#little brothers amiright
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dotdotdottiedot · 24 days ago
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micamone · 1 year ago
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call this one "guess my shepp"
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hierba-picante · 11 months ago
I don’t think you know how much I LOVE your older sibling au it’s- shwmdisnharksbwjd chefs kiss! As someone who had a younger breother who acts almost exactly like Gregory, he’s a little great, I freaking LOVE this au so MUCH
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I'm glad you're loving the au so far!! From one older sibling to another, I'm happy we see each other, I appreciate you!! :]
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mirensiart · 5 months ago
Big little brother wind🫵🤨
(I love this dynamic, Tysm for sharing yo our art with us aajjayehebebsn)
((I’m so normal about them I swear))
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once a big brother, forever a big brother amiright
anyway, anon you get it and I love you, I don’t take requests but you inspired me 🤭💖
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stxrblccd · 2 years ago
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"Ya sure? He loves telling me I got a real punchable face--"
"It may have been something to do with the last piece of cake."
@stxrblccd || 10,000 years dungeon
"He didn't punch you for no reason."
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brainrotroulette · 4 months ago
Telemachus if Herodotus and the Romans had their way about Pan's parentage:
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Herodotus really should have stuck to history but I must secretly admit, imagining a much nicer origin story than what this man wrote and big brother Telemachus had me a little amused.
Kids say the darndest things, amiright? (pls don't call paw patrol, they would be besties before this godly little shit would go prancing out into the wilds never to return)
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star-lights-up · 2 months ago
I'm having thoughts again (it's a very dangerous thing, thinking is): Cherik matilda au, with Jean as matilda. Honestly, it'd probably be a jean-centric fic, background cherik, because i mean miss honey doesn't have a love interest in the original lol. (Oh, right, Charles = miss honey. Erik also kind of = miss honey. they're sharing the role.)
ALSO i'm basing this on the book and the original movie, not the musical and musical movies. I love all incarnations of matilda but I am too tired to work in the whole premonition story thing.
So Jean is just chilling. She's like two years old and already she can cook and clean and pretty much be self sufficient. Her parents are self-absorbed assholes who don't really pay her any mind, and her brother is a little shit who's older than her and never home anyways.
She goes to the library, and she reads. She expands her horizons. She learns. She develops a yearning to see the world outside of her lonely little life -- she may be self-sufficient, but it doesn't mean she doesn't want any friends.
Now, when she's six, she tells her parents that she really should've started school already, and her dad makes a deal with this terrifying man to send her off to Hellfire Elementary (sounds like a great place for kids, amiright?)
There she meets Ororo, who's funny and nice, and then there's Logan, this older kid who's absolutely TERRIFYING (at least he thinks he is, jean's calling his bs). He warns them about the headmaster -- Shaw. The truly terrifying one.
Shaw in this isn't really the kevin bacon shaw. He's like if shaw lost his fucking marbles and became a really buff lunatic. He throws a girl wearing her hair in pigtails over the fence. It's insane.
Then Jean goes to her class. The first years have two teachers -- Mr. Lehnsherr and Mr. Xavier, who tells them just to call him Charles as long as Shaw's not around.
The classroom is kind of amazing. They've got art by students hanging everywhere and cute little posters and vases of wildflowers, the doors opened to the school grounds and filtering in the last of the warm summer air. To Jean, it feels magical. She's finally at school. She finally feels like she's going to get to be in the world. She chats with Ororo and some kid named Scott before the bell rings.
(Now for teaching duo cherik! I'm thinking for them, this is an established relationship fic. )
They've both been hurt by shaw (more on that later) to the point where they've become more muted versions of their personalities.
Charles is kind, as he always is, but in this he's very soft-spoken and stuff. Even as he smiles warmly at the kids, checking on the girl with the pigtails, Jean notices this deep sadness in his eyes.
And then there's Erik. He's quiet, very matter-of-fact when he does speak up, methodical. He's very gentle with all of the children, though, and Jean sees him tracking Charles with his eyes, as though he's sure something awful will happen to him as soon as he lets him out of his sight. Again, his eyes hold some deep sadness, some hidden pain.
