#look at the swag on this motherfucker
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straight up FACTS.
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bardkin · 3 months
went to my very first concert like, a week ago now - mother mother & cavetown. everywhere i looked there were so many queer folks. pride flags abound, combat boots on every other person who walked by, so much kandi !!
even in this fucking hellstate [florida], there was just this overwhelming sense of "Holy Shit, I'm not alone."
and by the gods...... there were so many hot people & i'm not sorry to say that🥴
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liesmyth · 2 years
locked tomb characters ranked by how cringe they are
because this post by @wifegideonnav reminded me that they’re all losers, but some are even more losers than the others
Hot Sauce: 1/10. This girl is cool in all possible ways and definitely future lead researcher material. No cringe, zero notes.
Pyrrha: 2/10. By far the least cringe of The Olds. Yes her nicknames for Nona have dad joke energy but she’s very earnest about it and it’s cute.
Juno Zeta: 2/10. Total MILF. Very smart and should know better than to get flirty with We Suffer, but I get it.
Marta Dyas: 3/10. A complete badass with a very sensible outlook on avoiding unnecessary forms. Call me Judith because I would also make a pass at her at the first possible chance.
Commander Wake: 3/10. She made Pyrrha fall in love with her, seduced ever-loyal G1deon into hatefucking and galvanized a dying resistance movement. She was genuinely nice to Gideon those 3 seconds they interacted in passing! Then she had to go and hide under the bed of a mentally ill teenager.
Dulcinea: 4/10. Her horniness for revenge is epic. Let down Pal as nicely as she could and managed to outwit Cytherea when it mattered. Not cringe at all.
Camilla: 4/10. Yes, she could kill you in seconds but she did once sell cigarettes, her most liquid asset, for about a third of their market value.
Alecto: 4/10. Scary eldritch woman-shaped creature with a sword, comes highly recommended by Pyrrha Dve. Loses points for confusing Middle English and thinking John was the best possible Sailor Earth when he was clearly the worst.
G1deon: 5/10. Utterly willing to burn for what he believes in. Yes, he probably needs some perspective but he made sure the baby had enough air before kicking Wake out of the airlock and Matthias Nonius thinks he’s an okay dude.
Pash: 5/10. She has that freedom fighter swag and the cool hair but she is a terrible bodyguard coasting on nepotism, sorry to say.
Palamedes: 6/10. He didn’t clock the serial killer pretending to be his ex because he was too busy going to painfully extreme lengths to avoid interacting with her.
Naberius: 6/10. My controversial opinion is that Babs is the least cringe of the Third House throuple. Yes he looks and acts like a peacock but he puts up with Corona snacking on him for no reason and is still nice to her, and gives Ianthe solid romantic advice.  
Nona: 6/10. Cringe in the unselfconscious way of a young teenager, and put this ability to use making Pal fess up to his nurse kink. She will never be cool but it’s part of her appeal.
Mercymorn: 7/10. Speaks in onomatopoeias. She knows she is insufferable so she’s gonna do her best to make sure to be the most insufferable person in every room. Once called John Gaius “the best man I who ever lived” to his smug face and not even blowing him up later makes up for that.
Ianthe: 7/10. Looks like a wet rat. Hopelessly dramatic but she pulls it off. Declares her love for Harrow at every turn in the most transparent possible way then pretends she’s just being snarky. Some cool points for actually getting shit done
Coronabeth: 7/10. Terrible taste in love interests. Her freedom fighter era was hot but she thinks pompadour hair is a good look? Also, the way she spent her whole life lying about necromancy speaks of extreme conflict avoidance. Cringe move.
Judith: 7/10. She deserved to suffer and has suffered more than she deserves. It’s cringe how she clings to her imperialist brainwashing but she gets a point for rightfully understanding she should be wary of Corona, something Ianthe still can’t even grasp.
