#literally the pizza community meme
bluemoon-golden · 7 months
yesterday, Etoiles said he'd probably log on the server tonight. hilarious timing. local anti-rp man comes home on Most Lore Day more at 9
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mausguild · 5 months
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Chaotic Mornings in the Class of '09 (Mega post)
Warning! This game features a lot of dark topics that is used as shock humor. I weeded out some of the less extreme statements for a sentence meme.
This is as tame as it gets.
Contains a mix of the OG '09 & Re-UP
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👾 ; "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO HIM!?" 👾 ; "I'm traumatized right now, but that was actually pretty good." 👾 ; "He literally just invited me over to fuck." 👾 ; "Uh-- Well I didn't use the F- word!" 👾 ; "Do something, bitch!" 👾 ; "....I said 'the tuna's good today' and you just replied with that." 👾 ; "You're on your fourth wife right now cause you couldn't make it as a photographer." 👾 ; "What's up you whores?" 👾 ; "...Okay, huffing at least one of these should get me fucked up, right?" 👾 ; "Whatever, just a little fun on the side while picking up bitches." 👾 ; "...What the fuck are you talking about?" 👾 ; "Bro, I have done literally nothing to give you this impression of me." 👾 ; "You really think I'm a quirky art girl?" 👾 ; "I wouldn't be surprised if he burned down a convenience store but yeah, he's nice." 👾 ; "I'm not having sex with you." 👾 ; "Fucking you was like, the last thing on my mind... unless you'd want to?" 👾 ; "Okay, we need to get the fuck outta here." 👾 ; "You brought me here to cook crack??" 👾 ; "Yeah, what else is baking soda for?" 👾 ; "Y'know you remind me of my wife a bit. I wanna fucking kill my wife!!" 👾 ; "Shut your mouth before I blow your fucking brains out on the tiled floor!!" 👾 ; "It's a doctor seuss book you fucking dipshit!" 👾 ; "I will not hesitate to fucking murder you." 👾 ; "Why don't you fuck off and finish last, virgin?" 👾 ; "Do you actually wanna fucking fight right now??" 👾 ; "Why would you care about the quality of my ass pics?" 👾 ; "Is there a definition where you blow your brains out with a shotgun while I sit and watch?" 👾 ; "Panhandling pills? What're you, homeless?" 👾 ; "Leave me alone bro, don't be a bitch. Don't make me fight you." 👾 ; "You're just gross? You look like you were breastfed 'till you were 8." 👾 ; "Oh, that's not good.. why are we getting him pizza?" 👾 ; "There's nothing sexy about you, it's just regular harassment." 👾 ; "What're you, my dom?" 👾 ; "Can I tell you to fuck off?" 👾 ; "Fuckin' dumb bitches, I had McDonalds in my room this whole time. Now I have two lunches." 👾 ; "What does making crack do for the community?" 👾 ; "It's get rich or die trying.. I did what I had to." 👾 ; "I'm not gonna burn her house down with expensive gas." 👾 ; "...Are you threatening me in sketchers?" 👾 ; "I'll take the gun you're saving for the cheerleaders and shoot you in the fucking face with it." 👾 ; "Who said we're buying anything? Just steal the shit." 👾 ; "One fish, two fish, red fish, you bitch." 👾 ; "Do you wanna get fucked up or not?!" 👾 ; "I'm gonna call your mom and tell her 'sorry' she'll never have grandkids." 👾 ; "All I asked was 'are you paying for the pizza' and you just went into that." 👾 ; "Yeah long flowing ponytail, very emo." 👾 ; "That was the most weekend dad question you could've possibly asked me."
