#look i want qrow to also join the happy huntresses but i want him to interact with the ace ops too
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its-a-branwen-thing · 5 years ago
On Qrow: Part II
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Back at it again with the white vans an over-analysis of one of my faves! In my last post on Qrow, I focused a lot on how legacies play into his character. How he’s slowly becoming a character who can leave a legacy, but that the journey there is still ongoing. And it always is.
Disclosure, as always, this is all pure speculation, enhanced by my personal opinions, and for fun! :)
Legacies play into all of these characters. RWBY is about stories. Especially in regards to our heroes: specifically Ruby, Yang, Oscar, Juane, and Ren. All of them have character legacies that inform who they are today. Summer, Raven, Ozma, Pyrrha, Li Ren. These are all characters that we know had/have their own motivations, destiny, and ideals--and those echo through the narrative in such grand ways.
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Mementos are a big part of these characters’ stories. While not all of these are explicitly physical items that serve as reminders, there are stories behind these shots and the objects or focus of them. Ren killing the Nuckelavee with his father’s dagger, Ruby’s mother and their shared silver eyes.
That’s why taking a look at a particular spot in V4 sparked a new idea:
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Qrow is also a part of legacies. But this is one he was upholding. In V6 we saw his realization that his own followed legacy was in jeopardy--the one thing he’d staked his life on--and that continues to inform his faith in his nieces and the younger generation going forward. Because it isn’t Oz’s path he’s following, but theirs. Even if it is is hard letting them go it alone.
Qrow chooses his path at the end of V6, and it’s to help uplift this new generation, so that they can create their own stories in honor of or in spite of the ones that were left for them. It’s subtle, but it illustrates that Qrow’s growth has been in doing the things he believes is right, which is why he cautions James on so many of his decisions, why he seems to hang back, to lash out less, why he seems...well, softer. He’s not drunk, for one. And two he’s not as worried for his proteges. They’re taking fine enough care of themselves. Which is why the emphasis on his connection to Clover is so fundamentally important. Because if I look at it from a storytelling standpoint, we see these two characters express very similar ideals with completely different views of how to follow them. But it’s the story Clover has, the one where he’s a beloved leader and soldier, that impacts Qrow’s future the most.
It’s also between them that we witness one of the most brutal death scenes in RWBY.
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My knee-jerk reaction to this scene was that it was the beginning of the Scarecrow “losing his mind”, so to speak, because it has been the pattern of the Oz generals to fall by the thing they were seeking in their allusions. But every time I followed this thought I couldn’t realize why it felt so wrong to me. I thought for a bit that Qrow might turn, the he might really and truly go crazy, but I honestly can’t see it. Why? Because if I’m reading Clover’s character right, we see that the fundamental differences between him and Qtow are what the story’s been pointing to all along: one is part of a legacy he never questioned, while the other has no tethers to his old legacies. Qrow’s placing his faith, quite certainly, on the future. (Also, if you wanted to make a point about the cruelty of reality, you could do it elsewhere. RWBY hasn’t really been that kind of show). And what really hit me as an important factor in this is the final shot of Qrow:
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He isn’t angry. He isn’t gunning immediately for Ironwood. He looks heartbroken. He looks as he has all season--quiet, but in control.
He’s also holding onto...that’s right, a memento.
Yeah, back to talking about mementos, I am.
In seeing what was said about their relationship by the writers (communication not being 1:1 with writing/animating--also, again, not looking to discuss the implications of that at the moment, I understand and sympathize), I think I’m beginning to see some of Clover’s decisions, as they’re written, in a completely new light.
He’s cocky. He’s proud. But he’s a good guy. He encourages Qrow. He obviously likes him as a person. And this whole season we’re rooting for them to be good partners why’d you sneak in all that sexual tension though, yo, in whatever way that is. But then it’s made clear that Clover and Qrow both prioritize entirely different things until E12 when Qrow nods to Tyrian and...you know what I won’t even....no, I’m not even gonna poke that. The same different things that ultimately split team RWBY and the Ace Ops up. It’s even in their fights. If Qrow is the “Clover” to RWBY, Clover is the “Qrow” to the Ace Ops. Both the oldest and wisest of the de facto teams. Those fights are set up like that for a reason. Even them sharing shifting focus in E12 is significant. And RWBY wins because the Ace Ops don’t “care” about each other as they do, that’s the whole point that I can see. And so Clover shares his teams’ fate...but, like, way worse.
Clover knows when his orders seem harsh but he doesn’t question them. He’s never been shown to do so. He hesitates, sure, but so does Marrow. And unlike Marrow, Clover isn’t a new addition. He’s older. He’s their leader. It’s his charge they’ll follow. He’s not a character easily changed. We knew who he was the moment he swung in to arrest our heroes.
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(Side note: I used to think this was a conspiratorial look that they were planning something. But I think now what I see is Clover noticing and then ultimately ignoring Qrow’s concern. His look hardens back to Ironwood with what I can now see as resolve. It’s why Qrow looks down. It’s almost like he’s hurt.)
So when we encounter this duo in the tundra, after their plane crash, and we see Clover’s character attempt to negotiate with Qrow, we see Qrow’s resolve harden. He isn’t going to follow Ironwood’s orders. He finds them wrong. But Clover is Ironwood’s right hand, he can’t listen to any personal feelings he may have, as Qrow and Robyn do. He even parallels Marrow in his conversations with Robyn, in that they both advise her to follow the law on two separate instances, and she makes it abundantly obvious that she thinks the law is rubbish. But Clover is the law. He’s supposed to uphold that trust. Because he’s entirely loyal. He’s a good person upholding a man he trusts. We don’t know his history, but I assume as the elite of the elite he earned his position. He spent years earning Ironwood’s trust (as Winter says--”You can’t buy loyalty you have to earn it”). And he isn’t a disingenuous character with sneaky ulterior motives. He’s how he’s presented. Point blank, heart presumably on his sleeve. I thought he’d turncoat to join our heroes, but now I see why he didn’t. (Then again, not having all the information is...testy)
Which is why this hits so damn hard.
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“Sometimes the right decision is the hardest to make. I trust James with my life! I wanted to trust you.”
I wish I could emphasize that last line more. Clover is making an extraordinarily hard choice. He’s choosing loyalty to Ironwood over his partnership and relationship with Qrow. Because he trusts Ironwood more. This isn’t a character failing, it’s just tragic.
And with that last line I think he feels that Qrow betrayed Ironwood as well and, by effect, him. Because if Qrow had just listened to Ironwood’s plan and given himself up, none of this would have happened. But now that Qrow’s gone rouge, so to speak, he has to see him as an enemy. He has to use tactics to lure him to cooperate. Clover wanted to trust Qrow too. And at the end, like a lot of other trusting partnerships this volume, it ended in a loss of that trust. Also Qrow breaking Clover’s aura after the Ace Op has Tyrian on the ropes is SO. GODDAMN. PAINFUL. And when Qrow sees that Clover’s willing to follow these orders, he probably thinks he’ll follow any, and likely why he sees this as a betrayal. Because he’s used to that which i will discuss next time thank you.
What makes this scene so poignant, what makes me realize Qrow’s next arc is going to tie into what Clover left for him, is because Qrow likely understands exactly what Clover was going through. Once upon a time he defended Oz. He ran Oz’s missions. He put those priorities first. He bet his life on this fight. And in the end he didn’t even know the truth of what he was fighting for. Oz lied to him (Yes, I understand why). Meanwhile this whole season has been built on the prospect of lies. Qrow knows the cost of blind trust. He’s trying to tell Clover to listen to his conscience, not silence it. He’s trying to tell him to do the right thing.
And at the end, Clover seems to do just that by telling him, infuriatingly, “good luck.” Not just in the broader sense, although what an absolute madlad. But in the sense that he understands why Qrow chose that path. Why Qrow made that decision to refuse arrest although I’d be hella pissed about him teaming up with Tyrian! tho Why you done did me like that, bruh?!.
Clover’s telling him, really, to do what Qrow thinks is right. It’s the final note of evidence for my theory. Clover’s spent this season prepping Qrow to have faith in himself, and now it’s Qrow’s turn to realize that potential. It’s a blessing, really, that he gives him. To finish what he started.
And Qrow clearly keeps Clover’s charm. Because he’s carrying on Clover’s legacy too, and the mistakes that may have been made along the way. He has to remedy them. And this isn’t the only instance of a “baton pass” between these two. If Qrow is in search of a new legacy (which, truth be told, might involve bringing Ironwood down), then he needs a new team to do it with. And, as it’s been stated countless times by this show, he isn’t the waste of space he say he is and it is a damn shame he doesn’t have a new team yet.
Which brings me to my final desperate reach point.
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“What would you guys do without me?”
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itsclydebitches · 4 years ago
I’ve been seeing an uptick in “anti-RWDE” posts lately  — which is a phenomenon I’d like to comment on at a later date  — but for now one of them (quite unintentionally) made me realize something about the finale that I haven’t seen others discuss yet. 
So RWBYJNOR saves everyone, right? Let’s just put aside the animation for a moment  — which didn’t show any army members making it out  — as well as the forgotten side characters  — Maria, Pietro, Qrow’s group isn’t forgotten, but still left behind  — and take things on good faith here. We’ll read the finale through the thematic intention: RWBYJNOR saved “everyone” in the Kingdom of Atlas in Volume 8, deliberately contrasting them with Ironwood who was willing to sacrifice a chunk of the Kingdom in Volume 7. Forget all the messiness and just accept that regardless of the consequences  — like a destroyed Kingdom and a “dead” team  — the heroes are heroic because they didn’t give into a “lesser evil” thinking and managed to save everyone. 
Now, how was that possible? 
Let’s go back to the beginning of the seventh episode of Volume 8, “War.” Salem’s grimm have just burrowed through Atlas’ defenses and taken them out. The shields are gone. She flies Monstra into the fields and releases an army of darkness that immediately heads for the city. What’s the very first thing Ironwood does? 
Soldier: Yes, sir?
Ironwood: I am evacuating all citizens to the subway. Prepare Manta Squad Omega, and dispatch to every part of Atlas.
Soldier: But sir-
Ironwood: Now!
He evacuates the people, with “the people” meaning all the Atlesians and however many Mantle folk got to the city prior to Salem’s arrival. When this episode aired I mentioned being confused as to why the soldier was so hesitant. Why wouldn’t you want the people to get to safety when a grimm army is heading their way? Fans against Ironwood took the soldier’s side, claiming that Mountain Glenn proved that any underground evacuation is a death sentence and thus he obviously doesn’t really care about the peoples’ safety. Fans in support of/neutral towards Ironwood pointed out that this is a pretty big leap, no one is coming up with a better idea for what he should do instead, and that within these circumstances it reads like the soldiers is illogically against this idea simply because everyone is against Ironwood now. The show wants characters criticizing his decisions and making him out to look like a crazed dictator... even during moments when it doesn’t make any sense to be upset with him. Shooting the councilman yes, trying to keep the people safe no. Basically, this small exchange was a mess, but the rest of the volume proved that this was a sound call. The subway never collapsed and no grimm ever made it to that enclosed space to pick the civilians off like fish in an underground barrel. 
So, why didn’t that happen? Well, one answer is because Oscar and Ozpin destroyed the whale. But how did they have time to do that? Without the people dying while they were being tortured, talking to Hazel, escaping with Emerald, fighting Salem, etc.? A lot happened between Salem starting her attack and Oscar ending it, so why wasn’t 2/3rds of the Kingdom’s population decimated during that time? 
Because Ironwood sent his army out to keep the grimm occupied. 
Outside of Ironwood’s cartoon villain actions  — random murders and bomb threats  — which get the most attention due to how deliberately, over-the-top horrific they are, these are the two actions that get the most negative attention from both the story and the fanbase. The soldier seems horrified by the order to evacuate. Marrow is devastated that young adults are fighting in this battle. The fandom is disgusted by both aspects of Ironwood’s character: giving orders that, as general, he expects to be obeyed and having an army that follows those orders. Putting side that cartoon villainy, this is what supposedly makes Ironwood the antagonist here. These are the qualities that have existed since Volume 2, resulting in a “he was always a bad guy” interpretation. These are the qualities that have resulted in anyone who likes his character being labeled as a “bootlicker.” We know these qualities make the fandom hate him because otherwise, more people would be confused as to why a presumably heroic character randomly shot Oscar. Orders, armies, and general military associations are at the heart of Ironwood’s presumed villainy. 
So let’s remove them. 
Ironwood has no evil army. Ironwood gives no evil orders. Power and control lies solely in the hands of our non-military heroes. Everything is better! 
...well, no. Because we saw in Volume 8 precisely the choices our heroes made when the attack started: half of them focused on saving a single individual (Oscar) and the other half kept to the sidelines. At no point did our RWB group act after sending the message and prior to securing the Staff. AKA, during the attack of Salem’s army. We got a very explicit moment in which Ruby looked out the window at the battle going on and turned away from it, continuing to discuss ethics instead of joining the fight. The people of Atlas (which, again, includes many Mantle citizens) had no one but Ironwood and his army because a third of the group was trying to rescue Oscar (they never even had a plan to blow up Monstra — that was also Ironwood), a third of the group was up in Amity, and a third was sitting in the mansion. They did nothing to help the people of Atlas being attacked by grimm. 
Thus, if you remove Ironwood’s actions, everything goes to hell. There is no longer an order to evacuate to the subway. Maybe some people go there anyway. Most probably don’t. They run in a panic wherever they can. Hide wherever they can. Go back home for some semblance of safety. 
There’s no longer an army. Either it doesn’t exist because we’ve determined it’s simplistically bad despite RWBY’s grimm-specific context, or Ironwood likewise never gives the order to protect Atlas’ border. Salem’s army moves unimpeded through the city, killing countless people as it goes. How do we know? Because they’re civilians who can’t defend themselves and there’s literally no one else to help. Remember: Ironwood is not giving orders, there is no army, RWB is in the mansion, YJOR is in the whale, Penny is out of commission, the Happy Huntresses are in Mantle. Those in Atlas are entirely alone. In time, Oscar destroys the whale, but by then it’s too late. There’s no concrete way to theorize how many have died, but it’s inevitably a lot. Everyone else is scatted across the city, trying to survive. 
So this scene 
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no longer exists. 
When the group gets the Staff and creates portals for “everyone” to escape through, Mantle is ready to go. They’ve gotten everyone into the crater and can funnel them straight to Vacuo. Atlas, however, is in chaos. When Jaune enters the subway there’s only a few people there, many of which may be wounded or dying. He’s right back where he started, in Mantle at the beginning of Volume 8: needing to go door-to-door to find where people have hidden themselves, trying to convince them all to follow him (remember Oscar commenting to Ozpin about how difficult that was?). Except now, he and Nora are the only ones trying to get people to safey, the city is filled with far more grimm, a significant amount of time has passed for people to be killed or injured (making evacuating them even harder, both due to injuries and an unwillingness to leave hurt/dead/missing loved ones behind), he’s trying to convince these panicking people to go through magic portals, not just walk to a crater, and he’s aware that there’s a very short time limit for this task. 
Jaune returns in a panic of his own, explaining how difficult it will be to get that 2/3rds of the Kingdom to Vacuo. How many are already dead. Barricaded. Missing. Closeup on Ruby looking horrified, but then she rallies. They can do it. Atlas is falling, but residual dust gives them just enough time to find, calm, and evacuate those people. They’re heroes after all. Beating the odds is what they do. 
Then Cinder attacks. 
Suddenly, the group can’t evacuate people because they’re trying to keep themselves safe from her. Maybe Cinder gets the powers because Jaune was off looking for civilians, leaving Penny without a mercy kill. Maybe Nora dies because she’s still trying to help people on the city that plows into the one below. Regardless of how details might change, they’re not getting a spread out, decimated population through those portals before Cinder changes the wish and makes them disappear.  
In this version, the story starts with Ironwood wanting to sacrifice 1/3rd of the population to save 2/3rds and the future of the war. It ends with 2/3rds of the population dying instead. 
This is what I mean when I say the majority of the fandom wants to view a very complex situation through a ridiculously simple lens. The fandom wants to denounce every bit of RWBY’s fictionalized military, the context issues of that aside. The story wants to paint RWBYJNOR as the only heroes, in part because they succeeded in saving everyone (“everyone”) in the Kingdom when Ironwood gave up. 
