#living as a human fountain the way he makes me cry
hyunpic · 26 days
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🥟: it's so cute! but it has no lips, it doesn't even smile. please smile, friend (translation cred. spearhyunnie)
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fluffypandabun · 3 months
HELLO PANDA!! I'm not kidding at all when I say your rottmnt fics have infected my brain in the best way possible,
I literally think your rottmnt tkl fics might be the best ones I've ever read out of all the ones on here I'm SO serious, I ADORE your ones with leo and casey!!
SO. I saw requests were SEMI open, so if you'd like to, I'd love to see another fic with lee or switch casey, and ler leo!!:3 I just LOVE the way you write their dynamic!! The story is all up to you, but I'd love more fics to rot the rest of my brainz/pos 💥
AN: Hiiiiiiii JAMIE!!!!! Thank you sm for your kind words they mean so much and are actually what motivated me to come back when i received this ask during my hiatus! This fic took forever im sorry but I hope you enjoy it!!
Bad Spot
When Casey was younger one of his favorite things was an old tattered copy of a book, half its pages were falling out and parts of it were so water damaged you couldn’t make out the words, but regardless Casey loved it anyways. Always begging one of his uncles or aunt to read it to him, filling in the blanks the missing pages left with his own imagination. 
He’d lost the book when part of their base caught fire, his precious book burnt to a crisp in the flames. Casey had cried for days, selfish of him maybe as others had loss far more in that fire, but he had been a young child with very few things to call his own living in a world that took far more then it gave, he was allowed to be a little selfish. 
Overtime he’d forgotten about the book, things of more importance taking the top spot in his mind, however just a few days ago during one of his surface trips with the turtles, a familiar red book cover caught his eye. 
It was a far cry from his beat up and damaged copy, its cover and pages pristine and untouched like many of the things in the past seemed to be, but as he ran his fingers over the covers it felt as familiar as his own. 
He had bounded up to Raph, the eldest trying to coax Mikey down from the top of a fountain, eyes a glow as he talked faster then the turtle could keep up, eventually getting what the human meant as he glanced down to the book in his hand, a fond bemusement in his eyes as he spoke;
“Oh you want that book? Sure thing little man…But wouldn’t you rather have the first book of the series instead of the third?” 
And with his mouth agape, Casey looked up at the larger turtle like he’d just told him that he’d won the lottery. 
“There's more then ONE!?” 
So that's where Casey found himself now, already through with the first book of the series and nearly half-way through the second. Sitting cross-legged on the couch with the book spread open on his lap, the lair was quiet aside from the muffled sound of metal on metal coming from Donnie's lab and Raphs rumbling snores from where he napped across the lair in his bedroom. 
Casey was thankful for the quiet, don’t get him wrong he enjoyed how lived in the lair could sound at times, but as much as he loved the turtles noisiness sometimes it could be a bit much for someone who grew in a dead silent world where making the wrong sound at the wrong time could lead to your whole squad getting killed. 
So the teen chose to enjoy the silence while it lasted, which of course meant it didn’t last for much longer. 
“Woooow Case, already finished with the first book? And i thought the lair was only big enough for ONE nerd.” 
Casey let out a long sigh, silence now thoroughly shattered he lowered his book back down to his lap and looked over to his right. 
Leo was there, leant against the doorway of the living room part of the lair; eyes half lidded and a lazy grin that spelled mischief splayed across his muzzle. 
“Hello Leo”. 
The turtles grin only got wider at Caseys already “done with your shit” tone. Pushing himself off the couch he casually sauntered over as if he owned the place, which technically, he partially did. 
“So,” he began, making his way over to stand at the back of the couch, arms resting far apart on it as he leant forward towards Caseys personal space.
“Hows the reading going?” 
Casey rolled his eyes, giving Leos face a playful push away “Did you have to pick me to mess with today Leo? Im trying to read.” 
The turtle let out of a scoff, leaning back into Caseys space. “Whaaaaat? Me? Mess with you? Psh!”
The turtle let out a dramatic noise of offense, putting a hand over his chest. The dramatics drew a slight giggle out of Casey, which only seemed the fuel the turtle more.
“IIIIII came out here to spend some time with one of my favorite humans, the other being April of course, but if I’m not wanted then I shall go. Good day sir!” 
The turtle turned on his heel to leave when Casey felt a tug in his chest. 
Leo paused immediately, turning and facing Casey with a bemused expression at his tone of voice, Casey felt his ears go red at his own overreaction and he cleared his throat. 
“Uh well, you can stay you don’t have to leave. I wouldn't mind the company” 
Leo stared at him for a bit before his gaze softened to show he was being serious. “Well of course, who wouldn’t want my company?l”
The turtle sauntered back over and resumed his position leant over the back of the couch so he could read over Caseys shoulder. The human gave him a smile before he turned and went back to his reading. 
For a good moment it was quiet, a peaceful sort of silence between the two of them, Casey thought it was nice. After a moment longer he even began to relax, eyes half lidded and more so lazily skimming the pages then reading in depth like he'd been doing before.
He was close to drifting off when suddenly he felt a gentle breath of air hit the back of his neck, sending a ticklish shock all the way down his spine causing him to hunch his shoulders and squeak.
With a glare he whipped around to look at the accomplice, but Leo just gave him a lazy half grin, head resting on his arms.
"Sorry Case, my bad" He hummed, not sounding sorry at all.
The teen started at him for a second later before he shook his head with a huff, cheeks flushed, and turned back to reading. He figured he'd give the turtle the benefit of the doubt in that it had been just an accident.
This of course was a stupid idea, for not even two seconds later he felt another breath of air on his neck, this time it cause him to giggle lightly.
"Leheo!" He hissed, whipping around to face the laughing turtle.
"Whahaht? Im not even touching you!"
"You know what your doing! Now quit it!"
"Quit what? Quit doing this?" quick as a flash the turtle leaned forward to bury his face in the side of Casey's neck, blowing a quick raspberry and causing Casey to Shriek.
Pulling away the turtle bust into laughter, shaking his head "God Cass you are so funny."
Face now fully red the human scowled, shoulders now hiked all the way up to his ears. "Why do you guys always have to do that" he whined.
Leo just grinned at him, wiggling his fingers "That's what happens when everybody knows your bad spot~" he crooned, cackling when Casey's face went even redder
It was no secret to the rest of the Hamato clan that Casey's neck and ears were deathly ticklish, by far his worst spot; something everyone (especially Leo) loved to tease him about.
It had been just the same back in the future, with his sensei and uncles and aunt all teasing him with raspberries and scribbles under the chin. Leonardo had been the worst about it back then too, so much so that Master Michelangelo had taught him how to get the turtle back and-
Casey couldn't stop the wide grin that spread across his lips, because he had just remembered something very important about Leonardo, and in this case, Leo as well.
Said turtle noticed his change of expression and wiped the mirth from his eyes, cocking his head to the side "Whats got you smiling like that?"
Caseys grin simply widened. "Oh nothing, just remembered something is all."
Leo gave him a weird look. "Remembered what?"
"Oh just.....this!"
With that Casey lunged forward, grabbing onto Leos shoulders and flipping him straight over the couch and into his lap, the two of them wrestled for a moment, laughing, but while Leo had strength Casey had surprise and very key knowledge he had just remembered. So he wasted no time in lunging forward and digging his fingers into the backs of Leos legs.
Immediately the turtle let out a screamed that descended into wild laughter, practically flopping over and thrashing back and forth as he kicked out his leg.
Said teenage human let out a giggle, trapping Leos leg under his knees so he could better poke and prod at the turtles muscled thighs.
"Hehe Yeah Leo?"
Leo practically squealed, drawing more peels of laughter from Casey. His arms flailed about as if unsure of what to do with themselves, Casey having to dodge a few swaps at himself.
"C-CasEY I-Iihihihihim goohohohona g-get you for thihhIHIHIHIIS-"
The turtles threat was caught off when Casey began to scribble his fingers into the hollows of the back of his knees, head thrown back and mouth opened in a wide genuine smile Leo howled with laughter.
His body shook with the force of it, his shoulders jumping as he hiccuped and at one point even snorted, which caused Casey to laugh himself at the silly noise.
"Man Leo, must suck having someone know about your weak spot huh~" Casey teased, squeezing gently at the turtles kneecaps.
"C-Cass Pleashehehese!" Leo hiccuped in between his squeaks and squeals of laughter, giggling to himself the teen finally decided to show mercy.
"Okay Okay Ill stop." He chuckled, pulling his hands away and sliding off the couch. He sat on his knees and watched the turtle flop over onto his back on the couch, arm thrown over his face like a fainted Victorian women as he groaned.
He sluggishly turned his head to face Casey and, with weak movements like he was dying, flipped him off.
It caught the human so off guard that he burst into laughter, prompting Leo to glare at him with a smirk barely tugging at his lips.
"Y-You think that's funny? Oh ill show you funny-Come here!"
Before Casey could even begin an apology Leo had lunged forward and grabbed him, immediately burying his face into Casey's neck and blowing a massive raspberry.
Casey screeched before he burst into loud happy laughter, hair getting even messier by the second as he shook his head back and forth to try and get away from the ticklish feeling.
The turtle said nothing, simply lowering his hands down to Casey's sides and rapidly squeezing up and down.
Ah, so Leo was trying to kill him.
"L-LeheheOHOHOHO! Im Im sorheheheheHEHEHEEEEEE!"
"Tell it to the judge Mister!" Leo grinned, pulling away to blow a quick playful raspberry against Caseys' cheek.
"Sorry, I cant hear you over how loud your laughing~"
Casey ended up not get much reading done, his book laying abandoned on the floor, but that was okay. He have plenty of time to read in the future.
Plenty of time.
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apupp3tw0-strings · 8 months
Learning More
Date: October 11th, 2131
Oooh boy. Today was intense. Let's start from the beginning though.
Kris finally started showing us around Castle Town today. Since they already showed us the Dojo, we started with this giant door to the east of town. Spamton didn't sound too fond at first (something about a "shady business man"/advertiser being down that way?) but then Kris mentioned something about Spamton being all alone and out in the open if he stayed there, so I think he sorta reluctantly followed us after mentioning how I was his cover. (It hid behind me as we passed by a mannequin display manned by a blue Darkner both times)
Apparently the Great Door is the closet door in Auntie Toriel's classroom. CK tried to push it open but Kris said it was locked before he tried to bust it down with his hammer. Also at one point, Aunt Toriel's classroom was a place Jevil called the "KINGDOM OF CARDS, CARDS!" And was he and a few of the other Darkners here lived before coming to Castle Town. Jevil also mentioned something about there being four kings before the spade one went mad with power? I didn't get it and Kris said it was a long story involving a Knight or something. They also tried to cover CK and my ears when something about fountains was brought up. I had a lot of questions. Only some got answers later in the day.
Anyways, after that Kris suggested we head to "Seam's Seap" which confused me since they said it like "shop" but it's spelled "seap". After actually getting to the shop I finally got it. (You see, Seam's name is spelled like a seam on clothing but it's pronounced like the name Sean but with an M. and thus shop is spelled like seap because of the ea forming the haw sound. It's actually pretty clever as I think about it). So we get to the shop and meet this old cat Darkner named Seam (pronounced shawm). Kris asks them to explain the Prophecy to CK and I since they thought Seam could explain it better than them. Also apparently Seam knew Jevil! (Who decided to wait outside for some reason)
Gyeh, I'm rambling. CK had asked Seam if they could tell him more about Jevil, but Kris shut Ceeks down so Seam could tell us about the Prophecy first. Seam questioned why Kris didn't tell us since they "certainly have the horns of someone who knows it" before agreeing to after CK mentioned that Kris is terrible at telling stories. (Their monotone voice used to make CK cry as a baby. I never think I had an problem with it oddly enough.) And so Seam told us about the Legend of this land.
"Long ago, in a time long before you two were born, LIGHT and DARK lived in balance and harmony and brought peace to the world. The Lightners, like yourselves, would live in the Light World, and we Darkners would live in the Dark World, which you Lightners watching over us. Our protectors. Our creators. Those who give us purpose."
I stopped Seam to ask what they meant by "gave them purpose" and apparently Lightners are like gods to Darkners? Which um... Still kind of wicks me out. Honestly the idea of any sort of higher power or being makes me uncomfortable because like, if there's something watching over us, who's to say they're not controlling us? That nothing we do is our choice but instead decided by those above or something like fate or destiny? Wouldn't that make us all just puppets? Toys for gods? Is that exactly what Darkners are supposed to be to Lightners? Just... toys and playthings? ... I don't like that.
Anyways, Seam mentioned that if the balance between the Light and Dark worlds were to ever become unbalanced then "The sky would run black with terror, the land would crack, and the Earth would draw her final breath." When CK asked if it'd be like an apocalypse, Seam said that was one way to put it before continuing. A little bit later Kris called this event the "Roaring".
According to the Prophecy, "Only then, would three heroes appear at world's edge to save it from such destruction. A Human, A Monster, and a Prince from the Dark. It is prophesized that only they can seal the fountains, and banish the "Angel's Heaven", restoring balance to the lands once more." The three heroes apparently being Kris and some of their friends. (Guess that explains why Jevil keeps calling them the "Great Hero of Light" and stuff.) Even though today, the only fountain open is the one here in Castle Town, there's been others in the past. All of them sealed and their inhabitants brought to Castle Town by Kris. Seam also came from the Dark World that used to be in the old classroom Auntie Toriel moved into, just like Jevil.
Kris has also mentioned there hasn't been almost any Dark Worlds opened in a while, and with hope, there shouldn't be more opening any time soon unless CK or I try to open them. To which CK joked about the ability to create fantasy worlds in closets seeming pretty fun (which like, I agree CK but are you forgetting the whole sky going dark and land cracking stuff!?) Even if CK was joking, Kris still didn't seem all that amused, they mentioned how they've spent around the last eight years sealing any Dark Fountains that open and how after the first week "'destiny' seemed to get the memo." and they started dying down. At this point, they say a Dark Fountain hasn't opened for at least four or five years.
After that, Seam asked if there was anything else we needed, and though I was about to ask Seam to elaborate on what they meant when they said Lightners were like gods, CK cut me off too ask about Jevil...
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thedevilinmybrain · 1 year
It's not exactly how he imagined it. Not how it's been written, imagined, foretold by sweaty fore headed preachers and choking priests. Maybe a bit more drama in the written word, a bit more imagination, a flair for damnation always in the forefront of it all. This is lackluster in comparison, or maybe it's just that Louis doesn't have to fear it the way that the humans do. That familiar taste of acid on his tongue, the words like black tar dribbling around his fangs. Louis has been in the darkest of nights, the bleakest of plots, on the very edge of disaster, but he hadn't expected this to feel like it.
Fire is falling from the sky, crashing into the ground below in flashing lights. The stars are blinking out from it, hidden behind the smoke, pushed to the side as heaven's light cracks through the darkness. God is in true form - a huge eye, emotionless and watching - as his horde falls around him in the screeching sound of trumpets. Holy fire, electric blue and scorching, rips up the mountains, billowing electricity and damnation as an entire forest is engulfed.
Through the carnage, through the judgement, Louis can just barely make him out. Standing a top a crumbling fountain, white wings extended behind him, the feathered edges covered in blood, dripping onto his bare feet. The short gown is torn over his shoulder, stained with soot and coal. He's a stained glass window come to life, warrior angel with the face of salvation.
The only piece of heaven that Louis' ever had.
Harry moves between the broken remainder of humanity, stepping over the dying, over the weak, the last remaining of God's favorite creation. At the very end, Louis wonders if this is what they had prayed for, if this is the heaven they were promised with a wafer on the tongue. He doubts that the story lives up to the reality. What a waste. What a miserable epilogue to existence.
"You have two options, you know." Harry murmurs, stands before Louis in all his heavenly glory. He wasn't even in Michael's army. He was in Gabriel's choir. But Louis supposes things change in time of war, even the peaceful will pick up a blade for a heavenly host.
"Go back down or die?" Louis scoffs, tosses his head back, long horns heavy on his crown. "Bit of a shit choice, ain't it?"
"At least you were given one," Harry reprimands gently, his pale hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
"You could come with me." Louis offers, thinks it's a bit of a shit deal too but at least it's a third one.
"You know I can't," Harry whispers, drops his gaze. Ever since it all became, his eyes have taken to glowing that eerie heavenly light. Louis misses them in the sunshine, misses the afternoons they hid away, forgot their roles, their masters.
"Then you'll have to do it," Louis laughs, scoffs a bit as he spreads his arms wide, wings extended, dripping oil on the smoldering earth. "Either you damn me or you damn yourself, Hazza. So, aim true and do it fast. God is watching."
"Louis." Harry's arms shake when he raises his sword, presses the tip to the center of Louis' chest. "I'm sorry."
"You will be later," Louis agrees with a ragged breath. "But for now, you'll feel validated. You're doing what you're supposed to. Good angel, good servant. It's been written, remember? That's what you always said."
Harry is crying when he steps forward, twists his arm around Louis in a tight embrace. The kiss is harsh, bitter press of teeth behind lips, explosions going off behind them as the fire reigns down. The rapture in all its glory to illuminate the holy blade sliding between the demon's shoulder blades, through him and into angel, sprinkling salvation on the ground in the form of silver blood. Harry gasps at the end of it all, right up against Louis' lips, eyes gone wide, dark.
"What was it all for anyways?" Harry asks, his body slowly losing light, death like an intimate friend, coming to wrap them both in darkness.
"Nothing, darling. It's all for nothing. It never was." Louis holds them tightly as they fall, a flickering light gone out at the end of it all.
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not-a-space-alien · 1 year
K&J x MMSS 3: Kane & Valen Part 11
Chapter 11 of the third crossover with @whumpsday!
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
Warnings:  Aftermath of torture
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
In this chapter: Precision mycology, Kane faces his fears
When Kane and Valen are ready to go, Liz is the one who drives them to the house on human territory Valen owns–she's the one with a truck to carry anything Valen wants to take, and the plan is for them to go back to vampire territory after, and Jim is too scared to drive to the border, though he tells them anxiously to be safe. They arrive at Valen's house without issue.
Valen morosely walks up the driveway to his abandoned house. He pauses in front of his ill-fated car, up on four cinder blocks.
"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that someone stole my tires." He sighs. "Liz, ma'am, I hate to drag things out, but seeing as how I'll be unable to offer to drive us to the border myself, I must now reveal the unfortunate fact that the ingredients I had intended to gather need to be harvested during the day. Would you be willing to wait until sunrise, and help me collect them?"
"Yeah, no problem," Liz agrees. She keeps weird hours anyway.
Kane eyes the abandoned house with the broken windows that will surely stream in sunlight. "We're staying in there? During the day?"
"Kane, dear, unless someone has ripped them down, I have blackout curtains set up in every room except for the broken kitchen window. I lived here for months being active during the day without incident." 
"Okay... yes, that makes sense," he agrees, nodding slowly. "So we'll wait here while Liz collects the mushrooms? What if- what if other humans see us?" Kane is a fountain of nerves.
Valen hesitates. Oh, this is going to be a very hard sell. "Well...I was planning on going with Liz. It really would be safest for the three of us to stay together, to avoid incident with my dreadful neighbors. I have an outfit that protects me from the sun. I should have enough pieces to put one together for you also."
Kane chokes. "You what? You want us to go out there? In the sun?" He quickly realizes his only other option is staying back here, alone in human territory during the day, and begins to tear up from stress.
Liz looks away awkwardly, not wanting to get involved in their issue.
Valen takes both of Kane's hands. "Kane, dear, going out in the sun while covered up is much different than being held down and forced to lie in it with no protection. The worst that would happen is you get burned briefly before you can move to cover yourself, if there's an accident somehow. It wouldn't be for days on end. Just a few seconds, if anything happens at all. I did this regularly and only got hurt because I was alone. I certainly won't make you go, but this will go much faster if I'm with Liz to help, and I worry it might be more dangerous to leave you here alone."
Kane squeezes Valen's hands, not wanting him to let go. "I can't- I can't go out there, I can't go out there in the sun, and, and I can't s-stay here alone." He starts crying a little bit. "I'm scared."
"All right, that's all right. Eem..." Valen looks hesitantly at Liz. "What if you and Liz stay here, and I go alone?" Valen is scared to be out on his own, but he's well on his way to being back to full strength, and he has persuasion, which Kane doesn't have, so it would be safer for him to be alone than Kane. But he's also worried that Kane won't feel safe alone with Liz either.
"NO!" Kane wraps his arms around Valen, holding him close. "I don't want you out there alone! That's even worse!" He shivers, holding Valen, and quietly adds, "...I'll go.”
"Valen's right, it's safer if we don't split up." Liz agrees.
"Kane, are you sure?" asks Valen, exasperated. "You're shaking like a leaf. I suppose I could just give Liz as specific directions as possible, or go without."
"It's- it's all scary. All of the options." Kane says miserably. "We should just go together. If you're doing it, I can do it too. Being found on our own would be worse than being burned." He forces a smile. "But you can show me your house in the meantime!"
"Thank you for being so brave for me!" Valen knows that Liz is not a fan of Kane, and is probably getting tired of watching Valen trying to soothe him, so he leads them into the house.
