#loki show fic
in-my-loki-feels · 8 months
I can't stop thinking about pairing this guy:
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with this guy:
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Just something about the absolute goofball energy of the first, running into the megalomaniac energy of the second. I feel like President Loki would be all "I am here to rule and nothing's going to stop me!" and the Mobius variant would be confused but on board and also distracted by a dish on another table: "Oh yeah? Cool, cool, tell me more. Hey, are you going to eat that?"
ETA: I ended up writing a short thing for this idea. Adding a link here in case the one in the reblogs isn't obvious.
There is now a 4+1 expanded version up on AO3!
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lokiusly · 11 months
ok but the fact that Loki was straight to the point with Casey, OB, B-15, and Sylvie but with Mobius??? They cleaned themselves up, and acted like they were meeting for the first time before telling him everything about his past life and their relationship.
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smolvenger · 11 months
Loki Fandom utterly in tears and devastated:
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Fic Writers:
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 months
oh aye, it's all fun and games until your fic needs someone on asgard to change a law and then you realise they have no functioning... anything... and your thought process of "well first the king would have to summon the parliament..." is nonsense and you don't even know how they pick a regent there despite that being a crucial plot point in the first film. you fool. just say a wizard did it!
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yvainart · 7 months
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this is one of my fav scene from an amazing and beautifully written fic, here is the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/52581163/chapters/133004302 go read it, if you haven’t already, it’s really sooooo good!!
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mikasnazz · 6 months
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After reading about a fem Loki x don in an AMAZING fic by @dreamycloud I had to draw them, admittedly I did indulge myself with a snake tattoo
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blackbirdofasgard · 1 year
Mobius: Loki, I wanna introduce you to Ouroboros
Ouroboros: He calls me O.B. :)
Loki: *jealous Loki noises* Why don't you have a nickname for me???
Mobius: *heavy sigh*
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WIP Wednesday
Lokius, tuxes, first kiss. Minor spoilers for S2E2.
Loki's eyes dropped to Mobius' hands twitching by his side. They'd returned from the timeline after running after X-5 with their tuxes barely ruffled and it was a minor miracle. Well, Loki’s was almost pristine. Mobius' bowtie hadn't survived, lying loose and open around his neck. It was adorable, Loki mused. He chuckled softly to himself, realising it should be his hands twitching to fix it, much like he had done with his friend's tie once before. "We do look rather good," he said, smiling when Mobius looked up at him. "Yeah." His friend grinned back. "It's almost a shame to get out of these." Loki waved his hand up and down at their outfits. The flush on Mobius' cheeks spread like wildfire, and he looked away again, unable to keep eye contact. "Mobius," Loki breathed, stepping into his space. He leaned over him, a hand on the wall behind them, his lips almost touching the tip of his friend’s ear. Up this close, he could see clearly how the white and silver shards interweaved through Mobius' hair. He watched his friend shiver as his breath ghosted across him. It sent sparks of warmth through Loki, his heart pumping faster, his blood rushing in his veins. Tilting Mobius' chin with his hand, his own breath caught in his throat at how dark and wide Mobius' eyes were. "I want this," Loki whispered, "if you do." A small whimper left Mobius' lips, and he gave a little affirmative nod. Loki smiled, stepping closer, pushing Mobius firmly against the wall. He could feel his friend shiver against him, and the overwhelming heat of their bodies pressed together. Dark eyes darted back and forth, a little unsure smile tugging at Mobius' lips, waiting and watching. In all the time they shared in close proximity, nothing felt as charged as slowly letting his lips brush against Mobius', feeling the tremble echo through their bodies as want overtook his friend's seemingly never-ending restraint. He swallowed the strangled groan Mobius let out, kissing him fiercely. Their lips moved together, feeling like home, like this is where Loki belonged. Letting go, giving them space to catch their breath, was one of the hardest things Loki had ever done. But when he opened his eyes, all he could see was Mobius licking his lips. "That was better than whiskey," Mobius said. Loki grinned. "You can say that again."
Tagged by @cha-melodius 😘
Tagging writers and artists @sylwritesstuff @joycecarolnotes @natendo-art @wolfpup026 @mobius-m-mobius @rins-love-wins @iamtonoone if you wanna do it.
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lettingtimepass · 11 months
Y'alllllll, I wrote a really quick Lokius fic!! It's based on if Mobius overheard the Pie Room conversation with Sylvie. I'll be posting it tomorrow!!
