#local irl bullshit
ohraicodoll · 2 years
I can forgive many things. But going from the nice modern and elegant branding I worked hard on to now having flyers that give “graphic design is my passion” with the ugliest ransom note font I’ve ever seen in an attempt to erase my involvement is unforgivable.  It’s so ugly. Please 
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obstinatecondolement · 9 months
Real talk, but any time I check twitter(/"X") I am violently reminded of why I am almost never on twitter.
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king0fcrows · 2 years
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patricia-taxxon · 4 months
I have a feeling you won't get this but in fighting game terminology, someone trying to accuse you of weird outlandish bullshit then being calmly but firmly disproven is one of the IRL equivalents of whiffing DP at full health then just being fucking destroyed for sheer hubris. Rock on sis.
Jokes aside, your sheer honesty about yourself is pretty inspiring. I mentioned being plural to a friend that I know locally and they didn't mind at all. Even that was a pretty sheepish admittance even though my group would probably get the idea that I was, since I kept bragging about how one of my Melty Blood mains was plural, and not in a poor representation of it either. Good to see other people break out of their shells with full stride instead and I think I might mention it to the rest of my community as well.
i hate that the only solution to protect myself was to just become unassailable and aggressively cultivate an audience that doesn't care about all the messiest things about me, it is exhausting, i guarantee if I was cis I would have maintained a clean image for my whole career. i'd be out here nick robinsoning it, making brainless clean content for all ages, never responding and never clarifying until ppl just forget whatever they heard, credible or not. it's not fun being transfemme now that the donky kong memes are stale.
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ckret2 · 10 months
I need to know: how you think bill would be in chat if he ever got the priviledge to get a phone or use a PC?What social networks would he use?
Types in all caps at all times. Punctuation optional. If someone asks him to turn off caps he instead doubles the font size. He can do this even on sites/apps that don't allow you to change the size. He won't say how.
Considering this is 2013? He's probably a pioneer in spreading misinformation and bullshit on twitter. He's one of those "MANIFEST LOVE and $$$ get your DREAM JOB through the POWER of the LAW OF ATTRACTION" cultish New Age grifters making money off a website selling self help PDFs. He's building an internet cult.
Anyone who knows him IRL gets to hear him laughing about how stupid his followers are. However it sounds like he kind of buys some of his own New Age BS to a degree that worries people.
He gets in stupid drama and then spends all night digging up something to cancel his opponent over and sic his followers on them, not because he thinks he's justified, but sheerly for the thrill of the hunt. It makes him feel powerful. His twitter has been banned four times. People run webpages dedicated to documenting his heinous bullshit. He reads them regularly.
He's waiting til 2014 when bitcoin prices drop to like $50, buying as much as he can, spending six years waiting, and selling them in 2020 for like $69,000. He runs a blog telling people to buy crypto. He can actually foresee when the prices are going to peak and fall. He doesn't share this info. He makes bank himself and gleefully ruins everyone else's finances with no regrets. (He would encourage Mabel to buy and tell her exactly what day to sell.) (He would not tell Dipper when to sell.)
He hangs out in doomsday prepper forums so that he can make up new conspiracies and see if he can make everyone even more paranoid.
He's got a youtube channel that's a mix of all of the above BS. New Age self-help buy-crypto buy-gold our-universe-isn't-real access-the-higher-planes doomsday conspiracy mishmash. You can imagine the viewers he attracts. He disdains them all and tries to make them worse on purpose. Never shows his face, every video is a slideshow of psychedelic & pseudo-religious art (mostly stolen) with a voiceover and mystical-sounding music.
Mabel gets him on tumblr, because if Mabel has any social media of course it'd be 2013 tumblr, and probably a deviantart. She's posting her art and really badly photoshopped gif edits of her favorite cartoons and musicians, and generally acts like a normal person online.
