#c: yuuki shien
incorrectlnwquotes · 7 years
Shien: I am having, this is crazy, I’m having feelings again. Like some kind of 14-year-old kid or something. I mean, you remember feelings, right?
Misa: ...Yeah. I have feelings every single day of my life.
Shien: Do you?
Misa: Are you saying you don’t have feelings?
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incorrectlnwquotes · 7 years
Misa: Are you always this cocky?
Shien: Only on Tuesdays, and whenever beautiful women are involved.
Misa: So you think I'm beautiful?
Shien: Actually, it's Tuesday.
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incorrectlnwquotes · 7 years
Shien: You tricked me!
Ryūzaki: I deceived you. "Tricked" makes it sound like we have a playful relationship.
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