#literally all of us only cared about them
nocturniashifter · 2 days
What makes your dr self so attractive? | PICK A PILE
₊˚๑ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that caught your attention. ₊˚๑ Disclaimer: All readings are done for entertainment only, don't use my readings as a replacement for legitimate advice. This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Hello, my angels! How long, right? Well, I'm back with another PAP that just came out of the oven. Thank you for the 400 followers 😔🫶. Ready to discover what makes your dr self so attractive? ;)
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⊹ ꒱ PILE ONE ᨦ ♡
"Wow, y/n is just so charming; you can’t help but want to be around them!"
"Every time y/n talks, it’s like the whole room stops to listen!"
"Y/n has that friendly smile that just makes everyone feel at home; it’s hard not to like them!"
Hey, pile one! First off, let me just say that your beauty in your DR is out of this world – so if you scripted that, it’s definitely doing its thing! You’ve got this striking, almost intimidating presence, whether it’s your looks or the way you carry yourself. Either way, it makes you super attractive to a lot of people in your desired reality. Tons of people have a crush on you – especially if you’re a public figure, like an artist, but even if you’re not, the same applies. You’ve got people who would literally be happy with just a glance or a touch, hoping for any little sign of affection from you. It’s like you’ve got a fan club of simps just waiting for your attention, lol. Seriously, people would crawl at your feet, but don’t let it go to your head, LMAO. That said, be careful, because some of these people might be a bit too obsessed and wouldn’t take rejection lightly – if that worries you, I’d definitely recommend scripting affirmations for safety and protection, especially if you’re in the public eye.
People also think everything you touch turns to gold. They see you as this super successful person who just excels at whatever you set your mind to. You’ve definitely racked up a bunch of wins and achievements in your DR, and that only adds to the image people have of you as someone who thrives. Your voice? People find it incredibly attractive – especially if you’re a singer in your DR. You’ve got that kind of presence where the moment you walk into a room, time seems to stop and everything just brightens up, and all eyes are on you.
What really makes you even more attractive is the fact that you’ve been through so much in life, but you’ve come out on top. Your whole life has been a battle for your dreams, and the fact that you never gave up is something people seriously admire about you. On top of that, you’re great company – you make people feel comfortable and at home when they’re around you, which just adds to your appeal.
But here’s the thing, pile one: you’ve probably broken a lot of hearts lmao. You’re like that unattainable halfway crush that a lot of people are into, but you’re just not reciprocating their feelings, lol. People are constantly trying to be friends with you, and it seems like you even start trends without realizing it. You're definitely leaving your mark wherever you go.
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⊹ ꒱ PILE TWO ᨦ ♡
"Y/n has this cool, badass energy that just draws people in; it’s impossible to ignore!"
"Honestly, y/n’s style is on another level; it really shows off their strong personality."
"Y/n isn’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in, and that just makes them even more attractive."
Hello, pile two! Let me start by saying that what makes you so insanely attractive in your desired reality is your aura. You’ve got this powerful, badass vibe that screams, “I don’t give a fuck,” and it’s honestly magnetic. A lot of you in this pile are shifting to more intense realities, maybe an anime or one that’s action-packed/dangerous, and your energy fits perfectly. You come off as someone who’s fearless, and that combined with your style, really makes you stand out – your fashion sense is on point, and it doesn’t just reflect how badass you are, but also how unique and authentic you are. People are drawn to you because you don’t try to fit in; you’re unapologetically yourself, and that confidence is incredibly attractive. You radiate this commanding presence that makes people stop in their tracks. There’s something about you that captivates those around you, like they can’t help but be intrigued by you. People are definitely hypnotized by your vibe – whether it’s your intense stare, your boldness, or just the way you carry yourself like you’ve seen and conquered it all. It’s almost as if the world bends to your will, and trust me, people notice that.
Even though you have this tough, badass exterior, there’s more to you. People also see you as someone who is selfless and would do anything for the greater good – this especially applies if you’re shifting to a reality where you’re a hero or someone who fights battles. You stand for justice, fairness, and equality, and that moral compass of yours only adds to your attractiveness. You have this strong desire to make life better for not only yourself but for the people around you, and that determination is something others admire deeply.
For those who are lucky enough to be close to you, there’s this undeniable sense of loyalty you exude. You’ve got that “I’m all in for you, no matter what” energy, and it’s clear to your inner circle that you would go to extreme lengths for the people you love. You’d take a bullet for them, and they know it. That kind of dedication makes you stand out in a world where loyalty can be hard to find. However, with that loyalty also comes your overthinking nature. You sometimes get anxious and worry too much about things going wrong in your relationships, but that just shows how much you care.
On the flip side, you don’t tolerate any bullshit. If someone’s toxic, you don’t hesitate to cut them off, you have no time or patience for people who try to drag you down, and you’re not afraid to remove yourself from harmful situations, no matter how tough it is. You always find a way out, and that resilience is something people admire about you. It’s like you’re unstoppable, and that only adds to the mystery and allure you bring into every space you enter.
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⊹ ꒱ PILE THREE ᨦ ♡
"Every time y/n walks into a room, it’s like they own the place; they really know how to grab attention!"
"I mean, with all that charm and confidence, it’s no wonder everyone is trying to get close to y/n!"
"Y/n just has this way of putting themselves first and cutting out the drama; it’s seriously appealing!"
Hey, pile three! Let’s dive into what makes you incredibly attractive in your desired reality. When you walk into a room, heads turn, and it’s as if the world stops for a moment – people can’t help but admire you. You command attention wherever you go, and your popularity is through the roof. Just like in the other piles, you have this knack for getting what you want, especially when it comes to material things – money is not an issue for you, so you can pretty much buy anything your heart desires. It’s as if the world is at your feet, and that undeniable confidence only amplifies your allure.
However, with great popularity, fame, and wealth, there are those who might approach you out of pure interest or ulterior motives. It’s essential to stay vigilant because not everyone has your best interests at heart. Some people may want to be around you just to use you or bask in your glow, so it’s vital to discern who your true friends are. Just like in pile one, many people desire you, but you come across as somewhat unattainable, which only fuels their admiration and frustration when they realize you won’t reciprocate their feelings. You’ve got this vibe that screams, “Someone is going to be heartbroken today, but it won’t be me!” because you know how to prioritize yourself above all else.
Your badass energy comes from everything you’ve been through; you’ve learned to fight and emerged stronger. You absolutely do not tolerate any bullshit, especially in relationships. If someone isn’t treating you right, you won’t hesitate to cut them off. This attitude extends beyond romantic partnerships; it applies to every aspect of your life. You’ve learned your worth and have no problem walking away from toxic situations or people who don’t respect you. For you, life is about enjoying every moment, and you live it to the fullest. If you were to end a relationship, you’d be out celebrating while your ex sits at home, missing you – that’s just the energy you exude – free and unapologetic. You’ve literally built your own empire, which is incredibly attractive. Each challenge you’ve faced has only added to your strength and resilience, and people are drawn to that. Interestingly, you look especially stunning when you wear red; it highlights your confidence and adds to that fierce energy you naturally possess.
If you have a s/o in your desired reality, they absolutely adore you and feel incredibly lucky to call you theirs. They see you as irresistible and find it hard to contain their excitement when they’re around you. Your presence lights up their day, and they think about you constantly, eagerly awaiting those moments together. Expect plenty of passionate encounters because they’ll make it clear that they love you deeply, wanting to show you just how much you mean to them. In their eyes, no one could ever love you as profoundly as they do, and they are determined to prove it every chance they get 😏.
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That was it, guys! I really hope you liked it. See you next time! ♡
© nocturniashifter - don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | moodboard
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nerves-nebula · 2 days
this gonna be a bitchy post lacking in nuance but who cares. im annoyed.
child predators and abusers will use literally whatever is most effective to groom someone, that's kind of the whole fuckin point. pointing out that they can use certain media to groom kids is like pointing out that you can drink liquids. like yea you sure can. you can groom a kid through their interest in sesame street. you can groom a kid with adventure time. you can twist even the most harmless story book with a Nice Upstanding Moral at the end into whatever you want.
when i was in high school I basically fell in love with any teacher that gave me food cuz i was fucking starving and that's a way more effective way to gain my trust than like, idk, sketchy fandom porn. (which i also loved as a kid/teen but I never really talked to people online or in person about it cuz i didnt wanna get adults in trouble!) and if someone online was weird to me back then i just ghosted them cuz i didn't have to exist in meat space with them if they made me uncomfortable.
anyway back to my point: should we ban granola bars cuz they were a way to fast-track the trust of food insecure kids? the way some of y'all talk about abuse, and grooming in specific is so frustrating, like, what are you fuckin talking about. grooming is a series of actions a person chooses to take to get what they want, it's manipulation, what they use to groom people with is entirely situational and moreover irrelevant.
should we all just sit in 5 x 5 cubes and paint neutral faces on a canvas till we die or should we try to have systems in place to prevent adults from gaining so much control over kids just by being kind of nice to them. and that's not even getting into how censorship literally never works the way you might want it to. it's impossible to create censorship that isn't inherently bigoted and useless because the only people with the power to properly censor are the people with the most power in general. and they do not like the rest of us. and they are also often on the side of abusers, if not abusers themselves!
yall will gives thousands of notes to posts that basically say they want the haze code back cuz you're too dumb and reactionary to think about fucking anything other than "child abuse bad so i guess i agree." then go patting yourselves on the back without having helped a single child.
yall love to feel vindicated more than you care about victims. don't act like anything you do is for the survivors if your focus is always on retribution or censorship against the abusers. you don't care about us. you don't remember we even exist half the time. none of you have looked into what actually helps us, none of you internalize our complicated feelings, none of you are willing to ease up on your christian ideas of sex and sexuality unless we explain our entire traumatic backstories to you. and then you say we're broken and need help, as if what we don't really need is for you to back us up or leave us the fuck alone.
none of you care. you just wanna find acceptable targets for your anger so you can feel good about destroying the Bad Person. dont piss me off
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r0tting-rat · 2 days
Skipped day 3 because I'm weak. Also omg I did NOT expect so many people to like my promptober.