Bill's tumblr is completely divorced from all his other horrible online activity. All he posts is cryptic rhyming couplets and terrible local photos of things that fascinate him. The photos could be anything from a car with a really sweet flaming paint job to a stunningly beautiful double rainbow over pine-covered mountains to a literal pile of dog shit because he thought it was interesting how it was drying out unevenly. Once he gets investigated for arson because he posted a picture of the house in flames within three hours of the crime. (He was, in fact, guilty, but he wheedled an alibi out of friends before they knew what he was being investigated for.)
He has like eight followers. The only content he reblogs is Eye of Providence images and pyramid images, which he tags #LITERALLY ME and thinks he's hilarious for; and also every single thing Mabel posts without exception until the end of time.
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captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
Content warning for transphobia
I'm obviously very pro-union, but whenever people on here act like they're an inherently progressive panacea for all societal ills I remember that the first union meeting I ever went to was the one where my local voted to cut transgender healthcare from our health insurance because "we don't want to support that kind of lifestyle".
A couple people posted about the TDOV in my union's subreddit today and the mods are fighting for their lives against a tide of disgustingly transphobic bullshit. The sub usually trends liberal and given a few hours, those threads will probably be pretty supportive but it still just sucks so bad to see a place that's normally very supportive and pro-solidarity suddenly turn into "i don't have a problem with you people but why do you have to keep shoving it down our throats?" and "I'm not going to support your mental illness".
Anyway I'm just venting a bit cause I'm having kind of a bad day. I'm lucky to have extremely supportive friends and family irl, and I know that there ARE people in my local who support trans people, even if its not enough to outvote the rest of them. I'm in a good place, it's just Kind Of A Bummer. Probably gonna log off for the rest of the day and see what not beaming a constant stream of bad news and culture war bullshit directly into my brain for 8 hours does for me.
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silliestcreature196 · 6 months
I really feel like we should work more on destigmatizing male virginity, ESPECIALLY when it comes to casting assumptions about their virginity, based on appearance, and the judgements that follow in the aftermath. The conventional idea of the "normal guy" is already off-putting to me (See: fuckhungry poonhounds who have been chasing tail since before they could drink). So why would you make ANOTHER disgusting stereotype for people who are the total antithesis? There's two sides to this. If you're a (normally overwhelmingly cis) guy, and you've entered your 20s without losing your V-Card, then you're cleeeaaarly a "smelly toxic hairy disgusting fatass incel neckbeard" (we'll get to that) who doesn't deseeeerve a woman's touch. (also presumptuous) And on the other side of it, if you're a guy and you aren't the epitome of conventional attractiveness? If you have a double chin? Don't lift every day? Have even slightly unkempt hair? Don't have even facial hair distribution? Don't have some bullshit white collar job? Then you're "probably one of those mouth-breathing D&D-playing cellar dwelling turbovirgins". And buddy, can I ever fucking tell you that these people are among the NICEST people I've ever actually met? The closest friends I have IRL all fit varying bills of the "Loser Male Virgin" stereotypes to a T. And they are genuinely charming, endearing, kind, and funny people. So for the love of God please give these people a break. Am I asking you to go to your local 40K shop and give the closest person you find a sympathy fuck? No. Absolutely not. I'm saying stop judging these people so utterly relentlessly.
If you want people to take your "body positivity" attitudes seriously, then be normal about these guys. Even the weird ones. Stop looking at them as if they're fucking Tighten from Megamind. I will slap you with a rolled up gorilla.
Do better.
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catgirlforeskin · 7 months
This may border on victimblaming, but most of stories about how someone was "groomed" online that I saw (I didn't research it, mind you, just what crossed my dashboard) read to me as "I am a total dumbass who doesn't have common sense and I am going to blame everyone for this".
Like older* guy on forum who talks about how you being offline makes him want to kill himself is not a good man, and neither are any other kinds of "online groomers", but literally nothing about technology makes them more dangerous.
(*Assuming that he is in fact older, I also was "in my early 30s" online since I was 12, but that's not that important because him living who the fuck knows where makes any actual power imbalance irrelevant, and teenagers are very much capable of being cruel and manipulative).
