#look Loid is a hot man
honeybunny-sawamura · 2 years
we like a family man
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zoozvie · 30 days
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I’m tired of people downplaying this man’s hotness just because he’s in a goofy anime.
Loid Forger is THE green flag!!!
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lady-charinette · 2 years
AU where Loid is still a spy but he goes to WISE HQ like a normal office worker, he clocks in and does his cool spy stuff and takes his lunch break with his other spy buddies in the break room.
Yor always packs his lunch, a cute lunch box, sometimes she accidentally switches his and Anya's so Loid ends up taking Anya's lunchbox to work
His colleagues are jealous either way
"Wow, look at how cute the legendary spy's bento is!!"
"My wife makes them for me." says Twilight, while picking up what was once a grilled octopus but is now a piece of charcoal. "They're absolutely delicious."
There's one half of WISE that is envious and amazed at Twilight's bento boxes his wife with questionable cooking skills and an even more questionable occupation makes. The other half is just genuinely horrified how Twilight survives eating it every time.
Daybreak swears he once saw something bright green crawl out of it.
Some of the other spies think the legendary Twilight's wife is training her husband to be resistant to all forms of poison via food. They think Twilight is nearly unkillable.
Meanwhile Sylvia keeps making discreet doctor's appointments for Twilight to check if his organs are all intact and half of WISE's budget goes out the window for that and Twilight's life insurance.
Anya is bummed out that Twilight treats his job like any other ordinary office worker does instead of 'cool spy stuff'. She absolutely is terrified and curious about Yor's profession.
Yor just thinks her husband is a professional stalker with an office cubicle from all the intel about some low profile people Loid talks about during dinner.
Anyway, Spy x Family office AU with Yor still being an assassin but it's only vaguely hinted at
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Doctor Loid please take me
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buddyhollyscurls · 2 months
just wondering, is there ever an instance of Loid getting Jealous of Yor? cause if not there def should be.
like i want her going out at night for a mission and when he sees her leaving she like oh I have to "meet a coworker" and he's like oh. okay. but inside his mind he like it's nearly midnight why would she see her coworker now? but he tries not to think about it bc like they don't talk about their jobs or personal life but he also can't help wondering if this coworker is a Male.
or he sees her wearing her Assassin Dress and he's like oh damn she looks hot but she has to tell him point blank she has a date to cover up her job and man is just Speechless bc WHAT DO U MEAN SHE HAS A DATE???? and he even tho he's trying to tell himself their relationship is just one of convenience he doesn't like the idea of her going out on a date
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Anya loves the mama who cleans up her hot cocoa mess the most in the world.
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One of the thing that frustrates me about the series is the constant acknowledgement of Yor not being able to cook (especially since good at cooking = good wife is such a sexiest worldview that only the likes of Murdoch Swan can concoct). So this is going to be a Yor appreciation post that talks about the things Yor is good at.
Yor for some reason is very good at preparing hot beverages, It’s the first thing we see her doing; pour tea.
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We see Yor making tea all the time, in the Forger residence if Yor is in the kitchen then it’s most often to make tea. There is a symbolic meaning to this I guess, the beverages are representative of Yor herself, it’s familiarity in a world that changes swiftly, a constant reminder that even in the whirlwind of life, there's a place of serenity within the walls of home.
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When Loid is frustrated with the interview preparation and deems the task hopeless, we have Yor brings in tea a sense of order and tranquility, fostering a connection to the present moment.
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The interview went terrible and Loid is afraid Operation Strix has ended, Yor comes in with tea and along with Anya encourages Loid to find hope. They end up cheering together and looking forward to the results. Thus the warmth of tea is wrapped around the soul, bringing a smile to even the coldest of days.
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When Loid is frustrated at Anya because of her failing grades, Yor offers tea and advice on how to best support Anya, she also validates Loid roles as Anya’s father thus reinforces a sense of unity and belonging in forger household.
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Fiona is all confident in how twilight likes to drink his coffee dark, only believing that he choose to take milk because it’s “Loid’s” preference.
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Thank god for little Anya because we get to know what his true feeling on the matter are.
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Basically Tea/Coffee/Hot Cocoa making is Yor’s Job and something she likes to do. When Yuri burst in and Loid offers to make tea instead because he wanted to gain control of the situation and put on the no-weakness front, ergo Yuri sees his arm twitch, and the seed of doubt is planted. If only Loid had listened to Yor then maybe Yuri wouldn’t have seen the spasm.
Being perfect won’t help Loid, perfectionism will not help him survive but cause his downfall. The mole arc has helped Loid in coming to terms with his feelings a bit, but he insists on calling it weakness or being compromised. He needs to start seeing his family as a source of strength rather than taking on all the responsibilities. Because so far his I need to do it by myself approach has only caused him tummyaches, stress, burnout, and exhaustion. He is overworked and feels overwhelmed by the constant need to meet his own high standards as set by Spy World.
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As the Other WISE Spy said, we can't just get a clean win, but it's still progress, Loid is beginning to share some of his workloads and eased Yor's gripes. But man Twiyor is a slowburn: Their love story is like tea that's been steeping for ages - strong, full of flavor, and comforting warmth.
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itsmaferart · 2 years
Twiyor parallelism • Romantic approach
One great thing about Spy x Family is the way Endo tries to frame his own idea of what "a romance" is. I'm not sure if this is a deliberate decision, as he prefers to focus on denser and more influential themes, such as war, consequences and the search for peace in each character…. Or if simply, Endo is not so comfortable and sees the typical romantic moments as a forced construction of a relationship between two characters….
And it's in the way it draws a linea between idealized fantasy and the genuine feelings (of love) of a family. This is not only a difference you can notice within the SxF universe, but also as a viewer.
If we analyze Nightfall and Becky's perspective a bit we can clearly see that their idea of love/romance for Twilight/Loid are actually projections of their own desires on a person who fits perfectly
According to Nightfall logic, she will prove that she is perfect, to the extent of being the only woman worthy to be at Twilight's side. She has been his student and comrade on missions, so she has been by his side, has examined multiple roles, memorizing his exemplary 'fake smile'. Nightfall loves Twilight, the perfect spy, the man of a thousand faces, a professional in the art of espionage who foresees a thousand scenarios in his head long before they happen.
