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Dienos išlietos, kaip rašalas ant nusidevėjusio popieriaus, kažkur padžiūvęs, kažkur palikęs skyles, nėra pradžios ar pabaigos, tik tęstinumas, vienodas, rutiniškas toks, tęstinumas.
Nėra pradžios ar pagaibos - užmiegant, bundant, užmiegant, bundant, leidžiant prabėgt savaitėm taip normaliai ir neprabudus. Budri tik jausmams, tokiam specialiam nematomam rašalui, kuris vieną dieną is medaus tapo actu. Kada? Turbūt kažkur tarp užmiegant-bundant, kažkur rutinos lopšyje, vidury tobulo viesulo, sustojau akimirkai. Tai ne aš. Tai ne aš? Tai tikrai ne aš.
Man nereikia žmonių, kuriems nereikia manęs. Simple as. Tik kaip padėti tašką, kai rašalas liejasi visur? Ant popieriaus, ant rankų, ant akių. Rašalas liejasi taurėmis, vyno taurėmis, vienišomis vyno taurėmis, ir tas vynas sako - tuoj bus geriau. Galbūt rytoj, galbūt kitą savaitę. Bet vynas nežino, jog aš bailė. Bailė pati ištraukti naują popieriaus lapą ir padeti švarų tašką. Taigi taškuojam ant purvino, ant kurio nesimato tukstančio taškų.
#lietuviskai#zodziai#mintys#jausmai#vynas#klausimai#vintage#black and white#vienisumas#vienuma#liudesys
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Šilku pasidabinus pasirodei
Kuomet liečiau apnuogintas šlaunis
Ir žvilgsnis tavo tolimas atrodo
Lyg nerūpėtų ką manys kiti.
Situacijoj pasimetu nenoriai
Kuomet žvelgiu į mėlynas akis
O tu tokia prasta man pasirodei
Kai jungė mus tik miesto šurmulys.
Dabar jaučiu, kad mano jėgos senka
Išnykus siluetui pro duris
Kuomet tu išeini, mane sušaldo
Svaigiom tarytum deivės jėgomis.
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Ar pragariška, ar dangaus? - Šviesa apakino mane, Prislėgtą liūdesio svaigaus.
“Daina” Edgar Allan Poe
#poezija#poezija lietuviškai#poezija lietuviskai#lietuviskai#lietuviškai#lietuviški žodžiai#lietuviski zodziai#žodžiai#zodziai#lietuvių kalba#lietuviu kalba#lietuviška poezija#lietuviska poezija#poe#poetas#edgar allan poe#pragaras#dangus#liūdesys#liudesys
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(Palanga Street Radio)
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Kaip sunku
viską sulaikyti savyje
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Šito nepatirto, dirginančio ir saldaus jausmo, kuris įkyriai persekioja mane, nesiryžtu pavadinti gražiu ir iškilmingu vardu — liūdesys. Šis jausmas toks didelis, toks egoistiškas, kad beveik gėdinuosi jo, o liūdesys man visada kėlė pagarbą. Anksčiau ašnežinojau, kas tai yra; buvau patyrusi nuobodulį, kartėlį, rečiau — sąžinės graužimą. O dabar mane gaubia kažkas dirglus ir švelnus kaip šilkas ir atskiria nuo kitų.
Fransuaza Sagan “Sveikas liūdesy”
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Jos akys kupinos mirties ir lūdesio. Ji nekenčia pasaulio šio
I. Kiselytė
#lietuviški žodžiai#lietuviškai#poezija#poezija lietuviškai#žodžiai#lietuvių kalba#lietuviu#lietuviskai#lietuviski zodziai#mirtis#liūdesys#liudesys#pasaulis#kančia
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Ne visi, kuriuos prarandam, yra netektys
#quote#lietuviškai#lietuviški žodžiai#lietuviski zodziai#netektys#liūdesys#liudesys#žmonės#zmones#debiliski hashtagai
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Liudesys, šaltis ir alkis - prasti biznieriaus partneriai
E. M. Remarkas - “Juodasis obeliskas”
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Day 3 &4: Species and Mental State
It was only a matter of time before I was fashonably late for this: Writing Day 3 on Day 4? Really, Crim?? Well, only one thing to do: Write 3 and 4 in one post and pray despite the length it’s interesting.
