#little sibling
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yuriosakawa · 10 days ago
Sinister!Invincible x Little Sibling!Reader - Stuck with the Alternates 
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“I have a little sibling."
Were the words that the alternative Invincible nicknamed Sinister by his peers said, as the group of alternate Viltrumites flew aimlessly through this barren wasteland of a dimension. Since there was nothing else to do here after Angstrom betrayed them and stranded them here, they all decided to fill in the silence by telling each other’s their individual backstories. 
And now, it was Sinister’s turn. 
"Pfft! You? Having a little sibling?" The Invincible nicknamed Mohawk Mark snorted, looking incredulously at his fellow counterpart “Yeah, right"
“It’s true!” Sinister argued, glaring at Mohawk Mark. His face then turned into a look of absolute fondness that bordered into obsessive. 
“They’re so sweet! And smart! And so adorably innocent” He chuckled creepily, “They’re the only good thing that human bitch Debbie Grayson ever gave me before she died. The fact that my little sibling killed her during their birth was perfect for me.” 
In the background, Mommy Issues Mark grumbled underneath his breath. They all ignored him. 
"They’re just like an angel. A precious little baby angel that I can look after and protect and love with all my rotten heart." Sinister giggled eerily, before his face scrunched with anger, “Too bad about Dad, though. Fucker should’ve kept his mouth shut over how my little baby was making me weak. Oh well, he’s gone now. And my sweet little one still believes that he’s too busy leading the now nonexistent Viltrum Empire."
Omni-Mark scowled. Viltrumite Prisoner Mark hummed thoughtfully. Viltrumite Enforcer Mark (the one that didn’t had a mustache) just stared into the distance. 
"…And this sibling of yours. How old are they?" Maskless Mark, the most sheepish of them by far and who missed William, mumbled out. And Sinister chuckled. 
“Who cares? They’ll always be my beloved sweetheart. I’ll make sure of that." Sinister said ominously. Nobody talked a while after that, until finally— 
“They do sound delightful…" The Invincible with the yellow and blue uniform but with the Viltrumite sigil on his shoulders said, with a quiet and more softer tone that was so uncharacteristic of him as he was the loudest of the bunch. 
Sinister glanced at his fellow alternatives with a condescending look, "Really, I pity you guys. You don’t know the absolute bliss that is to take care of your own precious little baby sibling. To play with them, sing to them, mold them into whatever you desire them to be. Even that Mark from the dimension we invaded, for as weak as he was, had a little brother to look after. I guess we can’t all be so lucky, can we?"
The other Invincibles found themselves thinking about Sinister’s words. How different would things be if they had a little sibling of their own? 
Someone to protect. Someone to love and who will love them back no matter the amount of atrocities they commit. Someone to fill in the void in their blackened souls. Someone who would cheerfully greet them back after a long day of slaughtering people. Someone who would glance up at them like if they were their entire worlds. Someone who were completely dependent on them. Someone that they would conquer entire worlds in their name. Someone who thought they were a god. 
Their very own little sibling…
And the more they thought about it, the more the alternative versions of Mark Grayson desired to have that, with a burning and evil passion. 
Meanwhile, Sinister just smirked confidently. 
"That’s why I have to go back to them…" He said darkly, “And I don’t care who I have to go through in order to achieve that." 
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kejokaya · 5 months ago
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little sibling
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bellaxtoons · 21 days ago
I went to Texas Roadhouse with my family.
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My little brother (who’s 5) brought his color pad. I stole it and made shadow. He smiled big when i showed him, and he ask if we could play sonic adventure 2 with me. I said yes ofc 🫶💜 I’m so glad he loves Sonic lol
I also made one on a napkin.
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lilplushpatches · 2 months ago
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🌺Peaceful Sleep Again
🌺An agere Wakko and CG/Big Brother Yakko short story!
🌺HC: Wakko goes by They/Them pronouns! And all the warners have their own bedrooms within the Warner Tower.