In fact, online interactions are way safer for kids because they fucking can close the tab and forget about everything that happened. Restrictions on children's access to internet doesn't help them. I am not even going to talk about how abusive families can be - outside of home is also not that safe, and people actually may have power over you. In my high school there were rumours about certain teachers sleeping with certain students. I don't know were they true, but I myself was present when one of our teachers went on a discussion about how it's better for schoolgirls to date college students and graduates to "get better experience". People who live close to you may be very gross and bigoted, in fact there is someone close to you and bigoted. Slightly older people can tell about absolutely awful culture of teen neighborhood groups (idk if there was something like that in USA but that's when people of one urban neighborhood hang out together purely because they live close by).
Mind you, I grew up on my local equivalent of 4chan, and while I don't think that it was good for me, the grossest experiences I had were all IRL. Yes, some of those anons may be totally inhuman, but I didn't have to listen to their bullshit, while IRL I had not only to listen but to politely agree, or the middle aged man with ego of a toddler and the middle aged woman who believes in every conspiracy on Earth and the teenage boy who thinks that he is the protagonist of life will be offended, and I am a good kid so I shouldn't make them sad :(
P.S.: Anecdotally, "normie" online places felt way grosser than imageboards. Part of it may be because it was before Trump ruined online everywhere, part of it that those "normie" online places were not as normal as they liked to pretend, but I think that the correct answer is that 4chan is not some malicious entity that corrupts our world, not even really marginal group - it's just content of middle class cranium without flattering makeup of civility. Still, don't go there
P.P.S.: I focused on school because the discourse was about kids, but like, you realise that adult abuse on workplace and such can be way worse and actually endanger your life in the way online never can, right?
Yeah, definitely, it’s an extension of the “stranger danger” model of abuse instead of the reality where most abuse comes from people you know that have power over you, whether it be in a family, school, or work setting. I was constantly told not to talk to strangers online because they’re dangerous by a family member who was literally abusing me lol.
There is harm that can be done by having unfettered internet access as a kid, but until the astronomically greater harm of kids having no rights in the face of parental dominion is addressed, I don’t think parents having more rights to control their children is a good idea
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evansboyfriend · 9 days
I would have loved it if Bucks whole sponsor storyline had more emotional impact than just "buck is ready for kids but is hamster wheeling his relationships" - the connect between feeling like a spare parts kid, KNOWING that he wasn't actually wanted, and knowing that Connor and Kameron(?) wanted him (sort of), could have been explored with more nuance and it would have been so 🤩🤩🤩.
Tbh even just how Buck feels about his body - from hurting himself for attention and using sex to avoid intimacy and THEN learning that he's a donor sibling for a dead brother - and then learning he's queer - all of it is so specific to how buck feels about his body as a whole and it would have made such an awesome storyline
that's what i've been saying! i personally love the sperm donor storyline because it happens after he learns he was made for spare parts and he CHOOSES to donate some spare parts to his friend so they can start their own family - it's about the CHOICE - even though we see him struggling with it. s6 was such an interesting season for buck's development because we see him struggling with not being chosen for interim captain, asking bobby "you don't think i'm at ease?" and asking hen "what do you think it is, the secret to happiness?" and then reminiscing about his adventures, choosing to be a sperm donor for connor and kameron, the coma dream full of lessons and affirmations, and trying to deal with the aftermath of his temporary death. hands down fave buck season. they messed it up by trying to get him with natalia (because the show was not being renewed and we can't have people end up single? the horror!) and bringing back kameron to crash at his flat as if she doesn't have anyone else to go to...? fucking bizarre choices. 6b suffered from the impending doom lmao.
anyway! sometimes canon only gives us half a story and we have to dig a little deeper and use the source material to do our meta analyses and try to understand what it says about our favourite character. and i'm really hoping to see buck being confident and settled in s8, even if he's dealing with the fuckery at his workplace, i want to see that he's in a good place in his relationship with tommy, that they're good together, they're still communicating and being open and there's no bullshit like jealousy and exes and cheating and all that cheap drama crap lmao. i want to see buck who makes choices for himself as his own person and what that means for his relationship with tommy.
