#literally holding up my mythic fantasy or whatever
onewomancitadel · 3 years
I have a fic idea that has formulated but I think it would be embarrassing to tag a third fic on my account ‘Possessive Sex’. Sigh
I mean dude you've already got 3 stories where Cinder gets eaten out (and one where she fantasies about it)
What's one more? 😆
Don't pretend like a sex fic with Cinder Fall doesn't have "Cunnilingus" as a necessary mandate I've read your stories I know what's up haha
Also btw new chapter was excellent 👌
Don't have time to gush about it at the moment but despite being the same chapter from a different perspective (well mostly anyway) the number of new scenes add a lot and it was really good dude
I'll make a post when I can, promise lol
but do you perfer a review on AO3 or a post on Tumbler like this one ? Or is either or fine?
Like I'm still stuck on my phone so Tumblr would be easier (formatting and all that) but if you'd perfer it to be on AO3 I can do that as well.
Ok true
In for a penny, in for a pound etc. Kind of damning reading 'cunnilingus' in bold if I am totally honest with you.
And on a more sober front: no worries, always happy to hear from you! Honestly AO3 is easier especially for hoarding the comments I go back and reread when I need to get started on the next chapter cuz I can just open my inbox and then I'm not subjected to my own commentary on Tumblr.
I hoard comments like dragons do gold basically.
But yeah if AO3 is a pain in the bum to use on mobile that's fine, whatever is easiest for you, comments/feedback is so much fun so yeah. But you don't need to worry about fancy formatting in the comments, if you're commenting in your usual style (which is very sweet!) you could just use an arrow key to indicate quoted text.
>Like this
as opposed to italics/using limited HTML.
Glad you enjoyed the chapter! And honestly I just wanted more of them together, for her to turn back around (repeating myself here) and I thought Cinder’s perspective was quite necessary to understand how we got where we did. XD XD Plus I am a meanie.
Anyway, hope things are going well for you! And hope your laptop gets fixed! I had a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) today because I was testing fate playing a game (Sudeki) on a really hot day without elevating my laptop. Oops! Don't worry, I backed up all of my fic straight after. XD
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inktog · 2 years
Frogs vs. Herons
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The heron attack on Toad Tower undoubtedly traumatizes Sasha in a literal sense. But I wouldn't be surprised if it also signifies some extant trauma, brought to life by the dream logic of Amphibia.
What trauma? Well, to date, the only other herons in this show are the ones who killed Sprig and Polly's parents, turning the Plantars into a non-nuclear family; they attacked in a pair, just like the birds who storm the Tower. Less blatant but still important, Anne becoming the black heron in flipwart signifies the danger she represents (at least in her own head) to the safety of Hop Pop's family.
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In short, herons destroy families. Add to this the reveal that Sasha's parents are likely divorced or separated, and my best guess is that Prison Break is a reenactment of that separation: a sudden, traumatic upheaval of the status quo.
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To be clear, that status quo probably wasn't good. Before the herons show up, Sasha's life in Amphibia is marked by isolation, unfair punishments, and a warden who refuses to trust her word. This doesn't paint a pretty picture of her home life, even pre-divorce: stable, sure, but bad. Extrapolating this much is obviously pretty speculative, but it's clear enough that Sasha doesn't hold her parents in high regard—by True Colors, she's willing to stay in Amphibia indefinitely without so much as popping in for a visit.
So Sasha helps drive off the herons…and then gets a stylized heron sword, as if incorporating aspects of the bird into herself.
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We might draw a connection between Sasha's sword, her violence against frogs, and her rock anthem. On account of Anne's moral quest, frogs and Heart both signify family. Frog subjugator and heartstomper are thus synonymous with heron—family destroyer.
I'm a heart breaker, breakin' those hearts. You can tell me that's not me, but I'm perfect for the part.
It's possible that Sasha blames herself for her parents' separation, and that she's trying to spin this as positive—to forge a whole freaking identity out of it. Not just when it comes to her own family, either. She earns her second heron sword after besting the newt king, a mythic stand-in for Marcy's dad. And then there's Anne's parents.
Oh, I understand, Anne. You're a good little girl who's gotta go home to her mommy and daddy. Come on! Hang out with your friends that love you! (Reunion)
Say hi to your parents for me. (True Colors)
If I'm right about Sasha trying to own the "Fuck yeah, I'm a badass delinquent who tears families apart" mantle, then she might (as someone on Discord suggested) be actively driving a wedge between Anne and her family, by forcing Anne into positions where she has to choose.
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In any case, Prison Break shows us Sasha's lifelong modus operandi (in the form of advice to Grime): Be nice to people, and they'll do whatever you want. She fancies herself a master manipulator, and the episode is an indulgence in her fantasy of flipping tragedy on its head. Whole world's falling down? Who cares. Parents are awful. Grab your friends and get out while you can. The herons are scary—this might be the most scared you've ever been in your life—but they bring freedom.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
Autistic Hiccup x ADHD Anna Headcanons
SO I’ve been really into the whole Autistic x ADHD ship dynamic and Hiccanna...highkey fits??? Like y’all know I will die on my “Anna has ADHD” hill, but after reading this post by @hobie-brown I’m like wait, the autistic Hiccup headcanon is wonderful too??? And blends SO WELL with ADHD Anna??? And I absolutely HAD to explore it more so BOOM headcanon time! Another special thanks to @hobie-brown for writing the super lovely autistic Hiccup headcanon masterpost that inspired me to do this!
Disclaimer: I myself am not on the spectrum (part of the reason I’ve always felt a little weird about definitively HCing characters as autistic unless I see actual autistic people HC them that way too), so most of the stuff here is stuff I know secondhand from my autistic friends! I do have ADHD, so I can always promise that ADHD Anna will be 100% authentic XD
~Anna absolutely gets into Hiccup’s special interests to try and impress him. The most obvious one being, of course, dragons, but also dinosaurs (extinct dragons), lizards (tiny dragons), and Dungeons and Dragons (An RPG game that does, in fact, include dragons). Hiccup absolutely had that dragonology book as a kid and got obsessed with it beyond all reasonability. Hilariously, Anna’s wooing strategy of indulging his special interests works like a charm--mainly because a) he’s pretty flattered that someone takes THAT much of an interest in what he likes and b) half the time, ANNA finds that she genuinely gets into whatever said special interest is and finds them easy to hyperfixate on. It helps that the more she obsesses over it herself, the more she has to talk to Hiccup about XD
~Specifically, Anna definitely joins a DnD campaign at some point so that Hiccup will think she’s a “cool gamer girl”--and then gets unironically obsessed with it and starts writing 10-page backstories for all of her characters. She later tells Hiccup it started out as a ruse to win his heart via nerdiness, and he absolutely loses his shit laughing.
~One of their overlapping special interests/hyperfixations is high fantasy. Hiccup is, unsurprisingly, all about the mythical creatures while Anna is more into the magic and the zesty political drama, but you dun best believe they catch every CGI-ridden fantasy movie that ever comes out. They’ve both spent a literal fortune on fantasy movie tickets, even moreso on watching them in 3D or Imax. How embarrassing for both of them.
~Another less-obvious overlapping interest is history. Hiccup gets into it while looking into the cultural mythos of dragons (he’s pretty fascinated by the fact that so many cultures around the world thought up similar creatures independently), while Anna gets into it because she grew up cooped up bored and lonely in a big house, and entertained herself by looking into the history behind some of the family paintings. They don’t seem it at first, but they’re actually both huge medieval and ancient civilization history buffs.
~Hiccup is THE most touch-repulsed person you will ever meet. This is unfortunate, as he is also SUPER touch-starved and absolutely does not realize it (I mean, I’ve never gotten the vibe Stoic was the super huggy type, considering his and Hicc’s relationship in HTTYD 1). This means he has absolutely no fucking clue what to make of Anna when they first meet meet. Anna’s the sort of person to give physical affection pretty freely, especially if she likes you--usually in the form of hugs, arm pats or playful swats, putting her elbow on your shoulder, etc etc. Hiccup is kinda just like “this is way too much touching but like??? I kinda like having her this close to me??? What do???”
~Anna, meanwhile, notices that Hiccup kinda stiffens up whenever she touches him and seems to not be crazy about it and she’s just immediately like “yo what’s wrong???” And as SOON as he admits he’s not all that crazy about being touched randomly she’s like “OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY” and never touches him without asking again.
~As soon as she finds out touch a kind of A Whole Thing for him, Anna is like...AGGRESSIVELY respectful of Hiccup’s boundaries when it comes to physical affection. Almost annoyingly so. She gets in the habit of basically never initiating any kind of physical touch without asking first--even long after they’ve started dating, and he’s told her it’s okay to initiate touching as long as she’s not smothery about it. She still refuses out of principle.
~They come up with a kind of “consent language” so Anna can pretty quickly determine when it’s all right to touch Hiccup--because Anna still really likes being physically affectionate with him, and he does actually like receiving physical affection a lot of the time (because, again, touch-starved), he’s just choosy about who does it. They work out a system based off of small, light touches that Hiccup doesn’t mind where it’s basically 2 taps on his shoulder for “can I hug you around the neck,” 2 taps on his side for “can I hug you around the waist,” 2 taps on his arm for “can I grab/lightly slap/punch your arm,” and 1 tap on is shoulder for “can I put my arm/elbow on your shoulder.” If he’s cool with it he’ll either nod or just say “yeah go ahead.” It works a lot quicker than asking “can I do such-and-such specific touch” every single time, and allows Anna to keep some of her spontaneity. They develop this during their friendship and it ends up rolling over into their relationship, even after Hiccup has basically told her she doesn’t need to ask permission for a lot of these anymore. She adds a new one after they start dating--she taps him a couple times wherever she wants to kiss him to ask if it’s cool to give him a smooch! It usually is.
~INFODUMPING. Literally SO. MUCH. INFODUMPING. Hiccup absolutely WILL NOT SHUT UP when he gets to talking about one of his special interests. Anna just will not shut up in general, but when the topic changes to one of her hyperfixations, it’s even worse. If you try to have a conversation with these two while they’re infodumping, you WILL get talked over. Honestly, left to their own devices, they could probably infodump to each other for literal days on end.
~Despite how much they both like to infodump, they’re both pretty good about being patient and indulging the other when it’s their partner’s turn to infodump in the conversation XD They are, however, notorious about accidentally triggering a barely-related infodump in the other person. It’s not uncommon for one of them to finish a rant and then the other goes “OH THAT REMINDS ME” and sets off on a completely different, barely-related rant.
~Hiccup actually really appreciates how overexpressive--and occasionally overdramatic--Anna tends to be. He never has to try and figure out what she’s thinking because she just says everything in her brain, and her body language basically always matches how she’s feeling to a ridiculous extent, so he never has to give himself a headache trying to read her. The fact that she’s the opposite of subtle and has no filter whatsoever works great for him, because he doesn’t have to drive himself insane trying to understand her. He gets her better than he gets most people because she’s an open goddamn book. The boy’s never been the best with social cues at all, never mind the nuanced, obscure ones, so Anna’s general straightforwardness and utter inability to hide her true feelings at literally any time is a breath of fresh air. What you see is basically what you get, and Hiccup wouldn’t have it any other way.
~People think when Anna and Hiccup start dating it’s gonna be a disaster, mainly because he’s so blunt and she can be...”oversensitive” (i.e. has a REALLY bad case of RSD). Turns out they’re dead wrong--because Hiccup has RSD too! (I mean, come ON--look how BADLY he wants to get his village’s approval! And how hard he takes it when his dad or someone else is mad at him--even if he tries to hide it with snark) He’s actually one of the few people who can be blunt enough with Anna that she realizes when she’s being a dumbass but tactful enough not to hurt her feelings or set off her RSD--because god, has he been there. When Anna is being especially difficult and has worked herself into a real bad funk, Hiccup (and sometimes Elsa) is the only people who can talk to her and get through to her without getting blown up at.
~They stim in similar ways!!! They both tend to fidget or kinda bounce up in down in place as a way to comfort themselves and calm themselves down (I see them both having a lot of anxiety and generally being kind of paranoid, although Anna is MUCH better at hiding this via putting on a cheerful face). They both do the leg bounce!!! Also if they get SUPER excited they’ll do a little awkward happy dance!!! They both also tend to stim by rubbing things in small, repetitive motions--with Hiccup, it’s usually his sketching pens, his ear, his head, or the back of his neck, while with Anna, it’s usually her other hand, her arm, her clothes, or really anything with kind of a comforting, consistent texture (some favorites are rubber, felt, and velvet). After they start dating, they actually will stim with each other’s hands while holding hands--usually by squeezing the other person’s hand in kind of a repetitive pattern or doing the thumb-rub thing on the back of the other person’s hand. It’s not uncommon for them to each be doing something completely unrelated while holding hands and just stimming on each other’s hands the entire time. Anna especially really loves when she feels Hiccup stimming on her, because it’s her little indicator that he’s happy and feels at peace and content in her presence and she LOVES being able to do that for him!
~They both stim by playing with hair too! Anna likes to play with her own to stim--mainly by figeting with the end of her braids or tucking hair behind her ear. She DOES love to ruffle Hiccup’s hair too (and she LOVES how fluffy it is!), but it’s usually not a stim thing. After they start dating, Anna does occasionally stim by massaging Hiccup’s hair/scalp, but she doesn’t usually do it for very long. Hiccup really loves braiding Anna’s hair, or just playing with it when it’s down. it helps him relax and clear his mind to have something fairly repetitive and/or mindless to do.
~Even after gaining some confidence, Hiccup still has a fair bit of social anxiety, so he and Anna basically always go to parties and social events together and stick with each other the whole time to make it less intimidating for him. Hiccup generally prefers to let Anna do the talking when they chat with people, and sometimes if he’s REALLY nervous he’ll sometimes even let her kinda talk for him (not in a condescending “speaking over” kinda way, but more in like a “I can sense you’re not comfortable speaking here so I’ll help you out as best I can” kinda way). She always makes sure to leave space in the conversation for him to take over talking if he wants. She’s also incredibly prone to bragging about his accomplishments to basically everyone they know. Hiccup is both embarrassed and flattered by this.