Day 3 on my 30 day Challenge:
Talk about your OC’s species and demonym. A demonyn is the name for an inhabitant of a specific place, in this case their planet of birth, such as Tarisian (from Taris) or Mantellian (from Ord Mantell). How do they define their demonym? Do they have one? What influence does it have on their identity?
For Species: Do they have a sense of connection with others of their species? Were they raised with their own species or in a more diverse community? Do they follow any traditions or customs that are species-specific?
For Demonym: Do they feel a sense of connection to their planet of birth? Does the planet’s history and society effect them? Do they follow any traditions or holidays from their home planet?
My species and demonymn. Alrighty then.
My Species:
There is no nice way of saying this: I, a Sith Pureblood, am a mut between species. Yes, there is an oxymoron! A pureblood is a mut. Yet this is a true oxymoron, for a Sith Pureblood isn’t really a true Sith but a mix of Sith and human.
A long time ago, the Sith were a red skinned species native to Korriban. They had their own language, which is still spoken today, their own culture, and their own way of life. Then the fallen, dark Jedi came and subjugated the species. Thanks to Sith alchemy, the two interbred and Sith purebloods came out as a result.
In the Sith Empire, purebloods or tsis in my people’s language, are ones who have the obvious red markings and face tendrils of the Sith species. In many ways, we’re remnants of an ancient past with eyes straining towards the future.
Now, do I have a sense of connection with any of them?
This has evolved over the years. When i was a lad, I wanted nothing to do with the Sith part of me. Why would I want anything to do with a people who were abusive; never mind the Force, who seemed to condone the abusive behaviour? In truth, I think that’s why I let intelligence “turn me human” for all intents and purposes.
Yet, here I am writing this as a Force user, and quite content with. Proof the Force works in mysterious ways. I decided to train in the Force after Zakull came. I had to choose between being stubborn, or ensuring Kardeva had a family to come home to after getting out of carbonite. I chose the latter, and in that I feel connection to my people.
I also feel that connection when I lived with my adopted family. They showed me there are many ways to be Sith. Many of them died when Zakuul, but my brother survived along with most of his fortress. Rebuilding it was hard, as was burying the dead, but we pulled through as a family. I think during that time I felt closest to my Sith ancestry than I ever had. Intense sorrow breeds intense unity and division at the same time. It’s a miracle.
Finally, I raised 3 children who are all tsis. Hard to not feel the connection when raising the next generation. They challenge my understanding of our people, challenge how I conduct myself, and force me to remember what it was like growing up tsis in a good way. And I think I challenge them to not solely stick with the status quo: Only Zeon, my daughter, is training to be a Sith. Ssra is following in my footsteps by spying on Sith Intelligence for the Alliance, and Nwit became a Mandalorian. Tied to a rich history, yet forging our own way ahead. I love my family.
I feel connection to my humanity when I’m with Kardeva and when I’m cooking. Kardeva is human, and I see my humanity reflecting back at me every time I look at him. It’s why I couldn’t rebuild my life, and move on, while he was locked in carbonite. To see such an important part of myself reflected back was too much to so easily walk away from, even if it meant I never get him back. So, Kardeva is my connection to my humanity.
The second one is my cooking. When I was doing infiltration, I found that people say many things while breaking bread. So, I found a way to get trained as a chef so I could eavesdrop while making and serving meals. Most of the dishes I learned to make are geared more toward a human palette, so there is the connection. Now that I’m a part of Alliance Intelligence I combine human and pureblood cooking together. Have to keep both pallets happy at my house.
My Demonym
I’m a Kaasian by birth: Born and raised in Kaas City. I lived there for the first 15 years of life, and off and on in between intelligence missions. It was where I first learned about life, who I am as a man, and where my place was in the Empire. I miss it when I’m away, and feel nostalgia when I return. It is my home.
I think everyone feels a sense of connection to their birthplace, regardless of if it’s a good or bad connection. While family wise, it was a bad connection, in terms of Kaas over all it’s a good connection: I know where all the hang out spots are, know how to get around the Sith Academy there, and I even know where the best place to get photos of the Citadel are!
Does the planet’s history and society affect people who live on Kaas? Short answer: Everything about its history affects everyone! No, that isn’t an exaggeration. Ever since Dromund Kaas was colonized, the focus has always been serving the Emperor and getting revenge on the Republic.
At the Sith Academy, where all tsis go to learn their basic education and Sith training, I learned what the Republic did to our people at the end of the Great Hyperspace War. I then learned why we needed to train and prepare to go to war as soon as we were of age. Given the war was still going on when I was young, I knew I had little choice on where my destiny lied. My mother and father couldn’t be prouder to see their son trained as a juggernaut and creating the next generation.
