#look at this fucking thing. absolute creature
ros' reaction to mc having a hickey on their neck only to find out it's a mosquito bite later on?
Dear God you've been in inbox purgatory for a long while I'm so sorry, anyways, I'm gonna assume this is where they're crushing on you (not in a relationship) rather than the opposite lmao
They've never been one to allow their siblings to deter them from doing whatever they please, so whyever would they stop now?
Especially when he has such a valid cause to it.
You see, it was your fault— that's what he was telling himself anyway. You just had to arrive in the dining hall with such a— such a blasphemous mark on your neck, proud for all to see, this should count as a slight against Baeurae! Fae knew you got around, that's not what was pissing them off about this whole thing...
It's the fact that you didn't approach them first of all.
Ambrose thought of himself as someone within your circle you could rely on, you know? Someone you— someone who could tell you which creatures were worth your time! You're an absolute beauty, everyone could be made aware of that just by looking at you! So why— why have you not told him a thing of what happened to lay such a— such an offensive thing on your skin?! What messy work it was as well, and how come there was only one? He really knew whoever had done it was a true loser then. If it were him, he would have pulled you in and not let you go until he could taste your—
"Mooooorning, you~" Ambrose hears Dottie chirp and he sits upright with his smile plastered upon his lips as though that was enough to prove to himself that he was perfectly fine with this— all of this. "Someone slept well, I denounce~!"
"If only!" you bemoan as you collapse into the chair and scratch at the mark on your neck. It's here that Ambrose sees just how upset you seemed to be, the way your body tenses so severely, the way your brow knits together, and you bury your nails into your own skin before Ambrose reaches out, making sure fae's hand was seen by you, and he carefully pulls your hand away before you scratch too deep. "My roommate— that dumbass— forgot to lock our godforsaken window the night before and a flupoflim wound up having gotten offensed by whatever dream they may have sensed of me and bit me right in the goddamn neck! I swear, I'm going to..."
"A flupoflim..." Ambrose repeats quietly to himself, biting his tongue to keep his smile from widening even further as he relaxes his hold on you far more, intertwining your fingers and slowly guiding you into his chest, his gloved thumb rubbing circles over the back of your palm as their cheek presses to your hair while you continue rambling about the pest in your room.
A small laugh shakes his chest, his eyes relaxing, half-listening to the way his sister plots with you on how to fume the flupoflims from the academy as he slowly raises your joint hands and drags his fingertips down from your palm to carefully brush against your pulsepoint.
"What a kerfuffle for my poor darling ditzy." Ambrose drawls, bring your wrist close to his face so he could press his lips to it, feeling the way your artificial heart beat inside. "Might I suggest a word of my own as remedy?"
Dottie ~
Dottie walks through the halls with her posse a few steps behind her, an idle smile on her expression as their voices carry through the grand halls, even though she had them step away from her so she could enjoy the peace and quiet to clear her thoughts. In moments as this, she would typically walk with you and your impecc-uliar companion. However, she doesn't know how much she can stand walking within your vicinity without wishing to slice at your neck and watch your good pour out like a fountain.
Maybe if she did that, the abomination on your neck would go away.
It was such a messy fucking job as well, it weren't even even, and you clearly didn't have that good a night if you were walking around with just one on your neck. If it were her, she would have mauled you for all to see! She would have tore at your neck until you'd have to be fixed up with stitches!
But no, apparently you decided you weren't good enough for her and you decided to go for some lowlife who clearly couldn't appreciate your beauty in the way she does—!
"—uite annoying, yeah." she's pulled out of her thoughts when she suddenly hears your voice around the corner, and she pauses, raising a brow as she hears your voice carried through the hall. "Maybe if you hadn't left the damn window open, I wouldn't be walking around with the bite of a flupoflim on my perfect skin! Do you even know just how itchy this fucking—!"
"It's a fly bite, calm down!"
"Of course YOU would be saying that, you're not the one who had gotten bitten by the damn thing— oh, Dottie?"
She had appeared around the corner with her books tucked below her chest and her hair gently blowing in nonexistent wind, before she strolls up to you with the air of majesty you came to know of (and expect) from her presence alone.