But they only managed to save everyone because of Ironwood. Because he kept fighting for his people to the bitter end. This is why, though his horrific actions obviously exist in the story, they make no sense (he’ll threaten to kill his people so he can... save his people?) and mess up what little is working in the finale. The story wants us to celebrate the group for evacuating Mantle and Atlas, but the Atlas evacuation would not have happened if not for Ironwood’s actions  — the actions that are ignored in favor of having Winter blame him for everything and then killing him off. The rescue of “everyone” was very much a joint effort. RWBYJNOR’s win is not actually a contrast to Ironwood’s intended sacrifice, for the simple reason that their win depended entirely on Ironwood’s actions. 
If we’re going to celebrate the group getting everyone to safety, we should probably also celebrate the guy who got them all to an easy evacuation point and ensured they weren’t eaten before then. Does that mean Ironwood never did anything wrong? Of course not. As established, the story went out of its way to make him into a villain. Rather, it means that other parts of the story failed to maintain that black and white view, complicating the heroism of RWBYJNOR in the process. If we want Ironwood to be incapable of heroic action, always the bad guy, nothing good to say about him whatsoever... then we likewise need to accept that the group is rather unheroic in many regards too. That, on their own, they would have failed to save everyone, just as Ironwood’s plan failed to save everyone at the end of Volume 7. Because they chose their friend over a kingdom. Because they sat around in a mansion. Because by the time they took action again and tried to escape, without Ironwood’s help they would have lost a larger majority than they originally insisted be saved. 
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osir-ethria · 4 years ago
My head canon for Atlas/Mantle if Team RWBY wins the fight against Salem. Maybe others have said this but maybe I’m the first, I’d have to check but I tend to just write what comes to mind and I like the ideas I come up with. You may not agree with me and that’s fine.
Winter: General, Winter Maiden, and she’d take on the Schnee name proudly if she’d survive. Gather the rest of the military that she can and along with hunters (gender-neutral term for them) plus the Happy Huntresses and go reclaim the lost land.
Weiss would tag along. Not in the military but a leading power, and maybe since after that and having a direct hand in helping stop Salem the refugees would vote for her to be one of the leaders leading the expedition. Like councilwoman level and would be joined by Robin and Winter as Atlas’s new leaders.
Whitley: I’m sure they would make sure Vale and Beacon is up and running again so once that is done I’d like him to go there. If he is too young still then go to Signal academy to catch up. I’d also like to say he’d get trained by the entire team:
Willow would help him with aura control,
Weiss and Winter would individually help with sword skills and Weiss would help a bit more with understanding the family semblance,
Jaune would help out with sword training as well, Klein can help with changing his diet to befit a huntsman,
Blake teach him how to shoot a gun,
Yang and Winter would teach him the basics of hand-to-hand combat,
Yang would also teach him how to cook along with Ren,
Ren would help him control his emotions in Grimm attack situations and let them be free in safer environments,
Nora would try to counter that with teach him to be free with emotions, Mercury (I want him to become a good guy okay.), Emerald, and Neo would give him an experience to different fighting styles,
Qrow, Tai, and maybe Raven (IDK) would help him understand with a longer lasting expertise in their profession, Oscar would be with him as they train and learn together,
Ruby would teach him how to bake and would help him with weapon design and gear design as in how things work and what would be best to include. She’ll let him do the looks design.
And here is something for me personally because I’m a heavy Whiterose shipper and want it for endgame, but maybe there is something you’ll agree with so you don’t need to take it into account because of Whiterose and rather a nice head canon.
Once everything settles down Ruby is finally able to play video games again and Whitley sees her play them from time to time again. Jacques never allowed him to ‘indulge himself in something so useless’ and he’s rather interested with it. He finally starts hanging around the couch more and Ruby offers him to play, he accepts and he sucks at it. Gets Ruby’s character killed multiple times but he’s rather happy to try it out.
(More Ruby specific) Ruby, Pietro, and some other scientists (I head canon Ruby to be really smart and dumb at the same time, she can go from some new scientific discovery to “Hey Weiss, how long do I microwave mayonnaise for?”) get to work on redesigning the CTC towers so they can link up with other kingdoms even if one falls but it isn’t the best way to do so, and Ruby specifically gets assigned with Pietro to design a satellite. Pietro had his scroll which I’m sure had Amity’s satellite blueprints on it or he knows how it worked so they can get to work right away. Everyone has seen the blueprints and they’d say they’re very impressed, the Schnees, are absolutely in awe at the blueprints. Not because they were designed by ‘a child’ but rather the complexity.
All Schnees are nerds change my mind.
Ruby teaches Whitley, Weiss, and maybe Winter, Summer’s cookie recipe and her favorite variant of it so they can make it for Willow. Weiss likes to make them for Ruby and her team, she adds them to her coffee/tea, and Whitley baked them once for Ruby as an appreciation.
Whitley goes to Ruby whenever he gets into a fight with his sisters as she can relate more being the youngest, Weiss goes to Ruby a lot so she normally hears both of their sides, and gets Winter’s side either from directly talking to her for a different standpoint or from Yang. Winter goes to Yang because she’s the only other older sibling.
Whitley grows to view Weiss more like the way Weiss did with Winter during Beacon but he doesn’t hold back. He is following her around like a puppy at times and would rather stay close, and if he is in Beacon by that time or Weiss leaves to reclaim said lost land and she visits you bet that he will just outright tackle her. And, as guilty as he feels about this, Ruby is his third favorite. Above Winter and Willow. Who’s second you may ask? Klein, need I explain more?
I have a little bit on Weiss and Winter, should I continue another post with them individually? Probably. Need to let the ideas out.
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toooldforfandom-liveblogs · 4 years ago
RWBY V08E01 - Divide
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V8 is here!
Sadly, the hype I had for V7 is nowhere to be found this volume. V7 left me cautious. The way it used social injustice as little more than window dressing while doing nothing to address it was enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth, and has ended up being the only season I didn’t immediately rewatch or seek reactions to it. Hell, I still haven’t listened to the soundtrack.
But, weird issues aside, it’s still RWBY and I’m still excited to watch it so here we are! Let’s do this!
Note: I’ve managed to remain mostly unspoiled with the sole exception of hearing this volume is supposed to take place over two days, so yay?
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Of all the things I expected this season to start with, Cinder's backstory wasn't one of them. That girl is Cinder, right? Cinderella and all that.
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Yyup, Cinder. Wow, seven seasons before giving her a slightly more tangible backstory, maybe to humanize her a bit? Bold strategy, considering everything she's done, let's see how it plays out.
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Neo has to be questioning her choices really hard. I know she's on the revenge path but it's one thing to work with Cinder and another to fly directly into a flying Grimm whale.
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It's interesting that they chose to have a similar intro as in Volume 4, with someone who doesn't quite know what they got into. Back then it was Emerald and Mercury watching the pools of Grimm, now it's Neo walking into a giant whale.
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Neo knows what Cinder is capable of. She's seen her maiden powers first hand. Hell, she knows how charming her personality is. And now she's seeing her kneel before someone. Can't be confidence inspiring.
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Tsk, tsk, Neo, I expected she'd know by now her place in Cinder's ranking.
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oh god no, please not another failed hug
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What's the opposite of a glow up? Because Hazel went through that.
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I'm intrigued. The glimpse of Cinder's past where she was completely powerless and now this dressing down. Is she lying through her teeth right now or does she genuinely believe that since Salem presumably rescued her from her previous life?
Interesting choice to not only hide her eyes behind her hair but to also present her Grimm side to the camera while she's saying this, hiding her expression even further.
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Salem seems more evil than usual, but maybe she's just on the top of the world after having acquired a relic and having her army on Atlas' doorstep.
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I can't quite tell what I'm looking at here. Maybe another angle of Atlas? It looks really weird from the side.
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First faunus with animal hands? I guess Ghira had retractable claws.
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They are looking quite calm considering there's a giant whale in their sky. Unless they can't see it. They are in a hole surrounded by stone after all. But still, it'd be interesting characterization to have them so used to being screwed over by life that they saw the giant whale and went "Huh. I guess it's Tuesday."
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Weiss would definitely know about that.
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I'm curious about the coordination that's been happening behind the scenes. How does she know that's a friendly ship?
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I guess at least some time has passed, since Yang, Blake and Penny aren't with them.
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Very inconspicuous to destroy a droid.
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Not a lot of time though, since Ren is still brooding alone. Very intrigued by the picture in the background.
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Nothing says that the time for silly shenanigans is gone better than this.
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I guess enough people saw Pietro and Maria running around to make them fugitives. On the bright side, it still says "detain," not "kill"
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Ironwood literally shot a child, that's pretty important information to keep secret. Even if he is the child who got shot. How long before this bites someone in the ass?
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I wonder if the couple in the background are the founders of the happy huntresses. The one with the eyepatch looks a lot like Robyn, enough to maybe be her mom?
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Also makes it a lot easier to threaten with overwhelming force to get something from Ironwood but I guess he already gave them up.
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Uuh, I like this.
I thought that after V5 the team wouldn't separate again. And if the season is really going to cover just a couple of days, it almost doesn't count. So, it keeps the all the character development from V4 and V5 (that the team is their home) but gives them enough time to breath on their own.
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It's also interesting that they seeded this during the last season. RWBY has shown some long term planning but this makes all the in-fighting and arguments from the last season make sense.
If they do split up, I think Blake would go with Ruby. She's always been on the pragmatic side of things. And it adds more drama to split her from Yang, last season was all about how well they work together (and flirting). Hopefully this'd mean that she'd talk with Ruby more than once this season.
It looks like Ren is joining team Yang, which would leave Nora with Ruby if only because they seem to need to do their own thing right now. I'm not sure how it'd fit with Nora's interest in Mantle though.
Everyone else I'm not sure about.
Weiss could go either way. Maybe she feels guilty about Mantle or maybe she feels like she could help infiltrate the military compound. Although that could lead her to meet Winter which I doubt she wants right now. Maybe she's too recognizable to help Ruby.
I think Penny is going to go team Yang. Protector of Mantle after all. And it'd make Ruby's arc more interesting to have less of her usual friends next to her.
I feel Oscar would make more sense in the infiltration side of things and warning the world seems like something Ozpin would try to do.
Jaune I have no idea. Maybe whatever team doesn't get Weiss?
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Okay, easy guesses out of the way.
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Oh, honey.
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Yesss, personal feelings.
Damn, she looks incredibly badass.
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I guess Weiss is going with Ruby then.
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This is tense! I actually had a moment of dread the second everyone noticed it was Penny's scroll.
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And Penny just had her remaining faith in Ironwood completely destroyed.
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I can already see this season is going to break my heart again.
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Harriet is literally pouting. Probably pretty humiliating to have been beaten by some academy dropouts.
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Welp, only a human leg left.
Feels pretty on the nose to have him literally lose part of his human body to show how he's been losing his humanity.
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Well, that took a turn.
I'm glad they are taking a possible redemption (other than death) completely off the table for Ironwood. I know shooting Oscar was bad but no one knows about that. There's no way to hide this.
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Those are not the expressions of people thinking "huh, maybe I'm doing the wrong thing here"
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Hm. I guess Oscar is getting kidnapped. By a Grimm?
Is this the first time a RWBY season premiere doesn't have a fight? I think it is, even V5 had Yang punching someone. Not that I'm complaining, I do like talky episodes.
My first thought after the first scene with Salem and company was that there were at least a couple of players not entirely happy with their situation. Cinder is somewhat of a mystery but Neo is way over her head and obviously not happy about being an "asset." Emerald got rebuffed again even after spending two seasons crying for Cinder.
There's a parallel between Salem and Cinder, and Cinder and Emerald I assume is intentional. If Salem rescued Cinder from her Cinderella situation, the similarities would be even more visible, with Cinder giving Emerald a life outside of simple survival. However, while Salem is firm about Cinder's position as a pawn, she does value her. She knows how to play that particular game of emotional give and take. Cinder doesn't. She has never shown Emerald any appreciation. How much further can she push Emerald before she accepts Cinder doesn't care about her?
I'd say Emerald is prime material for turning sides but I wonder... we haven't had a death on the enemies side yet. Even Watts survived. Emerald could be the first. Maybe to show how far gone Cinder is, or as revenge from Neo. And the death of someone who's at least doubting they are in the right place would hit harder that someone who is drinking Salem's kool-aid.
Anyway. I feel this first episode set-up a comparison between all three sides. Salem's forces hate each other, the "good guys" split but they still like and respect each other.
Somehow Salem's downfall (or slowing down?) this volume is going to be tied to the RWBY and JNPR teams working together and trusting each other despite their differences. Which, well, duh, but still.
Ironwood's are a bit more vague, they seem to be solidifying behind him but I'm not sure where it's going yet. Maybe Marrow could defect? Although that still seems like the too-obvious choice. In any case, freeing Qrow and Robyn would be good first step by whoever ends up switching sides.
I'm curious about a lot of things (What's going to be Penny's arc this volume?) but I think that's all for now. Until next time!
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calliecat93 · 4 years ago
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Well... this is late. Several weeks late at that. Stupid life getting in the way. Anyways, yeah due to sickness, dog sickness, the holidays, and everything in between I am three chapters behind on reviews. I am going to do what I can to catch back up before Saturday, starting now. Also since I am behind, this and the next review won’t include a Predictions section since... well, that’s pretty pointless now. On the upside, the wait has given me plenty to think over regarding the past few episodes and get my thoughts sorted out.
So last week we had the team splitting up, Ironwood shooting a man in cold-blood, and Salem sending her Grimm... thing to capture Oscar. A tense, but very well done setup for the volume. So with the tension and stakes already this high, what’s going to happen next? Well... we already know, but let’s talk about it anyways.
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We begin in the Atlas prison, where Qrow, Robyn, Watts, and Jacques are being held. Robyn is understandably pissed off at everything that happened, Jacques tries to shift his blame (even using the famous “I’m a victim!” quote) but is otherwise confident about Whitley bailing him out, and Watts clearly just doesn’t give a damn about anything and is chilling. Qrow however is quiet, merely sitting in the hard light cell and staring at Clover’s badge. Some guards come in and enter Watts’ cell, smacking him with their guns and dragging him out. Qrow also finally talks, having a suggestion on what they can do: kill the man who put them behind bars to begin with. Yeah... 
In Mantle, Atlas is reporting on the going-ons before Joanna takes the mic to inform the people of the plan to head for The Crater. Team JYRO make it to Pietro’s pharmacy and discover what he left for them: three hoverbikes. Yang is especially overjoyed while Oscar I think has developed a fear of flying things. The four work to get a section of people to The Crater, also facing some Grimm in the process. There is one elderly woman however who is uncooperative, wanting to go up to Atlas and not to the slums with a bunch of Faunus. But Yang properly shuts her up by pointing out how Atlas bailed, clearly deciding that they weren’t with while the Faunus are willing to help regardless of if the people deserve it. Yang Xiao Long, Destroyer of Racism.
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Even though the citizens agree to go, it’s still rough. Ren uses his semblance to mask everyone with Jaune amping him up. The old woman is still complaining about the conditions. Oscar, driving behind everyone, is frustrated at how people just can’t cooperate. Boy is THAT the most relatable scene in the current times. Ozpin takes this moment to try talking to him, even apologizing for abandoning him. But Oscar isn’t mad about that, he’s mad that Oz came back, especially since after so long he finally felt like his own person. But Oz reminds him that the merger is still on track, to the dismay of both. Ren is also struggling to keep his Semblance powered up and when Jaune tries to give him a pep talk, he snaps that he just needs to focus, clearly upsetting Jaune.
Meanwhile,, RWBNP have been joined by May in their efforts to break into Atlas. Weiss had an idea on how to do so: via the SDC’s shipping department that sends Dust up to Atlas via tubes. This includes the military facility. As they look for the correct one, Ruby goes to Penny who is understandably upset by what’s happening. Ruby tries to console her regarding the argument with Yang, but Penny is actually hurt by Winter, Ironwood, and the others fighting against them as they were their friends. She also feels guilty as she is now even more than just the Protector of Mantle and is still clearly hurt by ironwood’s words last chapter. Ruby assures her that Ironwood was only trying to hurt her and that they are doing good. It helps some, but not to the extent that we’d normally see. The good news is that they found the tube... and Nora promptly shoots Weiss up it. Whoops.
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Back in Mantle, Fiona has taken over coordinating the evacuations with May gone. JYRO returns with their group, with Fiona and Joanna impressed. Fiona comments that she was concerned due to half their team being gone, which clearly upsets the four. SO much so that Ren walks off in a huff and Yang gets defensive about how they clearly were able to handle it. The Faunus welcome the refugees and the Happy Huntresses and others are doing their best to get everyone settled. We earn see Fiona’s uncle, who was the man who gave Oscar soup last chapter. A call comes in about a Grimm attack, so Team JYRO go to deal with it. It goes well at first, but more Grimm begin to come in... at least, that is, until they suddenly retreat. Much to the confusion of the others.
