#lnw spoilers
deathnotefilms · 7 years
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The name of Light’s child in the film series is written with the kanji hikari (光), meaning light, which is fitting. As a name, it has quite a few alternative pronunciations. The child has their father’s family name: Yagami.
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mikami · 8 years
So I read from your sideblog Mikami exists in the movie-verse?
Yes. And all of it is LNW SPOILER CENTRAL. Also hilarious. I wasn’t planning to share any of it in order to avoid spoiling the movie before it’s available to most of the fandom, but if you ask me.... here’s what I’ve been laughing about for the last months.
Okay, I need to preface this with the admission that I have not actually seen the movie, I’ve just let myself be thoroughly spoiled for this. And I’ll now self-indulgently spoil the story of how I was spoiled along with the actual spoilers because I’ve been sitting on all of this for so long.
As you may know, I have a lot of Japanese MikaLight shippers as mutuals on twitter. So the day the movie came out one of them of course wrote a review of it. Curious as I am, I put it through the hell that is Google Translate.I found myself very surprised by the mention of Mikami and ‘domestic MikaLight’ but I couldn’t make heads or tails out of it - all I could conclude was that at some point Mikami’s name is shown written on screen as a prosecutor who is mentioned. I really thought that was all and my mutual just went on a tangent. So I sat there like “oh, cameo, nice” and moved on.
I moved on until the movie ran in Indonesian cinema at which point @mklt went to see it. By the time she came home, I was sitting at my still-job, running the front counter of a used book store. I was slacking off and on twitter however. So mklt asks me “HAVE YOU HEARD THE SPOILER ABOUT MIKAMI” and I, having read what I believed to be a complete summary and also knowing about his name being mentioned, said “uh yeah kinda?”..... and then mklt asked me if I had heard about the thing with the kid. And I was like “what kid.”
So I received the full Mikami spoiler while I was sitting at my desk in a store full of customers. It was very hard not to choke because internally I was HOWLING with laughter but I did not want to have to explain that to the poor confused customers bookshopping. The hour I had left at work was a painful, painful one, trying to keep quiet and still get anything done.
So in movie-verse, Mikami and Light apparently knew each other in the timeline of the original movies. Apparently the got along. So far so good. Less good and also less logical: apparently at some point during this timeline Light fathers a child because he knows he needs a hear. Not with Shiori. Not with Misa. With... someone. This makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER and I doubt actually watching the movie will make it any more logical.
But yeah. The thing is. In case something happens to him, Light gives Mikami responsibility for this kid. Tragically Mikami doesn’t raise him, he is raised somewhere else until he’s 9 at which point he meets Mikami.
But then somehow when Mikami has this kid in custody, they get a Death Note and “”””go mad”””” over the power of it. Mikami gets angry the kid isn’t ready to be Kira yet so he... kills the kid? To get the DN for himself?
However, then he is killed.
tl;dr: Mikami is supposed to care for Light’s biological son, but murders him instead.
I’ve been laughing since I heard it and I haven’t stopped yet. None of this makes any sense, it’s so bizarre and strange and such a culmination of weird fanon I just... amazing.
If you ever want to find me in a crowd just yell “Mikami killed the baby” and I will be there. (mklt will possibly also be there. We live on different continents. But you can probably attract both of us with this. Best joke 10/10.)
The only thing the MikaLight fandom got out of this was domestic MikaLight HCs tbh. Everyone’s been having a great time with that, lmao.
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tsukurumishima · 8 years
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small text post meme ft. mishima making the same face in every production still
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incorrectlnwquotes · 7 years
Mishima: I admit, some mistakes were made.
Ryūzaki: Murders. Murders were made.
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sugurushimura · 8 years
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@mikami good to know, thanks! i guess i’ll just have to make myself wait a bit longer :’^)
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honeyxmonkey · 2 years
If it's okay to ask, how far along are we in Love and War at this point? It feels like the calm before the storm of the final battle, but then it felt like that in the buildup to Carter's death so I never know with you... you just love to keep us guessing don't you?
Of course it's okay to ask that!
So obv I can't give spoilers but we are pretty close to the end of the book! It's going to be just a little over 30 chapters, 32 or 33, so about the length of an actual book. Which I'm kind of proud of XD
But I digress
Yes! Love and War is nearly complete! Oh man... nearly complete. Holy shit I'll actually finish a multi-length fanfic for the first time in my life 👀
I do wanna get the last chapter out before January, so to give it a bit of a time frame, All Is Fair In Love And War should be finished before or by the end of the year.