"There you are~ I was thinking of relaxing in the bathhouse whilst I set my books aside!" she chirps, stepping up to you and sliding a hand around your waist, pulling you close to her while she brushes her lips against your earlobe.
"Your friend is free to join us as well, if they so please~ In any case, I hear you have a flupoflim problem?"
She smoothly turns you and your companion around, allowing for said flupoflims to swoop in from the windows by her command to clean after the bodies their mistress had left behind, as well as all the ichorous organs that littered the floor.
She'd rather you not see such a distasteful sight~
Loriette Kei ~
"You've something there, I see." their face openly snarls at the sight of the offending mark on your neck, amidst the many other ones you allowed him to leave on you since it was his turn that day.
"I've a little something everywhere, if you couldn't tell." you respond dryly, feeling around your neck. He always mauled you, practically, as if he was trying to prove a point to his older sister and cousins. "You're not exactly the gentlest lover."
"Oh I can be gentle as a feather, you realize?" his strings envelop his body as his form shifts rapidly into a smaller one he was able to hop onto your shoulders with. "You don't give me many a reason to be gentle, is all. You're so... difficult sometimes, and by that, I mean any which time. Whatever you do or see that I may never think to be," their tail brushes against the bottom of your chin before they hop off your shoulder to sit on your lap, shifting back into his doll form to lean forward and pin you against the bed, a bit of their inky-black seeping through the cracks and running down his skin. "Is somehow always something you so readily use against me."
"I'm just looking out for whatever I deem to decree." you respond, your head resting back against the soft sheets of your dorm bed. You didn't often like sleeping in a bed that wasn't your own, after all, your bed was definitely the comfiest in the academy, and you were sure of that. "Now would you please tell me?"
"This," Loriette keeps himself hovered over your body while his strings reach forth to slowly wrap around your neck, the ends tickling against the mark he had seen earlier before they disappear, and his face is streaked with more of the void he kept inside himself.
"Oh, ugh. That." you roll your eyes and tilt your head to the window that allows you to look over sonder at the many bodies below your dorm. "My dormmate, Stesmi pray for them, didn't close the window before sleeping the night before, a flupoflim came and—"
Loriette Kei interrupted you by bursting out laughing, and rolling off and onto your bed, covering his face in one hand while his tail swished to and fro. A flupoflim... he had gotten jealous over one of those nasty little buggers.
"Hey, hey... forgive me, dearly, I weren't laughing at you per say, truly." he was quick to pull you close when he saw you were about to leave the bed, still chuckling over your pouty expression before burying his face into your neck.
"My... what am I to do with you, dear Alice?"
Lorelei Kei ~
"Oh that's a nasty piece of work, I see..."
She was the first person you thought to go to regarding your bite. Your companion had forgotten to close the window all the way last night before falling asleep and a flupoflim had entered and bit you since it... apparently didn't like your dream or something of that sort? Whatever, honestly. You wanted it gone, it was itching like a motherfucker.
"Right? I can hardly even remember what I were fucking dreaming about! I swear, the one time I decide to indulge myself and this is what happens!" you complain, moving your hair out of the way to allow her to get a better look at the bite you had received for daring to dream.
It wasn't even fucking worth it either, the dream wasn't even worth noting enough to remember.
"I've a salve if you wish to apply that. I'm terribly sorry for the flupoflims, I know I've squashed a good few against my neck for such a transgression before." she offers with a small frown, pulling a small bottle from her dress pocket before she tips it turvy against her fingers and a small bit drips out.
"You're an absolute darling, Lorelei Kei. Honestly, I'd adore for you to do this for me, thank you kindly..." you sigh, shivering when you feel her fingers massaging the bite on your neck. "You made this yourself then?"
"Mm... yes, yes I did." she responds, feeling her lips curl up a little as she carefully sits down before you, and she makes sure the salve is spread evenly along the bite. "It's a simple mixture, really. My noveur told me the importance of not relying all on my strings to heal... though that was more so because the way my strings heal is a bit grotesque. Not that I care."