As the lessons begin, they're shocked by Jean. Her reading, her writing. Her incredible math abilities.
( found this cute little line from the original book, and i wanted to adapt it (very erik-core):
"It's not fair," Ororo says, "How can she do it and we can't?"
"Don't worry, Ororo, you'll soon catch up," Mr. Lehnsherr says, lying through his teeth. )
After class is over, Charles wants to talk to Shaw, try and get Jean in a more advanced grade. Erik doesn't want him to go. They go together, and Shaw pretty much yells at them and threatens them until they leave.
They decide to think of another way to go -- they can't have jean just sitting in class, learning how to spell r-a-t when she's read shakespeare already.
Back at home, for another week or so, Jean's life continues much the same as it always does. Her parents: the assholes. Then her father takes her and her brother into work one day, telling his son he needs to learn the family trade. Jean's just there.
He shows them all sorts of illegal things he does to the cars before he sells them -- sawdust in the engine, running the miles backwards until the car seems barely used. It's not legal. Worse, it's not safe.
Jean speaks out and gets yelled at.
So she finds some superglue and glues his stupid hat to his head the next day. And so starts her rebellion.
Charles and Erik decide that perhaps it's best to speak to Jean's parents directly. Cue creepy CGI cherik from the last stand. No, no, I'm kidding. They just show up there, try to talk to the greys, who really aren't having it, and before they leave Erik sneaks a book behind a coat rack, Jean smiling at him from where she's hidden on the stairwell, having listened to the whole thing.
Jean plays another prank on her parents for treating her teachers so bad (blabbermouth parrot in the chimney. Mrs. Grey is convinced they've got a ghost).
Meanwhile, at school, Charles and Mr. Lehnsherr give her all these workbooks with more difficult math and language and science, apologizing that they can't instruct her directly or get her into a more advanced class but promising to help if she has any questions (she doesn't).
Anyways. Then we get to the interesting part.
It's been a while, and Jean's seen the horrors of Shaw. He made a boy eat a whole cake in front of the school. he throws kids out windows. And there's this terrible thing called the chokey.
Shaw comes into their classroom to teach his monthly class -- Charles and Mr. Lehnsherr quickly hiding all the art and decorations in the room.
Ororo sneaks a newt into shaw's water. Pandemonium breaks out. Shaw starts targeting poor scott, of all people, who's not capable of breaking a rule.
Something in Jean snaps. And the glass tips over, sending the newt right onto shaw and shaw right out of their classroom.
After class, she explains it to Charles and Mr. Lehnsherr. She shows them what she can do. With just a little bit of anger, she can push the glass over.
The two teachers glance at each other (after being quite shocked, of course), then Charles asks if she'd like to have tea, and talk about this more, if her parents wouldn't mind.
Jean knows that they most certainly don't care where she is, and agrees.
Charles and Mr. Lehnsherr bring her to a small cottage, surrounded by wildflowers. The walls are whitewashed. There are two little windows. Charles spreads cheap margarine on the toast. Mr. Lehnsherr pulls two chipped mugs out -- there doesn't appear to be a third. The kitchen is just a shelf, really, with a little portable stove.
Charles asks Jean if she'd be willing to get them some water from the well out back. She has a wonderful time doing so, never having drawn from a well before.
She and Charles have tea and toast, sitting on the crates that are the only furniture in the whole of the tiny cottage. Mr. Lehnsherr sits cross-legged on the floor, leaning against Charles's crate a little and not eating or drinking anything.
Jean, as a small child -- because, yes, no matter how smart and independent she is, she's still a small child -- asks a few questions that might be a little too personal, inquiring about just how poor their salaries are to live like this.
"Why shouldn't you ask?" Charles says, after Jean apologizes. "You were bound to ask in the end. You are much to bright to not have wondered. Perhaps... Perhaps we even wanted you to ask."
Erik nods his head, saying his solemn voice, "You're our first visitor, after all."
Quietly, a little sadly, Charles begins to tell Jean a story. He once lived in a large brick house in town. His mother passed when he was born, and his father was absent until he died, leaving him in the care of an uncle. The uncle brought with him a ward, Erik.
