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dreamingmappist · 11 months ago
with body: musings on food and exercise
I actually just realized that I had a lot of experiences with disordered eating that was less about weight loss and more about food pickiness, loneliness/depression, mandated fifteen minute breaks while working retail, super late lunches while working fast food, and heartburn/dental issue-related food restrictions.
I’m lucky I’m not allergic to any food as far as I know. I’m also lucky that I am still generally healthy except for a tendency towards anemia. Now I try to enjoy everything I eat, even my lazy go-tos, and also expand my repertoire of things I can cook. My biggest struggle is to slow down while eating.
I am chubby/overweight for my height after being a skinny kid growing up. It means I still have a moment of cognitive dissonance sometimes when I look in the mirror or at pictures of myself. I try not to hate this body. For one thing, I’m a lot stronger now than as a kid. I actually look a bit more proportional now because of more developed shoulders/arms. I’m getting old and my knees are feeling it, and I’ll never be what you might call athletic, but I am still relatively able-bodied.
I am trying to lose weight in a manner as healthy as possible. Just enough to feel a bit lighter and tighter but not enough to need a new wardrobe. Listening to Maintenance Phase podcast helps clarify a lot of that for me.
My method? A very loose tracking system where I fill in my weight anytime I want to for the month and also record how many times I use the treadmill, go on the elliptical for at least 10 minutes, (that we have those machines at home and the space for them is a big privilege I know) go on forest walks and river walks and follow workout videos plus the nebulous other which counts weight training, dancing, or other activities. No goal, no pressure. Ok one goal is to go swimming a couple of times. And another goal is to visit a new park. But they’re not really written down. I liked the gym the one time I tried it, but I didn’t go there enough to make it worth the money.
My forest walks are basically hour-long nature walks on some Sunday mornings to the little tree-enclosed bike lane close to our house. I mostly check out what’s growing and listen to birdsong. A river walk is me getting off a stop early before work for an extra ten minutes’ walk. If I have more time I take a detour to the pier to talk to the river/get my head straight. I do it for destressing as much as for weight loss tbh.
I don’t do anything different with food because the moment I think about going on a diet, I immediately get ravenously hungry. And skipping meals has had a bad effect on me historically.
But I am also aware that there’s a growing movement towards vegetarianism for climate change reasons. I think that’s admirable; I want to learn more vegetarian dishes, but I kind of hate the judgment and expectations that go with it.
I think we as humans have a lot of baggage when it comes to food. It’s fuel but it’s also love and time/expense and things we swallow down because we heard it was good for us or because someone we care about made it for us and things we throw together for convenience. Food is relationship building and celebration and comfort. Food is family memory, cultural connection and exploration. Food is history—I didn’t realize how much exchange my country had with Mexico until I started finding familiar Filipino tastes at Mexican restaurants. I live on food and live for food.
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calculatedklown · 3 months ago
It's completely baffling that Gortash is the only one of the chosen three with whom we don't get to have any dialogue regarding the information we uncover about him.??
Spoiler warning maybe lol
Like with Orin, we can mention her upbringing or the fact that she's a child of incest. Try to convince her that she's just been abused her whole life? Like obviously this changes nothing in the end. But it still matters that its mentioned.
Ketheric, we also can try and convince him to change his ways. Mention his wife, his religion, Isabelle. Literally mention everything we find out to try and convince him to turn a new leaf. Which also doesn't change any outcome. But I appreciate that its there.
But GORTASH??? We get absolutely NOTHING, it's absurd! It's baffling that we can't even touch on his backstory—like finding his parents,(possibly killing them depending on what you do) being sold to Raphael as a child, or the fact that he was scammed at one point. All the intriguing details we uncover about him lead to nowhere, and it's so annoying 😩
Like this isn't even just because I enjoy him as a character. It just seems like such a missed opportunity to find out more about him currently as a person!
The dialogue we encounter while trying to convince Ketheric and Orin reveals a profound insight into their true characters. Their reactions are telling and provide a unique perspective on who they are as individuals!
Ketheric fully recognizes the person he has become. He understands that he is a lost cause, fully acknowledging the wrongs he has committed and the irreparable damage he has caused. He accepts his fate without hesitation. Despite your words.
Orin lashes out in denial, and becomes completely manic (more so than her usual self). Completely baffled and distraught.
