#listen i know the last hamilton reference was hilarious but this one
britesparc · 3 months
Weekend Top Ten #644
Top Ten Taylor Swift Songs
Taylor Swift is quite a big presence round our house. Basically, you can tell which daughter has put the music on; if it’s the Hamilton soundtrack, then it’s Daughter #1. If it’s Taylor Alison Swift? Daughter #2, our nascent Swiftie.
I didn’t really “follow” Swift, because I don’t really “follow” any popular music, because in this modern age of streaming playlists I’m able to constantly curate my own bespoke station cultivated exactly to my whims and foibles, comprised almost entirely of 1980s soft rock, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and songs featured in Quentin Tarantino movies. So I never really encountered a Taylor Swift song in the wild all that much, until we had kids, and the phrase “Alexa, play kid-friendly pop” became a relatively common utterance. It’s quite funny actually, because in those earlier days of the sprogs listening to stuff, it turned out that I did hear a few of her older bangers – Love Story, You Belong With Me, that sort of thing – without realising it.
The critical mass of her superstardom mean that eventually it would bleed into other aspects of my life (sooner or later she got to something I do care about, possibly when she was in an Actual Film, even if that film tuned out to be Cats). This sort-of coincided with Daughter #2 getting really into her because people talked about her at school/on YouTube, and also happened to take place just before the fabled Eras tour kicked off. As such, the last two years have been very Swift-y, really. And it’s allowed me to really consider her musical oeuvre.
Because – and this should come as little surprise – it turns out she’s very good at this sort of thing. She really got my interest when she did the whole “Taylor’s Version” thing, because that is – as they say – a flex. Re-recording all your old songs and asking stations to play the new recordings so as to utterly devalue the original recording that a dickhead refuses to sell back to you? One hell of a power move, lady. The fact that her songs were floating around our personal ether meant that I could analyse the lyrics and melodies a bit more, get under the skin. And Swift is one of those artists who almost demands a biographical approach to her work: you don’t need to know who she’s dating or who she currently has a beef with, but most of her best work is so concerned with being Taylor Swift that you do end up thinking about the real-world references in her words.
This phenomenal amount of waffle is really just a preamble to me, a fortysomething dad, listing my favourite Taylor Swift songs. Obviously what interests me is going to be different to what interests your average nine-year-old; just as what interests any of us is going to be unique to our own circumstances. What more is there to say, really? I guess I’m just trying to fill all this blank space, hehehehehehehehe.
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Blank Space (2014): I’m not good at articulating why the music of these songs is great, so let’s stick with words and imagery. This tale of a troubled serial monogamist features fantastic use of both, as it links the jaunty teen vibe of Swift’s early work with the darker introspection she’s now know for, with an almost cynical unravelling of its protagonist, and some terrific lines: “it’ll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar”. Beautifully dark, twisted, and sort-of romantic.
Anti-Hero (2022): eschewing the romance altogether and just focusing on a sort of quasi-autobiographical examination of “Taylor Swift”, this song’s inherent bleakness contrasts beautifully with its rather upbeat tone. The tale of a self-defeating woman with – clearly – some proper issues, we get Swift comparing herself to a kaiju and plotting bitter revenge against imaginary children. Bitterly hilarious.
Is It Over Now? (2023): a song that, apparently, was written a while ago but only released recently, it fits in well with her work from a decade ago in terms of its overall tone and treatment (another tale of a love gone sour), but it’s got a maturity and, well, bit of grit to it. Raking over the coals of a relationship in which it appears both parties deserved some blame, it’s another one with great lyrics; the refrain of “three hundred takeout coffees later” is neat.
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (2024): The Tortured Poets Department was the first time I actually ended up listening, unbroken, to an entire Taylor Swift album, so a lot of these songs hit harder for me. There are a few bangers, but this incredibly bitter revenge anthem – a furiously hilarious diss track – is the highlight. It’s so fabulously mean-spiriting, skewering so many aspects of the titular bloke, from his try-hard on-stage antics to the insipid paranoia he invoked. Plus, of course, you don’t call a man “small” without it having more than one meaning.
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart (2024): another song that’s so blackly comic it could be a Coen Brothers movie, this incredibly jaunty, upbeat bop is all about how unutterably shit it is to be Taylor Swift. Telling the story of a consummate entertainer who is always joyous and smiling and perfectly performing whilst hiding her sorrow, there’s nothing much to say beyond “incredibly depressing” and “consistently hilarious”. Lights, camera, bitch, smile indeed.
You Belong With Me (2009): Swift’s earlier, more country-flavoured songs skew to a certain template; basically musical versions of She’s All That. Swift is a smart enough performer to put a little bit of quirk or edge onto things though; this is a relatively straightforward story about a homely girl in love with her friend, but in both the wordplay (“she wears short skirts, I wear sneakers/she’s cheer captain and I’m in the bleachers”) and the amount of sheer heart Swift puts into it, makes it very effective.
Look What You Made Me Do (2017): the almost staccato electric beat of this one feels a bit different; a bit more urgent, a little bit darker. It’s another one unpicking the seams of “it’s hard being a megastar” and “my boyfriends all suck”, but the unravelling of the Taylor Swift persona is amusingly done. It’s the musicality of it that, well, sing; the chorus – repeating the title in different intonations – is a thing of trippy beauty. Also, whilst I’m really just analysing the songs themselves, shout out to the incredible video.
Love Story (2008): Daughter #2’s favourite, apparently (she’s very annoyed that I only have it at number eight), and that kinda makes sense; it’s so perfectly calibrated to the mode of “benign teen romance”. Yes, it’s just a tale of boy and girl and how – despite obstacles – they eventually get together. But the lyrics are great, evoking everything from Shakespeare to The Scarlet Letter, with some nice wordplay. One of Swift’s earliest, and defining, hits; not as interesting as her later work but still a great example of what she’s capable of.
Maroon (2022): a melancholy examination of a failed romance, holding a magnifying glass to the highlights of a relationship but finding the roots of its dissolution. Musically it’s nice, and has some great lyrics – love the intonation of “your roommate’s cheap-ass screw-top rosé” – but the clever-clever bit is the repeated imagery of, well, red stuff; “Maroon” indeed, from wine to blood to, well, a hickey. Also: first time I heard Swift drop an F-bomb in a song. Shocked I was. Shocked to my core.
Karma (2023): most of these songs have had a bit of darkness to them, apart from the ones that are just the aural equivalent of an early noughties Lindsey Lohan movie. This song, though, isn’t particularly dark, but it is very funny, Swift singing about, well, karma, and how it’ll come back to bitecha. It’s the use of imagery, of how karma is a beautiful thing that benefits her, where the funny lies; karma, it turns out, is a lot of things, most of them amusing.
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at-hauntrcss · 3 years
“can i tell you what i’m proudest of? the orphanage.”
- helena
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I have to yet to fully develop them but boom boom bitches did you think I would stop making Dream SMP OCs? Hell nah
They both be a combination of Tales of the Dream SMP characters and actual Dream SMP characters
They're all canon and they will eventually have their own bios, but this is just a place to hold my notes basically
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Slime hybrid
Full name is Toastie Rickroll (based off the last names generally being memes)
I listened to Hamilton while making her so that helps
Fought for L'Manburg during the Independence Arc
Eventually joined Schlatt's cabinet for Manburg, but later resigned and helped join Pogtopia
Also became part of the Butcher Army
Currently apart of no faction
Respects tradition very well
Their family has fought and died for their respective countries for years
And Toastie carried on the tradition
Without something or someone to fight for Toastie kinda feels useless
They're so used to fighting that peace is basically a foreign concept to her
It doesn't help with all the wars
Toastie does what they do best: protect
And with L'Manburg gone, they now have someone (or a few someone's to care for)
Very fond of their old cabinet and her Butcher Army friends
Despises Techno and Dream for destroying L'Manburg on numerous occasions
Phil is very close to also getting on their negative list
Their most precious item is their enchanted Netherite axe, the Mindbreaker
Toastie confirms it's a family heirloom you get when you learn how to hold scissors correctly
It basically has the blood of people who fought against the country Toastie's family decided to fight for and were either killed or tortured with it
Toastie wants to try and guide it and herself on a more peaceful path, but they always end up going to violence
It's kinda engraved in her
Since she trusts Quackity due to experience, they give him their axe daily as long as he brings it back
They're unaware that Quackity's using it to torture Dream
Very protective and dedicated to fighting for those they care about
Tends to learn towards fighting as her first option and runs her mouth a lot
ThEy'Re BoUncY-
They can jump really high
Really likes swamps
If they ever get injured, the injured part can turn into miniature versions of themselves similar to tiny slimes and they'll attack their opponent
Absolutely despies Magma Cubes and will attack them whenever she can get the chance
Wolf hybrid
But they're also a ghost!
Their real name is Whisper, and their full name is Quiet Whispers
Large grey ears on their head
Long tail that can fade sometimes due to ya know, death
Really fun to chew on bones despite the fact that she doesn't need to eat them and she can't even digest them
She can bond with other people and she can track the people she's bonded with
Can bite really hard, has enhanced speed and strength, and they also have a pretty pogchamp smell and eyesight
Despite the fact that's she pretty powerful, Whisp is a strict pacifist who only hung around L'Manburg due to having numerous friends there
Somehow the only ghost to have a decent fucking memory of her life
Remembers good and bad, though she sometimes wishes she doesn't
Red sweaters boiiisssss
Very forgiving and kind
But a really giant people pleaser and self-sacrificial
Her self worth is based on what people think of her
Tries her best to get on everyone's good side
It breaks her if someone dislikes her
Grew up in a really shitty household where Whisp was basically ignored
So she grew up trying to gain the affection that her family never gave her
Really fucking touch-starved
Just pretty bad self esteem, even when she's dead
Please just tell her that she means something outside of other people's opinions and that she's an amazing human being
Absolutely adores animals!