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chrrywvea · 9 months
a serotonin boost for today:
✨️imagine married lokius at a christmas market✨️
(or: my brain going haywire at 4 am for these two idiots & leaving me with this half fic half imagine-ramble-story thing)
mobius obsessing over all the little trinket shops
like immediately upon their arrival, he's over the moon
loki detests all the masses of people but nearly melts when he sees how mobius lights up
he does enjoy it later on as well, very much even
sharing mulled wine
butterfly kisses & red cheeks (loki i'm looking at you)
mobius wears the scarf loki made for him for his birthday (personal hc of mine: loki can crochet & knit insanely well)
mistletoes, so many mistletoes
snowflakes in loki's curls make him look even more mesmerising (mobius stop staring please)
mobius gets fairy lights for their apartment
loki shields his tiny husband from all the people bumping into everyone (inspo from the cutest gay couple i saw at the christmas market yesterday thanks guys♡)
they try out all the different food stands together
(since christmas markets tend to have lots of nordic food loki gets to teach mobius about his favourite dishes at home when he was a child)
mobius loves listening to loki anyway, no matter the topic, but hearing him speak so freely of the good aspects of his childhood always warms his heart
they search more quiet spots for breaks when they both get a little overwhelmed
loki sings (though this time only for his husband)
holding hands in each others coat pockets & hand kisses to warm cold skin up
they try on all the beanies in the whole market (mobius puts them on loki who eventually just surrenders to it)
in the end loki buys them real silly, matching ones (if any artists want to draw this, by all means, go ahead! i'd love that so much but i have zero talent when it comes to drawing)
loki drags mobius to the ice rink, the only thing he's weary of since he's never been ice skating before - but loki is there to help!
he's a pro at it, frosty heritage and stuff
yes i believe frost giants can ice skate really well shush
lots of laughter and banter ensue with mobius attempting to stay upright
the waist hold™ is now reversed to prevent mobius from falling on his butt
but honestly they were gonna be close anyway so
touchy touchy
mobius gets the hang of the whole ice skating ordeal and loki cheers him on when he manages one round around the rink on his own
though he completely rams into loki's back upon his return
when they tire out after a while they get more food, sit around one of the nearby bonfires and cuddle
star gazing when it gets dark & planning for christmas eve
they both sneakily buy gifts for one another when the other's busy with something
mobius gets a little tipsy
too many samples at the liquor shops oops
+ i might add more if anyone likes this but this is what came out for now, enjoy :-D
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re: the loki show i still can't think about "but without them where do i belong" without crumbling to the floor. he's been friends with mobius and b-15 and casey and ouroboros for like two weeks and he's so so so desperate to hold on to them anyway. my dude is so lonely i want to COMBUST. i want to hug him SO fucking badly dude. god. fuck
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lokiusly · 5 months
OG s2e5: Loki observes timeline Mobius from afar, unsure of how to proceed. They make eye contact. Mobius walks to Loki & kisses their cheek. “Hey honey, what’s up? Where are the kids?” Loki’s cheeks redden for the first time in eons— mouth agape.
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smolvenger · 1 year
i know u have been feeling stressed and hopefully this might make u feel better but for a request steve rogers x reader and theyre on their honeymoon
Hi there nonny!!!
Awww, I love that! Steve is the sweetest cinnamon roll so of course we have to write it!!!! This is so sweet, I have to!!! I hope you like it and it's accurate enough, it's my first time writing for him!
No warnings, just tooth rotting fluff!
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Honeymooning with America's Ass, Steve Rogers, would include...
Poor boy has never flown before so you have to arrange the details. Once you are packed up and ready to go, he is fascinated by a modern airport. You have to hold his hand so he doesn't get lose because he likes looking in all the shops and different restaurants!
You finally get in and he gets nervous when the plane takes off so you laugh and hug him. You go "darling...you fought Red Skull, but a plane going up makes you scared?!" teasingly and kiss his cheek.
It's a long flight so you show him how to watch movies and play games on the little device thingies that are on airplens and he stays awake the whole time playing on it.
So then you guys...spend the honeymoon in ITALY!!!!
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You go around to see such tall, ancient buildings. Far more ancient than Mr. Brooklyn has ever dreamt. At one point, the tour guide calls this building young since it was built in 1673 and he just stares dumbfounded!
But Steve would pick up Italian quickly. He likes calling you Italian terms of endearment like "mia/o carino/a" or "mia/o angelo/a" to make you smile.
Of course, he has to start the day by cuddling you! Though he is too excited to get up and can only take so much cuddling- like an excited puppy!