~When Anna finds out about meltdowns (probably through Hiccup mentioning it kind of offhandedly--“Eh, sorry I went AWOL last night, I was having a bit of a meltdown. Don’t worry about it, I’m fine now.”) she lowkey gets super anxious and frustrated because she REALLY wants to help, but has no idea how. Cue literal HOURS of research on the internet and AGGRESSIVE memorizing of any and all tips that she reads that she thinks would help. Which, of course, means several MORE hours spent going over flashcards like she’s studying for a goddamn test, because Anna has never been known for her sharp, expansive memory.
~The first time Hiccup ever has a meltdown in front of her (maybe after a really bad phone fight with his dad or something? Just general sensory overload?), she takes him to a secluded room and IMMEDIATELY gets rid of anything that could be agitating sensory-wise. She dims the lights! She closes the blinds! She throws a nearby clock, an alarm, a timer, and several other objects with only the slightest potential of making an annoying noise out of a nearby window in a fit of passion! She goes on a frenzied quest to find Hiccup’s noise-cancelling headphones--and finishes it in record time! Even in a state of emotional turmoil, Hiccup realizes that Anna’s being just a little too methodical in how she goes about all this--these are the kind of things that wouldn’t ever occur naturally to her to do. So as soon as he calms down a bit and has screamed into a pillow for a while, he’s like “...did you go on the internet to look up how to help with meltdowns?” and Anna’s like “...yes?” And Hiccup is lowkey so touched he starts crying all over again...and then, naturally, makes a long string of snarky comments to try and distract from it XD
~For their anniversary Anna saves up a bunch and buys Hiccup a lizard and a terrarium!!! She gets him a crocodile skink because, I quote, “Well, they always look annoyed, they’re kinda shy, they don’t like to be touched, and they look like tiny dragons, so they reminded me of you!!!” Hiccup screams like a goddamn fangirl, he’s SO excited. As luck would have it, Hiccup’s crocodile skink is a lot less skittish and prone to hiding than they usually are, and he actually lets Hiccup pick him up and pet him without much issue. Which is honestly great, because repeatedly touching something smooth and even like lizard scales helps calm Hiccup down when he’s agitated and helps with some of his sensory issues.
~Probably goes without saying, but Hiccup basically NEVER genuinely gives Anna a hard time about her memory problems or how she’s not always the quickest on the uptake, and if anyone tries to call her annoying, dumb, or immature he will absolutely roast them into oblivion. He does sometimes like...lightly tease her about jumping into things without thinking or never shutting up, but he never pushes it if he can tell she’s genuinely bothered by it (and, again, Anna is very easy to read, so it’s not hard to tell XD)
~I’ve seen other people in the fandom HC either Hiccup, Anna, or both of them as BOTH autistic and ADHD, and honestly...fuck yes!!! I’m down for this too! I love the idea of these two disaster ND kids just vibing with each other on so many damn levels that it’s like...incomprehensible to the average human XD Like man, they fuckin GET each other!!! I’m pretty happy with most combinations of ADHD + Autistic headcanons for Anna and Hiccup, so long as they end up vibing!!!
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female-malice · 3 years
Yours is probably the weirdest take on gideon the ninth I've ever seen 😭😭 like to an extent i get you but the relationship between gideon and harrow isn't meant to be like... Healthy or sustainable. I think the fact that gideon was harrow's slave is a little more of a red flag than the fact that harrow's skinny 😭😭 i'm just. So beyond confused i really don't think you can take this book about extremely traumatised teenagers and apply modern relationship values to it. And I'm very baffled by the implication that butch/femme etc relationships don't work
Oh girl. Slavery? What is this. I haven't actually read the book. I was informed that it's about a giant 4 waif relationship. So yeah I'm definitely not gonna read it now.
Sorry you think saying athletic people work best in relationships with other athletic people is "butch/femme-phobia." In case you didn't know, women can be gay, feminine, and pro athletes all at once. Women can also be gay, masculine, and supermodels all at once. There's nothing sacred or special about butch/femme. I don't understand why people get so sensitive about it like it's a protected category. It's literally just clothing.
Anyway... let me reframe my point. If I was going to write a lesbian dark fantasy novel, I would not write it around fetish dynamics. Lesbian characters and relationships are extremely underrepresented in fantasy and YA literature. Most lesbian representation is voyeuristic and fetishistic. The last thing I would want to do as an author is add to that.
You call my athlete 4 athlete example too modern, but it really isn't. Most fantasy has a historical or mythic vibe to it. All throughout history, female-female relationships were between two women who did the same thing all day. Warriors with warriors. Farmers with farmers. Criminals with criminals. Nuns with nuns. Courtesans with courtesans. Aristocrats with aristocrats. Writers with writers. Scholars with scholars. It's not hard to write two interesting characters who have similar lifestyles. If you can't manage that, you're not much of a writer.
Xena and Gabrielle are a good example. They're both heroes for hire. Gaby isn't a legendary warrior like Xena, but she can still hold her own in battle. If she couldn't, Xena would leave her behind. Gaby starts the story as a farm girl. But as soon as she meets Xena, she abandons that lifestyle and adopts Xena's lifestyle. That's fun, cute, and romantic. They do the same thing all day, but they're interesting unique characters. Xena and Gabrielle are a more relatable couple than whatever's going on in the Gideon books.
The point of fantasy is escapism, right? Escapism works by giving the reader relatable protagonists in a world that is entirely strange and new. If Gideon is for the average lesbian reader, how can she relate to the protagonists' power fetish mess? The lesbian characters are un-relatable and that's why it feels so voyeuristic. So I don't think Gideon is actually for lesbian readers. The protagonists feel more like something the Wachowskis would come up with.
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awilddreamermain · 3 years
Hi, Chels! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! You deserve every follower and more! That is a threat, I'm holding everyone hostage 🔪
I would love to get a MHA matchup, I wanna see who you'd match me with! Got me so curious! SFW & NSFW if you'd be willing!
My name is Chloe but I prefer May, nicknames include May-May, Maybell or Chlo.
I'm 25, pronouns are she/he, Cancer Moon, Aries Sun and Virgo Rising. Quite the weird mash of zodiacs, huh?
My favorite colors are pink (that soft pastel kinda baby pink), red (especially blood/garnet red) and...can I add pink again? Any shade of pink this time. Bubblegum or hot pink.
Favorite AU's include A/B/O, Mafia, Historical, Fantasy and does Mythical Creatures count?
Oh...oh boy, I gotta look deep for some fun facts that aren't just...facts but I'll do my best!
1) My sneezes are so short and high pitched I go "chu".
2) I have vitiligo, makes me look like a dog because it's mostly around my mouth and my right eye so I have a spot!
3) I have atrocious balance, my knees and shins are always banged up because I cannot for the life of me walk correctly.
4) I have a stutter, on top of speaking so quickly it turns into a jumbled mess. So good luck understanding what I said because I have no idea either.
5) I have a growing unicorn plush collection. My favorite is Cupcake, one that's actually taller than I am. Big chunk.
My likes are pretty simple. Cute & soft sweaters, blankets, warm coffee and strawberry milk, pastries and the cold! Winter is my favorite season. History, particularly the Medieval and Victorian times.
My interests revolve around creativity and you could say they're my hobbies as well. Drawing in particular, I used to do digital but I'm stuck with traditional pencil and paper at the moment. I'm dipping my toes into painting and its very fun! Obviously writing and reading and if I'm not doing of those listed then I'm definitely playing video games.
Personality I might say I'm quite split down the middle. At first, to a complete stranger I might come across as cold, stoic, with a resting bitch face, that just wants to get whatever I'm outside for done so I can leave. I'd create a witty or sarcastic comeback if I was given sass by a Karen but with my speech issues? I'd be lucky to get one coherent word out at her...and spend the rest of the day fantasizing what could've happened. So I'm rather quiet, agoraphobia hits hard in large or crowded places so I'm an anxiety riddled mess on the verge of a panic attack. In private or with people that I'm comfortable with? Complete opposite. Happy, bubbly, cracking puns and jokes so get those groan worthy reactions. I try to be the "mom friend" and get over my issues if someone is having it worse, I'll march up to a counter and ask for ketchup if someone wanted it but was too scared to do it themselves. The shoulder to lean and cry on, I'm highly empathetic and understanding, compassionate at times. But I have to actively try and keep myself positive and say good things about myself because I do fall into the pit of self-loathing and hate.
For appearance I'd say I'm average height, pale with white splotches that are inching larger due to my vitiligo, chubby, ashy blonde, blue eyes, button nose. I'd say I'm decently cute? I don't know if I can rate myself.
Okay I know I said I'd be looking into Zodiac compatibility for this but— I literally just screamed internally "KIRISHIMA" when I was reading this. You two would be perfect omg. This Libra king would do anything for you. For this you're an artist and the daughter of a mafia boss :) I like to think of ship names sometimes so like, yours would either be like Eijmay or Mayjirou or Kiriloe— that last one and first are awful I know so lets go with the second? I can't write a proper stutter for the life of me so I tried to keep your dialogue to the minimum.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AU: Mafia
⠀Theme Song: You're The One That I Want - Alex & Sierra
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How you meet (his point of view):
⠀⠀The gallery was full of black and white suits, tight, floor length dresses with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses meeting his ears. It was a joyous evening, celebrating the wonderful art work created by the boss's daughter. He had never met her before but he had heard whispers, all good as no one would dare slander the name of their leader's precious little girl. You were the boss's pride and joy, thus he kept you as far away from the darker side of the family business as possible.
⠀⠀Kirishima was still a new hire, a bodyguard of sorts and would consider this his first gig. He had an idea of who he was looking for as he walked further into the mass of people admiring your work but didn't expect what he would eventually come across. You were as far away from the crowd as you possibly could be, guzzling glasses of wine and over all appearing to be a deer in headlights. He couldn't fugure out for the life of him why you seemed so frightened until he watched people approach you to talk, noticing the stutter in your voice when you replied to questions and greetings,your body language telling people to stear clear of you.
⠀⠀So, he did what he was hired to do. "Kindly step away from the lady." He said with a smile, approaching with his large arms crossing over his broad chest as he towered over the guests. They looked at him as if he were a giant shark looking to devour them before scurrying away, leaving the two of you alone. He stood quietly, listening to the voices on the other side of his ear piece as his ruby eyes scanned the area around you. He made sure to not stand so close and avoided in letting his gaze wander.
⠀⠀He couldn't help but admire your skin in quick glances, finding the spot over your eye to be quite adorable. Your silky, ask blonde hair was all dolled up for the event, light make up on your face but not enough to cover the vitiligo. You were stunning and his heart hammered against his chest. So the rumors were true.
⠀⠀You thanked him, voice quiet and careful as you set down your wine glass and clasped your hands together. Out of the corner of his eye he watched you twiddle your thumbs. You didn't want to be here, did you? This obviously wasn't your idea, how could it be? A girl like you, timid as a mouse, didn't want to be surrounded by strangers. "Miss..." He began, thinking carefully because the last thing he wanted to do was piss off the boss and likely get himself killed. But this was his job wasn't it? Making sure you were happy and safe? "Would you like to leave here for a bit? We'll come back of course, but you look like you need some air."
He ended up taking you to a drive thru restaurant and got you whatever you wanted, letting you talk about whatever you wanted or sat quietly if you chose not to talk at all If it was quiet in the suv then that was fine too, he just wanted to help you in any way he could. Eventually the silence becomes small talk and then leads to a rather deep conversation about whatever the hell was going on inside that beautiful brain of yours. Kirishima wasn't the smartest man but he wasn't stupid, he wasn't as clueless as most thought he was. You told him how your father made you do this as an attempt to get you out there, to socialize and possibly find a suitor. This was the mafia after all.
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The Confession:
⠀⠀It was a tradition now, every Sunday you and Eijirou would go to your favorite café to have coffee and enjoy the early day weather before it got too hot. You sit at the same table, in the same chairs with him facing the door. You get the same drinks and food and just overall enjoy each others company. After that night at the gallery you two became fast friends, which your father obviously had to approve of but thankfully he did. Kirishima was a good man, he's trustworthy and puts you before himself.
⠀⠀The day he approached your father and asked to speak in private was the day he knew he was likely to get thrown in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. He has confessed his feelings for you to your old man, who listened intently with a blank face behind his desk. "Sir, I'm in love with your daughter, and with your blessing I'd like to... court her." He was utterly terrified when your father cleared his throat and sighed, shifting where he sat so he could stand and move around the desk. He reached out for a handshake which Kirishima looked up at him with a questioning look.
⠀⠀Your father gave his blessing and now... He just had to tell you, his best friend, that he loved you. God he loved you so much— "Kiri," you interrupted his thoughts, bringing him crashing back to reality," a-are you alright? You seem nervous." He swallowed hard in response but cleared his throat, taking a sip of his cappuccino.
⠀⠀"Oh yeah— definitely." He breathed with a laugh, moving a hand to the back of his neck to scratch. How was he going to say it? "So, uh—" he licked his lips, adjusting himself in his seat multiple times until he groaned and leaned forward. "Fuck, I'm just gonna say it— Maybell, I love you. I have for a long time now and I talked to your father and he said—"
⠀⠀"Said what, Eijirou?" Your eyes widened at his confession and he felt like a complete idiot. Should he had said something to you first? Was this a mistake? What if you didn't feel the same way? God his mind was going to explode—
⠀⠀"That I could... court you. With your permission." You were quick to nod and smile to his surprise, which prompted a grin if his own.
Kirishima HAS to be facing the door in any public place you go to. I don't make the rules.
He never let's you walk close to the road, he has to be between you and it at all times when you're walking.
He oders your food and drinks for you when you can't but is there for moral support when you do. He wants you comfortable and happy. He wouldn't ever dare get in your way though, you're a lot stronger and braver than most may think you are.
