#link to the invisible
kitschke · 1 month
AOTD 8/16: Link To The Invisible - Booka Shade
this is quite a silly band name tbh
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luna-lovegreat · 24 hours
Sky and Wars knight training
Sky and Warriors... are the knights of the group. As in the ones that are fully trained in battle, and injury in battle.
And it shows
Because Sky and Wars were the first ones to reach and defend Wolfie when he was injured
Wolfie, not Twilight
Because not everyone knew it was him. They didn't all know that that was their brother, and not just a friendly wolf
When Twilight was injured, we instantly saw the faces of those who knew it was him, but none of them could reach him
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And so Time asked Wars to, and Wars did
And Sky instantly joined him
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But they didn't know, they didn't know it was Twilight
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Yet they treated it as any injury in battle, with instant communication and getting him out and cared for 'I don't know if we can get him out yet-' / 'just defend him first!' / 'I'll cover you' / 'we'll take care of him quickly'
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And when Sky and Wars did find out it was Twilight, they let Time take Mr. Stubborn to the village, and went back to the battle
"Potions are for the weak"
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They later share their thoughts on this -they said what their actions had already shown- that they considered any injury an instant priority
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It matters so much to me- that the two who were able to reach and help Twilight the most didn't even know it was him, but still treated it as their highest priority in battle. It shows a lot to their character me thinks.
It's really cool! The way they speak and their actions show their training- they have such an instant response in sync that they will get the wounded out.
They are wonderful heroes and knights and I love seeing how that comes out in battle
Art is by Jojo @linkeduniverse au! :D
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Something something, Medusa was given a curse (that she views as a gift) by Athena where people can no longer see her, something Annabeth was given a gift (that’s kinda a curse) by Athena that makes her invisible…
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breannasfluff · 4 months
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Poor Time
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hypnogogyc · 1 year
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When I discover who I am, I'll be free.
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layraket · 6 months
Tempered Sword Fi
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this is mostly a concept design and testing. I like this one tho
i took a lot of liberties with her design and played with it like a doll to see what comes out, making her cape¿ like if it's sharp at the edges and her legs being like needles, making her look more capable and efficient in combat (she already was. hyrule warriors shown us that. imagine this version.)
im very happy with this. i might keep it as it looks already
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dcbnam-aep · 2 months
it’s rhaenyra threatening alicent at knife point in the sept but alicent leaving uninjured only to get attacked because of rhaenyra when next leaving the sept and getting a matching scar to the one she inflicted for me
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myiayse · 5 months
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astrobreaks · 4 months
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danganronpa And komaeda jumpscare in the holy year of 2024. hands you this
bsky | mastodon | twitter
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the-moon-files · 10 months
Linked Universe - Masc!Reader Soulmate Quick Headcanons <3
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(^^ this is so cute i gotta find the anime its from)
Sun: Male/Masc Reader (he/him), Guide Reader :)
Stars: Wild (Breath of the Wild Link)
Planet: Headcanons/scenarios, kinda long sorry
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Link possibly feeling comphet (compulsory heteronormative), the general angst of being the best friend love interest (ends well dw), Links missing you/being sad about it
& Trigger Warnings: Link crying. (Please comment if otherwise.)
Wild (BOTW Link)
Ok so we know he was stuck before the calamity following Zelda around
And while in game it seems like he's perfectly accepting of his role as her knight
And maybe could love her or grow to love her
I feel like after the Calamity, and after he meets you, its not possible anymore
It kinda feels like that same way ppl come to realize theyre lesbians??
Like he could've been straight and happy or content (not really, not fully, but in that way that gay women settle for staying with a man, he'd stay with Zelda maybe)
She used to be all he had left really, so maybe out of obligation he'd have stayed, but then he lost his memories.
And what was once a daily duty now became a woman he barely knew halfway across the kingdom, (who creepily randomly telepathically invaded his mind,,)
Link doesn't really realize how he feels until after traveling with you around the entirety of Hyrule, camping, fighting, cooking, eating etc. together, after becoming best friends with you,
Its like how a lesbian realizes they're lesbian bc they could never imagine themselves actually dating/married to a man, at least relying on him for the long term,
Then that sentiment comes in like "i just wish i could stay with my best (non-man) friend forever" kinda way
Like he definitely had the thought "this is so much easier, i wish we could be together forever" <3
So while "dating" you didn't necessarily occur to Link at first bc of heteronormative mindset/general mission of the Calamity Ganons
He quickly breaks out of that a couple months into the journey
Zelda at first may have been the quintessential "princess needing saving" but you were the "best friend love interest all along" type of energy you know?