He remembers enjoying Italian places in Brooklyn when his mom and he would go to celebrate something. So he loves trying Italian cuisine. Telling you stories about his mother- and about how much she would have loved you.
He always holds your gelato like a gentleman <3 As tempted as he is, he never takes a bite of yours, he wants his new spouse to enjoy them.
However, at one point, a pickpocket creeps by you and grabs your wallet. You let out a shout and gasp as he breaks into a run.
Boy did that asshole make a mistake considering your supersoldier hubby.
Steve just fucking BOOKS IT. The pickpocket turns around and gasps. He tries to run, but Steve gets closer to him in a few steps and decks the guy until he falls easily, kicking him until he's flying like a soccer ball through the air. He then grabs your wallet throws the pickpocket to the cobbled ground and returns your wallet.
You go to all sorts of incredible art museums. Steve himself loves to doodle and when you take sitting breaks, he tries to make little copies of them. You put his hand gently over his and lean into his cheek as he does, holding his free hand.
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Of course, since a lot of Italian people tend to have darker hair, they make huge eyes at his blonde locks. Some even try to flirt with him, but he quickly pushes them aside to give you a hug or flash them the new wedding band, assuring you with small kisses. There are smiles and looks of jealousy- the incredibly handsome blonde man is your husband and yours alone, as you are his.
He talks to and befriends everyone. Old ladies in cathedrals praying and kissing their crucifix necklaces. Children running around streets and jumping sunburnt into the sea. Fellow tourists in wide hats and billowy shirts. Chefs of mom-and-pop shops with rosy cheeks and loud, boisterous voices and stories in every dish.
It only makes you love him more.
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koroleva-nazyalensky · 11 months
No STOP, B15 being a doctor in New York- NEW YORK IN 2012??? Can you IMAGINE the conversation between her and LOKI if this was post Battle of New York?
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samsayswhatever · 10 months
I just got stuck in an elevator and now I need to reiterate a lokius fanfic where they get stuck in an elevator. And until then I will be taking the stairs
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anonymousewrites · 10 months
Portal to My Heart (Book 3) Chapter One
Loki x Reader
Chapter One: To the TVA
Summary: (Y/N) and Loki arrive at the TVA, but their bodies keep distorting.
Mouse Note: Welcome back to Portal to My Heart! I know I've been looking forward to sharing this story for a long time, ever since the first episode of LOKI Season 2 came out. I know that for me this is going to be emotional since I love Loki and have been a fan of his character since I discovered Marvel. I am very happy with how this story turned out, and I'm so excited to show you all. So, please enjoy and comment your thoughts so I can interact and freak out with fellow fans (it also makes me want to keep posting haha). And thank you all for supporting me so far. You're the best and make writing worth it!
            (Y/N) landed roughly next to where Loki was sitting, disheartened, in a TVA interrogation room. She cried out as her wound ached from hitting the ground.
            “(Y/N)!” Loki’s eyes widened in horror, and he rushed to her side, holding her tight against him. “Gods…did Sylvie do this to you?”
            “It was an accident,” coughed (Y/N). “But shit, it hurts.”
            “Someone!” cried Loki. “I need someone!” Cursing as no one came in, he lifted (Y/N) up and set out in search of help. “Keep your eyes open, everything’s going to be all right.” Loki brightened in relief as he saw Mobius, free of any bonds, speaking hurriedly to B-15.
            “Sixty-three new branches in this unit alone? Does he want us to just them all branch?” said Mobius to B-15.
            “Mobius!” shouted Loki, slowing to a stop. “We made a terrible mistake, and now everything’s gone wrong and (Y/N)’s hurt!”
            “What?” asked Mobius. His eyes widened as he saw the bleeding woman in Loki’s arms.
            “Freed the timeline, found the bastard, war…need to prepare…” murmured (Y/N), dizzy from blood loss.
            “I don’t know what happened to you analysts—” (Y/N) and Loki looked at him in confusion and alarm “—but we need to you to a medic, now!” Mobius flipped open his Tempad and called medics. “Now, who are you guys?”
            “What…?” breathed Loki.
            “We need boots on the ground, stat,” said B-15.
            Loki just sank to floor and held (Y/N) close as he realized they had really messed up. They could both see the statue looming over them on the elevator, not of the Time-Keepers, but of He-Who-Remains. Everything had gone wrong, and now they were in an even bigger mess. Loki took a deep, shuddering breath as he waited for the medics to arrive.