Has numerous pet cafes
Like, so many gosh dang cafes
There's one for cats, one for dogs, and then there's a giant miscellaneous one
They're all part of the same building and that's also another part of it which is basically her house
BFFs with Ghostbur
Please protect her and tell her that she's amazing she really needs it
Full name is Sunny Wholesun
Last name is a pun off 'wholesome' and 'sun'
Very proud of it
She's an angel boissss
Very simliar to Bad in terms of personality
They're both very sweet and will help anyone
Isn't a part of any countries
She just pops in when she wants to,,,,,
Conflict freaks her out
Optimsitc pal that just chooses to look on the bright side of things,,,,
She wants to desperately try and be her own person outside of 'Bad but angelic' but she keeps getting compared to him
She feels like she keeps being in people's shadows despite being a literal creature of purity and light
Feels like a side character honestly
Good friends with Phil, but disapproves of his title, most notably due to it having death in it
Said to know Dream XD and the other gods of the server
Absolutely understand very dirty stuff, but chooses to ignore it
Also can understand war and sadness
Sunny just kinds chooses to keep holding her head up high
In her own words "If you always keep thinking of sad things, you'll always be sad"
And now the TOTDS ones
Lady Venus
From the Masquerade timeline
Ghast hybrid royalty
Berothed to Sir Billiam the III since birth
Very much married and in love
She's pretty kind for a royal
Or at the very least more nicer
Treats her servants well and gives them pay as well as vacation days
However, she lacks empathy and is somewhat insensitive
Doesn't understand that some people don't have the same social privilege's as her
So she can piss some people off
Her main butler was Ryan and he was basically her best friend outside of Billiam and Ranbutler
However, Ryan got angry and ended up assassinating her
Spear in the chest
Felt incredibly betrayed since Ryan was one of her few friends and died feeling fear and shock
Billiam ended up executing Ryan
With the death of his lover, Billiam aligned with the Egg due it promising to bring Venus back if he swore alliance to it
She remains a ghost, but neither Ranbutler, Billiam or anyone else can't see her
Venus absolutely despises the Egg for corrupting her family, but at the same time, truly believes it can bring her back to life, so she needs it
Her spear ridden body is in the same room as the Egg, therefore corrupting her body, and therefore her ghost, which is connected to it
Whenever Billiam or Ranbutler go down there, it ended up motivating the two further in order to bring Venus back
She clings to the hope that when the Egg brings her back to life, she can reunite with her husband and adoptive son once more and forget the Egg
She know it won't happen but hope is kinda the only thing she has
At the Masquerade, she was only able to be seen and talk to Karl due to him being from another time
Truly felt bad about his death, but didn't stop it since she wanted to live again
Without her being able to produce a heir, the Ghast royal family basically went in shambles and they all eventually died, making the Ghasts a free place with no government or hierarchy
I really love Venus as she's a very fun character to do and also very sad
Supports Ranbutler rights
From the Village That Went Mad
Morals' ancestor
My friend compared her to that Chris girl from Carrie and I love it
She's a complete and utter asshole
Like, a full on fucking dick
Horrible person to be around
She's a villager, but absolutely everyone wanted her dead due to being a full on bitch
Jimmy theorizes that this is because of her mother also being the Enderdragon and either feeling like she's on top of everyone because of it, or that she feels inferior because Meanings isn't her mum so she acts like a dick to cover it up
It's either one of those two options
Just a full on fucking dick
I also love playing her because she's a really fun character
Horrible person, yes
But absolutely hilarious to play as
From the Lost City of Mizu
I don't consider Mizu to be the official future, but rather an alternate reality, so bear with me in mind for that
I feel really smart with her name
It means Pearl, and you know
Mizu being an underwater city and all that?
Michael means 'who is like God', which refers to her best friend's......love for a past figure
They're genderfluid! Mostly goes by she/her, though on some days, they go with he/him
Her relationship with Ranbob is very similar to the one between Morals' and Dream
Since I don't see the story as a possible canon future but instead another alternate reality, she's not a descendant of anyone
And you know what? You wanna know what?
She's a cow hybrid now
Why? Because I said so
Remove Ranbob's very yandere personality and their friendship is friendship goals
Heck, even with it, it's still friendship goals
I will defo have more but those are the only Tales of the Dream SMP episodes I've watched, so-
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Things I Noticed in the Hamilton Film
Soooo, I was supposed to have posted this last year when the film first dropped, and I forgot...
Anywayyyy, things that were new, from the album, or was obvious to everyone but me. This is literally just me listing details I loved for my own keepsake later on
I hope this film’s success (and the play’s hopeful continued success on stage), shows that Broadway plays can and should be filmed for everyone 
Lin Manuel Miranda is a brilliant writer, scriptwriter, musician, rapper, singer, and a genuinely lovely person, but I think my favorite part about him is his acting. He has such a pure naturalness and sincerity in his acting. He nails microexpressions/gestures and sometimes I forget that he’s acting
E.g., Lin’s devastation after Washington kicks him out 
There’s some songs I wondered what their purpose was, but watching it I understood. For example, Story of Tonight sets up the purpose of the revolution. Like, My Shot is Hamilton’s ‘I want’ song, but Story of Tonight is all of the revolutionaries ‘I want’ song, and that’s why it comes up again for Laurens and Hamilton at their ends
Samuel Seabury’s acting was gold
In Right Hand Man the way the backup stage/cast lights up as they sing ‘not throwing away my shot” and Hamilton agrees to work for Washington
The fact that Helpless ends with “You’ll be a new man” because Hamilton is still so obsessed with his own ascendency  
They way they start Satisfied, it’s like Angelica doesn’t know the true extent of her devastation until she gives her toast and says “satisfied”. Like, she knows what she’s done but she’s still thinks this is fine and this is for the best, and it’s not until this moment that the weight of it fully hits her. By the end of it, it’s like she’s barely holding it together for this toast
Towards the end of the song, Eliza kisses her cheek and Renee’s expression is like she’s about fall apart in that very moment from the sheer overwhelming joy and pain
So in Helpless when their talking about letters, Peggy does a cute random shimmy while handing Eliza the letter. But then in Satisfied we see that she’s doing the shimmy to the beat of Satisfied, meaning that she knows how Angelica feels and knows about the love triangle 
I’m trying really hard not to scream about the rewind of all the dance and action in Satisfaction but please know I am internally screaming about this forever. 
Almost forgot, Burr and Hamilton were friends at one point. Burr shows up for his wedding to wish him well :(
I wasn’t gonna scream that much here, but LESLIE ODOM JR. 
Leslie’s smile- amused and scoffing disbelief- when singing about Hamilton in Wait for it
Speaking of Wait for it, the way the whole cast is waiting on stage and the balconies as Burr sings. and the way the dancers shift to Hamilton’s direction when Burr talks about him 
Also the lighting creates boxes on the stages, like Burr is trapped. But then this reappears in Your Obedient Servant 
I never knew the lyrics were “This is commonplace, 'specially 'tween recruits” and not “’tween corps” in Ten Duel Commandments...makes more sense
I think there’s 10 people in that line up in Ten Commandments 
The way Stay Alive conflicts Hamilton’s precious notions of sacrifice, and forces him to shift his focus from dying to legacy
The mimic of the bullet in Stay Alive 
The way that Eliza is also so excited about the war and the scholars in The Schuyler Sisters and that excitement goes away after she has the actual risk of losing someone she loves because of the war 
Who’s the choreographer because DAMN (btw it’s Andy Blankenbuehler) 
Also the dancers lifting up other dancers for whole bars? Incredible
The way women are interwoven into the story of the war, singing the chorus and setting the scene and rejoicing with the soldiers at the end 
The fucking red lighting in Yorktown. Also, the shot in the song’s pause is one of the best shots in musical history. 
The fact that ‘black and white soldiers wonder alike if this really means freedom’ ‘not yet’ is a commentary on slavery and the line is said by Washington 
The brilliant way What Comes Next undercuts the gravitas of Yorktown . 
Also, King George loses more and more of his costume and moves around more as the show goes on. Also, blue lighting with “I’m feeling blue” hahaha
Lafayette and Hercules getting the same letter about Laurens + Hamilton’s sobbing. And Laurens’ singing ‘there will be more of us’, referring to the future generations who will fight and win abolition. 
Burr’s disgust while Hamilton rants. Hamilton’s pouting then childish glee at the beginning 
Burr stays at the bottom of the staircase after Hamilton climbs it. Also, Jefferson descends the staircase after Hamilton ascends it, indicating their statuses
The refrain of “How does a....” shows up in Nonstop as Burr’s “How do you write...” (other characters sing their own personal refrains but Burr sings this), and it’s like this ongoing, jealous, incredulous questioning of how Hamilton became so successful, and part of the answer of how he did it is that he doesn’t stop writing and working.
Regardless of which sister he ended up with, love was never gonna be enough for Hamilton
The way Daveed Diggs jumps and dances and dives across the stage in just about every song he’s in. The man truly deserved the Emmy 
Jefferson’s being surrounded by his slaves because he sucks 
Hamilton’s costume goes from white --> brown-->blue-->green-->black and someone with more color scheme expertise needs to dissect this for me please
The fact that even Burr peaces out when it comes to the affair, like, nope, this is too messed up even for me
An in-universe explanation as to why the Ten Duel Commandments and Phillip’s count is the same is that Hamilton’s killing (metaphorically and literally) in order to stay alive is a part of their family’s DNA.
Anthony Ramos is phenomenal at playing 9 years old then having to switch to 19
The fact that Phillip was probably so determined to defend his father is that this is after the Reynolds Pamphlet and everyone was humiliating and scorning Hamilton
The Room Where it Happened
Hamilton is like an apparation to him, and Burr is both scared and begging the ghost to reveal the truth
The fact that this song is a plot song and a ‘i want’ song and a villain song all at once. Also, the song picks up speed to signal the shift from historical recounting to ‘i want’ song
They replay the beginning where Jefferson/Madison call for Hamilton
Jefferson being the one to ask “Don’t you remember Lafayette”, and there’s like a slight change in his demeanor that’s more Lafayette then Jefferson 
Burr, Madison, and Jefferson discreetly talking to each other in Washington on Your Side representing their nefarious schedming. Also, Daveed Diggs keeps Jefferson’s limp even without the cane. Also Madison is angry at Hamiilton when he says “the bill of rights, which I wrote!” 
One Last Time: 
How perfectly the Bible verse reflects Washington’s opinion of legacy. The younger men are obsessed with preserving their own memories in history, but for Washington, his legacy would be that everyone would be safe and at peace. 
Washington’s practically crying at the end 
Hamilton asking Washington here to teach him how to say goodbye because Hamilton genuinely doesn’t know how: people left him before he could ever say goodbye 
We Know: Jefferson’s pure WTF face when he says “my God...”. In this reaidng, Burr definitely threatened him (I didn’t always intepret that way when listening). But Hamilton’s still an idiot. 
Hurricane: Once again, Lin’s facial expressions. The way the the chorus stands around and watches him. But also the freaking brilliant way that the dancers mimic the hurricane, and Burr and Maria are the only other people in the hurricane with Hamilton. But at the end, it’s just Hamilton and the desk 
Reynolds Pamphlet: The way Washington can’t even look at him, but Angelica gets in his face to yell at him. Also, Jefferson hands a pamphlet to the conductor 
This reading, Phillippa Soo sings Burn with so much rage and fury and that is pretty much my favorite part of this entire film
Hamilton’s face at “Alexander, did you know?”
The fact that Angelica narrates Uptown because it’s too intimate for Burr or anyone else to narrate. Eliza’s changing facial expressions as she slowly lets him in. The way Hamilton just completely breaks down and sobs
The Election of 1800: 
Jefferson shaking his head when Madison suggests Hamilton
Burr’s falseness is hilarious. He hands Hamilton a pamphlet. 
