nesciret · 6 years
He thinks back to the previous times he’s been here ; he thinks back to the affects its played upon Roxas and Xion. He remembers what it’s done to sora , and the white witch they mercilessly hid here. The corners of lips drop, a small frown of worry pressed against them. Vanitas … he wasn’t them .. but he really did look like them. And that triggers a small form of worry deep within his gut. He just … he just has this feeling that something is going to go horrible wrong this time. And he can’t figure out why. 
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“ Yeah … I know , but — ionno. maybe ya’ can really handle it this time? … Its not so much the path ta’ get there that bothers me … its what could happen after we arrive? Like, when I was here with Roxas and what it did ta’ him, ya’know? That’s what I’m frettin’ about. ”
dark brows narrow when he meets axel’s gaze. he’s made to wonder why now, of all times, would he hesitate to bring him along after he’d known it’d be such a dangerous place to go the entire time. his expression softens slightly when he watches axel’s face twist with concern—  it’s for his own sake that he’s concerned, he knows, but vanitas’s resolve doesn’t waver. there’s no hesitation reflected within steely eyes.  ❝ what do you mean,  ‘ this time? ‘  you’ve never let me go with you before, remember? ❞   —&  he’s got no intention of being talked out of it now. 
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❝ listen— that place feeds off dark energy or something right? there’s no way i don’t radiate something like that. i mean, i’m way more fucked up than those kids. i think i’ll be okay. ❞  
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nesciret · 6 years
i’m gonna be moving this blog with a new url soon 
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nesciret · 6 years
@mappedfates wanted a thing 
it hardly felt as though any time at all had passed since the heroes of light had ceased the world’s impending demise, imminent as it seemed to have been. he had only returned due to light’s impeccable grace, or kingdom hearts’ divine will itself—  either way, he doesn’t care. without any true reason for having been returned, it’s no wonder he’s left with an empty feeling deep within his chest. it’s not quite the suffering he’d endured in the past when it came to insufferable loneliness caused by his knowledge of what friendship was like through ventus, but instead it’s knowing that he can make his own friends but had no idea how. residual hatred is something that settled over his heart, but he doesn’t know why— vanitas should have no more cause to feel this way, and yet, it lingers like a plague that’s decimated millions.
he watched the others, newly reunited with their precious loved ones, play and run around on the shores of destiny island, not feeling particularly inclined to join in because the of the ambiguity he thought they’d feel toward him. after all, vanitas, a being made entirely from the darkness of ventus’ heart, couldn’t ever experience what being bathed in the light was ever like. he understood why, but a part of him still couldn’t accept it—  not when he was free to roam as he pleased now. it’s with a harsh sigh that he drops from the wooden bridge he’d perched from and makes his way to the cave hidden away near the waterfall. on the walls within the cramped space are numerous drawings;  depictions of childish memories and dreams they’d had of sailing away on a raft that never seemed to take them far. he laughs—  it’s a feeling so nostalgic, vanitas almost thinks it could belong to him too. before long, he can hear the echos of footsteps meandering behind him, and he turns to face his new, unexpected company.
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❝ must’ve wandered too far from the pack... ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
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“ look Vani — I know we — I “ agreed ” ta’ let ya’ tag along with me sometimes … but , i really don’t like the thought of this one. I just … I have this really bad feeling that something is going to happen, and well , I guess call me superstitious this time, but I don’t think ya’ should come with me. That castle … it’s not a safe place. ” / @nesciret​
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vanitas knows very well that axel’s well within his rights to be wary about where they’re going―  he knew it far better than he ever could, after all. however, he wasn’t planning on stepping out of what they’d already talked about. he wanted to know what it was like in the dark realm, what kinds of creatures dwelled within those corridors and within the castle that axel often spoke of.