The uncle was an unkind man. He forced them to work around the clock, doing the household chores and the cooking and anything else he could think of, like they were servants and not young children. He would beat them if they disobeyed -- and even when they didn't.
They managed to go to the teacher's college about forty minutes away when they both turned eighteen. They could've gone to university -- but the evil man wouldn't allow it.
"How did you get away?" Jean asks, equally riveted and in deep sympathy for her kind teachers.
They tell a story of being forced to sign away their salaries to the uncle, since apparently they "owed him thousands" for being just barely fed and clothed for ten years. With the little that they got to keep, it seemed they would never get a place of their own...
But Mr. Lehnsherr, on his early morning walks, stumbled into a small, empty cottage. He went to find out who owned it, and the farmer, after insisting he didn't want to live there, agreed to rent it out for ten pence a month.
Charles and Mr. Lehnsherr (who, at a point, sighed and told Jean just to call him Erik since they're not at school) quietly packed their things, informed the evil man that they'd rented a house, and rushed out the door.
While Jean is happy for their triumph, she's aghast of the idea of the evil man still living in Charles's old home. He says that his father's will was apparently destroyed ("no prizes for guessing who," Jean says, and Erik huffs a laugh) and his uncle produced a piece of paper saying the house was to go to him -- Charles is sure it was counterfeit, but there's nothing he can do.
"He still owns my family property a town over, too," Erik says quietly. "Won in much the same fashion." His hands are balled into fists, his face mournful and angry. He doesn't elaborate, and Jean and Charles are smart enough not to push.
Jean asks who the evil man is.
With a glance at his partner, Charles says the name "Shaw."
After the initial shock, the conversation changes, and Jean eventually excuses herself to go home. Charles and Erik apologize for keeping her so late, walking her to the end of the dirt road and back to the sidewalk.
Before they part, Jean asks a few questions: what did Charles's father call him before he passed? Charlie. He hated it. What did charles and Erik's parents call Shaw? Sebastian. His first name. And what did he call their parents? Brian, Charles answers. ...Edie, Erik whispers after a moment of hesitation.
Jean practices her new gift at home. It's not long until she can lift things at whim, pointing at them or staring at them or just thinking of it. She plots. She plans. She practices what's needed for her plots and her plans.
The next time Shaw comes into their classroom, he's startled by the whiteboard chalk floating into the air, beginning to write a message:
Sebastian, give my Charlie back his house. Give him and Erik their wages. Give Erik his land. Then get out of here. If you don't, we will get you. We will get you like you got us. We are watching you, Sebastian.
There is a great commotion as Shaw passes out on the floor in shock. He's carted out of the school. He leaves the brick house within a day. Reportedly, Brian Xavier's will turns up. Charles and Erik move into the great house. Charles is appointed headmaster of the newly christened "Big Friendly School." (Note: this is taken from the source material. I don't think charles would name something after himself in this au tbh). Jean is a welcome visitor anytime.
Then, one day, arriving back from the brick house in the evening, she finds her parents packing up the car. They're moving to spain, they say. Her father has been caught, which they don't say, but is clear.
Jean runs all the way back to Charles and Erik's house. Jean begs them to let her stay -- she doesn't want to leave, and she certainly doesn't want to be trapped with her parents forever in a foreign country.
Charles and Erik come with her back to her house. She takes some adoption papers out, which, funnily enough, she's had since she was tall enough to use the copier at the library! Boss move, Jean.
her parents don't fucking care, so they sign the papers. Charles and Erik are pretty much about to cry. They're parents, now, something they never thought they could be. They hug Jean, something her own parents never did, and don't bother to watch them leave.