Day 4 - Bells
Pairing: Yandere!Moon x Gender Neutral Reader Warning: Suggestive Words: 1800~ Summary: It's naptime, and Moon is a teasing little shit.
Naptime was a very special moment at the Superstar Daycare, and not just because it was the time when the Attendant Moon came out of his “slumber”, but also because it was the only time when silence fell into the daycare. You clocked in, in the morning, and the upbeat tune of the daycare would already be playing in the background, unstopping until naptime. When it was time the lights would begin to dim, the music would slowly fade away, the Attendant Sun would say goodbye to all his friends and the calm, collected and peaceful Moon would emerge.
As every other day, from behind the security desk, you watched as the nightly animatronic coaxed kids to sleep, singing lullabies, reading stories, covering them in soft smiles and kind whispers. Already smiling, you watched the crouching robot standing up to his full height after putting the last kid to sleep, slowly turning to look at you with his bright red eyes. As always, he would walk closer to you, hands behind his back and a grin on his face, and you would observe his demeanor change. With the kids Moon was gentle, but with you the naptime attendant showed his other face. Vicious, mean, playful and teasing.
-Hi, Shooting Star,- he murmured, -Good to see you.-
-Hi to you too, Moonie.- You smiled up at him, already knowing you were in for a long, long hour of constant flirting.
-Had any dreams about me tonight?- asked the animatronic, resting his hands on the desk on either side of you, as a way of caging you in. Already used to it, you didn’t let yourself feel intimidated like the first time. Moon had gotten quite the crush on you and everyone equipped with eyes would have been able to notice it. He didn't really care about hiding his love from the eyes of the public.
-Maybe. What about you? Did I visit you in your sleep?- You knew animatronics couldn’t dream, and that was exactly the reason why you had asked such a question in the first place. The grin on Moon’s flat face became bigger.
-You know that I constantly and always think about you, my sweet,- he cooed, leaning closer to you, like he wanted to go in for a kiss, -You plague my every thought, you are everywhere I look. I close my eyes and still see your beautiful smile embellishing my memory.-
You inched your face closer to Moon’s with half-lidded eyes, parting your lips and breathing a deep sigh, but exactly when the robot shuddered and tried to close the distance you stood up, pulling away. You smirked, hearing him groan in frustration after being fooled once more.
-What a tease,- he complained, clutching his chest, -Tempting me with something you’re not willing to give me!-
-You’re welcome,- you laughed, leaving the safe space behind the desk and beginning to walk towards the closest arts & craft table. You sat on top of it, and in less than a blink you had Moon kneeling at your feet. The bells sang in the empty daycare as he swiftly moved, literally falling for you with a soft thud muffled by the mats under him. His huge, clawed but gentle hands rested on your knees, prying them just slightly apart so he could sloth himself between them, then rested his head in your lap. You caressed his fluffy sleeping cap, like you would do with a cat, and immediately the robot began to purr something alike to a melodic motif.
-Why must you torture me this way?- Moon begged you, sounding hurt, but you knew better than to fall for one of his tricks. -You hold me, you caress me, whisper sweet nothings and then throw me away! You leave me unkissed.-
Moon shifted so he could look up at you from his position in your lap, and the look he had in his eyes made you tremble. A shiver ran up, from the base of your spine to the back of your neck, making goosebumps rise on your arms and shoulders. Moon stared at you with such intensity, with so much longing, like he could follow the patterns the goosebumps formed on your skin from under your clothes. Under his gaze you were always defenseless, naked.
-You leave me wanting, darling,- he spoke, voice so deep you felt it in your stomach, -Desiring, starving, begging.-
Two claw-tipped hands came to place themselves around your waist, and you gasped. Moon had never gone that far with you, he had never looked at you in that way before. Was he at his breaking point? Had you pulled the string too taunt?
-Will you ever give me what I so desire?-
You wanted to give in so much, you wanted to say it. “Yes, yes! I will!” You wanted to lean down, cup his face in your hands and kiss him, but you were scared. No, you were terrified. Of what? Of not being able to stop. You feared it would become a drug to you, addictive, because Moon had that effect on you. Each time his hands left yours you felt cold and alone, and such solitude could only be healed by his contact. You were scared that, if you did kiss him, all your repressed emotions would surface and you wouldn't be able to pull away ever again.
-Only when you prove yourself deserving of my love,- you replied, pretending like your insides weren’t in complete turmoil.
-What do you want me to do?- asked Moon, and in his voice you could feel all his desperation. That robot, who was far, far stronger than you could imagine and more than capable of doing harm, looked like he was ready to maim and kill for you. He had the eyes of someone willing to rip out one of his own arms with no hesitation if you ordered him to do so, and yet you couldn’t understand the power you were holding in your hands. The little jester was dancing in your palm, mindlessly joking, flirting and courting, but at the smallest order he could become a beast terrible enough to be feared by humans and robots alike.
-I dunno,- you shrugged, -As soon as I think about it I’ll let you know.-
Cuddles had become a part of naptime ever since you had gotten hired at the plex. Moon didn’t even know he was that touch starved before meeting you, but ever since he saw you he had felt a growing urge inside of him which he couldn’t place. He had fallen for you, quickly and hard, and as soon as your hands caressed his face for the first time electricity sparked in his wires. He was touch starved. Heavy on “starved”, mainly because just seeing you left him hungry for more.
As you caressed his nightcap you eyes noticed something unusual in Moon’s clothes. One of the red ribbons tied around his wrists was loose, and the bells were chiming in distress, like begging you to save them. You grabbed Moon’s hand and brought it closer to you, which caused his smug expression to return to his face.
-If you wanted to hold my hand so badly you could have just asked, Nightlight,- he purred, but his expression quickly changed when he noticed his little problem, -Oh.-
He attentively watched as you untied the ribbon without saying a word, gentle, leaving his wrist naked and bare. The sight of it was unusual, new, and somewhat… No, you couldn’t think that, it was just a wrist. The bells jingled happily in your hands as you slowly wrapped the ribbon again around Moon’s lithe wrist, careful and attentive, tying it into a pretty knot. All the while, the jester looked at you wide-eyed. Your eyes met, and his fans kicked on.
-Sorry, my bells tend to slip away,- the robot joked, -One wrong move and they’re gone.-
-You should be more careful then, if you don't want to lose them,- you said, not letting go of his hand yet, -Tie them tightly to you.-
-I will,- he nodded, -I never intend to let them go, I’m just… I don’t want to risk damaging them.-
You and him weren’t talking about bells anymore, were you?
-You’re a very kind robot, did you know that, Moon?- you smiled, squeezing his hand in yours. The soft padding of his palms was warm against your skin, a strong contrast with his cold and sharp claws that were resting on your forearm, with how long they were. Ever since Moon got those upgrades, meant to help with his security job, he had learned to be careful with his hands. He cradled children, he held them and lulled them to sleep, he couldn’t allow them to get hurt because he couldn’t control his own hands! Also, he didn’t want to hurt you, his dearest flower.
-I thought I was a mischievous bastard?- Moon laughed, but he returned serious again when you rolled your eyes. -...Thank you.-
Your eyes looked so pretty in the dark, they were so bright he could see his image mirrored in them. He wasn’t joking when he called you his shooting star. You brightened his night.
Your faces were so close, your nose was almost touching Moon’s faceplate. This time you were the one who began to lean in, slowly closing the distance between you and him, until your parted lips brushed against his heated silicone. So warm, so close, so close.
-Mr Moon?- a child yawned, beginning to get up from her little bed, -I had a bad dream!-
Immediately, you and Moon both gasped, parting from one another like you had been burned. The animatronic’s red optics ran swiftly between your blushing face and the child, not knowing who to prioritize as the heat inside his chassis subdued.
He had gotten so close to kissing you, so, so close. You were right there, he could still…!
-Mr Moon?-
No, he had a job, he had to stick to the rules, as much as he desired something else. Apologetic, he looked at you and sighed.
-Sorry, Nightlight,- he said, beginning to stand back up, -I have to go.-
-Wait.- You spoke hurriedly, like you were scared courage could leave you. Surprised, Moon turned back around.
-Is something wro…?-
In the dark of the daycare, kept hidden by voyeuristic eyes and in the comfort of one another, you grabbed the jester by the frill around his waist, pulling him close with all the strength you had. Your face was burning, your whole world was burning, nothing existed beside you and him, so before Moon could even understand what you were doing your lips crushed against his, and you kissed him.
Should I mention that the entire time I was writing this I pictured @xitsensunmoon's Moon? I'm sorry I just. I love him. (Hope you don't mind the tag jshdjd)
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lidiasloca · 1 day
cassian x reader, she touches his arms and his chest and says wow have you been working out extra, you feel much bigger now, suggestive pls, literally would boost his ego through the roof
cheering up cassian with teasing
cassian x reader
a/n: pls send requests!
“What? What is it?” you ask Rhys, alarmed. Azriel had quickly come to your room, saying the High Lord had an important mission for you—related to Cassian.
“Well,” he starts, and you know him enough to read the little smirk he gives to Az, who’s waiting next to you in the training room. “We need you.”
“What for? Is Cassian alright?” You hope they don’t look too deeply into the care you have grown to have for the male.
“Yes. And no,” Rhys replies, which makes your brows furrow.
“Can you tell me already what’s going on?”
To your surprise, Rhys lets out a contained laugh. He tries to hide it with his hand, excusing himself, but he can’t help laughing again when Azriel tries to cover a chuckle himself.
“Sorry,” he says, and Azriel nods as they continue laughing.
“Guys! For fuck’s sake—is Cassian okay?”
“Alright. Alright,” Rhys says, trying to calm himself. “The thing is, Y/N, today we had, as you may know, the snowball fight. And—well…” He can’t help a giggle before continuing. “He had been preparing himself for so long…but he lost.”
It seems that your confused face only makes the Illyrians laugh again. “Stop laughing. Is that why I am here? To tell me he has lost that stupid game?”
“No. Well, yes, sort of. The point is, Cassian is totally devastated right now. He won’t even talk to us. And though we don’t blame him - we cannot come close to him without laughing - we still don’t want him to be sad about it.”
“You are such good brothers,” you mock.
