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I made a Pizza Tower AU! : Candy Castle
So the jist of it is, it’s a Swap AU, based off of the hit fangame Sugary Spire, but Instead of swapping the personalities and roles of the characters, it just swaps the roles of the characters, keeping the personalities of the characters the same. This AU idea was inspired off of the Undertale AU TS!Underswap that does the same thing. Some swapped roles are based of Sugary Spire and some are just my idea.
In this AU, Peppino never went into war, (yes i know that McPig said it wasn’t canon but shhh), because of that, he never got his pizza business going. He instead became shrouded in debt, needing to work unfulfilling dead-end jobs to make ends meet, as his involvement as a war veteran actually paid the bills and the pizza shop he could have bought. Instead, Theodore/Teddy Gobbstopper (The Noise), a New Yorker stereotype, sugar-obsessed candy confectioner buys out the building that would’ve became Peppino’s Pizza Shop, now named “Teddy’s Candy”.
 A corporate candy company builds a nearby castle/factory across from Teddy’s candy shop. The money hungry boss of the company sends his mascot of the company, Granny Candydimples who warns Teddy that they’ll smash his candy shop with a comically large hammer if he doesn’t do anything about it. Teddy gives in, pops in a few butterscotch candies in his mouth and sugar rushes to the Candy Castle at Mach 4 speed. 
Some Tidbits of the Characters shown so far! : 
Teddy Gobbstopper - The Noise:
He gained his earnings as a TV show actor for half of his life. As a sugar-addicted maniac, he’s always been relying on candy to aid his needs at all times. His love for candy sparked his desires to become a candy maker and is the reason why he’s always on a never-ending sugar rush, annoying the hell out of people when he’s around others.  But because of rival corporations stealing his customers, he’s become in debt.
Suzy Sugarplum - Noisette :
She owns a separate candy shop of her own and is also affected by the rival candy corporation. Teddy and Suzy fell in love after meeting in the Candy Castle, although Teddy tries to hide these feelings. She later tames a hedgehog named Sock. She’s very optimistic and silly, but she means serious business when it comes to candy sales.
Mr. LollyStick - Pizzahead:
He’s Teddy’s landlord and accountant who always bugs him to pay his bills by acting overly annoying in a joyful type of way, popping out of absolutely nowhere and playing endless pranks if you don’t pay your taxes on time. While he doesn’t care about the money as much, he does want to make ends meet.
Captain Crackle - Peppino Spaghetti :
Full name, Peppino Ravioli Crackle, has been in debt for years, trying to work his way into finally fulfilling his lifelong dream of owning a Pizza Parlor. He’s been subjected to signing a painstaking lifelong contract of selling his likeness to be the mascot of a sugary cereal brand, Captain Crackle, a joyful, charming cereal pirate roaming the 7 milky seas. He even had to change his last name as part of the contract. He’s a short-tempered anxious mess, constantly wondering if he’ll make it out of debt and out of a job he hates. He seeks comfort and joy out of the little time he has out of work, making pizza and singing opera tunes in the kitchen.
Mr. Gus - Gustavo :
Like Peppino, Gus, full name Gustavo, also is in debt, hoping to also open a restaurant of his own. He’s Captain Crackle’s sidekick who does most of the work and he’s also a bunny themed mascot for his own cereal Chocklinz, where he always gets bullied by goblins who tell him “Chocklinz are for Goblins”. He secretly works on the side as a bartender at a hidden place called Gus’s Soda Tavern. 
Oh, and here’s the Swap Chart! :
The Noise <--> Peppino
Noisette <--> Gustavo
Pizzahead <--> Mr. Stick
Snick <--> Brick
Gerome the Janitor <--> Pepperman
The Priest <--> The Vigilante
The Fake Peppino counterpart would be a Fake Ted, but maybe instead of being like a mutant science experiment maybe it will be a weird rusty robot version of Teddy,
Granny Pizza (The pizza that guides you through the tutorial and stuff) <--> Pizzaface
Mort The Chicken from the hit game Mort The Chicken <--> Cookie Blair from the Copyright Hit game Cookie’s Bustle 
I’ll be making a Part 2 in the near future! Stay tuned fellas!
