#i love polls....
justa-moth · 1 year
i wish to do some research,,
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lemonbarista · 3 months
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phantasm-masquerade · 5 months
reblog for a bigger sample size if you feel like it
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seriousturd · 5 months
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mxanigel · 6 months
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o0kawaii0o · 3 months
Tumblr media
no mercy 😭
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great-and-small · 9 months
Just curious about everyone’s thoughts on this as I’ve been thinking about urban wildlife a lot lately
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
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randompolls · 10 months
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tomlinsins · 8 months
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new-november-moons · 1 year
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coolerdracula · 3 months
saying “visual style" because, for example, if you would swap your current wardrobe for an identical, ethically made counterpart, there would be no visible change
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animentality · 1 year
Tumblr finally gives us the option to poll each other and the first immediate thing we did was have a poll that was just racing a snail, a caterpillar, and a worm.
And it was so magnificent that both bug and bug race are trending.
I love you guys. I could kill you for not crowning worm the winner, though.
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 3 months
Edit: I see a ton of answers saying "torture porn" and some asking why I didn't add it. Torture porn isn't a subgenre of horror. Every single horror film that yall describe as torture porn falls into an actual subgenre (usually slasher/splatter or body horror, though there are exceptions). Torture porn was a term made to describe the rise in realistic brutality in horror in the early 2000s. If you don't like the brutality or gore in horror, that's fine. But that's not a subgenre. Every single one of these could be incredibly gorey and brutal, as well as can be the opposite of that. Torture porn is not a subgenre in itself
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wetslug · 1 year
ppl who r using poll results as a way to Prove Something about society or come to any conclusion.. i hope you are aware that tumblr users are one of the most biased population groups you could conceivably find. gob bless
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desireisqueer · 9 months
so i was wondering how many blogs does the average tumblr user follow cause i was thinking do i follow a lot of blogs or do i follow a lot less than many others do so now im doing a poll
please rb for larger sample size and im sorry if the options are bad!!!
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