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lavendernarwhal72 · 1 year
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So that’s my current mood 🙃
image ID under cut
[image ID: Community pizza fire meme. Text on the top left panel reads “me coming home after driving literally all day”. Text on the top right panel reads “refreshes my tumblr”. Large text across the bottom panel reads “AO3 IS DOWN” in all caps. End ID]
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dearweirdme · 9 months
To the anon lamenting the state of the Twitter fandom: please don’t forget that the way it looks over there now is in no small part to Elon’s master plan to boost “engagement” on Twitter (stop trying to make X happen! Nobody calls it that!). No matter how carefully you curate your feed Twitter is literally built to fuel fan wars and discourse right now. What that asshat thinks is valuable is the arguing on Twitter, so that is what is pushed to the top. I do feel bad for any new fans coming in however. It’s got to feel like the equivalent of that Community meme where Troy comes back with the pizzas to everything on fire, etc.
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jankwritten · 2 years
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LITERALLY I’m just over here rereading PJO having a grand ol time!!!!!!!!! Truly living my best life 😌like that one community meme where the guy comes in smiling w pizza but everything is on fire instead
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Okay okay I’ve had this idea rotating in my head since I replayed the game
I like to imagine that mc was the first one to figure out yuri and natsuki were into each other and recruits sayori to help set them up,
But they are just like the worst matchmakers ever before seen.
Like they accidentally set the room on fire while yuri and natsuki awkwardly fumble around each other
And monika is just watching her club turn into a train wreck in real time
Literally that one Community meme where the guy shows up with pizzas and the room is burning, yeah :3
I like this idea! Altho since I don't usually write MC into things, I tend to have Monika fill his role in this scenario, failgirl Monika is peak :D
As always, thanks for the ask~!
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stuckincoolsville · 2 months
7/23/24: what's my name?
i absolutely hate these things. 
intros, blogs; it's all stupid, really. it's not even worth the effort of capitalizing, let alone proper grammar. 
who's gonna read this? who's gonna care about some random weirdo teenager moving to some random weirdo town? in OHIO, of all places. the meme is writing itself and dying as we speak.
but my therapist says this will help me. somehow. he says we don't meet enough, so he has no way of knowing how i'm truly doing or feeling. starting a little blog will, supposedly, help me get my feelings out.
i feel it's just another way for him to keep tabs on me, but whatever.
don't worry, i'm not dumb enough to reveal my actual name. just call me V. 
i recently graduated from a high school in New York. yes, i lived near bodegas. yes, i'd rather attend NYU, or a CUNY, or anywhere else besides Coolsville Community College. yes, i walk wherever and whenever i fucking want. yes, i miss the bagels. and the pizza. and the water.
so, that being said, what am i doing in Coolsville, Ohio? 
moving into the house i inherited from my mom. who i have not seen since i was...twelve? yeah, about twelve. i still have this vague memory of watching her pack up her car with all her stuff. her mouth, pressed closed. how she kept refusing to look at me, at my dad. and then walking back in the rain so she can get in her car and drive out of our lives.
yeah, that's rather grim...but it's also relevant. 
surprisingly, she's not the main reason i'm in therapy at the moment. well, not because she left. children are abandoned by parents all the time. most divorces are the result of a parent walking out on a family. i'm not special because i'm another statistic.
i'm in therapy 'cause of the other thing.
anyway, the relevance of this is that i haven't seen my mom in six years. no one seemed to know where she went. it was like she literally dropped off the face of the earth. and yet, a few months ago, my dad and i got a visit from a lawyer. my mother's lawyer.
he said my mother died of a tragic...accident (spoilers: i don't think it was an accident), and that the ownership of the house she lived in recently transferred to me. a house in Coolsville, OH.
if this was last year, i would have slammed the door closed in the man's face. or had my friend Johnny do a prank call and scam the guy out of his money. or maybe had Marcy
i think you get the idea.
but this year...it was like the guy handed me the solution to all my problems on a silver platter. after everything that had happened this year, all i wanted was to disappear. to go to a place where no one knew my name or who i was. 
you'd think that'd be easy in New York, a city of several million people on its own. but when you've gone through what i've gone through, when your picture has been published in enough NYC newspapers or blogs or anything with readership, it becomes difficult to be invisible again. 
i had to argue about it with my dad, but it was weak on his part. i think everything was starting to strain on him too.
so with a few bags packed and a rather emotional goodbye with dad & the few friends i have left, i hopped in my car and headed for Ohio.