Before anyone can contemplate on it, the Grimm from last time that we now know is called The Hound attacks Oscar. It very quickly grabs him, beats him up to the point of breaking his Aura, and knocks him out. Yang tries to help, but to her shock The Hound uses Oscar as a human shield. It easily faces Jaune and Ren as well, with all of them confused as the Grimm are usually not this smart. Ren demands The Hound release Oscar... but to the group’s utter horror the Hound says “N”. yeah, you read that right. The Hound talked. It gets worse as it sprouts wings, the black ooze landing on Oscar as the Hound’s whole body contorts in a gruesome matter. It grabs Oscar and flies off. JYR are all understandably shocked, but give chase as the episode ends.
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Two chapters in, and already things have gone to Hell. At least Volume 6 gave them one triumphant moment in Chapter 1 before piling on the ‘Oh Crap’. This volume is holding back zero punches people... and I love it!
This is a natural follow-up to the premiere and was paced very well. It covers both the things we didn’t see last time, and shows us the progress of the events set in motion. We see what has happened to Robyn and Qrow. We see how the evacuations are being handled. We have both sets of heroes well underway of their objectives. And of course we have The Hound succeeding in capturing Oscar. It’s a lot of things, but nothing felt rushed or crammed in just for the sake of getting it over with. It all felt natural and exactly what we needed to see. Like I said, holding back zero punches.
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One thing I really enjoyed about this is seeing more of the Happy Huntresses. Probably one criticism I have about Volume 7 is how only Robyn, and to a lesser degree Fiona, got any real characterization of the group. We saw they were effective, but otherwise Robyn’s companions just kind of... existed. But now with her in jail, it allows the three to really shine. Joanna is a no-nonsense woman more or less now taking charge, but also friendly to her companions as we saw with her complimenting Fiona. May is sassy and confident as well as quite useful with her Invisibility Semblance, and it’s real cool to see her teaming up with RWBNP. We already know that Fiona is a cutie, but we see how she’s organizing the masses and more or less coordinating settling people in, which as we learn she’s from the slums makes sense. I’ve really enjoyed seeing more of these three, and it really helps make them feel like actual characters and not just there to fill out Robyn’s team.
Speaking of Robyn, we have the prison scene, and it’s as glorious as I was hoping. Her telling off Jacques for his part in all of this was perfection. Of course Jacques tries to shift blame, but still. Watts not giving a single damn about anything was also freakin’ great. But then there’s Qrow... oh golly Qrow. As expected, e\he’s not doing okay due to Clover dying but... him wanting t kill Ironwood makes me... worried. Oh don’t get me wrong, with the path he’s heading Ironwood dying is probably going to be necessary. IDK if I necessarily want it, but I can’t say he hasn’t brought it upon himself. I just don’t think that would do Qrow any good at all, especially because it would be out of revenge and not for the good of Mantle or Remnant. It’s him slipping into that Branwen bandit mentality, and that is NOT a path that will lead him anywhere good. I’m worried, but hopefully whatever happens will do good for Qrow and his mental state.
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Then we have Team JYRO and Team RWBNP. First, it was really nice to have some humor in this one. While everything is super tense, we really need some levity so it doesn’t become overly depressing, RWBY loves feels, but it’s never been one to go grimdark and serious every waking moment either. I mean gosh, Weiss getting sucked up the tube in and of itself is one of the funniest scenes they’ve had in a while, especially with Kara Eberle’s perfect high-pitched scream and Nora’s reaction. Moments like Blake teasing Weiss about her family owning everything, Yang’s reaction to he bikes, Oscar likely never wanting to fly again after riding with Yang al made me giggle and was a nice break from the tension, especially when the end brought it roaring back.
But at the same time, it’s clear that the tension is very much there. We see how defensive Yang gets with Fiona’s comment, and how bitter Nora is about her disagreement with Ren. Speaking of Ren, we see how he’s more snappy and closed off he’s becoming, the seeds planted last volume now coming into bloom. Despite how evacuations are going smoothly so far, the sense of looming doom and desperation is very much present. The Grimm horde is unrelenting and the people are scared, upset, and uncooperative. Yeah, despite the situation, we see an old woman unable to but her biases aside and just complains about the slums instead of being in the more cushiony Atlas, who as Yang points out, left them for dead. And the woman STILL complains during the trek to the slums. Needless to say especially after this year, Oscar’s annoyance is VERY understandable. 
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But speaking of Oscar, we see a lot of parallels with him and Penny here. Both are struggling with their sense of identity and self-worth. Both are now something greater than they ever imagined, but struggling with the sense of responsibility and what it means for them. Oscar finally began to feel like his own person again. He felt like he was crating his own identity and like he was finally being seen as well... him. And I agree, especially since I had complained before how it felt like Oscar didn’t have an identify up to last volume. Penny of course is struggling with her feelings and wanting to be seen as a real girl. How the people she trusted like Ironwood and Winter have turned on them and personally hurt her. How she’s now the Winter Maiden and not just the Protector of Mantle and worried that she’s hurting more people than helping, especially since she now has the responsibility of protecting everyone. 
Sadly. things aren’t going their way. Oscar is still on the track of merging with Ozpin, and has no idea who he’ll be at the end of it. Penny is a Maiden, burden with tremendous responsibility that will not only prevent her form doing what she wants. but continue to restrict her identity. It’s just... sad when you think about it. These are two kids who just want to have their lives, but they can’t and it’s all due to circumstances beyond their control. Oscar got zero say in bonding with Ozpin and had to abandon his life for the greater good. Penny had to take the Maiden powers to keep it away from Cinder. Seeing them both lament on this is just... heartbreaking. But at least Penny has Ruby to comfort her. Sure it doesn’t help too much, but Ruby is still there as support. Oscar has no one but Ozpin, and he can’t really do much to help the kid at this point. Oscar has to burden it alone, and that’s especially true when we get to the end.
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That brings us to The Hound. So... I freakin’ love this monster, even though it terrifies me. It is legit creepy. The way it contorts and shifts it’s body, that gross lack goo oozing all over like blood. It hasn’t topped The Apathy for ‘Scariest Grimm’, but it’s certainly up there. But what’s even scarier is that it is intelligent. Now we know that Grimm CAN be smart, Oobleck gave us a whole lesson on it in Volume 2. But we’ve never, EVE R seen a Grimm this intelligent before. Not only did it throw JYR off by using Oscar deliberately as a shield, but if you look closely you can see it in other shots clearly watching Oscar. It was on the hunt, watching and observing until the moment to strike came. And, of course, it was able to talk. While IDT Jason Liebrecht doing the voice is as significant as others say (likely they wanted to distinguish from William Orendorff’s voice and Jason was available, it has nothing to do with Qrow), the fact that a Grimm who isn’t Salem can talk, even if briefly, is horrifying.
There have been a lot of theories going around since the episode aired. Many believe that the Grimm used to be human, which I agree with. The most popular candidate for who is Summer... which I’m more mixed about. On the one hand, it just feels unnecessarily cruel especially to Ruby and I personally am not 10% sure if I’d like that happening. On the other hand it would be a horrifying tragic twist that would greatly affect Ruby (not to mention Yang and the remains of Team STRQ) and raise a LOT of questions about what happened in between Summer’s ‘death’ and now. Still I’m not fully convinced it’s her. nut I’m not fully against it depending on how it’s played out. But I do agree that it is most likely a former human, and considering Cinder is a human well on her way on becoming a Grimm... yeah...
Chapter Stats
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Favorite Character: Happy Huntresses Favorite Scene: The Hound vs. Team JYRO Least Favorite Scene: Umm... IDK, the Atlas reporter maybe? Favorite Voice Actor: Kdin Jenzen (May Marigold) Favorite Animation: The Hound’s contorting body Rating: 9.9/10
Final Thoughts
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It was a tough job following up the premiere, but this chapter succeeded in keeping everything on track. It as funny, it was insightful, it was scary, it was... everything! The stakes continue to feel high, yet nothing feels forced or rushed. We have good glimpses at certain characters mindsets, the plot is continuing to push forward, the dead is strong yet still has room of some fun stuff, and the end fight is both awesome and sets up a LOT of tension as we continue forward. Like i said, the volume is not holding back. I’m still terrified about everything upcoming, but if the volume continues with this kind of quality (which having seen 3 and 4 I know they are), then we are in for one Hell of a fantastic volume~
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flightofaqrow · 4 years ago
Favorite Musings Challenge!
As writers, we’re usually our own worst enemy. However, there are times where we just read over something we wrote and acknowledge “Oh…that’s good.” and you may or may not end up restructuring the whole reply to fit that one line just cause it was so good, and you spend hours trying to make it work haha…ha.
Anyways, go through a few of your threads/replies/drabbles/any piece of writing you got. Pick out 5 of your favorite lines that you’ve written for your character(s), and in turn tag 5 (or however many others you want) to do the same!
Repost, don’t reblog. And I’m linking my threads to where these lines came from but you don’t have to do that!
tagged by: @caeloservare ( ty sm ;w; )
tagging: @scatterose​  @veritasqui​ @brokenclockwork​ @esperhuntress​ @sundragcn​ @littleblackqrow​
I’m doing more because I wanted different facets displayed and I couldn’t choose, and I actually really like a lot of what I put out or I wouldn’t be here, so let me have a moment to promo myself I guess.
he doesn’t deserve to live.
but he never has. not really. a curse to himself and everyone around him.
and yet live he does.
qrow branwen. the huntsman.
since before Ruby and before Yang and before Ozpin and STRQ and despite Raven and anybody else, qrow has always lived and always survived, and always tried to outweigh the good he does in the world with that life from the bad, even if he makes a mess of it at times. he will fight to the bitter end to protect people, because that’s his job, and that’s who he is.
he gets up when knocked down. he builds things knowing they may fall. he takes flight when things feel too heavy. he reaches out for hope when sky is full of flames and clouds. he makes himself more capable when the odds stack against him. he insists on remaining motivated by compassion when the world is cruel.
Yang has been accepted to beacon. Ruby will be joining her in early acceptance.
they’re going to huntresses. they’re going to join the war against Salem, under Oz, and they don’t even realize exactly what they’re signing up for besides some vague notion of, heh… making the world better.
in some ways he believes it’s not even possible. in some ways it must be, because those girls sure as hell make his world better at least.
this isn’t how it’s supposed to feel.
his head yells loudly that this shouldn’t be a surprise, he taught them for this very reason; he taught them well; he did all he could to prepare them, and it’s fine, it’s probably fine; he should be proud, encouraging. his heart knows the more they’re built up the more there is to lose; the better they are the more dangerous the whole world becomes, and that world has more to lose too, and it’s not fine, it’s not fine at all when beautiful children born on a beautiful, peaceful island have to take up arms as if they should have to earn their place in this life with violence. if he’s being honest, he wants better for them. always has.
truth hits him via the throb of vasodilation. pounding him from inside out like a headache, like a heartache.
there is no soothing burn in his throat like anger he can turn into a weapon to point at threats, other than what he’s already been fighting. there is only love for his nieces, his family, fear of history repeating itself as rose petals drift away in the wind, never to return. and there is every reason he fights clawing in the pit of his stomach trying to tear apart every shred of hope he has left like his own personal grimm. he can love all he wants, but he cannot protect them from choosing their own path, even it follows all of his generation in bloody footprints.
he can barely claim allowance to feel this way. he’s not their father. and he’s too chicken shit to even go to the man who is and talk this out and commiserate.
he can only watch.
at least that’s something he’s good at.
qrow stretches himself out in the corner of a great big wooden frame at the top of beacon tower. work done, report given, he sinks into the windowsill to stay awhile. he watches the students coming and going down in the courtyard (happy and giggling under a cloudless sky - helping each other and teaching each other); listens to the scratch of Ozpin’s pen on paperwork; smells and tastes the whiskey from his flask; basks in the burn of it and the sun’s rays streaming in.
everything is beautiful, so beautiful from up here, in a place doing so much good. 
it’s terrifying.
peace. a fragile thing, holding steady for now, like the glass he leans on.
but, oh, how easy it would be for one wrong move to make it shatter.
he scoots just the tiniest bit away and frowns, long limbs carefully curling in around themselves.
somehow even when Clover can see it, he’s not nearly as harsh of a judge as qrow is on himself. he struts right up and into that darkness with him, unafraid, unashamed, eyes never breaking their lock with his own. his gaze is not piercing like a point into his soul; no, it is worse. it is open and wide and forgiving, like the full spread of a hot meal on a dinner table after a cold night; it does not intrude, but beckons, calls qrow out and asks for him to step into the offered space all on his own.
Clover reminds him how to be seen, and how to be close, and how to balance strength and weakness. even as he holds him, he still watches him. like the man casts some damn sort of spotlight, or a searchlight in the night qrow couldn’t ever outrun even if he wanted to.
qrow can’t stand those scrutinizing eyes.
…because it means Clover cares.
he is not used to that much light in his life.
he is very used to lights going out around him.
he somehow always chooses to hold on to that light as long as he can, as he does now - head resting in the curve of Clover’s shoulder, spine straight in his embrace, pressure on his feet lighter. he will follow it, and fight for it, and dare himself to hope the world can be better if people can just
Clover could do it. he had every capability, desire, and permission. he could do it over, and over, and deeper and deeper, and qrow would become every bit as addicted to it as his tendencies would have him cling. qrow wouldn’t stop him. not keep him from running into a burning, collapsing building ill-equipped to build a home of, if that is what he chose to do.
but qrow is a vagabond, even if no longer a spy. he is chaotic weaponry, cheap tactics, feral feathers, meant to be unbound and unburdened. he cannot invite him in. he cannot, in good faith, make tender promises to the poster child of the atlas military.
his mind is already a pinwheel, calculating and recalculating based on the briefest of interactions. how to not ask too much of this person. how to keep Ruby safe while still trying to get help or at least information for her. he knows how to pluck gently at small pieces until they come together, drop pebbles into a glass carefully until the water rises to the top.
it’s not raven’s hands that give her away, but her eyes. eyes so familiar in appearance and expression he may as well be looking in a mirror. that’s how it had always been. had been.
all the barbed wire around his heart squeezes, and he can’t help but wonder if it’s another trap.
but no matter the anger, no matter how he wants to turn and run himself, to fly off into the distance and just forget her forever, that would also fly in the face of everything he stands for - everything Oz fought for, and Oscar promotes in his stead: sit down and talk.
…and if he’s honest, carrying around the hole in his heart where his sister belongs hurts worse than letting her fill it right back up with blades of betrayal ever could.
qrow finds comfort in some change right about now, meandering the streets, satiating wanderlust in his down time, with few other idle desires left to choose fulfillment from. distraction through exploration.
he notes more bars than bookstores around these blocks.
qrow hangs his head, holds onto the familiar weight of Harbinger on his back, and newly-shined black boots kick an empty bottle on the sidewalk out of his way.
just keep walking, qrow. obstacle by obstacle, step by step.
keep moving forward.
qrow cries because there’s nothing left to do, and nowhere left to hide, and this is what life is like. thinking. feeling. caring. crawling out from his hiding places and into an intensity he’s never known. like he’s been dim-witted his whole forty years on this planet and only now understands what it means to be bright. so bright it burns more than any whiskey or abrasion or scathing look or cruel name he’s ever had.
nothing slows and it doesn’t stop, and he can’t keep the tears from falling just like his heart sinks. he cries like he’s trying to fill that broken bottle right back up, but that’s not possible now, there’s no structure, no end point for that pain, and sometimes you just have to let the broken parts go.
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idiot-with-a-cat-pen · 5 years ago
Day 2: Date
look, I was going to write for the domestic prompt, but 2 hours ago I scrapped that and did this instead. So if you like red string of fate soulmate aus (but forced love? not in this house) you’re in luck.
also on ao3 here.
Blake sits down on the park bench and raises her thermos to her lips, crossing one leg over the other. It’s been a long day of forcibly trapping Penny, Weiss, and Ruby into places where they have no choice but to talk to each other, which was made even harder when they cut a hole in the wall of their room instead. After all of the trouble she and Yang went to, she’s happy to have some time to relax and not worry about matchmaking. For today, anyway.
A cold wind blows past her, and she tries to shrink into her fluffy scarf. Her too-sensitive Faunus ears pick up the sound of every leaf skittering across the cement, and she starts to wonder if this was a good idea. On most days, she can deal with the noise, but after hearing the combined screeching of Weiss and Ruby, she really wants to give her ears a break.