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The Relationship:
⠀⠀On days like this, Kirishima can't help but admire you. He catches himself staring wuite often but he just can't help it. What did he do to deserve such a beautiful partner? He looks at you and all he can think about is how much he loves you and wants to see you smile. He watched you from the kitchen island, leaning against it as you waltz around the kitchen in your pinky fuzzy slippers and one of his shirts that's much, much too big on you. He remembers your surprise when you found his clothing was actually too big on you and how happy you were.
⠀⠀"Maybell?" He hums, adjusting his stance and crossing his arms on the counter. He listened for you to him back in response, a smile on his lips. "You look so cute in my clothes.
⠀⠀You giggled, shaking your head and continued putting the dishes away until Eijirou appeared behind you, arms wrapping around your waist and his forehead coming down on your shoulder. "Need somethin' baby?" You turned your head just slightly, a brow cocked inquisitively. He squeezed you in response, swiftly lifting you and making you squeal. Thankfully you didn't have anything in your hands at the moment. He peppered kisses all over the side of your face, setting you down only to lift you again bridal style.
⠀⠀"I've got all I need right here in my arms." He chuckled and you playfully smacked his chest, letting him carry you to your shared bedroom.
He thinks your sneezes are the cutest thing in the world.
He loves your god awful puns, they crack him up every time.
Adores the fact you're a nurturer, especially with your friends. He thinks you'd make a great mother but if that's something you don't want he respects that.
You take care of everyone, but who takes care of you? Eijirou is always there to be your shoulder to lean and cry on, he's your sound board and is always happy to let you talk about your feelings with him. You're allowed to not be happy and bubbly all the time, he realizes how staying positive all the time can actually do more damage than goof, especially if you bottle everything up.
If on a particular day you're struggling with your speech he's happy to be your voice as well. He understands you better than anyone, even your own father.
Speaking of your father, he can't wait to make Eijirou his son-in-law! He's a good man with a good heart and treats you right, what's not to like?
He has trouble saying no to you and spoils you quite a bit.
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The Fights:
There's nothing, what you say goes and all he can say is "yes dear". He knows better than to argue with you, however when he's right and he knows he is, he finds a way to prove it without making you mad.
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The Sex:
⠀⠀"Fuck baby—" he hissed, hands finding your hips and guiding you as you rub yourself on his cock. Your hands are on his thighs and your head is tossed back, giving him the perfect view of your tits. God he loves them, he loves the plush skin of your stomach and your thighs, your ass too, he loved seeing all of you. He was so happy that you allow him this privilege of seeing you, granted you've been dating a while now but still. Your sounds are music to his ears and all he wants is to make more, make you feel so good you're calling his name and making a mess.
He wanted— no, needed, to feel you, to feel inside your warm and wet cunt, to feel it squeeze him and milk him dry. He was quick to flip the two of you over, careful to not hurt you as he did. You gasped and giggled, reaching up to hold his face as he smiled, leaning down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. He loved your taste, he could go on and on about all the things he loved about you all day if he could. "You want it baby?" You nodded excitedly, lip caught between your teeth. He smirked and reached between the two of you, thick fingers tracing a line between your lips and slipping inside your soaked pussy.
"D-Daddy—" you whine, a slight pout on your lips as your face morphs into one of pleasure. He chuckled, pumping his fingers in and out a few times before removing them and grabbing his cock. He coated it more in your slick, guiding it between tge lips of your cunt before slowly pushing inside, groaning at how tight you are. You squeal of course, gasping for breath because Kirishima is an impressive size, you still struggled to take him sometimes but like a good girl you always managed.
"That's my good girl." He cooed, moving so his forearms were on either side of your head. He gave a couple test thrusts, waiting for you to adjust u til you nodded for him to continue.
Terrified of activating his quirk while he's fucking you, but he keeps himself under control.
He loves his hair pulled and he loves to be bitten, he especially likes it when you scratch his back when he hits that good spot.
Eats you out for his pleasure mostly, but for yours as well. He loves when you grind on his face and moan his name when you do it. Speaking of, please sit on his face, he loves that shit. He knows how to be careful of his teeth!
If you have pets they CANNOT be in the same roon when you're doing the do, it's just weird.
He'd happily bend you over in the kitchen and do you right there. Hell, he'll fuck you anywhere you deem suitable.
He likes to do a mixture if praise and degradation with you, and edging and overstimulation is a big go-to. He just loves seeing you squirm under him, hr loves hearing you beg and say you need him.
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agent-of-sam · 4 years
Favorite Thor Ships: Part 1
Out of all the MCU, the Thor movies are my favorites.
It helps that I'm a multi shipper and all the women in Thor's life are awesome. So I want to do some posts about my favorite Thor ships. And I’m starting with my personal favorite: Thor/Sif.
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                                                      Totally biased, I've been quietly rooting for Thor and Sif to hook up since 2011 and no matter what direction the story takes Thor x Sif will always be my favorite potential relationship.
Obviously, part of this is just because I have a massive crush on Sif, the character, and Jaimie Alexander, the actress. I love her...why?
Lady Sif is sort of the MCU equivalent of Wonder Woman, an immortal who combines strength and nobility with a sense of warmth, compassion, and emotional openness. 
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She doesn't get a huge amount of screen time but comes off as an incredibly well-rounded character, especially in a genre where many female character are assigned valued based on how well they can mimic the traditional cliches of male Action Heroes.  
Sif is able to switch from playful and cocky, to stoic and serious, to gentle and supportive, depending on the situation (as benefiting a literal goddess).
In other word's, she's Girlfriend Material of the absolute highest quality! 
Beyond that, I love that she's so high-key Romantic in her feelings for Thor. Having your Badass Warrior Princess character mournfully pining as she gazes across a crowded room at her lifelong friend, her eyes brimming with unspoken feeling... it's exactly the kind of over the top, melodramatic bullshit that I love about the Asgardians and their weird alien/pseudo-Shakespearian/mythic warrior culture. 
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At the same time, she's never fawning in her interactions with Thor. They banter like old friends and flirt in mid-combat. 
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Sif tries to counsel him when she thinks he needs perspective or patience. 
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She advocates for him when he's not around.
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To me it's a very romantic set-up, a long-term friendship based on loyalty and mutual trust with the potential to develop into a very deep relationship. (Though, flipping it around, I can definitely see how female viewers might not appreciate their Super-Hero/Immortal Warrior Woman power fantasy character being portrayed, pining from the sidelines for several centuries).
Plus, their dynamic has this tropey, genderswap thing going on. A Fantasy Prince and his Loyal Female Knight. Except the Fantasy Prince is a giant Viking Immortal with a magic hammer and he and his girlfriend ride into battle side by side which is both hot and romantic to me.
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Of course the downside  to Thor x Sif as a relationship (also maybe what makes it appealing)... is that it's all potential. As far as we know, Thor is either unaware of Sif's feelings or does not reciprocate. Which is weird because Thor generally comes off as a very socially/emotionally aware guy... at least in the context of Asgardian society. 
One of my favorite things about Thor is that he's confident but honest and genuine as well. He never comes off as a "ladies man" i.e someone who puts on a smooth, crafted persona specifically to interact with women. 
However, he clearly seems to be aware when women are attracted to him (Jane Foster, the woman in the subway)...so how come he doesn't seem to notice the very obvious torch Sif is carrying?
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My personal headcannon for this is that they either casually dated as adolescent (whatever age that is for Asgardians) or came very close to it. But then Frigga and/or Odin stepped in, took Sif aside and basically told her to hold off because they thought she had the potential to be a good queen.
Before his time on Earth, Thor was reckless, arrogant, impulsive, and quick to violence. He wasn't ready to be a king or a committed lover. And so Sif was encouraged to do the responsible thing and wait. 
The irony being that by the time he had matured into the person he was supposed to be, he had met somebody else.
To me, there's something there that mirrors the fall of Asgard. Why not wait? They're gods after all, there's always going to be more time.
Then Thor gets banished and comes back different. He's met a mortal woman and doesn't want to be king anymore. Frigga, who Sif always thought would be her mother-in-law one day, is dead. 
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Thor goes searching across the universe and then Odin sends her away from Asgard. And when she finds her way back even her home is gone. Her people live on Earth now, or at least the fraction of them that still survive after Hela, Surtur, and Thanos. 
Thor is gone again, traveling through space with a bunch of mercenaries she’s never heard of.
Maybe I'm just projecting because I want someone in-universe to mourn Asgard and everything those people must have lost in what must seem like a very short amount of time to them.
I always thought Thor x Sif had the potential to be a very stable, well-rounded couple. However, given Thor's general arc in the first two movies  it would have seemed a little off, thematically speaking, if he ended up with the immortal warrior princess/long-time friend that his parents wanted him to get with all along.
However, post-Ragnarok/Endgame I think there is a lot of dramatic/narrative potential to a romantic reunion between Thor and Sif, someone who knew him before everything started and can see how much he has changed. Maybe someone he didn't realize how much he cared for until she was gone. 
For her it's a second chance at something she thought was lost, a piece of her past that's come back damaged and different but still worth fighting for.  
Obviously, this is all conjecture. There's no guarantee that Sif will return in Thor 4. As a shipper part of me is hoping for it, however as a fan of her character I'm also worried about her being crammed in and either sidelined or mischaracterized by the those behind the scenes.
If she shows up in the Loki show, that's more screen time and room for character development. 
However, I'm not hugely interested in Loki's show and depending on the direction it takes I'm not sure that it will play to her strengths as a character. My dream scenario was for Sif to have her own Xena-style high fantasy adventure (with Thor showing up in a supporting role) but that’s seem very unlikely.
Anyway, I'm a multi shipper and I'm planning to do more of these for Thor x Valkyrie and Thor x Jane. I just wanted to get my fave out of the way first.
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Moon Monsters - Chapter 10
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Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance, Comedy Rating: M Warnings: unprotected sex (stay safe!!), knotting, impregnation kink, mild language Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jimin x oc, Taehyung x oc Notes: werewolf!bts au. Not idol!bts. Same goes for GOT7. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: Are you guys ready to see how things pan out? ;3
Tagging: @grxnadxs @jiminnies-baby @justbangtanandjams @breadcaaat @wordsturnintostories @jennierubyjane0116 @honeycutelove @princess4games
Summary: You’re the CEO’s new personal assistant. But there’s something strange about him and the company you work for.
meet the packs , prologue , ch 1 , ch 2 , ch 3 , ch 4 , ch 5 , ch 6 , ch 7 , ch 8 , ch 9
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“Jeon Jungkook.”
“Ye-Yes, my love?”
“The only reason I’m even remotely humoring you is because I know your dick is big but it’s not that big.”
Relief flooded the young wolf’s system as he listened to your verdict. Thank the moon goddess, you were going to let him explain. You were going to give him a chance to explain everything. Maybe, just maybe, all hope was not lost. Your next words ripped him from his little moment of celebration.
“So as soon as whatever this is deflates......you’ve got a lot of explaining to do, mister.”
With his heat now sated, for the time being, Jungkook was able to think clearly for the first time in a week. In doing so, he waited patiently for his knot to go away so he could ease himself out of you. Oh how he hated seeing all of that seed leave your beautiful body. What if he hadn’t successfully bred you? He would just have to try again later. His heat was far from over despite the timing.
“Let me just clean you up first and then I can make you some tea and we can talk.”
“Sounds good.”
You didn’t mean to sound so short with him, but this was a lot to take in right now. However, you couldn’t help but wonder if that’s why some things didn’t make sense to you earlier. The odd tugs towards him that you couldn’t explain. The fact that you were sick one minute but as soon as he was back by your side, you were right as rain again. Perhaps he was telling the truth after all.
“W--What are you doing???”
“I’m going to clean you up?”
“Like that?!?”
The both of you were blushing like two virgin teenagers as you stared down at him positioned between your legs with his mouth inches from your core. He had your legs draped over his shoulders so he could get a better balance and access to your folds. Clearing his throat awkwardly and trying his best not to stutter, he mumbled in timid explanation,
“My saliva has numbing properties. You’re going to be sore if I don’t. You see.....You’re a human and technically not capable of taking a wolf’s knot.”
You watched him suddenly sport a wide bunny smile full of what looked like pride as he continued.
“But you did. You, my beautiful mate, took my knot because you were meant for me. We’re meant to be together, beautiful. You and I. The Moon Goddess and Mother Nature willed this to happen. They willed us to be together.”
This was way too much right now. Way too much. All you had wanted to do today was enjoy time off with your boyfriend after missing him terribly for a solid week only to wind up being told he was some kind of mythical creature. What was this? A Twilight book??? No thanks. With a soft groan of exhaustion and embarrassment, you flung an arm over your eyes and mumbled while blushing deeper,
“Fine, fine. Just do it. You perv.”
Despite the arm covering your eyes, you could hear him let out a boyish chuckle before suddenly feeling a wet muscle against your still sensitive folds. Numbing properties or not, that was still your boyfriend’s tongue on your pussy and it only made a fresh batch of slick try and escape between your thighs. His chuckles vibrated against your core, causing you to shiver and let out a weak whine of wanting.
“Babe, I’m trying to clean you up, not get you dirty again.”
“I c-can’t help it. It’s your tongue. F-Feels ss-s-so good.”
“Lucky for you my heat has subsided for the moment. Otherwise we’d be going another round right now.”
Another round? Good lord. You were still recovering from the first! After struggling to keep your hormones under control, Jungkook finally had you numbed and squeaky clean. Despite how weird it was, you were grateful that he was looking out for you in the sense of being in pain afterwards. You weren’t a virgin, but that.....knot, or whatever he was calling it, that hurt like a beep. Made you feel like a virgin all over again.
Speaking of looking out for you, now that he wasn’t thinking with his other head, the young man was doting on you something crazy. Not only had he helped you get dressed into one of his over sized t-shirts, but he also insisted on carrying you to the living room. As he did, you took note that he was handling you as if you were glass.