“Hey. We are good brothers. This tantrum of his will be gone tomorrow morning with some fighting. But…” he says, a cocky grin growing on his face. A grin that only means mischief.
“But what?” you ask, irritated.
Rhys glances at Azriel, urging him to explain.
“Well, we thought we could do you a good. You can go to Cassian, because you are the only one he’ll listen to, and make him happy,” he says with a grin.
“What?!” you bark, outraged.
“Not that kind of happy, darling,” Rhysand remarks. “You just talk him out of his tantrum, and he will grow even fonder of you. Thanks to us—you are welcome.”
So they were playing Cupid. Great.
But before you could deny them and point out how stupid their idea was, you wondered—is it really that bad of an idea?
As if on cue, Cassian walked into the training ring in front of you. He was so sad, shoulders down and slow steps. Maybe it was a great idea.
“Alright,” is all you tell them as you start walking towards the male, who doesn’t seem to notice you until you sit next to where he’s seated.
“Hi, Cass,” you say tenderly.
He doesn’t even look at you.
You only have his back to look at. And his neck. And his arms. “You have truly been working out, have you?”
At that, he turns to you. You see the surprise on his face. Poking his arm, you continue, “Don’t be humble about it.”
At last, a small smile blooms on his face. “I always work out.”
“Yes. But you never have arms this big.”
Your words cause the effect intended. His smile grows, and his eyes turn more like him—flirtatious and playful. “Yes, I do. The thing is you’re never this close to admire them properly.”
“Oh yes. That’s more like you.”
He bursts out laughing, and the sound is so contagious you start giggling yourself.
“You know,” he starts, “I would have assumed you were saying this just to hype me up. But I truly have been working out a lot lately. So I guess your words are true.”
You answer with a smirk, not wanting to lie to him—or confess yourself.
“Don’t look at me like that. I know your words can deceive. But your eyes tell me the truth,” he says.
“Do they?” you question in defiance.
“Yes. And they are always glued to my biceps.”
You really cannot fight a battle against Cassian’s accusation and his pinning stare. So you just rise and walk away as nonchalantly as you can.
His arrogant smile falters only a bit when you stop your walk and turn to him. “I wonder how you are able to see where my eyes are so often when yours are always glued somewhere else from my face.”
Second defeat for Cassian today.
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-Characters by Sarah J Maas
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In a write-y mood...
Buck feels stuck in place while he watches Athena and Bobby reunite. She's banged up and bloody but Bobby's squeezing her hand tightly while emt wheels her to an ambulance.
Buck feels everything all at once. Relief, panic, fear, dread, he feels stuck and heavy. He feels like he wants to scream but he can't because then he would just be-
Buck jumps at the hand on his biceb.
"You okay?"
Buck tries to say something.
Anything but he feels like if he opens his mouth he might vomit.
"Evan? You're scaring me here, are you okay?"
Buck feels jittery and can barely lift his hand, let a lone understand what's being asked if him.
He feels his body being pulled, the weight of someone's hand in his only helps him minutely about where he is and what's going on around him.
He feels something hard press against his back and fingers under his chin and what feels like a hand against his chest.
"Let's breath, okay? Deep breath in and hold for three and out."
It takes a minute for his brain and body to process and follow through with the direction, but once he does he feels the hand on his chest start to slowly rub in circles and he leads his face into the hand that still on his cheek.
"Thanks." He huffs out, still panting a bit as his panic attack subsides and he feels his breathing become even again. There's still a weird tingly feeling down his hands, arms, and legs but he tries to literally shake the weird feeling out of his hands, flexing them just so he can get rid of that feeling.
"You had a panic attack, Evan." Buck sees the fear and concern clear as day in Tommy's eyes and facial expression. A bit of his heart hurts at the idea that he made Tommy worry.
Buck licks his lips, hating how dry his lips feel. He let's himself sag against what he now realizes is a firetruck.
"Yeah. I-I guess I panicked." He swallow uncomfortably, almost waiting for the disgust to show in Tommy's reaction.
Tommy nodded understandably, rubbing his thumb against Buck's cheekbone. "I bet. I almost did too. Who knew I would be co-piloting a plane to land with a cop and 10 yr old kid." He joked, Buck could tell he was watching him intently. "It's okay if you were scared. I was terrifies too. Athena and everyone is safe."
Buck nodded, he hated that he could feel the panic creep in again and felt his eyes burn. "That's not exactly why I started to panic. Why I'm panicking now." He admitted, his voice raw and on the verge of tears.
He saw how Tommy's stance and expression changed, Tommy took a step closer and his brows furrowed as he took both hands to cradle Buck's face.
"What happened?"
Buck felt like he was gulping down sand. "I-I might have killed Gerrard." He admitted lowly.
"I- not on purpose. I-I don't think? He just kept going and laying it on me and berating me and the others during roll call and I-I saw something fly towards us- him. It was a blade from a blade saw that the work crew was using and it broke and flew into the station so I-I sort of tackled Gerrard to the ground but I didn't think to protect his head or anything so he fell back hard because of me and he started to bleed out and I-I might have killed him and no one cares! I know he was a jerk, but I still might have killed the man and I don't know if I meant to save him or really hurt him or-"
"Evan." Tommy gave him a little worried shake by the shoulders, Buck hadn't noticed Tommy had called his name three times. He moved his hand to Buck's chest again, over his heart. "Breath, okay?" He reminded his boyfriend.
"You didn't kill him. From what you just told me, you saved him. You thought quickly on your feet too and if you were really hoping to hurt or kill him then I don't think you would be beating yourself up like this." Tommy pointed out.
Buck didn't look like he believed him. His entire face was red and he still looked like he would breakdown.
"I-I still might have killed him, Tommy. And no one cared, they all started to dance and I- what if he doesn't make it? I mean the guy was horrible, sure, but he still was a person. I'm sure he has a family who's gonna be -"
"Annoyed that he's hurt but probably relieved that a blade saw didn't go through him." Tommy noted, "We don't know what's going to happen next, he might live because of you."
"I don't know if that's better or worse." Buck admitted. Buck wanted to lay his head agaisnt Tommys shoulder and Tommy just wanted to hug his boyfriend. They were still on the clock and in the field.
"You're coming home with me after our shifts, okay."
"Tommy, you don’t need-"
Tommy waved him off, pointing directly at Buck's face now. "I want to, Evan. Let me take care of you, alright?"
Buck rolled his eyes, "This isn't about me though, I wasn't trying to make it about me!"
Tommy peered around them, making sure they were still out of sight. He pressed Buck back into the truck again. "I'm making it about you because you just went through something scary, Evan. I just watched my boyfriend have a panic attack so yeah, I'm going to make sure this is about you and after our shift, you're coming home with me and we're gonna take a nap and then have a long talk about what you want to next about Gerrard. Okay?"
Buck didn't know what to say.
"Please baby?"
Buck nodded, "Yeah, okay. You'll pick me up from the station?"
Tommy nodded, his smile getting Buck to feel butterflies as always. "I'll drive through downtime traffic twice over for you."
They both snickered at that before leaving to join their respective crew.
On the way back Buck messaged Tommy 'Thank you'.
He felt lighter as he saw Tommy's response '❤'
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olicity-boo · 20 hours
natasha romanoff HC's
sooo i've never written anything like this before but i literally have a doc full of little HCs i have for nat, stuff like how she treats her partner and little quirks she has and wanted to publish them here let me know if i should do a pt. 2 or if i should do any one-shots with these little HCs :)
tags: natasha x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, angst, some alluding to smut, lol just some thoughts i've got, mentions of red room and some things i imagine she's gone through, I JUST LOVER HER SM I WANT HER TO FEEL SAFE AND LOVED AND PROTECTED AGHHH
also i didn’t have time to revise to ignore mistakes lol
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physical touch:
she was so used to being "independent" she would often ignore her urges to feel close to someone. she was very hesitant with physical touch, it was hard for her to get used to having someone with her especially when it came to dating. when it came to you, she would shy away from hugs or even holding hands, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't know how you would feel holding someone like her in your embrace. i picture her being all stoic and cold on the outside but truly, deeply, wholeheartedly craving to feel love and connection with someone. once you noticed her hesitation you talked to her, letting her know that no matter what she thought of herself, none of it was true and that she deserved to feel loved and cherished, just like everyone else. that was the first time nat realized just how much she loved being held and holding someone.
it was morning and although it was early, it was all too late for natasha's routine. she didn't care, she just couldn't let go of you. your face so calm, and your chest rising up into her arm that was wrapped around your torso. her eyes traced the lines of your features. "are you going to keep staring or should i stay still so you take a picture?" she blushed and released you, grabbing a pillow from behind her to smack you with it, making you release a laugh. "i can't even look at my girlfriend lovingly in the mornings without being teased anymore" she'd pout and turn away from you. "aw, i'm sorry, come'ere" you'd scoop your arm around her and bring her closer to your chest. "isn't it a little late for you?" you'd ask as she'd settle under your chin and wrapped her arm over your own, lacing your fingers together. "yes it is, but it's fine, i want to soak this in a little more" you smiled as she released a content sigh.
being protective:
i think nat would definitely be the kind of girlfriend to just want to make you feel protected and safe and would go out of her way to do so, she'd probably do tiny things to show this like; always walking on the outside of the sidewalk, holding your hand or putting her hand on the small of your back in crowds, she loves handing you her jacket as soon as you shiver or if you even rub your arms to keep warm and if you'd argue saying how she must also be cold she'd respond something like "russian's don't get cold" with a raised brow, but would secretly be freezing just to be able to know that you're warm. you'd obviously know she was cold and would hold her and say "okay chilly russian, get over here".
wearing her clothes:
going back to her sharing her jacket with you, she'd love seeing you in her clothes. it was something about seeing you, the person she loved wearing something that was hers, and later would wear the same clothes only to find them doused in your perfume, mingled with something that was so you. you two would often steal pieces of each other's closets, wearing them without realizing until the other asked "is that mine?" you had a thing for stealing nat's leather jackets when she was out on missions.
