#looking at you soft spot for kids and being a natural protector
How Do Strangers Perceive Your OC?
Tagged by @vampireninjabunnies-blog​ to take this quiz
Tagging: @roofgeese​  @confidentandgood​ @strangefable​ @nightbloodraelle​ @marivenah​ @madparadoxum​ @shegetsburned​ @shellibisshe​ @adelaidedrubman​ @direwombat​ @detectivelokis​ @purplehairsecretlair​ (no pressure of course) and anyone else who wants to give this a go
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scary dog privilege loud music. laughing at bad horror movies. comfort through sitting in silence together. deep, Intricate forests and dark shades of green and purple. your best feature is probably a birthmark, or maybe your nose. you often look stoic, but when you do smile, it lights up your whole face. you're observant. you probably have a soft spot for kids. for someone who looks so scary, you have this innate way of making people feel so safe. you're a natural protector. you just want people to have it better than you did. your kindness is subtle. not everyone will see it. but it's the cause of so much healing. even more than you can see.
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
Pssttt, I heard you were looking for some ideas for the insomniac cat. I got a idea that's been cooking fresh off the stove for you. Catnap has been taking care of a child he found still alive after hour of joy. Simply because unlike most of the kids he would always see in playcare, they weren't scared of him when they first saw him. Following this for background information. The day of the hour of joy was their first day in playcare, so they first saw him all covered in blood after the events of the hour of joy, and yet the reader just ran up to him cutely calling him a kitty as they cling to one his fluffy long legs. Giving catnap a soft spot for them, leading him to start taking care of the child. In present day catnap starts to notice how they haven't slept in days, the cat starts getting slightly concerned so he decides to use the red smoke on the reader so they would sleep. Though for the sake of the idea he isn't aware of the nightmares that the red smoke gives children, so when they start kicking and crying in their sleep the cat starts to panic slightly in his own way while trying to wake them up. Using any means he can to, once they wake up catnap just curls up around them like a fluffy protector vowing to himself in his head he won't use the red smoke on them again. I'm sorry this is long just had this idea cooking in my head for awhile, I hope your having a great day!
Trying To Dream
Note || oh this punched me in the GUT.
WC || 1,086
Sypnosis || In trying times, a cat does the best he can.
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It was quite strange, since he had first found you. By no means was CatNap a stranger of caring for children, but you were uniquely different. You were just that, a child with no actual perception of the reality you had been faced with. At that, he felt a pang of guilt for suddenly plunging you into this place without any adult caretakers first and foremost. But he felt they had greatly deserved their place, to rest in the Hour Of Joy. 
When it had all taken place, he himself had rampaged alongside the other toys on his level. Even abolishing the Heretics that went against the Prototype’s rule, he simply was very thorough, cats are naturally akin to being able to notice and spot things. Not a single human soul had escaped his sight.
Yet it seemed he was practically proven wrong when you appeared in front of his very eyes, despite being covered in blood – you were enamored by CatNap.
CatNap’s tail swished and flicked about, prowling right behind his trail as he stopped suddenly in his designated tracks, hearing something out of his vision. “Kitty!” He looked down to see you running up to him, clinging to one of his elongated legs. He was confused for a moment, yet you appeared to be so adorable in his eyes.
Completely oblivious to what had occurred it seemed, you only saw CatNap. A very large kitty, but someone familiar to you. You wanted to cling to that warmth, the familiarity as you were a little nervous and scared before.
CatNap sets everything right for you, to your tiny little mind. Just a small child full of emotions, he felt so strongly in return. A tiny corner in the room of his hardened heart had grown soft, he grew soft at the sight of you. An instinctive familial urge in him to actually want to take care of you.
His head drew closer to the ground, hoping to get your attention. You giggle and smile, keeping onto his fur, instantaneously reminding him of all the children that he saw that came and went in Playcare. He wanted to protect that laughter, that absolute perfect smile of yours. 
You laugh, shuffling over to where CatNap’s head had hung, patting the area around his mouth and eyes. He wiggled and shuffled his head just a bit, hoping to at least draw some sort of reaction out of you (just so he can realize he wasn’t dreaming), “Oh, you look funny Kitty!” You grin, hands clamoring to his neck now. CatNap knew he was sure of it now, you didn’t seem to be panicking or in distress. Nothing of the sort he could indicate, you really were just happy to see him, simply it may be because of the fact he is a cat. By the way you react to him, you really liked cats, so this was an advantage on his part.
You weren’t scared of CatNap at all, that he was grateful for internally. Cause good grief, some memories of the children he had put to sleep before had left them with a bad impression of CatNap.
He didn’t want that happening with you.
CatNap’s tail stretched and stretched, wriggling its way over to you. You giggle at the funny sight, sitting down on the ground as you try to catch it, though it seems to have caught you instead. The tail wrapped around your waist, lifting you up with easing and laying you on the large purple kitty’s back.
“Ahaha! Maybe I should call you…” You pause for a moment, leaving CatNap to be silently concerned due to the length. “Stretchy kitty!” CatNap internally shrugs, leaving no room to be made as he began walking with you on his back, he was painfully aware of you as he didn’t want you falling off on accident.
CatNap in earnest has lost track of how long he had been taking care of you since you two had first met, you really had taken a liking to him.
Yet he took notice very quickly of the lack of sleep you didn’t have for the past few days, not getting the proper sleep and care a human needs can affect one detrimentally. He knows this too, remembering this from experience.
CatNap slinked through the entrance to his room, seeing that you were still at his bed doing your own things. Right now, you were drawing with crayons on a piece of parchment paper that he could find that wasn’t completely ruined. You were quite happy, content.
Your eyes seemed to be so sunken, your energy was low however. CatNap figured it was one of those days where you had a sudden burst of energy to do things. He figured he can help, CatNap knows his gas can put people to sleep.
So that is what he had absolved for, releasing the gas right around the room in your general vicinity. You had gotten so used to the feel of his presence you never looked up at him, just continuing to draw until you had felt very sleepy. Eyes closing and limbs go limp as you fell sideways, CatNap caught you with a swift movement of his tail, laying you gently on his bed.
He quickly went to find a blanket to cover you with, gently draping it over your small form. For a moment, you were silent, finally peaceful to actually get some sleep for the first time in days. Only then did CatNap have the morbid realization of what the side-effects of his Poppy Gas does.
All was peaceful for a good thirty minutes, until a cry broke him out of his nap. He looked around, then noticed your little legs and arms flailing about, not violently but noticeable enough to begin drawing concern from CatNap. He felt a pang of guilt bubble in his chest, nudging you almost roughly enough to get you to awaken. 
Your cries was something he didn’t want to hear again, his own gas caused you nightmares at the risk of just wanting you to actually get some sleep. 
“Ah, kitty!” You sniffle, rubbing your eyes as you cuddle up to CatNap. He in turn returns the sentiment, ears somehow pinned back just possibly enough to understand the emotion. CatNap folds in on both his front and hind legs, laying down completely.
From then on, there wasn’t a chance he was going to use the gas on you again. 
Not if it meant nightmares.
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The Evolution of Din as a Father
One of the things I love about The Mandalorian is how you get to see the relationship between Din and Grogu grow.
I know we talk about how much of a dad Din is in some of the earlier episodes (particularly Eps 1-3) but actually I think that there is a change in Din's attitude towards Grogu: from a natural instinct to protect him to actually viewing him as his own child.
I've spoken before about how Din has always had a soft spot for kids and that he naturally feels quite protective of them. In some ways this is just a natural response of people to look after those who are vulnerable, but I do believe that a lot of it also comes from his background and Mandalorian culture.
Din is initially protective of Grogu because he is young and vulnerable. He knows that someone is going to have to look after the little guy and he takes on that role. I don't believe the reason he went back for Grogu is because he instantly thought "this thing is my son now" but because he couldn't leave an innocent child in the hands of those people. It would be against his moral code to do so.
And it stays this way for a few episodes. Din agrees to help Grogu because he wants the child to be protected, to return to his family/home. He didn't necessarily go into this with the attitude of a father but the attitude of a protector. He didn't just decide to become a dad on the spot.
But over time, he begins to view Grogu as his own. Those natural protective instincts begin to grow into more fatherly ones. The way he views his relationship with Grogu shifts.
For me I believe this begins to happen during the time skip in Chapter 4. Before then I think that Din was making sure that an innocent child didn't get hurt, doing what he was given the job to do. But spending time on a quiet backwater planet with the child allowed his attitude towards him shift. And from then on I think that's where the real father-son dynamic begins to develop.
It becomes even more prominent in season 2. There is a very clear change as Din starts viewing Grogu as his own child. The sacrifices he makes for him become greater, his attitudes towards protecting him become much more personal.
I actually love that we get to see this relationship grow. And yes, as I mentioned earlier, we definitely talk about Din being such a dad in the first couple of episodes, but actually watching the show I love how Din becoming an actual father to Grogu doesn't feel so unnaturally sudden. It isn't a case of looking at Grogu and thinking "he's mine now" (as much as we love to joke about this). It's the changing feelings that are so beautiful.
The flow from "I will protect this child because it's the right thing to do" to "you know what, having him around actually brings me comfort" to "I don't want to think about a life without him in it".
It's such a good narrative because it actually grows. We see the progression across the series and I love how natural the progression of Din and Grogu's relationship feels.
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shegetsburned · 1 year
how do strangers perceive your ocs?
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @trench-rot and @shellibisshe to take this uquiz for my ocs. Thanks a lot for the tag! 🧡
No pressure tags as always @poisonedtruth @confidentandgood @simonxriley @children-of-epiales @nightwingshero @voidika @unpetitoiseau @unbindingkerberos @jendoe @kryptonian-puppy @captastra @phillipsgraves @scentedcandleibex @baldurrs @detectivelokis @florbelles @madparadoxum and anyone who sees this and wants to try!
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scary dog privilege
loud music. laughing at bad horror movies. comfort through sitting in silence together. deep, Intricate forests and dark shades of green and purple. your best feature is probably a birthmark, or maybe your nose. you often look stoic, but when you do smile, it lights up your whole face. you're observant. you probably have a soft spot for kids. for someone who looks so scary, you have this innate way of making people feel so safe. you're a natural protector. you just want people to have it better than you did. your kindness is subtle. not everyone will see it. but it's the cause of so much healing. even more than you can see.