🌺TW: Nightmares + Trauma
🌺Word Count: 485
🌺Character Count: 2,678
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🌺Sleeping was always hard for the overactive Warner brother. But tonight was harder than usual for Wakko. They couldn’t stop tossing and turning in their race car bed all night long. They managed to get some sleep in but were awakened by a nightmare. It was the same one as before, being locked away in the Warner Tower for years again, it was scary the first time and that thought was still scary even now. It didn’t help that they lived in the water tower either. A soft whimper escaped their lips as they sat up, their gloved hands searching for the little teddy bear in the darkness.
🌺Once their fingers brushed their stuffie they grabbed ahold of it and held it close to their chest. Wakko didn’t want to be alone right now. That was the last thing they wanted right now. They got from under the covers and hopped down from their bed before they began to travel through the darkness of their makeshift home. Soft whimpers and whines slipped past them. The darkness was something they never liked after they and their family were locked away in the same place they called home. Wakko allowed their feet to guide them, not really knowing where they were going, just that they were going somewhere. They stopped in front of a door.
🌺Oh, it was Yakko’s. Did they want to disturb him again? They always felt bad disrupting him when he was sleeping despite him being their big brother. But their need for someone else was too strong. They gently knocked on the door before opening it to peek in. “Bro-bro?” They whimpered quietly. Their floppy ears perked from the shuffling they could hear before the soft light of his bedside lamp was flicked on.
🌺“Mm, Wakko? What are you doing up so late?”
🌺Wakko fiddled with their bear plush as they sniffled. “Pubby have nightmare.”
🌺Yakko sat up and yawned softly, stretching out his arms before he fixed his blue eyes on Wakko’s brown ones. “Ah, bad dream. Does Pubby wanna sleep in here tonight? Or does Pubby wanna get something to eat?”
🌺“Pubby wanna sleep.”
🌺That seems to catch Yakko off guard for a moment. It was rare whenever Wakko didn’t want to eat, it usually only happened when they were truly upset and regressed cause of it. Wakko watched their big brother pat the spot next to them and they showed no hesitation when it came to climbing up in his bed. They got right under the covers and cuddled up next to Yakko.
🌺Wakko held their plush close to their chest with one arm while the other was used to cling to their big brother. “Is Pubby all comfy?” Yakko asked to which the Warner gave a little nod. They watched him turn the lights off and get comfy, his arms wrapping around them protectively.
🌺“Good night, Pubby.”
🌺“Night-night, bro-bro.”
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cluelessatthispoint · 2 years ago
Since request are open, may i ask for some platonic Yandere mercs noticing that someone from their team is interested on their sibling!reader from the opposite team?
The idea is just so funny to me lol, Heavy whispering " I will kill you" to Scout after he asked if the reader was single or Engineer having to hold Pyro back so they won't kill spy after he made a single compliment to the reader lol.
Scout: So...your sibling single-
Sniper: If you ask me that again im gonna shove my fist so hard on your facethat not even Medic will be able to turn it back to normal
Medic, to a merc who confessed their feelings for the reader: I'm happy you find my sibling beautiful but now I will have to remove your lungs for scientific reasons :) (scientific reasons being "I refuse to let this fucker even breath in the same direction as my sibling")
Oh my gosh yes! This is perfect! I saw this ask and reflected on how I would write it all day. I hope that you'll enjoy this just as much as I did writing it!
warnings: platonic yandere themes, blood, death.
Having his younger sibling at the base was a great idea. But, in reality it was the worst mistake that he could have made. Their Cease-fire Day turned out to be a ruse started by the BLU team. Grabbing you by the arm and tucking you safely in one of the most carefully secure and guarded rooms was the only thing he could do on such short notice.
Seeing how your eyes widened in fear at the sound of gunshots he acted on auto pilot. It was a good thing he did...or was it? The most secure and guarded room in the whole base was the intel room. This meant that the BLU's would stop at nothing to get in there and steal the briefcase. If they view you as a threat...well, he wouldn't think about that just yet.