once, she came home to an empty apartment and washed herself up, she was sitting on your shared couch, watching some random james bond movie you'd rented for her. munching some of her favorite snacks, as she heard your keys in the door and saw you come in. your eyes widened once you took her in and dropped your keys on the counter. "natasha! when did you get home? i thought you were going to be gone for another week?" she looked at you dumbfounded, focusing on the leather piece on your body and how it made your eyes sparkle just the right way and accentuated every part of you that she liked, she was picturing what you'd look like in nothing but the jacket- "nat?" you closed the door behind you, reaching to take off the jacket and get closer to your girlfriend. "oh no, no, no, leave it on. i'd much rather be the one taking it off." you would laugh at the smirk she had on, rushing to meet her lips against your own in a fit of giggles. "you're ridiculous, natasha romanoff" you'd say as she pulled back to take you in once again, "oh, but you love me y/n".
playing with your hair:
she would loveee playing with your hair, whether it was brushing her fingers through it or combing it after you'd gotten out of the shower, or simply braiding it when she had the chance, she loved the feeling of being able to replace memories from her past with moments like these with you. i assume the red room was strict with what they allowed the widow's to wear, and do as well as being extremely competitive between all the girls. she probably had to learn how to braid her own hair by watching how the other girls would do so, being afraid to be put against them in combat for trying to "make friends" with her competition. she was glad to have someone who, instead of pushing her to open up, would allow her to share what she could about her past while being a soothing balm for her trauma and making her excited for her future.
her fears and memories only came at night when she closed her eyes and those tortures of her past would come flooding back. i'd assume that when she joined SHEILD mandatory therapy and counseling would be necessary. being diagnosed with PTSD among other things, she'd probably learned how to not let her past get to her and how to stable herself in the present, but all that faded away when it came to times when she couldn't escape her dreams. she sometimes didn't even remember what plagued her nights when she awoke, feeling like she'd been put through the ringer. her scars, fully healed and forgotten, would sting, and her head would be pounding, as trickles of sweat littered her body. she'd awake after trashing and fighting invisible demons in bed, struggling or crying out for help. but you'd always be there to calm her.
"nat- nat!" you shook her awake. her eyes shot open with a gasp, she saw red. "get away from me!" she screamed and got up from bed, falling to the ground and huddled herself away in the corner. her face between her knees, her whole body shaking in fear. you'd talked with Bruce about this, he said the best move would be to turn on the lights and approach slowly, letting her see her surroundings and view you, to take in the fact that you weren't a threat. you got up and turn on your lamps. "nat, natty baby, it's me- it's y/n" you would grab some water and would approach her with caution, watching as her eyes shot around the room as she fully wakes up from her nightmares. as soon as she realized where she was and who she was with, the tears would come faster. "i'm sorry- i-i'm so sorry for waking you, i had no idea- i couldn't-" you scurried up to her side "hey, hey, hey" she'd stop and turn to look at you, sniffling as she lowered her knees. "none of that baby, are you okay? i got some water, here drink" she'd take a sip and put the glass down, zoning out and dissociating from her surroundings. you grab her chin and turn her to face you, her eyes meeting your own. "where'd you go?" her lip would start trembling as tears welled in her eyes. "th-they were all around me, looking at me like a piece of meat- i couldn't even defend myself, i was powerless- they-" her eyes would look away and began to focus on something else, you could sense her getting lost in the memory again. "nat, nat hey, hey. it's okay- you're here now, you're with me, you're away from him- from them. you're safe" she'd snap out of it and would wrap her arms around you suddenly, clinging on to you like a vice. "let's get you into the shower, yeah? let's wash you up and drink some tea yeah?" she'd only nod into your neck, and you'd lift her, taking her to the bathroom to help wash away the painful remnants of a rough night.
the end! i was planning to add more but i thought i should see how this does first and then make another addition, if you guys would like! please let me know and if you have any constructive criticism, feel free to message me! :)
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d-lanx · 18 hours
ok so final thoughts. i was holding onto hope that the reason punk/drew was opening was to give them time to clean up before post-show interviews. and then they didn't have punk or drew in the post show. so why have punk/drew open? there's literally no good reason. im betting it was just for the rock to make a shock return. as hhh said in the post show, he does what he wants. and with how despite this, punk/drew was the most heavily advertised and most anticipated, i think it was originally supposed to main event until the rock got involved.
problem is it just completely overshadowed everything else on the card. it peaked too soon and there was no way for any other match to top it, making everything look worse by comparison. i feel like just reordering the card would have majorly fixed it. even if punk/drew were second to last, it would have done the card a favour moreso than it did by going first. and ideally it should have main evented. but as we all know, rocky can't handle being anything but the main event. sorry, but this bloodline match didn't need to main event at all. it would have been fine as second to last. they've main evented enough ppv's with this storyline and i'm sure they will for many more (*cough cough* survivor series *cough cough*), they should have switched it up for a change.
the rest of the ppv just felt kinda flat and even the crowd seemed worn out and a bit dead for the rest of the ppv after being so hype for the first match. and from the looks of the dash, anyone who would normally have a hard time staying up late for ppvs (either for work or timezones, etc) just used it as an excuse to switch off after punk/drew, and those who stayed weren't paying much attention cos they were all still talking about punk/drew. the biggest talking point should go last if you want people to pay attention to the whole show and stick around to even watch the whole show. it'd be interesting to see viewership after punk/drew, cos i imagine they'll be a drop after that match (possibly with a pick up towards the end).
i know i'll be rewatching punk/drew over and over. but tbh, i'm finding it hard to really care about anything else. honestly i'd rate the ppv 10/10 if it ended after the first match, but with the rest, and the fumble on the main event entrance, overall the show was pretty mid. punk/drew just shone too bright for anyone else to stand a chance.
just goes to show that, as much as people may say the order doesn't matter and everyone is special and gets a participation award, it does in fact matter who goes on last.
(sorry i don't normally rant like this, i just had a lot of thoughts i wanted to get down. creative really fumbled this ppv ngl).
P.S. if punk was actually supposed to do the post show and the opened so they had that chance for a break, and only missed cos he genuinley felt unable to do it after the match, while i can better understand why the match would have opened, it still doesn't stop it from outshining everything else on the card like that.
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maxwhathappened · 2 days
Order #1
pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
warnings: language
word count: 1,171
waffle cone - angst
butter pecan - “I can’t imagine my life without you.”
espresso - “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
orange soda float - secret relationship
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You were waiting in Max’s hotel room. He was out celebrating after a win—out of obligation he told you. It didn’t take any of the sting out of the fact that Max had you hiding away in his hotel room instead of by his side. You had been dating for eight months. Occasionally paparazzi had gotten a photo of you together, but his manager had been able to stop all of them from going public. Max had literally paid to keep you a secret. You were upset about it. You had been for a while. But as you sat alone watching tv in the empty penthouse Max had booked you knew that you couldn’t accept it anymore.
It was 12:36 AM when Max finally came back from his night out. You were seated on the couch when he got there. You turned to look at him and he had a wide smile on his face, happy to be with you again. His smile quickly fell when he met your eyes. You had never been good at hiding your emotions. He walked over to you slowly, unsure exactly what it was you were upset about.
“Thank you for staying up for me, schat,” Max said as he sat down beside you. “I missed you.” You scoffed.
“You missed me?” You questioned, your tone harsh. Max furrowed his eyebrow.
“Of course I missed you,” he tried to assure you. “I wanted to be back here with you.” You sighed.
“You didn’t want me there with you though? You just wanted to be here with me?” You asked. Max was confused to say the least.
“What’s this about, schat? Let’s just talk,” he requested. You took a deep breath.
“Why aren’t we public yet?” You asked. Max was quiet for a moment.
“I like having you to myself,” he said thoughtfully. “The world knows everything about me, but you and I are the only ones who get to know about us.”
“They won’t know about us just because we go public,” you said. “It’s not like they get to watch us when we’re at your place together.” Max cringed a bit at the words ‘your place’ from your mouth. His place was your place. It was your home. He knew it was too soon to ask you to move in with him, though you basically already did. You only stayed at your place when he was out of town and you couldn’t go with him.
“They won’t see us at our home,” Max said. “But they’ll know more about us than you or I want.” You stared into his icy blue eyes, emotion pouring out of yours.
“I don’t want to be a secret anymore, Max. I want this to be real,” you told him.
“This is real,” Max told you firmly. “People don’t need to know for this to be real.”
“But we can’t be together. Not everywhere. I can’t kiss you in the garage before races. I can’t hold your hand or even walk into the paddock with you,” you replied.
“Is that important?” Max asked. “Isn’t it enough that we love each other?” You stared at him blankly. You hadn’t really been expecting him to say ‘no.’ It seemed like you were overdue to be public to you.
“I want to love you everywhere,” you told him quietly.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea. You’ll be safer if nobody knows that I care about you,” Max said. You felt tears coming to your eyes and looked down at the ground. Max raised an eyebrow. He was about to speak up when he heard you sniffle. His face immediately fell. “Fuck, I’m sorry,” he spit out quickly. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
Max pulled you into his lap at once, letting you tuck your head into his neck and wrapping his arms tightly around you. You let out a small sob and Max felt his heart break.
“Shh. Shh. Shh,” he soothed. “It’s alright.” He tucked some loose strands of hair behind your ear and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry,” he murmured again.
“I just don’t get it, Max,” you whimpered. “You tell me you love me, but you don’t want anyone to know. It just feels like I’m temporary.”
“Baby, no,” he cooed. “You are not temporary. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“Then why do you still want to keep us a secret?” You asked.
“I want you safe, schatje,” Max explained. “Once the world knows we’re together the press and fans will start criticizing you for everything you do.” He sighed. “I don’t want that for you.” You were quiet for a moment.
“I would rather the world hate me and know that I love you than if they didn’t know I loved you at all,” you said thoughtfully. Max smiled softly. He lifted your head from his neck so he could meet your eye, cupping your cheek and gently wiping away a stray tear with his thumb.
“You want the world to know you love me?” He asked.
“And that you love me back,” you said. Max chuckled.
“Do you want to officially come to the next race with me then?” He asked. “You can kiss me good luck before the race and we can hold hands in the paddock,” he suggested.
“Really?” You asked.
