#local edgelord
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dogwithalzheimers · 9 months ago
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A lot but never enough - Alon
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luckylectio · 10 months ago
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c̷͍̺͋ o̴̰̔̌͝ r̶̜̎ͅ r̴̞̙̃̈́̐ u̴̗͓̹̬͂͌̽̒ p̸͈̞͕̮̙̄̿ t̴̺͘ i̶̻͍̖͚̔ o̵̜̪̿ n̶̗̣͈̂̇̆
For my fic, A Dark Among the Lights!
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 8 months ago
Millennials and Gen Z complain about a lack of community but then put ZERO effort into actually building community or getting to know and befriending their coworkers, peers, neighbours etc... You guys do realize that a close knit community isn't going to just magically appear in your lap just because you want it to right? You actually have to be an active participant. I swear individualism has rotted people's brains beyond repair.
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hanakihan · 2 years ago
had a stupid ass thought of jinchul losing control over AB’s mana and he literally gets bigger (just like Alice in Wonderland moment with eating and drinking stuff that makes you bigger or smaller or just overall Kingprotea vibe) to match AB’s original size
Sulking Jinchul being so freaked out he nearly drowns forest are he’s been sitting on with his tears
Also imagine him lifting tiny jinwoo on his palm to his eye level HELP
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Today in Marsilio Blogging
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(from Laus Platonici Philosophi: Marsilio Ficino and His Influence)
Pico out here starting fights with Ficino because Ficino's interpretation of the Symposium (and his own personal philosophy on Love, Beauty, and Truth) is just a touch Too Gay.
a) Pico. I'm not entirely sure you have a leg to stand on. Like. I'm just saying rightly, or wrongly, you and Poliziano were the hot gossip at U of T's Renaissance department for years
b) leave the small, eccentric, and love filled philosopher alone. he suffers.
c) more seriously - I mean, there's weakness in Ficino's commentary on Symposium but that's because I don't think he ever meant it as a serious philosophical text but as a love letter to Giovanni Cavalcanti. Hence why he was aligning Guido Cavalcanti (Giovanni's ancestor)'s poetry to the first books of Plato's Symposium when that comparison is quite weak, to say the least.
The whole thing of Guido Cavalcanti=Socrates is so Ficino can be Plato to Giovanni's inherited Socratic role setting their own relationship as a grand philosophical inheritance (in addition, adding some semblance of legitimacy to it. Look! our Plato was Like That with his Socrates so I can be Like That with my Giovanni).
Also, it's not as explicit but there's allusions/references Ficino makes to the rather #It's Complicated romantic friendship of Guido and Dante. e.g.:
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d) This is a complete aside and just about Pico and Ficino's head butting on matters philosophical and theological, but:
Reading anything by Ficino with a strict, logical manner with a logical end goal of X or Y is never the best way to approach his work. It's ecstatic. It's meditative. It's meant to be sunk into and swam in as a contemplative exorcise.
Ficino is an experience, not a exorcise.
As Linda Proud notes in her chapter in Friend to Mankind, 'Fellow Philosophers', [Ficino argues that] "If a man writes of divine frenzy, he must have experienced it; if Plato wrote the Parmenides under divine frenzy, then to read and understand, a man must bring himself to a similar condition."
Pico wrote solid, sound philosophical/theological arguments--being a man well steeped in the classic Aristotelian methodologies. Ficino was steeped in them as well, or had been in his primary education, but by temperament and interest and ultimate end goal of what he wanted to achieve he broke rank with that approach.
And naturally, Pico knew Ficino, they were good friends, they ran in the same intellectual circles, so of course Pico knows this. But at the same time, it's quite funny how clearly Ficino's indirect approach to language and argument drove him up the absolute wall with annoyance.
(And when I say friends, they were good friends to the very end. They were just friends who argued--often in a quite fiery and hot tempered manner--over Plato. As one does.)
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assiraphales · 8 months ago
“no one for president” you sound like such a fucking cringe edgelord and unless u plan on staging a massive revolution in a country of 300 million spanning 3.8 million square miles and overthrowing the government before November I would suggest voting for the candidate who DOESNT cater to white supremacy subcultures, getting involved in local community services & initiatives, donating to causes, or campaigning/protesting instead of this performative mock activism
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kratomqueen · 3 months ago
I hate mainstream online alt culture...just an endless competition of narcissism and virtue signalling. you're not cool or different for being obsessed with yourself and jumping on every bandwagon. that's everything that's already wrong with mainstream culture. stop infecting alt culture
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teaboot · 1 month ago
One time, I had an English professor tell me I should stop using my inhaler because it was bad for the environment.