So when at the end of you guys' journey, you feel the tug to leave, because the adventure's over.. you fully expect to see Zelda running into his arms or something, and turn away
You may be able to accept he loves women (tho how he looked at you and how comfortable he was touching you had you thinking possibly, maybe, hopefully otherwise)
But that doesn't mean you're going to sit here and watch it happen
(You know the games, the Legend of Zelda, this is how it always ends)
Instead, you feel lean but strong arms clamp around your torso
You're lifted up (even if you complain about how heavy you are, and he must be tired)
But Link is just smiling, and spins you around, Zelda is slack jawed in the background and then giggles??
Well, that's sweet, at least he remembered you were here instead of getting absorbed in her
Link practically whips you around, turning you in his arms
You stumble but he's too strong to let you falter in this position
He crushes you to his chest, a whispered "thank you" in your right ear, his breath is warm and ticklish
You awkwardly pat his back, "yeah, of course buddy, glad she's okay, and you're alright, you should get some rest. Oh, and you can have whatever I've got left in my iventory, since I won't be needing it anymore... you know I've gotta go soon."
You feel more see Link jump in shock, he grasps your shoulders (you didn't realize how hot his hands were until they were gone from your back)
You're worried he forgot about the whole "only here for adventures" Guide thing until painful understanding shows in his blue eyes
He immediately looks like the wind got knocked out of him
"Sorry Link, I wish I could stay to rebuild or explore Hyrule with you... but it's not my choice anymore."
You look apologetic but at least you know he won't be alone, that was your entire reason for being a Guide in the first place
But as you begin to fade (which, wow, Hylia really can't spare having you stick around for longer than a few minutes or seconds after Ganon's defeat??)
Link looks, panicked?
Like he's watching the Calamity happen all over again, but unlike in the game, he actually looks overwhelmed and freaked
His calloused hands attempt to grab you in various places, your arms, your waist, your shoulders, hands, just anything he can hold onto
But nothing works and you give him a sad smile, wishing him good luck with Zelda and the kingdom
And a reminder not to push himself too hard, bc you wont be there to stop him anymore
It's only just as the last of your vision fades (like a movie fading to black at the edges and closing in)
That you see him start to cry.
The first few months without you were hard, you had practically been the one constant in his life, afterall he couldn't remember much else so consistent before you
Sure, he had flickers of old memories, old friends, even of Zelda,
But they were special ones, specific moments, not having a routine every evening for who cooks dinner and who does dishes
No memory of someone helping him figure out how to dress himself, or how to shield surf down the best slopes
You were home, the very wilds he's grown to love and adore during his adventure, his house in Hateno was more like a inn he didn't pay for, rather than the warm fire you were sitting beside, lifting a blanket corner so he could curl up beside you
Zelda had understood, thankfully
She'd expected he would be different, memory loss can affect someone like that
But she'd said he seemed, better, lighter
Lighter than he ever was as a knight, even at the happiest she'd seen him
He'd helped some with the castle at first, but seeing how depressed he was, esp after she got other workers or Hylians to help, Zelda had sent him off
Under the flimsy excuse to go officially inform the rest of the kingdoms that she'd been freed and Ganon defeated
Link had unconciously returned to your favorite spots around Hyrule, and it had hurt in a different way to be around stables and have people ask where you were (you were more talkative than he was)
He'd started to avoid civilization unless absolutely necessary for supply runs, and he preferred to do so in disguise late at night..
So when Link's summoned on an adventure yet again to fight a threat so devastating it needs the previous incarnations of him...
He's actually looking forward to it.
Don't get him wrong, he wishes this weren't necessary to defeat the shadow, and he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, but if this is an adventure...
It means he might be able to see you again.
And he's willing to take on Ganon all over again, spend months at a time fighting and mowing down monsters, if it means you're allowed to be by his side once more
(He had tried praying to Hylia, which he didn't do much pre or post calamity usually, but for you he made an exception, and the blonde found that this was the one prayer that he could feel no divine eye turned on him for...? Her presence was practically gone when he prayed for you back)
But at least now, he realizes, he was right.
Thank goodness (not Hylia?) , he was right
Because Link could feel you,
As he'd learned towards the end of his journey, there was an innate 6th sense he had for feeling your presence, the closer you were, the more precise it was, even down to which way you were turned (all without him looking at you)
(He had ignored the strangely giddy feeling that bubbled up in his chest when Impa learned of this trick, and began to tell him, for the first time since his memories about it were gone, about soulmates)
Like familiar paths in Hyrule, he knew where a safe place to sleep was waiting,
You were waiting.