I want to know how Gortash would react if you brought up his parents or his childhood! It's a possibility he wouldn't be grateful if you slayed his parents; in fact, he would likely view any sympathy as a weakness and respond with anger or dismissiveness. Plus, we’ll never find out his true response to Durge after you say, “I always liked you.”
“Is that what you-”
I don't understand these missed opportunities with him?? Like I get keeping some ambiguity to an extent. Its why we will never get a clear answer into him and durges relationship…..BUT I WOULD LIKE A CRUMB OF HIM PLEASE!! I DONT EVEN NEED A KISSY SCENE! I JUST WANT ANY INSIGHT INTO HIS OWN OPINION ON HIS PAST IF ITS MENTIONED!
If you read all of this rambling…..please tell me what YOU think his possible response would be to any of these scenarios lmao please
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anintelligentoctopus · 21 days ago
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It's been a while since I've done a simple single-colour linoprint but there's a lot to be said for it
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transannabeth · 7 months ago
like. do you ever think about how weird the mcu was to their actors around infinity war and endgame. like that was weird. what do you mean some of them only got sections of scripts and filmed scenes in parts and didn’t always know what character they were talking to. that’s weird.
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cat-in-a-rainstorm · 2 months ago
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This is.. completely healthy, right?
275 times in one day is totally fine, right?
I'm a completely normally functioning member of society, right?
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jubmato · 6 months ago
bleghhhh finally sat down and made a full body ref for my bill design
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more versions, closeup, and notes under the cut! (version without the coat + accessories, and then a version in minimal clothing) ↓
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notes time!
- fuck ass bob forms the vaguest of triangle shapes (like. a soft triangle ig)
- cosmetic scarring on the right side of his face. he literally just made it like that for shits and giggles
- vaguely based on pitiful descriptions of ancient sumerians; long, angular nose, big eyes, long ears, brown skin.
- white hair is self indulgent on my end. i am bestowing upon him the highest honor i know. stupid little white streaks in his hair
- "why is the triangle transgender" fuck you thats why
- rune tattoos on his forearms change frequently. its like an led billboard for all the bullshit happening in the multiverse. the alphabet also changes. i just used galactic/minecraft enchantment table because i already know it
- clothing is always loose and comfortable. i think he'd fucking hate wearing clothes and would wear the baggiest shit imaginable to keep it from touching his skin, if he were actually human. (foreshadowing (/j)). as this is just an illusion he uses in the mindscape, however... just loose. the grippers stay out tho unfortunately. boy put the dogs AWAY
- big fucking robe. idk why it just felt right. let's say it's to sell the whole Muse thing or whatever
- small ribbon around his neck (to stay fashionable whilst also keeping his bowtie (god i fucking hate bowties theyre so ugly im so sorry))
- the glasses are useless he does not need them
- earrings also change frequently. almost always unsubtly gold & triangular but he can get silly with it if one so desires
OKAY I THINK THATS EVERYTHING 🙂‍↕️ sorry for the long post i just have a lot of thoughts in my brain. smiles. if you got this far, thank you for reading, i owe you my life
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lazzarella · 3 months ago
Didn’t even know who Dunk was at the beginning of the year*, but apparently I’m already willing to defend this boy's acting with my dying breath, so I’m glad I’ve seen so many positive comments about his acting in THK!
I am absolutely loving his performance as Style (note: I’ve enjoyed his acting before this—see above re defending) and, yeah, I’m happy so many other people are too
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charming-demon-belle · 4 days ago
I'm aroace but i really wouldnt mind if someone expressed romantic or sexual attraction to me. I don't date but I would be happy to have a close lovey queerplatonic relationship and fuck as long as it's kinky, and I would be excited to learn about the feelings this person has and how they might differ from my own.
Enough of "oh nooooo i have a crush but they're aro/ace" more "they're aro/ace but it's still worth saying and maybe we can work out a relationship style that suits us both even if it doesnt look how i'd expect"
Having a close lovey flirty relationship where we can fuck as long as it's kinky is just how I do friends. Being aroace doesnt make me uninterested in that at all, it makes me not have the emotions that most people use to judge whether they should do that, so then I find other reasons to do it.... i.e. I feel comfortable enough around you. I would be interested to find out what things I truly am uninterested in due to being aroace. Besides just vanilla sex and dating.
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jellicle-chants · 1 month ago
It’s very interesting (read: confusing) how modern Cats designs have reacted to improvements in lighting technology, better ways to have dependably-colored spotlights, etc. by *reducing* the colors they use in some of the costumes? Like, designing with the color of their main song’s lights in mind… without considering how they will look without that light on them?