The door is unlocked, so Valen expects most of his more valuable possessions will be gone....he did have a stash of money and jewelry, which was hidden, but maybe not enough to thwart burglars who'd had months at a time.
The first thing everyone notices is the smell, something rotting. It's overwhelming for Kane and Valen, but even Liz's insensitive nose can smell it. The second thing is the explanation: the power is off.
"Ouh," says Valen. "Yes, I suppose nobody was paying my electricity bill. I'll probably have to sell this house eventually....I don't suppose you, Liz, or Jim would want it?" He moves into the kitchen, cautiously approaching the fridge, the source of the smell. "Oh, oh dear."
He opens the fridge to reveal the bottles of not-blood with matts of mold blooming in them
Liz can definitely smell it too, and makes a face. Kane covers his nose, looking like he's trying not to barf.
"Yeah, I'll pass," Liz says. "It's kinda out of the way. Already got a house."
"Is that the blood?" Kane asks. "It's not supposed to be like that, right?"
"Ehm," says Valen. "No, it's typically much less foul than this...I wonder how long the refrigerator has been without power."
He starts to take out the bottles and uncork them, pouring them down the sink with plenty of running water. The sight is almost as bad as the smell, slimy bits of black and green being pulled along in the stream. "I do regret that we can't call Jim and tell him we arrived safely. Liz, if you wanted to assure him, you could probably ask a neighbor to use their phone, but I'm certainly not going to speak to them again."
"It's cool. Probably best to avoid 'em. Lemme help." Liz starts dumping more bottles. Valen is relieved when Liz starts to help, and he abandons her to finish the task as soon as is possible without being overtly impolite. He thinks that this is fair since Liz's nose isn't as sensitive as his.
Kane looks around in the meantime. "You have a lot of books. I guess that's not surprising." He smiles. "I like to read, too. Maybe I'll get into your science books."
Valen excitedly comes over to Kane. "You're welcome to read whichever ones you like." He starts picking books off the shelf seemingly at random, giving contextless facts about each. 
There isn't really much else to see in the house, besides the books and the bare mattress he'd been sleeping on, and his clothes, so he flips the basement light on and descends the stairs.
"The equipment I was using is all down here." It's mostly still there, if a bit dusty. "This is probably all I would really want to take with me besides the books. Oh, hold on, I should check something." 
He goes under the stairs and moves one of the wooden boards aside. "Aha," he says, pulling out a small lockbox. "I see no one found my valuables. Good." 
Kane looks curiously to the equipment. He doesn't really understand what most of it is, though he imagines Valen tirelessly working on his project down here. "You were just out here in human territory, doing this. All alone."
Valen flushes red. "Um, yes. In retrospect, it was... reckless and foolish of me to do so. I suppose I didn't fully understand the danger I was in. I had the conception of humans as too small and weak to be a real threat to me, a helpless animal that needed my charity and not... people capable of being driven to violence by fear."
"Me too, but without the charity, so you win." Kane takes his hand. "You won't be alone anymore."
Valen beams. "And finally someone to tell me the truth about how they taste. The–the concoctions!" he rushes to add. "Not–not any humans."
Kane smiles and kisses him on the cheek.
His good mood slowly dissipates as sunrise grows closer and closer. He keeps anxiously fiddling with his clothes, and won't get more than a few feet from Valen, following him around like a shadow.
Valen notes the impending sunrise as well, and throws open the downstairs closet, forming a pile of garments behind him. "All right, Kane, come here and I shall firmly wrap you up."
He puts an overcoat on Kane, followed by a second pair of pants, mid-calf boots, long gloves, and a hooded cloak. He packed plenty of backups, not wishing at all to be caught without such items.
He then hands Kane a mask. This one was his backup mask, but it's perfectly functional. It looks like a gas mask and has tinted lenses to block out the sun. He straps the mask over the cowl of the cloak, then for good measure gets a roll of duct tape and tapes the edges of the outfit shut, the pants and sleeves and the hood, so there is not a scrap of skin exposed.
He steps back to survey his work. "There, how does that feel?"
Kane stands rigid as Valen securely covers every inch of him. He's spent so long forcefully exposed. The hunters taking away his articles of clothing one-by-one, Nick forcing him into nudity time and time again. But Valen is the opposite. Valen made him clothing by hand, and now he's painstakingly covering him up to make sure he's safe. He tears up a little under the mask, emotional.
"It feels good," he says, a little choked up. "Thank you. I... I don't think I can feel safe going out in the sun, but this is as safe as I can possibly get. Thank you."
Valen smiles, then starts wrapping himself up the same way. His mask has a beak–he chose this one because it had room to put scented objects in front of his nose, to stop him from smelling humans...he hadn't trusted himself before, to smell them when he was hungry, although blocking that out is probably exactly what got him captured by surprise.
He also just likes the aesthetic of looking like a plague doctor.
Valen and Kane look at each other through their frosted lenses, both barely recognizable to the other. "Are you ready?" asks Valen. His voice reverberates in his mask now. "The sun is coming up."
Kane goes “Mmm” noncommittally, clinging to Valen's arm as they rejoin Liz.
"Let's get this show on the road," Liz says. "I figure we can take the truck, unless it's super close? You can navigate me."
"Oh, I always just ran there." He politely declines to point out that Liz is the reason why he couldn't do that now. "But the truck would probably be safer. I usually went through the woods, but I'm sure we can find a spot to park near the trail."
"Sounds good," she says with a thumbs-up. "Everybody in." She heads out the door.
Kane does not move, holding Valen’s arm in a death grip.
Valen steps forward a bit. "One step at a time now. The porch is in the shade. How about we start by going out the door?"
"Okay," Kane says quietly. He shuffles forward with Valen until they're both on the shaded porch, involuntarily letting out a whimper.
"Is me being here making it better or worse?" Liz asks. She's still bitter toward Kane, but she doesn't wanna impede anything if getting in the truck would make it easier.
Kane squints through the mask. "Um, worse. I'm s-sorry." Having a hunter here during something so stressful is making him even more afraid.
She nods. "I'll wait in the truck."
"Sorry," he whispers again, to Valen.
"It's okay," Valen whispers back. "We have plenty of time." Valen watches Liz get into the truck, then pulls Kane towards the edge of the sunlight. "Let's just start by putting one hand in, hmm?"
Valen goes to reach his arm out, but finds his limbs are trembling. He'd been trying to be brave for Kane, but he is also more scared than he'd like to admit. He's done this before, but ... that was before he'd known what the sun felt like, and been forced to lie in it.
Kane can't be brave if he sees you're scared. Valen does his best to suppress the trembling, and sticks his be-gloved hand into the sun. It doesn't burn, of course it doesn't, because they'd taken precautions. "See? It doesn't hurt."
Kane nods and slowly sticks his hand out. He gets it about halfway into the sun, then gasps, pulling it back. "Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm not burned. I just got scared." He does the same thing a second time, then finally puts his hand all the way out and keeps it there, breathing heavily.
"There we go," says Valen. "Very good." He takes his hand and turns around, stepping into the sunlight so he can pull Kane forward slowly. ...Ripping the bandaid off quickly for himself definitely makes him feel better, and he can feel the warmth, but he is bundled up airtight. "Come forward more when you're ready."
Kane stares at Valen in awe for a moment. He just stepped out there like it was nothing. He's seen Valen after the sun. He knows Valen knows how bad it is. And yet, he's brave enough to do this no problem.
He takes a deep breath, then steps out all at once into Valen's arms, shaking.
"There we go," Valen coos, squeezing him. "Good job. See, it doesn't burn when you cover yourself up." He steps down the porch, leading them towards the truck. "Talk to me. How does it feel?"
"...Warm," Kane squeaks, voice saturated with fear. "It's, it's right there." He whimpers. "How are you not scared?"
"Kane, my dear," says Valen, voice finally cracking. "I am scared. But we've faced far scarier things than this before. We're proving we don't have to let fear win."
Kane squeezes Valen back. His brave, brave Valen. "I won't let anyone hurt you. I'm strong enough to protect you, now. I'm sorry that I couldn't before." He hesitates, then adds, "Will you sit in the back with me?"
Valen's heart melts when Kane says that. “Yes, of course.”
Kane clings tight to Valen as they make their way into Liz's truck, squeezing in. Kane grows more and more anxious as they get further from the safety of the house, especially now being transported by a hunter who hates him, even a kind one.
"So, where to?" Liz asks.
Valen directs her to drive for a while down the main road leading from his place–barely more than dirt and gravel, with how far out they were–and directs her to pull over to the side of the road nearby a visible trail. The trees provide some shade, though there is still plenty of sunlight between their dappled leaves.
Kane is grateful for the shade, even if he's still terrified. He remains a permanent fixture on Valen's arm. "You never got burned doing this, before?"
Valen pats Kane's arm as they walk. "Not once. In fact, all my problems only started when I took all this off in the safety of my own home."
Kane is only slightly comforted by this.
Valen starts to walk into the woods, then turns back. "Liz, ma'am, do you think perhaps you should put on some sunscreen? I wouldn't want you to get burned."
Liz chuckles and follows him. "I think I'll be fine. You're very sweet, though. Thanks. You don't have to call me ma'am, by the way."
Valen dips his head towards Liz. "I won't if you don't prefer it, but I mean nothing by it. I got into the habit of using honorifics liberally in my husband's estate, since it can be difficult to remember everyone's appropriate titles, and they get so very offended if you err on the side of being too casual."
Liz shrugs. "Makes me feel old, when I'm the spring chicken of this bunch. You guys are what, a hundred?"
"I'm 116," Kane says quietly, eyes focused on the pattern of sunlight on the ground.
"I'll be turning 87 later this year," says Valen. "Which, according to some, makes me too old for–Oh, look, here, everyone." Valen excitedly rushes forward and gets down on his hands and knees to examine a blood orange mushroom, growing in a sunny patch at the base of a tree. "This is exactly what I'm looking for. If we can get as many of these as possible, that would allow me to continue my experiments. Their caps are only open during the day." He unfolds a cloth bag from his pocket and gently plucks the mushroom from the ground, holding it by the stem. "Liz, this fungus contains a potent neurotoxin, so don't touch them with your bare hands."
"Oh, super noted," Liz says, taking several steps back.
Kane starts gently plucking mushrooms and putting them in the bag. "They don't smell like food. Do they smell like food after you do things to them?"
"Erm," says Valen. "Sort of. It's not... exactly like real blood.” Understatement of the century. “Unfortunately it usually tastes quite bad, and doesn't smell the same. Hence why I had to keep working on it." He stands. "This is a good patch, but I'm sure we can find more if we go a little further. Keep your eyes peeled, everyone."
They go for a nice walk, which is nicest to Liz and the least nice to Kane. When any of them try to help and point out or bring him mushrooms, it's about a 50-50 that he accepts them or holds them up and then tosses it over his shoulder declaring it a closely related, but not substitutable fungus, citing minor differences such as stem length, gill density, cap color or shape, or any number of indecipherable details. He always tells Kane the mushrooms he's finding have stems that are too short, but then when Kane starts pointing out ones with longer stems, he claims they're too long.
But eventually, the bag is full, and Valen is preening. "This is plenty, thank you everyone. We can go home now. I can freeze-dry these ones for a long-term supply.”
"Sweet," Liz says. "We can all get some sleep, then pack up the truck with anything you wanna take with you, then head out toward the border."
Kane is very relieved for this experience to be over. He has had a little bit of fun picking mushrooms, but the sun is just too frightening. "Yes. Sleep," he agrees.
"Excellent. Great work, everyone."
They see a few chipmunks on the way back to the truck, and drive back to Valen's house without incident. However, when they start making arrangements to sleep, Valen realizes that he doesn't have very much furniture, and the only real suitable place to sleep in the house is the mattress upstairs. He doesn't even have a couch, the furnishings of the house are so bare.
He tells them this in a very embarrassed way, unsure of what to do.
"I'll sleep in my truck, it's cool," Liz says. She is not gonna be caught sleeping in the same bed as Kane. She waves and heads out the door.
"It's- I can- I'm used to the floor," Kane says, trying to be polite.
“Kane,” Valen says, equal parts exasperated and amused. “The mattress is big enough for both of us to sleep on together.”
"O-okay," says Kane. "If you're certain." Valen waits until the door is closed, then goes around doublechecking the blackout curtains before finally starting to shed his layers. "See, my dear? We did it, and not a scratch on us. We're unstoppable!"
Kane takes his mask off to reveal a smile. "You're right. We really are. Three bouts with hunters and here we are, somehow." He starts taking off the duct tape, then stops, contemplating. "...It was worth it, I think. If it weren't for all of that, I wouldn't have ever met you. And I'd still be taking humans."
Valen blushes. "I'll take it as high praise that you think I'm worth all that. Though it pains me to know what you went through, I love the gentleness and understanding your experiences have given you now. It is so unfortunately rare among our kind." Valen sits on the floor, staring into the eyes of his mask. "Sometimes it feels so endless, to try and fight this uphill battle against the cruelty around us."
"Yes. I just wish I wasn't a part of it. I wish it wasn't Jim. I was so horrible to him, for years. Worse than most who own humans. I wish I could just take it all back," Kane says somberly.
Valen pats the spot next to him for Kane to sit down. "There's nothing that can be done about it now, except try to make it right. You have a unique perspective. You know what it's like to think that way, and to realize you're wrong. You'll be more able to convince people to change their minds than I would. People attribute my idealism to naivete."
"Yes, I suppose you're right." Kane agrees, sitting down and leaning against Valen.
Valen’s temporary house is barely set up for one person to sleep in, let alone two, but Valen turns out to be correct about the mattress being big enough for both of them. Valen lies down, and Kane cuddles up against him from behind like Valen’s a giant teddy bear. Valen leans into it, feeling much more relaxed and cherished here in this bare room on a mattress directly on the floor than he ever had at his husband’s luxurious estate.
K&J x MMSS crossover taglist:
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anchored-trident · 1 year
Community-building Tag Game
Tagged by: @quigonsjeans
Name: Real names? In this economy??? Call me Trident
Pronouns: he/him
Where do you call home? Currently holed up in Fullerton, southern California, although I am very eagerly planning to move to Concord, NH in the next 12-15 months (depending on finances)
Favorite animal: I'm going to be boring here and say cats... even though both cats I've owned have died... Primarily because they don't lick you and slobber all over you
Cereal of choice: Trix, but like, the old, classic Trix. From like, 2015. The good Trix
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? 80% visual, 20% kinesthetic. Audio means nothing to me. Fun fact: I can't/won't actually commit to learning somebody's name until I've either seen it written down, or I asked them to spell it out so I can visualize their written name in my mind (like actual letters on a whiteboard)
First pet: I had a fish. It died. It was a very long time ago. I'm not sure if I ever even named it. Then I didn't have pets for a very long time. Then I had a cat... adopted a kitten whose yearning for the Great Outdoors could not be restrained by any amount of human-enforced enclosures
Favorite scent: Lemon. Lemon handsoap. Lemon merengue pie. Lemon pound cake. You get the gist
Do you believe in astrology? Naw, but when I was 8, I got really into astronomy... of course, back then, we lived in the Hungarian countryside, where it was a lot easier to see stars than in SoCal. I make yearly trips to the middle of nowhere to look at the Milky Way, and deeply regret that I still to this day do not own a proper telescope
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/Apple Music? 46 Spotify playlists that I have made... a few more if you count playlists I'm subscribed to. My music friends either strongly dislike or are extremely puzzled by my music taste
Sharpies or highlighters? Can I pick neither? I'm going to pick neither and go with fountain pens instead. Recently got into fountain pens, and they're AWESOME
A song that makes you cry: Hmmm... I haven't had a good cry in at least 7 years, but... there are a few that can touch my heartstrings just right and bring me to the verge of tears. How Long Will I Love You, from the movie, About Time, tugs on the strings of my hopeless romantic heart in just the right ways
A song that makes you happy: I was not expecting to have to think so hard about this one... I think it's going to be a toss-up between I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift (with the goat-like screams whenever appropriate) and Believe by Cher, because both of those are songs I can't help but sing along to, and even though I've never been a good singer, I love them
And finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself!
Can't draw for the life of me. I write poetry on my other Tumblr account, @trident-writes-poetry
I am also a D&D Dungeon Master and love brainstorming plots and ideas and NPCs, but I don't necessarily write anything. I think I'm an ENTJ, so the idea of sitting still and being alone with my own thoughts is terrifying, so I'd rather just spend my time with people
Nominations (either because we're mutuals or I find you interesting): @logo-comics, @litostaves, @psychopomp-reborn, @technolilly, @teaboot, @clawedandcute, @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord, @thebirdandhersong , @messianicbabycatcher
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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                                 M!Alear Lyn Rhea Linhardt
                      Raven Randal Yuri Leanne Eirika Kent
WEEK TWO: can you hear your people cry?
TAG: #SVZofia2023
Wyvern cries wake you up before any rooster, guttural growls and chirps that frighten morning songbirds away. The Zofian locals bemoan the sight of the lowly creatures, who had never dared to encroach on Mila and Duma's territory while they lived. Dagons were driven to the seas by humans, but wyverns are far more numerous, and true pests.
"Never thought I'd see the day Zofians couldn't eat their way out of a problem," the Rigelians joke. Few find it funny.
Eirika, Leanne, Alear, Kent, and Randal have decided to stay at Dragonshill. Markus doesn't show it, only nodding his approval, but he is very grateful for the help. He'd like to show you the two trees at the top of the hill, what is called the resting place of the gods... While Alear, Kent, and Randal are seen as reliable, the villagers find Eirika and Leanne far more approachable.
Yuri and Linhardt have chosen to accompany Phoebe in her journey to the altars of the old gods. She welcomes you as a part of the team with a big hug and a generous gift: a sweet, sticky fruit she's found in her previous expeditions. Eating it grants Yuri and Linhardt the following ability for the rest of the event:
FRUIT OF LIFE: Grants 20% HP.
While Rhea, Lyn, and Raven lean towards protecting the village, they've noticed that some of the villagers here regard you with a certain suspicion. Carmen's account of your battle prowess makes them fearful of you, what you might do if you decided to turn that sword against them. They don't seem terribly keen to accept help from you. Seeing this, Phoebe steps in and offers you three a deal: "It may just seem like crawling through dusty caves, but there's a lot of money getting thrown at this project, more than I know what to do with ...A little birdie's told me that you guys were headed someplace other than Valentia. So why don't we strike a deal? Help me find the altars... and I'll help you get a ship back home."
STORY: Many at Dragonshill are still in the early stages of settling into their new homes. The physical tasks of clearing out wyverns and building houses are straightforward problems to tackle, but the people here still bear the emotional scars of the recent war and losing their beloved gods. A merchant girl is still learning the lay of the land and could use some big, strong bodyguards to protect her in her search for wares. A young Rigelian man and his grandmother have their livelihoods threatened by wyverns and are struggling to adjust to life outside of the swamplands.
COMBAT: Dungeon crawling will start tomorrow, as Phoebe insists on giving you all a rundown of what they are after. As pleased as she is to have you with her, she demands that you have an understanding of old Valentian lore. Phoebe obtains permission to enter the Dragon Shrine and insists on at least showing you what a Lion Fountain looks like. Rhea, Lyn, and Raven are all invited, of course.
Ping Mod Bren for additional questions and information.
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usagimen · 4 months
" oh darling ... "
there'd be a blade twirling in the vampire's hand, his smile subtle but warm as if passing a casual conversation with someone at a tavern , fingers guiding the blade through an elegant dance. this, however, isn't a conversation nor an attempt at theft, he has his guard up, the night skies of faerun one he knows well yet never quite seems to be able to roam in peace (there's uncertainty bubbling in those crimson eyes, for what is the other up to). it's not a night of feeding, but a night of fleeing, stalking roads and quiet hours in an attempt to create distance.
" don't dance with someone who is clearly more advanced than you ; it's only going to end badly ..." another twirl, astarion's stance straightening as blade is held downwards in a pointing position, "...and i enjoy tears on my shirt ; we could go about this the easy way or the messy way, either is fine with me. "
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         There between the hues of emerald, it is a quick flash, one of hellfire && fury. She watches with intrigue, a mundane boredom as the humanely facade presents itself as a meek creature, one that cowers && simpers when in distress. “Oh dear, I always get myself into such scenarios, it’s becoming a habit” hands that rest upon her slender hips, crushed black velvet, she will let him go on. Even wanting to antagonize by sitting upon one of the perches neatly positioned, towering walls with flowers that hang about, the evenings are dangerous she often heard but balked at - nothing she could not handle. That is what she lived for, nocturnal bloom that was presented with a voice that many could only construe as a ghost, wishing for their final song to be heard drifting amongst the city air. The stench of ale, wines, spirits && liquor spilled upon her decadent clothing wafts about, a clever ploy for the bardess who holds her hand to her bosom, trembling like a rabbit amidst a wild hunt.
          “You would dare pull a knife out on a poor maiden such as myself? I have nothing to offer! I’m merely a musician, my tongue is the only blessing I have - doubt you want” the elegant liar she was, dramatic, her eyes on the verge of tears ready to shriek && cry in order to flee into the night. Alas, she figured no one would come, at this hour many were too intoxicated, taking by a temporary lover, or asleep near the fountain (maybe in the fountain) to care. “Sir! I am trained in the art of dance as well as song, that is my whole life, a great performance” is he catching on? Sayuri would hope so, it would be terrible to encounter a dull man - a tragedy. Then, her head tilts, the sheen of black that caresses against her wine flushed cheeks, fingers that turn into small claws at the snap of her index && thumb.