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Then, Twilight would suddenly discover how perfect she is, having an epiphany of feelings that make him fall madly in love with her (?)
Which makes Nightfall unaware that the man she's in love with (or at least, his spy side) is totally removed from that illusion.
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That is a FANTASY
The initial Twilight (her teacher) is a cold, distant man who is not interested in having a relationship because he has discarded that kind of personal happiness, much less would he do so with a WISE colleague.
Twilight is someone with many emotional conflicts, due to the barriers he has created for himself because of his own past. Nightfall wants to awaken those buried feelings while pushing the distant Twilight fr to love, and who has always told him to isolate himself from his own personal desires and feelings.
So… Nightfall's love for her master may be genuine and born out of her genuine admiration for Twilight's motivation to create a better world. But it is unsustainable when it comes to building that love into a marriage, because the Twilight that Nightfall dreams of doesn't really exist, rendering her efforts to impress him futile.
After all, this is not what Twilight is really looking for (at least, his true self).
In itself, Nightfall loves the perfection of Twilight, the perfection of the spy. Because that's what she longs for the most, a love story where she is perfect in someone's eyes perfect.
And well…. Is it necessary to talk about Becky? I think it's much more obvious how everything Becky dreams of is a much more exaggerated fantasy, a love story where she fights with her rival to get the heart of her prince charming (for starters, Twilight could literally be her dad xD).
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It is here that Endo's joke about romance becomes more blatant and obvious. The perfect romance is a childish fantasy straight out of a soap opera.
We know that Becky does not love Loid. She loves the fantasy she has created around him. For her, romance is synonymous with maturity, and Becky projects herself as a more mature child than the rest of her age group. At the same time, she wishes for a love story full of drama and happiness.
In contrast, the relationship Loid (Twilight) and Yor build is perhaps the most mundane. (in a good way).
Yes, they are an assassin and a spy, who got married each other to the sound of a grenade. But at the end of the day, it's the two of them sitting comfortably in a living room, on an armchair, drinking a cup of hot tea/coffee.
Endo shows us that many times, that real and genuine love is made of those small moments of intimacy, where nothing big is happening. Just two people talking from the sincerity of their feelings, two people supporting each other, remembering that "you don't always have to be perfect", "being yourself is what matters".
It's wrong for romance to be fantasy?
No, of course not!!
It is natural that the first desire you have with a partner is to have an approximation, especially if it is physical. Like the idea of him holding your hands while he professes his desires of you (As Fiona and Becky would say, "make a move.")
The problem with idealized romance, is that it creates a sweep that prevents us from genuinely getting closer to the real person we love. There is so much focus on personal wants and desires that we are blind to the true needs of the other person.
Nightfall's biggest drawback is that she is so focused on what she wants and what she thinks Twilight needs that she is not able to see the emotional needs that her master has (although, being fair… He doesn't know either, right?). The funny thing about Becky and Nightfall's love is the huge contrast to Loid (Twilight) and Yor's real relationship. Both are constantly looking for perfection in Loid /Twilight's actions, forgotten that there is only a tired man with stomach aches from his ulcers.
The difference for Yor, is that she is not expecting greatness in Loid, or if she really dreams that he is an idea man she is looking for. He is perfect, just the way he is. Twilight and Yor may not be very intimate for many, because of the lack of physical closeness between them, and because every time something seems to happen, someone gets hurt (sometimes Yuri, sometimes Twilight)…. or because we don't see them caught up in these fantasies for each other.
But …. is it really like that?
The amazing thing about the fake marriage between Loid (Twilight) and Yor is that the kind of intimacy they have is perhaps the most difficult to achieve but the most valuable in the long run. And that is being at peace with each other, talking about those things you would never talk about with anyone else, enjoying each other's company only, speaking from the sincerity of your feelings and affirming a thousand times that you would never change anything about each other and would choose them as your partner again and again (for life).
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This is the true romance within a marriage.
So… we haven't seen progress in their relationship?
Sure we have, lots of times. But these are much more subtle and simple than we expect. We know that they both cook dinner together (as a couple), and have selected the stores to buy what they need for the house (as a couple), they buy the ingredients for dinner or cleaning products the other asks for (as a couple), Yor takes her husband's clothes to the dry cleaners, Loid makes delicious food for his wife,They say goodbye at the door (as a couple).... both look at each other as if they were the most wonderful people they have ever met in their lives.
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(If these two have not kissed it is because they are basically two idiots).
Every time a romance is forced between them, something bad always happens, simply because it is not the right way it should happen. Unlike when the two approach each other being authentic.
I don't think that in the future, these two will have problems with physical intimacy. We're talking about a man who took a second to REALLY ask his fake wife to marry him (I'm sure if Yor didn't kick him to the curb he would have asked her for a wild honeymoon that very night)...Or that Yor in a fit of confidence pushed her fake husband, cornered him, and climbed on top of him.
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I'm serious, these two are craving for physical love, what they want to admit!!
In the end, the engine of a true couple is not in the touch of their hands but in the touch of their hearts.
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piracytheorist · 10 months
Episode 35 screaming notes!
So what if I'm emotional over a fictional, fake family spending one day of vacations together?
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I love Twilight's comment about how he's glad the SSS is looking out for the bombing threat (and we know it's in vain), but it still puts him on edge to be stared at like this. He trusts them to protect civilian life (and Ostania's pride and joy of a ship) but he doesn't trust trust them, you get what I mean?
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We shan't forget. The one thing this man can't pretend to be is someone who is having genuine fun and we'll drag his ass about it and then cry because this is a direct result of his traumatic childhood
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Loid blushing when he spots Yor is so precious. I think it might be him blushing half because she saw his dorky skipping and half because… well. He might be falling in love :)
He notices the swelling on Yor's face, but I think he wouldn't even suspect her at this point. He sounded mostly worried about her.
And of course, Anya wasn't plaguing her with questions because she knows all, but it's funny that neither went like "Isn't our super curious five six-year-old going to ask where this bruise and swelling is from?"
