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t00them00n · 2 years ago
is it ok for u to do eren or armin with number 34?? i love ur headcannons sm they’re so accurate 💗😭
I love u so much thank youu😭😭😭 and ofc!!! I’ll do both bc I have nothing else to do rn
34. dating them
More headcanons/masterlist
Eren - In the beginning he’s just very charming but the whole thing is like u fell first but he fell harder, he’d slowly get obsessed (but its mutual anyway) he started to fall even harder when he saw u getting along w his family and his mum loving u just made him love u more😭 hes just a silly family guy 🤷‍♀️
He defo asks everyone and their mothers for advice on what gifts to get u and what he should do for anything bc he thinks he’ll fuck things up but he still lowk ignores the advice he asks for and goes w his gut💀 his guts acc never wrong tho he usually makes the right decisions
U guys have a great relationship overall tho he likes couple pics and does post u but u guys arent like LOUD abt ur relationship u both just post a normal amount with each other but not necessarily abt them like u dont make i love my bf posts but u do post like out with the bf etc etc ao people know and ur couples pics are GOOD asl (bc hes a picky shit who wants them to look perfect) and u guys are very quality time people,, hes not that clingy in public but when ur alone its like a flip switches and he becomes a baby with separation anxiety😭 like he’ll follow u around everywhere even if ur just getting a snack or making a drink
Armin - He’s obv shy and he has a hard time saying what he fr wants and eren gives him unsolicited advice😭 armin still follows it tho but its just funny bc erens half pissing around giving him outlandish advice like the ‘girls ALWAYS like this or this and this’ but u can always tell armin has good intentions so its cute
he gets annoyed when u make fun of him when he tries be affectionate he denies it but he goes RED and his gifts are always super thoughtful and sentimental,, he’s a normal amound of affection like he likes holding ur hand in public and arms around ur shoulder is all standard but he only gets more clingy when hes tired☹️☹️☹️
hes defo the type to not want u to get out of bed and trap u inside and hes very acts of service he defo remembers ur drink order from the shop and makes u breakfast etc he can cook very well imo🤷‍♀️ but hes always insecure for some reason like he keeps on feeding u while he cooks asking what U think the dish needs as if he doesnt know any better😭 anyway bc u like his cooking the dinner dates r usually at home which he surprises u with☹️
U guys get very giggly when ur doing smt together like if hes trying to explain smt to u and u dont get it idk how to word it like u guys match each others energy u have a cute banter with mini inside jokes like IDK armins just such a loverboy i love bf!armin😭
Hes super like huffy when u tease him for shit like ‘awwww u wanna watch a movie with me’ he gets pissed and muttery like ‘i just thought it’d be cute if we did but if u dont want to then ig not’ while turning away and u’d both just be giggly bc u both cant keep up a bit
Hes also the type to come home w like a ‘just bc’ gift like ‘I thought this bracelet would look good on u’ or ‘a random guy on the street was selling flowers i felt bad so i bought some😭’
Sorry my armin ones got so long i realised ive never gone into depth abt him but I LOVE IT SM lmk if u guys want some more bf!armin headcanons lolol
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific headcanons for eren or armin or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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slutsukio · 1 year ago
study date. (bf!armin x blk!femreader)
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in the heart of academia, where the fragrance of knowledge lingered, you and armin ventured into the sacred realm of the campus' library, bright and early─ 5 o'clock in the morning to be precise. the atmosphere was charged with the palpable anticipation of impending final exams, a collective buzz of students immersed in the rigors of preparations for a plethora of upcoming tests. amidst this sea of focused scholars your eyes met a diverse array of individuals engrossed in their respective studies.
the daunting task that loomed before you and armin was the mastery of ASL by the approaching monday. while both of you possessed a foundational understanding of the basics ─ the fluid conversations, the nuanced expressions, and the art of signing in tandem with spoke words ─the nerve-wracking reality emerged from the knowledge that seven seasoned and professional sign language interpreters would scrutinize your skills and presentations.
in the light of this challenge, the hours unfolded as a crucible of dedication and meticulous practice. each minute, you and armin delved deeper into the intricacies of ASL, refining your signs and perfecting the synchronicity of your expressions. the library, once merely a backdrop for academic exploration, transformed into a haven for the relentless pursuit of linguistic finesse.
as the hours progressed, the weight of the imminent presentation hung in the air, motivating both of you to strive for nothing short of perfection. the goal was clear ─ to deliver a flawless performance that would not only showcase your proficiency in ASL but also captivate the attention of those seven discerning interpreters.
the clock had barely struck noon when you and armin decided to take a respite from your intensive study session, finding a quiet alcove amidst the library's towering shelves. releasing a contented sigh that resonated with the weight of a momentary relaxation, you indulged in a luxuriously deep stretch, your body unwinding like a cast basking in the warmth of the sun.
as your muscles surrendered to the stretch, you shifted your gaze toward armin, a genuine smile playing upon your lips, a manifestation of the unspoken joy derived from the simplicity of the moment. with an appreciative glint in your eyes, you deliberately took in the details of his features─ the sun-kissed strands of his blonde hair, the depth of his cerulean eyes that held a multitude of stories, and the subtle allure of his soft pink lips.
observing the rosy hue that painted his cheeks in the aftermath of maintaining prolonged eyes contact, you couldn't help but notice the subtle yet undeniable impact it had on him; a silent exchange that lingered in the air like an unspoken connection. the shared laughter that followed echoes with the resonance of newfound understanding, a bridge of camaraderie spanning the distance between you. in the wake of this unspoken exchange, a question lingered on the tip on your tongue, and as you parted your lips, you felt the weight of curiosity intermingled with the delicate dance of unspoken words.
in the cocoon of that tranquil pause, you breached the subject of mutual aquaintances, "how's connie doing these days? i heard about what happened at the game, sasha told me, and i heard he popped his leg out of place. is he better?" the concern in your inquiry echoed through the air, a testament to the bonds that tethered your lives together and the genuine interest you held for the well-being of your friends.
armin released a heavy sigh, the weight of concern evident in the furrow of his brow and the weariness that seemed to settle on his shoulders, prompting him to scoot his chair closer to the table, running his fingers through his silky hair, he began to unravel the table of a recent mishap, unfolding a narrative of injury that went far beyond a mere inconvenience.
