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blueberray · 3 months ago
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What if...
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mouponpyon · 2 months ago
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A winter wonderland YorLoid piece for the holiday season to mark my comeback 🌃🌆🎄🎁🌠
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pokianne · 1 year ago
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I did this on Twitter and my follower escalated a bit with the goal of it and that's why they got there kiss more than deserved.
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That's the Story behind this🤭😅
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nuppu-nuppu · 2 years ago
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Been watching spy x family with my dad 😎
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rottontwig · 1 year ago
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This but scrungly twiyor
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deonideatta · 2 years ago
Twilight realizes his feelings
Hello, thanks for the ask! Took a while but I finally got to it lol. Was fun to write, hope you enjoy it!!!
He feels nothing for her.
Nothing lovers usually feel for each other, at least. Of course, he respects her. Her insight has been crucial to the smooth operation of the Forger family, pulling him back from irrational spirals more than once.
And he admires her. How could he not? The way she cares lingers in Anya’s grins and cheery shouts for her mama, in the warmth that welcomes him home in the evenings, in cups of caffeine-free coffee and gentle smiles that linger in his mind. It throws him sometimes, how much kindness she pours into this little family formed on pretenses.
But over time, he’s come to expect the unexpected from her. None of his pages of analysis can pin down her entirety, no manipulation or carefully planned flowchart can fully bend her to its will. Just when he thinks he’s understood her she blindsides him, throwing all his well laid plans into disarray. It’s intriguing in ways he can’t afford to delve into, as much as he finds he wants to.
Because he feels nothing for her - nothing that should make him want her to trust him with the intricacies of what makes her who she is, at least. He isn’t really her husband, after all. And one day, when Loid Forger has served his purpose and all this is over, she'll find someone out there who will love her truthfully and openly. Someone she can love back and happily share her life with. The thought should not feel like ice in his chest.
Because she doesn’t feel for him either, not in any of the ways a wife should feel for her husband, not in the way he sometimes wishes someone would when the thought of spending the rest of his life in an endless cycle of discarded identities weighs on him a little too much. Solitude is an inevitability. He tells himself he’s fine with that.
She doesn’t know him, anyway. Not him as he really is, beneath the facades that make up his legend, beneath the false emotions and the vulnerability that he’s not sure is quite so false anymore.
It shouldn’t matter, since he feels nothing for her. But this nothing sets a rhythm going in his chest when they’re close, and dusts his cheeks with colour when she stops to fix his tie after adjusting Anya’s uniform at the door.
He’s forced to confront that ‘nothing’ when one evening takes them too close to the edge. His smiles are too soft, and the look in her eyes is too tender, and he struggles to confine all the feelings he shouldn’t feel in the container of nothing where he needs them to stay.
And then she kisses him, and his mind goes terribly blank, devoid of all the reasoning that would - should - give him the strength to pull away. There’s no pretense to the way he reaches out to cup her face, shifting to better kiss her back.
She sighs against him, and he really should stop, and save them both the hurt this will inevitably bring. There's nothing left of himself to give her, barely a shadow of a man hiding behind layers and layers of lies.
Restraint prevails, and he manages to pull away, averting his eyes so as not to see whatever her reaction is. She goes still in front of him, face turned towards him.
He forces himself to meet her gaze. She's looking up at him like she's seeing him for the first time. It's an oddly understanding look, a gleam in her eyes that holds him captive and makes him forget to put up any of the facades that are supposed to govern their relationship.
She moves slowly, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, and the nothing shatters its casing to reveal something bubbling up like a spring in his heart. Her face is serious but gentle, and restraint cannot suppress the urge to hold her close. She lets him, tucking her head against his neck. For some reason there's a lump in his throat.
The spring trickles on, a small but constant presence.
Time makes it into a stream, stronger with every touch and every glance, with every quiet evening and every inch that the facades drop.