         “Oh, you’re a naughty boy! Should have said so from the start” in the burning effigy, all becomes inferian, the elegance of draconic horns && tapered ears. The long swaying appendage that curls in mischief as she laughs, brazen && haughty, did he think this was going to be simple? Work for it. She leans inwards, the atomic smell of wildflowers, honey, pure luxury disguised as a mere wanderer who sung for coin etched into the fabric of her skin. Glowing in caustic green, her gaze locks to his then the knife, “How beautiful but crude, mine are better, though this isn’t a competition of who has the biggest dagger in Faerun isn’t it? Didn’t you want to play?” a mouth of razor blades that smirks in hellish taunting, perhaps, this evening would be fun after all - she was always one willing to work up a sweat.
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                         “I’m no blushing lamb, sweetling, don’t be coy - if you're going to request a dance, you better make this good for the both of us”   
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ancestorsofjudah · 11 months
1 Kings 22: 29-40. "The Random Arrow."
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Ahab Killed at Ramoth Gilead
29 So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah went up to Ramoth Gilead. 
30 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “I will enter the battle in disguise, but you wear your royal robes.” So the king of Israel disguised himself and went into battle.
There are two aspects of sovereignty in Jewish Kings. We have talked about this before:
There is Judah, a proud man who is able to give God His Glory, a happy, civilized human prize, and Israel, the aspect of man that is able to continually transubstantiate realities, one for the next based on his stage of evolution. A child performs Israel much differently than an adolescent, who is different from an adult.
Ramoth Gilead, "The Pomegranate Eye of the Fountain is the result of the cumulative offering of civilzation to the man of refinement who, through growth and practice is able to be superlative in every way. Verse 30 describes these aspects of mankind as both hidden and manifest.
The King is expected to at least appreciate this is how the Religion works.
Ahab, the King of Aram where the Fountain is located, is waiting for the other two to make an appearance. Ahab symbolizes "the movement" rather than the practice of the Religion. Party politics, sectarian religion, Sunni Islam vs. Shia Islam, Catholic vs. Protestant, Judaism vs. Christianity, gay vs. straight, black vs. white, these things are Ahab that block the Eye from its Preceptor and the object of perception, God and man, man and God.
If one allows the fraternities to own the focusing lenses of faith, then it is their points of view we obtain instead of one's own. This process has created the impure and false standards by which we are living our lives.
The myth following illuminates how this happens and provides us with an expert solution:
31 Now the king of Aram had ordered his thirty-two chariot commanders, “Do not fight with anyone, small or great, except the king of Israel.” 
32 When the chariot commanders saw Jehoshaphat, they thought, “Surely this is the king of Israel.” So they turned to attack him, but when Jehoshaphat cried out, 
33 the chariot commanders saw that he was not the king of Israel and stopped pursuing him.
34 But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the sections of his armor. The king told his chariot driver, “Wheel around and get me out of the fighting. I’ve been wounded.”
The King of Aram and his thirty two chariot commanders are Gematria for 6519, וה‎אט, leat, "working to achieve recognition of the autonomous self."
The Autonomous Self is the cornernstone of civilized life on this world. It's primary ignition after birth comes from its parents who provide it with the wood, oil, and fire in order to from lucid society.
In order for their to be a concept of the Self, the King of Aram must face the King of Israel and overcome his dependent self.
In order to understand how this works, let's retell the above verses as they are heavily encrypted:
32: The pre-emancipated self saw God's Glory and turned the wheel to pursue it but it was an immature desire.
33: Nature began to assert itself and the point of view changed.
34: The random bow and arrow refer to the detachment of the foreskin and or the onset of male boy orgasm and the change that is physically required if one is to undertake Israel, become intelligent and make one's way to the domain of the Self. Without a full blown penis and experience using it, the Self is not obtainable.
This is called a random arrow because no one knows when thar she will blow, from the Hebrew word ak'raiy, which refers to the supposed shame that happens after the foreskin separates from the shaft of the arrow.
 35 All day long the battle raged, and the king was propped up in his chariot facing the Arameans. The blood from his wound ran onto the floor of the chariot, and that evening he died. 
36 As the sun was setting, a cry spread through the army: “Every man to his town. Every man to his land!”
37 So the king died and was brought to Samaria, and they buried him there. 
38 They washed the chariot at a pool in Samaria (where the prostitutes bathed),[b] and the dogs licked up his blood, as the word of the Lord had declared.
39 As for the other events of Ahab’s reign, including all he did, the palace he built and adorned with ivory, and the cities he fortified, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel? 
40 Ahab rested with his ancestors. And Ahaziah his son succeeded him as king.
The transitions from boy to man from man to sentient being take place in different days. The shedding of the blood in the chariot, the loss of innocence takes one day from end to end.
After that, one resides in Samaria, "The observances" of the religion to continue to shape the mind that will begin rapidly developing after semenarche.
Yes, the dogs will lick up the blood, everyone thinks this is funny unless you are the boy that just wet his pants. The laughing stops after one experiences intercourse and puts behind all the nonsense about it, and thus ends the reign of the fraternity of ignorance.
The section ends by recounting all that Ahab accomplished. The Value is 8961, חטו‎א‎, "a sin." He did not follow God's directions, but he went repented after God said he would endure shame and went to Aram. Thus he was buried with his ancestors. He is a rung on the ladder rather than its apex.
As for my comments above about the ways various faiths and politics are fucking our lives up- we have forgotten nature always wins.
In order to survive and become content a man must have food, water, shelter, education, occuaption and recreation, about this we cannot be naive. No matter the belief system, nature, which was defined by God always wins. This is why the Melachim makes a point of stating, one way or the other, manhood is going to annunciate itself. After that one is best off following the path God has declared.
There must be an end to all violence on the earth, all immorality, slander, profanity, lying, murder, all distraction from the ability of the human race to observe Shabbat, Masjid, the Sabbath, etc. must end.
Regardless of the language, the color of the skin, the location on the earth or what has happened in the past, the expectation for Shabbat is the same. Shabbat is God's Glory worn out in the open; the morality required to achieve it is what we hide underneath.
This is the essence of the Kabbalah of the Kings of Judah and Israel who reign in Aram as detailed by the Melachim.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Fresh Fallen Snow, Part 4
Summary: Curtis claims you.
Pairings: Curtis Everett X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, PIV sex, smut, loss of innocence, creampie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.3K
Series Masterlist
*divider created by @firefly-graphics​
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Tanya pushes people out of the way, pulling you towards the fountain. This wasn’t how it was to be used, but she insisted. Your eyes look over towards Curtis who smiles alongside Edgar, and it makes your heart swell. He looked joyful, and even he was cleaner than he once was, thanks to Tanya.
She notices how you rarely take your eyes off of Curtis, giving you a warm smile as she washes off as much of your body as possible, “Cheryl, bring the ladies over to create a wall. She’s getting the whole body washed.”
“The whole body?” you ask her, suddenly embarrassed at being naked in front of everybody. Watching nervously as woman after woman create a barrier around you, and even Curtis and some of the other men stand guard a bit more.
“You don’t want him to see you in all your glory, and be filthy. Save that to the pillow talk,” sheepishly you look away from her as you start to undress. “Now don’t go all shy now. Everyone knows how much restraint that boy has concerning you. It’s not easy for him.”
“It’s not been easy for me either,” you smart back as she starts washing off your body.
“Easier. You don’t know what you’re missing,” the thought of Curtis with another woman, doing the things you had been doing makes your nose turn up in disgust. “He never had a lot. Stop your pouting.”
“Why is this necessary?” you ask. Curious as to why a ceremony pledging your undying love was needed. Marriages weren’t recognized by the front.
“Let me tell you about a young boy that came to live on this train. Barely made it on here. He had dreams of becoming an architect. Was in school, too. He had house plans for the home we was going to make his family. Wanted to adopt a dog for his kids, was designing the future. And then he ended up in the tail end of this godforsaken train.”
She pulls a dress on you, while it was nothing as grand as a wedding gown, her and the other ladies had made you as fancy of a dress that they could with the rags they had collected. And you smile up at Tanya when she starts styling your hair.
“That man, oh that man, you’ve got you one of the best on here. He’s fiercely protective of everyone, but mostly you. He’s going to help us. Everyone know it. He’s got plans. And maybe one day, he can design the life he thought he would have. It’s what he deserves.”
With a quick glance to Curtis, you nod your head agreeing. He truly did deserve everything he wanted, and then some. And you wanted to make that a reality to him.
Her hand moves over your belly, and she can’t help, but cry, “It’s stupid to have kids on this train. But it makes us feel human. Hoping that one of us births the one that can deliver us from this life.”
“But the winter?”
“Tanya!” Gilliam stands beside her, and there’s a quick darkness that is apparent. “There is nothing but the train. You’d do good to remember that. Sweet Aspen, Curtis has paid your bunk neighbors handsomely in protein blocks. You’ll have a few hours alone.”
“Gilliam, that is not what ladies discuss. Go on, old man. Don’t let him bother you. Decorum went out the window with such close living quarters. He’s not wrong, it’s just not appropriate. Are you ready to marry your man?”
You gulp, but nod your head. Grabbing up your hand, she walks you to the opposite end of the tail from your bunk. Both yours and Curtis’ eyes only on the other as she walks you down the makeshift aisle.
Him looking more handsome that ever, a perma-grin on his face as Gilliam does a quick speech, “These two could very well, change the world,” he says calmly tapping on his heart. Curtis didn’t catch it, but you do. A quick wink, and he moves his finger to the center of his chest.
A quick and lighthearted ceremony, just to be told, “You may now kiss your girl.”
And it was a kiss from him you hadn’t ever experienced. Deep and warm immediately. His arms wrapping around you tightly, while yours hold tight to his cheeks.
“Sheesh, go ahead and take her to your wedding suite,” Edgar groans. “Someone start singing and carrying on. And give these two what they’ve been begging for.”
Pulling apart from Curtis, only to smile up at him. Nodding your head, he grabs a hand, gently walking you towards your bunk.
It’s awkward, and you feel a bit exposed, but he made you his in front of the whole train car. Your arm wraps around him soothingly, and there’s only the tiniest part that would like to join in on the celebration. Few moments of the entire car being happy, happen. And you fear that this, too will be ruined by the front. They were always watching.
Curtis helps you in the bunk, looking at the crowd one more time, and getting a huge smile from Tanya, before he’s jumping in. Once he’s seated, you’re ready to pounce on him, but he holds you steady, “Wait.”
“Curtis, I’ve waited long enough. Who knows how long they’re going to allow,” his thick finger presses on your lips, shushing you softly.
He digs into your secret hiding spot for your necklace. Circling your neck, he puts it on. Those sinful hands drift down you, slowly. Leaning back to look at you, “Beautiful.”
“I don’t even know where it came from.”
“I was talking about you,” your hands slowly undo your dress, until you’re left trembling, nearly naked, “Aspen, what’s wrong?”
“I’m cold.”
“You won’t be for long,” holding out his hand for you, you crawl into his lap. His mouth kissing over your skin as you start undoing his buttons. Pulling off his shirt, and sighing when you make skin on skin contact.
Finally having a moment to admire his physique. Despite the squalor that you lived in, Curtis was strong. Chords of lean muscle line his skin. Your fingers trace the veins of your ‘husband’ when you notice something you hadn’t before, “How did you get this scar?”
“What?” he pants up at you. His hands grip tight to your hips; grinding you over his enticing bulge.
“The…it’s a snowflake,” he pushes you back slightly, looking at his scar, and chuckles. “It’s not funny.”
“It’s a brand. It was my ticket onto the train. Shh, Aspen, your cunt is on fire, and you’re leaking through my pants. Can you not let me just,” his head tilts to the side, and he shakes his head, you were more than just a fucking. It sounded harsh to call this that. “Make love to my wife.”
His head sinks back down to your breast, and his tongue playfully licks around it, before diving in. His thick hand kneading the other one, while your body rocks over him. Your sweet sounds louder than normal, and he’s addicted. Loving the way you grab his head, and look down at him overtaking your body.
His hips jut forward, causing you to yelp, but he just lays you flat on the bed. Crawling over you, he starts kissing a line right down your front. Coming to your ruined panties, he kisses over the material, before his fingers hook around the elastic, pulling them down.
You watch him as he shimmies out of his pants. His wide body situates itself in between your thighs, and he can’t decide what he wants to focus on, your weeping cunt, or your breathless face. Curtis starts to move his hand to your entrance, but you shake your head no, “You’ve used your fingers enough.”
“I don’t care. That was the point of them being rowdy. Your wife wants you to claim her. I want to be leaking of your seed.”
He slaps your pussy, and you chirp. Eyes wide as you stare at him, “You need to quit getting sex advice from Cheryl,” her advice always paid off.
Snaking your hand down, you enter two fingers into your throbbing pussy, using them to fuck yourself. Pulling them out, Curtis stares at your drenched digits. “I want my husband to destroy me. Show me why you were the man for me.”
“Keep talking to Cheryl,” Curtis lines himself up, giving your sensitive bean a slap with his thick cock, and you nod your head at him. Eyes only on his bright blue ones when his blunt tip pushes through.
You cling to his forearms, brows furrowed, and you bite at your lip, “What was that you were saying, Aspen?” your words catch in your throat, that Diamond snowflake sliding off of your chest. “Just remember to breathe, baby. Let me do the rest. One day, I’m going to see that pretty necklace from a different angle, when I teach you how to ride my cock.”
“C-c-can I?” you hiccup up at him.
“Not yet. You get a bit deeper.”
“I like…I want you to be deeper.”
With that admission, Curtis slides in more. Your folds hugging onto his veiny girth, and he makes sure you feel every inch of him. Not stopping his journey until he bottoms out. Balls deep in your stretched cunt, and you can’t do anything but whimper up at him.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he settles his body on you, and you had never felt more content, overwhelmed, but perfectly satisfied. His weight over top of you, and those fingers brush over your sweaty skin. “I love you.”
“I…too…I mean, I love you, too,” he chuckles at your struggle to speak. Stunned at how full you feel, but how warm. Crashing his lips into you, he slowly pulls himself out. “Curtis, no.”
“Hey, I’ve got you. This is how it works, we create friction. I promise, it feels amazing. You feel amazing,” you whine until he sinks back into the root, letting out a sigh of relief. “You already addicted to my cock?”
“It’s the only thing I can give you.”
“Not the only thing,” he moans, creating a languid pace as he thrusts into you. Your legs spread around him, and the sounds of your bodies connecting is the second best thing he’s heard. Your sweet and desperate mewls up at him, his ultimate favorite.
You wrap your arms around his back, going from softly running your fingers over his broad shoulders, to gripping him tightly. Your fingernails digging into him, and creating crescent moon shapes in his skin.
He picks up his pace lightly, and when you sob up his name, he slams his mouth into yours. Drowning in your sounds, when he begins a quick and deep rut into you. Had it not been for his mouth, the entire car would have heard your screams. Begging him to keep going.
Your virgin hole clenching down on him, and the both of you see stars. “Cur-Cur-Curtis! I…oh…Curtis,” his voice a mixture of deep growls and grunts, as that cock splits you in half. Your cunt molding perfectly to his length, and you see stars as lightning courses through your body.
Gripping him tightly as he fucks you even harder through your orgasm. His body aching for his release. Back arching off the bed, and you take him even deeper. Curtis unable to hold on anymore, let’s your fluttering walls milk him. His delectable cream painting your womb, and you whisper up his name.
“I know,” he pants as he rests his forehead on yours. “Gimme a minute.”
“Can we do that again, but…”
“Aspen, we’re doing that all night. All the ways you can thick of. I belong to you just as much as you belong to me.”
There’s a moment of silence, before he reaches out of the bunk, gathering up any discarded clothes, and your bunk mates whoop out loud. Congratulating the two of you for finally letting him take you.
“You good?” he asks, laying flat on the bed, and pulling you into him.
“I hope you don’t mind being sore. I want that everyday.”
“It’s yours. I’m yours.”
He twists his head to look at you with a post sex dopey smile. His cheeks heated and pink. His breath still not evened out, “And I’m yours.”
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“Wilfred?” Claude pokes her head into the engine, as he paces around. “It’s begun.”
“A bit late,” he almost growls at her. “I give him…she was on a fucking platter just for him.”
“How long should we allow them to celebrate?” he turns and looks at her oddly. “They had a ceremony. And the tail gave him and the girl some privacy to consummate the marriage.”
“Traditionalist,” he nods his head. “I’ve chosen wisely. Make sure they get their special bricks. We need him good and strong, and her preferably swollen. Let them have their fun a bit longer. Then we’ll see if he’s truly protective over his Aspen. Gilliam has done well with his fairy tales to the boy. Make sure he gets something special in his brick, too. I want her measurements in a few weeks.”
“Of course.”
“And she didn’t have on the necklace?”
She shakes her head no at the madman, “Gilliam said she has it. Curtis has desires for her to wear it when they…”
“I don’t need details, Claude. I need results. Eighteen years in the making. What’s the temperature outside?”
“It’s rising.”
“Very well. I’ll allow another hour. They better get used to people being around them.”
Taglist:  @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @sstan-hoe @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida  @thedarkplume @duuhrayliegh @rebekahdawkins @johndeaconshands @harrysthiccthighss  @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @1960memories​ 
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ar-agon · 2 years
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Paul x Reader
Summary: Your home life has always been the greatest but Paul makes sure you know that you always have a place beside him.
Length: 1150
It took him an embarrassing amount of time to realize something was wrong. What finally clued him in was how you didn’t scold him and Marko for messing with David or when you didn’t roll your eyes at any of the jokes he had made. You had just sat on the fountain's edge and started at your hands. It was like you were somewhere else entirely for a few days. When he finally noticed, it was just you two in the cave. He sat down next to you slowly. He said your name softly causing you to jump like you hadn’t noticed his presence.
“Oh, hey Paul,” the smile you sent his way was small with a sad tilt to it as if you wanted him to think that everything was okay.
“Hey, babe,” he said, “what’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” you shake your head, “I’m just a bit tired. It’s still hard to get into the routine of sleeping during the day.”
He knew that part was true. You had just joined their group not too long ago and you were still human. Though he also knew that something else was bothering you. He just didn’t know what exactly would be putting you in this type of mood. You had always been happy since you started to live with them in the cave. So, seeing the sudden sadness that was radiating off of you filled him with concern.
“Come on, babe,” he pushed just a bit, “what is it actually?”
A heavy sigh left you as you turned to fully face him. You knew there was no point in trying to lie to him. He could just go into your brain if he wanted to but you knew he wouldn’t, that he would just push lightly until it all came tumbling out of you, “I saw my own missing poster last time we went to the boardwalk,” you finally opened up. Tears had started to gather in your eyes, not yet ready to shed, “my family, they’re looking for me. After everything that happened, why? Why now? They never seemed inclined to find me. What changed?”
Paul vaguely remembers your relationship with your family. You didn’t talk much about them anymore but when you did nothing you had said made him like them. Not that you were trying to make that happen, just sometimes you needed to rant about how your life was before the boys. You had had a huge argument with them the day before you officially moved in with them. You had said they hadn’t agreed with you hanging out with them. You had come in crying, a bag flung over your shoulder and an apology on your lips.
“I’m sorry,” your voice wobbled slightly, “I had nowhere else to go.” Paul quickly wrapped you up in his arms and took you to the couch.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he tells you softly, “you’re always welcomed here.”
“Yeah, we wouldn’t want Paul complaining how much he missed you,” Marko grinned, moving to sit on the chair. Dwayne walked over and leaned against the back of the chair Marko was sitting in. David was already in his designated spot smoking a cigarette and watching what was going on.
“What happened?” Paul had asked, grabbing a hold of your hand as it started to shake.
“My parents kicked me out. We got into this huge argument because I spend my time with you. They called you punk and a bad influence, like they ever cared who I hung out with before,” you rambled voice hitching over some words, “it’s only because you all happen to be guys. They also have this irrational idea that I’m having sex with all of you, can you believe that?”
“Well you are with one of us,” Marko pointed out.
“That is beside the point,” Dwayne said smacking Marko on the back of the head, “she doesn’t have a place to stay right now. That is the problem we should be focusing on.”
“You can stay with us, babe,” Paul wrapped his arm around your shoulder and brought you to his side. You looked at everyone, eyes stopping on David a little bit longer. You agreed the moment you saw David give a little nod.
Now it had been a month since then and it appeared your family had finally gotten the memo that you weren’t coming back. Paul moved closer to you so that you were pressed side to side, “they’re not worth it,” he tells you softly, “you’ve already found yourself a new family and we love you. We’re not going anywhere.”
Your smile this time was bright, “I know, Paulie. I just never thought they would do this. I don’t know why they did this. Do they actually care or do they want to control me all over again?”
“Well that won't happen again as long as I’m around,” he swears to you. Paul wasn’t known for being serious most of the time but when the times called for it and right now it did. Because this was you, the person he cared about and he didn’t like seeing you upset.
You leaned up and placed a small kiss on his cheek, “thank you, babe,” you whispered, “I love you.” You took his hand and tangled your fingers together.
