#i have to finish what i was doing earlier
sluts4stsg · 3 days
ft. gojō satoru, getō suguru, female reader
contains: noncon, father/daughter incest, drugging, somnophilia, manipulation, voyeurism, vaginal sex, loss of virginity, and suguru just being the worst person ever.
word count: ~1.7k
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“i don’t know what came over me, but i… i actually, like… touched her last week, suguru…”
satoru thought he could confide in his friend about this; i mean, he has before when his actions were just intrusive thoughts, and suguru always told him the same thing: “but you know that you’ll never act on those thoughts, right? so don’t worry too much about them—just jerk off if you have to.”
but now suguru’s not telling him anything. 
no, suguru is perfectly silent as he opens the door to satoru’s daughter’s room, not even thirty minutes after you said you were feeling sleepy downstairs, and a chill goes up his spine at how suguru beckons him into the dark room with the smile of a buddha. 
satoru knows his friend, how fucked up and dark his thoughts can be, but nothing could have prepared for the first words to finally come out of suguru’s mouth; “well, she’s all yours.”
his eyes widen, eyebrows furrow, jaw drops at the clear implication of suguru’s words, leaving satoru staring at him in shock. his heart is like a drum in his chest, almost causing a ringing in his ears, as he tries to comprehend the situation at hand. “s… suguru, what do you…” he can't even finish his sentence, his breaths becoming shorter and shorter.
“oh, come on now, you know what i mean,” suguru playfully chides him as he snakes behind satoru, placing his hands on his shoulders and giving them an encouraging squeeze, “and you and i both know that you want to do it. why else would i set this up for you?”
the dryness in his throat becomes all the more noticeable at his words; he should’ve known something was wrong the minute suguru handed you a drink earlier. satoru knows his daughter, knows she doesn’t like carbonated drinks, and yet he didn’t say anything when he saw you gulping down the fizzy juice suguru poured for you. he thought you would have noticed and refused to drink it, but instead, you did and he let you.
even if he wanted to deny it, satoru knew his friend slipped something into your drink, and he relied on you to not fall victim because he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. because, deep down, he wanted something like this to happen.
ever since he caved and touched you in your sleep last week, he hasn’t stopped thinking about going further than just a touch. he wants you so, so bad it drives him insane, but he’s looking for any excuse not to become a monster right now. “suguru, she… she’s my daughter, i-i can’t… do that to her… i can’t hurt her…” 
but leave it to suguru to see through such a lousy excuse. “you’ve already started though, haven’t you? why not take this perfect opportunity to go further?” his voice is barely above a whisper, lips against the cusp of his ear. his broad chest pressed against satoru’s back, his arms wrapping around his waist to reach for his belt. “she won’t know, satoru, and besides, you love her more than anything else in the world—there’s no way you can hurt her.”
satoru knows that’s not true. he knows anyone is capable of hurting the ones they love, intentionally or not, and he’s sure that you will know what he did eventually; once he gets a taste, he knows he won’t be able to stop. 
but suguru’s words are a siren’s call, and as his friend pulls his belt out of the loops, satoru finds himself being drawn in, his body trembling as he climbs onto his daughter’s bed. he looks down at your unconscious body, the rise and fall of your chest, your peaceful face so blissfully unaware of what is about to happen, and his heart hammers with guilt as he feels his cock throb at the sight.
how can he be so turned on with the knowledge that he’s about to violate his own daughter?
the question rings in his ears, but the sound grows quieter as he watches suguru take a seat beside your pillow, his hand coming to wipe the drool threatening to dribble from your lips. “precious, isn’t she?” he laughs as he licks your spit from his thumb, and satoru can feel his breath get shallow from the action.
“yeah… she is…” he mumbles, almost in a trance, as he too brings his hand towards your mouth, fingers ghosting over your lips. such soft, delicate lips that he wants to devour with his own, his face leaning closer down towards yours.
fuck, why can’t he stop?
his fingers move to your cheek, cupping it while his free hand does the same for the other, and he presses his lips against yours, letting out a strangled moan as he finally takes what he wants. “there you go…” suguru praises him, leaning back as he takes in the sight of a father committing possibly the worst sin against his daughter, and he loves it.
it’s impossible to put into words how much he enjoys watching satoru force his tongue into his own daughter’s mouth, the sheer amount of gratification he gets from watching his best friend’s hand sneak under your shirt to grope you. of course, suguru’s aroused by the show, evident by the bulge in his sweatpants, but chalking up everything he’s feeling in this moment to arousal would be incorrect.
it’s only clicks with him what he’s truly feeling when satoru pulls his mouth off of yours and turns to him, his hands moving from under your shirt to your waistband. “suguru, please… please tell me to stop…” he begs between pants, out of breath—the desperation on his face palpable.
suguru feels powerful. he feels in control. “now, why would i do that?” the smile on his face is relaxed, the tone of his voice calm as his hand overlaps one of satoru’s, “you deserve this, satoru. go for it.”
and at those words, satoru breaks, yanking your shorts and underwear off your legs on one fell swoop, and his mouth goes dry as he gazes upon your slit. “fuck, suguru… she… she’s beautiful…” he whispered, voice strained, and he can’t help tracing a finger between your folds, shivering at the faint moistness that coats the digit. there is nothing he can do to stop his tongue from darting out to lick the slick you left on him, but the guilt weighs heavier on him when he involuntarily moans at the taste. “jesus christ, i’m a monster…” he mutters, palming his face with both of his hands as if to hide his shame.
but with the power he feels at this moment, suguru can’t help but push him deeper into this. “no, i’m the monster, satoru,” he reassures his friend, pulling satoru’s hands from his face so he could look him in the eye, “i’m the one who drugged her. i’m the one telling you to do this. it’s not your fault that you love your daughter this much, so don’t blame yourself. blame me, satoru.”
he looks at suguru with his widest eyes yet, astonished by his best friend’s insistence. “suguru, i… i…” he doesn’t understand why he’s doing this for him, but as satoru’s eye shifts between his best friend and his now bottomless daughter, he can only shake his head, “okay.”
there’s no way he can resist any longer. he can’t let his guilt hold him back from what he so desperately needs.
satoru shrugs his pants and boxers down his thighs, letting his painfully hard cock spring free, and doesn’t waste a second settling between your legs. “i’m sorry, baby…” he whispers to you as if you could actually hear him, pressing a kiss to your forehead with the tenderness of a good father, “...this is suguru’s fault, though.”
and with that declaration, he steels his resolve and pushes into you, his eyes rolling back immediately at the tightness; he only managed to get his tip inside, and already he’s struggling not to bust. “h-holy shit…” he practically whimpers as he forces himself deeper and deeper inside you, until his balls are flush against your ass. he doesn’t even want to move as he bottoms out, desiring to savor the sensation, but like a man possessed, his hips move on their own, fucking into his sleeping beauty with reckless abandon.
suguru is almost taken aback at how aggressive satoru immediately got, assuming that his friend’s guilty conscience would make him go easier on his daughter, but he’s not against it in the slightest. in fact, he can feel his own erection throbbing harder at the way you squirm in your drugged sleep, the way satoru moans so loud and uncontrollably like he’s in a bad porno, and he can feel his precum soaking into his briefs when he notices the slightest sheen of your virginal blood coating satoru’s cock as he drives it into you. fuck, does the sight make him want to blow his own load as well.
however, this is satoru’s moment—he’s not going to jerk off as his best friend finally takes everything he’s ever wanted. suguru wants him to savor this moment, and so the most he does is rest his hand over his massive bulge as leans against your headboard, occasionally rubbing it to soothe the ache. 
it’s like he’s viewing daytime television with casually how he continues to watch satoru���s frenzied, insatiable pace as he rapes his daughter, and he’s silent the whole time, even as his best friend buries himself deep inside you and cries out while unloading his balls. 
he was a director watching the final cut of his own creation, even clapping as satoru collapses on top of you. “excellent. i’m proud of you, satoru,” is all he comments before getting up off the bed, leaving the room. leaving him to deal with the aftermath on his own.
and while the guilt returns once suguru leaves, it’s only fleeting because now satoru knows that, if he ever gets this urge again, his best friend will take the blame for it.
he looks down at you, his beautiful and defiled daughter, as he finally pulls out. a pink mix of blood and semen leaks out of you, and satoru smiles at the sight, knowing that it’s suguru who did this to you—not him.
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amoscontorta · 2 days
Control | ao3 | the Sylus series
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You are feeling a bit depressed after completing a mission that didn't go 100% the way you wanted. Mephisto, and then Sylus, pay you a visit to cheer you up.
Sylus x gn reader, Sylus x mc, second person POV, a little Sylus POV This is not actually strictly part of the Sylus series, but rather a bit of an interlude outside of the series I'm writing because it doesn't advance the plot and I don't know where I'd fit it in. I was having an awful day earlier this week and wrote this purely to make myself feel better. I hope it does the same for others. It doesn't contain all the same triggers as the series (but I'd still advise checking the CWs) and can be read as a standalone if you'd like. This story contains: sfw, pure self-indulgent hurt/comfort for overachievers who, despite doing their very best, still feel like they didn't do enough, fluff, banter, tender Sylus, clingy Sylus, still-bit-of-a-jerk-Sylus, CWs: grief, discussion of the realities of law enforcement and innocent civilian death as a result of criminal activity, violence typical of the game and Sylus's criminal tendencies, mention of slight depression and feelings of emptiness.
Here you are, again. It has been a long day, a long week, a long month. You’ve been called out almost every shift to counter an increased spurt of wanderer attacks, while also trying to execute a carefully orchestrated undercover mission to stem the tide of illegal modified protocore weapons that recently flooded the black market by arms smugglers.
No, not Sylus. He’s too clever to put himself on the Association’s radar for his arms dealing in a way that could result in a trap being set for him.
No, the idiots you were going after couldn’t hold a candle to Sylus.
But their activity resulted in civilians being caught in the crossfire, and you had spent the last month seeing firsthand the carnage left behind after a gang battle erupted on the outskirts of Linkon City. You forced yourself to look at the broken bodies and broken families of the people affected, boots crunching on shattered glass, trailing bloody footprints on the cracked tarmac of the street. You would not allow your… situationship with Sylus to blind you to the reality of what his line of work could do to people. People just trying to live their lives, make their rent, raise their children–to survive a life that’s already painful and short enough already, without people like the assholes you just finished bringing down tonight arming other assholes with weapons that no one should be able to access. Weapons designed with one purpose in mind: maximum damage, minimum finesse. Weapons designed as if collateral damage is a feature and not a bug.
You’re tired. Days like this have always happened to you, even before you became a Hunter. The lethargy seeping through your body, the disinterest in doing anything that normally makes you happy. You lie on your bed, staring blankly through your gauzy curtains, the autumn wind driving the intermittent raindrops against the glass of your window. Each one a crystalline jewel, splattering, liquid diamonds trailing down the pane like tears. 
You have the evening stretching before you, and you want to enjoy it, you do. But you can’t seem to make yourself get up, as your mind drifts to the images you made yourself engrave in your brain. The least those people deserved was you to bear witness, and ensure that you never forget, since your work as a Hunter came too late to help them, in the end. 
You turn your gaze away from the gloomy late afternoon, let it wander over the riot of plants hanging from your ceiling and along the shelving in your room. Life continues. Proof of it is right here in your bedroom, the plants turning carbon dioxide into oxygen for you to breathe with your healthy lungs. You’re fine. You’ll be fine.
Before, you might have dropped in on your grandmother, making her a meal and sharing it in quiet companionship. If Caleb weren’t on a flight mission, you might have asked him to go on a run or to the gym with you, worked off some of this jittery aggression on the mats or by pushing your lungs past their capacity in an effort to leave him laughing in your dust.
But they’re gone now, of course. Victims of the same type of assholes you took down today.
You should be reveling in the success of your mission, but all you can see is the still form of one victim in particular, a snapshot in your memory of their slender wrist, their half-opened hand, lying in the street amongst the glittering shards of glass and scorch marks on the asphalt.
This empty feeling will pass. You know that. You have enough life experience to understand that feelings like this, moods like this, ebb and flow like Rafayel’s tide. So what if it’s harder now, to pull yourself out of them when you find yourself drifting in this sorrowful sea, because your support network has been washed away? That doesn’t mean you’ll feel like this forever. Only that it might take a little longer to drag your tired body off the bed, to refill your empty tank and survive and maybe enjoy another day.
Suddenly, you hear a tapping. You turn your head back to the window. Mephisto is perched on the other side of the glass, gently pecking the pane. He tilts his head and regards you with one glittering red eye.
You haven’t seen Sylus for several weeks now, both of you busy with your respective occupations, and you, doubly busy with the undercover mission. He has sent photos, here and there–blurry pictures of a black cat, a flock of birds in flight against an evening sky, the setting sun’s rays the color of fire and blood. He has asked how you’re doing, and you’ve lied and said you’re fine. He sent you a photo of a glass of wine on a low table near a roaring fire. “You should be here,” he’d captioned it.
Despite all of your complicated feelings about who he is, who he was to you when you first met him, what he does to afford his huge open hearth fireplace and all the finest things in life, you wished you were there with him too.
But you weren’t, and you haven’t been for awhile now. Over the past few weeks, you’ve seen Mephisto in the trees, heard his grating call over the sounds of traffic. But he hasn’t approached you, until today. Normally you would play your typical cat and mouse game with him, or rather, crow and worm, and you’d grab your paintball gun and see how good your aim is as he flaps outside your window, or you’d lure him in with a treat and lock him in the bathroom and wait and see how long it takes Sylus to send Luke and Kieran to set him free. You like to think of it as enrichment activities for both the crow and his owner–you’re not going to make it easy for Sylus to stalk you. He might get bored, after all.
But you just don’t have it in you, today. You slip off the bed and pad to the window, throwing it open. Rain mists your face, drawing goosebumps up your bare arms. Mephisto watches you, and caws softly. You’d call it a coo, if it wasn’t such a horrible sound. Much like his owner’s attempt at a lullaby. You back away, slip back onto the bed. If he’d like to come in, he’s welcome.
You return to staring at your bedroom walls. After a while, you hear the flapping of wings, and suddenly Mephisto lands next to you on the duvet. He shakes his mechanical feathers, and water droplets are flung onto the fabric and the mountain of pillows.
“Thanks, buddy,” you murmur, watching as he uses his beak to groom himself. It’s uncanny, sometimes, how alive-acting he is. Like a real bird. You’ve always wanted a pet. You know that Sylus insists that Mephisto is not a pet, but you really can’t see the difference. Mephisto clearly likes his owner, and does his job dutifully, and sometimes you think, with great pleasure. He drops little destroyed bits of surveillance hardware at Sylus’s feet on occasion, like a real crow bringing something shiny to a human who was previously kind to him. 
Curiously, but without much expectation, you extend your hand to the bird. He hops backward, away from you, but remains on the bed. “May I pet you?” you ask.
He cocks his head, makes soft little chirruping noises in his mechanical throat. You let your hand fall to the duvet, palm up, and close your eyes. It’s nice to have company, in any case.
After a while, you feel him hopping again, and then something cold and smooth hesitantly nudges your palm. You open your eyes. Mephisto is gently pecking your palm. He nudges it, then bobs his head, observing you with his beautiful ruby eye.
“Is that a yes?” you ask. In response, he sits down, nestling into your duvet. You lift your hand, and he lets you run your fingertips along the top of his head and along the smooth, cool metal feathers along his back. 
Every few minutes, he ruffles his feathers and readjusts his position, slowly inching his way closer to you on the bed. Finally, he is resting against your thigh, within easy reach of your hand, head tucked into one of his wings like he’s ready for a nap.
The open window lets the brisk, rainy autumn evening in, and the light slowly fades. Eventually, you manage to drift off into a dreamless sleep.
And this is how Sylus finds you, towards midnight. He lets himself in through your front door, using the fingerprint scanner he reprogrammed to accept his own as well as yours. He enjoyed seeing the look on your face, when you figured out that’s how he had gotten into your apartment without the key you had offered and he had refused. Your angry facial expression is worth more than all of his dragon’s hoard of wealth, in his trustworthy opinion.
He notes that the temperature in your apartment is surprisingly cool, even through the warm wool of his thick black coat. He had sent Mephisto to check on you, but he hasn’t managed to get an update since the bird was tapping at your window, sending back images to Sylus’s phone of you lying on the bed in your sleep clothes, awake, but not looking at your phone or watching your wall-screen, even though it hadn’t even been dinner time yet. He had told himself not to worry, that you were probably just tired after the past grueling month. But now he is worrying. He slides off his black monk strap shoes, and places them neatly along your entryway wall. Despite the faint worry edging up his spine, he takes the time to neatly line up your own hastily kicked off boots next to his, because he also worries that you’re going to trip and break your neck one of these days on all the shit you just leave scattered around on your floor, too exhausted to immediately tidy them up and put them away.
He makes his way through your dark apartment, picking up discarded clothing and folding them over his arm to put in your laundry basket, and quietly steps into your bedroom. 
No wonder it’s cold in here–your window is wide open. It’s no longer raining, but the chill night air drifts into your bedroom and stirs the leaves of your indoor plants. You’re buried in your duvet, curled around an equally nestled Mephisto, who deigns to lift his head from where he had it tucked under his wings. He caws softly, as if to tell Sylus to be quiet and to not wake Sylus’s sweet little Hunter.
“This is dereliction of duty,” Sylus quietly scolds the bird, lifting the lid of your laundry basket next to your closet and neatly putting the clothes inside. He goes to the window and shuts it, and then draws the gauzy as well as the blackout curtains against the night outside. He returns to the living room, hangs up his coat, and brings a glass of water back to your bedroom.
He leans over the bed and pokes Mephisto. “You’re in my spot.” The bird puffs up his feathers a little in indignation and caws quietly.
“Nope, out. You’ve had your turn.” Sylus prods him again, and finally Mephisto ruffles his wings, hops to his feet, and flaps off to the living room, making disgruntled noises as he goes. Sylus sympathizes, but doesn’t feel guilty at all for dislodging him from your side. It’s Sylus’s turn now.