The fighting seemed to go on endlessly. The enemy Sniper was the first one to drop, then the BLU Pyro and so on and so on. The only thing he couldn't figure out was where the hell the BLU Scout was. Normally the BLU menace would run around screaming all sorts of colorful language.
But today was different, he was nowhere to be found. Fighting back a grimace Engineer backed away from the battle as quietly as he could and ran to where your hiding place was. The sinking feeling that something might have happened to you rose up in his throat.
Slowing his pace to a walk he silently tread forward down the hallway. The sound of his boots hitting the floor echoed across and broke the fragile, quiet atmosphere. At least here, close to the intel room was quiet. Well, it usually was-or it was supposed to be. The door at the end of the hallway was slightly ajar, sending alarm bells going off in his head. Listening closely, he stalked forward. His hand on the holster of his gun.
Instead of hearing threats of violence or pleas for their life all that was heard was friendly banter. A bit too friendly for Engineer's liking. Listening closer, he could make out the sound of the BLU Scout's voice mixed with yours.
'Why the hell are you talking with a BLU?' he wondered.
He listened in even more closely. "Why the hell was a BLU talking TO YOU?'
Wild thoughts ran through his mind. Well, you are a grown up and a very well built and attractive one at that. Why the hell wouldn't anyone want to talk to you.
"So, toots, do you-I mean well, um..are you seeing anyone?"
Before you could make a reply, Engineer kicked open the door with a bang and shot the Scout in his chest. His blood splattering all over the floor, the desk, the intelligence and of course you.
"I don't think that you're good enough for my little sibling, you varmint!"
Looking back over to where you're standing, he can see all your emotions flash across your face.
"I'm sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to get his blood all over you, it just-he's...he's not good enough for you. And he's BLU."
Looking up at your brother and by the still warm corpse at your feet you purse your lips and wipe as much blood off your face as possible.
"Bro, Please! please stop scaring all the guys who are interested in me. It's getting very concerning at this point."
Stepping over the corpse and pulling you into a warm hug he chuckles softly. His chest moving with each breath he takes.
"That BLU Scout is annoying and persistent. Don't you worry, big brother Dell will make sure to keep him away from you no matter what."
With a cheeky smile he grabs the foot of the corpse and drags it out the door. Giving you a little nod, you sit and wait for the signal that means that it's safe to come out.
I went with big bro Engie and a pinning Blu Scout.
I loved writing this so much! platonic yanderes are so interesting to write for.
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dotdotdottiedot · 1 month ago
Liam is laughing at something in the other room and it’s really annoying
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artistofarchanea · 9 months ago
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lil bro must ensure big sister has a refined sense of humor like himself
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bigsiblingsystem · 1 year ago
Our little sibling and us, even when it comes to being a system, are two completely different people. Which isn't a bad thing, obviously, however, a while ago I had to explain to them that I understand they want to fool around, but they can't use our positive triggers when we told them not to. They asked us why and whether the person they kept accidentally triggering to front is a bad person (they were aware they were triggering them to front), and we said no, but it's painful for us to switch. To which they responded with "it's very easy for me to switch."
Some time later, we had a discussion about OSDD-1b and in what ways it's different from the regular DID.
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yuriosakawa · 2 months ago
Sinister!Invincible x Little Sibling!Reader - The Accident
It had been an accident…
Today was one of the rare days in which Mark brought you out. You both went to the nearby forest that surrounded the fortress that you called home. 
Mark had allowed you to wander off so long as you didn’t went too far. You were picking up so flowers that you thought were pretty, with the intention of making a flower crown with them and then give it to your big brother, when suddenly, you heard some shifting on some nearby bushes
Curiously, you went to check it out
It turns it it was a rabbit, with the fluffiest of white furs, looking up at you with big, red eyes and its pink nose twitching 
You cooed over how cute it looked. And as a fan of cute, fluffy things both big and small, you grabbed the rabbit to give it a big warm hug! 
