#link to join in reblogs!
benkyoutobentou · 1 year
Language Learner’s Book Club
Are you interested in reading books in Japanese with other language learners? Do you enjoy light novels? 別次元の図書館 (Library from Another Dimension) is a Discord based book club made by and for Japanese learners. This book club was made to encourage learners to read light novels, but the definition can be stretched for book selection.
Book club books are submitted and voted on bimonthly by book club members, so if you have a light novel series you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to give it a shout out!
There is no reading schedule! Feel free to read at your own pace, join in on older discussions, and read without fear of not being able to keep up. Typically, a large number of volumes will be officially part of the book club for each series chosen, but no one is under any obligation to read more than what you want, or are comfortable with.
All participation is text based. Don’t worry if you aren’t comfortable reading aloud, no one will expect you to!
July and August book club picks:
No. 6 - あさのあつこ
One stormy night in a dystopian walled city, the sheltered young Shion meets a mysterious boy intruder, who changes his life forever.
心霊探偵八雲 (しんれいたんてい やくも) - 神永学
When there's a ghostly disturbance in a school, a psychic detective is recruited to get to the bottom of the mystery
Past book club picks (still open for participation, just may not be as active):
無職転生 〜異世界行ったら本気だす〜
Come join me and a bunch of other Japanese learners in reading a bunch of fantastic novels! I’ve already read more than I ever could’ve hoped for with the help of this book club, and I always look forward to the interesting picks and recommendations.
Note: The server is 18+ but this is only for maturity’s sake. Nothing inappropriate goes on within the server.
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kstaki · 5 months
The little extra from their little 'picnic' scene. (My previous post on this scene is here)
I AM SO GLAD they added scene for this moment especially SURELY THE BAD GUYS wouldn't have NOT thought to attack them while they are resting up right?????
So yeah I LOVE how they are able to just have fun & rest without worrying about being attacked.
It small scene but thankful for it especially THE SMALL SCENE WITH IROKI & KARASU! =D
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bloodsbane · 8 months
Hey guys! I have a Dungeon Meshi server!
It's very small at the moment, but I'd love to have more people join so we can talk about the manga and enjoy the anime together while it's airing!
Some notes on the server itself:
It's safe for anime-onlys; there are separate channel categories for those who are fully caught up on the manga and roles that will keep people out of spoiler-heavy channels.
It's meant to be a pleasant space for people to discuss things they enjoy about dunmeshi, share cool fanworks, and foster creativity. The vibe is meant to be kept positive and friendly, so there are no sort of vent or discourse channels.
All that being said, I really don't want the server to get overly-populated, nor am I interested in moderating a totally public server (scary!), so the link is never going to just be openly shared. If you're interested in joining, though:
Send me a message (NOT anonymous, obviously) asking to join.
PLEASE KNOW I won't be accepting everyone who asks; friends/mutuals/acquaintances and followers I'm at least a little familiar with will get priority.
The server is 18+ only, though I'd say ideally 21+. I'm most comfortable moderating servers for adults. Please don't ask to join if you're under 18.
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drumlincountry · 8 months
Went to a Palestine solidarity event at the weekend & during the speeches some artists handed out pieces of paper. Each piece of paper had the name of a murdered Palestinian baby. Not just children, babies. All under 2 years old. The idea was that everyone can hold one child. Just one. No one can really hold all of it, all of the violence of the genocide. But I can hold the weight of one murdered baby. That is a horror I can comprehend. Except. There weren't enough of us. Even with everyone gathered in the square. We couldn't hold all the murdered children.
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Ceasefire now.
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unknownbookworm · 25 days
alright tell me about Leah and Dee I need lore again
LEAH AND DEE LORE!!!! You really are a real one for always sending me asks about OC lore, an absolute king.
anyway, on with the lore!
The whole reason Dee has an infatuation with Leah is because Dee was originally my farmer persona, like a while ago when they were first developed. As time went on Dee kinda became their own person so I separated myself from them, but kept some parts. Only small quirks really, but Leah stayed because I thought it fit! Originally it was like an endgame ship, and it prolly still is in the context of "dee only in canon sdv" but outside of that I think Dee being just infatuated with her as like a puppy love is adorable!
So heres the gist:
1)Dee just thinks she is the most beautiful goddess of a human being there is, couldn't speak around her for a hot minute, just kinda shoved gifts at her and ran
2) Dee only goes to the salon to see Leah, at first. After a while they got to talking with others and realized they thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere.