He slips out of his slacks, pulls his sweater and undershirt over his head, and slides under the blanket next to you. You sigh in your sleep, frowning a little, and Sylus runs his finger between your eyebrows, smoothing the furrow there. If he could, he’d reach into your dreams and crush anything that would cause such an expression on your face in his bare hands. Unfortunately, that’s not one of the perks of the aether core in his eye. He settles for plastering his body against your back and wrapping an arm around you, running his nose along your neck and inhaling the scent of your hair. The distance between Linkon City and the N109 zone is getting harder and harder for him to handle gracefully.
While you’ve been busy taking down the low level morons playing at being arms smugglers, Sylus has also been busy for the past few weeks, negotiating deals, consolidating his power, tightening his grip in his efforts to acquire a monopoly on the illegal protocore arms trade in both the N109 zone and Linkon City. He’s making progress, but his work is not yet done. He’s tired, and he has spent every day of the past month missing you. Now that he knows your latest mission is over, he intends to soak in your presence for as long as you’re available, before he has to head back out into the cold gloom without you again.
Sylus closes his eyes. Just for a moment. He’ll check in on some online auctions in a few minutes, review the stock market moves of the day and reconsider investments, but for just this moment, he’ll hold you in his arms, and warm your cold hands in his warm palms.
And that’s how you find yourself waking up in the early hours of the morning, a big warm body pressed against yours. You blink, note the time of two in the morning. You reach out and feel around, setting your bedside lamp to its dimmest setting so that you can see in the pitch-black room. You turn your head, and find Sylus’s sleeping face on the pillow next to yours, looking more peaceful than he ever appears when awake. The furrow between his brows is almost nonexistent, and his mouth is soft, plush lips parted a little. In this moment, you can imagine him as a little boy, angelic in sleep, mischievous while awake. Your heart hurts a little, imagining what kind of life that little boy had to endure to become the sleeping panther next to you tonight.
You turn fully, brush your nose against his, and then cuddle into him, head tucked into his neck. You breathe him in. He smells like warm, sleepy Sylus, a little sweaty under the duvet. You resist the urge to lick him.
“This is the best way to wake up from a nap,” his hoarse, sleep-filled voice vibrates through you.
You laugh softly. “Good, because this is the only package we offer tonight. No refunds.”
“I wouldn’t dream of returning this experience.” You can hear the smile in his voice.
You both lie like that for a while, the sound of the wind outside and your combined quiet breathing the only sounds filtering through the room.
You had fallen asleep feeling empty, but waking up with this elusive man in your bed has you feeling sated. Refueled. Full. You sigh. How is it possible that a man who is responsible for the same things as those assholes you apprehended yesterday can make you feel like this? You remember that person lying in the street, eyes that will never see again, a parent who will never come home again. As if they were just sleeping. But as you stood over them, you knew better–your heart was the gravity well of a black hole, and you felt like you would fold in on yourself from the weight. If only you had been a little quicker, a little cleverer. If only you could disintegrate another human being like Sylus can, with just a gesture. You could have disappeared the assholes who were responsible for this person’s death, an entire life, someone’s baby at some point, brought into the world with love and effort and surviving each and every day, right up until the day you found yourself standing over them, as they lay broken in the street. And they died, for what? For some senseless, stupid feud over money? Turf? A feud they had absolutely nothing to do with. Fuck . You’re feeling sick again.
You burrow deeper into Sylus’s warmth.
“Speak,” Sylus says.
You pull back slightly and look up into his sleep-bleary face.
“Are we a parrot tonight?” He smiles, eyes heavy-lidded.
“A parrot?”
“And a comedian, ladies and gentlemen,” he leans forward, nuzzles your nose with his.
“Don’t get too close, I probably have morning breath,” you murmur.
“Ah, so you can formulate your own thoughts.” He nuzzles the side of your mouth. “Do I look like a give a fuck if you have morning breath? I probably do too.”
“Fine, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Then you yawn, widely. 
He runs his hand down your side and pinches your hip. You yelp.
“Don’t change the subject,” he commands. “Tell me what’s on your mind. I can hear it racing from here–I’m pretty sure it’s what woke me up from my pleasant nap.”
“Oh, did I disturb his royal highness’s beauty sleep?”
“Yes, so you owe me. The compensation is telling me what had you staring into the void yesterday, and what made you sound so sad just now while enjoying being wrapped in my extraordinary arms. Many people would pay a lot to be in the position you’re in right now,” he says smugly.
“Yes, in order to slit your throat.”
He huffs. You note that he’s wrong; you’re probably the only one with morning breath. He somehow manages to just smell good. Toothpaste and mouth. You want to lick his teeth. “You’re probably not wrong.” He pauses. “Please talk to me. I’ve gotten used to hearing your worries. You can shut everyone else out, but I don’t like it when you shut me out too.”
You roll away from him, but his arm around you prevents you from going far. You glance at your windows, but the blackout curtains block even the city lights. 
“I’ve just. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things over the past few weeks.”
“Uh oh. Nothing ever good comes from that,” he teases. You swat him in the chest. His body shakes with quiet laughter.
“Do you want to know or not?” you gripe.
“It’s not my fault that you didn’t make it clear that you won’t be accepting editorial commentary at this time. But I’ve learned my lesson. Continue.”
You throw your arm over your eyes and laugh. You can’t help it. Even when you’re feeling at your worst, this man manages to make you laugh. But you feel guilty for laughing, because the person you can’t get out of your head, this stranger who you were unable to save, will never laugh again. You hate it.
You sigh. “I’ve always struggled with the fact that my evol seems to have only a support function. Like, I often need a partner in order to be optimally effective in battle against wanderers, because otherwise it’s just me and whatever my physical talents are. Which, though amazing,” you sniff, “are often just, not enough when dealing with the kind of creatures that I often have to deal with.” You fall silent, imagining if you could set shit on fire like Rafayel without resorting to a flamethrower, or freezing a swathe of enemies all at once like Zayne. The battles you would wage would be epic.
“And I’m obviously competent at eliminating wanderers–I can usually arrive before the damage occurs. I can actually help people. And wanderers, they’re not like human perpetrators. They have no ill intent. They’re like animals, driven by instinct. Even when I do arrive too late, it feels more like a natural disaster than a malicious injustice. Of course, it’s still awful when someone dies for something so senseless, but that’s been the case for all of humanity’s history in the face of stronger predators.” Your mind races. You’re trying so hard to articulate what has been weighing on you. “But that’s only one part of my job. The other side of it, the side that involves going after humans with ill-intent, that’s a lot more complicated. So often, I arrive after the damage has already been done. I feel like the cleanup crew, completely useless to the normal people who just are trying to get through the day who get caught up in other peoples’ cruelty. It’s not like evil assholes announce their arrival with a metaflux fluctuation like wanderers do. I’m just.. too late, too often.” You try to imagine everything you’d do if you had Sylus’s power. You’d probably turn into a supervillain too, to be honest.
You fall quiet again. Sylus props his head on his hand and runs a finger along your clavicle with his free hand. You enjoy the feel of his calloused fingertip along your skin.
“And what else? I’m sensing there’s more to this story.”
You don’t want to hurt him. But you also don’t want to lie to him. “I just can’t reconcile the fact that I spent the last month tracking down the arms smugglers that I managed to catch yesterday, and I’d have gladly killed them if given half a chance. If I could snap my fingers like you, and just fucking annihilate them. But here I am, lying here in bed, with you.” You can’t bring yourself to look him in the face as you say this.
You feel Sylus’s fingers begin to trail up your forearm and gently encircle your wrist, pulling your arm away from your eyes. You turn and look into his face. 
“I’m certainly glad you’re not in bed with them now, sweetheart,” he says drily. “I don’t think there would be room for all of us, what with your army of plushies and my impressive physique.”
You groan.
“So let me get this straight. You’re upset because you feel like your skills aren’t sufficient to protect every single person who is in need of help. You’re upset that you can’t kill with a thought. And you’re upset because you would have killed these guys, who are in the same business as me, but you refuse to do the same to me?”
It sounds so simple, succinctly listed like that, for how heavy your heart feels. For the emptiness you felt, instead of triumph, after successfully protecting a lot of people over the last month, and getting a few more petty dealers off the street so they can't contribute to hurting anyone else in the future.
The bit about Sylus being the same as those criminals, without meeting their fate, on the other hand. That doesn’t sound simple at all.
You nod. “Instead of feeling like I did well, and taking the free time I have after I’ve completed a job to enjoy myself, or do something that makes me happy, all I can do is think about all the ways I failed, or how could have done it better, or how I’m still not doing everything I should be doing to help people. That’s why I was …staring at the void, as you put it. I couldn’t imagine one thing that I wanted to do with the free evening I had.”
Sylus pokes you in the forehead. “I knew you were arrogant, and greedy. I just never realized how much until this moment,” he says, narrowing his eyes.
You jerk back from his touch. “I pour my heart out to you, and you call me arrogant and greedy?” He lifts his eyebrows at your outburst. “The fuck, Sylus?”
“Quiet, or you’ll wake Mephisto.” He drapes an arm back over you and pulls you back into his warmth.
“Oh nooo, wouldn’t want to wake your mechanical murder bird,” you bite out, but quietly. You feel like you have a new understanding with Mephisto now that he let you pet him and you shared a nap with him. It’s not his fault that his owner is an insensitive asshole.
“No, we wouldn’t,” he agrees placidly. “Would you care to know why I am rightfully pointing out that your attitude about what you 'should' be capable of is arrogant and greedy? Or do you just want to stay upset about it for a little longer? I can wait.”
You scowl at him. “Oh, I’m happy to wait if you keep looking at me like that,” he murmurs, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
You put your palm on his face and push him away. He rolls away with a soft laugh.
“Just tell me,” you grumble. “And then go home. I’m suddenly not feeling like company anymore.”
“Hmm,” he props himself back up on his hand. “You have an incredibly powerful aether core in your heart, one that is coveted by countless people.” He rests his other hand over your heart as he speaks. “You've recently increased its power by absorbing the power of another aether core. You can heal other evolvers, resonate with them to exponentially increase their power, and probably do a lot more than you’re aware of yet. You’ve probably not even scratched the surface of what it can do for you.” 
You look away, but enjoy the press of his palm against you.
“You have extraordinary physical capabilities–I’m not just patronizing you when I said that I’d rather have you at my back than anyone else I know, even without your evol.” He reaches for your cheek, and gently tilts your head to look at him again. His wine-dark gaze drifts over your face. “And you’re not the only Hunter in the Association. If only one person were capable of doing your job, there would be no Association at all. You can’t expect to be one-hundred percent successful, one-hundred percent of the time. Not even I am greedy enough to feel like I should be able to have that kind of success rate. And I’m also not arrogant enough to expect that of myself. I can’t run Onychinus alone. I rely on many subordinates and competent people to take care of the business when my attention is elsewhere.” He looks at you pointedly, as if you’re the elsewhere slurping up all of his attention.
You blow a raspberry at him.
More quickly than you thought he could move, he snatches your tongue between his thumb and forefinger and gently wags it. His skin is salty. “Da thuck, Thylus?”
“Keep it in your mouth if you don’t want me to take it,” he wags it once more, as if to emphasize his point, and then lets go. “Next time I won’t give it back.”
You suppress the urge to just slobber all over his face in retaliation.
“So yes. I find the expectations you have for yourself to be arrogant and greedy, and entirely excessive. Do you think that your colleagues are failures, or haven't done enough, when they return from missions that went tits up, or when they failed to protect one hundred percent of those threatened?"
You scowl. Of course not. You know that they work their asses off to the best job they can. You'd never think less of them for having a bad day, or a bad mission. For people dying on their watch. But they're not you.
"Kitten, you’re doing your best, with everything you have in you. The world is cruel, and so are the people in it. You can’t control that. But you can control what you do about that cruelty. You're already fighting as hard as you can--too hard, if you want my valuable opinion."
"Trying as hard as I can with as much hardware and bodywork I can exploit. But it's just no the same as having your evol," you grumble. You might be slightly jealous of Sylus's power. Just slightly. 
Sylus huffs, sounding a little impatient. "If it's not enough for you to be a walking grenade launcher, and you're frustrated that you can’t disintegrate those you want to eliminate with a snap of your fingers, just bring me with you. You can control me, and I’ll do all the heavy lifting.”
You just stare at him, mouth hanging open a little. He lifts his hand and chucks you under your chin with his thumb to close it. “Why so shocked?”
“Aside from the fact that you just offered to murder for me?” you ask, shaking your head a little.
“I already have murdered for you. I’d do a lot more than that, for you.” He pulls you into his side again and rests his head on your shoulder. “So don’t be too greedy. You're already very talented at what you do. You have control over the most powerful person in the N109 zone. The people you work to protect every single day are lucky that you are on the Association’s side, and not anyone else’s. You can’t save the entire world from injustice. But you can continue doing your best, with your already impressive skills, to protect as many people as you can. And if anyone tries to tell you that what you’re doing isn’t enough, you can send them to me. Including yourself. I will take care of them for you.”
You turn your head and rest your cheek in his silky hair. You breathe deeply and feel your heart settle in your chest. You notice that he hasn’t addressed the fact that he’s involved in the same business as the people you took down yesterday. But you don’t care. You know, somehow, in the calm beating of your heart, that he isn’t anything like them. He isn’t anything like them at all.
Your thoughts drift to a slender wrist, to an open palm. You will never forget this person. Hopefully you can honor them, in some small way, by continuing to force yourself to look, and not surrendering to the horror of it. You will keep going. Maybe next time, you'll arrive in time. You hope it is enough. And you'll also try to hear what Sylus is telling you. All you can give is your everything. No one can ask more of you than that, even if it's you who is asking.
As you continue rubbing your cheek in his hair like a cat, he speaks again. "And as for you not arresting me... or taking advantage of your position and slitting my throat." You freeze. You thought maybe you could just pretend you hadn't expressed this worry tonight. "Have you ever considered the possibility that, in order to treat an infection, it's not sufficient to just address the symptoms?"
For a second you feel like you can hear Zayne coming out of Sylus's mouth, and you're totally weirded out. "What do you mean?" you reluctantly ask.
"Sometimes, the only way to destroy a rotten core is to work from the inside out. It's not enough to desperately amputate the affected limbs. And that kind of work requires getting your hands dirty."
You feel like he just told you something very important. But you can also sense that he won't explain anything else tonight. This is the closest the two of you have ever gotten to actually discussing the substance of his work, and you're satisfied with that. The certainty you felt before, about him being utterly different than the others, settles deeper into your bones. You relax into him again.
“And your last worry. About not knowing what to do with yourself when you’ve completed something extraordinary, and find yourself with some free time on your hands… just call me. We can figure out what to do together.”
You can’t bring yourself to say anything. If you do, you might start crying and not be able to stop. He is everything you needed tonight. You just press closer into him, hoping he can hear everything you can’t say out loud yet.
“So, still not feeling like company anymore?” Sylus asks, after you’ve sat in peaceful silence for a few moments. “Or am I allowed to stay?”
“Would you go even if I asked you to?” You reach up and run your fingers through his soft hair, and he makes a pleased noise deep in his throat.
“If I thought that was what you really wanted, sweetheart.”
And you believe him.
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milaswriting · 2 days
Update. — 3rd October 2024
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Well, helloo. If you're following me and reading this then...you must really hate me for my lack of activity on this blog. I apologise for that. Doing a masters degree really kicks my ass, and leaves me with no time to write. But Golden has never been dead or abandoned, it's very much always at the forefront of my mind.
And, for that pure reason, I know it's a story I haven't been 1,000% happy with so the story is going through some major changes. Probably, the first is that it's being rewritten. A (somewhat) new plot written with whole new software—we're making the move to Twine.
My reasoning; I've spent over a year learning the coding which makes me want to rip my hair out. I get to have a lot more ownership over my work, the customisation options are stellar, and you guys will get to read it for free.
The reasons for rewriting has been because I want to fix the cringey writing from when the story's first demo was released. It's mostly from the earlier chapters, but then the thought of plot changes came to me and I wanted to implement those. Realistically, the majority of what's being rewritten is what I had planned for book two—so I'm just bringing that forward. I'll update the synopsis closer to the release of this rewrite.
The changes (which can be subject to change): I'm getting rid of the university idea (though you can still choose careers that are related to those degrees from the options that'll be given) (e.g., if you liked the nursing student option, then your MC can work as a nurse). I'm thinking that the MC will already know about the supernatural world to some extent—there'll still be a lot of suspense and mystery and things to unravel, that was always going to remain. And, in this rewrite, my thought is that the MC and the gang will be working at a multi-agency organisation — called The Everbrook — where the aim is to bridge the gap between humans and supernaturals. To make the world run smoothly, so to speak.
The ROs are the exact same! No changes to that—the only change is that them and the mc will somewhat know of each other already. The genre is the same. MC is still as they are, a Lehsian socialite with a pretty (yet peculiar) birthmark. The parents will have much, much less of a role, but they'll still be mentioned here and there.
This seems like a load of word vomit, but I feel like these changes will improve the story. I'm hoping that it'll make MC less of a spare part in the story, allowing them to have more autonomy in the supernatural universe, especially with their enhanced skillset.
I've done the customisation in terms of the UI layout for Twine already, and it should be mobile friendly too. With that done, I've started writing and I'm a few thousand words in. A lot of what I've written in the ChoiceScript version can still be used, but also getting back into writing a story from scratch is something I'm looking forward to.
I feel like this is a bittersweet thing because yay to a new and better story, but also the time it's going to take to get it out. I'll debate whether to release the whole ten chapters, or do a few chapters at a time, like splitting it up into chunks (releasing three chapters now, and three chapters later on).
Another reason as to why I've taken so long to mention this, other than learning code and the rewrite, is just the while process of this being a little nerve-wracking. The whole thought of a rewrite of something I've put so much effort into is scary, but it'll be worth it.
I'll accept any questions you've got, and I'll create an FAQ regarding all of this too. But, most importantly, you're in the loop of how this is progressing. I really appreciate everyone's kind words about this story: loving the ros, re-reading it, still sticking by my writing—it means a lot. So, thank you and I hope the future of this story is what you want and more.
Finish introductory scenes.
Finish chapter one.
