#nonbinary pokemon trainer
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disasociatehaze · 2 years ago
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Back at it again with a Pokémon trainer that I think looks really cool.
Dark Type trainer today because I've got a mental list of all the typing's in order of my favorite that I'm going down.
The smug cat was used as reference for the face in case y'all were interested
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floccesytowne · 1 year ago
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yellow :D
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millidew · 3 months ago
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trans4trans4tra...sh (playing with these characters like dolls)
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s1lv3r-s0ul · 1 year ago
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bagerfluff · 1 year ago
Espeon & Umbreon: Matchmakers Supreme
Aged Up Gladion x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Confessions
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“Not again”, you sighed.
You glanced down at your Espeon as they rubbed themselves against an Umbreon. This was the fifth time this had happened and it was only Wednesday. You knew this Umbreon, it belongs to a trainer that you might have a little crush on.
You’ve seen him training at the beach. You never got the courage to talk to him. The first time you even talked to him was because your Espeon had run up to his Umbreon.
Unlike you, Espeon has more than enough courage. You had really tried to confess, but you never did. He was so cool and a little weird but you liked him. So you stared at the two Pokémon as they cuddled with each other, waiting for him to come.
“Umbreon?” You looked up at the voice to see him, Gladion, that was his name. Standing at the edge of the forest. Gladion looked as amused as you did, which was not amused at all. “Hey Gladion”, you said.
Trying to keep the blushing down.
Gladion didn’t look at you, just at the two Pokémon. Next to Gladion was his Lycanroc. The Lycanroc looked a little more amused than the two of you. “So how was your day?” You asked, knowing that it could be a while till the Pokémon wanted to leave.
“Good”, Gladion deadpanned. That was all you ever got. You wanted to get to know him better but he never talked to you. You were starting to give up. You didn’t speak for the rest of the encounter. Just waited till Espeon walked back to your side.
You said goodbye and left. You sped walked away till you were sure that Gladion couldn’t hear you. “Damn it”, you said. You were angry that you didn’t say anything. You should have at least asked to have a battle. You didn’t want to admit it but you watched Gladion when he trained.
Gladion was a really powerful trainer.
Plus, you wanted to know the name of the other Pokémon he had. You had never seen it and even the Pokedex didn’t know. You sighed and sat down at a bench that seemed to appear at the perfect time. Espeon jumped up on the bench and looked at you with a sad face.
You glanced over at them and petted their head. “Are you doing this on purpose?” You asked and Espeon smiled. You shook your head. You placed your arms on your legs and looked down at the floor. You sighed again and closed your eyes.
Why couldn’t you confess? You’ve done it before and have gotten rejected before. You weren’t that scared of being rejected. Maybe it was because you thought Gladion was really good looking.
Maybe you were deeper than you thought?
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Unbeknownst to you, Gladion was having the same problem.
He had walked back to the beach where he was training but he didn’t start training again. He just sat down and stared at the sand. His face was a little red and he was glaring at nothing. Gladion thought you were good looking too.
But Gladion had no idea how to tell you or what to do with his feelings. This was all too confusing and new for Gladion. So Gladion didn’t do anything. He didn’t talk when he saw you. He didn’t look at you. And he didn’t say anything when he saw you watching him while he was training.
Gladion had no idea what to do.
It made him angry. You always smiled at him and made a point to talk to him. Gladion never responded with more than one word answer but you never stopped. Every time you smile it makes Gladion red in the face. You two weren’t even really friends.
You two have seen each other around. You were also trying to complete all of the Island Challenges. But that was it. Gladion had always found you interesting. He just didn’t know it meant he liked you until he talked to you for the first time.
The first time Umbreon and Espeon took a liking to each other. Gladion wanted to avoid you, avoid his feelings but with Umbreon always finding you and your Espeon. Gladion looked out onto the sea. The waves splashed against the shore line.
Washing Pokémon onto the beach every once and a while. Gladion watched this and let out a sigh. Umbreon was watching all of this. Umbreon knew that their trainer had a crush. They wanted Gladion to confesses but Gladion was a bit stubborn. So without Gladion realizing.
Umbreon left to find Espeon, and you.