and while i'm here, because i've talked about wanting madney to have another baby, and i see people say "but it was so bad the first time with the postpartum syndrome etc etc" and once again i want to see maddie CHOOSE to get pregnant again - it's about the CHOICE - i want to see her say yes i want to do this, i've been through it before, and i learned a lot, i healed a lot, and i can do this with the support of my husband and a therapist and a local group for expecting or new mothers.. because the first time around: it was a surprise pregnancy, and she had thyroid problems that no doctor had apparently thought to check? or her having her nursing background? (that SL has some issues for me personally because i know it was done due to actress unavailability lol, i would have done a better job with it no offence) and because this is a fictional show, we can write characters who go through a second pregnancy as a healing experience - something that is hard to do IRL cause life is unpredictable, you know? i wouldn't advocate this for a real life woman is what i'm trying to say but maddie is ficitonal and i can make her have positive experiences. anyway!
excited to see my beloved buckleys in s8 <3
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bigothteddies · 11 days
whenever I have a particularly bad time online with all the bullshit that gets passed around I try to remember that post that I can’t remember the exact elegant wording they used but whose point was effectively “No one who has tried to care as much as possible about every single thing wrong in the world has ever succeeded and the ones that I found have made the most difference in the world are those who picked one thing and cared really really hard about trying to fix it”. And I really try to focus on how the internet’s morals shift by popular stance and trend every 3 years and how algorithms are pushing for constant conflict and how people are falling under the controlled systematic internet narrative that the world is out to get absolutely everyone and everything and everyone other than you is evil and wrong and….and I try really hard to focus on my memories and experiences of real life. I remember the older lgbt couples shopping my store where I worked as a teen. I remember the little tween girls in religious headwear buying hair dye from my register and giggling to each other in excitement as they went home. I think about the veteran trans woman in my local scene and community whom was offered respect and validity by my peers, whom I traveled with as a kid to an event out of state. I think about the fundraisers my local scene put on for members of the community who got injured. I think of the local shops who make every effort to give back to the community and ask for nothing in return. I try to remember how much that matters, how much doing something or respecting someone you meet irl will always matter more than agreeing or disagreeing with someone over a vague concept online ever will. I don’t have any pretty words or conclusive sentiments to add to this I just wanted to push some of the stress of seeing the constant rage and conflict and bullshit on the internet off my chest and put something else into it’s place instead
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littlebearbigchub · 2 months
So, I don’t know why this never sunk in before, but yesterday I realized that since putting another 3 inches onto my waistline this past year, my body fat percentage has been estimated to be in the obese range, which is greater than 25% “for men” and greater than 32% “for women.” I always reassured myself that the estimators that use tape measures must not be accurate when I got this result but then last week I just took the pluge and got some calipers off Amazon and *glup* I was actually borderline too fat to use them. They’re really only designed for measuring body fat at healthy rages and when I was trying to measure my belly fat I understood why - I could barely get it in there 😳 So right now at 5”4, 150 lbs and a 39” waist, no matter what method of measurement, my body fat percentage is estimated to be between 27-29%. Every single association that puts out guidelines calls that obese for men.
It’s super interesting because we all know that BMI is pretty bullshit - it doesn’t take body composition into account at all. That said though, when I was googling about why we use BMI instead of BF% to determine being overweight/obese, I found a handful of articles/studies concluding that BMI actually significantly underestimates the incidence of obesity compared to measuring body fat percentage.
It’s not clear to me what the implications are of this. Of course, I understand that being overweight and obese are culturally contextual concepts that elude objective localization in earth reality. All of this is really just a long winded seeking of validation of my fatness.
Like, there’s a part of me that is really gratified by this idea because I really do feel obese inside. It feels validating to learn this after being brushed off by multiple irl people when I tried to open up to them about being worried about how I felt I was getting fat but couldn’t seem to stop gaining weight.