2.2k (rewrite)
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echobx · 1 day
I know you have Kinktober and said no prompts but I love your writing and omg I can't stop thinking about that clip of JJ and John B before the race and I wanna give JJ some good luck head or something, anything. he should fuck me for good luck yk?
Good Luck - JJ Maybank × fem!reader
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summary: JJ fucks you for good luck before the race
word count: 595
warnings: smut, p in v (unprotected), making out, semi-public, backshots, creampie, breeding mention
author's note: omg nooo bc I literally said the same earlier to my besties when I rewatched that clip 😭
kinktober masterlist
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“I know it's not the smartest idea, baby. I’ve heard it all from the guys, but I know I can do it,” JJ pleads as you hold onto him so he can't put his gear on. “Just ‘cause you can, doesn't mean you should,” you pout. “I'm gonna win,” he tells you, and you lift your head to look up at him, into the beautiful blue of his eyes that makes you fall in love all over again. “You should still get some good luck with you,” you smile, letting your hands run from his shoulder blades over his back to his ass, squeezing a little and making him chuckle with it. “What type of good luck are we talkin’?” “The best kind.” You nod, batting your lashes and biting your lip. It doesn't take a second before his lips are on yours, tongues entangled in a heated kiss while his hands run under your shirt, groping at your tits.
The small tent you are in isn't going to stop any of your noises from being heard outside, but you hope the crowd noises will drown it out when he rips your shorts off you, making them pool at your ankles before turning you over and making you lean on the not so sturdy table that had his helmet sitting on it. JJ is hastily unbuckling his belt and tugging his pants down to his thighs. “If I win, I'm gonna knock you up,” JJ groans, running his leaking tip through your wet folds. “Win and I'll let you,” you say while looking back at him, mirroring the deep smile on his face that contorts into a pleasure-stricken groan as he pushes into your tight pussy. “Jesus Christ,” a laugh rumbles through his throat as he pulls out almost completely just to slam back into you. You convulse around him, moaning and holding onto the table for dear life, while his hands dig into your hips, bruising your soft flesh. “Don't have much time,” JJ pants, trying to fuck you even faster than he is, and if you weren't so wet you'd surely tear in two if he doesn't finish soon. “Tell me you're close, baby,” he breathes heavily, pulling you up with your hair wrapped around his hand. “So close,” you moan, head resting against his shoulder and pussy clenching impossibly tight around his thick length. “M’gonna win,” JJ starts mumbling repeatedly as you feel his thrusts growing sloppier and his dick twitches inside you. “Gonna come,” you cry out in one moment and in the other your face is back down, pressed against the cold plastic of the table while your juices squirt out all around him and drip onto his pants. “That's it, baby,” JJ moans, giving you two last deep thrusts before he shoots his cum deep into your guts, and you gasp at the feeling.
He pulls out, and you can hear his zipper, then you feel his hands run over your ass, delivering a light smack before he kneels down and kisses your clit. “Got your good luck all over my pants, baby,” he chuckles and pulls your shorts, and slip back up. He pulls you into his arms, turning you around so he can kiss you. “I love you,” you whisper against him, your hands cupping his cheeks while his are on your ass. “Make me proud,” you smile, and with a last squeeze of your soft flesh he lets go of you, taking a step back and leaving the tent and you to race against Rafe Cameron. 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @redhead1180 @spideysimpossiblegirl @drwstarkeyy @princessmaybank @ijustwantttoread @kys4-20 @immyowndefender @julczimozart @m2m2m2 @mochimms @dorkyfangirl24 @itsme-again @maybankslover @th3eternalersi
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yan-lorkai · 2 days
God I just read your soft yandere Leona executing the people who tried to kill his s/o and I LOOOVE it! Could I have this scenario in the same format (ie long drabble) for Malleus? Where the council/high nobles don't approve him marrying a human and try to assassinate them and Malleus catches them. I need soft yandere Malleus enjoying a nice dinner with his love after he just finished publically torturing/executing the hell out of those nobles
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/n: That fic was a favorite of mine too. The softness, the death, it was a masterpiece imo. So I hope you like this too, darling! (^-^)
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The grand hall was silent, save for the soft clatter of cutlery against fine china. Malleus watched you from across the table, his emerald eyes alight with a contentment that was almost unsettling in its intensity. The air was still heavy with the remnants of the afternoon's events and though you tried to focus on the delicate meal before you, it was impossible to forget the horrors that had transpired just hours earlier.
It had started when the council, with all their arrogance and pride, had dared to question Malleus’s choice.
“A human?” They had sneered, contempt dripping from their words, as you felt their eyes on you, hudging you for every single little thing. “Surely, the Crown Prince could do better.” Their words had been harsh, cruel and you could still feel the sting of their disapproval like a fresh wound.
But Malleus’s reaction had been instant and absolute.
“I see,” He had said, voice deceptively calm. “You believe yourselves fit to judge my decisions?”
His smile had been cold, empty of its usual warmth, and it was in that moment you saw the depths of his fury. “Very well. Then allow me to demonstrate the consequences of defying your future king.”
Now, as you sat across from him at dinner, he was all smiles and warmth, as if the day’s events had been nothing more than a distant dream. “You’ve barely touched your food,” Malleus noted, tilting his head. “Are you not hungry, my love? Or perhaps you want something else?”
You hadn’t been allowed to witness the executions; Malleus had ensured that much as he demanded Silver and Sebek to not let you in. But you had heard the screams, echoing through the castle walls, each one more desperate than the last. The very air had vibrated with his magic, raw and unrestrained, as he had dealt with each council member in turn, their cries a symphony of suffering that left no doubt of his power.
When it was over, the silence that followed had been deafening.
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to look up at him. “It’s just… It’s been a long day,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. “I’m still… processing.”
You shivered, but whether it was from fear or something else, you couldn’t say. “But… did it have to be so… brutal?” you whispered, unable to shake the image of their twisted, broken bodies from your mind.
Malleus’s expression softened and he reached across the table to take your hand in his. His touch was gentle, the same hand that had so recently been drenched in blood now cradling yours with the utmost care. “I did what needed to be done, my love.”
His tone was so calm, so assured, as if he were discussing something as mundane as the weather. “They dared to hurt you, to question your worth. Such disrespect cannot be tolerated, for an offense upon you is an offense upon me.”
“Yes,” Malleus answered without hesitation, his gaze never wavering from yours. “Because they needed to understand. You are my chosen consort, my beloved, and anyone who dares to threaten that will face the consequences.” He squeezed your hand, his thumb brushing over your knuckles. “You deserve nothing less than absolute devotion and protection.”
He released your hand only to rise from his seat, moving around the table to stand behind you. Bending down, Malleus pressed a tender kiss to the crown of your head, his breath warm against your skin. “You are mine,” he murmured, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. “And I will not allow anyone to take you from me.”
The words were a promise, one laced with both love and a dangerous, possessive edge. As he returned to his seat, Malleus gestured to your untouched plate with a gentle smile. “Now, my dear, please eat. I had this meal prepared especially for you.”
You nodded numbly, picking up your fork and taking a bite. It was delicious, as always, but the taste was overshadowed by the weight of Malleus’s gaze, watching you with an intensity that made it clear he would do anything —absolutely anything — to keep you by his side.
And as you sat there, sharing a meal with him, you realized that this was your reality now: a life bound to a dragon who would burn the world to ashes if it meant keeping you safe.
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Dave lizewski x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT - 18+ sub!dave, dom!reader, handjobs, praise, oral (m receiving), insecurities, punishment
~ thank you @corpsebridemepls for the prompt 💗 ily ~
There was nothing you loved more than watching Dave fall apart for you.
He'd been in one of his moods this evening, his head hung low as he chewed on his lip and pretended like he wasn't sending you the most pathetic, needy, puppy dog eyes you have ever seen. Frankly, he was begging for your attention and so you happily provided him with it.
"Now shush," you warn as you sit on your knees behind him, heels against your ass, naked breasts pressed against his back as you lean your chin on his shoulder. You can see the tears glistening in his eyes from his reflection in the full-body mirror you've moved in front of your bed.
You have his heavy cock resting in your hand as you glide your thumb teasingly over the tip, watching as his pre-cum dribbles onto your palm. 
"Messy boy," you whisper into his ear, biting on his earlobe as he whimpers. 
You watch as Dave's eyes flutter shut from the stimulation and the embarrassment and you squeeze his cock, causing his thighs to clench and his eyes to fly open again. "M'sorry," he hurries to say, blinking rapidly as he watches himself in the mirror.
"What did I tell you, baby?"
"Keep your eyes on the mirror," Dave repeats your words instantly. 
"And why is that?" 
He lifts his hips to meet your hand as you stroke him slowly, kissing down his neck. He's doing his best to look at himself, his earlier insecurities biting him in the ass as he tells you what you'd ordered him to say, "Because I'm a p-pretty boy a-and I deserve to know it."
Dave sounds embarrassed and you lick a stripe up his neck, your hand moving faster. You look at him, catching his gaze in the mirror, and tilt your head teasingly. He looks like a blushy, desperate mess. His cock is twitching and you can tell he wants to come already. 
You won't make it that easy for him.
"You know I hate nothing more than when my cute, adorable, handsome baby thinks so badly of himself," you whisper, sounding stern. 
Dave nods, biting down on his lip to stifle a moan. 
"And d'you know why I hate it so much?"
He can't help the groans that escape his lips as he shakes his head. 
"Because it makes me sad to think you can't see yourself like I see you," you praise and slowly lift yourself from behind him, nipples grazing his bare back, and Dave shivers. You walk around and position yourself on your heels again, your hands spreading his thighs.
"Do you like making me sad?"
Dave whimpers. "No- no—"
You look at his dick and smile. "I love you so much, my handsome boy."
You lean down and kiss the tip, sensing his shiver. Dave looks down at you and clenches his hands in the sheets. You look back up and catch his gaze, licking up his cock and then humming in disapproval. 
"Now, I want you to look at yourself while I suck you off. Look at how pretty your expressions are for me, watch yourself fall apart and see how gorgeous you are, can you do that for me?" You gently suck his tip, teasing him as you pull away, "and every time you feel yourself becoming close, I want you to tell me how damn pretty you are, understand? Gotta make sure you understand never to speak that way about yourself," you finish with a hum and listen to Dave's poor whimper as you take his cock in your mouth. 
Hopefully, this helps the message sink in. 
tags: @earth-elemental18, @lqrlei, @princesssunderworld, @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader
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demonsslayersstuff · 2 days
When You’re Sick (AOT Men x Reader)
A/N: Drabble/ head canons of how some of men from Attack on Titan would take care of reader when they are sick. Did this for JJK, stay tuned for the Demon Slayer one. No warnings, mostly just fluff Enjoy!
Characters: Erwin, Levi, Jean, Eren, Armin
Erwin Smith: *I just finished season 3 and I'm so gutted, I won't give spoilers away but I legit cried.
This blond haired blue eyed king is the commander for the Scouts so he is busy with a capital B. However if you were sick he would make the effort to take what little breaks he has throughout the day to stop by and check on you
I could see him bringing you hot tea or water when he stops by, placing it on your night stand as he leans down to give you a light kiss on the forehead
As the commander he doesn't want to get sick so he'll keep his distance if your super sick, but he would still come by to check on you and making sure your getting the best medical care
Once your on the mend I could see him making more of an effort to end his day earlier than normal so he can come cuddle you in order to make up for his slight distance whilst you were sick
You hear the bedroom door creak open as the last rays of the sun dip down below the wall. You sit up slightly in bed as your partner comes into view. "Hey darling, how do you feel?", Erwin asks as he comes a bit closer to your bed, placing down the tea he'd brought with him. "Better, still a headache, but no longer coughing, so I think I'll be good to back to work tomorrow", you tell him with a light smile. "I'm glad to hear that", he says coming to sit on the edge of you bed. Erwin reaches out to softly touch your forehead, noting the lack of fever before he leans to give your forehead a light peck. "Will you stay?", you ask him with pleading eyes. "You don't have a fever anymore, so I think I can if that's what you want", he replies. "Then please stay", you tell him. "Ok", Erwin responds before standing up to remove his his jacket and gear before climbing into bed to join you. "Thank you", you whisper as he pulls you to his chest. He hums in response, content with stroking your hair softly as the two of you enjoy a quiet night together.
Levi Ackerman:
Similar to Erwin, he is a busy guy, but that doesn't mean he won't take the time to take care of you. Before he starts his day he is making sure your taking meds, drinking plenty of water, and eating a little bit of food before he feels comfortable with leaving you
100% stopping by during meals to check on you and if you were really sick I could see him taking you to a doctor or getting you the help you need
We all know our short king is a bit of a clean freak so I could see him going out of his way to make sure your room stays fresh and clean, even though your sick, he'll mask and glove up to clean up your dirty tissues and such
If your super sick he'll keep his distance because he needs to stay healthy, but would want updates and such as your recovering. If you aren't to sick I could see him making an effort to just spend a little bit extra of time with you. Levi is a very caring person, so he would make sure you felt cared for during your illness.
"Goddam you look like shit", Hange says as you walk into the kitchen. Levi looks at you with a concerned expression as you hobble in the room. "Feel like it too", you mutter as you move to make some tea. "Maybe you should go lie down, I'll bring you some tea", Hange says with a bit of concern in their face. Before you have chance to respond, Levi cuts in. "Go back to bed, I'll bring you some food and water", he stays in an authoritative tone. You don't even argue, you just nod your head as you turn to head back towards your room. It's not long before Levi enters, gently placing a try of what looks like soup and tea on your night stand. "Eat", he says as he comes to sit on the edge of your bed. "M'not hungry", you say looking at him tiredly. Levi's eyes soften. "Eat a few bites, for me", he says softly, a tone reserved just for you. You take a few bites before you shake your head, signaling you've had enough Levi sighs, but doesn't push you further. "Sleep, if you don't feel better by dinner I'll take you to the doctor", Levi says pulling the blankets up to your chest. You nod your head slightly, "Thanks", you whisper. "Anything for you", he replies as he heads for the door.
Jean Kirstein:
He would do anything and everything for you when your sick. I feel like his partner would be his number one priority, so you'll be taken care of by him
I could see him taking you to the doctor right away, he doesn't want you to get any sicker. If your not sick enough to be resting, Jean would definitely take on some of your work to help lighten your load
He's making sure your eating, getting the necessary fluids down, and making sure you get rest if you need it. Even though your sick that doesn't bother him, he'll cuddle you and what not in order to make you feel better
If he can't be around you when your sick, you best believe that any chance he gets, he's stopping by to check in on you.
"Here", Jean says as he hands you a cup of hot tea. "Thanks love", you whisper, throat too sore to talk at a normal volume. "Of course, I do wish you'd rest though", he replies, a worrying look in his eyes. "It's just a cold, it'll pass after a few days", you tell him before sipping the warm drink. "Ok, but after dinner no staying up late, straight to bed", Jean tells you, giving you a serious look. "Fine", you mutter, though deep down you were happy to follow his command. Jean smiles lightly before kissing your cheek. The two of you spend the rest of your lunch break in comfortable silence.
Eren Jeager:
Eren might not seem very worried on the outside, but on the inside he's a bit anxious when your sick. Does not want you to do any sort of work, even if all you have a simple cold. Could see the two of you having a little argument over you working
Get's what you need without you even needing to ask. Want some tea, already in your hand, head sore from a headache, he's massaging it for you before you go to bed
No shame in sticking close to you if you sick, he's holding your hand/ cuddling you even if it puts him at risk. He wants to make sure that you are cared for in anyway shape or form
If he's unable to be around when your ill, Eren is totally asking Mikasa or Armin to keep an extra eye on you and to update him if anything changes
"You need to stay in bed, you have a fever", Eren huffs as you make your third attempt to crawl out of bed. "I don't care, we have work to do", you tell him angrily. "Hey, even the captain said to take a day of rest, so stop arguing with me" Eren replies with equal anger in his tone. You stop fighting at his words, "Really?", you question. "Really, a sick solider is more of a burden than an un-sick one, so please lay back down" Eren tells you. You sigh, but listen to him. "Fine, but only because the captain said too", you mutter as Eren softly drapes a blanket over you. "Do you need anything?", he questions softly as he gently rubs your cheek with his thumb. You shake your head no, before turning your head to kiss his palm. "Then I'll see you at lunch, please just rest", Eren says before standing up to put on his jacket. "Thank you", you tell him and you mean it. "Of course, sleep", are his last words before he slips out the door, leaving you to get some much needed rest.
Armin Arlet:
One of the sweetest boys out of the whole group. If your sick, he's there for you, even it means putting himself at risk. I could see him going personally out of his way to make you tea or even make you food himself if he has the time
Even if your not sick sick, Armin is already getting you permission to take a sick day, he's not letting his partner get more sick. If your really sick, Armin is taking you to the doctor
Tries to be with you as much as possible, but similar to Eren if he can't be with you he would ask one of his friends to keep an eye on you.
I could see him reading a book you or talking to you in his free time if you felt bored. He's going to do everything in his power to make you feel better
A light touch to your forehead is what wakes you up. "Armin?", you mutter, sleep still heavy in your voice. "Shhh, go back to sleep, I was just checking on you", he responds quietly. "What time is it?", you ask, rubbing sleep from your eyes. "After dinner, you slept most of the day", Armin replies a bit sheepishly. "Damn", you say, moving to sit up. "Don't worry, I brought some food if you feel up for it, but if you want to sleep, I save it", he tells you with a small smile. "I'll eat now, thank you", you tell him you heart swelling at his thoughtfulness. Armin sits on your bed, conversing with you while you eat and once the food is gone and your ready for more sleep, he gives you light peck on the forehead with the promise he'll be back soon to cuddle with you.
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moirasdolly · 3 days
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˚ ⋆゚୨୧ Vampire Heart ୨୧ ˚ ⋆゚ Arlecchino x Fem Reader
Synopsis: You had gotten all dolled up for Arlecchino expecting a long night full of many surprises. You didn’t know what you had gotten yourself into until it was too late, but you find yourself ignoring the other woman’s red flags.
Contains: NSFW (men and minors dni), graphic depictions of blood sucking, hurt/comfort (only slight angst).