Now, they all live in the big brick house together, and it's a house full of reading and laughter and life, all three of them, daughter and her fathers, finding a kind of happiness they never thought they'd be able to have.
and that's it. Why did I spend two hours writing this. 😂
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shrimpalbuspotter · 9 months ago
I know i always harp about how i prefer canon but by god I adore fanon Snape Gang so much. like yes they are blood purists hanging around with Hufflepuffs biggest muggle sympathiser Charity Burbage. She's the acception. Also shes rich. Aurora? She gives them study prep. She's dating Charity. She gets them into all the Ravenclaw partys. She is basically their big sister despite being the same age. Snape? He is HIM. Charity NEEDS to put him in her pocket. Mulciber wants him so bad. So what that he's a halfblood? It means they have diversity! Wilkes? What a dork. Every friendgroup needs a blonde or two. Who cares that he's demented, have you met Avery! Mulciber? This guy, amiright. What an asshole. Snape can't stop gawking. So handsome... so rich??? Chad alert. Avery? Also, asshole. We gotta love him. Again, handsome. Basically Mulcibers brother. Will put his damn life on the line for these guys then act all cold and distant.
Idk man. I think they are fucking dumb and completely not canon compliant but you gotta let a guy dip his feet in the canon divergence pool every once in a while right. Also the visualisation of Charity smuggling in tons of Muggle supplies to show everyone and none of them have a clue what any of it means except from Snape, halfblood, who thinks it's funny, and Aurora, a pureblood, who just has a hunch that you aren't supposed to use that walkman to make toast.
But hey, let's not pretend they are suddenly saints. They still all wanna become death eaters (Charity and Aurora as the exception) amd they still are all blood purists. I just think a little push in the right direction of character growth, a triwizard tournament, and unexpected allys could really create some yummy scenario's ^_^
(Also I'm a huge Charity Burbage fan so any content with her just makes me happy)
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peachyfnaf · 7 months ago
Hello chatters. currently 8:30 in the morning, and I've been seeing a lot of Sun love going around (based btw) which reminded me that even though I don't yap about him nearly as much as I do Nexus, Sun was also given such a short end of the stick when it came to this arc.
I don't care for Monty, but I do love Puppet, but the way they both pressured Sun into choosing what to do with Nexus (New Moon at the time)??? that shit is so fucked. and yeah, because I am who I am (a Nexus apologist lol), I was mad and hurt when Sun was unable to tell them to not kill him. but unfortunately that tracks for him.
Sun's trauma response is, most of the time, to freeze. he's done it before when confronted by past Eclipse's, Bloodmoon's- if you're willing to use other dimensions as examples, Servant Sun quite literally froze and surrendered with his hands in the air out of fear when Old Moon first met him.
So, he did it again. he was put in a terrifying situation, and he froze. which led to Nexus freezing in space too amiright ahahahahhhhh
So, shit was already fucked for him at this point. because not only did he lose a close family friend (Solar), tried to help the other 3 through their grief and prioritizing their feelings over his own because he was- objectively- the least close with Solar, lose his brother to madness (which we now know there was like 10x more to that then just 'grief' makin' him act as he did. y'know. glares at Dark Sun and NSP), could basically do NOTHING as Earth was kidnapped by Ruin/Bloodmoon, and Nexus was blasted into space by Puppet.
And even though that was the end of that main arc, dude CONTINUED TO BE HANDED L'S AFTERWARDS. Old Moon being brought back by Monty (Monty.. >:[) without Sun even being asked about it first, Sun not being given the chance to properly heal from/mourn Nexus because O.M was now there, he filled his role, and O.M does not like Nexus. (chatters, I'm gonna warn you, ever since he came back, I've been an Old Moon hater. do not like that guy.) anD THEN EVERYTHING WITH DAZZLE/EVELYN??? july 16th of this year was like a very high peak in what's, to me, a very low-on-the-chart arc, but THAT DOESN'T MEAN SUN WAS OKAY DURING IT JFCCC. the TRAUMA he was reliving during that time HURTED
And even where he is now- he got his magic back, yuippee yayyy!!!
Because of it it seems like he's now intrinsically intertwined with NSP, and multiple people want to use him as a goddamn radar to find Wither Shards now. one of those people literally being The Creator, yaknow, like the stories Biggest Bad???
And another, "oooh, yaknow, that happeneddd, ahahahahhh.." was The Creator psychologically torturing him in one of the darkest SAMS eps' to date because of it.