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The following montage was absolutely adorable, and the insert song just made it even cuter. I love how it was Anya who lead them to each activity; neither Loid nor Yor had to drag her around anywhere, their attention was on her and on what she wanted. They even explored a cave! She was their priority, she truly must have had an amazing time and this is such a sweet way to end this cruise!
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I mean, look. One of the ways Twilight learns how to parent is by fearing 24/7 that his daughter may fall. Very normal things.
Maybe it's because I'm the youngest child, so whenever we were out as a family and I asked to do something my parents would usually decline, because they had two more kids to look after and a place to go, but I have a lot of appreciation for the Forgers going around the resort and stopping to do whatever and anything Anya asked to do.
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Very normal man who is definitely not an elite-trained spy trying to fit in. Normal things.
And like. Okay. Yor looking at Anya with such a soft face as Anya is having pure unrestrained fun is one thing.
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Like, for real. I can't stop looking at this. It's just his eyes but there's so much longing and yearning in them and also some sadness because deep down he thinks that what he wants is something he'll never get but this is really deep because it'll take him about three to five business years to accept he's grown feelings.
Like. It's not just "growing feelings" anymore. You don't look at someone like THIS when you're just "warming up" to them. He'd grown so accustomed to life with the Forgers that after Yor was away - though in the very same ship as them - for a couple of days he went all yearning looks and doe-y eyes at her when he met with her again. He's in LOVE.
I am so excited to see how their dynamic will develop from now on! It's gone on an entirely new page!
Anyway. I love how Yor went like "Oh they might see the wound on my chest" for the snorkeling but when she saw they could wear wetsuits she went like oh that's okay then and DIDN'T WORRY AT ALL ABOUT THE FACT THAT SHE'D GET SALTWATER ON HER WOUNDS. THIS WOMAN EATS HOT COALS FOR BREAKFAST AND WHITE HOT IRONS FOR LUNCH.
I mean, I'm guessing she is a fast healer and her wounds are not openly bleeding anymore but still. Hardcore.
And of course she'd beat the shit out of sharks. It's funny seeing the trio try to come up with excuses now but I think it's going to be a different type of good post-reveal, cause they'll be like "I have nothing to hide" and act on their abilities without a single moment of hesitation. Imagine Yor beating up sharks and Loid and Anya looking at her with heart eyes.
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Aw, but look at them snorkeling. It's Yor who is holding Anya. I wonder what Yor's thinking is on that since she thinks that Loid is Anya's biological father and has been longer in her life. I doubt she thinks anything bad about Loid, but it is something that would make someone wonder.
I was so impressed by everything in the episode up until that point that I completely missed what the dialogue there was XD I only had more thoughts after I rewatched it.
Anya is having fun looking at the colourful fish. Yor has hunting in mind. Loid is… not impressed XD
Though very light, this could be a reflection of their characters. Anya is a child full of curiosity for the world, easily impressed by new stuff; she loved the aquarium, and she loved seeing new fish from up close.
Yor's encounters with animals were either for hunting (for food) or with guard dogs from people she was sent to kill. She understands the concept of pet animals, of course, but it seems to be a "secret third option", as tumblr would say. Her first instincts are either hunting or fighting, and since those fish were too small to be any threat (I mean, she's confident about fighting sharks), her mind went to food.
And then you have Loid. His wide knowledge of the world has rendered him almost incapable of getting impressed. There's nothing new for him to learn in anything… except for child rearing, of course. And maybe human connection. And so, he seems to be looking at those two in the last shot.
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Just like Gram, Anya gets thrown around by a professional, super strong assassin and she just goes like "Again!" And Loid doesn't even make a comment about Yor pushing Anya too strong. He really took to heart and meant it when he told Yor that her being strong is one of the things that make her an amazing mother.
I had guessed right, as Yor had indeed not rested at all for the entire three days of the cruise and had a long and intense fight the night before. AND THUS FANSERVICE HAPPENS <3 <3 <3
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No but seriously, there's a lot to love about this moment. Apart from how cute it is, Twilight at first only seems annoyed by how this attracts attention to them. He was already alert from how the SSS was looking at everyone, this would only add to his uneasiness.
But it doesn't take long for him to find an excuse for his wife. Blaming all her exhaustion on her work, being thankful for her going along with everything Anya asked to do, and smiling at her!! Bruh!! And he STILL can't see it, this man is such a good liar he can even lie to himself!!
Seriously the way Eguchi delivered those lines? Superb <3
They didn't have to go so hard T_T It was a relaxing (and quite prolonged!) chapter to wrap up the cruise arc, but it was wonderful T_T
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Even the Handler is up to him, though. Fullmetal Lady won't fall for his emotionally constipated bullshit.
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She even drew the family in their colours! Yor in red, herself in pink, and Loid in a muted green! I can see Yor holding one of her stilettos, but what is the other thing? A rose? I don't think I can tell what Anya is doing in the drawing, but Loid looks like he's holding a bomb? Or a surfboard?
AAAAAHHH It was wonderful!! T_T
The parts with Yor and her coworkers and Yuri and Lieutenant Guy were actually added by the anime! I feel Yor about the gifts. I'm so bad at gifts you have no idea. And Yuri is on another level, he doesn't stop talking about his sister and he tells Lieutenant Guy "Are you psychic or something" and he's like "Sure sure". And this being this kind of show I was like "MAYBE???" but yeah no he was just messing with Yuri XD
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Hey psst. You know what will look even more convincing? If you both slept on those pillows 👀👀 next to each other 👀👀
I was cringing so hard at the scene in the school! Anya! We love you as you are, you don't need to go embarrass yourself!
It was interesting, though, to see that Damian stayed out of it all. It's proof that he can mind his business and keep his opinion to himself. I hope he learns to do that more often.
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Becky continues being best friend material <3 Anya is so lucky for real
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It's been less than a week
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It's so funny to me that the anime added the detail that it was Loid who picked the snacks for Yuri. I wonder how quickly Yuri would spit them out upon learning that XD
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My mans tired. I felt kinda sad for him ngl XD
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Okay, this was hilarious. His paternal instincts are starting to kick in to the point where he imagines teaching Anya the proper methods of deception. It was also funny that as Yuri was imagining his speech, I went like "Uhm you lie to your sister no?" and before I got to finish that thought, the excuses kicked in.