“I love you too,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “you will always have a place here. You will always be family.”
“I don’t know if David would agree,” you say. David’s and your relationship was still a bit rocky. He was very distant towards you, though he didn’t leave the room anymore when you were in it. Your tears had dried a long time ago unshed as you took in Paul’s words.
“David likes you. He just won’t say it out loud.”
“Come on, I wouldn’t lie to you, babe.”
“I know.”
There was a slight lull of silence as you traced patterns on his hand before Paul spoke up again.
“I can take the poster down for you the next time we go to the boardwalk as well,” he offered.
“That actually would be nice. I don’t want to think about them anymore. Not when I have you and the boys now,” you said softly.
“You can be sure that I will never leave your side,” Paul answered, he turned his head and pulled you into a long slow kiss. He was showing you how much you meant to him in one of the only ways he knew how. A blush dusted your cheeks as you pulled back. A grin was painting Paul’s face so you hid your face in his chest. Even if your real family wouldn’t be in your life, you were sure that the boys and Paul would keep you safe and loved as long as they could. Which in hindsight could be forever.
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jade-parcels · 3 years
The genshin men: fatherhood edition
With: Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Baizhu
Ajax loves kids and he’ll make that known early on in your relationship
Like...This man wants five or more kids but he’ll settle for four. He dreams of a big family, getting to surround himself with you and your kids every night for family dinners, everyone getting together for big birthday parties or reunions! That’s his dream life! Plus, in Snezhnaya, most families have more than two kids anyways
He will cry so hard when his babies are placed in his arms for the first time, I mean he’s a mess. Nose is running, eyes puffy, lost of sniffling lmao he is so excited to be a dad!! Don’t you dare tell the other Harbingers how much he cried...What do you mean you took a picture when he wasn’t looking??? Hey??!?!
With his obscene amount of mora, he’ll buy a huge house that will accommodate everyone. Anything you want will be purchased that day or within 48 hours, the same goes for the kids
But they’ll all learn to be thankful for what they have. They’ll learn to fight, fish and speak multiple languages. He has high expectations but let’s face it, he’ll be proud of them no matter what
You’re gonna have to be the one to put your foot down though because Ajax doesn’t enjoy being the ‘mean parent’, he has trouble saying no to the kiddos which can create some tension between you and your husband. He has good intentions of course!! He doesn’t wanna say no to those cute, freckled faces!!
Zhongli is nervous about having kids because he’s immortal. So this will go one of two ways. 1. You have the baby and the baby ends up not being immortal (or you adopt a baby who is not immortal) Then he loses you both. OR 2. You have the baby and it inherits his immortality and becomes an adeptus. Now he and the baby will have to watch you die while they both life forever.
Either way...It hurts him to think about because he loves you!! He wants to have a family with you!! He wants to give you that perfect family life every human desires!! But he’s torn
You two will just have to figure it out.
Zhongli will be a strong, male figure for your kid(s) and he will instill that traditional kindness and respect into their behavior. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ always, always offer to help someone who needs it, do good deeds and you will feel accomplished, be the best you you can be, alway try your hardest because that’s all that matters
He will be sure that your kid(s) always feel loved ALWAYS. Zhongli will tell them stories, cook for them, take them to school, anything that needs to be done. When you’ve had a rough day, he’ll step in to take over for the night without being asked. He shows interest in everything your kid(s) like and he will do his damn best to display every piece of artwork they make or every pretty rock they find
He...will make a great dad :’)
Ooooh brother, at first Kaeya says no he doesn’t want kids but...Then he starts thinking about it
He observes the happy families that walk around the cobblestone streets of Mondstadt, how the kiddos smile and laugh with their parents. He’ll patrol in the afternoons, usually rounding the corner just in time to see the city’s kids leave school for the day, watching as they all run down the street to go home to their parents or play in the fountain together...Yeah, that really warms his heart
He’d want one or two kids, preferably two to avoid an only child being lonely. He isn’t on the best terms with Diluc but he can admit that they had a great childhood together, playing at the winery and running around as brothers do
Kaeya would be a very patient, understanding father. He doesn’t have much of a temper so he’d use the kids’ mistakes as learning opportunities instead of getting upset at them
He would be obsessed with the kids when they’re babies though oh man if you thought you had baby fever, he has it times ten! He loves holding the baby, watching with a twinkling eye as his baby grasps his thumb with its tiny hand... adorable
And if your kids inherited his eyes, his star shaped pupils that his ancestors passed down to him...He’s gonna get emotional
Everyone at the knights’ headquarters and the Angel’s Share will get sick of him REALLY fast cause he won’t stop bragging about how cute and smart his kids are lmao
Diluc would be such a soft dad don’t even get me started
He loves you so much of course he wants to have kids with you! Is that even a question?? He won’t be the one to bring it up unless he gets the feeling that you want kids but once you ask, he’ll agree so fast
He’ll be grateful to even have one kid with you :’) and he’ll be fine with however many kids YOU want. You want one kid? Perfect! You want four? No problem, the manor is big enough for ten! You...you want ten...? Time to hire some more maids then lmao
Diluc is a worry wart though, he’ll be afraid to hold the baby, feed it, bathe it, he’s terrified of hurting the baby or the baby suddenly hating him. So just help him out!! Cause when he gets comfortable with the baby, he’ll be in full dad mode
He isn’t embarrassed to walk around the manor, conducting business with a baby strapped to his chest!
Diluc is a very kind, gentle dad who will always offer helpful solutions to the kiddos’ problems. He’ll make sure all of their needs are met while also trying to avoid spoiling them... Too much... There will be a fair amount of spoiling...
His own father wasn’t too affectionate with him so that’s why he’ll be affectionate with his kids! Hugs and kisses when he tucks them in at night, big dad hugs when they get home from school, holding their hands in the busy streets of Mondstadt. His father was a great dad! He just aims to be better.
Like Zhongli, he worries about the mortality thing. Since he’s an Adeptus, his kid will certainly be an Adeptus too if you have kids together.
He also worries that his kid(s) will hate him. His duty is to kill demons which means that rain or shine, holidays, special occasions, day or night he’s gotta be ready to go slaughter demonic beings. So he’ll inevitably miss out on important stages in the kiddos’ lives
And admittedly... He’ll be scared of his kids lmao
They’re screaming, crying, barfing, pooping, laughing, screaming again...He can’t predict their behavior. It’s unsettling. All of that goes away one night when you sit him down and place your sleeping baby in his arms. His eyes go wide...And he just watches. This tiny, little baby...Feels no fear for him. It’s comforted by his presence. He almost cries...ALMOST
He’s still pretty much the same Xiao we all know and love but now he has a kid. “Slaying demons is what I do...Hey, go back inside and finish your dinner. Yes, even your vegetables. I don’t care that you don’t like them-...Fine. Don’t tell your mother, bring them to me. I’ll eat them” cute :)
He’s a protective dad and husband, he’d never let anyone or anything harm his beloved family
Venti....does not want kids. He thinks they’re cute! He likes the idea of kids but he knows he wouldn’t enjoy actually having kids
You two already have so much fun together!! You don’t need a kid!! You guys have dogs!! Dogs are like kids! But they’re more independent and they’re cuter!
He’ll feel bad if you want kids and he doesn’t, he really will! But it’ll be nearly impossible to convince him cause he’s made his mind up :/
Venti’ll make it up to you somehow though, he’ll take you out more and show you all of the adventures you guys can have if there aren’t kids around
But for the sake of fatherhood headcanons, let’s pretend he gave in. Venti would be a very caring dad. He would cuddle the hell out of this kiddo and sing to them :’) the only problem is that Venti doesn’t like being tethered to one place for too long so he tends to take off and not come back for a few days... :(
Albedo wants kids mostly just to see what fatherhood would be like. He’s always been curious about what that part of his life would be like so why not have a kid
He’d be good with one kid, two at most cause after practically raising Klee, he knows how some kids can be and...He doesn’t have the mental capacity for more than two kids at a time lmao
He tries his best to show more emotion in his face. We all know he usually sits like this 😐 and goes ‘wow im so happy right now’. If you didn’t know him, you’d think he was bored out of his mind right? So he’s gotta work on that. And when he musters up a smile for the baby and it smiles back at him????? Yeah...He’s gonna try to smile a lot more now
He definitely softens up once he becomes a dad, he shows emotion more than he used to and surprisingly, he takes time off of work. Shocker, I know! He decides that he’s been in the lab long enough and that he wants to be able to be there for these moments with you and his kid(s) :’) :’) He trusts Sucrose and Timaeus to take over for him for a couple hours
He keeps a journal for each kid and writes down the date and time they have their firsts or just interesting things they do ->
- 8/4: Baby sees and plays with a cat for the first time
- 9/5: Baby smacked me in the face and laughed so hard she threw up
-9/12: Baby learns that pulling my hair gets my attention. She now continues to do so
-10/15: Baby stays at Aunt Klee’s house for the first time
Baizhu really loves kids, he works with them a lot and he considers Qiqi to be his daughter anyway but in terms of you guys having a kid together, with his condition he can probably only handle one kid running around
He will do his absolute best to be a good dad. Even if he feels like death, he’ll help change diapers, feed the baby, care for it when you need a break. He isn’t contagious so when you’re sleeping and he feels gross, he’ll sit back against the pillows with the baby on his chest, the three of you resting together (though he doesn’t fall asleep...that would be dangerous for the baby)
Baizhu already tends to nag at you about your health and lifestyle choices but now?? He’ll be a menace. He’ll be constantly evaluating your baby’s condition, checking to see if a certain food is giving them a rash or making sure their skin isn’t drying out. He’s hyper aware of your baby’s health and will be the one to treat them if they get sick
He’s a busy guy since he runs the pharmacy but he will always do his best to be present for your baby’s big milestones! And when your kid cries cause Baizhu’s medicine tastes like shit, he’ll do his best to not be disappointed in their reaction lmao
When you leave him alone with the baby, he’ll wrap a scarf around himself to tie the baby to his chest while he works and...he looks so cute :) dad baizhu <3 <3 <3 <3
Bonus points for him buying the baby toy medical equipment so he can get your kiddo interested in medicine :)
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Hihihiiiii!!!!! Omg I'm so excited to ask this one-> ok so can you write/headcanon the Brothers and Undatables in a situation where MC can't swim and the brothers + undatables don't know it until one of the squad (Solomon's voodoo) picks MC up and throws them into a pool/fountain on the deep end as a joke? And MC drowns?
Bonus if anyone aside from Satan, Leviathan, and Lucifer know CPR and double bonus if Beel manages to rebibe w/o cracking a rib on MC!!
Aww heyheyhey!!! We love excitement in this house yes we do. Thank you so much for the angsty ask!
It got a bit long so I'll do it in two parts! I hope that's okay? Also I hope I can do it justice :3
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It was a summer afternoon in Devildom. Diavolo had invited the whole gang upto his castle. Solomon had recently told him about pool parties and he was excited to try it out.
Everyone came in, already having the time of their lives splish splashing in the water, or going ham on Barbatos and Luke's snacks.
You were there, dipping your feet in water, enjoying the cool feeling between your toes. Everyone kept inviting you in the water, you tried to put them off by saying "Maybe later!"
You could have just said you couldn't swim. But that was too embarassing to admit, so you just shook your head and splashed water at them instead.
Mammon and Asmo were splashing water on you, so you didn't see the Little D's sneak up and hoist you up from behind. Before you knew it, you were sent flying headfirst into the water. Maybe you should have told them, you thought.
Maybe that would be better than the endless blue, the distinct lack of air and burn in your lungs as you tried hard to swim to the surface and lost all energy.
(Part 1: The Brothers)
"MC enough playing around. Come Bach up now." Got tensed when you didn't Immediately float up to the surface.
"MC?" He dived in to check on you. His eyes grew wide when you saw struggling, flapping your hands and feet aimlessly.
"MC HOLD ON!" The panic in his voice was muffled by the water. You felt your body being held and pulled up to the surface.
"MC? MC can you hear me?! MC!" You felt someone shaking you, their hands warm on your arms. And then your lips turned warm.
You'd recognise that kiss anywhere. It was more urgent this time, as Lucifer tried his best to get air into you.
"Luci... fer.." You choke out before coughing violently and spitting the pool water everywhere.
"You're okay..." He lets out the biggest sigh of relief. He holds you tight in his arms and takes you inside to dry you off. "I thought I lost you again..."
"Whoever is responsible for this," The suppressed rage in his voice sounded deadly, "will pay for it."
"Oi human! Are ya sulking down there?!" Mammon joked as he dived downwards to bring you up.
"They got ya pretty good huh-" He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the state you were in. Your eyes closed and your limbs horribly limp.
"MC! MC WHAT HAPPENED?!" Mammon grabbed you and pulled you up instantly. Even in your dazed state, you could feel the pounding of his heart and the cracking of his voice.
"MC not again please not again I'm sorry I'm sorry please wake up..." He was crying now. His tears and hands were warm on your skin as pushed at your chest cluelessly.
"THEY'RE NOT WAKING UP! LUCIFER SATAN DIAVOLO SIMEON SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!" He was frantic and clamping his mouth on yours now, gasping more than blowing air.
You coughed and sputtered eventually. "Mammon... you...are exceptionally bad at CPR." Mammon hid his face in your shoulder and hugged you like there's no tomorrow.
You laugh and try to tell him you're okay but all he does is hold you and cry. "I'm the worst protector...I'm so sorry MC.."
"Welcome to my turf, MC!" Levi laughed as he waited for you to float back up. But you weren't. Are you stuck on something? He sees air bubbles on the surface.
He dives down and swims towards you swiftly. "MC OH NO! WAIT MC IM COMING!" He darts to towards you and gets you out the fastest.
He starts to tear up and panic cause this is just like that sad anime "Lost my Best Friend in the Deep". Embarassment be damned, he can't let you go.
He urgently called for his brothers for help and fumbled with you held tightly in his arms. He pushed on your chest and watched the water sputter out.
"MC?? You're okay now, right??! MC!!?" The urgency in Levi's voice caught you off guard. You open your eyes to see him teary eyed and sniffling.
"I'm okay Levi..." You say, your hand reaching to hold his face. He breaks down at your touch.
Pressing his face harder into your hand and crying. He's so glad you're okay. "I thought I lost my best friend...don't worry MC, I'll teach you how to swim!"
"MC, you do know how to swim right?" Satan called out to you, right after the splash. There was something about the way you fell that made him feel uneasy.
When you didn't float back up, he immediately dunked himself downwards, only to see his suspicions were right.
"MC! It's okay it's okay I've got you!" Satan's arm wrapped around you as he pressed a warm kiss on you under water. The flames in your lungs died down a little.
He rushes you upto the surface and lays down gently, tilting your head at the optimal angle.
His mouth is on you again. Urgently breathing life back into you. He also had spells ready in case this usual way didn't work.
"Satan...? You...thank you.." You said tired as you leaned into him, wrapping your arms around him weakly after vehemently coughing.
He lets out a sigh of relief and bumps his lips against your head softly, cradling you in his arms. "Why wouldn't you say that you couldn't swim? Don't do this to me ever again, MC, you're all I have..."
"MC darling, no need to be embarrassed, you looked so cute when you fell like that! Come up now!" Asmo giggled as he watched the water, waiting for you to come back up.
He gets panicky when you're still not up yet. Swims down as he quickly as he can calling out your name. "OH NO! MC WHAT'S GOING ON?! MC!"
He reaches for your hands and starts tugging you towards him. Why are your eyes closed like this? Why have you gone limp?!
He pulls you up to the surface, frantically calling out to Satan and Solomon for help, all the while bouncing you in his arms like a baby as a attempt to gain conciousness.
He's full on sobbing as he Solomon gives you CPR. The moment you cough and sputter, he pounces on you, his head pressed against your cold chest, now rising and falling normally.
"Asmo... don't cry...I'm okay.." You say weakly smiling and trying to hug him back, running your hands in his hair.
He holds you close and presses kisses on your whole face."MC! You gave me such a fright! Don't do that again please, MC! I can't bear the though of you gone again!"
"Ah I'm so sorry I couldn't catch you MC" Beel even had his arms outstretched so he could catch you before you fell, but he missed.
He's fastest to get to you after Levi. "MC? Are you okay down there- MC?! Why are you being like that?!" He gets frantic and scoops your limp body in his arms.
This is his worst nightmare. He urgently gets to the surface panicking inside. "MC..please wake up.." He calls out sadly, as he gently lays you down.
You're barely breathing. He knows what he has to do. But you're so fragile compared to him he doesn't want to hurt you.
He tries as gently as possible to push against your chest to regulate your breathing again.
"Beel..Beel..." You cough out his name as you reach up to hold his face in your hands. He stops immediately and engulfs you in a hug.
He doesn't say a word. He doesn't need to. His teary eyes and tight grip as he lifts you up and takes you inside the house to feed you, says everything you need to know.
"MC you're so easy to sneak upon hehe. Come here and lie with me." He was just snoozing at the edge, smiling down at where you just fell.
What's taking you so long to come back up?He impatiently dived downwards to find you. And he was horrified by what he saw. "MC?!Damnit MC, why didn't you call for me!?"
He hoists you into his arms and tries giving you a kiss of air like he'd seen in Levi's shows. Still unsure of what to do, he just hurries you up to the surface.
"They were struggling to swim. Something's wrong. Fix them please. Fix them fast." He said, calling out to his brothers. He held your hand shakily and lay next to you, as Beel gave you CPR. His grip tightened once you started coughing.
"Belphie... I'm okay..." You squeezed his hand as tight as you could. He hid head in your shoulder before picking you up in his arms.
He wrapped you up in a towel and tried to make you fall asleep in his arms. "That was a horrible feeling. I don't want to feel that again." He mutters to himself while holding you closer.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
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Word count: 7k
A/N: Heavily inspired from 90's rom-coms, so if your heart swoons out of loneliness it's not on me sistas -- doctor Harry my fav.
Summary: Harry's a med-student and Y/N's an art student, being neighbours with Y/N was already a living hell for Harry but when she fusses over his cat getting her cat pregnant -- he mighty looses it.
Pairing: Dentist Harry × Artist reader, Frenemies to bestfriends to lovers, platonic affection and loads of bestie fluff.
“Harryyyyy!!!!” Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs staring at the small picture of ultrasound, blinking at it several times to vision herself back into reality because the more she does the more she becomes grumpy and fussy – cursing the beast of a neighbour who got her little innocent cat pregnant.
She pulled the strings of her pyjama shorts to tighten it around her and hastily towed her feet into fuzzy slippers, giving a stink of an eye to her cat “don't act so surprised you little ragamuffin!” She mouthed at her with venom (as if trippers her cat cares), stomping her way out and writes a whole book of judgements in her rattling brain upon hearing the loud music weeping through walls.
She knocks. Huffs when it goes unnoticed and this time pounds at the door, crossing her forearms infront of her chest. Not unaware and very accustomed; of happy chatter whirling around whenever she’s trying to focus how a certain recipe goes by, his mates chanting his name from outside when he’s too occupied in whatever he's sorting out inside for their arrival, clanking of beer bottles knowing they and her have a long time to go, the music dimming in the wee of night as the door closes after every fifteen minutes and it dawns at that time –-- she always get left with one option and that’s to curse him till she sleeps.
It’s every Friday and Saturday’s story.
“Max stop that before Ni asks fo’ a dummy —-,” His neck's craned to where his friends are sitting on one of the cosy spots. His jaw popping, dimples chasmic from the smirk he’s holding and Y/N gulps then arches her brow when his attention drops down at her, “Oh .... hi, could help ya?” His cocky grin irks her – bubbling a fire in her pit and an urge to twinge his ear and drag him to her apartment, to show him what he did.
“Could you help me!?” She laughs ironically, chases her frowning gaze from the ripped patches of his jeans towards where his curls are brushing his earlobes and it kind of makes her gasp which she traps in fortunately because – he’s always wearing a hoodie, beanie or his hair up in a little fountain like bun rushing through the lobby with his thick books and laptop clutched in his arms, “Yes please .. y’could help me by transferring expenses of your cat's babies every month to me —-...um could simply have them in your apartment too if the first deal’s too bad.” She shrugs. Taking a glimpse from his shoulder of his friends bunched over eachother and he toys with his bottom wet lip, brows stringing into confusion and his bicep flexes making her flutter her eyes away as he grips the knob of the door and closes it behind him.
“What d'ya mean?”
“You’re doing it on purpose right? ‘cos there’s no way —--” He cuts her groans with a snap and runs a palm down his face, “I seriously don’t know what you’re talkin' ‘bout, Y/N.” His lips tinned into a flat line, his posture now resembling her's and she slaps her forehead with the heel of her palm.
“Then you should keep tabs of your beasty minx of a cat who got my cat pregnant!” She exclaims disbelievingly to which his eyes turns saucer and he throws his sinewy arms in between them, mimics her expressions comically, “Is that my fault? Did I get your cat prego?” She blinks up at him rapidly --- he’s such a nerve puller.
“Yes it is! You didn’t get your cat desexed —-,” She stuffs her pointer against his chest and twist it with a grit, “Now he’ll have babies left and right – like a catwhore he is!!” She aerials her hands in different directions rapidly and he takes a step closer kissing his teeth together to seethe his words.
