#long theory
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annymation Ā· 1 month ago
Sonic Movie 4 Theory šŸ’™
Hey guys! Since Sonic Movie 3 has been consuming my brain, specially that post credits scene, Iā€™ve decided to write down my predictions to what will happen in the next movie.
Iā€™ll probably be wrong, but thatā€™s ok, theories are not meant to be 100% accurate, theyā€™re just fun to make, and Iā€™ve came up with some ideas that I really wanna share, feel free to share your own theories in the comments or add whatever you think might make my theory even better.
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Alright, letā€™s begin
What can we learn from Amyā€™s first appearance?
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So from the little time we get from her we can catch a few things:
1. She already has plenty of fighting experience against these Metal Sonics
2. Her hammer is futuristic looking
3. She has a hooded cape, like, sheā€™s not meant to be seen by anyone else
4. This last one is important: Her smile implies she already knows Sonic
With all of that in mind, I believe this Amy is from the future, but as Iā€™ll explain, sheā€™s not from far away in the future, ratherā€¦ Sheā€™s from the time Sonic Movie 4 ends.
Thatā€™ll make sense in a sec, probably, I hope so, we'll see.
To make this theory make sense, first, imma talk about where I got my inspiration for itā€¦ Soooo
Have you guys watched Howlā€™s Moving Castle?
The Howlā€™s Moving Castle paradox theoryāœØ
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Thatā€™s how Iā€™m calling my theory by the way, since it was what inspired the whole idea of it.
So, to explain my theory, Iā€™ll have to give yall a mild spoiler of this Studio Ghibli movie, in case you havenā€™t watched it, itā€™s surprisingly not a big deal in the narrative but in any case, youā€™ve been warned.
Still here? Good, so here's the spoiler
At the end of Howlā€™s Moving Castle, we get a scene Sophie goes back in time, she sees past Howl, and screams to him, asking him to come find her in the future, as sheā€™s being sucked in back to present day
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This scene gives new meaning to the scene at the start of the movie when Howl ā€œfirst metā€ Sophie, and he said:
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Soooo why am I bringing this up? Well, I believe Amy is having the same role Sophie had in that movie, and of course, Sonic is getting Howlā€™s role, but, while in Howlā€™s Moving Castle we followed Sophieā€™s point of view, in Sonic 4, it's like we're following Howl's POV, or in this case, Sonic's.
You might already have an idea where Iā€™m going with this.
Where Is Present Amy?
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As I've mentioned, I believe that Amy we saw at the post credits scene is from the future, well, that begs the question, where is the Amy from the NOW?
That's up to Sonic to find out.
Just like how Sophie was forcefully brought back to her time after meeting past Howl, I believe this Amy will disappear too, because she canā€™t stay in that point in time for too long, but before disappearing, sheā€™ll ask Sonic to look for her in their home planet, which we'll be referring to as Mobius.
However, before she can tell him specifically where he can find her, her time will run out. Future Amy will be gone, leaving behind a very confused blue hedgehog, and one sack of rings.
Before she left, all she had time to tell Sonic was ā€œfind me on planet mobius, on the island-ļæ½ļæ½ and then she was gone in a poof of green sparkles reminiscent of the green stars we see when time traveling in Sonic CD.
With that as their only clue, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles will have a very hard time finding her, considering that the whole planet is full of islands.
South Island, Christmas Island, Cocoa Island, Starfall Islands, West Side Island and MANY many more.
But despite the odds not being in their favor, they go anyway, with backpacks full of snacks for the trip of course, and the rings Future Amy left behind.
Weā€™d get, letā€™s say, a 3 minutes montage accompanied with music of the boys going through various Game locations, from both old and new Sonic games, and probably some much needed lore exposition from Knuckles and Tails, with Sonic being amazed by the planet he never got to know more about.
Thatā€™d satisfy fans that want to see more game lore stuff while also not costing the animators that much to design all the anthropomorphic animal characters in the background and so on.
Of course, itā€™s not easy finding a pink hedgehog among millions of other animal people in a whole planet, but Sonic doesnā€™t care, he gotta know who she was, and how she can help them deal with those knock-off robot versions of him, they may strike again at any moment... Also she was really pretty but that surely is unrelated to why he wants to find her so much *cough cough*
So, to make matters worse, the wind blows away a sketch Sonic had made of Amy to help them identify her, it falls on a lake, but, much to the boys luck, itā€™s pulled out of the water by a fishing hookā€¦ And they encounter a certain big friendly purple cat.
Yeah, I know this is getting into fanfic territory, but hey, with the little info I have currently I kinda have to make stuff up, plus, the writers have shown interest in inserting Big the Cat in these movies for a WHILE now, but never got a good excuse to do it. This is my take on how they could implement him into the narrative in a natural way, that wouldn't just make the 3D modelers make a whole BIG character to be a blink and you'll miss it reference in the background.
Back to the plot, Big gives them the sketch back, but with it being all wet, they donā€™t have much hope left that theyā€™ll ever find the girl theyā€™re looking for. Big laments that their drawing got ruined, and as theyā€™re leaving he casually adds ā€œIt was a really good drawing of Amy, Iā€™m sure sheā€™d like itā€
Their ears perk up as they quickly turn to the cat, and Big confirms he does know her, theyā€™re neighbors, and she was currently on an adventure of her own, apparently looking for some kind of ā€œdestined encounterā€ as she had put it. Big gives them the location where they can find her.
Which would be riiiiiiiight here
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I believe this location is called Never Lake, but Idk if it's canon or just an Archie Comics thing, either way, I'm calling it Never Lake.
Anyway this segment is already getting pretty long so Iā€™ll make this brief, Sonic finds Amy, on his own, Knuckles and Tails went to different sides of the island to look for her, itā€™s important their first meeting is just the two of them.
I have three ideas to how this first meeting could go:
When he finds her, she could either be on her own, distracted as she checks her tarot cards and Sonic awkwardly interrupts it, startling her, making the cards flow away in the wind, to which Sonic catches them quickly, which both impresses Amy and proves to her the cards were right, she got her destined encounter.
2. Alternatively, she could not be alone, she was being attacked by a group of hooligans *cough cough* Fang, Bean and Bark *cough cough* and Sonic proceeds to save her while being a lil a snarky trickster and making her laugh during the whole rescue.
Either one of these first encounter ideas works for me because both set up Amy being certain Sonic is the one her cards told her about, however, even though seeing more mobian characters and get a cute scene of Sonic fighting bad guys is cool, I do prefer option number one, for reasons that will become more clear in a sec.
. . .
Ok the sec is over, the reason is because I think another Metal Sonic would show up and try to kidnap Amy and having her being rescued twice is redundant, his motivation? Some version of her from a different point in time just wrecked a whole army of them of course, so he's trying to get her before she can become that future self (time travel sure is messy to write but work with me here)
Sonic, now accompanied with Tails and Knuckles defeat him, preferably also with Amy's help so we can get some main 4 action we've been waiting for, and now, they got a deactivated Metal Sonic laying on the floor, ready for Tails to take to his workshop (aka the garage) and figure out where, or rather, when this thing came from, get some memory files, and most importantly, find out how it time travels.
Gathering all that data, Tails is able to unlock the secrets of time travel, and also he figures out that changing the past will not change the future this Metal Sonic comes from, how is that? Welp, let me explain
How Will Time Travel Work?
In science fiction there are 3 types of time travel theories:
The Fixed Timeline
The Dynamic Timeline
The Multiverse
For this theory, we are going with the idea Sonic 4 will follow the rules of the Multiverse Theory
Don't let that name fool you, I'm not saying we gonna get Sonics from other universes crossing over like game Sonic, boom Sonic, Sanic or whatever, no, here's how it works:
According to this theory, when a time traveler journeys to the past, or future, they do not travel within their own timeline but rather to a parallel timeline. This means that any actions taken in the past do not affect their original timeline, thereby avoiding paradoxes.