“Yes, schatje,” he confirmed. “I want you to be happy.”
“You make me happy,” you said. “Just you. I don’t need anything else.”
“But you need me to show you off, hmm?” He teased you.
“I need to be with you when you celebrate,” you told him. “I’m proud of you, Maxie. I want to be there with you.” Max smiled softly.
“It’s amazing how you tell me something so simple and it’s better than a whole night with my friends celebrating me,” he said.
“Imagine how great a night where we’re celebrating together could be then,” you replied.
“The two of us can celebrate when we get back to our home,” Max said.
“Our home?” You had noticed when he said it earlier, but when he said it a second time you couldn’t resist.
“You might as well move in,” Max said boldly. “You already have a key,” he reasoned. “And my closet is full of your clothes,” he added before you could reply.
“The only people who know we’re dating right now are our families, but you want me to move in with you?” You asked with a chuckle.
“I don’t see the issue,” he replied. You giggled before leaning in to kiss him. He gave you a dopey smile when you pulled away. “I love you,” he sighed helplessly. Another giggle escaped your lips.
“I’ll move in,” you told him. “I want to see an instagram post about it though,” you teased him.
“Liefje, if I’m not hiding you anymore then I’m going to be showing you off,” Max said. “There won’t be a person alive who doesn’t know you’re mine.”
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smallcloudes · 2 days
Gravity Falls Agere Headcanons
 Regressor!Dipper Headcanons
Tries to pretend he’s feeling older than he is (It always backfires)
Age range is usually 2-3, tries to play it off like he’s 5-6
Experiences verbal shutdowns, both partial and full blown silence
On multiple occasions he’s come sobbing to Grunkle Ford, Grunkle Stan and even sometimes+ Mabel because he regressed too deep to read his mystery novels 
he hates most kids books, they’re too simple for him and he finds them really boring 
Takes Grunkle Ford’s sweater everytime he regresses, even when he doesn’t realize he’s regressed he’ll just go and snatch it compulsively
Often tries to pretend he’s not regressed, always fails and is always surprised when others know he’s regressed (despite the fact that wearing Ford’s sweater is the most obvious tell-tale sign)
Has a meltdown whenever someone takes or he misplaces his hat, he only doesn’t when he takes it off himself or gives the other permission
Often sneaks into Ford’s bunker to figure out what Ford is working on (which is much harder when he can’t read), falls asleep halfway through almost every time
One time he drooled on one of the papers and ruined the page of notes then upon discovering this cried so hard he threw up, Ford wasn’t even mad and had copies of that page
Multiple times has run his own “experiments” with a complete disregard for his own safety
He takes off his hat and puts on safety goggles, but the safety goggles are a broken kids toy and he’s still wearing Ford’s sweater which is ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE on his tiny body
He always ends up breaking something or hurting himself (which always results in a lot of tears)
Very sensitive when regressed
Started regressing as a way to cope with his anxiety and paranoia, continued regressing to cope with literally everything that happened to them that summer, good God could you imagine going through that when you were 12???
Tries to be independent
Should not be
Like seriously, this kid cannot take care of himself and should not be trusted alone
Constantly sneaks off to prove he can be independent (he always proves he can’t)
 Will do anything to avoid talking about his regression outside of it
Regressor!Mabel Headcanons
Is not shy AT ALL about her regression
Age range is about 3-5
Never shuts up about being older than Dipper when regressed, he always pretends to not know what she’s talking about (in a multitude of ways)
Just as crafty when regressed as she is when not
Just a bit more clumsy and her crafts turn out a bit messier
She cries when they break
Very energetic
Extremely loud and talkative
No one understands her half the time but everyone always just goes along with it
Will not take no for an answer when she wants to play
Actually very responsible when regressed with full capability to be independent, she just chooses not to be
One time she ate an entire tub of glitter and threw up a literal rainbow of sparkles on Grunkle Stan in the middle of rough housing
One of the few times she actually had a full meltdown over something that wasn’t a craft breaking
Its extremely difficult to actually make her upset (again, besides the crafts thing)
She rarely has tantrums and meltdowns
Stubborn but for the most part a really obedient kid
Started regressing to cope with aging, continued regressing because that fear only strengthened over the summer and also EVERYTHING THEY WENT THROUGH AGAIN OH MY GOD
Thinks Grunkle Stan calls her Pumpkin a lot cause he really likes pumpkins
Everything she gives Stan when regressed has something to do with a pumpkin if not one on it
Stan was actually very indifferent to pumpkins before this started happening
He now actually does really like pumpkins because of Mabel
Considered Waddles her only caregiver before Stan and Ford discovered the twins regress
Still considers him one
Dipper used to be her primary caregiver before he started regressing himself which became an issue of if one regressed the other does too
Actually really does love being a big sister and looking after Dipper for Grunkle Stan and Ford for a little bit, even when she’s already regressed herself
She often overhears them discussing both needing to leave but not knowing what to do with Dipper and offers to take care of him
They never ask her to, she always volunteers
Caregiver!Grunkle Stan Headcanons
Approaches being a caregiver the same way he approaches being a Grunkle and guardian
Has a hard time softening himself when the twins are regressed
Which has caused many a problem where Dipper gets so sensitive when regressed
Tends to get a bit hot headed and gives harsher punishments
Is a lot more lenient
Often joins in on any chaos being created
More often than not it's joining in on Mabel's nonsense but there has been a few times where he joins in on Dippers experiments (The outcome being the same, something broke or someone got hurt and Dipper cried)
Pretends to be jealous of Waddles ‘being a caregiver’
Is genuinely a little confused by and jealous of Waddles ‘being a caregiver’
Tries to fight with Ford a lot less when he knows the twins are regressed
It’s proven to be incredibly difficult for him
There have been a few times when it proved to be too difficult and he consequently had to spend the rest of the day consoling and apologizing to the twins
Gets really into the games the kids make up, especially when he sees an opportunity to include violence
He WON’T go easy on them or let them win, they have to do so fair and square
This has led to more than one Dipper meltdown. His meltdowns change absolutely nothing about Stan’s behavior
The best storyteller ever. He does voices, big crazy hand motions, he puts his own spin on things, you could not ask for someone better
Because of this Dipper has gradually been going to Grunkle Stan a lot more for ‘Dip and Stan time’ as he calls it
Loves doing arts and crafts with the kids, especially if it leads to a new attraction for the shack
More than happy to load the twins up with sugar, conveniently always leaves them in Ford’s care before it really kicks in
Goes a little too far with rough housing often, he has been the cause of a need for many bandaids and many comfort cuddles
He genuinely doesn’t realize he’s going to far, he just gets really into it when he’s playing with Dipper and Mabel
He really does love them so much and wants to go all out for them (Not that he’ll ever say that tho)
More than once he has kicked out a customer for saying something rude or snarky about the twins behavior when they were regressed.
 One time Stan body slammed a man for calling them freaks (after having spotted them with pacifiers through the door from the shop to the house)
Caregiver!Grunkle Ford Headcanons
Is actually the most experienced with age regression out of all of them (from, yk, not being in that dimension for 30yrs)
Everyone thinks he’s the newest one to it out of all of them
He’s actually just that clueless about kids
Is excitedly waiting for the day Dipper actually asks to do an experiment with him
Dipper always does them alone or just observes Ford while he works, which secretly devastates Ford every time
Is a lot more patient and gives very light punishments
Is so much stricter, very worried about health and safety and rule following and will not deviate from the rules he has set in his mind
Comes across colder than he means to sometimes, especially when he’s super focused/distracted
Happily lets Dipper take his sweater
He secretly takes pictures every time and keeps one in his wallet
It legit makes him so so happy
Has a harder time playing with the twins
Is very happy to sit and color, read, or watch TV with them tho
Often pulls out board games and puzzles to do with the twins
He gets more into them than the kids do
“Analyzes” any arts and crafts Dipper and Mabel give him like they’re science journals or a paranormal anomaly before proudly hanging it on a corkboard in his bunker
He’s had to get 2 more corkboards to fit them all because he refuses to throw out a single one
Was genuinely super distraught when Dipper was so scared Ford would be mad at him for drooling on one of his pages of science notes
“He was terrified of me, Stanley, petrified! I don’t want him to be scared of me- He was just a little curious and got carried away, why would I be mad at him for that? Stanley, am I doing something wrong??”
He may or may not of cried a little bit over it
Tends to over explain and complicate answers to questions the kids have
It always leaves them with more questions than answers
He caught a cold once and let the twins take care of him and it was the cutest thing he’d ever witnessed
The soup they made him ended up giving him a stomach virus on top of it
It was definitely something Mabel put in
Often tries to coax the twins to regress so he can take care of them
He missed out on a lot of when they were younger, again, yk, after not being in this dimension for 30+ years. He really wants to make up for what he’s lost
One time, he passed out in the middle of braiding Mabels hair (They were supposed to be doing makeovers)
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madreemeritus · 2 days
So a lot of antis who claim that Stolas is a coercive rapist point to his appearance in S1 EP1: Murder Family because according to them Blitz accepted the arrangement while he’s being shot at, by comparison Stolas is chilling in his bathtub making him not properly consent to the deal. Do you have any rebuttals to these claims? Also let’s also mention the fact that Stolas was spying on him with a bubble. I just want good answers that point to Stolas not being a bad person because I want to root for him and Blitz being together.
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The thing is, Blitz was already using Stolas's grimoire way before the deal was proposed. Stolas never demanded anything, he proposed the deal and asked for Blitz's consent. The way they are in different scenarios don't symbolize rape or coercion, the 'power imbalance' in their relationship is not there to make Stolas a coercive monster because he isn't. The Full Moon is literally sex work, not coercion, not rape, not prison, it's a sex deal where *both* benefit. Stolas needs the book, the book belongs to HIM, Blitz was the one who started their relationship with sex in order to get the book (this is shown in the pilot! Not only in S2-EP1!), Stolas only continued it.
The grimoire is *not* only Blitz's only way to access Earth. It's, supposedly, the easiest. Supposedly because we clearly see other low-class beings having access to Earth without stealing from some Goetia. Blitz is smart and capable enough to find a new way to go to Earth.
