#living big in a tiny house
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eaaa10 · 21 days ago
Desain Interior Rumah Mungil
Desain interior rumah mungil menjadi tren yang semakin populer di kalangan mereka yang menginginkan kehidupan sederhana namun tetap nyaman. Rumah kecil ini memaksimalkan penggunaan ruang dengan cara yang cerdas dan efisien, tanpa mengorbankan kenyamanan. Dengan luas yang terbatas, desain rumah mungil menuntut kreativitas dalam memaksimalkan fungsionalitas dan meminimalkan penggunaan elemen yang tidak diperlukan. Konsep minimalis menjadi pondasi utama dalam menciptakan ruang yang praktis, fungsional, namun tetap estetis.
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Karakteristik Utama Desain Interior Tiny House
Desain interior tiny house memiliki ciri khas yang sangat berbeda dari rumah tradisional. Dalam ruang yang terbatas, setiap elemen harus memiliki fungsi yang jelas. Pemilihan furnitur dan aksesori yang multifungsi sangat penting dalam desain ini. Rumah kecil ini cenderung menggunakan perabotan dengan desain minimalis, yang memungkinkan setiap ruangan digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Pencahayaan yang baik, penggunaan warna terang, serta pemilihan material yang efisien adalah beberapa elemen kunci untuk menciptakan ruang yang nyaman dan luas secara visual.
Pemanfaatan Ruang dengan Furnitur Multifungsi
Salah satu kunci utama dalam desain interior tiny house adalah furnitur yang dapat berfungsi lebih dari satu tujuan. Misalnya, tempat tidur yang dapat dilipat menjadi sofa atau meja yang dapat dilipat menjadi rak penyimpanan. Furnitur seperti meja makan lipat yang dapat disimpan saat tidak digunakan, atau rak dinding yang tidak memakan banyak ruang, sangat membantu untuk menghemat tempat.
Di ruang tamu, kursi kecil dengan tempat penyimpanan di bawahnya atau sofa dengan laci tersembunyi adalah pilihan yang sangat efektif. Di ruang tidur, tempat tidur susun atau tempat tidur yang bisa ditarik keluar memberi lebih banyak ruang untuk aktivitas lain pada siang hari. Pemilihan furnitur yang tepat tidak hanya meningkatkan fungsionalitas ruang, tetapi juga memberikan kesan luas meskipun ruang terbatas.
Warna dalam Desain Tiny House
Warna memainkan peran penting dalam desain interior tiny house, karena dapat memberikan kesan ruang yang lebih luas dan terang. Warna-warna netral seperti putih, krem, abu-abu muda, dan beige sering digunakan pada dinding, lantai, dan furnitur untuk memberikan kesan bersih dan lapang. Warna-warna terang ini juga membantu menciptakan suasana yang lebih cerah, yang sangat penting dalam ruang yang terbatas.
Aksen warna cerah seperti biru muda, hijau mint, atau kuning lembut dapat digunakan pada bantal, tirai, atau karya seni untuk memberikan sentuhan hidup tanpa membuat ruang terasa penuh. Penggunaan warna netral dengan aksen warna cerah ini menjaga ruang tetap terlihat modern dan segar, tanpa membebani visual.
Penggunaan Pencahayaan yang Efektif
Karena ukurannya yang kecil, pencahayaan yang tepat sangat penting dalam desain interior tiny house. Pencahayaan alami menjadi prioritas utama, dan untuk itu, jendela besar atau pintu kaca geser sering digunakan untuk memungkinkan cahaya matahari masuk. Dengan pencahayaan alami yang maksimal, ruang akan terasa lebih terbuka dan luas.
Selain itu, pencahayaan buatan juga harus dirancang secara efisien. Lampu dinding atau lampu gantung yang tidak memakan ruang lantai, serta lampu LED dengan intensitas yang dapat disesuaikan, sangat cocok untuk ruang kecil. Pencahayaan yang lembut dan terarah juga membantu menciptakan suasana nyaman tanpa menambah kesan sesak di dalam rumah.