❝ c’mon... it can’t really be that bad. besides;  i deal with crazy shit all the time and nothing bad happened yet, right? plus, i’ll have you with me the whole time. i’ve got your back just like you’ve got mine, remember? ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
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Still holding onto the smaller male, least he had stopped the nuzzling      for now. He were glad to be of help, even if the help had been sort of a random state of walking in on the situation type of hand scenario. 
“ Ah- well you know me,  I- Wander- back when it’s time.   Oh- you may need to secure your locks back in place, I sort of picked it cause I couldn’t open the door normally. “ 
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for all the times he’d managed to get into his house, it’s always been via window or a carelessly unlocked back door. it’s not as if anyone usually visited anyway, but he’s almost bewildered that his friend deigned to pick his lock now, of all times. oh well―  old habits die hard.  
❝ you’ve seen me use the window too many times t’ do that. ❞   not that he’s really complaining. instead, he’ll just lay his full weight against the other―  he can’t help but miss him, after all.  
❝ also, you should wander here more often. i’ve missed you. ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
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“ Ahh         “
Reaches on over to lightly pet those spikes and then draws him on over to a light hug, nestling cheek against the hair now. 
“ Never knew you to be a sleep walking type, but good thing you ended up in a closet instead of anywhere stranger. “ 
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❝ mm... ❞
he’s appreciative of his friend’s affection, as always―  especially since he’s managed to save him from eventual back pain and all the stiffness that came with sleeping huddled up in a closet for some odd reason. well, at least he’s warmer now, even if his company smells a bit like chocobo.  
❝ me neither.. but when did you get here? didn’t know you were coming this way. ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
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Opens a door ( or five ) to reveal the little raven son.
“ Now who’s sock did you take to get placed in here? “
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❝ sock ?? ❞   
the brow he raised served as a clear enough indication of his confusion... even though he truly had no idea how he’d wound up in such a small, confined space. thankfully, his friend had come to rescue him, it seemed.  
❝ maybe i walked in my sleep? ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
which character trope are you?
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The grim, volatile foe of the protagonist, who, through a series of inexplicable events up to and including attempted murder, gains grudging respect for said hero/heroine (and may even save them) and goes from intolerable to tolerable. You're very confident and have pep in your step. People who don't know you describe you as stubborn, but in fact you have a very open-mind. You're able to see both sides of the situation, but it's hard for you to admit that you're wrong. You stick to your vices and never falter, even if your opinion is seen as wrong. For those on your side, they look up to you and value your ideals. You speak with raw pride. You're straightforward and like to get right to the point during most conversations. You are more fueled by emotion rather than logic. You also love competition, being number one is very important to you.
tagged by: stolen from @incendion :I
tagging: uh, whoever wants to do this
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nesciret · 6 years
wish me luck!! ☆
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nesciret · 6 years
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nesciret · 6 years
                                   “ he’ll never love you. ”
          it’s dark, always dark. his dreams are nothing more than shadows that chase him until he’s too exhausted to continue, leaving him breathless and aching, never quite able to wake up ( did he truly ever try? ). their voices sometimes permeate these dreams, constant reminders that he can never truly be rid of his past, be rid of the people who had taken bits of his soul until he could never get them back. it’s their voices that caress his cheek, brush against his neck as if lips to touch, wrap possessively around his hip as if to claim. 