Jefferson’s look of resignation when Hamilton is making his decision, then starts dancing around when he’s won
The close-up of Burr’s face falling when he realizes who Hamilton has voted for 
The whole “runner-up becomes VP” thing made me think about if we could have had Hillary Clinton as VP, and I made myself sad. 
Your Obedient Servant: I always saw this song as a reflection of the custom, but I never fully appreciated how it reflects their relationship: their relationship has completely disintegrated, but their working to maintain this false appearance of friendship/civility that no longer has a place in their relationship. 
Also, Burr’s increasingly incensed and it does not help that Hamilton sends like a 12-page letter and the dancer even teases Burr
The guy who gives Hamilton Burr’s duel challenge plays Charles Lee. Karma 
The World Was Wide Enough
Burr’s POV then Hamilton’s POV, like this story has become less and less about Hamilton and he is no longer in control of who’s telling his story
The shot of Eliza walking away and in her wake, it’s Burr shooting 
Burr’s alone in the stage, finally realizing the world (aka the stage) was wide enough for the both of them, but it’s too late. Also, in part foreshadowing his own future: that he had the world before him regardless of Hamilton, but he was completely ruined after this duel
I definitely cried at ‘the orphanage’. Also I interpret the gasp at the end as her breaking fourth wall and seeing the audience and realizing that Hamilton’s legacy has continued even to today. 
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servinglemonade · 4 years
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Hi everyone! I’m back with a very exciting post that I thought I would not be writing for a very long time. My review of the filmed Hamilton Production on Broadway with the OBC!! After the unexpected announcement that the Hamilton film would find it’s home on Disney+ instead of being released in theaters in 2021, I was ecstatic. I could not believe it! I have been listening to the album with the OBC for years now. I never get tired of it, it always puts a smile on my face and the occasional comfort whenever I need it. I have watched Hamilton four times now and I just love it so much. So let’s go...
Overall reaction
Even after watching four times now, my reaction is still the same. I truly believe that it is a brilliant masterpiece. That is high praise for sure, but Hamilton deserves it. I will never forget experiencing it for the first time on July 3rd. I was blown away and could not take my eyes off the screen. It was exhilarating to finally see this, after listening to it for years. It is the little details that you do not get to experience when listening to the album that I loved the most. So overall, I was blown away by it and exceeded all of my expectations.
I have never seen a filmed stage musical, so I do not have a reference. However, I thought this was beautifully filmed. It showed the whole stage when it was needed and zoomed in on the actors when necessary. It was an intimate experience. You get the best seat in the house, so to speak.
I already knew the cast was phenomenal due to listening to the cast album. Seeing them perform all the songs was even better than I expected! Here is an itemized list (hehe) of all the cast members, because they all deserve a chance to shine! Special shout-out to all the ensemble members, without them the show would just not be complete!
Lin-Manuel Miranda as Alexander Hamilton Favorite performance: Hurricane (so beautifully staged!!)
The man, the myth, the legend! I am a huge fan of Lin and his work (even beyond Hamilton)! I thought his Hamilton was great and very funny at times. The emotion in his performance was really good! Lin wrote this whole thing!! It all came from his mind, which is incredible in and of itself. 
Phillipa Soo as Eliza Hamilton Favorite performance: Burn (iconic)
Phillipa is so talented. She has an amazing voice and pair that with her amazing performance and it is practically perfect. Her acting and singing during the final song, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story, was so emotional. It had me crying all the three times I have seen it. 
Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr Favorite performance: Wait For It (this is one of the songs that made me a Hamilton fan)
Leslie Odom Jr. is one of the most talented people ever. He is so amazing on that stage. Everybody always said that The Room Where It Happens is a true masterpiece and I always liked the song, but it was not my favorite. Seeing Leslie and the Ensemble cast perform it, WOW! Incredible. Leslie is the perfect Burr and had me crying and laughing many times.
Renée Elise Goldsberry as Angelica Schuyler Favorite performance: Satisfied (what else?!)
I always found Renée’s voice so damn powerful in Satisfied, which made me love the song more. Seeing Satisfied performed was magical and I will never get over how amazing that song is and how perfect Renée performs it. She is a true powerhouse whenever she shows up and confirmed that Angelica is one of my favorites in the show.
Daveed Diggs as Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson Favorite performance: What’d I Miss (this was hard)
Daveed Diggs. Daveed Diggs. Daveed Diggs. Oh my gosh, he was even more perfect than I thought. Daveed is one of the cast members everyone always raved about and now I know why! If I had to describe his performance, I would say it is electric. He just immediately captures your attention. For both Lafayette and Jefferson!  
Christopher Jackson as George Washington Favorite performance: One Last Time (this was so powerful)
The first time Chris emerges on the stage as Washington, you are just immediately drawn to him (at least I was haha). He just has a very powerful presence. Especially in Right Hand Man, his entrance is EVERYTHING! History Has Its Eyes On You has always been one of my favorites on the soundtrack and it was even better seeing it. However, his moment is One Last Time. It is truly a defining moment of the entire show.
Okieriete “Oak” Onaodowan as Hercules Mulligan/James Madison Favorite performance: Yorktown (his part is so good)
Oak has some fantastic moments in the show! His Hercules Mulligan is so great and full of energy. As I said, his part in Yorktown gets me so hyped! I loved James Madison’s parts with Jefferson, they had awesome energy together. Another fave Madison line is in The Election of 1800. The first line is Jefferson saying if they can get back to Politics since a lot of drama and sad stuff happened in the past few songs and Madison is like uhh, please with a soft voice because he has been crying. So funny and relatable!
Anthony Ramos as John Laurens/Philip Hamilton Favorite Performance: Blow Us All Away (funny in the beginning and ends so sadly)
I enjoyed Anthony Ramos’ performance quite a bit! He was great in conveying emotions as both Laurens and Phillip, with both roles having quite emotional endings. I was shocked to find out there was a part just before Non-Stop that showed Hamilton learning about Laurens’ death, that was so sad and Anthony Ramos did it so beautifully. I was very impressed by him and I cannot wait to see him in In The Heights!
Jasmine Cephas Jones as Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds Favorite performance: Say No To This (her vocals are so great here)
Peggy and Maria might not be the biggest roles in the show but Jasmine slays in both of them! Especially as Maria, her vocals in Say No To This are even better than on the cast album. She was amazing!
Jonathan Groff as King George III Favorite performance: I Know Him (Jonathan’s performance makes this song work so well)
Jonathan was funny on the album but when you see the performance with it, it just completes it! He was phenomenal, and I loved that he showed up during some other songs as well, for example in The Reynolds Pamphlet, absolutely hilarious! I also enjoyed his little announcement at the beginning, where he said Enjoy MY show, that was a neat thing to include here!
Favorite Musical Numbers
Okay, so these are all my favorite performance, taking into consideration the song itself, staging, choreography, and production. I love how seeing the show made me love songs that were not my favorites before! So here they are in a non-particular order:
My Shot 
So powerful, I think I almost jumped off the couch at the end because I was so hyped!
The Schuyler Sister
Even better than I thought it would be! From the use of the rotating stage, the performances, and choreography.
Farmer Refuted
This was the one song I always skipped on the album, however, seeing it here makes me lol every time! It’s great.
You’ll Be Back, What Comes Next?, and I Know Him
Give me all the King George content, soooo funny, I just love these moments in the show!
Helpless and Satisfied
Satisfied is still my favorite of the two, however it was breathtaking seeing how well the two are connected. Especially Satisfied, first the toast, then rewinding to see Helpless from Angelica’s perspective, and lastly coming back to the toast. I just thought it was stunning to see! The staging here is phenomenal.
Wait For It
The song that made me love Hamilton. Seeing Leslie performing it, made me love it, even more. He is so talented and amazing here. I had goosebumps. Even though the staging and production for this number are simple, it just makes it even better because you can just focus on Burr!
Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)
Every time I watch it and Yorktown ends, I always shake my head in awe. It such a powerful moment in the show and it just makes me very hyped (especially Mulligan’s part). SO good.
I know I keep talking about how great the staging is, but I feel like the staging from Satisfied, Non-Stop, and another one is the best ones in the show. The ending of Non-Stop on the stage with all the characters standing above Hamilton, stairs being moved from one side to the other all so seamlessly... *chef’s kiss*
Cabinet Battle #1 and #2
The energy between Hamilton and Jefferson here is so good, and I love they look into the audience and make them a part of it. Lin and Daveed just nail these songs!
The Room Where It Happens
Two things: LESLIE and THE CHOREOGRAPHY. That is all.
Washington On Your Side
I just really started loving this song after seeing the show. I also loved the beginning of the song where Burr joins Jefferson on stage, starts singing and Jefferson is just standing there confused thinking: “Where did you come from all of a sudden?” This is Chris’ moment in the show, he just conveys so much emotion in every line. 
One Last Time
This is Chris’ moment in the show, he just conveys so much emotion in every line. 
I just love this song and the use of the rotating stage here is excellent, same goes for the lighting.
The World Was Wide Enough
Seeing this for the first time was so emotional, the part where only Lin is singing and you onlyhear his voice... Pfff, amazing! Also how Leslie ends the song, WOW! 
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
The way I sobbed during this... I just thought it was a beautiful ending for the show itself.
Okay, that was a long one! But I love talking about Hamilton and if you read the whole post, I guess you like reading about it! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! What were your favorite moments from the show?
Have a festive day and stay safe! 
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tornrose24 · 4 years
EtoCU IN SPACE! Thoughts and complaints (Spoilers!)
So I too decided to watch all the episodes of season 4 in one day. I had... mixed reactions. More so compared to other seasons. Here are my thoughts:
-I KNEW Krupp went to school in the 90s! Even better, they gave us an exact year on his yearbook! (1993 to be exact! That was the year ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ came out!)
-Krupp was less of an asshole and more of an idiot the entire season, wasn’t he? There were too many examples to list. To no one’s surprise, he did to take over more than once, but I’m glad it didn’t go anywhere.
-I liked that Moxie was the most realistic adult on the show to date. I also liked how she could barely stand Krupp and not even Fitzgibbons cared for him.
-I feel that George and Harold’s enthusiasm and history with adults did make things a lot harder when it came to listening to Moxie and Fitzgibbons.
-CU is WAY more competent in this season! Holy crap that was nice!
-Also the boys cried when they thought he died! That was sad, heartwarming, and harsher in hindsight all in one (These incarnations would NOT take it well if they had to go through book 12 or the movie).
-Melvin’s rapping was both hilarious and awesome!
-Him and Erica REALLY don’t want to be on the show anymore due to being fed up with the toilet humor, LOL. Oh boy I think they’d prefer She-Ra or Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts in that case.
-I want to see Erica and Moxie hang out more. She seems like someone Erica would more than look up to.
-So does Sean Astin actually have a daughter?
-When they were dissing shows that took place in Space, I was thinking ‘Doctor Who is good’ before I saw that it was a fourth wall joke.
-That Hamilton reference was hilarious as is, but then someone hating the actor enough to hurl a fruit at him made me think of why its controversial at the moment (coincidence?)