Penyimpanan Tersembunyi dan Pengorganisasian Ruang
Salah satu tantangan terbesar dalam desain interior tiny house adalah menyediakan ruang penyimpanan yang cukup. Oleh karena itu, penyimpanan tersembunyi sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjaga agar ruang tetap rapi dan terorganisir. Lemari built-in, rak dinding, dan tempat penyimpanan di bawah furnitur menjadi solusi yang sangat efektif.
Di ruang tidur, misalnya, tempat tidur dengan laci penyimpanan di bawahnya atau rak gantung di sisi dinding dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan barang-barang penting. Di dapur, rak terbuka atau lemari yang dapat dipasang di dinding membantu memaksimalkan ruang tanpa memakan banyak tempat. Penyimpanan vertikal juga menjadi solusi yang sering digunakan dalam desain tiny house untuk memanfaatkan tinggi ruangan.
Penggunaan Material yang Efisien
Material yang digunakan dalam desain interior tiny house haruslah ringan, tahan lama, dan mudah dipelihara. Bahan seperti kayu, logam, dan bahan daur ulang sering dipilih karena efisiensinya dalam memberikan kehangatan dan kesan alami pada ruang. Dinding dengan panel kayu atau beton memberikan tampilan modern dan industrial, sedangkan lantai kayu atau vinyl memberikan kesan hangat dan natural pada ruang.
Material kaca juga sering digunakan pada jendela besar untuk memberikan tampilan terbuka dan memungkinkan pencahayaan alami masuk. Di beberapa desain tiny house, penggunaan kaca pada pintu atau jendela geser memungkinkan interaksi lebih baik antara ruang dalam dan luar, memberikan kesan luas meskipun berada di dalam rumah kecil.
Desain Open-Plan dan Ruang Terbuka
Di banyak desain tiny house, konsep open-plan sangat populer untuk mengoptimalkan ruang yang ada. Ruang tamu, ruang makan, dan dapur sering digabungkan menjadi satu area besar tanpa sekat, memberikan kesan ruang yang lebih luas dan fungsional. Desain open-plan juga memungkinkan penghuni untuk tetap merasa terhubung satu sama lain meskipun ruang terbatas.
Penggunaan partisi ringan atau rak penyimpanan terbuka dapat digunakan untuk memisahkan area tanpa membuat ruang terasa terpisah-pisah. Pemilihan furnitur yang ringan dan tidak terlalu besar juga membuat ruang terbuka ini terasa lebih nyaman dan tidak sesak.
Dekorasi dan Sentuhan Pribadi
Meskipun ruang terbatas, desain interior tiny house tetap bisa dihiasi dengan sentuhan dekoratif yang membuat rumah terasa lebih hidup. Tanaman hias, karya seni, atau bantal-bantal berwarna cerah dapat digunakan untuk menambah kepribadian pada ruang. Meskipun banyak barang yang harus diminimalkan, pemilihan aksesori yang tepat dapat menciptakan suasana yang hangat dan menyambut.
Penggunaan cermin juga sangat efektif dalam desain tiny house karena dapat memantulkan cahaya dan memberikan ilusi ruang yang lebih besar. Selain itu, cermin juga menambah kesan elegan dan modern dalam rumah kecil.
Desain interior rumah tiny house adalah contoh sempurna bagaimana kreativitas dan efisiensi dapat memaksimalkan ruang yang terbatas. Dengan pemilihan furnitur multifungsi, pencahayaan yang optimal, serta penyimpanan tersembunyi, rumah mungil menawarkan kenyamanan dan fungsionalitas dalam ukuran kecil. Warna-warna cerah, material yang efisien, dan desain open-plan membuat rumah kecil ini terasa lapang, nyaman, dan modern. Jika Anda mencari gaya hidup minimalis yang tetap nyaman, desain tiny house adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk menciptakan rumah yang praktis namun penuh gaya.
