#llama cannon
wein-bitte · 1 year
🧼: Why did you think any of this was a good idea?
💀: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
🧼: ...Oh.
💀: I don't understand how you keep forgetting that.
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Hey llama been going through a rough patch with recovering. Could you maybe do a lil story/head cannons on how the boys would comfort reader?
I wasn't sure which boys you meant, but I've covered the Aggre boys comforting a few times, so here's how the bad guys would comfort you when you're having a hard time.
Horror will appeal to the small, flighty animal inside you. The one that wants to be wrapped up tight, given food, hidden away somewhere safe and dark and warm and quiet. It doesn't care if it's snuggled in the arms of a bear, because that's your bear, and his breathing is deep and slow and he smells like waxy fur and dry autumn. He'll look after your little animal - he'll look after you. He'll put snacks in your hands, put a huge blanket around you, and cuddle you into his lap. You can just put your head on his chest. He struggles with many things... but comforting is not one of them.
Dust is comforting like an oversized hoodie. The kind that smells like someone you love, covering your hands and almost reaching your knees, old and pilling but the inside is still soft. He can't talk you through it, he doesn't have the words, he can't tell you it'll be okay, because how could he know? Telling you 'it'll be fine' is not his call to make. But he can sit with you while you cry, and stay no matter what. He can lay in bed next to you and threads his fingers with yours while the TV fills the silence. And if you don't mind the tickling in the back of your nose, he'll lend you any one of his hoodies you like.
Killer will chase your smile. He'll really, really try - it's not his usual 'cheering', the sharp carelessness you've come to associate with him. There's a gentleness, a pleading sincerity to him, he remembers details about you you never would've expected him to pick up. He gently broaches all the subjects he knows you're interested in to see if they'll get you chatting, he fields distracting activities like videogames and movies you love, he offers foods and drinks he knows you crave when you're lonely, anything to get you to stop frowning. Maybe it's not all the things he offers that cheer you up, in the end. Maybe it's the glimpse into just how deeply and honestly he cares. When he does finally get that smile, you'll get the reward of two pearly while eyelights staring back at you in relief.
Nightmare could be comforting to you. You'd have to give in to him completely. You'd have to trust him, close your eyes and let him in. Are you prepared for that? He won't blame you, if you aren't, he won't resent you for seeking out the others instead. But if you're willing to put your Soul in his hands... suffering is a tapestry he's intimately familiar with. He knows the importance of letting pain pass through. There's no comfort like him. The comfort of resting at the bottom of a deep ocean, the comfort of sleeping in a beast's jaws, the comfort of drifting in space. The comfort of turning everything off. The comfort of something huge and dark and unearthly holding you in its palms, and telling you it's okay to rest for a little while. You'll wake up with wet cheeks, feeling like an enormous weight has left your shoulders. And Nightmare will be eternally grateful for finally, just once, being allowed to do what he was made to do.
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thebeesareback · 1 year
Back at it again with the weird Sherlock shit from the original cannon
- Sherlock becomes a beekeeper
- Sherlock spends two years in Tibet and meets the Dali Llama
- Sherlock describes the countryside of Cambridgeshire as "flat as the palm of Watson's hand". The description is accurate.
- they foil an attempted murder by using a wax model of Sherlock. Incidentally, if you visit the Sherlock Holmes museum on Baker Street, you'll find a bunch of incredibly creepy life-size figures of the characters. The staff think they're haunted. I asked.
- to sneak through a dark house, Sherlock and Watson hold hands. Watson keeps commenting on it
- to establish an alibi, a man invites some guy to his house, gets him drunk, changes the clocks and shouts that it's 1am, when in fact it's much earlier. Presumably, this guy doesn't wear a watch
- A visitor to 221b says that it's a long carriage ride from Baker Street to his home in Hampstead. It's 3 miles
- the final appearance of Sherlock Holmes is in 1927, which means if he were real he could have met David Attenborough
- the line "elementary, my dear Watson" is never said in the original stories, but Sherlock often calls Watson "my dear"
- unlike in Sherlock (bbc), we do find out how Sherlock escapes Moriarty. The two tussle, then Moriarty falls off a cliff whilst sort of running backwards through the air like a cartoon. Sherlock hides on a ledge for a bit
That's all for now, but I'm sure I'll find more bonkers shit
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run2seob · 10 months
txt with a mexican s/o
p: ot5 txt x mexican!reader g: fluff, bullet pointed head cannons w: written in spanglish notes — no soy mexicana , así q corríjame porfa ㅠㅠ request :: masterlist
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este conejito-
take him to the zoo y mira lo q hace: go straight to the bunnies
he's in his habitat jajaj
it would be so fun
después de eso solo lo llamas conejito y no tiene ni idea
"conejito ven aquí!" cuando quiero un besito
or if you're tired y deprived of cuddles "conejitoo~"
you say it todos los días pero él todavía no sabe lo que significa
cuando el te preguntas, you'll be so surprised.. jaw para abajo y todo
"you didn't know..?"
"no :(" con la expression adorable
how could you not be absolutely in love cuando se ve así?
"conejito es un bunny" and you boop his nose afterwards
q lindo T0T
he's so excited to meet your parents ><
you've been dating paraa... 2 años?
where it's not pushing "ey cásate conmigo" but you're still clingy and in love como las telenovelas
cuando llegues, he'll be smiling so wide :(
como el modismo "smiling ear to ear", he's doing just that
his teeth are shining through and it's so cutee
as soon as you step inside, your parents are attached to him
"ah sir-" "llámame papi" (o papa)
ai he's so happy afterwards, *especially* when the food comes out
ojalá q he doesn't get a stomachache from cuantos tamales que comio
he's smiling the entire time 😭😭
su amorcito
un mexicano at heart
si pones en un cuarto mid festival he'll fit right in
y sii, el no sabes NI español (save: hola y si)
pero if the times he's repeatedly yelling "sii!" whenever he's happy doesn't say enough that's he's trying
(or maybe that the chaos is so loud that even beomgyu puedes entenderlo)
then the fact that he's talking to your little cousins should prove it
"vas a casarte con yn?" (and yeah it's nosy.. but i mean can you blame them for asking? you two look way too cute together with your hand guiding him everywhere and smile being one he can easily find)
"i hope so."
he's always using pet names on you i'm heavy on thiss
"mi alma, what's wrong?" whenever you're crying
and he says it with such a soft tone q te recuerda a casa
his hands would come up to cup your cheeks softly, moving away your worries and your tears in one movement
he wouldn't kiss you just yet, as he wants permission
but you can see in his eyes, even without his lips against your face or lips how much he loves you
"mi amor.. you can tell me anything"
HE'S SO SWEET WITH IT (get me someone like taehyun if you can. please.
truly someone to court you just with two words. or one.
el es un magician
kai y amor joven >>>
lt's say you met… middle school? older or younger no se, es tu imaginación 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
everybody is opening clubs in whatever year it is he's walking around with his overalls, his hair bouncing in each step because he's just so excited to promote robotics club
pero nadien really focuses on robotics… but he loves it a lot
y tu también, and when two people are the only two in a club.. 😻
jaja pero let's just say that the language barrier messed you up a lott so you only talked through code and making each other things through code
un corazón, por ejemple
y cuando you got separated and met again YEARSS later
you can finally show him the heart you never got to show him before and grow your budding love again
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notes — i'm not sure if i'll make a full english vers. but lmk ^^
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astronautrobot · 22 days
Spanish version, porque sé que hay como cuatro personas acá que lo hablan XD Y aunque fuera uno solo, lo haría por solidaridad
Mucho texto y entre traducciones puede que haya metido la pata, agradezco que me señalen cualquier error.
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Hijo único
La única tortuga que Splinter pudo salvar. Por esta misma razón, es sobreprotegido por su padre.