-Having Krupp be part of the Misfarts was... unexpected. Funny, but unexpected.
-I KNEW we’d get a Planet of the Apes reference! But it went so fast.
-Oh George and Harold... if kids ruling things is a bad idea, wait until you read ‘Lord of the Flies.’
-We ended up getting a Passengers reference of all things. Unlike Passengers, it’s actually entertaining and not creepy. (Don’t watch Passengers–look up the plot to know why). I can’t believe Krupp thought that waking up the boys would be a good thing–he should have known better by that point. I would have been down for JUST him being awake, but what we got was funny.
Ok now for my complaints.
-SO MUCH WASTED POTENTIAL! Where were the aliens from the last few seasons?! And I don’t mean for that one gag! I thought they were going to play a part! What where the producers/writers thinking?!
-I was expecting Dupe Plicitous to be an alien in disguise. Sadly that would have made the show far more interesting compared to some of the things we got instead.
-Oh great, another new science teacher we get to know little about.
-It’s cool that we got to see Dressy as a bad guy, but not only did they make it way too obvious, but the boys drew her as the monster in the comic before they even knew. 
-So... Krupp actually.... he really did go in his space outfit, didn’t he? They ACTUALLY made that joke. 
-I have a few reasons as to why I think they cut this season short. But I now think that they could have done more episodes because we could have gone to another planet or two.
-Oh hey, it’s another ‘let’s show how much Krupp desires having a girlfriend while still refusing to bring in Edith’ gag in episode 3.  *SCREAMS INTO OBLIVION* I WAS PREPARED TO ACCEPT HER BEING AN ALIEN IN THE SERIES!VERSE THIS SEASON FOR A REASON YOU COWARDS!
-I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the ‘kids rule everything on this planet’ episode. I was right in a few ways. For one thing, this is the closest we’ll get to having CU and Krupp together and it wasn’t how any of us would have wanted it. ALSO this was another example of ‘this could have been book 8 COMPLETE with an evil version of CU’ but we got denied YET AGAIN!
-Oh yeah, if you read books 2, 3, and 11, you’ll know what could have been adapted too.
-When I saw episode 4 and saw Krupp being with his blue counterpart, I KNEW we’d get fan stuff of those two later on. Honestly, I’m not thrilled about it.... ugh... yeah. No.
-Oh great, Melvin is evil again. Sarcastic whoopie.
-So we SAW Krupp turn into CU right in front of George and Harold’s friends. The fact that he went with them should have tipped some of them off. So do they know now or....? ANSWERS DANGIT!
-The last episode having that big fight was cool, but then the space cops turned out to be real and I just... ugh.
-The planet of the Apes references was... too fast. I thought the monkeys being part of P.O.O.P.S.I.E. would tie into it. And then the Back to the Future reference at the very end felt squeezed in. Also–HOW THE HELL DID CU GET A TIME TOAD ON HIS OWN?!
-So... did season 4 NOT happen at all? If the boys undid the entire season at the very end, then that was a huge let down for many reasons.
So overall, this season had it’s merits, but it COULD have been better with better writing in a few episodes, a couple more episodes, etc. Its never a good sign when you think back and know that the fandom could have done it better. I highly doubt the Coronavirus played a part, considering how long it must have taken to make this half of the show.
I’m guessing that we’ll have to wait until February (or longer, considering what happened this year) for the next season since they didn’t confirm or deny a season 5. If season 5 is the last season, it better be more than six episodes and it better be an improvement to season 4.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Headcanons
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before 
Warning: did not re-read srry 
Requested: By @mega-trash-cringe To all the boys I’ve loved before head cannons?
Authors Note: i was gonna add lara jean but i didnt so if u would like her (i only do her with male) headcanon or anything fic related pls request i will write it! did u guys see the news for tatbilb 2? they r gonna add jordan fisher which i love he was in like the other casting of hamilton but he sings so good and i just love him. then they r also adding ROSS BUTLER OHMYGODIMSCREAMINGIMSOEXCITED!!!!! like if yall know he is one of my bbys i love 13 reasons why and i love everyone from there and he is just such a sweetheart <3<3<3 this is a bit long especially peter’s part so enjoy! 
Peter Kavinsky 
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first off your guys relationship is real
you met when you um...fell face first in front of everyone on the track court (lol i hope thats what its called cuz like girl my school was CHEAP we didnt have anything like that)
he was like your knight in shining armor
“whoa whoa whoa (gotta add those whoas) you okay there y/n”
now since that day you two are inseparable 
piggyback rides™
like whenever you feel way too tired to walk or anything (cuz ur lazy like moi) he literally will pick you up like you dont way a thing and put you on his back
you also trying to get him on your back but you fail miserably and you two end up laughing so hard
you two sharing a shake or something at the cafe
 if there is a song he likes or you like he will be the one to say “lets dance”
you of course refuse cause you’re shy and there are legit people trying to eat
“c’mon girl you gotta dance with me”
almost like begging
finally give in and you two will start dancing in front of everyone
standing on his toes while you two dance
will pick you up from school or literally anywhere
that boi never takes it offfff, like never
tells you everyday how beautiful you are 
even without makeup and you are full of acne and look like you just got ran over he will kiss all your pimples all over your face and tell you how cute you are and how much he loves you both ways
he legit is a sweetheart icanttakeit
taking long trips into town or across town to your favorite stores
already knows what songs you like and puts them on the radio just to hear you sing
oh boi oh boi when he hears you sing its like he’s fallen in love again
“god babe, you sound amazing. i wish i sang like you”
two would dance like crazy teenagers in his car
him trying to sing to you
holding your hand while driving which you slap him for that, “all hands on the wheel kavinsky”
likes it when you boss him around
when you go onto bus rides with him or in his car across town he will buy all your favorite snacks
loves buying you gifts
almost everyday he is buying you something
going to a field trip you will probably (lol i used to but i fell asleep against the cold window and like i had no one who sat by me...*all by myself by celine dion starts playing in the background*...im fine) fall asleep and if your neck is turned into an uncomfortable position peter will straighten it out for you and place your head gently on his shoulder
giving you kisses all over while you’re sleeping
also many many many many many many pictures of you sleeping, awake, eating you name it that boi’s camera roll is all full of you
changes his background to his phone like everyday!
especially at parties
he will have his hand resting on your hip or just resting on you so people know not to mess with you
if someone starts to bully you or hurt you in any way peter will threaten them and make them super scared
no one messes with his baby
have any fights he does ignore you but he cant ignore you for long cause he loves you and you are just so cute and sweet and you always make it up to him
have any issues with your fam or friends and you need to sleep over his house for some time just to find yourself he lets you and you sleep either on his bed or if you’re not comfortable he makes a bed on his floor that he sleeps on and you sleep in his bed
comforting you all the time when he sees your sad
ever have your period he will get all your snacks and get anything you need
pads? hes got it. tampons? “girl i got that already covered.” chocolate? please he on that too. 
holy smokes you both have a couples handshake that lasts longer than professor x and magneto’s beef with each other
both text each other memes and vines
oh god vine references 4 DAYS SON
he is so understanding of you
yours guy thing i know is so weird but is watching like all the housewives shows
peter has his favorite and you two watch it in his bed cuddled up
he trash talks the tv and like starts with his, “nuh uh girl whatcha think you doing?”
aint ashamed or embarrassed to watch it
like during school hours he will go up to you while you’re in a conversation and its like “remember baby housewives day!”
when you guys go to a library you read for like a what 3 seconds and then you two make out in the corner and the librarian has to interrupt you two stating that its too noisy
all in all peter is your baby and you would protect him with your life, he’s your soul your everything and he feels the same way about you two your relationship is so vanilla and adorable it makes grown men cry
Josh Sanderson
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you started a relationship with josh after he and margot split
it felt wrong to you at first and you tried to push the feelings away
josh is such a cinnamon roll
he is always so kind to you
he makes sure you’re okay and happy
you couldn't push him away any longer and decided to accept him as your boyfriend
at first pda was strange because of his relationship with margot but soon you showed it in baby steps at school around town
now holding his hand seems normal to you
hes the first one to text you
his texts are beautiful and so heart felt
like poetry
he is such a gentleman
listen to you with all his heart
sleepovers always on sundays
as you lean on his shoulder he reads to you and you fall asleep
go to school together, he downloads all your favorite music or favorite audibles and puts the other ear plug in your ear so you two share
or watch hilarious videos of like fails or gordan ramsay (*sigh* the perfect relationship)
sometimes you two act out his things on the cooking show tv
yeah with the accent
people look at you two like what have yall been smoking
already talking about when you two have kids and like what house and the name of those kids
“okay but we should also have a dog in the mix and name him something like cactus”
god hes just so adorable sometimes you wanna cry
during break in school you two go to the bleaching boards or whatever you call those seats and you sit on his lap
best moments to kiss 
you also share snacks
play all the time heads up
come over to his house to study
but we all know its just to make out
having moments when you feel self conscious or insecure he sits you down on his lap or across from him and looks you straight in the eyes making you do the same and tells you how amazing you are and important to him and how much he loves you
since you sleepover his house so much you two have matching pjs
he rants to you and discusses with you about comics
wants to name his kid tony for tony stark
“c’mon babe tony sanderson sounds pretty cool you have to admit”
fishing trips all the time
you endure for his sake
teaches you about all the fishes
you buy him a fish blanket
now you two cuddle with it all the time
you bring over your clay mask or those really really slimy ones and make josh wear one
“oh my god how do you even wear these things?”
the black mask one that hurts as well
he almost cries
you kiss his boo boos
take pics like that with the mask on
take cute and weird pics for instagram
wearing matching outfits 
compliments you so genuinely and lovingly all the time
if you ever hurt yourself or like cut your finger he will get so worried and kiss it lightly
“there all better baby”
you love sitting on his lap
he nuzzles into your neck almost like a cat
making him things legit makes the boi wanna cry
lovez baking together
is such a help in the kitchen he wants to make sure he’s involved
pinky promises with the little kiss at the end
“till the end princess”
you just practically wanna marry this man
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @marwantr
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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le-sejour · 7 years
Say No to This
Written for this prompt on Hamilton Prompts
Word Count: 3,170+
Pairing: Jamilton
Warning: Swearing? Mentions of sex ,and a slightly heated scene c:
A/N: Please forgive me (and tell me c: ) of any errors or inconsistencies in this. It’s been a real hot minute since I’ve written anything for leisure, especially anything historical, and I’m still trying to rediscover my footing. But! I decided to give this a shot bc it seemed like fun c: This was meant to be silly, given the prompt, but I dunno aaaaaa ; A ;
I hope you guys like it! C: (also ha ha cheap jokes and references bc why not)
It’s been a week since his beautiful Eliza and Philip traveled uptown with Angelica for the summer, and Alexander was still wide awake. Stacks of parchment sat on his desk, waiting for his quill. But the words all seemed to blur together and nothing seemed to make any sense. So there he sat, staring at the wall adjacent to him as he sometimes did when he was alone in his study.