Yeah an if you dropped dead it would significantly reduce your carbon footprint too, huh. What if we ALL just stopped breathing. Can’t be throwing fistfuls of plastic fuckin straws directly into the South Pacific when you got a BPM of zilch, can you? What a fuckin innovator. Was he head of your nation’s EPA *directly* before he retired to become world’s youngest baseline edgelord 4chan ass 14 year old boy with tenure, or did he wait for his 3rd consecutive Nobel peace prize before giving someone else a chance? Ask him if his back hurts from carrying the weight of all the world’s most pressing concerns to and from Chuck E Cheese each night or if his tiny spiny propellor hat lightens the load a bit. Did his big red clown nose come standard with his tweed set or he spring for the premium model with the biodegradeable sustainable foam and the super-boosted honk-honk action? Are his size 23 clown bitch oxfords custom? Does he take one off to use as a canoe on his annual vacations to his summer home in the balmy and tropical shit fuck dumbass islands or does he just levitate everywhere he goes by the power of his unparalleled Xmen level intellect. Can you ask him if Magneto is gonna spare the human race to run laps in his hamster wheel electrical generator complex or if he’s just gonna wipe us all the fuck out for the carbon tax credit. Ask him if the weight of his gigantic balls dragging in the ground behind him everywhere he goes adds to the mileage on his Tesla. When he wipes his ass does he use single ply to save the trees or just a fistful of baby ducklings that he can then gently bathe by hand with water collected by the rain barrel in the endangered orchid garden by the solarium on the west side of his sprawling villa, the one he bought when he sold the patent for the perpetual motion motion machine he built out of toothpicks and marshmallows in third grade before the obvious intellectual gap between himself and the rest of us bumbling simpletons weighed him down and killed his passion to create. What other wisdom has he yet to share with the world? What other knowledge that only he and my reiki-healing essential-oil-drinking violet-aura neighbour know that may benefit us all? Holy shit, have I been drinking WATER my whole life? That shit that whales live in? Guess I’ll just go lay in a hole out back and wait for the compost heap to take me. Should I confess my sins to Captain Planet first, so he may redeem my wicked soul in the true Eco Catholic way, or was that recyclable soda can I threw in the trash downtown at last year’s garlic bread festival because there were no recycling bins provided the final straw that made me unworthy of glorious green salvation? BRB, gotta go strip naked and flagellate myself before the begonias so that they may know the depth of my remorse. Don’t worry, I only buy locally-sourced hemp lashes produced by small home businesses at the farmer’s market, they have a three-for-two sale on Sundays if you bring your own reusable bag. Christ on a fucking cupcake
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disasociatehaze · 2 years ago
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Back at it again with a Pokémon trainer that I think looks really cool.
Dark Type trainer today because I've got a mental list of all the typing's in order of my favorite that I'm going down.
The smug cat was used as reference for the face in case y'all were interested
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nights-at-crystarium · 2 months ago
Okay the number of new followers reaches critical mass, which makes me anxious to show around, what's this place, what I'm doing here. Hi and welcome to the gay gremlin zone o/
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My main thing is Fragments, a wolgraha/wolemet comic that takes its sweet time. Launched in 2022, it has enough script to last for a good decade. It updates every other friday. It's written first and drawn second, meaning that I pay great attention to pacing, themes, characters etc. It's not a 1:1 msq retelling, the canon divergence grows over time. My fresh approach and the dialogue quality start to slowly gain critical acclaim if you ask around.
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Also I'm an edgelord, therefore the soft and silly scenes sit next to dark and angsty ones.
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I'm mainly writing this because my recent Alisaie art brought in a veritable crowd, she's a major character in Fragments too! She starts out wrestling with a crush that only causes problems to everyone, eventually gets over Vivi, grows into a proper friend and finds a woman she likes. That can't happen overnight, and it's a mere subplot, so I suggest enjoying it as a part of the course instead of expecting it to be the main dish.
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Fragments is a work for a mature reader capable of thinking for themselves. The thing I cherish the most in ShB is moral ambiguity, and I'm further expanding upon it by showing every mc's pov and refraining from making judgements.
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If that sounds fun to you, take a seat and watch this local elf hurt everyone including himself.
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Read Fragments on tumblr or webtoon!
The stuff I post aside from the comic is random art, when I take a break from drawing The Big Thing by drawing something else, I strive to reset my brain and do something different, like painting or animation. I also yap and shitpost to my heart's content.