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msclaritea · 7 months ago
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passportkings · 1 year ago
Tips for Selling Your Home to Live in an RV as a Digital Nomad
Living on the road in an RV as a digital nomad is a dream for many individuals looking to find new opportunities and experience alternative lifestyles. Whether you’re looking to pursue your career remotely or enjoy the freedom of the open road, to live in an RV can be an exciting and gratifying experience. Here are a few tips for anyone looking to sell their home and hit the road as a digital…
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ofmdrecaps · 13 days ago
12/21-22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR: David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte; Vico Ortiz; Ruibo Qian; Anapela Polata'ivao; Tim Heidecker; Dominic Burgess; Christopher Corbin; Hugo Pierre Martin; Fan Spotlight: Tiny Crew Big Raffle Results Part 3; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Holiday Episode; OFMD Advent Calendar;
= David Jenkins =
David shared some gorgeous artwork from our crewmate @viccsart!
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Source: David Jenkins Bsky
= Rhys Darby =
Our Captain sent us a lovely message <3
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Source: Rhys Instagram Stories
They interviewed Rhys for the new Bad Jelly TV show!
The fabulous @catski22 was kind enough to share the interview text from TV Guide's article on Badjelly!
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Source: Catski's Bsky
= Taika Waititi =
The video behind my favorite picture of the interview Taika and Jimmy O Yang
Source: TV Insider's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
Kristian is going to be joining the EM-CON in Nottingham on June 7-8! To learn more and get tickets, visit here!
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Source: Em-Con's Instagram
= Samba Schutte =
Samba sent us some selfies, and festive IG Stories for the holidays!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram Stories
= VIco Ortiz =
More pictures of Vico's new Project - Today in Gay! It's going live January 1st, 2025!! You can sign up for updates from their substack!
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Source: Vico's Instagram
= Ruibo Qian =
Ruibo's been really active this season, love to see her happy and feeling herself!
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
= Anapela Polata'ivao =
Tinā is now showing at @PerthFest until December 29. Coming soon to Australian cinemas. Coming to NZ cinemas February 27.
Source: Anapela's Instagram
= Tim Heidecker =
Our friend Doug, aka Tim Heidecker is out here interviewing--himself!
Source: Tim Heidecker Bsky
= Dominic Burgess =
I love that Dominic is still giving us cat content while in a completely different country!
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Source: Dominic's Bsky
= Rachel House & David Fane =
More shots of the cast from Moana. Rachel and David look so darn cute.
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Source: PressPhotoG Instagram
= Christopher Corbin =
Remember "We could have made magic." man? Well Christopher Corbin is Santa in this new FOX NFL ad!
Source: Christopher Corbin's Instagram
= Hugo Pierre Martin =
Speaking of commercials -- Our favorite attendant from the "The Best Revenge Is Dressing Well" and fellow crewmate, Hugo Pierre Martin, did the voiceover for a spicy commercial recently!
Source: HPM's Instagram
== Articles ==
Thank you to @adoptourcrew for sharing this article from Fandomwire!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Tiny Crew Big Raffle =
More Donation results from our friends over @ofmd-buys-boats from the Tiny Boats Raffle.
Cure Kids - Taika's Charity of Choice - US$143.09, £21.42, €225.53, NZ$658
Kitten Rescue LA - Rhys' Charity of Choice - US$ 1,198.12 , CAD $7.20
One more charity to go and then some awesome BTS from Lindsey Cantrell (I ran out of photo room on this one sorry)!
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Source: OFMD Buys Boats Taika / Rhys
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction is out! It's a special holiday episode, and one of the co-hosts, @ringasunn was able to get several crew members to send some holiday messages (Lindsey Cantrell, Con O'Neill and more!) You can listen in on spotify here or choose your favorite listening platform on their linktr.ee!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
= OFMD Advent Calendar =
So close! Sorry I'm so behind on these! Thank you so much to @tillychmo for hosting these wonderful Advent Calendar event and putting together these adorable Doors for each day! The 20th Door features a fluff fic by our dear crewmate @politestmenace aka gaypirateofficianado!
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The 21st Door features some lovely Winter Solstice artwork by the fabulous @deanbird.bsky.social!
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The 22nd Door featured the brilliant @blueberreads! They made a innkeepers game for the occasion!!