All he had to do was step through the portal, find his fellow heroes, and he knew, you would be there.
This accidentally posted 💀🥲
Welp, i was about ready to post it anyway, hope someone got a kick outta this,
Im slowly gonna add all the Links btw lol
Thanks for reading, hope u enjoyed! :)
Peace Out,
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skyward-floored · 25 days
Trick of the light (downfall iau)
Going back in time a bit, a quick thing about how Wind and Four actually ended up in the wrong universe.
“Don’t come any closer!”
Wind huffed in annoyance, glaring at the bad guy that was threateningly waving some kind of device around. They’d finally cornered Wizzro up here after a long chase-slash-fight, and now he’d hidden himself behind a forcefield and was grinning at them all like he wasn’t totally about to be stopped.
Four beside him rolled his eyes, and Wind heard their father let out a sigh as the villain cackled again.
“Wizzro, you’re surrounded, drop your shield and drop your weapon,” he said coolly.
“Never! I went through a lot of work to make this!” Wizzro hissed, then ran a loving hand over the device. “It’s ready now— all I have to do is use it, and nobody will be able to stop me!”
“Oh yeah? What’s it do?” Warriors drawled, and Time tilted his head at Wind and Four, making a few small hand gestures.
They nodded, and began to slowly inch around to Wizzro’s other side while Warriors distracted him, Wind wishing Wild or Legend had come with them. It figures the two people we could use the most didn’t come.
“Well, it’s... very powerful,” Wizzro began to explain, twiddling with some switches, “so powerful that not even you will be able to stand up to me, Fierce Deity!”
“Ooh, scary,” Warriors grinned, casually crossing his arms. “You have no clue what it does, do you?”
“What? Yes! Of course I do!” Wizzro snapped, but they all saw the hesitation in his eyes. “I do!”
Time raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
“Oh shut up! I’ve combined several different designs to make an all-powerful weapon!” Wizzro yelled, and then held it up so they could all see it. “And the power that fuels it is not to be reckoned with!”
Wind saw a glimmer of light in the bottom of the gun-like device, bright enough that he couldn’t really tell what it was. Maybe some kind of stone? He didn’t recognize it though, and based on Warriors and Time’s frowns, they didn’t either.
He kept going alongside Four though. They were almost directly behind Wizzro now, and with his focus on Warriors and Time, Wind was confident he’d be able to use his winds to shut off the forcefield so he and Four could tackle him. He was a little uneasy about the weapon, but he could just blow it out of Wizzro’s hand if it came to it.
“And what exactly is this power that we should be so terrified of?” Time asked dryly, hiding his own unease. Wizzro only grinned, and twirled his weapon.
“That’s only for me to know about, I’m afraid. But you should be terrified.”
“Why exactly? If you don’t even know what it does, why should we be afraid?” Warriors asked, and Wizzro hummed, tapping a withered finger to his chin. Or at least what might have been a chin. His hood mostly hid his face.
“You know, that’s a good point,” Wizzro said casually. His grin grew. “What do you say we test it?”
And then before anyone could react, he whirled around and shot it through his shield directly at Wind and Four.
Pure light burst from the device, so bright that it seemed to blot out every sense that Wind had. He plainly heard his father’s panicked shout though, and Wind had just enough time to grab onto Four before the light intensified over them like a solid weight.
His breath left him, otherwise he would have screamed with the way it felt like every cell in his body lit up with energy. The world swirled around and the light felt like it was passing through him, pulling and tugging him away.
Wind held Four with everything he had, and the world went white.
The blinding light lasted several seconds, then abruptly faded, leaving Time, Warriors and Wizzro all blinking rapidly in an attempt to regain their vision.
And when it did, Wind and Four were nowhere to be seen.
Wizzro blinked, looking at his weapon, then at the place where Wind and Four had been, and then back at his weapon again.
“Hm. That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Warriors decked him with a blast of ice to the chest.
Wind woke up to a distant call of his name, and someone frantically shaking his shoulders.
A groan escaped him, and he managed to drag his eyes open, though he immediately closed them again. The light felt like it was burning his eyeballs, and even though the shaking was kinda frantic, Wind didn’t move, trying to get the world to settle and the pain in his head to ease up.
“Wind! Come on, wake up!”
At the sound of his brother’s frantic voice, Wind finally peeled his eyes open, despite how much it hurt them. The light was a little less intense this time though, and he made out a blurry face in front of him, expression on the panicked side.
“Uh... Four?” Wind managed to groan, and Four nodded, looking relieved.