            “Please don’t leave me…” he whispered. “I need you here. You were right about everything. Please stay.” “It’s a pity she won’t live as long as you.” Loki’s heart clenched at the reminder of (Y/N)’s mortality. “You can’t die today, (Y/N). You can’t…because I love you.”
            “Hey, we’ve got a medic!” called Mobius, running back towards Loki with B-15 and a medic at his side.
            Loki stood and picked up (Y/N). No, no, he needed to protect them. This Mobius didn’t know them. If this was some other reality or something, he couldn’t trust them to heal her. He needed to escape, get somewhere where he could help (Y/N) and make sure they recovered.
            “Hey, where are you going?” asked Mobius.
            B-15’s eyes narrowed, and she glared at them. “They’re not analysts. They’re variants.”
            That settled it. Loki ran, holding (Y/N) tightly to him.
            “Wait!” shouted Mobius, running after him.
            Loki ignored him and ran. B-15 ran in front of him with Minutemen behind her.
            “Hold it right there, Variant!” shouted B-15.
            “Mobius, it’s me. I’m not a variant. Well, I am, a little, but we’re friends, we know each other,” pleaded Loki.
            “I don’t know you,” said Mobius. Around Loki, the Minutemen grabbed their pruning sticks.
            Loki did the only thing he could and threw himself out the window. He held (Y/N) tight as they fell and wished that he had his magic to make sure they were protected. They hit a truck hard, and Loki and (Y/N) groaned. His heart jumped in his chest. They were barely responsive, but they were still there.
            Maybe…Maybe their abilities will let them survive. Loki dearly wished that was true, but even if it was, in the TVA, there was no magic. There was no way for them to survive even if there was a chance.
            The driver screamed and panicked upon seeing them. The truck hit the side of a building, crashing through a window. Loki and (Y/N) were thrown from the back of the truck, and Loki tucked (Y/N) into his chest so he hit the ground harder than them.
            Loki grunted and stood up, holding (Y/N) up. They were struggling to keep their eyes open. It was clear that they had no idea what was happening as their blood loss got to their head. It was partly a relief since that meant his confession wouldn’t be remembered. Loki had spoken in the that of the moment, but now was not the time to be dealing with that, as much as he wanted to. (Also, Loki was awkward and a bit nervous).
            “We’re fine. We’re fine,” muttered Loki as TVA workers stared at them. Behind him, the truck tipped back out the window. Everyone watched in horror as it fell to the ground below and landed with an echoing crash. Loki coughed. “She’ll be fine.”
            The TVA timeline display landed on the ground and cracked it. The people gasped. Loki panted in exhaustion and looked down at (Y/N)’s nearly unconscious form.
            “Level five intruders,” announced the PA system. “They’ve hopped into a mail cart and descended to the lower level.”
            “Casey,” breathed Loki in relief as one man drew closer.
            “Have we met each other?” asked Casey in confusion.
            “Casey, help us. Please, tell me you know what’s going on,” said Loki. “Don’t you remember us?”
            “I got them! I got the intruders!” said Casey nervously into his communicator. “I got the intruders!”
            Loki’s eyes widened, and he backed up worriedly. And then his entire body distorted. (Y/N) groaned and winced as her already exhausted body glitched alongside him.
            They disappeared from the room with Casey and reappeared in another room of the TVA. Loki looked around himself in confused and checked on (Y/N), making sure nothing bad had happened to her when they distorted. To his dismay, it was clear the energy going to keeping her alive was getting exhausted by the glitching.
            “Loki. (Y/N).”
            Loki looked up in relief to find himself in the same room, just decorated differently, and Casey looking down at them.
            “What? Just a second ago, you didn’t know us,” said Loki in confusion. “Casey. Casey. Casey, something terrible is happening.” He pulled (Y/N) closer. “Please.” He trailed off when he noticed a crack on the floor from where he had just seen the TV display fall. Only now it was hanging up again. “Has…Has that always been there?”
            “The crack? It’s been there as long as I can remember,” said Casey.
            Was it possible that time had passed? When Loki and (Y/N) glitched? But that was impossible. And yet…
            “We were in the past,” breathed Loki in realization. He shook his head. “No, no, it doesn’t matter now. Please, Casey. (Y/N) needs help.”
            Casey nodded shakily and ran to call someone.
            Loki sank to his knees in relief and held them close. “Don’t worry, darling. You’ll be alright. I’ve got you.” Before he could rest, though, they distorted again.
            They landed in front of Casey, and Loki stumbled, holding (Y/N). He nearly cursed but just looked to Casey. “Casey, where is Mobius?”
