under-lok-n-ki · 3 months
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tits out for Lunadeyis
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OOHOOH another old doodle page with the FIRST time i drew felipe..... woaw....  anyway LOOOOVED their time on liquidus and their misfortunate ascent into the fey wild
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ashenmind · 6 months
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oh, and this is broadly what an actual ternary phase diagram looks like
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razberrypuck · 2 years
do you think "charlie tweeted abt gillion Going Though It in one of the next riptide episodes" and "kuba 'tiger guy that literally curses the people he scratches' kinta is about to fight the albatrio" are related. because. I'm starting to think that.
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rumiraclemi · 2 years
yay time for another curse removal arc, right as they've caused massive damage and are Very wanted by the navy in the closest city with a temple that could cure it (:
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yellydany · 3 months
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Minewolf 🐺 🦗🧨 (Novacanis Liquidus Detonare) or Xittocoyotl "Large insectoid canines with a sharp explosion-proof exoskeleton. They carry and produce a blue liquid in their body akin to nitroglycerine which they eject to defend and attack. Whilst solitary they can group together like a wolf pack and excel at hunting.
Thanks to their unmatched sense of smell they’re able to detect hazards early, the odor of mines and other explosives even if in different states of matter, becoming incredibly useful to demine fields after undergoing training and domestication. This species can be avoidant of humans however but once trust is gained they may become loyal companions."
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teehee-vibes · 1 month
Guys, I think Grizzly hid lore in Dark Puckered Hole.
NOW JUST- JUST HEAR ME OUT. (Mieru, look away).
I’m not just talking about the potential purity culture of the Undersea being exposed through Finn’s self exploration… I’m talking RAFT lore.
In Chapter 69, “Behind Bars,” of Dark Puckered Hole, Finn Tidestrider is imprisoned “somewhere in the eastern sea” with another triton, who is on the brink of death. They fall in love and bang before the anonymous convict passes in Finn’s arms, but that’s not what I’m focusing on. Im focusing on the presence of another triton, an injured one, in the Oversea, especially the Sakura Ocean.
Historically in Mana, Finn Tidestrider was one of, if not, THE FIRST to leave the Undersea behind. A decade or so-so later, in modern day Riptide, there have been practically no other triton. Gillion, who was banished, and Edyn, who left to find and avenge him, are the only ones. Even more so, the only other Undersea characters are found in the Undersea (Unnamed NPCs in The Tank OR Felipe, a grung, being from Liquidus) or having left it behind for personal reasons a la Edyn (Caspian, a water genasi). When the Tidestrider siblings go around Allport, they have to wear cloaks to avoid standing out. There aren’t even other triton in Liquidus!
So how, why, is there another triton in the oversea? Finn himself is shocked by his presence. “In this prison, to find another man from the Undersea… my mind raced with questions.” He doesn’t dwell on this weirdness because his questions are drowned out by the sound of his blood beneath his skin, rushing downward, BUT it’s very bizarre, no?
Another detail: Why was the other triton on the verge of death? Of course, inadequate care, but could he have been thrown back into the cell like that? Whoever imprisoned them did not care about their lives. They could live, or they could die.
To go further, isn’t it kind of weird how Finn Tidestrider doesn’t specify where his imprisonment is? He is a very detailed author. He could have said one of the villages in Onawa Country or anything else to feed more detail into his writing, but he didn’t. I feel like the reason he wouldn’t be specific is because he himself was unsure exactly of where he was. He was taken in secret, likely kept out of sight while being arrested and transported to his cell.
I also have to wonder… who imprisoned them? I think you know what I’m getting at. I think RAFT did. RAFT has the resources. RAFT has the political sway. RAFT has governmental power. And it’s worsened by the fact that this imprisonment occurred in the Eastern Sea, the site of the Promised Bastion, where triton are imprisoned, tortured, skinned, and experimented on…
Judging by the fact that Finn refers to the other triton’s you-know-what as “a lighthouse to guide this lost sailor home,” Finn was likely a part of the Black Rose Pirates at the time. He couldn’t hide his presence in the Oversea as a crewmate for a pirate lord, let alone Captain Rose. Finn was on wanted posters, Finn was in newspaper headlines, Finn was a published author. I think RAFT had its eyes on him, but when they arrested or kidnapped him, it wasn’t for crimes of piracy… at least not on the surface.
