#mcu rewatch
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staying-elive · 12 days ago
My mum was staying with me two weekends ago for a couple days and randomly I just decided to put Shang Chi on in the background while we were doing stuff and she locked in. Loved it. Then she wanted to see the behind the scenes Assembled thing. Then wanted to watch the film again right away. Then we watched Wakanda Forever and the Assembled for that. Loved it. (I cried a lot)
Then the next day when Dad was picking her up, she said 'Oh put that Shang Chi on again for Dad'. Cue it for the 3rd time. Then the day after that, she texts me to say 'Hehe guess what I'm watching again?' Gee mum I have no idea!
Anyway, it's been just over a week since that now, and Mum and Dad have watched 16 MCU films? They went back to Phase 1 (i had to explain the phases and how to find the order in Disney+)
All this to say, I was at their place yesterday when they were up to Civil War, and Dad says "I like the one with the wings. It's nifty how they zoom back in and out like that." And internally I'm just like 🥹😅🤭😭
You mean Sam? Absolute angel and most perfect boy Sam? Stay calm. Look normal. Don't smile too much. Breathe.
"That's Sam, remember? Falcon. He's my favourite."
Success. Totally normal. Stop smiling whenever Sam and Bucky are on-screen together. Ahhh!
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rt8815 · 11 days ago
I might just have to have a partial rewatch for my Marvel fics.
I don't wanna mess up the timeline (lol) of where my OC fits in, or miss any plot points/tidbits that are relevant.
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stuckytoyoulikeglue · 3 days ago
After five years of talking about it, I've finally started my MCU rewatch.
I'm ten minutes into Iron Man, we've just had a lovely sweeping shot of Tony's house in Malibu, and my first thought was 'it looks like Tracy Island'. That's gotta be intentional, right?!
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rocinantescoffeestop · 1 year ago
I’m eating a dessert with blueberries. Tony’s eating blueberries in this scene. It’s like we’re connected. :)
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cloudbellsv3 · 1 year ago
Also, I can buy Pepper being incredibly into Tony (I actually think it's very in character and cute and matchy), I can buy Maya also being into Tony for a night (it makes sense if you think about it!), but in no universe do I see Christine Everheart wanting to be on IM1 Tony's roster #sawry.
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pebbles-in-ink · 1 year ago
Rewatching The Marvel MCU
I didn't know I could love more than a handful of characters, then I got more Agent Carter content
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lostintranslaation · 1 year ago
Natasha romanoff I am so sorry that the Russo brothers have never spoken with a woman in their lives im so sorry they did that to you
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months ago
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#he's actually a comedian
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hurtspideyparker · 1 month ago
Never forget:
Steve Rogers was a theatre kid, starred in movies, wore micro shorts and tights everyday on stage (Bucky: You're keeping the outfit right?), and lost his virginity to a groupie
Bucky Barnes is a nerd—eager to go to the Stark Expo science exhibit, read the Hobbit books as soon as they were released—and was also a great dancer. 1940s dating culture involved a lot of dancing, and good dancers got dates
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staying-elive · 3 days ago
So my parents have now completed the Infinity Saga, skipping a few of the non-essential films.
One of the funniest reactions was how much they both hated Thor Ragnarok, and thought Hemsworth was terrible. Which considering mum is Aussie and Dad has lived here over 50 years seems a little harsh. 😅 But what can I say, even I didn't like Ragnorak outside of a few select moments. (Taika's humour in the MCU just doesn't mesh for me.) I absolutely loathed Love and Thunder and told them to cross it off their list.
Also, funny but tragic reaction was during Infinity War which they watched with me. After the Snap and Sam's disappearing, dad just nudges me to say "They goes your one, Elz." 😭😭😭😭 Just had to rub it in.
Though you know i was nudging back going 'shut up shut up shut up listen shhhhh!' right before the portal and "On your left." 😆🥰
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Anyway, mum's now filling in the missed films while dad's at work. She messaged me to say she watched Iron Man 2 and 3 today and quote "So much better than Thor!" 🤣 She's really holding a grudge.
Next she's watching the shows. I just need her to see Sam as Cap. 😊😇
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rocksrntpeople · 2 years ago
MCU Rewatch The Avengers
My immediate impression of The Avengers is, “Wow! What a let down!” This was like episode 22/24 of every season of trash shonen, just recap and filler the whole way through.
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Obviously, there are some really cool parts that show off our favorite characters, but even from the get-go it’s so fucking edge-lord. It’s like the creative team had been building up to this great crossover while the financial team had been building up to mass appeal and now they were like, “FINALLY we can capture the rest of the market with what people really want: over-the-top action and clashing personalities. That’s all superhero stories are, right?”
I mean, Loki is so upset about his loss that he’s twisted the events to make it seem like he was wronged?
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Give me a break; no you were not! Overall, this hit-the-ground-running start would’ve been better executed if they had been bolder. Right off the bat, two major players are taken off the board. Too bad we’ve barely seen anything of them and don’t give a crap about them. Hawkeye, who literally is not called this throughout the entire movie and is a fully-fledged Avenger, and Erik Selvig, the scientist from Thor who wasn’t as hot or young as the other two scientists and thus got way less screen time during that movie (not much here either).
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So they were too scared to remove real players from the board or have the threat do something reasonable. I mean, what is with this plan anyway? It makes no sense! Why does Loki need the Chitauri to steal the Tesseract and take over Earth if he can just mind control whoever he wants on Earth? Are you seriously telling me that Loki, god of mischief, can’t find a way to steal something from humans unless he tricks humans using something other than his powers of trickery?