Ha sugerido más de una vez salir a buscar a los otros, pero su papá no se arriesga.
Lleva las máscaras de sus hermanos consigo cada vez que sale, en caso de encontrarlos.
Cuando Splinter hizo su máscara, le pidió que también hiciera una para cada uno de sus hermanos para que eventualmente pudieran usarlas.
Está terriblemente frustrado y es aún más enojón que el cannon, por la negativa de su papá en salir a encontrar a los demás y no se capaz de encontrarlos él mismo.
Aún sueña con ir a la escuela y conocer más gente, o más bien, a alguien más en general.
Le encantan los abrazos y espera ser bueno abrazando. Lo es, pero claro, no es como que tenga mucha gente que se lo diga.
Tiene un peluche que le hace companía, una tortuga llama Spike.
Su papá se lo dió cuando estaba más pequeño para que no echara tanto de menos a los demás a la hora de dormir. Splinter no sabe que aún lo tiene.
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Corrió por la ciudad hasta dar con el Zoológico. Allí creció.
Muy conectado con los animales por esta misma razón. Seguido alimenta callejeros y palomas.
Después del incidente, rumores sobre tortugas alienígenas se expandieron por la ciudad. Se convirtieron en una especie de leyenda urbana.
Mikey, siendo el niño teatral y creativo que es, eventualmente vió esto como una oportunidad para disfrazarse y caminar libremente entre los humanos.
El truco está en no verse muy real para no destacar entre las demás botargas. Se tuvo que poner ingenioso.
Es el más familiarizado con los humanos, ya que técnicamente creció viéndolos constantemente e interactúa a diario con ellos.
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Fue encontrado por un pequeño Rocksteady algunas horas después de ser separado de los demás. Fue más que bienvenido por el resto de los Mutanimales.
Tan fascinado como aterrado por los humanos.
Entiende porqué los otros les temen, pero no puede evitar pensar que fue un humano quien los creó a todos en primer lugar.
Está en conflicto con la idea de darles a los humanos el mismo que han recibido ellos por años. Cree que se volverá un ciclo y no arreglará realmente nada.
Pero para él la familia siempre está primero y no quiere decepcionar.
La mano derecha de Super Fly
Lidera el equipo cuando el hermano mayor tiene que atender otros asuntos.
Ess el mejor estratega y realmente sabe como hacer que todos trabajen juntos.
Puede ser intimidante cuando lo necesita para lidiar con los criminales con los que tratan. Su voz de Bat Man es realmente útil aquí.
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Criado en un principio por TCRI
No había pasado mucho desde el incidente con Baxter Stockman. TCRI estaba aún en alerta y cuando escucharon acerca de las extrañas criaturas que aparecieron una noche en medio de Nueva York, un equipo de apresuró a la escena. Lograron atrapar a uno de ellos.
Creció sin afecto físico
Noo había ninguna tortuga en las notas de Stockman, por lo que estaba realmente confundidos sobre de dónde había salido. Tomando en cuenta el encuentro que habían tenido antes con la criatura mosca, teorizaron que los mutantes no sólo tenian poderes, sino que también eran radioactivos.
Rata Tortuga de laboratorio
Los científicos descubrieron rápido que el mutante tenía la inteligencia de un niño pequeño y mucho potencial. Algunos estaba interesados en criarlo como tal, pero Utrom, aún con la idea de crear mutantes sólo para ser usados como armas, se reusó, manteniéndolo sólo para estudiarlo.
Donnie fue tratado inicialmente con ciudado, ya que eran consientes de que técnicamente era aún un bebé y no querían arriesgarse a que su único especimen muriera. Sacaban sólo la sangre suficiente para tener una idea de con qué trabajaban.
Antes de que tuvieran la oportunidad de empezar a extraer su sangre para comenzar a recrear la fórmula del ozze, él escapó.
Esto pasó durante uno de los primeros ataques dee Super Fly a TCRI. Donnie tenía unos cuatro años.
No se alejó mucho. Había estado encerrado toda su vida y no estaba realmente familiarizado con el mundo exterior. Se las arregló para permanecer cerca sin ser visto.
Pueden adivinar cómo aprendió sobre tecnología.
Eventualmente se topó con el anime y One Piece se volvió su favorito rápidamente.
El tropo de la 'familia encontrada' realmente le llegó. Siente una conexión con Brook, con todo el asunto de haber perdido tripulación y quedar sólo por tanto tiempo. Espera encontrar también a sus propios nakamas.
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terrathetulpa · 13 days
I would like to bash the Minecraft movie teaser immediately. Because we need to bully the studio into getting rid of it or changing it like we did to Sonic. It is the most egregiously hideous abomination of Minecraft I have ever had to look at through these poor shared bloodshot eyes. The animals look like fucking horseshit supreme! Like someone was fucking around with some fur shaders for the first time and went "What if I pulled in a model of a sheep from Minecraft?" That llama is gonna be in my nightmares and I'm gonna lucid dream for the first time in months just so I can banish it to the wretched cursed CG hell plane that it came from. But first I'm gonna bash it's hideous skull in so it doesn't come back!
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I am so unimpressed by your wide angle shot of a landscape that is supposed to be Minecraft, and doesn't even pass for modded Minecraft! It doesn't look like the game at all! It looks like someone tried to do a 4k voxel style remake of genshin impact and then someone else photo-shopped random ass stock photos into it. And when is someone gonna tell the movie execs that we don't wanna look at Jason Momoa anymore!? I hate his stupid bearded face!
The only snowball's chance in hell that this thing has of being watchable at all is Jack Black, and even he looks scuffed as shit! You bought that man a blue T-shirt from the GAP SEVEN MINUTES before filming- didn't even check to make sure that shit fit him! LOOK AT THIS!!!
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I love you Jack Black, but you are not Steve!!! YOU ARE NOT STEVE!!! Did anyone bother to like- LOOK at the source material for more than 0 seconds!? Do you realize what this movie COULD HAVE BEEN!? I CAN'T EVEN SIT HERE AND DESCRIBE TO YOU HOW BAD THIS MISS IS FOR ME, WE WOULD BE HERE ALL NIGHT!!!
MOTHER FUCKING DAMNIT! BITCHES IN HELL!!! FUCK THIS MOVIE! PLEASE KILL THIS MOVIE!! BOMB THIS FUCKING MOVIE!!! I need all of you internet haters to pretend this thing is Morbius! When this comes out in theatres, if they haven't at least tried to fix it. Every time you see it just pretend it's Morbius. It is not worth your time. Do not see it. Even if you really like Jack Black. Do not.
You know what fuck it- I can write a long ass post.
Listen, you have to understand that I love Minecraft. I love Minecraft so much. I love running around, making things and exploiting villagers. Roaming vast landscapes of blocks and tricking the skeletons into shooting each other. The greatest burden of my childhood is that I couldn't convince my friends to continue playing Minecraft with me. If Minecraft were a beautiful woman, I would marry her. We would host lavish dinner parties and all of the guests would compete to build the coolest Minecraft build, and I would always win because Minecraft is my wife! Now I will proceed to spend several minutes resisting the urge to describe even the most intimate aspects of this theoretical marriage I would have to Minecraft in excruciating and graphic detail. (The fuck was I saying?)
This movie could have been LITERALLY ANYTHING! Because if it has ever happened, it has happened in Minecraft. This could've been a thriller, a murder mystery, an action movie, they could have remade literally anything and gotten away with it because "It's Minecraft, it's different" They could have made INFINITE MINECRAFT MOVIES!!! But more painful to lose, and more painful to see missing from the discourse about this film is that it could have told stories that nothing else could have told. This could have been a base wars movie, this could have been about conflicting factions competing for land, with complex politics, interesting heroes and villains, doing goofy ass shit like building sheep everywhere or making chicken bombs as much as they actually genuinely fight with TNT cannons and crazy ass ANIMATED PVP sequences. This movie could have been FUCKING SICK!!!