Knock knock
He was snapped out of his stupor by the sudden sound. Was that the front door? He glanced out the window and saw the sky changing to twilight. It was getting late. Who could it be?
His eyes lit up. Could it be his wife and son? Have they decided to come stay with him after all? His heartbeat quickened at the thought, he had missed them so much. The house was too quiet without them. His gait gained a slight bounce as he neared the door, the prospect of seeing his wife and son energizing him despite himself.
But as he opened the door, confusion settled on his visage as he stared at someone who was most definitely not his wife or son.
“I know you are a man of honor,” The stranger started, her face held a tinge of red, her eyes puffy. “And I’m so sorry to bother you at home.. But I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone…”
He felt his conscience stall.
“My husband’s been doing me wrong; beating me, cheating me, mistreating me…” The words seemed to flow together like a song, her voice melodious like a lullaby. He felt his eyes burn and grow heavier with each word.
“Now suddenly he’s up and gone.”
He struggled to keep his eyes opened as his vision of the voluptuous woman and the world swam before him.
“And I don’t have the means to go on.”
The following morning, Alexander found himself in his bed. His mind trying to wrap around the situation, struggling to remember when he fell asleep.
Then it clicked.
Frantically, he looked to the side, expecting to see the woman from last night. He was relieved, (yet also a tiny bit disappointed?) to see Eliza’s side undisturbed. Had it been a dream?
His eyebrows furrowed, if it had been a dream, he would have fallen asleep at his desk. He shot up, was the woman a thief?! He ran as fast as he could, after disentangling himself from the mess of sheets and the floor, to the sitting room. Eliza would be fuming if he was careless enough to invite a lady-thief into their home.
But, looking around, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary; all their books, trinkets, and furniture were still in the right place. And after searching through the other rooms, nothing seemed to have been stolen.
“Huh.” He mumbled out loud, his gaze sweeping his sitting room once again. Maybe he had dragged himself to bed after all? Of course, he was skeptical as he was always quite self-aware of himself. However, after realizing the time, he decided to ponder on the situation at a later time.
George Washington was not paid enough for this shit.
Of course, serving the young nation and its liberated people was an honor that no amount of money could ever hold a candle to.
But this?
It had been an innocent enough morning. He woke up, kissed his wife good morning, bathed (a luxury he thoroughly enjoyed after mucking around in blood and shit for the majority of the ‘80s), ate breakfast, kissed his wife good bye, and took a carriage to work.
His morning was the most domestic thing you could ever come across, so why was the man losing his haven’t been invented til 1846 marbles, you ask?
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.
Now, most of his constituents would say “Oh, but Mr. President, we all know they’re always at each other’s throats whenever they’re in the same room together.”
Because they are.
They’re at each other’s throats.
Or, more specifically, their tongues are down each other’s throats.
“Jefferson, take a walk.” The president pinched the bridge of his nose. He could handle their normal behaviors; Alexander with his barely filtered mouth and stubbornness, and Thomas the French weeaboo with his arrogance and holier than thou attitude.
“You too, Hamilton!”
But this was an entirely different field. He didn’t even know either of them played for that field!
“A walk?” The Treasury secretary murmured against his lover’s lips. “That’s it! Great idea, sir! Come with me, Thomas. Let’s take a beautiful moonlit stroll together.”
“But it’s morning…?” Someone called out in the background.
“Ah, but what’s in a name?” He sighed, stroking the older man’s cheek with his thumb lovingly. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
Without waiting for another quip, the proud Virginian tugged the lovestruck Alexander (who was now trying to sniff his luscious, curly hair) out the door with him.
“Wait, that’s not what I-“ And they were gone. “Never mind.”
He sighed, rubbing his silky smooth scalp in exasperation. He could already feel a headache coming on. “Meeting adjourned. Someone, write to his wife. I’m going home.”
“I came as soon as I heard!” Eliza burst into the Washington Estate, her bags, Philip, and Angelica still with her.
“Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Church, Philip” George acknowledged, motioning to the couch. “Take a seat, please. This might take a while.”
The Schuyler sisters listened intently, confusion painted across their faces. Philip had already made his way over to Martha, more interested in what she was cooking than the ‘adult’ conversation happening in the sitting room.
“I-I don’t understand.” The younger murmured to her sister as their host left to answer the door, her eyebrows knitted as she tried to make sense of it. “Aren’t they… rivals?”
Angelica nodded, looking perturbed. “Before I left London, Alexander had sent me a letter about how he and Jefferson were at a deadlock. Surely this isn’t the compromise they reached?”
“We are just as bewildered at this display, Madams.” The president stated, setting a package in front of them. Angelica peeked at the contents nonchalantly. It was stacks of legal documents that were vandalized by crudely drawn images of Thomas and Alexander with their names and hearts written all over. Now it looks like The Bill of Rights was made by children. “This is clearly not their ordinary behavior.”
“Is that-”
“Unfortunately. Mr. James Madison is not going to be too pleased at the vandalism of his work.”
“Could they perhaps be playing a trick on us?” Eliza wondered nervously after a pregnant pause, playing with a lock of her hair. “They couldn’t possibly… I mean, Alex would never… Would he?”
“I’m afraid I cannot answer that either, Mrs. Hamilton.” Martha and Philip then walked in with a tray of tea and snacks “However, while waiting for your arrival, we have had Alexander confined to your house. You will find him with a guard stationed by the door to prevent Jefferson from entering, of course.”
After tea and biscuits, the Schuyler sisters and Philip gathered their things and thanked the couple for their time.
“We’re terribly sorry for the fuss my husband created. I’ll be sure to straighten things out at home, Mr. President.”
Two weeks later, and things were just about as straight as the unlikely coupling of Thomas and Alexander.
It was chaotic.
During the first week, they tried to keep the two apart, scheduling two sets of cabinet meetings while they sorted things out. James Madison was tasked to keep an eye on Thomas, but the man was as slippery as a snake and would often sneak out to visit his rival turned lover.
He had tried asking Thomas what all this was about, but all he got in return was a poem he wrote about Alexander’s… quill.
Next, Angelica and Eliza tried asking the other half of the two, and all they got was a 30 paged essay on why Thomas was the love of his life before he tried jumping out the window to try and find his courter.
Eliza, at first, was worried she was going to lose her husband to the curly haired Francophile. But the more it wore on, the more she realized although Alexander would make every suggestive and romantic gesture possible, (they tried to sneak into the house and have sex, once, fully scarring Philip for life before Angelica scared Thomas away) he still came home to her without fail.
Perhaps, she mused, this wasn’t really her Alexander. Maybe he was bewitched by old magicks and this would all blow over soon. She had read before, as a little girl, that sometimes unseen forces (like fairies) liked to cause a little mischief.
But what are the odds of that?
She chuckled. She knew she should be worried about her husband, but she honestly found all this to be hilarious. These two men had been sworn enemies since they laid their eyes on each other, and now they suddenly act like they’re a pair of lovestruck courters?
Hey, Alexander already goes on hour long tirades about the Secretary of State. The only difference now is Eliza doesn’t have to worry about permanently damaging her ears.
Heck, the fact that those two even began writing each other pages upon pages of love letters was oddly endearing to her.
Angelica insisted on keeping them, of course. If this situation was temporary, then these letters could be held above their heads. Though she knew her sister meant it was for when the young Schuyler wanted to get her husband to take a break, she couldn’t help but wonder how else she could use the bundles of love.
“One mile to every inch of,
Your skin like porcelain”
Eliza opened an eye to see her husband’s side of the bed empty. Ah, it must be that time again. They had eventually stopped trying to prevent the two from seeing each other, they were mostly harmless anyway. But they still tried to keep them at least a few meters away at all times to prevent scarring any more children.
“One pair of candy lips and,
Your bubblegum tongue”
She sat up in bed to watch Alexander by the window, sitting and looking comically in love. The voice that woke her up continued, singing a hilariously offkey rendition of some serenade he’s probably made up.
Said man turned to face her, his face going from joy to guilt. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“Tell Thomas to go home, Alexander. You need to get some sleep.” She murmured gently, beckoning for him to come back to bed.
“Mon loupe, your voice brings me eternal joy whenever you are around. ‘When love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with harmony.’ However, as much as it pains me, I must take my leave, my love. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Of course, darling.” Thomas blew a kiss to his Juliet, before standing up. “Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
Though Eliza’s heart would ache whenever her husband’s attention was turned towards Jefferson, she knew in her heart of hearts that the way Alexander’s eyes gazed at her during the tenderest of moments was reserved only for her.
He kissed her forehead before going back to sleep, a gesture he hasn’t done in so long. Eliza stared at her husband in surprise, before settling in herself. A smile gracing her lips.
“Une orange sur la table,” Thomas murmured against Alexander’s neck, sucking on the junction where his neck met his shoulder. The Virginian’s fingers working to unbutton the immigrant’s green vest as he reveled in his pleasured moans. “Ta robe sur le tapis,”
Alexander’s vest and robe had both fluttered to the floor, Thomas leaning in to capture his little love’s lips in a searing kiss. “Et toi dans mon lit.”
“-mas, where are you? Thomas, we’re meeting with Washingto-oly Mother of God!”
James’ scream caused a couple more footsteps to round the corner. George Washington rushed in, thinking the worst as James was mostly a soft spoken man. His eyes landed on the couple on the table and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I’m terribly sorry, Senator Burr, I have to deal with this for a moment. If you’d like, James can escort you to another room for now.”
The man in question walked out the room with his eyes wide and his face redder than it normally is. He didn’t even stop to look at the newest addition to the team, he just walked off, murmuring to himself in disbelief.
“I wanna be in the room where it happens…” Aaron whispered, the pull of curiosity winning him over. Finally, he was able to know what happens in The Room.
Slowly, he opened the door ever so slightly, his gaze roaming around before his eyes landed on three figures.
George trying to pry a half naked Jefferson off of an almost naked Hamilton, and is that–?!
“Sweet Jesus.” Slowly closing the door back to its previous position, Aaron walked off, his eyes wide and trained on the floor. What the hell did he sign up for? Because it certainly wasn’t this.
“Actually…I don’t want to be in the room where it happened.”
“So as I was saying-“
“I’m sorry, Mr. Burr, sir, I’ll let you finish, but I just want to say that Thomas had a better declaration. A real nice declaration, in fact.” Hamilton was allowed back into a meeting with Jefferson, everyone agreeing that two cabinet meetings was far too taxing to sit through.
However, now, they’re seriously reconsidering just keeping two meetings a day. Nobody tried to stop the couple from their public fits of passion, no one even gave them so much as a glance.
At this point, everyone just chose to go on with their lives instead of understand whatever it is that happened with the Jamilton duo. But this was getting ridiculous
“Thank you, doll~”
Smooching sounds.
James stared at the ground, still trying to get the image of his friend and his enemy getting it on a week ago.