I think this experimentation on Undersea people and gods has been going on for a long time, and Dark Puckered Hole could be evidence of this fact. Finn was intended to be a source of skin, of blood, and of magic for RAFT’s experimentation in the artificial leviathan and black ops projects. His lover was too, maybe already was (I say maybe because Finn doesn’t allude to the idea that he was physically ripped apart… that would have been unignorable). Finn probably only made it out because he’s that strong (in episode 82, when Drey is talking to and comforting Jay, he said Finn was terrifying when angry or passionate) or his crew came to his rescue.
I think political and military purposes against the pirates weren’t the only reasons RAFT wanted to ally with the Undersea. “Joining forces” with them led either to less suspicion as they funneled triton out of the ocean and to the recently abandoned Promised Bastion, or coming to dominate them allowed RAFT to simply take triton without enough pushback. Either way, without their Champion to rise against them (the one triton on the hooks accused Gillion of abandoning them), they’ve been taken en masse. And maybe Edyn’s collaboration with the navy permitted her some of this knowledge, and that’s how she knew to hide Gillion from prying eyes in navy territory.
Uhhh tldr: It’s weird that there’s an injured triton in the Eastern Oversea. I think DPH could imply that Finn and his lover were imprisoned by RAFT as test subjects for the artificial leviathan and black ops projects, proving the longevity of Fay Ferin’s plans.
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justa-moth · 1 year
i wish to do some research,,
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ashes2caches · 6 months
hrt that turns you into a liquidus compound
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vyrion · 1 year
i don't care if it's not canon it's practically spelled out that the ferins and aster have a connection of sorts - and though they're a family name that's almost interchangeable with RAFT, they're still humans. they advocate for land, rather than sea. they fight for order, for discipline.
the seas aren't like that. they're open, kind or not, but calling.
"but vyrion! what about the tritons and everyone else who lives in the undersea?"
the undersea is a place that's kind of. untouched. in a sense. by the politics of the overseas. grizzly has mentioned that they pay more attention to the leviathans, because that's far more tangible than some goddess of a thing in the sky when they probably don't even see the moon on a regular basis. i can't make too many inferences because the only major parts of it we've heard about are the elders and gillion's experiences, and i'm not sure either are fully representative of the culture there, but i doubt they hold the same loose principles.
pirates, on the other hand. pirates are seeking freedom, or exploration, or riches. or. whatever. they're on the sea for a Reason.
worshiping the goddess who looks after the seas? yeah! that makes sense! she's on your side!
there's less. rigidness? with her traditions. sure, the grand temple of the moon exists in liquidus. that doesn't mean that services can't move.
there's. habits. traditions. little things you do to pay respect rather than dedicating hours at a time to service. toss a coin to the sea, leave a gift for another. pass a kindness forward. there's occasions, sure, where it calls for grandiosity - but those are a community, built on tradition that changes with the tide. things you can respect on the deck of a ship, laughing while you dance with another.
the pirate's favorite goddess is that of the moon, because her blessing doesnt feel as conditional as that of the sun's
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00-sunshine-00 · 3 months
Jakoś przetrwałam świata ale napierdalam się ciast więc dramat.
Jade jutro po buty i mam taki plan że poproszę mamę o 150 zł z czego 130 na buty a 20 na liquid do epa bo nie mam i jeszcze 5 zł mam które wydam na jakąś cole zero i fasta zrobię.Mam nadzieję że mój plan się uda bo potrzebuje liquidu i powinnam zrobić fasta może rano się zważe ale nie wiem czy mi się uda bo moja waga ma wąchania nastroju i może być tak że przestanie działać. Oglądam ostatnio filmy o ed i próbuje się zmotywować do schudnięcia bo jest źle.
