#linguistics beyond academia
colombinna · 2 months
Was listening to the Worlds Beyond Number fireside chat for arc 2 and the discussion of the use of D&D for a more narrative campaign got me thinking. In TTRPGs you have this great debate about system vs story or rules vs players/DM, and it's not unlike the debate you see in linguistics of language vs speakers. In linguistic studies we learn very early that a language should serve its speakers, and a big argument (and the one I agree with) on TTRPG spaces is that the system should serve the story and the game, and not the other way around. And those things mixed together got me thinking about how we as humans create and put in place so many systems that are supposed to make life easier or help us reach certain goals, but eventually we lose the thread and become chained and enslaved to the very systems that were meant to help us. I feel like this is a topic that not only I'd like to see addressed in SFF (specially in the dystopia AI rebellion sub genre) but also something we need to talk more about when we talk about the state of the world and what ideologies we buy into. Because in the root of every societal issue in the world is the naturalization and standardization of social constructs and humans being forced to conform to it, instead of changing those constructs to serve the materiality of humans as we are. Idk I feel like we need to start looking more at what lies in the core of the stuff we discuss, specially when it comes to media and art and entertainment
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isa-renee · 8 months
okay but why is it literally easier to explain my thesis topic to non-linguists??
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Post Index: Meta & Translations
Hello! I write about cultural and linguistic nuances in MHA, focusing predominantly on the character growth and relationship between Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku.
I'm also part of a fan-translation subtitling project for the DVD releases of the Japanese musical stage adaption, My Hero Academia: The Ultra Stage, organized by dekusheroacademia. You can find more information about it on their blog!
My posts are tagged with chapter numbers like so: mha 1, mha 57, mha 322, etc.. Please feel free to search my blog this way and see if I have discussed a chapter you are curious about.
Posts are indexed chronologically by date with new posts at the bottom.
Linguistics & Cultural Meta
Katsuki as the unlikable ikemen
The lyrics of "SKETCH" and how they interplay with Bakugou Katsuki: Rising
The special status of "childhood friends"
"Motto mo naka ga ii": The Language of Bonds in Japanese
Bullying in Japan and how Izuku sees Katsuki's behavior
Izuku and Katsuki talk about the bullying differently
"His weaknesses" or "My own weaknesses": Layers of meaning in Chapter 284's furigana
Katsuki's Danger Sense
Dynamy's name & elongated vowels in written Japanese
"Deku is fine, Kacchan": Izuku is sincere and Katsuki is hilarious
Frame Narratives in Manga & Chapter 348
Cultural perceptions of curse words and rude language in Japanese
Omae: Complexity of Self-Expression and Intimacy with the Japanese “You”
"I know" or "We get it"? Katsuki's Intentions in Chapter 322
"We'll handle the things you can't" Plural, Singular, & Proximal Demonstrative Pronouns
Chapter 348’s “Shitty Nerd” Narrator Isn’t Omniscient (And It’s Not Bakugou Katsuki) (Follow-up to Frame Narratives in Manga)
Omae Part 2 Electric Boogaloo (aka "An Exhaustive Analysis of Bakugou Katsuki's Second-Person Pronoun Usage")
Monoma Neito: Douchebag Extraordinaire
Does Izuku Think His Feelings For Katsuki Are Gross? (or, DvK2's Endless Emporium of Nuance)
Bkdk in Japanese fandom
Who Wants To Talk About Japanese Orthography In Manga???
424: Katsuki's confession and Izuku's tenderness
Regarding the accuracy of the official translation
Implied romance in shounen manga
Stories are driven by what the characters need ("why didn't Izuku and Katsuki talk about [blank]?")
"Control your heart": A Misunderstood Narrative
New Year's Bunny Izuku
"Go Beyond" (Deku's "heart" theme) [Ultra Stage]
Musical 4 Promotional Poster [Ultra Stage]
"I'm gonna be on top!" [Ultra Stage]
Volume 37's cover announcement and title
"Impatient Heart" (Deku's Kacchan song) [Ultra Stage]
U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
"Notes On Heroes" [Ultra Stage]
"Evil is Infectious" [Ultra Stage]
My Hero Academia: Connect to the Day (You're Next movie tie-in special manga chapter, just the Kacchan bits)
Things I Made
Less Than Zero (bkdk amv)
"So it's true what they say about you..." (bkdk fanvid)
Koi Daro (Ultra Stage fanvid)
the two of us (bkdk amv)
bakuhatsu art tag
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lingthusiasm · 1 year
Bonus 76: Linguistic jobs beyond academia
Linguistics professors are some of the most visible career role models that you see if you're taking courses in linguistics (since they're teaching the courses), but most people who study linguistics go on to jobs outside academia. Eight years ago, Lauren was trying to figure out what some of those job options were and how people kept using their linguistics training in doing them.
In this bonus episode, Lauren and Gretchen get enthusiastic about the jobs that people go on to do after a linguistics degree! We talk about Lauren's new academic article in a fancy linguistics journal about a blog post series she's been running for 8 years, interviewing 80 people who studied linguistics, from a minor to a doctorate level, and their experience and advice for non-academic jobs. We also talk about domain-general versus domain-specific skills, the literature by other people on career options for linguists, and Lauren and Gretchen's own thought processes by which we ended up in one academic and one non-academic career.
Have you listened to all the Lingthusiasm episodes, bonus and main, and you're still looking for more linguistics in your life? Don't forget to check out our Crash Course Linguistics series! If you want to find all the other places we've been on as guests, check out our crossovers page on our website.
Listen to this episode about linguistics, jobs and skills, and get access to many more bonus episodes by supporting Lingthusiasm on Patreon.
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ered · 8 months
in case you've missed it, and I'm assuming most of you have, we're having a presidential election here in Finland. First round is currently going on, so I thought I'd give you a quick run down of our candidates!
(in alphabetical order, party in parentheses)
Mika Aaltola (independent): Has mainly worked in academia and apparently has experience in international politics, which is good for the job. I honestly know next to nothing about this dude, but he seems to positively radiate Just Some Guy energy. What would be interesting about him winning: I have no idea. Chances of winning: Ehhh - but it wouldn't be the first time we get a president from outside the daily politics.
Li Andersson (Left Alliance): current leader of the Left Alliance, former Minister of Education. What most people seem to say about her: "she's clearly the best choice, but has no chance of winning so I won't be voting for her." What would be interesting about her winning: first Left Alliance president Chances of winning: Unfortunately slim. Left Alliance is a small party and half of the country still seems to think they're Evil Communists.
