#loki god of evil
galaxythreads · 5 months
Unpopular opinion time: I think Loki's arc in the movies was excellent and we didn't need to drag him back from the dead to give him a series that ends with him completing exactly the same arc. Again.
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Corrupted!Atreus/Atreus Odinson au MasterPost
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Art by my favourite friend of all time @p-lomm (because i unfortunately have horrendous spine-shaking artblock)
> Odin, through methods you can feel free to make up yourself, becomes aware that Loki is destined to kill him come Ragnarök. He wants to kill the boy outright of course, maybe even risk doing so as Týr, but learns about Atreus' faculty for dead languages and decides to put it off for now to prioritize his goal regarding the rift.
> Just as he did in the game, Atreus goes to Asgard. Once there, Odin plays it up as the nice replacement dad to try and warm the boy up to him but it's clearly got minimal success. Atreus is friendly and insisting that he trusts him, but he's not the best liar. He's also slightly withholding/stalling help on the Mask due to that distrust. Odin panics, even though the boy is helping him, because if Atreus asks to go home he'll lose the control he now has over him. But if he forces Atreus to stay, all of that effort to build rapport will be wasted. He needs to make a course of action, and fast.
> Freya during their marriage taught him some level of conscious-affecting magic, and he learned more by observing her and the studying he did into Baldur's spell. He's done mind manipulation magic on others on a much lower scale than this, but he knows the process on how to intensify the effects. He wants to force loyalty onto Atreus so that the boy won't hesitate to help and won't betray him when Ragnarök comes. Creating an entirely new lifetime of memories is much more difficult than tinkering with what's already there, so he takes the neural pathway Atreus has to Kratos and basically slams his face over Kratos'. He keeps things vague, but essentially has Atreus believing Odin is his father, thus making Baldur his brother, and still retaining the fuzzy memory of Kratos snapping Baldur's neck.
> Successfully making Atreus loyal to him and antagonistic toward Kratos, Atreus faces a slight personality shift. He's still slightly awkward, clumsy and unintentionally rude, but after fully comitting to the Loki identity he's also snootier and more holier-than-thou, believing himself special because Odin grants him more attention than his brothers. He essentially reverts to his brief corruption arc in GoW4.
> Heimdall and Thor are obviously not pleased, but are forbidden from intefering with the spell or hurting Loki. Loki takes their clear dislike of him as brothers being jealous of the youngest having clear favouritism and is overjoyed at the idea of being envied. He gives them as much shit as they give him. Heimdall, who genuinely is jealous and doesn't understand why the allfather would manufacture a new son when he constantly vies for his affection and attention, tries to subtly sabotage the spell by planting ideas in Loki's head of his old life. This mixes Loki up and upsets him, and he sometimes struggles with what's real.
> Loki is banned from interacting with Thrúd, Skjöldr, or any other children his age. Nearly all of his free time is spent dedicated to training, studying or working on the mask, which he does ardently pursue to make his 'father' happy but which is waylayed by his grip on his powers being more tenuous now he's forgotten or muddled up a lot of the past learning process. He likes to carry the mask around with him, typically on his waist, to show it off as a proof of how much trust is placed in him, the way Heimdall does with Gjallarhorn.
> The faulty perception of himself, as it did in GoW4, makes Atreus sick. His mind is in conflict with itself on who he is, repressed memories fighting the implanted ones. He has frequent nightmares and dizzy spells, especially when someone (usually Heimdall) presses on the subject more. Some days he spends bedbound by it.
> More to be added when I remember it. To be frank, most of this was conceptualized in my head and not externalized into text before this point, so it's still a little muddled. But here's the baseline!
Might add (or possibly remove) friend art if she wakes up and gives me explicit permission. 🗿 Time zones. Love you Plom.