She really does want people to have better than she did
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lightning never strikes the same place twice
midnight phone calls. original art hanging on the wall. indie music. the color blue and the feeling of knowing someone your whole life. you have a striking appearance. your best feature is probably your eyes. you're a rare soul, hard to figure out and impossible to forget. you probably don't speak often, but each word carries weight somehow. even when you're joking, you're revealing a tiny piece of you. you want to be loved so badly. you don't know that you already are.
“you want to be loved so badly- you already are” I’m crying
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the ground beneath us is solid
sitting under a tree in summer. the sound of light rain on a metal roof and old wooden coffee tables. getting so absorbed in a story that hours pass without you noticing. you probably judge people who don't use coasters. your best feature is your hands. you're often pretty logical, but you're also very gentle. you're not aggressive, but you do have strong opinions. you like gardening. you have a deep need for comfort and security. you like things to make sense. you're afraid of circumstances out of control, but letting go helps you live so much more vividly than you could ever imagine.
It’s so him, afraid of circumstances out of control and being gentle and not agressive
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full of golden light
the smell of soup cooking in the other room. golden hour sunlight peeking in through the windows. laughter that bounces against the walls and smiles you can't help but mirror. you're easy to approach. your best feature is probably your smile. you don't mind looking silly if it makes people laugh. you're not easily embarrassed. you're calm and you make people feel at ease. you're a good listener because you really really care what they have to say. people leave every interaction with you feeling just a little bit more loved. you're a kind soul, and people can see that. you mean so much more to people than you know.
For strangers, of course he seems so kind and easy to approach, his deception makes him seem like a good man at first, just to realize he isn’t- I like this answer
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doctorcrowleywho · 2 years
Born to make history (Aziraphale x Crowley) Chapter One
Pairings - Crowley x Aziraphale
Warnings- Angst and some bad language here and there
Summary - Once upon a time, there was an angel and a demon and they went through a 6,000 year strangers to friends to lovers slow burn. This is the untold story of the in-between bits, or better yet - what happened before armageddon was even a concern?  
Master list
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“You’re doing it wrong here,” Aziraphale said as he softly placed his hand over the demons and guided the makeup brush for them. The two supernatural entities somehow got themselves the job as Moses’ protectors-nannies if you will. Which the angel happily agreed to. He wanted to personally make sure that Moses was doing alright, deep down he loved that boy like their own kin. He’d do anything to make sure he was protected and happy. Even if that means having to be around the wiley serpent Crowley. Carefully he scooted closer to him so their legs were practically touching, and he swore he felt his heart skip a couple of beats “, -gentle strokes. Just like this…there you go darling.” the angel hummed softly flicking his eyes up to the demons a shadow of a smile tugging at their lips. Quickly he made himself snap out of whatever trance he was in focusing back on the little boy. “You look like a proper prince, now go find your brother and play.” Aziraphale ruffled his hair before standing up.
Smoothing out his loose-fitting angelic white skirt he looked around quickly before he offered his hand to Crowley. Even if he knew heaven wasn’t watching, he still felt as if it was terribly sinful. Having any other feelings for the demon other than hatred felt wrong. But, he still had them. A soft blush sprinkled itself over his cheeks as he quickly looked away messing with the tie that went over his shoulder. “You know I really hope we aren’t doing the wrong thing, I mean I know the wrong thing is what you do, but part of you must care for the boy or you wouldn’t be here.” he reasoned out in his head the angel's eyes practically carving a spot into the stone floors.
Aziraphale couldn’t help but be saddened by all of this. Yes, he knew that being an angel meant you had to make decisions for the greater good, but he couldn’t see any good in this. However, he quickly brushed any thoughts of judgment away. The almighty’s plans always ended in good, they had to. Aziraphale took much pride in who he was, in his eyes, being an angel was the biggest blessing She could of ever given him. He was good by nature, his heart brimmed proudly with love. It wasn’t his fault he was doing his job (or what he thought was his job) by loving humanity. As they inched closer and closer to the inevitable, the angel couldn’t help but feel pings of guilt every now and again. It felt like they were just raising him for the slaughter. But, Moses was a smart kid, with the almighty on his side (and a little angelic and demonic intervention from time to time) there was nothing he couldn’t do.
Crowley's eyes widened slightly in surprise. Did Aziraphale really think he didn’t care about any of this? “Oh like I said before, you’re an angel. I’m not sure you could do the wrong thing even if you tried, but yes I do like the kid…for now,” he mumbled kicking his feet out awkwardly in front of him. Moses was an interesting kid that was for sure, in fact, Crowley wasn’t sure what the almighty saw in him in the first place. It was probably a ‘you’ll see it once he’s older’ situation. Which, personally Crowley always hated, the thought of raising someone to be practically slaughtered again didn’t sit right with him. But, when did he ever have control over these things? As much as Crowley didn’t want to admit it, deep down, he really did have a soft spot for kids. Ever since the almighty drowned even the children in the great flood, he made it his own mission to save and protect as many younglings as he could. He didn’t care if that made him any less of a demon, killing kids would always be out of the question, and he secretly hated the almighty for letting it happen not once but twice. But, don’t tell Aziraphale that. The only reason he was even here was mainly for his angel, plus Crowley was never good at patience.
“You know,” you could practically hear the angel's sweet smile, and the demon hated that he loved it “, Crowley you really aren’t as terrible as you say you are, when I see you playing with Moses...my heart sings.” he looked over at him with a genuine smile on their face. At that moment he slowly started to realize just how much Crowley could mean to them. Even if that idea was silly and unreasonable it still floated in the back of his mind. Those golden serpent eyes haunted him every time he closed his eyes. There was so much left unsaid, between little looks, small touches, and even impossible daydreams. The two were playing with fire, and Crowley seemed to be teaching Aziraphale how to dance through the flames whether he knew it or not.
The serpent always guarded his heart after the fall. He didn’t trust anyone or anything. It was just so much better to try and distance himself from everyone rather than open himself up to be hurt again. What hurt more than anything else was the feeling of betrayal. Even though heaven never treated him like an equal, he still loved some of the angels around him. Not to mention he adored his work. Getting to create those stars and nebula's will always be the thing he is most proud of. He didn’t care if being an angel was behind him, he will forever look at those memories and smile. How could he not? Not only was he fascinated by space, stars, and everything in between, but he loved the fact that he gave humans something beautiful to look up to. When the almighty says look up to the heavens, he wanted to give them something to look to in hope. A light in the darkness of hell, that Crowley found himself running from.
A soft over dramatic gasp was heard from the demon's lips as he rolled his eyes. “I’m not nice, if anything I was just teaching him a lesson on how to-how to um steal bread to feed ducklings!” he stuttered out turning bright red. Realizing that maybe, he was turning soft for his angel. Well, I’ll be damned, it was a trap all along! One he didn’t mind wandering into. Aziraphale was his star, his one single shining light in the darkness. Once he met him, he realized that there was still one angel that slithered its way into his heart. Funny, he thought he was supposed to be the snake.
Without even noticing Aziraphale moved closer to Crowley, and for one reason or another he wanted to reach out and take his hand again. But, he knew that was obviously wrong. Crowley was his enemy. Someone he was meant to thwart and destroy at every turn, but every time Aziraphale thought about it it just felt so... wrong . Hurting Crowley like that when deep down Aziraphale knew he did nothing wrong. Maybe that was the one thing that did separate him from the other angels. He believed, that no matter who or what you are you always deserve love. Even if you were-are a demon. He opened his mouth again to speak again when his name was called from another room. “Ah it must be time for Moses’ lessons, I’ll see you later Crawley-Crowley.” he corrected himself before practically running out of the room. Looking down at his hands he noticed how they were still shaking from the first initial touch…how strange.
Little did he know that the demon he left in the great room was doing the exact same thing. He gazed down at his palm with wide golden eyes. He had just been touched by an angel, and it didn’t hurt or burn him. Dare he say it felt…nice. He wanted to do it again, but he knew Aziraphale would never go for it. All of a sudden his train of thought was interrupted by a voice that boomed and echoed off the walls. “Ah the wonderful god Crawley, I knew I’d find you in here.” Crowley cringed at the voice knowing exactly who it belonged to. Rubbing his finger over his palm one last time he turned to the pharaoh with a fake smile on his face. Glancing down at his hands he noticed he was carrying a few more golden rings and a jug of wine. At least they got one of the offerings right.
“Yes, it is I! Come bring me your offerings for I grow tired, and uh weary?” the last part was accidentally raised up like a question. Even Crowley didn’t know what he was talking about most of the time but transform into a snake in front of the humans and they’ll lose their minds. He raised his hand beckoning the pharaoh forward as he happily took the wine jug, and let him put the rings on his fingers. Crowley learned very early in his existence that if you bullshit your way through anything you’re bound to fool a few people. Somehow, he accidentally fooled an entire civilization.
Taking a deep breath in and out he let his “true form” peak out a little. Black shining, shimmering scales rippled down the back of his spine, his arms, his legs, and there wasn’t a trace of human left in his eyes. The golden color had fully devoured the white as he peered at the pharaoh with a look of bored excitement. He could never truly guess what the humans would come to him for, but it was usually always something that would take 0.05% of his demonic power before he went back to drinking himself silly until Aziraphale or Moses showed back up. Today was no exception.
The pharaoh in front of him stood tall and proud, although Crowley could see right through him like a piece of thin glass. He was always more nervous than he needed to be, although to be fair he did think Crowley could kill him if he wanted to. “Flies have been attacking our wheat crops,and-” Pharaoh didn’t even get a chance to finish his pleas as Crowley lazily raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Somewhere out in the wheat fields, the flies all dropped dead all at once. “Done.” Crowley spoke simply taking a giant sip of his wine. Pharaoh’s mouth opened and closed in shock, and it took everything within Crowley not to smirk wickedly. Sometimes he loved his job.
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randomkposts · 2 years
Put the fae in Faerghus
K:- The ocean is beautiful and merciless. Sometimes she is kind and gives many bounties but never forget she can drown you. 
Anyway imagine the Faerghus kids
"Do you know why our ancestors called this place Faerghus? It's a reminder and a warning. Here there be fae. And while we grew up learning to make peace with the fair folk, you haven't. Your invasion will fail. But not for the reasons you expect."
(The famines are a result of the deal with the fae being up. Now the pitfalls are hitting)
E:- Okay but talk about faeries fucking invAders up. You can't just leave me there K.
K:-I feel I should research the fae to decide better how they would go about it. But from what I remember there's a lot of different ways. Some tricked into swimming and swimming until drowned. Compelled to wander the woods. Some fall foul of the wild hunt.