(Oh, and if you want to make fan art of my AU, please do! Just be sure to credit me as the creator of the AU and link my blog page!)
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tinklinz · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Dept 56 LOLLYSTICKS Ornaments Set of 6 LOLLY STICKS Kym Bowles.
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allthingsankara · 6 years ago
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Ankara Street Style of the Day: @lollysticks in a three piece set by @chn_diseno • Post on allthingsankara.com • Thoughts on the look? #allthingsankara #lollysticks #chndiseno #ankarastreetstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/ByjFSXIgBpT/?igshid=egvsfmw5b2ys
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funsizestephiblog-blog · 7 years ago
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#christmascard #craft basket ready for work tomorrow 🎄 #craftaddict #glittergalore #gonnagetmessy #ivepackedprotection #relivingouryouth #primaryschooldays #pipecleaners #ribbon #gems #pvaglue #lollysticks #christmaswinddown #diychristmascards #ihavethisstuffasstandard
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theonewhoquotesallthings · 6 years ago
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I made tiny pallet coasters and I love them! 😍
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ellamyplace · 4 years ago
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On Tuesday, I produced these amazing canvas paintings. Sadly my tutors was not in so instead we create these canvas paintings based on our theme which for me is Travelling. All of my canvas where duck taped to the table to create this smooth canvas. Each painting means something different and each I’ve used different techniques. The first painting, I used cool colours to make sort of a ocean sensory. I used ink, my fingers and a lolly stick to create my artwork. I started by dipping my fingers in paint and smudging out of the paint onto the canvas. Next I dipped the lolly stick into different mixed up ink and started to tap to the lolly stick into my work creating these almost wave. I love the texture of this piece as you can see the waves and all the different colours almost pop out at you. To improve this piece of work I would like to add in some carbon paper drawings such as a turtle so people can release that my personally intake of the sea. 
The second painting was based on a pond. I used different techniques to create this work such as my fingers, ink and a lolly stick. The colours I used were again cool colours as I don’t want to  much going on in this canvas I wanted people to realise what each canvas is a representation of. Firstly I smudged paint into the canvas. Then to create my sky i dipped my fingers in paint and to make swirls. Next I created the pond reflection by using the same lolly stick technique. This painting represents a pond reflection to the sky. To improve I would add some sharpie drawings of a bridge and some fish in the water. 
The third painting was based on the sunset sky. I used my fingers to create this painting. The colours I used was warm colours as I wanted to show the beauty in the sky when there is a magical sunset. I smudged a background to think about how my sunset should look then used my fingers to dap on paint. This is y favourite one out of all four paintings. To improve I would like to add carbon drawings of the sun and hot air balloons to give it more of a identity. 
The last painting is a copy of my first painting just using warm tone colours. The black smudges weren’t actually suppose to be there I added them by mistake but I really think they add some darkness to my painting. This painting was based on again the sea but when the sunrise hit the horizon of the sea and you can see all those warm tones. To improve I would like to add a dolphin or a underwater creature again to bring my identity. 
Iris Scott is a finger painter. She creates work that is amazing just using her bare hands which I think is beautiful.  She has inspired me to use my fingers but create more abstracts things such as landscapes. I love her use of colours as it really makes her work glows. I feel so happy and excited to see her work as it inspires me to create abstract painting just like hers.
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sharonfacinelliactress · 5 years ago
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When you #letitsnow innside the #van #lollystick and a #frozenwindscreen #icyweather #wintershere #ice #frosty #london #winter #actorslife #directorslife https://www.instagram.com/p/B5sM7MHA_iW/?igshid=7zfupexd4rpw
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creaturesthatliveinmyhome · 3 years ago
Sleeping baby!
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First time I've seen Tiggy flopped! She's in her "castle" (fruit box on top of a larger box and secured with lollysticks). She's a bit big, bless her!