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And Anya is starting to learn that actions have consequences.
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This isn't what she manipulated two enemies of the state into adopting her for.
TWO EPISODES LEFT T_T I might have to pick up making crack recaps again for however long the next hiatus will last :'D
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ironwoman18 · 3 months
Rather Be - Part 12
Chapter 12: Sick day
Ever since agent Twilight became a spy, he has never gotten sick, he was the healthiest person ever but having a six year old daughter at home, during the flu season was something he had never experienced.
So now he and his daughter have 102,02 degrees of fever, both have stuffy noses and coughing. 
Thankfully for them Granny Barb made sure to help Yor so she doesn’t intoxicated them with those awful mixes she used to give her brother.
“Loid, Anya. I will go to the store to buy some herbs granny told me to, also I will get some honey for the tea” she said and kissed each other’s forehead “if you need anything, call Barb or ask Bond to get her” she said looking at the dog, who waked his tail and puffed his chest proud to be helpful.
“Thank you Yor, we will be fine” said Loid covering himself with a blanket while Anya had her head on his shoulder sleeping. Which let him watch the news. 
“I’m sure you would do the same if I was sick” she said blushing and he smiled at that, which made her blush even more.
She left the apartment quickly and headed to the supermarket. She wrote a list and Barbara even drew the plants so she knows what to take.
Yor smiled and got everything she needed and even got some things they needed at home and headed back home after paying.
She told her boss, Loid’s boss and Anya’s teacher about the situation. Her teacher told her that all the kids had been absent at least three days during that week due to the flu.
He said it was normal, especially for younger kids like Anya and her classmates. He told her to take her time to make sure her daughter got better, they didn’t want her to get sick again because of a badly treated flu.
So Yor will make sure she recovers properly before sending her back to school. But what shocked her was that Loid also got sick. He was a strong man who rarely got sick, only when she cooked… but it was before she learned how to cook, now he’s perfectly fine now.
She arrived home and noticed one of the cutest things ever. Loid fell asleep, Anya still sleeping on his lap and Bond sleeping by their side.
Yor smiled and started to cook, she will cook a soup Barbara taught her and she told her she used to cook it for her kids and husband when they got sick. 
She did it, trying to not make sounds so they didn’t wake up, resting was one of the doctor’s recommendations in those cases. She was concentrating on getting the soup right since she wanted to take care of them.
She turned around when she noticed someone looking at her and there was Loid looking at her and smiling, his face clearly showed how bad he must be feeling. 
Yor went to him slowly and touched his forehead “check your temperature Loid” she said running her fingers through his hair softly “then go to your room. I will take Anya to hers” he nodded and without a word he headed to his room after Yor picked Anya up.
Yor laid her daughter in bed covering her and she walked out letting the door open, Bond got in to watch over her while Yor walked in Loid’s bedroom.
“How is the fever?” She asked, looking at him.
“102 again. I took the medicine but I will lay here and have some rest” he said, laying in bed. Yor nodded and covered him better.
“I will be in the kitchen if you need anything, ok?” He nodded and smiled them Yor left the room.
She continued to cook until the soup was done and she poured some in two plates. She went to each room, she put a tray on Loid’s lap so he could eat while she took Anya out of her room and sat her on the table. She didn’t trust her daughter with a hot soup plate on her bed.
After they ate, the two sick people went back to sleep and Yor laid on the couch reading and now and then check on her husband and daughter.
She even took a nap and walked Bond for about twenty minutes so the dog had some exercise. Then they returned and Yor fed them with more soup, because Barb told her to feed them with it as much as she can until they are fully recovered.
The next day. Both looked way better but Yor decided to not let them go back to work or school until they were fully recovered. Loid tried to fight back but she looked determined and he didn’t have enough energy to fight back.
Yor made her special dish which lifted them up more and by the next day you can tell both Anya and Loid looked way better and were fully themselves again, Anya ran out of energy faster than usual so she wasn't ready to return to school.
“Thank you, Yor. You acted like a wonderful mother and wife” he said kissing her cheek “I haven’t been sick since I was a child so having someone who treated me like that kid again was wonderful so you can feel proud of yourself” 
She blushed deeply and hugged him, laying her face on his neck “I just did as my mother did and as I acted with my brother. I’m glad this time I didn’t caused pain or do something wrong”
“You kept your brother alive so I think you did it right” she blushed more and stayed there hugging Loid, just enjoying his company. Anya wasn’t there, she was sleeping in her room after playing a little with Bond.
Yor was happy she managed to help her family getting better in a short amount of time. She was also thankful for the people she met who helped her.
After that day, both Loid and Anya returned to their normal activities and so did a proud and a little more confident Yor as she proved to be a good housewife and mother.
This came to my mind as I was sick myself and I thought it could be cute to have both Loid and Anya sick.
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mareposie · 2 years
When she realizes she fell in love, Yor finally sees Loid as a man and not just Anya’s father and it unlocks everything inside of her, the Briar complex syndrome. She develops a husband complex. When Anya reads her mind, all she can see his Loid, Loid, Loid, Loid, Loid. She annoyed but happy because Loid thinks a lot about how Yor is lately and feels overwhelmed in a good way.
Yor blushes all the time and gets startled whenever Loid touches her. She notices how incredibly sexy her husband is and wants to distance herself from him because she doesn’t know how to handle her feelings. Whenever she does the laundry she just smell his t-shirts, she often wears his sweaters because he knows she prefers them over hers, she gives him painful massages when his back hurts, she puts him chapstick whenever she puts some on Anya, she asks Millie to teach her about makeup and Camila to teach her how to prepare a bento so she can spoil him in the morning. Everyone is genuinely annoyed by Yor’s big crush on her husband because she never shuts up about him.
One day she accidentally cooks croquettes for the family and his reaction breaks her heart because she didn’t know croquettes were his favorite food when he was a kid. She avoids him like the plague and cries at night because she thinks she crossed a line as his fake wife. Anya can read the room and cries at school because she thinks they will have a divorce and get rid of her, Becky suggests that she spends the weekend at her mansion so her parents can have some private time. Before Anya leaves with Bond she says “Mama and Papa need to make out (up) because a fight is no good” and they blush hard.