Ortus: 7/10. Yes he quotes his own epic poetry WIP at people but he also had to grow up on the Ninth with nothing better to do. Genuinely a very nice guy.
Cytherea: 8/10. Her unhinged vibes are very hot but she killed a couple of nerds and two teenagers instead of anyone who was actually dangerous. Cringe of her!
Silas: 8/10. Smarmy cloud-looking motherfucker. He is a child Pope and I guess he can’t help the inherent cringe of the Eight. But that’s still no excuse for bringing a portrait of John all the way to Canaan House just to hang it in your bedroom, dude.
Gideon: 8/10. Babygirl is a horny virgin with the vocabulary of a nerd. Harrow is bones over tit in love with her and she fails to notice after living in Harrow’s brain for eight months. Gets points for managing to maintain impressive biceps on a diet with no protein.
Augustine: 9/10. Extremely cringe because of how hard he tries to pretend he’s not cringe. Cigarettes on a space station and effectively performing swag don’t make up for how much he clearly wants to suck John’s dick. Which he did at least twice.
Harrow: 10/10. Spent most of her life being mean to Gideon because she was too hot to deal with and lobotomized a coffee shop AU into existence. Thinks Ianthe Tridentarius is beautiful. Once built a bone cocoon to sleep in after not drinking water for two days. Should’ve told God months ago that she just didn’t want to eat his fucking biscuits and stop offering.
John: 10/10. Unfortunately, this scale only goes up to 10 but we all know it’s not enough. Deeply cringe in a myriad of ways, chiefly among them the way he inflicts his barely veiled incest kink on all his friends. That one dad joke was gold, though.
This was getting too long but for the record: Aiglamene is cool and so is Abigail Pent. Magnus is not cool but he’s a fun time. The Terrible Teens are exempt from judgement on account of being 14.
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neganerd · 2 months
I promised I wouldn't drink anymore, but I'm missing OG F&C Gumlee toxic yaoi like a mf.
Ok, but being serious...I miss them and their dynamic so much.
I miss them being jerks to each other (mostly Marshall) and having this unresolved tension cuz they weren't close enough to be friends but they 100% liked each other despite being complete strangers to each other.
These motherfuckers hated each other while thinking about each other all the time and that's the seasoning that made me like their ship. I WAS IN THE TRENCHES SHIPPING THESE TWO AT THE RIPE AGE OF 10!
Look at this shit, man...
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They were interesting because they weren't like Marceline and Bubblegum who already had a previous relationship at the time, these two weren't even in friendly terms, they couldn't even see each other!
I was rooting for them to communicate and build the shit outta that relationship, but now we have a "perfect" relationship that was just rushed, honestly.
After all this time my feelings past the autistic hyperfixiation had settled down a little and I'm now able to pinpoint some things I didn't really like about the series.
And please don't get me wrong, I love the current Gumlee and how they make my king visibly black like they should, but it just isn't the same. It was rushed by a damn platform that only cares about producing rushed content and nothing else. I miss how the magical aspect of their world played a part in how they interacted with each other, all of them!
Speaking of, that's something I miss too and wished was different in the series: the lack of magic and the "get real" lesson they give us. What if I don't want to get real? What if I want more magical adventures??? I have enough with life already, I want some escapism! I'm sure there's a way of doing that without it being Finn, Jake, Marceline and Bonnibel all over again.
I wanted more of this:
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Y'all have no idea how much the background-characterification of Ice Queen hit me, man. They really took away her own backstory, her swag and ambitions just to simplify it, use her as background character and make her a Simon clone/variant and I honestly hate it. She was supposed to be unique in her own way, just like the rest of the gang and now they're confused as their counterparts even more than before.