Mam nadzieję że nie przytyjecie przez świata
Chudego dnia/nocy motylki 🦋
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razberrypuck · 11 months
also hey is the reason no one outside of liquidus talks about the goddesses because a vast majority of those that worshipped them were in the black sea. bc all the sun imagery and direct mentions of aster makes me think that may be the case.
also the fact that the clouds are so constantly dense that the sun and moon's light can't break through. the fact that magic became so difficult to use. it's interesting.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 7 months
riptide wonders that encase my head (and a theory on how MAYBE we get chibo back)
okay, the title in itself is a spoiler, but i just gotta be dramatic okay? its honestly just me pointing out shit in riptide i noticed (which i miss shit so if i got smth wrong pls tell me)
this all started from a convo about nico de angelo with my non jrwi friend btw so yeah
so, by actual account, chip is dead right? well, my non jrwi friend (@arcadianxanadus) brings up a fun idea: magically hes considered alive.
we know jack shit on how captain widows revival magic works, so lemme give you my theory notes now
captain widows magic seems to only take that full effect (murder i mean) when the victim is unconscious, im doubting it even works on someone awake as i dont recall any needed checks for those (could have to do a rewatch of jrwi oh well)
once the heart is removed from captain widow by any means, the person it belonged to dies, meaning something inside captain widow keeps that shit thumping yet also allows a connection to remain between the owner and the heart
captain widows body allows the hearts to move arround, and i dont think she has her own
grizzly mentioned in one ep that he was translating some monsters over to enemies
(mentioned by non jrwi friend!) captain widow seems to be opposite magically of the black sea. widows victims end up dead yet magically the brain is tricked into believing the body is alive so they "come back" from the dead, while those affected by corruption have the mindset of a zombie or undead but are very much alive
now for a couple questions which relate to captain widow:
(mentioned by non jrwi friend!) can captain widows magic be reversed with the opposite process? would the same process work?
can chip even be revived if captain widows magic is the only reason he is alive? what happens if he is (somehow gets a new heart), then they remove chips old heart, would chip die too?
can captain widows process even be reversed at all?
does captain widow have any connection to victims of the black sea or the corruption?
what is this womans biology like? how is any of her feats done?
(mentioned by non jrwi friend!) could captain widow give chip back his heart?
with this came questions about the black sea and mana, so accompanied by roses world map, heres my questions and notes on this shit:
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the only known sorcerer onboard the midnight rose that we know of (one whos been shown to have very strong magic) that could have helped rose with what he wanted is finn
adding to the last note, yes nk is an option, but why wouldnt rose go for his loyal crew member, one who swore an oath to help him and shit?
the tidestriders have been shown to be very resistant to corruption (only reason finn struggling cause he old)
the black sea has 2 crescent shaped islands, and the viridis sea has 1 creacent shaped landmass (apon closer inspection, the royale blue ocean also has 2 crescent shaped islands, one of which being jays home land and the other being desire island)
considering how liquidus is located in a hole in the northern sea (dont wanna struggle to spell viridis), the holes can naturally occur (why else does nobody fucking question it), so the irregular part must be how it corrupted the sea
could there have been undersea people in the sakura ocean? did they get corrupted by the sea?
what actually happens if you get all corruption points?
would goobleck be affected by the goop of the sea? could he just absorb it?
is niklaus's deal actually active with chip still? would any of their deals stay active if they got corrupted?
theres a g mart in every sea. how the fuck did the black sea one get there the map literally says its the black sea already
(i forgot who mentioned it, ill go hunting after i post this) if chips dead, does the memory he lost come back? or since by magical rule hes alive it doesnt work like that?
there are ways out of the black sea! its not just cause "black rose built different", GRYFFON CANONICALLY IS FROM THE BLACK SEA.
we actually dont know much on the undersea. gillion isnt a reliable source because he didnt get to see it much, finn isnt a good source either cause his age and magic are affecting his memory, leaving edyn whod be the best source...except for the fact that shes nowhere to be found and would probably run before any questions could be asked.
any additional questions and notes are encouraged to be addedon, but now for my theory on this all...