Sari Essayah (Christian Democrats): she's also the leader of her party. Most known for being a former racewalker and religious. What would be interesting about her winning: How the hell did it happen??? Chances of winning: zero.
Pekka Haavisto (Green League): Former Minister of the Environment, International Development, and Foreign Affairs (three different terms, not all at once). He was born in 1958 and hasn't done much beyond politics. He's been in the presidential race twice already too, both times losing to our current president, Sauli Niinistö. What would be interesting about him winning: first gay president. Chances of winning: he made it to the final round twice already, so maybe third time's a charm? He has been polling first this time around.
Jussi Halla-aho (Finns Party): a prominent rightwing blogger, a Slavic linguist by education, and the current Speaker of the Parliament. He's "immigration critical" in the same vein "gender criticals" tend to be. He's is considered something of an intellectual in the rightwing circles despite having the vibes of an anthropomorphic raisin, and has amassed a cult following - who literally call him Mestari (master, but in Finnish the vibes are more a master of a trade and not some dude who spanks you in the bedroom. What would be interesting about him winning: finding out if I can immigrate to Denmark. Chances of winning: none if I can help it, but like I said, he does have a very solid fanbase.
Hjallis Harkimo (Movement Now): best known for being the owner of an ice-hockey team or something. His real name is Harry and for some reason he has been elected into the parliament twice. I assume it's the famous allure of a "successful businessman" or because he's something of a celebrity? Who knows. What would be interesting about him winning: How did it happen? Chances of winning: slim.
Olli Rehn (Centre Party): Served as the Minister of Economic Affairs for like a year under our most fuck-witted prime minister in recent history. Not much else to say about it. Somehow seems older than Pekka Haavisto tho he's actually younger. What would be interesting about him winning: absolutely nothing. He's so dull it's almost offensive. Chances of winning: who knows? Maybe he'll be a dark horse if all other candidates fall flat.
Alexander Stubb (National Coalition Party): Former Prime Minister, and former Minister of Finance. He's ehhhhhh not the worst possible option, honestly, and is on the more liberal side of the Rich Getting Richer party. What would be interesting about him winning: how will he be different from our current (National Coalition Party) president, I guess Chances of winning: last I checked, he was polling second, so I guess it's a possibility?
Jutta Urpilainen (Social Democratic Party): Former Minister of Finance. Social Democrats are one of the biggest parties we have, but they took a while deciding on who to pick. She's alright. Social Democrats are usually fine, and she'a long term Social Democrat. What would be interesting about her winning: uhh... possibly the first president to have released a Christmas album? Chances of winning: I just don't think she's that popular, to be honest. But she might make it into top three at least, like I said, it's one of the biggest parties behind her.
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slutsukio · 9 months
study date. (bf!armin x blk!femreader)
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in the heart of academia, where the fragrance of knowledge lingered, you and armin ventured into the sacred realm of the campus' library, bright and early─ 5 o'clock in the morning to be precise. the atmosphere was charged with the palpable anticipation of impending final exams, a collective buzz of students immersed in the rigors of preparations for a plethora of upcoming tests. amidst this sea of focused scholars your eyes met a diverse array of individuals engrossed in their respective studies.
the daunting task that loomed before you and armin was the mastery of ASL by the approaching monday. while both of you possessed a foundational understanding of the basics ─ the fluid conversations, the nuanced expressions, and the art of signing in tandem with spoke words ─the nerve-wracking reality emerged from the knowledge that seven seasoned and professional sign language interpreters would scrutinize your skills and presentations.
in the light of this challenge, the hours unfolded as a crucible of dedication and meticulous practice. each minute, you and armin delved deeper into the intricacies of ASL, refining your signs and perfecting the synchronicity of your expressions. the library, once merely a backdrop for academic exploration, transformed into a haven for the relentless pursuit of linguistic finesse.
as the hours progressed, the weight of the imminent presentation hung in the air, motivating both of you to strive for nothing short of perfection. the goal was clear ─ to deliver a flawless performance that would not only showcase your proficiency in ASL but also captivate the attention of those seven discerning interpreters.
the clock had barely struck noon when you and armin decided to take a respite from your intensive study session, finding a quiet alcove amidst the library's towering shelves. releasing a contented sigh that resonated with the weight of a momentary relaxation, you indulged in a luxuriously deep stretch, your body unwinding like a cast basking in the warmth of the sun.
as your muscles surrendered to the stretch, you shifted your gaze toward armin, a genuine smile playing upon your lips, a manifestation of the unspoken joy derived from the simplicity of the moment. with an appreciative glint in your eyes, you deliberately took in the details of his features─ the sun-kissed strands of his blonde hair, the depth of his cerulean eyes that held a multitude of stories, and the subtle allure of his soft pink lips.
observing the rosy hue that painted his cheeks in the aftermath of maintaining prolonged eyes contact, you couldn't help but notice the subtle yet undeniable impact it had on him; a silent exchange that lingered in the air like an unspoken connection. the shared laughter that followed echoes with the resonance of newfound understanding, a bridge of camaraderie spanning the distance between you. in the wake of this unspoken exchange, a question lingered on the tip on your tongue, and as you parted your lips, you felt the weight of curiosity intermingled with the delicate dance of unspoken words.
in the cocoon of that tranquil pause, you breached the subject of mutual aquaintances, "how's connie doing these days? i heard about what happened at the game, sasha told me, and i heard he popped his leg out of place. is he better?" the concern in your inquiry echoed through the air, a testament to the bonds that tethered your lives together and the genuine interest you held for the well-being of your friends.
armin released a heavy sigh, the weight of concern evident in the furrow of his brow and the weariness that seemed to settle on his shoulders, prompting him to scoot his chair closer to the table, running his fingers through his silky hair, he began to unravel the table of a recent mishap, unfolding a narrative of injury that went far beyond a mere inconvenience.