"the doctor had to pop it back in place," armin disclosed, his voice carrying the echo of empathy for connie, "and he has to walk with crutches for the next three weeks." the gravity of the situation hung in the air, casting a somber shadow over the room. armin, who continued to relay the complete picture, continued, "then, on top of all that stuff, he has to do physical therapy before he can even entertain the thought of being back on the field."
as armin shared this intricate web of challenges and setbacks, you couldn't contain the spontaneous "damn," that slipped through the air like an unintentional sigh. this unexpected outburst, accompanied by a chuckle that escaped your lips, lingered in the atmosphere, a momentary lapse in the gravity of armin's narrative that perhaps wasn't needed at that exact juncture. realizing the time of your reaction, you quickly offered a sheepish apology, "sorry." the word woven with a sincerity but also a half-assed awkward laugh, seeking to mend the delicate fabric of the conversation.
in response, a soft smirk danced onto armin's face, a subtle acknowledgement that, despite the seriousness of the shared tales, your momentary lapse had added a touch of unexpected levity to the exchange. "well, boohoo for him," you continued, your voice taking on a playfully dismissive tone as you sought to downplay the weight of armin's challenges. "like i always say, it aint none of my business-" your sentence hung in the air, poised to continue, but before you could add another layer to your commentary, a sassy ahem cut through the air, the unmistakable sound of the librarian's disapproval punctuating the moment with a touch of stern interruption.
the librarian's gaze, sharp as the edge of a well-worn book, fell upon them— a silent warning echoing through the air and casting an almost tangible aura of disapproval. feeling the weight of that stern scutiny, you exchanged a perplexed look with armin, your eyes seeking answers within the depths of his expression. turning back to the librarian, a subtle ballet of facial expressions unfolded— your eyebrows knit together in a quizzical fashion, followed by a dismissive eyeroll that conveyed a mix of frustration and nonchalance. with a dismissive shake of your head, you refocused your attention on armin, seamlessly resuming your conversation with him despite the looming disapproval.
undeterred by your nonchalant disregard, the librarian, an imposing figure draped in an air of authority, advanced toward your secluded corner. her disapproving gaze now took on a vocal form as she delivered a speech about the perceived disrespect you two were displaying, disrupting the studious ambiance for other diligent students. despite your strategic position tucked away from the prying ears of your fellow scholars, the librarian seemed determined to voice her disapproval.
as she embarked on her lecture, you prepared a retort, ready to stand your ground against the unjust accusation. "first and foremost-" you began, a spark of defiance in your eyes. however, armin, ever the voice of reason, interjected, offering a sincere apology in a bid to diffuse the escalating tension and avoid further trouble.
the librarian, though not entirely convinced, graced you both with a half-hearted smile before waddling away, a symbolic retreat but with lingering scrutiny, watching over you like a vigilant dog guarding its territory. seizing the momentary reprieve, you kicked armin's leg, a clandestine exchange in the aftermath of the librarian's watchful gaze.
in the tense silence, you dared to challenge the silence. you signed to armin, "that strict bitch got me fucked up." your fingers moving with precision. armin cracked a smile, and a soft laugh, before it was contained with his serious face— which he could not hold. a daring comment on the librarian's serious countenance elicited the first whispers of shared laughter.
armin, his expressive hands translating his thoughts into graceful features, embarked on signing soliloquy, articulating the depth of your disdain towards the librarian and how he found it both audacious and amusing. even as he chastised you for the audacity of your words— well in this case, signs, —a subtle symphony of amusement played on his lips, manifesting as a soft chuckle that gracefully danced through the air with each sign, weaving together the threads of his disapproval and shared amusement.
your frustration bubbled over as you signed back to him, a clear expression of discontent etched across your face, "i don't care how mean it is, she should've waddled her saggy-titty ass over to those kids over there who're munching so loudly you can hear it from a mile away." the intensity of your annoyance was palpable, yet a paradoxical twist of humor tugged at the corners of your lips as your fingers signed your frustration.
in the midst of your evident frustration, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded – laughter, like an unexpected gust of wind, swept through the solemnity of the moment. the dichotomy between your exasperation and the absurdity of the situation struck a chord, and an involuntary laugh escaped your lips. this unexpected release triggered a domino effect onto armin, who, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, joined you in a symphony of laughter.
hands instinctively rose to cover faces and mouths, desperately attempting to stifle the burgeoning laughter, but it proved futile. laughter, contagious and unrestrained, echoed through the air like a rebellious melody. in the shared absurdity of the moment, you and armin found yourselves caught in a loop of hilarity, your attempts to quell the laughter only intensifying its persistence. the library, a bastion of silence, momentarily surrendered to the raucous symphony of mirth you both unwittingly orchestrated.
as the librarian, her patience threads worn thin, strode over to our secluded corner, the air in the library seemed to tense, much like the yellowed pages of a time-worn volume about to surrender to the weight of ages. with a demeanor as stern as the rigid silence she enforced, she brought her presence to bear on our animated study session. in a moment, akin to the snap of an old volume's spine yielding to the passage of countless readings, her restraint unraveled.
the second warning followed swiftly, a non-negotiable decree delivered with the eloquence of a stern flick of her fingers. it marked the abrupt end of our scholarly haven, and you and armin found yourselves unceremoniously expelled from the temple of quiet learning. the librarian, a harbinger of order in this sanctuary of knowledge, insisted on our immediate departure, scolding us for the transgression of laughter in her sacred space of silence.
as we gathered our belongings, a ripple of amusement still clinging to our senses, you and armin exchanged glances. you, sprawled on the floor in a fit of uncontrollable laughter, and armin, tears streaming down his face from the unexpected hilarity of the disrespectful moment, shared a moment of connection amidst the chaos. in that shared gaze, the laughter echoed louder than the librarian's reprimand, transcending the confines of the library's strict decorum and etching a memory of a rebellious, yet delightful, escape from the temple of silence.
beyond the weighty portals of the library, liberation unfolded with a saccharine taste, and the resonance of their laughter, akin to a clandestine elixir, cascaded through the echoing corridors. in the shadowy recesses, you and armin, you guys' backs pressed against the frigid walls, imbibed the bitter-sweet irony of their ejection from the sanctum of silence. the solemnity of scholarly pursuit clashed harmoniously with the exuberant and indomitable spirit of youth.
"perhaps," armin mused, his voice a thoughtful cadence, "we might find solace in a locale less draconian in its demand for silence." he delicately wiped away the remnants of laughter-induced tears, exhaling a deep sigh that metamorphosed into an affable smile, a blend of mirth and contemplation.
in response, you, still caught in the remnants of amusement, nodded with a grace that echoed understanding. "a haven where the librarian of knowledge not only tolerates but appreciates the symphony of humor might be our refuge." a melodic chuckle escaped your lips, harmonizing with the lingering echoes of laughter, as you embarked on a leisurely stroll down the corridor, transforming the expulsion from the library into a vibrant and enlightening chapter in your unconventional yet knowledge-filled study session.
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❁ suki speaking — fun study session with armin, followed with lots of laughter and scolding!! this was fun to write ngl. the longest oneshot i ever wrote. ts was 2k words, hell. this was meant for neso + all the armin fanboys / fangirls, and his ass better ready every one of these 2,017 words. ok byee guys, im gna go work on my ocs now :3.