It also makes me realize how much more extreme my goal of 180 lbs is than I realized when I set it. I could be around 40% at that weight if most of what I put on is fat. And honestly it does make some significant sense to me that I might already be in the first class of obesity. Right around going from 145 to 150 lbs I feel a serious shift in how my body is able to cope with fitness things that I’ve talked about before. Mainly that cardio sucks so much that I don’t want to do it and I can’t do more than one or two pull ups in a row. There was a time when I could do 10 back when I was around 130 lbs. But I got too heavy and lazy. (Also my thighs constantly chafe now.)
Like, yeah, I was chubby before. But now, obese or just overweight, I’m fat. For real FAT. It just makes me question how deeply lost in the sauce I am that I would take this so far. I’m in awe of this incredible living nightmare.
And I’m so hungry 😮‍💨
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monstersmashorpass · 10 months
welcome, fellow monster lovers + fuckers~! to the smash or pass blog!
[new poll every 2nd day]
[poll length 1 week]
First things first - this is a queer friendly blog, so no r.adfem b.s. of any kind. don't be assholes, don't be bigots. be a clown (derogatory) and get blocked.
Second, no shit-talking people's monster(s) of choice. We're here for fun, not for negativity. (So no calling basic, shaming choices, saying "oh this non-human isn't enough of a monster", insulting how they look, calling them vanilla, etc etc.)
Third - if your preferred monster looses the poll, that's okay! They're still a winner in your heart. This is literally all just for the lulz. Genuinely, don't worry about it.
Also you're 100% allowed to add propaganda to the posts about why ppl should vote smash. (Not for pass though. Bc that's under the no negativity rule.)
➥ How to Submit a Poll Option
➥ Meet the Mods
use the ask box! Preface the ask with [Poll submission] so we know for sure that its one! here's an example of how to submit!
→ if the character / monster is a minor, that's a no-go. Don't be a fuckin creep. Keep kids out of this.
→ we will not post monster options such as W*nd*g*s, Sk*nw*lk*ers, and the like, as its a) from closed culture, and b) not the place.
Native peoples have asked many a time for ppl to stop fuckin w their folklore and stories, so give em respect. It's the least that can be done, goddamn. Any bullshit sent about this will be deleted and blocked.
If you're able to, add a pic of the monster in question! If it's someone's art, please make sure they're okay with it being used first, and provide credit too. We're not reposting willy-nilly around here. We do need artist credit whenever possible! (if the images submitted are official, pls just make a note of it!)
[Poll Submission] Monster name, What theyre from* [Poll Submission] Wulver, scottish folklore [Poll Submission] Abe Sapien, Hellboy (movies or comics) (image from Hellboy comics)
* this is more if its applicable - ie; from specific mythology, or from a media source. If the media is 18+ please make a note of it!
If you submit off-anon, we respond privately with if its queued or if it was already done.
If you submit on anon, the ask is deleted once its queued. (Or if you submit something that we've already done.)
→ Meet the Mods ←
We're a couple of chaotic idiots who know each other irl and get up to shenanigans. Like this blog.
Mod Curse 🌸
Mid 20s - she/they - Big Gay
Evil women? Sign me tf up!
Uhh I'm a weird cat mom, artist and general nerd, bonus adhd
Mod Ghoul ☢️
mid/late 20s, he/his it/its
Horrible taste in fictional men lol
A fuckin menace
Three allegations I can never escape - 'oh thats the local cryptid', 'its a creature, your honor', and 'I'm pretty sure you're just a corpse but okay.'
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marcusrobertobaq · 3 months
I can totally see Hank being the kind of dad that tries keeping his kid away from technology whenever he can. Not cuz he thinks it's bullshit but cuz he thinks it's going a dangerous way.
Not to mention he witnessed CyberLife's ascension and the way the more time passed more people just wanted androids and technology instead of interacting with other human beings face to face - seems to be something he value when we meet with him in 2038.
Dude also grew to me wary of autonomous vehicles cuz he thought they were dumb and would kill people and nobody relevant would care, it could be just forgotten, another % in the statistics. Another reason he dislike big corpos and this kinda tech. Electric cars? A joke.
