#let sigyn stay dead
scaryscarecrows · 2 months
He hasn’t mentioned his journey to anyone–it’s nobody’s business but his own–but word travels as fast as the dead and no less than nine people have tried to talk him out of going, three have told him it’s a waste of time, and everybody’s been watching him out of the corner of their eye.
Sigyn is a sweet girl. She’s very quiet, but she has a sense of humor just the same; he often sees her hiding smiles behind her fingers when things get…well…a little out of hand. And she was…kind, after the Dwarves. She helped him when nobody else would offer a hand up. More importantly, at this moment, she comes bearing food.
“You’re really going?”
“Yes.” She is absolutely not going. It could be dangerous. “They’re only children. Someone needs to investigate.”
“Yes.” She half-bites her lip before visibly stopping herself, a habit she’s only picked up recently. “I brought you this,” she says firmly, thrusting a basket at him. “Spicy fish skewers for the cold, and pumpkin bread just because. The basket will keep everything warm.”
He can tell; he can feel the enchantments on it if he twists his fingers just so.
“Did you make them?”
“I-I had help.”
He settles the basket among his other possessions, takes her hand and lifts it to his lips.
“I’m sure it’s wonderful.” It’s certainly nicer than everyone else’s send-off. For one, it’s a send-off, not an eye-roll. “Thank you, Sigyn.”
“You’ll be careful?”
“What’s the fun in that?” He grins and unteathers the mare. “You have no reason to worry about me. I always come back in one piece.”
“What, this?” He gestures to his mouth. “That was still in one piece! Everything remained on my person.”
“Must you joke about everything?” she gasps, voice scandalized but eyes startlingly amused. “That was horrible!”
“But I was in one piece, and thus I will stay.” He shifts her to one side, and tosses the reins over the mare’s head. “It’s up to you to entertain everyone while I’m gone, I’m afraid. Can’t let them get too comfortable, now.”
Before she can say she won’t, he swings himself up onto the horse, clucks his tongue, and makes his way outside.
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Cruel and Malicious Phraseology
Since the JLA ban on profanity in the workplace took effect, some of us have gotten rather inventive in expressing our less positive sentiments. No guesses for which member of the Old Guard had the most insults hurled at them, but... his initials are HJ. There is no context, only hostility.
"I could put an entire box of alphabet pasta through a spin cycle and come up with a better plan than that. Stop trying to be Batman, one is enough."
"Go stick your head inside a black hole, you posh knobhead!"
"Listen here, you overhyped rodent posterior... rocking up like you're the brightest glow stick in the rave negates the very idea of a stealth mission. Adjust your glow to match your intellect, please."
"You got this, huh? Looks like you handled that masterfully. Tell you what there, Mastermind... let me know if you need help finding your teeth after that glorious victory."
"Plans A, B, AND C all tanked? Over to you, Glowworm, you usually head straight to Plan D for "dumb crap" anyway."
"Quick question, do you even Metal Gear?"
"Oh, what in the unholy name of Ymir's jockstrap did we walk into this time?"
"Do... do the Big Bosses not realize pockets are a thing? Like, where am I supposed to keep my wallet, or anything, really? Is the Marquis de Sade the staff tailor, because wearing this is gonna drive me mad."
"You and I have been friends for a while, but... when you say things like that I kinda want to stab you in the eye with an explosive arrow."
"I get now why you prefer being underwater. Less dumb. Much less screaming. Speaking of... I bet you know some epic dive spots. They'll be at this for hours, we're not needed here. If the Boss asks, you're teaching me marine ecology in the wild."
"Huh. Here I thought Joker held the title for "Most Punchable Face on Earth", yet here's the new heavyweight contender, ready to throw down for the belt."
"Go boil your head in some more of that cheap weak sister beer!"
"Why don't you go hug a claymore mine already?"
"Eat my boots!"
"No, ma'am, I'm not ready for that jelly, I prefer cream cheese on my bagel anyway. You're... not talking about food, are you? Oh, monkey bread."
"Repeat after me: Pants. Are. Not. Optional!"
"I'd rather drown than EVER go clown. I might not have taste, but I have standards."
"Oh, by Artemis' sandals what did you do this time?"
"Yanno, you and a certain dirty old man thunder God have the same issue: too focused on the ladies to do your job. Eyes in the head, you ain't her type. Trust me."
"IN THE NAME OF SIGYN'S GIRDLE WILL YOU STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT! The Boss can get away with it, as he was trained in silent infiltration and is not a creepy drunken sorry excuse for a washout. Either knock on the door like a normal human, or run the risk of having to sing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" to even enter the men's locker room."
"You died? I see your brain sure stayed dead."
"It's a RAID, not a rave. Lose the shiny stuff and glow trim, we're trying the Splinter Cell approach. Also... do you really need the three extra ammo belts? They're thugs, not the blooming Xenomorphs."
"I know over 20 languages, yet cannot explain exactly how much I'd like to beat you with a pufferfish."
"But did you die again? No? So... why so grumpy, Mr. Grouchy von Groucherson?"
"How? How do you claim to be a master shot, yet miss the ginormous glaring weak spot every time? Are you a plant from the Court of Owls? Make it make sense."
"Huh. Sniper scope, but still can't see the obvious. Just ask her already! Aphrodite help me, but you're blind if you can't see she likes you."
"Thanks, but I don't associate with the chronically dumb."
"A date? Let me check my calendar. Sorry, looks like I'm going to be washing my hair for the foreseeable future."
"Would you kindly get your head out of the poor man's rear entrance so he can get some work done?"
"Games teach you problem solving in real time, teamwork, the importance of understanding the mechanics in any situation, how to manage difficult individuals, pattern recognition, and much more. Odin's eyepatch, you must be a pretentious little sod to think you can't learn from gaming. Now quit whining and pick your fighter already. You're holding up the match."
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
I'm so curious about your headcanons about Narvi and Vali (and honestly all the Loki's children!).
What do you think their personalities would be? Their likes and dislikes? If their spirits are stuck in the chains with Loki, can they do like their father and be in more than one place? If they are with Hel how is their relationship with their sister?
Alright here are my headcanons for them
•Depending on the AU i headcanon them as 10 or 13 at death.
(10 for the main and ToL AU and 13 for a Narvi went to valhalla AU another anons headcanon gave me inspo for)
I Can't speak on their personalities because i have not developed them enough outside of one AU and only Narvi. (And the circumstances on shaping his personality for that AU are very different then the other ones)
And in ToL AU they are in Helhiem (but for this lets just assume V+N stay in Helhiem after SoTD as well) they have a good relationship with Hel. It was a bit awkward at first because she'd never had kids living in her house (also they tried to fight Baldur but thats a story for a different day) and she didn't quite know what to do with them but they slowly got used to eachother.
And in the Valhalla AU Vali' has the same relationship with Hel but 's relationship with Hel stays the same but Narvi and Hel haven't met in person tho Narvi prays to her alongside Loki and Sigyn regularly
Headcanons for all my AUs (mostly appearance based)
•Vali was born with a forked tongue, Narvi wasn't but the moment he learned to shapeshift he gave himself a forked tongue to be like his twin.
They are fraternal not identical twins. Vali has curly red hair he got from Loki. Narvi has dark brown almost black straight hair he got from Sigyn. Both have amber eyes.
Loki told them that he'd be back in an hour before he went off to kill Baldur...
Yeah we all know how that turned out. I blame this song for this headcanon and the stuck in the chains headcanon. Cus it is such a them song to me
Main AU and (mostly) ToL AU headcanons
•It's kinda hard to explain how Narvi and Vali are when trapped in the chains but basically they are aware and not aware at the same time. Some days they can get a vague feel and visions of whats going on around them and talk to eachother, some days they are in a sleep like state.
(I wasn't thinking of either medias when making that up but it reminds me of the game Amanda the adventurer and the ghost kids from Coraline)
•They can project themselves on the aware days like Loki can but only in dreams and very rarely, and not for very long cus the are/were young
(i have a oneshot of them talking to Samirah through a dream and she is so fucking confused and low-key (ha) scared because she has no clue who they are)
•On the days they are aware they are absolutely enamoured by Magnus and he has no clue of their (continued) existence.
(They think he's just an interesting, funky little guy)
It's unknown if Loki and Sigyn are aware that their sons are basically suffering with them
(in other words I cant decide which one is more angsty)
They got released at the end of Hammer of Thor when the chains were cut. It is unknown what's gonna happen to them after Ship of the Dead since the Aesir are rechaining Loki
(also because I can't tell which one would be angstier)
Valhalla! Narvi AU
Not many headcanons for this one cus its new and based off another Anon's headcanon but:
Narvi and Vali died at 13 but while Vali got put in Helhiem. Narvi got sent to Valhalla.
Narvi was like Alex when she first got to Valhalla but a lot worse...Like alot...and that anger still has not faded after fuck knows how long.
Horror stories and rumours are still told to new Valkyries about him.
One of those rumors is that how no one saw his Valkyrie again after taking him. (This is in reality false. She just quit after he ripped part of her hair out but he continues this rumor for funsies.)
Technically he should be on floor19 like the main gang but got moved on the top floor away from everyone after too many people complained.
He rarely comes out of his room and when he does it is usually an absoulute blood bath. Because he fights like a beast.
Litterally the only person he has tolerated and respects in valhalla is Snorri Sturluson.
why? Because thats the guy who wrote Prose Edda and Narvi is still a thirteen year old boy who loves the idea of being 'famous' and written about even if its about his death.
Is fine with Alex but hates Samirah with a burning passion. Because she's a Valkyrie and he sees that as her being a traitor to their family and won't listen otherwise.
Alright this is getting a bit too long and kinda deviated from the questions so i'm gonna end it here. Keep these kind of asks coming tho I love answering questions about my headcanons and AUs
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ask-kvasir-tbi · 4 months
[Hello? Ah, Miss Loki?