And ofc, there'd be Book 2 in the series, but you probably shouldn't expect chapters for that super soon after LnW has been finished, since I've got school and I would need to plot out the story fully. And not just what I have for the basic premise of what's gonna happen XD
But stay tuned and thanks for reading!🥰
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smoria · 7 years
since i came up with a new tag for when i blog after a show airs, here’s how they will be used:
tea with smoria: 12pm - 7pm; if i’m up early enough or don’t have a lot of shit to do in the morning, then this one will come into play. this is one is the morning after the episode airs and i just don’t want to watch it right away. times will always vary depending on what time i get up or what time i get back.
late night with smoria: 11pm - 4am; this one will probably be used if i have a show that is overlaps with another show i happen to like to watch as well. let me give you an example, if i watch svu on wednesday at 9pm and i also watch criminal minds which comes on at the same time and i’m willing to watch it almost immediately after it airs, this tag will come into play or even if i do this the evening after. 
i will not do this all the time, but if i do, these will be the tags to look out for. i have designated tags for each show i watch and liveblog on here.
riverdale: where the river meets dale
pretty little liars: pretty little spoilers x the secret rosewood
svu: law&spoilers
south park: south parkin’
american horror story: horror spoils
if anymore shows i watch become material for blogging about, i will update this list. other than that, these are the ones to look out for and if you wish to miss any commentary from the above mentioned shows or even just from tws and lnws intervals, then those will be the tags to blacklist. enjoy your stay.
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deathnotefilms · 7 years
mikami replied to your photoset “The name of Light’s child in the film series is written with the kanji...”
What if his name is just pronounced Moon instead (I hope not, dear God)
Ha, I was thinking about that! Which is partly why I didn’t offer any pronunciation suggestions (that, and there are just so many). Knowing the Yagami family, it could be anything.
They could have saved us all the guesswork by just speaking the kid’s name once in the damn film.
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mikami · 8 years
Thank you for the info! I wasn't expecting Mikami to appear at all in the new movie, and when he does it appears they had him go out in quite the bang... and I thought drama!Mikami was wild.
Me too, me too. I feel like the universe has heard me whining about the lack of Mikami acknowledgement in the world and decided to grace us with the biggest fuck-ups that could have possibly been. It’s such an evolution:
Manga!Mikami: thinks he has more responsibility than he has, ruins Light’s planAnime!Mikami: same thing, but he also stabs himself with a penDrama!Mikami: sets his God on fire in a weird attempt to help himMovie!Mikami: JUST LITERALLY MURDERS GOD’S CHILD, WHY NOT
I just can’t believe he managed to get worse with every single version. 
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mikami · 7 years
Spoilers for the LNW movie (or word of warning) but I seen it and my worst fear came to life: appearance wise movie!Mikami comes off as a generic character this time around. Without any context you would not figure he was this universe's Mikami. Especially when I see how drama!Mikami had the pretty hair, it makes me disappoint they didnt even try this time.
Yeah, mklt told me the same about him. She said he doesn’t have any lines either, it’s just wordless flashback? I haven’t looked into the movie myself yet, but I’m braced for it, haha.
In the end, I’m fine with it, because I doubt I’ll enjoy his role in LNW as much more than a running gag with friends >w>
I guess we need to accept that we’ll never get the shoulder-length hair Mikami we truly deserve to see. (Later drama episodes are clooose but not enough.)
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incorrectlnwquotes · 7 years
Shien: You tricked me!
Ryūzaki: I deceived you. "Tricked" makes it sound like we have a playful relationship.
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mikami · 5 years
Did you ever finish the LtNW novel? If so please let me know your thoughts!
I did! And I meant to write a post about it much much earlier but then Casuistor came to visit and the world turned upside down, so I didn’t.
I have, however, pulled up the movie now and I will get started writing an actual summary post compiling all the non-movie bonus information. 
Spoilers though: the novel is bad and boring. It is really largely the script of LNW and soulless descriptions of characters’ body language. It’s kind of sad.
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deathnotefilms · 7 years
LNW spoilers
I will begin posting about Death Note: Light up the NEW world soon (at some point), spoilers and all. Spoilers will be tagged “spoilers” and “LNW spoilers”, in case anyone needs to blacklist.
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