This could have been a retelling of an anarchy server's history, or a long romantic love letter to the game itself in movie form, or a playful exciting romp through someone's LAN game but from the perspective of those in game characters- AND NO ONE PLAYS AS STEVE HE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE!!! Where is our community's representation??? I don't trust this studio to show us massive sprawling builds that represent years of work, the fortresses, the cathedrals, the giant nether mansions. We're not going to see seasoned players strike down the ender dragon with 5 beds and a wooden axe. We're not getting elytra courses, SMP stories, redstone computers, massive pixel art, giant sculptures, hidden signs in peoples bases, pastoral communities farming by the river, villager outposts, torn up server spawns, that one guy who built a 150 block tall wheat farm overnight, the absolutely massive expanse of mods for this thing, the elaborate RP plots, the full on cities constructed by dozens of people, adventure maps, survival challenges, that one fucking log by the door that you keep stripping on accident- THE ACTUAL ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT MINECRAFT IS FOR ANYONE!?!?
NO!!! NOOOOO!!! None of that for you! You know what you get instead!?!?
You get JACK FUCKING BLACK trying to lug this 150-million dollar 6000 pound TURD through the box office BY HIMSELF!!! In a shitty blue T-shirt that some poor underpaid intern bought for him for 9$, 7 minutes before they started filming!!!
and I don't think he can do it!
There's no band-aid big enough to make this better.
Not even Jack Black!
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overgrownmoon · 19 days
ok i wanna talk about “fixing minecraft” in the same way the post i just reblogged did but in a different way so i’m making my own post instead
things i agree with: yes minecraft is a sandbox!!! there is no one right or wrong way to play and enjoy it!! the beauty of how and why it’s still so popular is bc of that freedom! if ur bored after speedrunning netherite and the end man that’s ur problem go find more stuff to do, get mods, etc. it’s not the games purpose to give you goals, you have to make them for yourself.
my personal frustration with the game is how disconnected the new features feel from the rest of the game. i feel like mojang has been putting all of their effort into making NEW mechanics with NEW mobs and NEW items and have completely ignored the possibility of returning to old items and mechanics and giving them a chance to shine again. horses are fun and whimsical, but they haven’t been touched in ages; furnace minecarts are still functionally useless; and glow squids don’t do jack shit, man, i legit don’t see the appeal of making your item frame shiner?
what i want is for mojang to go back to these old features and give them some new life. it’s impossible to keep every feature relevant, but it is possible to take some of these old features and connect them to new updates or just give them more stuff they can do. i’m pissed that chains don’t connect minecarts together into trains! i would love to see buggies that you could stick onto your horse or llama pack to haul your stuff for you! what if putting glowberries and glowsacks in a crafting table made glowsticks? what about dying redstone lamps different colors? put a dispenser on a boat to make a cannon? copper pipes to transport water or copper wires that let redstone signals travel vertically or underwater?
it’s these kinds of ideas i want - just some way to show us that they haven’t forgotten about these old features and are interested in doing something with them instead of just letting them fall to the wayside and rot. there is so much potential being wasted here. it makes me sad. not every feature has to cater to every player, but i miss the older minecraft design of finding something new and wondering “wow, what can i do with this?” and messing around, combining it with different things in different ways until it works. nowadays i feel like i need a field guide for everything. maybe it’s because i’ve been playing the game for so many years… but i miss that feeling of discovery.
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xirex · 1 year
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⇾ STAGE NAME : julia ❪ 줄리아 ❫
⇾ BIRTH NAME : julia lee
⇾ KOREAN NAME : lee ji-eun ❪ 이지은 ❫
⇾ NICKNAMES : juju, eunie, nyang, lina, llama, lee money, tiger, child, tiny lee, 땅콩 / peanut , 별 / star
⇾ FAN TITLES : 4th gen dance master, korea's daughter, stray kids's love
⇾ DATE OF BIRTH : august 8, 2002
⇾ AGE : 20 ❪ int ❫ / 21 ❪ kor ❫
⇾ PLACE OF BIRTH : pohang, south korea
⇾ HOMETOWN : brisbane, queensland, australia
⇾ ETHNICITY : korean-australian
⇾ NATIONALITY : korean
⇾ FAMILY : mother and father, lee eun-seo ❪ older sister ❫, hunter lee ❪ twin brother ❫
⇾ LANGUAGES : english ❪ native ❫ / korean ❪ proficient ❫, japanese ❪ above average ❫, french ❪ above average ❫
⇾ MBTI : esfp
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⇾ FACE CLAIM : fromis_9's jiheon
⇾ DANCE CLAIM : seventeen's hoshi ❪ talent ❫
⇾ RAP CLAIM : fromis_9's seoyeon
⇾ VOCAL CLAIM : kep1er's youngeun ❪ sound ❫ / nmixx's lily ❪ accent, just a tiny bit weaker tho!! ❫, nmixx's haewon ❪ talent ❫
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⇾ HEIGHT : 162 cm ❪ 5'3 ❫
⇾ WEIGHT : 47 kg
⇾ BODY MODIFICATIONS : helix and lower lobe piercings on both her ears ; three tattoos on her back, right wrist, and left hand
⇾ FEATURES : pouty lips, cat-like eyes, eye smile
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⇾ OCCUPATION : idol, songwriter, choreographer | music bank host ❪ 2020-2023 ❫, inkigayo host ❪ 2023-present ❫
⇾ GROUP : stray kids
⇾ POSITIONS : dancer, vocalist, rapper, choreographer, maknae
⇾ DEBUT : march 25, 2018 ❪ stray kids ❫
⇾ AGE AT DEBUT : 15 ❪ int ❫ / 16 ❪ kor ❫
⇾ YEARS ACTIVE : 2018-present
⇾ AGENCY : jype ❪ 2013-present ❫
⇾ ASSOCIATIONS : stray kids, stray kids ❪ the show, contestant ❫
⇾ UNIT : vocalracha ❪ est. 2022 ❫ | danceracha ❪ former ❫
⇾ MOTTO : "the people who judge you are nothing but the ground you walk on."
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⇾ VOCAL : 4/5
⇾ DANCE : 5/5
⇾ RAP : 3.5/5
⇾ ACTING : 3.5/5
⇾ MODELING : 4/5
⇾ PRODUCING : 2.5/5
⇾ LEADERSHIP : 2.5/5
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⇾ HABITS : humming, tilting head in thought, biting her bottom lip, passing a hand over her face when tired, nose twitching + wrinkling, rubbing her neck when embarrassed, rapid blinking when lying, covering mouth while chewing or laughing
⇾ HOBBIES : photography, volleyball, choreographing, journalling, shopping, sleeping
⇾ LIKES : grocery shopping, reading, rain, white noise, movies, eating, sweets, performing, playing games, being clingy with her members, holidays, styling her members, gift-giving
⇾ DISLIKES : insects, loud noises [i.e. fireworks, cannons, etc.], lights that are too bright, being forced into doing things, horror, uncomfortable situations, heights
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— julia was originally part of danceracha but during a v-live in noeasy era, she revealed chan moved her to vocalracha.
— she is very energetic; she enjoys playing sports and games and is one of the more athletic members.
— julia debuted in the first branch of jype's 'super' group, dreamland, in may of 2022.
—nicknames broken down ⬎
⤷ the members — " juju (chan), nyang (i.n.), llama (hyunjin), lee money (changbin), tiny lee (felix), tiger (seungmin), child (lee know), 땅콩 (han) " / 땅콩 is used the most often across all members
⤷ her brother + friends — " eunie (hunter), star (boyfie 😋), lina (her friend group, mainly used by yunjin) "
— julia is in a friend group with ive's wonyoung, le sserafim's yunjin, nmixx's lily, newjeans's minji, and p1harmony's keeho.