Think of it this way, let's say you have two choices, you can choose between going to the mall or staying home, in one timeline you chose to stay home, in the other you went to the mall, in this theory, those two timelines still exist as different universes, like a river dividing in two different directions, the choices we make create different branching timelines.
I think a fun way Tails could explain this to the group would be using the logic of video games, like, imagine he explaining while geeking out and we get visuals referencing classic Sonic games.
In a video game, there's two ways a level can go, you either pass, or you get a game over, now, what happens when you get a game over? As in, what happens in the game's story, well, the bad guy wins, but that doesn't really matter since you can just restart and try again, right? Right, at the end of the game we always end with the "timeline" where the hero didn't die at all, but, what about those alternative timelines we DID get a game over?
Tails explains that he believes these robot versions of Sonic come from an alternative timeline where Sonic DID get a "game over", thus creating a "Bad Future".
By saying "game over" Tails would't be implying Sonic died btw, he believes Sonic just got captured in this alternative future and needs some help heheh how naive what, who said that?
Anyway, now that we got the logistics of time travel, I guess it's about time we address the metallic hedgehog in the room.
What's The Deal With Metal Sonic(s)
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So, from the little we've seen from Metal in that post credit scene, one thing is certain, he wanted Sonic dead.
That to me at least kinda confirms the movie will work with the Multiverse logic in mind, because otherwise, if Metal were to kill past Sonic then the events in the timeline would change drastically, that is, if we were going with a Dynamic timeline where past events affect the future. In the Multiverse theory, killing Sonic in that moment would simply create a new timeline where Sonic just went for a race with Tails and Knuckles, disappeared and never came back home, a new bad future.
And that, my friends, is what I think those Metal Sonic's were trying to do, going back in time to different moments where Sonic was alone, distracted and helpless, just to eliminate him over and over and over again, creating a bunch of branching timelines where Sonic get's his game over, by an enemy he doesn't even know.
Think of it as Metal taking the "There can only be one Sonic" thing to the next level, there can only be one timeline where a Sonic wins, and that Sonic is ME.
It makes sense right? At least I think it does, you tell me.
I'm working with what we've seen so far, all we got was Sonic distracted and all alone, then Metal showing up like the Exterminator, indicating he's from the future, put those two informations together and my brain says "Metal is going back in time to kill Sonic in all the moments in his life he was alone and distracted"....... My brain is kinda crazy tho ngl.
And with the little information we got I'm about to go even crazier as I explain what lead to Metal's creation.
I'm still pondering how Eggman would work in this theory, I'm torn between just saying he died and Shadow survived and crash landed because he's just THAT durable, or, both him and Shadow time traveled to the future through Chaos Control. Either way, sounds good, I'm undecided, but let's say Agent Stone started to work on Metal Sonic first, then a few years later Robotnik just popped up again in the narrative because Shadow just made a Chaos Control that took them to the future actually, so they're fiiiiiine, this is the part of the theory I'm least sure of.
Events That Lead To The Bad Future
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In this segment I'll describe what I believe happens in the alternative timeline Metal Sonic comes from, all the following events would be narrated through exposition and flashbacks, not actually play out in the movie for too long, just thought it was important to make that clear.
After the events of Sonic 3, Stone spiraled down into deep resentment towards Team Sonic, believing it's Sonic's fault for the doctor slowly going insane and ultimately resulting in his supposed death.
So, he decides to finish what the doctor started, by creating a robot that could not only match, but also surpass Sonic.
We know from Sonic 2 that Stone has at the very least SOME knowledge of technology, he changed a whole coffee shop into a secret base. However, even though he is skilled, I don't think Stone could ever make Metal Sonic on his first try (Nor Eggman honestly)
So he started with prototypes, sending them to cause havoc so Sonic and friends would fight them, and he could collect more data about how Sonic fights
And each time, model after model, Sonic would always beat these "knockoff" Sonics, and each time, they'd come back improved, but never good enough to defeat them.
Perfect opportunity for us to get a flashback or exposition with these guys being these prototypes
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Years go by, let's say, 5 years, with Sonic now being 20 years old, Knuckles is 21 and Tails is 13, and in between that time Eggman and Shadow also came back through Shadow's Chaos Control (Again, this is the part of the theory I'm most iffy about, could use some ideas from ya'll).
So far the future is bright for the boys, they went through many adventures together, are way more skilled and fought so many pesky robots it's practically a game for them at this point.
It's not a game for prototype Metal though, who has retained the memories of all his defeats, every single time Sonic has mocked him with a cheeky grin, every failure, reminding him he's not good enough.
From that, something sparks inside of Metal's programing...
He's tired of this vicious cycle, tired of following orders from both Eggman and Stone. However, he's still confined by his programming, an un-willing servant who wants to break free but simply can't.
Until one day, Metal get's a whole new look, as usual, he's sent to fight Sonic and friends, once again as he always does... But something different happens.
He manages to disobey.
When Eggman orders Metal to attack Sonic, Metal decides a diferent strategy, and attacks Tails instead, knowing that Sonic would throw himself in front of his little brother to protect him, and indeed that's what happens... Metal did't miss his shot.
For the first time in one of these battles Sonic got injured, not seriously injured but enough to impress Eggman, shock Stone and give Metal a huge boost in his confidence, and mainly his ego.
The villains get away, with Stone now worried with how Metal seems to be deviating from his programing and wanting to do things his own way, while Eggman is just over the moon knowing Metal's artificial intelligence has advanced so much, he decides to go a step further, giving Metal more freedom to do as he pleases without the need of commands, and also uses Sonic's quill to power him even more, announcing their little project is out of beta, and Metal Sonic is their final design.
Little did they know, Metal had other plans.
Neo Metal Takeover
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Yeah you've read the title, you knew it was coming, I need this boy in the movies very badly.
Basically, Metal Sonic upgraded himself, gave himself a voice, an identity, seeing himself as Sonic perfected, a Sonic that wasn't held back by fear of losing his loved ones nor bound by any morals. He was Neo Metal Sonic.
Just like in Sonic heroes, Neo rebels against Eggman and Agent Stone, and goes to defeat Sonic his own way, in a permanent way that would finally put an end to the endless cycle.
They put up a good fight, but ultimately, Sonic in a trapped, Neo Metal wins, he has Sonic right where he wants him and Tails and Knuckles can only watch, he's ready to give the killing blow... But... Sonic doesn't look defeated.
He smiles... That same determined smile Metal has seen over and over again, and in fact, Sonic doesn't even look at Neo at all, he just turns to Tails, eyes full of hope as he says "It's up to you now, I'm counting on you"
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He probably would say something to Knuckles too but in true middle child mocking older sibling fashion he'd just go "You better beat this piece of scrap metal or I'm SOOOO gonna come back as a ghost to haunt you"
So yeah anyway, alternative future Sonic dies, rip, Tails, Knuckles and Shadow (bet you forgot he was alive) all fail to defeat Neo because dude can just copy abilities and also he made a bunch of Metal Sonic clones.
He proceeds to take over the world under the disguise of Eggman (because just like in Heroes he can shapeshift) following exactly how the doctor envisioned the world, dominated by machines and pollution, sooooooo yeah, we get our Bad Future! Uhuuuuul!
You'd think after all that Neo would be satisfied, right? He'd just lay back and enjoy his world domination... But nope! He couldn't accept that in Sonic's final moments the hedgehog still had that gleam of hope in his eyes. Neo didn't win, not really, because he never got to break Sonic's spirit.
Neo decides to fix that.
Now, I don't know how they gonna deal with the means Time Travel is activated, it could be with the Time Stones like in Sonic CD, but I don't know where Neo could find those, or, it could be with the Chaos Emeralds like it is in Sonic 06. Either way, the point is that Neo figured out how to time travel, and he chose to use that power to be the ultimate hater.