                                   “ how can anyone love something so tainted? ”
          the words echo around him, like bouncing off walls, and he stands still, chin tucked to his chest as he surrenders to the perverse thoughts that never seem to leave — who could love someone such as himself?  it slithers through his mind, even in waking hours, even when when the scorching sun lays warmly upon him, intent to chase away the cold that seeps into his bones and settles deep as if to root him there, frozen. they caress him as if familiar, taunting him with the knowledge that he once he cared little for himself. that he had once given his everything for nothing. he hadn’t cared. he hadn’t cared. and now he was dirty, broken, tainted. he was used and beaten, and everything had been his own fault. he had accepted it, had given in to it, had offered it. regret is a bitter taste that coats the back of his tongue and burns his throat. he wants to pull away from those hands, those that crawl over his skin; his throat, his chest, his thigh. familiar, repulsive ——
          he wakes suddenly, eyes wide as breath lodges in his throat. the warmth of a palm sits upon his cheek, startling in its tenderness, resembling nothing like that of the hand that so coldly touched him in his dreams. gaze is momentarily frantic until he finds purchase in that of warm sunlight. vanitas. new breath fills his lungs. vanitas is different. vanitas, though cold and hard on the exterior, is warmer than any fire he might press his cold hands too. softer than the goose down that filled his favorite pillow. gentler than any mother to it’s child. but there is something hidden between them, unspoken words that create a chasm he can’t cross. words that tear the breath from him in a single movement.      “ he’ll never love you. ”
          “ don’t. ”   it passes his lips in a hush, barely there but still to be heard, without intention. he had not meant to speak, to break the beautiful smile that adorns his face, but he cannot help the tightening in his chest at the subtle shift of his eyes, sunlight shifting dangerously. cannot help the catch in his breath at the hand that cradles his face so gently. he doesn’t know why the word slips, or what he asks of him with it. he only knows that his heart is held in a glass cage, and any moment it might break, with even the slightest bump. he’s rigid in their bed, unable to move toward him, to close the distance that feels as if it will continue to stretch no matter how much pleading he might give. what was this feeling, this ache in his chest that resembled abandonment? he reaches out hesitantly, fingers outstretched as if to curl across his naked hip, lips parted in expectant question, but producing only one word.
                               “ vanitas… ”
he speaks as though he were an angel’s sigh— gentility at the forefront of his intentions with caution left in its wake. riku knows him far better than he thinks;  perhaps even too well. well enough to know that such a delicate touch does not come without repercussion and nor without the promise of devastation. his usual touch is far too unpracticed, unsteady and demanding when he takes riku’s hand into his own or burrows under his arm wherever he may be.  ‘ don’t, ‘  he says, because warning bells are ringing within the quiet space between them in the dim light of the morning where he swears that they are the only two to wake this early.  ‘ don’t, ‘  he says because he is well aware of the doubts that circle his mind adorned solely by the insecurities weaved into it. the steely blue that looks back at him swear there is nothing but genuine adoration that he could ever possibly give–  he swears it. it’s the  ever - ingrained  insecurity embedded into the forefront of his skull that drive him to question this unwavering truth, even when riku shakes his entire world, an earthquake to decimate the temples where his  self - loathing  had amassed. riku, since the day they’d met, had been the most destructive natural disaster to ravage the foundations of everything he once thought he’d known. he’s someone that vanitas will never regret meeting, even should he use his own blade to pierce his heart with—  a betrayal most foul in its intent—  he would never regret the time they’d spent together. now, his heart tears easily  ( little by little )  with the way that he seeks proximity when his name is the one muttered through lips that have offered nothing but the promise of a love he would not shed should he die trying— oh, his smile is far too fond.
the gentility of his thumb stroking across the soft, unmarred skin is something he never imagined he would find himself getting used to. in a moment, vanitas stills—  often does he wonder just how it is that riku knows his thoughts before he can think them himself. perhaps he’s become too predictable? too routine? staring back at the one person who shifted his  self - made  tomb to allow himself room to resurrect the man within, he can only surmise it’s because this person loves him more than he can ever hope to imagine. it’s with this in mind that his leg wraps around riku’s waist, arm pushing him upward until he’s sitting comfortably atop riku’s waist. from here, he can see the vulnerability painted across his face within the dim light of whatever small light shown in their shared bedroom—  something too frail to truly voice without the help afforded by waking from a terrible dream.  ❝ riku... ❞  he speaks as if his voice will break any barricade he’d established with his doubts  well - founded.  his hands cup his cheeks once more, smile ever palpable and unobstructed in riku’s view of it, and yet there lies a sense of overwhelming fear that his happiness will be torn away as easily as he’d found it here between the two of them.  ❝ i love you, riku. ❞  &  tender is the touch of their foreheads, lain together when he lays all his emotions bear while hardly saying anything at all. it’s nothing, and everything all at once.  ‘ how nice it would be if i could keep loving you forever, ‘  and  ‘ how terrible a loss it should be when i lose you one day ‘  spun together in three words.