⤷ the group has been seen hanging out together for years, even before most debuted. julia says they've named themselves 'dorkz'
— she did gymnastics as a child / teen and is the most flexible member.
— she also played volleyball competitively and owns many trophies from competitions.
— she is very emotional and cries easily.
— julia's family is extremely wealthy; hence why changbin's nickname for her is "lee money"
— she's choreographed / helped choreographed many stray kids choreographies along with other groups' choreos, for example itzy, nmixx, le sserafim, seventeen, and more.
— in an earlier v-live, julia revealed she got panic attacks quite often. it doesn't happen as much now, the attacks usually spike up when she's highly frustrated over something.
— her korean name, jieun, is used more often with the members. most of her english / aussie friends call her julie though!
— julia enjoys phone calls; felix once said in a v-live she calls / facetimes the others often when she's not with them.
— she's the closest to jeongin, but says chan knows her best because she's known him since they were trainees.
— she knows how to play both the acoustic and electric guitar.
— julia says the thing you notice about her first is her sparkly eyes.
— the one thing she'd want to work on more is her rap skills.
— julia only started professionally songwriting in late 2021 after a talk with chan & changbin.
— she tends to speak english when surprised.
— her room is in dorm 2; she tends to spend more time in felix & jeongins room.
— according to the boys, julia tends to fall asleep quickly after filming or practices.
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xia's message . . . hi :giggles: taglist . . . open!
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
LAES,TSAMS,MGAFS Weekly*/Daily* review 👏 👏 👏
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Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳
Earth and Lunar did it! 100k subscribers! 👏 👏 well done, you both! And well done, Kat and Reed. They all have worked so hard... it's not even funny how hard they've worked. I like how we got a trip down memory lane in this episode, just them talking about how their lives have been and all they've gone through. Lunar and Earth DESERVE that party!
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Drop was just an absolute menace in this episode! I loved every minute of it, especially when he melted all the rubber balls together and Sun was like "I just want to talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to kill him. I just want to kill him." I loved the reference.🤣 all that was missing was the shotgun and it would have been even better.
I thought that Drop would stick around a bit, I was thinking, 🤔"Hmm, him and Jack would make great friends." KA-BOOM!
"Never mind." 😃 probably for the best they killed Drop. This episode also made me realize, I feel so bad for both Sun and Moon. Moon was back for what? Three days? A week? And now people are starting to drop all their problems on him. Not like Sun and or the rest of the family but like Puppet and Monty and look I get it, they are in way over their heads here but still he's back for a week and now he's gotta...
* checks list *
Help Sun with the daycare, help build an anti-puppter device, destroy Ruin's negative star power generator, make Dazzle a new body, maybe make Molten a new body, stop Nexus and Dark Sun, stop Creator, help Lunar with the Astrals, and possibly defend himself in court against the Astrals. So, ya, I'd say he's got a full plate!
And I feel bad for Sun cause now Drop wrecked the daycare. What a surprise another one of Moon's inventions hurt Sun in some way. Just someone help these two also LUNAR WHY DID YOU DRINK BLEACH?! YOU KNEW IT WAS IN THE SODA MACHINE?!?!?!!?!?!?
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Aww, F.C.'s jealous, that's actually kinda cute, he really loves his new Puppet mom. Speaking of Puppet mom, Puppet, didn't you just disown Jack? Make up your mind! I love Jack and F.c.'s interactions. Jack's just being his spinny self and F.C.'s is plotting his murder also...
I am now just learning this! I was talking to someone the other day, and they said Foxy and Puppet were a couple, and I believed them, but I wanted to be a 100% sure... welp needless to say, I am 110% sure. Add this to the list of ships.
F.c and Jack actually make great friends l, you did good with those two Puppet.... and now Jack,F.C. and Vageta are now friends... evacuate the city.
12/10 <- Cause it's a special day for Lunar and Earth! Congratulations to everyone involved with the making of the show!
We really do appreciate all the hard work you guys put into it. The writers,the actors, the thumbnail artist, the editors, you all are amazing! Thank you for the wonderful show you have given us. I don't think any of them will see this, but if they do, I hope you know we appreciate you.
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catabibaz0n · 1 year
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Wanted to do a little lineup of the downpour slugCats looks, and some little head cannons that I have for them!
Rivulet I feel like they should have teeth that are long and sharp like needles to better hold onto pray while swimming. just imagining ruffles, having a mouth like a angler fish  brings me joy! So that’s what they have prepare for evil demon mouth in tiny cute fast baby.
Since the Saint is basically a herbivore, I was trying to think of one of the most determined and stubborn type of herbivore that I can think of… and for me that is the llama, and I’m like damn straight llama cat slug~ (plus they’re so fluffy and soft ) SO like a llama they have flat lower teeth and no upper teeth at all! it would probably be handy, since it would be less likely to accidentally bite down on their tongue and cause damage to it, considering that is probably one of the most important appendages in its body!
And there’s no fucking way that artificers doesn’t have super intensely acidic bile or spit!!! like you can’t be creating freaking explosives without some form of reaction happening in the mouth! so…. demon smoky mouth looking terrifying just chef kiss absolutely perfect!!
 And then my perfect baby round boy, the bestest smartest man, the gourmand. Gourmand has to have cheek pouches. No one can argue with me on this. It is fucking canon. He will go about his life stuffing his face, and they will be giant round cheeks of glorious cuteness, ready to just have a good time being a good boy.
And then I don’t really have that much to add to the spear master since they are already perfect, I just think they might have a very interesting respiratory system, maybe some redundant organs like Star Trek Klingons??? Since they have no mouth/esophagus/stomach they would have the space for it!! lot of that shit on the upper body that is taken up by the food intake is promptly in the tail and lower body close to  Stabby straw’s.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Any movies you know with good llama representation?
Other than Emperors New Groove and Napoleon Dynamite there's not a whole lot of movies with them.
This is a good one too, tis old.
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The Brad Pitt movie Troy, set during the Trojan war (duhh) in one of the city scenes we see
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Which I think is incredible representation since it's only by the power of the gods that a South American camelid would make it to wherever in Greece this is supposed to be a couple thousand years before anyone on that side of the world even even knew there was a South America.
We've got this, for the horror enthusiast
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We've also got Alpacalypse
And Alpacalypse 2
If you'd like something a bit less "frightening" there's the buddy cop series of the century to watch
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Como T. Llama is truly one of the great thespians of our time. At no time did this one feel like copaganda at all, Como plays the perfect loose cannon.