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The 23rd Door features an adorable drawing by the massively talented @gleafer!
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Source: OFMD Advent Calendar Bsky
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! Wow, two recaps in one night! That's overkill! (JK I'm so behind, lol). I know we're deep into the holidays now, and some of the big ones have passed us by. I hope you've gotten a chance for some down time. I know this time of year can be tough for various reasons, and especially this year given the political climate around the world. Please hear me when I say, you are so very loved. Whether you had a good holiday, or a rough one. Whether you were swamped and busy, or got a break finally and got some rest. You are SO very very loved, no matter what you accomplished today, or this month, or this year. I am seeing so many new folks poking their heads out in the fando-- which is absolutely lovely to see-- and if you're just joining us for the first time, or have been in the fandom since Day One of S1 or anywhere in between-- you too are loved. We are Crew For Life, as Samba says, for a reason. This show brought so many of us together because of it's love, and it's light, and it's fond family. We all care about you so much crew, please remember that. It's time for me to sneak off to bed, and hopefully I'll see you soon lovelies, going to be posting the David Christmas specials in the next edition.
Sending love your way <3
Source: Self Love Rainbow
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satans-knitwear · 1 year ago
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Behold! An enormous snugglebeast.
It has cookie flavoured lipbalm on its head now.
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cottagelvx · 3 months ago
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A hidden gem in the heart of the forest, this stunning tiny home is not just a sanctuary—it's a living canvas. Wrapped in a breathtaking display of indigenous artistry, every curve and line tells the story of heritage and connection to the land. The bold designs, rich with symbolism, bring to life the guardians of the wild, as the warm glow from within beckons you to step inside and experience the magic. Whether you're seeking solitude or inspiration, this handcrafted retreat offers a seamless blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern living, a perfect escape where nature and art dance in harmony.
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foundaclown · 7 months ago
I Can Not Find Sequins or Pharmaceuticals
Anyone know where a clown and a cat would hide??
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demigod-of-the-agni · 8 months ago
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The year is 20X1, 23 years since Polaris and Sigma Octantis were last sighted at the celestial poles. Intrinsic expansion of space has increased dramatically over the past few decades, leaving our bubble of the observable universe awash with infinite darkness, the light of every star beyond our reach. If you are lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the rings that now circle above us, accompanying networking satellites and casting a glow brighter than our moon. The shattered bones of Tara Devi, numen of stars, now orbit us in place of the long-gone celestial bodies. If you catch sight of her face, do not fear; simply return home and go back to sleep, and if possible, ignore the pleading that may accompany you.
by Dhruva V. | 29 April 20X1 Broadcast: Sundered Skies
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fisheito · 9 months ago
Imagine you have to set up yakumo's enclosure for the next couple months. How do you set it up and what do you put in there?
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i am standing in my room, leggies rooted to the floor. i am in shock .frozen and i have no idea how to proceed. there is a perpetual pathetically sobbing serpent under my blankie.