What- I saw you die!
We both did, darling. But we died too, didn't we?
I- Yes, the Bifrost is weird. But I've been on this website, and-
I really think we're skipping over the part where we're all dead.
That is something we aren't talking about, yes. But, Miss Loki, I've found a way-
Kvasir, kiddo, just be quiet for a minute. Me and Sigyn are gonna have a talk with this woman here, okay?
Yes, Kvasir, dear. Please just let us do this.
You aren't listening to me, either of you. I know how to get us out of the Bifrost!
That's nice, dear.
You aren't my mothers! Listen, for once!
If you got hurt by this woman here, I'd never forgive myself.
Kvasir, stay here for five minutes, okay?
...Yes, Miss Loki.]
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, May 4th
LORNE: It'll be fabulous. Believe me, Jerry. Yes. It's Grapes of Wrath in outer space. Uh-huh. Oh, it's got heart. Yes, it's got laser battles. (takes off his sunglasses) It's got a timely message of interstellar poverty. Uh-huh. Listen, have your assistant call my assistant. We'll set something up. Good enough. (chuckles) (hangs up the cell phone and tosses it to his assistant) (talks to the other cell phone his assistant was holding) J.C., Listen, just got off the Nextel with big "B." Yeah, intrigued, but wants to know who's playin' Tom Joad. Uh-huh. Well, I'm pretty sure that Henry Fonda's dead, sweetie. Yeah. Bring him back to life? Let me talk to my science people. OK, no promises. (hangs up) (to his assistant) Directors.
~~Life of the Party~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Graveyard Tango by CoffeeHunt (Angel/Spike, T)
The Wreckage of the Fall by MadeInGold (Spike & Riley, M)
blood sticks, sweat drips by Anonymous (Buffy/Spike, M)
He's good for her by Max_n_space (Buffy/Faith, M)
MedWhump May 2024 Day 4: Sedated by MadeInGold (Angel/Maggie Walsh, T)
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Cherish the Day by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lies in Your Eyes by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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With Arms Wide Open, Chapter 34 by jaybird023 (Buffy/Giles, E)
Thirty-ish Days (and Thirty-ish Years), Chapter 29 by Dynapink (Buffy/Giles, T)
Greatest Love Story Postlude, Chapter 16 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
Ever After After The Fall, Chapter 12 by aboutafox (Buffy/Angel, M)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Chapter 7 by tsohg a ma I (NinjaGirl2211) (Buffy/Riley, E)
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Chapter 22 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Tara/Willow, E)
Highlands and Tropical Islands, Chapter 4 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
In the Dark of the Night, Chapter 9 by norik23 (Buffy/Spike, M)
I hate the way, Chapter 5 by DancingAngel0013 (Buffy/Giles, E)
The Eternal City, Chapter 2 by reader304 (Buffy/Angel/Spike, E)
Sacrifice: Chapter 4 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Willow/Tara, E)
An Impossible Task, Chapter 6 by Laqt15 (Spike/Andrew, T)
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Surviving Together, Chapter 19 by ionlylikebadboys (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 57 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Hand in Flightless Hand, Chapter 6 by tragic (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn: In The Dark, Chapter 6 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Ripple In Time, Chapter 19 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Secret Obsession, Chapter 18 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Lingers, Chapters 5-6 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Lingers, Chapter 6 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Incarnate, Chapter 1 by Sigyn (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Some You Lose, Chapter 11 by lyapunov (Buffy, Stargate crossover, FR13)
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Early One Morning, Chapter 38 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lightning in a Bottle, Chapter 1 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Banner: He Brought Flowers by Passion4Spike (worksafe)
Manips: Carnival by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: All The Lies You Told by Grief Counseling (Buffy, worksafe)
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Sims 4 Tara by redroseproudrosesadrose (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer | The Prophecy by Eden
Fanvid: BTVS S03 Humor - "You're Gonna Wake Up In A Coma" by DarkEleni
Fanvid: Buffy S8 by Lewys Tapscott-Nott
Music: Nova Sings - "Rest in Peace," Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Cover) by Nova Dogood
Artwork process video: Draw Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanart by Lia Livingstone (Buffy, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I'll be rating the Buffy seasons, especially based on your survey responses by Cailly_Brard16
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Video: The BEST Buffy the Vampire boardgame is from the year 2000? by StarlitCitadel
Video: Older and Faraway-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Buffy Season 4 Review by SundayScariesReview
Podcast: Stay Doomed 210: Buffy the Animated Series by PlusTwoComedy
[Community Announcements]
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Join the Buffyverse Discord Server! by reallyreal-madeingold
[Fandom Discussions]
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Season 7 Faith being worried about Buffy is my all time favorite thing ever by fictiongods
Btvs sseason 1 ep 7/8 thoughts by thatweirdomidas
Fictional Friday: Rupert Giles by digitalnewberry
This argument with Tara and Willow is so fucking weird by nicnacsnonsense
How did the knights know that Buffy & co were in that RV? by nicnacsnonsense
I've been reeling over Spike's speech in s7e2 all day by stardust-kiddo
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Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by GoSpuffy and others
The dynamic between Maggie Walsh and Riley continued by vampmogs
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My personal comparisons between Buffy and Angel by ukcountrylover
My top 5s (best to least favourite) [from Angel] by ukcountrylover
An observation season 5, e19 [of Angel] by sugarintheboots
Thoughts about final season [of Angel] by MarvelNerdess
Where are the characters now? by speashasha
Does anyone have a skip-watch guide of Angel season 5? by cre8ivemind
Who had the funniest scenes while under Willow's accidental spell in "Something Blue"? by jdpm1991: r/buffy
What was really supposed to be the takeaway with Riley in S5? by brwitch
How was Spike received when the show first aired? by stnkykermie
Spin-off series [Ripper] by Booty_and_theB3ast
Kennedy can bugger off. It should have been these two [Willow and Fred] by Eldon42
Question... Buffy/Spike by jenyovation
Andrew appreciation post by Potato_Direwolf
A Question about Holy Water by Seer77887
Buffy vs. [Xin Rong and Nikki Wood] by FoxIndependent4310
Top 5s by Pumpkins217
Xander vs Anya: An Olivia Rodrigo Perspective by Prometheus321
Is this an example or not of the “bury your gays” trope? by Caldel1992
What was your reaction when Angel lost is soul in season 2? by Anyanka_Tin
The main characters at their best and at their worst by TheAncientSun
Vampire's Drinking Habits by UbettaBNaked
Willow as “Warren” in season 7 by diamondapple17
Ripper season 6 by SvenVersluis2001
Joyce and dawn. (Appreciation post) by BetterFriend9895
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Video: Snyder's Downfall on Buffy by Pensive Whiskers
Podcast: Storytelling Through Costuming by A Girl, A Guy and A Buffy Podcast
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Article: Angel Was So Much More Than The "Adult Version" of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Den of Geek
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misstisalir · 1 year
Being Brough Back
So *someone* talked me in to coming back to Tumblr. While I wait to see if I'll get to use my old codes, here are my characters available for use:
Barbara Gordon | Oracle | FC: Bryce Dallas Howard | DC Universe A spitfire of a woman, daughter to James Gordon, Barbara has established herself as a veritable good guy kingpin. She provides intelligence and hacking to those who need it, the best technical advisor you could find anywhere. Keep in mind that Babs will not take any shit from anyone, and if she has something on her mind, you can be sure she'll tell you.
Timothy "Tim" Jackson Drake | FC: Ryan Potter | DC Universe
Genius, sleuth, prodigy. Tim is a proud Robin, and knows that his mind is second to very few, if any. Book smart, snarky, and happy to be part of the Wayne family, Tim is a bit of an oddity, but he likes it that way. If only he was a little less serious.
Michelle Evans | "Wolf" | FC: Emilia Clarke | Marvel Universe
Michelle Evans, the daughter of two nobodies that she'd just as soon avoid, became entrenched in SHIELD when she was only 14. Taken away from an abusive family who didn't quite understand her Mutation, the girl is now safely working as a translation expert, not allowed on field missions. She's met the Avengers, sure, but how are you supposed to be allowed out when your mutation is literally a feral creature trapped in human form?
Sarah Rogers | FC: Jessica Chastain | Marvel Universe
Multiple timelines available. The Irish Catholic mother of one Steven Grant Rogers. See Chara page for one Verse idea. Others available.
Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch | FC: Elizabeth Olsen | Marvel Universe
Daughter of a Jewish father and Romani mother, Wanda was raised as a settled Romani woman by Marya and Django Maximoff. Living in Sokovia meant she was raised in a world at war, and it was as a child in this war-torn country that she realized that she was a witch. Keeping it a secret from her parents until they died, Wanda considers herself estranged from both God and the Roma peoples, thinking her mutant gifts nothing more than a curse. Her life was forever entwined with her beloved brother Pietro, One soul in two bodies to her mind. The pair relied on HYDRA to fix their world, only to become experiments. One prison for another, she belonged to the Avengers until the Sokovia Accords threatened to rip her freedom from her, and she ran away to live a life of solitude...missing the other half of her soul, and relying heavily on Vision. (Wandavision and after available.)
Sigyn Freyjasdottir | FC: Bryce Dallas Howard | Marvel Universe/Norse Myth
Sigyn is the daughter of Freyja, the proud goddess of fidelity. Sharp tongued and honest, this Vanir woman is a master of the Seidr, illusory magic her skill of specialty. Married to Loki early on in a marriage of political convenience between the Vanir and the As, she once suffered, but since long before his supposed 'betrayal', she has been in love. The woman is a fierce protector of her 'dead' husband, and will ever defend him.