AND. And, finally, the most recent episode that was Yapped to me about that well. 1, just made me hate O.M more, and 2, made me want to just wrap Sun in a blanket in front of a fireplace. The "Invaded By CRINGY FNAF in Vrchat" one. the way O.M spoke to Sun in that ep, the use of the gravely K.C voice that O.M only uses when making threats, I- I'll fuckin-
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...I've been typing this for like 50 minutes, apparently I had a lot more to say when it came to Sun than I first thought DGAIEPHDWGWLAH
Canon. canon, please, let Sun do something. let him be the one to free Nexus from NSP corruption, because of how much he's been shown to be resilient to it. let Sun be the one to stop The Creator's next big scheme instead of Moon. let him do things as important as all the others instead of just cleaning. the pieces for him to do so are right there. now put them in place.
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keeps-ache · 2 years ago
taking an hour to export a clip timelapse, it seems loll
up at a normal-people hour!! what am i supposed to be doing
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haveihitanerve · 5 months ago
Homework is stressing me out and I fear I need Tim drake to be in the same pain ☝️
oh pooh. but if we suffer our characters suffer too amiright? coming right up-
Everything was going to shit. The world. Life. His job. His relationships. Life. Okay, well, maybe not everything. But his life was certainly crumbling. And the world wasn't doing too hot either if it had him doing calculus homework on a free Monday! Tim wanted to die. Not an uncommon thought, admittedly, but a little more rare recently. "Yo Timbo," Jason poked his head into the door, grinning. "Me and Dick are heading to the mall, wanna come?" Jason was just doing this to torture him. He knew Tim had to do homework. Tim slammed the door shut in his face and Jason's laughter echoed through the house. Stupid adults without homework. He doubted that either Dick or Jason had ever used calculus once they'd left school. He wanted to drop out, the way they had, but Bruce refused. "Jason only dropped because he died." He had pointed out, which, fair. At Tim's hopeful look at Damian Bruce had quickly added, "No you cannot die to get out of it." As though thinking about it summoned him, Damian appeared in the doorway too, pushing it open. "I am heading to the zoo Drake. Would you like to come? I need pictures for my drawings." Tim sighed dramatically, grabbing his camera and handing it to his little brother. "Can't. Homework. Don't break it." Damian smirked, tipped an imaginary hat(something he'd definitely learned from Dick) and left as well. Tim groaned, banging his head back down against the desk. Yeah. Life was going to shit.
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dotdotdottiedot · 25 days ago
ima trust yall to tell me when Liam is going insane, just cause he left the coven doesn’t mean he’s free from my wrath
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whencartoonsruletheworld · 1 year ago
I’ve been out of the loop for batim/batdr for so long how did it change the lore?
none of the ink creatures are sacrificed staff members forced into a fate worse than death anymore. they're just ink creatures in a parallel dimension that joey drew made bc he was feeling pissy
in addition, it's not the real henry in there. joey was mad at henry so he made a fake henry just to torture him over and over
then allison was his Friend and so he decided to add her to the torture labyrinth to make things easier on fake henry. didnt stop the torture labyrinth tho
then he made himself a daughter out of ink and he wasn't the big evil corporate boss at all he was the Awesome Dad who encourages audrey to use her imagination and hope and shit. entire second game just forgot that he was supposed to be the villain
also in a very fanservicey way, bendy now can turn into his cute lil demon form and be audrey's little brother
a lot of people like it but it really really felt like fanservice above story to me. mascot horror isn't always like, good horror, but the first bendy really WAS. it had a great aesthetic, great designs, and was really effective in the implications of being sacrificed to an "and i must scream" demonic existence by one man's pride and lack of care (ie: capitalism) and the second game was just like "actually joey drew was a good guy the whole time and the real bad guy is this Random Obviously Evil Employee over in the corner and audrey's fixing the torture labyrinth so there's a little less torture <3"
i did like the idea of color animation being an anti-bendy threat but they literally did fuckall with that, just had the new bad guy like... mention it?? and then do nothing with it.