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rissouu · 1 year ago
sugardaddy!armin who loves your chubby thighs so much that if he’s not laying in between them he throws a tantrum every five minutes. “babyy mon! work can’t be that important, come lay down.” he scoffed as you kept ignoring him, he didn’t even understand why you still wanted to work. he already offered to pay for any and everything you wanted, but every single time you declined. he always respected your answer without any complaints, but it was honestly starting to strike a nerve. because now that stupid job of yours was interrupting his time with you, another reason he wanted you to quit. “im sorry love, i just have a couple more quizzes to grade, be patient for me okay?” you tried rushing through the grading but it was harder than it seemed, you didn’t want to mess up on any grades and let your students down. “ughhh but i’ve been waiting for hours now. this is exactly why i told you to quit that little job, keeps takin’ you away from me.” he was now sitting on the floor next to your desk with his head on your lap. he needed some type of skin to skin contact with you and he didn’t care how he got it. so if he had to sit on the floor next to you like a toddler, then he would. “alright, i’m done! so you can stop complaining-“ he lifted you from your desk— picking you up with ease before gently tossing your body onto the bed. “finally, i felt like i was dying! now open your legs so we can sleep,”
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crystalclear97 · 4 months ago
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I refuse to tolerate people calling him an incel nononononooooo. He's a nerd teenager guy, so at that age every guy has incel potential and is a bit insufferable. But he's a good guy and as he grows up he becomes nicer ok???? Also when he meets badass Annie he becomes completely submissive (like in an admirational way) but with time they start dating and the two of them equilibrate and get healthier. That's my statement. 🫡
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mayarainsposts · 3 months ago
I want a cute pretty nerdy guy that's a bit cute and neurodivergent and I want him to have a cute little voice and body his blushing face in my neck as he rumbles about his new hyper fixation. Even better if his hair is dirty blonde or light brown and he has long pretty eyelashes and a praise kink gets all cute from compliments.
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stoopidassjamesfranco · 1 year ago
To be honest, I care more about any new high school castes content than the canon universe, the latter is finished, ended, done, there is nothing else to explore
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hsakuras · 1 year ago
the only thing keeping me going this work week is that Armin will be on my screen again soon.
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t00them00n · 2 years ago
I know i have zero fans but to my zero fans please know im currently cooking up:
bf!armin headcanons,, 2 bf!armin requests and a gojo oneshot and maybe bf!gojo headcanons if i feel like it😰
Please standby im not dead just busy i love my zero fans 🙏🙏 its all cominh out so slow tho im so sorry😭
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shawtuzi · 2 months ago
imagine smoking out ur bfs!choso & armin and milking them at the same time….whew i just got chills
cw include: some drug use, oral m! receiving, overstimulation, milking, choso blacks out lmao ( boarder credit @/bernardsbendystraws)
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“i feel like m’gonna fuckin’ p-pass out,” choso sniffled, hand trembling as he brought the almost finished blunt to his kiss bitten lips. his hips weakly bucked upwards to start fucking your hand, obnoxious shlicking noises echoing throughout the room—armin and choso’s shared dorm room to be exact.
armin was next to choso, practically melting into the bed as you continued to stroke his dick. shiny pearls of pre seemed to endlessly leak from his tip, creating an even bigger mess in your hand.
you were cockdrunk as ever, moaning around their dicks as you took turns taking their tips into your hot mouth. choso was the whiniest of the two no doubt, moaning and babbling about how good he was feeling like a bitch in heat—he was too cute :((
choso shakily brought the blunt to armin’s lips, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip as he watched armin french inhale the drug. “jesus you’re so—hah! m-messy y/nnnn,” just as armin finished his sentence you had deepthroated his cock, fresh hot tears now brimming at your lash line. his dick throbbed in your mouth, the two thick veins on the underside thrumming against your skillful tongue.
you pulled off his dick with a lewd pop! your focus now on choso’s full balls. choso sucked in a sharp breath, nearly dropping the blunt in the process. you sucked one of his balls into your mouth, internally cooing at choso’s pathetic, flushed face. “m’gonna cum baby,” choso’s voice cracked as he whined out to you, abs clenching as his fourth orgasm of the evening was approaching.
“m-me too,” armin slurred, throwing an arm over his eyes. you licked up the base of choso’s cock to the tip, sucking the reddened muscle greedily before moving onto armin, giving his dick the same treatment.
if the ppl living on choso and armin’s floor didn’t hate them before then they certainly did now, because the symphony of pornographic moans that could be heard were just straight up unholy. that’s why you loved smoking them out so much—they were a couple of screamers and you thrived for that shit.
choso flopped on his back, just like armin, his hips thrusting wildly into your hand. armin’s big hand rested on top of your head, gripping onto your hair as he fucked your throat raw. armin pressed his foot against your clothed cunt, grinning to himself when he felt your throat tighten around him.
“hah! hah! s-shittt,” armin damn near shouted, his thighs trembling as he finally released his fourth load down you throat. choso wasn’t far behind at all, his hips stuttering when you tightened your grip around his tip. ropes of his milky white release coated your hand, dripping from your knuckles and onto his shaking thighs.
“f-fuck i think he might’ve passed out again, dammit y/n you always do this to him,” armin chuckled, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. “s’not my fault he’s such a slut for a blowjob,” you giggled, grabbing some nearby tissues to clean yourself up.
the two of you cleaned choso up, giggling quietly to yourselves as you pulled his sweats up. “he’s so cute,” you cooed, brushing the stray baby hairs from his forehead.
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crystalclear97 · 1 year ago
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I just checked the canvas info and I started this drawing literally two years ago wtf!!!! so I rescued it from my ipad and kinda finished it, still sketchy but I think it was supposed to be this way when I started...
they've just started flirting with each other, but they're too shy to make a move so they play songs together as love language 💜
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beaunoor · 10 months ago
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when your bf wants to experiment with you riding on top. he's gripping your thigh with one hand while the other holds the vibrating wand to your clit.
The tv in the background plays a late night show on low, while you lay your cheek on his chest, one hand lazily rubbing small circles on his chest. He lays out on the bed, eyes on the tv. He’s got one hand behind his head and the other lightly massaging your hair. It’s moments like these that you love. It was just you two in the quiet world.
But the touching and massages always turn into something more. Especially when in the privacy in your bedroom you both are barely clothed in the first place. These moments always end in more heavy petting, where you both ruin the quiet air with raspy gasps and moans. 
You're on his lap now, the both of you sat up. Your lips on his, mouths wet and moving in a dance. Your hands running through his hair, gripping his tresses desperately. His hands run down your back grabbing a handful of your ass, then up again to your back to pull you into him, getting your hips to move in a slow tandem on his growing bulge.
“Let’s try something different this time baby.” He says after pulling away from your lips, a small grin forming
“Like what?” You ask, going back to kiss his cheek then his jaw—
“Just stay on top and you’ll find out.” You pull away and raise an eyebrow at the suggestion. “Don’t worry, I promise you’ll like it.” He smiles innocently.
Except maybe you like it too much.
“Hahh, please!” you exclaim, feeling him buck up into you again. Hands flexing in the air, knowing you couldn't touch anywhere.
He’s got one hand around your thigh, squeezing every so often, while the other holds the wand still. You’re struggling to control your sounds when the powerful vibrations coming from your sex toy rubs on your mound. Then the force of his cock drives up again and you can't help but let out a scream. Your neighbors are sure to get a kick out this tonight.
“Remember you can’t touch, stay still baby.” he mutters, eyes watching what he can see himself move in and out of the tight grip you have on him.
You’re struggling keeping yourself upright, the stimulation of everything making your head fuzzy and your body shaking. He won’t relent on the pounding, you barely doing any of the work.
“Nngh, stop! Please! n’t take it anymore!” you cry, tears welling up, hands coming down to rest on his chest to keep yourself upright.
“I know, I know. Feels so good.” he coos at you, reveling in the erratic movements of your body, “You can take it.”