So yea I hc the truck from that accident was an autonomous truck. Ofc irl we got all a process about security measures and "ethical programming" shit but in dbh universe feels like these autonomous vehicles sometimes...doesn't give much of a shit. I'm basing this hc on the fact in On the Run those vehicles detect proximity with an object and they just don't care at all. Idk if they got people inside or not, tho, maybe it changes something, idk.
And I also hc Cole's death was on the media, even if not making big headlines. It should be easy finding more about it on the internet, local news probably have.
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boyslit · 2 months
the name of the game is damage mitigation, friends and neighbors. I'm well aware the system is fucked, but while it's still running were not going to let the Republicans smash it like fucking Louis DeJoy did to the USPS sorting machines. (y'all enjoying getting your mail a week late these days? i know i am 🥰 /sarcasm)
the fascists are going to be out in full force at the polls. give a fuck about your black and indigenous neighbors? your trans friends and family? immigrant friends and coworkers? then you get your ass out there and vote AGAINST the Republicans
[balletpedia page for figuring out who's on your ballot] so you can start doing research on your candidates. hell maybe you can convince your irls to vote for them too. do not neglect your local elections, your state reps and senators. that's where you'll see the most personal impact
once we get some people in offices who aren't convinced they're imbued with the divine right of kings, push for ranked choice voting instead of our winner-takes-all bullshit. that should start digging us out of our current electoral hole. (hell, start now. high level Democrats are bullyable bc they care about appearances and your local officials are likely to be more down to earth and willing to listen)
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barbiegirldream · 11 months
You are angry at stans who want their interests on their tl instead of constantly being reminded about whats going on Completely ignoring the fact that retweeting posts is not the only way to help right now and even acting like you are morally superior just because you do that is something else
I saw an artist apologizing today because they haven't tweeted about Palestine much because theyve been too busy helping outside of twitter and those are the types of people you are angry at? You do NOT know what people are doing outside of twitter and just because you are loosing followers because of your actions does not make stans horrible people
Check yourself with your moral superiority complex omfg
You are usually so on point with your takes but you missed the mark here
The people who are saying "you can't make me tweet about palestine" "they're going to die anyways" "they've been dying for years why do we need to care now" are actually the ones I mean but if you want to focus on the people you know damn well I'm not talking about go for it. I haven't been engaging in Any discourse on main. Go ahead freak scroll through my twitter see where my moral superiority complex by retweeting videos of Palestine and protests is offensive. See where the closing of eyes to genocide makes you feel better because at least an artist went outside. I've been to my local protests too. I've been doing this in the midst of a mass shooting at my home town. I've been living as a Jew combating Zionism ideology irl since high school. We can protest. We can call our reps spending our money. We can use social media like Palestinians are Asking us to. Donations are getting nowhere. Spreading their words and their fight where the main stream media Won't is essential in pushing back against propoganda. Israel knows this today they were complaining that social media has turned public opinion against them. I am not saying only tweet about Palestine. I too have been retweeting fanart and stuff about the new spider-man. But I am not digging in my heels and making a showing of how evil I am cause look here. The rest of the internet can see it too. If you or anyone else come into my inbox again with this self cleansing confessional style bullshit I'm blocking you
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loth-creatures · 1 day
The stupidest thing about chronic pain is the way it has infiltrated my fucking dreams 💀
I will be having the most wackfuck acidtrip bullshit dream but my back still fucking hurts 💀💀💀
Sorry I really can't join your bsdm themed circus with my gf to survive the housing crisis cuz my parents mysteriously disappeared bc I have back problems :/
Man I really shouldn't be riding this horse galloping at ludicrous speed while being chased by storm troopers through my old school building that currently contains the Appalachian mountains in winter bc i was framed for murder its gonna fuck up my back sooo bad :/
Fuck man I cannot be up here in the rigging of the local tallship, chit chatting with my bestie Ezra Bridger while trying to doc with/not ram into(??) a different ship from irl I been on once bc goddamn my back is not gonna take it, neither is my hands :/
Like. What the fuck. This is bullshit. Fucking GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT DAMMIT GET OUT GET OUT-
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