E:- yes
K:-Some say Dimitri made a pact with them
Others say there are good reasons the Bladdiyd family rules Faerghus, they are quite faelike themselves, rumor says. Who better to bargain with them.
(Some believe Cornelia to be a swapped queen, others believe her an illusionist. They are right for the wrong reasons)
E:- Or an eternal sleep after eating food that should not have been the re–!!!!
K:-Eating the wrong food and starving
E:- the rumors Would be fueled by Dimitri unhuman like strength!
K:-The empire has lots of iron, but who says the fae stick to the rules of battle engagement? The nobles of Faerghus were once Adrestain, but living and staying in Faerghus meant making nice with the fae. 
Which means training. And possibly some amount of family connection. 
Which can lead to the line "leave my lands or my godmother will come for you"
"leave my lands before my godmother comes for you"
For all Faerghus is the holy kingdom, it is also the fae kingdom, and therefore extracts a promise from Rhea of protection before she can come in. 
The lions looking out for their friends who sided with them
"Careful Ferdie. He may be beautiful, but so is the ocean who will drown you if you forget the dangers."
E:-Mushroom rings!! Don't step in one else you get taken away!
K:-Locals who lead forgers to dangerous forging spots knowing they will get greedy and forge further then they did.It's dangerous of course, as they could blame the locals, but most of the fae are of the opinion that it would not be worth needing to break in new neighbors. Of course there is the odd one that decides otherwise.
Risky business, the fae. But so is invasion. Pick your poison. 
E:-Bahaha. I love this so much! Locals turning the tides of the faeries nature on soldiers! This is the faes turf not any humans. 
Humans just live here and we like these ones better than you. 
K:-A good Lord gives appropriate tribute to the fae. Lords that don't learn that one don't last. 
Rufus is on thin ice but he pays tribute. Nervously… He knows the rules, was taught as a prince should be, but oh he has forgotten so much in his jellousy. 
"Why did I envy my brother this?" He wonders, tired.- If he could turn back the clock to a point where he had not murdered his brother and didn't have to interact with the fae so much, that would be the true dream life. Not whatever he thought being king would mean. Alas, the folly of youth. 
E:-BUT ALAS! Imagine they give him shit for that. Not enough good tribute. Dimitri is a favorite which is good or bad. 
K:- it is both
Imagine the Faerghus kids smiling sharply next to ethereally beautifully inhuman fae who also wear sharp smiles. 
All done in soft pastels that contrast the shadows the lights make on their faces, and the sharp edges they wear. 
E:-Oooh thats some good ass image in there. 
K:-Dedue is contrast, solid in the mists, a protector. He does not smile sharply like they do. A contrast does not mean that he does not belong there. Not in their eyes. He belongs, and those who say otherwise regret it. 
E:-Ohhh!!Appreciate Dedue!! I...I just really love him!And am devasted I don't have his unit yet.
K:- maybe this year.
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Since you’re doing a 03 rewatch. What’s your opinion on the main four characters
i love them!! They're my sons and I care about them so much.
Leo: Watching with a vague recollection of the series in its entirety is a lot of fun - for instance spotting early signs of Leo pinning his self worth to his role as leader/protector and how quickly he crumbles when that is thrown into chaos. I keep seeing little things jump out and thinking, "ooh, that's foreshadowing!" I value his character so much more than I did the last time I did a full watch. I used to find him annoying when I was younger but now I feel like I understand his character better, and I love him and want him to be happy. He's just such a dork!!! A clueless dork who never knows what's going on and says "grinditude" unironically while riding a scooter. This is our fearless leader everybody. I haven't made it to the battle nexus arc yet but I'm very excited to watch Leo have a romantic awakening in real time. 🙏🙏🏳️‍🌈
Raph: I forgot how FUNNY Raph is. His sense of humour is so dry and just roasting his brothers constantly and it really makes me laugh. I think I relate to Raph the most because I too have a short temper 😔😔 and my little sister manages to get under my skin the EXACT way that Mikey does to Raph so I understand the need to just whack him in the head 😭 I feel like he lays on the Mikey roasts a little thick though lol. I really love the twin energy he and Donnie give off in 2k3 as well, they're so fundamentally different but have a really natural dynamic that I love. To this day, I still don't understand how Raph immediately knows how to ride a motorcycle though!! One last thing: lone raph and cub was an amazing episode, easily one of my favourites from season 1. Really enjoyed him getting to be a mentor figure to a kid even brattier than him lmao.
Donnie: He's so gentle!!! Having just recently finished Rise, it's super jarring. Even when he shouts his voice is soft 😭 I'll admit it's really funny when the plot calls for an invention and he's immediately like "check out what I made earlier you guys!" Like Donnie. My guy. You have an insane amount of plot armour and it's hilarious to me. His dynamic with Splinter is really sweet - I love how Splinter praises his accomplishments and in the next breath is like Keep It Out Of My Fucking House. Also watching him try to do that stunt with the bo staff and just swinging around and falling was painful to watch but it made me laugh SO hard. Finally, the Kirby episode was really fun. I agree with Donnie, why can't the other guys learn to do basic things like flip a breaker switch or fix a sink? Someone teach all of them basic mechanic skills so Donnie isn't always having to pick up the slack 😭
Mikey: oh, my baby boy. I adore him. Mikey was my favourite turtle when I was younger and I remember him being my favourite the last time I rewatched. I'm in a place now where it physically pains me to choose a favourite turtle, it's like choosing between your kids 😭😭 but I do have a soft spot for Mikey because his natural talent coupled with no focus or drive is SO me when I was a teenager. I hope he doesn't ever develop gifted kid burnout because it will hit him like a train. I love how artsy and idealistic he is. It broke my heart when the other three were making fun of him in the turtle titan episode of s1. Like, why are yall bullying him for having a dream???? As I said before I haven't reached the battle nexus yet but I can't wait to see my angel take the crown. HE DESERVED TO WIN. END OF DISCUSSION. Lastly, he is Extremely Gender. I love that for him so much. From fully embracing drag to Donatello saying "gentlemen... and mikey"... 2k3 look me in the eye and tell me this wasn't for jokes I KNOW he's genderqueer!!! I know he is!!!!
Didn't meant for this to get so long but I just love them all so much!!! Besides the fact that I feel like they dunk on Mikey disproportionately, I adore their dynamic. They care for each other so much and it shows 😭😭
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rosenallies · 1 year
Teacher au Phone/Social media hc
-Emerald would have the longest passcode on the face of the planet 😭 she says it’s because she doesn’t want people snooping in her business but in actuality she wanted to be able to use her entire families birthdays in it 🥺4 peoples bdays is kinda tedious to put in all time so luckily she has a Face ID. I hc her as v tech savvy so she has the aesthetic widgets, they’re color coded and themed. Her phone case is clear with polaroids of her favorite people in the back. Intensely keeps Snapchat streaks (even though I really don’t know what those are, the cool kids in high school used to do it) but only posts consistently on Instagram. Half of their high school follows her. Posts lots of selfies and she loves a good photo dump. If her and he family go on vacation, best believe that at least four 15 slide photo dumps will come from that. She definitely knows that her parents stalk her on Instagram so she posts the more wild party pics on her snap. Texts the family group chat every night to say that she loves them even when she’s sleeping in a room a few feet away from them 🥺
-Kendall changed all her socials to private immediately after one of her students asked her about her weekend that she had posted on insta 😬 Has a bulky ass phone case and a screen protector. Insists on having her kids locations services being on at all times. She does the mom thing where she cross posts things from her Facebook onto Instagram. And the pictures are the worst pics of her kids that they’ve ever seen and they’re cropped weird so a part of their body is cut off from the picture every time 😭 Likes all of her kids Instagram posts and comments mom shit like “look at you and your friends 😁 so cute!”
-Synthia has Em do the widget thing for on her phone so she has a cutesy pastel theme 🥰 Her ringtone switches between wind chimes and soft nature sounds. Before she has kids she posts lots of cute selfies and the most adorable photos of her partners (think Synthias actual insta) Her kids are the cutest little babies in the world, trust and believe that she habitually posts throwback pictures of them as they get older
-Gia refuses to let go of their android from 8 years ago, even though both Kendall and Synth has iPhones 😭 it’s on its last leg by the time the kids get old enough for their own phones so to make it easier on the family phone plan, they get a an iphone. But only like an iPhone 5s 🥲 that shit is cracked and it gets hot when they run certain apps for two long. Mostly posts pictures of their art interspersed with pics of their family 🥺 takes forever to answer texts unless it’s their family and will send everyone else to voicemail. Literally checks their phone to see if it’s from their babies, if it is they’ll answer in .02 seconds, if it isn’t they’ll dismiss the text and it’s iffy on whether or not they’ll go back to answer it later😭 Ringer is always off, one of those people who hates the sound. Puts that shit on vibrate and turns it up so it will literally shake a table.
-Jasper’s phone background is him and his mama from her birthday dinner 🥺 rarely posts on any socials. When he does, he’s more of a insta and twitter person. Retweets those corny positivity accounts. He’s such a sweetheart but he’s also really lame, so he’ll randomly post one if his parents with a caption of “love you ❤️.” Three separate posts every parents day and birthday for Ken, Gi, and Synth. Lovingly clowns Emerald on insta for her birthday with the worst photos of her he could find but the most heartfelt caption 🥺 when her location sharing is on he will track his mommy while she’s running errands and text her asking if she swing back home so he can go with her. Just have to add that his new crush Ezra will post after soccer pics of just the two of them with lowkey flirty captions 🤭
These are v spot on I feel 😭Gia with an android is killing me fr 😭😭 also Jasper checking everyone’s locations all the time is so cute 😭 also also I think it’s so cute that u like my aus enough to take time to think about it and write these cute lil hcs so ty 🥹🥹💗💗
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fatuismooches · 2 years
hi hi!
I love ur writing sm tbh, it’s just so heartwarming and FLOOFY
could I pls request headcanons of all the harbingers being the caretakers of kitsune child reader (platonic obviously)
like one day the tsaritsa just tells them they have to look after this fox child she found
just fluffy and soft stuff🥺
if there are too many characters, feel free to add less if you’d like, I honestly don’t mind
(they’re pretty similar to how miko looks and they can also turn into a tiny Fox)
sos if this is a confusing request
thanks in advance! have a wonderful day/noon/night <33
♡ 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ♡
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synopsis: The Tsaritsa orders her Harbingers to take care of a kitsune child she found. Fluff ensues as they all platonically grow fond of you.
includes: all eleven fatui harbingers w/ gn! child! reader
notes: Platonic stuff and found family is so cute! Thank you for this request and your words, it was so cute. I hope you like this!