So, we circle back to where we've started, when I said Metal Sonic is going back in time to different moments where Sonic was alone, just to kill him, over and over and over again.
Needles to say, Neo Metal Sonic got issues.
Of course it's not exactly HIM who is doing it, Neo is still in his empire in the bad future, while his clones are doing the job of killing a bunch of past Sonics, but still, they're all connected in the same network, like they're all the same character.
Sooo anyway, you might be wondering, where the heck is Amy?
So, Back To Amy
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You may have noticed I didn't mention Amy at all during this whole explanation about how the bad future came to be, welp, that's because she's not from that timeline.
Now this is the part it's kinda confusing and I remind ya'll about the whole "Howl's Moving Castle" paradox I've mentioned in the beginning, logically it doesn't make much sense, but I'm looking at this in a POETIC way, like they were destined to meet and the stars aligned yadda yadda yadda that kind of stuff.
Logically, it doesn't make sense Howl met Sophie because her future self from a few days in the future told him to come find her in the future, since she only time traveled BECAUSE she met him in the first place, and yet, we don't question it, we just think it's cute.
The same way, in this theory, it doesn't make sense Sonic met Amy because her future self from a few days in the future told him to come find her in the present, since she only time traveled BECAUSE she met him in the first place, and yet, I'm asking you guys to not question it, we just think it's cute, and writing time travel sucks.
Anyway, so what do I think will be Amy's role in this story?
Well firstly, she falls for Sonic, that much I feel certain about, but her role won't be just fangirl and be all sticky, after being rescued from that Metal Sonic attack, she's HYPED to join Sonic and the others in this adventure, she wants to help them the best she can, even if her hammer is just a toy hammer (yeah she only get's the futuristic one later) and she's not as fast as Sonic, she still promises to not leave them until they defeat those robots, and thus, she fits right in with the team.
She's girly, enthusiastic, has a heart of gold, and most of all, she's optimistic.
Once Tails finishes building the time travel gizmo, which as I've mentioned before, could be on Sonic's shoes or a wrist watch, they're all set to go to this bad future, believing they can help their future selves deal with these robots.
However, Sonic can only time travel if he runs very fast for a long time, and he can't really do that carrying Amy, Tails & Knuckles on his arms, right?
So, Knuckles decides to stay behind, trusting on Amy to be the muscle of the team in his absence. Sonic carries Amy on his arms, while Tails holds tightly to his back. As Sonic runs, the speed builds and builds to the point sparkles start to glow around him, but, Sonic runs so fast, Tails can't hold on and... Tails let go and falls before they time traveled, being left behind in the present.
Sonic and Amy are on their own in the bad future, and Neo Metal Sonic couldn't be happier to get his second chance.
With that said... I'm gonna stop here.
Final Notes
I could go on detailing how I think the events would play out from here, but I'll just summarize with a few bullet points:
As soon as Sonic and Amy get to the bad future they're already chased down and captured, and Sonic loses the gizmo that allows him to time travel, thus they're trapped there for a good chunck of the movie.
Tom and Maddie are still in this story, in the first act they support the boys going to their homeworld to find Amy, giving them snacks for the trip and just asking them to be careful. They help out Tails when he's making his time travel gizmo, and in the second act, we see them in the bad future, along with other humans who are trying to hide from Neo Metal, like a kind of resistance group.
Throughout the narrative, Amy with her positivity would be the source of hope Sonic needs in order to overcome all the pain he'll endure seeing this horrible future. No matter how bad things get, Amy believes in him, and in turn Sonic believes in himself, even if his future self lost, that Sonic didn't have an Amy, so there's still a chance.
Sonic also helps Amy in her own character journey, she doesn't see herself as a heroine, and is deeply insecure about her future, hence why she's so interested in tarot cards, so she can be sure of what's gonna happen next, however, Sonic teaches her to see her own value, and how amazing she already is in the present. They both highlight the best parts of one another.
You may be wondering where Tails, Knuckles and Shadow are in this bad future. Well ya'll might hate me for this, but I do like a good cliche, and it sure is a cliche that in dystopian alternate future you see your loved ones turned into mind controlled robot versions of themselves... Yeah
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What can I say? I love some angst. Also, it would be a neat callback to the roboticization thing from the Archie Comics.
Shadow wouldn't be roboticized, he'd be locked up by Neo. Sonic and Amy find him and free him, we get a heartwarming moment where Sonic is relieved he's alive, and they get at least one ally that can help them figure out how to fix all this mess.
6. Eggman and Stone could be locked up along with Shadow, and I can only imagine how pissed off Sonic would be seeing the doctor again, I need Shadow and Amy holding him while Eggman comedically runs away scared.
7. Climax of the movie would be Neo and Sonic having a race for the Master Emerald, and just to prove he doesn't need any upgrades to beat Sonic he reverts back to his original smaller form we all know as Metal Sonic. The race is actually a distraction so Amy, Shadow, Eggman and other human characters can free Tails and Knuckles from their roboticized state. Of course, Sonic wins, Neo get's mad and almost emotional about the fact he can't even beat a younger version of his "loathsome copy" in a race. Sonic tries to reach out to him and reassure him he doesn't have to be perfect (or some other kind of lesson like that), and extends a hand just like he has done to his two other rivals in the past... Neo Metals says "naaaaah f*** that" and grabs the Master Emerald, turning himself into Metal Overlord, and THEN we get our final climax.
Obviously Sonic wins, all the metal sonics were controlled by Neo so they deactivate when he's destroyed. But before Sonic goes back to his time, Tails, now conscious, points out that the shenanigans Neo Metal pulled with time travel has created a bunch of divergent timelines where Metal Sonics have killed Sonic in the past, which is pretty bad for the time stream as a whole.
Amy offers herself to time travel to the same points in time these Metal Sonics went, saying she can defeat them before they hurt Sonic in any timeline. It's too risky for Sonic to do that himself, since if he's seen or touched by any of his past selves it could be a bit troublesome.
Soooo yeah, that's what Amy was doing in the post credit scene, just doing a clean sweep of all the Metals who tried to hurt her darling Sonic. Using a hammer that future Tails designed that allows her to time jump directly to all those Metals, but she can't stay in those points in time for too long.
And with that, I think we're done.
Final Thoughts
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Although I'm happy with this theory I do recognize the chances of it being right are VERY low.
The tone of these movies is quite different from all of this, the implications of Sonic dying, even if not shown of screen, might be a bit too much for Paramount to accept, and even SEGA honestly.
But hey, it happened in 06 so there's a small chance I suppose.
The point of this theory really is that I hope we get to SEE Amy develop into that Amy we saw in the post credits, and the idea of her going back in time to save Sonic over and over again just sounds very cute to me, for once she's the one saving him and not the other way around.
All in all, I hope you enjoyed this theory/almost fanfic. Please leave your opinion, constructive criticism and questions in the comments! Hope we can improve these ideas together!
Thank You For Reading!
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kathystheoriesandmore Ā· 1 year ago
I think we may be reading the comic the wrong direction-
(please excuse the photo, stole it from BBH's latest stream)
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A lot of people when reading this comic, go horizontal when reading this, probably because that makes sense for a comic to read that direction.
But for some reason it feels off to me.
It makes no sense in my eyes. The comic jumps a lot for me and for some reason I can't see why one crack can instantly jump to many cracks. It might just be the story teller in me, but the comic feels like the photos are arranged wrong. Like it is the correct story just told like someone jumping around time. It needs to be in the right order.
So maybe it's not meant to be read horizontal but vertical? Well I thought that too and I think we're close but not exact... The story seems still messed up, as if it's read first by the talking photo first.