Upon having a nice, steaming cup of tea handed to you on a delicate saucer, you watched the male sit next to you while setting his own tea down on the glass coffee table. Knowing the liquid was still too hot to drink, you settled for staring at the man next to you. The man who had started out as just another coworker. Then he became your boyfriend, and now he was telling you that the two of you were mates. Hopefully that was just another term for boyfriend and girlfriend.
It was quiet in the living room. Too quiet. Breathing felt like you were being too noisy. Looking next to you, you could see the poor boy fidgeting and squirming; trying to figure out where to start. Deciding to give the conversation some sense of direction, you asked with a soft sigh,
“When were you planning on telling me?”
Your question made it sound like you believed him. It sounded as if you believed him when he said he was a mythical creature that could only be found in fictional writing. Truthfully, you did. You did believe him. How else could you explain the strange things happening in your life? Not to mention, you were definitely numb down there. He couldn’t fake that. You should be so freaking sore you couldn’t move right now but you weren’t.
His eyes shimmered with hope. Surely the fact that you weren’t asking him to prove his claims meant that you believed him. Furthermore, it meant you might actually be accepting him for what he was. However, your question was a heavy one. Did Jungkook even know the answer to that? Clearing his throat and staring down at his hands in his lap, he finally found his voice as he spoke softly and sincerely,
“I’ve been trying to figure that out myself from the day I met you in the office building.”
He finally looked you in the eyes as he attempted to explain his reasoning for his answer. Gosh he looked so small sitting there hunched over like a child who was getting grounded. Or perhaps it was more like a puppy with his tail between his legs?
“A wolf knows he’s found his mate the second he sees them. When I saw you walking towards me that day at the office, I knew right then you were the one. I fell for you instantly because that’s how it works for my kind. Love at first sight is taken quite literal in the realm of us werewolves.”
He let out a shy laugh and timidly looked back down at his nervously twitchy hands; his cup of tea long forgotten by now.
“I couldn’t just drag you to the break room and tell you what I was and that I’m head over paws in love with you. That wasn’t a very realistic option in my mind. And besides.....”
He locked eyes with you once more and you could tell he was feeling more confident in his words and was finding them more easily as he added,
“I wanted you to fall in love with me naturally. As in on your own with no outside influences. I wanted you to love me for me and not because two great female deities wanted it so.”
Smiling sadly and perhaps even apologetically, he continued,
“Being a werewolf, I don’t have a choice. But you’re human, which means you do and I wanted you to have that freedom of choice. Even if you didn’t end up picking me.”
Wow. He just had to go and be all precious and throw that bombshell on you, didn’t he? You were trying to be mad at him for keeping things from you. Then again.....you had only been an official couple and off the market for a whole whopping week. Honestly, this has been the most crazy relationship you’ve ever heard of. Was this even realistic? Perhaps they jumped into this a little too fast? Yeah. Probably.
“Th--Thank you.....For being so courteous about my feelings and not just throwing yourself at me and forcing us to be together.”
He offered you a shy smile; hoping that it would come across as something reassuring. Jungkook wanted you to feel comfortable and safe around him; wanted you to know that you could trust him with your life and well-being. Shifting in his seat a bit, he spoke up once more in a soft, shy voice.
“I’ll understand if you wish to part ways. It’s a lot to take in and honestly you’re handling it all very well. Better than I probably would have, had the roles been reversed. It’s not every day you hear your lover admitting they’re a werewolf.”
You were trying to find a break in his speech so you could say something, but he just kept rambling on nervously; growing more and more fidgety in his seat. Hell, even his leg was starting to bounce like a jackhammer.
“Besides, living with a wolf would probably be more trouble than it’s worth. I shed something awful, I can hardly keep food here for me let alone my mate, I run several degrees hotter so cuddling me would most likely suck. I grow really clingy and whiny in the few days it takes for my heat to hit. And let’s not get me star----”
The only way you knew to shut him up was by covering his mouth with your own. While he had been rambling and convincing himself that you two were over, you had carefully set your still full cup of tea down on the coffee table and moved closer to him. Close enough to hold his face in your hands and mold your lips against his constant moving ones.
Of course the action took him by surprise. At first he tensed up from shock. However, upon realizing what you were doing, he soon wrapped his arms around you and held your body against his as he gently kissed you back. Despite all this craziness, kissing each other still felt like coming home.
The kiss had started out something tender. Just something to get him to shut up. Unbeknownst to you, it did a little more than that. Within seconds, he was kissing you back and taking control; his arms pulling you and dragging you closer till you were now straddling him with his back pressed into the cushions of the couch.
The kiss was turning into nothing but teeth and spit as the young wolf grew eager. With a soft growl of arousal, he roughly sucked on your bottom lip before shoving his tongue into your wet cavern. Meanwhile, you felt deliciously helpless against his strength. It was amazing how only 20 minutes ago, he was treating you like a fragile relic. Now he was treating you like a slab of meat or maybe a chew toy.
With that thought suddenly popping into your head, you couldn’t help but giggle at the image that sprouted from such a thought. Which ended up sounding pretty strangled since when you began to giggle, the young wolf had been happily sucking on your tongue. Suddenly pulling away from your delicious mouth, the said young pup was blinking at you in confusion and curiosity; his eyes blown out with lust.
“What’s so funny?”
He didn’t look or sound too pleased to be away from your lips but the curiosity was still there floating around in his hungry, obsidian orbs. Blushing partly from embarrassment and partly from being flustered by his eagerness, you replied somewhat teasingly with a shrug,
“Eh. Just thinking about what I’m getting you for Christmas.”
Those hungry eyes staring back at you almost immediately grew soft and, dare you say, even warm. With his orbs flickering all over your face looking for something, he finally locked gazes with you once more before asking somewhat breathlessly in hope,
“You mean----You’re not leaving me? You want to stay?”
Before you could think better of it, your eyes rolled on their own accord while a smile of amusement found its way onto your face. You suppose you couldn’t really blame him for thinking you’d walk away. This was pretty insane to think about. However......supernatural tug or not......You just couldn’t be without him. That much had been proven. The painful way.
Gently flicking his nose with your finger, you grinned as he whined like a real wounded puppy and he instantly covered his nose to shelter it from any further attacks. Giggling, you leaned in to press a kiss to his forehead before leaning back and replying casually,
“It’s going to take a lot more than telling me you’re part mutt for me to leave. Lucky for you I like both cats and dogs.”
“Well lucky for you Swiper and I get along pretty well.”
Speaking of the orange kitten, it brought you back to everything that had happened within the last couple weeks and how Jungkook had been there by your side every second of it. Ever since the two of you met, he’s always been there to protect you and care for you. How could you ever turn your back on someone who cared so deeply for you? It was an easy question, you couldn’t. And you wouldn’t.
“Relax, Jeon. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good. Because......I think my heat’s back....”
That was how the two of you ended up christening the entire apartment with your newfound love for each other. If anything, this confession of his only seemed to bring the two of you closer as far as love and trust. The two of you allowed yourselves to be open and vulnerable to each other and that took a great amount of trust. Not to mention he now entrusted you with one of his greatest secrets. Not only who he was, but what he was.
“Come on, baby. You can give me one more. Just one more.”
You choked on a moan as he was currently pounding you into the dining table; your cheek pressed into the wood and your hands clawing in front of you, trying to find something to keep you grounded. Voice shaking with every thrust he delivered, you managed to say,
“You said that three rounds ago. I can’t----”
“Yes you can. You can, beautiful. I know you want to. Gotta make sure I breed you good and fill you with my pups.”
But he didn’t stop there. Oh no. He was great with his words when driven by his heat.
“Gonna look so gorgeous with your belly swollen. All round and full with our offspring made from our love making. Your breasts filled with milk to help them grow big and strong just like us.”
The poor boy was drenched in sweat and had went through nearly a whole case of bottled water from his first time with you, up to now. To say both of you were exhausted would be an understatement. Although you were far worse off than him. Being human put you at a huge disadvantage but you took his heat like a trooper. So much so, that Kook began to wonder if you were already part wolf and just didn’t know it.
“K--Kook----M’Gonna cum!!”
“Yes! That’s it, babe! Come on! Sh-Shit! Let me hear you howl as I knock you up!”
You were on the pill so you highly doubted anything would come of this. Sure the pill wasn’t 100% effective but that just meant you’d run to the drug store real quick and get some Morning After pills to ensure that nothing would happen. It wasn’t that you didn’t want kids with him, but it was still extremely early in your guys unique relationship. One thing at a time, here.
The next thing you knew, you were seeing stars and your vision was turning white as yet another orgasm hit you like a truck. How could he make every climax feel as amazing as the first if not better??? You should be passed out by now. Although you weren’t too far from blacking out as you laid there with your body convulsing from the pleasure your boyfriend was delivering.
Trying to calm yourself down, you felt the familiar tightness that came whenever his knot started to form. Dear lord were you ever going to get used to that? Probably not. Perhaps there was a part of you that was inhuman as well? Especially if humans weren’t designed to take a wolf’s knot. Taking deep breaths, you could feel Jungkook on top of you as he also was breathing heavily.
“You’re so perfect. My perfect mate. Taking my knot so well.”
You shivered and let out a small moan. Not from the kiss that he planted to your back, but to the feeling of his hot seed filling your womb. It seemed to come on in spurts rather than just one shot like you were used to from intimate partners in the past. With several minutes passing and Jungkook continuously praising you in his bliss-filled haze, you finally felt him deflate and let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding.
“Such a good girl. You did so well. Let me take care of you now.”
And just like that, the hungry wolf was gone for another month and back was your loving, dorky boyfriend. He gently eased himself out of your abused hole and was careful to lift you into his arms. Just like every round before, he would lay you down on the couch that was now completely soiled and would need replacing. He’d then proceed to clean you up and help numb any pain you might be experiencing.
The first couple times he did it, all it caused was more arousal. However, you were now too far exhausted to feel even remotely horny or worked up. Nope, you could easily fall asleep right here, on this dirty couch of his. In fact, your eyes had started to droop and close completely but a warm hand was gently tapping your cheek and forced you to look up.
“Hey there, gorgeous. Don’t fall asleep on me yet. I need to get you in the bath so I can properly clean you up. We can’t have you drowning now, can we?”
“Mmmm. M’sleepy.”
“I know you are, babe. Trust me. You have every reason to be. Hell, I’d be concerned if you weren’t. But I need you to stay awake just a little while longer, okay? Can you do that for me?”
No answer.
It was no use. You were too drained and exhausted. So there he was smiling fondly down at you, his beautiful mate, as you slept in a deep and peaceful sleep. Not to mention well-deserved too. He had to admit, there were a few times where he was anything but gentle and patient. It was crazy how clearly he could think now. Now that the heat wasn’t driving him positively mad.
With a soft sigh, he gently picked you up and cradled you to his chest as he approached the bathroom. Guess he’d just have to take a bath with you to make sure you didn’t drown. What a shame. What a shame, indeed.
After bathing you clean, drying you off, and pulling another extra large t-shirt over your lulling skull, Jungkook carried your still limp form over to his bed since yours was pretty......messy. He may or may not have had a little too much fun using the canopy drapes to hog tie you to your own bed. Turns out bondage was a kink you both shared.
Standing at the foot of his bed with his arms folded across his chest, the young wolf couldn’t help but feel himself swell with pride as he watched you sleeping. In his bed. Gosh you were absolutely stunning. You practically glowed with beauty as you laid there curled up under the covers; sleeping peacefully. Hopefully dreaming sweet dreams like you deserve to.
Knowing that his mate was getting rest and recovering from her breeding, Jungkook could feel his canine instincts kicking in and he started to clean the den just as you had planned to earlier this morning. The least he could do was take care of everything while you rested. After all, you could be carrying his pups now and there was no way he was going to risk you over working yourself.
By the time he could sense you stirring from your slumber, the young male had managed to disinfect the whole house, finish up most of the laundry, and did all the dishes. With the help of the dishwasher, of course. He had been laying next to you and gently running his fingers through your hair while he waited for the last load of laundry to finish drying.
“There she is. There’s my sleeping beauty.”
“I don’t feel like her. I feel like I’ve been trampled on by a herd of elephants.”
He shouldn’t have laughed, but he just couldn’t help it. You were so cute with how you said it. Your eyes still shut and your speech all slurred in grogginess. You were absolutely adorable when still half asleep like this. Jungkook found it so endearing, honestly. You, his beautiful girl. His beautiful she-wolf. Well......not yet. But hopefully one day.
“Can I get you anything? Water? Something to eat? You must be starving, my love. It’s nearly dinner time.”
Just when you were about to reply, you could hear both of your phones go off at almost the same exact time. Which meant it had to be someone from the group text you both were in. Too exhausted to move, you allowed your boyfriend to be the one to check the incoming text message.
“Hmmm. Would you be up for a triple date with Jimin, Taehyung, and the girls?”
It was silent for a moment. In fact, so silent, that the young wolf wondered if you had fallen back asleep. However, just when he was about to reply back to the guys that you were too exhausted, you suddenly spoke up with your eyes still shut,
“Only if you give me a kiss. I think I need a kiss to help me wake up.”
Grinning worthy of a wolf like himself, the male set his phone down before slowly sliding further down till he was laying right up against you, turning you into the little spoon as he whispered against your ear.
“Oh baby girl, there’s a lot better ways I could wake you up. Trust me.”
After playfully tickling you and romping around in the sheets, you surrendered and admitted that you were wide awake just so he’d stop his relentless tickling. Laughing and throwing his arms up in victory, you simply huffed and tried to shove him out of bed. Of course it did zero good because that boy was like solid volcanic rock.
While you dragged yourself into his bathroom to go about your business, Jungkook was still smiling and chuckling as he finally responded to the group chat and confirmed that he and yourself were up for the triple date. Honestly, it sounded pretty fun. Not to mention this was the perfect time to get everything else out in the open. The hardest part was over. You had accepted him and that was more than he could ever hope for.