He moves the toy away and tosses it aside, both hands coming to grip your hips to hold you in place as he bucks deeper into you. Hitting that gooey spot over and over to help finish you off.
“Oh my god—I’m cumming, I’m cu–” you’re cut off from your words by the force of your orgasm, juices squirting out as your mouth opens in a silent scream. Your body jolting at the powerful contractions happening in your abdominal cavity. 
“Oh baby, did you just squirt?” he lets out a small laugh as your arms give up and you fall forward onto his chest, sweaty and breathing heavily. All you can do is let out a quiet whimper.
“Hold on baby. I didn’t get to cum yet.”
toji, kento, satoru, eren, connie, armin, jean, suguru, isagi, yuta, kaeya, takuma, sae, ryusei, hanma…whoever else seems right to you
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wrote this really quick to get something out
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emoisthenewemu · 2 months ago
#ihatemybf - Attack on Titan SMAU
When your bf catches you participating in a silly tik tok trend! Babe, it’s just a joke, I swear!
Cw: bad language, hood coded eren and connie, suggestiveness in Porcos, toxic behavior!
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jaeshoney · 2 years ago
i want a clingy boyfriend 🥲🥲
ੈ✩‧₊˚ — Armin being a clingy qt !
armin’s arm was draped around your stomach, his hand rubbing your lower back. your face was buried in his neck, your arms wrapped around his back. the room was completely silent, just the sound of you and armin breathing.
you pulled your face out of his warm neck, catching him off guard by pecking his lips with yours. he immediately smiled and pulled you closer to him by your lower back.
smiling like fools deeply in love, armin grabbed the back of your thighs and rolled onto his back, placing you on his lap.
you leaned down and kissed armin again, hearing him slightly whine.
his hands traveled to your ass, squeezing and gripping the flesh.
you stop your movements and attempt to lift yourself off of him. his hands squeeze your ass, “where are you going?” he pouts
“i have to pee and i’m kind of hungry” you climb off of armin and hop out of the bed, the cold floor making you tense up.
you were wearing an oversized t-shirt and panties. armin followed after you into the bathroom, following you to the toilet.
you pulled your panties down and sat, looking up at armin. “go on” he grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers and leans on the counter, waiting for you to finish.
“what a big baby” you roll your eyes. after you finish up in the bathroom, you walk into the kitchen.
“what are we eating?” armin’s slender figure leans over you and he wraps his arms around your waist, putting his face in the crook of your neck.
“mmmm i dunno” you stand in front of the pantry just looking. you slowly sway from side to side with armin attached to you.
you decided on a random pack of pop tarts. you stumbled over to the toaster, placing two pop tarts in.
as you wait you can feel armin’s hands sliding up under your t-shirt. his warm hands roam all over your stomach. it felt pretty good and soothing.
“let’s watch a disney movie” you randomly suggested. armin lifted his head out of your neck, “can we please watch moana”
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 1 month ago
IS IT MINE? (Connie x Black!F!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Connie Springer x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Connie doesn’t take too kindly to you, his pretty little bimbo girlfriend, chatting up his team during an interview after his big fight. But lucky for him, he has many ways to show you how to correct your mistakes and prove to him that you’re his favorite little trophy.
Warnings: No Titans AU; Boxer!BF!Connie x Bimbo!GF!Reader; Public/Locker Room Sex; Mirror Sex; Teasing; Cock Worship; Degradation; Facial Abuse; Hair-Pulling; Choking; Face Slapping; Cum/Spit Play; Connie is a Dirty Talker AND a Muncher; Pussy-Drunk!Connie; Multiple Os; Doggystyle; Cum-Drunk!Reader; Mating Press; Daddy Kink; MDom!Connie x fsub!Reader; Some Spanish; Multiple Creampies & Cum-Shots
Writer’s Note: I had this idea after listening to Leon Thomas' ass for over a week now lol. This was originally gonna be a Sukuna one-shot, but then I decided to do someone I haven't done before after falling down the AOT rabbit hole again: MY CONNIE. Enjoy! -Jazz
“C-Connie, please! I-I…ah! I said I was sorry!”
The young UFC fighter standing at 5'9 and most definitely taller than your short stack ass has you pushed against the wall, one of his knees wedged between the cushiony, soft, plush inner thighs that he so loves to kiss, bite, and love on when he isn't training for a fight.
You should've known better than to have worn your favorite (and his favorite) fiery-hot red mini dress to his big championship match. The kind with that buttery-soft material that feels like silk against Connie's fingers as he glides them down your beautiful, delectable, pudgy body and has a low cut so your tits are damn near popping out of your push-up bra.
But it was a big event tonight! Televised and everything! You wanted to look nice for your man and the cameras, so you pulled out your sexiest along with some red heeled mules, Fenty Gloss to make your lips nice and juicy, and Connie's oversized leather jacket because he just LOVES seeing his baby wearing his clothes.
Once backstage and in the hallway near the backrooms, he damn near ripped his jacket off to explore your body with his hands, calloused and bruised from the previous fight and years of training. His lips heatedly caress your exposed neck, nuzzling into the scent of your sugary whipped cream-scented body mist, as he leaves sloppy kisses there.
“Oh, so now you’re sorry,” he huffs. “You definitely weren’t when you were chattin’ up my fuckin’ trainer.” He pulls away from your neck to instead kiss your pouty lips, caressing your chin and rubbing his knee up against your satin panties...which he's pretty sure is a thong.
The way that thing behind you was moving tonight as you went to your seat in the VIP section near the boxing ring was just too damn noticeable. He damn near lost focus in the ring going against his opponent because he was too busy watching you-his baby; his love; his cutest little fan.
You were in the stands cheering him on alongside Eren, his trainer and best friend, Armin, Connie's assistant who swears that he isn't, and Reiner, Connie's agent. You had a sign and everything. "I decorated it myself!" you proudly exclaimed when he swooped you up after the fight, sweaty and tired, but you enthusiastically kissed him anyway, the cameras all in your face.
You truly are a prize. The prettiest trophy to behold. Not even Connie's new championship belt can compare...though it did feel nice to knock that cocky Russian fuck out cold and hear the countdown before the final bell rung. He had been training for this fight for months, sometimes missing out on dates with you, but that he would make up for with some heated sex and cuddling sessions.
You understood. You always understood. You truly are a trophy...and others seem to know it too. Why else would Eren, Armin, and Reiner be chatting you up backstage during Connie's interview?
Right in his face.
And you were chatting right back, smiling that big, pretty smile and flaunting those pretty tits that Reiner and Eren had major eyes on. Especially Eren, the disrespectful fuck.
“I bet you loved his eyes all over this,” he growls. He takes a handful of your ass, laying it flat on the juicy cheeks with a smack that echos throughout the empty hallway. “And then my agent comes waltzin’ over to tell you how pretty you look.”
Connie was simmering mad. It's bad enough those motherfuckers flirt with every pretty girl that comes their way, but with YOU?! Did they do it just to get on his nerves? To make him sweat during his interview?
And when you gladly conversed with them and giggled at their compliments, it took everything in him to not throw the damn microphone at Reiner's head and crash out on everybody. Unfortunately for Connie, he is a major hot head and your fine ass don't make it no better.