There's one other that comes to mind, from the genius who brought us Goncharov we have
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Totally different kind of llama tho
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bulblorts · 3 months
Lluna is Jesse emotional support llama idc jesse taking her in is cannon to me
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atlasdoe · 1 year
Hello my name is Ace and i'm back on my lab rats bullshit so i'm rewatching the entire show
i've been trying to sort out all of the characters ages in my head since the dawn of time so im using this rewatch as an opportunity to keep record of all the times the characters mention their ages or time as a whole
also i would like to make it known that i have no idea how American schools work
also also I know that this is a kids show and I knew that the timeline had issues way before I started this but it was a fun thing to keep track of as I watched and now I have this information and I have no idea what to do with it so enjoy i guess
Lab Rats
Season 1, Episode 1: Crush, Chop and Burn Part 1
- All of the siblings attend High School meaning that they are from the ages of 13 - 18
- All of the siblings attend the same gym class
Season 1, Episode 8: Bionic Birthday Fail
- It's Leos 14th birthday
- Donald says that he's 38
this particular episode first aired on May the 7th so this could be Leo's date of birth but it's never said what the day is in the episode
also side note but it is cannon that Davenport did not celebrate Adam Bree and Chases birthdays up until this point. Also they don't know who Santa is but do celebrate Christmas with presents and decorations the same as seen in episode 3
Season 1, Episode 14: Chore Wars
- Chase says that 2009 was 3 years ago making the year this episode takes place 2012
Season 1, Episode 15: Dude, Wheres My Lab
- It's summer vacation meaning that it takes place during the months of May, June, July or August
Season 1, Episode 16: Air Leo
- Leo says that he's 14
- The episode takes place in the school meaning that if it was summer vacation in the last episode then it's a new school year in this one. American school years start in either late August or early September
Season 1, Episode 17: Night of the Living Virus
this isn't really anything but it was very obvious to me that this episode was shot before the others. Not only does Chase have his old haircut that he had for the first few episode but the sofa has the old throw pillows that they changed at the end of the second episode. Idk what this means for the timeline of when this episode took place (i believe it's a halloween episode as it aired in October) so idk if this episode is supposed to take place before the other episodes or if the producers just didn't care enough to care about the changes
- Caitlin is at least 16 years old in this episode as they mention her sweet 16
Season 1, Episode 20: Mission Space
- Leo says that Marcus is a Sagittarius
- Bree says that she's also a Sagittarius
Sagittarius have their birthdays between November 22nd and December 21st
Season 2, Episode 1: Speed Trapped
- Leo says he's 14
Season 2, Episode 2: Spy Fly
- Leo says that Davenport is almost 40
- It appears that Adam and Chase are in the same health class since they have the same assighment
- Bree and Leo are both doing the same physics test in the same class
Season 2, Episode 9: Spikes Got Talent
- At the beginning of the episode the siblings talk about the yearbook and about how everyone got a most likely to apart from Chase. This indicates that the yearbooks have just been handed out. When yearbooks come out depends on the school but it's mostly near the end of the school year
Season 2, Episode 12: Trucked Out
- Adam gets his drivers license meaning that he is at least 16 years old
Considering he passed on his first test and Bree, Chase and Leo don't have their licenses we can safely assume that Bree, Chase and Leo are all under the age of 16 in this episode
Season 2, Episode 15: Bionic Showdown Part 2
- Marcus is under the age of 16
Season 2, Episode 16: Memory Wipe
- The siblings erase 24 years of Donalds memory making him think that he's 15. Meaning that in this episode he would've been 39
Season 2, Episode 19: Llama Drama
- It's leading up to the homecoming game. Homecoming usually takes place in late September or early October meaning that it is probably a new school year
Season 2, Episode 20: The Haunting of Mission Creek High
- It's the homecoming dance meaning that it's still late September/early October
Season 2, Episode 21: Perry 2.0
- Adam and Bree seem to have gym class together but they're literally in gym for the entire episode apart from a small scene where they're at lunch so that might've been some special type of sport day or something like that
Season 2, Episode 23: Prank You Very Much
- It's been 150 days since Janelle and Leo first spoke to each other. Janelles first appearance in the show was Season 1 Episode 10: Can I Borrow the Helicopter? meaning that it (should) have been no more then 150 days since that episode. Though this doesn't make much sense since some of the most recent episodes revolves around homecoming which starts at the beginning of the school year and we already had a summer vacation episode last season and there is no way that everyone from "Dude Where's My Lab?" and "Llama Drama" happened within a month
Season 2, Episode 24: 'Twas the Mission Before Christmas
- It's Christmas Eve
- Tasha says that it's their first Christmas together but again like i just said this makes no sense since at least one christmas should've passed
- Bree says that Davenport Industry's have been risking the fate of mankind since 1992. If she hasn't made this year up then that means that if Donald is 39 in this episode and this episode takes place in 2012 like they're suggesting (even tho the episode came out in 2013. If this is their first christmas together it should be 2012) then Davenport Industry's started 20 years ago when Donald was 19
- Chase says that he is 15
Season 2, Episode 25: Trent Gets Schooled
- Part of this episode revolves around taking pictures for the Yearbook. Since Bree mentions her photo from the previous year and yearbook photos were mentioned in Spikes Got Talent this means that the siblings have DEFINITELY been going to school for longer then a year
- Leo and Trent both say that it's not football season. Football season is usually late August/early September to mid/late October meaning that it is not during this time in the episode
- Trent does a test in this episode and after passing he graduates immediately and then becomes the coach. Idk if it's possible for Trent to just immediately graduate at a random point in the school year or if this had to have taken place during the end of the school year
Season 3, Episode 5: Zip It
- Bree, Chase and Caitlin all get a part time job in this episode. In California you have to be at least 14 to work so this doesn't tell us anything about how old they are considering we know that Chase is at least 15 but I'm keeping it in anyway
Season 3, Episode 7: Scramble the Orbs
- Leo, Adam and Janelle have a gym class together
Season 3, Episode 9: Taken
- Douglas is at least 40 years old as he shows Leo a video from his 40th birthday party. This means that Donald has to be over the age of 40
Season 3, Episode 10: Three Minus Bree
- Eddy says that Leo is 16 years old
Season 3, Episode 12: Cyborg Shark Attack
- It's summer as said by Perry and indicated in what the characters are wearing but the school is still open meaning it might be around May - June
Season 3, Episode 13: You Posted What!?! Part 1
- Donald says that he's had Adam Bree and Chase for 16 years meaning that they are all at least 16 years old
Season 3, Episode 14: You Posted What!?! Part 2
- Donald says that he's 43
Season 3, Episode 15: Armed and Dangerous
- Donald says that he and the trio have had 16 years of training
Season 3, Episode 17: Brother Battle
- Bree mentions working a 12 hour shift at Tech Town. According to Google people under the age of 18 can be asked to work for longer then 8 hours a day in exceptional circumstances. They can ask only if no one who's over the age of 18 is available to do the work
Season 3, Episode 20: Merry Glichmas
- It's Christmas
- Leo says he's 16
- In the last Christmas episode Chase says that he's 15 meaning that for this Christmas Chase has to be at least 16. Since Leo says that he's 16 and it's could either be that Chase is only a few months older then Leo or that this episode takes place two years after the last Christmas episode and Chase is 17
Season 3, Episode 22: The Rise Of The Secret Soldiers Part 2
- It's given off that Krane began raising the secret soldiers since they were babies behind Douglas back as Douglas says that he had a tone of baby pictures meaning that Douglas and Krane must've been working together for at least 16 years
Season 3, Episode 23: Bionic House Party
- Bree mentions that some of the soldiers used her prom dress for target practice giving the impression that Bree has either already attended prom or was planning to soon. Since Bree is never seen with a stable boyfriend throughout the show it's likely that this was for her own prom. Students who attend prom are the senior class who are aged 17/18 years old. (i just wrote this and played the episodes only for Chase to say that the odds of her using it were very slim. Idk why Bree would have a prom dress if she never intends to go to prom but this could likely mean that she's a senior at the moment and already brought her dress before asking anyone to be her date) (idk use your imagination)
- Leo says that Donald is way older then he claims to be, giving the impression that throughout the show Leo has thought that Donald was younger then he really is because Donald keeps lying about his age. So far Donald has mentioned himself being 43. This would make somewhat sense if it wasn't for the memory wipe episode
- Bree says that Leo found them five friends in three years indicating that the first episode took place 3 years ago and if that episode took place in 2012 then it is currently 2015
Season 3, Episode 24: First Day Of Bionic Academy
- Bree says that she's still waiting on her sweet sixteen party meaning that Bree is at least 16 years old
- Leo has had his bionics for six months meaning it's been six months since the episode You Posted What!?! took place
- Bree mentions how she got stood up by a boy on prom night. this might be calling back to her unused prom dress
Season 4, Episode 4: Under Siege
- Leo refers to the time where Bree and Chase were looking after Kerry (Perrys niece) in the season 2 episode 18: Adam Up as "last year".