Fenrir, the Dread Wolf | FC: Alex Saxon | Marvel Universe
You want to talk about a young man with hatred in his heart and a weight on his shoulders, look no further. Fen knows well what was done to him, and feels betrayed every day. Scars in his fur mark the passage of time, and the ever hungry son of Loki stays, chained. He has learned to cast his semblance, though, to give him some kind of gift of FREEDOM, to feel like just another person.
Lyanna Stark | FC: Lyndsy Fonseca | Game of Thrones (MULTIVERSE)
The stoic daughter of the North, Lyanna is a woman that would likely be more at home on the Battlefield than in the castle. However, she was promised to marry Robert Baratheon, much to her chagrin, and was embroiled in her own duty. Never let it be said that Lyanna did not do her best, for Duty and Honor were above all for her at one point in her life. However, a roguish prince from the Royal family claimed her heart, and stole her away from an unhappy arrangement...And she bore him a son. (Multiple Verses Available)
Alice Liddell | FC: Mia Wasikowska| Multiverse
The Liddell line is a delightfully mad thing, and it all began with one girl, dizzy and dreamy. Alice Liddell is the original girl down the rabbit hole, able to slip between one world and the next with such ease that it might well shock others to see.
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mcgnagallsarmy · 2 years
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #11: Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge
1st month - Last, Kingdom, Girl, Dark, When, Winter, Light, Window:
The Girl Who Courted Death by OffYourBird [NC-17]
Due to a misfortune of genetics, Buffy is never Called as a Slayer. Instead, she grows up in L.A. with a different set of challenges and trials, unaware of the supernatural world. That is, until a chance encounter with the Slayer of Slayers changes her life—and everything afterward—forever.
2nd month - Midnight, Never, Into, Sun, Love, Good, Spell, Search:
Midnight in Rome by Dusty [R]
It'll take more than death and a fiery apocalypse to keep them apart now.
3rd month - End, Fall, Loud, Queen, Woods, Nine, Beautiful, Crown:
Till the End of the World by slaymesoftly [R]
A short future fic, in which circumstances have kept Buffy and Spike apart for many years, but as the world slips into decline, he seeks her out.
4th month - Race, Now, Chose, While, Stop, Burn, Red, One:
Let it Burn! by Axell [Adult Only]
Her eyes followed the blood. Summers blood. She counted the drops. Ten. Then it stopped. If Dawn dies, I’m through. I don’t want to live in a world if these are the choices. Slowly, her head rose up. Their eyes met. Green and amber. A look passed between them then a nod. Her own voice echoed into her mind. I’m counting on you. To avenge her. Us. He made a promise. Until dusk will swallow them all.
5th month - Thorn, Catch, Black, Under, City, Cloud, Sing, Legacy:
Catch by Holly [PG]
Someone asked him once how long it had taken, falling into sync with her.
6th month - Sea, You, Hate, Perfect, Shade, Until, Beach, Little:
Future Perfect by Sigyn [R]
“I only show the truth,” the creature said. “The truth of the future. How you feel about it is all your own.” “What future?” Buffy demanded. “What are you talking about?” The demon smiled. “You’ll see soon enough.”
7th month - Star, Next, Infinity, Iron, Word, People, Rise, Clear:
Angel's People Skills by lex_hex [G]
Willow endeavors to teach Angel how to people. This is thwarted when Angel discovers Buffy and Spike have registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
8th month - Breath, Case, Hundred, Day, Happy, Language, Stay, Lie:
Midnight Chicken and Other Recipes Worth Living For (A Slayer's Guide to Moving Forward and Being Happy) by talesofstories [PG-13]
Spike is back in Buffy's life, and now they get to build a life together, a life that can be whatever they want it to be.
9th month - Bright, Here, Out, Life, Strange, Rule, Story, Salt:
Letting It Out by MaggieLaFey [G]
After the events of A Trip to the Store and Turning the Tables, Buffy is FINALLY ready for the Three Magic Words... or at least, she wants to be. If you haven't read the other two, just know that Buffy and Spike have been together for a while and have had intense (but fun!) experiences of the bedroom kind.
10th month - House, Bone, Haunt, Body, Blood, Witch, Murder, Mystery:
I Fought the World for Your Hand (Give My New Body a Chance) by williamthebloodied [NC-17]
On a scale of 1-10, Buffy’s idea for her Halloween costume this year probably fell on a precarious 5. It could be great, doing everything she hoped and more for both she and Spike. On the other hand, it could easily fall down the wrong side of the slippery slope into majorly bad, rehashing things best left demolished in the past. Also, recycling ideas was not the best look. But, if it worked the way she envisioned, with a hope and a prayer…it would eclipse that concern. or Buffy dresses up in 1870s fashion for Halloween and a whole lot of love ensues.
11th month - Many, Boy, River, Fever, Down, Gold, Jade, Hill:
Down the Road I Go by Megan_Tam [NC-17]
A Slayer. A vampire. A 1959 DeSoto. Spike kidnaps Buffy and heads back to Brazil in a misguided attempt to appease Drusilla. What starts out as revenge turns into an experience neither will forget. If they don't kill each other first.
12th month - Still, Cabin, Cafe, Night, Lake, By, Holiday, Fire:
Melting Fire by Freecat [R]
Set right after Dead Things. The night after, all he wants is talk. The night after, there’s nothing she wants less than talking. And suddenly they find themselves in another dimension; one that Buffy can’t leave. There’s only one way to get her out. A way with consequences.
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puckwritesstuff · 1 year
One Shot - The Winner Takes It All
The game is on again A lover or a friend A big thing or a small The winner takes it all
Been thinking about these two past couple of days.
Theoric wasn’t sure what Angrboða meant by inviting him to her home after the wake. He’d been content to stay with his brother for the night before heading back to Vanaheim and set his father’s affairs in order. But she’d put her arm around his, and smiled when she asked, and Fandral didn’t seem to mind the change of plans. They walked back, Ummi running ahead of them, clutching her stuffed rabbit.
“Your daughter is a ray of sunshine,” Theoric said.
“She’s been very brave these past few days,” Angrboða said. “Thank you, by the way, for your part in returning her to me.”
“Of course,” Theoric said. “How could I not help?”
Angrboða nodded. “I’ve never been the warrior mage that Sigyn is. I felt so helpless while she was gone. If I haven’t said it lately, I am thoroughly grateful for your friendship.”
“I distinctly remember something more than friendship,” Theoric said, smirking. “But if you ever need my help, you should never hesitate.”
Angrboða nodded, smiling.
They got back to the house, and Angrboða put her daughter to bed. Theoric sat on the couch, looking at the Midgardian-style home that was no longer strange in its styling, but still far from what he was used to on Vanaheim. Angrboða came back and sat next to him, her body quite close to his.
“If you’re looking for a repeat of four years ago, that wouldn’t be unwelcome,” Theoric said.
“I have a bad habit, I’m afraid,” Angrboða said. “I fall in love with men who are in love with Sigyn Heimdallsdottir.”
Theoric paused. “How old is Ummi?”
“Three and a half,” Angrboða said.
He nodded, leaning back. “Ah.”
“The king has changed a lot of the laws and customs around bastards,” Angrboða said. “For all the reasons you know. Ummi will be as full and free a citizen as any other.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” Theoric asked.
“Because you were still in love with her,” Angrboða said. “I mean, there’s the politics of it, but really it was because you were still in love with her— you are still in love with her.”
Theoric shook his head. “I let her go. She is my king, and I will serve her as such. She is a friend, and she’s your friend too.”
Angrboða nodded. “She is.”
“But Sigyn aside, politics aside, did you really think I wouldn’t want to know my own daughter?” he asked.
Angrboða looked away, guilt and grief clear on her face.
“I was scared,” she said. “Sigyn wanted nothing to do with you more than what she had to, and I had no other way to contact Vanaheim. And then everyone came back, including your father. Loathe as I am to speak ill of the dead, but what would he have thought of this? Of me, for doing this to you?”
“Doing this to me?” Theoric said. “Boða, I will do whatever you ask in this regard. If you want to raise her alone, if you don’t want me to be around, I will, reluctanly, respect your wishes. But if there’s any way that I can be a part of her life, I’d love a chance at that. She doesn’t have to be my heir, if you don’t want her to be part of the politics. But I would like the chance for her to be my daughter.”
Angrboða smiled, and gently leaned against his shoulder.
“I would like that,” she said. “And perhaps, we can talk about the rest.”
He put an arm around her, stroking her shoulder with his thumb.
“I think I’d like that,” he said.
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lilatreus · 2 years
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Yup sigyn does sure love loki. That’s why when they first met, she told loki she wouldn’t even want to be anywhere near him if she were single.
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They’re so in love that loki killed her fiancé so he could pretend to be him after she straight up rejected him.
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She loved him sooooo much that she cried when she realized she had gotten tricked into marrying loki, ultimately finding out the man she actually loved is dead.
comic: thor annual: #14 (1966)
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 6
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @roruna @puckwritesstuff @timeladyjamie @marvelentertainment
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Here you can find Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Gost Sigyn Story by @jonquilclegane
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For centuries, Loki pretended not to love Sigyn. It was not true, of course. Since the day, so long ago, she appeared to him in a vision, he had loved and desired her so much that he had killed her fiancé to take his place and marry her. However, he knew Sigyn was too good and too sweet for her own good. She did not have what it took to become a villainess, to kill and betray as he did. He knew she would trust the wrong people, believe their lies… after all, she loved him, the ultimate betrayer and liar.
Most of all, Loki feared his enemies would see his love for her. They would use her against him, threaten her to make him bend to their will. He refused this possibility, so he pretended to hate her. His poor wife loved him so much, showering him with praises and affection, and each time he saw her, he felt his heart getting warmer, craving her touch, her kisses. He did love her, just as much as she loved him. But Loki was determined. Every time she would be so sweet and lovely, he would reject her publicly, so anyone could see he hated her, and that, therefore, it would be useless to target her: he would not care and would let her die.