"the doctor had to pop it back in place," armin disclosed, his voice carrying the echo of empathy for connie, "and he has to walk with crutches for the next three weeks." the gravity of the situation hung in the air, casting a somber shadow over the room. armin, who continued to relay the complete picture, continued, "then, on top of all that stuff, he has to do physical therapy before he can even entertain the thought of being back on the field."
as armin shared this intricate web of challenges and setbacks, you couldn't contain the spontaneous "damn," that slipped through the air like an unintentional sigh. this unexpected outburst, accompanied by a chuckle that escaped your lips, lingered in the atmosphere, a momentary lapse in the gravity of armin's narrative that perhaps wasn't needed at that exact juncture. realizing the time of your reaction, you quickly offered a sheepish apology, "sorry." the word woven with a sincerity but also a half-assed awkward laugh, seeking to mend the delicate fabric of the conversation.
in response, a soft smirk danced onto armin's face, a subtle acknowledgement that, despite the seriousness of the shared tales, your momentary lapse had added a touch of unexpected levity to the exchange. "well, boohoo for him," you continued, your voice taking on a playfully dismissive tone as you sought to downplay the weight of armin's challenges. "like i always say, it aint none of my business-" your sentence hung in the air, poised to continue, but before you could add another layer to your commentary, a sassy ahem cut through the air, the unmistakable sound of the librarian's disapproval punctuating the moment with a touch of stern interruption.
the librarian's gaze, sharp as the edge of a well-worn book, fell upon them— a silent warning echoing through the air and casting an almost tangible aura of disapproval. feeling the weight of that stern scutiny, you exchanged a perplexed look with armin, your eyes seeking answers within the depths of his expression. turning back to the librarian, a subtle ballet of facial expressions unfolded— your eyebrows knit together in a quizzical fashion, followed by a dismissive eyeroll that conveyed a mix of frustration and nonchalance. with a dismissive shake of your head, you refocused your attention on armin, seamlessly resuming your conversation with him despite the looming disapproval.
undeterred by your nonchalant disregard, the librarian, an imposing figure draped in an air of authority, advanced toward your secluded corner. her disapproving gaze now took on a vocal form as she delivered a speech about the perceived disrespect you two were displaying, disrupting the studious ambiance for other diligent students. despite your strategic position tucked away from the prying ears of your fellow scholars, the librarian seemed determined to voice her disapproval.
as she embarked on her lecture, you prepared a retort, ready to stand your ground against the unjust accusation. "first and foremost-" you began, a spark of defiance in your eyes. however, armin, ever the voice of reason, interjected, offering a sincere apology in a bid to diffuse the escalating tension and avoid further trouble.
the librarian, though not entirely convinced, graced you both with a half-hearted smile before waddling away, a symbolic retreat but with lingering scrutiny, watching over you like a vigilant dog guarding its territory. seizing the momentary reprieve, you kicked armin's leg, a clandestine exchange in the aftermath of the librarian's watchful gaze.
in the tense silence, you dared to challenge the silence. you signed to armin, "that strict bitch got me fucked up." your fingers moving with precision. armin cracked a smile, and a soft laugh, before it was contained with his serious face— which he could not hold. a daring comment on the librarian's serious countenance elicited the first whispers of shared laughter.
armin, his expressive hands translating his thoughts into graceful features, embarked on signing soliloquy, articulating the depth of your disdain towards the librarian and how he found it both audacious and amusing. even as he chastised you for the audacity of your words— well in this case, signs, —a subtle symphony of amusement played on his lips, manifesting as a soft chuckle that gracefully danced through the air with each sign, weaving together the threads of his disapproval and shared amusement.
your frustration bubbled over as you signed back to him, a clear expression of discontent etched across your face, "i don't care how mean it is, she should've waddled her saggy-titty ass over to those kids over there who're munching so loudly you can hear it from a mile away." the intensity of your annoyance was palpable, yet a paradoxical twist of humor tugged at the corners of your lips as your fingers signed your frustration.
in the midst of your evident frustration, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded – laughter, like an unexpected gust of wind, swept through the solemnity of the moment. the dichotomy between your exasperation and the absurdity of the situation struck a chord, and an involuntary laugh escaped your lips. this unexpected release triggered a domino effect onto armin, who, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, joined you in a symphony of laughter.
hands instinctively rose to cover faces and mouths, desperately attempting to stifle the burgeoning laughter, but it proved futile. laughter, contagious and unrestrained, echoed through the air like a rebellious melody. in the shared absurdity of the moment, you and armin found yourselves caught in a loop of hilarity, your attempts to quell the laughter only intensifying its persistence. the library, a bastion of silence, momentarily surrendered to the raucous symphony of mirth you both unwittingly orchestrated.
as the librarian, her patience threads worn thin, strode over to our secluded corner, the air in the library seemed to tense, much like the yellowed pages of a time-worn volume about to surrender to the weight of ages. with a demeanor as stern as the rigid silence she enforced, she brought her presence to bear on our animated study session. in a moment, akin to the snap of an old volume's spine yielding to the passage of countless readings, her restraint unraveled.
the second warning followed swiftly, a non-negotiable decree delivered with the eloquence of a stern flick of her fingers. it marked the abrupt end of our scholarly haven, and you and armin found yourselves unceremoniously expelled from the temple of quiet learning. the librarian, a harbinger of order in this sanctuary of knowledge, insisted on our immediate departure, scolding us for the transgression of laughter in her sacred space of silence.
as we gathered our belongings, a ripple of amusement still clinging to our senses, you and armin exchanged glances. you, sprawled on the floor in a fit of uncontrollable laughter, and armin, tears streaming down his face from the unexpected hilarity of the disrespectful moment, shared a moment of connection amidst the chaos. in that shared gaze, the laughter echoed louder than the librarian's reprimand, transcending the confines of the library's strict decorum and etching a memory of a rebellious, yet delightful, escape from the temple of silence.
beyond the weighty portals of the library, liberation unfolded with a saccharine taste, and the resonance of their laughter, akin to a clandestine elixir, cascaded through the echoing corridors. in the shadowy recesses, you and armin, you guys' backs pressed against the frigid walls, imbibed the bitter-sweet irony of their ejection from the sanctum of silence. the solemnity of scholarly pursuit clashed harmoniously with the exuberant and indomitable spirit of youth.
"perhaps," armin mused, his voice a thoughtful cadence, "we might find solace in a locale less draconian in its demand for silence." he delicately wiped away the remnants of laughter-induced tears, exhaling a deep sigh that metamorphosed into an affable smile, a blend of mirth and contemplation.
in response, you, still caught in the remnants of amusement, nodded with a grace that echoed understanding. "a haven where the librarian of knowledge not only tolerates but appreciates the symphony of humor might be our refuge." a melodic chuckle escaped your lips, harmonizing with the lingering echoes of laughter, as you embarked on a leisurely stroll down the corridor, transforming the expulsion from the library into a vibrant and enlightening chapter in your unconventional yet knowledge-filled study session.