"Why did you create a salve if you don't care then?"
She doesn't respond for a moment, lifting her hand once the salve was applied and blowing gentle air to the area to help it dry a little better, making you gulp.
"Because you might think my healing ways are grotesque."
Nadia ~
"You can't ignore me forever." you tell her firmly, watching as she continues to work at her desk, writing a letter to her kingdom's form of government in her room.
"Nadia, this is childish."
"No it isn't." she says simply, standing up from her desk and grabbing a bowl of fruits she hadn't yet touched before she tosses it in front of you, the spinning bowl filling her dorm with an unpleasant sound as it, miraculously, doesn't begin multiplying by the dozens or growing bigger. Then again, that was also likely because she was wearing her gloves.
"Yes it is— you're even responding like a child." you tell her with a small frown, tilting the bowl towards you to look at its contents before settling on a berry that had nearly fallen out. "Had I committed a slight against you once more? Add onto mine list of many that you refuse to tell me? Look, I'm well aware that my beauty's been known for rendering others speechless, but—"
"I am the one acting childish. I would like to keep acting childish."
Oh, you didn't expect her to just outright admit it. You watch as she sits down about a cushion away from you. "What are you—"
"That mark on your neck," he mentions, nodding her head towards you, making you lift a hand up to what you knew she was talking about. "It's... disgusting. I don't want to look at it. I want to be upset as I refuse to look at it. You are making me upset."
"Nadia, this is a mere—"
"I know what it is," they interrupt you, biting their tongue before sighing as he looks away. "But... please, just don't say anything, or I may die of mortification. I'm usually much better at controlling my own emotions. But that... that thing on your neck— I know what it is, rationally, but even knowing this, just the sight of it, the implication of what it could be, I'm sick of it."
You stare at her a moment, your lips quirking up as you realize why she isn't looking at you. She isn't actually mad... what she really is makes you pop the berry in your mouth, giving you an excuse to shut up.
"... Please, get rid of it...?"
"... I will, so long as you help me."
Noré ~
What on earth had been getting into her these days...
She found herself at your beck and call much more earnestly than they first believed themself to be, first of all. This wasn't anything new, they had done this with anyone and everyone that had passed by them that hallway.
What was getting to him now was that... thing, thing on your neck. It was terribly ugly. It didn't suit you. He would know what suits you and what doesn't, he's completely memorized the sort of style you adore so dearly.
He found himself glued to your side, hanging onto your every word as you speak, your hand repeatedly reaching up to rub at the spot he was eyeing and everytime you did, she felt the pit in her stomach grow wider and wider until it felt as though it would swallow her whole.
"Must you be so enamoured with whatever it is that has you recalling as you rub that?" it slips out of their mouth before they can even think to keep it inside. "You realize that I'm in your company, yes? How terribly rude of you to treat a ruler this way, I ought to try you for—"
"Treason?" you finish, shaking your head. You didn't believe him. Of course you didn't, they never gave you any reason to believe in his words, ever. "Alright, Mocking Turtle. Riddle me this—"
"I'm no hatter, but go on and riddle me what." he responds blandly, hands clenched around her own wrists behind their own back. "Riddle me how?"
"Lethargic eyes and weary bones, they try to rest yet nature would oppose," you reach up to rub the area again. "A draft to fill, the moon to shine, whatever could float decides offense to a dream of mine. Whatever does it do?"
"... Indeed, whatever does it do?"
"It bites you." you respond with a small groan. "Fucking windows and dormmates and... ugh, it's absolutely killing me."
"Oh, no, I don't believe it so." Noré responds from beside you. "For if it were truly killing you, you'd be but flesh and bone."
"You jest, but it truly feels as though the ichor were being—" you cut yourself off as you look to them again, the way they smile feels a bit more relaxed than before. "And what's suddenly got you in such a good mood?"
He blinks at your words, his eyes no longer smiling, though his lips stretch upwards a bit more. "Indeed, whatever does?" they hum, keeping step with you and linking your arms together, tugging you closer to their side as they do.
"Whatever, I suppose you've riddled me true."