took me a little bit to find this place. Coolsville is pretty obscure, even by most small town standards. if you can get past the sense of dread you get from Toledo—with all its emptiness and boarded up houses & buildings—you're already on the right track. 
go past the long highway. head east, towards where the trees gather most. down that long, long road that seems to be an entrance to another realm. towards the faint sound of rushing water flowing from a place you can't see yet. and suddenly, you're there. in a town stuck in time, struggling to embrace modernity as we understand it. a place that is just outside the border of the area considered to be part of Appalachia. 
it's like i walked right into the 1960s...or maybe early '70s. every house is painted in bright colors, the grass never seems to brown; and the flowers are always in bloom. and all the people seemed to dress like they go thrifting on the regular, their clothes are so...retro? vintage? any of those words work? and they always seem to have a smile on their faces. typical welcoming committee, wholesome small town edition, i suppose.
i was a bit wary at first. still am. but it's been a couple weeks since i moved in. no one's asked the questions i've expected yet. no mob is calling for my blasphemous head. everything and everyone i speak to actually exists, which is a relief. so things are okay. 
for now.
no idea what the future holds, but i recently registered for classes at the community college here. it's much more affordable than the schools in NY, even for a newcomer like me. (guess enrollment must be pretty low over here.) no friends, but the few neighbors i've met seem friendly. there seem to still be teens my age over here, so that gives me some comfort. the house my mome left me is already paid for and has all the furniture and appliances i need. i just need to pay for utilities and maintain the house.
that's why i got the job at the bookstore. it's pretty cool, run by this weird old lady who likes to cackle and rant about the new age occult scene. says my generation doesn't know how to properly communicate with the Old Ones, and that will lead to our ultimate downfall. 
things like that. 
she has a lot of weird takes, now that i think about it, but i'm not gonna argue logic and reason with the crazy lady signing my paychecks.
not much else to say at the moment. i mean, there's more but. this was just supposed to be an intro. i don't wanna vomit out everything in my head. not yet. 
(Dr. Dimaggio, if you're seeing this, you already know. so there's really no point anyway.)
so i guess i'll be signing off. i'll update this when something happens or if there's something i wanna get off my chest.
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officialtayley · 9 months
when the socials come back it’s literally going to be like that community meme of the guy walking in with pizza while pure chaos is going on like the band’s just gonna be like “hey! we’re back- oh 🧍‍♀️”
*CNN reached out for comment
*random hit tweets of them “disbanding”
*hayley in a viral mess of gross men
*fuck atlantic tweets
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Everyone opening their Tumblr right now is that one meme from community where the guy holding pizza walks into the room and someone’s been shot and there’s a shirt on first and it’s complete chaos.
LITERALLY ME OPENING MY PHONE AT THE AIRPORT AT 5 AM THIS MORNING I was half asleep on the drive over so I didn’t check anything till I was through security I was so confused 😭
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throughconflict · 2 years
✿ name: Squid/Buncy
✿ preference of communication:  Discord, but even then I can't promise I'm gonna be good at responding. ;7;
✿ name of muse(s):  Akande "Doomfist" Ogundimu
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  Uhhh I started in 2016 so that's 6 years?
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  This and discord I don't have any other social media. ;7;
✿ best experience:  Meeting the incredible person that is @apoapsis on here and meeting @dragxnfall IRL!! I was cosplaying at the time too and it was so cool to meet an RP partner for real!! There are just so many!! The body swap M!A, literally any interaction with @primedspecimen's Junkrat was entertaining, T̸̡͉̩̦̿̈́h̴̗̮̙͈͊͆̀ẹ̸̱̌̐ ̸̯̣̄̌̅D̵̙̺̽̀̂͝͝ė̵̲̫ă̴̧͛̑ṫ̵͔̑͛̈́̚h̵̨̲̓͊ ̷͍͖̟̂̅͋ͅM̶͍͇͌̎ͅā̵̛̲̮͈̀͠c̶̫̫̫̉̆̾h̴̢̧̩̐̀͘ị̵̢̈n̵͇̗̿͝e̷̯͍̩̻͓̐̾͝, but most recently has to be the Strawberry Pizza debates. There's a TON more but I can only type so much. ;7;
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Rushing me to respond or guilting me about not immediately responding to DMs. Another and this only happened a handful of times around the 2016 OW RP era but getting pressed when a character is being portrayed in a way you don't like?? Not even talking about duplicate jealousy just in general. We are here to write and have fun, chill. LUCKILY this stuff has not been carried into the current RP space.