“Finally! I woke up like ten minutes ago, I wasn’t sure if you were ever going to. I had to drag you into an alleyway!” he said a little frantically, and Wind squinted at him.
“You dragged... wait, why?” he asked, sitting up with a grunt. Ow. “What... what happened?”
Four bit his lip, and looked behind him somewhere. “I... I don’t know. That light hit us, and we got thrown somewhere, I guess. But when I woke up people were staring at us, especially at our suits, and this one guy looked bad, so I tugged you away when he glanced away, and Wind, it looks really weird out there.”
“Really weird how?” Wind questioned, and Four anxiously rubbed his arm.
“Like... wrong.”
Wind frowned, and looked around the alleyway Four had dragged him into, not noticing anything too out of the ordinary. It was a little stinky, but there was nothing wrong.
Not until he saw a poster on the wall that made his stomach lurch.
Wind stood, wobbling for a moment then righting himself, and walked to the wall, staring at the poster. It was partially torn, but still almost entirely legible. The part that had caught his attention though, was the part that said DIRK LAKEWOOD, KEEPING US SAFE.
Four looked over his shoulder and choked, and Wind kept staring at the poster, Dark’s winning smile making him want to tear the poster up and run.
“Th... that’s Dark,” Four said shakily, and Wind’s mind flickered back to the disaster with Dark and the island, the robot and the fight, and... Four almost getting kidnapped. “How...”
“I don’t know,” Wind said quietly, and looked at Four. “But... I think that light did more then just zap us off the roof.”
Four paled a little and leaned against the wall, and Wind’s mind was running in overdrive, trying to figure out what this meant. Dark was dead, no doubt about that, but somehow he... wasn’t?
Rapid footsteps pounded nearby, and Wind and Four startled and ducked back a little, watching a figure charge into the alleyway and begin working his way up the wall. It was a super, outfit a dark red, hints of black and green interspersed, and Wind squinted, the colors familiar, yet... not.
Four suddenly gasped, and Wind realized it was Legend jumping over dumpsters and climbing up onto the roof. But last Wind checked, Legend was at home with a cold, and the Legend currently working his way upwards was all wrong, the colors of his suit too dark, his frame skinnier than it should be.
Wind caught a brief glimpse of his face, and his blood went cold, the face so obviously his brother’s and yet not at the same time that he had to sit down.
He and Four watched the strange Legend disappear onto a rooftop, and didn’t say anything for a few long seconds.
“I think you’re right,” Four finally whispered.
They exchanged frightened looks, and Wind glanced back at the poster one more time, Dark still grinning at them with an obnoxiously perfect smile.
What had they just gotten themselves into?
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arecaceae175 · 1 month
Directors cut: thoughts on Sky and Legend? Especially as chronic illness buddies like in Resting Together.
Hello fellow chronic illness Sky truther!!!! I’ve been thinking about this all day and all night. I love them your honor
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sky and Legend as chronic illness buddies. For one I just think they would get along very well, and for two they are so easy to project chronic illness into hehe. Sorry blorbos but actually I’m not 😂
One big thing I enjoy exploring with Sky and Legend is the differences in how obvious their disabilities are to other people. With Legend, he’s naturally a more vocal person, so he would talk about them more I think. I also usually imagine him having mobility aids like braces or compression garments or a cane, etc. So, all that to say I usually write him so that it’s very clear to others he’s disabled. 
With Sky, his are more invisible. Or at least he plays it down well. For example, everyone knows he’s sleepy. When people make lighthearted jokes about it, Sky just smiles and goes along with it instead of saying something like yeah I’m always horribly fatigued from my chronic illness 🥲.
I also think there would be a difference in how disability and chronic illness are handled between Sky’s and Legend’s era. Legend is so far into the future and his civilization is more advanced, so he would be much more likely to actually have terms and words and diagnoses to describe his experiences. That makes it so so so much easier to understand his body and his experiences, describe them to others, and ask for and use accommodations.
Sky has a tendency to downplay and ignore his symptoms until it sends him into a flare up and he can’t ignore them anymore. Part of it is who he is and the trauma issues from not being fast enough, but also part of it is some internalized ableism telling him his symptoms aren’t as bad because they don’t present exactly like Legend’s. THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!!! DO NOT BE LIKE SKY!!!!! Everyone’s symptoms are different and you should never downplay your problems because you believe someone else has it worse.
All of this is something very important to me personally, and I think it resonates well with any others out there with undiagnosed issues and invisible disabilities.