The sound of a boot crunching the fallen leaves makes her turn. Clover walks to another park bench, his back mostly to her. He sits down with a loud sigh that anyone, human or Faunus, could pick up at this distance.
Blake pulls out her Scroll and types a message to Yang. Guess who just showed up at the park?
Her soulmate’s response is fast and in all caps, as usual. CLOVER.
How’d you know?
The black-haired Huntress sighs, setting her thermos down next to her. It’s been hours, Yang. You have to let them out soon or they’ll starve. You know what happens when Weiss misses a meal.
Blake snorts and puts her Scroll away, looking back at Clover. He’s pulled a bag of what looks like birdseed out of his pocket and has started feeding the crows. She shakes her head. It seems like a very Clover thing to do, but it’s still strange to see.
Clover turns to one of the crows and starts talking. Blake raises an eyebrow. She’s not necessarily surprised, (see previous note about very Clover things to do) but she wonders if…
“I’m a genius,” Blake mutters, yanking out her Scroll again. She messages Yang even faster than before. Send Uncle Qrow. This is a Code Birb.
Minutes later, a crow soars from behind Blake to join the flock in what looks to her like a pretty inconspicuous move. She doesn’t remember what excuse they came up with to get Qrow to fly out here without question, but it must be a good one.
Blake pauses. Normally, she wouldn’t want to spy, but- who is she kidding, she always wants to spy. Careful to leave a clone of herself on the bench, Blake stands up and sneaks over, praying that a stray leaf won’t touch her clone. Just to be safe, she sets herself up one bench down, confident that her ears will be able to pick up whatever conversation occurs.
“...and I don’t know if he’s my soulmate or anything, because I’m pretty sure- well, anyway, I was going to ask him on a date, but do you think I should?” Clover pauses. “Wait, no. I’m talking to crows.”
“You totally should,” Blake hisses, maybe just a little too loud. Clover jerks around for a second, but finds no one. He does see her clone on the bench, so he leans closer to the crow and lowers his voice. Sometimes, she’s glad she has the cat ears, and this is one of those times.
“I feel like a teenager doing this, but I’m practicing on you, okay?” Clover whispers to the crows.
Blake has to resist rolling her eyes. There are some things that she’d expect him to do, but this is on a whole other level of… interesting.
“Uh… hi, Qrow,” Clover says. “I was just wondering if- well, the Mantle Fair is tonight, if…”
He starts waffling again, and Blake sighs. The Mantle Fair does sound interesting, though. Maybe she’ll get her team (and Penny, of course) to come along.
Finally, Clover finishes. “I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? As a date?”
She doesn’t know how, but Blake suddenly knows what’s going to happen. A millisecond after she realizes it, the lone crow sitting on the bench with Clover disappears in a little puff of feathers.
Qrow looks back at Clover, his arms crossed as he lounges on the bench. “I think you might need a little more practice with that one, Lucky Charm.” He waits a second to finish as if he enjoys making it more dramatic than it needs to be, which he probably does. “And sure, I’d love to.”
Clover falls off the bench.
The Mantle Fair is much larger than Blake expected, but she’s not complaining. More time at the fair means more time for ships. She walks next to Yang, still wearing her fluffy scarf as she follows behind the rest of the group.
Ren and Nora split off early once Nora catches sight of a whack-a-mole game. An earsplitting crash follows, but Blake doesn’t turn around. She knows Nora well enough to not have to.
Another of the icy winds that Blake’s learned are common in Mantle rushes through the fairgrounds, making everyone shiver. Weiss turns to Ruby. “Hey, Ruby, I’m kind of… cold.”
Qrow looks back from where he leads the group with Clover. “The Ice Queen? Cold?”
“Hey!” Weiss looks ready to murder him, but Penny and Ruby hold her back as the silver-eyed Huntress takes off her hood and puts it on Weiss’s shoulders. The second Penny lifts the red hood over Weiss’s head, she flushes until her otherwise pale face resembles a tomato.
Blake feels a shiver pass through her too and says to Yang, “I’m cold too.”
Yang pauses where she walks. “NOT ON MY DAMN WATCH.” In the blink of an eye, her eyes turn red and her hair lights up with a bright golden fire. A few people scream, but Blake can’t help but laugh as she edges closer to her girlfriend and the warmth she provides.
Ruby, Weiss and Penny leave the group for one of the water gun games, leaving Yang and Blake far behind Qrow and Clover. Blake shoots Yang a look, and they pick up their pace until they’re much closer.
Finally, Qrow and Clover stop at a fishing game. Yang whispers to Blake, “Should we really be surprised, or…?”
“No, we shouldn’t,” Blake laughs, leading Yang by the hand to the test-your-strength contest next to the fishing booth. “I-”
A loud shriek echoes around the fair. Blake whips around to find Penny, Ruby, and Weiss staring at their hands. She knows by the way their gazes find each other’s that they must have had the red string appear between them.
Blake glances down at her own red string, which connects her pinky finger to Yang’s. She looks up again at her soulmate, who’s also watching the three Huntresses scream.
Penny tackles Weiss and Ruby in what might just be the world’s deadliest group hug, considering how Crescent Rose is on Ruby’s back. Blake and Yang high-five each other before they remember their next objective.
“Clover, that’s cheating,” Qrow laughs as Clover flicks his pin and hooks one of the plastic fish.
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” Clover responds, giving him a wink as the disgruntled booth owner hands him a huge plushie that looks suspiciously like Zwei. “This was all skill.”
“Kiss, kiss, fall in looooove,” Yang whispers to Blake.
Blake stifles a laugh. She’s not wrong, though. If Qrow and Clover fall in love, their soulmate string is sure to appear. Of course, she could be completely wrong, and they might not be soulmates at all. But she’s never wrong. Not about these things, at least.
Clover turns and hands the Zwei lookalike to Qrow, who can barely wrap his arms around it. Their eyes meet, and Blake nearly squeaks when she sees the sheer emotion in Clover’s eyes. That’s love for sure. But what about Qrow?
Yang shouts in triumph and accepts the Beowolf plushie that the booth owner gives her. She turns to Blake and is about to offer it to her when she sees the distracted look in her girlfriend’s eyes.
“Give me a second,” Blake says to Yang, hoping her apology makes it into her tone. She hurries towards the other side of Qrow and Clover, trying not to be too suspicious.
Her Scroll rings in her pocket as she approaches them, and Blake answers it without a second thought. “Keep me updated,” Yang says over the line.
“Sure,” Blake replies as she gets in position behind Clover so she can see Qrow’s face. She raises the Scroll as close to her mouth as she can and whispers, “He’s blushing.”
“Clover is too, this is not a drill.”
“I give it three seconds.”
“We’ll see.”
From her current angle, Blake can’t see much, so she edges just a little more to the side. A certain kind of understanding passes between Qrow and Clover that she recognizes all too well.
Together, the two look down at their hands. Blake can’t see the string, but she knows it’s there by the way Qrow lifts his hand in wonder and stares at his pinky finger.
“Please let the string be red,” Yang says over the phone.
Right. Red for romance, white for friendship. “Pink is better,” Blake replies.
They don’t get to know whether or not it’s red, white, or pink, but Blake’s pretty sure it’s safe to assume it’s not white. Not after the looks on their faces before and after the string appeared.
As if to confirm her thoughts, Clover surges forward and kisses Qrow, almost causing him to drop the toy. Blake leans to the side so she can meet Yang’s gaze as they both smirk.
When Qrow wraps his arms around Clover’s neck, Blake starts to leave, her work done. They separate before she makes it to Yang.
“I never thought I’d be able to…” Qrow trails off and shakes his head and leans back towards Clover, seemingly unable to find words. “I love you, Lucky Charm.”
“I love you too,” Clover responds, leaning in to kiss him again.
Blake and Yang share another high-five before they walk off, satisfied with their day’s work. First Penny, Weiss, and Ruby, and now Qrow and Clover.
“You know, we still have to beat Salem and all, but I’m pretty happy with what we have now,” Yang says to her as they walk off.
Blake nods. “It’s enough.” She wraps her hand around Yang’s.
By the way she knows Qrow and Clover are looking at each other, they think so too.
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albion-93 · 5 years ago
Cake & Consolations
Short story inspired by @littlemisssquiggles, hope you enjoy!
            The days came and went quickly in the cold northern latitudes of the kingdom of Atlas. The sun often set as early as 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and naturally the freezing tundra winds swept into the lower city. Atlas had low-level shield technology to keep the worst of the considerable cold out, but down in Mantle it was either dress warm or freezing to death. This risk didn’t seem to faze Oscar Pine, who strolled through the streets, indifferent to the urban decay and restlessness around him. He was looking for a familiar shop, and knew that his departure from Atlas Academy via airship would raise alarm bells and eventual reprimand, but he didn’t care. He spotted his destination and quickened his pace, now realising just how cold he was getting, and discretely slid inside beside a tall departing customer before the door shut.
             Inside, the warm orange glow of Pietro Polendina’s shop made Oscar sigh in relief. He stared about for a moment before a warm, hearty voice caught his attention.
“Good evening, Mr Pine! I’m about to close shop for the day but any time is a good time for a friend of my daughter’s,” greeted Pietro as he ‘walked’ towards Oscar and shook his hand firmly but kindly.
“Hello, Pietro, nice to see you too. Honestly, just wanted to see a friendly face,” said Oscar with a faint smile.
“Well, I’m very much obliged,” chuckled the kindly old tech genius, “it’s not so often that I get friendly callers these days, maybe my luck has changed wouldn’t you say, Maria?”
Oscar felt a hard pat on his back, and the boy gave a high yelp of shock before turning to see Maria Calavera. She threw her head back and laughed loud and long, joined by Pietro’s hearty chuckles. Oscar too finally gave a small, if hollow, laugh when the inner tension defused.
“Oh honestly, Oscar,” said Maria as she finally stopped laughing and pulled him in for a hug with one arm, “You scare far too easily. But it’s lovely to see you too.”
“Thanks, Maria,” said Oscar, his brief smile couldn’t mask his morose and lost-looking eyes. Maria immediately picked up on that, but Pietro noticed something else.
“Now hold the phone, where are your friends?”
“It’s only me. My uh… companions are coming back from a Grimm-hunting mission at one of the mines, I heard they were victorious.”
“Huh, and here I thought you and the others were thick as thieves. Both literally and figuratively,” said Maria dryly.
“Oh my!” exclaimed Pietro, now looking more serious than before “Then it begs the question: what are you doing out here all by yourself? This part of town ain’t exactly the safest of neighbourhoods, especially not at this time of day, you could get robbed or worse!”
“I won’t be missed,” said Oscar in a muted voice. Both Pietro and Maria stared at him with stunned shock and confusion. “To be honest most if not all of them don’t think I should be with them.”
 “Who said that? Was it that greasy-haired birdbrained Qrow again?” demanded Maria angrily.
 “No! It’s not that, it’s…” Oscar paused; his eyes went back and forth between the floor and the two adults.
 “Oscar, we in this household have a strict rule about telling the truth,” said Pietro sternly, as Maria also gave him a warning frown.
 “Lately I’ve been getting this feeling that I’m not actually a part of the group. I found out today that Teams RWBY and JNR were awarded their official licences after a successful mission, Qrow and Penny were there, and the General left me at the Academy like… like it was nothing.”
 His voice had fallen into a low, broken whisper.
 “Now that you mention it, Penny did mention some official business of some kind and seemed very excited about it,” mused Pietro.
  “As soon as I found out, I wanted to be there to show my support for Ruby and her friends, us bonding with them and celebrating an achievement they rightly earned, and I’m... just left out? Am I part of this team or not?! Just-just… what the HELL?!”
 His voice rose with each passing word to an angry yell, and he started to shake from short ragged breaths. He felt a small hand tightly holding his, and another arm around his shoulder, as he went on his voice cracked further and tears fell down his cheeks.
 “I’m not a Huntsman, I get that. I’m just an out of depth farm-hand with a staff; I don't know what I was thinking.  I should never have left my home.”
 “Come on, let’s go into the lounge in the back,” said Maria gently, taking him by the hand and following Pietro through. Maria sat Oscar down on an old worn green couch with light brown cushions, and sat with him while he calmed down. When Pietro returned, he was carrying a wide platter with a bright orange cake with a white topping. Oscar’s eyes widened with amazement and a wide smile started to take shape.
 “Now, I was saving this for a special occasion, but I think we can break into it a little early. It’s a carrot cake topped with buttercream frosting; two layers,” said Pietro proudly.
 “No kidding! That’s my favourite!” said Oscar excitedly as he clapped his hands together.
 “Is it now? Then by all means, have a slice or two on me,” said Pietro beaming.
“Thank you… I-I really can’t thank you enough!” said Oscar with overflowing gratitude and newfound joy, and a new surge of joyful tears threatened to break loose. He got up and grabbed Pietro in an embrace, which Pietro gladly returned with his one available arm.
After cutting a generous slice each, the three settled around the coffee table, large mugs of tea and hot milk on either side of each plate. For a while, the adults exchanged anecdotes of cake recipes, and Oscar eagerly listened as it was finally something unrelated to their mission, until Pietro’s curiosity returned.
“So pray tell, how did you, both of you, get roped into all this?”
 Over the next several minutes, Oscar recounted how he first heard the voice of Professor Ozpin in his head, how this ancient soul told him to abandon his life on the farm and on a road to ‘greatness’ in protecting the world. He talked of his time at Haven and joining with Qrow Branwen and the young huntresses and huntsmen. He talked about how he trained with them, felt a connection to Ruby, Nora, Ren, and even Jaune despite their later difficulties. He mentioned the altercation at Haven Academy, and the Grimm attacks on their journey to Atlas. Recounting these events made him more animated and even happy at points, and Pietro listened with rapt attention. Maria added her own perspectives on the events leading up to Argus with quite a lot more flair than Oscar could muster.
 “My, my... That was quite the tale,” said Pietro, very much impressed.
 “Bah! If it weren't for me then you, your girlfriend’s team and her nincompoop uncle would be dried-up frozen corpses,” barked Maria indignantly,
 “W-What?! Maria, Ruby is not my girlfriend!” yelped Oscar worriedly.
 “Well sure, with an attitude like that she never will be,” she muttered to herself before clearing her throat, “Look, the point is that Iron-trousers didn’t bother to extend the invitation to me either, kid.”
 “That’s... actually a fair point. I’m sorry.”
 “It’s alright, I made my peace with it.”
 “Look, I get it. I’m not with them right now because I’m not a Huntsman. Without Ozpin in my head I’m nothing, I’m not a hero or somebody important.”
“Who says you’re not important?” said Pietro earnestly.
 Oscar paused, unable to come up with an answer.
 “I've traveled to all sorts of places, shook hands with all sorts of folks, from high-and-mighty statesmen to humble miners. And you know what? In all my life, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important. And that means you too! You risked everything to follow a group of strangers and jumped into the jaws of peril and emerged in one piece several times, and you keep sticking it out. You might not be a Huntsman right now but damn if you don't have the spirit of one, boy.”
 These words washed over Oscar, he looked back and forth and tried to process them, musing on carrot cake crumbs on his plate.
 “So everyone matters to someone, that’s your belief?” said Oscar at length, Pietro nodded, “then Ironwood would have left without me for some reason?”
 “Well, those mines are no picnic, and James takes a full escort wherever he goes. Maybe the General had his reasons and he trusted you enough to keep out of trouble. He’s probably wondering where you are right now.”
 Oscar flinched, remembering the Lamp of Knowledge. He had made sure to lock it up somewhere safe before leaving the Academy, but he still felt guilty about leaving it in some random cupboard. If Ironwood or any of the team were to find out he’d basically left his one job...
 “Here’s my two lien:” said Maria without her usual air of dry wit, “you got left behind, and that sucks, but being miserable about it isn’t going to make your situation better. You have to find another way: your own choices, actions and consequences. Do you really want to follow Ruby and her friends around like a puppy, or do you want to make the choices that feel right for you?”
 “You’re both right,” said Oscar with a calmer and clearer voice than earlier, “I have an idea about…”
 Oscar rapidly turned about and stared; Penny was standing in the doorway to the lounge, all beaming smiles and waves. How that girl managed to be so loud and yet so discrete was both a mystery and triumph of Atlesian robotics.
 “Greetings, father! Greetings, Ms Calavera! I am happy to report that the graduation ceremony was a success, and my friends are officially licenced Huntsmen!”