✿ fluff, angst or smut: Fluff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I adore fluff so much especially domestic type of settings. Romantic, platonic it don't matter... I'm lov. That being said angst is also good!! I can provide some angst but I do consume the fluff HCs of characters like the Cookie Monster at a Chips Ahoy factory. Smut as of right now... Not really. I can make NSFW HCs but writing it is... Weh.
✿ plots or memes: Both!! I love sending and receiving memes and I love plotting with people!!
✿ long or short replies: Long replies because they feed my lizard brain, but I do love me some short replies because......... They are easier for said lizard brain.  
✿ best time to write: Night time. ;7; Or when I am at my friend's house. It is my two moments of free time. Sometimes I can do replies in the early morning, but mostly the former two.
✿ are you like your muse(s): Uhhhh... For Mercy sorta but not that much (Ngl I project onto Mei like a MF XDD). Bob? Also sorta but in the sense of knowing what it's like to take on the parental role....... Doomfist? Not really, no. XDD
TAGGED BY: @chronal-anomaly
TAGGING: @apoapsis @dragxnfall @admonstrum @dustysixshooter @xrevolucionario @outlawschaos @jawbreakerjuggernaut
If y'all have been tagged aleady I am so sorry--
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defectivegembrain · 1 year
So I have finally run out of things that i wanted to watch slightly more than community, and started back up where I left off at the start of season 3.
Your opposite of gatekeeping of this show has kept reminding my adhd ass that it exists.
I just realized, 5 minutes into this episode rn, is gonna the pizza meme episode.
Thank you for getting me to the meme episode.
Ohh yeah Remedial Chaos Theory? When I first saw the meme bit I literally went "That's where that's from" out loud lol. It's a great episode too, I hope you enjoy it ^_^ Thank you for telling me this it's really cool, not that I was trying though I just can't shut up about it tbh
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ghosts-of-love · 1 year
Been rerereading Adored and all I got for a TEDTalk is "a match made in heaven you sent straight to hell" for when Humph was like "yeah I thought you two would make a good team. That's why I introduced you to each other and then all of a sudden you're yelling and shoving each other"
Poor man just wanted to play matchmaker and then had to deal with PatCap's idiocy for fuckin SIX (6) (I think) YEARS.
Their introduction was like that Community meme where Troy walks in with pizza and the whole place is on fire.
Anyways the line is from A Grave Mistake by Ice Nine Kills (who I've been nonstop listening to for almost a month now) and it goes so hard. It's one of the few non screamo songs in the Silver Scream Collection so it's very fun to sing loudly and angstily. I'm sure I could connect the song to more PatCap stuff but that sticks out so much to me in a funny way considering the song is, again, very angsty. And also inspired by a horror movie :)
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk :)))
bro this is so true and correct 😌 poor Humphrey tried his absolute best and was literally RIGHT that Pat and Cap would be good for each other, it's not his fault that it was the wrong time. maybe if they'd met a year or so later, maybe if they'd met at cadets/Cubs rather than at school, maybe if they'd been more honest with each other during the very first hook-up. so many maybes that I could be writing endless AUs of this AU if I wanted.
absolutely love that you heard an angsty song based on a horror film and thought yeah that's patcap 😌💕 I love that for you, and ily for gracing me with your thoughts, I always enjoy reading them so much!!
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lokidokeyartichoki · 2 years
Top five fandoms and foods???
ooooh like the experience of being in the fandoms??