Example 1: Ann-Marie Craine as Jellylorum
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Example 2: Jesse Chidera as Tugger
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youngerfrankenstein · 1 year ago
Now that I’ve seen four different Transformers cartoons I thought it might be fun to rank the mainstays.
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It’s been an interesting (and frustrating) experience! I’ll probably watch CyberVerse at some point, and possibly 2015’s Robots in Disguise, so I might update at some future point.
As for the ranking of the shows themselves
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skinnypaleangryperson · 9 months ago
Everything has been so pathetically genuinely terribly cringe to me lately, to the point where I don't get joy out of anything anymore, but I'm trying
I'm aware enough to know that this is a side effect of severe depression and stagnance and mundaneity and generally being sick of being alive and hating everything for it
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cnl0400 · 1 year ago
I understand why they didn't introduce Michael in the past but I think we needed more people suspecting MC was Not From Here™, they should have played More with the idea that anybody could unmask MC/Solomon true motives and Michael already knew, It would have been better for him taunting MC with the idea of telling the truth to everyones else unless they stop making pacts with the brothers (Bcuz y'know, thats what Nightbringer wants, Right? And whatever he wants must be... Not good?)
In earlier seasons the tease the idea of two Rings of Light existing in the same timeline, can you imagine the interactions?
Michael: Wow MC! that's a pretty ring you have there!
MC: ... Yeah...
Michael: It looks identical to the one I have here, see? *Flashes His own Ring of Light to MC*
MC: Ah... *Gulp*
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months ago
Have you seen the Pointless episode today that mentions Michael?
Hi there! I know this is from yesterday, but I'm assuming this is referring to one of the contestants on the show revealing herself to be a nanny for Michael and AL. I did indeed see the clip in question, and while I don't have that specific part available, @invisibleicewands posted some screenshots here. The woman herself also posted part of this moment to her business' Instagram:
I think more than anything, I was a bit taken aback, as when it comes to nannies/au pairs/other domestic employees, it's my understanding that there is usually a GDPR/NDA in place that prevents said employees from disclosing who their clients are. I realize that it is possible that Michael (or Anna) gave permission for her to say this on national television, but I also can't really picture Michael ever giving permission, especially not when something like this has a chance of putting the kids at risk. (Not intentionally, of course...just that all it takes to find someone's location these days is a little information and frighteningly few clicks of a mouse.)
What's not surprising, though, is Michael and AL actually having a nanny, as we knew they had one in New York in early 2020 when they just had Lyra. And with Michael being so busy with work at the moment, it makes sense that he wouldn't have time to be as hands-on as he would like/want to be. From what was said on the show, the nanny is from Swansea, so it could also be that she is their nanny in Wales, but not in London, but I am not entirely sure.
It's also interesting to me that, of all the clients this Mel lady must have, that she specifically mentioned Michael and AL. (It's also worth noting that she said Michael's name readily, and then actually seemed to pause/hesitate before saying Anna's.) Again, a logical conclusion would be that Michael has been on Pointless previously and is a longtime fan/friend of the show, so this nanny saw it as a way of connecting her more to the host/the show itself. Whatever the case may be, the whole thing is giving "broken privacy policy" vibes, and I'm very curious as to what (if anything) happened between her and Michael/AL after the show aired.
Those are my thoughts, at any rate. If anyone who has more knowledge of/experience with GDPR or NDAs would like to weigh in, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments...
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kp-does-suff · 10 months ago
Here's some eeveelution stuff because why not
I've been drawing some evolutions for a while now and decided to share them I hope you like my characters!
[You're going to see that I love incorporating the shiny designs in these characters]
So this is Copper she was originally going to be a little one-off drawing, I was just like "I should draw an Eevee from memory today" and that's how she came to be. She's an energetic kid and wants to be a good battler just like her mom.
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[also all of the characters don't have stats or natures or anything like that yet at least if I do come up with something like that I might put it in a separate post. I'd also like to hear your opinions because I'm not very knowledgeable on that stuff]
This is Copper's mom Stella! She's a bit hard on Copper but she means well. She's actually a descendant of the Espeon in red's team. She's stoic and serious the majority of the time.
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This is Wave, Copper's dad! He's a more go with the flow type of guy he's extremely chill Copper actually gets most of her traits from him even though she lives with her mom the most. (they're not divorced or anything they just have different trainers) he's kinda like bandit from bluey.