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All of them are initially cautious at first. Why would a kitsune be in Snezhnaya? Were you actually a spy and just pretending? But the Tsaritsa seemed to take a liking to you, so they were all required to do their part. (Little did they know they would all end up adopting you.)
At first, he keeps you around because of the Tsaritsa’s orders. But since you are naturally curious, you would follow him around at all times which would melt his heart and make him remember his own youth. Pierro would play chess with you. Kitsune are very intelligent and he would want to bring this out of you slowly. Would sometimes lose on purpose if you’re getting upset though. (He’s shocked if you call him an old man.)
The kind of caretaker who would sit you down on his lap and read you bedtime stories. He has a deep raspy voice that’s useful for when they need to put you to bed. I also think this man is very stressed and your fox form would make him feel a lot more relaxed.
I personally think he’d be really soft with animals and they love him in return. So he’d secretly love your fox form. Capitano takes elite care of your fur, ears, and hair. (Imagine you sleeping on top of his head or shoulders while he gives out orders and the Fatui soldiers are struggling to keep a straight face.)
He is your silent protector. Would trail behind you as you run around the Fatui headquarters. When you’re talking to any soldier, he would stand menacingly behind you as a warning to everyone else to not say anything inappropriate to you. Capitano would give you piggyback rides, lift you up into the air, let you hang off his arm, and do any other fun activities. He really treasures how you’re not scared of him at all, and would protect you at any cost.
Columbina + La Signora:
Columbina and La Signora would team up to do your hair. You would have matching rose buns like Signora by the end of it. The two of them would have the best and cutest clothes for you. The three of you probably have fashion shows and an actual runway. They have hats specially made to fit with your ears.
I just know Columbina knows the best spots for naps and scenery. She would take you to her favorite spots and hum a simple tune for you until both of you fall asleep. La Signora would take on a more motherly role. She wants to know about your day and what you learned while she combs out any knots.
To be honest, the other Harbingers endeavor to keep your time with him limited because of his past actions. Dottore doesn’t care much for kids anyway so this is fine to him. But if you continuously seek him out he’ll begrudgingly deal with your presence. Honestly the worst caretaker out of everyone because he has no idea what to do. What do kids like to do? What do they eat? Why are you crying all of a sudden? It’s making his head spin. Passes you off to his clones who research guides on how to deal with kids. They slowly adapt and teach him later.
Might allow you to attach one of his earrings to your ear, but you take it off rather quickly, complaining it’s too heavy for you. You would also copy his maniacal laugh so whenever Dottore laughs they have a mini you following after. Similar to Sandrone, he might teach you about invention and different kinds of science.
The best grandpa who knows every trick in the book. Whenever the Harbingers are at a loss on how to take care of you, they bring you to him and he’s got it under control in a matter of minutes. He wants to know who you are hanging out with and if they’re a bad influence on you. Pulcinella knows when to be strict and when not to. Gives the other Harbingers in-depth caretaking lessons whether they like it or not (especially Dottore.)
He would make sure you have memories of everyone you cherish. Kitsune live so much longer than a human and he doesn’t want you to forget anyone who raised you. Gives you a Kamera and helps you to make scrapbooks of everything you take pictures of.
There were always rumors that the Balladeer was soft around the children and elderly but no one quite believed it until they saw him interacting with you. Initially tried to avoid you because he didn’t want others to see an adorable kitsune child following him. Eventually gave in but kept the fake grumpy facade up so others wouldn’t get the wrong idea.
You probably remind him of Inazuma. Introduces you to Inazuman cuisine and wants to take you there someday. He probably knows kitsune folklore as well so he would retell it to you. He secretly finds it cute when you try on his hat but it covers you completely because you’re so tiny. Scaramouche’s temper is reduced while you’re around because he doesn’t want to make you upset. Whenever you ask him to do something he always acts like it’s a chore for a few seconds but immediately gets a Fatui agent on the job.
He’s a puppet who is probably going to live as long as you, so he silently vows to watch over you and protect you always.
Arlecchino is around children daily in her orphanage but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s great with them. After all, she’s raising them to be warriors and soldiers, not babysitting them. But that doesn’t mean she’s bad either. Arlecchino could pick up on your cues easily - she knows when you’re hungry or pretending to be sick, or when you’re actually tired. She’s still not the most in tune with emotions though so she leaves that up to the other Harbingers. Arlecchino would still be helpful with your health though.
She would let you play with the other orphans because it seems to brighten their days (hers as well.) She seems cold and a bit angry at times but your cheerfulness brightens her day.
He knows what it’s like to be abandoned so he would feel for you. You would be utterly pampered by him. Bubble baths, rubber duckies, any toys you want, the most exquisite of shampoos and conditioners for your ears. He would make sure you receive a proper education and access to any activities you desire. Pantalone would make sure you never left wanting.
He would teach you how to manage money at a young age. You’ll probably never need it but he likes the idea of teaching you something he wished he knew as a child.
She doesn’t care much at first. Sure, her interest is a bit peaked, but she’ll soon forget about you when she’s busy with her Automatons. That is, until she finds out you somehow snuck into her lab and curiously inspected some of her most dangerous robots. Immediately removes you from the premises.
She doesn’t want to involve you in the more cruel and deadly aspect of her work so instead, she’ll help you to create a small robot for yourself. She does most of the work but shows you some fundamental mechanical skills and secretly hopes you’ll take an interest in engineering.
Sews a kitsune doll for you so you can cuddle it to sleep. Sandrone has different robots created that teach you basic skills like reading, writing, math, etc. Even when she or any of the Harbingers are not around with you, you have her robots to play games with and keep you company.
Probably the best caretaker besides Pulcinella. Childe already has multiple little siblings so he knows exactly what to do. However, he has little restraint when it comes to spoiling you which separates him from Pulcinella’s stricter attitude. Childe would cook your favorites with ease but also introduce you to his favorite Snezhnayan dishes. He would comb out your fluffy hair and ears while keeping you occupied with various Snezhnayan stories.
Childe would not want you to fight. He is the protector and defender of childhood dreams so he would encourage you to do what you find fun (and would fund anything you need.) Even though you already know he’s in the Fatui, he wouldn’t tell you anything else about his job because he wants to shield you from harm.
He would introduce you to Teucer and his family quickly. His siblings marvel over your appearance and would play with you often. Ajax understands quite well how it feels to be lonely so he would want you to have strong bonds. Would even allow you to live with his family full time or have sleepovers if you wished.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Can we please have more thoughts about Hollow having a strong maternal instinct? Because it’s smth I absolutely agree on. Smth about their patience and being that gentle giant characters screams “good with kids” for me.
I also think some of it is just leftover good memories of baby hornet. It might just be the projection but having a baby sibling at some point really nails in a positive association with kids for me, that I really think they’d have too. Happy memories of bby hornet zooming down the halls without a care def plays into why they would like and tolerate kids so much. They saw first hand a lot of key moments with hornet and I think that does really shape them, esp when their other internalized experiences almost entirely consist of “git gud to contain an angry god. Also you’re not a person.”
Side note: I once read a fic where Midwife teaches Hollow how to be a midwife/grub sitter for the post infection kingdom and I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it but it really opened my eyes to maternal Hollow.
That fic is Broken Open Revealing Hollowness and Vibrance!! It's written by my friend @vivifrage and is honestly my favorite fic in the fandom, so I'm always gonna plug it when I can :3
But lol yeah you can blame that fic as well for giving me the hcs for maternal Hollow, because I think that it just fits really well with them. They never really had a choice to become the Hollow Knight, but they did seem to want very badly to be truly hollow, and I've always interpreted that as them having a naturally protective/nurturing nature due to the presumed benefit of their sacrifice. We know that the Pale King cared for his civilians very very deeply, enough that he would ruin his entire family for their benefit, so I can easily see Hollow picking up on that as well, especially since their sacrifice working means that the death of their other siblings wouldn't have been in vain. So even if they failed in that end, them guarding whatever nurseries might be around in a slowly-rebuilding Hallownest would allow them to extend that protective instinct to the few remaining survivors that exist, and to show it in a manner that's a lot softer and gentler than fighting fang and claw.
And then, like you said, there's all the good memories they had with Hornet when she was small! Which likely opened their mind to being a gentler protector anyways, and gave them a soft spot for looking after the little ones. That, paired with the headcanon that the Void is more social than PK or WL on account of the vessels all being born from blood of a dead god, and you have someone who's primed to look after any grubs or nymphs that need watching- a young god who failed in their task of caring for the mortals under their wings, and is still somewhat incapable of fighting due to their scars, but can certainly curl up around a nest and make sure nobody gets near it while the parents are out hunting. They're terrifying enough that any adult bug would give pause before approaching, and Hollow's big enough to be a jungle gym for the babies that don't understand what makes a bug or not just yet. The lanky nightmare void creature that was made to kill gods and was sired from the union of three Higher Beings is, in the eyes of a child, just as valid for climbing as any other piece of furniture around them. And Hollow loves them for it!
(also lmao I'm the opposite the entire reason why I can't stand children is because I have two younger siblings. I don't hate kids, not in the slightest, but when you're someone who gets socially drained by merely sharing a room with one person, can't stand loud noises, eye contact, and don't understand irrational behaviors, being around children is hell. Which is why I prefer to write about them instead of be around them, lol, and appreciate maternal/paternal people like Hollow- their patience and tolerance for all the crisises little people have to go through is nigh-godly in my eyes. Much love to those who can manage children!)
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troubatrain · 3 years
twisted in bedsheets - m. tkachuk
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a/n: this is straight up smut.... like minimal plot mostly filth. but i hope you guys like it, i may give it a part two if anyone wants to see it but i don't know yet. big shoutout to my resident whores @hookingminor & @tkafuckit ily both sm
taglist : @barzysreputation
warnings: it's smush time (smut)
You almost wanted to make fun of him.
A part of you wondered, what did a single, twenty three year old, professional athlete who lived in a different country most of year need a house this big for? That wasn’t your business, and really neither was showing up two days after Matthew moved in with a bottle of wine and silly housewarming gift to make yourself feel better about where his little brother, also known as your best friend, was. You knocked loudly, hoping the car in the driveway meant Matthew was home and you weren’t wasting your time.
