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onewomancitadel · 2 years ago
Of course, what Jaune the Fuckbeast characterisation (if even it can be called such) misses is that, as Joan of Arc, he'd be a good Catholic boy saving himself for marriage.
Which is why the premarital sex with Cinder is so much saucier.
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waywardsou2 · 2 months ago
New Video just dropped!
It's part 2 of "To Give A Pound of Flesh" By Feathered Fox (link in the description)
This took me way to fucking long to edit but here we are
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
how far can i push this itty bitty series before i have to start adding trigger warnings...
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wtscallop · 2 months ago
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monarch of monsters fanart i drew at an ungodly hour in the morning
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
'Who am I to Complain?'
As part of my own contribution to this year's first day of Spring 2024, aka the in universe birthday of one Richard John Grayson-Wayne, the First Robin and the crime fighter known as Nightwing, I would like this opportunity finally....FINALLY...posting up for you all a fic that's been in my drafts for pretty much the better part of any entire year. Originally meant on being released last Christmas, various forms of delay, writer's block and other general distractions have prevented me from finally finishing such a project. Well finally after such anticipation at least on my end, I have managed creating a final form for this story I think can satisfy.
For very quick context, this story is a component of my long running idea proposing and lore building of my own version of the DC Comics Universe. In particular, it takes within the long storyline both @thattimdrakeguy and I have crafted for the better part of two years, the first part being involved within the hypothetical Nightwing solo book, 'Clipped Wings' and its follow up crossover with Detective Comics proper, "Blue Hawk Down'. For more information regarding the general summaries of events, check out the links here and here.
I shall like to dedicate this story to my mutuals and friends @adalineozie @meara-eldestofthemall @nightglider124 @faesystem @confusedhummingbird @spider-jaysart @mothnem @lightdusk96 @camo-wolf @sbd-laytall @theredheaded-stuff @celaenaeiln @starlightbelle @shootingstarssel @avaraydrake @pin-crusher2000 @sillymanwithocs @batboyblog @bluegarners @tarisilmarwen @orange-s-mario @altinyns-multimedia-museblog @katmaatui and so many others
Constructive Criticisms are Generally Welcome; Replies and Especially Reblogs are greatly appreciated
The Following May Contain Graphic Scenes of Violence, References to Sexual Assault and other themes not suitable for a Young Audience. Viewer Discretion is Heavily Advised
As per usual, All Rights and Copyrights to Characters and Concepts seen in this work are owned by DC Comics, Inc, a subsidiary of DC Entertaiment and Warner Bros. Discovery
With all that....Happy Birthday Dick Grayson....Here's my gift of Grade A angst for you
Sigh. Cough Cough
Look at yourself. Just Honest to God, Dick, just look at yourself.
Take a good look at those cuts, that blood all over your ugly as hell face, that blood pouring out of your stupid, big fat hole you call a mouth. You wanna know who’s Goddamn fault it was for all this? You wanna know who's responsible for you being more pathetic and a freak than you already are? Cough Cough
Don’t try to deny it. Why should you? 
After all, you allowed this to happen to you, right? Not just with what happened tonight but over these last few weeks. You know what I’m talking about. Losing your home and failing to find out how despite insisting you paid for it. What will Kory Cough say now when she comes back and sees that home you wanted to allow her into isn’t even yours anymore? What kind of fiance are you to allow that? 
  Why stop there? Here you are, without any place to call a house, your face gushing and oozing red as it had been lately, broke, nobody likes you, not a single damn soul cares about you. You wanna know who’s fault it is? Yours. In fact, as you right now are flinging that bottle of peroxide into your ugly face and stinging from it as you deserve, how about we explore what even happened tonight that led to this, shall we? 
  I think I should…Cough
 Three Hours Earlier….
“Tell Us Goddamnit, You Blue Wearing Cunt!!” 
As if I would. How do I tell these bastards where the hell Bruce is if I wasn’t even able to speak to him for weeks by now? 