#stares at the camera and stage whispers#i can't be responsible for another living creature. i can't. or . er. i can. but I SHOULDN'T#i'll have to suppress every violent urge in my body to keep this thing alive for several months#i CANNOT fling him out the window. i WILL NOT grab his entire face and squeeze. I SHALL NOT chew on his tail.#now i'm reminded of that post where it's a pretty princess cage on the floor and comments go [that aint big enough for a dog]#and OP is all [it's not FOR a dog 😀]#yeah. that's me right now imagining a full grown yakumo in a cage by my bedside#SO FOR EASE OF MY IMAGINATION AND TO increase yaku's chance of surviving these next months#i'm going to try real hard to imagine him exclusively in pocket snake form (scrunches up my face in valiant effort)#his enclosure (crib?!?!) is flanked on all sides by eiden plushies#since yaku is an adult there is a smaller chance of him suffocating on eiden in his sleep. wait. actually#arranges the eiden walls to give some pockets of air. i don't trust him. he WILL suffocate on eiden given the opportunity#he gets one of those tiny dollhouse cooking sets for enrichment LOL#or i'll give him a bunch of those make-your-own gummy kits with elaborate setups and tiny egg gummies#crying yaku is the excuse i need to finally get a humidifier#i can survive not misting myself.. usually... but yaku will cry himself into dehydration. it's misting time#he gets an entire alcove closed off in the corner with his basic needs met. i cannot perceive#he can lurk in privacy as much as he wants. there are at least TWO hot rocks in there with garukaru's faces painted on em#there is a duplicate open-space alcove next to it for when he actually wants something from me LOL#is he a free range snake? can i take him to a bunch of restaurants and shove food into my sleeve for him? he wants to sample the delights..#tempted to put a bell on him just so if he gets loose in the basement i'll know to fish him out#but he's pretty cautious... he won't get into any fatal situations in the house right? ...does he know how to swim?!#at least one day is reserved for testing yaku's swimming capabilities.#he is going into the bathtub while it has a film of water. gonna test his traction. i hope i won't get panic-strangled#asks
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azalea-art · 3 months ago
Aaaand day 16! Pumpkin and House. I like this one, it reminds me of James and the Giant Peach
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deanpinterester · 6 months ago
it actually sucks how many very affordable dream furnitures i can't acquire simply bc i don't have enough space at home and the only way it can be resolved is if i buy my own place but in this fucking economy? in one of canada's top three most expensive housing markets? lol. lmao even
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ofmdrecaps · 3 days ago
12/27-31/2024 Daily OFMD Recap Part 2
TLDR; David Fane & Rachel House; Anapela Polata'ivao; Connor Barrett & Brian Gattas; Dominic Burgess; Damien Gerard; Christopher Corbin; Adopt Our Crew Lists; Articles; Fan Spotlight: Tiny Crew Big Raffle w/Lindsey Cantrell Interview and BTS; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes;
Continuation of Part 1
= David Fane & Rachel House =
Are you in Aotearoa and want to show your support to the Maori people? Our dear Fang, David Fane (and Mary Reed, Rachel House) shared how to's on how to make a submission on the Treaty Principles Bill. Check out more at Koekoeaa's Instagram!
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Source: David Fane's instagram
= Anapela Polata'ivao =
Anapela was out at PerthFest with other members of the Tinā film!
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Source: Anapela's IG Stories
= Conner Barrett & Brian Gattas =
Our Hornberry and Siegfried are out and about with friends for the holidays!
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Source: Brian Gattas Instagram Stories
= Dominic Burgess=
Dominic, aka Jeffrey Fettering, aka the cat-content king of social media is back with more cats!
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Source: Dominic's Bsky
= Damien Gerard =
Our Father Teach is on vacation for the holidays and he sent so much love our way!
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Source: Damien's Bsky
= Christopher Corbin =
So you may remember, our "We Could have Made Magic" Pirate, Christopher Corbin played santa in a an NFL ad recently. He posted the progression from Chris to Kris Kringle, and I just had to share it because it made me giggle!
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Source: Christopher Corbin's instagram
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our absolutely awesome fan crew, @adoptourcrew put together some lists regarding our dear show, and it looks like 30 different articles featured OFMD as one of the worst cancellations of 2024!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Bsky
They also put together a list of the Select 2024 Media Mentions! OFMD averaged at least one media mention per week! Holy cow!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Bsky
== Articles ==
Thank you to @adoptourcrew as always for the many articles OFMD has been featured in recently!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Tiny Crew Big Raffle =
In honor of the Tiny Boats raffle, the @ofmd-buys-boats team had an Interview with our dear Set Dresser, Lindsey Cantrell! You can read the full thing on their substack-- here's a sneak preview!
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They were kind enough to let me share the info here as well!