Which got me thinking.. it's meant to be read snake way. (Up down Up)
Follow with me for a second:
(It starts in the bottom left corner)
With the yellow/orange people talking to the white people, something important, maybe telling them about the the circle. I'm seeing this as orange people are fed and white are citizens of the island.
(Then we go up)
They find it and are looking at it, seeing it's potential. Maybe it's a relic of the island that the Islanders have a old temple for.
(To the right)
Though the fed mess up and it cracks.
(Then we go down)
Making them go into a panic, not wanting to be in trouble for this mess. Maybe it's dangerous and they are scared of it.
(we go to the right again)
This leads to a bad deal. Some dark force who knows more who are willing to fund the group to help fixing it.
This also can connect to my theory about the federation used to being good, but corrupting along the way because of something dark happening. This might be it, a weak time where they needed help but got the wrong help.
(which leads back up)
They try to fix it with the machines, hooking it up and trying to study to find out more so they know how to fix it, but it's glitching out and breaking more. They are desperate. They will do really bad things to fix it.
Including human experiments.
Though this is all speculation and I'm not sure. Just my take on it. There is a chance I'm wrong.
If you are willing, I want to hear your ideas on how to read it, I think it's an interesting comic that we could look at for hours and still not have an answer til it's shown to us.
Hope you all have a wonderful day/night^w^
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nondivisable Ā· 9 months ago
I need to say something and I need y'all to be calm
if it isn't actively bad or harmful, no representation should be called "too simple" or "too surface level"
I have a whole argument for this about the barbie movie but today I wanna talk about a show called "the babysitters club" on Netflix
(obligatory disclaimer that I watched only two episodes of this show so if it's super problematic I'm sorry) (yes. I know it's based on a book, this is about the show)
this is a silly 8+ show that my 9 year old sister is watching and it manages to tackle so many complex topics in such an easy way. basic premise is these 13 year old girls have a babysitting agency.
in one episode, a girl babysits this transfem kid. the approach is super simple, with the kid saying stuff like "oh no, those are my old boy clothes, these are my girl clothes". they have to go to the doctor and everyone is calling the kid by her dead name and using he/him and this 13 year old snaps at like a group of doctors and they all listen to her. it's pure fantasy and any person versed in trans theory would point out a bunch of mistakes.
but after watching this episode, my little sister started switching to my name instead of my dead name and intercalating he/him pronouns when talking about me.
one of the 13 years old is a diabetic and sometimes her whole personality is taken over by that. but she has this episode where she pushes herself to her limit and passes out and talks about being in a coma for a while because of not recognizing the limits of her disability.
and this allowed my 9 year old sister to understand me better when I say "I really want to play with you but right now my body physically can't do that" (I'm disabled). she has even asked me why I'm pushing myself, why I'm not using my crutches when I complain about pain.
my mom is 50 years old and watching this show with my sister. she said the episode about the diabetic girl helped her understand me and my disability better. she grew up disabled as well, but she was taught to shut up and power through.
yes, silly simple representation can annoy you if you've read thousands of pages about queer liberation or disability radical thought, but sometimes things are not for you.
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egophiliac Ā· 5 months ago
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still ruminating over Lost In the Book With Spooky Skeletons Part 1, so here's a selection of some of my favorite little bits! (...some more loosely paraphrased than others) (I just feel like Idia has no room to criticize in general, okay)
anyway, I'm sure we're just going to have a fun time celebrating Halloween and nothing bad is going to happen whatsoever! :)
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#lost in the book with nightmare before christmas#hajimari no halloween#calling dibs on skeleton kisses as the name of my band#man scully is just a delightful little weirdo and i'm enjoying him immensely#(i'm going with scully until we get something official just because it makes me think of x-files)#(ć‚¹ć‚«ćƒŖćƒ¼ is also how the agent's name is transliterated and i don't know if it was intentional but i love it as a bonus reference)#(i want to believeā„¢)#gosh though#'no one at school likes me because i won't shut up about halloween and jack skellington' i'm feeling VERY attacked right now twst#look scully your people are out there#just get on the forums and -- oh wait you're probably from like the 1800s or something#(my theory is that he's from the past and there's just some Book Magic going on to bring us together)#(LOOK they made a point of saying that the book fair has been held annually for a super long time)#a hot topic goth born before hot topic was invented...so sad šŸ˜”#i dunno i could be wrong but that feels like a good working theory for now#if it wasn't for mal sensing twsty ~magic~ on him i would think he's like. a christmas elf who's going to kidnap jack in a reverse-nmbc#(not ruling that out though because it would be amazing)#god all the sprites in this event look AMAZING. loving the desaturated colors and the extra drawn-on lines šŸ˜#i'm genuinely kinda sad that we aren't gonna get to see every character like this#who knows...maybe halloweentown will be imperiled again next year...#come back and destroy my keys again please#(that said i'm doing weirdly well so far?)#(i promised i'd save for sebek and just do cursory pulls to get the SRs and not hope for the SSRs)#(...but then leona jumpscared me four coffins in anyway. halloween magic is REAL)
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chloesimaginationthings Ā· 6 months ago
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William Afton has top tier FNAF parenting skills
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torisprlng Ā· 4 months ago
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lynxgriffin Ā· 3 months ago
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Mightier Than The Sword
Gerson had one regret, but now Alvin has many. A fancomic about my thoughts and theories and who -and what- the Knight is!
While not directly connected, I'd say this one is in the same vein as the Deal With The Devil series! Hope you enjoy!
Alt text for this comic under the read more:
Page 1
Panel 1 - Wide shot of the interior of the Boom household. Several monsters are gathered in a clean-looking hall, dressed in somber clothing and talking quietly in small groups. The monsters include QC, Cat Mom, Toriel, Asgore and Mayor Holiday. Father Alvin stands waiting at a door in the hall as his sister, a red-headed turtle monster in a pink dress, exits through the door and speaks to him. ā€œAlvinā€¦heā€™s ready for you.ā€
Panel 2 - Mid shot as Alvin prepares to enter the room. Ms. Boom steps out of the way, and puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Both of them look somber.Ā 
Panel 3 - Alvin enters the room, mostly dark and lit by a few candles on a nearby desk. Gerson Boom is lying on a bed ahead of him, watching him enter. Alvin closes the door behind him and says, ā€œFather, Iā€™m here.ā€
Panel 4 - Alvin approaches his father, lying in bed. The bedroom has a few amenities, including a footstool set off to the side, a large rug bearing the delta rune, and a massive bookcase filling the entire back wall. A few books and papers litter the ground. Alvin bows his head, and says, ā€œThe hammer is ready forā€¦for afterwards.ā€
Gerson just smiles, and responds, ā€œWa ha, is it? Well, itā€™ll do fine, I suppose.ā€
Panel 5 - Closer shot of Gerson extending his right hand towards Alvin. Heā€™s smiling still, content with where he is. ā€œCome here, son.ā€
Page 2
Panel 1 - Closeup as Alvin takes his fatherā€™s hand in his own, and clasps it tight. ā€œWhatever you needā€¦Iā€™m here,ā€ he says from offscreen.
Panel 2 - Alvin kneels by his fatherā€™s bedside, still clasping his hands. Gerson says, ā€œOf course you are. Wa haā€¦youā€™re such a good and kind man, Alvin.ā€
Panel 3 - Closeup on Alvin as he just holds on to his fatherā€™s hand. Tears prick at the corners of his eyes.Ā 
Panel 4 - Focus on Gerson as he holds up a hand to conspiratorially whisper to Alvin. ā€œAnd I know I can trust you with a secret, right?ā€
Panel 5 - Closeup on Alvin as he looks back up, face earnest. ā€œ...Of course.ā€
Panel 6 - Gerson holds up one finger as he speaks to Alvin. ā€œI told your sister I had no regrets, but that was a BIT of a fib! Iā€™m afraid I have one regretā€¦ā€
Panel 7 - Side view of Alvin as he learns closer, his face now worried. ā€œFather?...ā€
Page 3
Panel 1 - Focus on Gerson as he leans back on his pillow, looking up at the ceiling. ā€œI wish I had started earlier. Writing stories, I mean. Seeinā€™ you anā€™ your sisterā€™s eyes light up whenever I read you a new chapterā€¦and then seeing all that joy from so many young folks after those stories were published!ā€ he says, looking wistful.