One night, Loki came home after defeating one of his oldest enemies. He was rather pleased with himself. But when he arrived, he found his rooms filled with blood, and his precious wife dead, lying on the floor, her corpse already cold and whiter than the Jotun snow. Loki screamed and wailed. He wanted revenge, but his enemy had already been killed by the Einherjar. And now, Sigyn was dead. He had lost her.
He could not lose her. He refused to.
He had played this cruel comedy of hating her to protect her, and she still had been murdered? How cruel were the Norns! She had died thinking he hated her…
Loki, then, performed a spell, calling Sigyn back from Valhalla.
When he saw her, as a ghost, he fell on his knees and cried, begging her to stay with him, forever. He told her how much he loved her, always had, and how stupid he had been, thinking that he could fool his enemies, so they would not take her from him.
Sigyn smiled and promised to stay by his side, letting Valhalla’s doors close themselves to her. She did not care for it, as long as she could be with Loki and as long as he loved her, she would be happy and content, even as a ghost.
Norns Sigyn
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Sigyn is Karnilla's daughter, but does not fall in love with Loki but with her mother's student Amora. Both girls have the same ambition and joys in each other. In doing so, they realize how much they have in common and begin to pursue a common goal, which brings them both so close that it transcends pure friendship. But since Amora sees love as a game, Sigyn gets Sigyn to raise the stakes and they both overthrow Karnilla from the throne of the North.
When Sigyn realizes that Amora used her, she feels heartbroken. The actual both just wanted the North and Asgard to have better diplomatic relations. She confronts Amora and it all ends in a heated fight that ends in a draw. Nevertheless, Sigyn acts and is appointed the new Queen of the North and banishes Amora, who from now on is considered outlaw in the North. But Sigyn's heart is still heavy, because that's not how she imagined it.
Dazzler Popstar Sigyn Story from my work colleague
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Life is a party and especially for Sig. But why just sit around boringly at home when you could also be a pop star. And that's exactly what Sig is working on and when he gets to know Loki there's no stopping them either! They form a band and call themselves "Ass hot chili peppers"
Guardians of the Galaxy Sigyn
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She hated the life of a princess and so she turned her back on that life. She traveled the galaxy and became a bounty hunter. By chance, she meets the Guardians of the Galaxy when they thwart her mission and unknowingly. At first, Sigyn just wants to teach them a lesson, because thanks to them, they couldn't carry out their assignment. But everything turns out differently and she becomes a part of this group and is a great help not only because of her magic, but also because she loves to tinker with Rocket's weapons.
Amora's second sister Sigyn
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In this universe, Sigyn is Amora's and Lorelei's youngest sister and was seduced into marriage by Loki. Her sisters wanted to prevent this but it was too late as a marriage vows in Asgard cannot be taken back if Odin blesses the marriage himself. And so Sigyn submitted to her fate to stand by Loki's side as his wife.
Centuries passed and Sigyn felt more and more lonely and became more and more calm. Endured all the centuries of Loki's whims and lies. Despite this, she always stood by Loki's side in her duty as a wife. Amora, who has a similar character to Loki, although her sister probably cares about her, asked Loki to talk and asked him to just let Sigyn go wherever she wanted. So that she can finally smile again. But Loki appreciated Sigyn's care a little bit, since she saved his life a few times. Even as Loki tried to win Amora over, Amora rejected Loki. But he didn't give up, so they had some kind of relationship. Amora again begs Loki to let Sigyn go and tell her about them. But Loki is Loki and never trust a Loki. He didn't and when he did tell her he made it seem like Amora had put a spell on him. Sigyn wasn't mad at her sister, she was mad at Loki that he always praises himself as Asgard's greatest magician and just falls for it. In conversation with her sister, however, the whole truth came to light and Sigyn also told Amora about the numerous other affairs Loki has. Amora, who didn't want to believe at first, demanded proof and Sigyn showed it to her. Amora was furious and wanted to teach Loki a lesson. But it didn't come to that as Loki triggered Ragnarok and many died. After all, when Amora searched for her sisters, she only found Lorelei, whom Sigyn was dead. In the search for answers, there were many eyewitnesses who said the same thing over and over again. That Loki was responsible for Sigyn's death. Amora betrayed her to Loki coldly and heartbroken. She would never again trust in Loki and find love altogether for the rest of her life.
The Cold Heart Sigyn Story by @jonquilclegane
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Sigyn was the nicest, sweetest maiden in all the realms. She loved her husband dearly, but he did not reciprocate her feelings. After the death of her two children, Sigyn felt pain and anger rising in her chest, killing her from the inside. It became unbearable. After helping her husband, bond to a rock, for centuries, she felt weary and sick. Her feelings, she realized, were the issue. So she performed a spell to remove them from her heart.
She felt numb. Numb but free. Free from her sadness. Free from her guilt to still be alive when her children were dead. Free from her unrequited feelings for her husband.
She knew she would not love again, but what was love but the sweetest poison, destroying you, fooling you into believing in happy endings, when there is nothing but pain and despair waiting for you?
And so, without a goodbye, she left Asgard, never to return.
Mobius is Sigyn from @roruna (Archive of Our Own Fanfiction)
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Golden Siggy (Victory Bringer series) from roruna:
Sigurd Iwaldison stands on the edge of the broken bifrost, grieving for his beloved Loki.
Based on a story Boastful Loki tells in my other fic, Enduring Bond. Should work as a stand alone though.
Merchant Sigyn
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This Sigyn (Sig) never met Loki and Thor. He became a merchant because he could never imagine life as a farmer and he succeeded. Although Sig never became one of the wealthiest merchants, he didn't care. He marries a woman named Eir who is a great healer and has 6 children with her, four sons and two daughters. They are a happy big family living in the country in a house with a big garden.
Sigyn Story by @the-stars-descend
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If you want to follow this Sigyn story follow the-stars-descend blog
Jane Austen Sigyn Story by @jonquilclegane
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Miss Sigyn Iwaldidottir has been in love with Lord Loki Odinson, but as she comes from a merchant’s family, she has no hope of ever marrying him, though their mothers were friends. The only thing she could become is his mistress, but she refuses that possibility. However, when it turns out that Loki is not his father’s son, but an illegitimate child, society turns against him – except Sigyn, who still loves him.
Part 7 is in progress ^^
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dailylogyn · 3 years
Logyn Meta: Loki & Sigyn’s Relationship in Mythology
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It’s a classic tale, and arguably one of the most famous in mythology: How Sigyn held a bowl above her lover’s head to shield Loki from the snake’s venom, in turn, holding back Ragnarok a little longer. 
But how did Loki and Sigyn come to be married? How did they meet? How did they fall in love? 
With so many questions, but few answers we are left with in what has survived with the stories today, we are often left to ponder how the story of Loki and Sigyn came to be. As have many others before me, I will be exploring my thoughts with what information we are given to ponder as to how these two lovers became a thing.
To answer this question, we must go back to the beginning where Sigyn was first introduced to us in the mythologies, presenting the ONLY information we know about their relationship -- specifically: The Poetic Edda & Prose Edda.
In the poem, Lokasenna, the most famous of poem’s with the couple, it talks of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth. 
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.”  
Now, knowing the little knowledge we have on their relationship, it’s time to explore it from the Viking’s point of view, which is where this all pretty much originated from, in order to understand it better.
Viking Way of Love and Life
I’m no expert in this category, in fact, I’m still learning about it as I go, but there are some important key things to note here about the Viking’s POV on things and how it ties into Loki & Sigyn’s relationship. 
Divorce was completely acceptable in Viking Times. In fact, women could own property, request a divorce and reclaim dowries if a marriage ended. She could divorce him for a good number of reasons actually. 
Women often remained faithful to their husbands, although they were known to have extramarital sex. If they were caught cheating by the husbands, it usually ended pretty badly for the women. 
A Man couldn’t marry his concubine, so his wife wouldn’t have to feel threatened about competition. They usually all lived in the same household. Adultery concerning the husband was okay, but not the wife.
Vikings didn’t categorize people as homosexual, bisexual, straight or etc.They differentiated between submissive and dominant roles in sexual relationships. Homosexuality was acceptable with limits.
Poetry was a big part of Courtship. 
Typically marriage was usually for alliances, set up by families and parents. However, this doesn’t mean there wasn’t romance or love between couples or potential marriages. 
Family life was important to Norse Men and people usually aimed to survive: typically by marrying and having children. 
How does this apply to Loki and Sigyn? Now, let’s dive into the typical hypothesis of their relationship. I call it a typical hypothesis because it hasn’t really been outright pointed out in the mythologies, but it’s something the Mythology community usually agrees on concerning Loki and Sigyn’s relationship from what we know here.
A Hypothesis into Loki & Sigyn’s Marriage
The marriage between the two of them alone is usually questioned by others, especially concerning Loki’s chaotic nature and Sigyn’s undying loyalty. Obviously, she could have divorced him whenever she wanted to if things were bad, but instead she remains by his side which leads us to the fact, not only does she truly love Loki, but she also knows more to him than we do -- as if there is a secret hidden side to the god of Mischief.
It is sometimes implied that the marriage between Loki and Sigyn was an arranged one to establish position in Asgard  -- as marriages typically were in Viking Times. This doesn’t mean there wasn’t love between them, In fact, it could have been a perfectly arranged marriage. 
Sigyn isn’t blind to Loki’s flaws, knowing perfectly well how her lover is and accepting him flaws and all -- unlike the other gods. It’s more than likely she knows about his other children: Jormungandr, Sleipnir, Hel and Fenrir, just as she probably knows about his affair with Angrboda. Again, this wasn’t an uncommon thing in Viking Times for a man to have another lover and other children with them. 