❝ i really do. ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
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Happy birthday, @paopunova!!! I doodled your favorite boy!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!
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nesciret · 6 years
gives a new year's kiss :I
To say the least, when the school semester started, this isn’t entirely how Keith truly had envisioned the ending his year ( or really, first semester ) to go. Before moving in, he never really once envisioned the type of roommate they would put him with. He figured it couldn’t be any worse than his own squad from back at home. He even honestly believed that if he could survive them and their wild ranges of personalities that should’n’ve fit so well together like they did some how, then he could survive college. Right. That was before he realized how he would be paired with someone who was a gross, disgusting slob that rarely cleaned up after himself. And yet somehow, always manages to eat the rest of Keith’s food, but never replace it. 
And oh, Keith never once thought about the type of people that would be in his classes. He was there for an education, not to make friends. He would normally careless. He was normally the loner type of wolf anyways. But he never once imagined that his own roommate would not only be apart of some of those classes. No, it couldn’t be that easy. They were semester long partners — they irony, right? 
Keith never foresaw how their constant bickering would soon somehow turn into heated make out session. Knees adoring those rug burns an all. Oh and he definitely never saw himself ever being at the same college parties where the other always shows up. Keith mentally swears he does it just to get under his skin. And its with those said thoughts, Keith definitely never foresaw the amount of alcohol consumption he would become consuming because of said stupid spiky raven haired roommate of his. 
If you asked Keith before he started college, about what he expected out of his experience, his response wouldn’t include the awkward distance that builds between them. Or the lengths they would literally go through just to avoid each other. Neither of them where truly guys who discussed such things like emotions and feelings. When it came to expressing their feelings, it was normally in a form of pent up flustered anger and desperate denial of everything that built within them. So when it comes to making first moves, everybody knew, it wouldn’t be Keith. At least, that was before he started this semester. That was the kind of guy he was. Now though, he never really saw himself being the one who would take the first move. To chase the other down until his fingers grasp firmly around his wrist, and he’s demand to know what the hell the issue was between them. He never really saw the moment he would be given a true rare moment of vulnerability from the other as he finally ‘fesses, as well. Oh no, these are all things he never once expected to happen during those short amount of months of being in school. How time simply evades them, and passes on with every single day. How much they changed during it all. It was astounding to look at, really. 
Now though, it stands merely minutes until the new year, leaving the old one behind. When college started, this wasn’t the type of night he thought he would be having. He didn’t see himself at a current college party, nor with his arm curled around the similar built frame like his own. He doesn’t envision himself curled into said being’s shoulder, cheeks flushed over from the alcohol, or the dopey grin upon his face. He doesn’t foresee the drunken stupor that they’re both going to in, or how his other hand clings onto the fabrics of what he is pretty sure is actually his hoody, but it looks really nice on the other. And as the crowd starts to chant loudly with each other, his hands moves to brush his fingers along the side of his jaw, gently holding it as his fingers weaves into one of those ridiculous spiked sections of the raven colored hair. His thumb gently sweeping along the other’s bottom lip as the room all but vanishes in the background for the two of them. When he thought about new years eve, he doesnt think about how he’ll gets lost honey amber color hues, as the room is all but damn near silent too him, in the background. Nor how the last remaining seconds of the year will quickly escape them. These are factors he never considered when he started college. When the clock strikes midnight, and they’re mumbling “happy new year" together just loud enough for only them to hear before closing that gap, and sealing the new year with shared kiss between each other ( and of course its just not a simple chaste like one either. Because its Keith and Vanitas, and that isn’t how they work ), or how their sharing a drink together ( because Keith managed to lose his at some point and dubs his boyfriends to be the next bets thing ) to celebrate and ring in the new year together, and with everyone else.