After using the toilet and washing your hands and face, you took time to fix your hair using one of his combs and realized he wasn’t kidding. The poor boy really did shed like a real canine. The comb was full of his hairs. Smiling to yourself in amusement, you cleaned out the object as best you could by pulling all the hair out and making sure it hit the trashcan on the floor located next to the sink vanity.
By the time you had come back out, your wolf man was lounging on the bed and scrolling through his phone, still not dressed yet. Well.....dressed for an outing, anyway. He was currently sporting a t-shirt and basketball shorts. You never saw him in sweats and now it made sense. He would burn up in them with his natural increased body temperature being a thing. No wonder he kept the thermostat set so far back.
“We gonna get dressed or what, big guy?”
You casually swatted at his foot but he only chuckled and finally put his phone back on the nightstand. Swinging his muscular legs over the side of the bed, you watched him stand up and approach you only to wrap you up in a back hug. Encircling your arms around his own, you smiled up at him only to meet his lips with your own. He had to bend down a bit but that’s okay. You met him half way by standing on your tiptoes a bit.
“I suppose so, little girl. Wear something cute for me, okay? But nothing too short. I can’t have other guys thinking they have a shot with you. You’re mine and only mine.”
You let out a soft yelp when you felt him nip at the shell of your ear. How quickly you had forgotten about his genuine canines and the fact that they were a lot sharper than normal human ones. Pouting and gently stepping on his foot with your own, you felt rather than heard his chuckling as he finally let you go so you could get dressed in the privacy of your own bedroom.
Upon entering your room, you were surprised how clean and tidy it was. The last time you remember seeing your bedroom, it had been a complete mess. Your canopy drapes had been all over the floor but not before being tied around your limbs. Just the memory of that particular round of love making and ‘breeding’ had your cheeks setting ablaze in embarrassment. Never before had a guy tried bondage on you. Turns out it was a huge kink you didn’t even know you had.
Shaking your head to help clear it of such sinful memories, you focused on the task at hand. However, as you were getting dressed, you couldn’t help but wonder about things. Well.....everything, really. Your boyfriend was a werewolf. It still hadn’t quite hit you yet. Even though he had stuffed his stupid wolf knot in you several times today, it still hadn’t fully sunk in mentally.
You wondered if he could turn into a real wolf at will or if it only happened during a cheesy full moon. What color of fur did he have? Since his hair was long and black, did that mean his fur was the same way? Did his eyes ever change color? Instead of being scared or repulsed by his confession, you found yourself being extremely curious and fascinated instead. Did the others know he was a werewolf???
So many questions. Hell, you were genuinely excited to ask him every single one you had. The longer you thought about it, the more and more you wanted to see what he looked like as a real wolf. Smiling to yourself as you thought back on what you wanted to get him for Christmas, you realized that this would be your first one together. It’d be your first Halloween, your first Pepero Day......Gosh. You were in so deep. You really loved this man. Werewolf or not.
You had just covered your face with both hands and let out a muffled squeal of happiness when not maybe three seconds later, said man came barreling through the door to your bedroom. Eyes wide with confusion and fear, he asked a little breathlessly,
“Are you okay, baby girl?”
Feeling extremely embarrassed for the both of you, you quickly uncovered your face and smiled shyly while your blush crept up your neck, covered your face, and even burned the tips of your ears. Nodding bashfully, you admitted just as much.
“Yeah. It’s all good. Just happy to be yours, is all.”
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Clary’s letter
Since we never saw Clary’s letter as a whole, I wanted to write my own version of it. The one where she said something to all of her closest ones. A few parts are the same as in the episode. English is not my first language, so there might be some grammatic or spelling errors. I have no idea why some parts turned into italicized, sorry.  I hope you like it. 
I am so sorry for leaving you all so suddenly, but I don't have any other choice. By the time you read this letter, my memories of you and the Shadow World will be gone. It was the price the Angels made me pay for the runes I've created. I know that it is hard to accept, but destroying Jonathan was my own choice and I hope that, one day, you are able to honor it.
All of this started by my urgent will to find my mother. Little did I know, that I would find my birth right, my heritage, a real family. You all sacrificed everything to make it happen and I can never thank you enough. Now it's my turn to return the favor.
The moment I met you, a part of me knew that we were meant to be. Because of you I found myself the way that I didn't ever think to be possible. You and I both know that we are capable of great darkness, such as Downworlders are able to do good. Our family has been our biggest source of misery and Jonathan just wasn't able to escape it. I meant everything I said to you at the wedding. At the end of the day, you are a lonely soul, but if I was able to make the change even slightly, the way you told me I was, don't push people away. Don't cling on that perfection you were so desperate to achieve. I am counting on you to lean on to others, whenever you need that. I love you so much. Please forgive me.
Simon - we never had time to actually watch "The Fault In Our Stars", but I guess you could say this is some kind alternate universe of it. I always imagined that as old people, we would take some competitions in  wheelchairs, bicker watch some of our favorite movies and talk about our graphic novel in a nursery home. It wasn't meant to be, but we got to experience some hell of the adventures of our own. From the moment I took you to the nurse after your allergy attack, I knew you would always be my best friend. I know that things got bit messy between us, but I am so grateful for your presence through it all - your support, jokes that would always make me feel better. You've been through so much and even though you used to find vampirism repulsive, I am so happy that you seem to have accepted your essence. You told me you wanted to honor your Mom by choosing to study accounting, but the best way to do that is to live your life, enjoy your music and share it with people. Since I knew you before the Shadow World, I am not sure what will become of our memories, but I will hold on to them as long as I can. Tell Rebecca my best regards, will you.
Iz -  you're one of the most beautiful and strongest women I've ever had  an honor to meet. You once told me that in me, you saw the sister you never had. The moment you agreed to become my parabatai was one of the happiest experiences of my life, and I am sorry that we didn't get the chance to cherish those bonds longer. But no matter how hopeless things might seem right now, I won't give up hope. Perhaps, it will come true someday. You were there for me right from the start, even during your addiction and recovery, and turned the casual tomboy into a feminine, but still badass woman - and that's really not an easy thing to do. Momentarily relapse is okay, but don't let it consume you. The worst battles are within our own minds, but I know you will conquer them one day. I am so happy for you and Simon - two of my best friends together, what more could I hope for? I know that you can love him like no other. Take care of each other. I hope you can thank Raphael and Meliorn for me as well. I am sure they both will be a great guidance for many souls - both spiritually and mythically.
Alec.. We have gone through quite a journey together, huh? If you were here now, you would probably call it quite an understatement. Even if we got on each other's nerves big time - I mean, let's face it, I was quite pain in the ass - and my actions might have seemed like a disrespect on you and the Clave, you should know that I always admired your resilience, loyalty and honesty. I have no idea how you managed to do that, but you always seemed to see right through me. Please remember that I would never blame you on anything. In the end, we understood each other and wanted the best for our family. During the process, without even noticing it, you somehow became some sort of unbiological brother for me. That's why I know that you will understand my decision. I am sorry for all the lies and secrecy I put you through, you did not deserve it. Even if you and Magnus live together now, I count on you to take care of Jace. We both know that he is able to be a stubborn jackass sometimes, but he cares about you very much. He couldn't ask for the better parabatai as far as I am concerned. I once told you that leader must do some hard decisions. And you did, multiple times, even at the expense of your own happiness. You have truly turned from that shielded boy into this caring and protective leader we always knew you could be. That's truly inspiring and I honor you deeply for that. I don't know if the angels are ever willing to forgive me, but I swear, if I ever come back and see that you have forgotten that, this little girl will kick your ass.
Magnus. I didn't get the chance to ask my Mom if she ever officially named you as my Godfather, but that's what you've always felt like to me. It's a pity that so many of our paths together were forgotten, but we got many new ones instead. In every realm, you sacrificed your happiness and safety for me, for us, probably more often than I will ever know - and I don't know how to thank you enough.  I know you have tendency to carry the world on your shoulders, but I sincerely hope you won't put this on yourself. It's not your fault in any way. Your guidance through all of those ordeals has been irreplaceable. I should've been there for you more during your difficulties, please forgive me. I guess we both had to fight against our own demons. You had to crawl through hell, literally - but you came back stronger than ever and I couldn't be prouder.  I will always be your Biscuit, even if I won't remember that.
You two would have deserved better goodbye,  but even though I never fully understood the whole "emotions being a distraction"-thing, in that situation, that would've been quite accurate. I told Jace I couldn't imagine more beautiful and fitting couple than you, and being at your wedding was an ultimate privilege. Therefore, as my wedding gift for you, it would've been my greatest pleasure to try the immortality rune - if that's what you wanted. Sadly, that's not the case now. But there's no doubt in my mind, that you will find the way. You always do. Your love has been and will be an inspiration for many souls. Cherish it for as long as you both shall live. It's your time to be happy and at peace. Give Madzie a hug for me. Perhaps I get the privilege to meet your children someday.
Luke...blood or not, you are my father in every way. You remember how many stories you had to read for me to get me to sleep at night? My Mom wanted me to learn some historical and romantic sagas, but I was always more into fantasy and mystery. And sometimes, when she didn't notice, you sneaked me some of your favorites of that area. Once, when that freaking marshmallow got stuck into my hair when we and Simon where camping, my Mom had to cut it. I didn't want to go to school, but you had already got used to bullies that disliked my art and told me that whoever had some negative to say, had to deal with you. Whether we were on boat trip or you helped me with my homework, I always felt so safe and true. You always put me  and my Mom as your first priority, no matter the consequences. You two would've deserved a happy life in Idris, but that was not written in the stars. Raziel sent her to my room, exactly where she passed away, to warn me about my runes. She was so beautiful and seemed to be in peace.  She and I are blessed and happy to know that you and Maryse have a chance for the new beginning together. I just wish you didn't have to keep it as a secret, at least from me. She basically became a mother figure for us all. I hope you would tell her my thanks for her support.  Give Maia my best regards, too. She will rock her position as the wolfie-leader, there's no doubt in my mind about that. I am sorry I didn't have time to tell you all this, but I am so proud of getting the chance to see you as a true Shadowhunter once more. I love you, Dad.
Thank you for everything. Whatever it's worth, I want you to know that I have no regrets. Even if I won't remember you, you will always be in my heart.
With all my love and respect,
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crackinglamb · 4 years
Ink, characterization, and parchment for the writer asks?
Ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
We’ll leave aside the fact that most of the time, the mood sets me...
Actually...I can’t do that.  I don’t really have any set ‘thing’ that I do to get into the mood for writing.  The mood hits me, often and regularly, and I’ll type out whatever idea is clamoring for attention before I forget it.  Sometimes that turns into a session that lasts for hours and ends up with music, snacks and pushing the cat off my lap so I can reach the keyboard.  And sometimes it’s only a few lines before the inspiration just goes pbbfft.
Characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
Oh, I’ve written so many.  Okay, a short list.
Hancock (FO4).  I loved getting in his head for Junkyard Dogs.  Ghoul husband is a rather complicated person, with interesting motivations behind his devil may care attitude and seemingly blase outlook on life.  Plus, he was the first character I took and made fic from.  He will always, always hold a special place in my heart.  He’s canonically one of the most intelligent people in the entire franchise.  With a high charisma to boot.  I took this and made him able to read people with a high degree of accuracy.  He could just about see what you were thinking based on your actions.  He was astounded that this half mythical, half crazy woman who’d slept for 200 years in a cryochamber was in any way interested in him as either a person or a lover.  It was humbling and terrifying for him, and he knew he’d be the worst kind of fool to ever do anything to fuck it up.  They are the definition of ride or die, those two.
Nihlus Kryik (ME).  Headcannon playground for SKoR.  We have so little information on Nihlus before he gets killed in-game.  So I took what I could find and let the rest sort of unfold from there.  He came out of my head snarky, raunchy and with a lust for life that had no room for hesitation in it.  He’s bold after years of being a Spectre.  He sees what he wants and he goes for it.  The depth of his love for Henna Shepard surprises him.  I mean, she’s a human.  He’s supposed to think those are unprepared to stand on the galactic stage.  But he admires their resiliency, their quick minds and ability to think outside the box, even when it doesn’t make much sense in the moment.  All of that combines into a passion for Henna that will literally walk through the fires of hell.
Jack|Subject Zero (ME).  OMG, Jack.  Held together with spite and biotics.  I have such a weak spot for the broken ones learning they are loved.  I never intended to write her (or Thane for that matter).  Accidental Synchronicity was indeed a total accident.  A one off line that became a headcannon that became an entire fic.  Underneath all that bluster and wrath is a woman who survived, who succeeded on her own terms.  Who discovered it was okay to let the soft inside be seen through the sharp, jagged outside even though it ultimately broke her heart.  She survived that too.
Carly Lavellan (DA:I).  Of course Carly makes this list.  In many ways, Carly is me.  She’s analytical, has too much time on her hands previous to the story to understand Solas, all his secrets, all his motivations, all his survivor’s guilt and regret.  She’s rebuilt herself from the ground up, too.  She’s infinitely compassionate.  But she’s not a doormat.  You cross her, there will be consequences.  She’s confident (most of the time) and if she doesn’t know what she’s doing, she’ll bullshit her way through.  I know I’ve said it before, but Twist is basically a story of what I would do in that situation, and Carly represents how I would do it.
Parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
Hah!  See above.
No, in all seriousness, my personal life is the biggest influence on my writing.  My dad introduced me to reading sci-fi and fantasy when I was a kid.  He’s not a fan of fantasy so much, though.  He hates the trope of magic without consequence.  Hand wavey nonsense.  He thinks it’s weak story telling and used as a weak plot device, and he’s right.  So as a writer, I keep that in mind.  How does such and such happen?  What effect does it have?  Why?  I insert some realism in my fantasy, every time.  I usually end up overthinking it, too.  But the goal as a writer has always been to write a fantasy my father will read and enjoy.
On another, lighter, TMI note...90% of the smut I’ve written is based on actual experience.  No, I have no shame.  I’m of the mind that if you can’t talk about it, you shouldn’t be doing it.  And real life experience makes creating it fictionally that much more believable.  Allow me a single soapbox moment: purity culture can fuck all the way off.  Okay, done.