Top 5 Fandoms For Experiences:
NBC Hannibal. Literally you can not top being part of the Hannibal fandom. The show has been over for like 7 years and we’re still out here making shit like it’s gonna come back. Also because the subject matter is so dark there’s a rampant hysterical crack part of the fandom to balance it out. Being a fannibal is an experience i have not yet found matched.
uhh actually that’s the only fandom i can recommend or even say i enjoy being in tbh. I dabble around but like the Fannibal community is the only one i’m regularly engaging and enjoying.
But I can say the top 5 fandoms I’ve been in during specific times!
Supernatural during the 2020 election and technically season 15. That. That was performance art and nothing could match that. I was actively part of the SPN fandom from like 2012-2014 I think but I ended up ditching the show and just kind of kept up with it via tumblr and what was on my dash. Season 8 was an experience as it aired but season 15? The pandemic? The election? that was something else.
The 2012-2015 Avengers Fandom. This was before we found out we were all found family baited. There is something so whole and wonderful about what we created then. Everything from Hawkeye lives in the vents to an entire universe made just for Darcy because she’s that cool. That was like the height of things and it was great.
Star Wars when The Force Awakens came out. This was it for me. This was where my Star Wars nonsense started. Poe Dameron sucked me in, and now I can read and write in Aurebesh. I would say also Star Wars during the Mandalorian seasons. The amount of all of us wanted this dad to get some sleep is too much. There’s something to be said for how dividing the experience is with Star Wars because there are some serious arguments that make no sense to me, so sometimes it’s not fun. But most of the time it’s a lot of fun just thinking about that shit in space.
Good Omens when it first came out was a breathe of fresh air. It still is, but the fandom was perhaps one of the most interesting and diverse experiences I’ve ever had. I’ve never seen more positive amounts of ace and nonbinary rep in my life, and there is something so personal about that experience for me. There’s of course the fact that it was a long standing fandom to begin with but the show coming out really breathed a lot of life into it and the amount of art! the stories! the fact that these two genderless beings are in love with each other despite everything! top tier shit.
Pokémon. The world of pokémon is such an interesting experience and universe to explore and games like Arceus have really opened that up. Every time a new game releases I know tumblr will be ablaze with memes and stories and lore. There’s something so homey about it because I was in first grade when pokémon made it big in the states. This is a life long thing for me and the extrapolations people have made on the universe beyond what being a trainer means are so fucking cool.
Top 5 foods!
Cheeseburger with waffle fries
trail mix
cottage cheese pancakes
steak burrito from the mexican place near me
pizza bread (family recipe)
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webotixae · 2 months
How Mechanical Engineering Solutions are Powering Industry 4.0 
Welcome to the era where we heavily rely on intelligent machinery – not just for Instagram filters but also for industry-wide miracles. Today, we’re talking about mechanical engineering and its uncanny ability to fuel Industry 4.0.
Introduction – The Dawn of a Mechanical Age
Once upon a time, in a world not so long ago, mechanics were all about the simple joys of gears, levers, and pulleys. Fast forward to now and voila! We’re standing on the precipice of a mechanical wonderland where self-aware machines sometimes know more about us than we'd like (yes, smarter than your average toaster).
Industry 4.0, or as we like to call it, the "Revolution That Never Sleeps," is the brainchild of mechanical of engineering wizardry. Imagine your favorite sci-fi movies but with more nuts, bolts, and fewer apocalyptic fears.
The Harmonious Symphony of Interconnected Systems
Picture this – you walk into a factory floor and instead of the usual chaotic din, there’s an orchestrated symphony of machines communicating in binary bliss. Thanks to IoT (Internet of Things) – the underrated over achiever making those awkward silences in machine conversations a thing of the past.
Mechanical engineers have elegantly designed these systems to ensure your robotic buddy doesn’t drop your package of pizza-flavored socks en route to your doorstep. These machines don’t just excel; they Google "How to Excel" and pass the knowledge on.