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❁ suki speaking — fun study session with armin, followed with lots of laughter and scolding!! this was fun to write ngl. the longest oneshot i ever wrote. ts was 2k words, hell. this was meant for neso + all the armin fanboys / fangirls, and his ass better ready every one of these 2,017 words. ok byee guys, im gna go work on my ocs now :3.
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irusanw4 · 5 months
Uhhh pinned time ig? I see it a lot so why not
Yo! Call me IrusanW4, mutuals can call me Iru but please don't if we're not mutuals. I use strictly they/them, and I'm asexual and aromantic. I'm autistic and I love things A Lot when I love them, so... fair warning? Read more has details on me n stuff. Don't wanna clog dashboards or anything :3
I don't have a specific DNI but like. Don't hurt people. Don't have a joke for that just don't hurt people. But! DO interact if you are strange, peculiar, freakish, cringe, or otherwise throw social norms to the wind!
I'm always open to civil good-faith discussions about what I've done wrong!
Things I care about too much for my own good: Death Note, My Hero Academia, Chonny Jash, Dungeon Meshi, Pokemon, Digimon, Slay the Princess, the Stanley Parable, Warriors, Wings of Fire, Risk of Rain, Slay the Spire, Portal, psychology, animals, linguistics, space, my place in the universe, death as something to be studied, and much much more.
While I won't do much acknowledging sex (as in the act) myself due to personal discomfort surrounding the topic, I do support the right of people to have sex and have fun so long as all members consent to it!
Also, I do art and writing! I'm IrusanW4 on ao3 too, so feel free to be nosy! I don't share much art outside of Discord, sadly, but yknow! I'm always open to questions about my writing and art, be it original or fan content!
Social justice:
Abortion needs to be accessible to everyone with a uterus. The death sentence shouldn't exist in any way shape or form. A criminal justice system focused on punishment rather than reform should not exist. Capitalism is by existence a system of oppression and must be replaced. The American education system is thoroughly fucked. The genocide of anyone is inexcusable, no matter their origin, and those who fund the slaughter and/or exploitation of Palestinian, Congolese, or any other people are further beyond immoral than I have words for. All cops are bastards.
Vehement supporter of found family. Indie game lover. Indie music lover. Example of gifted kid to burnout who's somehow still gifted just deeply exhausted pipeline. Cat owner. Lover of music. Noodle enjoyer. Asker of questions. Furry. Therian. Mediocre Pokemon player. Registered member of the Satanic Temple. Believer in improvement as a person as a necessary part of life. Friend hoarder. More always to come.
I'm a bad tagger but here's notable tags:
#blorbo street, where I put all my favorite characters together to interact.
#ouroboros universe, a collection of my writing that's all technically within one continuity. I might add more tags specifying which instance, but so far, it's all lumped together.
#scrunchy friend <3, most of my @therewillbenoromance interactions bc he's scrunchy to me.
#blue friend <3, most of my @nevermeanttoknow or @mapleejay (same person diff blogs) interactions bc. he's blue. yeah that's it
#the whole world au, a cccc x warrior cats crossover au
#summer solstice au, a cccc au where heart dies in apathy
Other blogs: @different-picture-daily and @gimmick-sniffer
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duckprintspress · 9 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh
We are 57% of the way to our funding goal for AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY, with 19 days to go!! This awesome anthology featuring non-binary and genderqueer characters in aetherpunk settings has been in the works for a year, and we’re optimistic that we’ll reach our funding target so that we can publish the book as an e-book, trade paperback, and hardcover. Slow and steady, race winning, you know the deal. 😀 Things have definitely slowed down, as is normal for this stage of the campaign, so just a note that we’d always appreciate your help with spread the word about this project so that more people will know it exists! You can find our “main” posts about the campaign on different platforms using these links:
Patreon (public post)
Thanks in advance!!
You can learn all about the campaign, the book, the merch, and the authors, by visiting our Kickstarter campaign page!
And, today we’re introducing two more contributing authors: Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh!
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The Light Organ by Flore Picard
About Flore Picard: I’m a linguist and translator who lives in France and I have been itching to write since I learned how to. I started writing (fan)fiction more regularly when I was procrastinating on my PhD dissertation, and I haven’t looked back since. I’m also an artist who loves drawing both fanart and original art, and I have a passion for patterns and systems, for the beauty at the edge of chaos and the complexity of being human. I tend to write about queer and disabled characters finding themselves and each other and learning to take up space in the world.
Links: Instagram | Twitter
This is Flore’s first publication with Duck Prints Press.
Title: The Light Organ
Tags: angst with a happy ending, capitalism is the real villain, coming out, disabled character, emotional hurt/comfort, family, fraught family dynamics, illusion, in the closet, magic use, mechanic, musician, non-binary, parenthood, present tense, science fiction with magic, teenager, third person limited point of view, transphobia (mentions of) (past)
“No, no, no—the organ, the light ring—it’s all about the imagination, not the mechanics,” Kas exclaims, gesturing widely to encompass the aether pool behind the glass.
“I’m just here for the tubes,” the tech—Gilbert—says flatly.
His face betrays no emotions, not even annoyance. Kas almost wishes he would yell or be rude, if only for the sake of feeling like they’re having an actual conversation, but Gilbert has always been polite. He just never seems to care.
“Fine,” Kas gives up. “We’ve got glitches. They started about a week ago. It could be a leaking tube, I’m not sure.”
“What kind of glitches?”
“It’s as if… as if the story stops responding to me. I know how that sounds, but I swear that’s what happens. It doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but it’s getting worse. Earlier, I powered everything up to tune it and it kept flickering.”
“Flickering,” Gilbert repeats, mumbling into his neatly trimmed beard.
Kas grabs a cane in each hand and makes their way to the organ’s seat. “I can show you.”
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You’re Gonna Get Older by Alec J. Marsh
About Alec J. Marsh: Alec lives in the Pacific Northwest, where they write romantic adult fantasy and self-indulgent fanfiction. They make candles inspired by their favorite characters.
Links: Etsy | Instagram | Twitter
Alec is one of the editors for Aether Beyond the Binary and has also published multiple titles with Duck Prints Press. His novella To Drive the Hundred Miles (modern, f/m, trans male lead) was recently successfully crowdfunded and orders fulfilled. His two erotica stories Heart’s Scaffold (sci-fi, m/m) and Study Hall (modern academia, m/m) are part of the Contributor Short Story Bundle add-on.