3) Dee becomes even more clumsy and kind of an idiot around Leah because they get very nervous, so Leah often sees them like falling out of trees, into rivers, running into people, etc. She tends to laugh though and Dee loves it
4) One day Elliott sees Dee just wistfully staring at Leah and decides "oh this is adorable" and tries to help them talk to her. He is one of the only reasons they started talking to her in the first place
5) after getting to know her a bit, Dee comes to respect her more as a person, but is still so infatuated with her. Dee can't place if its romantic, admiration, or what but they choose to let it become whatever it does
and thats where it kinda stands with them. Leah admires Dee and their tenacity to keep going despite all the falls and goofs, and Dee just admires Leah so much. Could they be married? Yeah. Could they stay friends? Also yeah. But I like the ambiguous "mystery thing" they have, and I kinda want to keep it that way.
All in all, yes Dee has a big fat crush on Leah, but they don't know how to word it at all so they just let it be. It's casual, and honestly they both are fine with it as the way it is.
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insufferablemod · 3 months
physically restraining myself ffrom drawing more,,,,,,,,,,,,
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boomstab-papa · 5 months
Photomatt really does want to be Long Rat and join in talking about Nazi ideology and kissing his ass, omg
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problematicpunks · 3 months
people really do be forgetting that reblogging is essential to helping make a fandom grow and become bigger. like people need to be able to see and know there are 6teen (and stoked) posts being made on this site in order to find it and join!
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emily-e-draws · 2 years
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preview of a Breath of the Wild print going out to my patrons soon! join before next month to get one for yourself 🐉✨ there are a tons of secret sketches, process vids, and more on there - you can get access to a lot of it for a single dollar a month, and every little bit helps me out!💛
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renohasbigtits · 11 months
Hey in case you didn’t know, I have a discord server for fellow Reno fans!
Join for you want to chat about Reno or the other Turks. Very chill ❤️
Adults Only!
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needyoucap · 2 years
So due to tumblr's recent addition of "community labels" and my inherent suspicion of anything tumblr does, I'm here to remind you that Pillowfort is literally exactly everything tumblr users have been asking for, without the censorship. There are many, many, features and I can't even think of them all right now but the main one is that they aren't funded by advertisers; currently, I believe they're fully user-funded by donations with plans to implement some kind of optional subscription for premium features in the future. Because of this, they fully allow NSFW content. Basically if it's legal to post on the internet (in the USA, anyway, where Pillowfort is based) its welcome on Pillowfort. You can mark your posts as , if you're worried about minors being exposed to anything unsavory. In fact, looking at their post toggles right now, you can change the privacy of individual posts so that only logged-in users, followers, mutuals, or even yourself are able to view it. Pillowfort has privacy controls galore.
Literally the only thing that tumblr has that Pillowfort doesn't is the user base. Which is where this post comes in. If you, too, are suspicious of these new community labels and the fact that tumblr is being super vague about their policies and the fact that anyone can just "suggest" a community label for a post (which might then be permanently slapped on your post, with no way to take it off without appealing to the tumblr mod team), please, please consider joining Pillowfort. At the moment, you can sign up by donating $5 to them for a registration link, OR you can ask me or anyone you know that has a Pillowfort account for a free registration link: each user gets three free links generated every week, which means if you end up liking it, it's pretty easy to let your friends also sign up for free.
In case this post somehow blows up and I end up having more than three people wanting to join per week (which I'm doubting at this point) here's a link to Pillowfort's official Twitter profile, where they regularly start threads for people to drop their registration invite links for anyone looking to sign up.
Please just consider trying it out because at this point I really don't see NSFW coming back to tumblr any time soon (and literally neither does the CEO of tumblr), and we all deserve better than the buggy updates and "features" they keep forcing on us over and over.
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margindoodles2407 · 1 year
When Zelda throws herself in front of Link during the final BotW memory to protect him from the Guardian, she didn't know that her power was going to awaken. SHE WAS FULLY PREPARED TO DIE FOR HIM. SHE WAS GOING TO TAKE THAT LASER FOR HIM EVEN IF IT COST HER HER LIFE.
I SHIPPED IT BEFORE (because I'm just a Zelink addict like that, which is something I could talk about for HOURS) BUT NOW? OH MY GOOD GRACIOUS HOLY HYLIA
We always talk about how devoted Link is to Zelda, how he's willing to sacrifice himself for her no matter the cost but we NEVER TALK ABOUT HOW ZELDA. WOULD. DO. THE. EXACT. SAME. That is true love, ladies and gentlemen.
She was my favorite Zelda before, but NOW? Top tier. Such a beautiful character. 100/10, thank you Nintendo, we are forever indebted to you.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
I'm going to be posting more books from the Pinterest 50 book reading challenge. I just added all these this morning to the challenge. They're still mostly TBR for the most part.