So yeah. Those are my thoughts. They’re very important to me 💞💞💞💞💞
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luna-lovegreat · 6 days
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... smoll art?
I have a lot of feelings on the boys who wield the master sword. They seem to have a lot of issues with blame. Legend has his head on straight. Personally I blame Ghirahim for everything ever.
Blame the blade for the killing?
Or blame the one who died
Blame the one who caused it!
Or blame your own pride?
Or is it the fault
Of those who started it all
Who tore peace from the sky
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shantechni · 3 months
Hi ik this is kinda weird but you're the first person (besides me) i've found on tumblr who's both into smiling friends and link click and i just think thats neat
Oh that's not weird at all, it's actually pretty funny to think about.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
do u have any navi thoughts from your oot replay
i've been waiting to answer this until I actually beat the game in my current playthrough because navi is another one of those characters that i think of in like a "set" with several other characters who serve relatively the same thematic purpose; in this case that purpose being the "mother" character, and i wanted to have all the characters in that set fresh in my mind. it's notable that while oot shows us very clear and consistent instances of the ways in which the adults of hyrule fail to protect their children, there ARE several adults who DO go out of their way to both oppose ganondorf and protect and nurture the children under their care. All of these characters are adult women, and all of them explicitly help the children out of some sort of parental responsibility or sense of duty towards them. in this group I include link's late mother, impa, nabooru, and navi.
all 4 mother characters, despite being adults or adult-coded, reject the inaction mentality which characterizes other adults in the game. they become either direct supports or shields to their children from the conflict the world has to offer them, and they are always explicitly punished for their interference--link's mother is killed trying to protect her son, impa's village is burned, nabooru is brainwashed. The mother's fatal flaw is that she will protect her child above all else, even in a world in which children cannot truly be protected. however, with the exception of link's mother, these characters manage to persist even in the face of her punishment, and this is where I think navi becomes the exemplary character.
Navi, after a lifetime of being link's only support system, the only adult in his life he could truly, consistently count on, receives her punishment at the hands of ganondorf--in the final battle, she is pushed out. she is unable to reach her child. she cannot protect him. However, BECAUSE link has grown up with her at his side, he is strong enough to take ganondorf down. and when ganon rises again, navi is there to support link, promising not to leave his side, and the intuitive targeting of that battle (a mechanic which navi is inherently tied to!!) makes it a cinch to win. Navi, and the other mothers we meet, are a reminder to the player that the world doesn't HAVE to be the way it is. Their persistence when punished, their insistence that their children ought to be protected, is a reminder that good adults do exist, and that good adults raise good children. link and zelda are able to win in spite of the adults who refused to help them, but also BECAUSE of the adults who DID. It's a reinforcement of the core theme of oot--that childlike idea that the world SHOULD be good and fair and if it isn't, it should be changed until it is. The mothers of oot are examples of what the world COULD be, reminders that it is possible to grow up without losing hope or growing bitter, and they are examples of the next step for the children they've raised to change the word--to continue fighting even in the face of punishment, to refuse inaction, and to foster that same hope and persistence in the generations to come.
#one thing i've really been noticing this time around is the specific way in which navi's targeting works#because even though other 3d games have that targeting mechanic navi's targeting is noticeably different#in two ways. the first being that she specifically targets weak spots in enemies almost as if she is pointing them out to link#and the second being that she is capable of targeting things link himself doesn't see#whether it be invisible enemies or triggers that are out of his reach or scarecrow points or whatever#it's really reminiscent to me of the way you teach problem solving skills to a kid. you see them struggling with something and beginning to#get frustrated and you say 'hey let's look around. do you see any solutions?' and if they can't see the solution themself you might point#and say 'hey what's that?' just to get their attention on it and help facilitate that train of thought for them#because like in most other games targeting is sort of assumed to be link's own intuition in battle#and therefore it will usually allow you to focus on one enemy within a swarm of them but it won't explicitly light up the weak spot for you#navi does that for link because she's essentially the mother teaching her kid how to problem-solve.#and when she's taken away in the final battle link is able to fight anyway BECAUSE she put so much time and effort into raising him#that he no longer needs her to facilitate that problem-solving process. he already knows how to beat ganondorf#because he's done it with her before. and that's exactly the mother's role in her child's life#protect him and raise him as best you can so that when you can no longer be by his side he isn't afraid.#foster that sense of justice and encourage him to keep fighting to change the world even when it seems unchangeable.#god. ocarina of fucking time#zelda analysis#asks
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ggrimboy · 2 years
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inspired by a funny post thats somewhere below this one
they are soo siblings your honor
reblogs > likes
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