Title: You’re Gonna Get Older
Tags: arranged marriage, christian, coming of age, coming out, cults, fraught family dynamics, friends, in the closet, lesbian, midwest, misgendering, non-binary, north dakota, past tense, post-apocalyptic, relationship of convenience, religion, song fic, teenager, third person limited pov, trans man, trans woman, transphobia
There was a radio in the room, an old two-way they had found on their last visit and hidden in an empty supply closet. It was still there. They slid open the battery pack and snapped in a fresh battery from their aether lantern. Chips of the meteor had been encased in metal tubing to mimic the lithium batteries of the Before, but they were precious and had to be used sparingly. Stardancer knew better than to use precious energy on something this frivolous.
They popped the battery cover in place and pressed the power button. It crackled to life. They cradled it like it was made from glass. The dials made a tak-tak-tak noise as Stardancer scrolled through channels. Music came through softly. It faded in and out, cut through with static, but it was music, and not the kind made on an acoustic guitar. They adjusted the antenna and turned up the volume.
It was like nothing they had heard before, fast paced with a heavy beat. Even over the fuzzy AM connection, it was invigorating. They wanted to dance. They wanted to sing along with words they had never heard before. The singer screamed their triumph, and Stardancer felt invincible.
There's no time like right now to become a backer and help us reach 100% funded! Check it out!
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doumadono · 1 year
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Greetings, lovely Readers!
Welcome to my corner of the internet. You can call me Marcianna — she/her — hailing from the enchanting land of Poland. By profession, I'm a doctor, but beyond the hospital walls, I'm also a passionate writer and a dedicated mom. With ink-stained fingers and a heart full of stories, I'm thrilled to have you join me on this creative journey ♥
In addition to my freelance writing endeavors, I'm the leader of a language project known as "Romanian At Ease." If you're learning Romanian, this space was specifically designed with you in mind! You can find me on various social media platforms: Tumblr, Facebook & Instagram
My favorite fandoms: My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Therapy Game, James Cameron's Avatar & Bucchigiri?!
When I'm not crafting stories, you'll find me indulging my love for languages. As a polyglot with command over five languages (Polish, Romanian, German, English, Spanish), I'm currently adding Japanese to my linguistic arsenal. My love for languages extends to my travels, as I venture to far-flung places to broaden my horizons.
I'm a certified neurosurgeon, delving into the intricate workings of the human brain. Currently, I'm on the brink of completing my second doctor thesis, which is set to expand my expertise into the field of neuropsychiatry. My scientific interests encompass: central nervous system dysfunctions and damages, schizophrenia & bipolar affective disorder, diabetes and its impact on the brain, as well as the correlation between radioactive radiation and the central nervous system in relation to the occurrence of mental disorders.
So, my dear reader, join me on this odyssey of imagination and exploration. Let's dive into the realms of emotions, traverse the landscapes of fiction, and perhaps uncover a few secrets of the mind along the way. Your presence here is a cherished gift, and I'm thrilled to share this literary adventure with you ♥
Warmest wishes, Marcianna
P.S. You can also find me on the following platforms:
Instagram TikTok Last.fm Ao3 Spotify
P.S.2 I also want to let you know that there's an opportunity to support my work by buying me a coffee. Thank you in advance!
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superlinguo · 8 months
Superlinguo 2023 in review
I spent 2023 on leave to hang out with a new tiny human. I still found time for some linguistics, including regular Lingthusiasm episodes and even some intermittent blogging. I also got to reuse all my linguist pregnancy announcement jokes.
Lingthusiasm turned 7 this year! We celebrated with a dozen main episodes as well as our monthly bonus episodes for patrons. We had some help to get through the year while I was on leave with interviews with linguists from around the world, including Lingthusiasm team members Martha Tsutsi-Billins and Sara Dopierela.
We released our new Etymology isn't Destiny merch, which is available alongside merch for all kinds of linguists and language fans.
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Main episodes
Where language names come from and why they change (transcript)
How kids learn language in Singapore - Interview with Woon Fei Ting (transcript)
Bringing stories to life in Auslan - Interview with Gabrielle Hodge (transcript)
Tone and Intonation? Tone and Intonation! (transcript)
Word Magic (transcript)
The verbs had been being helped by auxiliaries (transcript)
Frogs, pears, and more staples from linguistics example sentences (transcript)
How kids learn Q’anjob’al and other Mayan languages - Interview with Pedro Mateo Pedro (transcript)
Look, it’s deixis, a word for linguistic pointing! (transcript)
Ergativity delights us (transcript)
Revival, reggaeton, and rejecting unicorns - Basque interview with Itxaso Rodríguez-Ordóñez (transcript)
If I were an irrealis episode (transcript)
Bonus episodes
Parrots, art and what even is a word - deleted scenes from Kat Gupta, Lucy Maddox and Randall Munroe interviews
Singapore, New Zealand, and a favourite linguistics paper - 2023 Year Ahead Chat
When books speculate on the future of English
Neopronouns, gender-neutral vocab, and why linguistic gender even exists - Liveshow Q&A with Kirby Conrod
2022 Survey Results - kiki/bouba, synesthesia fomo, and pluralizing emoji
Linguistic jobs beyond academia
LingthusiASMR - The Harvard Sentences
How we make Lingthusiasm transcripts - Interview with Sarah Dopierala
Field Notes on linguistic fieldwork - Interview with Martha Tsutsui Billins
Postcards from linguistics summer camp
Linguistic Advice - Challenging grammar snobs, finding linguistic community, accents in singing, and more
Frak, smeg, and more swearing in fiction - Ex Urbe Ad Astra interview with Jo Walton and Ada Palmer
LingComm: 2023 conference
The 2023 LingComm conference happened in February, and was once again in the LingComm conference space in Gather Town. I enjoyed being on the planning committee that put together an amazing event that built on the inaugural conference in 2021. Stay tuned for 2024 lingcomm updates!
Top Superlinguo posts in 2022
This year was a chance to reflect on the decade since I graduated, and to articulate the important role my main supervisor had in shaping my career.
After wrapping up the linguistics jobs interview series last year, this year was a chance to share some aggregated resources from 8 years and 80 interviews.
I also got to read a couple of great linguistics books for kids, keep up to date with linguistics podcasts, share some of my favourite linguistics books and check in on some things happening online.