Panel 2 - Alvin watches on sadly as Gerson continues, ā€œIt was the greatest feeling in the world, Alvin. Itā€™s what lifeā€™s all about, yā€™know. Helping the young folks grow.ā€
Panel 3 - Gerson closes his eyes and looks back towards the ceiling again, still wistful. ā€œSo, I wish Iā€™d started writing stories sooner.ā€
Panel 4 - Closeup on Alvin as he bows his head, still holding Gersonā€™s hand. ā€œI truly do cherish those times you read to us, fatherā€¦ā€ he says.
Panel 5 - Closeup on Gerson as he closes his mind with happy memories. ā€œMe too, Alvin. Itā€™s a shameā€¦Iā€™ve still got so many tales to tell! Butā€“ā€
Panel 6 - Gerson is interrupted by a round of hacking coughs. His time is fast approaching.
Panel 7 - Gerson settles back in to his bed and says, ā€œThe Angelā€™s given me SO many good, happy years. Doesnā€™t seem fair to ask for more.ā€
Panel 8 - Closeup on Alvin as he continues to hold his fatherā€™s hand tight. ā€œThis doesnā€™t seem fair, eitherā€¦ā€ he says, tears still pricking at his eyes.
Page 4
Panel 1 -Ā  Insert closeup of Gerson as he smiles at his son. ā€œThatā€™s life, Alvin!ā€ He doesnā€™t seem bothered by his imminent passing.
Panel 2 - Side view as Gerson leans in closer to Alvin again, hand raised, back to sharing his secrets. ā€œBut, knowinā€™ my secretā€¦thereā€™s something Iā€™d like to ask of you.ā€
Alvin faces his father with seriousness. ā€œAnything,ā€ he replies.
Panel 3 - Closeup on Gerson, as he looks hopefully at Alvin. ā€œYou have a good heart, Alvin. I want you to know this joy, too.ā€
Panel 4 - Gerson continues in the next panel: ā€œPlease try writinā€™ stories of your own, alright?ā€ Closeup on Alvin as he looks shocked and a bit worried by the request.
Panel 5 - Mid shot as Alvin holds up a hand to Gerson in protest. He says, ā€œFather, Iā€¦I have no talent for writing fiction. Not like YOU.ā€
Panel 6 - Closeup on Gerson as he refutes his son: ā€œHogwash! I know you can.ā€
Panel 7 - Wide shot as Alvin stands up, and looks around the room. ā€œNo, Iā€¦ā€
In the foreground, thereā€™s Gersonā€™s desk, currently showing some lit candles, some paper, an inkwell, a notebook, and his favorite fountain pen.
Page 5
Panel 1 - Closeup as Alvin grabs two objects off of the desk: the small notebook and the fountain pen. Offscreen, he says, ā€œIf you justā€¦ā€
Panel 2 - Back at Gersonā€™s bedside, Alvin pulls up the footstool and puts the pen and notebook in front of him, intending to use it. He faces his father, and says, ā€œTell me your ideas, I could write them down, andā€“ā€
Gerson interrupts him: ā€œā€˜Fraid it doesnā€™t work that way, Alvin!ā€
Panel 3 - Gerson holds up both of his hands and smiles as he explains: ā€œMy tales are between my soul and the pen. Youā€™ll need to make your own.ā€
Panel 4 - Gerson watches as Alvin, tears in his eyes, looks down at the notebook and pen in hand. ā€œIā€“I cannotā€¦ā€ Alvin starts, looking despondent.
Panel 5 - Side view of Alvin as tears continue to stream from his eyes. He says, ā€œNot without you!ā€ In the background, in grayscale, there is a scene from Alvinā€™s memory: Gerson reading a book to his two children by the fire. Gerson looks happy, and both kids are enraptured, with Alvin clinging to a cat doll that looks like Seam.
Panel 6 - Closeup on Gerson, his face now more worried and pleading towards Alvin. Gerson says, ā€œY-you canā€¦ Itā€™s all I askā€¦ā€
Panel 7 - Gerson turns away as heā€™s again interrupted by a round of terrible sounding coughs. Alvin stands holding the notebook and pen in the foreground.
Page 6
Panel 1 - Horror comes over Alvinā€™s face as his father continues to cough loudly, clutching his chest. He realizes that his father might be close to death now.
Panel 2 - Wider overhead shot as Alvin turns away from Gerson, looking frantically around the room. ā€œNo! Not yet!--ā€ he says desperately. Gerson is still racked with coughs.
Panel 3 - Closeup as Alvin grabs the candles from the deskā€“
Panel 4 - And then pulls a book from the bookshelf, with the delta rune on the front ā€“
Panel 5 - And then finally pulls out what appears to be a beaded rosary, with the delta rune made of beads at the end of it.
Panel 6 - Wider shot as Alvin places the objects in front of him, candles to the side, holy book in front of him. Gerson can only lay there as he does so, trying to catch his breath.
Panel 7 - Front view of Alvin as he clasps his hands together in front of his face, the rosary threaded between his fingers. He closes his eyes and bows his head in prayer. ā€œAngelā€¦Angel above! Please, heed your servantā€™s prayer!ā€
Page 7
Panel 1 - Closeup on Alvin as he continues to pray, the candles glowing around him. He keeps his eyes shut even as tears well in them. ā€œI know you call back my fatherā€™s soul, but please! Please refrain!ā€
Panel 2 - Gerson desperately reaches a hand out towards his son, shaking, but unable to reach him. In the foreground, the fountain pen sits on the footstool between them. ā€œA-Alvinā€¦ā€ Gersonā€™s voice is shaky now.
Panel 3 - Aerial shot as Alvin prays over the book, and Gerson is still confined to the bed, only able to watch. ā€œThis world still NEEDS his gifts!ā€ Alvin says. ā€œI pray to you, donā€™t take them from us now!ā€ The shadows around Alvin start to grow strange, not matching the candlelight.
Panel 4 - Gerson continues to hold out a hand, now not looking well. ā€œNoā€¦ā€
Panel 5 - Closeup on the candles as they spark to life, now glowing stronger.
Panel 6 - A strange bright glow begins to emanate from Gerson. Behind him, the books in the bookcase all rattle and shift as if in a localized earthquake. The colors of the room grow brighter and stranger.
Panel 7 - Still reaching out a desperate hand, Gerson lets out a soft breath. His soul, an upside-down white heart, comes up from his body. On the footstool in the foreground, the fountain pen also begins to levitate, as if by magic.
Page 8
Panel 1 - Front shot of Alvin as he continues to pray desperately, his head bowed and hands together. ā€œGrant us the love shown between his soul and the pen!ā€ Behind him, the colors have grown stark and bright, and a shadow resembling the angel looms behind Alvin.
Panel 2 - Alvin looks up to discover something amazing and terrible: Gersonā€™s soul has been drawn to the fountain pen, and begins to flow down into it.
Panel 3 - Closeup as Gersonā€™s soul is completely absorbed into the pen, hovering high over the bed.
Panel 4 - The candles turn strange blue and pink colors, and the books in the bookcase shake and rattle relentlessly.
Panel 5 - Extreme closeup on Alvinā€™s eyes as he sees this miracle; the light of his fatherā€™s soul reflected in his eyes.