Thanks for the ask.  As always you get me to dig deep, and I love it.
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helsaguy · 5 years
Maybe this counts as a request, I love your new drawing. The message in your art is always sweet and loving. Drawing happy/cute Helsa. And I like Elsa with her hair down and all, but I would like to see Helsa is some Arandelle-ish attires (btw, I love the Green coat you drew for Hans before). Elsa may not need to be Queen, but she deserves to return to her homeland...or do you agree she shold stay in the EF instead of Arendelle? Request turned to ask in the end, sorry ^^u LOVE your art! Chao
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Thank you for the message of support and appreciation.
I'm feeling like breaking down this nice message. So if I may:
Some melancholic, sad, even brutal ideas have popped up in my head when thinking about things to draw. But I rather work on the happy stuff for these two. They went through so much in life and the fans of this ship, the ship itself, and Hans get so much unnecessary and undeserving cr*p that I definitely want to put a stop to all that (even if for a little while) with my happy Helsa fan art. That’s one of my goals and reasons to draw what I draw.
When you say you want Helsa in some Arandelle-ish attires I have some questions. I can draw something like that for Hans. I still have to draw my concept or reference sheets for Hans’ outfits in Frozen 2 and two or three of those are Arendelle style (if you want to count sleepwear. Also glad you love the green coat. That would be Hans’ travel outfit and yes; it’s one of the Arendelle style outfits) But what do you want for Elsa? I always have trouble with her hair down and ice dresses. I don’t know if it looks like I pull it off well or not in my pictures but it’s not the easiest for me to draw her magic clothes lol If I were to draw Elsa for this request, do you want me to draw Elsa with her hair in a braid, a ponytail, down? And what kind of clothes do you want me to draw for her? Normal clothes or ice? What am I getting myself into? I have zero knowledge in fashion XD I can’t believe I’m actually willing to take a request! Long ago I said I wouldn’t take those anymore lol But I guess this is because your request sounds very reasonable to me.
I do think Elsa doesn’t belong in the EF. I don’t care the excuses some make about the tribe being Elsa’s mother’s people or whatever. They are still strangers. I have relatives from Spain and that doesn’t mean I’d be ok with moving over there with a bunch of people I don’t know and to a place I’m not familiar with. I have a life and family where I am. And so does Elsa in Arendelle.
And if that’s the excuse some want to use, guess what? Anna should go live there as well then. It’s her mother too. And much like I’ve said before, if they wanted to have the sisters separated (which sucks for this franchise) and have one live in the forest, Anna made the most sense since she’s the one that wanted to meet strangers, get out, has a committed partner that also has lived outdoors, and is a reindeer fanatic much like the Northuldra XD Anna and Kristoff would fit right in instead of Elsa lol And don’t get me wrong, Anna can make a good Queen? Maybe. But I don’t see being married to Queen Anna as the best life for Kristoff. I feel like in order to stay with her Kristoff would put himself through anything, even royal life. Which it doesn't sound like a bad thing per se. But Anna is not the only one that matters in the relationship, or does she? I guess Anna and Elsa’s mother did the same when she married their father. But it looks like she had no other options and I don’t care about those two anyway. However, is that really a good thing for Kristoff? He can’t spend more than an hour in formal clothes and I presume things will be demanded from him now that he is the Queen’s fiance and has literally nothing to offer to a kingdom. Disney really didn't think this sequel and all their nonsense through...
I think is clear no one in this movie is doing things they want to do but things they have to or were told or taught by someone else to do. Anna becomes Queen because Elsa said so and in consequence Kristoff is bound to a life style that might not agree with his characteristics. There’s no evidence that this is what neither Anna nor Kristoff want, they just roll with it because the movie says so. This is your life now so deal with it. Elsa was born to be Queen and her father thrust her with nothing but bad advice and is one of the catalysts for Elsa’s disorders. We don’t know if she ever had problems with being Queen. Her problems came from not controlling her powers because of the fear of hurting others. Nothing of which has to do with her not being happy in Aredelle or not being comfortable with her role as Queen. That’s the life she knew all her life. Some may want a different life after some time if they’re not happy with it, but if that were the case for every royal in the world, then there wouldn’t be Queen of England or Kings and Queens of Spain, and other countries that still live under monarchies. The people who made Frozen have zero respect for the role of a monarch. If Elsa wants to take some time off (which she deserves) she can count with advisors and even her sister. Anna as Princess should hold some responsibility as well and help her sister. But the title of Queen isn’t something that sisters should be throwing onto each other as if playing a game of hot potato. The reign over a country or community is something serious, is important, and those behind these movies are taking it as a joke or nothing but a babysitter job. And on top of all this Elsa now has to deal with being a “fifth spirit” (whatever that entails) because her DEAD mother basically says so...
If Elsa wants to visit the Northuldra to get acquaintance with her mother’s birth culture, that’s cool. Also is fine to some extend if she wants to spend some time over there to atone for the crimes committed by her grandfather. But Anna should go through that stuff as well. It’s her freaking family and legacy too, damn it. And this is something I believe the entire fandom is taking for granted or ignoring altogether. But leaving her life in Arendelle to go live in the forest? Yeah, that’s not the answer to anything.
Now going back to my fan art. I only depict Helsa in the "wild and free" life style because that’s what Frozen 2 gave me to work with. And this is also my way to cope with this forsaken sequel. But I have alternate universes of my own invention to allow myself the exploration of several different outcomes. Some include:
Creating Good Childhood Memories AU. Hans met Elsa and Anna as kids. In this one Elsa and Anna’s parents aren’t a$$holes and everyone in the royal family of Arendelle welcomes Hans with open arms. The boy lives an awful life in the Southern Isles but deals with it a little better because now he is friends with the Arendelle Princesses; he goes to visit and spend time with them often. In their early teens Elsa and Hans develop a crush on each other (Anna roots for them but won’t help doing some occasional teasing embarrassing the awkward pair) that evolves into their late teen years with Hans asking the Arendelle King and Queen for their blessing to court Elsa.
Aunt Elsa and Uncle Hans AU. In this one Frozen 2 doesn’t happen. Elsa keeps being Queen (and is happy that way), Hans is her consort and they live happily balancing the duty of governing over Arendelle and spoiling Anna and Kristoff’s kids (courtesy of frozenmusings) The kids spoil them as much in return since they love them as a second set of parents as well.
Into the Unknown AU. One I haven’t put much thought into and is my excuse for playing more with a fantasy theme. I came up with it a couple of days ago. Elsa and Hans stay for some time with the Northuldra little by little getting comfortable with an outdoors life style and they get deeply in touch with nature; Elsa’s specialize in the elemental spirits while Hans thrives with animal life and living from the earth. In this AU they leave the tribe to establish their “home base” in Ahtohallan. They have evolved into something different and kind of leave the mundane life behind. Maybe they are true mythic figures. 
God bless imagination!!
Back to your request. I am considering taking it. So please leave me a message with the answer to the questions I asked above^^ And thank you for such inspiring message. The proof is all the writing I did XD
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greatfay · 5 years
Ohhhhh boy.
my all-time ultimate fave character:
Ambrose Spellman. First of all who are his parents? How is he Sabrina’s cousin? Whatever. This man is so beautiful right like all the time, or 90% of the time, idk why the other characters don’t just record his voice and play it back whenever they have a dumbass moment, a sort of audio “What Would Ambrose Do” recorder because every single time, Ambrose ends up being riiiiight. And there’s still so much about him that’s gone unexplored imo. The Vatican plot, the group he was a part of, him grieving his boyfriend from season 2?? Just saying, considering the character of Salem was split into the not-talking Cat and Ambrose, he really should be more intertwined into the plot.
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a character I didn’t used to like but now do:
Prudence. She also grew on me, though there’s some issues with this show’s writing and I think it comes from Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa trying to be Ryan Murphy in the worst way possible. Yes you can quote me on this, don’t @ me, argue with your mama. Prudence and her Weird Sisters are basically the Unholy Trinity of CAOS, except that unlike Brittany and Santana, Agatha and Dorcas never get real character development, and Prudence’s cold outer shell slowly melts only to pop back up unexpectedly and cruelly, so it’s like I like her! But then she’ll say/do things in random moments that makes it hard to like her because The Writing. Liiiike her blaming Ambrose at the end of Part 3 for that thing that happened. Also casting a person of color to play a fictitious fantasy race that calls other races “half-breeds” is never cool lmao, I’ve noticed this is a trend in fantasy, basically take your character who’s supposed to be a race supremacist and cast a black person to be them and suddenly it’s not as bad—it’s worse. And anyway I’d take a whole spin-off miniseries of Ambrose and Prudence with her TWO FUCKING SWORDS prancing across the Scottish countryside and down New Orleans streets on a quest. Geralt is shaking.
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a character I used to like but now don’t:
Nick. I love a bad boy. I love a bad boy with layers. Everything about his character was supposed to be a tempting fruit to convince Sabrina to sign her name in the book, and for the most part it works!!! So the Dark Lord might ask you to sacrifice a baby here and there, you get to have magic! And do sex magic with Gavin Leatherwood. And I had very different expectations for where his arc would go in Part 3. Sulking was not a good look for him. Jealousy was also not a good look for him. And the foot thing was gross af. I don’t see how his character can remain relevant moving forward if he’s not even Sabrina’s friend, let alone her boyfriend.
a character I’m indifferent about:
Sabrina. At first, I liked her characterization because as much as I’m a sucker for magic, it would be hard to just ghost all your friends. Especially if you have real friends, people who would be there for you, people you know are vulnerable and want to protect. I liked Sabrina as this half-in/half-out girl who wants both worlds and does the right thing. I also don’t mind a hero who does shady shit to save the day because I’m all about that moral complexity. But now she’s a bit annoying, like pull out your moral compass and pick a point! So I feel nothing toward her. My positive and negative feelings cancel out.
a character who deserved better:
Lilith. She should’ve been Queen of Hell. That whole plot point should’ve been stretched out WAY longer, especially the “they’re praying to ME” scene. BUT. I’ll say this. As much as I would’ve liked a whole Queen Lilith/Church of Lilith thing, miss thang didn’t really market herself at all. Lucifer knew exactly how to get these people eating out of his hands, and Lilith does… nothing! When they prayed to her for the first time, she should’ve made all the statues cry milk, butterflies sing with the voices of the dead, and a rainbow appear in the sky. It’s about the Drama, she could’ve a whole following but spent the whole season being Sabrina’s Unholy Godmother. Which of course, is due to the Writing. I’m just surprised she never betrayed Sabrina, and also her getting stuck with her abuser again is disgusting.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Sabrina/Harvey. They’re portrayed as endgame in the beginning but I knew he’d always be the thing holding her back from Plot Stuff, so he had to go; plus he never had a positive experience with magic and was never going to be onboard. Next is, surprisingly, Ambrose/Prudence. I really like the Sherlock/Watson thing they have going on, but Ambrose is just so nice and Prudence so blunt that they only have chemistry when they’re fucking, and tbh my “ships” are actual relationships, not fuckingships, there has to be shared emotional baggage and communication, which they didn’t have. Ya know what… Sabrina x Prudence. Now there’s a couple I would root for.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Sabrina/Nick because it was the sneeze that never happened. Feels like I didn’t even see it onscreen. Next is Tommy/Life because he shouldn’t have died, and my OTP is Faustus/Jail because he’s a fucking creep.
a cute, low-key ship:
Theo/Robin. Listen… not only are they cute as heck individually, but together it’s too powerful. And it’s such a big deal that a trans masculine main character can be the object of someone’s affections that were so strong that the character in question betrays their own family, a group of mythical creatures and gods, to do the right thing and protect him. Runner-up is Zelda/
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
I don’t think I have one  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Zelda/Faustus. Literally I vomit, I euuuughhh, euuuuughhh 🤢 listen I am not a woman, I don’t think I believe in incarnations? But watching their interactions triggered like… flashbacks in me as if I was a suburban housewife in the year 1958 and my husband will be home in 5 minutes and the “shrimp jello salad” I was supposed to have ready for him is a complete disaster and he’s going to beat me. I got Game of Thrones flashbacks watching their interactions.
my favourite storyline/moment:
When I actually thought Sabrina killed one of the Weird Sisters was a great moment for me personally, also liked the flashbacks of Lilith in the dawn of Earth, also loved Ambrose and Prudence’s adventures across the world.
a storyline that never should have been written:
That whole nightmare hallucination where Theo (before he changed his pronouns and name) woke up in a “boy’s body” was so intimately disgusting and terrible and problematic, it almost completely undoes every good thing about Theo’s storylines and the representation.
Harvey getting accepted to some artsy private school only to be haunted by nightmares of the Dark Lord??? Where did that go again? I forgot.
my first thoughts on the show:
Dark, creepy, stylish. I like it.
my thoughts now:
Messier, sometimes frustrating, still dark, still stylish. I like it? 
Ask me about a tv show/movie series/book series!
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fromtheringapron · 5 years
Scary Wrestling Stuff from My Childhood
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Every Halloween season, it’s not uncommon for wrestling fans to reminisce about the moments in our great sport that genuinely scared them, and I’m certainly no exception. At the end of the day, wrestling is still a fantasy world that’s seen plenty of dark, suspenseful, and even at times supernatural bullshit. In fact, one of its biggest stars is The Undertaker, who has been in turns a mortician, a zombie, a Satanic cult leader, a desert biker, and some strange hybrid of all those characters at once.
Truthfully, nothing in wrestling scares me anymore. Well, at least not in kayfabe. Real life still provides a lot of fright in and out of the ring. When I see a wrestler get legitimately injured in the ring, you bet I’m concerned. The depressingly common trend of premature wrestling deaths is a terrifying subject on its own. But when you’re a kid, where even the most ridiculous thing in wrestling can seem real, there’s a lot in kayfabe to be scared about, and you don’t even known what the hell the term “kayfabe” even means.