“I love you, darling.”
“I love you too, mon loupe.”
Then suddenly, as if a veil had been lifted, a disgruntled Alexander pushed an equally disgruntled Thomas from him.
The screeching threw them all off guard, everyone’s heads snapped to the couple, seeing Alex about to punch the man who he’d been cavorting with for almost a month now.
“Alexander!” George’s voice rang above their cacophony; strong, clear, and commanding. “Opposite sides, the both of you. Now.”
Begrudgingly, they both stalked off to opposite sides, glaring so fiercely at one another, Burr was surprised smoke wasn’t emitting from thin air.
“Meeting adjourned. Everyone please leave.” Thomas and Alex tried to subtly escape. “Except for you two.”
They moved back into the meeting room, Alexander looking a little green, Thomas looking thoroughly disturbed.
“Mind explaining to me what was going on?” George asked, his tone tired and defeated. What the hell was happening with these two boys?
“All I know is Jefferson started it! He kissed me, sir!”
“I kissed you?! You’re the one who threw yourself on me! Have you no brain nor any modicum of decency?!”
“Alright, enough!” For the nth time, the exasperated leader of the great America pinched the bridge of his nose. “You two have gone and done just about every damn thing under the sun in front of myself and the cabinet, even in front of your wife and son, Alexander.”
At this, the younger man shirked in embarrassment, the memories flooding back to him. He felt his ears burn as the skin under his face lit up with the flames of humiliation. Both parties sneered at the other, suddenly filled with seething hate and shame.
“But Jeff-”
“So help me God, if I have to pry you two away from each other whether in passion or rage, I will be the one to show both of you where my shoe fits. Do I make myself clear?”
“But Mr. Preside-”
“I swear to God Jefferson, that swivel chair of yours will find a new home up your ass if either of you defy me. Do I make myself clear?!”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
A pair of gleeful eyes watched as the two ex-lovers walked out of the establishment, Alexander’s eyes glued to his shoes as he paled with mortification. He got into a flustered argument with a group who must have mention his previous romps with a certain Virginian.
The eyes then turned to the other man who, although held his head up high, lacked the air of confidence and cockiness usually associated with him. He tried to get his partner in crime to talk to him, but it seemed Madison still couldn’t scrub his mind free from what he saw.
A cat-like smirk accompanied the pair of eyes. It looks like she ruffled his feathers, that’s for sure.
Thomas looked around cautiously, as if something was out to get him. She saw his hand shakily grip his cane tighter, causing a chuckle to escape her red-painted lips.
Stepping out of the shadows, the young, voluptuous woman let the sun bathe her already sun-kissed skin and beautiful chocolate curls.
Alexander had already hurried home after Fighting™ some loose lipped groupies, hoping to make things right with his wife. Thomas was now walking away with a very tired looking James as he tried to comprehend what his friend was confiding in him.
“When I ask you to stay, you stay, Thomas.” She murmured, smoothing her red dress before blending into the crowd.
“How dare you say no to this?”
“Eliza, please!” The immigrant begged, his eyes welling with tears. How could he let this happen?
“I’m sorry Alexander.” She stared down at his slumped form with pity before bubbling up again with laughter. “I just.. I don’t think that for one second you were ever the dominant one in that relationship.”
“That’s not true, Eliza!” He whined, pouting dejectedly. “You don’t think that, do you, Angelica?”
“Sorry, Alex, your love letters say otherwise,” The older Schuyler showed him one such letter. “You sounded whipped. He even called you his Juliet. Doesn’t sound like the dominant one to me.”
“Alexander, he was the one on his knees, serenading you in the yard. I highly doubt resulting to physical violence changes anything. Besides, everyone in this room, even your son, Alexander, knows he was the one trying to slip your pants off.”
Philip paled and ran out of the room, chanting “Hear no evil, see no evil” over and over to himself.
(and Peggy)
(PS The thing TJeffs is saying as he’s thoroughly ravishing Alex is from a poem by Jacques Prevert titled “Alicante”. )
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crispyflowerblaze · 7 years
school tips, because maybe i can give better advice than administration, who just loves to tell us to get involved 3000000000000 times a day
Find to have some fun each day. Okay, yeah, this is pretty hard. And sometimes impossible, but I think it’s pretty important to try, at least a few times a week or whenever the heck you want, to do something fun by yourself either outside or in your room. Something I’m gonna try to do every day is play a few songs from a musical (probably Book of Mormon) and like just completely PERFORM it, like jump on my bed, dance all over, and sing loudly and stuff like that, IT’S SO FUN and i recommend it!!!!! I just really hope you’re able to do something fun
Okay, spoiler alert, this is actually basically taken from an actual school recommended tip. I’m gonna try to summarize my day after school, I have a google doc called “summarizing what i did each day, or using memes to help me remember stuff” and I just do what the title says, but I also... use memes... which just memes it’s not completely serious, and then I have a “general stuff” section, which explains itself I guess, and then, the best part, is “today’s big mood” and that’s taking one funny or relatable thing I remember that happened. And I think this is gonna be helpful because I can look back on previous days and review, also I can remember funny things and I love doing that!
Use memes in your notes/other shit. This is probably the most important tip. Making “actual serious notes” is SO. BORING. And this is speaking as an A student who most of the time only capitalizes things in personal writing (not stories; like non-story google docs and tumblr posts) for THIS KIND OF STUFF and uses a whole fricking ton of wrong spelling for stuff. I wanted this to be at least a tiny “professional” so I’m capitalizing my “I”s blah blah blah. But when people tell you using text speech will destroy how you write, DON’T. LISTEN. Okay, I’m getting off topic, but anyways, MAKE NOTES AND STUFF FUN. I do this with memes and by shortening EVERYTHING. Do references and funny stuff and if you don’t have free time for fun things, try to make you study/homework time fun!!! Please!!!!! I want you to have fun!!!!!! FUN. IS. FUN. (also, unrelated, but doing things like CAPITALIZING EVERYTHING is really an amazing freedom if you’ve worried about it being annoying. please do things on personal writing and tumblr posts that you have worried about people judging you for! the freedom is amazing!)
USE GOOGLE DOCS. Another really important one for people whose school uses a lot of technology. Google Docs is just amazing, and it’s super convenient!!!!! If you know your email and password (if you’re not sure PLEASE WRITE IT DOWN) then you can always reach it if,,,,, like,,,, you have access to a computer. So if for some reason you have a school laptop that doesn’t connect to your home wifi and you have access to a computer at home, then you can go on that google account and access them; also, it doesn’t take long to get a doc shared and then to go on the account you shared it with. Then from there, or whenever, you can transfer things onto a word or pages document if you need to. So Google Docs should be your go-to thing!!
(adding onto/related to the memes section) Experiment with ways to remember homework/study. Everybody does these things differently, so yeah start with a generic one and make it your own! In 7th grade and most of 8th, I used a “homework chart” which is pretty self explanatory and I filled stuff out for each class. This year I think I’m gonna stick my homework in my summarizing doc. If doing something in a funner (i’m strangely attached to the non-word-but-should-be “funner”) way than the bare minimum of study techniques, FIND OUT WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! Adding onto that, make your own additions to my rules or ignore them completely! Make your own! Whatever! And back to the weird ways to study, last year, for my history EOC, I made possibly the best thing I’ve ever created. It was called “8th grade history in a nutshell” and was sprung from my love of “hamilton in a nutshell” videos and similar ones to other musicals, and the “-musical- in a nutshell” things I’ve done myself. I basically just used memes to describe what I’d learned in history class, using a bunch of Hamilton references, and also, my favorite section, where Andrew Jackson basically just says “FUCK YEAH -something-” or “FUCK NO -something-” because, as I explained, Andrew Jackson was more of a hothead than Alexander Hamilton. So like... I can’t say it enough,,,.. but USE MEMES! That’s what makes learning fun.
Use your knowledge for the True Real-Life Applications. Have you been badgered with that horrible phrase, “real-life applications”? Has it sucked your will to math or science completely? Then reclaim that sucky phrase! My adventures in Reclaiming The Sucky Phrase “Real-Life Applications” include finding out how many miles, feet, and inches there are in a light year, memorizing the number of miles in a light year (um... shoot, i DID have it memorized!), finding out how to pronounce these horribly long numbers, and finding out how many light years the whole human race has probably walked! (2.2 light years. So light travels more in 3 years than the whole human race has walked!) And that was just one day with my friend in science class last year. I also figured out if you could fit the moon in the Pacific Ocean (you can dip it in the center of the Pacific Ocean and it won’t touch continents, but it will touch the bottom, and it’s a LOT taller than the ocean!) and when my dad said (exaggerating, obviously) he got a random pain about every 15 minutes while he was awake, and that he slept about 6 hours a night, I calculated how many times a day, a month, a year, a decade with no leap years (which does not exist XD), a minute, a non-leap-year February, in August, and in a 30 day month he would get a pain. It’s hilarious XD. My point is, you can have fun by figuring things out using the stuff you’ve used and it’s a much better review than homework. (uh, do your homework)
Sometimes musicals can teach you stuff, so like,,,,, listen to musicals,,,,,, that’s all. (Hamilton act 1 for reviewing and Cabinet Battles for history reviews!!!!!!! Trust me)
Speed walking is great! And every time teachers/staff tell you that 5 minutes is completely enough time to CROSS A HUGE CAMPUS THAT YOU BARELY EVEN KNOW WITH A HORRIBLE AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC, I feel you. I am here for you. It’s stupid and unfair. But please, rant to me or somebody who understands how it’s STUPID too instead of teachers/staff. I don’t think it’s a good idea. But yes, please, I understand what you’re going through. It’s dumb as heck.
Judging by all of the “high school will just seem like a bad dream!!” I can assume it’s true. Of course everyone has different high school experiences and problems, but if you want to talk to me and we can rant together, that’d be great!! Ranting is completely fine, so I just hope things will get better. :D
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So some of you guys like musicals right? What about Be More Chill? 0;
OK GET READY FOR THIS MOTHERFUCKER I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEBODY TO SEND IN A BE MORE CHILL ASK. This show is honestly one of, if not my most favourite show on or off broadway.
If you haven’t already go listen to the soundtrack. You’ll probably know a song called ‘Michael in the bathroom’ from it if you’re in any kind of Broadway circles. But basically this show is about a very anxious guy called Jeremy who is a loser, only has one friend called Michael (who I relate to on a deeply emotional level), and is in love with a theatre kid called Christine who is honest to god the sweetest person to live. Jeremy’s bully, Rich, tells him about a thing called a squip, which is a pill that implants an AI into your brain and helps you to ‘become popular’. Jeremy buys and takes a squip in order to win Christine and live the life of a chill teen.