To that end, most of our holidays and celebrations revolved around the Emperor or defeating the Republic: Colonization Day, which used to be the Emperor’s birthday until Empress Acina took over; Kitok Kursas Diena (New Years Day); Katedij Pradzia (Korriban Rises Day), to celebrate the day the Empire took Korriban back from the Republic; birthdays of important Sith like Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos, and Darth Vitiate; and days where we remember our dead like Visa Virmsezi Arsiasiza (All Hallows Eve), and Diena iv Liudesys, the Day of Sorrows.
I remember Diena iv Liudesys the most, since it was one of the few days we had off from school. It was the day the Republic came to Korriban to destroy my people completely and utterly. It both remembers their fate, and strengthened our resolve to make the Jedi and Republic pay. The moment the Republic attacked, Dromund Kaas went silent for 5 min: Everyone simply froze with no sounds or movements. Even droids had to be quiet. If one was driving through the jungle, they had to stop and pray the jungle creatures didn’t notice them.
I remember thinking about the Great Hyperspace War, and about how somewhere someone in the Republic is patting themselves on the back for being the good guys. The good guys build on the deaths of my people. It made me angry, and made me want to see them destroyed eventually. Now, though, Empress Acina changed the day into Isatre Vunyi va «Eternal Resolve». Zakuul is the real enemy now, she said to the populace, and we need to focus on them over a battle that happened over 1000 years ago. Smart woman, the Empress, a worthy successor to Darth Marr.
Alright, that’s enough for Day 3. Now for Day 4:
Day 4: Mind Matters
Briefly describe your OC’s mental state. Are they neurotypical or neuroatypical? Do they have any mental illnesses or a history with mental illness? How do they handle stress? Are they Force-sensitive or Force-blind? Does this effect their mental state?
Briefly, hmm? I can understand briefly. One’s mental state can be an entire Master’s thesis if they’re not careful. I would describe my mental state as...
Caedusios? Why are you here writing?
Because one’s mental state is best assessed from the outside, not within. You would just say you’re mental state is neuro-typical and perfect. I can give a more accurate assessment.
And you’re late for your date with Kardeva.
You’re right, I am! Alright, you can write this. All I ask is don’t make me look insane. Wouldn’t want to scare off my new readers...
If you, the readers, haven’t determined he’s not entirely sane then I’m not sure whose blog you were reading. Anyways, I am Darth CAedusios. I am Crimsèn’s adopted older brother. Biologically we’re first cousins: his father and my father are brothers. Because we’re both only children, we grew up together on Kaas as brothers since our families had no where else to go but to one another’s house.
I have seen Crimsèn grow from being a teenager trying to be who his parents pre-determined into a man relatively content with himself. I can’t say he has grown into a neurotypical man, anymore than I can say he was ever a purely cisgender person. No, his mental state has gone through many gymnastics.
I would say that Crimsèn has a condition called Asperger’s Syndrome, and some traits of borderline personality disorder. While he was a social butterfly, and still is in so many ways, he never intuitively understood social ques save mine and my mother and father’s. Also, Crim is quite obsessive about specific things to the point where he almost refused to do anything but his interests.
This has lead to a double edged sword with the Force. Between ages 1 and 15, Crim was obsessed with becoming the Sith Lord his father wanted his only son to be. As a result, I remember him being so obsessed with learning the sabre combat of Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow, that he couldn’t be bothered to eat.
At age 15 (by the way, I am using Imperial Standard years), for reasons I’m assuming Crimsèn will explain tomorrow, he stripped himself of the Force. For the next 15 years, he obsessively resisted any hint of being a pureblood outside of looks. It drove him to serve the EMpire under intelligence, suppress most of his pureblood characteristics, and in some ways quietly accept being brainwashed under intelligence. They used the CAstellan Mind control in order to ensure he would never go back to our people nor ruin any missions because he acted on emotions over logic.
Now, his obsessions are mostly on taking care of his family. To that end, he was trained in using his returned Force abilities at last. He couldn’t fight Zakuul without all the tools, and abilities he had, just like I couldn’t fight Zakuul by sticking with the narrow ways of Jedi and the Sith.