The fact that antis can only use this scene as a "prove" that Stolas is a rapist just prove how they didn't understand anything from the show (or they are ignoring it on purpose). Literally the next episode from the same season, Blitz denies having sex with Stolas. S1-EP2, "find some else's face to plant that feathered ass". Blitz has agency, Blitz consents, and he denies fucking Stolas. In "Harvest Moon Festival", Blitz says that the deal was not something he fussed about. He talks about his deal with Stolas with his friends as a transactional fucking (cause this is what it is), he denies sex with Stolas in "Ozzie's", and we can also see Stolas' messages in "Western Energy' saying that nothing was ever forced between them. Stolas never took the grimoire away from Blitz even after months being rejected. What lacked in their relationship was communication, not consent.
And I'm not even counting everything about "The Full Moon" episode. Blitz literally sings about how much he enjoys sex with Stolas, spends the whole day buying things to use on Stolas, begged for Stolas to *keep* the deal, said multiple times about how much the deal is something he enjoyed and wanted to keep, and told Loona and M&M about how Stolas never forced anything on him which lead to months without intimacy between them. Where is the coercion??? Simply, it's not there.
Once Stolas starts realizing that the world isn't a fantasy and the power imbalance between him and Blitz means that his class is deeply unpriviledged, he immediately finds an alternative way for Blitz to access Earth. He was feeling guilty for any possible 'abuse' he could've done (which didn't happen). The point is: antis can't see either Blitz's agency nor Stolas's intentions. They just care about their own paralel version of the show that never existed.
I'm sorry that antis affected the way you interact with the show. No one should feel guilty or ashamed for having fun and consuming media they enjoy, specially when the "critiques" are all based in lack of attention, lies and bad faith. But don't worry, Stolas is not a rapist, he is well meaning despite his flaws and you can cheer for Stolitz. We all know it's endgame.
Edit: also, Stolas spying on Blitz has nothing to do with antis's allegation. Yes he was spying on Blitz, he is a lonely fucked up man with nothing better to do lol Blitz also spies on M&M in a way worse level. Is that rape? Of course not.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 days
Terms, from a syscourse perspective
A very long ramble
We're taking this to a new post, starting fresh, and going more in depth. The original post is off course and confusing, and I've seen a few tags confused by the uptick in polls, so this is for them as well.
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We're not talking about which is liked by more people, we're talking about which term hurts people less. We're talking about people who are genuinely offended by the term plural because of the history that many prefer to deny happened.
Welcome outside of your bubble.
There is a very nasty history behind all these terms, and the type of people who identify with them.
Some plural systems, to this very day, proudly use the term empowered, despite the fact that empowered multiples were a literal DID hate group. Like an actual organized one, with multiple websites and political activism. Many still deny the trauma basis of DID.
It was the fight for the word "multiple" that sparked plural, an anti psych alternative, focused on personhood and autonomy of their system in a community that largely boycotted the diagnosis and treatment of MPD/DID at that time. There were groups that demonized anyone who identified with the DID label. There were sites about what failures we were as systems.
Endogenic isn't just the alternative for natural multiples, but empowered ones, too. Plural is far more synonymous with endogenic than CDD.
"System" is the current hot topic. Endogenic systems don't have a right to the word, they're not "real systems," just like vickies wrote about the fight over "real multiples".
Some plurals are scared to use system
History repeating itself, over and over.
And all of these words hurt.
I think we should encourage the use of system for endogenic systems, but that's just me. That is a positive step toward an inclusive word that everyone is happy with. I'm finding that I have a lot more words for my disordered experience that system isn't really something I feel a claim over. If you call me plural, knowing I have DID, you're going to hurt me.
Looks like many are back to liking multiple again, so we can look forward to round two.
But which words hurt the most people?
We are discussing two words specifically.
We're not talking about alternatives, the conversation was, "plural is safer than system as a blanket term, less people identify with system, plurality is something we all share," and I said, "no, system is safer than plural as a blanket term, plural is seen as offensive to many CDD systems, the priority of my blog. The vast majority do NOT relate to being plural or plurality, system is what more people relate to and are less bothered by."
The why is because of history and genuine offense, whether you like it or not.
You say that no one complains, but if you had said this the other way around, "systemhood is something we all share," would anyone have been like, "uhm, ackshually, if you call me a system I'm going to cry." What would those polls have looked like? We get a glimpse in the polls now.
So what are the numbers? It's still early, but there's really only two parts of the poll that really matter. Everyone wants more options, but I'm really only talking about the options for uncomfortable.
Plural vs system.
"Not medical" vs "medical"
Pro endo vs anti endo
Words are the root of syscourse, are they not? How many antis say, "if endos just didn't call themselves systems"?
Based on the numbers, system is the safer term to hurt fewer people. Endogenic systems mind system less than CDD systems mind plural. The complaints you're going to get would be more along the lines of, "endos aren't systems," rather than, "hey, careful, that can be offensive."
Are we finally saying the fight over "system" is over and antis won, plural is better now? Well, then, I don't know that lumping anti endos under plural is going to help the syscourse divide at all. Remember a couple months ago when antis forgot that they didn't invent plural? The big war over pluralpunk? And how much everyone tried to correct them that plural didn't belong to CDDs? Because it IS so synonymous with endogenic systems?
Start at the top of the post, reread, the fight starts again. Don't put antis, mostly CDD systems angry at endogenics, under the plural umbrella. I know we're not prioritizing their comfort, but it doesn't just hurt antis, but pro endo CDD systems, too. Our history is important.
And going to be honest, my memory is not that great. I'm going to forget my friend's preferred terms and I'm going to offend people. I would rather offend them with system. Less chance, less hurt. System is the most popular, across the board. I believe it's lost its synonymity with CDD.
I would REALLY love to hear opinions on this from all sides.
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bloopitynoot · 20 hours
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 21
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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The last chapter of the story?!?!?!
I will be continuing my notes into the extras-already decided when I started book 1. Once those extras are done though,- pls pls pls I will accept any fanfic recs. I am absolutely ready to get lost in the sauce for the next several months. Send me your absolute favs! I will read the shit out of them.
Today I am back on my tea- this is a lady grey latte :'3
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Oh man. Thank fuck Shan Qinghua is okay, but Tianlang-jun is looking REAL rough. p272
Not snake boy! him too! p274
Mobei-Jun coming in to save his man 👏 Get it! p276
This story is so annoying. The "big bad" was never even evil. The man just wanted to hang out in the human realm, read poetry, and vibe but the humans were the ones being awful. This story was driven by nonsense the entire time at least in MMDZS the fake evil one was still being orchestrated by an actual evil one. This was just a bunch of fuckery and racism. p277
LOL when I read the big "fight" I was thinking- that's it? Literally all this build up for the fastest fight?? Then two paragraphs later SQQ also said "that's it?"p279 I really do feel bad for Tianlang-jun. He was done so dirty in this. (I do want a buttload of fanfic where he get's a better life and also works to actively set his son up LOL Tianlang-jun biggest Bingqiu shipper).
I still cannot get over that Zhuzhi-lang's mother straight up fucked a snake. p280
Why did this reveal have to be worse :((((( The fact that LBH's mom actually likely cared for Tianlang-jun but was imprisoned by the OPM, was too late to get to Tianlang-jun, and forced to drink poison. :((( uuuuuuuugh. p282-283
Holy shit! Luo Binghe is the one who is actually powering the realm merge!!! p286
Baby Luo Binghe this behaviour is so toxic :'( p289-291
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Are you kidding me. :( Why Yue Qingyuan!!! Xuan Su actively drains his life force whenever he uses it. p296
and we get the reveal that Yue Qingyuan was the pal who promised to come back and save Shen Jiu. uuuugh my heart, why am I so emotional about this. p297
The most bittersweet system notifications rn, so upsetting. Bro is about to lose the only things he's grown to care about in this second life and they are just listing achievements for what pp298-299
I know Yue Qingyuan is in a bad way but I really am rooting for him. Good on SQQ for not giving YQY his last wish. I need this softy to pull through. p301
Oh no! BInghe is hallucinating now :(((((( the sword has totally fucked him with demonic qi. :((( p307
I always love when we get a scenario pusher- it really "pushes" SQQ's boundaries p307
OMG. Well. That's not a small scenario pusher!!!! What is it with MXTX always having her male protags fuck dry 🤮🤮 This is not cute, and I totally understand it is a "fuck or die" scenario but omg RIP SQQ's asshole. How is this both kind of tender and absolutely horrific :((((((( 🤮🤮 pp310-311
This is actually so terrible :( my heart what the fuck :( Luo Binghe reached out, wanting to touch him but also not daring to. His hand remained frozen in midair as he muttered, "Shi...zun?" Once he heard Luo Binghe call him "Shizun" as normal, Shen Qingqiu seemed to come alive, and he gasped in a breath. Unfortunately, due to how strained this breath was, it almost sounded like a sob. Luo Binghe was stunned, "Shizun...what...What did I do?" p314
aaaaand the Jade Guanyin :(((((((( p315
Bless the system for getting me out of the choke hold that this scene had me in. I truly thought everyone was about to die. pp318-320
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I'm dead LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I clocked it many chapters ago with my jokes that SQQ was actually changing the genre and was really the bawdy love interest. He really did though XD ahahahaha p323
Thank fuck everyone (at least LBH and SQQ) are alive! I thought they would have killed LBH afterwards or with the state of his mental health, he would kill himself but thankfully he is not dead. p327
YAY! We have Yue Qingyuan alive as well! p329
Incredible. Shen Qinghua wanted this ending as well but decided to sell out for finances. Bless that this guy got to see his favorable ending play out LOL p333
oh!!! Tianlang-jun is also alive!! p335
My heart! SQQ to LBH " Of course what this master most wanted to see first was you!" p339
We hit the end of the main story!
Some final thoughts- that felt really abrupt. Like it just ended very fast. These two really have a strange relationship (I am sure more happens in the extras but as is stands it is still so ambiguous). Nary a real declaration of love, and their intimate moments were all fabricated by other situations or a product of deceit. I am excited to dig into the extras to see more about their relationship.