One could say he is possessive. Another could say he is obsessive. Either way, he doesn't play about you. Especially when it comes to other men. He knows how sweet you are and he knows that men can take advantage of that.
But this is one of those times where you're just too nice and you need to be taught lesson about who the fuck you should be smiling and giggling at. “I-It was just a compliment!” you whine. “They know I’m with you, Con!"
Your nails, glittery and bejeweled for tonight's event, drag down Connie's tan skin, defined, muscular back, and toned arms roped in ink. How you love his tattoos. You've always been a sucker for them plus the brow pierced, the lip ring that adorns his plump bottom lip, and his buzzcut. It is all supposed to be intimidating, but it turned you on the first day you met him at the gym when he helped you reach a towel.
Connie hums in a disagreement, gently nipping at your bottom lip. “Clearly not. And clearly, you don’t either.” He pulls away to give you a smile laced with wickedness and seduction. It makes you weak in the knees. “So lemme remind you, baby.”
Your pretty, brown eyes widen in alarm. "O-Out here?" you whimper. You look down the hallway, barely even hearing the commotion backstage of other interviews and cameras snapping photos.
Connie gives you a confused look, his brows furrowed, and then begins to laugh. "No, silly girl!" he cackles, giving your ass another squeeze. "I'm not tryna be arrested for indecent exposure. It's bad enough I get caught free-ballin' today."
His hazel eyes glow with mirth and you feel yourself flush as he grinds himself against your core. The hot-headed, quick-witted fighter is known to leave your crib and go straight to a stadium without his underwear. Today was no different. He left your apartment at drawn, leaving you with a sweet kiss, and arrived to the stadium in just his shorts...nothing underneath.
So, of course, the cameras caught the outline of his big dick swinging around underneath the thin basketball shorts...not that you complained. You love it when people thirst after your man.
Your eyes tick down to his shorts now, straining to see the prized possession underneath: thick, pretty, tan cock that he has made very clearly is yours and only yours.
Connie notices your eyes gazing downward and grips your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Oh, you wanna see?" he teasingly asks. "Fuckin' little slut. Bet that's all you were thinkin' 'bout while I was in that ring."
He pushes you farther into the wall, pressing his harder, toned body against your softer, plushier one. "Bet you wanted my shorts to fall down so you could see that big cock on the full screen." His lips glide down the side of your neck to trail down to your chest, pressing kisses to the soft tops of those tits.
"Connie," you whisper. Your panties have begun to grow tight and uncomfortable against his knee, signaling your arousal. But then again, you were aroused when he nearly flew from the interview table and pulled you away from Eren and Reiner, dragging you down the hall to his dressing room.
Seeing Connie fight always gets you wet. You love how fast and strong he is, determined to win. He takes his fighting very seriously and has made himself known in the UFC world as a capable boxer. Seeing him punch noses and clock jaws has become sort of a kink of yours. Something about the brute strength he possesses and the aggression.
Aggression that you'll probably be getting tonight. "Lucky for you, baby, this is all for you." Connie takes your hand and presses it against his bulge that has begun to harden. You exhale, shuddering at the hard, pulsing, throbbing outline of his dick. You're practically salivating...from your mouth AND your pussy.
But just as quickly as it happens, it's done and Connie tears your hand away from his dick and pulls you off of the wall. You let out a little gasp as he drags you over to the door to his dressing room, yanks his key out from under the door, and unlocks it.
He gives your ass another hard smack that makes you squeak and your pussy throb. "Get the fuck in there," he growls. You do as you are told, quickly walking into the lavender-scented room with its royal blue walls, snack tables, private locker room and shower, and comfy furniture.
Connie shuts the door behind him, not even bothering to lock it. No one is coming in here. You stand there in the middle of the floor as he tosses his jacket aside and saunters up to you in his shorts, clean tee, and sneakers. You feel like you have been shot with a tranquilizer dart: you can't move an inch.
Your boyfriend finally makes it to you and yanks you to him by your hand. Your body reacts in excitement at being snatched up like that, your nipples hardening and your pussy twitching in your panties. Being so close to him and smelling the sweat and cologne in his skin doesn't help.
"Ya looked so pretty fa' me tonight, baby," he coos, one hand on your waist while the other caressing your cheek. "It...was all for me, right?" You melt from his touch, nuzzling your cheek into his palm. "Y-Yes, Papi," you whimper out. "Of course, it was. I only wear these clothes for you."
Only the tightest, shortest, skimpiest, sexiest clothes for your man. Your style of choice is considered "bimbo-ish" in general, but you love it and so does Connie. He doesn't care at all about what you wear. In fact, he implores you to wear the shortest skirts and lowest tops to give dudes a taste of what they will NEVER have.
"Aww, baby," Connie coos. His eyes fill with adoration for you. "You almost make me want to not punish your ass." His smile fades and you feel your stomach flip over. "Bend over that fuckin' couch."
He nods over to the plush couch sitting just a foot away from you in front of a full-length mirror that captures everything that is happening and will happen. Obediently, you saunter over to the couch and bend over, your back arched and your arms gripping the back of the couch.
Your body stifles when you feel fingers caress your spine, gliding down your back over the soft fabric of your dress. "What's the fuss, mama?" Connie chuckles. "It's just me. You got nothin' to be afraid of."
You gulp as you feel him peel your dress up to expose your plump ass in your thong...but not just any thong. "A G-string?!" he scoffs. "I knew somethin' was up with this dress. You needy little minx."
The first swat on your ass is a surprise and harsh, the loud clap of his palm hitting your right cheek echoing throughout the room. You flinch at the harsh, fiery sensation, but you know you'll have to get used to it because it isn't the only one. The next two are just as rough.
"Ow!" you shout, gritting your teeth at the fire licking across your ass from your boyfriend's assault. "Connie, wait-"
But you can't finish because your boyfriend is sitting down next to you and tossing you over his lap. You gasp as you fly over his legs right onto his groin, your ass tooted in the air for him. "Sorry, baby," he chuckles. "You got me excited. Can't help how this ass makes me feel."
And then his hand is coming down onto your butt again, making it glow and damn near putting his handprint on the soft, brown globes of fat that he just loves to touch, kiss, bite, lick, and massage every chance he gets:
Or in this case, smack. “You take those spankings like a champ, mami,” Connie coos. “That’s my girl.”
Soft moans and whimpers fly from your lips with every harsh hit, tears springing into your brown eyes and wetting your lash line. "Oh, fuck!" you sob. "P-Please stop, Con! It hurts!"
Connie pauses, smirking down at his pretty baby pulled over his lap with her ass all glowy and sore. "Yeah?" he teasingly asks. "Then why is your pussy so wet for me, huh?" You go rigid, realizing you've been exposed for the slut you are.
You feel Connie's hand wedge between your thighs and you moan as it glides against the soaked spot of your thon. "You think I can't feel you rubbin' yourself against my dick, puta?" Your heart leaps at the degrading name. You love it when Connie speaks in his native tongue. He tsks, shaking his head. "Guess I'll have to try more drastic measures."
He harshly pulls you up to look at him, his eyes aglow with lust and a noticeable tent in his shorts. He begins to strip you out of your dress, dragging the slinky thing down your body after pulling the straps down your shoulders. "You don't get this dick that easily, mama...not till you give me what I want." And you know exactly what that is.