Now, where does borderline personality disorder fit into this? Well, Crimsèn only has two traits of it really: Abandonment fears and emotional swings. The emotional swings are thanks to him being a Sith and his connection to the darkside as a result. Not saying it is good or evil to have such swings; it is what it is.
I believe his abandonment fears are from being abused. Abuse teaches people many things, including the belief that if they under perform by a fraction of a percent, they will be abandoned. For Crim, that abandonment meant his own father would murder his only son the moment he learned he was gay (I know was going to save that for Crim to explain tomorrow during the Gender/Sexuality topic, but I felt it was needed in context here). Then it was join intelligence, or his first love would abandon him via Intelligence executing his first love.
Now with his marriage to Kardeva... I know that the distance broke him and left Crim vulnerable to many influences. I chose, as his master, to step back and let him either stand strong in the storm or fall to it because that was his trial. As a master and mentor, it’s important to know when a person needs to face a trial on their own or face it with some guidance.
I can say that while Crim’s abandonment fears are still there, he has learned how to live with them now in a way that he controls them instead of the other way around. I’m proud of my brother for facing them.
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(Palanga Street Radio)
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Tikriausiai mano vienišos sielos jau niekas nebenuramins..
#lietuviškai#lietuva#lietuviskai#ltu#lt#lietuviski zodziai#lietuviški žodžiai#lithuania#citata#vienatve#liūdna#liūdesys#liudna#liudesys
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/366 (2017/06/22)
Vasara ir as nezinau ar gerai data uzrasiau. Ofc cia rasau kai man blogai tik tai pasiruoskime. As vakar jau link vakaro jauciaus pasimetus, bet ir dabar taspats. Tiesiog pasimetus gyvenime. Ir nezinau kaip tai apibudint. Per sia busena as kenkiu aplinkiniams ir tada tsg pradedu grizineti i savo depresijos ir negatyvumo duobe. Siandien su mama nesnekejau nes as tsg nenorejau ir poto isvis sutrugdziau jai islipdama is autobuso anksciau negu reikejo. O vakar aistei ventinau. Ir nebuvo gerai. As tiesiog negatyviai variau, bet man tik trumpam padejo, o pati jauciuos lyg trugdai ir nervinu aiste. Nesuteikiu nieko gero jai budama negatyvi visada. Bet as negaliu padet sau. As nezinau kaip padet. As nezinau kodel grizo ir kodel neiseina ir kodel as zeidziu kitus zmones, ypac savo mama su kuria ir taip sunku viskas dabar, nes as nebendrauju ir tiesiog kazkodel nemaloni bunu nors labai stengiuosi. As tikrai labai noriu gerai su mama elgtis. Bet nenoriu jaust gailescio dabar nes jis nepadeda susikaupt, nepadeda rasti to, kas man negerai. As nezinau. Oras grazus, bet as nelaiminga ir nezinau kodel. Kodel? Kas man negerai. Bandau praknisti smegenis, nors viena detale. Kazkaip sakau gal norbe? Bet jauciu, kad siti mintis cia tik todel, kad mano mama to klaustu greiciausiai. O ka as jauciu? Nepilnavertiskuma. Kodel? As savim nepatenkinta. Jauciuosi nepakankama. Ir nemoku jaustis gerai. Nemoku. Jauciuosi nepakankama bet nesinori nieko daryti, kad padet sau. Todel ir pasimetus. Nesijauciu negrazi, visai mielai sau pastaruoju metu atrodau ir tai progresas. Gal dar aisku likes tas negatyvumas save nurasyt, bet bent yra mintis, kad nesu molis. Bet. As vistiek moraliskai nesijauciu gera? Gera? Nezinau. As pasimetus. Vakar lyginau save su kitais. O ka as tiksliai lyginau? Ju nuotraukas. Atrodo, kad mano nuotraukos blogesnes kokybes, kad nemoku pozuot ir