I just hope season 2 gives us magic again somehow, but it sounds so unlikely :(
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doubleslashkarma · 10 months
What team Silver Crows lacks in technical skill they make up for in SWAG can I get an AMEN‼️
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Peixe is fish in Portugese, by the way. He's an item head which is ALWAYS BASED AND CORRECT and he's got the wet suit with the fish bowl? The neon green highlights? The fish on one leg? Outstanding
Goularte is just a really pretty dude irl so like he wins. He is dressed for the season and his MC skin made a Minecraft beanie actually look good which is such a feat in itself
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Wuant out here with the double sleeve tattoo like god intended and a fantastic beard. Short sleeve hoodie to show off the tattoos hell yeah dude!!! Idk what it is but the shading on his skin is really visually appealing
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Aldo out here with the dope funky hoodie with the stripes on the side AND the sunglasses (which are ACTUALLY TRANSPARENT and didn't use the cop-out strat of just solid black pixels which is BASED) AND the fuckin Mario hat??? Iconic. It fits his whole vibe so well
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MOTHERFUCKING SEAPEEKAY. For those unfamiliar with CPK his skin is usually a basic anthromorphic fox but HOLY SHIT.
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Humanized version with the shattered fox mask, the almost apocalyptic clothing style, the asymmetry, THE FUCKING PONYTAIL ? He saw Purgatory and decided to be so painfully thematically ON POINT its actually killing me I don't see more people talking about it he did NOT have to go this hard
Like the Crows have the best all-around fashion game by FAR I hope they win so they get all the swag fanart they deserve
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hibiki24681357 · 8 months
Sure, Buggy Misery and Shanks CPR funny, but I'm gonna be forreal for a quick second: almost every panel I've seen of Shanks after chapter 1 looks like he's having the worst day of his life. Innumerable people probably show up just to fight his ass and he looks sick to bastard death of it. He only starts smiling and relaxing when people blatantly state harmless intentions, like when Ace or Mihawk tracked him down just to chat about Luffy. Everyday is wear pajamas to work day. Even Marco doesn't wanna bother with his ass. None of his exes or crushes ever write him back. It's wearing him down.
Buggy DOES think he's In Misery, yeah, but be realistic... he's been on TV. All he does is act funny cause he's a clown. He has swayed hundreds of pirates and men in prison just for breathing. Motherfuckers can't resist his whimsical swag and the way he keeps picking himself back up after getting his ass beat. I'm saying Buggy can save dick by giving it CPR and Shanks is the most miserable guy in the New World.
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boxheadpaint · 1 year
every motherfucker with swag on this planet has a lazy eye. If you lack depth perception youre radioactive with deadly swag levels. This is true and facts, if you look in the dictionary
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"gestures at him wildly look at him man " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "Well he's a pirate and that's already very trans coded. He bases his personality and general vibe off people he looks up to which is giving gender envy. The only way Chip could ever be cis to me is if he was the token cishet but he's neither so like… Trans boyy (my words are failing me but you get it)" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "literally the transest guy of all time (loser edition). tits out tuesday. man with tits monday. like. transgender moment real " - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "He was picked up by pirates at a young age pre-pueberty. He then spent most of his childhood in a gang. This kid was so malnourished everyone just assumed he was a guy and he went with it since his puberty was so fucked. My transmasc agender king" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "fucking look at him. most transgender motherfucker to ever exist. we'll never know what his actual name was because he was named based on his first home, the black rose pirates ship. his tattoos go over his top surgery scars" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "he’s just . he just kinda is yknow" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag
Gillion Tidestrider
"4 of the 5 JRWI fans I actually know fall under the transgender umbrella and all of them are absolutely in love with Gillion so here’s got to have something going on there" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "dude hes a fucking fish what else do you want from me. he has it all. the religious trauma. the swagger. the autism. he even has a cool fucking sword. his entire backstory is him being forced into a role against his will and only when he finds others does he get to fully embrace himself come the fuck ON" - Submitted For All Swag "he literally has gilded top surgery scars (saturn art that proves this even if it’s noncanon) that kind of trans swag cannot be ignored!! fucking!! golden scars!!! that shit kicks so much ass are you kidding!!! the koolest fish trans boy ever my goal in life truly" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "same sorta thing as jay, he has this whole arc of changing from trying to live up to expectations to just being what he wants and thinks is good (very trans of him). also he's a fish guy and probably has no understanding of gender, at least in oversea terms. and he canonically referred to himself with it/its pronouns one time which. yes. i think his titles are like pronouns to him, like in the undersea you refer to yourself by describing yourself and your achievements (pretty sure that's actually a triton thing in actual dnd who knows). he is the chosen one and the chosen one was referred to with they/them pronouns for a reason (definitely because the chosen one is genderqueer and not just to be inclusive mhm you can trust me i have no biases, the goddesses told me themselves)" - Submitted For Nonbinary Swag "gives birthout of his pussy?"  - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "he is like sooo xenogenderr. that fish is just transgender im so sorry. too swagful not to be." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag
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caesarsaladinn · 2 years
submitting Muammar Gaddafi to the war criminal swag poll bracket just to cause problems, and also because look at this motherfucker
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syn4k · 3 months
seriously though, furia with a blazing whip sword.