Loki is very much a family person, just as he enjoys having fun. There has never been anything alluding to him abandoning his family or abusing Sigyn and his kids despite what pop culture or other versions may say. Instead, they have been taken away from him by others in someway (ex: Vali having to kill Narvi as the gods use his insides as Loki’s bindings. Odin taking away all of Loki’s children, making Hel the ruler of the underworld, Jory the serpent of Midgard’s sea and Fenrir locked in bonds. Lets also not forget Sleipnir becoming Odin’s horse and most of his children dying during Ragnarok because of said gods. Sigyn’s whereabouts are unknown and Angrboda is dead. Case in point: I’d wanna start Ragnarok too.) 
Vikings typically used motifs or symbolism with their writings. This is where the “opposites attract/compliment each other aka Balance of nature’ comes into play. While Loki is outright known as a Trickster God, hence the God of Mischief (which is typically harmless pranks or fun), but it usually ends with bad results for him, turning into Chaos. And what’s the opposite of Chaos? Constancy and Order. Although it isn’t outright stated, she is pointed out as Loki’s loyal wife and seems to offer that Constancy to his Chaos. Hence, some of us refer to them as “Different Sides of the Same Coin.” 
Loki and Sigyn’s relationship is typically misunderstood by others nowadays thanks to how little information we have on them in the texts, some peoples own interpretations of their relationship (*coughs* MARVEL COMICS *coughs*) and how much Sigyn still remains to be unknown by others. 
I believe that if their relationship was to be portrayed in the proper way, taking everything here into note and not given to writers who don’t understand or refuse to take the time to understand their relationships/characters, they might actually be understood better overall. A good example of this I’ve found myself is from the German Movie: Mara and the Firebringer and Neil Gaiman’s book: Norse Mythology. They both explore Loki and Sigyn’s relationship in a proper light, not undermining either of them and exploring their thought process and actions in ways that only strength their relationship and one another as individual characters bonded together in marriage. 
Bonus mention to The Bifrost Incident by The Mechanisms for their interpretation of Loki and Sigyn’s relationship as well. 
Viking Love: 8 Facts about Love and Love making from the Vikings - https://historycollection.com/eight-facts-love-marriage-viking-style/
The Love Life of the Vikings - https://historyofyesterday.com/love-life-of-vikings-f21c9ed58d4e
Norse Mythology Character Tropes - https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/NorseMythology
Mara and the Firebringer TV Tropes (SPOILERS BEWARE) - https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/MaraAndTheFirebringer
Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology (Book) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norse_Mythology_(book)
The respective Edda’s are linked above by their names. 
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Disclaimer: No one owns Loki; he’s just a hot pain in my sass. No one owns Hel. I don’t own Marvel or Viacom. Mythological similarities are mostly coincidental.
A/N: Part 7 of the Sigyn Timeline of the Duchess Series, (find masterlist here)! Still looking for a beta for future chapters, so if you’re interested, hit me up. I'd also love to hear your opinions.
Series Warnings: Loki/fem!reader. Reader has nickname and backstory but no physical description. Language, panty theft, masturbation, public nudity, seismophobia. Warnings will be added as the series goes on. I’m considering adding additional pairings with other characters. Let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in.
Series Summary: This series begins during Thor (2011) and generally follows along that plot. After Loki’s visit to the SHIELD encampment, the timeline branches
Timeline Warnings: Torture, Odin being his usual shitty self, violence toward/gruesome death of children, character death, imprisonment, public sex, drinking
Timeline Summary: This timeline follows the Sacred Timeline through the end of Thor (2011), at which point you’re stranded on Asgard until the end of Avengers/beginning of Dark World
Chapter Warnings: Cunnilingus, fingering, pregnancy, mention of child/animal abuse, fluff, smut, vaginal intercourse (m/f)
Chapter Summary: You stay the evening in Hel, learning about Loki's children by Angrboða.
Word Count: 1518
Ganglöt, the old woman who took your horses when you arrived, shows you to your rooms. She stokes the coals in the hearth, their heat beginning to warm the grand chamber while the winds and sleet shake the windows beyond. Ganglöt excuses herself with a curtsy as Loki hangs your cloaks by the fire.
You sit in one of the comfy armchairs and the embellishments on your cloak reignite your irritation. Running your fingernails up your scalp with a groan, you find him offering you a cup of tea. You accept the saucer gratefully, still brewing in your thoughts.
“Did you not want to stay the night?” he asks, perplexed.
“Wha-no. I’m happy to be here. Hel is darling and I’m glad you introduced us.
“I…I just…were you planning this?! The pregnancy?” You look up, searching his face.
He takes the seat across from you, putting his tea aside. “In a sense, yes, but I didn’t expect it to happen now. I’m just as surprised as you are by the news, though I feel I should have been more careful.”
You shake your head, “Unless you have some magical condoms you neglected to use, I’m not sure what the difference would have been. It’s not like the pull-out method is reliable.” You take a slow drink of tea. “You asked if I wanted to stay pregnant. Does that mean there’s some way to end it if I don’t?”
“Miscarriages are caused by a variety of hands. It would be as though it never happened.”
You nod and take another sip. He reaches over, giving your knee a squeeze. “I will support you, whatever you choose to do. As I said, we will figure this out together.”
Dinner is served at a long table, the two of you taking seats of honor at Hel’s right hand. The remainder of the chairs are filled with the dead. Ganglöt and Ganglati serve great slabs of beef, a lentil curry, and thick slices of nutty bread.
You sip water from onyx chalice while Hel wipes milk from her upper lip. Beside her, a shaggy grey wolfhound with a blood red chest waits patiently for scraps. He occasionally gives a playful, expectant half-snarl.
As the girl cuts into her meat, she asks after her brothers. Loki bites his lip, “I haven’t seen Jörmungandr in quite some time. I’ve heard he grows greater by the day, though finding his position as he circles Midgard can prove challenging.”
“My brother, Jörmungandr, is a great serpent,” Hel explains. “He swims in the deep sea around your Midgard. Our eldest brother, Fenrir, is an immense wolf whose pups, Sköll and Hati chase the sun and moon across the sky.”
“Ah, yes,” Loki adds, “I was allowed to bring Fenrir back to Asgard to raise him in the palace. Eventually, Father found my offspring's size threatening, so he conspired with Týr to chain Fenrir on the island Lyngvi. That’s how Týr lost his hand, though he acts as though it was some great battle.” He rolls his eyes. Turning back to Hel, he admits he's been away from Asgard for months.
Your hand moves to guard your womb beneath the table as you look between the two. Odin treats his grandchildren even worse than he has Loki. “That’s horrible,” you shudder. “How can he do that to his own grandchildren?” You reach out to squeeze Hel's hand. “You deserve better, sweetheart. No child should be burdened with this sort of responsibility.”
She smiles. “It’s ok. I’m better off than the others, and I have help.”
“Father must love having you at court,” Loki grins.
“We’ve had our…disagreements,” you smile sheepishly, buttering some bread. “I, uh, do my best to avoid his company.”
Following dinner, you congregate in the parlor where Hel plays mournful tunes on a magnificent organ, and you attempt to best her father at chess. As the hour grows late, Loki announces it’s time for bed. You pass through the library, where you each choose a book and she hugs you goodnight before Loki goes to tuck her in.
When he gets back to your rooms, you’re dressed for bed and reading beneath the covers, having discovered a small collection negligees in the closet. The look he gives you sends a shiver up your spine. “My, don’t you look delectable darling.” The fire highlights his angular features and the flames dance in his eyes.
By the time you’ve marked your page and closed the book he’s naked and yanking the sheets from the foot of the bed. He crawls beneath them, grasping your ankles before sliding his hands up to spread your legs.
You whimper, your fingers curling around the bedpost as you feel his breath along your vee. He massages the crease of your thighs, kissing your pearl, gently at first, then with progressing fervor until you’re panting.
The bed jostles as a second Loki, gloriously nude, joins you and tears away the covers to reveal his double. “Oh,” you gasp, surprised. He grins and pulls the silk nightie over your head, placing your hands on the head of his duplicate, your breasts squeezed between your arms. Your fingers wind through thick locks as the first Loki nibbles your lower lips, inciting a squeak.
The other straddles you, sliding his cock up the center of your chest. Below, a tongue breaches your entrance, and you grip fistfuls of hair as your thighs quake. The one atop you is rubbing his thumbs around your nipples, squeezing your tits as slowly fucks between them.
You’re pitched over the edge by a sudden sucking at your clit. Through your lashes you see the god above you shift to rest his cock on your open mouth, gripping your head as you moan around his seeping tip.
You roll to a second peak by the lips on your cunt, fingers pushing into you, spreading you wide as the one on top slides down your throat. He groans when you keen, tears pricking your eyes as your mouth struggles to encompass his girth. He finds his rhythm, fucking your face and meets your shining eyes. “You take me beautifully, darling. Look at you, trying so hard to swallow my cock.”
Between your legs, the other Loki kneels, coating his head on your slick folds, slowly licking your release from his lips. You grasp at the sheets in anticipation, your shoulders pinned beneath the other’s thighs. You gag, trying to breathe each time he pulls back and he gently strokes the tears on your cheek.
Below, a cock breeches your entrance, and you choke for air as you try to adjust. He matches the rhythm of the one down your throat, reviving the familiar coil in your core. The room is filled with the salacious sounds of them pounding into you, of your spit and cum easing their motion, of pleasured moans and gasps of need.
The thrusts to your mouth grow erratic. He expands and stills, shooting thick, salty heat down your throat. You struggle to swallow, tongue pressing up along his shaft, then release him with a pop. He grins and disappears as the remaining god pulls your leg over his shoulder. He holds it tight against his chest and toys maddeningly with your clit.
“Would you like to cum darling?” he asks, smirking down at you, slowing his pace. All you can manage is a whimper. “I’m going to need more than that dear,” his eyes spark. “Beg.”