"Amy: What was your favourite set to dress? Linds: What a hard question. The favorite that first comes to mind is John Bartholomew's Captain's Quarters. The scene where Zheng Yi Sao leads a raid on Bartholomew's ship, and then convinces him to join her crew. The day we were going to shoot this scene was pulled up in the schedule, so during a few lunches and a few private rehearsals, I was brought over to the unfinished set to get my opinion on the status of its dress. What to add, where to move items, take away, etc. And it needed to get done quickly. We were pulling dressing from all over. Production Designer Ra and Art Director Troy really wanted it to be layered. They were discussing someone who'd lived in that space for ages. Our Set Dec team left the bones of it in a good place, but on the day we went to shoot it, we still scrambled a bit throwing items together for more chaos (some good ideas, some bad- ie: a stool ended up on top of a dresser?) I still love the way the lighting was shot through those windows and how it all came together. Plus, didn't that charcuterie look delicious?"
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Source: OMFD Buys Boats Instagram
"Amy: Speaking of the tiny boats, we’d be remiss if we didn’t ask about them too - how did you make them and how long did it take you? I can testify from making repairs to our broken ones that they’re fiddly little things! Linds: Yes they are! The strain on my eyes that week! The bases of these tiny ships are custom lead molds created in the Propmakers Workshop. Next, painted and aged brown. Then, one by one I stabilized them and carefully drilled one tiny hole in the semi-center of each ship's base. Hoping each time that I didn't push too hard or for too long, potentially breaking through to the bottom. So I held my breath and got through all of that step. Off to the side, I had the makings for the tiny flags. I painted and aged what felt like a million toothpicks to start. Trimming off the bottoms of one end so they would sit flat inside my pre-drilled hole. I cut the different pieces of construction paper in a tiny triangle with one flat end, and put a line of glue on that side to place underneath a toothpick and rolled it over to hold. Some bits of my fingertips are definitely attached to the glue inside those tricky little flags. When my deadline was getting closer, I started to just begin placing the dried flags inside the bases the next day. Until I found some of them falling over by the time I came back from lunch. So then I realized I needed to add one tiny drop of super glue into the hole first. The final precise measure was making sure when I held the flag down to attach, that I was holding it straight up & down. Sounds easy enough, but if you're only looking at one side, you may be pushing the flag down and away. So if you check your other angles afterward, you'd notice it's leaning to that opposite side, as if the tiny ship is in a storm, someone told me. [...]"
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Source: OFMD Buys Boats Instagram
Once again-- for the whole interview and additional BTS please check out their substack! Thank you so much @ofmd-buys-boats for not only giving us this wonderful gift but allowing me to share some of them as well!
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
Our friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction are looking for more co-hosts!
"Everyone is always invited to be a part of the podcast! Here are 3 ways you can be involved (if you can think of more ways, definitely share them!) 1) Narrate a fic for a minisode! Just get the author's permission first then e-mail the audiofile (mp3 or wav) to [email protected]. Everything you send in, I will put it on the pod. 2) Want to be on an upcoming episode? Just DM here or send an email and consider yourself included the next time we record. 3) Have a group of friends and want to make your own episode? Do that! Just make your own podcast episode using zoom then send the audiofile to [email protected] and I'll edit it (remove all the pauses, ums, and anything else you want cut out). This is an all-inclusive, open-source, podcast. Everyone who wants to be involved, can be! #ofmd#ourflagmeansdeath#fanfiction"
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
The next Gay Pirate News Hour airs on Jan 4, you can check it out on the Our Flag Means Fanfiction Youtube!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Love Notes ==
I really am so sorry I'm so behind lovelies. I hope you all had a wonderful and restful holiday season. I'm going to share a few extra love notes tonight because I've seen some really lovely stuff the last many many days -- and I have so much to say and haven't had a way to do so.
The first I wanted to share is from TheLatestKate with the message I most want to send to all of you. This year has been a hell of a time, and you have no idea how very grateful I am that you were here to share it with me and so many others, and still are.
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Source: The Latest Kate's Instagram
Life can be so damn hard and sometimes it feels like you just aren't making any progress... or your impact isn't as big as you want it to be.