Listening to ♪ ིྀ: …baby one more time - The Marías
Previous chapter: 2
Notes: Just a quick update before the blood sucking ૮₍ - ⤙ - ₎ა I thought I’d bring this fic back just in time for spooky season !! I’m definitely going to try to finish it by the end of October, but for now please enjoy this chapter <3
❤︎ Chapter 3: Fangs
Arlecchino had no trouble drinking in your pretty, doll-like appearance as you laid in the mountain of frilly blankets covering your bed. She thought you looked cuter than anyone she had ever seen with the way you were peering up at her through your long, dark lashes. It was taking all she had in her to not just pounce on you the moment she stepped through the threshold of your room.
You had giggled softly at her staring and if she thought you couldn’t get even cuter, she was mistaken. Her gaze followed your hand down to where it was patting the empty space beside you, and if you were insisting, then who was she to refuse? She easily slid into the bed beside you leaving you no personal space. She was oddly cold, you thought to yourself, maybe she just naturally ran cold… You paid that no mind though and instead you favored cuddling up to her to try to warm her up since you were feeling a bit bolder about initiating contact.. “Arle… You’re freezing.” A pout graced your lips and she simply shook her head at you. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about me, I’m perfectly fine as long as I have you warming me up.”
At her words you draped one of your legs around her own and nuzzled closer to her, letting your head rest gently on her chest. You hadn’t considered that the neckline of her slip plunged low on her chest, so when your cheek made contact with her bare skin, you felt your body heating up. Arlecchino felt it too because you heard a deep chuckle from within her throat as she ran her lithe fingers up and down your lower back. “Are you getting shy now? Cute.” Her tone wasn’t exactly mocking, but the way her voice lilted up at the end made it feel like she was trying to work you up.
“I bet you weren't shy when you were snooping through my belongings earlier.” Her tone darkened and your body went rigid at her words before you pushed yourself away from her. You stayed silent for a moment, not knowing what to say to defend yourself. You knew there was no defending yourself though, it was clearly wrong going through her possessions. “I-I…” You started, not sure how to continue. Your eyes were searching her own for any sign of warmth, but you were met with a face of indifference. She was incredibly hard to read, and it was making you nervous just how quick her demeanor could change.
“I’m sorry, I was just so curious about you, you were so secretive about certain things I wanted to know about you.” Your lip was quivering as you spoke, and Arlecchino stayed silent, seeingly contemplating her next move. “So you decided to invade my privacy, instead of asking me about myself?” Her voice wasn’t angry, but that’s what scared you more. You’d rather have her yell at you or be angry than whatever she was doing now. “You always dodged my questions, when I asked you why you went out at night you said it was business or errands, but I know that’s a lie.” You rambled on, starting to grow more nervous.
Arlecchino peered over at your shrinking form before grabbing your wrist, and bringing it to her lips. She pressed a soft, gentle kiss, completely contrasting the tense atmosphere between you two. “If I tell you, promise you won’t be scared?” Alarms were blaring in your mind, but you ignored them in favor of the woman before you. Your head was nodding on its own before you knew it and the other woman was on top of you in a second. Her arms caged you in under her, and one knee was slotted in between your thighs. Slowly, she leaned in, her lips barely grazing your sensitive neck. Her breath tickled you as she spoke, “I go out to hunt at night.” Confusion clouded your mind, why would she need to hide that? “You’re confused little doe? I hunt lost ones like you for their life source, blood.” Your heart was beating out of your chest now. Was she a murderer? Was she going to kill you? Was she just tricking you into thinking she cared this whole time? Your fear must have been present on your face because Arlecchino had taken it upon herself to soothe your nerves. She caressed your cheek gently, turning your head to face her once more, “I’m kidding. I don’t kill humans, unless they deserve it.” A wicked grin formed on her face and you were even more confused now.
“What are you talking about?” Your thoughts were swirling around in your head and you felt sick. “Have you ever heard of the myths of a vampire living in this very town?” She chuckled. You thought she must be pulling some sick prank on you, because vampires couldn’t actually exist. Right? “That’s absurd. Are you trying to tell me you’re a vampire?” Instead of answering you with words she answered with the fangs that seemed to appear out of nowhere within her mouth. The glint of white rendered you absolutely speechless, you felt you were going insane. You didn’t know if you found her 100 times more attractive, or if you wanted to scream and push her off of you, you were truly short circuiting. All you could do was stare.
“What’s on that pretty little mind of yours?” Her gloved hand cupped your cheek softly. Her actions completely betrayed the nature of the secret she had shared with you, and it eased your thoughts ever so slightly that she seemed just as gentle with you as she always has been. “Who’s Peruere?” You mumbled quietly, recalling the details of the journal you found. In the back of your mind you already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear her say it.
“Peruere is one with me. I parted with the name hundreds of years ago though.” She spoke of those hundreds of years ago as if it was just some distant memory, but it was truly hard to grasp how old she must be. “I know it’s a lot to take in, I wouldn’t want you to be frightened of me after this.” A sigh escaped her lips, her fangs barely peeking out past her top lip.
You were silent momentarily to contemplate what you wanted to say next. “I’m a little scared, but I know you won’t hurt me.” It was more of a question than a statement the way your voice wavered. You wanted to think she liked your presence in her life enough to not kill you. Arlecchino’s eyes softened at your voice and she nodded her head slightly. “You’ve captured my heart, darling. I wouldn’t dare hurt you, unless you asked.” Her voice lowered at the last part, her eyes trailing down to your bare neck. You furrowed your brows at her words until what she meant finally caught up to you. “I thought you only hunted animals?”
“I do, but your blood must be the sweetest of nectars. Your scent is almost intoxicating to me.” Her voice was thick with desire, and it seemed as if she was getting needy for a taste of you. “Would it hurt?” You couldn’t believe you were even considering letting her drink from you, but the way she looked right now was simply irresistible. Her blood red eyes were nearly glowing with desire, her cheeks were flushed, and the way she towered over you was making it harder to say no to her. “Only for a moment, but I could make it feel better…” She trailed off, alluding to your pleasure.
You squirmed underneath her, your body brushing up against hers. She felt almost feverish where your skin met, and you were bordering on the same feeling. After a moment of weighing your options, you locked eyes with hers and nodded slowly. Within a moment her gloved hand slithered up your cheek before settling back down on your chin. She sucked her teeth and for a moment you thought you dissatisfied her. “Use your words. I need you to say you want it.”
Your mouth parted, inviting her thumb to slip past your plump lips. “I want it, I want you.”
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moody-alcoholic · 9 hours
These Violent Delights
Chapter 8 - Everything Fades
Summary: Poly 141 x fem!reader, a/b/o alternate universe 10.2k words. Everyone is so emotional, 141 could use a break.
CW: MDNI +18 explicit content. a/b/o alternative universe, a/b/o dynamics, typical a/b/o universe tropes (heat, knotting, claiming, nesting), gaslighting, hurt/comfort, angst, panic attacks, brief mentions of needles, drawing blood, medical procedures, Sex, Oral (M receiving), ball sucking???, masturbation, cum eating/swallowing, use of medication, language, Fuck Graves I love making him the bad guy.
Previous - masterlist - next
Enjoy <3
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Price had left Ghost in charge and given him a list of things to do. It was mainly a list of ‘what if’s’. This was new to both of them. Normally it wouldn’t be such a big deal. Price takes breaks all the time leaving Ghost to watch over things.
This time it’s different because he doesn’t have anyone to turn to if things go tits up. Luckily, there were no missions, no risk of them being shipped out somewhere. They couldn’t just have an easy time though. Of course Shepherd and Graves had to stick their noses in at the worst possible time. 
“We have to tell him right?” Gaz asks. Dr. Montgomery has put down her work, has all but forgotten that Shepherd has seized it all. She is listening closely to what Ghost is saying as he breaks the news to Gaz and Johnny. 
“How long is left with her heat?” Johnny asks, turning to the doctor.  “Could be 3 more days, could be 5. It all depends on what her body decides to do.” She shrugs.
“If we tell him, he’s going to want to do something about it. He can’t do that until her heat is finished,” Johnny says, looking at Dr. Montgomery for confirmation.
“Can't he just be with her at night? Then he has the day to figure something out,” Laswell says. 
“It’s not that simple, but she has been through heats alone before. I don’t know how dangerous it would be for either of them to pull them out mid heat,” Dr. Montgomery says looking between Simon and Laswell. 
“How can we be sure they’re even coming here in the first place?” Johnny asked. 
“It's safe to assume that’s why they're here,” Laswell says. 
“It’s also safe to assume Graves is bringing an army with him,” Gaz says huffing. The room goes silent. 
“It’s not like he can do anything. What’s he going to do, take her by force? Kidnap someone on government land? She’s still a person at the end of the day,” Johnny says, Ghost sees Dr. Montgomery smile at Johnny’s words. 
“What do you think LT? Your call,” Gaz says. Simon stands up from leaning on the table. He remembers what Price told him before her heat started. Not to interrupt them unless people were dying or the building was on fire. Shadow Company were not here yet, and there was no way to know if they would be here before the heat was done. Even General Shepherd said he would be back after the heat. 
“We don’t tell him. If we tell him he’s going to want to do something, even if he doesn’t it’s going to be on his mind. That's dangerous for both of them right?” Ghost asks Dr. Montgomery. 
“His stress could cause the omega to stress. It could prolong her heat, cause her to panic, or worse. Unless you want to take them out earlier the most we can do is keep an eye on her temperature. That will give us some idea of when she’ll be coming out,”  she explains. 
“It feels wrong. Surely he would understand?” Gaz says. 
“He will, but for now he’s got a job to do and unless Graves is knocking on our door we wait, understand?” Ghost says. Everyone nods. 
Ghost turns to Laswell “Let me know the second you hear anything, I want to know if he moves. We can’t have him sneaking up on us.” She nods, following out with Soap and Gaz. When they had all left he turns back to Dr. Montgomery. 
“You made the right choice,”  she says. He sighs.
“We’ll see.” 
“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself Simon,” she says, sitting back down. 
“How dangerous would it be to interrupt her heat?” he asks. She can sense his unease, his scent is strong in the air. 
“It’s the first time she’s ever had a normal heat, I don’t know how it would affect her. It’s also John’s first heat,” she says.
“What’s the worst case scenario?” he asks, and she freezes for a moment. 
“I’m not sure. She could end up in distress. He could hurt himself or the omega by accident.” She shakes her head. “It’ll be fine though right, he won't be back till after her heat?” He digs his eyes into her. If they pull her out of heat it could put them both in danger. Christ , this whole thing is a mess. 
“It’ll be fine.” He replies.  
That's the 3rd time he’s lied to her tonight. 
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It’s been 4 days since your heat started. Johnny and Kyle had slipped into the schedule of checking on you both every 12 hours just as Dr. Montgomery instructed. The routine is working like a well oiled machine at this point. The alarm goes off at 3am and 3pm. Kyle usually takes the afternoon shift which mean’s Johnny is the one who’s sleep gets interrupted.
It’s always the same though, by 3am you and Price are usually asleep, which makes it hard for Johnny to do what he needs to. He wakes Price first, passing him a bottle of water and a protein bar. He blindly accepts gulping down the water like it’s the first time he’s drunk today. 
Then he wakes you, slowly trying his best not to startle you. Getting food into you is harder, you whine as soon as you’re awake, Johnny can’t help but feel bad as you call out for John who wraps his arms round you. Johnny presses the bottle of water up to your lips forcing you to drink. You take little sips, and sometimes you open your eyes, but Johnny knows you’re not really there. Pupils blown out and glazed over it’s like you’re looking through him, hazy in your heat as you do your job of taking your alpha’s knot. It must be exhausting.
“Anything new with Shepherd?” John asks. He’s more aware today, or at least more aware than yesterday.
“No, he keeps asking if you’re finished yet. Simon’s been keeping him away,” Johnny says, breaking off a piece of protein bar and pressing it against your lips. 
“How is Simon?” He asks. 
“Fine, been keeping his distance.” Johnny breaks off more of the bar for you. 
“How are you doing?” Johnny asks, looking over at John. 
“Fine, tired,” he says. Johnny tries to get you to take some more bites of food but you just moan, shuffling up against John. Dr. Montgomery said it would be okay if you didn’t eat at least for the first few days. But it's been 4 days now. If the protein bars don't work they’ll have to try other methods. John moans as you rock your hips against him. Johnny takes the empty water bottle out his hand before he drops it on your head. 
“Easy, easy,” John says, pressing his lips against your neck. You’re still whining as his scent fills the air. Mixed with yours, it makes Johnny’s cock twitch in his pants. Honey, that’s what you smell like when you’re in heat. It’s so thick in the air Johnny swears he can taste it. His eyes wander to the covered part of the bed where your hips are rocking against him. 
“Do you want to see?” Price asks. Johnny thinks for a second. He does, he’s curious but it also feels like some kind of invasion of your privacy. He nods letting your scent fill his nose. John pulls the duvet back, Johnny can see where you’re connected, your pussy stretched around John's cock. Shiny with a mix of your slick and John's cum.
“How does it feel?” Johnny asks. 
“Hard to explain, it’s so sensitive and she’s so needy—” he takes a sharp breath in, Johnny watches as you move your hips up against John, moaning as John's hand presses on your abdomen. He lets out a groan then you go silent. Johnny doesn’t know what to say. John pulls the duvet back over you both. 
“I’ll get Gaz to try some porridge for her later,” Johnny says, picking up the wrappers off the floor. John just hums laying back down next to you. 
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Johnny watches Kyle come out of the bedroom. It’s been almost 5 days now, it could be over soon, or it could go on for another 3 days. Kyle spoons some of the porridge into his mouth.
“Did she eat any?” Johnny asks as he goes into the kitchen. 
“A little, Price ate most of it.” He puts the bowl in the sink then comes over to the sofa, sitting next to Johnny. 
“What about her temperature?” 
“Still high 38.” He sighs. “How’s things been with Simon?” 
“Never seen him so desperate,” Johnny says shifting on the sofa, he was getting sore, his legs bruised from Simon being so rough. 
“How have you been doing with this?” Johnny asks. 
“You mean the constant smell of sex and lack of it?” Gaz asks. Johnny looks over at him, there’s a twinkle in his eyes. 
“You want to go take care of Simon?” Johnny teases. Kyle turns to look at him. Johnny sighs scooting next to him. He lets the smell of honey fill his nose as he presses his face into Kyle's neck breathing him in. His scent is strong, mixed with the smell of honey in the air. It has Johnny craving Kyle’s touch. He runs his hand under his shirt and takes his time letting his fingers trace each muscle and scar. 
“What about Si?” Kyle asks, leaning back on the sofa. 
“He’ll wait,” Johnny hums into Kyle's ear, nipping at his lobe. Johnny’s hand slips down to Kyle's pants, running his hand over his already hardened cock. 
“Jesus Tav, are you sure it’s not you who’s desperate,” Kyle breathes the smell of vanilla going to his head. Johnny pulls away from Kyle's neck. 
“I don’t get desperate,” he whispers. Shivers run down Kyle's spine as Johnny unbuckles Kyle's belt and trousers letting his cock spring out. He licks his lips as he presses over the tip soaking his thumb with the bead of precum. Kyle twitches as Johnny thrusts his hand down. Kyle runs his hand through Johnny’s hair who hums, he likes the feel of Kyle’s hand massaging his scalp.
He presses his lips against Kyle's swollen tip, taking his time to coat it in his saliva before locking his lips and thrusting his mouth down. Kyle moans, tipping his head back as Johnny repositions himself on the sofa squeezing the base of Kyle’s cock. Kyle moans as Johnny takes him all the way, letting his tongue circle the head with each thrust.
“You need to relax,” Kyle says. Johnny takes his mouth off him, replacing it with his hand. 
“I need to relax? You’re the one all pent up,” Johnny says moving off the sofa as Kyle spreads his legs leaving room for him to slip between them. His thumb continues to press into the underside of his shaft. 
“How did you get the nicest cock of us all?” Johnny tuts shaking his head. 
“Jealous?” Kyle breathes as Johnny speeds up with his strokes, keeping a firm grip on the base. He smiles in response.
“Pretty balls too,” Johnny coos. He licks his lips, wetting them before dragging his tongue across his balls. Kyle moans at the new sensation while Johnny takes one in his mouth sucking on it. Johnny continues to thrust his hand up and down his length, taking his time warming Kyle's balls in his mouth, feeling him twitch in his hand. Now he’s feeling greedy again. Maybe Kyle was right and he was desperate. It had been a while since Kyle and Johnny had been together. They very rarely get down time together. 
Johnny moves his lips back up to Kyle's cock, his own twitching uncomfortably in his pants. He uses his free hand to unbuckle his belt letting his jeans slip down reaching in and pulling himself out. The thought of fucking his hand while he makes Kyle cum has his mouth watering. Kyle’s head is tipped back on the sofa, blissed out, the smell of vanilla is heavy in the air as Johnny thrusts his mouth down trying to match his speed with both his mouth and hand. 
Kyle's moans are filling the air now and the faster Johnny gets the sweeter they are. Johnny can barely concentrate, giving in to the scents swirling around making his body tingle. His own cock throbs in his hand. His fingers are getting drenched in his precum, his mouth filling with saliva as the blowjob turns into a sloppy mess. Too much tongue not enough friction, Kyle doesn’t seem to mind though, bucking his hips to hit the back of Johnny's throat. 
He’s not going to last much longer and he can feel Kyle is close too, his hips slowing down as he chases the peak. Johnny doesn’t stop even when he cums his release dripping down his hand.  It just makes him work faster so Kyle can get his own orgasm. He works him faster, Kyle's moans make his spent cock twitch in his post-orgasm haze.
A few seconds later Kyle is cumming too, and Johnny pushes his mouth down to the hilt feeling his seed slide down his throat. Kyle grips Johnny’s hair pulling him up as Johnny rides him through the orgasm. The scent of leather is strong in the air now, as Johnny sits back wiping his mouth with the back of his free hand. 
Johnny stands up, his leaking cock still in his hand. Kyle sees it, reaching out for Johnny’s waist, pulling him into his mouth. Johnny moans as Kyle licks him clean. It has Johnny getting hard again and he has to pull away from Kyle’s mouth.
“What? Don’t want to go for round two?” Kyle asks, a glint in his eye as a cheeky smile forms on his lips. 