for those who are not familiar with furia:
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^ thats her
(autist's note: furias pronouns arent canonically confirmed literally anywhere during s1 and none of the champions can agree on what they are either so i just refer to her with he/she because like. just look at him. does that bitch not have the most he/she swag you've ever seen in your life. Anyways yes we hate this motherfucker but she is unfortunately also very much serving cunt while acting like one too. im getting off track.)
like do you see my vision. do you see what i'm getting at here
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Ewan Mitchell at CCXP 2023 ❤️
Loud noise warning! The video quality goes to shit when I post but I'll keep trying!
I stopped filming cause they came down and I wanted a picture with them, unfortunately they didn't come all the way over but I got to see them even closer!
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Ewan seems really sweet and attentive, in both panels he hugged the hosts hello and goodbye and gave us the warmest smile, he seems gentle and gives this kind and lovely energy
His outfit was stunning, pictures don't do it justice, he looked absolutely incredible
That. Fucking. Walk.
When he came out I immediately remembered his audition story cause that swag, that slow walk, is fucking magnetic. And hot as fuck. I too would cast him as Aemond immediately.
His voice is beautiful. Different than what I expected, his Aemond/Osferth voice is very low and gentle, and in other productions the accent really has my head spinning, but his voice is strong but smooth at the same time I can't explain it
He does pout a lot and it's the cutest thing ever, many times I looked over at him and he was just pouting
He didn't stop looking at the audience, there wasn't a second when he wasn't speaking that he wasn't looking around, winking and smiling at people, pointing at cosplays and fan art, it was really sweet, he seemed to be wanting to take it all in as much as he could, he was looking around smiling all the time
He was engaging with fans quite a lot, he got easily distracted from the interview cause was interacting with the people near him, he was all smiles
His face when Steve said he's team black was hilarious and I can say I'm one of the few that screamed for team green 💚
"ewa-" "green" bro he had no chill he was so proud
Loved his answers about Aemond and his story, he looked passionate about the character and you could feel that he loves Aemond and understands him and cares for him
Steve is a sweetheart and such a cool guy, he's really funny and kept pointing at fans and smiling at everyone he gives such good vibes, when he came down you can see in my pictures how close he got to those fans to take a good picture with them it was really sweet
They both were having a great time, that was obvious, and seemed really happy with the fan reception they got (we Brazilians don't play we will love you hard there's a reason everyone loves us) and all you xenophobic motherfuckers that were saying we would make him uncomfortable can suck my dick
If Ewan continues to do press I hope he gets all the love he got from us in other places and that more fans get to meet him, he really is lovely and gentle and deserves all the love we can give him
I hope they come back next year! And with more people from the cast, a girl can dream!