Panel 6 - Closeup as the pen suddenly drops, and clatters back on to the footstool.
Panel 7 - Wide aerial shot as the room very suddenly goes completely dark and silent, the bright colors and lights now gone. Alvin stands up and backs away from the bed, still clutching the rosary, his face filled with horror. Gerson now lies unmoving in his bed, having passed away.
Page 9
Panel 1 - The same shot as the first panel of the first page, with the other monsters waiting in the hallway. No one says anything as Alvin emerges from the bedroom, leaning on the door for support, his head bowed. Everyone in the room knows that Gerson has just passed, although they donā€™t know the rest.
Panel 2 - An establishing shot of the forest and mountains surrounding Hometownā€¦the skies are a dark, gloomy gray.
Panel 3 - Above shot of Gersonā€™s newly dug grave. At the bottom of a small pit lies Gersonā€™s hammer, covered in his dust. Politics Bear stands over the grave, holding a shovel.Ā 
Panel 4 - Closeup as the shovel begins to dump dirt over the fresh grave.
Panel 5 - Another closeup of Gersonā€™s headstone, with bundles of fresh funerary flowers laid in front of it.
Panel 6 - Wide shot of Gersonā€™s funeral. Alvin stands over his fatherā€™s grave, reading last rites from one of his books. Lots of monsters are in attendance, including Alphys and Undyne, Napstablook, the Holiday and Dreemurr families, and more. A very young Kris, Noelle and Asriel are present, but Dess is not. Everyone is dressed in dark mourning attire.
Panel 7 - After the funeral, Toriel approaches Alvin and puts a hand on his shoulder. She says, ā€œBeautifully said, Alvin. I know your father is watching proudly by the side of the Angel.ā€ Alvin looks distant and mournful.
Panel 8 - A closeup of the fountain pen laying forgotten on the desk in Gersonā€™s room. Gerson is, perhaps, not actually with the Angel right now.
Panel 9 - Back at the funeral, Alvin bows his head, eyes closed. ā€œYou are too kind, Toriel,ā€ he says.
Page 10
Panels 1-3 - We see the seasons pass through the changing of the treesā€¦from the barren white trees of winter, to colorful pink blooms for spring, to the bright oranges and reds of fall.
Panel 4 - Sometime much later, Alvin again enters his fatherā€™s old room, alone.
Panel 5 - Much of Gersonā€™s room has remained untouched. The fountain pen still sits on his old writing desk in the foreground. Alvin steps inside, and carefully turns on the overhead light. ā€œItā€™s been years,ā€ he says.
Panel 6 - Alvin cautiously approaches the pen, which seems to loom large ahead of him. He hesitantly picks it up.
Panel 7 - Alvin places some blank pages on the writing desk. ā€œSurelyā€¦ā€
Panel 8 - Alvin sits in front of the blank pages, still holding the pen cautiously. ā€œSurely by now, I can do it.ā€ Heā€™s going to try writing.
Panel 9 - Closeup as Alvin dips the pen in the inkwell, and it comes away full of ink.
Panel 10 - Closeup as Alvin holds the pen over the blank page. The pen trembles slightly in his grip.
Panel 11 - Alvin tries to put pen to paper, but heā€™s still trembling. He looks down with great anxiety. ā€œIā€¦Iā€¦ā€
Panel 12 - Closeup on Alvinā€™s face as he looks more panicked, shaking and sweating. In the background, his memory of his fatherā€™s soul being absorbed into the pen plays back at him. This is still his fault.
Panel 13 - Closeup again as Alvinā€™s hand shakes uncontrollably, and the pen with it. Ink spots begin to dapple the blank pageā€“
Page 11
Panel 1 - Alvinā€™s shaking hand accidentally knocks over the inkwell, and it spills black ink all over the blank page.
Panel 2 - Alvin picks up the ruined paper and folds it in half to try and stem the ink spillage. He quietly curses to himself.Ā 
Panel 3 - Closeup as Alvin holds his head in his hand. Itā€™s clear that this isnā€™t going to work. ā€œI canā€™tā€¦ā€Ā 
Panel 4 - Closeup as Alvin puts the ink-stained paper back on the desk, and quickly grabs up the pen and inkwell.
Panel 5 - Taking the pen and inkwell, Alvin exits his fatherā€™s room again, head bowed and expression sad.
Panel 6 - Left behind, the folded paper slowly peels apart and unfoldsā€¦
Panel 7 - To reveal that the spilled ink has created a rorschach ink blot image of a titan.Ā 
Page 12
Panel 1 - Wide shot as Alvin trudges down the streets of Hometown, alone. His head his bowed, and heā€™s still clutching the articles he took with him. Itā€™s almost nighttime, and the sky is dark. ā€œI cannot bear this kind of burden,ā€ he says to himself.
Panel 2 - Shot from behind Alvin as he approaches the school building. Itā€™s dark, and no students or teachers should be there. ā€œMaybe you belong where you always haveā€¦ā€
Panel 3 - Now indoors, Alvin continues down the empty hallway towards a particular destination. ā€œWith the youth.ā€
Panel 4 - Alvin opens the door to the storage closet at the end of the hall. It opens with a soft creak. ā€œTeaching. Telling stories,ā€ Alvin continues to say to himself.
Panel 5 - Alvin places the fountain pen and inkwell on a small shelf in the storage closet. The closet is almost completely black.Ā 
Panel 6 - The inkwell and pen are left on the shelf as Alvin closes the door behind him. His expression is mournful as he locks these reminders of his father away. ā€œInspiring someone better suited,ā€ he says, hoping this is a suitable escape of his responsibility.
Page 13
Panel 1 - But in the storage closet, the objects are subject to something else already there: the grand Dark Fountain. The pen, ink and papers all fall into the darkness of the fountainā€“
Panel 2 - And start to change, the pen seemingly turning into liquid itselfā€“
Panel 3 - As the pen falls deeper and deeper into the dark, the liquid begins to reshape into something new, something resembling a personā€“
Panel 4 - Until it lands on empty ground, now a person in knightā€™s armor, knelt over and holding his head in his hands.
Panel 5 - The Knight comes to, and starts to become more aware. Heā€™s dressed in armor resembling the dark metallic sheen of the fountain pen, his mask resembling the pen tip. A bright deep red cape flows from his shoulders, and a single red-orange feather tops the helmet. ā€œWhereā€¦am I?ā€
Panel 6 - The Knight again touches his helmet with both hands, as if not sure exactly what he is.
Panel 7 - Interior shot of the helmet, which reveals a figure much like Gersonā€¦but much younger, more idealized-looking, with colors not matching his actual self. A Dark World interpretation. ā€œWHY am Iā€¦?ā€
Panel 8 - A closeup of the Knightā€™s hand, slightly trembling.
Panel 9 - The Knight stares down at his own hands as realization begins to flood him, or at least something that looks like realization. ā€œWait. I see why. I KNOW.ā€ he says.
Ā Page 14
Panel 1 - The Knight holds up his hand, and a sword appears in it in a flash of lights. The sword resembles the tip of a fountain pen, almost split neatly in two. ā€œI serve the Lightners! That is my purpose!ā€ Says the Knight.Ā 
Panel 2 - The Knight draws the sword back with great fervor and determination. His thoughts echo around him in strong letters: ā€œA purpose so bright, so clearā€¦ā€
Panel 3 - In the final panel, the Knight drives the sword into the ground, causing an eruption of black ink-like material to spew from the groundā€¦the creation of a new Dark Fountain. In the fountain itself, words reflect his purpose: ā€œI EXIST TO GIVE THEM STORIES FOREVER.ā€
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maridoodles Ā· 3 months ago
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i put too much thought into the backing cards for my new charms
you can shop these charms here
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grilledcheeseandguavajelly Ā· 5 months ago
ā€œAgatha canā€™t control her powers and kills a bunch of people, this explains why Death is in love with her because it means she gets more bodiesā€ No.