“He’s not a catwhore!”
“Kay then take the responsibility of what he did.” She mutters tapping her foot onto the carpeted floor and guppies at him like a fish when he bursts into taunting cackles, leaning to catch the door-frame before he mushes her under his weight. ”
“Ye -‐..- you’re —- you aren’t serious are ya?” His rosy eyelids snib tightly forming crinkles to where his temples meet his cheeks and she almost pouts, how much she doesn’t want to she could never cascade her expressions.
“Oh my — .... Bambi eyed wouldn’t I’ave had free him of his ball’s heaviness –-- if I’d ‘ave enough money down me pocket?” He scrunches his nose to take a breather from laughing hard.
“Don’t call me that!” She bites at him.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He smirks gingerly – drums his fingers against his folded bicep and presses his back to the wall tipping his chin high.
Her blush eager to creep up her neck embarrasses her further more and she hides the softness in her voice, muttering gruffly, “Shut up.” Then turns to walk back into her apartment and to slam the door at his face -- but -- his whistle for her halts her in tracks.
“Hey – Bambi, we could sign the custody of kitties if that what ye'want.”
Three weeks after. There was another knock on Harry’s door, Niall's head perks up and bangs against the bookshelf –- he was trying to keep the furry cat in his lap, for a good warmer but its more enamoured with the ‘clucks' of his daddy’s boots than the soft flesh of Niall’s thigh as Harry chucks his wallet in the back-pocket of his jeans (he was about to go outside and bring some food) and opens the door slightly to see through the trapping chain, “who’s it?”
“Harry ‘s me ....” The voice mousey and worried. Niall recognizes it in a hot-second, frowns and tries to gain snowy’s attention, “What did y'do again? Did ya get the pretty neighbour's cat prego twice, you fat farts.” He chuckles when snowy meows at him innocently and Harry's brows skews together into a scowl.
“Call him fat farts another time —- I dare you —--,” He howls. Throwing angry upset glares towards Niall – their bickering gets interrupted when Y/N slips her hand from the crack of door, pinches Harry’s knuckles and he squeaks, “Ow —- what the fuck!”
“Harry.” Her tone threatening.
Harry puffs out a huge sigh and reveals himself infront of her, he's not in mood to fight with her over their cats, or the parcel Harry forgot to give her which got delivered to him on accident like one of the thousand times (he never found anything freakish until now .. not that he goes through what’s inside, but the labels tell they’re mostly her art supplies), or why he’s been showering for an hour because she now isn’t left with any warm water —- because he just came back from UNI and is dust bones from having two exams in a row.
“Y/N —-,” His face reeks with exhaustion. His curls drowsy, escaping from his knit beanie and his eyes glazed with sea-foam. She kinda feels bad for disturbing him -- but – it’s an emergency and she doesn’t know where to go, except him.
His weary vision falls upon trippers tucked beneath Y/N’s arm, “Is she alright?” He scratches behind her ear and trippers gives out a pained yowl.
“No –-.. that’s why ‘m here. She’s spotting blood everywhere and –-- and I don’t have enough money ...,” She’s embarrassed to say least. Not meeting Harry’s eyes and he gazes her sincerely –- belly doing weirdly funny somersaults. He clears his throat, grogs out gathering all the information in his head from the anatomy of humans and animals he studied till now.
“It’s okay for spotting in pregnancies – but ‐-.. she looks very much in pain s' we shouldn’t risk it. I’ve a friend. She’s practicing vet -- we could take her there.” He offers. Rubbing the back of his neck and Y/N bobs her head vigorously, anything to save her trippers baby.
“Fine –-- yeah, Iemme just wear my shoes ... then we're good to go.” She mumbles. Harry hasn’t seen her demeanour flatter like this ever before, whenever she’s banging and barging through his flat it’s always taut and cold banter.
He has never seen her this defenceless.
He drops his gaze down at her feet and finds that she’s wearing cute pizza slices socksies.
“Is this a clinic, or weed doing zone for animals?” She didn’t try to be mean. It just happened as she takes in the wearbouts of garage, stuffed with drums and musical instruments, spray paint on walls. Harry seems unfazed though, he could be shabbier than her if he wants to –- much fouler that could make her cry.
“Told you. She’s practicing not a vet yet.” She doesn’t question him further. Grateful enough for his help. She might not admit but he isn’t that bad of guy as she once imagined him in her head.
Y/N stifles a snort when a girl with mullet shag, having a stud in her brow and the corner of her lip, attired in all black greets Harry with a hip-check, “Vas’up booger.” She grins and Harry grumbles ruffling her hair with his knuckles.
It leaves Y/N in awe. This’s what group of friends look like -- so fun and annoying, she wanted to have this since when she’s small. Sadly, it’s just her and trippers in her friend group.
“Hi there!” She waves to Y/N trying to battle Harry’s tickles away. Takes trippers from Y/N's arms and coos up at her, “hiyaa baby .. oh, she’s having lil buns inside her.” She laughs and Y/N already likes her so much. As if, she’s the main character of any vintage styled movie.
“Rori here.” She introduces herself as Harry strolls inside her kitchen to rummage through her fridge, “Y/N.” Y/N smiles –-- eyeing Harry who’s whistling and tearing the crate of orange juice open.
When Trippers purrs from a cramp, Rori snuggles her closer to herself – “Her spotting is nothing to worry about –-- maybe she’s ready to give birth. If not I’ll take her to my hospital.”
“So Harry said...” Y/N nods.
“Oohh.” Rori exclaims, wiggling her brows curiously at Harry who’s gulping down juice hungrily, “Booger got normal friends too? Thought, those were all white lies.” He almost chokes at it – downing it cautiously and blinks vividly.
“No. Just neighbours.” Yeah, there’s nothing friendly between them –-- but how it’d be like to befriend Harry. The thought makes Y/N feel snoozy and warm.
“I see.”
“Okay then! ‘m gonna keep Trippers with me for two days –-- figure out what I could do to help her and if she heals I’ll drop her by, how that sounds?”
“Sounds good!” Both, Harry and Y/N chimes together heating their cheeks up. Harry wavers his gaze away, sulking a pouty mouth and turns all stoic again.
He doesn’t want to like, Y/N. Nope. Not at all. In any case.
She’s his bedevilling, bothersome and galling neighbour who just screams at him too much for his likening.
“Would you like something to eat?” She asks him while walking back home and he shakes his head, so she nudges him in ribs, “oh c'mon let it be a thank you, grumpy pants.”
“’M not –-,” He was about to snap at her. Instead, he groped her wrist tightly and tugged her to his side –-- she squeals into his chest as a car passes by them swiftly, honking at them in anger.
Her hair wisps from the friction of Harry’s hoodie as she pushes herself away from him, surprisingly he smells incredibly sweet – that of vanilla and citrus musk, something very cosy and like a morning breeze.
A jolt buzzes through her spine at the fact she was about to get crushed under a vehicle but she grins up at him awkwardly, “Tofu then?” His peepers widen in shock and he slaps his forehead.
“You’re mad, know that.”
Harry and Y/N. Sky and earth . She sprouts buds of irises and peonies when she speaks, her touch that shines away even an intimidating person as if they're mimosa plants, those eyes --- those eyes are itself sepia of grounds on which the tiny creatures celebrates by and Harry's well ... he’s the floss of clouds hidden behind sunshine, his rains would turn her into loam and his uppish thunder would make her loathe him.
Then some gods decided to break the needles and fix it in some other clock that rotates anti-clock wise.
Now, when she’s unable to nourish her flowers he's always there to rain and stroke a tender breeze against her that makes her lush grass snuggle the roots of who she’s.
They were enemies once. Opposite to eachother in many ways but couldn’t live without eachother despite of their distances. Just like sky's a hollow sheet of nothingness without it’s dear earth.
What blossomed their friendship was Y/N's date with this cute boy that is in her ceramic class, (not a date if you’d ask so –-- more like a meetup at this coffee house near her UNI).
Turns out he isn’t that cute. His blunt hands wandered up Y/N’s thigh without her consent and before she could know that, he was groping at it –-- making her gasp and hit her knee against the table. She struggles to writhe out of the chair but he stitches his nails in her skin, “I’m not liking it – you better stop.” She hisses, palms sweaty and slipping trying to remove his grip from around her.
“Don’t act all stupid .. you were hitting at me for hours, you want it but wouldn’t admit.” He groans, rolling his eyes and she feels like crying –-- teeth clanking letting out a shuddering breath.
“I’ll scream.” She warns him.
“You’re not that innocent, you act like.” He smirks, sliding his hand down her insides and before he could reach further Y/N sneaked a fork from the table and stabbed it in his knuckles.
“Fuck.” He shrieks, “Bitch.” He almost screams but stops when everyone stares at him as Y/N’s chair fell against the floor and she stumbles inside the bathroom.
Locking it behind her. Her chest burns with tears. Her vision spins and her fingers shakes as she dials one number she could reach for anytime, it rings then goes to voicemail so her bitten lip wobbles and eyes turn glossy.
She again dials it. There’re noises behind, that of someone instructing and Harry was in his lecture hall when she called .. his heart drops because all he could hear is quivering breath ... it shudders to tight painful gasps and he’s collecting his stuff leaving his seat immediately the doctor who's teaching them Apiceoctomy stares Harry while speaking.
Once he’s out in hallway, “Hey? Y/n are y’there? You okay? What happened?” She bolt her eyes close pressing her head to cold tiled wall and yawps outta fear when someone pounds at the door. Harry runs towards the exist, “Y/N where are you!? ‘m coming .. whatever it’s just --.. just ...” He gripes at his curls pushing them back – his heart beating loud, “ – just stay where you’re ‘n don’t panic .. yeah? It’s okay.” He mutters. Voice soft and assuring.
Her breathing patterns back to calmness – something about him so consoling, so warm and she nods. After some minutes she’s telling him the address and gladly it’s not that far away from Harry.
When he reaches. There are several people waiting at the bathrooms door and he’s knocking on it lightly, pressing his ear to it and grabs the knob (in case he’d have to break it).
When there’s no-response from inside he gets it something’s peculiar, “Bambi. ‘s me Harry.” It clicks and unlocks and he’s tumbling inside while the others groans and disperses knowing it’s invain waiting.
He’s dishevelled. His curls in moppy condition and his eyes full of concern and worry –-- she feels awful for doing this to him.
“Were you crying? Did somethin' happen?” He frowns. Ducking a bit to meet her gaze level and she clears the clump in her throat, “Can we just leave .. please?” He couldn’t believe it’s her voice – the bubbliness and chirpiness of it died to frightened meekness.
Harry takes her hand and walks them outside, Y/N sucks in squeak when the same guy rushes to confront them and when Harry sees his injured hand -- everything pieces together and fury spikes through his veins.
His brows pinches together into a frown, his lips lifting into a scowl and his eyes darkens pitch coal like.
He grips her dainty fingers and moves her behind him protectively and his chest buffs out as he takes a step forward towering the guy – “What d'ya want?” He kisses his teeth together to grit vehemence and that guy lift his trembling hand infront of Harry.
“Look what this bitch —-,” Ah –-- he really pushed Harry’s bad button didn’t he?
Harry grabs him from collar and Y/N squeals rubbing his wrist to pull him back, no-use.
“Badmouth her or anyone —-" Harry sneers and if he'd be a cartoon character – fume would have been coming out of his ears and nose.
“Else what!?” Harry’s more of a practical person -- so he did what he's been learning for years now and breaks his nose with such force it almost knocks him out.
Y/N's still in shock. Walking behind him on jelly toes and a shiver spirals in her bone marrow when her sweat dries from the wind that’s blowing and hitting them in faces.
They wait at bus shelter, sitting side by side –-- thighs brushing now and then flustering Y/N, Moreso when he apologizes everytime.
There’s silence. Harry’s irritated groan breaks it –- he clenches and unclenches his knuckles .. the thin skin a bit bruised.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry –-- .. ‘s my fault.” She rambles. Taking his hand to inspect it, “I shouldn’t have called you at ---..” He frowns confused and pokes her in knee conveying her to stop worrying. Because if anyone needs to be taken care of is her and wish he could just hug her and tell her that it’s not her fault – not even a tad.
“Y/n...” He gains her attention and his gaze flickers from her snotty nose towards her soaky cheeks, “Shut up.” She chuckles at that putting his palm gently back on his thigh.
“Would you like to have, noodles? I know this incredible chinese place ...” He shakes his head. His smile small and kooky, nose scrunched up as he sniffs the air – predicting a rain coming soon.
“D'we have to eat after every tragedy that happens t’you?”
“Yup, tragedies makes me hungry.” It’s her coping mechanism if she'll be honest and that’s what she’s been doing for ages.
“Who are you, Y/N?
She jumps up. Wiggling her fingers for him to take and beams sweetly, “Bambi next door?”
“From when did ya become s' rich?” He giggles. He finds her fucking adorable as she drags him along herself excitedly – she halts infront of the expensive restaurant –- where people dressed in all kind of luxuries and bright pearls are dinning in and she arches her brow sceptically, “Did you really think –- I’ll be able to take us here?” He shoves his hands in his jeans pocket, elevates his shoulders and smiles bashfully.
“Maybe one day, who knows?” They walk towards the chinese take out and Y/N trots backwards –-- facing him all while and rolls her eyes, “’M an artist whose half of paintings goes to trash.” Harry’s eyeballs springs out of his sockets hearing her statement and he really wants to knock some senses into this silly girl.
“Oh my --.. jeez .. those paintings are ‘s good y'divvy. They're hanging onto my walls, been enjoying them fo' free —- what the actual fuck .. really your hands are magical.” He feels annoyed and sad that she felt a need to dump them, because those were some beautiful art pieces.
(“Hmm. It has some hidden meaning beneath it, H. I’m tellin' ya.” Ni would always say. Standing infront of it for hours and hours staring at it.
“Looks like a pussy to me.” Max would quip sipping his bevy and Harry would smack him in head, “Guys how ‘bout we just see it like a fuckin' painting.” He'd grumble focusing back on his books.)
“Really?” She asks shyly and he bobs his head, “Guess you could just keep them then ...” She grins up at him taking the boxes from the cashier.
“Where are we going?”
“You’d see yourself.” She sing-songs galloping over the muddy potholes and Harry looks funny doing it with his spider long legs. Their footsteps echoes in the empty warehouse and Harry didn’t expect her to be the person – that loves finding weird places and spend time there.
“Careful there.” He murmurs. Pressing a hand to her waist when she wobbles on her feet climbing the metal stairs and Harry thinks if she was this clumsy all along or it’s from what happened at the coffee house.
“Holy shit!” He cups a hand around his mouth as the traffic bustles down on the street, “You afraid of heights?” She glances back at him from where she’s standing on the cemented edge.
“Matters. If we're about to act silly and jump, then yes.”
Warmth worms up at his chest and his adam apple bobs, he barks out a laugh when she giggles demanding him to come closer to her, “Come here then you dentist the bad boi.” He tugs the fabric of his jeans from his crotch and hikes his one knee up sitting beside her, other leg swinging in air.
He listens to her hums and happy sounds as she slurps the long noodle inside her mouth, “What you’re afraid of then Harry?” Her question catches him off-guard. Nobody has ever asked what his fears are and he might be famous for an intimidating personality just because he speaks less and owns a roaring bullet –-- he’s still very nice to talk to, but he'd rather spend his time with snowy than waste his time on orgy parties.
“Snowy’s funky farts -- they're ‘orrible!! have to leave the flat fo’ a minute.” He grins when Y/N’s head lulls back and she laughs gleefully, rolling into his side to support herself, “Oh no!” She whines when her chopsticks falls and drops onto the road poorly.
“We can share mine.” He hands her his chopsticks and she thanks him timidly, “What d'you fear?” They pass it back and forth –- his lips wrapping around them as he takes a chunky bite.
Harry tries to down the food that got stuck in his throat when she said nonchalantly, “Dying alone I guess?” He chews the veggies, grimaces and shakes his head -- puts his hand over her knee squeezing it kind-heartedly.
“You’ll not.” She feels like every tulip of light around her’s sparkling – the buzz of having his company tingling her in good way, “Promise?” She asks and Harry lifts his pinky in between them encouraging her to bring her's.
She wasn’t serious about the promise thing it was more onto sarcastic side than to sincerity.
“Promise.” His dimples caters deep and his eyes crinkles when different golden lights dances against her skin making her look prettier than she’s.
He’s gonna fulfill his promise.
Y/N could be sentimental given on occasions and how bad the situation’s – but she bottles it up for good amount until later, it all crushes her completely and she’s unable to stand back.
Now, when there’s eerie quietness in the bus and the world infront of her fades behind in weird shapes and forms in her head because of the speed of vehicle – her mind thought it’d be best time to remorse over what happened to her and her eyes well up at that.
Harry plucks his headphones down upon hearing her soft sniffles and turns her towards him with her shoulder, “Y/N hey ....” His voice tender and dewy as he slides his palm under her jaw and cups her cheek to wipe out her tears with the mild stroke of his thumb.
His gentleness rakes out an agonising sob from inside her and she feels like her organs are clashing together.
“Shh. Bambi you’re okay now, ‘s alright you’re here with me -- shh, ‘m so sorry love —- but it’s over now, yeah? We're going home and I’ll make you chamomile tea, could ‘ve both snowy and trippers cuddle with you while I’ll get you all warm and nice inside this new fluffy blanket I just bought! – how does that sound?” He pets her hair. Brings her closer to his chest and she keeps her nose tucked against his clavicles to stop from crying and make a show.
When she nods, suckling a wet breath he swipes a loose errand of her hair behind, “Sounds good yeah?” She just hums snuggling into him.
Her arms slowly loops around his love-handles and he stows her head under his chin -- rubs her back in circles to soothe the stiff muscles, covers her ears with the headphones he was wearing before – plays acoustic version of Landslide by Fleetwood Mac and simpers when she hiccups his name, but doesn’t respond when he answers – his ears turns pink from fond and his belly overglows with butterflies as she babbles his name till she drops into peaceful sleep.
Y/N found herself in his bed with snowy and trippers ontop of her and Harry snoring on the couch – his gangly limbs not fitting at all.
She really wanted to call him and sleep on his bed, but she drowses back to slumber.
“Grumpy jerk and an actual ray of sunshine. Sorry, couldn’t process it – too much.” Rori teased Harry the last time they gathered and Y/N was there too! though the true statement was claimed after her departure.
Harry’s friends couldn’t believe that he stepped out of his comfort zone and made a new cute friend, now after one year of their friendship it doesn’t feel like they’re neighbours anymore –-- it's just one big home with an alleyway in between.
“What're y'doin', moppet?” Harry chuckles picking up the half eaten packet of crisps, chewy sour candies, wrappers of oreos and the romcom CDs they were playing before.
Y/N's sprawled on her tummy. Feetsie in air and her chin secured in her palm as she looks like she’s seriously about to take an admission in med school –-- she’s concentrating real hard on the thick book under her, eyes fixated on the diagrams of teeth – it makes Harry laugh like a maniac.
“Aish. Your books, gives me an ache.” She massages her forehead, shakes her head as if she tasted something icky and pushes his book away. Harry laughs harder at her antics wrappers flying away from his grasp and he flops onto couch –-- thighs spreading wide and back sinking into the cushions.
“Where?” His lips rumbles as he tries to hold back another fits of laughter when she gets his dirty joke and pouts, lips fluttering into a smile until she bursts into giggles joining him.
“Nope. My cookie doesn’t throb like it used to sneaking on reproduction chapters in biology.” Harry roars out a cackle at that and Y/N grins fiddling with the frizz of her socks, “Heyyyy it’s not funny –- very much sad.”
He suckles a breath in, their grins achy and big, “Stuff your cookie with some jam ‘n you'll be alright.”
“You’re gross!” She fake gags. Hunches over to exaggerate the severity and scares the shit out of Harry when she gasps loudly slapping his knee, “Harry! Harry! Oh my gosh.....ahhhh!” She gallops like a bunny towards the window and gazes up at the sky with glinting eyes, “Harry look! It’s snowing.” He trots behind her with a roll of eyes knowing what’s about to come next.
When she turns around with sparkly grin, hands clasped atop her chest and tippy-toes to beg him, Harry shuts his lids, “No Muffy.” Y/N loves eating chocolate muffins –-- eating them whenever she could possibly ... and that’s how the pet name Harry decided to call her was muffy.
“Please, it would be so fun .. we could have hot chocolate afterwards.” She mumbles tugging at the hem of his chunky yarn sweater.
“Nothing’s fun about snow angles, Muffyyyy!!” He whines. Squinting down at her with one eye and finds her all slumpy, head falling downwards.
“Okie then. ‘m going to sleep.” She mutters in a meek voice pushing past him –-- but he wraps his hand around her wrist and pulls her back to himself, chuckling with wide eyes, “You’re very dramatic and annoyin’ y’know that?”
Instead, she grins bobbing her head shamelessly, pats his chest and dashes to wear his warm jacket, “Biscuits on you -- hot chocolate on me.” She tells him slipping into her shoes with the support of doorframe.
He comes closer to her and her heart thuds into her tiny ribs as he zips his jacket she’s wearing up till her neck and warns her while pulling out her hair, “If I get sick – ‘m gettin'y sick too.”