When Keith started this semester, this isn’t at all what he envisioned to happen to him. But as the new year starts, and he’s flashing a genuine ( yet drunken ) smile to the gross, disgusting, stupid spiky raven colored, eyes like liquid gold, roommate turned boyfriend, he wouldn’t change a damn thing. Because in the end, Vanitas still ended up being his, and he couldn’t be happier at this point. Especially when he is drunk enough for public displays of affection, and he’s pulling the fabrics of his hoody, drawing the other back in for another kiss. 
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nesciret · 6 years
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          ❛ you’ll have to excuse the boys, your majesty. ❜  with a nonchalant flick of his wrist, the three mice come scampering up his arm for the bait at his fingertips. ❛ they’re usually better behaved. ❜ most of the time, anyway.    /    @nesciret
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❝ oh? ❞  in truth, he doesn’t mind them being as cantankerous as they are—  they’re far from a nuisance and he even finds them adorable.  ❝ i’m not so sure my majesty is content with such an apology—  they might just have to come with me to learn better manners. ❞  of course, he intends to do no such thing, but he is fond of the tiny mice nonetheless.  ❝ though i suppose, i could settle, given the right circumstances. ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
As midnight strikes, and the drunken fools in the overcrowded bar cheer loudly, ringing in the new year, a hand cups the smaller's cheek, tilting his head up so honey meets emerald. Its been rough couple of years for them, but nothing could beat the fact that they're starting the new year, together, once more. A small affectionate gaze flits across his features before leaning down to gingerly press a kiss to Vani's lip. "Happy new year, baby." he murmurs underneath the roar.
within all the time they’d spent apart, it never once crossed his mind that he’d be spending his new year’s celebration with axel again. of course, he’ll thank whatever lucky star endowed him with the humility needed to apologize and axel with the grace to accept it—  if he believed in such things. tonight is about spending the last day of a long, grueling year together where they settle their gripes in the midst of the old, weathered barstools they’d sat upon far too many times than they can count. it’s somewhat of a comfort knowing that they can always fall back on the habits that they built together, especially when it earns him the company of the one person he’d end the world for. he’s been hurt more than he could ever possibly know, and yet he’s always hopeful and accepting of the road that lies before him ( especially, it seemed, when it came to burying the hatchet with him ). it’s the hand on his cheek, drawing his attention away from the hopeless fools spilling their drinks and cheering loudly when the ball in times square finally drops, that grounds his thoughts and makes him focus on the present more than anything else ever could. it’s the thumb that gently sweeps over his bottom lip that irreversibly ruins him for any other person that might stumble into his life. 
held deeply in the depths of axel’s gaze is unfiltered adoration, and it’s shown in the way he kisses him like he’s some priceless gem—  as though he’s afraid he’d shatter into a thousand shards never to be pieced together the same way again. it’s sweet, he thinks, but it’s also something he wished more from, and so he takes it for himself, returning his kiss with one that he hopes will seep into his memory as the one he gets to begin the new year with. when he pulls away, only the most stunning, uncharacteristic, yet genuine grin spreads from ear to ear. he can still taste the whiskey on axel’s tongue.  
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❝ happy new year, babe. i love you. ❞
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nesciret · 6 years
STEALING FROM: @hiraethidity TAGGING: anyone who sees this, really
N: Need Somebody — Xuitcasecity
E: Easy Love — Lauv
S: SWISH — Tyga
C: Crossfire — Stephen
I: I Found — Amber Run
R: Right Now — Fabian Mazur
E: EVOLVE — Shinedown
T: The Wolf — SIAMES
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nesciret · 6 years
hey uh, like this to eventually get a starter soon 
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