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wastedpotentialsblog · 7 months
Destiny enemies and enemy models that I really really liked and could've been used more:
Marauder Ultras:
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They're fun to fight! They're fast, can use stealth, can use shock blades, and don't have to Boss StompTM. I would've loved to see these guys decked in white, cream, blue, and black if they were on Europa. You don't have to give em Stasis but a different boss than just Large and slow Captain is a nice change of pace.
House Salvation elites (Enforcers, Disciples, and Assisstants)
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>Makes 3 custom enemy types that use Darkness powers for the first time, all with unique models and animations
>barely uses them
>they disappear for 2 years
They didn't come back til Seraph! SERAPH. Come on man. These fuckers should've been everywhere throughout BL. I also think their lack of appearance also contributed to the lack of urgency of the "our enemies have darkness now" threat. I mean, we fought like 8 or 9 named "Salvation Elites" but most were just standard Ultra Captains. If they were Elites, they could've just been these guys.
Side note: Out of the new factions of Lucent Hive, Shadow Legion, and House Salvation. Salvation didn't get an "invasion" season to go with their expansion. Robbed. Truly. They made a Military-Industrial Complex and barely set foot anywhere else besides Europa. I also think this was a factor that didnt create any kind of urgency during BL.
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Need I say more? Look at this swagged out motherfucker. If House Salvation really subsumed multiple houses under its banner, Kells Scourge included, should've thrown a couple of these bozos out there. Alter the shield mechanic to be more easily disabled by a solo player. Could even make their armor jet black. Given they have stealth itd be a nice visual contrast when they reveal themselves. I didn't play Scourge of the Past too much, but I did enjoy these guys when I did.
(Can you tell I'm biased at this point?)
Psion Flayers
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Easy miniboss material. They dont have to be Ultra sized, maybe just slightly bigger than standard Psions. Could even give them a supporting role on the battlefield. Empowering Cabal around them with their enhanced telekinetics, those enhancements varying by elemental type and tying back to our Light 3.0 abilities. (Sun Flayer/Solar=heal, Abyss Flayer/Void=overshields, Storm Flayer/Arc=movement speed). Of course, their armor would have to have more visual differences and distinct silouhettes as I imagine trying to pick out which one is which based on color alone could be difficult for some. Hell, truthfully, I'd be fine if they were just the fucking Psion Sisters from Season of Dawn copy and pasted everywhere. But a supportive role would add more variety to a fight.
Rocket Centurions
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Bet you forgot about these dudes, huh? They pop up in the EAZ but, you know, we've been fighting the Cabal for this long, you think more would've strapped rockets to their backs by now. While their missiles are just Colossus slow missiles (iirc), they could just be normal missiles that explode and don't slow just to keep them different. While these could be neat minibosses, if you want an Ultra one at the end of a story mission or something, they could take the Elykris (The Machinist) route of firing missiles where they go straight up in the air and red dots target the ground around you and you have to keep moving. They could've popped back in with the Shadow Legion. I think they could rock black, gold, and purple
Anyway this is mostly about House Salvation and Psion Flayers and I remembered Rocket Centurions in the middle of making this post. If I remember anything, I'll reblog it. I was gonna say something about the other races but Hive don't have a lot of variants that can be turned into minibosses and the Vex got Wyverns (seriosuly. No notes. A perfect enemy type). Obviously it's like way too late to add these to previous story missions, but if we are gonna reuse enemy types, can we reuse some of the cooler ones? Please?
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isaactheterrible · 1 year
could you write about sniper and demo bragging to each other about how many cryptids they’ve seen,, and then eventually arguing about which cryptids are real or not? I think it would be swag,, also I like your header
Thank you so much! (Also this request is freaking awesome, I hope I did a good job).
Demo + Sniper: The Cryptid Discussion
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Sniper didn't like the cold. But it was simply one of these nights. The wind blew cold air that invaded his van and the road outside was freezing. He hated these nights, cold and alone, desperately holding onto a far-too-thin blanket for any semblance of warmth.