I’m guessing you wanted a dangan ronpa BMC au cause, boi, you are getting one
Jeremy, for me, would be Souda. And here’s why. Kazuichi is a very anxious, emotionally unstable guy. He really wants to be cool and is extremely self conscious about other people’s opinions of him. I think him as Jeremy really fits due to this. Plus, all the decisions Jeremy makes during the course of the show, I can really see Kazuichi making aswell? He would also be very easily manipulated by people like the squip, Rich and Chloe. I just feel like Kazuichi fits this role so well. Also, let’s be honest, you can all picture him singing “I’m waiting for my porno to load,”
Michael was also quite an easy choice for me. Originally I wanted to go with somebody I shipped with Kazuichi, but then I was just like fuck it, it’s obviously Ibuki. Ibuki, again, is alike Michael in so many ways. They’re both music loving dorks who care deeply about their friends and don’t stick to the status quo (stop singing HSM). I also think Michael In The Bathroom would suit Ibuki because, despite her care-free exterior, Ibuki actually cares a lot about the opinions of her friends. If one was to straight up desert her after spending years being her best friend (like her band did), she would get super upset about it. Thus, Ibuki In The Bathroom. Plus I love the idea of Ibuki and Kazuichi being besties. Weird-coloured-hair-bros. So, yeah, Michael and Ibuki, gay music nerds. Nuff said.
Christine was between Sayaka, Chiaki and Sonia for me. But, considering my choice of Kazuichi for Jeremy, it has to be Sonia. Sonia and Christine are both beautiful, positive, amazingly sweet girls who kind of slip under the radar. Christine, because she’s a slightly out-there theatre geek, and Sonia because everybody holds her so highly they don’t want to bother her. They both have weird ass boys head over heels for them, and they are both very strong individuals. I also think Sonia singing I Love Play Rehearsal is fucking squeal worthy.
The Squip is pretty obviously Junko. I would go Monokuma, but Monokuma is more “If you don’t do this I’ll fucking murder you” forceful, and is not in any way selfless. Although it goes about it in a really fucked up, abusive way, the squip is almost completely devoted to Jeremy. And Junko is just a bit more fitting for the manipulative, smooth talking type. I think her singing the squip parts of Be More Chill Part 1 also suit her absolutely perfectly.
Rich was a bit hard for me, since he’s such a unique character he doesn’t exactly have an obvious DR equivalent. The only person I could really think of is Fuyuhiko? I know Fuyuhiko is a lot more isolated and, well, smooth than Rich, but the other aspects of the character fit him pretty well. He’s short, aggressive, easy to swear, and secretly a very emotional boi who just wants love. I also really love the idea of Fuyuhiko with a lisp. Also, “IT’S FROM JAPAAAAAAN!”
Brooke was hard for me. I wanted to maybe venture into the DR1 cast for this, but I like to stay within the realms of one cast from a certain game/anime, just to keep things neat. So I was thinking maybe Mikan? I’m not super satisfied (sick Hamilton reference) with this pick, just because I feel like a lot of the time Mikan is used as the stock ‘dumb, sl*tty, pushover’ character in aus, but I can’t really think of anybody else apart from, like, maybe Nagito? But I already have a part in mind for Nagito. But yeah, Mikan does fit Brooke’s very timid style of sweetness. And I feel like Mikan could also slay all of Brooke’s parts, especially Do You Wanna Ride.
For Chloe it was a bit too cliché to pick Hiyoko for the bitchy character, but she would fit Chloe so well. Her at the start of Rich Set A Fire would be absolutely golden. I was gonna talk about Do You Wanna Hang, but we don’t talk about Do You Wanna Hang. Can that song please just be erased from the show? But anyway, yeah, Hiyoko as Chloe would be A++.
Jake for me was gonna be Gundham due to Sonia as Christine and Kazuichi as Jeremy. But then I backtracked and was like “No, they’re nothing alike, and both of these Amazing Bois™ deserve better than my shitty 11:30 pm brainchild”. So I have now decided upon Akane as Jake. Now, hear me out. Akane and Sonia work out as Jake and Christine because, you know, Sonia x Akane. Jake is a lovable, attractive, popular guy who all the girls (and boys) fall for. Akane is lovable, attractive, popular (?), who I’m pretty sure has a lot of admirers. I know Jake is a lot more chill (haha get it) than Akane. Their characters are quite different from eachother, but I feel like Akane as Jake could really work if you give some leeway for small character changes.
Ok my choice for Jenna is kind of cracky because their characters are very different from one another. I just picked this character because it’s super fucking funny and enjoyable imagining it. Nagito as Jenna. Just. NAGITO AS JENNA. NAGITO SINGING RICH SET A FIRE. It just works. Plus, Nagito is usually all up in other people’s business. I honestly just love this pick because it’s so goddamn hilarious to me. NAGITO. SINGING. RICH. SET. A. FIRE. AND. HE. BURNED. DOWN. THE. HOUSE. (Woa-oa~oa~oa~oah)
Last and not least is Mr Here AKA Kazuichi’s dad. Now, because Mr Here is a man made out of sunshine and dad’s jokes, and Kazuichi’s dad deserved the agonising death he went through, I obviously could not pick Kazuichi’s actual father. I could, however, pick Nekomaru Nidai. Because Nekomaru is everybody’s dad, let’s be honest here. Nekomaru singing The Pants Song is just. Yes.
Ok, that was my BMC DR au. I’m very tired and am going to sleep now. Hope y'all enjoyed!
~Mod Yoyo
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vinndicate · 7 years
Fuck it. I'm lazy. 1-29 >:3c
oh my god
(fyi most of these answers are shitty with a lot of ‘idk’s so yeah,,,,,,,,)
1. Who is your favourite historical person?
fuck,,, i dunno,,, I mean, I love John Laurens, but I also like George Washington. Woodrow Wilson is p chill too.
2. What is your country most famous for in history?
?????????????????? What is America famous for? Being a world superpower? Revolution????? idk
3. What is your country most infamous for in history?
4. Favourite historical era?
American history would probably be the revolutionary war??? World history wise would either be like the Mesopotamian period,,, or World War I? yeah i know they’re far apart but shhh
5. Favourite weapon?
?????????????????? i dunno
6. Military unit?
Idk. The Navy’s pretty cool.
7. Historical dressing, uniform, or costume?
17th century fashion in Western Europe is p cool to me.
8. What is the last thing you have read, listened to, or spoken of with historical reference?
?????? idk Hamilton I guess???
9. Favourite historical film?
I mean, Schindler’s List is p good.
10. What pieces of art (i.e. paintings, sculpures, lithographies, etc.) related to history do you like the most?
Paintings are p cool.
11. Have you ever participated in reenactment? What it was like?
12. Would you take part in reenactment? In what era and as whom?
Sure? And I’m not really sure, honestly.
13. [share some random historical trivia!]
Didn’t Burr quit from being on Washington’s staff??? idk
14. Why are you are interested in history?
History is p cool dude! Honestly, the funny stories of what people did back then is pretty hilarious. Also, it’s cool connecting all those events to the present.
15. Were the history classes taught in an interesting way in your school, college, or university? What would you do to improve them if you were the teacher/lecturer?
Actually, yeah, it’s p fun!
16. Do you own some historical item (e.g. coin, clothing, weapons, books, etc.) If yes, which one is your favourite?
17. What historical item would you like to own?
Shit, I dunno. 
18. Look at the clock and assume the numbers are forming a historical year (e.g. 17;58 would be 1758) What is the world like in that year? Are any significant events going to occur?
1405....... uh.. wasn’t it recorded that whiskey was first made/drank in this year??? idk
19. What's your favourite historical book?
20. Who, if anyone, is your historical crush?
fuck, i’m not revealing that
21. What is your favourite history-based game?
i don’t think i’ve ever played one.
22. [random historical fact about the place you're living in right now]
It’s just a desert. Nothing interesting.
23. What's your favourite historical song or song containing historical references?
Can’t think of anything besides Hamilton off the top of my head.
24. Who do you consider to be one of the most underrated historical figures?
Hmm........ I mean, there’s a bunch? Likes James Madison, John Adams
25. Who is the most overrated historical figure, in your opinion?
oh fuck
like every white guy
i mean,,,,,,,,,,,,, idk, lincoln???? idk honestly 
26. Who do you think is a forgotten hero we should know about and admire?
27. What's your favourite historical "What if..." scenario?
WHAT IF the Treaty of Versailles wasn’t a thing tho
it was a thing
but they didn’t fuck it up that badly
28. Do you have a favourite "dream team" of historical figures living at the same time in a specific era of history?
??????????? lmao idk
29. Are there any great historical mysteries that you are interested in?
Roanoke i guess,,,,,,,,,,, uh,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yeah idk
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originaljediinjeans · 6 years
MCU Rewatch: Iron Man 3 (2013)
This movie should have been called either The Pepperony Movie or The Fire Nation Attacks.
I’ve heard people say this is either the best or the worst Iron Man movie. I have re-watched the first two Iron Man films very recently so I can make a somewhat fair comparison. This one is actually the best and I think it’s officially my favorite now. My mom says it’s her favorite and I think I’ve figured out why. You will see the reasons why below.
The absence of Coulson, SHIELD, and Fury or even a lot of other references to the greater MCU really changes the tone--makes it darker, even, I don’t know how but it does. Which may be why I’ve only seen this movie all the way through twice.
In fact, since the last time I watched it I’ve forgotten about 30% of what actually happens
But I knew all the spoilers by the first viewing (October 2013 on a friend’s XBox) because I did a term paper on A Christmas Carol for a summer college class in 2013 and I found an article about how Iron Man 3 (which came out in May 2013) is actually based on A Christmas Carol which is why it’s set during the holidays--A Christmas Carol is more than about just Christmas and Iron Man 3 is more than about just Iron Man.
This is TONY’s best movie, this is PEPPER’s best movie, this is JARVIS’s best movie, this is RHODEY’s best movie.
Also Happy Hogan was great for the first 15 minutes. HAPPY HOGAN DOES NOT GET NEARLY ENOUGH LOVE AND APPRECIATION.
Happy as head of Stark Industries security is under a lot of stress. Has he been like this since he got the job or since the Aliens attacked New York or both? 
Happy got hurt but he started the hunt for the real villain. Also Happy was really fortunate to be as far from the center of the blast as he was.
Also it was beyond convenient that Harley was carrying around the surprise for bullies when he was
I would love to have an elegant Edwardian Tea Party with Happy Hogan
The Prologue: The laptop in the hotel room glitched because it was Y2K--am I the only one who remembers that? Also OH MY GOSH HAPPY WHO LET YOU DO YOUR HAIR LIKE THAT? Oh, look, there’s Yensin. Oh, look, Tony totally brushed him off. Oh Look,Tony totally forgot about the night of Y2K and look what happened 
Moral of the story: just don’t drink alcohol because there will be Consequences(TM)
Aldrich Killian is what happens to nerds/geeks when they go Bad
Tony Stark can create a complicated science formula while he’s drunk that’s how smart he is
(Or do I just underestimate how “drunk” you have to be to be really not-functional?)