No no no.
I need ā€œAgatha canā€™t control her powers and the first time someone blasted her with their magic they died right in front of her and she was only seven years old and terrified and alone until suddenly there was a small little girl across from her who gently took her hand and told her it was okayā€
I need ā€œAgatha canā€™t control her powers and had a tantrum, purple exploding out of her, but the other witch was too fast and Agatha blinked and they were dead on the ground and she scrambled back against the wall, curling up into a little ball and shaking, shaking, shaking, until someone just as young and soft as her stroked her hair back and told her they knew it was an accidentā€
I need ā€œAgatha canā€™t control her powers and was beaten and bruised by her mother until she couldnā€™t take it anymore and ran off into the woods and was blasted by someone who thought she was a witch hunter, and she didnā€™t even realize what was happening until it was too late. Agatha climbing into a tree and scraping her cheek and trembling as she stared at the lifeless witch, something rattling deep inside of her that sounded like a strangerā€™s voice. And then the stranger appearing through the thick, standing over the dead body and instantly looking up, looking for Agatha. Finding her in the tree and climbing in with her. Smoothing a thumb across her cheek until it didnā€™t sting anymoreā€
I need ā€œAgatha canā€™t control her powers and any spell she tries goes haywire, the final teacher that swore she could fix her grey and lifeless on the floor as Agatha sat up on the kitchen table and just stared and stared, tears falling, always falling, until that familiar face appeared through the bedroom doorway, watching Agatha, not the woman, and threaded their fingers together. Guided her to cracked, dusty skin and forced her to feel it, hand pressing hers into dead flesh and murmuring ā€˜exceptionalā€™ under her breath before explaining every single step of reaping a soul. Talking and talking until Agatha wasnā€™t crying anymore, until she couldnā€™t remember why she had been upset in the first placeā€
I need ā€œAgatha canā€™t control her powers but she also couldnā€™t control her temper, and suddenly half of a coven was dead before her, barely eighteen years old, and then the girl, also freshly a woman, the closest thing she knew to having a friend, sliding up behind her and placing a hand on her shoulder, wiping her tears away. Shushing her pleas of ā€˜why canā€™t I control it? Why do I ruin everything I touch?ā€™ with soft murmurs of ā€˜thereā€™s nothing wrong with you. You didnā€™t kill them. They simplyā€¦ bent to your power.ā€™ā€
I need ā€œAgatha canā€™t control her powers but she sure as hell tried, until she was tied to a stake and her coven fell at her feet and her mother crumpled before her, hellbent until the moment she died to punish Agatha for things she had never meant to do. Agatha, with her grief and her relief and her freedom, finally, somehow still sobbing over her motherā€™s death, curled up far away and safe in the woods. Safe until Death came for her, hands cupping her face too tenderly, too delicately, and forced Agatha to meet her eyes. Death, who had somehow become the only one to ever show her mercy and kindness and compassion, leaning her forehead against hers and whispering ā€˜itā€™s okay. I am so proud of you.ā€ Death leaning in so, so hesitantly and pressing the smallest kiss to her mouth. Breaths hitching. Eyes meeting. Long, loaded stares and trembling fingers and Death herself smiling at Agatha like she actually meant it. Agatha fisting her cloak and yanking her closer and letting Death suck the air right out of her lungs, and Agatha somehow living anywayā€
Thatā€™s what I need.
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anistarrose Ā· 7 months ago
I'd like to propose a dark horse candidate for the most interesting line in The Book of Bill. And it's this near-unreadable, seemingly one-off joke from the "Skin" page:
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[ID: tiny text reading: "Help! This is not Bill Cipher. My name is Grebley Hemberdreck of Zimtrex 5. I'm one of thousands of beings Bill has devoured over trillions of years whose souls are now trapped inside him. You have to free me! It's horrible in here. He just keeps playing the song "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark on an endless loop. Please, please, this is not a joke! The Zimtrexians were once a proud and mighty people, but now our spirits long for release from this..." End ID.]
Okay, so Bill devours souls who then live out a horrible existence inside him. That's just some typical and expected Bill behavior, right? Nothing to be shocked by? Maybe not, but one thing jumps out at me... and of all things, it's the way that Bill keeps playing that Beach Boys parody (correction provided by @fexalted: no, not in fact a Smiley Smile parody, but a real song!) on loop.
Because in The Book of Bill, there's a recurring motif of characters playing music for a very specific reason: to repel an unwanted presence inside their head. This is what Elias Inkwell, and later Ford, did with the "It's A Small World" parody ā€” they tried to keep Bill out of their brains. Or, metaphorically... to drown out his voice.
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[ID: a Journal 3 page with a cassette taped inside. It's titled: "The World Is Small Ever After for Always." Ford writes: "If it's war you want, it's war you'll get! If you want to torture me? I'll torture you back!" End ID.]
That doesn't necessarily mean that Bill finds the voices of devoured souls to be troubling, let alone downright haunting, does it? Well... not quite on its own. But there's a "color" code on the page about TV static that says a lot:
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[ID: a code consisting of colorful squares, translated to letters that spell out: "he never sleeps he never dreams but somehow still he hears their screams." End ID] (screenshot courtesy of @fexiled)
The context of the page implies these "screams" come to Bill especially when he listens to TV static, and the broader context of the book implies that these are the screams of his destroyed home dimension, Euclydia. Therefore, not necessarily those of the souls he devoured, from Zimtrex 5 and possibly other dimensions.
Except... do those two things really have to be mutually exclusive?
The beings that Bill devoured were accumulated over "trillions" of years, plural, according to Grebley. In Weirdmageddon 1, Bill claims to have resided in the Nightmare Realm for precisely "one trillion" years. So the "devouring" habit probably extends back even further than his time in the Nightmare Realm...
Enter @acetyzias, pointing out a very conspicuous word ā€” and one of the only uncensored words ā€” from Bill's description of destroying his home dimension:
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[ID: the word "mandibles". End ID.]
Oh, and how does Bill describe the "monster" that destroyed his home to Ford, when Ford asks about revenge?
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[ID: Journal excerpt reading: "Sixer, it would eat you alive." End ID.]
For a long time, Bill's destruction of his home has been associated with fire, even when the story's told by Bill himself. But through the way the book characterizes Bill's guilt ā€” and characterizes how the consequences of what he's done remain lurking deep inside him ā€” I think The Book of Bill lays out the hints for another motif: devouring.
And, well, when it comes to how Bill destroys things... it wouldn't be without precedent.
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[ID: screenshot of Bill in Weirdmageddon 3, taking a bite out of the Earth. End ID.]
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kathystheoriesandmore Ā· 6 months ago
I solved FNAF 1's Original Story (FNAF Theory/Long Post)
So, I made this theory because of the recent 10 year anniversary of the FNAF games, I have been in the fandom since the beginning and I know how crazy it is to create theories for this fandom, so I wanted to go back to the first game again and see if I could maybe figure out the original plot with small details without looking at the other games, since this game seemed to be a stand-alone before FNAF 2 and 3 came out and changed the story to the one we know today. So im only looking at fnaf 1, and nothing else! So please don't attack me with other game info-
Anyways onto the process!
To do this I decided to start with just making a list out the known information on Easter eggs and sounds in the game. This led to me also looking over the four News Articles as well as reading the 5 phone calls from the phone guy, (Including the broken static one)
When doing so, I noticed a few strange things in the articles and phone guy calls, that just didn't make sense to me.
The first attention grabbers came from the articles, mainly with wording with the two kids missing, saying the kids were there at ā€œlate hoursā€, which means that they were there, after hours when no one should be around at the pizzeria.