            “He’s…in the War Room,” said Casey, staring at Loki and (Y/N), bloody and tired.
            Loki stumbled to the War Room and kicked the door open. No one was in there, and he groaned. In his arms, (Y/N)’s heads lolled and hit his chest. Her consciousness was completely gone. That meant her life was really in danger. He needed to find Mobius.
            Loki stared at the carvings of He Who Remains on the wall of the War Room and felt anger course through him. HWR was still haunting him.
            And then he and (Y/N) glitched, and he nearly collapsed as he appeared back in the War Room. This time, Mobius, B-15, and several other TVA members were staring at them. He grunted in pain.
            “Loki? (Y/N)?” said Mobius, eyes widening as he saw their states.
            “Mobius! You know us!” cried Loki.
            “Where the hell were you two?” asked Mobius worriedly.
            “Help us,” said Loki, pulling (Y/N)’s body closer to him. “Please. A moment ago, you didn’t know us. Tell me you know who we are.” Behind them, a Minuteman went to attack, and B-15 blocked him.
            “Yes, yes,” assured Mobius.
            “Everyone, stand down!” shouted the general of the TVA, Dox.
            “Please, Mobius, we found him, but (Y/N)’s hurt, and we keep disappearing, please, she’s dying, please help her—” Loki’s rambles continued.
            “Hey, hey, who did you find?” asked Mobius in confusion.
            “Him.” Loki looked at the wall where the carvings of HWR had been a moment before. He handed (Y/N) to Mobius, who was startled but held them, and grabbed the pruning stick from the Minuteman.
            “Loki?” asked Mobius, glancing down in horror at (Y/N)’s bleeding stab wound.
            “Get back!” said Loki when the hunter tried to attack. Then, he stabbed the stick into the wall, and the mosaic of the false Time-Keepers burned away to reveal HWR’s face carved into the wall. The truth of the TVA hidden just beneath the surface. “That’s who built this place!” shouted Loki. “That’s who stole your lives! That’s who’s coming back!” He stared at Mobius pleadingly. “Now, please, get (Y/N) help. Please.”
            “She’s going to be okay. The medics say the wound will scar, but otherwise, she’ll be alright,” said Mobius as Loki hovered at (Y/N)’s bedside.
            She still looked so still. Loki didn’t want to leave (Y/N) for a moment. He needed to watch over her, protect her, succeed where he’d failed.
            “Loki. We need to talk about what happened,” said Mobius.
            “I need to make sure she’s alright,” said Loki fiercely.
            “Okay, okay,” said Mobius. He sat down next to Loki. “We’ll talk here. That way you know how she’s doing.”
            Loki nodded shakily. “Right. Right.”
            “So what happened? The last thing I knew, you guys were going to face the cloud monster,” said Mobius in concern.
            “Alioth?” said Loki. He shook his head. “Alioth was a distraction. He was a guard dog. We found him. A Citadel at the End of Time.”
            “But where’s Sylvie?” asked Mobius.
            Loki’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know. She’s still there. She…She stabbed (Y/N) trying to kill He Who Remains. She’s the reason she’s like this right now…We just wanted time to think, and Sylvie wouldn’t just stop, and now (Y/N)’s…” Loki was spiraling, and he slumped over. “It was an impossible choice, but she seemed so certain. How could she be given the circumstances?”
            “Okay, okay, slow down, Loki,” said Mobius calmingly. “You wanted time to think, so let’s think.”
            Loki took a deep breath and looked at Mobius. “Mobius, we got the man at the End of Time, and he made sense. We thought it was about freeing the Timeline, but that brings only more malevolence, more violence, more war. More of him. They’re coming. They’re all coming. ‘You came to kill the devil.’ ”
            “I don’t understand,” said Mobius.
            “Maybe he was,” murmured Loki. “But maybe he wasn’t. Sylvie was convinced he was. We fought, Mobius. She kicked me through a Time Door, and she and (Y/N) fought, and (Y/N) got hurt, and then Sylvie kicked her through, and…”
            “Well, I’d ask who won…” remarked Mobius.
            Loki huffed. “It was a draw.”
            “You all kicked each other through Time Doors simultaneously?” said Mobius.
            “No. (Y/N) and I were actively trying not to fight her,” said Loki. “That’s why (Y/N) was hurt…” He looked at her and reached out to her. He drew his hand back awkwardly. “She was trying to stop Sylvie. She was trying to kill him.”
            “Stop, relax,” said Mobius. “(Y/N) is going to be fine. She’s alright. Look, just calm down.”