Extra info of note-
Appearance = Loki is of course typically in his Asgardian armour get-up, but he can occasionally be found in more of a tunic-type attire (like Heimdall or Skjöldir) when he's just chillin'. He keeps the mask either in his hands (when actively working with it) or on his belt (when just strolling around, like a show-off.) When he eventually collects the second piece, he can sometimes be found actually wearing it. He has green eyes, not blue, as is seen in the Asgard scenes, and he lets his hair grow out ever so slightly in his time there instead of habitually cutting it close as he did prior to resemble Kratos (hc).
Personality = As expressed before, he's a far sight brattier than in canon, and we both know that's saying a lot. He actually does somewhat like Thor, especially since he misattributes both of his children's deaths to Kratos and not Modi's to himself, thus being more sympathetic on that front. He's a lot more jaded about violence just as he was during his original corruption in GoW4, seeing death in a very callous way and being brutal in sparring matches. Alongside disliking the Kratos of memory, he also hates Freya for perceiving her role in his 'brother's' death, though no amount of mindfuck can give him any love for Baldur. Still, even originally he at least could empathize with the cursed man, and those feelings transfer over. Banned as he is from those his age he does still see them around, and while Thrúd keeps to the order of silence on what has happened to him she lets him strike up conversation. Witnessing what's happened to him builds her distrust in her grandfather. Also he thinks he's her uncle now, which is pretty weird.
Sickness = Mostly characteristic of how it was in the first game, with dizzy and fainting spells and the occasional bronchitis-style choking up blood. Odin gives him remedies he claims are medicine for an illness the boy has had since birth, which are actually laced with seidr to keep the spell strong in a subtle way. Loki typically feels more sick after having them, but trusts his 'father' completely.
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tsartistry · 4 months
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More ideas from that Percy Jackson/TKC crossover idea where Percy becomes the Eye of Set.
I don't know how I'd feasibly work Kronos into the story, the idea of Kronos trying to possess Percy only to be told NO VACANCY by a far more ancient god makes me cackle.
The quote is paraphrased from Farscape, I got it wrong because I pulled it from memory, it was actually "I cannot allow that, I was here first." Which is honestly much better and I wish I'd remembered it correctly!! But I don't feel like changing it now.
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wolffoxnation2 · 5 months
I'm reading Magnus chase rn and also reading up on my norse myth.
And from what ive seen in myth is that they are insanely cruel to my guy, my girl, my one time horse, Loki and personally i think they deserve to go a lil bit batshit insane.
Like the gods (specifically Odin it seems) have straight up either killed or exiled or chained his kids
Like Hel got thrown into well Hel
The snake one whos name im not even gonna try to spell got thrown into the sea and is now coiled around the earth
Fenrir got chained up
Vali got turned into a wolf and killed Nari/Nafi. Then Nari/Nafi's entrails were used to bind Loki.
And to add insult to injury had snake venom dripped on him for eternity
Now I'm kinda half hoping that not all of these are canon in Magnus Chase.
But if they are Loki has to something fucking terrible for me to not be on his side.
And the other gods are going to have to be fucking saints for me to care about them.
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Like he sounds like a fucking delight (genuine)
Im on page 80 of the first book but i do know a few spoilers (word of advice don't look at official art a few hours after you read about a mysterious character that doesn't get named lmao) like i know about Alex (her entire fucking backstory actually cus i stupidly read the wiki page) and i know Samirah (and have already fallen deeply in love with her) and apparently theres a talking sword named Jack that likes Percy's sword (dam not even outside his own series does Percy get a break)
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koukaaa-descent · 3 months
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Even after their marks on this place have faded. Even after the overgrowth devoured their trails and their footsteps and their memories. Even then, Monsoon comes back to this place. There is nowhere else to be.
thinking about these two is actually a torture method
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regardless!! Am I evil for this
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mischiefprincess · 1 month
I've been thinking a lot about Loki and Frigga these days, I don't think she's an evil, manipulative monster like some people but I do think she's a very flawed mother, from what we see in the movies she's very quick to justify and sugarcoat Odin's actions, Yes there's a deleted scene where she confronts him about Thor's banishment but it was deleted for a reason, in the movie itself we see her telling Loki that "there's always a purpose to everything your father does", she's always defending him, never her sons and that tells us a lot about the kind of mother she is, idk if it's bc she puts her position as queen above her position as a mother but she always stand by Odin's side no matter what.