Yor wants to avoid Loid again and it pains him because God knows he tries hard to talk to her about what happened, she refused to go on a date because she feels sick and she just goes in her room for the entire evening. When she wakes up after crying herself to sleep again, she sees Loid checking her body temperature and giving her meds. There is an awkward silence and he finally tells her that the croquettes were so good, it reminded him of his childhood and it felt so real it just made him sad. Yor cries and apologizes but he thanks her because he was able to feel like a human again after such a long time.
He hugs her and thanks her again for being in his life. She hugs him back with a lot of strength and refuses to let go, he doesn’t complain, even when her body slowly falls down in her bed. She can hear his sobbing and caressed his hair softly. He looks at her, their chests are crushed against each other and a tear falls on her face, rolling down her cheek. She grabs his face and kisses him, scared of being rejected and guess what, he kisses her back with more passion and bites her lip so she has to open her mouth and allow his tongue to sneak in.
That’s how they spent the most intimate night of their lives. Making love, sweating, kissing, sobbing, devouring each other, begging, crying each other’s name, thanking each other for being there and promising to never leave. Ever. Between two rounds they just kiss each other’s scars.
When finally Yor wakes up in the morning, she sees him looking at her with the love of the world in his eyes and he hugs her even if she complains about her body being sticky and smelling but he doesn’t care. They take a bath together and he is the little spoon, she washes his hair and body with a sponge while he talks about he wants to take her on a date or a whole vacation to the hot springs, or a lake house unless she prefers the sea, he wonders if he should get another ring or matching gold bracelets, also they need to tell Anya they make out like she told them to do, he can’t just shut up so she kisses him and giggles.
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Mission #??: A Forger Family Christmas
Loid heard how normal families spend Christmas and does all of them with his family to “keep his cover.”
Him and Yor take Anya to the mall to sit on Santa’s lap, tell him what she wants for Christmas. But she hears Loid’s offhand thoughts about how Santa isn’t real, but it’s admittingly cute that Anya’s still naive to believe in him. Unfortunately, this results in Anya screaming and crying about how Santa isn’t real. Loid wonders how she could have possibly reach that conclusion, but gets distracted by the other kids screaming/crying over the same thing, all because they heard Anya. He looks to Yor for help, only to find out that she’s crying too. Unbeknownst to Loid, Yor was inspired by how stealthy a fat man like Santa could sneak in and out of places undetected, and it was that level of skill that she wanted to reach one day.
They all decide then and there to get hot chocolate. Help calm the nerves.
They all go ice skating, with Yor and Anya especially having a good time as Anya holds onto Yor for dear life as they skate.
During a walk through the snow, someone pelts Anya in the back of the head with a snowball. Him and his group laugh at her...and immediately regret it once Yor join their little game.
Loid and Yor inevitably find themselves under a mistletoe. For the sake of the mission, Loid goes in for a kiss...and then Yor punches him through a wall because she was too gosh darn flustered about the whole ordeal. Don’t worry, he walks it off.
Anya pressures Bond to give her a vision of what she’s getting for Christmas. He does nothing, but Anya still gives him his belly rubs. He deserves it.
Loid gave Yor a set of knives due to her newest interest towards cooking. He still fears her cooking for his life, but she still seems happy to receive them.
Loid gave Anya a dart gun based on her favorite spy show. She loves it and immediately shoots Loid with it.
Yor gave Anya a doll that Yor made herself. It’s ugly looking and is comparable to roadkill, but Anya still says that she loves what her Mama made her. Yor nearly breaks into tears.
Yor then gives Loid a “World’s Greatest Father” coffee mug. She wasn’t too sure what to get him, but she DOES know that he is in fact the world’s greatest father. Loid thanks her and promises to drink from it everyday. A promise he does indeed keep.
And Anya gives them both homemade Christmas cards, both featuring a drawing of Loid and Yor with lists of why she loves them both. Yor finally cries when she gets hers and Loid said that what Anya gave him is acceptable. The fact that he has it framed and put up on his desk is purely to keep up appearances. Yes, that is what he tells himself. And no, the smile he gets whenever he sees it doesn’t clue in for him about his true feelings.
In short, Mission #??: Forger Family Christmas was a success.
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kankuroplease · 1 year
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Those who like only pure hearted heroes and good guys… it’s not all bad, but look the other way. @anannua has asked who I think looks good across fandoms 🤣
Cute Hot/Beautiful Smash
Demon Slayer
Hantengu (split)
Muzan in this very specific instance
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One other I won’t admit to
One piece
Zoro (duh)
Sometimes Sanji
(Strangely) Marco
Don Quixote Rosinante
Jin (I get it, Kenny. I get it)
Chainsaw Man
Hell’s Paradise
Hizashi Yamada
Rumi Usagiyama
Nemuri kayaka
Taishiro Toyomitsu
Jin Bubaigawara
Enji Todoroki (I know)
kai chisaki (I. KNOW.)
Spy x Family
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alteredsilicone · 1 year
Ok, I'm gonna try to write a more coherent opinion post about Tennocon reveals, under the cut:
Looks beautiful, sounds beautiful. Gameplay seems a bit lacking in terms of how much you walk vs how much you actually do. The boss fight was interesting and atmospheric. The little turtle creatures are instant marketable mascot material, so good on that.
I really wonder how this will work as a live service online co-op game though. Everything about it just screams "single player exploration game", but alright, I'll trust Steve.
Whispers in the Wall:
Ok, first of all - Old Man Yaoi real, that surprised me the most. Now that I have that out of the way.
I am so happy that Warframe loves to be weird and unorthodox and I'm also blown away by the visuals and the new area and just... new enemies and the entire environment is your enemy. I am genuinely hyped for it. I just love the eldritch horror of the Void and I was really worried DE might drop the ball and do a generic "you team up with your buddies and fight god" but so far it sees they're doing it more intelligently.
Also seeing the lost islands of Duviri in the background is such a delicious touch.
Random comment only few will get - the murmur enemies and the weird atmosphere gives me Fear and Hunger vibes and I'm all here for it.