So, to get in the spirit of the spooky season, I’ll give you a quick rundown of some things that personally scared me shitless watching wrestling as a youngster:
Evil Doink the Clown: Doink is usually associated with everything wrong in WWF’s New Generation era⏤one-dimensional gimmickry, cheesy beyond belief, and worst of all, out of touch. But it’s a reputation that isn’t quite deserved. The original Doink character was that of an evil clown, brilliantly brought to life by Matt Borne. As someone who churned out many rewatches of WrestleMania IX as a child, which features the character at its peak, you better believe I was terrified of this wrestling clown with lime green hair. If evil Doink’s sudden mood swings and aggression weren’t unsettling enough, the entrance music is fucking horrifying to this day. Far scarier than Pennywise and the Joker could ever wish, complete with maniacal clown cackles. Yikes, yikes, yikes. It sounds like the soundtrack to a haunted carnival episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? on Nickelodeon. Given the rise of creepy clowns in recent pop culture, evil Doink would still get over now, and scare a whole new generation of kids to boot.
Kane, Circa ’97/‘98: Hear me out: the video package to Kane and The Undertaker’s clash at WrestleMania XIV is one of the best ever. The music, the footage, and even the random Michael Cole narration all flow together perfectly to create something goosebumpingly epic. But, damn, as kid? This was some terrifying shit. Considering I was too young to stay up and watch every episode of Raw in full, that package was like a highlight reel of pure horror. Kane has become known for taking part in some of the most infamous and illogical storylines in WWE history, but it’s often forgotten how effective a job was done to build him up as a monster upon his debut. Remember when he lit that random dude on fire on Raw? Holy fuck. Not even the Wicked Witch of the West setting fire to The Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz shook me up quite like that. The eyes peeping out of his mask was, to me, the most frightening part of his appearance. Total nightmare fuel. Generations more familiar with bald, mask-less Kane could never quite know the trauma.
Papa Shango’s Sega Genesis Theme Music: Okay, this a fairly obscure one, but my brother and I would play WWF Royal Rumble on Sega Genesis back in the day. The game was complete with cute little 8-bit versions of each wrestler’s entrance themes. The Crush theme, in particular, is a minor masterpiece. The other piece of music that made an impact on me is the version of Papa Shango’s theme. I didn’t have too much footage of Papa Shango in my childhood wrestling VHS collection so he held some mythical status to me. The original theme is creepy enough, but the Genesis version really takes you to an dark, murky swamp where Shango is hexing his latest victim. It scared me so much that I’d speed ahead the character selection screen in the game so I wouldn’t have to hear it. You can scoff at me now all you want, but I must speak my truth.
Zeus and Randy Savage Attack Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake: If you’ve watched Survivor Series 1989, you may remember a segment where Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake about their upcoming match at No Holds Barred. That’s not scary at all, but it’s what happens as the interview unfolds that, for whatever reason, really tore me up when I’d put my copy of this show in the VHS. Sensational Sherri crashes the interview, with the most wild-eyed glared you could imagine, shouting at Hogan and Beefcake in her dark, garish makeup. She then throws handfuls of powder in their eyes, allowing Zeus and Randy Savage to attack them. It’s so hard to describe what’s so scary about this. No Holds Barred, both the movie and the pay-per-view, were pretty notorious failures so it’s not even like it’s remembered as a major angle or anything. If anything, I gotta think it has something to do with the sudden tonal shift from a goofy babyface interview to an all-out assault, which can be pretty striking for any young viewer.
Mick Foley, Hell in the Cell: I don’t really need to say any more, do I? The Hell in the Cell match at King of The Ring 1998 is something that warrants a post of its own, as its undoubtedly one of my favorite matches of all time. But I cannot stress this enough: watching a human being do what Mick Foley does in this match, no matter how pre-planned, is some seriously distressing shit. As an adult, you realize you’re watching this man single-handedly take years off his career. But even in kayfabe, there’s true terror in watching the full extent of Mankind’s threshold reveal itself. The dude literally fucking smiles to the camera as he’s concussed and his mouth bloodied into steak tartar. If that image alone doesn’t stay with you, I don’t know what will. Mick Foley turns this match into a mini horror movie. Years before people tuned in droves to watch Saw and Hostel, they watched Mick Foley torture himself. In the match’s most chilling moments, he turns Mankind into a character like Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees⏤just when you think he’s been completely broken in half, he’s up and ready for more.
Early Undertaker: I can’t possibly go on without mentioning The Undertaker. When you really think about it, some of things I’ve mentioned already wouldn’t have been possible without him. It seems a little cliche to even bring him up for a topic like this, but he’s the OG of cheesy wrestling horror. Plus, it needs to be said: The Undertaker, in first couple years of his WWF career, could easily scare kids. It definitely scared the kids who grew up watching that version of the character, at least. I watched Survivor Series 1990 countless times growing up so, as you could imagine, I was one of the fortunate/unfortunate children. One of the more brilliant touches of The Undertaker’s early character, outside of the creepy glare and slow approach, was the various shots of mortified children in the crowd. It seems like a minor detail, but it went a long way in establishing him as a genuine monster. Not to mention, there were things the Undertaker did during that era that, even by the family-friendly standards of early ‘90s WWF, were pretty messed-up. How about that time he locked The Ultimate Warrior in a coffin? Or when he worked with Jake Roberts to terrorize Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth? Make no mistake, those first few years were critical in letting us know for whom the bell tolls.
And that about does it for my own personal horrors. Maybe you think mine are silly, but what about wrestling scared you growing up? Does it still scare you? Does it still give you nightmares? As you ponder, I’ll be looking over my shoulder, hoping I’m not attacked by Zeus.
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evesbeve · 5 years
boundaries mean nothing
Summary: It doesn't matter if Klaus is having his afternoon bath — Ben will show him his new book right here, right now. In other words, this is how you fuck up a perfectly fine Diego Hargreeves. 
(Read this on AO3 + FFN)
Ben's favourite thing about being alive was reading all the books he had missed out on during the last decade.
To be fair, he did read some of them while he was a ghost. However, it was hard to get Klaus to cooperate and turn the pages for him — as he literally couldn't do it himself — so he'd consider his new books a win.
There were so many great authors, and the stories were endless. Unfortunately, Ben's time wasn't.
Although there wasn't really a need for the siblings to get jobs — their father happened to be the largest billionaire out there — Ben had tried running some errands around the city, to make some pocket money.
He found himself spending all of it on books, and Klaus — being the voice of reason for once — told him to get to the library instead. Which he did, by the way, but nothing beat the joy of holding your own physical copy of Eleanor & Park.
But Ben also loved fantasy novels.
When they were little kids, he used to tell Vanya all about them. His favourite scenario was when Vanya had read said books too, and they talked about all these magical worlds together.
Ben missed being that person.
What he definitely didn't miss was cliffhangers in books.
He almost threw his most recent read out the window when it ended like that. It was such a beautiful story, with well-written characters and breathtaking scenery — Ben could see the mythical world right in front of him — but there was more to it, and it made Ben feel simply unfulfilled.
He had to tell someone.
He didn't even think about it twice when he rushed out his room with his book in hand and entered the bathroom at the end of the hallway without even knocking.
Klaus, who was apparently having the best bubble bath of his life, didn't even flinch. He was buried by millions of bubbles, steam coming out of the bathtub's hot water, and blinding the mirrors in the room.
Ben knew Klaus had noticed him. That smug grin on his face fooled no one, regardless of how much he tried to avoid eye-contact.
"Do I have to run down the hallway again for you to notice me?"
At that, Klaus turned to Ben's direction slightly, faking a gasp. "Ben! I did not see you come in here, my dear brother. How may I be of-"
"Cut the crap, Klaus, this is serious," Ben said, ignoring his brother's jokes. "I finished The School for Good-"
"-and Evil, yeah, yeah, I've heard you say the title, like, ten million times," Klaus finished for him. "You almost had me convinced it's an emergency this time."
"It is an emergency!" Ben said. "You'll never guess what happened at the end."
Klaus turned to his side, resting his head on the bathtub's edge. "Unless Sophia and Cthulhu started dating, I'm not interest-"
"For starters it's Sophie and Agatha, not Sophia and Cthulhu," Ben interrupted him. "And second, they kinda did?"
Klaus coughed, eyes widened. "Wait, seriously?"
"Yeah, seriously!" Ben said. "Sophie was basically dying — long story — and Agatha just leaned in and kissed her? And then they disappeared out of thin air, and I don't know where, the book didn't say!"
Klaus somehow sat up, facing Ben. "Wait, wasn't there like, a prince that was into one of them?"
"Yeah, he-"
Klaus burst out laughing at this, much to Ben's annoyance. "He's stuck playing third wheel to a pair of lesbians! That's a low blow-"
"No, a low blow is that I have no idea what happens next in the book," Ben interrupted, but couldn't help but smile while speaking. "Let me read the ending to you-"
"Oh come on, you don't have to-"
Ben cleared his throat, trying to suppress his urge to laugh. "The kids gathered around Sophie, who-"
"-Sophie, who was-"
It all happened too fast; Klaus splashed a little more water than needed towards Ben, and Ben reacted a bit too late, resulting in the book being soaked wet.
Ben squealed.
"Klaus, you asshole, I borrowed that one!" Ben said, his heart shattered at the sight of the book's ink giving out.
"Oh come on, the library loves you, I'm sure they won't mind-"
"From Five."
Mutual panic was shared between them, Ben blowing on the book's pages and Klaus almost tripping while getting out of the tub to find some towels. Ben pretty much snatched them out of his hands, wrapping the book in them.
Both of them sighed in relief, sitting down on the soapy floor.
"That was a close one," Ben said out of breath. "I mean, the book is still ruined and I still went through the biggest panic attack of my life, but at least-"
"Wait a second," Klaus stopped him. "Five reads fantasy novels?"
Ben had never even thought about it.
"First of all, rude," Ben said, "and second, holy shit?"
"How did you not notice?" Klaus gestured in confusion. "If Five ever handed me something that's not an empty cup of coffee or an old scarf, I would have flipped."
"A scarf?" Ben asked. "Five wears scarves?"
"Holy shit!" Klaus exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "I guess we really don't know Five!"
"Okay, what the hell is going-"
The two brothers turned towards the door as it opened, revealing Diego in his nightwear, who screamed as soon as he laid eyes on them.
Diego shut the door closed. Ben had never seen him look so terrified.
"Relax, Diego," Klaus silenced Diego's screams. "Ben was just telling me about his new book."
"Five's book," Ben corrected. "Which Klaus absolutely destroyed, by the way."
"In my defense, I couldn't see how much water was underneath these bubbles."
They heard a pound on the door, and Ben was almost certain it was Diego banging his head against it. "How do you not see anything wrong with this," Diego half-whimpered. "What is wrong with this family?"
"When Ben here was dead, and I was out of juice-"
"Just say drugs, you don't want to make Diego cry even more-"
"-and I was out of juice," Klaus repeated himself, making Ben shake his head, "Ben would talk to me while I was in the shower to distract me from the bad boos!"
"In my defense, he spends like, four hours soaking in water, and there's not much to do while you're a ghost. I was so bored, you can't even imag-" Ben stopped himself, backtracking in the conversation. "Did you just say bad boos? Please never say bad boos again-"
"Anyway, things got out of hand, I went out of the tub to find towels, and alas, we saved the fantasy novel! Woo!"
"Yeah, barely," Ben added. "How am I going to tell Five-"
"Five reads fantasy novels?" Diego asked through the door.
"That's what I said!" Klaus clapped his hands in joy.
"Whatever, just-" Diego sighed. "Put on some clothes and go to bed, it's late."
"You got it," Ben said, getting up.
Klaus reached for the towel in Ben's arms, and Ben pulled away before he managed to touch it.
Klaus tilted his head in confusion, a fake smile on his face. "Ben. I need this to leave the bathroom?"
Ben shook his head. "No way, I want to make sure all the water is soaked out of the book."
Klaus stood up too, opening his arms. "Ben. I need this towel."
"You brought this on yourself Klaus," Ben took a step back as Klaus approached him. "No way, you are not hugging me in the nude."
"Beeeeeen~" Klaus teased, stepping closer.
In an attempt to get further away, Ben slipped on the soapy floor, falling back and into the bathtub, that was still filled with water.
Needless to say, it splashed everywhere.
Ben coughed, grimacing as he spit the soap out his mouth. "Klaus, I'm going to end-"
But it was too late. Klaus had taken ahold of the towel and wrapped it around his waist, heading for the door. "Have fun cleaning up, Benny!"
And just like that, Klaus disappeared. At least he had left the book on top of the radiator, safe from all the water. Well, the remaining water, that was.
Ben leaned back, hating the feeling of water on his clothes more than anything.
Maybe reading books wasn't Ben's favourite thing about being alive; planning his revenge on Klaus was. But first, he had a mess to clean up, and a sequel to borrow.
The distant sound of Pogo scolding Klaus for all the yelling only satisfied that need.
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eggoreviews · 5 years
My Top 25 Games Advent Day 2 - Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales (#24)
“Now, excuse me while I help myself to your souls!”
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I’m a complete and total Final Fantasy novice. Other than this 13 year old obscure DS title, I have played about 40 minutes of FF7 and that’s really it with my Final Fantasy experience. Somehow though, this game struck enough of a chord with me as a child that it ended up tailing this list.
Let’s get the slightly awkward stuff out of the way. I’ll be the first to admit this game is relatively junior. The entire game is populated with barely developed bird characters (which you yourself are also) and odd mini-games based on fairytales, the final boss fight is basically just a game of air hockey and the whole thing from start to finish is played with the DS stylus. Now, that’s probably a recipe for disaster. But despite the odds, and the fact that near enough everyone on the planet either hates this game or has completely forgotten it, I adored it.