Anyway, in his past life Tony left behind a long trails of lies and disappointment. Doesn’t make him a bad person. In fact he’s a better person now. And now he’s an even better person because he dealt with the problems that he started. 
Tony using implanted computer chips to summon the parts of the Mark 42 is actually pretty cool, kinda like magic, he should figure out something like that to show Doctor Strange--not that Strange would be remotely impressed but the point is Tony does Magic
But gosh Tony is just petty sometimes to people who don’t need it. That’s how other people treat him, I get it. 
Tony programmed JARVIS to be sarcastic and it is flawless. JARVIS is even sarcastic at Tony. JARVIS is really an extension of Tony himself but maybe at this point there’s still some bugs to work out, even for the World’s Finest AI Ever.
The suit putting itself on Tony while Tony is climbing through the wreckage as his house is collapsing around him is incredible
The heart-wrenching scream when Pepper calls for him
I’ve heard that in the comics that The Mandarin was an actual supervillain and people hate this movie because they got played. I haven’t read the comics so that doesn’t affect me. 
Trevor Slatterly is actually pretty entertaining in the scenes he has with Tony and Rhodey. He’s kind of like Jack Sparrow. But he is total trash and he knows it. Sir Laurence Obliviae indeed.
I get the whole White Capitalist Conspiracy theory and there’s no use arguing against it
Was the piano Maria Stark’s? 
Also the Extremis hot chick grabbed a weapon from a civilian who was trying to defend himself, that says volumes about the people who wrote this movie
But AIM is really just REALLY evil because they are targeting vulnerable people. Trevor by his own admission was a drug addict they picked up on the street. Their experiments are run on veterans with lost limbs and probably PTSD in the mix. And deep down that makes me so mad. Partly because Steve and Bucky and Sam. But I have an uncle in the Army and I lived with his family for a school year so it’s personal.
Gary and Harley’s wildest dreams coming true am I right?
POTUS Mills kind of came across as a pansy the first two times I saw this movie. But this time he’s not. He was going to call the hotline to save the dude’s life he had a man at his elbow telling him not to but he was going to do it. He doesn’t even really cower after he gets kidnapped. In fact he’s kind of mad. He has more than a spine than you’d think.
It’s the “Mandarin” who has the deep righteous voice that you would associate with a POTUS.
Maya Hansen. Just wow. 
Hell froze over and Tony went to Hickville, Tenessee
Tony Stark in an Iron Man Suit is great but Tony Stark with weapons he built himself from stuff he bought at Home Depot and constructed in a cheap motel room is a Force to be Reckoned With
Just Tony and Rhodey having great fight scenes without their suits on why does nobody talk about that?
Also Tony and Rhodey are huge dorks 
The scene where Tony threatens the AIM security guards while he’s zip-tied to a bed frame is the most hilarious thing ever, officially my favorite Tony scene of all time
One of my worst fears is being strapped to an operating table and injected with heck knows what, maybe even being turned into a monster. Tony saw an image of that happening to Pepper and he saw that but he also saw the love of his life probably dying. *insert the This is Fine meme here*
and then  P E P P E R     D I D      T  H  A  T
Was Pepper even mortal to begin with?
Tony was not afraid to touch Pepper while she was on Extremis even though she hated having it in herself
The scene in the epilogue where the Vice Creep is escorted away and Rhodey is watching: there’s a portrait of George Washington on the wall behind Rhodey and talk about History having its Eyes on You, did Lin-Manuel Miranda see this when he was writing Hamilton? cuz wow. I could write a whole essay on that shot alone.
Iron Man 2 and all three Cap films are political but Iron Man Three is somehow even more political than all of them put together?
Does Pepper have PTSD from this? Yes but unlike Tony (at least up until Spider-man Homecoming) she went to actual counseling
Pepper wants a normal life for her and Tony but she’s never going to get it. Tony tells her as much at the very ending. But then he blows up his suits and takes out his arc reactor so they have the illusion of closure. That illusion only lasts as long as the rest of the MCU doesn’t go to crap and it will quickly. Even if Tony survives Endgame they’ll still have the past to deal with, but at least they’ll be able to heal together.
The entire thing is just Tony talking to Bruce but Bruce falls asleep right at the beginning. It’s funny but this is why Science Bros is a thing: Tony told Bruce everything even without knowing that Bruce wasn’t listening. I don’t think Tony is ever that upfront with the rest of the Avengers combined. 
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kuixotic · 7 years
All of the questions for the 'make me admit stuff?' post!
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?Given it was my manager asking me about coming in for extra days next week,and being asexual,a big no
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?Noooooope
3. Have you taken someones virginity?virginity is a social construct   haven’t done so
4. Is trust a big issue for you?See I would usually say no,but I’ve come to terms with the fact I do have some trust issues
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?With people I like yes,but not with someone I ‘like’ as I don’t have someone
6. What are you excited for?THIS WEEKEND!We’re doing stuff for the weekend and idk what but I’m looking forward to it!
7. What happened tonight?Well it’s not nighttime per say,but as of now we just had rain after a long time of not having any
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?Purposefully,maybe?I’ve never been in that kind of situation to witness it so I can’t really say
9. Is confidence cute?I suppose?I mean I guess it’s cute when someone is happy about what they’re doing/how they look and things like that,given I’ll usually be like “YAS YOU CUTIE EMBRACE THE GOOD THINGS”
10. What is the last beverage you had?I had this soda I haven’t had in actual YEARS that I thought ceased to exist,it’s called Chubby soda.The bodega we went to yesterday had only orange flavored but they were 3 for a dollar so I had to get them
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?I mean I trust a decent amount but I don’t know if it’s full trust.If by full trust it means ‘tell the darker secrets to life’ then that’s none
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?Yes and I LOVE them
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?Possibly sleep depending on what we do,or art as per usual
14. What are you going to spend money on next?HOPEFULLY,a replacement drum head that I owe my middle school director before I can return his drum to him
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?Lol what’s dating?
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?I’d like to think I will for the better
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?Ghhhhhh I don’t really know.I have different people for different things as I know some things can be hard for people to take in
18. The last time you felt broken?Somewhere at the beginning of May?I was having a rough time with emotions
19. Have you had sex today?YOU’RE HILARIOUS
20. Are you starting to realize anything?Refer to number 4 c:Also I’m starting to realize that I have a ‘new’ friend (more recent) who constantly reminds me of an old friend I no longer talk to and I’m just??Happy about it??Or satisfied,something.Anyway,I know that chances of figuring things out with the old friend are slim but with this other friend I feel happy that things have gone the way they have and while they aren’t the same person(I’d rather not have them be the same) I feel the bits of happiness I used to and it just..makes me feel whole in a way?It’s good,whatever it is.
21. Are you in a good mood?Somewhat?I feel cramps and a bit of a headache coming on so I know ‘things’ will be arriving soon
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?YES LET’S GO
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?At first they weren’t,but after a month or so they turned brown
24. What do you want right this second?I’m craving some refried beans,rice,an enchilada or burrito.I want some savory food
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?“Whatever makes them happy.”
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Partially.My hair has grown since the last time I cut/colored it so I have locks that are still copper compared to my natural dark brown
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?Nope
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?The most random shower thought I had earlier.I was thinking of Hamilton and how if I could do as I please,I’d cast Ignasi as Lafayette/Jefferson and then I had the thought of him with an afro and cane like Jefferson and it’s gonna get drawn after this oops
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?Every so often,I do
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?It depends on the circumstance
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?I’ve moved past the hate I had for him and now I just generally don’t care what happens in his life
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?I hope the moon knows I love her even though I have an affair with the constellations
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?Excuse you I LOVE myself I’ll drink the fizzy poison until I die
34. Listening to?Muse!Undisclosed Desires!
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?I only use gel pens,I use my pencil only in my sketchbook
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?Maybe in the house,I can’t remember who I last kissed
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?It’s possible,I think
38. Who did you last call?Do skype calls count?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?Myself because I’m a loser who dances to ‘Carnaval del Barrio’ at 2AM with the lights off c’:
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?If we’re talking about my ex I think the last time I kissed him was because he was dropping me off after band practice and his mom and sister yell from the car “KISS THE GIRL”.It was a very iconic moment in my life I admit
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?Yiiiikes I can’t remember
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?Yep,my dad when he got home from work a few hours ago
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?I wouldn’t be surprised if I did
44. Do you tan in the nude?No?????
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?I can’t remember the last one if we’re talking romantic,so why not?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?Nah
47. Who was the last person to call you?It was actually a music store because they were checking their warehouse for me
48. Do you sing in the shower?Lip-sync,no one gets to hear me
49. Do you dance in the car?WITHOUT SHAME
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?Made one even!
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?Back in April when we went on a cruise
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?Musicals are a gift to humanity
53. Is Christmas stressful?Occasionally
54. Ever eat a pierogi?I LOVE PIEROGIS
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?Never had pie sooooo….
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Mail carrier,astronaut,astronomer,artist,musician
57. Do you believe in ghosts?Well I don’t NOT believe in them
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?You mean everyday?
59. Take a vitamin daily?I should be c:
60. Wear slippers?Nope
61. Wear a bath robe?When getting ready for formal stuff,I will
62. What do you wear to bed?Usually a big t-shirt and sweats or gym shorts
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Target.Always
65. Nike or Adidas?I like Nikes,haven’t bought any of the brands in a while
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?Hot fries cheetos because I like to suffer
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?Peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?Shake it Off or Two is Better Than One (I know she was featured for it but I consider it one of hers)
69. Ever take dance lessons?Way back when,I did for ballet,tap,and jazz.I’m hispanic so I was born with salsa,merengue,and bachata in my system
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?My future spouse will be converting carbon dioxide to oxygen because I will live with plants
71. Can you curl your tongue?Ye
72. Ever won a spelling bee?ALMOST
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?Senior MPA when we got a superior/A/highest score.Our band hadn’t received one in 5 years and my graduating year was the one we did
74. What is your favorite book?Cosoms by Carl Sagan and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
75. Do you study better with or without music?I don’t study oops
76. Regularly burn incense?Parents don’t like incense but I use water vapor diffusers instead
77. Ever been in love?I’d like to think I have
78. Who would you like to see in concert?Bruno Mars,Coldplay,Muse,Two Steps From Hell
79. What was the last concert you saw?Gwen Stefani!
80. Hot tea or cold tea?Sweet,sweet,’so sweet it’s now syrup’ cold tea
81. Tea or coffee?Iced coffee
82. Favorite type of cookie?Sugar cookie
83. Can you swim well?In the shallow end c’:
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?Ye!
85. Are you patient?I’d think so
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?Band for the ceremony,DJ for the food time
87. Ever won a contest?Don’t think I have to be honest
88. Ever have plastic surgery?DON’T PLAN ON IT EITHER
89. Which are better black or green olives?Neither
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?Have at it just be safe and get tested for diseases and stuff before and after
91. Best room for a fireplace?Living room
92. Do you want to get married?Can’t say I do,I don’t see it in the future.But things can change I suppose
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