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You were still sitting on the bench questioning your life when you heard Espeon jump off the bench. You glanced up to see Umbreon standing in front of Espeon. Your eyes widened and you jumped off the bench.
They were talking to each other and you could see worry on Umbreon's face. “Wha-”, you couldn’t finish your question before both of the Pokémon took off running. You ran after them yelling at them to slow down.
You ran with them though the town, through the forest, and eventually to the beach. When you got to the beach you stopped moving but Espeon and Umbreon didn’t. They kept running all the way to Gladion.
Who was sitting near the shore line. You only saw his back but you could tell that he was staring out onto the sea. Why did Umbreon go to you? Why did Espeon follow? Why did you follow? You watched in silence as Espeon and Umbreon walked up next to Gladion.
Umbreon on the right and Espeon on the left. Gladion noticed Umbreon first and turned his head to look at them. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but you could see his mouth moving. Umbreon gestures to Gladion’s other side so Gladion looked to his other side.
The minute Gladion saw Espeon he looked around till he saw you standing where the forest met the beach. You both looked at each other. Gladion got up and Espeon ran back to you.
They walked behind you and started to hit your legs with their head. It didn’t hurt but it was prominent enough that it pushed you forward. “Hey hey hey”, you said while looking at Espeon.
When you looked up you saw that Umbreon was doing the same thing to Gladion. Gladion looked as amused as you. Once you and Gladion were only a few feet away from each other that’s when they stopped.
Espeon and Umbreon stopped pushing you two but they had a look on their faces. You couldn’t place it but you knew what Espeon was trying to tell you.
You sighed. You regretted ranting to Espeon about your crush on Gladion. You looked up from Espeon to see Gladion looking at Umbreon. You suddenly got cold feet. You were scared and nervous. “Hey Gladion”, you said, trying to break the tension.
“Hey”, Gladion said back and that made you clench your fist. You should get this other with. Gladion was thinking the opposite. He wanted to run. He wanted to get out of here. He was blushing when he first saw you.
Gladion was right now glaring at Umbreon.
He knew what Umbreon was trying to do, and he hated it. Both Espeon and Umbreon shoved their heads against the both of you again. This pushed you and Gladion closer, so close that you were sharing air when you breathed.
You both looked up at the same time and both of you blushed. You were looking right into Gladion's eye, those bangs looked annoying. Gladion’s eyes looked beautiful though.
A shining green that puts emeralds to shame.
But you wanted to look into both of Gladion’s eyes. So you did. You had no idea what came over you but you reached up and brushed Gladion’s bangs out of his face. You held them out of the way and looked into both of his eyes.
You noticed Gladion’s blush spread to his ears. It looked cute. Gladion didn’t protest what you were doing but you felt him tense. So you drew your hands away and let the bangs fall back. “I like you”, you said.
They came out of nowhere but they were perfect. Gladion blushed more and looked away so you couldn’t see it. Gladion stumbled over words but you knew what he was trying to say. You understood why Gladion never looked at you or talked to you. And you had Umbreon and Espeon to thank for that. 
“It’s okay”, you smiled at Gladion, “I know”
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your-fav-is-queer · 3 months ago
sorry if this is a weird request but could I ask for the trainer from pokemon magikarp jump over the nonbinary and aroace flags?
Of course! And no worries :]
I have no idea why that blue line is there, but this was the best image I could find!
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aranaehere · 3 months ago
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Tulip has a new ref sheet!
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moe-broey · 2 years ago
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Meanwhile I've also been rapidly succumbing to madness over these two and have a deep need to start over White 2 again
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pridewishes · 3 months ago
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250x250 || dragon type nonbinary || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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bodacious-becc · 11 months ago
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thepokedexisgay · 1 year ago
lesbian gender-fluid + lesbian nonbinary N?
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yamishimadness · 10 months ago
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Almost forgot the yearly bday contribution but I managed in time, yay!
Hap Birth Pearl!
(..No there's nothing else going on here, whatchu mean?~)
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pokecatt · 12 days ago
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With and without the scruff.
Alice Pepper, 20, during her time in Kalos, which I have set two years after BW2.