Warframe 1999:
Seeing real life technology feels sacrilegious in Warframe. I never played Dark Sector so I didn't feel a fake-nostalgia from this preview. It is cool because I'm biased and everything Warframe is cool, but I want to know how this fits into the wider Warframe narrative.
It might be a "rewriting timelines" thing or... maybe the Warframe universe really goes back that far.
Also random hot (?) take - Albrecht Entrati's Jojo getup is so goofy... My man you're gay where's the fashion sense!!! Let Loid dress you!!
Also I wonder if human!Loid's outfit looking like Limbo Prime is deliberate. Cuz we got a man named Arthur wearing Excalibur. DE is sneaky about lore but also they like to put a big red flag and then cover it with other red flags so you think it's a red herring.
So that's that.
Overall 9/10 Tennocon
Point deducted for the bullshit Heirloom collection. That shit is way too expensive and I hate whichever marketing ghoul invented it.
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nariko-senpai · 7 months
Disclaimer: These are my opinions based on prior experiences with said fandom and what I've seen online. Please don't come after me :/
Spy x Family
Tamest and purest fandom I've seen in a long time. Y'all just ship loid and yor, Anya and Damien, etc and it's just NICE. ITS NICE ANC CUTE OKAY? Although you're down bad for yor and loid, at least majority of you know what pedophilia is 😀👍
Chainsaw Man
Y'ALL ARE SO GOOFY. Honestly, I try not to interact with this fandom cause I've seen so much goofy shit with Power and Makima and stuff I JUST STAY AWAY. Y'ALL JUST AS GOOFY AS THE STORY LMAO.
You're an OG fan. Everyone in this fandom has watched all the episodes (including the hundreds of fillers) and just ARGUE. YOU ARGUE ABOUT EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER AND GO ON FULL ON RANTS. Also, you all collectively bash Boruto and treat Sakura like shit (I'm not arguing about that tho) But Naruto fans are DEDICATED TRUST ME.
Bungo Stray Dogs
Don't interact much with this fandom, but y'all seem depressed and suicidal af. YOU TAKE DARK HUMOUR TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. I also see some pretty aggressive shipping coming from this fandom, but it's always Dazai x whatever character. SPEEKING OF DAZAI, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ALL WORKSHIP THE MAN OR SMTH IDK 💀
One Piece
Wholesome. You just want more people to watch/read One piece so you can talk about it. ITS KINDA DEPRESSING TO WATCH ACTUALLY. And somehow you all remember like 100+ characters in this story LIKE HOW? I KEEP FORGETTING WHAT THAT LONG NOSE GUY'S NAME IS 😭 But you are some of the most diehard anime/manga fan if you've done the impossible and finish both anime and manga. Also has the best live action in my opinion ¯\(ツ)/¯
Horny, gay and suicidal. Y'all watch lesbians play uno and checkers like it's world war 3 and eat that shit UP. But fr, you're either a someone that watches for boobs or a someone who started watching with good intentions and now thinks they can win a million dollars by challenging someone to an uno game 💀 PLEASE GET PROFESSIONAL HELP IF YOU KIN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS, YOURE MOST LIKELY DEPRESSED AND/OR SUICIDIAL.
Should I make a part three, and if so, what fandoms?
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marchtooctober · 2 years
Spy x Family: "A Kite-Like Wish"
On the empty street walks a tired man. His eyes not blinking but almost closing, his shoulders and arms slightly leaning forward. The said figure is none other than Twilight who currently goes by the name Loid Forger.
"Haah... I'm so overworked. Two extra missions on a Friday..."
Several more sighs and footsteps later, he finally reached Park Avenue. With further exertion, he proceeded to their abode. He fetched for his key and opened the door. Before he could take a step in, he heard a sudden thud beside him, near his ear. In surprise and fatigue, he only managed to take a sharp breath. He looked to his side and saw a fork stuck on the wall. The lights are off and everybody should have been in bed by now, or so he thought.
"Oh? Loid! You're finally home! I thought there was a burglar."
Unsurprisingly, it was Yor who is holding a couple of forks and table knives in one hand, the other hand wiping her eyelid. Twilight tried to make out her figure in the dark after a momentary shock. He finally moved to switch the lights and was very ready to collapse when Bond came forward to greet him.
"Y-You surprised me, Yor! You're still up?" Twilight said as he closed the door.
"Well... It's rare for you to be out until midnight. Anya and I were worried. She's sound asleep in her room after working hard on her homework. You promised to take her to nature park for passing the quiz, remember?"
"Then how about you?"
"Ah! I just can't sleep at times like this so I'm up to stay on guard and watch over."
He suddenly became confused. Why would Yor have to do that? He made sure to it that their abode is safe and not a hot spot for thieves and burglars. It seems that Yor realized what she had just said and put up her hands in embarrassment.
"Sorry! I have a habit of staying up until I get sleepy! I guess I should have just gone to bed..."
"No, no, you don't need to say sorry. I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry I came home late. I had an emergency at work."
"Is that so? No wonder you look tired. Should I make you tea or do you want to go straight to bed?"
"I think I'll just go straight to bed. You should put away the cutlery and sleep too. Good night." Twilight said and eyed the utensils that are still in Yor's hand.
"Yes, I will. Good night too."
As soon as Twilight closed his door, he stashed away his coat and threw himself on the bed. He fell asleep in a few minutes. Like what can be expected from a tired person's sleep, his own rest went by like a blink of an eye. But by the time he woke up, the lingering tiredness still hangs on his body. He wants a little more rest but he knew how much more tiring it would be to get nagged by Anya. After a few minutes of stretching, he went out of his room to wake the others.
"Ooting! Ooting! To the nature park, ooting!" Anya sings to herself as she hopped around the brick pavement with Bond.
"Anya! Don't run off! Just stay with us!" Yor called her back.
"Don't worry. I'm right here. She's just full of energy today because we finally get to go somewhere after a long time." Twilight said with a smile.
"Is that so..."
It's been a while since they went for a "family outing". Last week, he was away in the southern region. Though he told them it was for work, in reality it was a dangerous mission to purge a trafficking syndicate.
Twilight gazed up at the sky and took a deep breath. His thoughts wandered off and traced backwards.
"Is our situation that dire? How about Nightfall?"