General posts and reviews
10 years of a PhD
Barb Kelly
Gender Variations for Person in Suit Levitating Emoji - Emoji Proposal
Linguistics and Language Podcasts (2023 update)
Language Books for Kids: Highly Irregular, Arika Okrent & Sean O'Neill
Linguistics books for kids: Once Upon a Word - a Word-origin Dictionary, Jess Zafarris
Linguistics Jobs resources
Linguistics Jobs Interviews - directory of posts and resources
Linguistics Jobs resource set
Superlinguo Linguist Job Interviews full list
Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: An analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates (new publication in Language)
Information and advice
hapax legomenon and automated email replies
Lingthusiasm guide to pop linguistics books
Hello Grambank! A new typological database of 2,467 language varieties
What we can accomplish in 30 years of lingcomm: Opening keynote of #LingComm23
Australian Linguistic Society’s Accredited Linguist program
Academic articles in 2023
Although I was on leave, things that I was working on earlier made it through to publication. I like that there was one paper on lingcomm, one on gesture (including emoji!) and one on the linguistics job interviews, it feels like a nice mix of some of my current interests. Just a pity there wasn't a Tibeto-Burman paper in there!
Gawne, L. & A. Cabraal. 2023. Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: an analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates. Language, 99(1), e35-e57. [doi][Superlinguo post]
Freestone, P., J. Kruk & L. Gawne. forthcoming. From Star Trek to The Hunger Games: emblem gestures in science fiction and their uptake in popular culture. Linguistic Vanguard, 9(3), 257-266. [doi][Superlinguo post]
Gawne, L., & McCulloch, G. (2023). ‘Communicating about linguistics using lingcomm-driven evidence: Lingthusiasm podcast as a case study’, Language and Linguistics Compass, 17/5: e12499. DOI: 10.1111/lnc3.12499 [doi][Superlinguo post]
The year ahead
I'll be back to work full time. I've found the low-key level of blogging I managed this year to be sustainable, so expect it to be business-as-usual here. Lingthusiasm will also continue with monthly main and bonus episodes, thanks to the patrons who support the show and ensure we have a team that can keep everything rolling while begin to take on more administrative responsibilities in my job.
I'm looking forward to sharing some things that are in the final stages of peer-review and copy editing, and I'm excited to be spinning up some new projects.
Browsing old Superlinguo content?
I have a welcome page on the blog that points you to aggregate posts, and series of posts I've done over the years, as well as themed collections of posts that have appeared on the blog in the last twelve years.
Previous years
Superlinguo 2022 in review
Superlinguo 2021 in review
Superlinguo 2020 in review
Superlinguo 2020 (2019 in review)
Superlinguo 2019 (2018 in review)
Superlinguo 2018 (2017 in review)
Superlinguo 2017 (2016 in review)
Superlinguo 2015 highlights
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New year, new blog, same me falling down the rabbit hole of another fandom.
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This sideblog exists because there were a lot of Frieren-related things that I wanted to reblog and discuss but I didn't want to clutter up my main, which is currently focused on a different fandom.
This blog will consist mostly of images from the manga, anime, gifs, screencaps, official art, and fanart.
I'll also be posting thoughts about the new manga chapters as they release. (tagged: ordinary mage reads)
Anything beyond Season 1 of the anime will be tagged with "Frieren manga spoilers". Manga chapters are tagged as "Frieren + chapter number" (ie: "Frieren 119")
Navigation + Tags:
sousou no frieren - any posts relating to the series as a whole, including meta and discussions about plot, themes, timeline, etc.
葬送のフリーレン - the Japanese name for the series is used for posts that discuss things related to linguistics/translation, cultural context, or mangacaps with Japanese text
Frieren (the character) is tagged with just her name
Characters & Dynamics:
Hero Party - for posts including multiple members of the original party of heroes: Frieren, Himmel, Heiter, Eisen
Frieren's Party - for posts including multiple members of the present-day party: Frieren, Fern, Stark, Sein
Past and Present - for posts including an overlap of characters in the hero party & frieren's present-day party
Ships are generally tagged alphabetically, with the exception that Frieren is always tagged first in a pair.
Romantic ships: frieren x himmel, fern x stark
Platonic tags: frieren and fern, frieren and stark
*As a courtesy, I'm not a huge fan of frieren x himmel as romantic ship. I don't hate it, but I prefer the complexity of their canon relationship and don't believe that romantic relationships are inherently better/deeper than platonic ones.
Themes & Topics:
a mere ten years - posts that reference the passage of time and Frieren's understanding of how her years with the original party of heroes changed her
crossover - any post that includes characters from other series (either in collaboration or referencing parallels)
lost in translation - posts referring to the inherent flaws in translated media and things that aren't obvious if you only read/watch the English version
Frieren-sama tags:
Frieren art - solo art of Frieren
Frieren the slayer - Frieren being a badass
disaster elf - Frieren being a disaster (includes frieren and the mimic)
sleepy Frieren
Frieren's silly spells - the silly spells Frieren collects along her journey (some of them aren't actually that silly)
frieren munching on stuff
aroace frieren - examples of frieren being on the aro/ace spectrum *note: this tag includes any references/headcanons about Frieren being on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum, even though the two identities do not always coincide
Other Character tags:
Fern is not amused
little Fern
Other places to find me:
Tumblr main: AdventureOfTheDancingGirl - (currently I'm mostly posting about My Hero Academia over there)
My twitter is a mix of various fandoms. Mostly Frieren & MHA at the moment.
[last updated: 05/03/2024]
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stepseduworld · 7 months
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Life-Changing Journeys: Treasuring the Study Abroad Experience
Embrace Diversity and Cultivate Lifelong Connections: Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of cultures and perspectives, gaining a unique global perspective during your time studying abroad. Universities around the world welcome students from diverse backgrounds, offering an opportunity to forge enduring friendships and expand your professional network on a global scale. Explore the unique traditions and norms of your host country, enriching your worldview in ways you never imagined.
Confront Challenges and Foster Resilience: Engaging in education abroad goes beyond the realm of academics, as it presents an incredible odyssey towards individual maturation. Step out of your comfort zone and confront challenges head-on, from overcoming homesickness to navigating unfamiliar environments. These experiences will strengthen your resilience and equip you with the confidence to tackle life's obstacles with grace.
Master New Languages: Experience the transformative power of language as you embrace a new cultural setting. Whether through formal study or everyday interactions with locals, seize the opportunity to enhance your linguistic skills. Fluency in multiple languages not only enhances your professional prospects but also deepens your connections with people from diverse backgrounds.
Cultivate Independence and Broaden Your Horizons: Embrace the freedom of independent living as you navigate life in a new country. From managing finances to navigating public transportation, studying abroad empowers you to take charge of your life like never before. Embrace the chance to broaden your horizons, gaining fresh perspectives on global issues and discovering new ways of thinking that will shape your worldview for years to come.