Suddenly, he has you on your back and your thighs open for him, your G-string and your dress discarded on the floor. The only thing he has left on you are your shoes, your pretty, pedicured toes peeking out of the mules.
Connie gazes down at the gorgeous, glistening, brown lips before him, salivating at the very sight of you. He sighs, giving you the impression that he has been waiting for this. "I've won so many awards, but none are better than this pretty lil' pussy." And he means that. You know he does.
There is no more talking once his pierced tongue is inside of you and his hands are pinning your plushy thighs apart, his fingers caressing your stretch marks as he sucks, licks, and devours your cunt. The cold metal of his tongue ring melts against your hot, soaked pussy, somehow stimulating you more.
You writhe and shiver under his ministrations, one hand gripping the couch while the other grasps his scalp for dear life. "O-Oh, my God!" you choke out. "Oh, Papi, please! Go faster! You're so good at this, fu-u-u-ck!"
You are loud and unable to keep your voice down, but neither one of you cares. You are both too deep in the throes of pleasure to care about noise. Connie moans into your wet pussy, loving how sticky you are and how your ass cushions his chin as he laps away at your juices. "Mmm-hmm," he mumbles. "You had the nerve to flirt with Eren even though we know damn well only I can make you feel like this."
You whimper at his criticizing words, your pretty lips wobbling. "I-I wasn't-"
"I'm sorry, baby," he interrupts, giving you an apologetic look as he takes his thumb and rubs your clit. "Lemme correct myself: maybe you weren't flirtin' with him, but he was definitely flirtin' with you." He stares up at you, his eyes angry. "And I don't like that."
His tongue cascades down to your asscrack, licking up the trail of juices that slipped down there. You damn near scream to the heavens as his tongue caresses the sensitive little hole between your ass before he travels back up to your pussy, gently sucking on your lips. "Oh, shit!" you moan.
You're seeing the entire galaxy behind your eyelids while Connie is busy indulging in your soaking pussy, taking as much as he is giving. "Nobody fucks with what's mine," he growls. "And this is mine...isn't it?"
He pauses, stilling his thumb on your clit. Your body twitches in desperation, needing to cum. "Yes!" you sob. "Yes, Papi, it's yours! I'm fuckin' yours! Please make your baby girl cum!" You feel Connie smile against your pussy before going back to lapping at your cunt while he rubs your needy button in semi-circles, making your hips buck and your core tighten.
It doesn't take long for your orgasm to crest, rising to the surface like the sun rising over a grand sea. With a loud moan that steals the air from your lungs, you cream all over Connie's panting, pierced tongue, spilling your nut all over his soft lips and chin. But he doesn't eagerly lap it up or talk you through your orgasm like he usually does.
Instead, he sits up, wipes his mouth, and stares you down hard. You stare at him, confused and slightly scared of his intense glare. "W-What are you doing?" you pant. "Why'd you stop?"
Connie's hand slaps against your soddened, wet cunt, making you yelp from the sensitivity. "Cause you've seemed to have forgotten your place. You listen to me and I didn't say you could cum...yet you did it anyway."
Your stomach twists, realizing your mistake. What if he doesn't fuck you now? Or what if he fucks you dumb and fills you up with his spunk without letting you cum once? Or what if he makes you cum over and over again without a pause or a break to bring you to tears and pleas to stop?
He leans in toward you, squeezing your cheeks between his hand, making your lips pucker like a fish. "Now, what do you think I should do about a brat like you, huh, mama?" he whispers, cocking his head to the side. "Should I fuck you into submission?"
A tiny, shuddery exhale leaves your lips, one of hope. But then he clicks his tongue, making a sour face at you. "Nah; I'd like to fuck that slutty ass mouth first. That mouth just loves to chat up dudes that it shouldn't."
He keeps his intense, all-ablaze eyes on you as he yanks on the drawstring holding his shorts up. They tumble down his tan, toned thighs, revealing his Armani boxers that he pulls down his V-line in one swift motion. He strips off his shirt with one hand, pulling it over his head by reaching behind his neck to grab the collar.
Soon, he is completely naked and stands before you, his glistening muscles, tan skin, and tattoos on full display. All for you. Your hands and lips ache to touch, kiss, and lick him like a lollipop...especially the pretty dick hanging between his thighs. Thick. Curved. Dripping in pre-cum. Bobbing, throbbing, and hard all for you.
Your boyfriend wordlessly helps you stand and gently pushes you down onto your knees. Your eyes widen at his cock twitching in your face. "Con-"
"Ah-ah," he tuts, pressing a finger to your lips. "Shut up and open that pretty mouth for me, mama. No words. Just worship this dick since you wanted it so bad." He gives you a cocky, crooked smile that makes your stomach flip-flop and your cunt throb. Damn pretty motherfucker.
Unable to resist him or his delicious cock, you spread your lips and wrap them around the shaft while your hand wraps around the base, gently stroking in time with your sucking. Connie watches your pretty, pink lips stretch around his dick as you take him in your mouth, your head bobbing slightly as you do.
His teeth sink into his bottom lip at the wonderful feeling of your soft lips and wet tongue caressing every sensitive spot of his cock, coating it in your spit. "Dis mío, baby," he groans. "You're so pretty down there." He slowly pulls out, groaning as he does when he catches the string of spit that connects his head to your bottom lip.
"Ya like suckin' Papi's cock?" he asks as he gently slaps his head against your pouty, glossy lips and your soft cheeks. You slowly nod, your eyes hooded and seductive. "Yes," you whimper. "I love it, Papi."
Connie shivers, loving it when you get this slutty for him. It means you're just as horny for him as he is for you. He grabs the back of your head and directs you back down his cock. "Yeah, Papi knows you do," he coos as you swallow him whole. "He knows you'd never intentionally try to fuck with him. Sometimes, slutty bimbos like you just need a little...redirection."
As your throat begins to open around him, he takes that as a sign to begin fucking your throat. Really fucking it. Like it's a toy. He grips your hair and rolls his hips, filling your mouth to the brim with his dick as his head just passes the threshold of your sloppy, tight throat.
"Fuck!" he loudly groans. "Look at her. Look at that sexy lil' thing in that mirror." You shift your eyes slightly to the right where, sure enough, the mirror plastered against the wall behind the couch catches sight of the nasty sight it beholds.
You almost don't recognize yourself as the curvy girl with all of her rolls, stretch marks, and love handles on her knees before the stud who is plunging his cock in and out of her mouth, luscious moans and swears in Spanish dripping from his lips.
"Who's that gettin' her face and her makeup fucked, huh?" Connie grunts, still fucking your mouth and making you gag as you stare. You. It's you taking that cock like a champ with spit dripping down your chin and your mascara slightly caking your lash line.
"You love this rough shit, don't you?" Connie chuckles, staring down at you in adoration. "Damn, babe, you must be REALLY horny." You are. You can't help but rock your hips as you grind your pussy against the floor in an effort to relieve yourself.
"Mmm-hmmph!" you mumble around Connie's cock. With a soft groan, he pulls himself out of your mouth, his dick now slick with saliva. He tilts your chin up to face him, nearly giving you whiplash. "You wanna ask me somethin'?"