 “Why that’s plum-terrific, darling!” said Pietro with his usual level of cordial enthusiasm as he pulled his daughter in for a hug, “Tell them I said hello would you?”
 “Of course! I’ve been sent to retrieve young Oscar,” she said a little more seriously as she turned and motioned Oscar to come with her, “Our transport is waiting outside. I believe Ruby and General Ironwood are worried for your safety, and Miss Valkyrie mentioned something about ‘he’s gonna get the grounding of a life if that boy isn’t back in five minutes!’ More or less,” she added the last part sheepishly, after emulating Nora’s voice to perfection.
 “Uh oh…” said Oscar, now quivering at the thought of a telling off from Nora and quickly rose, “I better go, but thank you so, so much for the cake, Pietro. This talk really helped.”
 “My pleasure, come by any time you like, as long as you tell your compatriots,” said Pietro as Oscar and Penny made their way from the lounge to the shop entrance, waving as they went.
 “Remember what we talked about, and good luck!” called out Maria.
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hopeandharmonizing · 5 years ago
RP Plotting Sheet : Briar Rieka
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
tagged by: stole it from an old blog
Mun name: Rachel or Teceraca OOC Contact: Start with tumblr IMs. I have discord as well. Talk in the tags.
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Who the heck is my muse anyway: 
Creeping up on middle-age, part-time Happy Huntress, part-time musical performer, wolf faunus lady who occasionally plays with gender presentation, mostly on stage. She has a painful past, but it only hardened her into a stronger, kinder self who wants to help everyone else to never hurt that badly, or at least not have to shoulder the pain alone. All she wants is to empower people, and yet all she seems to do it make them weaker and intimidated in her presence. Regardless, she continues to try and inspire through words and music, and protect through fists and claws.
Points of interest: 
black and white wolf tail, thorny vine tattoos wrapping most of her body, a semblance which cancels out others’ semblances, skilled in Aikido, guitar, keyboard/piano, and vocals. Graduate of Sanctum and Atlas Academies. Her huntress license lapsed after its first expiration date and remained that way for ~10 years until she reinstated at the behest of Robyn Hill. She will love you if you love yourself, and likewise do her best to truly scare the shit out of you if you mistreat others.
What they’ve been up to recently:
In mainverse, she’s living her best life in Mantle city, trying to bring hope to the masses and occasionally going on stake-outs for Robyn Hill or acting as entertainment or security detail for her rallies.
If you want to meet her somewhere in the past, you can find her either just looking to survive, mastering her music, or completing combat training followed by huntress training. then, trying but failing to work effectively as a licensed huntress, and slowly feeling like she’s lost herself before she finds music again.
Where to find them: 
In chronological order:
Morkmani Village Anima forests Argus Sanctum Academy Atlas Academy Mantle city  - wherever the work was   - performances at nightclubs, bars, street venues, coffee shops, etc  - libraries, cafes, anywhere she can sit and work on her stuff  - her apartment  - supporting other people’s shows! having fun in the crowds.  - out shopping, especially to add to/update her wardrobe with cool shit
Current plans:
make the world better! or at least feel like less of an oncoming storm. continue to be a badass? love as many people as she can. from a distance, usually.
Desired interactions:
WHEEZE. A lot of this is similar to the associations bit in my page but here we go.
Robyn recruiting her to join the huntresses, any and all shenanigans that may follow. Fraternizing with fellow huntresses in general, or missions together.
Qrow and/or Clover semblance shenanigans and training. Also her and Clover generally giving each other shit bc it is just So Much to have those two egos in one room.
Bitching at Ironwood about what trust and loyalty REALLY means or maybe just her venting to someone about him, but this requires her getting to know him somehow in the first place, or at least to hear from others what he is like. idk. this muse has meta feelings about micromanagement, I would love to thread them.
Giving Weiss vocal training classes when she was a lil’ girl. and/or catching up in current verse. 
Briar getting to meet Blake and absolutely gush about her speech at Menagerie bc she saw it from some scroll recordings.
Basically anything with Jaune. I still have no idea what is going to happen when these two semblances meet each other. I do know hers can basically act like a spiritual resistance weight to help his get stronger. It probably goes both ways. Semblance arm wrestling is what I’m sayin’. But also she just.......... she has a lot of feelings. It’s like a Qrow/Clover thing too where she looks at him and sees everything she could be, but isn’t. She’s too proud. Help her work through this and question herself a little bit so she can come out better for it, and realize they are both different yet who they are supposed to be.
Silver eyes training with Ruby!!!! She doesn’t know anything about them besides what she’d find out from the crew, but she does have plenty of skills and pep talks that can probably help Ruby focus and/or project her power. Briar's semblance color is silver for a reason.
Semblance/aura training with anyone in general. But when I say that I also mean “learning not to rely on your semblance” training. She’s good for that. She may get being a professor for it added to either her history or her future, idk yet.
This also leads into being able to have a discussion with Oscar/Ozpin about a different take that can help her fully realize her semblance abilities. If you’re interested, we can chat mun to mun so I can let you know my ideas and you can decide how your muse wants to guide her through it.
Other OCs idk who what where when why how but that’s exactly the point. the whole verse is our oyster, let’s see what happens. come @ me. let’s let our muses help develop each other.
Offered interactions:
Briar’s actually pretty easy to have interactions with villains? She probably won’t know any better if she runs into them and they aren’t immediately stirring trouble. For better or worse, she’ll give them the benefit of the doubt if they are trying to confide in her about something or just chatting.
Also I haven’t made one yet but she’d be damn good for a villain herself AU.
She will listen to you! She will sing to you!! She wants to make you happy and help you grow, plz come to her with whatever. (Or vice versa! She’s not difficult to get to open up and she will talk with you about her own doubts and demons if u want).
Anyone can watch one of her performances and/or come find her hanging around the venue afterwards. I’ll probably make some opens for this kind of thing.
Are you another performer character??? Duets??? duets.
Faunus mentor!! Music mentor!!
Sanctum or Atlas Academy student days can be a thing. Likewise for her more interspersed street performances during those times.
future volume interactions if you’re comfortable with hcs of what goes down until we find out canon. She can go after Robyn/Qrow in the immediate timeframe, or run into any of the kids in the process. I like to think she joins up with the main cast to head to Vacuo when that happens. Whether to just bring her music along for them and/or to start spreading it to more reaches of the world bc hopefully Atlas/Mantle is under control at some point and in good hands with Robyn and however that leadership shakes out, and damn the whole world needs hope right now, so it is... Time To Dream Even Bigger.
Current open post/s: 
here’s the open starter tag!
Anything else?:
I thought there was a shipping section on here but uhhhhhh i’m too much of a wuss to make one myself right now. maybe a bias list in the future. I feel like I should get some general interactions going first. 
Tagging: I’m not making anyone commit to this beast. If you want it, take it and most certainly blame me and tag me so I can read it.
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lady-byleth · 5 years ago
I'm the anon who hasn't watched since V5 because I forgot. I was baffled enough by the whole Clover death and Qrow teaming up with Tyrian thing and now I've learnt that Ironwood sHOT A FUCKING CHILD?! Like, I know he's that character type of 'I'll do anything to fulfill my duty' but to go that far?! Doesn't help that I loved Oscar from his first appearance... Can you explain what happened in V7, 'cause I haven't understood a single thing I've seen of it and I'm not sure if I want to watch it...
It's pretty straightforward actually. Team RWBYJNPRQ and Maria arrive in Mantle which has basically been turned into 1984, meet Penny, get arrested by the Ace Ops and brought to Ironwood who reveals he told Penny, Winter and the Ace Ops about Salem
He then tells them about his plan to turn Amity Colosseum into a global communications tower that is going to be so high up in the atmosphere the Grimm can't reach it
Ruby decides to not reveal the whole truth about Salem and the Lamp, presumably because she doesn't fully trust him with how Mantle has been changed, but offers the groups help
The next few episodes deal with Amity, the kids getting their Huntsmen lisences and the council elections both Robyn Hill and Jacques Schnee are running in. They spend their time training and protecting the Amity project, Clover, Penny, Qrow and Ruby have a confrontation with Robyn who reveals Ironwood is repurposing materials for Mantle's outer wall without informing people. Then we get a scene with the Schneesters where Winter shows Weiss the Winter Maiden and reveals she was chosen by Ironwood to be next in line.
This makes Nora pretty testy and on their free day she, Ruby and Ren decide to go to Robyn's premature victory party where Ren and Nora first have a fight, which makes Ruby run off with Penny, then kiss just in time for Watts to tune off the lights and Tyrian to slaughter people to blame it on Penny. Watts uses the confusion to redistribute the votes cast for Robyn to Jacques, who he is working with
This makes Robyn and her Happy Huntresses go full on vigilante and they start robbing military transports for building materials and get the suppliers in Mantle to cut off deliveries to Ironwood
Nora hits a huge rage breaking point and goes off at Ironwood about how Mantle is suffering from his iron fist rule (queen) but he brushes her off as it being "for the greater good" and gives the order to have Robyn arrested
The Bees volunteer but decide to tell Robyn the truth about Amity instead
Jacques invites to dinner at the Schnee Manor to celebrate his victory and make Ironwood defend his actions to the council and literally the whole cast shows up, which is funny. Weiss goes to snoop, finds her mother in her father's office and Willow gives Weiss proof that Jacques was cooperating with Watts who meanwhile turns off the heating grid in Mantle. The unrest that causes draws in an entire horde of Grimm that, surprise surprise, finds the huge fucking hole in Mantle's wall and overrun the city
Weiss exposes her father and Watts, it's revealed that Jacques gave Watts his council access to the system (dumbass) and Watts used that to lock everyone out. With some prodding from Ruby and Oscar Ironwood decides to tell Robyn and the council the truth about Salem while everyone else goes off to fight in Mantle. Oscar and Ruby then decide to tell Ironwood what they learned from the Lamp, that Salem is immortal and presumably the rest.
Ironwood and Robyn then go live together to tell the people about Salem and the military begins evacuating Mantle with out protagonists. Clover gets a call and he and Qrow go to where Robyn is luring Tyrian to her and they kick his ass good.
Meanwhile Ironwood has lured Watts to Amity by revealing its purpose during the broadcast and by lying that it's finished. (It's curious that we don't see Robyn's lie detection Semblance when he does this so we don't know if she knew he was lying or not)
Ironwood defeats Watts but ends up skinning his left arm. When he comes back to his office he finds a black glass queen piece.
He calls the Ace Ops and kids back (JNR go to pick up Oscar at Atlas Academy tho) and shit goes real bad when he starts throwing Ruby's secrets and the Bees telling Robyn about Amity back in their faces and the negativity triggers the Seer Grimm on Watts' bag and Salem projects herself into the room to reveal that she's on her way and also apparently killed Summer Rose herself
Ironwood decides to use the Staff of Creation to lift Atlas into the atmosphere and remove the Relics from Salem's reach that way and reveals that he already sent Winter and Penny to get the powers of the Winter Maiden. Of course Team RWBY are against this. Ruby tries to warn everyone over scroll and gets as far as Salem coming and Ironwood abandoning Mantle before he shuts her off. So the present Ace Ops (Clover is still with Qrow, Robyn and Tyrian) stand in their way and it comes to battle
The girls fight the Ace Ops while Clover gets the message that the kids and Qrow have to be arrested on sight and, for some reason, decides to just go along with that despite what he just heard. Qrow is not happy but he's willing to cooperate but Robyn loses her temper and it comes to a scuffle during which Tyrian is freed, kills the pilot and makes the plane crash. Clover gets out in time (notably without even attempting to help Qrow or Robyn, for some reason). Robyn is knocked out cold and because Clover still insists on attesting him Qrow decides to fight him.
Team RWBY kick ass and defeat the Ace Ops, it's dope as shit. Penny's father and Maria arrive and Maria quips this is the part where the girls ask them for help.
Tyrian comes to, removes his last restraints and then, for some reason, he and Qrow join forces to fight Clover. Clover disarms Qrow, who decides to end the fight without hurting Clover and uses his fists to break Clover's Aura.
Tyrian uses the opportunity to stab Clover through the back with Harbinger. Clover dies, Qrow breaks apart. It's bullshit.
Cinder appears before the chamber of the Winter Maiden, Neo has meanwhile managed to get the Relic from Oscar and assumed his appearance but Oscar knocks her out of her disguise just in time and Team JNR get ready to fight her. She kicks their asses, but Oscar gets the Lamp back and they escape.
Except Neo takes on Nora's form, steals the Lamp back and gets away with it.
Oscar splits off to go confront Ironwood. He tells Ironwood that if he goes through with his plan he's just as dangerous as Salem and Ironwood shoots him off the ledge of the Vault. Ozpin comes back, awakens Oscar just in time to smash a whole through the bottom of the Vault and Oscar goes falling towards Mantle.
Cinder, Penny and Winter fight. Cinder knocks Winter's Aura out and her out of a building. Penny saves her. Cinder goes after Fria, and in her usual arrogant way decides to wake the old lady up before killing her.
Fria is like "bitch I don't think so" and unleashes the powers of a fully realizes Maiden that even Cinder can't stand against. Winter and Penny arrive again but Winter can't get through the cold air without getting frostbite so Penny goes instead.
She asks Fria if she's alright, and then cradles her as her life starts fading. Fria asks her if she's the next one and Penny hesitates to say no, looking back to Winter who she knows will go to open the Vault which Penny doesn't agree with.
Cinder shows up again, furious. She says Fria is hers but Winter interrupts her and cuts off her Grimm arm. Which grows back. Cinder then curb stomps Winter while Fria dies.
Penny becomes Winter Maiden.
Ruby and Weiss arrive to find Fria dead, Winter hurt, Penny with the powers and Cinder right there. Ruby's eyes active immediately and Cinder is so terrified she runs before the light can even get to her.
Winter calls for reinforcements but gives the girls a headstart at least.
Team RWBYJNR, Pietro, Maria and Penny escape in an airship. Qrow and Robyn are arrested, Qrow looks absolutely broken as he looks down at Clover's bloody clover pin and Robyn comforts him.
Winter tells Ironwood the powers are gone. Presumably she doesn't tell him who has them, at least we don't see it
Oscar asks Ozpin how they can save Atlas now.
Salem arrives with a massive Grimm army and a whale Grimm almost the size of Atlas.
The End.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years ago
RWBY Musings #79: When Titans Fall: How Arthur Watts will cause the downfall of General Ironwood and Atlas Academy.
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darleenas-art asked “ What are your predictions on how big of a role Watts will do this Volume? “
Squiggles Answers:
Disclaimer: I was actually writing this musing this morning with plans to post it BEFORE the new episode dropped. But unfortunately. I didn’t finish it in time so some of the points I made mention of in this post were written premature to watching V7 CH2 and I’m not in the mood to go back and edit over some of the details. Nevertheless some of my theories presented in this post still apply even with what was learnt this episode. 
@darleenas-art​  Top of the morning to ya, Dar-Dar. That’s a pretty good question so I hope you don’t mind if I turn my response into another small RWBY Musing post. As far as I can comprehend, given what I’ve picked up thus far from the first episode of the new season, my key theory is that Watts’ involvement for the events of V7 is going cause just as much trouble for Ironwood as he did back during the events of the Vytal Festival and the Fall of Beacon. 
As a matter of fact, I believe that this time it’s going to be much worse. Last time Watts ruined the repute of Atlas in the presence of the other kingdoms and the rest of Remnant. Now I think the next stage of events is ruining Ironwood’s reputation in the eyes of Atlas.  
My theory is that Watts’ schemes is going to spark a catastrophic chain reaction that will end Ironwood’s career entirely this season as well as his credibility within his own home kingdom. I believe that by the end of V7, Ironwood will be forced to step down leading to someone else with more malicious intentions replacing him on the governing Council for Atlas and it will all be due to Watts. Here’s what this squiggle meister is thinking:  
Pre-V7 CH2 Theories 
According to some clues presented in the first chapter of V7, there currently seems to be some sort of Election for Councilman going on in Atlas. 
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While I’m unsure of the full details of the Election, it seems that right now there are two primary candidates in the running for a chain on the Council---newcomer Robyn Hill, representative of Mantle and Jacques Schnee of the SDC.
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Despite the fact that this all sounds like a simple election to elect someone a new chair on the Atlesian Council, I feel like there is going to be more to it than that. I can’t help but shaking their feeling that this election is going to result in an impeachment of General Ironwood with the new elective taking his place on the Council. Right now in the series, Ironwood is the man with the most power and authority within Atlas Kingdom.