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rosinkreutz · 23 hours
PLEEAAASEEEE elaborate on ur thoughts abt RK and R# that’s so fascinating. if u feel up to it ofc
This made me go back and look at Asuka's arcade mode transcript, which made me notice something interesting with the writing but I'll get back to it later. Also, for the record, R# is in fact the only clone. All the people RK fights in the arcade mode are a simulations created by R#, including the final boss. So, in typical Asuka fashion, RK does not tell R# why he made him, and R# naturally wonders the meaning for his existence. He comes up with a few ideas. RK says it's because he wanted to see if he could make a perfect lifeform after seeing ABA and the Valentine sisters (what about Jackie...?). R# figures it's because RK was lonely after not seeing another living person for months. Both of these aren't wrong, but they don't get to the bottom of it. This leads R# to the following: His hypotheses. R# never says directly what they are, but does they involve the facts that R# likes himself and RK does not. These are both the true reasons for R#'s existence. RK wants to commit suicide, but feels like he can't because he has a duty to the world. So, he makes R#, a "better" version of himself to be his replacement. On the first point, if you're looking for any proof, see the following: 1.) Most obviously, this line from R#: "But at least tell me you'll keep walking. Even if you lose your way. As long as one person out there cares about you… It's worth it just to try to keep them happy." 2.) RK literally has to fight for his life against himself at the end of the arcade mode. 3.) R# is wearing the color scheme that has been synonymous with RK throughout the entirety of Guilty Gear, because RK intends for R# to be the "new" Asuka. But the point of Asuka's arcade mode isn't just R# trying to save RK, it's R# trying to show RK that he can't just rip out the parts of himself that he doesn't like. It harkons back to one of GG's big themes of self-actualization and one's sense of self. RK deliberately makes R# to be chatty, friendly, and to like himself, but goes on to be continuously surprised throughout the arcade mode that R# acts like a different person and not just "me but better". Because RK doesn't want to face himself, he doesn't want to self-reflect and comes to terms with who he is, he just wants to tear it apart and be done with everything. The point R# is trying to make is that there is no "me but better". It's just him. If he's going to keep living, RK needs to accept all parts of himself, no matter how horrible he thinks they are. Which isn't to say that RK can't change, it just means he can't deny that parts of himself exist. After all, RK has spent pretty much 90% of his entire 200 or so years of life playing the role of a monster. He says in story mode that he's pretty much never done anything for himself. There's things that he likes and dislikes, but beyond that, he has no idea who he actually is. (In regards to the interesting thing I noticed- It's R# that uses the words "ethically bankrupt monster". RK just says "pathetic ineffectual nerd" to describe himself. Which feels like it should be the opposite in terms of severity. It might just go back to RK's rejection of himself, but it's not like RK isn't acutely aware of the first thing, and he obviously knows very well that it's the reason he wants to die and not the nerd thing. My theory is that he just thinks that he still has the mindset of the ends justifying the means, no matter the cost. He still feels like he needs to take care of the world, but just doesn't see a way that can always be done with a moral lens. Hence R# not having morals. Yeah he's doing it from a distance now with his radio show, but if a large Universal Will-level threat were to show up again, I highly doubt he'd just sit there. So, he wanted R# to have an easier time making the necessary decisions and not being tormented with them later.)
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baby01010111 · 2 days
rin itoshi + sae itoshi
all characters aged up to 18+
tw: incest, abuse (can be perceived as literal or metaphorical for hurt feelings), kinda infantilisation but tried to not make it prevalent because it wasn’t really my intention
rin is all you have, or had, because now he’s gone too. he’s the same as sae. both of your big brothers are lost to soccer. and now here you are, the youngest itoshi sibling left to cry. mom and dad have never paid much mind to you, why would they when both of their older sons are much better in everything, only achievements matter, nothing else. rin and sae always made it a point to take care of you and look out for you in the way their parents could not. you look back fondly on your memories of ice creams by the beach as kids.
the eldest itoshis were always into soccer, it’s a shame you weren’t, maybe things would have turned out differently if you could be half of what your big brothers are. maybe if you didn’t sit to the side with your hands on your knees watching them play all the time things would be different.
all of you guys are together again, but it’s not the same. no one cares about you like before, soccer is everything and you are nothing. rin left for blue lock and sae left for spain and for the longest time all you had wished for is your beloved big brothers returning home to be with you again. everything was so lonely without them there, the apartment a bit colder and the silences of the night more deafening. now they’re back, but you aren’t happy. why aren’t you happy?
rin promised he would always protect you
sae promised you would always be his precious imouto
so why are they so… so mean? what did you do to deserve this? what happened to the sweet kisses both of them used to give you in the mornings. what happened to rin holding your hand on your walks out, moving you away from the side closest to the road on the pavement? what happened to sae’s affectionate pats, all the times he would nibble on your ear? you miss it so bad, your heart aches so much. why are they so mean to you? why do they snap at you whenever you talk? why can’t you even look at them without feeling they have some sort of disdain for you?
you’re sitting. it’s 5 am and you’re in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. why are you awake? no idea. maybe the weight crushing your heart that amplifies whenever you remember how cold your brothers are to you now halted your sleep. it’s not like you have to work or anything, your brothers handle all of the finances. that must mean they still love you, right? it’s as empty as ever in the kitchen. don’t you miss how rin used to hold your wrist in his hands in the morning? you do, and now you’re crying, you’re crying into your bowl of cereal.
your brothers aren’t ignorant to this, particularly rin at the moment. he’s awake. your cries are really a reminder of how young you are. not in the sense you’re a child of course, but at the same time you are. you’re still his imouto, your cries bring him back to when you were kids, how you cried when you scraped your soft knee on the hard stone floor of the playground. how him and sae patched you up. it reminds him of when sae left for spain, and all you did is cry that you wanted nii chan to come home again. it reminds him of how you cried when he also left you, how you sniffled so sweetly and begged him not to leave you too. it reminds him of the time him and sae both looked at each other knowingly after hearing your delicate sniffles and heavy breathing from your bedroom, after him and sae were so mean to you. the bruise on your arm was pretty big after all, darkened too, no wonder you cried so much. broken doll. faint hearted imouto.
rin’s cold hand is on your shoulder, and you look at him with those big sad eyes that he hates (and secretly loves.) “shh, i’m sorry” isn’t it funny how life works? you were eating tear diluted cereal 20 minutes ago, and now your big brother, the one you yearned for all this time is in bed with you. you’re in his room again after what seems like a century, in your brother’s bed, kissing so sweetly. nothing like the bruise on your arm, he kisses you you all over, except for there. he ignores that part of you. you wonder if sae knows about this, would he be mad? mad that nii nii is all over you, kissing you, loving you, whilst sae is hating you? does he hate you? you thought rin hated you, but here you are now, the same as before, so maybe there’s hope. rin looks down at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world, like you’re some artifact worth millions in a museum. but the truth is you’re so much more than that to him. he licks around your eyes, tasting the remnants of your tears from before. “i love you ‘mouto” he mumbles to you. you look up at his eyes, he looks different, what did they even do to him at that blue lock place anyway? this isn’t your nii nii. but it is your nii nii. maybe he just grew up, maybe that’s what you need to do too. maybe that’s what he doesn’t want you to do, maybe he wants to keep you innocent and pure as ever. who knows, and who cares either, what’s the point of thinking about anything, either of you, when this is what you waited for for so long. don’t let overthinking ruin your moment.
it’s so nice laying next to rin again, so nice sleeping like this again, so nice feeling like before. who would want to change or grow up anyway when your mind would never allow anything that goes on between you and your brothers if you matured that extra mile, you’re so smart, but so dumb at the same time. you’re choosing to be unaware aren’t you? because living like this and feeling good is better than acknowledging how sick all 3 of you are. maybe just the two of you, because you feel like sae hates you. “nii nii, i love you, i missed you, don’t leave again please” you cry into his chest. he pats your back lovingly and pecks your head. yeah, you two are sick.
you three are sick. you are sick. sae has you pinned to the wall squirming under him. he missed it too, seeing what he can do to his sweet imouto. it’s funny really, how many times have him and rin done such things to you? probably in the thousands by now, or more, you’re doing this since you were kids after all, but the years of distance from you are blurred. he doesn’t even remember the exact timespan of it all. but it’s okay, he doesn’t want to concern himself with that right now, because it’s still funny, funny how they did this countless times, funny how they took your innocence so many times, yet you’re still as angel like as ever. an angel is what he would associate you with. because you’re so sweet and precious. you act the same as you did back then, it’s like nothing has changed. he’s pinning you to the wall, his hand pushing down on that turned a little too dark. and it hurts, maybe this is his way of ignoring it too, he covers it. the same thing he does with all his problems. covers them up. and rin avoids them. very typical of your nii chans. but don’t think about it too much little angel. don’t ruin the time you have with your brothers again. rin is the softer of the two. they love you, of course they do, you’re their baby sister. sweet and cute and pliant as ever. what’s not to love? sae is just rough on the edges, and blunt. way too blunt at times.