“Loki…please…” you plead between gasps.
“Please what, darling?” he slows further, thrusting lazy and stills his hand.
“Please Loki, I want to cum,” the words force themselves from your lips with urgency, and his thrusts push slightly deeper. “I need to cum, please let me cum!” He’s enjoying it, watching you bend to the subjugation, and you find a freedom in allowing him this level of control. You clutch at him, grabbing his ass, willing him to speed up.
“Uh-ah,” he tuts. “Only good girls get release. And only I decide when you’ve earned it.” He moves his fingers from your clit to knead your breast. “Besides, you’re so pretty when you beg.”
You keen, wrapping your free leg around him. “I’ll be good. I’ll be good for you,” you implore, twitching, gripping him with your cunt. “Please make me cum!”
He grins, “Don’t take your eyes off me,” he pounds into you with renewed ferocity, the line of curls down his pelvis rubbing up against you, causing you to spasm. “Look at me and cum. Now!”
“Aghhhh Lo-” his hand covers your mouth as you fight to meet his eyes in your delight. He keeps rutting into you, until you’re shuddering with afterglow, then spills his seed into your cunt. You whimper when he pulls out, sliding against your most sensitive spot.
You pant together as you come down and he kisses you softly, nuzzling against your cheek and stroking your hair. You fall asleep with his arms around you, his chest warm against your back. Safe and content in the land of the dead.
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I'd love to hear more about What If…Sigyn Joined the Avengers!
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Sorry it took me so long to get to this! I'm not taking any new request right now. This is just me clearing out my asks/drafts for my own mental health.
This is an answer to this post I made...oh God, back in October
So this is what I've got if Sigyn came down to Earth instead of Thor to bring Loki back to Asgard
First of all, grand entrance would have to change, she's not flying down onto the wing of a plane and yeeting Loki out of there without so much as an explanation
New entrance, great beam of light right into the middle of the fight in Germany knocking everyone back; Sigyn steps out of the Bifrost and Loki is immediately taken aback. Tony, Steve, and Natasha all kind of pause at the new arrival as she announces herself as Princess Sigyn of Asgard and she is there to take Loki back to Asgard to face trial for his crimes. Loki already feeling betrayed by her and sensing an opportunity loudly proclaims her as his wife which gets the rest of the Avengers immediately suspicious. Sigyn magically binds Loki, making sure he stays put as she tries to appease the rest of the team. Tony isn't having it and fires the first shot, starting an all out brawl between her and the rest of the team.
Ends in a stale mate with Steve acting as the middle man between Sigyn and Tony; Steve is able to see in the fight that Sigyn is pulling her punches while Tony and Natasha attack and sees she's not a threat
They all get on the plan to the helicarrier with Loki in tow, allowing time to talk things out somewhat
Sigyn takes the time to try and have a one on one conversation with Loki, but is hindered as Loki is trying to keep up a facade in front of Steve and Tony, not really allowing them to have an honest private conversation; all the same Sigyn tries to plead her case, telling him that she did mourn even if those around her thought her foolish to do so
Once they get to the helicarrier Sigyn gets an opportunity to talk with the rest of the Avengers
Tony still doesn't trust her, Steve is cautious, but more open, Natasha definitely doesn't trust her, and Bruce is in the same boat as Steve since she hasn't done anything to hurt the team
Either A) she's trying to help Tony and Bruce in the lab using her knowledge of Asgardian technology or B) she's trying to get Nick Fury to allow her to talk to Loki without the cameras on; "You're his audience and right now he's playing a very specific part and refuses to break character so long as he's on stage. Let me at least try to pull him off stage."
Things go to shit as Clint attacks the ship
Either A) Sigyn goes off to try and take care of the Hulk, attempting to put him to sleep with her magic. She is successful for the most part until either SHIELD agents or some of Clint's guys come in shooting, waking Hulk's anger once more leading to the Hulk jumping out of the ship and crash landing. Sigyn then goes below to try and keep Loki from escaping. They battle, each trying to get the other back into the cell. Loki gets the upper hand, pushing her in, but notably doesn't try to go for the release button, instead warning her to stay put. (First hint we get that Loki doesn't actually want her dead)
Or B) Sigyn tries to lore the Hulk down below to Loki's cell, using illusions and magic to get him to follow her. She's successful and even pulls Loki out in order to get the Hulk in. For a brief moment they work together. Once he's in there is a pause before Sigyn magics a pair of cuffs to one of the poles and a fight between her and Loki begin while Hulk rages in his cage. At some point in the fight the button gets pushed and Hulk is thrown out. In the confusion Sigyn also starts falling. Loki reaches out to grab her, but misses and we get the first look that he's actually worried about her.
If we go with option A) Sigyn is there for the first bit of the final battle with Tony and Steve, if B) Hulk catches her mid fall and they both crash land, leading to her and Bruce having a moment before taking a motorcycle into the city (she can't fly so it'll have to do)
Either way, Sigyn knows she will have to fight Loki, but still want to try one final time to talk to him
Big battle ensues; Sigyn eventually makes it to the top of Stark tower for a final show down with Loki
They circle each other, Sigyn trying one final time to talk Loki to stop what he's doing
"You could run," Sigyn pleaded. "Shut down the portal. They'll be too distracted to see where you've gone. I'll say you knocked me unconscious. There will be questions, but I'll find you and we'll go."
"Anywhere," she promised. "Anywhere you want. We'll find a place where nobody knows our names and start over. Please. If you have any love for me left..."
"I do love you, but I've gone to far to do anything else."
Final fight between them ensues ending with Sigyn temporarily tied up while Loki makes a retreat
Rest of the movie happens, Sigyn gets some chances to fight with the rest of the Avengers, portal closes, Loki is captured and they both head back to Asgard
And that's all I got. If any of you are interested if what she might do in the other Avengers movies with this set up, let me know!
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gdcee · 3 years
Old Friends
Summary: Loki doesn't meet his three counterparts in the TVA's garbage dump at the end of time but someone else entirely.
Warnings: Some sexual innuendo. Troubling possessive childhood behaviour. Mention of unwanted sexual advances (not perpetrated by either of the main characters in the fic).
Loki considers the words neatly painted in bright red letters on the large signpost.
NO LOKIS (except for the kid and alligator they're cool)
He squints, wondering if his earlier rough landing has jumbled some connections in the language processing bits of his brain. He shakes his head and reads again.
Nope, he evidently did not misread the bit about the alligator.
"What in the name of Buri's wrinkly left-"
Before Loki can finish uttering the obscenity, an overwhelming aura of powerful magic smothers him. He barely has a chance to retaliate before he's swept away like a pebble in a fluvial flood.
He finds himself lying on the half-withered gray-green grass, staring incredulously at the softly glowing incorporeal fetters wrapped about his chest and ankles.
There's only one person he knows with this particular type of binding magic.
But no, no it couldn't be. It couldn't possibly be-
"You have a lot of nerve," her achingly familiar voice rings out in the desolate silence. Her equally familiar face comes into view as she leans over his prone form, "Coming here."
"Sigyn," he can only manage a hoarse whisper at first, but giddy elation soon overtakes shock, and his mouth widens in a cheeky grin, "Oh, I'm certainly not doing that at present but since you've already skipped past dinner to the bonda-"
Sigyn whacks him sharply on the head with her staff. Not hard enough to cause any pain, but hard enough to startle him into silence.
"Brazen," she sighs, sounding more exasperated than offended, "Every single one of you."
"I prefer cockyyy-" Loki trails off at the unamused glare she shoots him, "-shutting up now."
"Good choice."
Sigyn shakes her head and dispels the fetters that hold him. Though familiar, in truth, Loki hasn't felt her magic so close to him in centuries. Not since they were children and he was showing her how to conjure fireworks in her hands.
He wonders briefly if her hair still smells like apple blossoms.
"Come on," she reaches for his hand and pulls him to his feet without waiting for his assent, "Time to go. You know the rules."
"I don't actually," Loki tries not to look upset when she lets go of his hand (pathetic, Norns, he is pathetic), "I don't even know where...what this place is." He frowns, considering. "Probably not Hel since you're here."
Sigyn coughs a short, sharp bark of a laugh. There's no humour in it.
"This is Hel," she says, "In all but name."
"So...I'm dead?"
Sigyn sighs again, closes her eyes and blows at the loose strand of hair hanging in her face.
"Wonderful. You're a new one then. You remember being pruned, yes?"
"Yes. Not very pleasant."
"Quite. Well, this-" she moves one arm in a fluid, graceful arc, gesturing in grandiose fashion at the depressing panorama of refuse and ruined buildings littered about the grey landscape. "-is where the TVA sends their rubbish. Everyone they prune, any physical material from a reset timeline - it ends up here."
"Everything?" Loki quirks an eyebrow, "Seems a little empty of clutter if the refuse of millions of dead timelines is being dumped here."
"Ah. Yes, that would be the work of the giant purple cloud monster of eternal, ceaseless hunger that devours all within its path."
An ominous sounding growl underlaid with the rumble of thunder sounds faintly in the distance.
Loki looks towards the distant horizon and sees a large dark, purplish smear like a fresh bruise in the grey sunless sky. Light flares and something that vaguely resembles a galaxy-class battlecruiser falls from the heavens. Immediately, the great bruised mass is upon the hulking remains.
He is uncomfortably reminded of that ridiculous nightmare he used to have about being phagocytosed by a giant amoeba (he longs for such innocent days, when his bad dreams were the result of his overactive imagination processing tedious microbiology lessons and not recollections of the various horrors he has experienced).
"That would be Alioth. The giant purple cloud monster. Don't ask me who came up with that name. Now if you'll excuse me-" Sigyn turns briskly on her heel and heads off in the direction beyond the NO LOKIS sign.
"Wha- hold on! You're just going to leave?You're leaving me to that thing??"