Chocobo Tales sees you take control of a nameless chocobo who receives a name of your choosing and lives on the peaceful, slightly generic Chocobo Farm. And then just as you’re settling down for story time with the farm’s caretaker, a variant of Final Fantasy’s black mage shows up in the form of an edgy bookworm named Croma, and what do you know, he’s brought with him an evil soul-sucking book by accident. Now the whole farm is evil or whatever. I’ll be honest with you, the story isn’t particularly why this placed here; it’s kind of confusing, feels arbitrary and most of it centres around these crystals I’m supposed to care about. Aside from the stellar development of one of the game’s central villains Irma, it’s difficult to latch onto and remember clearly. No, what makes this game so excellent and memorable in my mind is the combat system. I absolutely loved it and I’ve never played anything like it since. You spend the entire game collecting cards depicting the various odd mythical creatures that populate the Final Fantasy universe and you use them to partake in fun, unique and oddly comicesque battles throughout the game. Each card has an element (fire etc.) and its own special ability to set it apart, and all the art of the monsters when they’re summoned is cool as heck! They’re like comic drawings!! And I’m still a child!!
Anyway, the way you fight in this game is via the four slots on the card that are at the top, left, right and bottom of the card. If you have a sword in one of these slots that coincides with your enemy’s card slots (e.g. your left slot has a sword and their left slot has nothing in), you land a hit. If there’s a shield in that enemy’s slot instead, no damage is taken and same goes for you. Add on top of that a sleugh of unique spells and abilities for each type of card and you’ve got yourself a genuinely fresh and interesting combat mechanic that makes it feel rewarding and even necessary to traverse the entire world picking every single card in the collection just so you can build the best deck possible. Admittedly, as I mentioned earlier, it all gets thrown away in the final encounter in favour of air hockey, but hey the music is cool and you can’t have everything.
Aside from combat, gameplay largely consists of those fairy tale minigames. You find cute little story books scattered across the world, most of which are mandatory to actually continue with the main story and honestly, they vary in quality. A few are so unabashedly fun I actually found myself coming back to them after it was necessary to do so, but equally, some suck so hard and make literally no sense from a mechanical standpoint that it briefly sucks the fun out of the game. Either way, the game’s commitment to focusing on fairytales as a central theme works brilliantly and really adds to this game’s unique feel. And then the rest of the time, you’re moving through the world via dragging a stylus across the screen and oh wow, they properly studied the Penguin Guide to Making an RPG World, didn’t they? They’ve got all the classics here; grassy starting area, fire bit, water bit, forest bit and (everyone’s favourite) threatening lightning bit. The graphics are absolutely amazing and hold up brilliantly for a 2006 DS game, but this world is so generic it almost hurts. However, of course, it wouldn’t have its signature Final Fantasy charm, nor would it likely have a place on my list if it wasn’t for the soundtrack. This game’s soundtrack is far better than it has any right to be. If you don’t believe me, have a listen to the game’s various overworld themes for each section of the map, or the battle theme that actually slaps or the mega sad song they use in emotional scenes that really does still bring tears (I really do be like that) or, best of all, this game’s version of Battle at the Big Bridge, which I maintain is one of the most awesome tracks to come out of a video game. I mean, it’s all just so GOOD.
Yes, I know I spent the majority of this review roasting the hell out of this game while simultaneously telling you it’s one of my favourites, but what are you gonna do, I think this is the relationship most people have with this game who don’t actively hate it. It’s fun, it’s wacky, collecting the cards and battling with them is downright addictive and it has just enough signature charm to call itself a Final Fantasy title (vaguely speaking), while also containing enough wonkiness to call itself a mid-2000s DS title. I adore it, in a way that I will never play it or talk about it with anyone ever again.
Standout Moment Award: Basically any part of the game that has combat in it qualifies for today’s standout moment award. I’d say the final encounter too for just the soundtrack alone (Battle at the Big Bridge babey), but also because, you know, I actually quite enjoy air hockey.
Standout Character Award: Irma. Sure, none of the characters in this game are exactly nuanced to hell, but something about Irma’s tragic backstory and her eventual redemption arc just did something for me as a kid. 
Tomorrow: No. 23; The birth of the most notable video game adaptation of Pinball.
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dorotheashome · 5 years
Ok I’ve been thinking a lot about my two favourite ships, Rumbelle and Klamille and omg they have so many similarities - both in terms of the characters themselves and many of their storylines. 
(Under the cut cause it’s actually very long and i know that not many people will like both rumbelle and klamille so..)
1. both very intelligent who use that to their advantage in a fantasy world. They use their intelligence to to outmatch people/beings despite being physically/magically weaker than they are. 2. both are brave, said and demonstrated in the narrative. to the point where they continuously face and outmatch people/beings that are physically/magically stronger than they are. 3. both very perspective and positive characters that see the good in others, even if those people have done terrible things/are hated by the people around them (even their own friends).  4. strong willed af and both hold alot of value in free will/making their own choices. belle: “you don’t get to decide what i do or how i feel, I do”. camille: “my choice is the only thing I have left and no one is taking that away from me”.... just saying  5. despite being ‘good’ characters they’ve both morally questionable things, showing they have a dark side. belle ‘killing’ gaston, using the dagger on rumple multiple times etc.. cami and the stuff with her uncle, the stuff she did just after she turned into a vampire etc. 
1. their parents are both awful af. in fact i only just realised how similar?? Their mothers are both strong magical beings that have hurt their children by making misguided attempts to ‘protect’ them (in some capacity at least), and their fathers were both regular human beings (that became supernatural) that resented/hated their sons for whatever reason. At least one of their parents have also tried to kill them (and they both killed their fathers). 2. started off as human and they both bullied/abused for being ‘weak’ because they couldn’t/didn’t hold up to the patriarchal standards forced on them. They engaged in traditionally feminine activities, defying the hyper masculine standards forced on them by their society.  3. despite being ‘good’ humans after they turned supernatural they become ‘dark’ and did some generally awful things. They were introduced originally in their respective shows as very old, strong and almost mythical villians.  4. both had a redemption arc were they really struggled to become ‘good’ - for the people they love and care about. They had multiple setbacks but they turned ‘good’ in the end. 5. despite their awful examples (and despite messing up on numerous occasions) they love their children so much they will do literally anything for them.  
1. beauty and the beasts vibes to the sun (literally for rumbelle) 2. both rumple and klaus held belle/camille ‘captive’. despite this both belle/camille weren’t afraid to call them out on their shit. they also were able to read rumple/klaus like a fiddle nearly from the get go 3. rumple and klaus both originally pushed belle/camille away in a really dramatic way (skin deep obv and the season 1 finale of the originals) 4. both rumple and klaus believed at one point or another that belle/camille was dead despite them not actually being dead (klaus for like an hour but rumple for decades rip) 5. both also watched belle/camille die for real as well. They carried belle/camille with them for the rest of their lives tho, finding strength in the memory of them. they were both reunited in the afterlife don’t @ me.
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davidmann95 · 5 years
So, what's the deal with Kingdom Hearts? I mean, it's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover, right? Hard to see why would that cause such dedicated whatever.
I’ve had this in my drafts for a while, and given today’s the series’ 17th anniversary it seems like the time to finally get back and finish it. Simple answer: the music slaps and you just want the soft children to get to go home.
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Long answer: Even now people joke about the baseline absurdity of a universe in which Donald Duck can go toe-to-toe with Cloud, and while I think 17 years in we’re past the point where it’s time to accept that this is just a part of the landscape for these characters, yes, that does remain objectively bonkers. It’s not a natural, intuitive combination like your JLA/Avengers, this is Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe-level “well, I suppose they both exist in…the, uh, medium of visual storytelling” stuff, other than I suppose that they both tend towards fantasy in this case. And then that whole wacko premise got hijacked by Tetsuya Nomura for an extended epoch-spanning drama driven by labyrinthine, (occasionally literal) dream logic mythology where it’s genuinely impossible to tell at this point what’s being thrown in by the seat of the creators’ pants and what was planned out since day one, pretty much casting aside the franchises that were in theory the main appeal as relevant parts of the plot even as you still hang out with Baymax from Big Hero 6. Step back even a touch, and there will always be a whiff of derangement about the entire affair - it’s simply baked in at this point.
My controversial opinion however: it’s actually good. There are structural issues and awkward moments and aspects ill-served, I’d never deny that, but even diehard lifelong Kingdom Hearts fans tend towards prefacing appreciation with at least two or three levels of irony and self-critique. I suppose it’s in part a response to the general reaction to it I mentioned before, but no, I absolutely think these are genuinely good, ambitious stories build on a foundation that’s still holding strong. An important note in service of that point: Winnie the Pooh, maybe Hercules, and with III Toy Story aside, I have basically zero childhood nostalgia for any of the properties involved. Wasn’t a huge Disney kid outside maybe very very early childhood, and only dabbled with Final Fantasy after the fact (still intend to play through XV someday though). It won me over young, yes, but on its own.
The building blocks help: the characters designs are great, the individual Disney settings in their platonic representations of various locales and landscapes make perfect towns packed with quirky locals to roam through on your quest, the Final Fantasy elements are tried and tested for this sort of thing, the original worlds each have their own unique aesthetics and touchstones and come out lovely, by my estimation the gameplay’s fun adventure/slasher stuff even if it’s had ups and downs over the years, the actors largely bring it, it all looks pretty, and as noted, the score is as good as it gets. They’re games that look, sound, and play good made up of component parts that unify into a sensible whole. And for me, the scope and convolution of the plot that so many leap at as the easy target - with its memory manipulations and replicas and time travel and ancient prophecies and possessions and hearts grown from scratch and universes that live in computers and storybooks and dreams - is half the appeal; I live for that kind of nonsense. Not that folks aren’t justified as hell in taking jabs at it, but I’ll admit I often quietly raise an eyebrow when I see the kind of people I tend to follow having an unironic laugh at it given *gestures toward the last 40 years of superhero comics*.
All that through is ultimately window dressing. The most powerful appeal of Kingdom Hearts is I suppose hidden if you’re going by commercials and isolated GIFs and whatnot, and even the bulk of the content of the average Disney world, charming as they are. It’s deceptively easy to pick out something else as the fundamental appeal too; even if I’d call them incredibly well-executed examples of such the character archetypes it deals in are relatively broad, and while it handles the necessary shifts in its tone from fanciful Disney shenanigans to apocalyptic cosmic showdowns for the heart of all that is with incredible skill - and that might be its most unique aspect, and certainly a critical one - a lot of that comes down to raw technical ability on the part of the writers, appropriate dramatic buildup, and demarcation between environments and acts of the story.
The real heart of the matter, to speak to my typical audience, is that Kingdom Hearts in a profound way resembles 1960s Superman comics and stories inspired by the same: it’s 90% dopey lovely cornball folk tale stuff, until every now and again it spins around and sucker punches you in the goddamn soul with Extremely Real Human Shit. Except here instead of being lone panels and subtext, it builds and builds throughout each given adventure until it takes over and flips for the finale from fairytale to fantasy epic.
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That can probably be credited directly to Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi suggesting to Tetsuya Nomura to try treating this weird gig seriously instead of as the licensed cash-in it seemed destined to be, since if this didn’t have a soul the target audience would recognize it. But in spite of that seriousness, it’s perhaps its most joyfully mocked aspect in its entirely unselfconscious dedication to making Hearts and Feelings and Light and/or Darkness the most important things in the universe that lets it do what it does. It’s childish in the most primal way, absolutely, but what that translates to is that there aren’t cosmic or personal stakes that swap places as major or subsidiary at any given point, because in this world they’re always literally the same thing. There’s no major relationship where the fate of a primal power or a last chance at salvation doesn’t ultimately hang in the balance depending on how it shakes out, and there’s no prophecy or ultimate weapon or grand scheme that doesn’t have direct, fundamental ramifications on the life of an innocent or the memories that define them or whether they’ll ever be able to find a place to call home. ‘Hearts’ is an all-encompassing theme, whether in strength of will or redemption or questions of personhood or the ties that bind us, and by making it a literal source of power, it lends personal dimension to the unfathomable universal and the grand weight of destiny to whether or not someone can come to terms with who they want to be or apologize to those they’ve wronged. It’s a world where emotional openness and personal growth ultimately works the same way and achieves the same results as doing calisthenics in five hundred times Earth’s gravity does in Dragon Ball. and it’s tender and exuberant and thoughtful enough where it counts to take advantage of that as a storytelling engine.
That’d be why Sora works so well as the main character, because he straddles the line most directly between those poles. He may stand out as a spiky anime boy when actually next to Aladdin and the rest, but when it comes down to it he’s a Disney character, just a really nice, cheeky, dopey kid who wants to hang out with his friends and go on an adventure and believes in people really really hard. As the stranger in a strange land he’s a tether to a wider, sometimes more somber and weighty world when he’s sticking his head into the movie plots, but when he’s in the midst of stacked-up conspiracies and mythic wars that make all seem lost, he’s the one whose concerns remain purely, firmly rooted in the lives of those connected to him. Other characters get to go out there into bleak questions of self-identity or forgiveness, but while he might wrestle with doubt and fear Sora’s the guy who holds the ship steady and reminds all these classic heroes and flawed-yet-resolute champions and doomed Chosen Ones what they’re fighting for by just being a really good dude.
Given superhero comics are my bread and butter it doesn’t come up much, but Kingdom Hearts is really about as foundational to the landscape of my imagination as Superman and company, and while 100% that’s in part because it came into my life early it didn’t take hold by chance. It manages its stakes and its drama in a way and on a scale unlike just about anything else I’ve ever seen (even prior to getting to the weird mythology stuff that’s so profoundly up my alley), and somehow the aesthetics and gameplay and dialogue and all the million and one details that needed to come together to facilitate that story joined together into something that’s become one of the most curious, beloved touchstones of its medium. It’s a small, lovely bastion of warmth and sincerity in a way that only feels more like a breath of fresh air with time, playing out over decades a bunch of kids’ journeys to try and find the people they love most and help them and go home together when everything in the universe seems to be against them. It’s special in ways that will for me always be unique and meaningful, and I’m glad it seems to have plenty more in it before it’s through.
And seriously THAT MUSIC.
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