“why are you writhing under me like a whore, hm? is it enjoyable, ‘mouto” he chastises you for the way you squirm, the way you clench your legs together. it’s enjoyable, you like your time with sae and sae likes his time with you. he doesn’t mean anything too bad with his words, why would he? he loves you. he pulls back a bit and tucks your hair behind your ear. sae doesn’t do smiles, nor does rin of the time, you’re sunshine in a bottle though. you’re looking up at sae with those big eyes, the ones he loves so much, so cute, reminds him of when you were kids. his face doesn’t change, but his eyes are gentle. how do you even explain this? you just know he loves you from the way he looks at you, his eyes alone are enough. he kisses you again, sharing saliva with you, it’s intimate, he likes it. you like it. kissing your brother. he bites your lips until they bleed and sucks them so sweetly. you taste like sugar, a testimony to your sweetness. little cupcake. if you were a food you would be a cupcake, wouldn’t you? he thinks it suits you, cute, sweet and colourful. he licks up the blood from your lips whilst pushing down still on your arms against the wall. that’s gonna leave some handmarks. maybe they’ll cover the bruise, that nasty bruise. you’d like that, all your worries covered by sae nii’s hands. your eyes are closed whilst sae sucks at your pouty lips for that sweet blood of yours. he pulls back and wipes his mouth. you’re so cute like this. and he’s so hot like this too. but is it even good to do this? is this okay? it’s not normal, is it? why would any brother do this with his sister? but don’t think about it too much, don’t grow up too much imouto. because then you won’t have your brothers anymore. then everything will be ruined.
you’re sitting on the kitchen side the next day, your brothers tending to that nasty bruise. sae nii and rin nii fixing you up. but why don’t you feel happy? it’s like in the old days, how they’d always take care of you, sick princess. so why don’t you feel happy. maybe because you realised it’s wrong. but you don’t feel sad either. maybe you were grown up the whole time. maybe your brothers weren’t even pushing you away. none of this is coherent. why isn’t it making you happy? maybe it is, happiness is a subjective feeling anyway, maybe you aren’t recognising it. but it’s not a bad feeling, ah, that’s it, it’s so enjoyable isn’t it? when people realise their mistakes towards you, when people start amending all of the wrongdoing they did. when everyone pities you. when you get to lay in the arms of pity and regret of others who have wronged you. you jump down off of the side, cute bandage attached to your arm. you’re sick, all 3 of you, maybe you��re the most sick. but don’t dwell on it. you peck both of their cheeks for the help “love you sae nii, love you rin nii” and they ruffle your hair affectionately. this is what love is all about. you guys are disgusting, aren’t you?
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denden-sushi · 3 days
Recently finished Dr. Stone and I cannot stop thinking about Ishigami Senku. Other than the fact that he's absolutely insane (because who even thinks of these crazy inventions? and to not just think of them but to make it a reality?), I've really been thinking about Ishigami Senku the person, not the scientist.
Which can be hard to separate at times because being a scientist is so deeply ingrained in his being, how can someone even begin to imagine Senku without science? But I find myself thinking about his relationships with everyone else. How he so adamantly dismisses love as being illogical and yet there's no denying that love is present in every relationship and every single thing he does.
Ishigami Senku who would never in ten billion years admit that he cares for others but so obviously does. Waiting and trusting that Taiju would revive? Placing him in the cave to help speed up his revival without absolute guarantee that it would work? Waking up Yuzuriha not only because of Taiju's feelings but because she is also his friend? (Senku can use the excuse of Yuzuriha's handcrafts an excuse for her revival but the fear he experienced when she was being threatened by Tsukasa? The fact that he uses the flag she gave him as a symbol of the Kingdom of Science all throughout the story? God Senku loves his friends)
And the way Senku never gives up on anyone. How he understands everyones limitations and never uses that against them – because as invincible he seems with his knowledge in science, man his stamina and strength are just ass. And so he helps them. He makes glasses for Suika and Kinro, a car for the children and elderly of Ishigami Village because they can't walk far distances, furnaces for them to keep warm during the winter. Hell, he even gave Homura cotton candy and she was literally affiliated with people who wanted him dead.
Senku disguises everything he does as just another science project. Something to take control of the people, something to make sure they're staying on task, but more than just that he shows them the beauty of science. Because Senku didn't have to go so far as to making fireworks on his own (until Chrome showed up) for everyone on Treasure Island and yet he did.
Because how can someone love something and not want to share it? Just because love isn't explicitly expressed doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. And Senku knows this more than anyone, because that's always how his relationship has been with this father. Because Byakuya understands that his son isn't into all that mushy stuff and yet he loves Senku so much. And he doesn't have to say it (though I'm sure he did for a time before Senku got tired of hearing it) because Senku knows Byakuya loves him.
How can he not? The man he has no blood relations to took him in, raised him, cared for him. Sold his car to buy science equipment for Senku. Encouraged him to delve deeper into his love for science. Supported him, believed in him. Not only prior to the petrification but even after – How can Senku not know what love is?
Senku sees science as both the object of his affection and as a means of expression. Because love is illogical, it makes people act differently and do stupid things – the intricacies of it are without rhyme or reason, and there's no use in trying to understand it. So if Senku can use science as a means of conveying his emotions – something based in facts and reasoning, that he knows will work ten billion percent of the time, then who can blame him?
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phantomvegetable · 3 days
The Wraith x Reader
heaven found us tw’s: none rly. maybe a little bit of dissociation on philip’s end ? he’s just baby idk 🥹
Philip was wandering again.
Outside of trials, he seldom kept still; like a phantom he would float amidst the fog, having no clear direction nor goal to accomplish as the steamy white clouds strung him passively along.
Philip didn’t mind, though—quite literally. Almost as if he was in a haze, he would allow the fog to carry him, like a fish down a stream. Each time, Philip ended up somewhere different; sometimes a familiar scene, sometimes a completely new setting. And, sometimes, if he was lucky—the fog would deliver him something, too.
The cat in front of him stares through Philip with piercing golden eyes, her charcoal fur glinting in the moonlight. She tilts her head ever so slightly, and Philip copies the motion. As if pleased, she mrrrows politely and rises to her paws, padding over to him inquisitively with her tail held high in the air. With his free hand, he stretches out to pet her, which she happily accepts. She erupts into purrs beneath his touch, and Philip is reminded of the goodness that even the entity cannot erase.
Upon running his fingers behind her ear and down her neck, Philip finds a makeshift string collar that he failed to notice before. He traces the material down to the bell that dangles over her throat, the ornament jingling faintly as it is fondled. The cat meets his ivory eyes sweetly as if to answer his wordless question, so you belong to someone? She meows again, rubbing against his legs before sauntering off in the direction she previously came from. Philip stands straight to watch her leave, curiously finding himself being compelled to follow—so he does.
Unwavering gaze fixated on her, Philip trails behind the unnamed cat as she tinkers forward, being careful not to frighten her by the ringing of his own bell. As the fog swallows her small form for only a moment, the atmosphere shifting and exploding into chilly air, Philip finds himself in front of a roughed-up cabin decorated with various plants (native only to the fog) and odd trinkets alike; the paint stretching up and down the wood fresh, yet somehow chipping.
Most interesting of all, the cat Philip had followed was heading towards the only other person sitting in front of the cabin—someone Philip did not recognize.
You sat on a log with a paintbrush clutched delicately between your fingers, a rickety easel holding up an unshapely piece of material that had strokes of oranges and blacks strewn about the canvas. Your clothes weren’t torn or in tatters like other survivors—though they were a bit dull, and covered in paint—and your expression was one of serenity and focus; a stark contrast to the usual haunted, drained look the others usually wore. And, as you are approached by the cat that seems very familiar with your person, you dazzle her with a smile that makes Philip long for something he can’t quite place.
The sound of Philip’s bell startles even himself as he moves to get a closer look, causing your head to lift sharply until you’re pinning him to the spot with beautiful, alarmed eyes that quickly soften into something akin to understanding.
No, you weren’t one of the survivors—you couldn’t have been with the way you were looking at him. So, then… who were you?
“Look, Heavenly,” You say to your furry companion, just loud enough for him to hear, “it seems we’ve attracted another stray.”
Another stray? Philip was not a wraith of many words, but that did not mean he didn’t understand them.
Somehow, though, the way you said it was less offensive and more alluring.
You giggle—charming and angelic—and set your paintbrush down, shifting to fully face Philip. You cock your head, still smiling, and gesture to your current work in progress.
“What do you think?” You ask him earnestly, welcomingly. Philip feels himself tingle and burn with what feels like embarrassment at being put on the spot by someone so unlike him, simultaneously feeling angry at himself for not being more wraith-like. The wailing bell he held was meant for damaging and destroying, not to look like something he clung to for comfort, as he was doing now.
Still, Philip obliges you; inching forward to get a better perspective of your artwork, quickly finding himself at a loss for what to think.
Before Philip’s eyes was a painting of himself, depicted as much more docile than most others probably found him. He was standing tall amongst the throng of needle-like trees, signature wailing bell hanging by his side. The sky was a deep orange, dipping between branches and coming to rest on his shoulders in a gentle glow. Oddly enough, he was missing a face entirely; the shape of his head was there, but no eyes were to be found.
Philip tilts his head as if searching for his face, not realizing he had drawn even closer until he was hovering by your side. You watch him patiently, stroking Heavenly as you wait for a response.
“…Is… that supposed to be me?” Philip finally asks, voice gentle and hollow-sounding, pointing a finger to the painting. He sees you nod and lowers his hand, confusion settling in.
“You’ve been here before,” You explain slowly, earning Philip’s surprised gaze that you don’t meet. “I’ve seen you many times, but this is the first time you’ve come this close. It’s okay if you don’t remember.”
That’s the thing—he doesn’t remember. Why would he come here? He didn’t even know where here was. And, yet…
“…I followed your cat,” Philip says after a moment, and finally the two of you make eye contact. You look in astonishment up at him before looking down at Heavenly, then back up at him again. Then, you let out a bark of laughter.
“Heavenly got you to come here?” You chortle. “She barely listens to me when I ask her to come inside.”
Philip looks down at Heavenly, who simply blinks back up at him. He blinks back.
“…Why did you paint me?” He questions, sounding and feeling suspicious. You merely shrug.
“Ever since you first visited me, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. And when you kept coming back, I just…” You motion randomly with your hands. “Needed an outlet. You were a mystery to me.”
Philip cocks his head. “You’re really not from the trials, are you?” You give him a quizzical look.
“Trial? What trial?”
“…Nothing,” He murmurs, reaching out to pet Heavenly, who bumps her head against his hand. His lips twitch in a half-formed smile.
“Will you stay this time?” You ask, stilling Philip.
“…Probably not,” He answers, drawing away. You frown, then sigh, casting your gaze downwards. Philip feels himself being pulled back by an invisible force; the fog calling him to ‘come, come back home.’ He puts space between he and you, standing at the edge of the ivory mist that laps at his clothes in wispy tendrils. You look up at him one last time, giving Philip a sad smile.
“I guess I’ll see you again,” You say, solemn.
“…You will,” He promises, not knowing why, but knowing that he most certainly would be back. You seem to brighten at that.
“Bye, Philip,” You call as he’s sucked into the fog, into confusion, and into darkness.
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