There's always someone who missed the thing I posted a week or a year ago, so I self-reblog a lot. I encourage and appreciate it when people take the initiative and interact with my old posts!! Feel free to binge-like or reblog EVERYTHING. Here are a few fun tags to start: wolgraha | wolemet | feo ul | alisaie
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adobe-outdesign · 10 months ago
In 2010 as part of the Faerie's Ruin plot, TNT just straight-up killed longstanding villain character Hubrid Nox, which was pretty shocking at the time as TNT rarely kills off any characters, let alone long-established ones
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Anyway Nox's longstanding archenemy was MAGAX, local edgelord. After Nox's death MAGAX ended up realizing he deeply needed the guy as his enemy to be whole, kind of a Batman/Joker dynamic. It was bad enough that he hand-carved Nox's tombstone
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And then Nox came back as a ghost, because being some kind of vampire warlock wasn't enough, and now him and MAGAX have a slow burn enemies to lovers thing going on
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machaon-art · 9 months ago
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Behold, the local Edgelord
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sreppub · 3 months ago
thoughts on librarian! jason todd?
also it would be interesting if he became oracle in a reverse robins au
Very funny. Like, there's one world where he died, came back, got ninja and mystical fire sword training, became a drug lord, ran a few vigilante squads, etc etc, general edgelord with no regard for authority
And one where he quit the vigilante life and idk. Went to school for humanities and now he shushes people at the mercy of municipal funding
(Anyway libraries are badass. Books and free community resources are awesome. I think he's less of a service desk in-library person and more into outreach and special programs. If his siblings want to spend time with him, they can volunteer their asses at the repair cafe.)
(i clearly dont use my local library enough bc i dont have more thoughts on this. someone feel free to take it and run)
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homunculus-argument · 1 year ago
I had a dream I was like 15 again, sitting in the hallway of someone else's school, trying to prove to the local gang of little edgelords that I was as cool as they were. They started taking turns suggesting the Worst Fucking Meme Songs to listen to, that nobody actually wanted to listen to, but for the sake of torturing each other by making everyone listen to that crap. And I suggested something that was apparently The Most Annoying Stupid-Ass Meme Song Du Jour: Something that consisted 90% of just meaty smacking sounds and mildly mechanical-sounding whimpers and squeaks. It had a title, in finnish:
"Hatsune Miku saa turpaan Jyväskylässä"
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himedanshicult · 5 months ago
i know there's a few edgelords on here who are like "ACTUALLY i DO support ending all mining and agriculture and industry right this moment and i dont care what happens!!!" and like yeah wtvr, but coming from a place where anti-civ/anprim types actually make up a large contingent within the local anticapitalist left, the average anti-civ is not interested in some joker maximalist chaos destruction of industrial society, nor do they want people who rely on technology and extraction in some form or another to live to suddenly be killed off in a social darwinian genocide. the average anti-civ or anprim on the scene is, on the balance, a mundane individual worried about these very problems, if they're not directly affected themselves, and are interested primarily in researching ways to mitigate or prevent mass death from sudden industrial collapse as much as possible. to them, collapse is less a rapture-esque event that should be striven towards and more an inevitability that has to be reckoned with eventually - and are keen not to allow that political discourse to be dominated by the very people who do want a social darwinian genocide. i think it's worth hearing them out for precisely that point; regardless of yr broad views on technology, resource extraction, "civ" writ large, etc. we are in fact rapidly reaching a tipping point where the current level of industrial production will no longer even be feasible, and we'll need to seriously think abt how that should be handled.
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jaxinkh · 7 months ago
Why Pokedex entries are weird
Now, I'm not the only one that has the first part of this, but I haven't seen others go a bit deeper into this yet. Obvious answer first:
You are a child and filling these in yourself.
Now, others say this to, but I haven't seen this take here:
Your character is a little freak, doing stuff they really shouldn't.
In the Pokemon Universe, it's normal and customary that; when a kid leaves Elementary school they have a little adventure to help them figure out what kind of person/trainer they want to be in the future. So they go to their local (volunteer) Pokemon Professor, get a starter Pokemon and a Pokedex and set out into the world!
But that's not a regular, pre-filled Pokedex with factual information. It's a junior Pokedex that they can fill in themselves. After a week or 2 when their adventures ends they can take it home and laugh with their family about the entries years later as a memento. No actual professor looks at them for their research, unless it pings an undiscovered Pokemon, but how often does that happen?
But you, player character, are a little freak.
You were SUPPOSED to go home after camping in the local woods for a few weeks and making it to the next village! Every kid does! But YOU actually went out into the world! Only you immediately went after the gyms and beat your way through! the only reason people aren't concerned when they see a unfamiliar 12-year old in town is because they think you came from the neighboring city, they have NO IDEA you are MILES, sometimes an OCEAN away from home! You are living completely off your winnings in battle, your little fund you got from mom only lasted until the next town! You were expected to call mom for some cash to get home but you went further and battle for a living.
Not only that, but you decided that you were going to be a hero! You saw a thief/gangster/terrorist/edgelord that was causing trouble and you beat their ass, so now you are off to topple a criminal empire! Which almost always turns out to be involved with Legendary or Mythical Pokemon, so now you are fighting GODS.
When you FINALY come home, your poor mom has been so worried that she is either in shock, depressed or straight up thinks she's hallucinating you coming home again, so she barely responds to you being home. By the time she realized that it actually was you you're out the door again!
You're a terrible child, and no one can stop you.
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