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iicaru2 · 6 months
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thinking about this fucking thing
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velbsy · 3 months
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More smiling friends worm creature for you guys AJDHWJDHD I LOVE HER
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I didnt really like the newest season of hilda :(
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Is there anything that causes you lmk brainrot that you weren’t asked about yet? :o
Cause I absolutely love reading your analysis’ and/or your scattered thoughts. If so, this is a demand that you share with the class! No matter what it is!
I'm going to use this as an opportunity to go on a rant about 2x08! It's one of my favorite eps in the whole show and I'd love to talk about why that is.
I wanna talk about Sandy destroying the bear mountain. Can we talk about Sandy destroying the bear mountain? Let's start with Sandy destroying the Bear Mountain:
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This alone contributes so much to not only the ep itself but to the hurt/pain motif (or theme) in the show as a whole. Sandy is the gentle giant who doesn't want to fight, mainly because he doesn't want to use his strength to hurt anyone or anything. We see this resolve all the way in the AHIB special:
Sandy: "That's a lot to take in. You know what I do to people who disrupt the peace? Serve them tea! [...] But I'm tellin' you now old friend: if things get hairy, I've changed. I don't go around picking fights no more!"
And it's the first thing he attempts with the Huntsman:
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But, the Huntsman presses all the right buttons, Sandy snaps, and because he does so destruction follows (specifically the destruction of that beautiful Bear Mountain that brought him so much awe before, which he has now removed from the world), and it's proof of what Curse MK speaks of:
Curse MK: "Such pitiful creatures. Cowardly, reckless, monstrosities—all doomed to play a role in tearing this world apart, to cause nothing but chaos and destruction."
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
It's proof of what even MK speaks of:
MK: "No matter what I do, it's going to lead to pain. It's like the Lady Bone Demon said—it doesn't matter if I want to help people or not, everything I do just- it just makes things worse!"
(4x08 The Brotherhood)
BUT, the same "Better than we found it" s4 philosophy still applies here, and the first thing Sandy does is check on the surrounding animals and then the crimson jimsonweed:
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Even if there was some destruction, the creatures of this forest all made it out okay. And ultimately, because Sandy was there he was able to get what he needed to save MK.
The 2x08 conflict also parallels two other fights in the show: Both Sha Wujing V Pigsy in 4x06 and Azure V MK in 4x13 (I think this flips towards the end of the fight, with it becoming more like MK V Azure). Each fight pushes one half of the conflict to the "breaking point" (Sandy, Pigsy, MK, then Azure) and in-turn revealing something quite monstrous within each of them. (("What's wrong, isn't this what you wanted?" - "You wanna see a monster, I can show you a monster!" - "Well alright then." - "No, this isn't what I wanted!")
The way Sandy explodes and destroys his own clothing in 2x08 reminds me of how MK does the exact same thing in 4x13 Rip and Tear:
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And I think some of what Sha Wujing says is easily applicable to all 3 situations:
Sha Wujing: "But you were too weak to be who you truly are! I am a monster! That's what the world wants me to be, so that's what I'm gonna give 'em!" ((Curse MK: "You can't escape it. This thing, whatever you are, embrace it. Embrace your destiny.")) [[The Huntsman: "All it took to bring out the beast was smacking around some of your woodland friends ey?"]]
All 3 fights come down to what the attacker wants from the defender (who then turns into an attacker lol). The Huntsman wants Sandy to go berserk out of pure dark curiosity. Sha Wujing wants to "see a monster", want's Pigsy to give him a true fight. Azure wants MK to turn on Wukong and understand why Wukong isn't worth his loyalty. All attackers end up failing, in their own ways.
And I just think it's neat!
I especially think it's super neat that the Huntsman wanted Sandy to be a monster, ("What's wrong, isn't this what you wanted?") but ultimately Sandy proved he wasn't. Sha Wujing in contrast wanted to prove he was a monster, because "that's what the world [wanted him] to be", and almost did before Mo stepped in.