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bagerfluff · 1 year ago
New Normal
Aged Up Gladion x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Storms
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Gladion was sitting on the bed.
He was in the dead middle of the bed with Umbreon in his lap. Gladion was petting Umbreon as he stared at the blank screen that was the TV. When Gladion heard a sigh he turned his head to look at you. You pushed the blinds out of the way to look out of the window.
The reason you sighed was probably because there was a tropical storm happening right now. They happened a lot in Alola. They were rough, loud, unpredictable, and annoying. Gladion was used to them, but that didn’t mean he liked them.
Gladion just normally waited them out by reading or just staring at something. Gladion was a bit mad because he was supposed to do some training today and you wanted to go to the beach. But the storm canceled yours and everyone else's plans.
You were annoyed by that, mainly because the storm knocked out the power so you couldn’t watch TV. Gladion was also annoyed but he was a bit better at hiding it. You sighed again and closed the blinds. You turned around and looked at Gladion.
“This is infuriating”, you said.
Gladion nodded and watched as you walked over to the bed and sat next to Gladion. Your Pokémon jumped on the bed and crawled into your lap. You started to pet them to calm yourself down. You and Gladion sat next to each other in silence while you both stared at the black TV.
Suddenly you got an idea.
Your eyes got wide and a smile broke out on your face. You jumped off the bed, scaring your Pokémon and Gladion. You ran to put on your shoes and ran out the door. “Where are you going?” Gladion asked. It was storming outside, where could you possibly be going.
“Downstairs. I’ll be back”, you said with a smile. After that you ran out the door. Leaving everybody in the room confused. Gladion looked away from the door and to the window. Though the window was closed the wind was so powerful that some air still got through it.
Making the room pretty cold.
Gladion didn’t want to admit it but he was a little happy that it was storming. Gladion wanted to spend more time with you. Though you only started dating a few months ago Gladion always wanted to be near you. Gladion didn’t know how to explain it.
He didn’t even know what the feelings were till Lillie pointed it out for him. Even then Gladion still didn’t know what to do. It was you who confessed to Gladion. But Gladion had to idea how to tell you this. Gladion didn’t know how to get his feelings out and into words.
Gladion turned his head to the door when he heard it open. Your Pokémon jumped off the bed and towards the door when they heard it open. You smiled at them and your Pokémon smiled back at you. While Gladion just looked at you confused.
In your arms were lots of blankets and pillows.
You walked over to the bed and placed them down in front of Gladion. You sighed and removed your shoes before grabbing a blanket from the top of the pile and walking backwards. “What are you doing?”
Gladion asked and even Umbreon was looking at you confused. “I’m making a pillow fort”, you said with a smile. The smile made Gladion smile too. You had that effect on Gladion. Making him smile just by being in the room or looking at him.
Gladion didn’t ask any other questions as you draped the blankets over things and pinned them to the walls. Gladion didn’t ask questions when you put pillows on the sides to make flimsy walls.
When you were done Gladion was sitting in the middle of the bed with blankets over him making a roof and pillows beside him making walls. It was pretty impressive. You were able to do this with just pillows and blankets.
You went to the front and crawled in next to Gladion. You edged Gladion to move back and he did. Soon you and Gladion were laying next to each other. Staring at the blanket roof instead of the black TV. Your Pokémon were at the feet of the bed.
Cuddling with each other.
Gladion watched them. Gladion envied them, they could do that flawlessly while Gladion blushed every time you held his hand. Gladion had to admit. This was quite fun. Though Gladion didn’t do it and it looked hard, Gladion could feel your happiness when you completed it.
The smile of success.
This also made the storm less annoying and more fun. You reached down and held Gladion’s hand. Gladion’s face got red and he looked away from you. This was more fun than staring at a blank TV screen. “Isn’t this fun”, you said with a smile.
“Yes”, Gladion said as he looked back to the ceiling. You and Gladion waited out the storm in your little fort with smiles on both of your faces. Normally Gladion would be dreading the next storm, but this time.
He was looking forward to it.
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fluffymuffincentral · 10 months ago
Happy pride month!
Have some art of my goobers XD
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dollarstore-kins · 1 year ago
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Clemont pride icons requested by Anon!!
-Mod ET
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