You swallow the spit and pre caught in your throat before finally finding the energy to speak. "Please fuck me, Papi?" you softly question. "Will you please bend me over and fuck me? I need you so badly."
You begin nuzzling your face against his hard cock, pressing soft, teasing kisses along the shaft. "Please, please, please," you whimper. "Please fuck me." You suddenly feel the cock against your cheek stiffen even more, the one, large vein trailing from the heavy, cum-filled balls to the tip pulsing in need.
Suddenly, Connie has you on all fours in front of the mirror and he is mounting you from behind, his cock gently slapping against your soft, jiggly asscheeks. You stare at your boyfriend in the mirror, noticing how his brow is furrowed in concentration and sweat has collected between his jiggly pecs.
"Don't look away from that mirror till I say so," he demands. "I want you to watch yourself get fucked dumb in that bitch." And then he's sliding that dick inside of you, making your velvety, wet pussy walls stretch around his length. It jolts your senses awake and draws a loud, longing moan out of your and Connie's mouths.
His hands grip your soft hips as leverage to draw himself in and out of you, going at a steady, slow tempo at first. But then, once the need builds and slow isn't ideal anymore, he speeds up his thrusts until his hips are slamming against yours and clapping sounds drift through the air like a goddamn audience is applauding.
Your mouth falls agape on various moans, squeaks, and whines as your boyfriend fucks you in doggystyle, giving you backshots like it will be the last time he will do so. "A-Ah!" you gasp. "Oh, my God, Connie, yes! Fuck yes, fuck me! Fuck me just like that!"
Connie grins at you in the mirror, loving how your titties and ass bounce and jiggle with every thrust of his hips. "Yeah? Like this?" He props one leg up and proceeds to nail that spot in your pussy that makes you see stars. "Is that what my mama likes?" he grunts. "Is that what she needs?"
You can't even speak. Your mind is mush, only melting more and more as your clit becomes overstimulated from Connie's balls slapping against it every time he pistons himself forward to fill your pussy up with his cock.
One hand grips one of your titties, massaging it in his palm, with the other grips your asscheek for dear life, jiggling it in enjoyment. "God, this fuckin' pussy," Connie pants. "I'd give up all the fuckin' trophies for this every single day forever, baby. You know that, right?"
Yes, you know. And you know he means it. That only makes your need increase and your moans grow louder and more intense as his fucking speeds up until he is rutting into you. "Connie! I'm gonna cum soon!" You can feel your second orgasm rising, but you hold out. You need to cum only when he says so.
Connie laughs at you, loving how desperate you've become as you bounce on his dick. "Eager lil' bitch, ain'tcha?" he chuckles. He wraps a hand around your throat, squeezing it firmly as he continues to plunge himself inside of you. "Go 'head and cum for me, baby. I've got plenty more to give you. Cum for me now."
At his growly command, you come undone on his cock, shivering and shaking as your pussy quivers around him. You know that anyone outside of these walls can hear you, but you find yourself not caring. You can't when you feel this good.
"Fuck!" Connie groans, fighting for his life in your pussy. You feel too good stroking him with your walls, nearly draining the cum out of him. He forces himself to pull out and wetly strokes himself against your ass as your cum drips out of your pussy and down your thighs."Not yet," he grunts. "Gotta make sure you understand who you belong to."
He suddenly pushes you down onto the floor, chuckling when you squeak in surprise. "Put that fuckin' face in the floor, bitch." Your cheek smushes into the carpet as he sinks himself inside of you again, nevermind that you just came and your pussy is quite sensitive.
He begins fucking you rough, hard, and fast again, mercilessly nailing that spot that makes your eyes roll back and tears soak your lashes. Connie leans down to hear you make those pathetic whines as he drills your shit, his lips nibbling at your earlobe. "Whose is it?" he groans into your ear. "Whose pussy is this, mama, huh? Is it mine?"
You don't know how you're able to answer. Your brain feels like it has left the building. "Yes!" you whine into the carpet. Connie grips you up by your chin, forcing you to look at yourself and him in the mirror. "Sorry, I didn't hear you. Tell me that again, nice and loud."
Your eyes roam over his tan skin and muscles glistening in sweat. His tattoos. His intense yet loving hazel eyes gazing back at you. "Yes, Connie!" you shout. "Yes, it is! It's yours! I promise it's all yours!"
A slow, wicked smile stretches across Connie's face and he cracks his neck as if he's about to go into a fight. "Oh, I'm gonna fuck you up now, baby."
And he does. The man puts you through the damn wringer, fucking you in every position he can. When he finishes making you cum by drilling your pussy with your face down and your ass up, he tosses you onto the couch and fucks you in missionary, his hips drilling into yours, your legs up and your pretty heels dangling over his broad shoulders.
This is the position that is the end for Connie. He can't help the way your jiggling titties, brown nipples, soft tummy, and big, brown eyes make him feel as he fucks you dumb and gives you deep dick in the couch, making the both of you moan loud and so unabashed. He needs to cum for you. "Gonna cum!" he warns you. "Gonna fill this pussy up!"
You let out a simpering moan, feeling another orgasm rising to the surface. You hold onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. "Keep lookin' at me," he practically begs, his face flushed and eyes hooded. "Look at me while I fill you up, baby."
You have no choice but to ride the wave with him as he fucks your cunt faster, chasing his high. When his body tenses and his eyes roll back, showing the whites of his eyeballs, you know he is done for. With a low, long moan of pure yearning and release, he cums deep inside of you, filling you to the brim with his spunk finally. His orgasm tries another (fifth? Sixth?) mini orgasm that sends tremors throughout your body.
Connie groans as he pulls you to him, sinking his cock as far as he can go just so he can ensure that his cum stays inside of you for a bit longer. "And you'd better not clean that up," he huffs into your ear. "Let it drip when we walk outta here later."
You whimper as the aftershocks kick in, making your body tremble slightly. Your boyfriend holds you close, gently talking you through it. "That's it, baby, let it out," he coos, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I love you so much."
You feel your heart skip a beat at his proclamation. No matter how many times he says this, you will always react as if it is the first time he is saying it to you. Once you find your voice, you embrace him back despite your sweaty, sticky body. "I love you too, Con," you giggle. "Even if you are insane."
Connie laughs and presses a kiss to your lips, sweetly ending such a rough, hot fuck session. After some more kissing and aftercare snuggles with you sitting in his lap, Connie gently pats your ass to get you to stand. "Now let's get you cleaned up before people come lookin' for us."
Abruptly, you and Connie look towards the door where, sure enough, you see shadow figures underneath the slot under the door. You gasp, quickly snatching up Connie's jacket and covering yourself with it just as the boxer tugs on his shorts.
He storms over to the door and opens it, revealing none other than his trainer, his agent, and his assistant in the hallway. Caught red-handed. "Or not," Connie finishes. "Fuckin' perverts."
Armin grows as red as a tomato. "I-I was just coming by to tell you that CBS wanted to talk with you," he stammers, doing his very best to not look at you.
"I-It was his idea!" Jean cries, pushing Eren in front of himself and Armin as the first one to get pummeled. "He made me be the lookout! I swear, I'm innocent!"