So next season (or just eventually), I really am hoping for some Sandy backstory! I have my OG Sandy is Current Sandy theory, but I'll love anything they give me. Sandy went through some pre-series character development, and I want to know what was and why it was! MK feels like he's currently following in Sandy's footsteps (in a way), so I'm thinkin' Sandy will be instrumental in helping MK with his current Monkey Form conundrums (or at least in my dreams he will be). Sandy's "No!" during 4x13 when MK explodes into his Monkey Form haunts me, and I'm always one to stand in front of my conspiracy board!
Bonus parallel:
Sandy: "Hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength—took me a really long time to realize that. As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend, I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me."
(2x08 To Catch A Leaf)
MK: “You don’t know! We’d risk it for sure! I won’t abandon them when they need us.”
(4x02 New Adventures)
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So schön und heiter wie du kann man nur sein, wenn man nicht ›Immensee‹ liest und niemals versucht, selbst dergleichen zu machen; das ist das Traurige!…
this book is fucking hilarious
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When I was making my first trying-to-be-serious ocs it was in the start of the 2010s (and I mean the START, 2010-2012) and there was a big “anti Mary-sue” movement on deviantart (the website I spent half my internet time on and was posting my art on) and I liked to make my character designs pretty extra (although compared to modern stuff they look pretty normal) so I started to get self-conscious. At the time though I was watching soul eater (and there was another thing I’m forgetting and it’s really frustrating me) and I saw that it was popular with a cool art style and the characters were extra AF, so I was like “okay. Maybe, as long as I can draw my character often and consistently it doesn’t matter if they are wild!” and you know what? Early teen me was RIGHT. Not about many things, but about this in particular she was!
#emma posts#girl was relying too heavily on character tropes and some stuff of that era#but she was so right about character design#if maybe using a few too many colors for each one#now people are just being wild with it and it fucking works#two examples I can think of in modern popular animation are mha/bnha and hazbin hotel (still haven’t watched that one)#but damn if those characters don’t look like some of my favorite early teen creations#and the artist made it WORK#i don’t think I’ve gone quite as wild as bnha but you know what? one of my old worlds still could#I’m sentimental about that one and even if I’ve been stuck I’m still taking that one with me forever#other projects might come and go. but (project currently named absolution) is constant#as well as its main cast. I’ve been learning a bit more about some of the mythologies I used as inspiration and it’s been giving a lot of#ideas for how I can develop things. it has not solved a few hang ups though#the biggest one being what was the divide about and how was it defined?’#it’s been made more gray as I learn more about mythology and folklore#the Christian aspects of it can be a bit clear. but others have more gray areas and i like it but it also makes things a bit frustrating#interestingly enough. flight rising having so many different species on one world has given me some ideas#I am a bit reluctant to use too much from outside certain cultures though. which can appear a bit biased and probably is. but I don’t want#to mess up something you can’t really change about a creature from a culture in less familiar with. it would be a dick move#but yeah. if death the kid can exist my weirdos can as well
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kibibarel · 2 years
Did you see the spoilers? Reddit Mascot pokemon
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whose man is this
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camgirlkaminari · 2 years
ugh i MAY OR MAY NOT have fallen into a deep hole i cant get myself out of. my commitment to the bit will be my downfall. im like some sort of. rule 34 gajinka. human erotic tulpa generator. anyway last night i drew bowuigi porn
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“Sure hope the magical entity that can see through every mirror in existence is enjoying the show” I say as I do some dumb shit at my reflection
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moe-broey · 1 year
Honestly a dream hobby of mine (ESP as I've been getting more into Making Things with My Hands -- from pins to jewelry and ESPECIALLY clothing modifications) is doll customization. ESPPP inspired by Dollightful on Youtube, where her projects get So Involved sometimes she's woodworking she's sawing off limbs she's using clay and sanding it down to reshape the doll's body to fit her vision. AND ofc any doll custom involves a new face (watercolor pencils or paints choose your fighter) and new hair (doll hair BUT I ALWAYS THINK ABOUT the way of making doll hair/wefts Out Of Yarn‼️‼️ THAT'S SO COOL) and a new outfit (sewing and crafting and ESPECIALLY considering "Okay, What material would work best to achieve the goal I'm aiming for? How does it sit? How does it flow? And most IMPORTANTLY How Does It Work!!!!!")