And that’s when it happened 
You swear that you didn’t meant to hurt it, but you didn’t measured your newfound Viltrumite strength. So, when you squeezed more than you should’ve, the poor animal popped much like a balloon; letting out so much so as a pitiful whimper 
Its gory insides splattered everywhere; on your little face, on your clothes, on your arms and on the ground bellow 
You stared at your trembling hands, now caked with the rabbit’s still warm blood in horror. Big, fat tears began running down your eyes, petrified over what you just did 
"Sweetie?“ Mark’s voice called out to you, but you were still too in shock to stop looking at your bloodied arms 
Mark took a look at your bloody state. He initially thought you had been hurt, only to see the chunky remains of someone else hanging on your hair, and the ear of a rabbit laying pathetically on the side. He was quick to put two and two together 
"I didn’t meant to…" You whispered, looking up at your brother with tearful eyes "I promise I didn’t wanted to hurt the bunny! I just wanted to give it a hug, I swear…!"
"Shhh. It’s okay, sweetheart…" Mark shushed you gently, crouching down to your level and giving you a hug. He also wrapped his cape around you for an extra level of warmth, which always made you feel better 
“I know you didn’t mean it. You still don’t know the full extent of your strength" Your brother continued comforting you and gently running his fingers through your hair, not minding that it was messy with blood and the guts of the animal you just killed 
You continued to cry on Mark’s chest for a good while, and he all the while he continued to pat your head and whisper words of comfort. When you finally stopped crying, you wanted to give the rabbit a proper burial. 
Mark didn’t saw the point, as it wasn’t like there was a lot of the rabbit left to bury. Yet, you insisted; so in the end he gave in. 
Burying a shallow grave, you placed whatever remains of the animal was left and dedicated a moment of silence for it. Afterwards, you asked Mark to take you home. Your outing for the day has turned sour
Your brother didn’t argued. So, hand in hand, you flew back to the fortress 
Once there, Mark brought you into his arms and went to the bathroom to wash all the nasty animal blood out of you. Your brother made sure that the water was warm and filled with lots of bubbles, just how you like it. You smiled a bit as he lovingly rinsed your hair while you played with your rubber duckies, starting to feel better already 
When your bath was done, Mark wrapped you up in a warm and fluffy towel before putting fresh new clothes on you
"It’ll be okay, sweetheart…" Your brother told you softly, as he gently put you on your bed and covered you with your cozy blanket "Sometimes, this kind of things just happen. You’ll get used to it” 
“But what if I hurt you…?” You asked nervously, fresh new tears threatening to pour down your eyes yet again. Mark let out an amused chuckle as he kindly wiped away the tears 
"Oh, sweetie. I know you could never hurt me…" Mark said as an arrogant and borderline sinister smile crossed his face…
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"I’m Invincible, remember?"
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bajablastlover1 · 6 days ago
i am the way i am because im the younger sister to a perfect older sibling
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ghostcreaturetypething · 1 month ago
I understand Dean Winchester because if my little sibling was infected with a demonic disease that caused extreme violence towards others I would also lock myself in a room with them to protect them from everyone else even at risk of my own death.
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lolo-gay · 2 months ago
Nobody talks about how as a middle child you have to choose between leaving your toxic house like your older sibling did in order to survive, but that would mean abandoning your little sibling to be alone with your parents and feeling exactly how you felt when your older sibling abandoned you or staying in order to protect your little sibling but that would mean letting yourself die a bit more every day and abandoning the hope of getting better one day.
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dotdotdottiedot · 23 days ago
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lovvecherrymotion · 3 months ago
some of The photos ever
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some of the photos ever. you're correct.
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bigsiblingsystem · 1 year ago
Sibling: I'm a little bit traumatized.
Us (persecutor & anger holder, physical persecutor): A little bit? You're a system.
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overcomingqueeranxiety · 2 years ago
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Our sibling's subtle ways of expressing their romantic orientation.
(The face is blurred to protect privacy)
-co-host & persecutor-caretaker
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