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exanuz · 2 months
idk when ill sleep but im feeling eepy so if you wanna join the server id probably do it now since once i go to sleep the server wont be paid much attention to until juette wakes up
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Wait, so you said that you can learn to trust others by building friendships, but how does one go about doing that? Wouldn't someone I don't know be creeped out or annoyed if I suddenly walked up and started talking to them?
Friendships are built of repeated low-stakes interactions and returned bids for attention with slowly increasing intimacy over time.
It takes a long time to make friends as an adult. People will probably think you're weird if you just walk up and start talking to them as though you are already their friend (people think it's weird when I do this, I try not to do this) but people won't think it's weird if you're someone they've seen a few times who says "hey" and then gradually has more conversations (consisting of more words) with them.
I cheat at forming adult friendships by joining groups where people meet regularly. If you're part of a radio club that meets once a week and you just join up to talk about radios, eventually those will be your radio friends.
If there's a hiking meetup near you and you go regularly, you will eventually have hiking friends.
Deeper friendships are formed with people from those kinds of groups when you do things with them outside of the context of the original interaction; if you go camping with your radio friend, that person is probably more friend than acquaintance. If you go to the movies with a hiking friend who likes the same horror movies as you do, that is deepening the friendship.
In, like 2011 Large Bastard decided he wanted more friends to do stuff with so he started a local radio meetup. These people started as strangers who shared an interest. Now they are people who give each other rides after surgery and help each other move and have started businesses together and have gone on many radio-based camping trips and have worked on each other's cars.
Finding a meetup or starting a meetup is genuinely the cheat-code for making friends.
This is also how making friendships at schools works - you're around a group of people very regularly and eventually you get to know them better and you start figuring out who you get along with and you start spending more time with those people.
If you want to do this in the most fast and dramatic way possible, join a band.
In 2020 I wrote something of a primer on how to turn low-stakes interactions with neighbors and acquaintances into more meaningful relationships; check the notes of this post over the next couple days, I'll dig up the link and share it in a reblog.
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mxactivist · 10 months
Support the BBC for having a trans character in recent episodes of 'Doctor Who'
Apparently the BBC (UK) has had 144 complaints about a recent episode of Doctor Who because it contained an openly trans character.
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I've made a complaint to the BBC that there weren't enough transgender characters in Doctor Who. I would love if 144 other people did the same thing. Here's the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/complaints/make-a-complaint/#/Complaint
(For your easy reference: "The Star Beast" aired on 25/11/2023 on BBC One, and the trans character is called Rose.)
Please note that the complaint form asks for your UK postcode, so only UK folks can join in with this - but if you suspect you might have any UK-based followers, maybe give us a reblog to boost the signal?
Edit: I'm told that you can fill in the form even if you're outside of the UK, because the BBC provide service to many countries other than the UK, including the USA! Go for it. :D
Reply to confirm that you've done it, so I can keep a count!
Here's my complaint:
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I recommend:
Avoid sarcasm or irony. Assume your post will be taken literally. If you are clearly joking or being mean you will be ignored or misunderstood.
Include some gratitude/appreciation. It's pretty great that they included a trans woman in a positive way, and they should know that they have explicit support for that.
Edit again: I'm seeing some concerns in the replies/reblogs that the BBC might not distinguish between "less trans people, please" complaints and "more trans people, please" complaints. Rest assured, this is nothing to worry about - the BBC publish fortnightly complaint reports, and they do pay enough attention to know when a complaint is in favour of or against trans inclusion. In fact, their 20 November – 3 December 2023 report is where the various news articles are getting the 144 complaints figure; that report says there were precisely 144 complaints that they have categorised as "Anti-male / inappropriate inclusion of transgender character".
That means the next complaints fortnight window is 4 December - 17 December. We have 8 more days to beat 144. By my count, over Tumblr, WhatsApp, the Fediverse and Telegram, we have 85 so far, which is well over halfway there.
Also, when you've done it, please reply to confirm you have done it, so that I can count us!
Thank you, everyone!
Edit, 2023-12-11, 1am UK time:
We did it! I've just been counting up responses, and it looks like sometime yesterday evening we hit 144 complaints/comments in favour of Rose Noble and more excellent trans characters in Doctor Who! (We're actually up to 157 now, fantastic.)
So, my next plan is to submit a Freedom of Information Act request to the BBC sometime in the next few days, asking for complaints and compliments figures. Then I'd ideally (energy and time permitting) like to put together a press release that I can send out to the publications that promoted the tiny "144 anti-trans complaints" figure, showing them that there has been far more feedback in favour of trans representation than against.
I'll keep you posted.
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