“You couldn’t handle round two,” Johnny says, pushing his shoulder making him lay back on the sofa. Kyle scoffs as Johnny tucks himself back in his pants. 
“So you're going to go meet Si?” Kyle asks. 
“Nah, I’ll let him sweat. I could use a nap anyway. You can hold down the fort right?” Johnny asks, watching Kyle clean himself up. He nods. Johnny winks at him then heads to his room. As he passes John’s room he can smell you and hear the moans start up again. He takes a deep breath in letting the smell of honey and leather fill his nose. The heavy smell of sex filling the building. Maybe Simon was lucky staying away, even Johnny could use some fresh air. 
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“They’re here, Graves and Shepherd. They want to see Price and the omega.” 
A sharp knock on the door wakes Ghost from his sleep. He swings his legs out of the bed reaching over to his mask on the bedside table pulling it on. The knock happens again.  
“Yes, yes I’m coming,” he calls, pulling his trousers on. He opens the door to see Laswell standing there, looking like she dressed just as quickly as he had.   
“Get Soap and Gaz, I’ll meet you at the lab,” he says. She nods leaving. Ghost quickly dresses rushing over to the lab. It’s late, almost 10pm. When he walks through the door he sees Dr. Montgomery with her head over a desk. She snaps up looking over at him walking in the room. 
“Hey hey, you can’t go in there!” He hears Soap calling. He looks over at the barracks seeing Gaz and Laswell come out of the building. He leaves the lab heading over to Shepherd and Graves who are walking over to the barracks. They stop when they see him walk round to them. 
“Lieutenant Riley, I was expecting to see Captain Price,” Shepherd says.
“He’s busy,” Ghost says, crossing his arms. Dr. Montgomery rushes over to stand next to Johnny. Ghost looks over at Gaz and Soap. He can smell their worry in the air, but he focuses on trying to control his scent this close to the building. If he projects it you will definitely be able to smell it.
“We would like to have a word with Captain Price,” Shepherd says, Graves crosses his arms. Where are the rest of his army? Did he come alone? Ghost looks around,  but he can’t see anyone or anything out of the ordinary. 
“You’ll have to wait, he’s busy,” Ghost says again. If they try to force their way in, he’s going to stop them. He glances over at Soap who looks at him, his eyes digging into him for a second. There is no way anyone is getting in the building. 
“We can talk tomorrow. You've had a long drive. Why don’t you get some rest, I can show you to the commander's quarters.”  Laswell offers walking up to Shephard. 
“I really would like to get this sorted tonight so we can start tomorrow fresh,” Shepherd insists.
“It’s really not a good time General, the omega is in heat and John is with her,” Dr. Montgomery speaks up. 
“I’m sure he can take 5 minutes of his time to speak with us,” he replies. Graves chuckles, bringing his hand up to try and hide it, coughing.
“He really can't. Whatever you need is not that important,” she snaps back at him. Ghost shifts his weight. He needs to keep control of the situation. 
“You can talk to me if it is so important. You’ll have to wait to speak with Price though,” Ghost says. It’s almost like they’re waiting for something. For him to let his guard down? The right time to make a rush for the building? Shepherd looks at him, like he’s trying to study his face, the tension is palpable in the air. Ghost watches as Graves takes a step forward.
“What the bloody hell is going on?” Price’s voice calls behind Ghost. Everyone turns to see him slowly walking down the steps out the barracks. Ghost can immediately see he’s unsteady on his feet. Gaz walks up next to him.
“You should be in bed sir,” he says quietly trying to help Price who just waves him away. Ghost looks over at Dr. Montgomanry who looks the most worried, her eyes not leaving Price, like she’s ready for him to keel over at any moment. 
“Couldn’t get a decent rest if I tried with all this racket going on,” he says, walking up to stand next to Ghost. He can smell how strong Price’s alpha is in the air. He can smell you too, the lingering scent of honey and strawberries. He tries his best to ignore it, focusing on the matter at hand. 
“Good to see you Captain, thought we would be waiting another few days,” Shepherd said. 
“Well, this seems more important,” Price says through gritted teeth. 
“I’m sure you’ve heard the news, Commander Graves and Shadow Company will be taking over responsibility of the base,” Shepherd says. “Of course I will stay here, to make sure you both get along and oversee the research for the cure.”
“I’m sure we’ll get along just fine,” Graves says, stepping up to Shepherd. Ghost hears Price sigh. 
“What do you want, General? I would like to get back to bed,” Price asks. 
“We were just wondering if we could check on the omega. Professor Hale was very insistent, especially because she’s in heat,” Shepherd says. The hairs stand up on the back of Ghost’s neck. Now his alpha is strong in the air. There is no way he’s letting them get anywhere close. 
“The reason she is in heat is the reason you can’t see her. It could be dangerous, you could put her life at risk.” Dr. Montgomery steps up. 
“Professor Hale said you might try to stop us.” 
“Then you won’t mind relaying to him that you killed his only omega,” she says. It makes Ghost swallow hard. He looks over at her. Her body has taken another step towards them.
“How long is left?” Shepherd asks. 
“A few days,” she says. 
“You have until Monday, then we will see her regardless of her state.” Ghost looks at Price, he can see the quiver in Price’s face as he tries to keep it together.
“We’ll see you Monday,” Johnny says, going to stand next to Dr. Montgomery. Ghost digs his eyes into Graves and Shepherd as they weigh up their options. 
“Monday morning, 8am. No excuses,” Shepherd says. He hears Dr. Montgomery let out a sigh of relief. They turn to walk away. It’s only when they make it to the entrance to the building when Ghost turns his attention back to Price.
“You really should be in bed,” he says. Price looks at him. He looks like he’s about to say something but instead sways and lands against Ghost. 
“Shit,” is all he manages to get out, using his chest to keep him from collapsing to the floor completely. Gaz and Soap are there in an instant with Laswell and the doctor following close behind. Gaz and Soap take an arm each propping him up as they half drag him back in the building. 
“Laswell go try and keep him away. Find out what he’s planning.” 
She nods and he heads into the barracks with Dr. Montgomery behind him. It's the first time Ghost has been in the building since your heat started. He can smell honey and vanilla in the air. It makes his head spin, his body is craving you, craving your touch. He almost takes a step towards Price’s room before Dr. Montgomary grabs his arm. He looks down at her, she looks up at him sympathetically.  
“What's happening?” He asks as he watches them disappear into Price’s room. 
“He pushed himself too quickly. He needs time to recover too.” 
“What about her?” 
“I would check but I think it’s best we both leave. When he comes around, he’s still going to see us as a threat,” she says. He sighs. Soap walks out of the room first. He watches in the doorway for a second before coming towards them. Dr. Montgomery lets go of his arm 
“He’s okay, go get some rest LT,” Soap says, putting his hand on Ghost’s shoulder. 
“Whose job is it to check on them next?” Ghost asks.
“Me,”  Soap says.  
“You and Gaz will take it in shifts. No one is allowed in the building,” Ghost says. “As soon as she’s out of heat, let me know.” 
“You want us on guard duty?” Johnny asks. 
“Problem?” Simon asks. Johnny shakes his head. Simon nods and walks out the building. 
“Nothing’s going to happen right?” Dr. Montgomery asks following him.
“No, nothings going to happen. Not on my watch,” he says heading back to the main building. 
“You sound like Captain Price,” she says. He quickly turns to look at her and the smile on her face. 
“Get some rest, it’s going to be a busy few days,” he says as she stops at the door to the lab. He doesn’t look back as he continues walking. He hears the door to the lab open. He likes Dr. Montgomery but he can’t let himself get too close. It’s just a job at the end of the day. 
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You feel empty, sore, and sad. John still has his arms wrapped around you while you’ve been crying into his chest. It happened quickly, one moment he was there the next he was being dragged back into the room semi-conscious. It broke your heart, especially because as soon as he saw you upset he wouldn’t tell you what was wrong. The opening of the room door makes you jump and John pulls you tighter into his arms. 
You smell beta in the air, turning your head to see Dr. Piper in the doorway. John loosens his grip on you as he sees her. She walks into the room slowly putting her bag down on the floor. John turns you in his arms so you’re face to face with her supporting your back. He called for her the moment you came around crying in his arms. You tried to tell him it was normal but when you started to shake he insisted you get checked out. 
“Hey, hun how are you feeling?” she asks, pressing the back of her hand against your forehead. You don’t know what to say. Your lip starts to quiver as more tears come. “I know, I know,” she coos wiping her thermometer across your head. 
“Is this normal?” John asks, pressing against you, sitting up in the bed.
“She’s coming out of heat quicker than normal but nothing she’s not used to. She’ll still be pretty out of it for the next 24-48 hours.” Dr. Piper pulls out a blood pressure cuff, ignoring your whines as she wraps it round your arm.
“How do you feel?” she asks looking up at John. He sighs.
“Fine,” he lies. She raises an eyebrow at him. 
“Well, I would recommend painkillers and ice packs, and to take it easy for the next few days. Trust me you’ll need the rest,” she says, taking the cuff off her. 
“Don’t exactly have time for that,” he sighs. You look at Dr. Piper. What does he mean? What happened? She looks at you sympathetically as she brushes hair out of your face. 
“You should get some sleep. Johnny or Kyle will come and check on you both. You’re not out of the woods quite yet.” You watch as she stands to leave John pressing his face into your neck. 
Piper smiles watching your eyes gloss over as John’s scent fills the air. She stands as he pulls you into his embrace. She leaves, going out to Johnny and Kyle waiting in the common room. 
“They’re fine. She’s coming out of her heat but they’re still going to be pretty out of it for the next few days. Her temperature is coming down, let me know if it spikes,” she sighs.
“Anything we need to do?” Johnny asks. She shakes her head. 
“Keep an eye on her temperature. If she starts feeling dizzy, nauseous, or she’s in pain, call me,” she says heading for the door. 
“Thanks doc,” Johnny calls as she leaves heading over to the lab. 
She walks in seeing Simon waiting in the dark.
“You should go get some rest Simon. You’re going to need it.” She puts her medical bag back in her office, closing the door behind her. 
“How is she?” 
“Coming off her heat. John getting out of bed seems to have triggered it ending sooner. I guess that’s good for us with Shepherd here now,” she says. He hums. “I take it you don’t get along?” 
“Not exactly. Graves is an annoying piece of shit who sticks his nose in everyone's business. Shepherd, well, he’s our boss.” 
“You have a problem with authority but you joined the army. Interesting,” she says.
“I don’t have a problem with authority, just them. They’re not to be trusted,” he says. 
“Not really a good sign if you don’t trust your boss,” she chuckles. He raises an eyebrow. 
“You don’t trust yours,” he says. She smiles, nodding. 
“I’m going to get some rest, you should do the same,” she says passing him. She makes it to the other end of the lab turning back to look one more time. He’s already gone. He’s so silent she didn’t even hear the door open or close. She smiles, turning off the light and heads out. 
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Your head feels stuffed with cotton, and your senses feel numbed. Dr. Piper started you on muscle relaxers and painkillers. You knew you were going to be sore and emotional for the next few days. John had slept for a full 24 hours before he finally got out of bed. You were curled up on the sofa with a hot water bottle. You were still cold and shaky, falling asleep on the sofa for hours at a time. Normal things to go through after a heat. At least this time you can actually relax, not being poked and prodded.
Johnny had come back a few minutes ago, flopping down on the sofa as you rested your head on his thighs. You weren't sure if it was just because you were coming out of your heat or something else but they had been acting weird around you. John had been gone from the moment he felt he could walk again. You’d see him downing pills before going off somewhere with Kate or Simon. It was nice to have Simon back again. You felt bad that he’d had to leave the barracks while you were in heat. 
“Do you feel different?” Johnny asks finally. “Now that you’ve been claimed.” 
You turn your head to look at him and hairs stand up on the back of your neck. 
“I don’t think so, I feel the same,” you say. You’re not disappointed. Maybe it will feel different when you’re really done with your heat and you don’t have drugs running through your system numbing you out. You need to see Dr. Miller, but you’ve barely been able to make it to the sofa without being in pain. Johnny’s hand rests on your side rubbing your arm as you try to ignore the pain stirring inside you. It was almost time for you to take pills again. You want to wait as long as possible so you don’t have to move. 
This heat did feel different. You don’t remember much, and that’s normal. Things will become clearer over the next few days. You remember John claiming you, and you remember him being gentle even when he was in his deepest rut it wasn’t overwhelming. You wish you could remember more, and maybe you will at some point.
You hadn't had time to talk to John about how things went and how this will change things, or if he was feeling any different. You’re starting to doze off again in your own world when the door to the building is flung open and people pile in. You sit up, Johnny gets up off the sofa. You don’t recognise any of them. They look like soldiers, only all dressed in black. You immediately want John, but he’s not with them.
“What do you think you’re doing Graves!?” Johnny snaps getting up in front of the one he called Graves. The man looks over at you. You can smell Johnny’s anger in the air and it makes you worried. 
“We’re here to search the place for contraband,” Graves says. Contraband?
“What? Does Price know about this?” Johnny asks.
“Price is a busy man. He’s in a meeting with General Shepherd right now.” You don’t like this Graves person, and you can tell by Johnny’s body language they’re not friends either. Johnny looks back at you. You've forgotten about the pain, you’re just too worried about them going through your private space. You watch as Graves orders people around while Johnny protests.
The door opens again and this time Kyle steps in. You feel tears running down your cheeks as you watch Kyle cross over to Johnny protesting with him. You watch as the other men in the entourage make their way down the corridor opening rooms. 
You stand up clutching the blanket. You feel sick watching them break into the rooms. You don’t even realize Kyle has left until Johnny shouts at Graves again pulling your attention back to him. You’re worried something bad is going to happen. You haven’t heard Johnny so angry before. You walk up to him gripping his sleeve but your eyes are locked on your open door. They’re in your space, looking for something you don’t have. 
“It’s okay lass, Graves will put everything back,” Johnny says, resting his hand on yours. You look up to see him, your cheeks swollen with tears. Then you see them throwing pillows out your room door. That's your nest, they’re destroying your nest. 
You don’t have time to think before you’re sprinting down the hallway to the man holding a pillow in his hands. You’re seeing red. They’ve destroyed your nest, your safespace. A place that is supposed to be yours. It feels like they’ve ripped your heart out. You pull the pillow out his hands, almost fighting with him as he protests. You look into your room seeing the place a mess. Things go fuzzy as you walk in falling to your knees. You hear Johnny come behind you, his hand resting on your back as you grip the pillow you'd pulled out the man's hands.
You feel like you’re back in the bunker, your vision going blurry as you sob into the pillow, clutching it as tight to your chest as you can. The Professor would let you build nests just to destroy them. It’s happening again. You thought you were safe here, you thought you could have a nest that would be yours and only yours. Now it's gone, and it feels like you can’t breathe, your breath catching in your throat as you collapse to the floor pulling your legs up to your chest. 
You’re never going to be safe again. 
“What the fuck did you think you were doing?” It’s the first voice you hear as you come too. You’re still curled up on the floor. You can’t tell who’s shouting. There’s a ringing in your ears as you look at your destroyed nest. Someone is by you though, shaking your shoulder with warm hands.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You hear Johnny. It’s his hands on your back, and there’s a pillow under your head. You feel a lump form in your stomach, pain radiates through your body. You sob into the pillow. You don’t know what else to do. 
“Hey, c’mon lass, take a big breath.” Johnny moves around so you can see him kneeled on the floor. You can’t look at him, it just makes you too upset. You hear more voices now, and you can smell alpha in the air. 
“What happened?” It’s Dr. Piper's voice. She kneels down behind you. Her cold hand rests on your shoulder. 
“They destroyed her nest,” Johnny explains. You hear her sigh. The sobs come back. You can’t breathe, it feels like someone is sitting on your chest. 
“Honey, you need to relax, take deep breaths,” you hear her say. You can't, it hurts too much. Panic comes over you. You’re never going to be safe again. 
“In and out, come on.” You feel her starting to rub your back. You hear more shouting, people moving around. Each raised voice makes you jump, and you start to shiver, more tears running down your face. 
“What happened?” It’s John’s voice, his scent fills your nose. You stop sobbing, letting yourself take a deep breath in. 
“That’s it, good girl,” Dr. Piper says. You look up at Johnny whose fingers come to brush hair out your face. 
“Sit with her,” you hear Dr. Piper say as her hand leaves your back. You feel John come to kneel down behind you. He tucks his hands under you pulling you up to his chest like you weigh nothing. You don’t let go of the pillow as you shiver feeling him kiss your head holding you in his arms. Johnny gets up pulling the duvet off your bed and dropping it over you. 
“Go keep Ghost from ripping Graves apart,” John says. Johnny smiles at you as he leaves the room. You hear Dr. Piper leave too, closing the door behind you. John takes a deep breath in squeezing you tight to his chest as you lean up against him quiet sobs leaving your throat. 
“They destroyed your nest?” he asks. You nod, gripping the pillow. 
“It’s never going to be safe again,” you say. Your throat is raw from all the sobbing. 
“Yes it is. We’ll make it safe here. Graves should have never been in here.” You can hear the anger rising in his voice. He swallows it away as you breathe in his scent. You’ve calmed now, now that your alpha is here, holding you in his arms. You close your eyes, loosening the grip on your pillow. Now you can feel it, the bond you have with him. It’s like the one you have with Dr. Piper just turned up to the max. 
“Will you build it again? Your nest?” he asks. 
“I don’t know,” you say. You don’t know if you can. You need to feel safe again, and you don’t feel safe anymore. You sit there in silence for a few more minutes letting John’s scent relax you. You wait until you can’t ignore the pain traveling through you anymore. You need to move, to take your pills. John seems to sense how uncomfortable you are, trying to shift his body for you. 
“How about a nice cup of tea and you can relax on the sofa?” You nod, taking the excuse to get up. He kisses your neck one more time before helping you to your feet. Your legs feel like jelly as pain pulses through your body. You whine, dropping the pillow as you double over in pain. His hands are on you in an instant. 
“I’m okay,” you say through gritted teeth. 
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon,” he says, opening the door and helping you out. Dr. Piper sticks her head around the corner watching as you walk down the hall. She presses her cold hands on your face as she looks at you. 