Matthew was inside, finally getting some peace and quiet after spending the day listening to his mother and the interior designer he hired argue about throw pillows. He jumped at the knock of his door, not used to the way it echoed through the house he bought on a whim. You were standing on the other side, bouncing on your heels with a bag in your hand and Matthew couldn’t help but smile.
Matthew always had a soft spot for you, Brady was your best friend and just like Matthew found himself watching out for Brady, he did the same for you. It was easy to keep it like that for years, Brady being far more possessive because you were his friend and not Matthew’s and not everything needs to be about you Matt, but it’d gotten harder lately. It was sudden, one summer Matthew came home and you were lounging by the pool and he swore his dick twitched in his pants, and it just wasn’t getting easier. It wasn’t easier when he tried to convince himself that there was an age gap between the both of you, even though it was barely two years and no one would blink an eye. It wasn’t easier when he beat the Senators and you quietly told him he had a good game because if Brady caught wind of it he’d lose his mind. And it sure as hell wasn’t easier when Brady mentioned your boyfriend constantly.
Your boyfriend who was having a party that Matthew knew for a fact Brady was at, but why weren’t you? Matthew couldn’t possibly get his hopes up, knowing if you were single he’d find some way to break your heart and you didn’t deserve that. That was the thing, Matthew ruined people and you were a far better person than he was to begin with. Matthew opens the door regardless, a smile on his face when he meets your eyes.
“Hi,” You beam, trying to play off like you were happy when you were just looking for a distraction that didn’t involve driving around and crying to Taylor Swift, “I, uh, congrats?”
Matthew chuckles, cocking his head to the side and opening his door a little further for you to come in, “Thank you, you really didn’t have to bring a gift.”
“It’s rude not too,” You scold, tapping Matthew in the arm and forgetting for a second you weren’t talking to Brady.
You pretended like you couldn’t feel it, the way his arms felt like a solid fucking rock and it was getting harder and harder to shove down that silly crush you’ve had since high school. You remember it so clearly, the moment Matthew went from Brady’s brother to just Matthew. You were a freshman, a dorky quiet kid who everyone knew not to mess with exclusively because Brady would kick the shit out of them, and you overheard a few girls in Matthew’s gossiping about how cute he was. Then it hit you, just as Matthew was leaning against his car to drive you home - he was cute. Cute turned into hot quickly, and you spent summer after summer wondering if you’d be bold enough to make a move.
You watched as Matthew pulled out the picture you’d framed for him, one his mother had taken of the three of you as kids. You were at the same ice cream shop you went to after every Blue’s game, chocolate ice cream smiles on your faces.
“You dropped your ice cream right after my mom took this,” Matthew hums, smiling at the memory himself.
“And you gave me yours because you felt bad for me,” You finish, hence the reason you chose that photo in the first place.
“You were crying,” Matthew nods, remembering the way his heart broke when he saw tears well up in your eyes. Even then, Matthew was a protector, constantly defending the people he held close to his heart, “Brady wouldn’t even share his… speaking of, isn’t there a huge rager you could be at right now?”
“Something about a party at my ex boyfriend’s doesn’t sound fun to me at all,” You sigh, hoping you wouldn’t have to explain it any further.
You didn’t have a boyfriend anymore.
It was all Matthew could process, his brain malfunctioning because he couldn’t believe it. Matthew gave you a sympathetic smile, “Let’s crack that bottle open then?”
You agreed, following Matthew into his yard to sit out by his fire pit, an early summer breeze making St. Louis unseasonably cold. He came back with two glasses, and you tried simply to ignore that his hands were big enough to hold both glasses in one, “So, Brady’s at a party at your ex-boyfriend’s place and you’re not mad at him at all?”
“I can’t be mad at Brady,” You explain, pouring yourself a glass of wine that was just a bit too big, “He doesn’t know what happened.”
“I thought you had no secrets,” Matthew questions, knowing that Brady knew everything about you and you were the same way. You turned your attention to the glass, swirling it in your hand while you seemed to shut down under Matthew’s gaze, “Y/N… it’s me, you know you can tell me.”
“It’s really embarrassing,” You whisper, “He cheated on me…”
“That’s not your fault,” Matthew scoffs, throwing an arm around your shoulders, “Why didn’t you tell-”
“He told me it was because the girl he was hooking up with was better in bed than me,” You whisper, Matthew closing his mouth immediately. He took a deep breath, his fingers scratching against your scalp while he looked straight ahead, “Please don’t tell Brady.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Matthew nods, his bottom lip between his teeth, “You’re perfect, and if he doesn’t see that he can go fuck himself.”
“What if he’s right?” You ask, taking a gulp of your drink. Matthew knew what road you were headed towards, one that was going to leave you insecure about this for the rest of your life if Matthew didn’t choose his next words carefully.
“He’s not,” Matthew shakes his head, hopping off the outdoor sofa you were on and kneeling down in front of you, “And you don’t need some douchebags opinion to make yourself feel good.”
“Would you sleep with me?” You ask, Matthew’s hand that had been rubbing your thighs gently stopped. You craved the validation, and a part of you always wondered if you had a shot with Matthew. If you were both able to drown out the noise from your friends and family, would he want you? Matthew’s hand crept up to your cheek, his thumb tracing your lip. You looked at him like this was the most important question he’d ever have to answer, and like if he said yes your lips would be on his, “And tell me I’m good.”
Matthew shut his eyes, running every possible scenerio knowing all of them include him fucking this up and hurting your feelings, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying. His lips ghosted over yours, stubble rough against your skin, “You’re sure about this?”
“Please,” You pout, not even bothering to give Matthew your best sexy face. You’d faked it enough, a year of trying to be something you weren’t to please some asshole who left for someone else anyways. Matthew’s hands slid on either side of you, his lips against yours and your hands on the back of his neck.
“Inside,” Matthew mutters against your lips, knowing if he didn’t stop himself now his new neighbors would get a show they didn’t ask for. You deserved better than that anyways. You snuck inside, your lips pressing kisses to Matthew’s neck while his arm stayed around your waist until you ended up in his bedroom. The back of your knees hit the edge of the bed, Matthew crawling on top of you, “I cannot believe that asshole let you slip through his fingers like that.”
“Make me forget about him then,” You let out a breath, Matthew smirking against your skin when you lit up that competitive fire he’d always had. You tugged at the bottom of his shirt, Matthew taking the hint and grabbing it from the back of his neck to toss off. Matthew’s hands slid under your shirt, unhooking your bra and swirling his finger around your nipples, pulling a moan from you.
“You even moan pretty,” Matthew could believe it, knowing just how many dreams like this, but really hearing it was something else entirely. Matthew shed your clothes quickly, leaving you just in your panties while he pressed kisses against your skin, murmurs of praise left in their wake.
“Matty,” You whimper, tilting Matthew’s chin up from where it was nestling between your thighs, “No one’s ever made me cum like this before.”
Matthew swore he was going to blow right there. The way your eyes looked into his, a trust that you were giving him that it was becoming clear you’d never given anyone. If it was anyone else, Matthew’s cocky nature would have broken through, a challenge accepted attitude that he couldn’t have with you.
You weren’t nervous but it wasn’t some secret that Matthew got around, and admitting something that seemed as trivial as what you’d told him was a big deal to you. Matthew’s blue eyes were soft, a small smile on his face, “We’ll go slow baby.”
And slow it was, Matthew was patient, trying to figure out what was going to get you off. His tongue was lapping at your core slowly, smirking at the way you squirmed whenever he got close to your clit. Your hands were in his hair, curling his overgrown hair around your fingers. Matthew’s tongue flicked your clit, your soft grip on his curls tighter, “Fuck, sorry-”
“Keep tugging on them,” Matthew groans against you, the vibrations sending a chill up your spine. His fingers were digging into your thighs, undoubtedly leaving a mark to worry about later, but you didn’t care. Matthew was eating your pussy like it was his last fucking meal, growing harder from the way you were moaning his name. You were close, your hips lifting off the bed and Matthew’s hands against your stomach to keep you right where you were. The only sounds echoing through that house were the ones from your orgasm, washing over you while Matthew finally pulled away. His finger swiped your core, sucking your cum off his finger, “Fucking delicious…”
You could feel the heat on your cheeks, holding your arm over your face from Matthew’s praise. He let out a light laugh, pulling your arm down and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t be insecure, when you’re with me you don’t have to be.”
You didn’t have a second to process his words, the way say with me like this was something meant to last more than a night, because Matthew’s lips were back on yours. Your hand snuck between you, palming him through his sweats and swallowing the groan with your lips, “I want to try something.”
Matthew’s brows raised, letting you push him onto his back without a fight. You’d never been the most confident in the bedroom, and you really never tried anything that wasn’t missionary, but something about Matthew’s praise had your head held high. You grind your hips against him, a smug smile on Matthew’s face, “You’ve never been on top before?”
You shook your head no, biting your lip and waiting for why have you had the most boring sex life imaginable laugh that should have followed. It never came, instead Matthew’s hands gripped your hips and lifted you up so he could kick off his sweats and boxers. His hand fell, searching through his bedside table for a condom, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it onto his cock. He tapped your clit with the head, his thumb that was still gripping you was rubbing softly against your skin, “Whenever you’re ready babe.”
Matthew watched you sink yourself onto him slowly, biting his lip to stop himself from cumming too soon because this was hotter than anything he could have imagined. All of those fantasies included finding out you were secretly dirty as hell, but finding out you weren’t and the trust you seemed to give Matthew because he’d never done you wrong was even sexier. Matthew’s hands guided your hips slowly, his head thrown back from the pleasure, “Am I doing good?”
“You’re doing fucking wonderful baby,” Matthew groans, grabbing a fistful of your ass. You moan, falling forward and kissing Matthew’s jaw lightly. He threw his arm around your back, fucking up into you at faster pace, “I want you cum again, c’mon.”
“Matty, I-” You whimper, a protest that you didn’t think you had another one in you until your pussy clenched around him. Your legs were shaking, Matthew stopping himself before he got too rough with you. You caught your breath for a second, Matthew pushing your hair away from your face so he could kiss you. His kisses were gentle, a stark contrast from the fact that his cock was still buried inside of you. You tried to move, grind your hips against his to get him off like he’d just done to you, but your hips bucked from the sensitivity.
“Slow down babe,” Matthew hums, his large hand rubbing your back gently, “We’ll get there.”