Like maybe it's the alleged not officially diagnosed ADHD but I GET. SO BORED. If I'm not Working With My Hands (I literally CAN'T draw digital anymore because IT'S BORING‼️‼️ IT'S TOO CLEAN ALSO‼️‼️‼️ LET ME BULLSHIT AND GET MESSY AND TRY WEIRD THINGS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT WORK ‼️‼️‼️ EXPERIMENTAL‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️)
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loststolenorstrayed · 2 years
You all gotta watch Flip Flappers it’s such a fucking trip
#my post's#my post’s#that shit was my first real anime and it gave me such wild unliveuptoable expectations#magical girls going to beautifully designed weird as hell alternate universes every episode#bizarre things that I’m not sure if they are fanservice or are making fun of fanservice or both but I wouldn’t take them out#even though I kinda hate them it would ruin the absolutely insane tone#a fucking wish granting cult that genetically engineered more than half of the cast and is the antagonist#a trapped young girl with magic powers growing up to continue the cycle of abuse and control with her magic powers#lesbianism. so much lesbianism.#the most autistic pair of main characters.#mommy issues (previously elaborated on)#musings on whether your problems make you who you are#RENOWNED for having the best OP & ED ever#several genders of mad scientist#sidekick creatures with unclear levels of sapience and bizarre plot relevance#telepathic twins#lore shit dropped in your lap that you just gotta keep up with#and THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND MOST ANIME ART STYLE I HAVE EVER SEEN OR WILL EVER SEE#look maybe I’m biased because it was my first after the ghost stories dub (no kidding) but flip flappers is my favourite anime of all time#it and the shelter music video inspired a trope in my own writing that persisted all the way from middle school to 2020#(the isolated girl trapped amid beauty. specifically in her room)#a bunch of my ocs were just Mimi#god. flip flappers is so good and so crazy.#flip flappers#anime#anime recs#GOD AND I FORGOT THE EMPHASIS PLACED ON FRIENDSHIP. IN THIS KINDA FUCKED WAY THAT SPEAKS TO ME SO MUCH#This anime. man. it’s just me this is my brain with 75% more shiny colour and frills
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chronicallyzagreus · 2 days
A hair dresser really fucked up my shit today and I’m honestly just,, awed by it?
My bangs were longer than this when I had a traditional men’s cut. I have shoulder length hair
Worstie I asked for long bangs, how’d I end up with micro bangs
#I have to make jokes or else I’ll keep crying about this#I mean I will keep crying about this for next couple of months#but maybe it’ll look less pathetic if I make jokes about it#yeah it’s just hair but fuck#I’m too traumatized for this shit#I mean#crying about it instead of genuine reactivity is a positive sign!#i still feel like absolute shit#there’s so many fucking things that upset me here#ignoring just the part where I have to avoid mirrors for three months#I can’t fucking dye my hair any more#I’m not spending that much fucking money on something I’m going to hate in a month bc my bangs are going to look like shit#which is fucking dysmorphia inducing by itself!#I kind of fucking hate my hair color rn#I was going to dye it within the month#so now I have to buy / style / and fucking deal with a wig for Halloween#(yes have to. I can only take so many blows to my ego)#I. fuck.#there were more coherent points in here but I just#I have so little but ego#I’m a wounded bleeding creature and the shitty fucking bandage that is my ego is the only fucking thing keeping me stable#and as off late I’ve been bleeding through that bandage. this. this is only making it fucking worse#I’m not going to kill myself.#at the end of the day I am a spitful and angry creature. wrath will keep me going when nothing else will#but I’m so thin#and there’s so little of me to loose to that wrath#I#fuck#gods what is it like to be normal#to not have a fucking bad haircut bring you to your fucking knees
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waywardsalt · 1 month
tag rant but man i fuckin hate the new direction for loz