i feel like part of it also might have been that "trying to outsmart the fandom" thing. a popular theory, at least in my circles, was that henry was a bendy creature– the sacrificed staff had to be "perfect" for the role (IE: the two alice angels) and the first bendy was made without souls and that's why it was fucked up, and then joey realized the perfect bendy was his creator so he yeeted henry in, and that's why we never see our own hands or reflection + respawn in ink + sammy lawrence tries to sacrifice us immediately. god how fucking cool would it have been to, like, hear henry over loudspeakers trying to help us, and then we walk into the room he's in and just see BENDY.
but yeah no bendy's just a cute lil guy in the corner who can sometimes hulk into the ink monster bc... that was a thing in fanfics? joey drew is a good guy and good dad and the real enemy is the exploited worker. FUCK the original game's really good horror and atmosphere amiright
anyway i get why people like it i guess but hhh it really doesn't land for me. honestly im just pretending the first game is the only canon it was way more interesting
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yescking · 10 months ago
little avenhill drabble under the cut. about strong drinks and strange feelings. you were warned
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The pub they're in is still loud despite the late hour.
They should've left a hot minute ago, but that robot realised the house is still serving the drinks he thought were out of market forever, so they stayed for a few shots more. It's a pretty small and cramped place with live (not that good) music and suspicious contingent. Aventurine has been in places far worse, but he's not very used to them nowadays. Usually he goes to expensive restaurants and bars with slot machines where rich men wait to spend their money and their honor — and he lets them. He rarely goes to these places to actually spend time with a good drink.
Boothill offers a nice opportunity to do so.
They sit beside one of the few private tables with music blasting and folk yelling somewhere far to the center of the place. The hot air swims through and stays on the back of their throats. The bottles of the strongest whiskey Aventurine has ever tasted lay on and under the table, filling his nose with notes of oak and peat. Maybe he indeed did more shots that he should've.
The guy beside him seems just a bit tipsy - maybe it's his years of experience or just a metal heart inside a metal chest. He's babbling something about the drinks, and the guns, and the shit vocalist on the stage, and Aventurine can't really strain his brain into sorting his usual unique speech and figuring out the swears hidden under that damn beacon. He just looks at him, blinking slowly. Both of their hats sit beside eachother, hanged on the empty bottles.
It's already dark out, and the place doesn't really provide much light either, so they sit in soft darkness, hinted with orangy illumination from the stylised neon lamps. Maybe it's the humidity, maybe it's the strangely intimate atmosphere the two share, maybe it's the alcohol softening his brain and his body, but he feels a sting of deja vu on the back of his head. It almost makes him go on autopilot.
He watches the beauty marks move under Boothill's left eye. A strange yet familiar thought rolls in his mouth. It blurts itself out before he has the time to chew on it.
"Kiss me," falls from his lazy tongue, spattering across the table. Silence.
He doesn't really process what he just said until he hears a deafening laughter by his side.
"Who, you!? Naw, brother, you gotta be kiddin'! Yer fancy lil' face is too soft for me mouth of steel! Who in the right mind would get close to that poisonous sharp tongue of yers anyway, amiright? Hahaha, ye sweet talkin' snake... Hey, what's with da face? Hey!?"
The world around Aventurine moves and blurs until he feels wetness on his cheeks and a teardrop on his glove. Boothill shifts closer to him while he tries to rub his eyes back into normal state, ruining his little makeup alongside the movement.
It's weird. He didn't even mean that request and it's not like he's afraid of rejection. Well, maybe he's used to being wanted like that — physically — but surely he didn't expect Boothill the Galaxy Ranger of all people to like him. He didn't even want the kiss!
The sharp pain in his chest somehow signals the opposite. He gets tangled in his own tray of conflicted feelings, unable to think and act fast as always.
"Hey, are ye actually cryin'!? Fudge, were ye honest about that? Calm down, man!" He moves his hand in front of Aventurine's eyes which makes him feel even dizzier. "I didn't mean that last part, y'now lil old me! Gah... Do ye really want it, ye crazy scoundrel?" Aventurine doesn't have the time to answer.