Robotics – The Unpaid Interns of the Future
Forget about human interns fetching coffee; robots are now doing the heavy lifting – literally. These high-tech gizmos excel at precision tasks. They might not keep you entertained with meme-worthy small talk, but they’ll manufacture precision parts with unrivaled accuracy.
Today's production and engineering are done by mechanical engineers craft these loyal robot minions, ensuring they function like clockwork. So, the next time you admire a perfectly assembled gadget, give a nod to the mechanical mastermind behind the curtain.
Predictive Maintenance 
Mechanical engineering’s genius bred predictive maintenance, the industry’s crystal ball. No more unexpected shutdowns or sudden bursts of colorful language from the maintenance crew with best engineer. Now, sensors and smart algorithms foresee issues, much like a prudent neighbor predicting the exact moment your Wi-Fi will crash during an important Zoom call.
These digital clairvoyants deliver timely alerts to keep factory floors humming. It’s the engineering equivalent of never running out of clean socks again. Bravo!
3D Printing 
If James Bond were a manufacturing methodology, he’d undoubtedly be 3D printing. Suave, sophisticated, and capable of extraordinary feats. Mechanical engineers have harnessed this tech to whip up anything from engineering and designing, prototypes to fully functional parts faster than you can say “Licenced to Drill.”
3D printing offers flexibility like never before. Need a custom sprocket or a replacement part stat? No problemo! Pop it in the printer, and voila, your wish is the machine’s command.
Cobots – The Unofficial Therapists of Human Workers
Collaborative robots or "cobots" are your new best friends. Think of them as the unsung heroes of Industry 4.0 and your flattering office companion. These mechanical Knights in Shining Aluminum work alongside humans, relieving them from soul-crushing repetitive tasks.
Their human counterparts may appreciate their tireless assistance, but they’ll miss out on the lunchtime sandwich banter. Cobots excel at heavy lifting, precision work, and avoiding water cooler gossip.
Augmented Reality – Turning Technicians into Superheroes
Imagine your machinery repair manual juiced up with augmented reality (AR). Now that’s the kind of superhero sidekick every technician dreams about. Don your AR glasses, and the once-daunting repair tasks unfold like a Marvel movie montage.
Mechanical engineering has managed to add a sci-fi layer to mundane troubleshooting. As technicians gaze into their high-tech specs, they’re greeted with intuitive instructions, guiding them through the repair – all while looking incredibly cool.
Digital Twins 
Digital twins might sound like the latest K-pop sensation, but they’re far from it. These virtual replicas of physical products or systems ensure nothing is left to chance. Before launching any mechanical marvel into the real world, engineers test and tweak them virtually.
These digital doppelgängers allow for endless simulations, ensuring mechanical mishaps are avoided. Think of them as your conscientious cousin always ready with Plan B (because Plan A involves you and a mechanical disaster).
Mechanically Masterful Musings
In a world where machines are becoming our equals, it’s a reassuring comfort to know that behind every impressive piece of gear and every automated process stands a mechanical engineer who's likely also an insane lover. These unsung heroes combine art with science, turning raw material and grand ideas into reality. They're the magicians ensuring that Industry 4.0 isn't just a buzzword but a thriving ecosystem of seamless efficiency in their engineer projects.
So the next time you marvel at how effortlessly industries evolve, tip your hat (literal or metaphorical) to the mechanical masterminds. Even as we sail through this fourth industrial revolution, it's clear that with the magic touch of mechanical engineering, we’re in expert hands. And to those engineers still tinkering away – keep doing what you’re doing. We might not understand the jargon, but we sure do enjoy the benefits (especially when our pizza-flavored socks arrive promptly).
In summary, as we continue our ride on the Industry 4.0 express, let’s appreciate the brains behind the brawn. Here’s to a future where machines, guided by the ingenuity of mechanical engineers, unlock new potentials, improve efficiencies, and maybe one day, develop a sense of humor to rival ours.
May your gears always be greased and your innovations a plenty!  
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uncle-jj · 4 months
Sheesh, is that all you're ever gonna say? Come on...