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fuck-customers · 5 years ago
I work in tech support in a department store. I have had to remove many things from vacuum cleaners including, but not limited to, socks, pens, lollysticks, a Barbie head, and a £20 note. Today I had the worst one yet. A CM bought in a vacuum cleaner that had a horrible smell coming from it. I took it apart, checked the filter, could not work out what was wrong or what the smell was. That was until I took off the air outlet cover and found a dead mouse. Both me and my colleague almost vommed
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hamupikachu · 5 years ago
[3] Hamster Beach House. 🏡🌊 One of my huge creation. ≧∇≦ ฅ'ω'ฅ . . . . . #hamudiary #hamster #SyrianHamster #cutehamster #diy #diyhamster #diyhamsterhouse #handmade #craft #woodencraft #popsicle #popsiclesticks #stickscraft #hamsterhouse #cute #handmadecraft #hamsters #miniature #icecreamsticks #lollysticks #doityourself #project https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQb5y_nXFK/?igshid=1e80m04d6gq9y
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stylemeafrica · 6 years ago
Black Denim X White
Black Denim X White
For the last couple of months, I have been wearing and reviewing items from Kairosshoppers & Fashionnova. If you are not already aware, Fashionnovacurves has extensive plussize line, their size range and it offers up to a size 3x online . You can see my Last previous post of Fashion NOVA ootd. I tried their long black denim for the first time, which I was a little nervous about. A good pair of…
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stellastartsover · 8 years ago
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Had my #firstgo at doing this and enjoyed it loads #flashbacktomychildhood #lollysticks and #sandcastles #pointing #flintwalls #sussex #crafts #keepcraftsmanshipalive #learnsomethingneweveryday #builderlife #landscaping #fibrofighter #justtenmoremeters #vernaculardesign
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jordanraymond1995 · 3 years ago
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Recent youtube video upload published 1 day ago today posted onto my patron page on 1.2.2022-Painting 1 of 5 custom made o gauge brockwell park railway lamp posts 30.1.22(MADE FROM LOLLYSTICKS)
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flyfashiondoll · 6 years ago
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@lollysticks #FlyFashionDoll #Dress #Haute #Pants #Blazer #Jacket #FashionPost #FashionPhotography #FashionWeek #FashionLover #FashionDesign #FashionDesigner #Styled #Influencer #Red #Pink #Blue #Black #White #HauteCouture #Couture #Boutique #FashionMode #Vogue #Elle #FashionBlog #Blog #BloggerStyle #VLOG #FashionStyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FE0Z3HhB1/?igshid=1lpstlevp6xz3
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reemtalha · 8 years ago
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This is the first time I have made these, or I should say that my children made them! They are so easy to make and taste yummy! Ingredients: Dates (remove the stones) Decorating items (could be chocolate strands, dessicated coconut, almond flakes or any other decoration you choose) Optional: I used a teaspoon of Orange Flower Water to the date mixture for an added taste. Instructions: Step 1: Using a fork mash the dates up, if the dates are very hard you could try and soften them by steaming them first. You could also as an option add a little orange flower water or another flavouring if you wish. Step 2: Once the date is mashed up make some small little balls of dates and place on a plate. Step 3: Place some decorations into a bowl and then roll the ball of date into the decoration and make into a ball shape again pressing on the decoration slightly. Step 4: Place a lollystick into ball and allow the date to harden into shape. Then they are ready to eat!
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amillionstyles · 6 years ago
We have these 8 cute cute ankara blouses to show you today. These are simple styles that will suit anything you have to rock them with,e.g trousers or skirts. Not all will fit into the work place though, but some can still be certified work compliant. Don’t You Just Love Ghanaian Kente Styles? Cc @chicamastyle in @kenianunezdesigns Cc @pearl_mmgh17 in @slayhousegh Cc @lollysticks Cc @joselyn_dumas Cc @dianaantwihamilton in @dabihemaa_couture What Do We Say To The Goddess Of Ankara Styles? Definitely Today! The post Here Are 8 Cute Ankara Blouses appeared first on A Million Styles.
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