I know what you’re thinking, ‘but are you his…’
Stop right there right now. If you’re gonna pull that whole ‘you’re his son’  bullshit on me, for one thing, at the very most I was adopted, I ain’t his real kid. I never deserved being his real kid at all given who we are. Another thing too; if he were to come to my help, he would’ve done so about…God knows how many times by now lately. I would handle it anyways, what kind of person needs any sort of father or even friends when it was their own damn fault they wound up taking two  bullets to the hamstrings? 
Why yes, that’s what I’m going through and yes it was my Goddamn fault being this utterly stupid and an utter embarrassment with my training for getting caught by those sickos like I was. Now you are thinking, everyone has an off day and…
Crap! Two on the calves and two more on my hamstrings, I can tell. 
“Motherfucker….” Damn it all they weren’t supposed to hear that. Great, now they laugh at it. 
The hell’s wrong with me? There’s no time to let them know what’s going with my nerves acting up. 
“You know, guys” (Cough) Keep it in, Grayson! You got something to say these assholes need to hear Damnit! “ You’re getting absolutely nowhere right now. If I knew where Batman was, I still wouldn’t tell you. So what the hell makes you think I do then after an hour and…” 
“Shut the fuck up, Birdfreak!” 
A kick right to my face? Yeah, another in my long line of failures and that one was justified; I should’ve seen that one coming. Hey, compared to the bullet holes though, it’s nothing really. Besides why even be hurt by that when I have this lowlife staring directly at my ugly mug of a face right now? 
“You know him, more than us here! You have to know where he went! We got a sweet little gig here and I ain’t rushing to see that pointy eared son of a dick trying to ruin it! ‘Sides, you’re in our hands now, so you see; once we’re all done here one way or another, we can get that dough from the cops since they’re looking for you more than us! Now you tell us if he knows about this place and if he’s coming, will ya?! We ain’t got all night and I’m missing my game!” 
Sweet little gig? As in the child trafficking operation they got here right now? Some of those children right behind me behind a cage like animals, forced to see me pinned on my torso and face, taking crap in many ways from them? They call that ‘sweet’ in mine and their faces?! 
“You calling that a game? Selling kids to sexual slavery? I really hate to see what’ll be your idea for a movie if that’s what you.re saying” That quip, I couldn’t help, it was damn true and these creeps needed to hear that. It was about as much a fact as Bruce hates me right now and rightfully so. 
Yet all they do is laugh even harder than before. They’re really….really starting to get on my nerves. 
Their ringleader grins ever so much in my face. His disgusting and unbearable cigarette smoke billows in my face. “So what?”  
So what? So what?? Is that really your best retort to me? It’s unbelievable, just what kind of devils and evils dwell in this city. But it’s evil I hunt for every single night. No one around me sees what I have to or does what I do around these parts. Not Bruce, not Tim, not Kory, no Donna….no one. On that note,  no one should have to. Maybe it’s my failure to stop evil like this and everything I do, everything so wrong and never good enough, that’s why I’m certain Bruce decided just to cut me off. 
No job, no place I can call a house or a home to stay in, no money, no spare clothes, no answering my calls, nothing. It’s been about three months of this so far, a three month test to see if I break if I had nothing, only for the big bad bat wanting me to literally cry my way back home to him. You know what? Screw you too, Bruce. Or whoever was doing all this. I know that, even for you Bruce, ins outs of everything, even you normally won’t stoop this low. It’s not just nothing I’ve been trying to figure out suggests otherwise. Maybe it’s just this….paranoia….no I can’t be paranoid. What’s happening is real and I need to deal with it and…
“Hey Cockscuker, you listening to me??” 
Oh right, this asshole. 
Looking at him, I can’t help myself but make my eyes go towards his own. What does he think would work now to make me talk? 
In his hands was some sort of object. It looks bladed, I can tell based on the glistening of the steel coming from the moonlight coming in through the window. Once he gets a bit closer, I see it now….oh of course….a damn pizza cutter. Oh and just my luck too, in his other hand is a goddamn cheese grater. I guess either this warehouse is for kitchen  tools or just my karma telling me how much I fucking suck and rightfully so again. Maybe the latter. 