"If it was just a common trafficking syndicate, we would have picked her and we won't need you for this."
"Then why me? It's also an important time for Operation Strix. My daughter has an upcomming test! Let Nighfall take a team with her."
"No one wants to team up with her. Twilight. It's child trafficking."
"Child... trafficking?"
"We could've tipped the SSS but it will only worsen the situation. The syndicate has connections with important people from military. Our suspicion is that the victims are meant to be trained as future pawns for infiltration."
"But that's going way beyond. And they're using children?!"
"Yes. So there's no point in sending Nightfall if she can't handle the victims. We have to keep in mind that the ones we're rescuing here are children."
"...I understand."
The mission was a success. They eradicated the syndicate and safely rescued the children. But still, Twilight couldn't get his conversation with Handler off his mind. The fact that even children were used just to get an edge in this cold war bothers Twilight. An unpleasant thought crossed his mind. What if something like that happens to Anya? Would she also be a "tool" for the sake of warfare? Such speculations made Twilight shudder. But it also made his conviction stronger.
"This have to end soon..." Twilight mumbled to himself.
"Did you say something, Loid?" Asked Yor.
"Ah! Nothing! Let's walk ahead and find a place for us."
And so they went on and leisurely followed the bush trails until the woods become sparse on the way. The early morning provided the chorale of chirping birds that greet the passing people as if to welcome them. Up in the trees and below are various small animals like squirrels and rabbits pop out and running about.
"Loid, are you sure it's safe here? Aren't there wolves and bears?"
"This place is privately owned and it's not a real nature reserve. There are no wild animals around."
The meadow can now be seen. They decided to stop under the solitary tree that's away from the rest. Then laid out a blanket and settled down. Despite the nice weather, it only tempted Twilight to lie down and nap. He attempted to shake away the sleepiness by starting a conversation.
"What do you think of this place?" He asked.
"It's nice out here! I still worry about dangerous animals but since you said that it's alright, then I guess we can rest easy." Yor replied as she gazed to the woods.
"I thought I would see lions, wolves and snakes. I guess this is fine. Bond and I will build a "military fowrt" over there." Anya answered with a wondering expression.
"It's called "military fort" and there are no such animals here. They're in the zoo." Explained Twilight.
"Why don't we go to the zoo next time?" Yor suggested.
"The zoo! Ooting to the zoo!"
When they have rested enough, they snacked on biscuits and fruits. From the basket are ladyfingers, butter cookies, apples, and bananas. Anya energetically shoved food to her mouth and also fed Bond some spare buns
"We did right to bring only this much food. Have we packed more, Anya might have indigestion after playing." Yor said, wiping Anya's hands with damp cloth.
Twilight seemed to not hear Yor despite sitting near. Yor noticed his slacked posture and how he's stifling a yawn.
"Are you feeling unwell, Loid? You look tired since we arrived." She asked.
"I'm fine, Yor. Thanks for worrying."
Little did Yor that Twilight is doing his best not to lean and faint. Anya on the other hand, is staring intently, doing what she always do. Suddenly, Twilight turned to her and asked if she wanted anything. Anya took a moment to respond.
"Anya is... is sleepy too. W-Wah... I think I need to take a nap." She said while trying to release a yawn.
Although Twilight doubt her to be faking it, he was too tired to bother and simply let on.
"Then lie here properly and sleep." He said and cleared some space for her.
"I have no pillow. Uhm, I neep papa's arm."
"I need papa's arm so I can sleep."
"Rest your head on my lap."
"Too high."
"Huh? W-Why? Hey, wait!" Twilight protested as the kid tugs his arm.
Yor's soft giggling mixed in with their bantering. At last, Anya's childish strength won over Twilight's will to stay unmoved.
"Fine. I'll lie with you. But only until you sleep." Twilight finally gave in."
He reluctantly lay himself down and knowing that he'll likely doze off, worried about the unexpected things he might not sense. Anya quickly scooted closer.
"Why don't you sleep too, Loid? I really think you should get some rest while we're here." Yor suggested.
"But-" Twilight protested.
"You deserve to have a rest today. You don't need to think about worrisome things. Have a good nap with Anya while I'm practicing this."
Yor took out an unfinished crochet work, about the size of her palm. She has been practicing crocheting for about a month now, which she learned from one of her coworkers. The progress seems slow but steady. Whenever she has time she would attempt to finish a small square. By now, she's made enough squares to make a small blanket for Anya.
"Oh... Okay." Twilight replied.
"Papa, stay still. Anya can't sleep."
"Yes, yes. All still. Now, sleep"
For Twilight who is now in lying position, it became even harder for him to keep his eyes open. His faint consciousness strained to feel the surroundings. After a while, Yor, who is already working on her crochet, suddenly started to sing softly. Twilight recognized the song right away. It was the same lullaby that she sang back then. The one that reminded him of his mother. Yor repeated it a few more times, humming the parts she can't remember. Anya's eyes slowly drooped and so did Twilight's. Bond lay flat near them. Along with the rustling of leaves and sway of the breeze, they finally drifted to sleep. One basking in sunshine, the other clothed by the shadows.
"Papa! Papa! Wake up!"
"Loid! We're here!"
Loid screens his eyes from the blinding light with his hand. Looking around, he sees that they are inside of a train. From the window, people are passing by. Bond nudges his nose to Loid's knee.
"Where are we?" Loid asked.
"We're in Limehedge. We're almost at the nature park." Yor replied.
"But... didn't we just get there?"
"No, Loid. Perhaps you were dreaming of it while asleep?"
"Papa is more excited than me." Anya butted in.
Yor and Anya giggled together. Loid is in shock to find that he fell asleep.
He tilts his head in confusion, feeling that something's not right. His brain is still foggy and the atmosphere makes him doubt the reality of his surroundings. But nevertheless, he shrugs off the feeling and joins them off the train.
As always, Anya is cheerful, pointing over and asking about whatever strikes her curiosity. Yor's smile is radiant as ever and Bond walks with his usual gait in front, with Loid holding the leash.
Was it always like this? Loid thought deep.