- Adam says that Leo is 16 years old
Season 4, Episode 6: Mission Mania
- Leo says he's been going on missions for over a month. His first mission would've been sometime after Rise of the Secret Soldiers
Season 4, Episode 8: Forbidden Hero
- Bree says that she has matured since high school giving off the impression that she did graduate. But it's noteworthy that none of the siblings go to school anymore and with Leo's last confirmed age being 16 he and maybe Chase should at least still be going. I can understand Chase no longer attending because there isn't much for school to teach him and he could've easily graduated early but it's odd for Leo to have just stopped especially since Tasha seems like the kind of mother to put Leos education over his bionic life. Also the last episode where we see the siblings attending school was Season 3, Episode 19: Face Off. In this episode all of the siblings were attending school. The show has never been accurate or cared about the characters ages when it comes to school and what classes they're attending so idk why i keep expecting them to subtly have Adam no longer be a student anymore or something but it was worth a try. Either way i think it's fair to say that school is giving us nothing in terms of finding out how old these characters are supposed to be.
- Also since i'm pretty sure that this is Caitlins last appearance in the show i'll mention now that she should be at least 19 years old since the Season One episode: Night Of The Living Virus mentions her sweet sixteen and with season one taking place in 2012 and this episode taking place in 2015 at the earliest, Caitlin should be at least 19. Although with that being said she was seen in Season 3 Episode 16: Alien Gladiators in school which she should've graduated by then. Again, the school setting seems to be ruining everything for me right now
Season 4, Episode 12: Space Elevator
- Chase says that their bionic secret has been out for a year meaning that it has been at least a year since Season 3 Episode 13/14: You Posted What!?! and it's been at least six months since the Bionic Academy opened
- Chase says that he went to High School for a year an a half meaning that everything that happened between the Season One, Episode One and Season Three Episode Nineteen happened within a year and a half (seems unlikely but okay)
Season 4, Episode 13: Bionic Action Hero Part 1
- Despite the fact that Leo moved up two colours in the last episode he's back to wearing the yellow shirt in this one meaning that this episode could've taken place before the last one but chances are the writers just don't care
Season 4, Episode 15: One Of Us
- We don't see Leo in his uniform in this episode but looking at the extras nobody is wearing the yellow shirt. In Season 2, Episode 12: Space Elevator all of the students moved up a colour and Leo two colours meaning that this episode takes place after the Space Elevator one definitely
- Bree says that she has 30 more years of being really cute. idk what this could tell us about her age currently but i'm taking what i can get
Season 4, Episode 18: The Curse of the Screaming Skull
- It's their first halloween at the Academy
Season 4, Episode 19: On The Edge Part 1
- Leo says that Chase named himself mission leader when he was 14 and Chase corrects him and says that he was 12. This could indicate that the trios first mission was when Chase was 14 and that's why Leo thought he named himself leader then
Season 4, Episode 20: On The Edge Part 2
- It's been two weeks since the last episode
Season 4, Episode 22: And Then There Were Four
- In the episode On The Edge, Leo becomes a mentor but for this episode he is back in his students uniform for whatever reason meaning that this episode could've taken place before On The Edge
- Douglas says that Daniel was just a baby the day that Donald took Adam Bree and Chase from him meaning that when Donald took the kids Daniel already existed
- Daniel is thirteen in this episode WHICH MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Donald said in You Posted What!?! that he had Adam Bree and Chase for 16 years. this episode takes place at least a year after that one meaning that it should've been no less then 17 years since Donald took Adam Bree and Chase in. If Daniel already existed when Donald did this (which he did) then he should be at least 17 years old
- Bree refers to her, Adam and Chase as teenagers so they all had to have been under the age of 19 and since it was said before that Donald must've had the trio for 17 years at this point their ages should be Adam: 19 Bree: 18 and Chase: 17
- It's said that the siblings threw Chase a 16th birthday party without inviting Chase (ouch) meaning that Chase is at least 16 years old
Season 4, Episode 23: Space Colony Part 1
- Perry says that she snuck up to space with the rest of the colonists when they were sent up. The colonists have been in space for almost a month and Perrys most recent appearance was in Season 4, Episode 21: Ultimate Tailgate Challenge, meaning that it has been at least a month since that episode took place
Season 4, Episode 25: The Vanishing Part 1
- Leo is back in his mentor outfit
- Bree says that she's a teenager and doesn't even have her drivers licence yet but there's no way i'm believing that she's under the age of 16 so i'm just gonna guess that she didn't have a chance to take any tests yet
Lab Rats Elite Force
Season 1, Episode 1: The Rise Of Five
- Donald says that he used to play in the subway 40 years ago. imma say that this means that he's at least 45 years old
Season 1, Episode 3: Power Play
- Bree says that there's three teenage boys living in the penthouse meaning that Chase, Kaz and Olivier are all still teenagers
Season 1, Episode 8: Coming Through in the Clutch
- The episode is focused on an Olympic send off event where fans can go and meet Olympians before they go to the Olympic games in Rio. They mention the Olympics being the ones held in Rio multiple times throughout the episode. The Rio Olympics were held in 2016 meaning that this episode takes place sometime in the summer of 2016 making this 4 years after the first episode of Lab Rats
- Bob says that he's 14 now meaning that he wasn't during season 4 of Lab Rats
Season 1, Episode 9: The Intruder
- Aj is 10 years old
- Chase says that his birthday is August 5th
Season 1, Episode 13: Sheep-Shifting
- It's Halloween and is implied to be the Elite Forces first Halloween together
- Bree says that she's 17 (idk how)
Season 1, Episode 15: They Grow Up So Fast
- Tasha visits in this episode with Naomi. During the Season 4 finale Tasha tells the family that she's pregnant and that it's a girl. The earliest you have to be to find out the sex of your baby is around 14 weeks but Doctors generally recommend waiting until 19-20 weeks (around 4 months.) Tasha does not seem to be showing at all during the season 4 finale (probably because the actress Angel wasn't pregnant and they didn't see the need to have her wear some kind of fake bump or anything since she wasn't so far in) and you start showing around 16-20 weeks leading me to believe that she was around 14-16 weeks pregnant at the time which is around 3 months meaning that Tasha had around 6 months until Naomi was born. Tasha says that she "hasn't had a moment to herself in 11 months meaning that Naomi is 11 months old in this episode. meaning that it's been around 17 months (a year and 5 months) since Lab Rats ended
- Namoi being 11 months old means that it must've been at least that long since the Elite Force was brought together as during Season 1, Episode 5: Need For Speed Douglas says that Donald isn't with the Elite Force because he wanted to be with Tasha when the baby arrived and during Season 1, Episode 7: The List Donald send the Elite Force a box of their old things as he was turning the lab into a nursery for the new baby. Although they never say if Naomi had been born yet.
I originally had the idea of making some form of a timeline of events to try to get something out of all of this but I literally did not have enough brain cells to do so. If you want to feel free though
I don't know why I did this. For some reason I just find this fun but I'm sure that we can all agree that this timeline is fucked and makes no sense whatsoever.
Anyways... i hope you got something out of reading all of this if you did *thumbs up emoji*
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gildedmuse · 2 years
(Shout out to @jhaernyl for helping me write this!)
I've been half working on some writing prompts from this book while in bed. And when I got this one:
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My immediate reaction was, "I don't know PRECISELY what went down but I can tell you, it's Law's worst ever day working on Sora: Warrior Of The Sea!"
So a crew meeting has been called. It's not the first time Shanks has decided to turn a simple set announcement into a whole ordeal - no one has ever accused their ginger haired show runner of lacking a sense of theatrics - and no one is expecting it to be any bigger of a deal than the last time he'd gathered everyone for one of his big proclamations, and that turned out to be about the company changing caterers.