"Oh please, you'll have plenty of time before it gets here. Besides," she mutters, "You're a Loki. There's a thousand of you in this Norns forsaken wasteland. Trust me, if there's one thing you all do very well, it's survive."
Her words hurt more than he wants to admit. That bad memory loop with Sif had been more painful for obvious reasons, but...he knew what Sif thought of him. Even back then, those words she'd thrown at him had not surprised him.
As a child, he'd always felt special to Sigyn. She'd wanted to be his friend, his own true friend and not just Thor's friend who didn't mind having Loki along for the ride. She'd liked the same things he did. She'd always laughed at his jokes and pranks.
He'd felt like he mattered to her.
Of course that had only made him abominably possessive. He just couldn't abide any other child having her attention. The fear of an insecure wretch - so terrified that if Sigyn looked away even for a moment, she would see something better, that she would find him wanting.
He shouldn't have been surprised when Sigyn did not protest at her father sending her to live with her late mother's relatives on Alfheim when her true powers manifested on the cusp of puberty.
He'd...he'd said such awful things to her before she'd gone. When two people have been friends for centuries, they know exactly what to say to make it hurt. Sigyn had given back as good as she got, but instead of petty childish insults, her accusations had rung with truth.
She'd known why no one wanted to be her friend, she'd known exactly what he'd been doing behind her back - all the tricks, all the schemes, everything he'd done to ensure that none would take his friend from him.
As a parting shot she'd declared that even though he'd been horrid, she had stayed his friend because she had cared about him. That he had been special to her and she hadn't wanted to lose him either.
It was one thing to lose his only friend besides his brother - it was another to know that all his fears had been naught but smoke and mirrors. That he had been awful, that he'd made Sigyn sad and disappointed for absolutely nothing.
She had returned to Asgard.
Týr could only use the excuse of his daughter's magical education for so long. Someone of her abilities was too important an asset for the Allfather to ignore.
In the end, they had come to a reconciliation (of sorts) because they were tired of avoiding each other.
Or perhaps, the more simple truth (that neither would have admitted to) was that they missed each other.
They were never again as close as they'd been as children, but they'd stayed friends (or friendly at least). On good enough terms that the Warriors Four had not sought her out to spin their tale of treachery and magical incursion (Sigyn certainly would have been the ideal person to subdue a treacherous, power-mad and magically gifted regent). But not on good enough terms that he would have approached her for help in his ill-conceived scheme to delay Thor's coronation (perhaps events would have played out more favourably if he'd had someone to bounce ideas off).
That had been his Sigyn anyway. The one who didn't even exist now. Reset into non-existence by the TVA along with everything else on the timeline he'd been taken from.
Did you mourn, he'd asked his brother.
We all did.
He wonders if the Sigyn he'd known had mourned him.
The Sigyn briskly walking away now seems ill-inclined to mourn any Loki. What had the Loki of her timeline done to make her want to have nothing to do with him? He isn't sure if he wants to know.
He is tired. So very, very tired. Tired of feeling responsible for things he has not done (yet? is it really destiny if your life is just a series of bullet points on a checklist created and enforced by a totalitarian bureaucratic organization built by person or persons unknown?). Tired of not being able to do anything to make amends for the things that he actually is responsible for.
Except...he can.
Sigyn isn't a memory construct, she is real, she is here.
It's just one thing, one little thing and it is paltry compared to the other ill-deeds he has committed (and the ones he is fated to commit)-
But it's something at least.
Loki catches up to her easily (being roughly a head taller has its advantages) and grabs the end of her staff.
She fixes him with those sharp, dark eyes and he realises he doesn't know how he's supposed to start this. He swallows past the lump in his throat and says the first word that comes to mind.
Her eyes soften just a little, but her mouth remains set in a firm, hard line, and she tries to tug the staff out of his grasp.
He doesn't let go.
"Stop trying to stall me."
"I'm not-" Loki bites back the instinctive protestation and soldiers on. "I need to tell you I'm sorry about what I said before Alfheim and for everything I did before that. I'm sorry that I was selfish, I'm sorry that I didn't trust you, I'm sorry I made you cry and...I'm sorry I wasn't a worthy friend to you."
"...Loki," her voice is soft, "That happened centuries ago. I'm not...I'm not even the Sigyn you need to apologize to."
"You're still Sigyn. You deserve one regardless."
Sigyn has that look on her face. That gentle, pensive consideration tinged with something soft and tender that he can't quite name. She used to look at him like that whenever he did something nice (whether unprompted or as an apology for something not so nice he'd done earlier).
Norns. This is getting awkward. Existential fear at the potential cessation of his existence and his childhood night terrors featuring improbably large unicellular organisms notwitstanding, Loki thinks he might not mind if that giant purple cloud trundled in right now and swallowed him up.
"Well, I'd best get on, hadn't I? Surviving and all that?" He coughs, "I...I'm...it was good to see you again. Thank you for not kneeing me in the crotch mid-apology. I appreciate it."
He turns to leave. He doesn't have a clue where to go, but the opposite direction from the purple cloud monster seems like a good start.
Maybe he'll survive long enough to come across Mobius. Half of him wants to find the man as soon as possible (perhaps also be complimented on his intelligence and the betterment of his moral condition). The other half hopes that he never sees him again (because brainwashed amnesiac variant or not, Mobius has subjected him to very unpleasant situations designed to psychologically shatter him. Loki is the last person in the universe who would hold someone entirely responsible for actions undertaken after their minds have been tampered with, but still. Just because he understands doesn't mean he can forget.)
As for Sylvie...Loki doesn't want to think about it, but if the TVA is smart, they wouldn't prune her. They wouldn't risk a repeat of whatever had happened on Lamentis-1, and since he is already here...
The improbable sound of Sigyn's voice startles him from his ruminations and without thinking his hand shoots up to intercept the small rectangular object wrapped in plastic and foil before it hits his face.
Loki stares at the granola bar (expiry date 12/12/2075) incredulously and then at Sigyn, walking briskly at his side and keeping pace with his long strides.
"I thought you-"
"You looked hungry."
"Sigyn, I believe this is what the Midgardians call 'giving mixed signals'."
"Look," she sighs, "I've been looking for...someone very dear to me for a very long time. I can't deny I feel some resentment for everyone I meet wearing his face. My baggage isn't an excuse for my rough treatment of you. It was unfair of me, and I apologise."
He blinks, not quite sure what to make of what she's telling him. Sigyn had never been one to mince words, she either said exactly what was on her mind or nothing at all.
That she is being deliberately vague and yet throwing up strong implications with her choice of words means that she does not want to lie but believes the truth is not something that he will be happy to hear.
Well, by now he's had a lot of experience dealing with unpleasant truths. Another one added to the pile is hardly going to hurt.
Sigyn has just started drinking from a battered metal canteen when he voices his suspicions.
"It's Theoric, isn't it?"
She chokes and spits out half of her drink.
"What?!" She wheezes, "What in Ymir's hoary arse gave you that idea?!"
"Didn't you fancy him back in-" Loki grimaces, snapping his fingers as he tries to pinpoint the date in question, "That year when burgundy was all the rage. Burgundy, scandalously low necklines and uncomfortably tight trousers."
"I went on a date with him because he was handsome, he was annoying me and I was young and stupid," she sneers, "He tried to put his hand up my skirts an hour into the picnic so trust me, after that I wanted nothing to do with the louse."
Something a little too much like that old familiar selfish anger bubbles up in his chest.
"He dared," he growls, "He dared to put his hands on you. He should have had his filthy paws struck off at the wrist for the insult to your dignity."
"Eat your granola, don't crush it," Sigyn says calmly, "In any case, I resolved the situation quite easily and without bloodshed."
"Shame," Loki mutters. He takes a bite of the now somewhat crumbly Midgardian snack and wrinkles his nose at the taste. "So how did you handle that son of a bitch?"
"I rendered him impotent for a year. I would have kept it permanent but he came crawling on his hands and knees begging for my forgiveness, swearing on the souls of his ancestors never to trouble me again, vowing to gift me his firstborn as my thrall etcetera etcetera..." she shrugs, "What can I say? I'm soft."
Loki doesn't remember the last time he's laughed this hard.
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gaitwae · 4 years
Only If •||• Loki x Reader
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Please reblog!!
Summary: Loki Odinson is keeping you safe, but while you’re taking care of him you notice there’s more going on.
Tags: @megthemewlingquim​​ @make-me-imagine​​ @thorfanficwriter​​ @bwemph​​ @myraiswack​​ @silvermoonwolf777​​ @lucywrites02​​ @lokistan​​ @mostly-marvel-musings​​ @amwolowicz​​ @winterfrostsarmy​​ @superheroesandstardust​​ @castiels-majestic-wings​​ @geekns​​ @lokis-high-priestess​​ @natandersonnla​​ @cozy-the-overlord​​ @frostedgiant​​​ @whatafuckingdumbass​​ @thebookbakery​​  @delightfulheartdream​​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​​ 
Loki Odinson. Prince of Asgard. He sat in the water of his bath, relaxing and holding onto the sides of the golden bathtub. His hair curled weakly from being wet. You would have stared at the man if you hadn’t had something more important than his luxury.
He was beautiful, in a way that was near frightening. Long, delicate features, like a raven, with all the cunning and twice the grace. Jet black hair, dazzling eyes. He had his head propped against the brim of the tub, candles lit all around the dark room.
You felt the urge to give in to your desires, again, like you had the last time you needed to interrupt him. A weight in your chest dropped to your gut. You swallowed. “Put your clothes on and get out the door.” You were undercover as a maid, and only Loki knew about it.
Loki turned to you, sitting up. The water sloshed with a tinkling noise. “(Y/N), dear, how many times must I remind you that I need a warning first?” He sighed. He stood, grabbing a towel. “I thought you didn’t like seeing me naked. Unless... That’s untrue?” Loki smirked.