He stops walking. Yor asks him what was wrong. Loid shrugs it off and pointed towards the bus stop instead. For a while they waited. Seeing them happy, Loid can't help but hurt inside as he thinks about what their future would be once the mission is over. He snaps back at the sound of the bus approaching.
"Papa! Hurry!"
"Let's go, Loid."
He steps forward but before he could set his foot on the landing, he senses a suspicious presence. Like a shadow lurking somewhere. He strains his senses too late and a silent shot makes its way to his chest. No trail of blood can be seen but it is a tragedy only known to him. He searches for the culprit to no avail as his body barely made ten steps away before collapsing. Petrified beyond reason, he feels like everything is frozen.
How can this be? I'm shot by an enemy? Ah... probably someone from my past missions.
I left a mark to be easily traced by them.
How sloppy, Twilight.
You've failed as a spy.
Just when he thinks it's over, he sees his family rushing to him. Twilight turns at them with an aching heart. He wondered if it's from the shot or something else. People are already staring, wondering what's wrong. It doesn't matter anymore. He doesn't want his family to go near him.
"Don't... come here... dangerous..." He warned with a labored voice.
Suffocation and numbness spreads throughout his body, something that can't be given by a normal bullet. He can hear their voices but can't make out the words. He's already down on the ground.
"Stay a...way..."
Still, they are with him. Anya holds on to his chest, Bond comes circling around and Yor reaches out to lift him up. With an effort, he raised a hand and shook his head.
"No.. please... just listen..."
He glances at their crying faces. His own judgement tells him that there's nothing more left for him but farewell.
"I'm sorry. You shouldn't... have... met me."
He doesn't know if the words came out right yet he's hoping to also hear their voices one more time. Out of nowhere, a memory resurfaces back from his childhood, to the time when he made a kite. He still remembers the effort he put into making it. He did not get to play with it after he was forced by his father to pick up books instead. Twilight finds it ironic and compared his situation then and now. Perhaps he shouldn't have made the kite in the first place. Perhaps he shouldn't have built the Forger Family. Why build something that will eventually be left behind?
The faces he came to love fades along with his existence. He knows he have to leave them behind. It was meant to be so. But not this way.
Loid woke up almost feeling choked with his arm outstretched, slightly raised. Then in confusion he covered his face with his hand. He breathed heavily.
"Did I just have a dream?" He mumbled.
He sat himself upright and looked around. A wide stretch of greenery and woods at a distance. Up in the sky is the late morning sun among the feather-thin clouds. Not too far, he spots Anya, Yor and Bond playing around. He finally remembered. They headed to a nature park for a "family picnic".
After a few minutes, Loid got up from the blanket and decided to walk for a while. The fresh afternoon breeze carried a faint scent of grass and fresh flowers. Loid took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Everything seemed at peace for a moment that he almost forgot the cold war that they're living through.
He turns his head at the sound of Anya's voice. He stared at them and a glimpse of his dream suddenly flashed in his mind.
"Loid! You're finally awake."
His "family" came towards him. He wanted to embrace them and know for real that he's no longer in his dreadful dream. How he wanted to do so. But the man stopped and reminded himself of what he is not. Neither a husband nor a father. In the end of it all, he is a spy. He is Twilight.
Do I really have to let them go?
He dared to imagine the years ahead. Anya no longer flunks her tests and almost an Imperial Scholar. Yor can finally cook appetizing breakfast and gets to eat a lot in expectation of another Forger. As for Bond, he finally have a family of his own. And Twillight himself will no longer need to wear a thousand mask and will forever bear the name Loid Forger.
Deep inside, he knows that a future with them is something he can't afford to wish for. But still, he holds on.
Trust me, I'm not done with my idea generation for sxf fics ahahhaha. Thanks for reading 😁😁
In case you want more, I've previously made a loiyor fic
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itsmaferart · 2 years
SxF · · Ep 15 · · · Welcome home, Bond
We're back with another Spy x Family Saturday, culminating with the bomb dog arc. And the anime really strives to put its own spin on each of these wonderful scenes.
Twilight, the hot Westalis spy in action!
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Not only did he manage to save the life of the innocent dog that was only being used as a weapon, but he also foiled the terrorists' plan.
The best part of the case is that if the villain escaped, Yor Forger, his wife, appears with a pirouette in the air, and her powerful kick will destroy a car, leaving the villain totally defeated.
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Yor: I'm just a simple stay-at-home mom who happened to be passing by, and I stopped the bad guy with a kick.
I've always loved how unwittingly Twilight and Yor are an amazing team, managing to take down each other's bad guys without even knowing they're collaborating. I bet they'll be so much more amazing when they know their identities!
I love it, as Twilight is manifesting her paternal facets more naturally. He is a strict father who must be stern to make his daughter understand that he put her life in danger.
He obviously does not know that his daughter saved his life that day, so his reaction is natural.
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Likewise, at the end, he is so genuinely grateful to the dog (Bond) for being his daughter's protector. It really doesn't matter how much he says it, he is genuinely grateful that in his absence they protect his daughter's safety.
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Bond fell in love with Papa Loid!
What Anya said: If they don't let me keep this puppy I'm going to misbehave and not come back to school.
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What Silvia and Twilight heard: I'm going to reactivate a war between East and West
Bond, you will finally get all the love you deserve! ❤
These two little angels, who have been treated like lab mice, found a home!
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I love the one that filtered shoujo always tells us when the characters look with love the authentic happiness of those brief moments.
But going a little deeper, to some darker memories:
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Bond's gaze simply breaks my soul, doubting that happiness. Questioning if all this is real, if he really has finally reached that glimmer of hope.
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This whole sequence is heartbreaking, Bond being mistreated while we see his melancholy eyes. Project Apple's experiments eventually succeeded in giving him powers, but at the cost of his freedom, all for the purpose of encouraging a war.
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We have here, the second appearance (in memories) of the man with glasses and a tuft of hair. The scientist (Whose name may be Hapoon) who experimented on Anya, and seems to be involved in the Apple project. I feel this is a clue that Anya and Bond may have the same origin.
Conveniently, Anya did not see Bond's mind at those moments, believing he was just hungry. For surely she would recognize this man
But don't worry Bond, you're home
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You will be safe at Anya's side
You are now a Forger!!
Next part here
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