“Let’s get you that pain relief. You got yourself all worked up, almost distressed. It’s a good job Johnny was there. He was able to get you to come round before I got here,” she says, taking you out of John’s arms and over to the sofa. 
“What exactly is distressing?” John asks. You lean back on the sofa pulling the blanket over you. 
“Distressing can happen to omegas, it’s last resort defense mechanism. Her body shuts down to protect itself from whatever threat is around. It can be dangerous because it’s hard to come out of a distressed state.” Dr. Piper comes over handing you a glass of water and some pills. You take them all watching as John crosses his arms. 
“Her nest being destroyed is something that would cause that?” You sip the water slowly, thinking about your ruined nest makes you sad. You’ve cried enough over the last few days. You’re sick of crying. 
“Not necessarily, but that coupled with strangers being in her space as well as coming down off her heat is a recipe for disaster.” The pills taste bitter in your mouth, but in a few minutes you’ll be relaxed and lulled by them. Dr. Piper sits with you, taking the water out of your hands as you lay down. 
“Can you stay with her until Kyle or Johnny get here?” John asks. Dr. Piper nods. You watch him leave hearing the door close. Dr. Piper rubs your leg, you close your eyes feeling sleepy. Your nest has been destroyed. You're never going to feel safe here again. 
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Price finds Simon and Johnny pacing outside the conference room. 
“We got kicked out,” Johnny says, throwing his arms up. 
“Where’s Kyle?” he asks. 
“Inside, we’ve been taken in one by one,” Simon says, pacing the hall. John sighs, he shakes his head going into the room. 
“Captain Price!” General Shepherd shouts standing up as he enters the room. Kyle looks around in the chair. 
“Sergeant Garrick, go back to the barracks.” Kyle moves to stand up.
“Sergeant Garrick, stay where you are,” Shepherd says. John crosses his arms. 
“Captain, you can wait outside.” John ignores him walking around Kyle up to the General. “This doesn’t have to get messy, Captain.” 
“Is that a threat?” John asks, standing his ground. Shepherd sighs sitting back down in the chair waving Kyle away. John turns to look at everyone leaving the room. Simon’s eyes stay on him for a second dropping his head slightly. 
‘Want me to stay?’ 
John shakes his head. He turns back to Shepherd as the door closes. 
“Sit down, John,” Shepherd says, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“I’m good.” 
“John we’re trying to work–” 
“Our goals are not the same.” 
“Did you forget who you work for, Captain? You have a job to do here,” Shepherd says, leaning back in the chair. 
“We were waiting for a cure. You stopped that.” 
“We’re following orders.” 
“We want a cure, and you stopped Dr. Montgomery from working on it.” 
“Because it’s not our priority--” 
“I don’t need the speech again. I don’t need the bullshit!” John snaps. 
“Calm down John, you’re only still here because of me. The CIA wanted anyone other than 141 on this case.” 
“Don’t act like you did this for us.” John shakes his head, turning around. 
“We can make this work, it doesn’t have to get messy,” Shepherd says again. John sighs. 
“No Professor, you leave the omega alone, and you let Dr. Montgomery continue her work on the cure,” John says, turning back around to look at Shepherd. 
He sighs, shaking his head. “Or what?” 
“We walk and we take the omega with us.” 
“Captain, you’re emotional. Stop now before you say something you regret. You’re not going to kidnap the omega.” 
“Who said anything about kidnapping?”
Shepherd gets up off the chair. “John, things can get very difficult for you very quickly. You should be careful.”
John shakes his head. 
“No Professor, leave the omega alone, let the doctor work on a cure,” John says and heads to the door. 
“Captain.” Shepherd calls. “You’re too emotionally invested in this. You’re making it dangerous for everyone including the omega.”
 John freezes his hand on the door handle. 
“If you or Graves lay a finger on her I’ll break your fucking hands. Keep your dog on a leash,” John says, opening the door and leaving the room before Shepherd could get a word in. John looks up at Simon waiting outside the room. Of course he is. 
“How did that go?” Simon asks, uncrossing his arms and walking with John. 
“Where are Soap and Gaz?” 
“Back at the barracks.” 
“Does Soap still have that house in the highlands?” 
“Yeah, think so. Rents it out when he’s not using it,” Simon says, confused. “Why? Thinking about a trip to the highlands?”
“Yeah, I heard the weather is nice there,” John says, pushing through the double doors out into the fresh air.
“They’re coming after her aren’t they?” Simon asks. John doesn’t say anything for a second. 
“Yeah, yeah they are.” 
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You wake in your bed. You remember dozing off on the sofa between Kyle and Johnny. You turn over looking at your nest. It was still trashed and it made a pit form in your stomach. You need to move though and get out of bed. You need to see Dr. Miller, it’s been 3 days since your heat ended.
You should be getting better now but everything still feels so sore. You sit up pulling clothes out and getting dressed. You swallow down painkillers but skip the muscle relaxants since they make you sleepy and you want to keep a clear head. You leave your room, you can see the sun just starting to rise now, and the sky is filled with colors of pink and the grass is heavy with dew. 
You don’t know why you’re being sneaky as you leave the building before anyone is awake, walking across to the lab. The place is empty. Even Dr. Piper has been getting a decent amount of sleep, not having to get up at the crack of dawn. You walk over to Dr. Miller as he’s flicking through some papers. 
“Hey stranger! How was the heat?” he asks, opening his arms to you, but you keep your distance. 
“Good, I think, I still don’t remember much.” You rub the back of your neck smiling. You like being around Dr. Miller. He understands you just like Dr. Piper does. 
“Come on, let's go to the medical room.” You smile at him following him into the room. You sit on the end of the bed as he prepares a tray of things. 
“I need to take some blood. How long did your heat last?” he asks, coming over as you roll your sleeve up. 
“6 days I think. It was good, John was nice, and he claimed me,” you say, watching him get ready to take your blood. 
“Can I see the mark?” he asks as he inserts the needle. You’re not sure. You haven’t shown anyone the mark. It’s on your neck, and you don’t want anyone to see it, but you trust him. He just wants to help. You nod. He smiles, finishing up taking the vials of blood. He turns around placing everything on the tray. You stand up off the bed as he throws his gloves in the trash. He stands in front of you, you feel nervous as you turn so your back is facing him. You let your hand move up to the back of your neck running over the mark before pushing your hair out the way. 
You squeeze your eyes closed as you wait for him to inspect the indents on your skin. You can smell alpha in the air, and smoke. John always smells of smoke, smoke and the ground after rain. You wait in silence as he finishes inspecting your neck and you can feel his breath on your skin. 
“Beautiful.,” he breathes. It makes you uncomfortable and you let your hair drop back down goosebumps rising on your skin. You turn back to look at him. His alpha is strong in the air as he smiles at you. 
“It looks good, nice and healed. Do you feel any different?” he asks. 
“I’m not sure. I’m still in alot of pain. I think I will feel better tomorrow.” 
“Well that’s normal. I would like to run some tests over the next few days. If you could come in tomorrow that would be perfect.” 
“What are you working on?” you ask. Now that your heat is over he can’t still be working on a hormone blocker. 
“Well Dr. Montgomery is working on a cure and has assigned me to work on a scent blocker. Something people can use to mask their scent with a chemical spray,” he explains. You nod. That would be useful. 
“Do you think she can find a cure?” you ask as you follow him out the room. 
“Dr. Montgomery is a very talented scientist. I know she will try her best,” he says as you follow him down the stairs. You watch him put the blood samples away as you head for the door. 
“See you tomorrow,” Dr. Miller calls. You nod, stepping back out into the cold morning air. The pink sky has faded now as heavy clouds move in. It’s going to rain again, but you like the rain. You like the smell of rain and the smell of the forest. You want to go for another walk in the forest with John or even alone. You don’t care. You just want to be in the forest. You make it back to the barracks hoping you don't run into anyone and you can get into bed without any worries. 
You’re not that lucky when you walk into the building you see Simon in the kitchen. He turns to look at you as you walk in. He’s not wearing the skull mask you’ve seen him in, not even the simple black ski-mask. He’s only wearing a black surgical mask pulled up over his nose and mouth. He has blonde hair. You’ve never seen his hair before. You’ve never seen the top of his head before. You’ve only ever seen his eyes, his deep brown, harsh eyes. Right now he looks kind, leaning over the counter as he waits for the kettle to boil. 
“Hey,” you say, stepping into the room. You want to walk towards him but also avoid him at the same time. 
“Been for a walk?” he asks. You feel a pit form in your stomach.
“Yeah, I like the morning dew,” you say smiling at him, passing him as you head back towards your room.
“I heard your nest was destroyed,” he says, stopping you in your tracks before you make it around the corner. You look at him, nodding. He reaches into his back pocket, you didn’t even know he had anything in his back pocket but now he’s thrusting it towards you. You take it out of his hand. It's a black ski-mask. You bring it up to your nose. It smells of him, the ground after rain and gunpowder. You learned what the smell was. That’s Simon's scent, the ground after rain and gunpowder. 
“When you build your nest again I want you to have something from me. I heard you were too scared to ask. I don’t want you to be scared of me.” You look up at him. 
“I’m not scared of you,” you say. You project your scent in the air for him. It’s all you can do to prove your sincerity. You can’t see him react to it, his mask covering most of his face. You smile at him. 
“Thank you,” you say, bringing the mask back up to your nose and turning back to your room. Your fingers run over the soft fabric of the mask. You walk into your room leaving the door open. You look at the broken nest on the floor then back over at your bed. Nothing feels right. You pull the bedding off your bed into the space where your nest used to be. You pick up the items. 
Dr. Piper's scarf, John’s hat, Johnny's shirt, Kyle’s scarf and now Simon’s mask. You arrange the pillows and blankets round the nest letting the scent of nature fill your nose coming through the open window. 
You work on it until you’re exhausted, till it feels good. You’re not sure how long you’re working on it but the last thing you remember is crawling up into your new nest and pulling your duvet over you. 
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Piper walks out of her room, and seeing your room door ajar she can’t help pushing it open slightly until she sees you sleeping in a newly built nest. It makes her smile, letting out a sigh of relief at the scene. You’ve built a new nest which means you still feel safe here which is important. You need to feel safe. What happened with Phillip yesterday almost caused you to distress. You could be unconscious, hooked up to machines right now fighting to stay alive. You’re not though, you’re safe, you’re sleeping peacefully in your nest. 
“‘Mornin,” Johnny says, coming out of his room smiling at Piper as he rubs his eyes going into the bathroom. She walks into the common room seeing Simon and John already sitting at the table. 
“We have a meeting with General Shepherd and Commander Graves this morning,” John says as soon as he sees her walking over to the kettle. She sighs taking in the information. She doesn’t even like the tea. There’s coffee in the lab but no one should be there until later, especially since Shepherd put a stop to her work. 
“What’s the meeting about?” she asks, half paying attention as she pours herself a cup of tea, trying to enjoy the little caffeine she’s going to get this morning. 
“I gave Shepherd an ultimatum,” John says. She turns to look at him. Even Simon’s body language seems tense as he grips his mug. 
“What did you say?” she asks. 
“The Professor is not allowed on the base, they’re not allowed to go near the omega, and you’re allowed to continue your search for a cure,” he says looking at her for her reaction. 
“I will try to find a cure, I cannot promise anything,” she says as the kettle clicks. 
“I know, but we need you. The omega trusts you, we trust you. We need you on our side,” John says. Piper nods. 
“I will be on your side, as long as she’s safe. What happened yesterday was too close. She could have been pushed into distress. They need to understand how this world works. I don’t care who it comes from,” she says with a hint of hostility in her voice. 
“Yeah, whatever makes you feel better,” Simon says under his breath. John sighs, shooting him a glance. 
“Will you be there? We need you on our side. She needs you to advocate for her,” John asks. She nods, turning to her cup of tea. Johnny walks out into the bathroom changing the energy in the air.  
“I’ll be there,” she says.
It feels like she’s walking to her execution, following John and Simon into the same conference room as before. Now, demands had been laid out. John had set out his terms. She knows realistically the General could just override him, send them back to the UK, and continue the project here without them. She hopes, for everyone's sake, that is the last thing that will happen. The room is warm, there are only 3 people inside, Kate, Phillip and Shepherd.  General Shepherd waits until everyone is seated before standing up at the head of the table. 
“Here’s what's going to happen: The Professor will stay at his home in Seattle, however Dr. Montgomery has to share all her future research with him.” He looks around the room making sure people are listening. His eyes linger on her. She doesn’t say anything, her legs starts to bounce nervously under the table though. 
“Dr. Montgomery, you’ve been cleared to restart your research for a cure. You will however need to work with Professor Hale.” He says, she sighs. It’s better than him being on the base, she can live with it. 
“We can’t force the omega to go back to Professor Hale but he does want to have contact with her if she is willing. He also wants a tracker placed in her.” 
“No fucking way,” John says. Shepherd sighs. 
“You have to meet me halfway here John,” Shepherd says exasperated. 
“She’s a human being, not a dog,” Simon speaks up.  
“It’s just insurance for Professor Hale.” 
“It’s wrong,” Piper says, shaking her head. 
“What about an ankle monitor?” Kate suggests. 
“She’s not a criminal,” Piper says. John sighs, his eyes digging into the General.
“I can ask Hale, see what he says,” Shepherd says, going to jot something down on paper. 
“She’s not going anywhere,” John says. 
“Look, I’m trying to make it work here. I don’t need people to be happy, I need you to do your jobs,” Shepherd says. 
“Speaking of which,” Phillip Graves says standing up as Shepherd sits back down. He looks tired, he must have had a long few days. 
“Got a job for you boys.” He hands John a folder. He opens it and Piper tries to look over his shoulder to see. 
“Laswell will work with you, I'm sure it’s right up your alley. Been a while since you’ve been out in the field, you could use a good run,” Phillip says as he sits back down.
“Since when did you work for the DOD again?” John says, passing the folder to Simon. 
“Since they’re paying me to take care of this base.” 
“We don’t need you sitting around here when we could use you,” Shepherd says. John sighs, taking the folder out of Simon's hand and standing up. Simon and Piper follow him out of the room. There’s no ‘have a good day’ no ‘thank yous’ just silence as Shepherd and Phillip watch them leave. Piper closes the door behind her.
“Still thinking ‘bout that holiday?” Simon asks.
“Could use a change of scenery,” John responds. Piper looks at their backs confused. 
“Private jet would be nice,” Simon says. 
“I know a guy,” John replies. 
“When were you thinking then?” Simon asks.
“Don’t know, ‘pends on how quickly we can scramble,” John says. Are they talking in some kind of code? Piper thinks as she listens in. 
“12 hours, an hour if you’re desperate,” Simon says. 
“I’m not that desperate. You should talk to Soap and Gaz, see how they feel about a holiday.”  Simon nods going out the doors of the building while John stays behind. He turns to look at Piper. 
“C’mon let’s have a chat,” he says, gesturing her out the door. They walk in silence all the way until they’re out of the base and in the woods.
“I bring her here, you know. She likes the forest,” he says eventually. Piper nods. 
“She likes being outside, she spent so much of her life locked up,” she says. 
“Sergeant MacTavish has a house in Scotland. It’s rural, by a loch away from prying eyes. That’s where we would go if we needed to flee,” he says. A pit forms in Piper's stomach. 
“Why would you need to flee?” she asks, keeping her voice steady and her nerves tucked away. 
“We might need to flee if Professor Hale was to try anything.” 
“Do you think he will?” 
“Don’t know, but I don’t trust Shadow Company or General Shepherd. They’ve lied to us in the past and I wouldn’t be surprised if they would do it again.” He sighs. 
“So what? You want to run away, become fugitives? I’m pretty sure as soldiers you’d be deserting.” She looks up at John, his eyes seem darker all of a sudden. He doesn’t say anything and they continue walking.  “Okay so what would happen?” she asks after a few seconds. 
“If any of my team come to you and tell you we’re going on holiday you need to be ready to leave within the hour,” he says. She nods. 
“Your job will be to stick with the omega, and I mean stick with her. If we get separated, we’ll find you. But you need to keep her safe.” Piper's heart was pounding in her chest now, the nerves slipping through her facade. 
“You would do a better job protecting her,” she says. 
“No, not if things get hairy. Things can change in an instant. You need to listen and keep her safe if we can't. She needs someone she can trust to stay with her,” he explains, it makes her more nervous. 
“Do you think we’re in danger?” she asks him straight. 
“No, if I thought that we would have been gone by now. We just have to prepare for any eventuality,” he says, stopping and looking up at the trees. 
“I’ve never been to Scotland,” she says. 
“Hopefully you never will. At least not with us,” John says, turning back to head down the path. She follows him. 
“I don’t know if Johnny will be happy you said that.” She smiles trying to lighten the mood. 
“No I don’t think he would,” John chuckles. The rest of the walk goes in silence, Piper's mind running over different scenarios. If John was right then they would have to flee. The Professor was a threat, and maybe John didn’t want to admit it but Piper knew it. He wants his omega back. Only she’s not his omega anymore, she’s John’s omega, which puts his life in danger too. She stops him before they walk into the barracks pulling his arm before he opens the door.
“Professor Hale always had a plan for what would happen if the omega was claimed by someone else. I hope you know, you have a massive target on your back now.” John smiles which confuses Piper. 
“Don’t worry, I’m used to having a target on my back. You worry about finding that cure, we'll deal with the rest.” He opens the door walking into the building. Piper turns away, she should get back to work, the quicker they find the cure the quicker you’ll be safe. Or maybe the quicker she finds a cure the more disposable she is. She looks through the window of the door. She can see you resting against Kyle as John talks to Johnny in the kitchen. 
“Price told you about the holiday destination?” Simon asks from behind her, making her jump off the steps. She turns to look at him.  
“We call it a vacation over here,” she says walking up to him. She thinks she can see him smile. After so long of looking only in his eyes she thinks she can tell when he’s smiling. 
“Well, I wouldn’t call Scotland a holiday destination,” he says. 
“Anywhere other than here feels like a vacation.” She sighs, smiling at him. There’s a silence in the air as the sun is setting. There’s a light breeze making Piper shiver, bringing her hands up to warm her arms.
“Need any help?” he asks. She looks at him confused. 