The asshole only grins at me. “Okay then, maybe some…slices can get ya to talk. What do you say?” 
I take a deep breath and brace my teeth within my mouth. No use crying out, screaming or any of that weakness than I already showed earlier . This frankly I deserve, and come on. 
I’ve taken a few swings from a baseball bat from Two Face, got injected with Slade’s nanoscopic probes that were shredding my cells inside and out, got blasted by an alternate Luthor, forcibly swallowed a heart paralyzing pill by Slade and the actual Luthor (that bald cunt)….and now just a circular blade and a metal sheet with blades on it on my forehead and face?
Seems fitting enough to take; whatever I’ve done and didn’t do in my vow to protect the innocent and never strive off the path of justice, being a terrible friend, never good enough for Batman as I had always been, letting the only two people that actually had any right to care for me fall to the sandy and hard floor, shattering almost every bone in their bodies when I had only one job to do which was catch them….yeah this is appropriate. This is exactly what I deserve after all of that. Losing my home, my job, and my means to do basically anything for myself, I deserve that.
Who am I to complain, really? 
  Back at the Present Day….
“Ah Fuck!” 
Peroxide…it never fails to emit any sort of sting on any sort of cut, don’t it, Dick? 
Oh but you gonna start cussing and feeling it now? What the hell’s wrong with you? You can’t handle just a tiny sting of this shit without any yells? 
Suck it up, will ya? You’re acting like a spoiled brat. 
Who are you to complain about really?
Oh and by the way, there goes the last of our Peroxide, just circling down this old bathroom sink drain into God knows sewer pipes along with the blood it splashed off. You're gonna have to fetch some more, Dick. It’s not like Bruce is gonna get us anymore. 
Fuck Him. 
We’ve been putting up with his shit every since we lost are damn place to stay in, then our jobs all over this city, villain after villain breaking out, us being blamed for the Mayor, his wife and girl getting ripped to shreds and blood all over one day with one of your Wingdings, making you hunted down from pretty much everyone (for what only $1.5 Billion Alive? Oh c’mon that's too generous of a bounty for you. I’d put myself at about only 25 cents given your piss poor track record); You know for sure Bruce did all this, all behind the scenes, pulling every string he can to get us like this. 
 And why? Letting him know that you can take care of ourselves that one time and him being this offended by it? Well, fuck it, You’ve been showing him alright! Things are shittybut maybe that’s just how he likes it for you. Nothing gonna change that anytime soon; might as well make it the best for you, because it’s all you can do by now. 
  So now, no shoes, no fucking good socks at all, only one pair of torn sweats, that black tee, suit and toothbrush in your bag, here in this damn blizzard….every breathe getting…heavier….kinda….getting hard to stay awa…Cough Cough Cough
  Hey! Cut it out, Dickface! Cough Keep going at least somewhere! Anywhere out of this snow…so much of it….Wait, that spot there, in this alley. That’ll work for now. 
You hear that, laying on this backpack now….yeah this’ll work….at least not being out in that wind, though…..so much snow….it’s everywhere. It’s been everywhere these last few days. Fitting really, since well you do hear that right?
  C’mon pick it up, Dick, your ears can’t be that piss poor 
  “May I, as your new Mayor, wish us all in this dear Bludhaven…..”
   Yeah, there it is…..old Mafia boss now politician giving his speech for what today is. 
    “A Good…Merry ... .Christmas…!” 
   Okay, you get the idea. At least that’s one thing you got right….
   Getting sleepy now….
…...pretty cold…..tomorrow might be better….
But at least that’s one thing, Dick….
…this damn city….all of its people….they got a good Christmas….
Gotta close your eyes now…..
Wait….that the Redbird….isn't that….can’t be Timmy…..