Getting there wasn’t hard at all. Not after Matthew had you on your back so he could keep fucking you. You looked beautiful, moaning his own name below him like you’d never said anyone’s name like that. Matthew’s head was tucked into your neck, the sounds of his skin slapping against yours filling the room until he finally came with a loud groan.
When you finally came down from the after sex high, a realization washed over you. You’d had sex with your best friend’s brother. The same brother you’d spend years of your life with. Matthew walked into his bathroom, grabbing you a warm washcloth and a clean shirt from his closet. He got back into his room, glancing at the way you were looking around his room with his sheets over your chest unsure of whether or not you should leave. Matthew leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips, “I want you to stay.”
“You don’t have to let me-” You start to protest, a weird feeling in your chest you couldn’t quite describe. You were a relationship type, hook ups weren’t your playing field and you knew Matthew lived by them. You never forgot it either, the way he slugged back a beer and looked Brady and yourself dead in the eyes and told you he swore he wasn’t built to last more than a night. Matthew chuckles, cleaning you up and throwing his shirt over your frame. He laid down next to you, pulling you against his chest and kissing your shoulder.
“I want you to stay here,” Matthew assures you, smiling wide when you tucked yourself into his side.
Hey Matty?
Don’t tell Brady about this.
Secret’s safe with me Y/N.
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val-of-the-north · 2 years
Okay you now gotta do 3, 4, 5 and 6 with Ludwig :eyes emoji:
Oh boy... what do I have for him?
3) Ludwig has to be the COOLEST design in Bloodborne. He is like, even more effective at being horrific than most of the eldritch gods in this game with how twisted and revolting he ended up becoming in his transformation. His neck-mouth disgusts me to no end and I love it.
Of course, the fact he gains the mannerisms of an honorable warrior mid-fight, transforming the disgusting pile of flesh he is into a semi-humanoid figure is just... it's incredible. When you first see him you would never think he could stand up in that body, yet he does and it looks so natural. Also he has a very kind voice. A true hero.
4) Ludwig is very manly. His hair doesn't grow fast, but he rarely shaves so he is always hairy to a certain degree. He is also incredibly strong, and when his power isn't needed in battle they use him to carry and move very heavy objects around, even stone statues at times. He doesn't mind, as it keeps him busy as well as being effective training.
Of course, he loves himself some good old arm wrestling, and he is almost undefeated. He needs a lot of energy to do all of this, so he is a big meat enjoyer. It isn't his favorite food though, because he has a soft spot for forest berries. They remind him of his childhood and home, as he used to eat plenty of them during his squire training.
5) He values the lives of everyone else above his own, but not because he thinks his life is lesser. In fact, he is rather confident he will make it alive and well every time whenever he rushes into danger to save civilians and hunters alike. He loves his close friends but he is not the best at showing feelings that are perceived as a sign of weakness, but that stems from his upbringing. He is incredibly kind by nature, so he ends up showing that side of himself if truly necessary. His father always thought he was too kindhearted to be a knight.
The people adored Ludwig. They trusted him more than they trusted the rest of the Healing Church. He gave them a chance to fight back, to not be powerless and at the mercy of the beasts, hunters, and even the Church itself. It's a shame that he would not be remembered fondly after the massacre he unleashed when he finally turned into a monster, but not just for the countless deaths he caused.
It's because his mythical status had disappeared, and with it, any hope of ever overcoming this plague of beasts. If even someone as just and courageous as Ludwig could become a monster, who couldn't?
6) Since youth, Ludwig was terrified of the dark. It was a real phobia. Of course, this weakness would prevent him from becoming the brave protector he dreamt of being in the future, so he would force himself to face his fear continuously, until he grew numb to it.
That's why the darkness of the night and the old labyrinth leave him unfazed, though dread still exists in his heart, just silenced and subdued. It wasn't until he found his moonlight that his soul felt truly at ease. He was never in the dark now, even when he closed his eyes. He could see the shimmer at all times but this made him vulnerable...
In the end, he closed his eyes and saw no thread of light. No matter how hard he tried to focus, his mind was devoid of any shine. And so he felt the terror of his kid self rush to him instantly. It was overwhelming... it was too dark, so dark he could not see. So he went on a blind rampage, like a cornered horse fearing for its life, kicking anyone who comes close. That's when he snapped and lost his mind to beasthood.
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Can I please request SFW Alphabet for Obi?
B, F, L!
Thank you for doing this
Oh man, I have such a soft spot for Obi 🥺 in a world where Konro didn’t exist, Captain Obi would absolutely be my husband. Hands down.
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Akitaru Obi
SFW Alphabet Letters: B, F, L
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Akitaru Obi is hands-down the best friend you could ever ask for. No matter how busy he is with world-shattering missions, he never fails to find time for his friends. He’s the friend who pops in whenever he has the chance, taking whatever moments he has to spare just to hear what’s going on in your little corner of the world. How are you feeling? How are you resting? Have you eaten anything substantial lately? What’s troubling your mind, and how can I help? No, I mean, how can I actually help? Because he WILL do whatever is in his power to help you, no matter how small you’re convinced your problem is. If he catches you snoozing on the job not only will you not likely be in trouble (he knows better than to believe any of his people would intentionally sleep on the job), he’ll probably grab a blanket to wrap around you and maybe even something soft to pick your head up and plop it down on - if he doesn’t straight up fireman-carry your ass to bed.
F = Fiancée (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Akitaru Obi is another man who, once his desires are set in his sights, he doesn’t waste time locking it down. I think with the end of the world imminent he’d be more likely to hesitate, but I also think that caution that gives him pause might also drive him forward in his pursuit once he’s sure about it… convincing himself it’s even plausible is going to be the challenge. As a protector he would have a natural instinct to shield you from the very likely pain of his death, even if you work in a similar field to him.
However. He’s still a man, and what greater temptation could there be than soft arms beckoning him away from the bitter world he’s come to know? Even a beacon of hope falters sometimes, but the second he realizes how your beating heart against his chest renews his spirit, he’s convinced marrying you is the only thing left that makes any sense. After all, who knows better where this hell of a world is headed than him? Why waste the precious time he’s been given, especially when it means spreading his happiness to the community (and world) that he loves?
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
This man ~ L O V E S ~ children.
Playing the deadpan-gone-psycho is his favorite, addressing the children around him like his own crew - until he breaks down in maniacal laughter as he stomps after them, threatening to GET THEM as they cackle and flee in every direction.
He wants to be a hardass, he really does, but good god have you LOOKED at their FACES?! Just 🥺
The softest softie to ever soft. Catch him napping with them, sprawled out on the floor with a tiny person attached to every soft surface: legs, arms, chest, shoulders, belly…. He’s a breathing mattress and he’s okay with that. Just, shhh, try not to wake them, he’s really not sure he can keep up anymore today 😳 really HE needed a nap, the kids being quiet was just a bonus…
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lihikainanea · 3 years
i’m shy and get embarrassed easily, so i have NEVER SAID WHAT IVE WANTED but i can’t hold back anymore, I’LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT. actually, it’s not a want, it’s a need.
i need a really sub tiger (whimpering, spaced out look, needy, sucking on his fingers, etc) and daddy bill. sweet nani. TIGER call him daddy. i need big protector and provider vibes from bill.
also, i’ve read every single one of your posts ATLEAST 15 times. this page right here, feels like a safe space.
much love
ohhhhhhhh thank you bb! I love messages like this <3 I'm glad you submitted an ask, that's a big step--I'm proud of you, boo. This space is open and safe for everyone, it's all I've ever wanted to create, so to hear you say it--to know that you felt comfortable submitting an ask--bubs, that makes me so happy <3
I'm feelin soff and subby tiger these days. Not only because of this deadly heatwave that has been sweeping the entire fucking continent, not only because work has been hell on earth, not only because I'm finally on vacation next week after not taking time off for a year and I feel like I'm crawling towards the finish line, bruised and battered, on all fours pleading for mercy.
Oh wait, that's exactly why I'm feeling soff and subby tiger these days, so small and where she can just disappear into her bubble of safety and just know that she'll be taken care of.
If you’ll allow me to self-project for awhile, as I’m wont to do rather frequently--maybe tiger has had to be Boss Bitch for awhile. She’s not having a hard time at work--no no, quite the opposite actually. She’s killing it. Stepping up when she has to, working long hours. Maybe her boss quit all of a sudden (hello, self-projection again!) and tiger is just stepping in and getting shit done. And ike a Queen, that ‘tude is bleeding into other aspects of life. Bill has a wonky shelf that needs fixing and while he’s usually quick to fix those things, it’s lagging and tiger just thinks--fuck it, and fuck you too. Bill comes home and she’s power drilling the thing back in place. Changing the light bulbs. Replacing the battery in her smoke alarm. Doing all the groceries. Cooking. Working late into the night. Picking up his dry cleaning. Her friend is going through a bad break up--tiger is there, packing her shit up with her, finding her a new apartment.
Tiger can sometimes be a bit of a procrastinator--which Bill likes, because then he gets to step in and do things for her and he loves the smile she gives him when he does that--but lately? Bill can’t get there fast enough. Tiger is handling it all, knocking it out of the park, and making it look easy.
The problem is she also kind of works herself into a tizzy--because tiger doesn’t like having too much control. She can absolutely do everything herself, but part of what she enjoys so much in her dynamic with Bill is that she doesn’t have to. She doesn’t have to be in control, or have all the power. She can give that to him, and she can just float in that place free from all burdens and responsibility and know that she’ll be taken care of. There’s an immense power in relinquishing control. And like everything, tiger swings violently from one extreme to the other--she has all of the control, she’s handling shit, she’s handling shit like a boss--until she gets real small, because she doesn’t WANT to handle this much, she doesn’t want to be the boss bitch anymore, she needs a balance where she can be ballsy and courageous in her professional life but that balance comes from being able to be subby with Bill, being able to be put on her knees and be his good girl.
Yin and yang.
And Bill senses it. He probably knows by the crazy twitch in her eye, her subtle irritability, the way a problem no sooner arises that tiger is throwing some power tool, some 7-step coaching programme, some advice from years of therapy--just something at it. Bill barely has time to mention that something in the house needs fixing, let alone fix it himself--because tiger is all over it and then some.
Bill knows the pendulum is swinging just a leeeeeeeetle too far one way.