Harry’s waiting outside the candy shop Y/N just barged in moments ago. He refused to step inside – knowing she’ll use him as a taste tester and at the end of the day his tongue would have a mountain sugar atop his taste buds.
The spring breeze flowery and warm. He shakes his head, smiles softly watching her switch aisles and guffaws loudly catching attention of an old couple siting on the bench behind -- at her eagerness when she started chomping onto the long chewy candy right after getting it from the cashier.
“That’s g'na rot your teeth even before your forties.” He tells her taking the small bag from her and walks beside her, “Your kids are gonna hate you ...” She tells him –- stretching out the candy with her teeth.
“You sure, y'were allowed colas and candies in childhood?” He teases her prodding her side so she throws it at his chest making him laugh and he bends down to pick it up and dump it in bin.
“You’ve got a cute bum.” She whistles and Harry’s cheeks bashes with blush – turns around and wiggles herself, “How's mine?” She hums glancing back at him with cheeky grin.
“Ten by two, I guess?” He bites down a smirk when she spins to face him a bit gobsmacked, “Not even five?” She grumps chin doubling as she tries to see her bum herself.
“Six then?” He giggles enjoying how she’s getting riled up out of nowhere and she stomps away from him so he jogs to catch her, “Bambi. Was kiddin'.”
“You owe me two muffins with the amount of insults you’ve caused my poor bum.” He knuckles at her hair and she slaps him away like a feisty kitten, “I take it back –-- you’re really ten by two.”
“Oi!!!” Now, she’s running behind him. His curls blowing away and his coat ruffling with the zephyr, his head falling back with the belly-ache laughter that bounces against the bricked walls of shops.
It’s Friday night. Y/N is doing her laundry. Plucking out Harry’s socks from Trippers furry ear, her kitties sleeping in bassinet. Harry and Y/N have named them Tum, Tug and Truggers –-- she sits back on her heels upon hearing her door closing and hikes the small basket on her hip trudging outside —-- she didn’t had any clothes that could make her feel warm during these days – even her socks were all soggy -- so was Harry’s, now all she’s gonna do is make a blanket fort and hide in it for hours.
She knuckles at her eyes, blinking the tiredness away to see properly who’s standing in the middle of room, “Harry?” He's wearing a graduation gown and tips his hat with a sheepish smile then waves his degree infront of her, “Guess who's a proper dentist now!?” She’s frozen to her spot –- jaw slacked and eyes blown away in surprise.
“Your bad boi!” The basket falls from her hip onto the floor scaring Trippers and she whispers an, “Oh my goodness.” Before, stumbling towards him and crashes in his arms giving him a tight loving hug. He slinks his forearms around her and squishes his face into the crook of her neck, lips tickling her skin and if it was possible for him to freeze the time and cherish it for some more he'd.
“I’m so proud of you.” She mumbles into him with a grin. He feels so worthy and every hardship he faced now feels like nothing, this's how life supposed be throughout –- but best things always bores fruit for the right time.
“How about we celebrate? Just you and me.” Just you and me. It feels nice to just her and him. Makes her heart swoon. Makes her feel like skies outside are wet and pink, “Umm .. can we celebrate here? It’s okay .... “ She shifts on her feet and he furrows his brows in confusion, lips ticked up as if he’s scrutinizing her.
“You and not goin' nutters for an outing .. seems odd —-,” Then his eyes falls over the surrounding, a heating pad beside his feet – aloe fused socks hanging to get dry, a tray of chocolate muffins, kettle on the coffee table so he puts one and one together himself.
“Oh muffy —-... pizza and cuddles then?” If he wouldn’t be aware of how first few days of her period are hell for her then who would? He’s always making her pot meals and curry rice – feeds her and gets all strict when she refuses to eat anything. She looses her appetite and transforms into something ‘if zombie had a baby with vampire -- it sure looked like you’ he'd always scold her.
Even bribe her with candies. Once they were awfully painful and Y/N really didn’t want to be all dramatic not when their friends were having a good time, she doesn’t like to be a party pooper.
But, when a stinging cramp cut through her pelvis and thighs she was hunching forward with a jolt -- all teary eyes and wobbly lips. Harry left everything and rushed towards her, sitting on his knees on the floor and cupped her throat to make her look at him when she refused to, “Y/N ‘m serious -- you rather tell me what’s happening with ye’ or ‘m throwin' you at my shoulder and takin’ you hospital —... cause fuck look at you been like this since morning ....” He was rambling and Y/N felt like drilling a hole into floor and hide herself there forever.
She was mortified and embarrassed, a terrible combination.
She wasn’t able to tell him infront of all of their friends even though it’s something very normal, so everyone stared and nodded when they left they for Harry’s room.
“Bambi are you okay? I’m not even kidding something’s not —-..” She wipes her nose and tugs at his wrist trying to shush him, when he doesn’t pushes a fingers against his lips.
“Don’t worry. ‘m good --- just —-... umm I’m on my periods.” She rubs her one feet on another and his mouth fall into an ‘o' when realization hit him and his brows clinches together sternly.
He sighs running his fingers through his hair, something he does when frustrated and whumpy.
“Should’ve told me. We could have done this later ... do you want anything? I’ve got pain —--,” His words swells on his tongue when her head bumps against his chest and her hands locks around his neck, hugging him with all her gentle will because nobody has ever cared for her –-- him being so tentative to her makes her want to sob into his chest.
He warms her in all the right places.
“How’re you feeling on scale of one to ten?” He speaks while chewing onto the stuffed crust of pizza. They’re cosied up on the sofa while Mama Mia plays on the telly and she’s cuddled up into him, he's holding her heat pad with the grip of his forearm and she lifts her head mousey-ly from his bicep and whispers – “Eightish...? Now, you’re Dr.Styles.” He giggles at her and pushes her head back against him with his finger.
“What does my being dentist has a connection to your periods?” He dips the pads of his fingers into her pudgy love handles and squeezes them -- she giggles thinking about the joke she’s about to crack.
“You pull teeth, it’s blood and I pull out tampon so it’s —...” Harry chuckles gruntly at her and tickles her more, “Oh no. I know where it’s goin'....”
“You asked for it!” She pouts at him and he squishes her lips together as if she’s a duck toy.
Then they flump back into their cuddling position and Harry rubs her tummy in tender soothing circles, it helps her relax and his breath syncs with her and she really tries not to pay attention to her bratty screaming hormones heating her skin up – her thighs experiencing a quiver and she squeaks down a huffy whimper.
“You okay?” Harry asks. When she squirms against him and she gulps -- they don’t hide stuff from eachother so she tells him honestly, “You’re really turning me on.” Harry’s heart hiccups at that and his palms still over her thighs.
“Is that so?”
He pets her hair and tries to make her stand, “Just go to washroom and jizz one out.”
“I can’t.”
“You can’t? Why?”
“Promise me you wouldn’t make fun....” He frowns and nods bringing his pinky to make the deal.
She clutches her sweater down to her knees, cheeks rosy and mutters out in one breath – “I’ve specific days for that....” Harry really tires to. He locks up his laughs in his lungs and it aches his chest, his cheeks balloons up but at last he rolls onto floor and guffaws into his elbow.
“You said you wouldn’t make fun!!!” She whines kicking his side lightly and he grabs her ankle, “This means all those times you’d be all locked up –- oh my god, you were playing with yourself.” She folds her arms. Her nostrils flares with irritation and she doesn’t even spare him a glance.
“Pet, waiting so long .. it’s a torture to yourself.” He tells her genuinely sitting up with crossed legs and she mumbles knuckling at her eyes, “just some reasons ... horny is bad.” Now, Harry feels kind of terrible pushy person and he really wants to help her out but he’s walking on egg shells here. So, he stops asking anything.
“Rori's girlfriend is a sex therapist —-“ She becomes all fidgety at that and Harry takes in her nervousness, “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to.” He exclaims waving his hands and she gulps giving him a small nod.
“Night time fo' some grumpy muffy!” He coos, brings the blanket to her chin and his pupils dilate adorningly when she asks him, “Could I snuggle you?”
“Ofcourse.” He pecks her temple and tells her to budge over before sandwiching her between him and the sofa.
That whole night all his mind could think was why horny is bad for her?
Y/N was feeling overly warm and heated, a tad achy between her thighs. She vigorously tries to focus on something else but her chest is heaving at this point, even opens the windows and let the cool air hit her but no use –- so she does what have to be done in order to get rid of the throb.
She cosies herself on the bed, switches onto hentai and throws her legs in air to shimmy her sheer white panty down.
“Oh ...” Whimpers teeny-ly when her fingers brushing up her soaking pussyfolds provides her a bit relief – her soft hands wanders beneath her flimsy shirt and touches her skin in the most arousing way possible –-- tweaks her nipples and jerks up, oozing more wetness.
“Ah! Fuck.” She moans easing in two fingers at once and cramps down at them watching the hentai porn –- but it’s not enough, she’s been pushing her fingers in and out for ten minutes now—she’s unable to get to climax.
So she groans sits up and switches to domineering audios, listens to it while fingering herself hard and she has no idea from where her mind gathered these images from -- but -- soon she’s thinking about Harry’s husky rasp, his sea-foam beautiful eyes and those rosy knuckles ring clad hands —-- imagining him holding her down into mattress and pounding into her at a brutal pace, making her sit on his cock and not letting her move –-- his fingers down her petty throat —-- him spanking her ass if she let’s out any voice out and he'd roar at her beg as she'd be lurking at her tenth orgasm –---- every plausible dirty stuff with him.
She was so engulfed into making herself feel good, lost in her own headspace and imaginations that she didn’t hear footsteps approaching and it’s like she manifested him as he stands at the door-frame with blown away pupils –-- guppy mouth and she’s squealing feeling dizzy upon sitting up this quick.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck —-... sorry sorry ... “ He covers his eyes and turns to walk away but bumps his head with a thud into doorframe.
She gasps, knees up and almost shouts, “No!” making him halt mid-track and she’s on the verge of tears, red face and shaky fingers.
“Please ....”
Harry’s eyes turns soft at that and he walks towards bed, licks his lips wet and brushes the loose tress of her hair away.
“You want me to stay, muffy?” He asks to make sure – she isn’t in haze and all fog minded.
“Yes. I want you to stay.” She doesn’t hesitate this time. Her words honest and full of plead, she needs him, she wants him, she wants to have him.
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love-and-monsters · 2 years
Nuclear Spring pt. 3
F harpy X M aquatic monster X GN reader, 10,373 words. 
Whew! This one took a long time to complete. Hopefully it’s still good, and you all enjoy it. I’ll still be posting less regularly, but I’ll make an effort to get something out at least once a month- I might even have a bigger story in the works eventually. If you missed part 1 and 2, you can find them here and here.
Warnings: descriptions of panic attacks and fear of death. 
The city is dazzling to look at. In your mind, cities are mostly metal and glass, with the occasional brick or marble building for flavor. This city seems to be made mostly out of reddish stone, with plants crawling along the buildings and erupting into a riot of color. The city streets are cobblestone, and while there are carriages working their way down the roads, they’re mostly filled with people. It’s loud, but not with mechanical sounds. It’s loud with the sounds of people, talking and calling to one another and living their lives.
There so many people. It’s the most people you’ve seen in ages. The emotions that flow through you are indescribable, but intense.
“Um.” You turn your head, rather mechanically. Aether is looking at you, brows drawn together. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” you say, and it’s only when your voice breaks that you realize that you’re crying. You bring your hand up to your cheek and it comes away wet.
“Do you want to sit down for a bit?” Seersha asks from your other side.
“No. I’m okay. Just, uh.” You bring your sleeve up to your face, then hesitate, unwilling to dirty your fancy clothes with snot and saliva. “Um.”
“Oh, hold on.” Aether pats around at his clothes before retrieving a cloth. “Here, turn toward me.”
He dabs at your face, careful not to be rough. It’s such a delicate, comforting touch that you have to fight not to break down into a fountain of tears once more.
“Feeling better?” Seersha asks.
“Yeah,” you mumble. “Sorry. I didn’t realize that was going to happen.” You sniff. “I’ll try not to do that again.”
“It’s okay,” Aether says, immediately frantic to soothe you. “Don’t worry about it. This is all a lot for you and you didn’t sleep well last night-”
“We’re still on a diplomatic mission,” Seersha says. “It’s not good for part of the entourage to start sobbing.” Aether glares at her and mutters something about her being insensitive, but you wave him off.
“I’m fine. She’s right. I think I just got overwhelmed. I’ll be okay from now on.” You give your eyes one final wipe. “Where exactly are we going?”
“This way,” Aether says, striding confidently down the middle of the street. You and Seersha follow after him. It takes some effort to keep up with him, mostly because you keep getting distracted and stopping to take in the sights.
The city has a lot to distract you with. The people are a sight in and of themselves. There are the ones you’ve grown used to seeing- harpies and teiflings and the occasional sea folk, like Aether. But there are more that you’ve never seen. People with digitigrade legs and long ears like rabbits. People fluttering along with butterfly wings. People with scaled tails and horns who snort sparks and smoke. People who have leaved branches growing out of their heads and skin with a woody texture. You can’t stop staring. Eventually, Seersha grabs your arms and starts dragging you along.
“You know if you stare at people, they’re going to stare back,” she mumbles out of the corner of her mouth.
“I thought I was disguised,” you mumble back. The formal robes you’re wearing have a bit of padding around the back, to make it look like you have extra musculature built up on your shoulders and chest. There’s no way to completely disguise you as something nonhuman. Well, technically, there’s magic, but no one who knows about you also knows the sort of magic required to convincingly make you look like another species. Unfortunately, most people look distinct enough from humans that there’s no easy way to disguise yourself without magic. You have to settle for pretending to be a harpy without wings, and even then, you can’t remove your overcloak without showing that you lack the muscle and bone structure to be one of those. It’s an awkward situation to be in, especially because your cloak is a little awkwardly weighted and you have to hold onto some of the fabric to keep it in position.
“You’re disguised enough,” Seersha mutters back, drawing you back to the present. “You’re not disguised well enough to stand up to that much scrutiny.”
You cast a nervous glance at the passers-by who are giving you curious looks. Some ignore you altogether, but you can tell that some, especially harpies, are giving you outright stares. Admittedly, they’re sympathetic stares, but that’s not making you feel much more comfortable.
“Is it going to hold up?” you whisper back.
“Probably. But it’s still not a good idea to call that much attention to yourself.” She looks ahead and gives a tiny smirk. “Luckily, Aether seems to be bearing the brunt of that for us.”
It’s true- people may be looking at you a little bit, but most of the stares you’re getting are directed entirely at Aether. His entire demeanor seems to have changed, too. Usually, he slouches a little bit, acts shy and nervous. His expression is usually full of tentative curiosity and sweetness. Now, he’s drawn himself up, back stiff and arms folded placidly in front of him. His expression is heavy-lidded and remote. Combine that with the fine clothes he’s wearing, and he looks every bit the part of the haughty noble.
The walk through the city isn’t long before you come to the central government building. It looks like some kind of combination between a castle and a church. There are multiple conical spires, including a central one that holds a bell inside. The walls are covered with stained glass portraits depicting events that you can barely make sense of. Through the massive, arching double doors, you can see that the inside is an enormous hall with people milling about around desks, sitting areas, and what appears to be a small library.
Aether sweeps into the hall and stops dead. You stop as well, mostly to prevent yourself from walking straight into his back. Seersha steps around him with practiced ease and heads toward the closest desk, where a bored-looking tiefling is sorting through papers. Seersha taps on the counter to draw their attention and they exchange a few words. The tiefling gestures broadly a few times, then rifles around the desk before handing Seersha a frankly enormous stack of paper. She waves for you and Aether to follow her, then heads toward the back of the hall.
There’s a lot of weaving around people to keep her in sight, and you can physically feel their stares on your back. People keep brushing against you. You have to cling to the inside of your cloak to prevent it from slipping.
Luckily, Seersha leads you to a much-less-crowded hallway and up a tight staircase. You already knew your muscle tone was absolutely shot, but it must be even worse than you thought, because after one flight of stairs, you’re wheezing like an asthmatic in a coal mine.
“Seersha,” Aether says. “Hold on.” He turns back to you, one of his hands splaying nervously over your back. “Are you all right?”
You wheeze again. “I don’t think… I’m used… to stairs.” You double over, hands on your knees. “Give me a second.”
Seersha frowns. “Are you sure you’re feeling well? I didn’t think this would be that physically exhausting for you. You managed to cellar stairs all right at home.”
“Those were shorter,” you pant. “And I don’t think the weighted clothes are helping.” You adjust your cloak again and straighten up. “Okay. Good to keep going.”
Both Seersha and Aether slow down quite a bit as they continue up the staircase, which you appreciate. Still, you’re starting to feel straight up dizzy when you stop at the top of the staircase. Aether and Seersha take another pause to allow you to collect yourself before heading toward another large set of arched double doors.
Seersha pushes them open and a warm breeze ruffles your clothes. The doors lead to what appears to be some kind of enormous balcony. There’s a cloth awning stretched over part of it, and that seems to be where the majority of the desks and workspace is. But further away from the door, there’s just blue sky and sun. A group of people stand near the balcony’s edge, clearly having some sort of animated discussion.
As you walk out from under the awning, you find yourself staring almost directly up in amazement. There are people flying above you, close enough that you can make out their facial features. A short distance away, there’s an older man leading what appears to be a class full of flying children through the sky. And as you watch, you realize you can actually see people manipulating the weather. A uniformed group is systemically moving through the sky, actually grabbing and moving clouds toward specific locations or dispersing them with fan-like objects. It makes the sky look a bit unnatural, with the clouds kept in specific locations instead of being spread over the sky like a blanket.
“Our weather system is impressive, isn’t it?” You barely resist the urge to jump out of your skin. There’s an older woman standing near you, wearing some kind of richly embroidered robe. “It’s one of the more organized ones in the city. It’s based on a grid system- different grids can request different weathers, which makes it possible to attend to all our citizen’s needs at the same time.”
“Uh.” You nod a little awkwardly. “I, uh. Haven’t been somewhere with a system like this before.”
“New recruit,” Seersha says. “From the country. Not a lot of weather management out there.” She claps a hand on your shoulder. “First time in a city like this one, so forgive any staring.”
“Of course,” the older woman says. She turns toward Aether and dips her head into a brief bow. “We’re happy to accept your envoy, master of the sea.”
Aether nods back. “Your respect is appreciated, Lady Octania. Should we begin?”
Octania led us over to a table covered in maps and diagrams, settled right at the edge of the balcony so you can overlook the sea. Aether takes a seat at the head of the table. You and Seersha stand on either side of him while Octania sits at the other end of the table. She’s similarly flanked by guards. You try to mimic their posture, though standing with your back so straight and your arms folded behind you is exhausting after only a few minutes.
The conversation between Aether and Octania is not one you follow very well. A lot of what they discuss seems to be some political minutia that makes no sense to you. They spend at least half an hour discussing exactly how some specific clay imports to the city are going to be affected by the regime change. You try to pay attention, but much more of your brain is focused on trying to find a position that doesn’t make your shoulders and feet hurt.
You only tune back in when the voices start escalating. Neither of them are yelling, exactly, but both of them are speaking more forcefully than they were a minute ago.
“Our city is growing, and allowances to fishing rights in your territory would enable us to feed more people. Without it, our food allowances may grow dangerously thin,” Octania says. Aether shakes his head.
“My sibling has been clear on their position on this subject matter. Your fishing methods can be damaging to our lands. You can purchase food from us so that we can continue to use our own fishing methods.”
“Purchasing from you is more expensive, which is the purpose of being allowed to hunt on our own! We would pay for the usage of the area, but we need to be allowed to do so.”
Ugh. There’s a rising tension in the air. It takes all your strength to fight back the surge of tense-nervous-sickness that surges through your body. It reminds you of what things were like Before. The escalating fights that kept going on and on, while you watched helplessly, sick and terrified, until-
Somewhere in the depths of the city, something makes an incredibly loud BANG!
There’s a confusing fifteen seconds where you’re not entirely sure what’s happening. You think maybe you scream, but it’s hard to be sure. All you know for sure is that you come back to full awareness crouched on the ground, hands over your head.
“There’s some demolition going on. Usually magic dampeners are placed up, but if something manages to rupture the dampeners, then the noise carries some distance,” Octania is saying. The implication of her words slowly sinks into your brain. It’s demolition. Planned. You’re not under attack. It’s fine. Your body doesn’t seem to be registering that, though. Your heart is hammering, your breathing is rapid and shaky, and you can’t seem to unlock your limbs. “Is your guard all right?” Octania’s voice is closer and you get the feeling you’re being studied. “I understand it may have been startling, but-”
“It’s an adverse reaction. Old accident, you know how it is.” Seersha’s voice is sharp and casual in the same tone, brushing it off while also leaving no room for argument. From the direction her voice is coming from, you can tell she’s standing between you and Octania.
“I think we should take a brief recess,” Aether says. He’s trying to sound casual, but there’s no mistaking the anxiety in his voice. He already seems to be edging toward you. “Give us a few minutes to recollect. It’s probably better to think things over anyway, look at our options again since we’re having difficulty coming to an agreement.”
“Yes, all right. There’s an unused room if you go back into the building and then take the second door on your left. You can take some time in there.” It’s hard to tell what she’s thinking from her voice, but you’ve recovered enough to feel blisteringly embarrassed. You hope she doesn’t sound as annoyed as you think she does.