Unlike everyone else on the Council, James holds two seats which I’m assuming is due in part to his double role as Head of Atlesian Military in addition to headmaster of its local huntsmen academy in charge of moulding Atlas’ next generation of protectors. Not to mention that it was also stated by Pietro Polendina in the first episode that the Atlesian Council are currently so scared by everything that’s happened to their kingdom since the Fall of Beacon that they’re willing to put their full trust in Ironwood’s leadership.
“…How does the Council feel about all this, or Winter Schnee? Do you know anything about her?” “Well the Council’s so scared, they’ll agree to whatever he wants…”
It was also briefly mentioned by the Soul Doctor that some of the representatives from Mantle haven’t been too keen with the way Ironwood has been leading things. So right now, things aren’t looking too peachy for the General in terms of his presence to the People of the Surface World. I’m not sure how things are looking up in Atlas for James but it’s been clear from the get-go that Mantle isn’t happy with him.
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Hence the election. It looks like Robyn and Jacques are running against Ironwood in hopes of one of them eventually joining the Council to introduce change. However, while Robyn is looking out for her people down in Mantle, the only reason Jacques probably wants in on becoming Councilman is for the sake of lifting Ironwood’s dust embargo. In typical, Jacques Schnee fashion, he is only in it for his own selfish greed.
And it is for this reason why I believe Watts is going to use that to his advantage. 
I think Watts is going to do everything in his power to ensure that Jacques Schnee ends up winning the elections and gaining a chair on the ruling Council of Atlas.
Watts is going to end up tipping the elections in Jacques’ favour by discrediting the name of the remaining candidates against him---meaning Robyn Hill. This is where Tyrian’s role comes into play. In the V7 Opening, Tyrian was shown fighting against Robyn who is backed up by Qrow Branwen. I think it’s going to be revealed at some point in the story that Robyn Hill is some kind of local Robin Hood of Mantle---she steals from the rich to give to the poor.
Similar to her fairy-tale counterpart, Robyn has probably been leading a secret group of Merry Men in targeting the Schnee Dust Company.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Robyn is fully aware of the SDC and all of their nefarious deeds under Jacques’ leadership; especially in respect to the abuse of Faunus employed under them.
It also wouldn’t surprise me if part of Robyn’s story involved her utilizing whatever resources and power she had in Mantle to put a stop to the SDC. This is probably why Robyn decided to run for Councilman in the first place. After learning that Jacques was planning to plant himself on the Council, there was no way Robyn was going to allow that snake a chance to run Atlas into the mud like he’s done his own company.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Robyn joined the elections not just to challenge Jacques Schnee but to ultimately become a voice for her people. There is no doubt that Robyn is the Voice of Mantle and she would do everything she can to help her people especially during the current tough times since the embargo.
But while Robyn’s intentions may be noble, I have a feeling that in the end,
Robyn is going to outed and labelled as a ‘criminal’ in the public eye which will ruin her chances in the elections.
After all, even if she might still win her seat in Mantle (as her people might still wish to back her up), I doubt anyone up in the prestigious Cloud City of Atlas will wish to have a ‘vicious thief’ sitting as part of their ruling Council, right?
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So yeah, Robyn is going to lose the election to Jacques Schnee and you can bet your bottom dollar that Watts will have a hand in that victory, with Tyrian’s aid. As a matter of fact, not only do I think that Watts is going to ensure that Jacques is appointed to the Atlesian Council but he’ll probably tip the scale so far in Jacques’ favour that he’ll even usurp Ironwood
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I have a feeling that V7 will end with Jacques Schnee taking Ironwood’s place on the Council while Ironwood himself will be given the big metal boot.
I believe Watts’ ultimate goal is to cause Ironwood’s downfall---humiliate him so badly in the public eye that at the end of it all, it will be the Atlesians---the very people that James swore he would protect--- demanding that Ironwood step down as leader. Watts is going to turn Atlas against Ironwood.
Right now, the Council and the People of Atlas all have fate in Ironwood. Ironwood is no different than the Greek God his kingdom is named after. This is basically James right now---carrying the full weight of responsibility for his kingdom and its citizens resting solely on his broad mighty shoulders that are slowly starting to quake from his own Baobab. 
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In the eyes of Atlas or at least the people who believing in James, he can do no wrong. You heard Cordovin last season? When Ruby and Weiss so much as implied the slightest probability of Ironwood showing weakness in the form of his fear and paranoia, they were immediately shut down:
“…The General is no coward! Atlas is STRONG!”
To Cordovin, Atlas’ strength is reflective of Ironwood. So long as the General remains resilient, his people will continue to look to him to be the personification of that strength and security. So long as Ironwood remains strong, Atlas remains strong and his people will have his trust.
…This is why it’s going to reflect so poorly when Watts eventually hatches his ultimate scheme that will rally the People of Atlas against Ironwood. Turn their faith in him into distrust. Divide them. Sounds familiar to you?
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This makes me realize who Watts’ fairy-tale counterpart is supposed to be. In the beginning I pegged Watts to be the RWBY equivalent of Dr. Frankenstein. But the more I thought about it, I eventually came to realization that Watts might be a mix of two classic villains from the Pinocchio series: The Coachman and J. Worthington Foulfellow or ‘Honest John’. 
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 He possesses the charisma of Honest John, my theory is that Watts is going to make a ‘complete jackass’ out of Ironwood and he’ll probably use the Ace Ops as his guinea pigs for that cause since he was seen eyeballing them during the V7 Opening. 
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Apart from the General and its military, the huntsmen are another symbol of strength and integrity within Atlas. 
I feel like in the end, not only will Watts’ scheme  destroy the reputation of Ironwood but also the huntsman. According to the Atlas Academy promotional artwork that was shared yesterday, it was stated that graduates from Atlas Academy eventually go on to joined the kingdoms’ esteemed military forces given them an opportunity to move into the Special Operatives Division. According to the ad, the Special Operatives are promoted as the most elite group of huntsmen and huntresses in all of Remnant.
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I’m assuming this is where the Ace Ops also fall in. They are the crème de la crème of the huntsmen hailing from Atlas. It also wouldn’t surprise me if the Ace Ops are the Team STQR equivalent of General Ironwood’s forces. The Ace Ops probably know of the Relics and the Maidens. But perhaps I’m getting a little ahead of myself here. [Squiggly Note: As I said, I made this point prior to watching the episode and as it actually turns out, I was correct in both the Ace Ops being Ironwood’s personal team as well as already knowing about the Relic and Maidens] 
All in all, this is what I think is going to happen with Watts for V7:
Watts’ interference, accompanied by Tyrian’s meddling, is going to result in Robyn Hill being labelled as a criminal to the public of Atlas, resulting in her losing her chance at Councilman to Jacques Schnee.
Jacques Schnee will join the Council of Atlas but he still won’t have enough political prowess to overstep Ironwood since James’ still has the fate of the Council.
This is where the second part of Watts’ scheme will come into play. Similar to the events of the Vytal Festival, Watts will release an upgraded version of the Black Queen virus which will take over all of Atlas and Mantle. Long story short, basically the idea I have is that Watts will orchestrate another attack on the kingdom which will result in defacing the reputation of both General Ironwood and the huntsmen using the Ace Ops. Like I have a feeling that the Ace Ops will end up being framed for an attack on the Kingdom. It wouldn’t  surprise me if the Ace Ops are specialized branch of the Atlesian Special Ops who serve Ironwood personally. And if the Ace Ops are framed as traitors to their kingdom then so will Ironwood.
Ironwood will be labelled as a traitor to his own kingdom and thus, Ironwood will be revoked of all of his titles and be sent to prison along with the members of the Ace Ops. Can you imagine how very tongue-in-cheek it will be if we started V7 with our heroes being detained by the Ace Ops only for the season to end with the very same Ace Ops going to prison with Ironwood joining them? Think about that and let it sink in, if you will.
Not only will Ironwood lose his seat on the Council but he will also lose his title as General of the Atlesian Military.
I also have this theory where Ironwood will be forced to step down even as Headmaster of Atlas Academy with the academy programme itself being shut down on decree of Jacques Schnee. I believe that should Jacques Schnee become Councilman, at some point, he will vouch for the removal of huntsmen programme so Atlas Academy could potentially be shut down by the end of V7 as well.
I know this part of the hunch sounds especially farfetched but hear me out on why I believe that’s a probability especially with Jacques running for Councilman.
Do you remember what Whitley said to Weiss back in V4?
“…What can a single huntsman do that an army cannot. That’s why we have one…even if it is run by a fool…”
At first I saw this quote as a throwaway line from Whit, but now I believe this line might have relevance this season. Since Whitley is being portrayed as a mini-version of his father, you can assume that his own views on the huntsman and the military are the same as Jacques. Therefore, Jacques probably sees the huntsmen as obsolete. Useless when compared to the fighting force of the Atlesian Military and possible even a waste of money since I’m assuming part of Atlas’ economy is going into funding the Academy.
And given the fact that Ironwood closed off Atlas’ borders, this means the kingdom hasn’t been making any profits from trading. I’m no accountant or economist or anything but I’d imagine that Atlas owes a big chunk of its financial success to the dust trade, right?  Not like I’m trying to imply that the kingdom is bankrupt or anything. However with the state of how Atlas and Mantle are (especially Mantle), you have to ask the question: With the dust embargo set into play, how is Atlas making money and more importantly where is the money that the kingdom currently has being invested into?
I guess where I’m going with this point is that I can easily picture Jacques Schnee, in parliament, presenting a good argument against the investment of the huntsmen academy and he’d probably make sense from a business standpoint. After all, Jacques is a businessman. He knows all about dem profits and making the best decisions that will reap the greater financial success (in spite of it the means and long term consequences of such schemes). So I can easily see Jacques trying to make the debate that Atlas having both a military and the huntsmen a huge redundancy in cost.
Why bother to waste the kingdom’s resources on funding both when you can best invest in the superior of the two---and if what Whitley implied in V4 is indeed true, you can bet your ass that Jacques might push for eliminating Atlas Academy as a whole while promoting the military.
And another rationale as to why I believe Jacques may push for the military is because of Winter. After all, right now, one of Jacques’ own in in the military. Not only that but Winter is also the proclaimed best operative under Ironwood and his right hand.
So imagine this for a second. Watts ruins Ironwood’s credibility by the end of V7. The People of Atlas turn their backs on Ironwood. The rest of the Atlas Council turn their backs on Ironwood and vote for his immediate dismissal with Jacques Schnee replacing him and gaining the influence James once had within the Council. Under Jacques’ proposal, Atlas Academy is shut down and replaced entirely by the Military.
And with Ironwood also losing his role as head of the Military, who do you think is going to the next best candidate to the take his place? Who do you think Jacques Schnee will put in a good work for take Ironwood’s place?
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I think you know we that person will be. If my memory serves correctly, James and Jacques were also found arguing about Winter back in V4 with Jacques commenting that ‘James stole Winter from him’.
So…imagine how Winter will feel when she becomes Head of the Military, not by her own hard work and integrity. Not with Ironwood’s blessing but because daddy dearest put in a good word for her with his newfound friends in the Council since Ironwood was made into a bobolee.
Imagine Jacques turning this into more propaganda for the SDC with Whitley officially taking over from him as President of the SDC, Jacques becoming Councilman and Winter as the new Head of the Military. That will be three Schnees in positions of power. I know Winter isn’t nefarious like her father nor was she groomed to be like her little brother. However, this is how I think things are going to go down by the end of V7.
Mind you, this hunch isn’t to imply that Jacques is secretly in cahoots with Watts. On the contrary, much like Yang and Pyrhha during the events of the Vytal Festival, Jacques will be nothing but a pawn to Salem and her forces and what would be expected is that he’ll too much a selfish fool to even realize that he’s been used by the villains.  
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  And it’ll be all be courtesy of Arthur Watts.
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So in conclusion:
These are my theories and predictions on Watts’ for V7. Then again....I did make these theories prior to watching V7 CH2 and I’ll also admit that some of these hunches might’ve changed a bit after watching the second episode. 
I still believe that Watts’ plan is to cause Ironwood’s downfall, only this time it will be on a much global scale. I think it’ll be best if I save that for its own musing since, as always, I’m still grasping stuff from the second episode. 
For now, I hope you still like this musing Dar-Dar and for the most part, I hope it answered your question well enough. Take care, fam.
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More Squiggle’s RWBY Content
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2019) 
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dreanner95 · 5 years ago
RWBY V7C2 Review – A New Approach (SPOILERS)
(I am still trying to figure out how I approach these reviews so it will probally take time until I have found a structure I am happy with)
While Episode 1 was all about setting up Mantle and its situation, Episode 2 is all about setting up the Plot of this Volume. Ironwood told Winter and Penny about the big fight and has a new Plan against Salem. The first step is to reestablish global communication with building a new communication tower atop Amity Colosseum and launching it out of reach of Grimm. This will also fix the loophole that the whole network is dependent on every main tower being functional. He asks Team RWBY and their companions for help. Ruby decides to help Ironwood, but doesn’t tell him why Ozpin isn’t present or everything in connection with Salem being destroyable. After the meeting they meet up with the Ace Ops, who apologize for arresting them so aggressively. Before they can get to know each other, Penny interjects with wanting to give Ruby & Co a grand tour of Atlas Academy. Penny’s excitable nature is in sharp contrast with how exhausted everyone else is after the long day they had. Down in Mantle Watts is seen talking to Tyrion over a headpiece. While Watts is walking through town without care and hacking everything in his way while remarking that Mantle’s security code wasn’t updated. Tyrion on the other hand is in the middle of a fight and after coming out of a door, you can see a pool of blood forming from under it.
The content of the first two episodes make it very clear how much needs to be set up for the next few Volumes. While in the past everything important was set up in only the premiere episodes, this time the second episode also had a lot of exposition. But that is not a bad thing. The first time is conveyed through Forrest, who admires “Robin and the Happy Huntresses”. They are former elite Atlas graduates who decided against joining the military. Forrest is basically someone over excitable who wants to share Robin’s fight for a seat in the council to everyone he comes across. This makes everything he has to say not as boring as it could have been.                                                                                             And Ironwood explaining the plan he has works because it clears up his actions we only have heard of since the end of Volume 4. A highlight is the plan to use Amity Colosseum to create a new main communication tower. This shows something RWBY as a series only ever talked about: Atlas being the at the forefront about new technological developments. And it retroactively makes the flaws of the original CCTS much more believable. Even in our history the predecessors of today’s technologies were impractical in comparison.                   This very good idea is followed by Ironwood wanting to tell the world about Salem. He plans to tell Atlas first and after the resulting panic is under control (with the help of the military) and when the Amity tower is online, the plan is to tell the rest of the world. Atlas’s military wants to help countering the panic of the rest of the world too. This is the much more controversial part of the plan. It does make sense why Ironwood would come up with it. But the doubts about this and the state of Mantle leads Ruby to keep everything they learnt in Volume 6 hidden. This might seem hypocritical but is actually makes a lot of sense. Everyone wasn’t angry at Ozpin because he just lied but because he continued to hide important details from people who trusted him and would have laid down their lives for him. Right now there are a lot of reasons to be cautious and keeping certain things hidden until RWBY, JNOR and Qrow have a chance to talk about everything is necessary.                                                                     The character moments in this episode are much more prevalent. But it is obvious that moments between Blake & Yang or Ren & Nora are nothing more than glances or standing close to each other. That makes sense if those relationships will be a main focus in this Volume. Having other moments like Weiß and Winter’s reunion (Winter acting all strict and being met by Weiß hugging her is cute) Qrow’s and Ironwoods hug, Ruby and Weiß being the type of friends they are and Blake supporting Ruby as her leader, more than makes up for it. There is also enough time for Penny and Nora being comedy highlights of the episode (Nora trying to bite off her cuffs and Penny giving the Atlas Academy tour.                                                                                                         We are also formally introduced to the ace ops. Clover Ebi seems to be the leader and right now is the least interesting of the group (he seems nice though). The other four have great character designs and personalities: Harriet Bree is seem running very fast in the opening and seems to be all about competition. Elm Ederne is an excitable buff girl with a hammer, so the Nora of the group. Marrow Amin is a wolf Faunus who seems to not want to show his true feelings, but his wolf tail stops that from succeeding. And Vine Zeki seems to be the cautious one. He also looks like another robot.                                                       The last scene shows Tyrion and Watts. Their introduction into this Volume is very effective because they casually show off their skills with Watts hacking everything around him and Tyrion killing without care. This shows in a good way the danger those two teaming up are.