nesugebu matyti kas grazu kas ne nuotraukoje. Kad mano ig nera suderinta ar nors kiek grazi. Ir tada nusimasciau, kad mano drabuziai nera grazus, kad as nesirengiu pakankamai gerai, kad as nemoku pateikt saves taip kaip noriu. Bet tada tiesiog nezinau ko as noriu. As tikrai nezinau ko noriu. Uztai ir nemoku. O suzinot irgi nemoku. Ir motyvacijos nera. Ji negrizta. As pasidavus. Bet nesvarbu kiek kartu besakysiu sitai, noras kazka pakeisti negrizta. Jo praktiskai nera. Nuo sitos minties nusimasciau dar. Tingiu uzrasyt. Labai sunku is tikruju, kai yra aplinkiniai, kurie klausines kas tau yra. As pvz dabar negalesiu ramiai gyvent toliau, lyg niekur nieko, nes mano mama klausines ir vel sugrazins ta busena. Neuztenka, kad as su savim pasikalbejau, man reikes su ja pasikalbet. Su kitais sunkiau man pasikalbet. Todel as ir nenoriu kalbet su jais. Masciau dar vakar, kad noriu, bet tada nenoriu. As pasimetus, kas man nx negerai. Ir vel nebera motyvacijos. Gal katik buvo 0,01% bet nebeliko vel. As nezinau ka man daryt kad pasijausciau geriau. Ka man gyvenime daryt???????? Nei zinau savo hobiu, nei ka noresiu dirbt, nei kaip noriu atrodyt, nei ka noriu veikt kiekviena diena, nei kaip noriu elgtis. Negaunu progreso is sito. Progreso nera nuo sitos temos katik. Progresas yra nuo vienintelio mano variklio gyvenime. Noras irodyti kitiem kad as geresne. Vienintelis variklis. Jis negeras, nes vercia mane lygintis, o poto neleidzia progresuoti, bet tuopaciu geras, nes vienintelis suteikia motyvacijos isvis kazko siekti. Mama grizo. Man sunku normaliai sneket nes tada kazkodel isijungia mano emocijos. Kai mintyse sneku ir rasau labai gerai, nes mano mintyse emociju snekant nera, o apie jas nemastau nes turiu susikaupt ties greitu rasimu. Rasyt gerai. Reikes su mama sneket. Nezinau net ka pasakyt jai. Nezinau ar noriu isvis. Vel einu link temu kurios neduoda rezultatu. Reikia klausimu. Reikia susikaupt. Reikia analizuot. Nematau progreso. Reikia atjungt emocijas trumpam ir jas analizuoti. Kodel blogai jauciausi? Nes skaiciau save nepilnaverte (visi atsakymai yra gal, nes as 100% niekada neuztikrinta). Kodel jauciaus nepilnaverte? Nes manau, kad blogai save pateikiu ir del to blogai jauciuosi. Koks tas kitas blogumas? Nusivylimas galbut. Galbut liudesys. Galbut ir vel nepilnavertiskumas. Mama dabar klaustu, tai ka galiu padaryti, kad padeti sau? Bet as neesu mama, todel dar tiesiog bandysiu aiskintis betka. Kodel as save blogai pateikiu? Nes nezinau ko noriu. Kodel man svarbu save pateikti kitiem? Nes man kazkodel svarbu kitu nuomone. Kaip minejau stipriausia mano motyvacija yra reputacija tarp kitu. Ar tikrai gera sita motyvacija? Ne. Ar turi kitu budu? Kartais, kai esu laiminga darau dalykus is labai paprasto noro. Kodel tu dabar nelaiminga? Nezinau, galbut nes lyginaus. Ar imanoma surasti kas tau patinka ir ko nori nepuolant i nevilti? Nezinau, tai neapsakomai sunku, mano psichinis lygis nepakankamas tam. Ar tu pasiruosusi darbui, kad pamatytum progresa? Kolkas isivaizduoju tik sporto sale, bet taip. Ar sugebetum sukovoti su tinginyste? Galbut. Ar tau malonu trugdyti kitiem? Ne, kam gali buti malonu. Ar tu pasiruosusi save tvardyti ir laikyti, kad nebutum negatyvi su kitais? Taip. Man reikia stengtis nerodyti save zeminancios puses prie kitu. Ar tu sugebetum save tvardant but laiminga? Ne, manau sugebeciau buti tik salta. Ar tu nori kazka dabar daryti? Ne. Ar tu tingi? Taip. Ar taip gerai? Ne. Tai kodel nejudi? Nenoriu. Ar tau nepakanka valios? Pakanka. Kodel tu negali jos ijungti dabar? Nes nesinori. Tu juk zinai, kad viskas galiausiai priklauso nuo to, kokio stiprumo valia paskirsi kazkam? Taip, bet dabar renkuosi lengvesni kelia. Kas sake, kad taip