“And you definitely don’t feel anything for her?” Handler asks, in the middle of the Yor section of one of his weekly reports on the family.
“Nothing,” Twilight replies. If he listens hard enough, he can almost hear the sound of a river roaring.
Hope this was a good read!!!!! Twilight feeling things is one of my favourite things to write lol. But yea there's a few more prompts left to write, I will write all of them eventually!
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dashflashy-arts · 2 years ago
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Finally watching Spy x Family like a normal person
I always knew I'd love the show
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nabikyu · 1 year ago
My headcanon
Well, mine and of the entire fandom
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Really messy sketch, but you'll have to forgive me, I got lazy... I didn't even have lunch yet, i'm starving 😩
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evelynpr · 14 days ago
Anime twt so shit they're calling Spy x Family basic heteronormativity and boring as the "correct" stance. Sorry the performative role and war trauma narrative flew over your head, can't be me.
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biblically-accurate-frog · 2 years ago
perfect m/f relationship dynamic is brandon flowers and charlize theron in the "crossfire" music video
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evelynpr · 1 month ago
HOLY CRAP A recent ATLA enjoyer- I only watched the whole show around early pandemic, and had a recent hyperfixation with it which has since died out but yeah Zutara and ATLA are insanely fascinating omglaskdjflaksjdlkasd
The lack of love and insanity fandoms give wlw pairings is so real though- like we need to get crazier and nastier for them guys. Come ON there is way too much wasted potential here alkdsjfaklsdjkl
I saw in your bookmarks that you also like Zutara so I got curious...what other stories and characters do you like? :>>>
Haha oh my god I am actually a recent Zutara enjoyer but an enthusiastic one! (I missed ATLA the first time round and just recently watched it, but that fic ‘Salt and Scale’ is already a total masterpiece.)
Anywayyy, so other ships. It’s a lot of girlkissers haha.
I *love* Aerti and Sulemio. Both really underserviced fanfic wise too (though with a couple of masterpieces in there) so I’ve got some plans to write for them eventually (much more tgck to get through in my WIPs first though).
Of course my beloved Farcille, again in dire need of more fics. F/F is a barren wasteland half the time.
And my girls CaitVi, who in a turn up have got a delightful array of riches on AO3. Some of the modern AU stuff of them is just fantastic.
Also like most of the anime loving world I am so seated for Dandadan and MomoKarun - they’re so frigging cute.
More generally / non-ships, I love a real blend - soft, gentle things like Freiren and Spy x Family (Yor my beloved), gritty shit like Blue Eyed Samurai and Arcane, action orientated stuff like Bleach, and then things that sort of fall between all that like Witch From Mercury, MHA, One Piece, Dungeon Meshi etc. Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon were my gateway to all things anime / manga when I was a kid so they’ll always have a special place in my heart. I’ve seen Akira multiple times in the cinema too and damn that shit was made for the big screen and surround sound.
And I’m a bit of a gamer when I’ve got time so ya know FF, Zelda, Witcher, Fall Out etc etc…
I’ve probably forgotten things but yeah, that would be my attempt at a summary!
What about you???
P.s. much as I hate JKR and her bullshit I am also a quiet enjoyer of Dramione - some of the fics are top fucking tier.
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blueberray · 11 months ago
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Sought you by ✨️🌿☕️
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mouponpyon · 2 months ago
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pokianne · 1 year ago
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frie-ice · 1 year ago
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I wanted to make and post this in Valentines Day but real life got in the way, so no time like the present. What Spy x Family or TwiYor fan doesn't love Loid and Yor Forger, while hoping that they'll turn from a portend couple to a real one. We can all see the sparks between them.
Their ship is also known as YorTwi, LoidYor, LoiYor, YorLoid, YorLoi, YoruLoid, YoLo, ThornLight and TasoYoru.
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screamyandknocky · 29 days ago
#spyxfamily #yorloid #yor #sexy waifu #mangacap
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