I liked this episode a lot more than the first one. Even though I am pretty sure that with watching Volume 7 as a whole will make it clear how important Episode 1 is for introducing Mantle as a setting and Pietro and Penny being so good characters, Episode 2 delivered a lot more character moments and main story beats, which is what I love most about RWBY. But even though there is a difference in how I like the first two episodes, there are still very emotional moments in Episode 1 and all the little nuances in nonverbal character interactions is better than ever. And show don’t tell is also very prevalent with posters, background chatter and news boards. This in combination with exposition makes Atlas feel like one coherent setting.
Ironwood stating that the weapons of everyone could need a few upgrades makes it very clear what the next episode is going to be. And knowing how Blake will repair Gambol Shroud, there is no doubt that there will be a lot of Bumblebee moments that are not in the background. It will also be interesting to see how everyone else will upgrade their weapons. The opening already shows what Jaune and Yang do with their weapons. I am pretty sure that most of the episode will deal with this and the change of clothes. Maybe we will see a mission briefing that will lead them into the mines as we see in the trailer.
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blackcatmanor · 5 years ago
RWBY Volume 7, Episode 7 Visual Review (Spoilers)
I have been lurking around RWBY tumblers for some time so I thought it was time to join the convo. If you want to see a review and pics of Ep. 7 click below. 
The good:
1.      Characters that are done right.
a.      Ironwood- Tin Man was so greatly written this episode, second to Nora. We got a lot of anger, desperation, and even PTSD from him. He shows symptoms of PTSD with reasonable triggers- seeing the monitors causes him to flash back to the Queen logo that Salem taunted him with at Beacon. I also like his internal conflict about having morals and humanity because he wonders if it disadvantages him versus Salem. It’s an interesting angle to take and hopefully will be explored more hopefully without having him go fully off the deep end.
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b.      Nora- She is MVP of the episode. I appreciate how much she cares for marginalized people and she confronts Ironwood in a really brave and logical way. However, I didn’t like how Ruby literally tacks onto the end (putting her hand on Nora’s shoulder to add “this plays into Salem’s hand”). Nora did all of the heavy lifting but Ruby tried to step in with her cliché “I’m the protagonist and have to make my speech seem leveled and calm so you trust me” bit. I’m glad it didn’t work and Ironwood pressed on with his orders.
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c.      Bumblebee- I appreciate Blake and Yang actually getting some screen time to TALK and flesh out their relationship. Clearly killing Adam is weighing on Blake and it was nice to see her bring it up, as well as express her frustration with doing things that, while good intentioned, aren’t right to her. It’s nice to see Yang is open to taking a different path after Blake confronted her. This was a nice issue that they talked through to advance and grow as a fledgling couple.  
This has been a big annoyance I had with the Blake and Yang pairing: they had SO MANY issues after V3 that never was addressed. With how angry and betrayed Yang was, the writers built up the feeling that there would be a pretty epic fight between them for TWO volumes and it didn’t pay off. They just literally ignored it like it never happened and went straight into giving each other flirt eyes and going on dates. I hope this is intentional, that they are ignoring and repressing their issues and problems for them to blow up later but I doubt it. But this episode is a step in the right direction for establishing an actual relationship between two complicated characters.  
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2.      Story and lore done right.
a.      Penny- The writers did a good job of writing themselves OUT of a corner with Penny. I always thought Penny would come back because she’s a robot, but I also understood how fans felt like it a cheap ploy to hit people emotionally only to basically retcon it away. HOWEVER, the reveal that Pietro’s aura is used to create Penny each time, and he doesn’t have any more to give is interesting and a really effective way to explain why she did come back, but also why it is not an unlimited plot button they can keep pressing.
That being said the line about him not having any more aura to give Penny gives me huge death flags for her. Unfortunately, if she dies again it won’t have the same impact. Sure it’ll be the “for realsies last time” she dies, but since we already went through that it won’t matter the same way it did before. If anything, I hope they turn the death flags on their head a little bit and kill off Pietro. Not that I WANT to see him die, but *if* someone has to for the story, Pietro dying will put a whole new layer of complication into Penny’s existence and make it feel like there are stakes to Penny’s life again.  
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The Bad:
1.      Story stuff done wrong.
a.      You tease- Once again we ended on a cliffhanger last episode that teases combat but doesn’t deliver. It would have been nice to see them help Mantle but with the reception of a very hostile Mantle citizenry.
b.      Mantle- Speaking of Mantle, an ongoing annoyance I have with this season is the lack of misery in Mantle. They keep talking about how miserable and struggling it is, but whenever they show shots of Mantle, it just looks like a city. It may not look like the nicest parts of a city, but it’s lacking the Misery factor. Maybe show abandoned or crumbling buildings, people en masse living on the streets, etc. Also having more shots in the day where you can see the bleak and sad nature would be nice.
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2.      Character stuff done wrong.
a.      Happy Huntresses- Robyn’s crew have awesome semblances and work in connection with one another- with one girl who can create a mirage to cover their heists and Fiona who can apparently zap away all of the goods into her black hole hand?! OMG!  Robyn’s lie detector semblance is neat, but doesn’t really fit with her heist team and it shows with how she just stands to the side and watches everyone else working, or she just yells orders at people. Speaking of Robyn...
b.      Robyn the Edgelord- I am having a really hard time liking her, with her  smarmy attitude and pithy little nicknames for everyone like Fistacuffs, and Pipsqueak and Wags. Is she SUPPOSED to seem douchey? I was hoping for a Dolores Huerta-infused Robin Hood: someone with a passion for assisting the marginalized with a quick but powerful way of conveying her message but instead she’s just kind of a snarktopus.
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c.      Ren the bummer- When did he become so Emo and angsty? He went from calm, zen ninja to hyper-antsy, wannabe Ace op kinda out of nowhere. Why? They keep making him turbo annoying without any reasoning, and then they cop-out of an explanation when Nora asks what’s wrong by having him say “I’m not good at talking.” They need to address this quick before it drags too long.
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d.      Voice acting issues- Is Barbara’s voice acting is getting worse, or is the evolving tone of her character a bad fit? She was great as fun-loving party Yang in volumes 1-3, but all of the dramatic dialogue has been awkward and filled with pauses between words. I think Barbara equates dramatic performance with dramatic pauses. For instance, the line, “We did…….what we had to do,” and in episode 3 when talking about lying to Ironwood she says “Can we….talk about that again?” And two seconds later says “How did Oscar feel about that” in such a robotic tone it was jarring. No one talks like this. Are you forgetting the words you’re about to say as you say them?! What is happening?! I think Arryn does a good job at dramatic acting so the directors know what it sounds like. It’s getting distracting, especially with other talented deliveries in the show.
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3.      Thoughts for the next episodes:
a.      It’s interesting that Qrow explicitly mentions that Atlas is Salem’s next target. With knowledge beforehand will it mean Atlas’ fate will be different than Beacon? (spoiler: Probably not).
b.      The Dinner with Jacques will be the perfect time to finally see Willow Schnee, and I hope they don’t blue balls us on this one, too. We could see her forced into the role of political wife, probably even more despondent and desperate than before.
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jadekitty777 · 6 years ago
Let’s Play: Rewrite the Character Motivation!
So, as I was thinking about these scenes, my brain decided to fire off again, and I realized something:
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Yeah Qrow… what WERE you thinking?
I realized how little sense it made for Qrow to encourage Ruby back in volume 3 to basically go to Haven. Qrow’s character is largely built around the drive he has to protect his nieces and family, which is why he gets so coarse with Raven in the bar. And also – in part - why he goes out on secretive, highly dangerous missions for Oz.
Why in the world would he basically tell his 15-year old niece to head to Haven? It makes him appear much too thoughtless. He honestly shouldn’t have told her anything at this point. Especially when, earlier in the same volume, he chastises Yang and Ruby both for being inexperienced and impractical when they ‘almost’ stop a train and encourages them to continue learning. Why would he EVER want to throw her into the same dangers that killed her mother - who was a fully trained huntress - when all throughout volume 6 we get a plenitude of examples on how panicked he is the minute she’s doing something reckless? 
Wouldn’t it have made way more sense for Ruby to CHOOSE to go to Haven because she wants to join the academy and just got caught up in the plot along the way? Not only would it align with her own character motivation (wanting to be a huntress) the choice of direction makes sense too, not only for her but for JNR. Haven was the academy Pyrrha originally was meant to attend. Additionally, Ruby knows Sun’s team is there and would assume they would already have friends they could rely on. The only other academy I imagine she may want to attend more is Atlas, and for the sole reason she knows she may have a chance to see Weiss – but with tensions high and borders approaching lockdown, the school certainly wouldn’t accept any foreign entrants. 
I mean sure, I guess there’s an argument to be made that canon-Ruby’s motivation was technically to get justice against those who murdered Pyrrha and Penny... BUT they don’t really act on that plot either - and Ruby’s been characterized as too kind to be vengeful at this point. It also gives her more autonomy in her own story too; rather than being told where to go, she just chooses to do it. 
Guess who else gets a better boost of character from this slight change of reasoning?
Yep. Taiyang AND Yang.
Imagine that: Instead of a note that basically says ‘I’m off to save the world!’ it just says ‘I’m off to join another academy and become a huntress just like I dreamed!’
Taiyang still has a freak out about it, but Qrow, who has to go that way anyways to check on things with Leo, can reassure his brother-in-law that he’ll trail after them, make sure he gets them there safely and help them enroll. At this point, they have no reason to believe anything is wrong at Haven. And with the CCT system down, there’s no way for Qrow to easily contact Tai to tell him things went south.
This allows the two ‘fathers’ to split up and still take care of both the girls properly. Taiyang won’t necessarily be happy Ruby up and left, but he’ll be acting upon the assumption that she’s off to continue her future and will be proud of that fact. And if he trusted Qrow enough to tell her about her eyes, to train her, of course he can trust him enough to look out for her.
And instead of Yang feeling like she’s a ‘burden’ by keeping her dad stuck at home and unable to follow, instead it’s about reigniting her own drive to get back to form. Her leaving is no longer ‘chasing after Ruby to protect her’ it’s ‘chasing after Ruby to join her in becoming a huntress’. With a side order of finding her mom before she gets there and thus, throwing the plot her way too.
Equally, this now makes WAY more sense for Taiyang NOT to follow them. He doesn’t need to. They’re off to go to school; and likewise, being a teacher and a huntsman for Patch himself, he can’t spend months away when people back on the island will need him to both protect the populace and continue his job. He’ll have to act on a lot of faith everything turns out alright, but knowing Ruby has a guardian and himself helping to provide the means of getting Yang the quickest route there he can (the boat) and knowing she has her bike to speed out of danger if need be, he has more peace of mind on the matter.
And guess what else:
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Now this scene can actually come into play. Because now Tai has an informant to tell him things went wrong, which would equally draw up new tensions between them, when Raven – probably out of pure spite at this point – refuses to portal him to his daughter.
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ma-lemons · 6 years ago
Moments Together, Part 1
Note: Part of me feels wrong for shipping RoseGarden because Ruby doesn’t seem like the one to portray romantic feelings (that doesn’t mean she’s not capable of those feelings just what I’ve seen so far, she’s a kid who has more important things to do, LIKE SAVING THE WORLD and protecting her friends than to fall in love) but luckily my brain doesn’t give a crap and pretends that it’s all fine.
All in all, I expect Oscar to have a crush on Ruby, whether those feelings are reciprocated, well, that’s not up to me. Besides, I’m more interested in the plot of the show than ships, so this is all harmless fun.
Also I thought Ruby and Oscar were two years apart? So why is it that Ruby is now age 17, and Oscar is 14? I mean maybe his birthday hasn’t happened yet... but whatever.
Anyway just a warning, this has slight RoseGarden, but it’s not really a RoseGarden fic, I just want an excuse to write it. Also, I might be taking another break from tumblr again. :/
And, some of these things will clearly not correlate with the show, as I’m writing this as the episodes are being released.
Summary: While in Atlas, the heroes must face the tension and awkwardness that came as a result of them splitting apart. Secrets are revealed and everyone learns a thing or two about trusting those around them, and most importantly, themselves.
Nora Valkyrie thought she was pretty insightful. Like it was clear Pyrrha (rest her soul) had feelings for Jaune, or that when she met her, Ilia was totally soft for Blake.
So it occurred to her quite early that someone possessed affections for her silver-eyed friend. A certain farm boy. Ever since she had watched Oscar land a punch in Ruby’s face in Mistral, she felt there was something there.
As they moved along in their journey, her suspicions only grew more. Oscar would occasionally glance at Ruby, smile shyly whenever she was around, and was overall, gravitated towards her whenever possible.
After she and Jaune has piloted a stolen airship from Argus, they had landed somewhat safely in Atlas, in a forest secluded from the main city. As soon as they had made it, Weiss became awfully silent, and she would barely speak a word to anyone.
“Hey, Weiss,” Ruby murmured, coming over to her partner, placing her hand on her shoulder. Weiss looked up, her face worried.
“Weiss... I know you’re feeling a bit... overhelmed. But I promise you, none of us are gonna let your dad take you away. You’re not going back. You’re staying with us.”
Weiss gave her team leader a small smile, to which Ruby returned with a large grin. There wasn’t a lot of people like Ruby Rose these daya. Someone who was optimistic and believed in the best of people. At that moment, Weiss shrugged off the dark feeling that something bad was going to happen, took a deep breath, and followed Ruby off the ship. Weiss has wondered how they could just leave a stolen airship in the middle of the woods, but according to Klein and Ironwood, someone would be up to pick it soon after and return it back to Argus, claiming that the thieves who stole it were being “promptly dealt with”.
Weiss has contacted Klein earlier in the flight. Her butler, was of course, happy to hear from her, but worried for her safety. She had assured Klein that she was well and safe and asked about him. Her blood turned to ice when she heard that her mother was around more, and Whitley was becoming more and more like her father each day. Weiss’ heart broke, but she told her friends all was well when they had asked her.
Klein had a safe house for them, somewhere near the city. He reassured them that there would be no danger and they could call him for help if needed. Weiss received the location on her scroll, and downloaded it into Bumblebee, so Yang could drive them all there. Klein was sworn to secrecy of his brief knowledge of the issue at hand. He knew that they had stolen a ship and needed a place to stay so they could break into Atlas Academy.
Atlas was colder than Argus, and everyone was shivering, since none of them had packed winter clothing. Weiss was the only one slightly prepared, yet she was the one who was the most used to the weather.
“Atlas is too cold, isn’t it?” Ren quipped, noting a shivering Nora. His girlfriend wrapped her arms around him for warmth. “I’ll say. When we get to the safe house, it’s time for a change of wardrobe.”
Maria laughed lightly. At first, she seemed annoyed by Nora’s constant laughter and excitement. Now, she was used to it. In fact, she enjoyed it.
Yang turned her head back at the passengers. “Now that Ozpin’s come out to play, Oscar, what’s the game plan?”
The young boy looked down shyly, as everyone’s gazes landed on him. He was getting used to everyone’s wariness of him, but he didn’t really like it. Even Ruby, who believed in him the most, seemed to be keeping her distance from him.
“Uh, well. Oz says we’ll rest up for a few days. He says Qrow will contact Ironwood and set our plans in motion. Our main goal... he says our main goal is to find the Winter Maiden so we can unlock the relic. After that, we’ll be attending a party for Whitley Schnee, in which a some of us will be providing distractions, while the rest of us will be retrieving the relic.”
Weiss rolled her eyes. “Find the Winter Maiden... cause that’ll be easy. Has it occurred to any of you that we’ve never found any of the maidens? Cinder is evil, and dead, and we only found Vernal because of Yang’s mom. And Vernal is also dead.”
Ruby noticed Yang tensing up. Weiss was right. The Huntsmen never had to look for the Maidens... they just kind of appeared when necessary.
Oscar piped up. “Well, Oz says that since the Maidens are some of the few individuals that possess magic, he can feel their auras. So he’ll know when she’s close.”
“So you’re telling me we’re gonna have to basically just wander around until Ozpin’s senses go off?” Qrow questioned. He hadn’t entirely forgiven Ozpin yet. It had taken much convincing for him to even look at Oscar.
Ruby looked over to her uncle, trying to reassure him with her eyes. “Hey Qrow, it’ll be fine. I promise.”
Ruby seemed to be making a lot of promises these days.