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This is Spark. Copper's uncle, Wave's brother. He's the oldest out of the three so that means that he worries and panics the most. He doesn't have any animosity or resentment to his siblings he just grew up with the mentality that he always had to be the "protector, the leader, the one in charge"
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This is Ruby. Copper's aunt She's the second oldest and actually decided to be in the show biz, despite what happened to her parents. She was actually the first of the three siblings to get a trainer and it's kinda strained her relationship with her siblings. She rarely talks to them anymore, they still care about each other of course but it was such a weird feeling. Despite the horrible thing that happened to their parents why would she want to pursue that career?
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[also if you're wondering what happened to their parents I think I might make that a separate post so out for that if you're interested!]
And so that concludes my showcase of my Pokemon OCs! They were really fun to work on and I can't wait to make more stuff for them in the future.
Are there any questions, comments, concerns, anything you think needs to be improved upon? I'm open to constructive criticism for my story (not my art tho but that's besides the point) also I wanna thank @lockandkeyhyena (sorry for the tag) for inspiring me to do this I love their characters and stories I'm glad he let me ramble in his inbox about them lol.
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skylinx2o · 11 months ago
Admittedly, I've been feeling terrible lately. I didn't even finish my weekly drawing and broke my now months long streak. I thought I would be able to do it, but my emotions weighted me down too much. I might go back to drawing one art every two weeks.
Anyway, I feel like I should do more fun things. I mean, drawing is fun, and I love creating stories for my OCs, but I do have a lot of other interests. And tho I'm sticking to talking about LEGO today, I want to talk more and get out of my shell. And maybe give you more insight into me as a person.
So today I'm going to talk about my favourite LEGO themes and why I love the series, plus how I personally got i to all of them. It's not a normal review whatsoever, just an excuse to ramble about my interests freely. Just remember this is my experience and my feelings.
(And it's not at all like I'm making this post because I need all of this to prepare for a speaking class and the only way to motivate myself is by making a post about it o _o Come on, I'm killing two birds with one stone here!)
Okay, so, my all-time favourite themes are (in chronological order to when I found them):
1. Bionicle
Honourable mention: Hero Factory
2. Ninjago
3. Legends of Chima
4. Monkie Kid
5. Dreamzzz
1. So. Bionicle. I have a weird history with Bionicle. My dad's friends used to get movies for us, and one day it just happened that my dad's friends gave us a pen drive with Bionicle: Legend Reborn on it. I think I would be around... Seven or eight when I watched it I've seen fans say that it was a pretty weak film, but I didn't know Bionicle back then, and I really enjoyed it! That movie was a soft reboot of the series, and as someone who started their Bionicle obsession with that movie, in my opinion it worked really well as a standalone supposed to capture new audiences. I really loved the sense of mystery that was probably lost on new fans. It wasn't exactly explained what or who Mata Nui was, besides him being a warrior who lost his people. And the ending... I really thought there would be a sequel to it, and was really intrigued by whom the great beings were, and what happened to the world, why Mata Nui knew them, what the giant ahh robots were supposed to do.
Of course, when a few years later in middle school I looked for the sequel, I didn't find it. And to be honest, the ending was disappointing to me. However, there was a whole other storyline in Bionicle to catch up on! And so one faithful summer was spent reading all the comics I could find, reading wiki pages one after another, playing Mata Nui online game obsessively, refusing to use a walkthrough. Believe me when I say I was obsessed!
And then out of nowhere in 2015 g2 came out, and I was stoked since I missed out on practically the whole g1 as it was being made. (I mean, it's understandable, I was born the same year the first Bionicle movie came out.) I mean, can you blame me for being excited? A dead franchise that I just started becoming a devoted fan of is suddenly revived from the grave. I felt like the luckiest person on earth that day. Honestly, g2 was a lot simpler than g1, but I really like it, even if most people said it sucked. Sure, it wasn't exactly like g1, and even I cringed a few times when watching the g2 show, but for what it was, it was cool in my eyes, and loved finding all the g1 references. And there were quite a few of them! The story of g2 was simpler, but for little kids I think it would've been fine. But alas, LEGO did a crap job promoting it, and it died early, with an ending that was so bad even I can't defend it. It just didn't make sense, and it was rushed as hell. But I still wished it would've continued.