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He absolutely needs this magic space stick to do this, even though humans are one of the weakest species around? And then, if he succeeds, he’ll rule over a planet that got flattened and then occupied by the Chitauri, surrounded by darkness like the preteen emo he’s imitating? Then what? What’s the plan? Worst of all, he keeps making Hawkeye do that thing with the bow that got put in by some blowhard convinced that it was the only way to get women in the theater. 
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Why does he do it 2/3 times he gets the bow out? And why doesn’t he then use the bow?? That’s right, both freaking times he does this stupid move, there is NO ARROW SHOOTING AFTERWARDS.
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And then we get to Cap and begin getting plot whiplash as they bounce around to introduce characters. Apparently they didn’t learn anything from the Hulk movie because we’re once again inundated with flashing images like Malcolm McDowell, hoping to god the person next to us doesn’t have any questions about the origin story for one character in a movie with fucking 5 other movies as the setup.
Between screenshots and gifs, we see he’s just beating the shit out of sandbags, all sad and lonely because he’s a man out of time. Why the hell did they cut Ashley Johnson’s part? 
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That really helped cement his feelings of being out of place, isolated, and ultimately betrayed by the universe in response to his sacrifice. Actually, all I could think about during the sandbag scene was, “Jesus, this guy loses pretty much everyone he knows twice.” I hadn’t considered that when I first watched Endgame, but he’s holding people together because he’s kind of already been through this before.
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Luckily (or something), this kind of introduction begins and ends with Captain America. Iron Man and Black Widow get pretty normal introductions that work well for their characters and show off their “thing” — Black Widow being a hot, smarmy badass and Tony Stark being a hot, smarmy, rich badass.
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Finally the Hulk is pulled in. Oh he’s so scary, but he’s just a normal guy really! That’s why they sent the hot woman in, to lure him. But he’s also smart, so he doesn’t fall for that! But he’s also super dangerous; do you see how scared the badass woman is, even though she wasn’t scared before? Wow, better watch out for this guy! He’s probably like the most dangerous one of the group!
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Okay, that was a little too scary. Better just skip the hulk for now…and most of the rest of the movie.
Things do get a lot better once they’re all together on the airship. Oh yeah, Thor shows up.
Anyways, now they’re all together on an airship for really no reason other than airships are cool as fuck. Because realistically, an airship is just about the worst fucking place to be if you’re a flightless species starting a war against space aliens with way better tech that can definitely take down the airship.
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There’s a good half hour here of character development that’s basically the best part of the movie. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner commiserate over science, Captain America gains a bit of appreciation for the fact that he’s the only real soldier among them, Black Widow considers the idea that not everyone around her is an idiot…oh, and we’re introduced to the shadow clan who controls everything on this planet and surely aren’t evil even though they are barely willing to show their faces during a private convo with a top employee.
Oh, you thought Nick Fury was the questionable-nice-guy-who-is-actually-really-evil? No, he’s just black and not in a rom-com. He’s actually super nice and considerate of the feelings of all the Avengers; it’s just that most of the time he has to be all business and can’t be nice. 
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Except that he’s not when you move away from this movie! What the fuck does he do immediately after this? Takes Coulson’s body and reanimates it using alien blood, torture, and brainwashing. He is a questionable guy at best! But that’s the secret military, baby! Show us that stuff!!
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Eventually in the MCU they do show us this, and I get all this shit that they did to create mass appeal. It works, it’s well executed, and it’s easy to do. However, good god how could they?? 
I remembered this movie as having been a bit weak, but I had no reason for it. Now I remember why; hardly anything happens! ALL of the main action happens within the last 30 minutes of the movie, including however long the credits are. Yes, there’s an action scene at a museum in the beginning and a few others mixed in, but other than these spare few minutes of action we see almost nothing of the threat to Earth. And then this big, bad threat is defeated in less than 30 minutes.
Yes, it’s a longer amount of time in-world, but still it’s just crazy to me that the main hook of the story really only consumes about 45 minutes of the movie. Literally even the characters forget what the hell they’re doing, being reminded about Loki after the main battle.
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This movie was okay and even though lots of people love it, I have to give it a paltry 5 out of 10. You could walk into this movie knowing almost nothing about the MCU and have a good time.That’s damning for a series of movies. It’s an unpopular opinion, but I just don’t think that somebody should be able to walk into movie number 6 of a series and just be totally with it, get everything, and not have to think about what’s happening too much. That completely defeats the point of a damn series.
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Iron Man 3 is next up. Ugh. I hate this one, specifically because of the damn kid and the idea that having a kid around is the only way to be motivated enough to think about the future and consider improving it. 
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But okay, let’s see how it goes. After this, I think the movies get a lot better up until Endgame. They start to give up on building the audience further and instead focus on keeping the audience after the poor reception of Iron Man 3. (I’m not alone in my negativity this time!)
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
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thank you so much !!!!! it's twisted irony that his hair looks the best in the movie he loses it in ......
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rocinantescoffeestop · 1 year ago
I want a fic about Tony and Erik Selvig doing nerd shit or just talking about nerd shit.
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cloudbellsv3 · 1 year ago
You won't believe what I'm about to do right now
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spideyhexx · 1 month ago
captain america first avenger✅
I remember being 10 and seeing this film in the movie theater and just feeling awe and you know. I aspire for that feeling always.
the urge to do a full mcu rewatch
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softestaries · 7 months ago
if James McAvoy isn't there to flash Michael Fassbender his big blue eyes in the x-men reboot then what's the point
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