            “I just wish I had tried harder,” said Loki ruefully. “I wish we’d had more time.”
            “Don’t do the coudlda-woulda-shoulda. Focus on what we know,” said Mobius.
            “War is on its way,” said Loki. “That’s what we know. I have no idea if he was right about everything because his variants are on their way! It was about preventing more of them! There was no simple choice, no other way.”
            “That’s who you showed us in the War Room?” asked Mobius.
            “He Who Remains,” said Loki, nodding. “This is his kingdom. And he says he keeps us safe, but how can you believe that? He built this place.”
            “No, how would I not remember that,” said Mobius. “How could he—”
            “He wiped your memories.”
            Loki’s head whipped to the cot where (Y/N)’s eyes were open and she was trying to sit up. Instantly, Loki was by her side and supported her. In relief, he saw that the wound was healing well due to the TVA’s technology.
            “You’re alright,” said Loki.
            (Y/N) smiled at him and covered his hand with her own as he helped her. “Of course. A stab isn’t going to keep me down.”
            “We’re glad you’re okay,” said Mobius, smiling.
            “Thanks,” she said, nodding. She frowned. “But what happened? Last thing I remember was falling through the Time door…”
            Loki stared at her. She didn’t remember. (Y/N) couldn’t recall his confession of love. The injury had been too much, and she had no idea what had happened. Part of Loki was disappointed since he couldn’t get her response, but the other part of him was thankful. He had no idea how to tell her again, how to deal with everything. (Y/N) was the person he loved, and he wasn’t sure how to tell her again, and with all the chaos going on, Loki was afraid of adding more to it.
            But he wanted to tell her. So, so badly.
            (Y/N) frowned and touched her chest. “And it felt like I was coming apart at the seams.”
            “We, uh, glitched?” said Loki. “I’m not entirely sure, either.”
            “Is that how you appeared in the War Room?” said Mobius in confusion.
            “Yes,” said Loki. “Well, partly. We were in the past.”
            “Don’t you mean the End of Time?” said Mobius.
            “No, we were in the War Room already,” said Loki.
            Mobius looked at (Y/N) in confusion, and she shrugged. “I believe Loki, but I was way too out of it to know what was happening.”
            Loki was once again torn from disappointment that he still didn’t know how she felt and relief that the chaos of feelings wasn’t involved in the difficult situation developing.
            “We were in the past,” reiterated Loki, shaking himself from his thoughts and looking at Mobius.
            “What do you mean in the past? Where?” said Mobius in confusion.
            “Here, in the TVA,” said Loki.
            “No, there is no past TVA,” said Mobius, shaking his head. “Time doesn’t work like that here.”
            “It does, it’s happening to us,” said Loki.
            “It’s impossible,” said Mobius.
            “It’s possible,” said Loki.
            “No, it’s not,” said Mobius.
            As if on cue, Loki and (Y/N)’s bodies distorted and came back together. They disappeared from the room, appeared in the same one but empty, and then popped out of existence again, reappearing in front of Mobius. (Y/N) groaned at the sensation. It was painful, but at least she wasn’t bleeding out.
            How skewed are my priorities that my cells rearranging is preferable to a stab wound? thought (Y/N). “See that? I think that confirms Loki’s story,” she muttered.
            “Uh, yeah, I saw it,” said Mobius.
            “Yeah? What does it…What does it look like?” asked Loki.
            “It looks…” Mobius grimaced. “I mean, how does it feel?”
            “It’s not that bad,” said Loki, lying.
            “I think my cells are getting spliced,” muttered (Y/N), brutally honest as ever.
            “I think (Y/N)’s assessment is better than yours,” said Mobius, looking between (Y/N) and Loki. “And we definitely need to get you help. Let me call Miss Minutes.”
            “No,” said (Y/N) and Loki sharply.
            “What?” asked Mobius.
            “You can’t trust her,” said (Y/N).
            “Are you sure?” said Mobius.
            “Pretty sure,” said (Y/N). “She was there with him at the End of Time.”
            “We still need to get your guys checked out,” said Mobius. “Yeah, let’s swing you by Repairs and Advancement. Come on.”
            “(Y/N) needs to rest,” said Loki instantly.
            “I’m fine,” said (Y/N), standing. “The tech did enough; it was just blood loss.”
            Loki hovered nervously. “Are you sure?”
            “Yes, Loki,” said (Y/N), glancing at him with a fond smile. She looked down at her torn shirt from the stab wound. “But, uh, I do want a new shirt.”
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