But tonight was bound to be different. To Mundy's surprise the Scotts Man, Tavish had decided to come on by, probably looking for his drinking buddy for the night. The tall man came in , closing the door quickly but carefully as to not damage the two bottles of whiskey he was holding, one in each hand.
"Nice place ye got here, the cobwebs are a nice touch." Said Tavish as he made himself at home, sitting down on Sniper's table. To his dismay it appears his drinking buddy seemed tense, paying little mind to the Scotts man.
"What's up Mundy? Not in a talkative mood are ye? C'mon sit down lad, I got a story to tell ye." He insisted, gesturing to the seat beside him. Mundy did as he was told which Demo took as a signal to start his story.
"Well ye see, I reunited with an old friend recently, I was visiting me mum and I decided to go out with some lads I hadn't seen for a minute, the lot of us went out to get pissed (drunk) and next thing we know we're out on some dock, so I open me eyes to take a look around and you'll never guess what I saw! There's freaking Morag out in the water!"
"Morag?" Sniper asked clearly confused
"Ye know dirty dark brown skin, long neck, serpentine head, 20 feet long, Morag!" He said looking almost baffled at Sniper's ignorance
"Wait, is that some kind of cryptid you have over in Scotland?" Sniper tried to clarify
"Aye, I guess it makes sense ye wouldn't know 'im. I've seen 'im before, back when I had both me eyes, I was a wee (young) lad back then tho. In me paw's (father's) boat, the damn thing swam around us like it was gonna attack us! Gave me a bloody heart attack! Almost peed meself!" Demo joked
"Ye know I understand if ye don't believe me or think I was just a wee lad or drunk. Most people think I'm full of it." Demo said, looking down at his whisky, appearing a bit ashamed to have said his story aloud.
"Don't worry I believe ya mate. I... I've had my own fair share of... Bizarre experiences." Mundy said tensing up a bit.
"I used to go hunting with my ma when I was younger but one time I decided to go out alone, ya see in Australia there is the myth of the Yowie. You see it's said that out in the Australian wilderness there is a large hairy dumb bipedal creature, kinda like bigfoot. A big but harmless cryptid, a gentle giant but I know the truth. It ain't stupid and it sure as shit ain't peaceful."
The pain in Sniper's voice was evident but Demoman knew Mundy had difficulties talking about things like these, maybe if it was later in the night or maybe if the pair was drunker they could talk about it but not now, not like this.
"Ye know, Morag ain't the only spook I've come across." Demo joked, receiving a hesitant chuckle from Sniper.
"Ya seen any other creepy critters?"
"Have ye heard of the Alien Big Cats?" Demoman asked playfully
"Spooky motherfuckers, black cats the size of cows! They killed me mum's sheep." Demo proclaimed proudly
"You sure it wasn't a wolf or hell even a panther?" Asked sniper
"Panther? In Scotland? Ha! Don't make me laugh lad, these spooks ain't no panther and they sure as hell ain't no wolf. I've seen 'em stalking their prey with their biddy yellow little eyes... They attacked me friend Jean!"
"Ah is she alright?"
"Nah she died, it was cancer tho not them damn cats. She fought 'em off! Hit 'em with her cane! They didn't know who they were messin with!"
"I'm sorry for your loss mate." Sniper said awkwardly, not really knowing how to console someone.
"Is alright lad, Jean was a strong lady, fought it to the very end, those damn cats never stood a chance! Attacking a woman with a cane! Those damn felines!" Demo joked
"Hehe, damn cats. Ya know me and my dad got attacked by a cryptid once. The two of us were returning home from the cinema when a damn 6ft tall lizard came at us! We had to hole up in a damn public loo (toilet)! Waiting for that thing to get bored and leave!" Sniper explained
"That's not a cryptid, that's a damn Komodo Dragon!" Demo complained
"Says the guy who lost sheep to a glorified bobcat!" Sniper responded angrily
"I told ye already it ain't no bobcat, it's an alien!"