#its like. this is more on like. why is it bad that theres a zelda formula. why is it bad that all of the games follow this formula#that’s their identity??? like pokemon games and fire emblem games all have their own formulas so to say#and so thats their identity thats what you expect going in thats their niche their gameplay experience identity#and i just. really fucking hate how loz seems to be going the route of just. throwing shit at the wall and trying everything else#and nothing sticks so the more recent ones just feel like open world slop that dont excel at anything#so fuck this im going to play elden ring with a double jumping horse and great and challenging combat. i’ll play minecraft#yknow? and i dont understand why loz games feeling ‘similar’ is so fucking bad like???? every game series’ entries feel similar thats the#point yknow. if they suddenly made a fire emblem that was an fps for no reason other than to break convention and break away feom the#formula then what the fuck thats not even fire emblem any more. like. idk. i kinda just despise the newer stuff bc its so. middle of the#road whatever and has just about nothing i actually like and look for in the series. they dont have that niche identity any more#its a shift that just makes them like part of the open world white noise every aspect is honed down and done better in other games#its not like the formula causes every loz game to be really predictable or blend together fuck no#theyre still each very unique from each other even if they follow the same guidelines thats the fun???#like woah i wonder how the dungeons will differ what the new story and characters will be what new items#fucking hell boo hoo this game series’ games are similar to each other. almost as if they share the same central identity#absolutely just letting off steam and frustration here i hate when ppl treat the formula as a bad thing when it’s like. what makes them loz#like fuck its not like theyre exactly the same like i said theres a great deal of variety in what each one offers no need to just chuck it#all thats the kind of shit i come to loz for. i go to fire emblem for the specific leveling up strategy gameplay i go to pokemon for the#creature battling and specific world feel botw/totk just. do not carry with them the same signifiers of loz and they dont really have#identities beyond go do whatever the fuck which is not very compelling??? like can we at least commit to something here?#im yelling at shadows here im just. fuckin tired and feeling pessimistic abt this future of this game series whose core gameplay is one of#my all time favorites i really like the tightly designed linear-with-freedom dungeons and puzzles and world and all that#like the aesthetics changing is great and its fun to see different takes and tones on it but that core sense of things is like. The Point#of choosing to play loz yknow what i mean. like just bc its got ‘legend of zelda’ slapped on it doesnt gonna mean im gonna want to play a#vastly different experience if that makes sense. thats not the precedent thats not what you like. expect and associate with this#i feel like i sound like some entitled fuck abt this but like. is that tried and true style just going to be trashed in favor of this#honestly kinda bland everyman-ass style just bc it started to seem like it was getting stale. fuck this im gonna see what tunic’s about#likely delete later this was just a vent. ‘the zelda formula is a bad thing-‘ are you fucking serious rn#like hesitantly hopeful abt eow bc someone i know is excited for it so ill def play it but just. man
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homunculus-argument · 9 months
It annoys me unreasonably when you want to ask people "what bird and what mammal would make the worst gryphon" as a fun thought exercise, and people with no joy and no imagination always interpret it as "a gryphon that sucks, is physically impossible, and would hate being alive", and - being predictable and lacking in imagination - always, always answer with "a hummingbird and a blue whale lol".
Like come on. Why do you have to suck the fun out of everything. Why not use a fraction of imagination and delightful whimsy. Imagine the combination of a mouse and a sparrow. That creature would be merciless, burtal, absolutely determined to get into your trash and has the power of both wings and hands to do its will. Or a crow and a cat - that thing is smart enough to fuck with people and not afraid to do it. Imagine the ungodly shriek of the noble fox-seagull, also determined to get into your trash.
A gryphon that is a combination of a kangaroo and a cassowary. The only proof we have of a loving god is the fact that those things do not exist. If hell is real, it's full of them. That thing can't fly, but it will run you down, it will kill you, and you will look stupid the whole entire time you're dying.
Why would the first thing that pops into your mind at the words "the worst gryphon" automatically be "a gryphon that hates being alive". Can you not picture a gryphon that fucking loves being alive, and has both the power and the will to make it everyone else's problem.
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mochapanda · 4 months
does anyone actually care about the "feelings" and "emotions" of animals. i dont think most of them even have those. theyre not people. why would we care
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