chip can be revived by maybe a couple of 3 ways:
chip is brought to zero hp again and captain widow gives back his heart
chip is brought to max hp and captain widow gives back his heart
(for me the most likely thought) chip gets fully corrupted and (maybe needed) fails the check to remember shit
i have the most trust in the first part of theory 3. since each magic has opposite effects, maybe itll force chip back to life, thus reviving him? im hoping chip doesnt try it though, aster forbid im fucking wrong and we just lose chibo
the second part of theory 3 is there cahse (cause) maybe chip has to be fall to rise again? the only way to get up is to fall til you cant no more type shit. maybe if chip loses himself to the sea, all the magic going on will fucking return him to normal? look, im trying to be positive, and in the bleek dark trauma hole its fuckin hard
so yeah maybe grizzly plays will have mercy and even take my ideas to consideration but please. i cant handle my boy being haunted for so long
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emptybookslover · 7 months
Nie czuje smaku liquidu więc stwierdziłam, że przez chorobę tracę smak. To tyle, nie ma puenty
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lynxisback · 4 days
concept: waxplay but with solder
low melt solders can have as low of a liquidus as like 170F which is only 20F higher than beeswax.
pros: they make such pretty splashes :3. big robotgirl appeal
cons: lead (maybe RoHS can save us)
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The Iron-Nickel-Chromium Ternary System
Despite the labeling of the phase diagram from Phase Poll #8, the Fe-Ni-Cr diagram isn’t strictly a diagram of stainless steel compositions. True, stainless steels are iron based alloys containing both nickel and chromium in varying amounts, but if we move to the nickel side of the phase diagram, for example, we start moving toward nickel-based superalloys, not steels, which by definition are predominantly iron. Which isn’t even taking into account the numerous other elements present in steels and the other alloys touched upon by this system, including manganese, molybdenum, titanium, aluminum, etc.
Alloys within this space include the following (all compositions are approximate averages of the many alloys within each category):
Austenitic stainless steels usually have around 18% Cr and 10% Ni, sometimes with some Mo or Ti. Ferritic stainless steels and martensitic stainless steels usually have around 16% Cr, but they don’t always even contain nickel. Duplex stainless steels have around 25% Cr and lower Ni at around 5%, in addition to some Mo. Precipitation hardening steels again have around 16% Cr, but can vary widely in their Ni content, from 5-25%. Moving away from steels, Ni-based superalloys such as Inconels can have 15-30% Cr and 5-10% Fe, with the balance as nickel. High chromium alloys, however, aren’t common. While chromium is added for it’s corrosion resistance, Cr is has a BCC crystal structure, which, while strong, isn’t as ductile as the FCC structure favored by Ni*.
That means the composition chosen by the poll, 42% Cr, 36% Fe, and 22% Ni, isn’t really going to be found in any commercial alloys. However, we can discuss the microstructure at that composition, which just barely stays in the Cr + γFeNi region of the phase diagram at that temperature. γFeNi, or the gamma phase, is a disordered solid solution FCC structure that forms the matrix of most Fe-Ni superalloys, though you typically need slightly more Ni than we have to stabilize the phase. The Cr phase here is also sometimes labeled as α’, and it is a Cr-rich BCC phase (where α would be the Fe-rich BCC phase).
Sources/Further reading: ( 1 ) ( 2 - image 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )
Image sources: ( image 3 ) ( image 4 )
More phase diagrams: ( image 1 ) ( Cr-Fe-Ni, 500K ) ( Cr-Fe-Ni, 1000K ) ( Cr-Fe-Ni, 1073K ) ( Cr-Fe-Ni, 1473K ) ( Cr-Fe-Ni, 1500K ) ( Cr-Fe-Ni, 2000K ) ( Cr-Fe-Ni, liquidus projection ) ( Cr-Fe ) ( Cr-Ni ) ( Fe-Ni )
* A note on the BCC vs FCC structure comparison. Astute readers will note that Fe also has a BCC structure at room temperature, lending strength but not ductility. However, at high temperatures, Fe transitions to the FCC structure, and this FCC structure can be maintained in the final product if the alloy is cooled fast enough. Take a look at the Fe-Ni phase diagram as compared to the Cr-Fe phase diagram linked above. Ni, as an FCC metal itself, helps stabilize Fe in the FCC structure at high temperatures. Cr, on the other hand, does not. So a high Cr alloy would lend itself to a BCC structure, with low ductility, which is why they are not prevalent.
Additional reading.
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