"Bollocks! What, these animals build their own spaceship to travel to earth? To do what exactly? Eat some sheep and get beaten up with canes?" Mundy argued
Demo looked away shyly, failing to come up with a witty comeback or an intelligent argument. Sniper had to admit it, it made him ashamed to hurt his friend, even if his friend started it. He didn't mean to put Demo in a difficult position.
"Ya know, I was young when the lizard attacked us. My dad probably told me it was the Megalavia to make me feel better, it was probably a croc or something." Sniper said, trying to improve his friend's mood.
"I thought these only existed in Florida." Demo joked
"Maybe they're an old-wives tale. A myth." Sniper said, a sly smile on his face, showing off his crooked teeth
"Ha! that'd explain how big these bastards get! Toothy fucks!"
"You're a good sport, mate."
Did y'all spot the ICP reference?
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shootingsun · 2 years
Wammys kids incorrect quotes except they're all conversations/statements I have been a part of:
L: Oh my God it's just like the time Beyond set his school on fire-
Mello: He what
Mello: I'm sorry for Near's behavior
L: you do realize that you were also participating in the behavior?
Mello: nooooo I was fighting on the side of righteousness it was justified
Near: is this a healthy coping mechanism? No. Will I continue to do it? Probably
Matt: stop telling little kids stories about real life serial killers!
Mello: if I had to be cursed with childhood trauma, SO DO THEY
Beyond: No you don't even understand this manga changed my entire LIFE please read it I'm literally begging you
A: But I already know the entire plot because you told it to me via a series of rants
Beyond: STILL!
Matt: I'm trans and a gamer which somehow just makes me even more swag
L: I genuinely believe that no-one here is cisgender
A: Uh, I am?
Beyond: it's okay, we'll accept you when you realize that you're wrong
Beyond: My gender is the same as that one frog man I saw on a computer once
Near: Same
Mello: Yup, agreed
Matt: I don't think anyone here DOESN'T relate to the frogs gender honestly
Mello: I don't want to have sex with anyone you whore I want to have academic validation!!
A: I'm literally going to die this very second, unless-
Mello: the drunk horse show destroyed me emotionally however it did give me cool ideas for characters
Near: I'm sorry, the drunk WHAT show
Mello: Horse, god keep up Near
L: Buying cake at 7:36 in the morning and consuming it all in under two minutes IS self care actually
Matt: Why do acesexuals say the most horny shit? Like, lots of you don't even want the sex so why
Mello: Honestly I dunno but as an acesexual I can confirm that I say horny things all the time both in and out of context
A: I'm a good person, I'm a good person, I'm a good person, I'm a good person-
Mello: Uh. What's A doing?
Near: He thinks if he says it enough it'll come true
L: That's because it works you know.
Mello: Wait really?
Mello, under his breath: ...I will get the top score on my exam, I will get the top score-
Beyond: Who needs mental stability when you have EYELINER?
L: I've been in counseling for 7 years now.
Matt: Uh, good for you I guess
L: Not good, somehow I'm still depressed they failed to fix me emotionally
L: Look, someday, when you have the life experience I've had, you'll get it
Mello: I've never had the horizontal line dance because I'm literally underage and asexual
L: Oh shit yeah you're right
L: Hang on a fucking minute what did you just refer to sex as-
A: Everyday I get closer and closer to committing a -cide. And the motherfuckers who've crossed me better pray it's not the Homo one.
Matt: Honestly I dunno I'm just pressing buttons and hoping for the best
A: Do I picture his hair, his face, his eyes, the way our hands touch before I go to sleep? Do I long to feel the romance I'll never get to experience with him? Maybe. I mean, it might just be our mutual aromanticism, it might be my depression, but I know we can never be together in the way everyone expects us to be together...