Boothill moves his ice cold metal hand to brush off Aventurine's bangs and pecks him right in the middle of his forehead. His lips are thin, rough and a bit sticky from the whiskey. Its more of a slap than a kiss. Aventurine somehow feels content from that.
"Now ye drunk sweetie satisfied? Makin' me do crazy stuff for a prank, unbelievable..." He moves away, ruffling Aventurine's hair at the last second.
The treacherous tears stop. He sees a hint of a blush on Boothill's face — its not red, rather darker and colder shade of his skin tone instead. Not surprising with the blue blood running his wires. Aventurine giggles and downs his last shot for the evening.
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m4rs-ex3 · 10 months ago
ra.h ooga rbroobgarahahrhhagit. ä
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so at first i was like "PHEW the shadowpaw's with them" and then i was like "the shadowpaw's...... still..... with them" so pray for my baby
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i am SO pumped for this side quest line-up. also i love how corvus is just like " tf??? "
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what a beautiful kiss! happy pride month amiright!! we're in danger!!!
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eeheehee this is from 6x01
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now this. this is interesting. i suppose claudia got over her lil fit and just came back to terry like "ok yea hey baby i can barely walk 😞" which is admittedly very funny to me. it's like a child "running away" for like 20 minutes. also admittedly i was quite glad that terry was getting tf outta there but yk him just brushing her hair (n i swear i can see a cute lil smile) is absolutely adorable so i'm gonna just let y'all do ur thing (although claudia i do have my eye on you.) on another note i see claudia's fit hung up so OH MY GOD i'm getting hyped for an outfit change.
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yeah this gets its own post
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i know exactly (okay i'm like 99.9999% sure) what's going on here but idk are we still pretending the secret scene is still secret? i'll just say that @raayllum you were spot on in a certain fic
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the most interesting thing to me here is the moon collar, but as it has been pointed out you can see the frozen ship in some shots so i'm hoping that this is just a quick skirmish before the starscraper
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ok the perspective here is fucking with me. cuz that's definitely a tiny lil callum and rayla in the center their, but the dynamics with the shadows and the dimensions of this room..... the math ain't mathin. now i am trying my damnedest to not connect every size-dubious thing to "i swallowed her" but i cannot help it
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so we're just playing monkey in the middle with the thing now?? anyway ASTRID MY GIRL i love her sm already. now i should prolly be at least a little scared here but stella's chillin and i trust stella therefore i'm choosing to trust astrid. please do not let me down
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shes fine
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ok can we talk about this? because what the literal fuck is going on. we're in a burning wooden building and rayla's doing backflips to get to the coins which are just. hanging from a string????
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ok i'm sorry this is absolutely hilarious. it's giving "viren's body slip sliding off of the raft" in the sense that it's violence that is just peak comedy to me and me only and for no reason.
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oh brother THIS GUY STINKS
at least they made karim look goofy as shit
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she sun on my seed til i
well this has been fun
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mamashenanigans · 1 year ago
408 Leaks Thoughts
Well, holy shit those leaks, amiright?
So, I’ve finally processed some of this. I will say that this is definitely a chapter that needs a strong translation done due to all the dialogue and exposition happening. Therefore, some of this may change once we start to get the fan translation on Friday then the official English one Sunday night.
Here we go…
+I’m going to say this right now: how Horikoshi has handled AFO’s backstory flashbacks is very strange and disjointed. We are presented with a flashback of him crying while getting ready to kill Kudo then one prior to the full backstory where he seems pretty upset(almost like he didn’t know) when Kudo tells him he killed Yoichi. Once we finally get to these leaks, there doesn’t seem to be a clear connection between those flashbacks and when Yoichi died.
It feels like Hori is expecting the readers to be incredibly good at understanding context clues, including imagery, and putting plot strings together without the extra exposition. That’s interesting considering the target audience’s age range.
+So, he did kill Yoichi and all that was left was his hand. This is where the “being able to read/see context clues in a comic” comes into play. AFO didn’t mean to outright kill Yoichi. The look on his face after the fact makes that pretty clear. Also, talking about how he named his brother Yoichi for first gift while this is happening drives that home. Kudo is crying while AFO seems completely numb like his brain shorted out.