Cough Cough
 Heh…looks like he tripped…Not real though….can’t be…..Bruce doesn’t care….you don’t need him…..but yeah….need rest…..you gave them a good Christmas 
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hollow-object · 1 month ago
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dovkss · 2 years ago
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Welcome to my Guilty Pleasure writing blog (⌒▽⌒)☆ !!!
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Disclaimer !!
Things I will write:
fem! reader
horror/thriller & dark themes
implied noncon
prey x predator
sub reader
age gaps
toxic relationships
Things I will not write:
inc*st & stepc*st
character x character
enemies to lovers
male! reader
dom reader
minor x adult
age regression/little! reader
hybrid! AU
Who I write for:
May write for other fandoms as well, just ask !!
Rules !!
I do take requests ! Just make sure to be respectful in my asks please !
Ask box is always open !
DNI if you're...
far right
If you're sensitive to any of this or disagree, feel free to block !!
Thanks for reading and enjoy !!!
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katiefratie · 9 months ago
What happened to the wizards!!! What the fuck of fuck Indri got to Straw oh fuck that can't be good!!
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onewomancitadel · 2 years ago
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It's a canon romance
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hollowsart · 10 months ago
youtube video and ao3 fanfic pet peeves:
- vague disclaimer that tells you nothing of the contents that it should be warning you about, really puts the viewer off from watching at all. even worse is when the disclaimer is also hard to even look at or read. That's a really important thing to have up?? why would you have it up for 0.2 seconds and make it an eye straining eyesore??? rude.
- when the video on dark subjects, like discussing photos or videos of mysterious deaths or some form of distressing (true crime mysteries?) events, actually shows the footage. with or without audio. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? You already described what happened, you did NOT NEED TO PLAY IT OUT. WHY IS THIS ALLOWED AT ALL ON YOUTUBE? Genuinely. Why the heck?
- improper tagging. like. you just didn't think to tag certain stuff cuz apparently it was too common and normal that you thought it unnecessary.. when in reality, it could very well be someone's squick. (this is especially prevalent in the more explicit side of fanfics. please tag your contents, like oh my gosh please, it will make it easier to find as well for anyone trying to find more of a certain thing!!)
- A ton of tags that make it really difficult to read through them all to see if there's anything to look out for or avoid as a reader. even worse when it's a collection of variously unrelated fandom things.. I think we can make it more organized.. by separating them all into their own individual works instead of one massive work like a masterlist. it really doesn't do any favors.
>:| not tagging the important stuff, but instead putting those things in the description box with brackets. that doesn't do anything except make you impossible to be filtered out which makes you a piece of trash for doing that in the first place. actually use the tagging system. please.
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georgebbwbush · 1 year ago
i feel like fandom people think they will literally die if they don't sexualize high schoolers
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gildead · 2 years ago
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raveagainstthemachine · 2 years ago
Small heads up!
Both on here and on my main blog @botcomplex I may occasionally tag posts as "Mature", though this generally only applies to posts that contain mentions/depictions of violence, gore, or adult humor. I won't be uploading anything inherently "NSFW" (especially as that is against TOS and all), I plan on keeping both accounts relatively chill, however I AM a major Horror fan so do expect spooky shit every once in a while at the very least lmao I will only put CW (content warnings) on posts that actually warrant needing a warning + warning tag, like blood for example. Everything else y'all are just gonna have to deal with, don't follow/interact if you don't like the adult poster occasionally posting mature themes lol
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rainbowdoggieunicorn · 5 months ago
I'm going to be doing Goretober Art tomorrow so here's a Warning: My Goretober Art will contain the following: Blood, Guts,Self-Harm, Cannibalism, Self-Harm scars(?) and other things. So viewer discretion is advised.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years ago
I am rereading some oneshots I never posted and/or coquettishly posted and deleted on Tumblr and I really did seriously write that Knightfall soaking fanfic because 'it doesn't count as sex with the enemy if he doesn't thrust' seemed like a funny crack thing to write and then I made it sad.
Anyway, a lot of this is unsurprisingly smut-related.
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katruna · 6 months ago
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