As the moved along through the thick snow, the travelers discussed their plans for their days they would spend in the safe house. Qrow quickly called Ironwood to update him on the situation, now that they were closer to an area where there was a signal. Maria planned to train Ruby to use her silver eye power correctly, and Ruby and Oscar made plans to do hand-to-hand combat more. Jaune, Nora and Ren would probably spar occasionally, and maybe check out Atlas’ scene. Weiss wanted to contact her sister, but decided she would go out to buy everyone winter clothing. Blake hastily agreed to join her, in hopes of avoiding Yang’s anger for a while. Yang was silent throughout the ride, though no one could blame her. Blake wanted so badly to talk to her, but realized that would have to wait for another day.
What seemed to be like hours passed. Jaune, Ren and Nora had managed to fall asleep. Weiss was listening intently to Maria read. Blake stared off into space, seemingly disinterested in everything around her. Qrow, surprisingly didn’t have a flask in hand, and was staring at his scroll. That left Ruby talking to Oscar.
“Oscar, you look like a little prince in your new outfit!” Ruby giggled. She still hadn’t gotten over Oscar’s change in wardrobe.
The young boy scowled at the word “little”. “I’m not small, Ruby.”
“Considering I’m one of the shortest people here, ranking about 5’4, and you’re shorter than that, I’d say yeah, you’re pretty little.”
Oscar pouted. “Let’s see who gets the last laugh when I grow taller.”
Ruby’s eyes widened, and she pretended to look intimidated. “Ooh, when Oscar gets taller! I forgot you haven’t gone through puberty yet!”
Oscar was shocked. “I—what? When did you become such a bully?” He leaned over and poked the Huntress in the shoulder. Ruby, amused, waggled her fingers at Oscar. “I wouldn’t try anything, farm boy. I’ll tickle you till you die laughing.”
“And how do you know I’m ticklish?” he asked defensively.
“Oh, please. Everyone’s ticklish. You look like the ticklish type.”
“What... what does that even mean?”
“Hey, keep it down, some of us are trying to read!” said Weiss, from her little corner near Maria.
“I was about to say the same thing, Miss Weiss! Great minds think alike!” the elderly lady beamed. Weiss smiled back.
“Hey,” came Yang’s voice from the front. “Wake everyone up. We’ve made it to the safe house.”
In front of them loomed a large cabin, shrouded by trees. It looked safe enough. Yang made out a deer in the greenery. Seemed peaceful.
Weiss proceeded to wake up Nora and Ren. Jaune was a different story, he was snoring loudly and refused to wake up until Maria thunked her book on his head.
The teams and adults made their way to the house. Atlas. They were finally here.
Ruby looked at Weiss, who looked better than she did on the aircraft. She would be sure to stay close to her, to make sure she wouldn’t panic or get hurt. There was no way any people would be left behind on her watch.
That included Oscar. No matter what, she would protect him. It was rather strange; despite Ozpin being sketchy and mysterious, Ruby couldn’t bring herself to hate him. And she definitely couldn’t hate Oscar. He was growing on her. She didn’t mind, she appreciated his company. He was a young boy, and what he needed now more than ever was a friend, not people coming after him and attacking him for things he didn’t do.
Sighing, Ruby settled down, underneath one of the fleece blankets Klein had left for them. He had stocked food and supplies throughout the house. Ren and Jaune got dinner cooking, while everyone else rested.
It was a long journey, and no one was quite sure what the end result would be, but as for now, they were satisfied that they could be together. Safe.
So I know this is probably riddled with grammar issues and plot holes (I haven’t watched the past 3 episodes, I have a faint idea of what’s going on). but do you think if I clean this up a bit, should I post this on AO3?
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calliecat93 · 6 years ago
RWBY V6 CH9 Review: Lost
One holiday break later, we're back folks! I think that we've all been anxious about this one for awhile, so no point in waiting! Lets do this!
We begin with the bad guys where Mercury is sparring and Emerald is clearly still coming to terms with her situation. She asks Mercury about why he joined her and Cinder, to which the assassin says that it's because they needed someone with his qualifications, so it felt right. This... doesn't please Emerald, feeling that there has to be more than just that and because of Salem's promises to them. Up to now, the thief has stayed because Cinder took care of her... to which Mercury point blank tells her that she's in denial. Cinder never cared about either her. She never cared about either one of them. Ouch man... but he isn't wrong. Cinder only used them for her own needs. Mercury stuck with it because of his skillset, but Emerald.... well, look where it lead her.
But Emerald doesn't take this well at all and attacks Mercury. In turn, he vents about how his father hated him, beat him constantly as 'training, and most shocking of all is that he stole Mercury's Semblance with his own, saying that it'll just be a crutch. I... don't know how that's possible, but even after Mercury killed him, he never got it back. So he pushed himself to be stronger and as such, he feels like he's right where he's supposed to be with Salem's forces. Damn man... I don't know if I feel bad for Mercury, considering his previous actions without even a hint of remorse, but it's pretty clear that he is what he is because of his father. Very least, Marcus Black deserved what he got.
The fight is interrupted by, of all people, Tyrian who also now has his new robotic tail. It's pretty cool looking to! He and Watts are being sent to Atlas to handle Ironwood, but he ended up overhearing Mercury's rant/.And he... give some shockingly good advice. It's in his own sick, warped way of course, but still solid advice. He pretty much breaks down Mercury's attitude as him feeling like he's meant for nothing but killing and that that's the right mindset. You should do what you enjoy with your life, not what you think is all that your life is meant for. It's obvious that he wants them to leave so that he can kill them, even when he himself points out that they're in too deep to leave, but again... shockingly good, solid advice. Who knew?
We return to Argus where JNR and Saphron are searching for Oscar, Jaune clearly remorseful for lashing out at the farmboy like he did. It's clear that the recent info is still weighing heavy on JNR,w ho can't tell Saphron about it. She does suggest that they don't have to continue on this top-secret mission to be Huntsmen, they can finish their teachings at Haven and graduate with their licenses. It's of course far more complicated than that, and I feel for Saphron here. She doesn't know the situation and is clearly trying to help her brother with what she does have. But because she's a civilian, she can't really help them and her advice is sadly useless considering the circumstances. Seeming to realize this, Saphron leaves to go pick up Adrian, leaving JNR to continue on their own.
Nora and Ren go to get some warm drinks at a cafe, leaving Jaune to muse by himself. At least, that is, until he sees a lone maple leaf land before him. If you all remember V3CH8, the one before Pyrrha fought Penny, you already know the symbolism. Jaune follows the leaf as it blows away. Where does it lead him to? To his shock, and I imagine the audiences, it leads him to a statue. A statue of the one and only, Pyrrha Nikos. As an absolutely beautiful new song that I believe is called Forever Fall plays, Jaune walks forward and the emotions are clearly weighing heavy on him. All that he's done, everything that he's become, all the paint hat he's been carrying is all because of the loss of Pyrrha. All because of his efforts to not let her death be in vain. Now? It seems like ti truly was for nothing, and he almost hurt someone due to it. Even now, he has clearly never truly moved on.
It is then that another person approaches the memorial. A red-haired, green-eyed woman carrying a bouquet of red spider lilies. We never learn the woman's name, not even in the credits where she's simply referred to as 'Red Haired Woman', but considering her appearance and the fact that she is voiced by Jen Brown (Pyrrha's VA, and she's using her Carolina voice here) I firmly believe that this woman is Pyrrha's mother. She mentioned her before in V3, and as I'll explain in a bit it makes sense. For the purpose of the review, I will be refereeing to her as Mama Nikos. But I do think that her identity is one of those things where it's left to interpretation, which I think fits. Also those red lilies? Apparently they can mean to guide one to the next reincarnation... ouch.
As the two talk, Mama Nikos expresses to Jaune about how Pyrrha's memorial was placed in Argus because she attended Sanctum Academy, which I guess we can confirm is in Argus. They were sad when she decided to go to Beacon, but she was just glad that she was surrounded by people who loved her in her time there. Jaune expresses how she should still be standing with them, and how does Mama Nikos respond? Simple: she is. Pyrrha may be gone, but she still got to go and follow the path that she dreamed of, and in the end she wouldn't regret that choice nor the one to fight, even when it cost her her life. Why? Because she was a Huntress. For a Huntress, there really was no choice. They're supposed to make the world better, and that was what she decided to do. This seems to help Jaune, who expresses to Mama Nikos that even though Pyrrha never graduated Beacon... on the end, she was a true Huntress to the end. Something that a tearful Mama Nikos is grateful for.
Nora and Ren find Jaune, who looks to them before turning back. But by then, Mama Nikos is gone and only the flowers remain by Pyrrha's statue. Naturally, Nora and Ren are surprised to see this as Jaune begins to apologize for everything. About being a bad leader. About being a bad friend.. But Ren and Nora stop him, telling him that they love him just as they did Pyrrha. They don't want to lose him too. This seems to help Jaune, who also seems to finally come to realize that Pyrrha knew that she couldn't beat Cinder, and that she likely wasn't coming back. But still, she did it, because someone had to. As such, JNR resolve to do the same and to fight as though she's still there alongside them. They start to head back tot he house, Jaune looking at the statue one more time as a lone Atlas ship flies through the sky. He thanks Pyrrha, and leaves with his teammates.
Back at the house, RWBY has found Qrow drunk off his ass as JNR and the Cotta-Arcs return. There's still no sign of Oscar, but Jaune resolves that they're not going to Atlas without him, also making it clear that JNR isn't giving up yet. Suddenly the door opens... and it's Oscar! Yep, he's safe and sound folks! Even better, he's got himself some new combat gear! He gets glomped by RWBYJNR, who are all very relieved that he's safe. Oscar has been getting dinner ready while everyone was searching for him as Jaune apologizes for how he acted and how he treated him. Oscar accepts it, saying that while he isn't sure how much time he has left as himself, with whatever time he still has he's going to help in the fight ahead. I'm so proud of them all!
While the teens are all happy, Qrow is far from it as he starts to walk away. Ruby stops him, but Qrow rebuts that since they can't get into Atlas and have no plan to do so, there's no point. Jaune however proposes a plan, to get into the shipyard and steal a ship. This is, of course, a VERY risky plan since it would get the Atlas military after them and Jaune also hasn't thought it all the way through yet. Qrow dismisses it as a result, telling them all to give it up for their own sakes. This is finally what sets Ruby off, telling her uncle point blank that she wishes to hear Jaune out and that she doesn't care how he feels about it. Despite everything, all the despair about the reality of the mission, Ozpin sealing himself away, The Apathy, the train wreck, despite all of that... they've survived. They made it to Argus. The goal of reaching Atlas is still in their reach. And they all did it without any help from either Ozpin or even Qrow himself. As such, while Ruby is still welcome to Qrow aiding them, they're going to do it their way. The chapter ends with Qrow utterly speechless as Maria points out that maybe he also hasn't given Ruby enough credit. And thus, the stage for the final act is set.
This... hit really close to home for me... we'll get to that in a bit.
First the villain scene. We got some setup for the next arc with Tyrian and Watts heading for Atlas, but more importantly we got some development for Emerald and Mercury. We got to see Mercury open up about how his father abused him and about where he feels that he stands. All that he feels that he is is a trained killer, and that's all that he can be. I don't know if he's worthy of a redemption yet, he's still displayed no remorse for his previous actions and seems no less against violence and hurting others as he was in Volume 3. But he is certainly more sympathetic with this and maybe it will get him to start changing himself.
I DO think that Emerald is very eligible for a redemption however. She's expressed regret before, is only doing what she does because of Cinder saving her, and is questioning if where she is now is really for the best. Mind you she still hasn't accepted that Cinder only ever used her, and IDT she will until she faces Cinder again in person. When even Mercury can point out that Cinder never cred and that she's in denial... yeah... But Emerald is clearly starting to realize that she doesn't want any part of this and that her best course f action is to get out. Hard to say ii she'll joint he good guys, if she even succeeds in escaping, but no matter what she needs to get out and get out now.
Onto the good guys now... well I guess that we panicked over Oscar for nothing! Haha... I feel dumb now. But I'm really happy with him right now! While I wish that we saw a bit more of him struggling with accepting his identity, there's still room for him to at least be worried later. But I'm still glad to see him resolving to do good with whatever time that he has. It shows a lot of maturity on his part, and I couldn't be more proud of him. I've seen some say that this is Ozpin pretending to be Oscar... which come on people? Can't we just be happy for a character without getting paranoid? That's OOC for Ozpin to do, especially with his current mental state, and just let Oscar have his moment. We'll worry about him later, 'kay?
Before we talk about the final part... we still need to talk about Jaune. This scene man... this... hit hard. It hit hard as a fan, of course. I still remember when I watched the V3 finale for the first time. I was in shock for I think a week, at least. It hits fans hard, and it hit Jaune hard. It's clearly still been weighing on him throughout the series with V4CH2, V4CH8, and the first half of the Battle for Haven being the heaviest indicators. It has been what's driven him to better himself and to keep up the fight... and then he finds out that it was for nothing. It hurt him. He almost hurt Oscar because of it, something that he clearly regrets, but it all comes back to losing Pyrrha and not wanting her death to be in vain. So seeing him find the memorial, the emotions clearly high as he talks to Mama Nikos... it was sad. I'd say it's probably the most emotional moment in not just the volume, but in the series thus far.
There's... another reason why this hit me though. Earlier this year, back in February, my father died. He had been sick for over 12 years form cancer, pneumonia, sclerosis of the liver, broken hip... just  a lot of things. He died after signing the non-recesitaiton form. Just moments after, he had a seizure and I got told by my mom to tell him that I loved him. That's when I knew, and sure enough just moments later, he was gone. I thought that I had come to terms with it, but then the holidays came and I realized... no. I haven't. I've accepted it, but I haven't moved on. It still hurts. Just thinking back to that day makes me feel like I can't breathe. It was the worst day of my life and like Jaune, I wished that he was still standing here with us.
But Mama Nikos words... they were so beautifully put. Pyrrha died, but she still got to follow her dreams. She still was at a place where she was loved. She knew that she wasn't coming back, but she fought anyways. Obviously my dad didn't die fighting a crazed Fall Maiden... but he did know that he wasn't coming home. He chose to pass on, and I guess that's been the hardest part. Knowing that he's made it through just about everything for so long, and suddenly he was gone and that he wanted to go. I still don't know if I'm okay with that. But seeing Jaune start to come to terms with it and receiving comfort form Mama Nikos and his team... it helped. It really, really helped. If anything, Jaune is clearly grateful for what Pyrrha did for him, and that is something that anyone who has lost a loved one  I feel should take away from this. Be happy for the time that you had, and keep moving forward. This gets JNR to decide not to quit, for Pyrrha.
Speaking of which, Ruby... oh my God Ruby. This is everything that I was hoping for. I do feel that Qrow deserves to be called out more for his extensive drinking and not giving a shit in general, but I am still thoroughly pleased with Ruby's reaction. She's had enough. She and the others, despite everything, have made it this far all on their own. They can't give up now. She can't give up now. SO if Ozpin is gone and if Qrow refuses to lead them? Fine. She'll lead, and they as a group will continue the fight their way. In V5, I expressed how it felt like Ruby didn't do anything and got so little development compared to everyone around her. This volume? She's stepped up as a leader. She start4d to learn and access her Silver Eyed power. She kept pushing everyone, even when under The Apathy, because this was what they signed up for. She never have up hope, no matter how much closer to the edge she was pushed. Now? She decides that she's done waiting for Qrow to get out of his stupor. She finally calls him out, and resolves to reach Atlas their way.
I couldn't be more proud of Ruby here. Hell, this whole volume has been absolutely amazing for the hooded Huntress. They really did seem to listen tot he feedback about V5 because they've fixed all of them. Ruby got no development? She's been the only one stepping up an trying, despite all the reasons not to. Ignoring the Silver Eyes? She found someone to give her proper guidance and is actively wanting to learn more. Isn't really leading? She's had to step up due to Ozpin and Qrow failing, and she's done an absolutely amazing job. Isn't taking it seriously enough? In every situation, she's taken it 100% seriously and has actively done everything that she can to resolve it. Ruby may still be keeping too much in, and hopefully she'll eventually be able to let it out, but right now? She has proven herself to be the motivational, hopeful person that Ozpin originally viewed her as. She truly is a smaller, more honest soul, and now she's gong to lead them to Atlas no matter what gets in their way.
Final Thoughts
This went NOTHING like I thought it would. But damn, this chapter was fantastic. Great character development, some VERY heavy but beautifully written moments, and as we approach the final act, we're clearly in for one Hell of a time. What'll happen in these last four chapters? Hell if I know. But with how great this chapter, and the entirely of the volume, has been so far then I'm excited for whatever it brings!
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