“In the lab?” 
“Yeah, with the tests or whatever.” 
She nods, smiling at him. She walks past him towards the lab. 
“I can always use a hand.” 
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Dividers by Plum98 & gild-ui
Beta reader and editor - rememberwren
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gunnerfc · 2 days
hi fic idea a horny steph catley on a flight maybe to Australia with reader and steph is sitting on tye readers lap trying to get herself off and whinning that reader is helping her
🔞 S. Catley - Can’t Wait | WC: 985
Warnings: smut, minors DNI! top reader, bottom steph, plane bathroom, fingering (steph receiving)
AN: I did change it just a tad, but hope you enjoy! :) 
Your eyes were locked on the screen in front of you, a random movie that you had no interest in currently playing. Your main focus was on trying to ignore Steph, who is in the seat next to you and is currently doing her best to get your attention. 
Before you left for the airport, you two spent the last few minutes with your hands all over one another. You had spent the time littering her neck with hickies that she had to do her best to cover up in the car ride to the airport. But, given the short time you had to not miss your flight, you didnt have time to properly satisfy the defender. 
Now, three hours into a very long flight, Steph was doing all she could to get your attention, hoping you would give in and finish what you started. “Baby, please,” the Aussie whined into your ear, keeping her voice low so no one around you would hear her.
You had to fight the urge to turn your head, determined to keep her waiting until you decided to give in. But hearing her whine was crushing your determination quickly, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold back if she kept going. 
“Y/n…,” the defender all but moaned as she nestled her head into your neck, her breath hitting your neck, sending a shiver down your back. 
From your peripheral, you could see how she was squeezing her thighs together, looking for any sort of relief. You licked your lips as you moved one hand to rest on her bare thigh, thankful she decided to wear shorts for this trip. 
You heard her breath hitch slightly when your hand made contact with her skin, instantly warming her body. Your thumb rubbed her skin softly, driving her crazy as she waited for you to do something more. “Go to the bathroom at the back. I’ll meet you there,” you murmured, pulling your hand away from her thigh.
Steph fought back a whine at the loss of contact but hurriedly stood from her aisle seat, making her way to the back of the plane to the restroom. You waited a few minutes so it wouldn’t seem suspicious before heading to the back of the plane. You knocked softly, letting Steph know it was you.
As the door opened, the defender pulled you into the tiny plane bathroom, her lips on yours instantly as she moaned into the kiss. Your hands gripped her waist, pushing her back against the small sink. Her hands moved to grip your shirt, pulling as close as possible as your lips fought for dominance.
You easily won, earning a louder moan from Steph as you slipped your tongue into her mouth. With your lips interlocked, you moved one hand to the drawstrings of her Arsenal shorts, quickly untying the strings. You ran your fingers along the waistband of her red shorts, her hips bucking against you in anticipation. 
You slipped your hand into her shorts and underwear, slipping your hand further down, instantly feeling how wet she was. Steph moaned into the kiss before breaking your lips apart as her head hung back slightly. Her eyes were screwed shut as you ran a finger through her wet folds. 
“All this is from earlier,” you teased, moving to kiss her jaw. Steph panted against you, unable to respond aside from weak whines and whimpers. 
“P-please,” a broke moan slipped from her lips as her hips rocked against your hand. Having decided she suffered enough, you slowly inserted your two middle fingers into her soaked cunt.
One of Steph’s hands shot up to cover her mouth to muffle a loud moan, and you bit back a smirk as you slowly started thrusting your fingers. You started slow, letting her get used to the feeling before picking up speed. The palm of your head bumped her sensitive clit, earning you another muffled moan.
“Fuck,” you mumbled more to yourself, finding the sight of your girlfriend with her head thrown back and her mouth covered as she moaned extremely attractive. 
You sped up your fingers, knowing it wouldn’t take much, given how worked up Steph was before she would cum. Her hips bucked in time with your fingers, bringing her closer to her release. 
“Wanna cum, baby,” you teased with a smirk as you used your free hand to pull her hand away from her mouth.
“Y-yes! Please, b-baby,” Steph whined, panting harder as her orgasm was building. 
“Go ahead, let go,” you groaned, your fingers drilling into her.
Steph bit her lip to keep herself quiet as she let go, cumming around your fingers. You continued to move your digits, helping her ride her high. Steph whined when the sensation became too much, and you halted your movements, pulling your hand from her shorts.
Her eyes opened at the loss of contact, and they locked with yours as you brought your fingers to your mouth, moaning as you tasted her on them. Steph was panting against the bathroom sink, eyes dark with arousal as she watched you clean your fingers.
“Think you’re good for the rest of the flight, hmm,” you teased once you pulled your fingers from your mouth.
Steph swallowed slightly, still trying to catch her breath, “Probably not,” she heaved. You smirked at her words before reaching behind her to rinse your hand and grab a paper towel to dry it with. 
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to come back,” you hummed as you threw the paper towel away and left the bathroom, throwing a wink at her before you exited. 
Steph stayed in the plane restroom for another minute to catch her breath before she rejoined you in your seats. The rest of the flight to Australia was going to be a long one, but the promise of another orgasm was enough to keep things interesting.
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and-claudia · 2 days
Professor Howlett (Logan x fem!reader) Kinktober Fic #2
Warnings: Age gap!! Naughty pictures, unprotected sex, student/teacher relationship (reader IS OF AGE), professor kink, the use of the pet name Sweetheart (a lot)
Wordcount: 3000 (i am so sorry)
Kinktober taglist
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“Don’t forget, final papers are due tomorrow.” Professor Howlett said, and my heart sank. 
Fuck. I had completely forgotten about the paper. I used to always be on top of my work, but recently, during class, specifically Professor Howlett’s class, my mind had begun to wander. My time was spent thinking about all the different ways I would let him bend me over his desk and have his way with me rather than whatever era he was teaching us about. 
“Yn, hang back for a minute.” He said, beaconing me over to his desk with two fingers. 
“Yes, sir?” I asked, adjusting my books in my arm. 
“Are you okay?” He asked and it went straight to my core the way he said it. 
“Y-yes, sir.” 
“Are you positive? You’ve been… staring off into space lately. Are you sure you have nothing on your mind?” He asked, leaning back in his chair. 
“Yes, sir. I’m fine. Maybe just a little nervous about the paper due tomorrow.” I admitted. 
“Don’t be,” He brushed it off, “I always enjoy reading your papers. I’m sure tomorrow won’t be any different.” He said, and I swear he winked. 
“Well, thank you, sir, I appreciate it.” I said, smiling. 
He nodded and went to leave, “Oh, one more thing, Charles told me I needed a teacher assistant or something next semester. You interested?” 
I smiled, “Yes, I would love to.” 
“Figured you would.” He said with a small smirk. 
I was about to ask him what he meant when someone came into the room. 
“Am I interrupting something?” 
I turned to see Professor Xavier entering the room. 
“No, sir.” 
“No, Charles. I was just speaking to my new teacher assistant for next semester. I think the two of us will make a good team.” 
“I am sure you do, Logan. Yn would mind excusing us, in need to speak with Mr.Howlett?” He said. 
“Of course,” I said, nodding before turning to Mr.Howlett, “I will see you tomorrow.” 
He nodded, and I left. I decided to skip my last class and go straight to my room to work on my paper. However as the hours passed, I couldn’t come up with anything that I liked nor would yield even a decent grade. I was finally brought out of my focus by a knock at the door. 
“It’s unlocked!” I hollered for whoever it was to just come in. 
“I noticed you didn’t come down for dinner.” I jumped when I realized it was Mr.Howlett. 
“Oh, I must have lost track of time…” I said, closing my computer. 
“I figured, here.” He said, setting a plate down on my desk. 
“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” I said, smiling at him. 
He nodded before glancing around the room at all the Polaroids I had hanging around the room. 
“You take all these?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I have my aunt’s old camera.” I said. 
“Old? Ouch.” 
“Sorry.” I said with a laugh as I stood. 
I went over to my dresser, where I left the camera sitting, and picked it up. As I walked, I felt eyes on me. I then realized that I had forgotten that I changed once I got to my room earlier and was wearing short shorts and a hoodie only. When I turned around I swear I saw Mr.Howlett’s gaze jump up to my face from where he had been looking lower down my body. 
But he wouldn’t be checking me out like that, right? Sure I was one of the few adult students here, but that’s thing, I was still his student, it would be wrong. 
“Here, this is what I used for them all.” I said, handing it to him to look at. 
He looked it over curiously before carefully handing it back to me. 
“You must have a thing for old things, don’t you?” He said smoothly. 
And while I knew he was talking about the decor in my room, it felt like he was hinting at much more. 
“I guess you could say that.” I said flirtatously, suddenly feeling much bolder. 
“Well, although I would love to stick around for a while, you have a paper to finish, and I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be in students' dorms after a certain time, if not at all.” He said. 
I almost told him to stay, but I knew I shouldn’t… besides I had something else in mind. After he left, I ate the food he had brought me and then got my room set up. I moved my mirror away from the wall and cleaned it off some before setting out some blankets and pillows on the floor so I wouldn’t have my bare ass on the old wooden floor. Then I got changed into my best pair of panties and matching bra and got to work. Tomorrow, instead of turning in a paper, I would be handing a very special folder to Mr.Howlett. 
I took a few pictures at varying angles and positions with everything on. Then I took off my bra and got some good shots of my tits. I didn’t want to give him everything in these photos, though, I wanted him to have something to look forward to, so I left my panties on as I took one last picture in the mirror of me on my knees, tits out and all the previous photos strewn out in front of me. Then, I collected all of them up, threw my hoodie back on, and worked on putting them in my portfolio to turn in tomorrow. 
As I climbed into bed, I realized just how wet my panties had gotten by the thought of Mr.Howlett looking through my pictures. I slipped them off and decided to let my mind play into the fantasies of what would happen after he sees them tomorrow. When I came on my fingers, it felt amazing, but I knew that it was nothing compared to what Mr.Howlett could make me feel. 
The next day, I felt giddy as I sat through Mr.McCoy’s class. He was rambling on about another math concept I knew I would never use. Once again my mind began to wonder to wander to another teacher of mine. He finally released us and I nearly ran to Mr.Howlett’s class, folder in hand, ready to turn it in. 
“Hello, Mr.Howlett.” I said as I walked in. 
He was sat at his desk and when he glanced at me, he did a double take. I had purposefully wore a low cut blouse, revealing possibly too much clevage for school, but I didn’t care, it was all a part of my game. 
“Hello, Yn. You finish your essay?” He asked, quickly gaining his composure. 
“Right here.” I said, holding it up for him to see. 
He held out his hand, and I happily handed it to him as I went to sit at my desk, which just happened to be directly in front of him. I watched as he opened up the folder and flipped past the cover page. 
“Fuck.” I heard him sigh as he saw the first round of photos, and it made me smirk to myself. 
He flipped the page and glanced over the folder at me, “This is… good.” He said, shifting in his chair. 
“Oh, it gets better.” I said leaning forward in my chair, resting my chin in my hand.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps walking in, and I sat back and pretended to be getting something from my bag. Mr.Howlett shut the folder quickly and swiftly dropped it into one of the drawers on his desk as more of his students walked in. Everyone found their seats and soon the whole class was here. 
“Alright, pretty easy class today. Turn in your essays then you’re free to go.” He said to everyone, not standing up from his desk. 
Everyone was clearly excited as they got their essays out and dropped them on his desk before leaving. Once the last student walked out, he silently stood up and walked over to the door. He shut it and locked it. Then, he walked back to his desk, sat down, and got the folder back out. I watched with anticipation for his next move and was quite surprised when he beaconed me over with his fingers. 
“Pull up a chair.” He said, nodding to the space in front of his desk. 
“I want you to tell me what you were thinking when you took each one of these pictures. No bullshit, either. Understand?” 
I nodded. 
“Use your words.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Good. Let’s start here.” He said, pointing to the first picture. 
It was simple: my face was covered by the camera, but you could see my whole body. The way I had adjusted my lights made a perfect silhouette of my body, every curve on display for him. 
“Well, I was thinking that this is a stupid idea but I had already set everything up, and there was no turning back now. It was late, and there was no way I was writing that paper.” 
He nodded and pointed to the next one, “This one?” 
This one was a close-up of just my tits. You could see the delicate white lace of the bra I wore. 
“My only thought there was, I hope Mr.Howlette likes this color on me.” I said. 
“It’s nice.” 
This continued until he got to the last one, and again, he asked me the same question. 
“At that point, I realized just how wet my panties were at the thought of you looking at all the pictures I took for you.” I said, standing up. 
I began walking around to the other side of his desk. 
“I was fantasizing about all the things you would do to me when you saw them… I must say, a Q and A was not a part of any of them.” I said. 
He had moved away from his desk giving me enough space to turn his chair towards me and straddle his lap. When he didn’t show any signs of rejection, I sat all the way down. 
“One more question. Is this what you’ve been daydreaming about? Turning in a folder of naked pictures of yourself?” He asked, hands instantly going to my waist. 
“Not exactly…” I said, biting my lip slightly. 
“Tell me then. What was so interesting that you couldn’t even focus on your favorite teacher?” He asked, leaning forward. 
“Well… I was thinking of all the ways I would let you have your way with me right here on your desk.” I said. 
“Is that right?” He asked. 
I only nodded and dipped my head down to kiss him. When he did reject the kiss, I knew I was golden. I began grinding down on his lap, and I could feel his erection growing in his jeans. He quickly took over, using his hands on my hips to set the pace of me grinding on him. 
“Get off.” He said, suddenly. 
I quickly scrambled off of him and looked at him with wide eyes, thinking I had done something wrong or that he was second-guessing everything, 
“What? Kinda hard to fuck you on my desk when you're on my lap, sweetheart.” He said with a smirk. 
With that, he lifted me up onto his desk and began kissing me once again. This time, however, his hands began roaming all over my body. I could tell he was being a little hesitant though, never actually touching my breast. So, I took matters into my own hands and began unbuttoning my top. Once it was completely open, I grabbed his hands and put them on my breast. 
“You’ve already seen them; you can touch them.” I said between breaths. 
My hands tangled into his hair as he groped my breast. Small grunts left his mouth as he toyed with them. One of his hands slipped behind me to unclasp my bra, and once it fell away, he took full advantage of his access to my nipples. 
“Fuck- best tits I’ve ever seen, sweetheart.” He groaned against my lips. 
“Please, just fuck me, professor.” I said, breathlessly. 
He stopped once again and pulled away. 
“What did you just call me?” He asked, lips slightly swollen. 
“P-professor.” I said. 
I hadn’t meant to call him that. I knew he wasn’t technically one and that he told us not to call him that at the beginning of the semester. It just kind of slipped out. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re killin’ me.” He groaned. 
His lips found mine again as his hands dropped to the waistband of my skirt. I slightly nodded, telling him I was ready, and lifted myself up so he could slip it off of me along with my underwear. The smooth wood of his desk was cold against my heated core, and it sent a shiver up my spine. 
“Off.” I said, grabbing his belt and pulling him closer by it. 
“You don’t get to make demands here, sweetheart. You’re the student, and I’m the professor. Got it?” He said, pulling away to look at me. 
I nodded. 
He shook, “Use your words.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Good girl.” He said as he went back to kissing me. 
This time, however, only one hand went back to my breast. The other went down to me entrance. He ran his fingers through my folds, collecting the wetness that had already begun to seep out. Then he slowly pressed one of his fingers into my hole. A small whine left my lips. 
“Sh, it’s okay, just getting you ready.” He said gently as he slipped another finger in. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight, sweetheart.” He said. 
He continued pumping his fingers in and out, scissoring them to help stretch me further. 
“Good.” He said, pulling his fingers out before reaching for his belt and undoing it. 
He pulled his jeans and boxers down just enough to free his hard cock. I was staring at it, and I couldn’t care less. 
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” He asked, voice dripping with cockiness. 
Before I could stop myself, I nodded. He laughed lowly at me. 
He grabbed on of my legs and hooked it over his hip and lined himself up at my entrance. 
“Yes, sir.” I said, not taking my eyes off his cock. 
I watched in awe as he slowly pushed the tip in. I tensed up slightly at the stretch. 
“Sh, sweetheart, gotta relax.” He said gently as he pushed further in. 
I watched for as long as I could before my head dropped back and he slid the rest of the way in. A moan left my lips, adittedly a bit louder than I expected. 
“Damn sweetheart, it’s like you want the school to know the teacher’s pet is getting her tight pussy fucked by her favorite professor.” He said as he pulled back and began to set a stead pace thrusting deep in to me. One of hias hands was gripping my hop, holding me in place. And the other dropped down between us to rub tight circles on my clit. 
“Fuck.” I said, breath hitching as me walls scqueesed around him. 
He let out a small growl as he continued to pound into me. My mind was fuzzy and the only thing I could focus on was the feeling of his cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside of me and his rough calloused fingers working my clit. 
“Fuck, I’m close…” I said. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Come for me.” He said, surprigly soft and that was all it took for the tension to snap and my walls clamped down on his cock as I came. He hissed as my nails dug into his shoulders, through his shirt and I moaned. 
“Where do you want it, sweetheart? Not lasting much longer the way you’re gripping me.” He said, clearly restraining himself. 
“In. Please. I’m on the pill.” I said, still riding my high. 
He thrusted one last time, and released thick, hot ropes of cum deep inside of me. He thrusted a few more times lazily before stilling. Then, he gently pulled me forward to rest against him, cock still burried deep inside of me. 
“Fuck sweetheart… I’m in trouble now… how will I ever keep my hands off of my teaching assistant next semester?” 
“Don’t.” I said simply, closing my eyes as I rested against his strong chest. 
We stayed like this for a few more minutes before he sighed and slowly began pulling out of me. A small whine left my lips. 
“Sh, sweetheart, it’s okay. I got another class coming in soon. But if you come see me tonight I’ll make you feel even better than you feel now.” He said. 
I sighed but hopped down off his desk and grabbing my clothes off the floor. 
“I’ll hold you to that, Mr.Howlett.” I said, slipping my skirt on, but keeping my panties balled up in my hand. 
“Logan is fine… except in class, or during sex.” He said with a smirk. 