“Come on. You can stand, right? I’ll help you up.” Seersha braces an arm over your back, half pulling you upright. Her touch is confusing. You want to lean into it, but it also feels like too much and you want to lean away. You have to focus on the soft sound of her voice to ground you. Aether sweeps in on your other side, speaking in similarly soft, encouraging tones.
You’re dimly aware of the door to the building opening, of going inside, and entering the empty room. The second you’re through the doorway, you start scrambling with the heavy robes around your shoulders.
“Get it off, get it off,” you moan. Aether gets it before Seersha does, and he helps strip the robe from your body. As soon as the weight is off you, you can breathe easier. “Sorry,” you mumble, covering your face with your hands. “Sorry, I’m sorry, it’s stupid, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Seersha says. “Breathe, okay? Breathe. You can just breathe for me, right?”
Breathe. Yes. You know how to do that. You take in a massive, gulping breath, then let it out gently. Seersha pats your shoulder. “Good. Keep going, just like that.”
“Sorry,” you mumble again. “I am, I’m sorry-”
“You’re okay, you don’t need to apologize.” Aether is stroking your head now, while Seersha trails a hand up and down your back. “Keep breathing until you feel better, okay?”
It takes only a few minutes for your breathing to become steady again. Aether and Seersha help ground you and eventually, the panic fades. “I think I’m okay,” you say. “I didn’t mean for that to happen, I know it was dumb, I don’t know what came over me, I just panicked and-”
“Okay, okay, you don’t need to apologize!” Seersha says, waving her hands to cut you off. “It’s not your fault. You don’t control that kind of thing. I’m glad you’re feeling better, though.”
“What set it off?” Aether asks, his voice soft. His hand is still smoothing along your head, fingers tracing little patterns at the base of your skull. “Was it just the noise?”
“It was the noise and I think it was the arguing beforehand,” you say. “It just reminded me of everything that happened before… and then the noise and I was already so stressed that I think it just made me spiral.” You sniff. You’re not exactly crying, but the emotions are making your eyes watery. “I think I’m okay now. We can go back.”
Aether and Seersha look at each other and you can tell what they’re going to say even before they speak. “How about we take a little bit of a longer break?” Seesha suggests. “I think we could use a mini conference on how things are going so far anyway.”
It’s clear that they’re just trying to give you a break, but the pretense saves your dignity and you agree. Mostly, you just sit on the ground and breathe while Seersha and Aether debate back and forth about potential solutions to the land problem.
“What about you?” Seersha asks abruptly. You look up. “Have any opinions on the topic?”
“Uh,” you say. Politics was never your strong suit, even when you were back home and in a world that you fundamentally understood better than this one. “This thing is about, uh. Fishing rights?”
“Something like that. The city wants rights to fish in some of the waters at the edge of our territory. They would have to set up a small fishing outpost, since the city isn’t close by, but it would allow for more variety of food and it would be beneficial for the growing city. The issue is that landfolk often don’t have a lot of care for the places they fish in, moreso when it’s not near where they live and unlikely to affect them. It will, however, affect us. We’re more than willing to trade using our fishing and farming methods, but neither my sibling nor I are really willing to trust that they won’t screw things up for us if we give them free reign.”
You rub your forehead and try to keep your eyelids from drooping. The burst of panic really feels like it took a lot out of you. “Can you only allow fishing rights if they fish using your methods?”
“That’s the most likely solution,” Aether sighs. He massages at the junction between his shoulder and neck and rolls his head. He actually doesn’t look much better than you do. Politics must be exhausting, especially for someone who is generally as quiet as he is. “But it also means that we need to set up a new patrol unit to watch the area and we’ll have to decide on punishments for people who violate the rules and we have to set up a registration system so only people who actually have training in our methods can be allowed to fish and-” He breaks off and lets out a deep sigh. “Ugh. It’s the best solution, but that doesn’t make it any less tedious.”
Not for the first time since you’ve come here, you feel a wave of helplessness. You can’t do anything. You don’t know enough about the political situation to offer even marginally helpful advice, you dragged him out of a stressful meeting to take care of you while you had a breakdown, and you can barely even keep up with them physically. Tears start to sting at your eyes and you bite the inside of your lip, hard. No. No way. You’re not going to fall apart and make them take care of you again.
Once the tears have faded enough that you’re sure your voice will be steady, you clear your throat. “I’m ready to go back out there.”
Seersha gives you a critical look. You stare resolutely back at her. “Okay,” she says. “Do you want to sit, though? You look a little shaky.”
“No,” you say. The idea of having to go out and sit behind Aether while everyone else stands makes hot humiliation burn through you. “I’ll be all right.” You give Aether a pat on the back. “It’s not me that has the actually tough job anyway, right?”
He gives you a weak smile. “Well, it’s not an easy job, but I have been trained for it. I’ll manage.”
“I’ll be rooting for you,” you say, which makes Aether’s smile go wide and genuine.
“Here.” Seersha drapes your outer robe back around you. She removed it when you started panicking. The weight around your back and shoulders is awkward and heavy and only reminds you more of how bone-tired you feel now. Taking a deep breath, you square your shoulders and stiffen your spine. It’s fine. You can manage for a couple more hours, no problem. You just panicked a little. No reason to go collapsing into bed already.
The meeting picks up precisely where it left off. You stare resolutely ahead, trying to look as stern and focused as Seersha does. It’s not exactly working, at least in part because you’re swaying a little in place. One of the guards on the other side of the table keeps giving you a look that you can only interpret as skeptical.
The meeting eventually, mercifully, ends. You’ve mostly been focusing on standing up straight, so you’re not entirely sure what they decided on. Aether and Octania exchange some pleasantries before Aether leads you back into the building.
As soon as you’re out of sight of anyone else Aether practically rounds on you. Seersha doesn’t quite get so up close and personal, but you can tell she’s looking at you. “Do you need to sit down?” Aether asks. “You look quite…” He stops and looks over at Seersha like he’s not sure what to say next. “Er. Not in a bad way, but you seem very tired.”
“Nothing happened,” you say, though you do sort of feel like your limbs are made of jelly. “I shouldn’t be that tired.”
“You did have a bit of a panic attack,” Seersha says. “Those are exhausting.”
“We shouldn’t have anywhere else to be for a few hours,” Aether adds. “We can take a break for a little while.” He stretches and flicks his tail back and forth. “I would like to get out of these stupid robes.”
“I agree,” Seersha says. She gives you a stern look. “If you want to sit for a few minutes, you should tell us.”
“I’m fine,” you say. “Let’s go home.”
You stagger and stumble a few times on your way back to the house, but the reward of lying down in a soft, warm bed keeps you going. Once you get through the door, you make a beeline for the bedroom and collapse face-first onto the pillows.
You don’t fall asleep right away, so you hear Seersha and Aether shuffle into the room behind you, speaking quietly to each other. The conversation is hard to follow, since your mind keeps drifting and losing the thread, but you catch your name a few times. Part of you wishes you had enough energy to stay awake and eavesdrop, but the pillows are really soft and your head is spinning a little and you can’t resist the urge to bury yourself down into the bedsheets and sleep.
You wake up to someone shaking you. Automatically, you try to bury yourself further into the sheets- maybe they’ll go away if they see you’re still asleep. But they shake you again, and this time it’s accompanied by someone else poking at your leg. You groan and try to shake them off, but they come back again as soon as you stop moving. Exhausted of options, you crack open an eye.
Seersha’s face comes into focus first. She’s wearing makeup, which catches you a little off guard. She doesn’t usually wear makeup, does she? Her eyes are lined with black and dusted with gold powder. She’s wearing some sort of ornament in her hair, too, a gold clip decorated with little flowers.
“You’ve been asleep for most of the day,” she says. You turn your head toward the window and notice the reddening of the sky. Huh. Your body does have the heaviness and stiffness you associate with being asleep and unmoving for a long period of time. “Feeling better?”
“Uh.” You sit up slowly, flexing your arms and legs. “I think so. Still tired.”
“You’ve been dead to the world for the entire afternoon,” Aether says. “We actually tried to wake you earlier, but you weren’t having it.” That tickles a vague memory somewhere in your mind, the hazy idea of being woken up at some point and almost immediately rolling back over into sleep.
“Sorry,” you mumble, making the effort to push yourself upright.
“Don’t apologize for needing to sleep,” Seersha says. “But you should get yourself up for at least the end of the day. Might not be able to sleep tonight otherwise.”
“And we need to get dinner,” Aether says.
“Thought we had rations,” you mumble, still a little sleep-addled.
Aether’s face screws up. “We’re in a city! There’s no reason to eat trail rations.”
“They’re supposed to hold us over when we’re on the road, so there’s no reason to eat them when we have fresh food,” Seersha says. “And it’s a good way to learn about the city.”
“She says it all professional,” Aether mutters to you, “but she loves eating different kinds of food. I bet she’s more excited about this than I am.”
“What’s that?” Seersha says.
“Nothing,” Aether says cheerfully, then winked at you. A surprised giggle bubbles up in your chest.
Your clothes are rumpled, so Seersha gives you a different overcloak. You roll your shoulders as the heavy fabric settles back down on them. “I know it’s uncomfortable,” she says.
“It’s okay,” you say. “I just need to get used to it.” The weight is at least evenly distributed about that the cloak doesn’t slide about on your shoulders. Seersha fusses around with the fabric, smoothing her hands along your shoulders and back and your stomach does something very weird, though not unpleasant.
“Oh, I was thinking about that when I was out earlier!” Aether says. He rummages through some of his things for a moment before emerging with a little cloth bag. “Here!”
You carefully unwrap the little package. Within it are four little… buttons? Or brooches. They’re gold circles with little polished stones set in them. The stones are a pale pink color and so cold and smooth they feel wet to the touch.
“What… are they?” you ask after a moment, because they’re quite beautiful, but you can’t see how they’re going to be helpful in making your cloak less heavy.
“Oh!” Aether takes the pins back and gestures for you to spin around. “Usually these are used for luggage, if you’re really fancy, but I thought they might help you, too. And they go nice with your complexion, too, I think.” You can feel him tugging at your back, pinning each little brooch into place. “I just need to sync these up.” He does something, adjusting the pins a little bit more. “There we go.”
There’s a tingle, a little bit like static electricity, and suddenly the weight of the cloak vanishes from your shoulders. You automatically jerk your hands up to resecure it, but the cloak hasn’t shifted. You can feel the fabric beneath your hands, but the oppressive heaviness is gone.
“Like I said, mostly used so luggage doesn’t weigh so much,” Aether says, absently smoothing the cloak back into place. “It’s technically harder to use them on something like this because all the weight needs to be distributed evenly, but I thought they might come in handy. Should be easier for you to walk around like this.”
You take a deep breath. Without the weight on your shoulders, it feels so much easier to inhale. “Thank you. You really didn’t need to do this for me, but I really appreciate it.”
Aether ducks his head a little, and you catch a strange, purplish tint to his cheeks. Is he blushing? “I just thought it would be helpful for you.” He fusses with his hair for a few moments, his tail fin swishing across the floor. You catch Seersha’s eye and she gives a fond smirk.
“Let’s get going. I’m sure we’re all starving.” You and Aether fall into line behind her as she leads you out of the building.
By this point, it’s night, and you can’t help but stare at how gorgeous the city looks. It was pretty during the day, but at night, everything is covered in tiny, colored lights. People mill about on the street, visiting little illuminated stalls that sell all sorts of little trinkets.
“It’s the Night Market,” Aether explains. “The city’s well known for it, since it has a thriving nocturnal population. A lot of artists and artisans will sell their wares now, while the streets are busiest.”
You look around, taking in the sights of the city. There are people milling everywhere, the streets even more thickly crowded than previously. Seersha still seems to know the way, though, leading you through the city as easily as if she’d lived here her whole life.
“She’s got amazing directional instincts,” Aether explains to your questioning look. “I can do it too, technically, but only when we’re on water.”
“I can’t navigate my way out of a paper bag,” you mumble. Aether bursts into abrupt laughter so hard that he needs to stop walking and lean against a wall. Seersha pauses in her walking and looks back at you with a fond expression that makes something in your chest flutter. Aether claps his hand on your shoulder and that sends another shock of affection through you.
Okay. That’s something you’re going to have to process. They’re definitely making you feel things. You’ve never been particularly interested in romantic relationships- back on Earth, you were always either too busy or stressed to really bother with it. But you’re pretty sure the feelings they’re giving you are romantic.
It makes sense, doesn’t it? They’ve been nice to you. Sweet and kind and good at taking care of you. Feeling romantic toward them sounds reasonable. There’s a name for that, isn’t there? Nightingale syndrome?
But what do they feel toward you? They’re nice, of course, but they’re also trying to take care of you. It’s not like you’ve been doing anything for them. They’ve been hauling around your dead weight despite it definitely being a huge inconvenience to them. And… well. You’ve caught the way Aether looks at Seersha sometimes, and the way she relaxes in his presence. You’re not going to mess that up for them.
“Hey.” You start out of your thoughts. Seersha has a hand on your arm. You didn’t even feel her touch you, which you suppose means your jumpiness has been getting better. “Are you all right? You stopped walking.”
Aether gives you a worried look. “If you need to go back to the house, we can.”
“Oh, no, I was just thinking about something.” You fidget your cloak a little bit on your shoulders, feeling suddenly self-conscious. How expensive were the pins Aether got you? you hadn’t even thought about it. A surge of embarrassment makes you look at the ground. “We can keep going.”
Seersha gives you an odd look, but she shrugs. You follow her, keeping your eyes firmly fixated on her back. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Aether looking at you.
The restaurant you’re heading for is only a few blocks away, but all of you keep getting distracted. Aether pauses for nearly ten minutes in front of a booth with a bunch of intricately-crafted bracelets made of gold and patterned after the waves of the sea. Seersha is better at casually glancing at things, but she eventually get stopped by a booth selling wing blades. It doesn’t take her long to decide to buy them, but then she spends another ten minutes haggling. Aether offers to buy them for her about three times, probably to get her to move on, but she insists on wrangling the price down.
“You need to learn how to haggle,” she tells him as you walk away from the booth. “It’s a skill.”
“I don’t need to know how to haggle. I have enough money,” Aether responds.
“It’s not about having enough money, it’s about getting a fair price and not having to pay as much.”
“I like to trust that the seller knows what a fair price is for their wares,” Aether says, but there’s a smile tugging at his lips. Seersha bops him gently with a wing and he staggers for a second, pretending to be injured before slumping back over her and insisting she carry him.
You laugh with them, but it does give you a sharp stinging feeling in your chest. They’ve been friends with each other for far longer than you’ve known them. They have such ease with each other. They’re nice to you, but it’s not quite the same.
Your stomach twists in on itself as a sour sensation builds up in your throat. It’s almost funny. You’re jealous. Of both of them. At the same time. It’s funny, kind of. It just also hurts.
Someone brushes past you on the street and you realize that you’ve stopped moving. You look up, blinking away the wetness that kind of blurs your vision. A bit of a crowd has formed, and the generally dim lighting is not helping you make out the people around you. Nor is the variation in silhouettes- some people are enormously tall, some have extra limbs and some have branching horns. There’s a confusion of movement around you, and, in the midst of it, you have lost Seersha and Aether.
For a minute, it feels exactly like the time you lost your mom in a shopping mall. There’s a cold shock of terror that makes your mind run blank. Where did they go? Can you see them? You can’t make them out in the crowd. They could be a few feet away or half a block. People are still moving past you, some muttering in irritation at your stillness.
You move forward, because it seems like as good a direction as any other. About a third of your brain wants to run through the crowd, calling for Seersha and Aether, but the other two thirds insist it’s a bad idea. It makes you look vulnerable, not to mention that it would be hideously embarrassing.
Sick worry churns through you and your fingers tingle. It’s hard to breathe- you can feel that you’re taking little sips of air, but you can’t seem to stop doing it either. You’re not a child, you remind yourself. You’re an adult. There’s no need to panic. Just turn around and go back to the house. They’ll meet you there.
You turn and walk, trying not to look like you’re about to collapse or throw up or both. The panic is surging in the back of your mind, and it’s taking all your focus to remain put together. Okay. There were a few turns, but maybe you can use the booths as a sort of breadcrumb trail. You remember most of the ones you stopped at-
Fire. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see a burst of fire rise up from one of the booths. If you’d been calmer, you probably would have noticed that it’s small, contained fire, and probably done to give the passersby a bit of a show while cooking their food.
Unfortunately, you are not calm. You are one tiny trigger from falling into full-blown panic and a burst of unexpected fire is exactly what your brain needs to fall into shrieking terror.
Your thoughts cease. You run without direction, without care for any of the people around you. Some distant, barely-functioning part of your mind registers that there are people yelling at you- you’re pretty sure you actually bowl over a child at one point- but you don’t care. All you care about is get-away, get-away, get-away!
Adrenaline can only carry you so far, and eventually you’re exhausted enough that you stagger to a stop. The street is dimmer here, far away from the main portion of the city. There are a few people here, casting you odd looks as you stagger along. You can still hear the clamor of the city, but it’s distant and vague.
The last of the panic fades and takes its adrenaline with it. You manage to make it to a secluded area in the shadow of a building before you collapse. The ground is grimy, and you can already tell it’s staining your clothes, but you can’t get up again. Your legs refuse.
The reality of the situation is slowly sinking in. You’re alone, cowering in some dark corner of the city. If you weren’t lost before, you definitely are now. You could maybe make it back to the populated area of the city, but it would be blind wandering until you find something familiar. It could take hours, and you’ve already collapsed from exhaustion.
Fuck. This was supposed to be a nice night out with Aether and Seersha and you fucked it. They’re probably looking for you instead of enjoying their time in the city. How are they even going to find you? At least when you were nearby, you had a chance of wandering into them.
Slowly, you heave yourself to your feet. Your legs wobble. You feel sort of like you’re going to throw up, or pass out. But you stay standing and, after a moment, you collect yourself enough to stagger back toward the main portion of the city.
You make it about one block before you have to collapse again. Your legs just refuse to hold you. A growling from your stomach reminds you that you haven’t eaten in a while, which isn’t helping things.
Misery wells up in you, strong enough to make your limbs leaden and your mind foggy. This is all your fault. All your fault. Your own fault you’re out here, alone. Your own fault you’re lost. If you hadn’t panicked- If you hadn’t lost them in the first place-
You really are fucking helpless, aren’t you? Back home, you could just use your phone to navigate back to your hotel. Or use it to call for help. Or, hell, worst case scenario, you could always grab a bus or find a subway and figure your way home from there.
But here, you’re useless. Worse than useless, really. You recall the panic attack earlier and feel the heavy press of shame. Seersha and Aether take care of you almost constantly, and the first time they take you out anywhere, you get yourself lost.
Why would they feel anything toward you like you feel toward them? All you’ve done is be about the worst nuisance they could ask for.
You curl in on yourself, shivering in the cool night air. You can stay here. Maybe that’s better-
“There you are!”
You jump at the sudden voice and whip around. Aether is full-on sprinting at you, making a noise that’s either gasping for air or sobbing. He doesn’t so much as slow down before he barrels into you.
“Uff!” You nearly slam your head into the ground when Aether bowls you over, but one of his hands cradles it just in time. He squeezes you against him, burying his face in your shoulder.
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” His voice is muffled, but its proximity to your ear means you can hear him just fine. “I’m so sorry, I should have noticed-”
“We should have noticed.” You move just enough in Aether’s grip to see Seersha swoop down. “Thank the divines Aether paid for the warranty on those pins he bought you. We were about five minutes from calling on the royal guards before he remembered the tracking feature.”
“They were small,” Aether mumbles from where he’s nestled himself in your shoulder. “I didn’t want you to lose them.” He lifts his face just enough to shoot a smug look at Seersha. “And you say warranties are useless.”
You try to take a breath, but it turns into a bit of a sob. Aether pulls back, taking your face in his hands and peering intently at you. “Are you all right? Are you hurt?”
“I’m sorry,” you mumble. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” Your sobs build in your throat until it feels like they’re strangling you. Aether sort of pats frantically at you, looking at Seersha in panic.
“Hey,” Seersha says, crouching next to you. “It’s okay. You’re safe.”
Her voice is almost pitying, and you clench your teeth to force back the next sob. The effort makes you shudder all over, but you manage to choke off your crying altogether. “I’m fine,” you say, forcing your voice to be steady. “I’m okay. I just- really freaked me out for a minute there." You scrub hurriedly at your face. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to get lost, it just happened and then I panicked, and I’m sorry-” You can tell that you’re starting to ramp into panic again, so you click your jaw shut and press your lips together.
Aether and Seersha exchange looks so fast that you can’t get a read on what they’re thinking. “It’s okay,” Seersha says. She takes hold of your upper arm and gives it a little tug. “Can you stand?"
Your knees feel a little weak, but you can get up easily enough with her help. Aether stands close on your other side, his hands hovering like he’s ready to catch you at any moment. “Let’s get you home.”
“W-wait.” That sort of nebulous panic builds in the back of your throat like bile. “We’re going out, I thought-”
Seersha looks at you like you started speaking ancient Greek. “You’re covered in dirt and you look like you’re going to pass out. We’re not dragging you to a restaurant.”