I love both generations for different things, and I'm sad I didn't get any g2 sets when they were out (Lewa was my favourite one). But years later I managed to get a promotional anniversary set of Tahu and Takua, and you wouldn't believe my happiness when I was building it. It's strange being a relatively new fan compared to others I see online, but I still remember seeing Bionicle commercials, and even have a very vague memory of seeing a Phantoka commercial on our ancient TV. I mean come on, I was so into it, I even learned the Matoran alphabet! My mom had to listen to my countless rambling, and if I ask her about Bionicle today, she still remembers some answers, that's how much into it I was. Hell, this blog started as a Bionicle blog before I moved fully to Monkie Kid content.
Okay, this Bionicle ramble is getting a tad long, so I'll wrap this up. Would I recommend Bionicle to anyone? Well... Not really, unless you like long lore researching adventures. The story is so convoluted, with many sides stories, and it went on for so many years, that despite my obsession I still probably missed like, 40% of the lore. G1 at least, wouldn't vibe with casual audience probably. G2 might be easier on the brain, despite it having some deeper lore too. Plus, there's the cultural appropriation issue, that I'm not qualified to talk about, but others already made pages long blogs and articles about. Plus the weird gender situation. But, it's still a good story in my eyes, despite its many faults. But that's just me, and if you didn't catch on yet, I'm already deep in this hole and there's no getting out of here now.
Honourable mention: This brings us to Hero Factory. I watched the first few episodes at around the same time as the first Bionicle movie. Came from the same source as before. I think it deserves a mention, because I still loved it, and did some lore digging, but I wasn't as obsessed with it as the other positions on the list. I didn't like the later stuff as much, tho some concepts were really cool too. But the story of the first episodes was really well done, and worked great as a movie. The fights were tense, and when watching it for the first time, I couldn't really know if the characters would be okay. Honestly, it got me really excited and invested. A factory of heroes is a unique concept, and I always found it intriguing how they made the robot society work. But, I don't think it needed more time than it needed, unlike Bionicle, where I didn't like the ending of either generation. I think it wrapped things up quite well with the first episodes, and the later ones just feel like cool side stories, and it works in my opinion.
This one I would definitely recommend, because I feel like it's underrated, and it's not long. Like I said, the version I got was just a one movie like compilation. I checked and there's just 11 episodes. It would probably take 1–2 hours to watch it, not counting the later movies and all.
2. Next one is Ninjago! I started watching it almost from the start. I must have been around ten or so... The episodes aired on TV, so I had easy access to it! I almost never missed an episode, and watched even the reruns. And believe me, I was hypnotised when watching it. Tho, starting from rebooted I watched the episodes online, first in my native language, then in English since I started getting too impatient to wait. This was my first obsession. For the longest time, when people asked me what I wanted to do, I said I wanted to be a ninja. One of my oldest OCs is Mika, and she grew up with me. Whenever a new season was to come, I would design a new suit for her. I have a whole dedicated blog to her, I wonder if you all can find it lol. Anyway, for a kid's show, the first seasons were really well written, and the show could be dark when it wanted, but it didn't lack jokes, and most were very funny. And honestly, Ninjago had a really big impact on my life. It taught me not to give up, and it made me want to make the world a better place. Grade school was a horrible time for me, and Ninjago was like my escape. Tho, I might have daydreamed about it too much at one point...
I started distancing myself from Ninjago around hands of time. I didn't watch the show as regularly, catching up on seasons long after they aired. I think that's also where the writing quality started dropping… I just didn't like it as much any more. But it should've been expected with a series that went on for so long. I'm not one of the people who think old Ninjago was better than anything. It wasn't perfect at all. But I didn't like the short format of newer seasons. But then secrets of forbidden spinjitzu dropped, and i as a person started getting better too, so I went back to Ninjago, and while it wasn't still the best and people had a lot of issues I loved those few next seasons. I mean, they somehow hit right into my interests with those seasons. First the adventure movies like atmosphere with the Egyptian like tomb, then they get sucked into a video game, then the very DnD like feeling Shintaro. It was right up my alley. My love for Ninjago was back in full force by then. So you can imagine how sad I was when the word that Ninjago was ending started going around. The series has been with me for half my life. My friends even knew how much I liked it, my best IRL friend even bought me a Ninjago set for Christmas one time. But you know, I thought it was probably Ninjago's time. Nothing can last forever after all, and it had a very good run. Why not end it when the story was still quite alright? And then… Crystallized happened. I didn't watch Crystallized. I heard the spoilers, and I wasn't… thrilled. Especially with Harumi. And people hated that season. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. It didn't feel like a send-off Ninjago deserved.