And maybe the next day when tiger gets in from work--she has a list of shit she needs to get done tonight, and she’s still tapping away more on her phone: bake brownies for a work potluck, fix the chain on the toilet, scrub the bath tub, build the IKEA shoe cabinet she bought, give Bill head because it’s been awhile, put the final tweaks on a presentation. And her nose is in her phone when she walks in the door, so she doesn’t see Bill standing there in the hallway--doesn’t see the way he has his arms crossed, the authoritative set to his jaw, his pinched eyebrows.
“Hiiiiiii,” she calls out blindly down the hallway as she toes off her shoes, drops her purse on the floor.
Bill doesn’t respond. Her eyes are still on her phone, her thumbs going a mile a minute.
“Did you get the drill bits I need?” she’s still yelling because she hasn’t seen him yet, “That fucking IKEA cabinet Allan key bullshit won’t--oof.”
She walks right into his chest, stumbling back a step or two as she startles. And then she notices--notices how tall he’s standing, notices the set in his eyes, his clenched jaw. His crossed arms.
“Hi,” he says simply, lowly.
“Hi,” she stammers, “I uh, didn’t see you there.”
“I know,” he says--and then he reaches out, takes her phone from her hands. He puts it in his back pocket and crosses his arms again.
“On your knees,” he says.
“Why?” she mumbles it before she can stop, and it’s just automatic when she’s been like this--question everything, oppose everything, demand answers. But Bill just cocks his eyebrow, bends a little at the waist and gets his face in close to hers.
“You don’t get to ask questions tonight,” he whispers, and it’s soft but deliciously menacing and threatening. Tiger bites her lip, and she’s so mesmerized by him, already so turned on, that she’s rooted to the spot and she doesn’t move.
“Tiger,” he says harshly, “I won’t repeat myself.”
“Oh,” she snaps to her senses, shaking the fog from her brain. She drops to her knees. “Sorry,” she mumbles.
“Do you like all of this, tiger?” he weaves a hand in her hair, gently tugging it so her eyes are on him, “All of this control? All of this power?”
“I don’t know.”
“Try again,” he says, “All of this responsibility, fighting everybody’s battles. Taking care of everyone else--but who is taking care of you, hmm? Who’s taking care of my sweet girl?”
And her walls are starting to come down, that pendulum is starting to swing back ever so slowly in the natural direction.
“I am,” her voice cracks, and she says it so lowly he barely heard it.
“What’s that?”
“I am,” she says again, just a twinge louder but even then it’s barely a whisper.
“You are,” he says, “Just handling everything like a big girl. And do you like that? Not letting me take care of you? Not needing me?”
“No,” she admits.
“And is that part of our deal?”
“No,” she says again, leaning forward and bunching his pant leg in her fist. She just wants to touch him, wants to be close to him, and Bill would never stop her from doing so in moments like these. He presses his thumb to her lips, easing it inside. She sighs and her shoulders sag with relief.
“Then I think we need to fix that, don’t we?” he asks, “I miss my sweet girl.”
She whimpers around his thumb, inching on her knees closer to him and resting her forehead on his thigh.
“Do you want me to fix it sweet girl?” he murmurs, “Get you back right again?”
She nods, but he snaps his fingers and he swears that she moaned a little.
“Yes,” she says immediately, “Please, Bill.”
“Oh, I like the sound of that,” he says, and he withdraws his thumb from her mouth, closing his hands around her shoulders and lifting her so she’s standing in front of him, “I think I need to hear that a little more.”
She whines, but he slams his lips to hers. He kisses the hell out of her, all tongues and teeth, pulling away as she gasps for breath.
“If you want me to fix it kid,” he purrs, “Then you’re going to beg for it.”
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fizziefizzco · 2 years
OC Memes Collection
- tagged by hev @lalosalamancagf my beloved <3
- tagging uhh  @athelari @hey-hey-its-magic @3rdgymbros @mask-knife-the-batman-spoilers and whoever else wants to do it!
Doing these for my forever main ladylove Myrrhine Ceres Lyrid Caspirdottir
>>> perception - Scary dog privilege
loud music. laughing at bad horror movies. comfort through sitting in silence together. deep, Intricate forests and dark shades of green and purple. your best feature is probably a birthmark, or maybe your nose. you often look stoic, but when you do smile, it lights up your whole face. you're observant. you probably have a soft spot for kids. for someone who looks so scary, you have this innate way of making people feel so safe. you're a natural protector. you just want people to have it better than you did. your kindness is subtle. not everyone will see it. but it's the cause of so much healing. even more than you can see. 
>>> character color - Yellow
Yellow characters tend to be positive and upbeat people, who try to see the bright side in most situations (although the older a character is, the less likely they’ll be as openly positive). They’re friendly and energetic much of the time, and while often genuine it can become a cover for their more negative feelings. They tend to have a lot of skill in one specific area which they have to work hard to harness and use properly. Because of this skill they can be put up on a pedestal and have high expectations placed on them to perform. Often these expectations also come from themselves. They have a strong sense of responsibility and duty placed on them that can cause them to develop a bit of a savior complex, blaming themselves for not being able to protect everyone around them. They are diffusers and peacemakers, preferring to be in harmony with everyone, sometimes making it confusing when others around them are not this way. They’re pretty cheerful and bubbly and usually the light of their friend group. They care about their friends a lot, and go out of their way to show it, although it can cause them to be jealous when they feel as if they aren’t being included. While kind people, they also have a competitive streak and like to win. They love fun and are likely to get sidetracked and drag their friends along with them. Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves, and it’s hard not to like a yellow character. While these characters may be warm and diligent though, they also have a hard time taking risks, generally preferring to stay in their comfort zone. They can have a bit of both a main character and a savior complex because of how much responsibility they put on themselves, and while well meaning it can irk other characters. Sometimes they go too far trying to help and interfere with others, and when they don’t want to do something they will often shut down and distract themselves from it. They are surprisingly mature for how innocent they seem, and when in a healthy place they always give their best effort. They are wise and interpersonal and really tie their friend group together. Yellow characters need to be given a safe space to release negative emotions without letting them build up, and they need people in their life who will help them keep a healthy balance of work and play without pressuring them too much. 
>>> weather - Storm
anger is a double-edged sword you know. be careful or you'll cut yourself and everyone you love on it; or have you already? it's okay to be soft, it's not weak to let others see you as you are. you don't have to be strong anymore, let go. you'll never move on from what hurts you until you stop hiding from yourself. you are not who they said you are. 
>>> enneagram - Type Eight
Eights are people with high levels of energy, intensity and willpower. They project power and toughness and take challenges as an invitation to prove their strength. They enjoy open confrontation and don’t back down easily.
Eights often have a fierce passion to protect the vulnerable and weak, but they have trouble admitting any kind of weakness or vulnerability themselves.
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
Hi, I'm new to the hetalia fandom. And I was wondering can you do soft platonic Yandere Allies and/ or Axis that just discovered a new colony ( I recently just watched Kolkol's video about how countries are born as babies ). So what is the Allies going to do when they find the new baby ( their a tiny newborn btw ) country peacefully sleeping in a pretty flower field. And when the new country wakes up, they start squealing happily and star reaching out to them with a cute gummy smile. Now the countries has new baby sister.
I like this idea~ Also welcome to the fandom! I’m an old fan back from the dead for season 7 ^^
Alfred was kind of lost at first when he saw a literal baby laying in a field of flowers
I mean even as a yandere he would never do something like leave a child to die
This is about when he realizes that maybe the kid wasn’t actually a human child, but the new colony he’s heard about
It’s 100% likely that Alfred has never seen a baby country before, not a newborn and not a chibi one either
The closest he’s seen to a baby country was probably Sealand
Alfred was about to pick up the kid and pawn them off to someone else because he’s got important things to do, but they opened their eyes and looked right at him
And then the kid smiled?? Reaching out for him??
You could literally hear his psyche snap
Alfred decides then and there that no one would be getting a hold of this kid other than him
He really changes more than he ever has when he has his yandere moments
Alfred become exactly what this kid needs, a responsible big brother that protects and teaches them, and by god does he do his job
This child will never know sadness, yes even if Alfred is a yandere and has his more violent moments where he basically barricades the child inside he could never truly hurt them
No one will ever lay a hand on them without facing the consequences
I also suspect that because this child is well, a baby, and will never be a love interest to him, Alfred will allow the child to leave and be somewhat free once they get older and can care for themselves
His condition though is that they have to call him and visit him every so often and tell him everything, even about the guy that bumped into them without apologizing 2 weeks ago
Matthew is very confused at first
I mean what kind of monster leaves a defenseless newborn out in a field of flowers?
It’s only when he sees the child does he realize they aren’t human but in fact the new colony that was near Canada
He never planned to not raise this child, I mean it was near him and he’d be damned if he was letting Alfred care for this baby instead
However, the baby finally opened its eyes and immediately started smiling and laughing at him, even trying to grab onto him
Matthew kind of gets a dark aura around him, if anyone were to have seen him at this moment they probably wouldn’t even recognize him
It’s at this moment he decides to be this baby’s big brother forever, to protect them, to keep them away from war and everything else that could hurt them even at his own expense
Matthew doesn’t change much, he’s already very responsible and he knows the basic baby care
But his attitude is different around others now
Unlike Alfred who would keep the baby away from others Matthew will at the very least show them to those he trusts, so France or Cuba, maybe even England too
He wouldn’t hesitate to snatch them up or even yell at whoever is holding them too long or making them cry
Matthew won’t let the child go far once they grow up
They may not have to live with him, but they aren’t going to leave for their country by themselves or live in a completely different province than him
He just has to protect the baby, even when they aren’t a baby anymore,
he will even lose his polite Canadian facade to protect them
This isn’t Arthur’s first rodeo
he knows from the moment he sees the baby in the flowers what happened and what it means
And what it means is that he’s a big brother again
Already without even getting close to the baby does he decide to kill anyone who would dare hurt them or take them away
But when he does get closer and they wake up giggling and reaching for him
Oh boy is he all the more smitten and determined now
The baby will likely never see anyone other than him or ever even learn about anyone other than him and themselves
Arthur is afraid they’ll choose someone over him and leave him all alone again
so he just refuses to tell them anything other than the edited version of British history and the baby’s history
He will fight and destroy anyone who comes to see the baby or tries to tell him he’s acting insane
He just doesn’t buy it, this is normal big brother behavior, it’s his duty to protect and shield them from the world
As stated before the baby will likely know nothing other than him when they grow up, they won’t be allowed to leave either
He’ll make up any excuse to keep them inside
Kind of like a Tangled situation where he tells scary stories of the outside to make them fear ever leaving his house or its perimeters
Just like Arthur, he knew the second he saw the child that it was no ordinary human baby
Francis was going to take care of them regardless of what or who the baby was
He was content and already falling in love with the baby while it was peacefully sleeping
But then they opened their eyes and squealed in happiness at seeing him!!