I did NOT make this blog just to write my own incorrect Pizza Tower quotes. There literally is no purpose I made this blog, unless you count rambling or crapposting. Yeesh...like there ever was anything better for me to do (or anything good at all to do)... I mean, I got some substantial fame for incorrect Encanto quotes, and incorrect Animal Crossing quotes, but then Pizza Tower took over Gameblr...and there still isn't anything good for me to do.
I had attempted two April Fools jokes, okay? One was speaking Japanese, and the other was just me saying nothing but "Peppino". As of now, I've applied for college WITH help from my mother (who I still live with)...damn! Nobody even appreciates my other posts anymore! I swear, this website's algorithm is so flawed. What do you guys expect me to do, post another Pizza Tower incorrect quote? I literally had lost motivation to draw even a simple stickman, yet I run a high quality ripping channel that needs to be branded properly, and I used to roleplay so much on Discord. Despite that, I'm still in some roleplay servers, and I have a lack of original characters based on MY designs to roleplay as!
Society was right; Twitter is a hellhole, Tumblr is a corporate shilling, TikTok has no home in the USA, and there is absolutely NOTHING good about ANY website, app, or anything like that at all. The internet was never great; it always has been rotten to the core ever since it was born. No kitty picture, lewd drawing, dank meme, online game, or community has the power to satisfy me anymore. TV and movies never help either, and video games don't feel real to me. Books put a mirage in my brain; that includes comic books too. Entertainment is and will always be a hoax to me, and everything on this so-called "Earth" is just absolutely garbage.
God is dead, and they killed themself, all because Eve ate the apple.
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rinhaler · 6 months
ANGEL BABY UR GONNA BE OKAY!!!! but I totally understand I get nervous before appts too :/ but everything’s gonna be alright!!!
UGHHHHH LUXE PLEASEEEEEE U GET ME!!! he’s….hes so fine and so tough i just wanna *car crash noises* i just started watching it recently and haven’t read the manga yet but good lord that’s a whole daddy right there if he doesn’t get me pregnant I’m gonna get HIM pregnant s2g!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
now I got some questions for u young lady I’m curious!! How tall are u?!? And I remember u said ur picky so what’s ur fav food? Least fav? Ive been a vegetarian since I was 13 so I guess I also qualify as picky heh. And when did you get into writing and art?
I literally think ur so cool pls indulge me ❤️❤️❤️🧋
omg how far into it are you? I gotta watch the newer stuff still but I used to be OBSESSEDDDDD I probably will be again when I get back into it hehehe
I'm 5'6/5'7ish
FAV FOOD I always love a greasy pizza takeaway with some cheesy chips, elite food <333 i hate stinky food so im not a big fan of things like onions or tuna, if it stinky i probably don't like it sadfghgfds
I think I've always been into art since I was super young!! My nana and parents were always buying me little paint sets and my first ever memory is handing a rly ugly drawing to my mam of me and her 😭 but yeah I've always been into art but only recently started taking it seriously and trying to find my style. I studied it in college and then uni and I have a masters in (i cant remember if it's fine art or art and design but i have an art masters degree)
and writing!! i think ive always loved writing too bc i remember rly enjoying writing little stories for my friends based on them and their crushes in high school and i remember when i was in my last year i wrote an entire novel (it's awful). but it was when dystopian stuff was super popular so i used to be SO excited to get home and write it.
I only started getting into fanfic like four years ago? when i started getting into anime i was like oh my god i need to consume as much content as i can i need somewhere to find fan art and memes and blah blah so i made a brand new tumblr dedicated to it. and to be honest i didnt even know fanfics were still a thing??
i remember it being a really cringe and weird thing for people to be into while i was in school so i was soooo shocked when i came across TONS of them when i made my account and i just got hooked and started binge reading so many and i was like omg i have an idea for a story im gonna write it!!
and i was rly infrequent with posting i just did like two or three and focused on my fan art and meme reblogs but then i joined a discord server and i just fell in love with writing and the community and the vibes, it was amazing.
and four years later here we are hehehe
sorry for talking so much i am a rambler <3333
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