zoom for all of my classes
Also today I started my first self taught japanese lessons, better review hiragana and katakana!
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night-flight-studies · 5 years ago
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Tutored for 2 hours
Studied 2 chem chapters
Prepared my letter for Jin
I find it easier to summarize information onto sticky notes and paste them in the textbook rather than writing notes when I get closer to exams. This forces me to understand and condense the topics.
Hope you had a productive day! 💙
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stephie-studies-archive · 5 years ago
My dear Othello—
  Oh, if you had let me speak…
You listened
When I said I love you
And I do, I do— I did
  My dear Othello—
My love for you was not
In spite of the color of your skin
I loved you for all that you are
  You are more than
What other men think
And I see you, I see you—
I saw you for all that you are
  My dear Othello—
You killed me
Because you could not
You would not—
  You did not let me speak
I would have told you
I loved you
I loved—
A great Man yet he killed
One who was guiltless
  You did not come to me
Until death was already
Rolling in your eyes
  But While I Say One Prayer—
And you smothered me—
  I loved you
I did, I did — I do
desdemona’s stolen voice // stephanie grace
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stephie-studies-archive · 5 years ago
Gorgias’ Encomium of Helen
(A summary)
Helen cannot be blamed for leaving Sparta with Paris. Here’s why:
It might have been the will of the gods or nature that she leave. She obviously could not deny the call of nature.
She might have been physically forced. We can’t blame her for that.
She might have been persuaded by a speech (and as I’m proving, speeches are hypnotic and cannot be resisted).
She might have been deeply in love. How could we ask someone to fight against that?
Finally, I’m sure I’ve convinced you with my speech so now I’ll admit that I only made this argument as a fun way for me to play with language.
Has anyone else read/studied Gorgias’ Encomium of Helen and do you think this is an accurate summary?
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stephie-studies-archive · 5 years ago
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Hello, everyone!
I kept a list in 2019 of everything I read and I thought it would be fun to share it here! If you have any questions about any of the texts listed below, or if you’ve read any of them before and want to discuss them, please send me an ask/message. I would love to start a conversation about literature here!
Key: <short story, ~children’s book, *play, anything I had read before
~the wind in the willows // kenneth grahame
<hunters in the snow // tobias wolff
<how i met my husband // alice munro
<a worn path // eudora welty
<there will come soft rains // ray bradbury
~charlotte’s web // e.b. white
~alice’s adventures in wonderland // lewis carroll
~the wonderful wizard of oz // l. frank baum
~james and the giant peach // roald dahl
<a family // jamel brinkley
<boys go to jupiter // danielle evans
<a history of china // carolyn ferrell
<what got into us // jacob guajardo
<everything is far from here // cristina henriquez
<the brothers brujo // matthew lyons
<a big true // dina nayeri
<suburbia! // amy silverberg
<the prairie wife // curis sittenfeld
<somnambulism: a fragment // charles brockden brown
<the fall of the house of usher // edgar allan poe
<my visitation // rose terry cooke
<circumstance // harriet prescott spofford
<a whisper in the dark // louisa may alcott
moby dick // herman melville
~the phantom tollbooth // horton juster
~harriet the spy // louise fitzhugh
~dear mr. henshaw // beverly cleary
~bud, not buddy // christopher paul curtis
~el deafo // cece bell
<the foreigner // sarah orne jewett
<at the hermitage // e. levi brown
<the little room // madeline yale wynne
<desiree’s baby // kate chopin
<the yellow wall-paper // charlotte perkins gilman
<the house that was not // elia wilkinson peattie
<the eyes // edith wharton
the way of kings // brandon sanderson
the sun also rises // ernest hemingway
*angels in america // tony kushner
nature poem // tommy pico
under the feet of jesus // helena viramontes
*the taming of the shrew // shakespeare
*a midsummer night’s dream // shakespeare
heart of darkness // joseph conrad
*othello // shakespeare
*romeo and juliet // shakespeare
*sir thomas more // shakespeare, et al
*twelfth night // shakespeare
*the merchant of venice // shakespeare
*hamlet // shakespeare
<sanctuary // nella larsen
the wonderful adventures of mrs. seacole in many lands // mary seacole
kim // rudyard kipling
things fall apart // chinua achebe
<the courter // salman rushdie
<the lion and the jewel // wole soyinka
<a small place // jamaica kincaide
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