You felt your face heat. “Just hurry up.” You grit your teeth and avert your eyes. You loved the lavender scents he wore and bathed in. They drove you wild. Loki put on a robe, slinking toward you. A shashay of pride.
Your chest tightened when you felt his scent wafting to you. You knew he was doing it on purpose now. He wrung out his hair, twirling it into a knot. He traced your jaw, looking you over. How you hated when he did that.
“Darling, I will never speed up.” He sighed again, touching one of your locks affectionately and curiously. He smirks, cupping your chin. “You can’t just expect me to leave, can you? I’m not even decent.” He pouted fakely, going behind his curtain. You cross your arms.
This dark room smelled like his natural musk and all sorts of yummy perfumes. The golden glints made everything feel warmer, his silver tongue always so gorgeous to listen to. Perhaps, once upon a time, you might have been allowed to play this hard to get with him. Nowadays, not once would you ever be caught dead flirting or wishing for the ridiculous things he offered with just a look.
But yet you continued.
The guards poked their heads in, so you switched to using your “maid talk.” Loki could see them, too. “We need to go, my lord. This is important.” You shrugged off the want to see him more, and the rest of the childish wants involving his person.
“Patience, my Sigyn.” He winked at you when he popped out, all cleaned, dressed, and his hair slicked back and brushed. “Now what is it that is so unbelievably important that you had to interrupt my bath?” He took your hand to kiss it. You ripped your fingers away from his, annoyed, but instantly regretted it.
“You’ve been summoned by King Odin, my prince,” you say, quickly remembering to bow. The guards left, and you dropped your demeanor back to normal. You looked at Loki’s shocked face.
“Oh,” he whispered. “It is important.” Loki looked at your flushed face. “Do you like my new outfit?” He laughed nervously, trying to change the subject.
Both of you were sure that Odin had found out that you weren’t really part of the staff. You were from Vanaheim. Part of the Vanir. A conspiring rebellion against Asgard.
“Do... Do you think that he found out about me?” you whispered quietly. Loki looked at your mouth, stepping toward you. He took your hands, squeezing them softly. He had been helping you try and change the Asgardian rule so it was fairer to the other realms. He had committed treason.
Just as you had.
“Answer me,” you pleaded, getting worried by his unusual body language. You searched his eyes. They seemed so soft, so worried. He didn’t listen, lost in thought. His eyebrow arched when he tried to say something, but nothing came from his lips. “Loki, answer me!”
He looked back and met your gaze. “Only if you kiss me, first,” he mumbled. You could barely make out his words. You didn’t want to believe he just said that. Your heart skipped.
“Loki,” you try again.
His lips hardened into a thin line. He cupped your face with both hands, then held your shoulders, then held your arms firmly with his large hands. He moved forward, pushing you against the wall. He kissed your cheek, your jaw, your neck, holding you close.
“Loki, this isn’t funny. Stop fooling around!” you quietly scold. He kissed your chin, holding your face fondly but firmly.
“I’m not fooling around,” he says quietly, surely. He kissed you once, twice, three times lightly on the mouth. This couldn’t be real. You tried not to kiss back the third time. “I’m doing something I’ve always wanted to. If he hurts you—”
“He won’t. Loki, tell me what’s really eating at you.” You push him off gently, confused. Loki didn’t... he couldn’t feel the same way you did.
“You,” he says. “You’ll leave me here with—with him. I want to make you mine before then. Please, (Y/N), I... I can’t lie forever.” He swallowed. “You can’t just expect me to leave, can you?” He laughed, again, looking like he was about to crumble. He reused a sentence from earlier, which he never did. He was really torn up about Odin’s summons.
Odin never summoned him for no reason. Never to see him. Never to do anything but scold him. He was scared most of the time, and most times, he had no reason to be frightened by his father. This time you both had reason to be scared.
“I wouldn’t,” you promise. You kiss him gently, cupping his face. “And whatever happens, I’ll be by your side.” Loki nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Yes. Yes, okay.” You took his hand. He kissed it. “Follow me. Please?”
You nodded. “Yes,” you say.
You both start to head out the door, but a guard holds you back. “You are to stay here. His Highness must be alone. Allfather’s decree.”
Loki tried to argue but you shook your head. “Of course.” Loki looked at you longingly, but walked down the halls.
Hours later, just when you wanted to start searching for him, Loki came back with hands covering a bleeding face. You stood, rushing to his side. His muffled cries for you only made you even more worried.
“Loki,” you coo, “let me see.” He gently, hands shaking, removed his hands from his mouth. You gasped when you saw his new punishment.
Sewn through his lips was a golden thread. Your eyes burned with angry tears. Not even Loki was safe from Odin’s wrath. “Can we cut it?”
Loki nodded, writing with a trembling hand on the floor with a dagger, Dissolving thread. You very carefully pried the knife from his hands, putting the tip to his mouth. You cut the threads, apologizing when he cried out.
When he was cut free, you used your nature magic to heal him. “Oh, Loki...” You kissed his cheek. “Does it hurt, still?”
He shook his head. “No,” he says. He was quiet for a minute, letting you undress him for a bath. He was covered in sweat and blood. “I talked back to him.” He looked at the floor. “He hates me, (Y/N). He wants me to marry the princess of Vanaheim. I told him no.”
You started running the water, helping him in. His legs were cut up, too, but those would be harder to fix. He hissed as the warm water hit his legs. You caressed his face.
“Loki, don’t let him bully you,” you say quietly. He kissed you firmly.
“I would rather stay here. You’re with me.” He cupped your face. “Would you always be here?” He looked you in the eyes. “Or better yet, marry me?”
You grin. “Only if you kiss me, first.”
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#like you get this idea of him as a deeply dramatic but also very powerful god-creature who is at turns kind and petty depending on his mood
My Top Posts in 2022:
I need you to know that, spiritually, we are all in someone's basement right now huddled around a radio and poking each other with excitement
137 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
I maintain that Sigyn is the saddest Mechs song because Loki is still alive! She’s not dead, she’s sitting right there but she doesn’t know who Sigyn is! She doesn’t know her wife! Sigyn is staring at the woman she loves and lost and that woman doesn’t know her anymore! I start sobbing horrifically!
146 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
me rewatching the end of gravity falls season 2, where the apocalypse is started unwillingly by a protagonist who has left home due to emotional and physical fallout with authority figures close to them who had the knowledge of how to bring about the end of the world, who also has had interactions with entities of pure fear that really like fucking with people in a post-apopcalyptic hellscape where certain people have more control over their surroundings than others due to their connection to the fear god thing that also has a fortress high above the hellscape where they watch over everything with a giant eye:  huh, wonder what this says about my taste in media
158 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Perhaps one of my favorite things about Jim and Oluwande’s relationship is just how they’re both so earnest and honest.
Like, okay neither of them can lie for SHIT but they also never lie to each other even about silly things like what their plans are, and they just are very open with how they feel about each other even when there’s a lot of other shit going on.
Olu is immediately on board with whatever Jim is doing, and is very open about how he considers them family and wants to be around them. Told literally everybody he was having trouble fucking sleeping because he missed Jim.
Jim, despite being a very secretive person, lets Olu know a lot of important things about them, introduces him (not anybody else) to their Nana, and then, after explaining how important their revenge is to them, chooses him over said revenge. Gave up revenge to come back to the Revenge, for Olu.
Also there’s the fact that like, their entire friendship began when Olu helped Jim murder somebody and then the two of them went on the run together and caught feelings while working on the weirdest fucking ship ever. They are literally ride or die and I ADORE THEM.
242 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sorry, just me daydreaming about what the filler episodes of Our Flag Means Death would be like if it was a 22-24 episode season type deal. Obviously all the canon episodes and emotional beats stay because they’re perfect but more episodes means more time for shenanigans and I love me some shenanigans.
Important Things To Include:
-Episode where Black Pete somehow ends up telling stories about Blackbeard to a bunch of kids, ya know, with all the gritty details of how good a pirate Blackbeard is and how smart he is, etc., inter-cut with scenes where Ed and Crew are attempting to teach the crew of the Revenge how to properly pillage/burgle a town and failing miserably
-Jim’s Day Out (because in my fantasy season we get to see more of Jim’s revenge arc before they make the decision to go back to the Revenge) where we get to see them at their most badass while hunting down the Siete (Cinco, ahora) Gallos, but bonus points if we see how much they miss Olu and how their found family contributes to their decision to abandon their revenge
-Episode where Stede and Roach team up to organize and cook a very fancy birthday dinner for Frenchie, which consistently gets foiled by Wee John who is really trying to help but just keeps setting things on fire. Ed has the job of keeping Frenchie distracted and they end up singing some very dirty songs in a pub, and it turns out that Ed spoiled the surprise in like the first five minutes but Frenchie’s cool with it because Wee John made fireworks
-Frenchie becomes friends with a cat. Later, there is a dispute between Karl, Olivia, and said cat that the entire crew takes sides over and this is taken Deadly Seriously, like to the point where no one will talk to each other if they’re on opposite sides. There’s almost a mutiny, and Izzy would enjoy the hostility if he could figure out what it’s about, because no one will tell him. (Bonus points for Stede and Ed trying to communicate that this doesn’t actually impact their growing friendship, that they’re important to each other)
-The crews decide to rob an art gallery/learn about art showings, and the Swede becomes a very good forger while we get to see more of the Revenge crew in fancy outfits (I am looking at you Roach)
-They stage a play on ship (this is a thing real pirates did, okay, it is) and everyone gets very in character; when they get boarded by the Spanish who are still mad at them for Blackbeard kidnapping their hostages, they proceed to competently dispatch the invaders while in character. The second they’re out of character they generally suck at piracy again.
Feel free to add more ideas I’m playing these in my mind on repeat
426 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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