Ofc we know she asks Odin not to kill Loki in tdw but that's just the bare minimum she could do, she always does everything thinking about pleasing Odin above all, she goes visiting Loki as a illusion, in secret to not anger her husband, when Loki is going through the trauma of finding out the truth about his adoption she never acknowledges any responsability for what she and Odin did, she justifies his lies agian by saying he lied to protect Loki
She doesn't acknowledge Loki's pain or his right to be angry at them, she tells him he's their son as if that's enough to heal his wounds, she doesn't ask for forgiveness and doesn't offer Loki any comfort bc her husband was taking a nap and she had to stay by his side at all seconds, it doesn't matter that her son had his whole sense of identity stripped away from him, holding Odin's hand was way more important than giving Loki a hug or anything else
I think at some moment Loki realized that she cared more about being Odin's queen than being their mother bc she'd never stand up for her sons and defend them from the abuses Odin put them through, she just kept justifying it bc she wouldn't dare going against her king, it must've hurt for Loki, realizing that he was truly all by himself in Asgard, he couldn't count on his own mother to publicly defend him from the humiliations he undoubtedly suffered, she would just sneak into his chambers and whisper some words of encouragement privately but when in public he was entirely on his own and he knew it
That's why I care more about Loki reuniting with his friends/found family than him going to New Asgard or to Asgard in the past, I have no doubts that he loves his family with his whole heart and he wants to see them again but I love the new family he built for himself in the show, he has Mobius who will defend him with everything he has and will be his emotional support, validating his feelings and genuinely listening to him, he NEVER felt like he belonged in Asgard but in the show he finally found his place, he found the people he belonged to (as stated by the crew) and he fought to save them for hundreds of years so there's no way I'd want him to leave his new home for him to go back to the place where he was mistreated, belittled and mocked just for being who he was, I want him to stay in the place where feels free to be his true self thank you very much
(Ofc that doesn't mean I don't want him and Thor to reunite again, I just think it's best for him to stay with the people he chose to be his family)
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lazuliquetzal · 6 months
Quick question, did Kratos ever teach Loki how to wood carve/hone his own arrows? (For art purposes)
I actually headcanon that Faye did this (since she made his bow) though I'm sure Kratos helped too!
He totally taught him to throw a punch though
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musclesandhammering · 10 months
If the Loki writers absolutely had to have an unnecessary romance baked into the plot and weren’t cowards, they would’ve paired Loki and He Who Remains together.
He could’ve made it to the Citadel at like the beginning of episode 5 and had more time to build a dynamic between just the two of them- whatever dynamic it would’ve been.
And then that would solidify Loki a major role in the Kang storyline in the main mcu, because in addition to being the one to open the multiverse (sylvie doesn’t exist in this au shh) he’d have an emotional history with the only “good” variant of him.
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syxnewt · 4 months
watched 33 minute gameplay of ghouls n ghosts and the game straight up tells you the whole plot AT THE END
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sonntam · 2 years
Atreus puts on the mask and this happens.
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canismajors · 8 months
tbh AoA being my fav comic is mostly for. sentimental reasons lokis storyline was sooo deeply influential in realising & coming to terms w the fact that i was trans
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No actually I'm pretty obsessed with the idea of a corruption AU where Odin mindfucks Atreus to think he's his son and to make him hate Kratos because he killed his 'brother' (Baldur) imma have to draw this
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wolffoxnation2 · 4 months
I said i was gonna rant and by the gods im gonna rant
[This is not gonna make sense and more me shrieking at the gods cus Loki is my blorbo and i hate that Rick fucked up and made him abusive when the first book was litterally implying that he cares about his kids and making him sympathetic.]
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Love how i completely forgot Heimdall was there too between reading this in school and getting home lmao. My phone guy is just that forgettable.