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(Photo from fnaflore.com)
There was another part that also confused me with the ā€œLocal Pizzeria said to closeā€ where it talks about the local place shutting down, but it seems like it's not just this local pizzeria, it's the entire company. I get this feeling with this quote:
ā€œDespite a year-long search for a buyer, companies seem unwilling to be associated with the company. "These characters will live on. In the hearts of kids, these characters will live on." - CEOā€
I might be wrong, and it could be because all the other chain restaurants in the company have closed, but because we can't use any other games to prove anything so im not sure, but I thought that was strange to talk about how this one place is closing, and in the process, the company was closing fully.
The other parts that caught my interest were when reading Phone Guyā€™s Night 1, and 5 Calls.
Night 1 has a lot of information, with info on how they do cover up dead bodies, The Bite of 87, and how the robots wander around because it is in their programming but they are buggy, causing them not to walk during the day anymore, as well as the info about how the animatronics are glitched and see humans ā€œafter hoursā€ as an endo skeleton, and how being stuffed into the suit, is the thing that kills you, meaning the robots don't bite you, they just stuff you in and the suit-wearing kills you-
But, didn't they say someone was wearing the said suit?
Without FNAF 3 explaining spring locks and the way humans could wear the suits there was no possible way for them to wear them, so how could a human wear the suit? The suits, even without an endo, could kill you. So there is no possible way for a human to wear those suits!
With this new information, I then went back and noticed the ā€œafter hoursā€ part with seeing humans as endos, and remembered one of the articles saying the kids being there during late hours, and made me thinkā€¦
what if there was no human killer?
What if, the kids snuck in during late hours and got tricked by highly advanced but buggy robots, and were forced into the suits because they were thought to be endos, and were killed in the process of being put into the suits?
But then, why was someone arrested? And more importantly, why was someone randomly arrested? Well, I think the night 5 phone call can help. On night 5, the phone call quotes:
ā€œSir, it is lamentable that mass agricultural development is not speeded by fuller use of your marvelous mechanisms. Would it not be easily possible to employ some of them in quick laboratory experiments to indicate the influence of various types of fertilizers on plant growth? You are right. Countless uses of Bose instruments will be made by future generations. The scientist seldom knows contemporaneous reward; it is enough to possess the joy of creative service.ā€ - Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda
From my understanding of the quote, it seems to give the info of a man talking to another about how his machines are highly advanced and they wished to use them in a few experiments to see how they will do, then talking about how if they do this, this could be very helpful to the future, even if you don't know who the creator is.
And this, I think, is our biggest hint.
If the bite of 87, did happen at that time, then that means that before 1987 they already had walking animatronics, which was pretty advanced for its time, you could even say sci-fi advanced. Mainly because at least from my research, (might be wrong), the latest a robot was able to walk in our timeline was in the 2000s. There were experimental ones in the 1980s, but even then, from my understanding, it was only old models that failed.
If the same is true for the FNAF 1 world, then that would mean these machines were either highly advancedā€¦ or released the the public to interact without telling anyone that they are still experimental. A highly dangerous situation.
If this was the case....
We have a story of a company, probably not on making pizzas, but on making animatronics, and wanting to be on top before everyone else. When doing so, they decided to use a pizzeria as their experimenting grounds and had many accidents, probably more than just the bite of 87, which caused a lot of lawsuits. One of these being kids going missing after hours. The animatronics were the killers and stuffed them into the suits out of glitched code. If this information came out, there could be a chance their entire company would have immediately shut down, but if they had a scapegoatā€¦ then there is a higher chance that maybe they could brush this under the rug and put the blame on someone else. So someone random was arrested, leaving the the company to struggle to cover it, and for a while it did work, but people kept thinking of it, causing a struggle to keep in business, making them shut down, leaving us to now.
If this is also the case, we could keep with the Sci-fi theme and say that everything in the game is not actual hauntings, but the robots just glitching out, we could go sci-fi and say it could be the kids as well. But I like to think it's fully just Sci-fi since Scott said in his latest interview with Dawko that he loves Sci-fi and always goes back to it.
With that, I would also like to say, that there is evidence of this with other media mainly with how we have Mr.Hippoā€™s speech of him saying ā€œDonā€™t look too deep into the informationā€ pretty much and with the fact of we recently found out the crying child's (Dave's) name by just looking it over again and realizing how easy it was to solve if we didn't dig too deep for it.
I wonder if all the other info is this easy, of just looking carefully at what is being said, instead of looking into the code and guessing who did the bite, and who the kids were.
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powdermelonkeg Ā· 6 months ago
Slowpoke Tails - Shed vs Chopped
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Okay, so there's something of a discrepancy between how Slowpoke tails are treated by the PokƩmon franchise. Initially, it was understood that these are a tasty, unethical luxury item, starting in Gold/Silver/Crystal and mirrored in Heartgold/Soulsilver:
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The whole plot here is that Team Rocket has taken the Slowpoke in the Azalea Slowpoke Well and chopped their tails off to sell on the black market. These run for a whopping 1,000,000 PD a pop ($10k in USD).
But then, in later generations, it's said that Slowpoke tails fall off naturally. In fact, they're a crucial part of both Alolan AND Galarian cuisine:
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The curry ingredient even sells for a measly 2,200 PD ($22 USD).
So what gives? Why is it a Million-PokƩ black market item when you can get a package off your local hiker?
Easy. Sweetness.
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Slowpoke use their tails to fish for food. Typically, they do this by dipping their tails into the water, then letting the current catch the sweet sap they give off and bring it to hungry Water-types.
When a Slowpoke sheds its tail, it's because the tail's ability to generate sap has dried up. It's no longer useful as fishing bait, so the Slowpoke has to either get rid of the tail, or starve.
Shed Slowpoke tails, the ones commonly available for cooking, aren't sweet in the slightestā€”they're more like heavily-marbled tuna steaks, somewhere between beef and fish with a lot of fat dripping from them, and a rich umami flavor.
Chopped Slowpoke tails, the kind you find on the black market, are a completely different experience. The meat is more tender, the flavor a lot more delicate, with a sweetness permeating it that's a lot like the honey glaze on a ham.
Naturally, chopped Slowpoke tail then becomes a novel experience. Because you have to take it from a Slowpoke, you can't just find it lying around.
So why, then, is it illegal enough for Rocket to move in on? Why is Slowpoke farming or hunting for those sweet tails not a thing? They still grow them back afterwards, so what's the deal?
The problem with chopping a Slowpoke's tail off is that, even though it regenerates, its body wasn't ready to do so. This can cause a whole lot of complications for the poor thing.
A tail doesn't regenerate from nothing, for starters: every time you cut a tail off unexpectedly, the Slowpoke's body rushes to make a replacement, using up its body's fat reserves. This causes VERY rapid and dangerous weight loss, and a frankly ridiculous amount of stress.
Incorrect cuts can cause deformities, like a tail growing back too short, not being able to make enough sweetness to bait fish PokƩmon, or even Espeon-tail syndrome, where the tail splits into two at the end.
And, perhaps most egregiously of all, a cut too high might mean the Slowpoke never regrows its tail at all. If you cut into anything that's not specifically tail tissue, the body will begin the scarring process over the wound, removing the PokƩmon's ability to fish and evolve. And while it can learn to survive by fishing manually, like its evolutionary counterpart is required to, oftentimes, Slowpoke will just sit by the water and starve, not realizing that they aren't getting a bite because there's just nothing to bite.
In short: Shed = ethical, chopped = unethical, possibly lethal.
Slowpoke responsibly, guys.
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cut-aare Ā· 3 months ago
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Franmaya nation rise!!!!
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egophiliac Ā· 7 months ago
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crossing my fingers and wishing upon every star that chapter 10 finally brings us the tweel cards šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž
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chloesimaginationthings Ā· 10 months ago
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Jeremiah and Mikeā€™s first conversation in FNAF 2
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