It's not until everyone sees the gloomy, serious look on their other executive producer's face that some of the chatting turns to more worried whispers. True, it would be far MORE worrying if Mihawk didn't look overly serious and vaguely bored, but most of them had become experts at reading his expression and this one was pointedly less bored than usual. Which is rarely a good sign.
Shanks: Now, no need for everyone to get all serious on him! Shanks wanted to be the one to tell everyone the great news! You know how they've been really struggling to nail down the new Marine Admiral who is so central to this next arch? Well, Shanks has found the perfect solution!
Franky: Oye, you finally cast Admiral Tartaglia! That's 🌟SUPER🌟!
Shanks: Hey now, you're going to watch to hold some of that excitement back! Because the casting!? It's far more SUPER than you're prepared for Franky! Get ready to have your mind blown!
Crew: *Carefully steps away from Franky, just in case. Well expect-*
Luffy: *Stays hanging over Franky's shoulders to get a good view, vibrating in excitement.*
Robin: *Also remains next to Franky, giggling into her hand at the crew and Shanks and just all this in general.*
Shanks: It's an multi talented, award winning actor (who also just so happens to be Shank's own beloved husband 💕):
✨Buggy D. Clown!✨
And everyone just sort of tenses up, even as the confetti cannons go off and Buggy's own little troupe of personal assistance rolls out the red carpet for his entrance.
Zoro: What? What's wrong? Why is everyone being stupid all the sudden?
(Zoro might not get all social cues but he can tell when people are purposeful avoiding eye contact.)
Ace: *Still cracking up too hard to speak*
Zoro: *punch in the arm* Stop being an idiot, tell me what's going on.
Ace: It's just - it's so amazing.
Ace: *Not. Over. Laughing* This is going to be a disaster.
Zoro: Eeh? *Cocking his head, watching as a man pedals his way out of a unicycle, holding one end of a banner proclaiming Buggy's interest while a llama - dressed as an elephant mind you - chews at the other corner, unbothered by the theatrics going on all around.* I still don't get it. What's this circus guy doing here?
Ace: *endless amused*
And while Shanks is smiling and clapping for Buggy's entrance and everyone else is either awkwardly clapping along or trying to avoid eye contact, somewhere to the side of the room is one of their writers.
Law: *BSoD*
Everyone knows Buggy is going to cost a fortune but be stingy about everyone else getting anything, wanting to compare salaries, squawking over his treatment as their Newest Best Ever Star, etc. etc.
And Shanks, their supposedly fearless leader, the one they all look to when things seem hopeless and people feel as though the shoot will never get back on track, will just laugh it off and go with it.
Shanks: Why all the worried faces! Buggy is great! Sure, he can be a little dramatic but he's an actor, it's par for the course!
Law's scripts.
Law's poor, amazing, very, VERY particular scipts.
Law's scripts. That should NOT be changed under any circumstances once so ever or else the entirety of Sora canon will be at risk!!!!
The... the story's integrity it's...
Robin: It's so sweet seeing two people who work in this business still so affection with one another, isn't it, Law-kun?
Law: *still in shock* Love is ruining everything.
Mihawk is going to be winning points with Law by being the guard dog of the scripts (and who thought Law would be depending on the one Northerner that seems not to care about Sora and the one who seems to care a little TOO much about Zoro-ya, don't think he hasn't noticed, Hawk-ya!) Not so much to impress Law but because Mihawk has a list of all the shows Buggy has tanked after getting on them.
And he will go through it, every time Buggy starts to argue he knows better about scripts. His work is extremely well cited. He also has all the interviews with people who swore to never work with Buggy again, because he's such a difficult actor.
And yet, so popular with audiences!
(Which Shanks is only too happy to bring up every time it seems the crew is getting a little too close to an all out revolt. At least it keeps Buggy happy enough that he'll usually back down in whatever minor thing he's decided to turn into an all out war with Mihawk.)
Mihawk: Be that as it may, I'd much prefer to maintain a crew that will continue working with them after Buggy leaves, since he's only cast for half a season. *(Mihawk wouldn't agree to a longer constract.)*
Shanks: *Not giving up on this since everyone else can't seem to see the endless upside?* Truly, one of the most devoted fanbases you will meet!
Buggy: *Happily waving to his new crew, all beloved fans he's sure as his troupe quickly works to seep the confetti they'd fired to announce his arrival* It's true, it's true! He can hardly help it, being one of the most celebrated actors of his day! If only not for all the production problems that he seems cursed to endure!
(ie: that he directly causes)
Mihawk: That you directly cause.
Mihawk: I have been on those sets, I have the backstage videos, Buggy.
Mihawk: Do not tempt me.
Law doesn't even like their executive producer that much for reasons that are entirely his own and don't interfere with their work so are of no real concern (but seriously, the man is neither an actor nor a stuntman nor the director! Give Law one excuse for the way he is constantly finding reasons to put his hands all over Zoro-ya when he's practicing his swordsmanship! The mere fact that he happens to be world Kendo league champion for five years running is NOT a good enough reason!) But the way the man has been protecting his scripts lately cold thaw even a Northern heart.
Mihawk: They are not changing their award-winning scripts and that's final!
Law: *swoons slightly before catching himself*
Law: Does Hawk-ya seem more interested and less apathetic about the project than he usually projects?
Mihawk: *walking off all serious and mature and not at all muttering curses about that annoying clown under his breath*
Robin: I suppose it depends on where you think Hawk-san's interest lies, Law-kun.
Later, Buggy's troupe will be busy trying to pull off some stunt work - according to his contact while Buggy doesn't do any of his own stunt work his personal and private troupe has full power of his stunts - until it's all just too pathetic to witness. Zoro just wants to get his stupid scene over with okay?
Zoro: Tch, that's what you call sword work? *Grabbing the sword from the shock man's hand, who can only stand there, eyes wide. No one had ever dated before!* Stop embarrassing yourselves and get out of the way!
And he doesn't care about the protests OR the shocked gasps from the crowd because Zoro has absolutely no fucks to give for that sort of weak ass kendo.
Zoro: Why should he care if everyone is staring or if the guy with the big red nose gets all pissy? He's always angry anyway, how is that Zoro's fault!? And did you see those idiots? He couldn't stand it one second longer!
Law's poor heart.
Robin giggling so hard that Shachi has to nudge her. Hey, the sound equipment is right here.
Zoro easily showing up Buggy's swordsman, not that it was all that difficult.
Zoro: You call that sword work? What kind of hack are you?
Oh, and of course he does the whole scene shirtless, because he was mid-work out on the sidelines as he waited for them to finish. Which turns out to be a sort of saving grace, since if he'd been in costume all the footage would have been unusable. Instead, it's all amazing quality footage of Zoro, sword out, gleaming with sweat.
Law's poor heart.
It takes some serious elbow prodding from Robin before Law realizes he's staring
Law: Because -!! You know -!!!
Law: He's so happy the scene turned out well and all!!
Robin: It doesn't hurt that our stuntman-san is particularly forgetful when it comes to things like shirts, does it! Law: *blushing* I hadn't noticed. Ace: *loudly, from the back* Really? The rest of us did!
.... Law hates his coworkers. He really does...
Ace was never shy in showing Zoro, or any other coworker, how much they were appreciated.
Or as Law would say... "Inappropriate, and he's lucky it was a closed set with no one around. Imagine the stories if pictures got out. As if worrying about Clown-ya isn't putting them all under enough stress!"
At least that is a short clip of the 20 minute rant he subjected Mihawk to.
Mihawk: Trafalgar realizes that Mihawk is neither H nor PR, right?
Law: Obviously! But Hawk-ya is an executive producer, surely he can do something about this pattern of behavior!
Law: .... Also, HR has requested he file less complaints. And PR has reported him to HR due to an "excessive focus on details to the determinate of our department's mental health."
Law: Or something to that effect. Point is, as the executive producer, Hawk-ya MUST have the power to do SOMETHING.