I wanted to remind you though that the earth spins at 1000 miles per hour (1,600 km/hr), that's 24,000 miles per day (38625 km/day)... but sitting on it, it doesn't seem to be moving at all. Now look at it from space, and you can see it rotating, you can see the light of the sun reflecting off of it. You can see all the lights on the dark side, and the clouds, and the winds, and vastness of the oceans. That's what I see in you. That's what others see in you. We can see all the wonderful things you are, and how brightly you shine because we aren't living it second to second like you are. So please believe me when I say this-- you are capable of anything, and you are doing SO DAMN WELL despite this crazy life.
Source: Katie Abey's Instagram
Our Pirate Queen shared this one (I couldn't remember if I'd shared it before, but here it is again if so!). Your softness, your creativity, all of that is your strength and I will die on that hill.
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Source: Ruibo's Instagram Stories / HopeHealingArts Instagram
Lastly, I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of this little community called the OFMD fandom. This crew is phenomenal, and it has brought out so much love and healing in me (and so many of us) this past year. You are beyond a doubt some of the kindest, most badass people on the planet, and I am so very happy I get to share what little bits of time I can with you. I am slow to respond to things right now because of how crazy life is, but please know I'm here if you need me. I want so very much to see you succeed, and grow, and bloom in this crazy messed up world we live in. You are the change, and the softness this world needs, and I believe whole heartedly that each time you are kind to someone, you emit a wave of change that makes the world a better place. Rest up lovelies. Happy New Year <3
Source: Anxiety Positive's Instagram
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saintcarrionn · 7 months ago
why do men
#UGHHHHHHH. trying to sort out room allocations for my uni house next year and. hang on i need to set the scene#firstly there's 5 of us. secondly - and crucially - in that 5 there's only one guy. we'll refer to him as housemate M#now this guy is like a little brother to me. i love him. he's great. our sports club thinks we're either cousins or dating. great guy#apart from one tiny issue: he's got mad only child syndrome despite in fact having an older sister#so he doesn't want to share. he doesn't want to compromise. he especially doesn't want to take one for the team and have the small room#that no one wants bc it's small and doesn't have a mirror. this is where the guy thing comes in bc the rest of us are all girls#and we each Need Mirrors. we also just Have More Stuff. and not to be a misandrist but he's a man how much space does he really need#so this is already a problem bc we've taken months to even get to the point where we're actually figuring this out#and now!!!!!! housemate M is being obstreperous!!!!!!! he refuses to take said small room!!! he wants a big one!!!#he's forcing housemate Z to give up the room she originally wanted and making her take the small room!! he's being a dick!!#and i HATE THIS bc i KNOW what's going to happen#I'M going to have to take one for the team and take this miniscule room that won't fit my stuff and will doubtless trigger my claustrophobi#just so HE can be comfortable!!!#this is making me so mad. this is making housemate Z so mad. why are men like this. he's not even 19 yet get a GRIPPPP#BECAUSE ALSO!!!!! housemates M and H did JACK FUCKING SHIT for this house. they contributed ZERO to this whole process#me and Z and J did EVERYTHINGGG. so why are me and Z now being forced to compromise??????#I HATE LIVING WITH OTHER PEOPLE. SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD#uni life#<- if it doesn't KILL ME FIRST#2nd year
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stinkrascal · 2 years ago
the parents on tiktok who live in the tiny homes/RV living or whatever should die. i just saw one video where this mom of two kids is showing off her tiny house and she makes her teenage children share a room in the loft and it doesnt even have a door, the loft is completely open for anyone to walk in and see??? seriously i cannot imagine being a teenager and having to share a cramped space with my siblings AND not having any privacy at all bc theres no door or walls. all the while the parents in that video had a full, closed-in master bedroom with doors AND a closed-in home office that also had a door. like why do the parents get two doors and the kids get no doors??? why do parents get privacy but the children dont lmao i hate the tiny living trend i really really do
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bogkeep · 1 year ago
every time i invest in a slightly nice kitchen tool or appliance that increases my quality and joy of life, even if i already had a tool that I Could Be Using But It Sucks In Some Way, it's like wow i really DON'T have to walk on my knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. i CAN let the soft animal of my body love what it loves
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tomatoluvr69 · 10 months ago
If I smoke weed will it make me laugh at a silly movie. Or will it make me feel the Thousand Year Sadness
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