Advance Your Career: Studying abroad is a strategic career move that sets you apart in the job market. Showcase your adaptability, initiative, and cultural competence gained through international experience. Whether launching your career abroad or returning home with newfound insights, studying abroad positions you as a dynamic and forward-thinking candidate.
Embark on Adventures Near and Far: Seize the opportunity to explore diverse landscapes and cultures within your host country and beyond. Take advantage of student discounts and travel perks to embark on unforgettable journeys, discovering hidden gems and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Open Doors to Further Education: Elevate your academic pursuits by pursuing advanced degrees at prestigious institutions worldwide. Graduate schools value the global perspective and cross-cultural competence gained through studying abroad, making you a desirable candidate for future educational opportunities.
Treasure a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience: The act of pursuing education in a foreign land goes beyond the realms of academia; it is a profound odyssey that forever shapes and influences one's life. Embrace every moment as a precious opportunity for growth, exploration, and self-discovery.
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
Summary of a few Discord aesthetic goals I wrote today
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(Sorry, I can't find the demon / devil academic lady's source despite using Yandex reverse image search and trying throughout Instagram, so when you find it please let me know to credit the artist properly here...)
Hy nerts, as I went on to vibe and write much goals in my favourite Discord server instance. Wanted to highlight some more things from there that I would like to remember better.
Among them, a few Halloween costume ideas for the next three years, a few haircut choices and some career goals (still to be fully written out btw).
Halloween & furry matters
The header picture is the costume suggestion I would prefer for Halloween 2024 (or possibly 2023's if my lively things go this fast).
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Something akin to this moth fursuit would be great for my very own fursuit design. And would likely be used from 2025 onwards.
Target haircuts and aesthetic wardrobe hauls
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This type of short haircut where we trim much front and back hair to 3 and leave some longer section that doesn't bother too much onto the front would be epic for 2023.
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As for 2025 onwards, I feel this type of longer hairstyle and look would suit me better as I get to improve my makeup, bodily + facial hygiene & social skills to a decent enough degree.
Ideal / desired career details
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As for my preferred career, I feel like that starting as a bookstore / public library clerk, creative + technical writer / blogger or as a IT tech support backend clerk... or anything close enough to these thesis' of data processing work would be best for my working life entry.
After that I feel like being a software + hardware engineer / developer + academical historian / philosopher / mathematician / linguist... would be my best middle-scale long-term. Being the closest to a computer job person or consultant of decades and centuries past that I can muster without losing much autonomy or purpose.
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Beyond that, I will see what else I want to do / learn / make, but be aware I probably won't be completely quiet during the "retirement" phase? After all, as I am a very creative and technical INTJ who wants to customize almost everything I come to be aware of, that should give you major hints as to what type of lifespan I seek to attain.
Thanks for caring about my ramblings btw, giving you a poll as to suggest me a actual aesthetic to prioritize more (will depend of percentages and my whims too but feel free to suggest me more than meets the seer's eye. :-) )
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hoyatype · 2 years
Continents weigh us down. They are thick and sumptuous…
Place is crucial. We are not floating in the air…
The situation of Africa, today, is the great scandal of our time. We all know that and we all know that it is the consequence of colonialism…
In the countryside, there are only dialects, because language distorts very slowly there. But in old cities, languages recreate themselves every day — they appear in the morning and die in the evening…
[I]gnorant cities, self-sufficient cities. In general, they are cities that can bypass the world and the idea of the world, and that's the tragedy of today, because the fact that those cities are perfectly autonomous gives them a tremendous audacity to establish themselves to rise. But they have no continuity with any past…The cities I'm talking about consume their time immediately. Does a city have an obligation to withstand time? Perhaps not…
There's a difference between how we visit sudden cities like New York — in which we are continually shaken from top to bottom, alongside the city itself — and old cities, like Paris or certain African cities — where we can stand alongside the past and the present.
édouard glissant, interviewed by hans ulrich obrist in the archipelago conversations, republished in the european review of books issue 2.
i pulled out my favourite sentences from the glissant interview because i was overwhelmed by how forcefully poetic he was. the style, the language…! it's so—i mean, « thick and sumptuous continents »; « ignorant » cities that « consume their time immediately »…glissant is really so masterful
when i decided to leave london (again…temporarily!) the thing i was most afraid of was losing hold of the commitment to literature that i found there and grew there and protected quite fiercely. so my gift to myself was an annual subscription to the erb, mailed to my new home; it was the first thing i read when i arrived.
there is so much i could say about the essays in it, the design of it, the form; it's really the most beautiful and exciting and innovative print magazine i've read in ages. designed by patrick doan.
but also i really just believe in the erb as a linguistic and literary project. the way they describe it:
The ERB’s gambit is to publish both in English and in a writer’s mother tongue. Pieces written in Greek or Arabic or Italian or Polish or Dutch—or, or, or—will be available in English and in the original…
The ERB is an English-language magazine that resists, or plays with, the seeming hegemony of English. Committed both to a true lingua franca and to exclusive fluencies, to translation and to the untranslatable, we can discover new writers and new solidarities, within and beyond « Europe ».
and i like how they've made this linguistic, cross-cultural commitment quite specific, by publishing in both languages (print is eng only—makes sense tho given printing costs, sadly) and committing to guillemets for quotations instead of the usual “”
i realise it's a bit ridiculous to leave london and give myself the european review of books, but the lrb can get too…posho oxbridge-y (no i don't want another essay on archaeology antiquity classics etc etc i've already overdosed on tumblr #dark academia etcetera)
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hornkneebee · 1 year
🌻Hello, nice to meet you!🌻
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Before you engage further with my blog, please read this post to further understand about me, my stance and my belief. I will not tolerate debate over what I accept and believe. Unless I am part of a discussion or argument, I will ignore any form of communication that tries to debate about my belief and will blatantly blocked anyone that doesn't respect my wishes after being warned.
It is imperative for you to read this post, lest you'd be surprise to see any unwarranted content on your feed.
Disclaimer: I advised against reading this post on my own blog and instead, just read it on Tumblr itself. The post somehow broke when read through my own blog, causing some words appear incorrectly (coloured text not coloured, for example). You can reach it here.
🌻My Fan fiction Masterpost | My Twitter | My Bluesky🌻
🌻What is my name and what you can call me?
My name is Hornkneebee, but you may also refer me by my other aliases; Madukara.
🌻What is my age?
I'm in my early 20's (20 to 25 year old) and hence, my content may reflects as such.