lengviau? Nezinau. Zinai, kad nusiprogramuoti save gali taip, kad valios ijungimas gali buti lengva? Zinau, as tai suprantu. Kas tave stabdo? Nejaukumas. Tu bijai nejaukumo? Taip, sis jausmas labai negeras, labai sunku perzengti nejaukumo sienas. Tai viena is sunkiausiu zmogaus kluciu. Nejaukumo baime. Ar tu sugebetum save nuprogramuoti dabar taip, kad rami pakalbet su mama? Taip, man tereikia truputi daugiau laiko. Ar gali atskirti linija, kuri pranesa kada reiktu pradet pamirsinet? Taip, manau sneki apie lyginimasi. Bandysiu lavinti psichika, kad greiciau gebeciau atskirti kada reikia pamirsineti pavydo jausmus. Tu jauti pavyda tiem zmonem? Taip. Ar bandysi uzmirsineti? Taip. Tau is tiesu malonu jausti negatyvuma? Sunku pripazinti, bet taip. Ar jautiesi pilnai laiminga dabar? Ne. Bet ar tau geriau? Taip, aciu. Pabandysi zvelgti i gyvenima kaip i zaidima vel? Taip. Tada ar suprasi, kad viskas laikina? Bandysiu. Ar suprasi, kad del zaidimi neverta skaudinti zmoniu, kurie nelaiko savo gyvenimo zaidimu. Taip, bandysiu. Ka siandien veiksi? Zaisiu herojus, pranesiu mamai, kad gerai viskas, gal bandysiu piest. Kaip manai, ar nebutu gera ideja taip pasisneketi mum kiekviena diena? Sutikciau su sia mintimi. Ar manai, kad galetume bendrauti ir aptarti savo kasdienius planus taip? Manau, kad protinga mintis taip daryti. Ar manai, kad tai pades tau issiaiskinti nors keleta klausimu? Taip. Ar manai, kad sis budas tau pades suprasti ir nusiraminti? Taip. Ar jis pades perzvelgti save is toliau? Taip. Pades su emociniu nestabilumu ateityje? Galbut, negaliu nuspeti ateities. Ar galetu padeti? Galetu.
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Visa savaitę bandžiau aiškintis kaip kitaip prijungti 3D objekta prie kinecto skeleto. Bandžiausi skirtingas bibliotekas, skaičiau forumus, žiūrėjau tutorialus youtube.com. Tačiau norimo rezultato niekaip nesugebėjau pasiekti. Net kai dėstytojas rado vieną neblogą būdą kaip tai suprogramuoti, nesugebejau išmąstyt kaip tai prijungti...
Labai liūdna, kad nuvyliau ne tik save bet ir savo komanda ir dėstytoją. Tikriausiai aukšta temperatūra man neleido iki galo įsigilinti į šios programos galimybes ir teks suprogramuoti demo versija. Be fono o tiesiog su vaizdu kuri matys kamera ir be veikėjo o tiesiog prie kūno prisegtais sparnais.
Pasimokiau kad nesugebu padaryti visko ką užsimanau ir man dar labai daug mokytis programavimo srityje esu begalo žalias asmuo.
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pagaliau damusiau
krc pagaliau damuciau “Juodaji obeliska”. knyga pasirode tokia skystoka, sakyciau. Protagonistas- skystas, gyvenime pasimetes, kupinas zalingu iprociu zmogus. kuris galiausiais subresta ir priima vieninteli teisinga sprendima. galbut tai jautrus zmogus su dar jautresne siela. jautrus ir silpnas. kurinio nuotaika perteikta puikiai - Veimaro respublika apemusi depresija, Didziosios depresijos isvakares. bet kurinio nuotaika visai patiko. labai panasi i “Kariaujantis Berlynas”. tik kad “Kariaujanciame Berlyne” nusikaltimai, melancholija ir liudesys yra su trupuciu nacistinio ziaurumo. nu o ko galima pasimokyt is “Juodojo obelisko”? to, kad viskas yra laikina, viskas yra cikliska, prisiminti pagrindines ekonomikos taisykles, kurios net ir hiperinfliacijos laikais laiko tave toliau nuo ismaldos prasymo. taip pat galima nemazai suzinoti apie Veimaro respublikos zmones, ju nuotaikos ir gyvenima, nes sita knyga turi, savaime suprantama, autobiografiskumo. smagu skaityti kaip istorini saltini.
dabar pradedam ne ka blogesnio rasytojo - Vicente Riva Palacio “Meksikos ilankos piratai” ir ant virsaus dar Emilio Salgari “Malaju piratai”. pagnali.
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