They got roasted too hard so theyre gonna kill two innocent kids, mulitate their corpses and use those corpses to chain their father while dripping acid on him?
It was (slightly) more understandable when it was cus Baldur (even tho hes probably happier with Hel anyways) died.
Cus like an eye for an eye.... (even tho that was much more than an eye, more like two eyes, a heart and a leg.)
Actually no scratch that killing Baldur technically was an eye for an eye if you think about it.
(Odin took three of Loki's kids, Loki took his son, his daughter in law and then the same son again when he refused to cry to bring him back. Thats also three. Thats one of the reasons i excuse Baldur dying)
I know Magnus probably either didn't realise what was going on here or if he did it didnt register in his brain the whole story. Which, fair enough, directly after this he listens to Kvasir getting cut up by a chainsaw (good, its clear if it weren't for him Loki, Narvi, Vali and Sigyn would've been probably fine) and then watches Alex get thrown out by his.....sperm donor. So what happens to Loki is not at the top of his concerns rn but i really hope he confronts Frey about it later. Cus Magnus has been shown to emphasize with Loki on this. AND THOSE WERE FUCKING CHILDREN! AND THEY WERE KILLED BECAUSE THEY WERE LOKI'S CHILDREN!
Basically i want Magnus to yell at the gods the way Percy does. Because like Luke everything was probably WAS the gods fault.
And before you come at me with the whole 'prophecy has to happen' thing. Save your breath because most of you have no problem with blaming the gods when it came to luke in pjo and this is kinda similar.
Who was to say that Fenris, Hel and Jörmungandr would have caused ragnarok if the Aesir (mostly Odin) didnt take them from their home and seperate them?
Whos to say Loki would start Ragnarok if Odin didnt break their oath and take his children?
Or :
Let his mouth get sewn shut after he got everyone shit (Sif's new hair, Mjollnir, Draupnir, Gungnir, Skidbladnir and Gullinbursti) because suddenly oaths matter now, Odin.
Kill his innocent children (its not stated in myth or mcga how old Narvi and Vali were/are but the general consensus is that they were young), possibly made him watch said children get murdered (Sword of summer its stated by Loki that the gods watched in amusement as Vali disemboweled Narvi but that could be hyperbole) and had a snake drip acid onto his face.
If there was any good in Loki at any point (which there might be. He actually seems pretty chill in sword of summer) then its been snuffed out now.
Thanks Odin.
You signed your death warrant.
Whats that saying again?
He who tries to prevent fate is doomed to cause it?
Or something like that i cant remember the phrase.
I have more to say yet i cant quite articulate it. So im gonna end it here.
Also i am really in the mood for writing a oneshot of the day they caught Loki in Loki's—or maybe Sigyn's? Pov.
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
can i say something slightly edgelordy. i am enjoying my little evil clone detour very much but i *do* miss loki and part of the reason for that *is* that the evil clones aren't. quite. evil enough.
in my defence. it isn't really entirely about the details. it's just that villain apologism is a sport and the evil clones are too easy. if i wanna make u feel bad for them i can just be like Well, they're fourteen, and they've never been outside. and that's it. game over
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lilydvoratrelundar · 2 years
sometimes comic writing is silly in that “they’re all shooting off one-liners while they punch each other” but the thing is when its done badly you NOTICE. the reaction isn’t "oh yeah i guess this is media for children but also this is spider-man.” when its done badly the response is a) about five seconds trying to understand what the joke is meant to be, b) a slightly baffled “is that meant to be... funny?” and then c) they would NOT say that they would NOT
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lilatreus · 2 years
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Yup sigyn does sure love loki. That’s why when they first met, she told loki she wouldn’t even want to be anywhere near him if she were single.
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They’re so in love that loki killed her fiancé so he could pretend to be him after she straight up rejected him.
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She loved him sooooo much that she cried when she realized she had gotten tricked into marrying loki, ultimately finding out the man she actually loved is dead.
comic: thor annual: #14 (1966)
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