“Okay, Logan…” I said with a smll smile. 
By now he had pulled his pants back up and put his belt back on. I wrapped my arms around him and reached up to kiss him one last time. 
“I’m going to go clean up.” I said, stuffing my panties into his pocket. 
He knew what was I was doing and just smirked at me. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked towards the door. I glanced back at him and he sent me a wink before I opened the door and walked out. To my surprise Prodessor X was rolling up. 
“Hello, Yn.” 
“Is Mr.Howlett in there?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” I said stepping to the side so he could go in. 
“Logan, a word.” I heard him say seriously causing my eyes to widen as I sped up my pace and hurried away and back to my room to shower. 
Kinktober taglist
@comicbookslut @mariaxman @howlingco
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woso-fan13 · 13 hours
Whumptober 2023: 3 (Barca fc)
Fingerprints | Wrongfully Arrested | "I warned you."
A series of loud knocks on the door has Mapi groaning as she forces herself off of the sofa. After a long practice, a hot shower, and a nice meal, all she wanted to do was lay on the sofa with Ingrid until she could go to bed. But the banging didn’t stop and continued to grow louder and more frantic. 
Mapi pulls the door open a touch, peeking out before yanking it open the rest of the way. On the other side of the door you were slightly hunched into yourself, tears and sweat mingling on your face. Mapi freezes, unsure as to what happened to you and what to do. You’re frozen too, seemingly disassociated from the situation. 
It’s silent for a moment until footsteps approach from behind Mapi, Ingrid’s head popping over her shoulder before reaching around Mapi and reaching to you. One hand lands on your shoulder, the other resting gently on your face. 
This seems to break you out of your trance, your eyes lifting from your shoes to meet Ingrid’s, the pitiful look in your puffy eyes and red nose melting Ingrid’s heart. She can’t see you like this, though, so she pulls you into her, one arm wrapping tightly around your back while the other presses the back of your head to her chest. You’re cradled protectively in her arms, her head dipping to press her lips to your hair as she whispers quietly to you in a blend of English, Spanish, and Norwegian. You can’t make any of it out, really, but you relax into her anyway. 
At some point, Mapi must have regained her senses, as you feel a hand come to rest on your cheek, slowly coaxing your head out of Ingrid. You turn to face her, being rewarded with a gentle smile and kind words as you rest your cheek onto Ingrid, still slumping into her for support. One of Mapi’s hands continues to cradle your face as the other appears in your sight line with a warm washcloth. She moves slowly, allowing you time to pull away before gently wiping the tears from under each eye. She moves to your cheeks and forehead, running the damp fabric down your nose and wiping the snot that was approaching your upper lip. Pulling the towel away just enough to fold it in half, Mapi finishes cleaning the lower half of your face with the clean space. 
You release a sigh as she finishes. Your eyes are beginning to droop at this point. 
Mapi and Ingrid work together to get you through the house and towards the bedrooms, skipping past the spare room you normally sleepover in and leading you into their bedroom. Wordlessly, they get you changed into a comfortable pair of pajamas that you must have left behind at some point. They don’t even bother getting you to brush your teeth or wash your face before they direct you into the middle of their bed and get you snuggled under the covers. 
The two women are already ready for bed themselves, having gotten ready before settling on the sofa earlier, so they waste no time in climbing into their respective sides of the bed and encasing you in the middle. Their gentle reassurances and warm touches quickly soothe you and your breathing gets heavier until you’re fully asleep. 
Mapi and Ingrid, on the other hand, are fully awake and livid.  They can guess what happened with almost complete certainty. More so, they can guess who happened. 
They so badly want to yell, they need to express their anger and frustrations and they want to do it loudly and directly. But no sooner do they begin to whisper to each other do you begin moving slightly in your sleep, a small frown appearing. 
Mapi settles on expressing her frustration another way, pulling out her phone and opening messages. Scrolling through her recent messages, she taps on a conversation and sends a simple message. 
“I warned you this would happen if you pushed her too far.”
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moonchildstyles · 22 hours
mini series coming soon!
starting next week on Patreon, I will begin posting a new mini series! I’m thinking it’ll be around 4 parts, with a new part being posted every (or every other) Friday!
This new one — untitled atm — is going to be about…….virgin roommate h! It was a concept sent in to me like years ago at this point that I’m finally getting around to and really excited about! So it has some friends to lovers, h being a bf w/o the title, and just cutesy fun! But also smut every part😭
The first part will be posted to patreon next Friday, the 11th. I will start posting to tumblr when the story is officially finished on Patreon, or a bit earlier depending on how my schedule ends up working out!
Below is a sneak peek, but if you have any questions please lmk besties! I hope u love this h like I do thank you always for reading
"It's okay," she said, the smile evident in her voice despite Harry not seeing the curl, "You're so silly, H."
It was the way her voice trailed off, taking on a deeper octave than before, that showed him just how close she was to finding the other side of her eyelids. He instinctively began running his thumb along the ball of her shoulder, a circuit that had him skimming her soft skin with the sleeve of her top pushed out of the way.
There was something about seeing her skin being dented by his touch, a touch that wasn't particularly strong or even rough at all. She wondered if she was able to feel the whorls of his print, the creasing of his knuckle. It was an innocent enough feeling, his hand upon her arm, but he felt his heart beginning to thump. His throat was thick enough he felt his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed.
This was another facet that only took on a life of its own, the casual intimacy that had been sparked between them now that they shared a home. Laying her head on his shoulder in a passing hug, resting her head on his lap, practically asking him to put his hands on her as she was lulled to sleep. Logically, he was sure this was supposed to get easier as it went, the more it happened the magic was supposed to lessen. But, that just didn't happen.
His heart still thumped heavily. His stomach tightened and pitted and warmed. His...  well, other parts of him appreciate the touching too, even if he chose not to focus on those parts of himself.
It felt more than wrong to acknowledge his baser interests in her, not when she was such a kind and loving friend to him. If that boundary between them was meant to be crossed, there were plenty of times both during their university days and the years that followed, that gave perfect opportunities for that line to be wiped away and crossed in favor of something new. Instead, they were still just friends—best friends, even.
You're not supposed to get hard over your best friend. Not when she was doing nothing but falling asleep in his lap. Not when she was relaxing in her own home in comfortable pajamas—even if they were comprised of a soft t-shirt and pair of shorts just a touch too small that rolled up at the hem, giving more and more skin for his eyes to feast upon. Without a bra, of course. A fact evident in the way her nipples would peak against the material.
No, he was not supposed to be hard over that. Not to mention the glaring fact that she spent nearly every weekend on a date with someone or going out with the express purpose of having fun and meeting other people.
There was also, of course, the most prominent issue: he's a virgin. Even if he somehow managed to see more than just a friendship in him, he would have no idea how to take care of her. (Y/N) was someone who had experienced enough physical affection that she no doubt knew what she enjoyed and what she didn't; there was little to no appeal to teaching the one you're in bed with how to the do the most basic of acts.
So he would keep his distance, even if the rest of his body refused to get on the same page.
"Are you okay?"
(Y/N)'s mumbled voice shook Harry from his thoughts. Blinking back to the real world, she was tipping her head up to look at him with sleepy eyes.
"Hm?" he hummed, aware of the way his hand had gone still on her arm and his bones had grown stiff.
"Do you want me to move or something?" she murmured, "So you can get comfortable? Sorry if I made your leg fall asleep."
Harry's skin warmed to a flushing red. Of course, he would grow restless when she was on his mind. Taking stock of his body, at least he knew he wasn't that hard; any longer in his mind and he may have had a problem.
"'S alright, 'm alright," he rushed out, "Jus' think 'm getting tired. Sorry."
She smiled up at him, her hair haloing around her head in his lap. "It's okay," she laughed, "Do you want to go to bed? We can keep watching tomorrow instead."
That was what he needed at the moment: distance. Some peace and quiet and a moment to get his head on straight. "Let's go to bed," he affirmed, mimicking her soft smile.
Her movements were lethargic as she moved off of his lap. A curling stretch had her raising her arms above her head, the hem of her top lifting just enough to show a sliver of skin above the waistline of her shorts. Harry quickly retracted his eyes, settling his gaze to his feet instead.
Turning to him, with eyes slightly hooded and limbs languid, (Y/N) gave him a smile. "Goodnight, H," she mumbled, "Thanks for making my night better."
Collecting him in her arms, Harry didn't have to think before he was reciprocating her hug. The scent of her perfume twisted around him, stray hairs tickling the tip of his nose. Her words echoed in his head.
He made her night. She made his life.
!!!!!ahhhh!!!!! You can find my patreon here or send me a message on here if you have questions !
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opal-owl-flight · 5 hours
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I wasnt able to finish day 4s Splatober so oops I used the rest day to finish it-
Anyway, dream weapon (class)! Im already a close-range berserker of a fighter, I want to have the ability to clock a charger in the face for all the times I was bullied by them during my earlier days.
Oh and -- the Octoling in the pic is another oc of mine! Her name is Lila, shes one of the best Octarian engineers this side of the Splatlands. She mostly participates in the Splatlands trenchturf and Octarian turf leagues where one can (or is encouraged to in the latter) create and bring their own weapons into fights. She enjoys all manner of melee-based combat and is not afraid to charge into danger.
She also really, really doesnt like rules or authority figures. She thinks that shit makes things boring. Shes not letting some old coots tell her what to do!!
* rulebreaking Octarians and the idea of Octarian turf having a focus on engineering new weapons is inspired from another post by @molabuddy (and a comment/reblog of it I forgor which one it was)
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chlochette-sunde · 1 day
As an introduction to Tumblr, I wanted to share my thoughts on Supernatural so far.
I started watching the series earlier this year. It had been recommended by a friend of mine, who insisted that "it was so cool! And all the characters are great! And the music!"
I confirm the first seasons were cool. I could feel there was a certain... subtext but I couldn't really discern it at the time.
Then came season 4 and Castiel. And a whole new world (or "trashcan" as some of you call it) opened to me.
I haven't finished watching the whole serie yet (I just started season 14) but I can already say that watching Supernatural is draining me. Because its subtext is just so dense and heavy. It is exhausting to notice all these clues and innuendos that they regularly insert and never resolve.
And I'm not even a queer looking for these clues and innuendos. I'm just an ally with eyes, sensitized to these topics and tropes.
If it's exhausting for me, I can't even imagine how it's been for some of you who were looking for glints of recognition of your everyday realities, orientations or battles.
I am a Destiel believer and had been before spoiling myself with the serie's ending. I do believe Destiel is Cockles' fault. And I also believe Dean is a closeted bi.
I strongly believe Supernatural would have been drastically different if it had been host on another network. I mean: thousands, or maybe even millions, of us are aware that Supernatural is/can be queer coded. Jensen & Misha won an award for best chemistry and Destiel is still the ship that inspires the greatest number of fanfictions on AO3, by far. And I believe it happened for a reason.
Sure, Cockles helped. A lot. But what we acknowledged as clues and innuendos weren't just the happy accident of the chemistry between Jensen and Misha. It was how the episodes were scripted, how they were directed, how they were edited, even how the music was added sometimes.
I have to believe that the whole crew knew exactly what they were doing, that they shared as many ideas as they could through subtext. And if it is indeed the case, I also feel for them because it must have been straining to tiptoe on this thin line for 15 years.
Now that this have been expressed, I can go back to season 14.
I'm counting on you for a warm welcome!
Cheers from France 🇲🇫
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harmonyrae · 3 days
Power Couple
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(Inspired by this fanart. All credits to the artist, I couldn't find a direct link to them, but THANK YOU for inspiring me to write this!)
Summary: AU of how Sylus & you (reader) met. Both are leaders of large factions in the N109 Zone, Onychinus (Sylus) and Himitsu (you). They have been cutting into your territory over the past few weeks, so you decided an introduction is required. You laid the trap and Sylus walked right into it. But this is just the beginning...
CHAPTER ONE - Golden Opportunity
Three weeks of nothing but blood and lost profits. You’re exhausted, drained, frustrated. You throw back a second glass of wine and lean back in your chair. You kick off your heels and pull your feet up into the chair, settling yourself in for another late night. You glance over at your heavy wooden desk. A pile of documents and photographs, detailing the gruesome exchange Himitsu and Onychinus had earlier that day. 
Your contact with the N109 Zone police, if you can even call them “police,” dropped the folder off along with a desperate plea to stop the carnage. 
“Looks like it’s getting worse, your boys are working overtime and only getting cut down. Please, I’m begging here, tell Hunter to resolve this. I can’t keep bringing you this intel. My superiors are already on edge.”
You always chuckle when you hear the name “Hunter” - the name of the head of Himitsu. At least that’s what the public believes. You had to come up with a name that carried some weight and maybe some danger. But was ambiguous, most refer to “Hunter” as a he, making you smile every time. You wish you could reveal yourself and watch their jaws drop when they realize a woman runs one of the deadliest crews in the Zone. But you’re far too careful to show your hand. There’s only one person who knows and you always intended to keep it that way.
Every move you make, every client you secure, Onychinus is right on your fucking heels. Himitsu has gunned them down over and over. You’ve ordered their warehouses to be burned to the ground and dealers bought out. The violence continues, and has been getting worse every day. You lean forward to grab the wine bottle off your desk and pour another glass. How do you get this to stop? You need to get back to Linkon and recruit some new blood for your shrinking crew. Not to mention work on repairing the damage made to the Himitsu reputation and bank accounts. You swirl the dark liquor in your glass, you lean back once more, contemplating your next move. 
A shrill creak brings you back to reality and you look over at the door to your office opening slightly. Dorian, your right hand and the “face” of Himitsu, enters quietly. You can tell by the look on his face that the news he brings is not good. 
“How many glasses deep are you?” Dorian says before sitting on the edge of your desk. You chuckle softly.
“Not enough I’m sure.” Dorian smirks, a hint of mischief in his eyes.
“Good news and bad news.”
“Just rip the bandaid off.” You gulp down your third glass of wine and pinch the bridge of your nose, bracing for what Dorian will say next.
“Our latest shipment coming in from Linkon was intercepted. I don’t have to tell you by whom.” His voice deepens. “Onychinus is taking bigger risks, attacking a convoy so close to the border.”
“Did we lose everything?” You can feel your stomach flip as your brain has already started crunching the numbers. Not only was money lost, but one of your most important clients was depending on you to get that shipment to them. Disappointing them will be a huge hit.  
“Well, yes, but…” Dorian can’t finish his sentence before you stand up and flip open your golden butterfly knife, dark sapphires inlayed in the handle. You start pacing, flipping the knife in quick circles and slashes. Your nerves were officially shot and so were your chances of retaining that client. Your bare feet shuffled along the carpet. 
“Boss, do you remember the last time you were angry pacing and practicing your new little hobby?” His teasing tone only made your frustrations grow. You wince at the memory as you glance down at the scar on your knee. You were careless and hadn’t held the knife correctly, the slice across your flesh happening so quickly you thought it hadn’t happened. You shake your head and glance up at Dorian.
“Do you actually have good news related to Himitsu or are you going to give me some bullshit about a new bakery stall opening at the night market?” 
Dorian chuckles. He stands and walks toward you, careful to avoid your hand continuously flipping the butterfly knife. “We lost a lot today, but gained something that will turn the tide.” 
You snap the butterfly knife closed and look at Dorian closely. He might be taller than you by several inches, but your white-hot stare sent the right signal. Dorian sank into the red leather armchair in front of your desk. He raises his hands in surrender.
“It’s a bit of a long story, but I’ll tell you the abridged version.” His typical goofy smile tugging at his lips helped relax your shoulders. 
“No, tell me everything.” You grab the wine bottle on your desk, now already half-way empty and sit down in the armchair next to Dorian. You don’t bother to use the glass, now abandoned on the desk, you just drink from the bottle as he tells the story.
Himitsu always had a backup plan, and this convoy was no exception. A massive order of damaged protocores coming directly from the UNICORN Division. The deal you made with the disposal company to reroute the truck to the N109 Zone had been in place for nearly 2 years. A backup squad always accompanied the operation. Traveling in the neighborhood parallel to the convoy's route. The route had changed every month to avoid an interception from police or competition. Somehow, Onychinus knew what path they had chosen this month and launched their attack on the truck, backup was only two blocks away and arrived quickly. While the product was taken, a member of the Onychinus team was injured and left behind. Dorian was fortunate enough to be riding with the squad when the attack happened and made the split second decision to keep the man alive. Dorian informed you that your golden opportunity is handcuffed to a chair, ready for an interrogation. 
You stand up, trying to ignore how dizzy you’d become, and straighten out your fitted dress. “I’m going to talk to them.” Dorian reaches out for your arm to steady you and attempts to pull you back. You lose your balance and he catches you pulling you to his lap. Dorian laughs at your tipsy state and you can’t help but join in. 
“I don’t think that is a smart play, boss. He’s still unconscious. We had to dig a couple bullets out and put a couple staples in his head. Get some rest, talk to him in the morning.”
You stand up slowly. You circle around your desk to pick up your shoes before continuing to your office door still barefoot. You smile to yourself as you leave your office and head to the elevator. You have a piece of the puzzle. This man could give you confirmation about the intel you’ve gathered on the leader of Onychinus. And it would offer you the chance to set the trap you’ve been dreaming about for the past few weeks.  
You hit the penthouse button and pace around the elevator until you reach the top floor. You press your thumb to the pad on your door and push it open when the chimes confirming the lock has come undone. You drop your shoes at the door and use your butt to close it behind you. The chime automatically plays to secure the lock. You place the nearly empty wine bottle on the kitchen counter and shuffle to your room. Along the way, you remove your heavy gold chain necklace and golden hoops and tug at the zipper of your dress. 
You discard the jewelry on your bedside table and let your dress fall to the floor in a heap around your ankles. You don’t bother to remove your makeup - one of your many bad habits - and slip into bed in your underwear, relishing the cool feeling of the silken sheets against your warm skin. You usually don’t drink that much, but lately, wine has been your closest friend. Besides Dorian. He’ll just have to get used to cleaning up after you for a few more days. This man will be your ticket out of this bloody war. You smile into your pillow, remembering the cage you have prepared for the illusive Onychinus leader.
“Sylus…” You mutter into your pillow as you drift off to sleep. 
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