Mihawk: Could Law work Daichi's presence in that scene?
Mihawk: The fans of the show will rip the stuntwork of Buggy's stuntman apart, and as much as Mihawk would personally enjoy that, he wouldn't like the effect it would have on their reputation as a show.
Mihawk: Roronoa has spoiled their audience for actually accurate sword fights.
Law: What? No, that -that was am- f-fine. Zo-Roronoa-ya did excellent stunt work - certainly gave them more usable content then that other green hair one - they can probably just cut around it in an manner that, well, it's not like Roronoa-ya would be uncomfortable if they showed-
Law: No, wait, this is off topic!
Law: He meant PORTGAS-YA! Portgas-ya's behavior was just so unprofessional!
Law: It made the entire crew uncomfortable! Just look! *Waves down to the floor!*
Luffy: *Laughing at his brother and bestie getting along, joking Ace in piling on Zoro, hanging off the both of them*
Robin: *openly taking photos prior to Luffy's presence, at which point she lowers her phone and just smiles at the show*
Crew: *gives no fucks, goes about working*
(Well, Sanji did protest but like they can't stop work qevery time Sanji complains about two guys "upsetting the more delicate actresses and female crew members around!" Just because he's so obvious got issues. So not really bothering to mention.)
(It's pretty much only Law who is in anyway upset but only because he cares so much .... About the show.)
Zoro actually does approaching Law later in order to apologize for "jumping into the shot".
Zoro: He knows how Torao gets about his scripts, and he should have just let them do their work, but it was taking forever, and watching them was starting to grate on his nerves.
Zoro: But he'll try and keep out of it next time, for Torao's sake. (Even if it IS painful to watch and makes Zoro want to stab something....)
Law: You know actually, I know I may have ... Dismissed Zoro-ya's acting a few times when he was first... But his stunt work is really.... And anyway, he did really, really great and ... Well, um he could probably work with the camera crew and direct next time just to.... But honestly he was just so.... Really helped save Law's script so - err.... And okay thank you! *Hurries away; what the hell did he just say and why!?!?*
Zoro: *feels strangely warm even though that was...*
Ikkaku: Boss, just wanted to check with you on something.
Law: *still blushing, not once looking back as he high tails it back to the shadows* Hmm hmm? Yeah? Uh, what is it? A lighting problem?
Ikkaku: No, no.
Ikkaku: Just wanted to make sure you knew how much of a human disaster you just were.
Her criticism is noted.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Hi!!! this is my first time ever sending u an ask!! is there any way u could write a fluffy headcannon ab tim drake and how he would act w his s/o?? (u can make it ab any specific topic u like<33) if u don’t write for tim maybe make it ab jason? anyways i LOVE your work, i always look forward to when u post!!
Head Cannon Time: Here we go.
Homie can only cuddle if the room is the right temp. And even then, it takes a small act of god to keep him still for more than 20 minutes.
Not a big fan of PDA
Can't sleep (when he does go to bed) until he gets a goodnight kiss
Will say slightly hurtful things without meaning to. He just gets very blunt sometimes and forgets that tact is a thing.
100% feels horrible after. And will apologize when he hurts your feelings but isn't always sure what he's apologizing for. Even if it's sincere.
Remembers everything you tell him.
Is INVESTED in your weird workplace dramas. Like has opinions and takes sides. Thinks Carol is the one stealing people's cold drinks and WILL prove it.
100% supportive. Like Hell yeah babe, you wanna start a llama farm? Go bestie. Here's start up money and 4 books on llamas. Babe. Just order the fries. Fuck yeah. Cut that toxic person off.
Will watch shitty reality shows with you and yell at the screen.
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kari-go · 1 year
Hi! Idk if the kwamies are just for fun or what, but I got the curage (and maybe it's fun) to list what my ideas (for my head"cannon" Miraculouses 😁)
Tumblr media
Zebra - equalization, can turn things into their opposite
Llama - commitment, can shoot energy-spit and link the user to the target
Snail - syncronization, the user can sync with targets and control their moves, eithet making them mimic his movements or moving them like a hivemind, working to achive a goal. It also works backword, so othets can control the user's movements (this way it can learn techniques the other can do)
Hedgehog - so far, having pocket dimension to hide or trap othets, maybe change it later...
Pidgeon - generalization. The owner can make itself "unrecogniseable", meaning despite being a person in pidgeon costume, you can't recognise it, simply blends in (you only can spot them if you looking for something very-very specific about them)
Antelope - intention. If the user touches you with it's two horned stick you start to do whatever idea you currently head, even if it's crazy or unlikely to have any succes, the target starts it enthusiasticly
Rhino - potential. The user can "suck" the potential energy from things, making them living "object-magnet" atracting everything, even if it means an unpleasant crush... The user also can charge object with it, making them fly
Firefly - transition. Can become living energy, moving thing and even empovering machines. Literal force
Kangaroo - swich. Can swiching placement of object with limited range
Has no red panda (yet!)😅
Capybara - relaxation. The user simply can others feel good, whatever happening to them
Rattlesnake - avareness. Having bracelet with a campus like rattle-pointer which shows where a previously marked object is
Giraffe - exhaltion (stolen, since they modified the tiger to elation😁) choosing any ability, the user becomes the bes-best in it (like being humanly in the Guinise record book for it, and turn it up by Miraculous -holder standards)
Hippo - overprotection/motherly care (something along those line) can create a bubble where the target just sleeps and floats. This bubble saves the target very well, but not all-proof
Sloth - procrestination. Every time the target would like to do something, manipulates fate to do something (like, insted of taking Miraculous away, goes on for personal revenge (also gains litteral weight to arms and legs)
No racoon or beaver yet
Donkey - humblenes. With a whip, can make the target obey instractions of thr user and behave foolish
Coala - influence. Gives power to do whatever you wish, but limited very much how much support and love does the holder has from the sorrunding peaple...
I hope you like them or find some of them funny, there are many more, some of these even have "pairs" (won't grant wish, but opposite concepts, like LB and CN's), but I like these, hope you to, but I gladly reading your feedback on these as well 😁.
Have a nice day!🙂
They are just for fun but I don't think I would mind adding them if I got an idea for the miraculous and a weapon.
I already have a power for the zebra, anyone who sees them would get vertigo.
Ooh, so like a tracker I like that. They would spit on them and the spit would always be visible to the user. It could wear off over time, I really like this power.
That's really interesting, kinda reminds me of Martyr (black cat) and Mimic (wolf).
That sounds pretty similar to the ferret.
Oh, that's cool. Another I thought of was that they can spy with their feathers xd. But I think I like this one better.
So kinda giving them enough confidence to do that? That's cool, my thoughts were super speed but I like this one.
The salamander already has that power (Tag).
Oh, that's interesting. Kinda seems like an extension of the white lion.
That seems very similar to the panda.
I also haven't thought of one for the red panda 😔.
I see where you're coming from and it fits the capybara, but I already have that power (dove).
That seems similar to the llama.
That seems like the rooster but harder to explain to me. I know that I would have issues with that.
I like that! It's like a combination of betta fish and sheep. I like it.
Hmmm, interesting.
My original thought for the racoon was that they can steal powers, like the butterfly now. But that was when the layers didn't exist. For the beaver, I like the power that @randypelow suggested, the holder pulls objects to make a dome (like a knock-off Shellter).
The donkey was one of the oldest kwamis I had, he was made with Inn and I¨m pretty sure he was the only one who had a power from the set xd. The concept was Adaptation (or versatility at first) and the holder could change the suits to fit the situation, basically like the power-ups. But then I gave that power to the octopus and then I removed it xd. What you suggested seems kinda tricky to me I would have to think about it more.
So like the canon eagle or just a big amount of confidence?
I like a lot of these! You always have so many interesting ideas!
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