Eren is as cool as a cucumber, even giving you the eye as he stands right in Connie's face. Those intense, teal eyes... "That's a fat ass lie, but I don't regret shit," he scoffs. "Personally, it was a treat hearin' your pretty girl make those noises."
Connie punches him in the chest, making Eren laugh while he rubs the harsh spot. "Fuckin' asshole," he huffs.
He turns to you, making sure to stand right in the way of the ogling trainer as you grip his jacket closer to your luscious body. "Maybe if he's good and starts respectin' me, I'll let him join us next time."
It is a joke and you know it is...so you don't let your boyfriend or his trainer see how much that turns you on.
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gloxk · 1 year ago
Please give us sum eren & armin toxic hc Like armin and eren would be two different types of toxic. Ex!boyfriend eren blowing ur back out n sending it to ur bf or whoever ur talking to n ex!boyfriend armin not being able to take you talking to someone else so he fucks you a party or smth idk go crazy. 🤰🏾.
“Yeah my ex is crazy.”
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A/N: No bc they are two completely different types of toxic. Like idk how to explain it? I js feel like eren is the type of ex to be petty and trifling. But armin..omg..armin goes off the fucking deep end. But i love my lil psychos🤭.
WARNING!: A lil fluff , toxic behavior, unhealthy relationships, smut, unprotected s*x, Blackmailing, Mentions of offing someone, obsession, controlling, plus other things . +17 mdni
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EREN! Please for the love of god don’t let Eren find out you fucking with someone else. This man will go from nonchalant to crazy. “Oh word? This what we doing?”. He disregards the fact yall broke up a whole month ago.
He would definitely blow up your phone after seeing a post on instagram. “Who is he?” & “He fuck you better then me?”. Oh and please don’t tell him yes. Because let me warn you. He will be right there at that door knocking.
“You know you fucking lyin. But ight we gon see.” He hung up the phone and you laughed at him. Who gave this man an ego? Did he really think he was the only man with good dick?
You were confused when you heard a knock on your door but to your surprise, it was eren. “What the fuck?” he pushed right passed you walking into your apartment. “Nah, don’t fucking play with me y/n.” You could tell he was pissed just by his voice.
This man wasted no time bending you over the couch and fucking you right there.
“Nobody could fuck you better the me.” He grabbed a fists full of your hair pulling you up to his mouth.“You belong to me. Don’t ever let me find out there’s someone other than me fucking you like this.” and to be quite frank, nobody could fuck you like eren.
Eren talked you through the whole thing. He knew he was rough with you, but god he couldn’t help it. So that’s why he praised you for taking his dick so well <3.
He took out his phone and pressed record. His hard thrust drove lewd moans from your lips. “Fuck right there!” you screamed every time his hips slapped your ass. He made sure he got glimpse of your face so the guy knew it was you. He made sure you screamed his name just to prove who you belonged to.
You got so many miss calls while eren fucked you to sleep. Every time ole boy called eren went faster. <3
You woke up alone, your bed empty. Your phone notifications were through the roof. Over 100 notifications from that guy. It was crazy. But a simple text from eren stuck out. “Let me hear word about you fucking w some again. Next time ima put em in a casket.”
You weren’t sure if he was joking or not. But one thing you did know was he made every threat a promise. And he always kept his promises.
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ARMIN! Lawd, you let armin find out you even thought about some one else fucking you, it was over.
This man went full psychotic when word got to him about you talking to someone guy. Apparently you were at a party grinding all up against him.
The first thing armin did was collect every drop of information he had on this guy. His home address, His mother’s facebook, His phone number, Job number. He knew too much on the fucker who decided to touch his pretty “girlfriend”.
It pissed him off, how dare you try to replace him. He blew up your phone to the point it crashed. “That’s so fucking cute, y/n. You think that you can just go fuck some other guy?” , “Please don’t make me do something crazy.” . The crazy part was you didn’t even fuck the guy, he was just fucking crazy. He always assumed you were cheating for some reason.
When you didn’t answer his calls he pulled up expeditiously. if you didn’t answer within the 30 minute window he wouldn’t wait to show up to your door.
“Y/n open this goddamn door.” He banged on the door. It was 2 am- oh yeah he knew you had work later, he didn’t care.
As soon as you open the door an argument ensued. “Pick up the fucking phone when I call you y/n” He yelled at you slamming the door behind him. “You ain’t my fucking boyfriend Armin. Ion gotta do shit.”
He never made you regret your words so fast. His nails dug into your hips as his pace increased. “Ain’t yo fucking boyfriend huh? Then why you letting me fuck you raw?”
Your bed was a mess after he made you cum over and over again. After he was done all you could do was mumble incoherently ‘Nobody is better then you’. He was rough but his after care made up for it <3.
He kissed your forehead before he nuzzled into your chest. “You’re the best I ever had.” he soon fell asleep after those words left his mouth.
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I love my cute lil crazy guys <3
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angietherula · 3 months ago
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊. MY FAVORITE WORKS PT. 2 ˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ notice!!! I did not write any of these of these works! I tagged the respective writers next to each one. I really enjoyed reading them and want to share. Please follow these writers and support them for the great work that they continuously write! - angietherula
attack on titan
thigh high socks @wintrrxxo
homeless!eren @backwzzds-backup
dry humping w/ nerd!eren @wintrrxxo
best friend eren @wintrrxxo
sugar @p3achfilm
views @p3achfilm
kiss me till I’m blue @st4rbwrry
rapper!connie & fashionvlogger!reader @666soulz
samba do brasil @bladebarbie
fenomenal samba do brasil @bladebarbie
touch my body @arminzblackbimbo
husband!levi @wintrrxxo
cute girl kink @cocoadropp
shy!ichigo @torawro
your presence is a gift @torawro
breeding @dejwrld
jujutsu kaisen
the doctor may see you now @rin-vana
communication @fumiliar
ma bellamour @neesieiumz
birthday girl @p3achfilm
camera shy @p3achfilm
ghostface!choso pt.ii @blkkizzat
babysitter!reader @oatmealthighs
one two choso coming for you @merakidoll
unsealed!gojo @gojoshooter
bimbo doll @tiramissyoucake
hell on heels @screampied
my love is like…wo @arminzblackbimbo
you’re the bad boy i’ve always dreamt of @shawtuzi
the party & after the party @screampied
husband!suguru @tojiscumdumpster
am i baby @st4rbwrry
crybaby @st4rbwrry
how to seduce your neighbor 101 pt. ii @sugucidal
ghostly romance @lovelivision
bf!toji @tojbnuy
consume @coconutdays
my hero academia
happy birthday 2 cinnamonroll @tteokdoroki
cuteness aggression @bkgsdoll
fire force
captain obi
italy @dejwritesarchived
lieutenant hinawa
cooking w/ hinawa @dejwritesarchived
demon slayer
needy!genya @gamblersdoll
stargazing w/ tengen @wintrrxxo
puff pastries @strwbnnie
best boss @merakidoll
that’s our good girl @wintrrxxo
finish inside her @screampied
twisted time line (miguel o’hara) @theebussyqueensblog
raise the stakes (stylus) @ramonathinks
!!! if you’re tagged here and want 2 be removed, pls let me know
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