Near: Sympathy noise.
A: Did you just say the words 'sympathy noise' to me?
Near: I'm bad at feelings why did you come to me about your sad gayness I don't know how to respond to that
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cath-lic · 6 months
Mildly out of the blue, but may I drop in here with something about the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that I think about A Lot?
So, the image is divinely generated— that is, it manifested instantaneously, and there are no discernable characteristics of work done by human hands (like paintstrokes, underpainting, pigment actually being ON the tilma, etc.)— and yet there is, undeniably, a distinct STYLE to the image. It's precise in its detail, but not at all photorealistic (that wouldn't be as swag, anyway). It looks like a painting! It looks like someone planned, designed, and executed that image. It's stylized, in a way that is identifiable with most religious iconography at the time of its appearance!
Here's what makes me so crazy about this: does this mean some lucky motherfucker in heaven got to design/paint/otherwise make that image before it was instantaneously transferred to that tilma??? I think a lot about who that might be, if so 👀
so one thing — you’re right that there’s no underpainting or sketch, but i did read briefly that the researcher sol rosales reported that the tilma had been prepared with white paint—however, that was way back in 1982, and no one else seems to have supported this, so conclusion: ???. everyone else does tend to agree that it certainly looks divinely manifested tho lol.
i DO think it’s fantastic that it’s survived so many years, though! i love that no one has figured out why it’s so durable, they just kinda throw their hands in the air.
also YEAH as for the artist up in heaven thing—major props to them. but just imagine being approached for a project and being told your client is HOLY MOTHER MARY. i would lose it
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jrwi-autistic-swag · 1 year
Round 4/Semi-final Poll:
Pictures and propaganda are under the cut!
Peter Sqloint (Apotheosis)
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His special interest is rocks, he named his pet lizard lizard, he pulled quite possibly THE BADDEST bitch…like?!
I mean just look at him, he’s just a little goober and like yippee as hell
listen. listen. listen. there is no other character more autistic than peter sqloint. his special interest is rocks and lizards. he used unfathomable otherworldly power to duplicate his lizard. half the campaign was spent talking about rocks and trying to find a good log for his lizard. he is the most autistic autist and i’ve ever seen in my life. he canonically has trouble maintaining eye contact and making eye contact in general. listen to me. he is autism incarnate. i would die for him
have you seen his rock collection? or his missing of social cues and norms? and also the fact he is a charlie slimecicle character? literally nobody more autism than him
Have you seen him? He is the definition of the meme “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic”
Dakota Cole (Prime Defenders)
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Canon(?), from what I know hes based off one of Grizz's autistic cousins. He literally got overstimulated and stimmed with his bongos season 2 episode 1. Just generally gets overstimulated all the time. Stims, literally stims all the time. Hes said "yipee" before when he was happy. He literally eats like 2 foods (beef stroganoff and pizza). Hes so silly and is literally me and Im autistic so.
Literally just a guy! Sensory issues, Special Interest (Super-Heros), Cant Understand Emotions/Change/Social Ques, High Energy, He Literally Yippied Once
sensory issues (headphones to block sound, sunglasses to block light. takes time to calm down), he has red hair, he is somehow the most sensitive prime defender while being almost vyncent levels of oblivious. very set on his routines (s1, training every morning consistently), he just has that swag about him have you seen him
Wears headphones in season two because otherwise he gets overstimulated and goes into a feral state
every prime defender is autistic send tweet
He is me fr fr. He has noise cancelling headphones that he has to put on to not get overwhelmed. He's got so much autism, he doesn't. On a scale of not autistic to autistic, he's God.
Grizz said that he based him of an autistic relative. He has cannon sensory issues and other traits
Uh the fact that Griz is portraying some of Dakota's personality based off an autistic family member. He has noise cancelling headphones if he gets overwhelmed/overstimulated. THERES SO MUCH I COULD GO ON
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