“But you wanted to go,” you say. “Aether said you would enjoy it.”            “We can go another time,” Seersha says. Her voice has that slightly exaggerated patience you associate with a parent trying to calm their wailing child. A swarm of humiliation crawls over your skin. Is that how they think of you? Aether’s slightly pitying glance doesn’t dissuade that notion. They’ve been doing this the entire time, haven’t they? They’ve had to treat you like a child, put you down for naps, manage your ignorance, and protect you.
God, you’re an idiot. Why would they be romantically interested in you? There’s no reason to be. At best, you’re a hinderance to them. At worst… they think of you like some annoying child they need to take care of.
Your chest aches at that realization. Tears swell in your eyes and throat until your head hurts, but you don’t cry. It feels like it would take more energy to cry than you feel like you have.
Seersha and Aether help you back to your house. You try not to lean on them too much, though you keep stumbling. Every inch of your body feels weighted.
Once you’re back home, you carefully slip off the cloak and fold it on your bed. Your fingers trace over the pins Aether got you. They’re still beautiful. But they make your chest hurt now. You place the cloak under some of your other clothes.
“Are you all right?” Aether’s voice comes from behind you. He’s hovering in the doorway, Seersha a few feet away, and trying to look busy by fiddling with her feathers.
“Yes.” Your voice comes out crackling and shaky. Aether looks alarmed, and Seersha drops the pretense of preening in favor of staring at you. “Uh. I’m not hurt. Just tired. I’ll just, uh. Get ready for bed.”
You move toward the bathroom and Aether gives a slightly panicked, “Wait!” He glances at Seersha for help, then looks hurriedly back at you. “Um. Uh. You, uh. Do you need… help?” He blanches as soon as the words leave his mouth. Seersha stares at him. “I mean…”
“I don’t need help getting changed,” you say. “Thanks, though. I guess.”
As soon as you enter the bathroom, you hear Seersha’s voice. The words are indistinguishable, but you get the sense she’s scolding Aether. After a few moments, they quiet down again. You can still hear the murmur of voices, but you can’t even hope to make out any words.
You sit on the floor for a while. Long enough that Seersha and Aether stop talking. You could move. But you just feel tired. You’ve been an idiot. They’ve been humoring you. Obviously. They’ve been patient and kind, but you’ve just been fooling yourself if you think they actually like you.
That stinging feeling comes back into your eyes, but you can’t cry. The tears won’t come. Numbly, you change into your nightclothes. What do you do now? Stay with them? The idea hurts, but you can’t think of anything else you can do. But the idea of them pitying you… it makes your skin crawl to think about dealing with that every day.
When you emerge from the bathroom, Seersha and Aether both look at you. “Hey,” Aether says a little awkwardly. “Uh. Went okay?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I’m going to sleep.”
Seersha watches you as you get into bed. “Did something happen when you got lost?”
“Aside from getting lost? No.” You roll over, deliberately putting your back toward them.
“But you’re upset,” Aether says.
“I said that I’m fine.”
“Oh, bullshit,” Seersha says. That surprises you enough that you roll back over. She’s moved closer to you, arms folded over her chest and wings fluffed with agitation. “Something’s bothering you.”
“It’s okay if you’re upset,” Aether says. “We were upset too. But can you just talk to us? You’re acting… strange.”
You rub your forehead. “It was just- tiring. I’m tired, okay?” Your voice catches, embarrassingly, and you turn your head away from them. If they push you on this, you’re going to cry. You can feel the shuddering in your chest and the involuntary downward pull of your lips. If you cry, they’re never going to let it go.
The bed sinks at one end and you look up to see Aether sitting next to you. His hand rests just inches away from your leg. “It’s okay.” His voice is soft, his expression hesitant but gentle. “You’re safe now.” His own expression twitches, catches like he’s struggling not to cry. “I’m sorry. I know you’re mad, but we can talk about it, right?”
His apologizing blindsides you. You glance over at Seersha, but she’s staring at the floor, shamefaced. “Wh- you’re- why are you apologizing?”
“I should have been paying more attention,” Aether says. He swallows. “I didn’t even notice when you get separated and you should be mad at me, I deserve it-
“Aether,” Seersha says. “It wasn’t your fault.” She settles on the bed on your other side. “I should have been paying more attention. My job is to protect people and I wasn’t doing my job.”
“It’s not your job to take care of me!” you protest. “I was being stupid, it was my fault and I should have been paying better attention and I’m sorry, I keep making your take care of me and I know I’m annoying and I keep ruining things for you and I’m sorry!”
At some point, tears started falling. You scrub at your face, trying to calm your stuttering breathing. “Sorry, I’m sorry, I know I’m screwing this up, you can go, it’s okay, I’m so sorry-”
“Shhhh.” Aether pulls you against his chest, rocking slowly back and forth. “Shhhh, shhh. It’s okay.” He presses his cheek to the top of your head and rubs a hand up and down along your back. He smells sort of salty and you can feel the soft, minute details of his body. “It’s not your fault. You don’t need to apologize.”
You’re not wailing, but you’re barely preventing yourself from doing so. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I-”
“Breathe,” Aether says. “Just breathe slowly. Slowly. You got it.” Seersha presses closer to your other side, forming a sort of warm cocoon around you. You hide your face in Aether’s chest, burrowing away from the world. He pats your back and murmurs soothingly to you.
Eventually, you pull your face out of his chest. It’s pretty wet and a little sticky, which is embarrassing, but Aether seems unconcerned. He cups your cheek with his hand, thumb tracing your cheekbone. “Do you feel a little calmer now?”
You nod, scrubbing at your face with your wrist. “I’m sorr-”
“Enough,” Seersha says. “I think you’ve apologized enough for the next several years of your life.” She smiles slightly, enough to let you know she’s not serious. “You know we’re not mad at you, right?”
You sniff again and cough to shake the gunk that’s lodged in your throat. “You should be.”
Aether clutches at you tighter. His tail loops around your waist. “Why would you say that?”
Your voice wobbles, but you force the words out. “I fucking ruined your night! I got completely lost, I made you come looking for me, then you had to come home-”
“That wasn’t your fault,” Seersha says. Her gaze is steady, stern, like she’s trying to impress this upon you. “It was an accident. We should have been paying attention to you, too.”
“I don’t want you to have to pay attention to me! I feel like you guys have just been taking care of me this whole time. Even earlier, when I freaked out, you had to take a break just to take care of me. I should be able to handle this.”
There’s a pause. You sneak a look up at their faces. Seersha looks sad, but Aether looks almost stricken.
“That’s not- you’re- that’s not even-” He looks between you and Seersha, sputtering helplessly. "That isn't- why would you think-” He gives a convulsive swallow and lifts your face so you’re looking into his eyes. “You know we’re not mad at you, right? We don’t think you did anything wrong. We care about you.”
“Aether’s right,” Seersha says before you can respond. “We’re not upset with you. We were worried, but we don’t blame you for any of that.”
“But you should! I know it’s frustrating to deal with me, I know it is, and I know you didn’t want to bring me along in the first place. I’m just in the way. I just want to fix this so I can actually… I don’t know, be useful. Help out.” You rub at your face again, smearing away the few tears that spring up again.
“It wasn’t that we didn’t want to bring you along,” Seersha says. “We were worried about your health. I mean, you’ve actually been doing better than I expected.”
Aether smushes you against his chest. It feels a little like he’s attempting to merge your body with his. “See? You’re doing well.”
You sniff. It’s a little hard to breathe when you’re smushed into Aether like this, but it’s also pretty nice. Aether strokes the back of your head. Vaguely, you can hear Seersha shuffling behind you. A moment later, you feel feathers tickle against your back. Shuffling your head a little sideways, you see that she’s leaning against Aether, her wings extended to wrap both of you in them.
There’s an aching in your chest, but a reliving one. Like ripping off a bandage. Inside you, there’s still something raw and stinging, not fully healed, but exposed and ready to be treated. You curl further into Aether’s arms. It’s cozy there, and Seersha’s wings rest protectively over your back. It’s warm. Safe. After the terror earlier in the night, it’s a welcome relief.
Aether’s grip loosens. “Are you feeling better?”
“I think so.” You lift your head. “I do still feel bad about the night.”
“If Seersha started throwing up because she ate pufferfish, would you blame her for ruining your night?” Aether says, petting your head again. “No, right?”
“That was once,” Seersha huffed. “But it’s a good point. Anyway, it’s not like this is solely your fault. I think if we’re assigning blame, there is plenty to go around. We should have been paying more attention to you.”
“You don’t have to,” you mumble.
“No,” Seersha agreed. “But it’ll make you feel better. So, we want to.” Aether nods with such vigor that you’re a little worried about his neck.
You struggle with words for a moment before finally settling on, “Thank you.” There’s a part of you that wants to argue, to protest that they shouldn’t feel this way. But you can push it away. Instead, you collapse back onto your pillow.
Aether slumps over next to you, his tail lying across your body. You glance at him. “Uh. You’re not going to go to bed?”
“I’m staying here,” he says. He snuggles flush against you and sighs happily. “You need hugs.”
Before you can say anything, Aether’s eyes pop open and he turns his head. “Seeeeersha!” he calls. “I can hear your hesitation. Come over here.”
There’s a huff and the bed bounces a little as Sersha crawls over to your other side. Her wing extends over your back, feathers tickling a little.
Your eyes drift shut to the feeling of two warm bodies pressed against yours.
When you wake, Aether is still wrapped around you, in nearly the exact same position he’d been in when you fell asleep. Seersha is in the bathroom, if the running water is any indication. You sit up a little, as much as you can with Aether hanging off you, and groan. Sprinting through the city must have been a little too much for you.
“G’morning,” Aether mumbles into your spine. You jump a little- his breath is warm against your back.
“Morning,” you say. “Are you going to let go?”
“Hmmmm.” Aether stretches and sighs. “Eventually. Not now.”
“I have to pee,” you try.
“Seersha’s in the bathroom,” he mumbles. “You can’t go in there anyway.” You roll your eyes and move to get up anyway.
It takes some effort to wriggle over to the edge of the bed and stand. The instant you do, your legs burn in protest. Aether finally sits up, taking some of his weight off you. “Don’t we have to get up soon anyway?” you ask.
“Day off,” Aether sighs.
“Wh- because of last night?” you ask.
“No.” Aether scrubs at his eyes and stretches again. “It’s… a sort of governmental thing? They’re conferencing internally, so we don’t need to go back until tomorrow.”
“Oh.” You sit back down on the bed. Aether takes the opportunity to scramble into your lap. “You’re cuddly today,” you note. He nods absently and pushes his face into your stomach.
Seersha emerges from the bathroom, wings fluffy with mostly-dried water. Her eyes fall on you, with Aether still lying across you, and you feel a sudden urge to shove him to one side. That flush of shame, the feeling that you’re intruding upon them, rushes over your whole body.
And then Seersha gives a fond smile. “Good luck getting out of bed this morning. He’s clingy.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Aether says, still pressed as close to you as he can get. You squirm as the motion tickles your stomach.
“If he doesn’t want to get up, run your finger along his gills. He’ll bolt,” Seersha says. Aether flinches before you can get your hand within an inch of him.
“You’re just jealous,” he huffs, sitting up and wrapping his arms around you. Seersha arches an eyebrow.
“You want to cuddle too, don’t you?” You can only see his face out of the corner of your eye, but what you can make out looks exceedingly smug.
Seersha looks at him flatly for about five seconds, then marches over and jabs her fingers toward his gills. Aether shrieks like a seagull and flinches back so hard to ends up on the floor. By the time he’s sitting back up, Seersha is next to you, wings and arms engulfing your body.
“Hey!” Aether protests. Seersha grins.
Aether responds by lunging at you and pressing his whole body against your side like a friendly cat. His chest is quite close to your head. In fact, his weight on you is actually pushing you into Seersha’s chest.
You’re going to die squished between them. For the first time in a while, you wonder if you did actually die in the nuclear wasteland and woke up in some strange version of heaven.
“You’ve gone a bit limp.” Seersha puts her face close to yours. Everything seems very hot. A bead of sweat rolls down your back. Are you having a heart attack? Your chest feels tight. “Everything all right?”
She’s so close. You move to back up a little, but Aether is literally right up against you, blocking off any exit. He sighs, his breath tickling slightly at your ear.
“Back up a bit, Seersha, before our human faints,” Aether says. Seersha pulls back and Aether leans you away from him, giving you some more breathing room.
“Sorry for teasing,” she says, her wings fluttering in a small shrug. “I just wanted to confirm a theory.”
“A theory?” Your voice does a funny wavering thing. You clear your throat.
“How long have you been crushing on us?” Seersha asks, jerking her chin to indicate Aether.
You freeze. There’s a plunging feeling in your stomach, like you’ve just dropped off a building. She knows? Actually, they both must, since Aether’s not surprised at all by her revelation. How long has she..?
“Not long. I had a suspicion for a while, but I didn’t think much about it until Aether brought it up last night,” Seersha says, and you realize you mumbled that last bit out loud.
“Don’t look so panicked,” Aether says. He gives your shoulder a squeeze and you realize that you’ve tightened your muscles to much that they’re trembling. “We like you, too!”
For a split second, it feels like the floor dropped out of the world. Your stomach does a weird swoop and your mouth opens and closes a few times. “Uh- Y-you what?”
“It’s not that surprising, is it?” Aether asks. He nestles against you, giving you a big, doe-eyed look.
“Wh- yes, of course it is! I’m not- I’m, like, messed up and broken and I keep making trouble for you-”
Seersha puts a hand over your mouth and it takes effort to stop yourself from biting her. Aether sort of pats frantically at you, a bit clumsy, but endearing nonetheless. “No, no! That’s not true at all! You have no idea how impressive you are, do you?”
That surprises you enough to stop squirming against Seersha. After a moment, she drops her hand, allowing you to say, “Impressive? What are you talking about?”
“You literally survived an apocalypse,” Seersha says. “That’s impressive.”
“W-well. I just stumbled across some magical phenomena that got me here, I was going to die eventually.”
“You survived for weeks in a desolate wasteland,” Aether says. “That’s still impressive.”
You shrug. “It didn’t feel impressive while it was happening. It was just… the only thing I could do.”
“That you were able to do that is impressive,” Seersha said. “After that- I mean I think it’s impressive that you’re even as okay as you are right now.” Aether nods so hard it looks like his head is going to fall off.
“I’m not exactly impressive now,” you say. Aether gives a long, drawn-out groan and flops against you.
“No, right now, you’re frustrating.” You give him a little shove and he shoves back.
“It’s not necessary to be impressive.” Seersha tucks her wing around you and Aether. “Do we impress you?”
“Yes! You can fly and you’re basically a fucking prince!” you say, gesturing to Seersha and Aether in turn. “You’re kind of incredible!”
“A lot of people can fly,” Seersha murmurs.
“And prince is… a very fancy title for what I am,” Aether says. “You’re a human, which I’ve never even heard of before, you’ve got crazy endurance, you survived an apocalypse and came here full of some crazy poison and you lived and that’s really cool!”
“It sounds a lot more impressive when you put it like that,” you mumble. Seersha laughs.
“Perhaps everyone is more impressive to other people,” she says. “Maybe we’re all super impressive and super unimpressive at the same time. It doesn’t matter. We love you, and you love us. We should all be together.”
“It sounds really simple when you put it like that,” you say.
“It is simple,” Aether says. “Trust us. This is a lot less scary than an apocalypse, isn’t it?”
It really should be, but your heart is pounding anyway. Tentatively, you move your hands until you’re clutching theirs.
“I do trust you,” you say.
Aether promptly attempts to kiss you with such force that your heads crack together. Seersha has to carefully wrangle you apart.
“Are you feeling better?” she asks you. You nod, a little sheepish. “Good. Now. It’s morning. I think we should go out and get something to celebrate.”
“Yes!” Aether agrees. “Are you okay with that?”
His hand settles on your shoulder, thumb tracing the skin around the crook of your neck. The touch is unexpectedly tender and your chest swells like a balloon. A lump wells into your throat. “Yes?”
“Are you really?” Seersha presses, brows creasing. You give a wobbly smile.
“Yes. Sorry. Just… happy.” You sniff. “Um. Might need a little bit more time to get ready.”
Aether laughs a little. “We can wait.” His expression grows sly. “Or help-”
Seersha gently elbows him. “We’ll be right outside.”
They vanish and you take a moment to compose yourself. It feels like a dream. It feels almost too good to be a dream. Not for the first time, you wonder if you really did die and this is heaven, or some kind of strange hallucination.
The bedsheets cling to your legs a little as you stand. Outside, you can hear Seersha and Aether talking softly. Beyond the window, you can hear the sounds of the city. A warm breeze drifts through the room. It has that warm tinge you associate with the first days of spring.
Newness. Beginnings. The start of something good.
Maybe it really is okay to accept that part of your life is over. Maybe things really can be good. Maybe something this good can actually be real.
When you leave with Seersha and Aether, you’re between them, hand in hand. Their fingers curl, warm and inviting around your own. You feel, for the first time in a long time, at peace.
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eudevie · 3 years
Ralsei’s Prophecies,Snowgrave route, Spamton, and LOVE
There are some interesting implications when you look at all these together. First, Let’s look at the Prophecies. More under the cut. EDIT: default profile pic= block.
Prophecy 1, in ch 1:
So according to this, Three HEROES only appear at WORLD’S edge when stuff goes to hell in a handbasket. However, In the second prophecy:
Once upon a time, a LEGEND was whispered among shadows.
It was a LEGEND of HOPE.
It was a LEGEND of DREAMS.
It was a LEGEND of LIGHT.
It was a LEGEND of DARK.
This is the legend of DELTA RUNE
For millenia, LIGHT and DARK have lived in balance,
Bringing peace to the WORLD.
But if this harmony were to shatter...
a terrible calamity would occur.
The sky will run black with terror
And the land will crack with fear.
Then, her heart pounding...
The EARTH will draw her final breath.
Only then, shining with hope...
Three HEROES appear at WORLDS' edge.
Only they can seal the fountains
And banish the ANGEL'S HEAVEN.
Only then will balance be restored,
And the WORLD saved from destruction.
The second one doesn’t mention the HEROES at all. Just Three Titans. Weird how it’s both three of them.
When the LIGHT is subsumed by SHADOW
When the FOUNTAINS fill the sky
All will fall into CHAOS
The TITANS will take form from the FOUNTAINS
And envelop the land in devastation
The surviving Darkners, Crushed by the darkness
Will slowly, one by one, turn into statues
Leaving the Lightners to fend for themselves
Lost eternally in an endless night...
. But maybe, with the Snowgrave route we learn something...
If the Three heroes became filled with LV, wanting to become strong, like Noelle ends up doing, who, unprompted, starts looking for enemies to fight, acting on her own in a way...
What happens then? Unless Berdly wakes up from being Fallen Down, it seems things have changed. Noelle isn’t dumb, she would figure out it WASN’T a dream. On the usual route, this may not happen. The Queen remarks Noelle is “Too Awake.” which is strange.
She would know she was being controlled, and Kris as well.
Wouldn’t you want to break free? How would one do that?
On the Snowgrave route Spamton NEO Fight, he says this:
YOU'VE BEEN MAKING [Hyperlink Blocked]!
YOU THINK MAKING [Frozen Chicken] WITH YOUR [Side Chick] IS GONNA LET YOU DRINK UP THAT [Sweet, Sweet] [Freedom Sauce]?
When we replace [[HYPERLINK BLOCKED]] in his introduction...
This may be a play on Love/LOVE. (Which is why Spamton is indirectly calling Noelle a ho in a way. Bad Spamton.)
Maybe getting stronger/more powerful= an ability to cut the strings in his eyes?
It makes more sense. People also said “Determination” could fit here as well, but, he fights you afterward so maybe not?
WELL HAVE I GOT A [[Specil Deal]] FOR LONELY [[Hearts]] LIKE YOU!!
IF YOU'VE [[Lost Control Of Your Life]]
WHY BE THE [[Little Sponge]] WHO HATES ITS [[$4.99]] LIFE
[[BIG SHOT!!!]]
[[BIG SHOT!!!!]]
[[BIG SHOT!!!!!]]
YOUR [[HeartShapedObject]].
If being strong enough, though NEO (what he thought) or LOVE, is what can cut strings, (or, become a Big Shot...”one who calls the shots” shall we say.)
What happens when the strings we have on the Heroes are cut? Or things are not going how they are supposed to?
Possibly, the second Prophecy. Ralsei only brings the titans up when the heroes start thinking making more dark fountains is a good idea. If the Heroes aren’t there to seal the fountains, the other prophecy might come true.
May be why Ralsei is alarmed when Susie ACTs on her own. Ralsei may already know about us, the player. The town is named [PLAYER] Town after all. Who named it that...?
Ralsei, in the Snowgrave route, tries to encourage Kris to “Don’t you wonder...what they are doing in there?” and normally, Ralsei would talk to Kris without us observing. (In both ch 2, and ch 1!)  But when that doesn’t happen...
“Wait, we were supposed to - -”
...SUPPOSED TO WHAT, RALSEI?! At this point, it’s almost certain Ralsei knows about the Puppeteer.
Also IDK where to fit this, may be relevant if getting stronger is the key to breaking free from control:
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