#and if i said i think theh are superior to the slytherin skittles
shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
I know i always harp about how i prefer canon but by god I adore fanon Snape Gang so much. like yes they are blood purists hanging around with Hufflepuffs biggest muggle sympathiser Charity Burbage. She's the acception. Also shes rich. Aurora? She gives them study prep. She's dating Charity. She gets them into all the Ravenclaw partys. She is basically their big sister despite being the same age. Snape? He is HIM. Charity NEEDS to put him in her pocket. Mulciber wants him so bad. So what that he's a halfblood? It means they have diversity! Wilkes? What a dork. Every friendgroup needs a blonde or two. Who cares that he's demented, have you met Avery! Mulciber? This guy, amiright. What an asshole. Snape can't stop gawking. So handsome... so rich??? Chad alert. Avery? Also, asshole. We gotta love him. Again, handsome. Basically Mulcibers brother. Will put his damn life on the line for these guys then act all cold and distant.
Idk man. I think they are fucking dumb and completely not canon compliant but you gotta let a guy dip his feet in the canon divergence pool every once in a while right. Also the visualisation of Charity smuggling in tons of Muggle supplies to show everyone and none of them have a clue what any of it means except from Snape, halfblood, who thinks it's funny, and Aurora, a pureblood, who just has a hunch that you aren't supposed to use that walkman to make toast.
But hey, let's not pretend they are suddenly saints. They still all wanna become death eaters (Charity and Aurora as the exception) amd they still are all blood purists. I just think a little push in the right direction of character growth, a triwizard tournament, and unexpected allys could really create some yummy scenario's ^_^
(Also I'm a huge Charity Burbage fan so any content with her just makes me happy)
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