Francis’ yandere side becomes more apparent after this point
He’s also one of the few who would raise the baby to call him papa or dad, while he likes being big brother he feels it’s different in this situation since he’s going to raise them from their newborn state
The baby will only see people Francis approves of, people he knows won’t steal the baby away from him or convince him he wasn’t stable enough to raise them
So Canada, Monaco, and Seychelles
England will never even know of the child, Francis can’t trust that he won’t try and fight him for the baby
He will tell the baby everything, the child will grow up knowing the world, but Francis twists some things to boost himself and his history up so that his child will always hold him in high regards
The baby will never lift a finger growing up, Francis will do everything for them
Clothes, accessories, decor, entertainment, food, pets, anything the child asked for would be placed at their feet
That’s kind of Francis’ plot to keep the child with him forever
They won’t want to leave and live on their own if they don’t know how to do anything without him
But he would let them leave if they really wanted to, they would have to live close by though
He needs to come and visit them as often as he wants and possibly figure out who he needs to get rid of if his baby ever gets hurt
While I don’t think Ivan has had any experience seeing or raising a newborn nation he knows what the baby is
He’s concerned though, this child is a new colony more than likely near his home, so it must be freezing out here for the little thing
He feels for it, his yandere side is angry and protective for the small baby, how could Mother Nature just birth them in such a cold and unforgiving place
He plans to keep the baby after holding them, he becomes attached just like that, I mean they were so cute sleeping like that totally unaware of everything
Ah but then they open their eyes and reach out for him, laughing and happy to see him
His crueler side agrees that anyone and everyone must suffer if they attempt to steal his little sunshine away
Even Belarus won’t scare him anymore when it comes to his new little sibling
Since Russia is known to not have friends no one will be seeing the baby, and Belarus might catch a glimpse but will otherwise not be allowed to ever interact with them
Lithuania might be the only one allowed to ever see the baby actually, Ivan likes him the most and if he were to come over he would allow Lithuania the honor of meeting and even holding you
He just better be careful
Ivan will protect them from everyone, even his own sisters
The baby won’t grow up knowing anything about the world other than it is cruel and unforgiving to people like them
Ivan will make sure that the child depends on him and him alone as a provider and protector
He won’t let them leave his house, the baby, the colony, their people, it’s his, and he promises to take good care of them
Everyone who gets close to the child will ultimately disappear if they seem to begin liking them more than Ivan, and no one is allowed to be a big brother or even sister other than himself
Yao of course knows a baby country when he sees one
This was the perfect spot, after all, a nice flowery field with no human town or village nearby
Perfect for nurturing a newborn country and also incredibly unlikely that it was a living human newborn
When he gets close enough to see them fully his yandere possessive side is already going crazy, he wants to protect them and be their big brother more than he wants to breathe
And it doesn’t help any when they finally wake up from sleeping and excitedly reach for him
Yao feels so loved at that moment
He decides only a few will see the new baby, Japan, Vietnam, and maybe South Korea
These are people that probably won’t do much to stop him from raising and being possessive over the baby
Japan and Vietnam surely won’t start a war to stop him and he won’t mind any rude comments they may make towards him since he will just cut them off from his life and South Korea wants his approval so if anything he’d support Yao’s decision
The baby will grow up sheltered, only hearing the good things about China and Chinese history
he will teach them very little about other Asian cultures and probably nothing of Western cultures
The only exception was if their culture was considered Western, then he would teach only their western culture to them that approved of
The baby was also never going to get the option to leave
Yao will raise them so they can be strong when he isn’t there but he won’t raise them to be completely independent
Surprisingly though, he would let them live on their own, even in their own country, when the time comes, but they will never truly be free
they will always be a part of China and he will make sure of it
Ludwig is also very clueless as to what the baby is
I mean, obviously a baby, but it’s strange how someone left them here considering it was quite a ways away from the nearest town and this baby didn’t look old enough to be more than a few days old
He will eventually realize that they were a colony that popped up near Germany
This is where his possessiveness starts, they were his colony in his mind and he was going to be their big brother
Ludwig gets really hooked however when they open their eyes from sleeping and make such cute happy noises he can’t help but become scarily possessive and protective over them
No one but a few of the other Germanic countries will see the child
Prussia is a given, though Ludwig is not afraid to threaten, reprimand, or cut him off for anything dangerous or harmful he may do to the baby
And Austria and Hungary will see his new sibling, though he will be keeping a close eye on Hungary as she is the biggest threat to taking them away from him
The baby will grow up cared for and knowledgeable but will follow a strict way of life
They aren’t to mock him or others, they must exercise and train, they must study history and learn about the past both their own and others, Ludwig values intelligence and strength and wishes them onto his sibling
He will not tolerate anyone messing with them however, even if they become strong or stronger than him he will always protect them in the long run since he doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty for revenge
Ludwig would let the child leave when they got older, out of everyone he is the least possessive when they grow up
His yandere tendencies seem to have only been strongly attached to baby them and while he would certainly destroy anyone who messed with them, he isn’t as possessive as he used to be, just protective now
Feliciano knows what that little baby in the flower field is
I mean, he was once one and Grandpa Rome often told him about when he found him and his older brother
He wasn’t sure if he could raise the baby though
He knows he isn’t super strong, not the best role model sometimes too, so he planned to see if someone like Austria or Spain would want to raise them
That all changed when they opened their eyes and immediately reached out for him in happiness
His more possessive yandere self couldn’t help but get immediately enamored by their charm
Since Feliciano got attached and he’s yandere, he becomes stingy with the baby
No one gets to see them, not Austria, Hungary, especially not Germany, Japan, or even Romano would be allowed to see the baby
Feliciano feels like they would outshine him, if he allowed the baby to look at them and see how much more capable they were he knew they wouldn’t stay with him
Because while he could and will kill for the child, he can’t fight fairly or intimidate anyone like the others could
He would teach them everything about Italy though! And of course their own culture too
But he would leave out everything else and always avoid teaching them about anyone else
The child would also be spoiled, Feliciano is similar to Francis in that aspect
He just wants them to be happy and to rely on him
They probably would never get to leave his house though, he really is stingy and really good at manipulating them into staying
Feliciano just really wants to be depended on for as long as he can get them too
Kiku knew what this child was
I mean, they obviously weren’t a human as they surely would’ve died at this point or even be crying hysterically for help
He had no plans to raise them, yandere or not, he’s still not the fondest of touch and them being a child didn’t help as they would not understand the concept of personal space or not wanting to be touched
So he was about ready to phone China or even Germany for help
But before he could do anything the baby woke up, smiling and cooing at him as if they were waiting for him and loved him already
You can hear his last shred of non-yandere sanity and rationality snap
He immediately becomes protective of them
They would be his little colony, he would take care of them and their people and he would make sure there was never any problems
No one would see them and they would never be allowed to make human friends either
He would isolate them from everyone, even to the point where he ruins his own progress of coming out of his shell just so they can isolate themselves together
He will make sure the child comes to know the world as a lovely and beautiful place, but one that they should never see without him
His sibling becomes spoiled, but unlike Italy and France, the child isn’t going to be waited on or just simply given everything
They will be spoiled by everything they could ever want but it’s only if they behave
No mentioning leaving or visiting places unless he brought it up and they must be respectful
Kiku will not be the big brother or someone who doesn’t know at the very least basic manners and respect
The child won’t be leaving when they grow up either, if anything Kiku would’ve successfully discouraged them from wanting to be social and molded them into basically a mini him
Lovino unlike Feliciano probably did not ever get told how he came to be or what a newborn colony/country looks like
So he definitely thinks someone just left a human baby in some flowers
Eventually, it will click that hey, a new colony appeared, a baby in a flower patch far away from any humans but relatively close to Southern Italy, ah it’s a baby country
Lovino most definitely won’t want the baby at first, he’s got some...other...priorities and some issues
He wants to call Spain asap and get the kid somewhere relatively safe
But as he’s walking away with the kid it opens its eyes and reaches out for him happily squealing
Any rationality Lovino may have had is gone now, everything his yandere side craves, love, affection, dependency, it’s all this child could give him by being his little sibling
As seen, he wants to be praised by his brother so this baby is like his second chance, his saving grace to be successful and a hero in someone’s eyes
Because of this the child will never meet anyone, he can’t afford for them to meet Feliciano or Spain because he knows deep down they would certainly like them more than him
Lovino will teach them about Southern Italy, about their culture, and maybe even about some Northern Italian and Spanish culture and traditions but under the guise that it was actually his
He won’t want this child to know anything but him and his house, no friends, no family other than him, he would make the child a recluse
He’s not necessarily the nicest sometimes, he’s prone to aggravate easily and he hates when they mention outside or seeing other people so sometimes he can come off as a little mean
But he always apologizes to them and makes it up to them since he wants them to be happy and to love him
The child won’t be allowed to be independent and leave, Lovino really will do anything to keep them together because he really doesn’t want to lose them or their love
Gilbert is old let’s face it, he knows a newborn country when he sees one
I mean he’s likely helped raise a lot of Germanic countries and states before so this is nothing new
He obviously wants to be the baby’s new older brother, he doesn’t need any more convincing or thinking on that matter
It’s just when the baby did wake up and start squealing and reaching out for him, Gilbert realizes this won’t be the same as raising Germany
He can instantly feel the deep connection, the deep need to protect and shelter them for the rest of time
The possessiveness to not let anyone see the baby or take their attention away from him is immense
So that’s what he does
He stops relying on Germany, moves out, and forbids anyone and everyone from ever entering or coming to his home
He can't afford for this child to meet anyone else, he knows he’s no one’s favorite in the end and they would pick someone else
He knows this baby would choose Germany, Austria, or Hungary over him in a heartbeat so he won’t give them the chance
He teaches the child about Prussian history only, he wants his new sibling to be raised on his same values and culture
He wants them to feel a kinship with him and him alone
He will also isolate them from everyone since no one is coming and he would never let them anyways
he puts his own mind at ease by telling them scary stories about war, wars like he’s been in so that they will never have the urge to go out and think he is undefeatable and strong
Prussia, along with Russia, is another very big one that would very much destroy even another country if they tried to mess with his new sibling and/or steal them away
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