So you can imagine how damn happy I was about Dragon Rising! And surprise, it's the best Ninjago has been in a while! I absolutely loved the first season. The new characters are wonderful, and that change was certainly what Ninjago needed. And the fact that it's merged with one of other of my beloved LEGO series only makes it better. And that's probably my cue to move to it hehe
So, would I recommend Ninjago? Yeah. Its story is easy to follow, you just need to watch the show. If you're ready to watch sixteen+ seasons that it! Even the worse seasons have some value to them I'd argue. But I may be biased with how close to my heart that series is.
3. Yeah boy, Legends of Chima! I started watching Chima around the same time I started watching Ninjago, and I was equally hooked. And yes, my mom remembers this one as well, I watched it every time it was on too. Actually, I think the first fanfiction I've ever written was about Chima. With a pencil on paper. I think that, while the other series captivated me because of magic or the setting or the action, in Chima it was the characters and their dynamics mostly, despite there being plenty of magic powers and action too, plus a unique setting. The main characters all have distinct personalities, and it's fun to see how their personalities clash or work together. I think it's cool because the conflict between lions and crocodiles takes the main stage in the first season. Later seasons are great too, and they shake things up to make things interesting quite well. The lore isn't as broad as in other series, but it's pretty cool and interesting either way. There were some unique concepts there. I can't explain my love for this theme as well as with other series, because I don't think there was anything big that made me like it. It's just a cool show. I think what there was has been satisfying, tho young me was really sad and angry it ended anyway. But it's great for what it was. But I can't say I'm not happy that Chima is now merged with Ninjago, and it works so well together, and I absolutely love Lord Ras.
I would absolutely recommend it. It's a fun show, and only three seasons long. It can be both fun and serious, and I definitely had a blast watching it.
4. Now one of my newer obsessions! Monkie Kid! I watched the pilot in Chinese when it came out, then I promptly forgot about the series and binge-watched it all when season 3 came out. I was reading about Journey to the West long before the series was announced, since I have a liking for old stories and legends and myths and stuff. And Asian cultures fascinate me. I blame Ninjago with its Japanese influence and all the martial arts movies that were on the TV all the time. Plus Mulan and Kung Fu Panda. Anyway, I can't say much about how accurate it is or anything since I'm not Chinese, but I think the show is great. I noticed a lot of references to Journey To The West. No shocker here, it's inspired by it. But being in this fandom made me learn a lot of new things about China, tho I still have a bunch of things to learn. I'm no expert yet. Tho, I try my best to be respectful.
Umm... Like I said, not much to say about how accurate the story is. But I really liked Journey to the West, so naturally I like Monkie Kid too. Plus, MK i really relatable to me. I feel like my personality is really similar to his, tho I'm more introverted. For some reason, I relate to this portrayal of Macaque and Wukong as well.
I dare to say that from all the series so far, I find this one to be the most well written. I just find the writing to be the most impactful. Plus, the artstyle is very different from other LEGO shows. Action scenes are really fun. The artstyle definitely works in its favour. And yeah, I would recommend this show 100%.
5. And finally, the newest addition to the LEGO series, Dreamzzz! The show is really new and just starting, but I love the concept and the writing! Plus again, I really relate to Mateo. The characters feel like real people you would meet, and how they interact feels realistic. And I found myself liking even the characters that annoyed me, because their personalities were the realistic type of annoying, one that you might find out in the wild. And the concept of a dream world just really speaks to me. And it gives the creators a lot of creative freedom. All wacky things can happen in a dream after all. One thing I didn't expect in the show was the secret agency, and I think it's a clever addition to the story.
I would recommend this series. I hope it'll have a bright future, and that the writing will stay this good.
Well, time to wrap all of this up. Whoever suffered through this whole ramble deserves a juice and a cookie 🍪🧃 For a few finishing thoughts... I noticed a lot of the series I like blend magic powers and technology together. I just thought it's interesting. And I wanted to mention that the songs for Bionicle, Ninjago and Chima absolutely slap. I used to listen to them on repeat all the time lol Even my mom really enjoyed those songs
Yeah, I don't know what this post was for, I just felt like writing all that :v
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anintelligentoctopus · 3 months ago
Two Van Heflin noirs in a row, two Van Heflin noirs where he cries on screen in a row
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