🌻What pronoun(s) do I use?🌻
You may refer me with; ➼ He/Him ➼ They/Them
🌻My interests and my hobbies?🌻
Throughout the time I've been lurking in the internet, I had developed so many love in so many interests or hobbies, naming a few include; ➼ Language and linguistics ➼ History ➼ Anthropology ➼ World building ➼ Writing ➼ Gaming
🌻What language(s) I can speak?🌻
Aside from English 🇬🇧, I am proficient in Bahasa Melayu 🇲🇾 and may be able to understand Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩. Currently, I'm trying to study 한국어 🇰🇷 (I could only able to read Hangul, not yet to understand them).
🌻What game am I playing?🌻
I've been juggling a lot of different game, but am currently active on; 🎮 Genshin Impact ✨🍃 🎮 Honkai Star Rail 🚂☄️ 🎮 Alchemy Stars ⚗️🌟 🎮 Cookie Run Kingdom 🏰🍪 🎮 Reverse: 1999 ⌛⛈️ 🎮 Punishing Grey Raven 🐦‍⬛🦠 🎮 Arknights ⚔️ Otherwise, I also play with; 🎮 The Sims (primarily Sims 2) 🟢 🎮 Stardew Valley 🐔 🎮 Spiritfarer ⛴️ 🎮 Let's School 📚 🎮 Coral Island 🪸
🌻Show I have watched, watching or planning to watch?🌻
Show I have watched; ✅ Merlin BBC ✅ Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ✅ Ranking of the King ✅ Little Witch Academia Show I am watching; ⏯️ Fairy Tail ⏯️ How to get away with murder ⏯️ Nation Z ⏯️ Black Summer ⏯️ Gurren Lagann ⏯️ The Waling Dead Show I'm planning to watch; 📝 Attack on Titan 📝 Codename: Kids next door 📝 Mob Psycho 100, Season 3
🌻Pertaining to Proshipping, Antishipping and Fancop?🌻
I'm a proship/profic, hence, I will engage, create or share contents that are themed over it. If you're uncomfortable with proship contents in general, this is my warning for you to leave my space and block me if you can. Additionally, puriteens or fancops that engage with me will be blocked!
more info, please refer to: Proship, Puriteens, Fancops
🌻Is my blog minors friendly?🌻
I am outright saying this to you all; this blog is not minors friendly. Meaning, the contents that I engage with or create will sometime be around adult themes or themes that are seen as problematic. Thus, minors are advised to NOT engage with me beyond just reblogging posts that they like that are innocent.
🌻Is my blog a queer safe space?🌻
Yes. My blog is a queer safe space and I will ensure that the posts that I engage or create are queer friendly. In addition to this, because this blog is queer (and so am I), queerphobes should see themselves out!
🌻Is my blog a muslim safe space?🌻
Generally, yes. But I am rather critical of Islam and Muslim as a whole due to personal experience with Islam and the Muslim community (especially conservative Muslims). If you could not bare to see Islam or Muslim being criticised by me or posts that criticised Islam or Muslim, you may block me. That being said, I am advocator of Muslim's right to exist and understand how Muslims are discriminated outside of the Islamic world.
🌻Do not interact list🌻
Please do not interact with me if you're; 🚫 Racists, Racial Supremacists 🚫 Zionists, Pro-Israel 🚫 Conservative 🚫 Very religious 🚫 Sexists 🚫 Queerphobes 🚫 TERFs 🚫 Antishippers, Fancop, Fanpol 🚫 Minors 🚫 MAPs, Zoos!!!
Sources: TERFs, MAPs, Zoos
Again, I must remind you that my blog is my space, and you should respect my rules that I have set upon this blog. If you find anything about my blog uncomfortable, disgusting or upsetting, I am not going to argue with you to justify my point of view. You can always block me, unfollow me (and make me unfollow you), or not engage with my block at all. Additionally, over time, this post might be edited to update with my current stance or add more questions that will give you a general view about me as a person.
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onlineeducation1 · 10 days
Why Pursuing an MA in English Could Be the Best Career Move for You
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In a world where effective communication is key, the value of an advanced degree in English is often overlooked. However, pursuing an MA in English could be a game-changer for your career, offering you a wide range of opportunities in diverse fields. Here’s why investing in an MA in English might be the best career decision you can make:
1. Diverse Career Opportunities
An MA in English opens doors far beyond traditional teaching roles. Graduates can pursue careers in publishing, journalism, public relations, marketing, copywriting, editing, and more. With the rise of content-driven industries, there's a high demand for professionals with excellent writing, critical thinking, and communication skills.
2. Enhance Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills
English programs, especially at the master’s level, focus on developing critical thinking, interpretation, and analysis. These skills are highly transferable and are prized by employers in various sectors, such as law, media, and business, where clear thinking and effective problem-solving are crucial.
3. Specialization and Expertise
Many MA programs allow students to specialize in areas like literature, linguistics, creative writing, or rhetoric. Specializing not only enhances your expertise in a specific field but also increases your value in niche markets that require deep knowledge in that area.
4. Improved Communication Skills
Strong communication is vital in nearly every industry. Pursuing an MA in English hones your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively, whether through writing or speaking. These skills make you an asset in fields like corporate communication, advertising, and content management.
5. Cultural Awareness and Empathy
Studying literature and language exposes you to different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. This broader worldview can help in roles that require empathy, negotiation, and interpersonal skills, making English graduates excellent fits for jobs in diplomacy, international relations, or community outreach.
6. Academic and Teaching Opportunities
While teaching isn’t the only career path, it’s still a valuable option. With an MA, you can pursue roles in academia, from teaching at the high school level to becoming a college lecturer. It also sets the stage for further studies, such as a Ph.D., if you’re inclined toward research and scholarly work.
7. Creative Opportunities
An MA in English can also unlock creative pursuits like writing novels, screenplays, or poetry. It gives you the tools to refine your voice and understanding of the craft, which can be essential for building a career as a professional writer or working in creative industries such as film, theater, or media.
8. Boost in Earning Potential
While an MA in English doesn’t guarantee a six-figure salary, it can significantly improve your earning potential compared to a bachelor’s degree. Specialized roles such as technical writing, content management, or publishing can be financially rewarding, and advanced degrees often lead to higher pay scales in teaching and academic positions.
An MA in English is more than just a degree; it’s a versatile qualification that equips you with a broad skill set applicable to many industries. Whether you’re passionate about literature, aiming to improve your communication skills, or looking to enter a creative or academic field, pursuing this degree can lead to a fulfilling and dynamic career.
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