+Then BAM, we’re taken to AFO’s office and WE DID IT FAM he kept the hand. All of the thoughts and dialogue for the next few pages needs a good translation because this is prior to him killing Kudo. AFO is confused as to why he can’t feel the Quirk he gave Yoichi and ponders how that can be possible. We then get Kudo and third, who is named Bruce for some reason, discussing how Kudo now has another Quirk within him. Both AFO and Kudo are figuring out at the same time that Yoichi must have passed on his Quirk, but AFO seems to take it as “he still exists”(rough translation). Interesting.
+There’s a page where Yoichi is cut in half by the paneling and it’s assumed that the one on the left is from AFO’s memory and he is talking straight to his brother, while the one on the right is Yoichi talking to Kudo and Bruce. It kinda presents a duality in Yoichi’s thoughts concerning his brother. There’s the rational, “hero” thoughts about how “He only sees people as toys” and the emotional, little brother thoughts of “You’re the only reason I’m alive.”
+Instead of getting a direct connection explaining why AFO had so much emotion being told he killed Yoichi after we saw that he killed him in front of his own eyes, there’s a double spread of AFO’s decades and decades of trying to get his brother back since he knows he still “exists” within OFA. A panel prior to all of this has Yoichi saying how his power could have done a lot of good. This double spread has a lot of small thoughts from AFO throughout. Rough translations talk about how he cried and another is about how he “only/just/simply wants Yoichi”. This is definitely something that needs a good translation.
+From what I can understand through all of this, AFO was either in super denial over accidentally killing Yoichi or he had compartmentalized his feelings over it so thoroughly that his emotions over the matter didn’t come out until Kudo plainly told him that he killed his brother. I think the fact that AFO blames Kudo for “everything” drives home that he can’t accept that he would have killed Yoichi.
+We find out that AFO’s body was in a morgue and Garaki stole it. So, like, what? AFO was brought back from death by Garaki? Is he, like, a Nomu? This is weird.
+AFO goes full Lovecraft on a double spread as his brother senses him using it. It’s his last ditch effort to ram through Bakugo and get to Tomura and Deku. All Might says how he’ll turn into a baby after using it. Bakugo is, unsurprisingly, overconfident.
I will say this: I still don’t think AFO was born evil in the purest sense of it. He was born with his Quirk activated and the intrinsic affect on his very nature and inclinations were already happening. Also, this isn’t entirely AFO narrating. This seems to be a combo between him thinking about his past and Horikoshi being an omniscient narrator.
Also, I really do think AFO and Yoichi are identical twins, especially with how much goes into stealing nutrients and that they can sense each other(classic literary thingy). From how AFO talks about it here(again rough translations), he assumed he had stolen any Quirk his brother may have had in the womb, so Yoichi’s can-hardly-work “giving” Quirk is what is leftover. With Yoichi stating that the power could have done a lot of good, it makes me wonder what could have been if they never split and were one person. The AFO Quirk would make a lot more sense since it seems Yoichi is like the part of the soul that was about “giving”/“good”. Two halves that would have worked incredibly well with such an awesome power if they were one person. However, I believe AFO has a need for them to be together in this way. Because, if he acquires OFA, he’ll have his brother literally a part of himself/inside him. Then Yoichi can really never leave him.
Would have liked a little explanation of why Yoichi was put in “the vault”. I’m assuming it’s because he wouldn’t bend to AFO’s will, but it seems like that was already a thing, sooo? Did he already try to run away? I dunno. I would have liked something more with that just like how I would have liked a more direct connection between AFO killing Yoichi and killing Kudo.
Horikoshi is definitely rushing to finish this manga and move on and how he’s handled these last two chapters is pretty indicative of that. Which is such a shame since it ended up producing a weak way to tell AFO’s story.
Anyway, no break next week, so either we switch back to Tomura and Deku or AFO is somehow stopped by Bakugo because I guess Bakugo is Goku now? I’d love to have more vestige Yoichi interacting or reacting to AFO. Disappointed we haven’t gotten more than the two panels of him sensing his brother’s Spirit Bomb.
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